I couldn rsquo t take my eyes off of her A shemale stor
- 4 years ago
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Miranda read the instructions through yet again, although she already knewthem by heart. Today would be THE day: the day that she had waited so longfor. This would be the day that she would finally get rid of her horrible,embarrassingly huge bits that dangled between her thighs. Her emotions weredancing through her mind, a jumble of conflicts, of eager anticipation anddread, fear and desire, arousal and emptiness.
"The pubic hair should be removed at least 24 hours before starting,(by plucking, waxing, shaving or depilatory cream). It is essential thatany resulting irritation has fully subsided before applying the clip." Shehad used a mild depilatory cream after first clipping the hair close withscissors. She had been careful to keep the cream out of the sensitive centralparts and there had been no adverse reaction. She had heard of girls gettingan unquenchable burning and a swelling that took days to subside, but shedecided that they had just been careless.
The problem was that it was illegal for anybody to help her anywhere in Europeor America. She had visited a cosmetic surgeon who had refused to considerit for this reason. "If there had been something organically wrong, I couldhelp you, but this is healthy tissue, large indeed, but healthy, and so I couldbe imprisoned and lose my licence. No, I'm sorry, but it is just not possible."
She had visited various web-pages that considered this issue. Some were justmale fantasies, unrealistic and obsessive, sordid indulgence over the miseryand misfortune of others. Some were feminist propaganda against the horriblerituals that many African and Asian girls were subjected to at an early age.Some were to do with intersex conditions and the suffering of those who hadexperienced reassignment surgery before they could decide for themselves whatthey wanted. A pitiful few discussed in any sensible and sensitive way theelective alteration of consenting adults for their own needs. That is, untilshe found the "diyfc" website. Here she found the answer to her prayers, asimple plastic clip that allowed those with excess tissue to shorten it bythemselves in a bloodless and virtually pain-free way. She vividly rememberedher audible sigh of relief as she read the introduction, now, just three monthsago.
"This device should not be used by anybody less than two yearsafter puberty. For legal reasons, purchasers are requested to send a letterindicating that they are over 18 or the age of consent in their country,are more than two years from first menstruation and intend to use it forthemselves alone." The letter also had to indemnify the sellerfrom any consequences of the use of the device. The address that she hadto send this letter to was, for "legal reasons", in Indonesia, althoughthe web-page was clearly aimed at an English speaking audience. She hadsent her letter with a bankers' draft made out in Singapore dollars, almostexpecting that it was a confidence trick and that she would hear nothing.But the kit had arrived six weeks later: The clip was wrapped in a toughplastic sack, marked "Sterile - do not open until use". There was a bottleof antiseptic fluid, a pair of operating-room gloves, again in a sterilepack, a strange support belt arrangement for the clip, a sterile indeliblemarker pen, a scalpel with its blade in a sterile container, and a detailedlist of instructions, which she had read through several times a day eversince.
A teacher in a small rural junior school, she had waited until the startof the summer break before proceeding. School had finished two days ago forthe children, and yesterday had been spent on clearing up, meetings and administrativeactivities. Now she was free for the next six weeks, which should allow timefor full recovery. " The clip will be in place for between 9 and14 days. You should arrange your schedule so that the minimum of energeticactivities takes place during this time and for the following 5 days, untilthe scar tissue has reached full strength." She had filled herfreezer and had arranged for deliveries of essential perishable foods.
It had all started when she had changed schools just after puberty. At herearlier school, they had taken showers in individual cubicles after games,so nobody had ever seen her naked, and she had never seen anybody else in thatstate. But the new school had a single large open room, tiled all over, withrows of showerheads poking out of the walls on three sides. The first timeshe went in, the room was full of steam and there was little anyone could see,but as the steam cleared, and pupils moved out, the few remaining ones suddenlystarted to giggle and point. "You're in the wrong shower – you shouldbe with the other boys!" "Careful you don't trip over that lot!" "Her old womanmust'ah got raped by an elephant!" "No boy'ld ever find his way in throughthat lot!" Other girls were called back into the shower-room to come and look.
It was the names they called her outside the shower and in the presence ofboys that distressed her most: "Piss-flaps!" "Elephant ears!" "Droopy-drawers" "Baggy-panties!" "Triphazard!" "Cock and Balls!" "Hung like a bull!" "Chicken wattles!" "Coxcomb!" Eachtime, one of the boys would ask why they were calling her that and there wouldbe a giggling whispered conversation involving pointing and gesticulating.Boys would come up to her in break time and demand to see what she was hiding.Later when the other girls were dating, she found that every date that shewas invited to had just one objective: of discovering what she was hiding inher panties. She quickly became terrified of dating and so, here she was atthe age of 24, a virgin, afraid of dating, afraid to let any man even havea feel for fear of the ridicule. She had to get rid of it all – therewas no other way.
She at once hated and loved her fat and eager clit, hated its enormity butloved the way that it would rise up and respond, rigid and throbbing to herrubbing, rolling and fondling. When she had time, she would often bring herselfto four or five orgasms a day, and even when she was busy, hardly a day wentby without there being at least one. It would ease the tensions and pressuresof the day and let her sleep deeply and calmly at night. "Once theclip is applied," the instructions stated, "it is essentialthat there should be no attempts at sexual activity of any kind, (includingmasturbation), until the clip has fallen away and the scar tissue has reachedfull strength. At least six weeks should elapse before attempting any penetrativesexual activity." She had tried, over the last few weeks to goa few days without masturbating, but it was hard to get to sleep and her clitwas so demanding that the most she had done was three days. This would be thehardest part, and now, even as she thought about the long denial that she wouldsuffer, her clit popped up and started to make her feel the urgent need foranother orgasm.
She had a last bath before the clip went on, soaking long in really hot water. " Washthe parts very thoroughly before commencing, including hidden places suchas under the hood of the clitoris." She drew the hood back,soaping gently beneath it, and kept soaping as she slowly and lovinglygave herself one last orgasm. Would she be able to do it after? She wondered,with her clit gone, would it still be possible? The instructions were ambiguous: "Manywomen report satisfactory orgasms even after removal of the entire externallyprotruding part of the clitoris by this method, however, new techniquesmust be learnt for reaching orgasm, possibly using the G-spot. Others reportthat orgasms can occur during sexual intercourse, but that masturbationalone does not achieve that result. Some women prefer to leave as muchas possible of the clitoris shaft intact to reduce the likelihood of thisproblem." As far as she was concerned, once the six weeks wasover, she would be losing her virginity, so the clitoris was not an issue.She wanted to be clean and smooth like the other girls at school. Theyhad stood there with their thighs parted, their hips arched back and hadspread their outer lips with their fingers to show her what a normal girllooked like. Just tiny thin lips and a thread-like bud that all disappearedwhen they stood up. Six of them had stood there in the shower on that awfulday and showed her in turn what she should be like. None had a clit biggerthan a grain of rice; none had inner lips bigger than the petal of a daisy.Even now, she blushed with shame as she remembered the incident.
"As the clip closes and pinches the flesh, there will be an initialsharp nipping sensation, which quickly fades away. To reduce the initialdiscomfort, it is advisable to take an off-prescription domestic pain killerat least twenty minutes before starting." She took two tabletsand washed them down with a sip of water.
As instructed, she dried herself on a freshly laundered towel, and then saton another freshly laundered towel on the bed that she had prepared. "Ensurethat you have a comfortable position with the back fully supported by pillows.Spread the thighs wide by placing the soles of the feet together, and positiona mirror so that you can easily see the whole area." She did notlike to look at her place of shame. She felt humiliated by the fact of herabnormality, but now she examined herself dispassionately as she prepared forthe removal, the destruction, no, the normalisation of her parts.
"First fit the belt. The upper part should fit tightly around thewaist, the lower over the hips, pulling it down as far as possible. Endurethat the PVC straps that descend to support the clip are positioned correctly,one in front of each hip-bone, one at the centre-back and one just forwardof the junction of the hip-bones each side of the back." Therewas a diagram to help her do this. She had practiced it and adjusted itmany times. Now it was a matter of fastening the little buckles – everythingelse was then accurately in place. The transparent PVC straps felt coldand clammy against her skin.
"Put on the sterile gloves and paint the entire area with the yellowantiseptic solution. It is easy to see if anything has been missed becauseof the strong yellow colouring. Ensure that even hidden places (such asunder the clitoris hood), are painted with this solution." Thestopper of the bottle had a sort of absorbent pad on a short plastic stick.The solution felt cold and tingled a little. It stung briefly when shegot some into her urethra. She dutifully did the underside of the clitoralhood, but felt no arousal.
"Unless the whole of the labia and clitoris are to be removed,use the sterile marker pen to carefully mark the line where you want thecut to be made. Then draw a second line 3mm beyond this. As the clip is3 mm thick, this second line should be aligned with the visible surfaceof the clip." Miranda was removing as much of her shame aspossible, so she did not bother with the marker pen. It would come in usefulfor overhead transparencies at school.
"Take the clip from its sterile package and position it over theparts to be removed, drawing them through the slot. If necessary, placethe packing pieces provided between the clip and the body to maintain anaccurate alignment of the clip with the outer marker line. Fasten the PVCtapes through the holes in the clip, and adjust them so that the clip isheld firmly in place." She had seen a picture of the clip.Long and slightly oval, it had a Y-shaped slot in it through which herlabia and clitoris would protrude. Imagine a tall narrow fluted wineglass,its top perhaps an inch across, the broadest part maybe two inches andthen closing in to a single stem. The slot in the device was like a crosssection through this. There was a half-inch hole below the point of bifurcationthat she would have to pee through over the next few days. At each endwas a lateral cylinder that kept the parts aligned and contained the strongsprings that would close the slot when the wedges holding them open werefinally removed.
She pulled her flesh through the slot and pressed it tightly against herself.She fastened the belt-tapes and drew them tight. It took some time to adjustthem to her satisfaction so that there was no sense of pull on any part ofthe flesh, only pressure forcing it through the slot. She had to draw the fleshstraight to prevent creases. The manipulations had made her clit perk up again,demanding attention. It pressed against the sides of the slot and the pressureadded to the stimulus. She stroked it briefly causing it to throb. It seemednot to realise its imminent demise, or perhaps it was making one final requestbefore its execution.
"Once each wedge is removed, it cannot be replaced, so be sureto position the flesh accurately before removal. The two wedges at therear should be removed first, one at a time. Position the adjacent labiumaccurately according to your requirements, making sure that the labiumis pulled to the rear so that it is straight and that there will be nofolds of flesh within the clip; then draw the wedge out slowly with thetool provided." There were three wedges, one at the end ofeach of the slots. She drew the left fleshy lip towards the rear of theslot until it was under tension and she could feel that some of the outerlabium was under tension and being drawn in. This would not be a problemfor her; she wanted a smooth finish. Holding it with her left finger andthumb, she used her right to insert the little lever into the hole in thewedge and gently, slowly draw it out, letting the clip close over her lip.The pain was quite sharp, she gasped a little.
If you looked edge-on at the slot in the clip, the two sides were shapedlike the pieces of an interlocking jigsaw puzzle, one keying into the otherto ensure accurate alignment of the three parts. "The flesh is atonce compressed and stretched, cutting off the blood and nerve supply, yetwith minimal pain and without any bleeding. The clip is not so tight, however,as to sever the flesh, instead, the two sides are held in precise juxtapositionuntil they have grown together, when the clip will drop away. This normallytakes between nine and fourteen days."
She breathed deeply, panting as she knew women in childbirth did, until thepain subsided to a bearable level. She could feel that the Paracetamol hadhad a dulling effect. Then, when she felt ready for the next one, she did thesame to the other side. Now, only the wedge over the clitoris remained. Theclit had subsided slightly with the pain but was now telling her clearly: "Onelast time please!" She stroked it with her tightly gloved fingers, lettingit harden against the sides of the clip, drawing it upwards and outwards, knowingthat this way, more of it would be removed.
"If the clitoris is to be included, draw it out to the extent required,grasping the glans beneath the hood with finger and thumb, (it may be necessaryto use a little talcum powder to get a good grip), then, using anotherfinger, draw the hood skin upwards to the required level. Now release theremaining wedge. There will be a few moments of sharp discomfort beforethe parts become numb." She worked along the clip, pullingthe labia out as far as she felt that she needed, then she grasped theclitoral glans, and drew it out as far as she could, pressing the clipback against her pubic bone, with her second finger she drew the looseskin around the clit forward and out. Her other hand released the wedgeand the clip closed. An electric shock flashed through her, and she rubbedher still-eager clit as sensation was slowly and inexorably extinguishedforever. As sensation dimmed, she rubbed harder and harder, but, closeas she was to orgasm, it never occurred. A phantom clit demanded that thestimulus must go on, but nothing she could do now had any effect.
"Once you are satisfied that all sensation has been lost, the excessflesh may be removed with the scalpel. This may be done at any time withinthe next 24 hours. If it is done immediately, there will be some bloodand mess. This may be disturbing for some, but if you wait at least 4 hours,the blood will have clotted, and there will be no mess. Do not wait morethan 24 hours or the flesh may start to decompose which is a health risk."
She got up and stretched, being careful to keep her legs a little apart soas not to disturb the clip. There was some tugging as she moved, but she couldcontrol it. Sitting was a problem, she had to sit on the edge of the chair.Lying down was OK as long as she lay on her back with her thighs apart. Shewaited a full six hours before the next stage, as she wanted the blood to clotand be retained, her clit engorged forever. It felt strange to slide the scalpelup along the surface of the clip, severing her numb, dead and redundant parts.Now they were in the bowl of formalin, oozing slightly. She wanted to preservethem, to stop the process of decay.
She prepared the acrylic moulding kit earlier. A base layer of resin wasalready prepared and in the bottom of the long lozenge-shaped mould. She carefullyarranged the clit and labia in as natural looking way as possible, with thesevered edges inwards. It looked like a strange flesh-coloured butterfly. Thenshe poured in the liquid resin. She had to quickly prepare a little more resinto fully cover the protruding clit with its eager purple tip pointing out.The heat of the resin setting would help with the sterilisation process – sheknew that the formalin would not fully penetrate the flesh in that short time – besidesif it did, it would take out all the colour.
That afternoon: The sharp pain was gone, but there was a fierce and deepache, so she took more painkillers. It probably dulled the pain, but her wholebeing was focussed on it and she could not distract herself. The first peewas an anxious time, but there was no stinging, so no exposed wound, just messas the pee hit the sides of the hole in the clip and dribbled all over herthighs. She washed herself.
Evening: now she was feeling incredibly sexually aroused, but could do nothingabout it. She felt an intense internal pressure, and a phantom clit was urgentlydemanding impossible attention. She took a shot of whisky, and a little lateranother.
Night: she slept little, each time she started to drop off, she would changeposition and the tug of the clip would awaken her. She was anxious not to disturbit. "The first 48 hours are critical, it is important not to putany stress onto the clip during this time."
Day 2, Morning: Exhausted from disturbed sleep, she made a minimal breakfast,avoiding coffee. She needed a number two. On the toilet, she released the centrerear strap supporting the clip, (as instructed), and found it less messy thenpeeing. She cleaned herself and replaced the support strap. The lack of sleepmade her senses hyper-acute to every ache and tug on her clip. She felt herselfin torment, able neither to sit, stand nor lie, move nor stay still withoutprovoking some new discomfort. A detached part of her realised that her painswere really very small ones and that it was the sleeplessness amplifying it.
Day 2, Afternoon: She slept for a couple of hours after lunch, and felt muchbetter, even forgetting about the pain for a while.
Day 2, Evening: Watched a good DVD, one she had been saving for this occasion.No sex, but plenty of distracting action. Felt a lot better.
Day 2: Night: Really, really needed to masturbate to settle herself to sleep.It was a rare thing for her to sleep without an orgasm, and she felt an intenselonging for one, but composed herself eventually, engaging in a long and elaboratefantasy about having a team of circumcisers going into a girls boarding school,(all official, approved by the board of governors and with signed consent formsfrom all the parents), and clipping away anything that protruded beyond theouter lips.
Day 3, Morning: "Keep the clip and the flesh held by it as dryas possible, cleaning with a flannel squeezed almost dry. Do not showeror bath, but wash yourself carefully without using excess water." Shereally wanted a shower, but this was forbidden, so she washed all overwith a flannel and shower-gel. She dressed, and briefly ventured outside,walking rather stiffly and bow-legged around the house and back inside.She felt that people would think that she had wet herself. The discomfortwas far less; the biggest problem was an itching that had started. Sheknew that itching was a good sign, a sign of healing.
That day she removed the acrylic lozenge from its mould. It was larger thanshe had really expected, she could not wear it as a visible piece of jewellery,but she fastened it to a chain and put it round her neck to wear under herclothes. She touched the tip of the clit, remembering, part of her regrettingthe loss.
Day 4, Morning: The itching was quite pronounced, now, a real distraction.She looked at the instructions again. "There will be some itchingfrom the second or third day. This is a sign of healing. Be sure to leave theclip alone. Do not be tempted top try to relieve the itching by touching theclip or the flesh nearby in any way." No suggestions for relievingit, then – a terrible torment!"
Day 6, Night: The itching is a constant presence, continuous, unrelenting.Pressure by sitting square and firm on the clip helps a little, but it soonreturns. The temptation to pull, to put something underneath is almost irresistible.
Day 9, Morning: "Where the clitoris has not been included, thewound may have healed enough for the clip to release. If the clitoris hasbeen included, no attempt should be made to release the clip until at leastthe twelfth day. Soak in a warm bath and release the support straps tosee if the clip will come away. If there is any sharp pain or bleeding,wait at least two days before trying again . " Shecould feel that there was a part to the rear on the left where the cliphas already separated.
Day 12, Morning: She soaked herself in a warm bath, luxuriating in the relieffrom having to dry-wash with a flannel. She released the straps and gentlypulled the clip away from her labia. It was free everywhere except over herclit, which did not feel at all ready to release. She refastened the supportstraps and got out and dried herself. It felt better already.
Day 12, night: All day, every movement she made seemed focussed on the stumpof her clit. She was overwhelmed with the need for orgasm. She tried gentleand tiny movements of the clip, but that just gave her the wrong sensations,hot and cold, pressure and pricking without enough sexual stimulus – ajangle of confused sensations from severed nerves.
Day 15, Morning: Another long soak in the bath, and at last the clip cameaway. At last she could examine herself in a mirror. A thin raised crease ofred scar-line marked the place where her labia and clit had once been. "Keepthe scar-line dry for another two days, then commence frequent massage withemulsifying ointment. Massaging accelerates the healing process, reducing thetime taken for the scar tissue to fully settle down and ensuring that it isfully flexible."
Day 17, Evening: Lots of emulsifying ointment, and lots of rubbing. She hadhoped that she could bring herself to orgasm, despite the injunction againstdoing so, before the scar had reached full strength, but as soon as she startedto clench in the build-up towards orgasm, she felt that the scar was burstingwith the pressure within her clit-stump, and so she stopped and it didn't happen.
Day 18: Five or six sessions with the emulsifying ointment, but always avoidinggetting aroused enough to start clenching. The frustration was intense. Thenerve-sensation over the clitoris stump was intense and overpowering, a mixtureof pain and pleasure, hot and cold, pressure and tension, a jangle of confusion,disturbing and off-putting, not something that could bring on orgasm.
Day 28, Morning: She had heard of women getting orgasm dreams, but this wasthe first time it had nearly happened to her. A strange and intense dream inwhich her clitoris was intact and a young and gorgeous man was sucking it andplaying with it until she started involuntarily clenching, then the burstingpressure sensation woke her and she fought back her orgasm, afraid of hurtingherself. Each time she rubs in the ointment, the strange sensations get easier.Now she can bear to put full pressure on the stump of her clit, rubbing firmlyas the mind gradually sorts out the strange nerve sensations. She has neverput a finger inside, never did before, because she never needed to, perhapsalso afraid of losing her precious virginity, and now afraid of the injunctionagainst penetrative sex, but she felt a need to find her G-spot. She had readabout it, knew where to seek for it – but not yet.
She was going walks each day now, her movements no longer awkward; soon shewould start running again, getting herself fit for the return to school.
Day 42: The six weeks are up. Now she is allowed to feel inside, try to findher G-spot. Massage has reduced the once livid scar to a pale pink line, nolonger angry, except for a raised area over her clit stump. She gently probedinside, feeling for somewhere that produces a stronger sensation. This willbe where a man would stimulate her in intercourse, she supposed. It was timefor an orgasm, but she still found the feeling of tearing from internal pressuremade her afraid of injuring herself, of bursting her wound. She rubbed again,so near but so far. She sighed with the frustration. She looked in the mirror,seeing the smooth sex free of excrescences, delighting in the smooth streamlinedlook, glad that she had done it, able to suffer the torment of frustrationfor this result.
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College SexA month later, Victoria was completely back. With her health restored and back to her old weight, sexy body, hair down past her neck, gorgeous face and wearing stunning clothes again; they were now ready to make their move. Josh was in no hurry and Irv Rubenstein was ready to take down Bellform and Swanson. They married again in the small church ceremony with only his family and a few friends invited. Jane and Estelle were included. They now didn't hide their lesbianism any longer. They...
We hit the floor and had been wandering from game to game when I saw dad and Deana walk by holding hands. I smiled and waved to them and they came over. But after a bit she said that she had to cover a presentation in the main hall so they headed off again.Keith had been wanting to run an adventure, but was unsure of himself. So the girls and I all pulled out some character sheets and he was using the Cities book to run through a series of random encounters. And since this was basically just a...
I started having sex with guys before I had sex with girls. My friend who would stay the night when I was younger was my first sexual encounter. Fast forward 30 years. Married with k**s. Happy life and everything. But there is something about sex with another man that is so much better. I often use apps to find hookups. I’ll make an excuse to go out after finding someone online. I’ve had a handjob, sex, & blowjobs in pretty much every place you can think of. Automatic car washes, Home Depot...
Thanks for big huge response from all of you. Many of you’ll asked how was feeling of fucking, sucking milk from Bhabhi’s boobs and Cumming inside her pussy well that all had world best sexual pleasure ever any one had done. Coming back to 4th part and also told you to read this part which is more interesting and excitement of sex ocean. Vaha mein uski zabardas chodayi ki aur Bhabhi ne bhi muhje uska Gulam bania har terah se humne ek dusre ki khoshi nebhayi Jo Maan kiya wo kiya Na koyi Guilty...
After his wife and her date disappeared from view Tim flopped onto the couch thumbing his phone. Sexting pictures of his stable to random guys and scheduling his girls was a full-time gig. Between messages he flipped on the big screen and navigate to the webcams set up all over the house. He scrolled through them between vibrations from his phone smiling as he watched all the girls being occupied in the suburban residence. His wife was already on her knees at the foot of her bed choking on the...
Rolling up the sleeves to his elbows and putting on a pair of white Nikes, he couldn’t wait for the first day of classes to begin. Orientation had shown him that this school would be something worth remembering, he just knew it. The girls were extremely attractive, and he had met a couple of dudes that seemed pretty cool too. He walked into the kitchen of his apartment, grabbed an apple and headed downstairs to his pride and joy, his 95 Z28. Most people didn’t understand why he loved...
Note: I do not own or am associated with the Pokémon franchise or Nintendo. This is simply a work of fiction written by a fan that uses the world created by those who are not like myself. All fictional characters involved in the story are 18 years of age or older. Hello there! I am Professor [Insert Given Tree Name Here]. Your narrator and guide to the pokémon world. Many of you may already know a lot about it, but just recently something has changed the face of our society. For many years...
The clip we wrote about in Net Gains was largely a mystery: we knew nothing of the couple engaged in a very erotic encounter, nor of the person filming. We just enjoyed it for what it was for 11 minutes and 14 seconds. It still turns us on today. But now we can recommend a much longer clip (32 minutes) and this time we know just about everything. First, we must introduce our friends Gary and Ros, a couple with whom we have shared some satisfactory evenings. In some ways we are very different....
MatureI am writing this story as an act of fantasy fiction for Ally and myself, and if you do not like it move on. I am posting this for our enjoyment.I am so excited! It has been a long week and Ally and I are going clubbing. Get all dressed up, and hit the dance floor. Maybe have some drinks, tease the boys, and grind against each other for the night. Heck maybe we will get lucky and find some guy to fuck us silly. Shoot! It is already 5:30, damn should of taken the cross town. I arrive home...
Cop N’ Pussy Part 2 I had been taken to the police station by the highway patrol cop, with the sexy mouth, and cum fuck me eyes; his mouth and tongue my pussy had juiced onto out on the highway. My body is still throbbing from the explosive orgasm and had leaked onto the back seat of his patrol car. As he takes me into the station, I am feeling somewhat slutty and a little dirty. I sneak a look at his nametag - Patrol Officer Mike. “Can I have a shower and freshen up please, honey?” I say...
Oral SexOver the course of the next few weeks, Nina (Zoe's mum) and I had many opportunities for her and I to further my sexual education. I was an avid pupil, and she was just a cock-hungry slut at times, with her trying her best to swallow all 9 inches of my cock. We agreed that her best effort was probably 8 inches. Zoe and I continued to study together at both her place and at mine. It was four weeks after I had first fucked her mother that Zoe made her move. We had been studying at the dining...
I enjoyed my time with Leo that afternoon. After we had slept he had woken me up tied to the bed. He had brought me to near orgasm three times before finally letting me cum. It had been torturous and exhilarating. But our time had come to an end. Monday morning came and he had to be getting back into town. We said our goodbyes, he patted my round ass, kissed me on the forehead and left. I didn’t delay and quickly gathered all my things, making sure I looked composed- hair was in place, lips...
Hey friends, Ankit here, after the overwhelming response I got from my last story, I decided I will share a more recent story that happened last year, to recap, I am a 19 years old guy with a very good body and not such a tall body. Last year after my semesters in December got over one of my cousins, my favourite cousin, her name is Ruchi(name changed), she came over to stay with us and she often does come over to stay with us and have a good time away from college. She is a very beautiful fair...
IncestSue my 78 year old fuck buddy lived near me in Leicester, i had met her through Jean my 66 year old neighbour. Both Jean and Sue had great bodies and i loved fucking them as often as i could.I had been busy with my business and had some what neglected both Jean and Sue so made a point of calling round to see Jean one night after work. I hadn't been in Jeans house for more than ten minutes before we were both naked and fucking like teenagers. She had really come to love anal sex and played with...
The characters used in this story belong to Archie Comics Publications. They're used in this story as a fantasy fan fiction, with no profit to garnered by the authors in their use. The story is free to be archived upon any website wishing to do so, provided free access is given to readers to see it. It is also mandatory that the authors be given credit upon any site posting. There's a particularly fascinating artist who wishes to go by his eBay selling name, Tebra. Anyone who...
An only child searching for companionship, finds a new playmate. I was an only child. A small child surrounded by adults. No one to play with, to talk with, to even fight with. I begged my parents for a brother or sister. I didn’t care which, just some one else to be with. For whatever reason, it didn’t happen. We lived in a small town and there were no children living on my block. No kids near my age for two blocks. I learned to read early on and that helped some. Dick. See Dick. See Dick...
It was scary sitting in a rubber boat in the middle of the ocean. At any moment I expected the shark from Jaws to shoot through the surface of the water, his mouth wide open, his pointy teeth bloodied, his black eye staring at me. Maybe my imagination went rampant from boredom since Dad and I had been rowing for hours. Each time I looked over my shoulder the land seemed just as far as it had the previous time. How far was it? Would we make it? Was it a mirage? My shoulders ached and my...
Hi Friends, My name is Shobana, and i am 28 years old. This is a story about how i fell pray to a old man and enjoyed my sex venture with him. I am married and have a 2 year old son. My hubby works in a Chennai Port. We all moved to a new house for rent. For the first week it all went normal my hubby would go to work by 8.30 in the morning and return by night 9.00 pm. I would get up early and make him lunch then i would play with my son and chat with some friends and family. But after first...
It all started on a Friday night, and I was walking home from a mate's house. His car broke, so I went over to help him fix it, carrying my toolbox. I turned onto the street round the corner from my house and noticed a car sitting on the side of the road. It had its hood up, so I decided to see if I could help. What I didn't expect to see was Samantha lounging against it as I crossed the road. She was the most popular girl in school. "Hey," I called to her, but as it was dark, I don't think...
Straight SexOver the next few days, Taylor's attempts to keep Emily's girlier side at bay were met with... mixed results. Taylor was unable to spend the day with Emily without her not so subtly suggesting that Taylor could use a touch of blush on his cheeks or mascara on his eyelashes. Which she was naturally more than happy to do for him. Taylor had to be extra careful when he gamed with Owen to ensure that if he was on video, he'd cleaned his face well. And he'd gotten far more acquainted with...
Over lunch Roberta gave Fran a thumbnail sketch of our night together, hitting all good parts, but avoiding sounding crass, or arrogant. As she spoke, Roberta would lavish me with loving glances, take my hand, kiss my palm, or just look deeply into my eyes. She really had it bad, and it had only been one night. What was I missing? Fran saw it too, and moved to head it off before it got too syrupy. "Angela, what did you think of your time with Roberta?" She smiled but her expression had...
Reddit BreastEnvy, aka r/BreastEnvy! Have you ever tried to pick up girls or just talked to your friends, and one of them seemed a bit more ‘gifted’ than the other? And of course, what I am hinting here is that one of them had bigger tits than the other, thus the subreddit name. To be fair, what is there not to like about chicks with huge tits? You have babes of all shapes and sizes, and I am referring to their bazongas, obviously.The great thing about all of this is the fact that Reddit is an...
Reddit NSFW List“Yeah, suck it” Reese said. I was on my knees, in a dark corner of our office building car port parking lot. Reese was a co worker of mine who, after a moment of drunken weakness, I gave a blow job to after a work get together at a bar. He now used the encounter as leverage over me. He threatened to tell everyone in the office that I was gay, if I didn’t keep sucking him off whenever he wanted. In a conservative business setting such as ours, that would black ball me.Now I found myself with his...
Petite Lilli Chanel stopped by to see the Face Fucking King for her 3rd scene and first rough sex experience ever. She tells us she’s here to get face fucked. I tell her to stand up and I bend her over and slap her ass and spread it open. I kiss her and slap her and put my fingers down her throat then spit on her. I pull my cock out and jam it down her tight throat. I fuck her face, slap her and gag her again with my fingers. I continue roughly fucking her face then lean her up against the...
xmoviesforyouOver the past several months I've opened up to my husband a bit and while I haven't told him about my previous encounters, I told him about my "fantasy" of multiple partner sex....male.....and female. Initially he was taken aback a bit by it although I told him about it while we were lying in bed naked. He spoke as if he was really upset about it however something else told me otherwise....if you get my drift. So while I was apologetic when I first told him, I almost immediately started...
Wife LoversHi friends this is rocky my pen name , I am 25 years old and I’m from hyderabad , if any auntie’s or girls want to have fun mail me to I had sex with my mom(amma), sisters(akka) and brothers wife (vadina),moms sisters(pedhama) Which I will narrate in parts as of now will come to my story with my vadina (elder brothers wife) Her name is sailaja (name changed) she got married to my brother 4 years back she looks like sonakshi sinha but boobs look like kajal agarwal her skin tone is like...
Oh Pooja, nee evalu sexy aa iruke theriyum ma? I was asking / telling my lover Pooja and opposite flat neighbor as she sucked my cock from its root. Um Um said my Pooja and she sucked me. Pooja was my neighbor. A gorgeous woman with 38– 28-36 proportions. Aged 31 she was an engineer in Tamil Nadu State department and a nymphomaniac. It was bound to happen when the sexy siren and her family shifted opposite to my residence. Her husband a clerk was the serious type and her brat a 6 year old. I...
I confronted Janice after she got off the phone with her grandmother. "Why did you fill her in on all the stuff going on around here? Your grandmother is really prim and proper. I don't want any trouble from her or your grandfather"Janice's grandfather had his own energy firm once. He was constantly on the road, mostly overseas. We seldom saw him, even for holidays and I can count on one hand the number of birthdays he's attended. Our interaction with him was primarily thru her grandmother,...
me suckin on ur hard cock bulging in my mouth as i wank your shaft my tongue teasing the tip and sliding down to the base you cock so deep in my mouth i deep throat your hard cock, then you put me on trhe bed and start to kiss me all over starting with my neck as you run your hand down my body and cures the inside of my legs my breathing start to get more rapid in anticipation of what is coming next you pull my knickers off and slide 2 fingers into my soaking wet pussy with your thumb on my...
Susan Loses Her VirginityMany would call us swingers but we don't think of ourselves that way. Many would say we have an open relationship but we are quite exclusive in our relationships. Then there are those who would call us superficial and they would be right. We are superficial; we are as superficial as anyone. We have our bodytype preferences, our personality preferences etc. What we are is a couple who has love enough for others and are willing to express it physically. We are Antonio and...
Billy Fields sat as still as he could on the high stool in the Conroy kitchen, his boot heels hooked into the rungs, his hands gripping the sides and his eyes on the smiling redhead whose corkscrew curls were completely out of control this humid day. The cook was shaving him and explaining to Anne how to do it. She was using one of Anne's father's English razors that had been borrowed with permission, and she showed the girl the angle on which to hold it and urged her to be gentle but firm...
Let’s come back to the present (read first part). Like promised, my husband didn’t touch me after that day. And Michael came home daily to fuck me. After he left that day I took a bath. When I came out with my body covered by a towel, my husband came inside. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “You might wanna dress sexy for tonight,” he said. We were going to his boss’s housewarming party. “So now you’re trying to help me in getting fucked?” I asked as I removed the towel and started...
Me subah so ke uthi to mere sarir pe ek bhi kapde nahi thi aur meri chut aur jangho pe samir aur us admi ka ka sukha hua cum tha. Me utha ke nahe chali gai aur me jab naha ke bhr ai to dekha samir dinning table ke pass nge baith tha aur me towel me thi aur mere bal gile the usne mujhe apne pass bulaya aur mujhe ek tablet di aur kha is kha lena kuttiya. Me uske kuttiya khne pe usko ghur ke dekha to usne khada ho ke mujhe ghich ke thapad mara aur kha kya dekh rahi hai randi ajj se tu kuttiya...
At The Pub, I unwound from my work week. I was slightly more stressed than usual due to some restructuring of my company and my drinking reflected that. By the time we climbed aboard the shuttle van we had rented, I was mostly out of my mind. The Kitten Club was dark with thumping techno music and strobe lighting. There were several stages and many girls working the crowd. We pulled up to an empty table and ordered a round of beers.The night was coming to a close when a pretty dancer approached...
Over his 30 years as an NHS specialist in the****utic massage Harvey had often been very tempted to take things to the ‘next level’ with old plump female patients , who through various actions, had got his cock really hard , but had dared not. Now being retired he felt that all his and their pent up perverted desire could be happily catered for. He had kept a contacts book of the ladies that had made it evident to him that they wanted a more personal service so he decided to put it to good...
By : Intruder Dear all, Expecting lot of response for the posting of my experience in a bus from Ankamaly to Cochin, Sorry to say that I got only three responses but it not get worked. What happened is after publishing the letter I used to check my email frequently at least ten times a day whether any ladies from Cochin interested to make friendship with me. Later I come to reality that no one might respond and I lost my hope. As I mentioned that I am working in a service industry and having...
As I followed Beth into the great room, my worst nightmare was becoming reality. Beth and Jennifer would be in the same room. I now so much regretted not telling Jen the truth about Beth and I. Although I had no contact with Beth after I had met Jennifer, I still felt guilty. Jennifer was still in the kitchen preparing food, when we entered the great room. I offered Beth a seat and went into the kitchen to prepare Jen. “My sister-in-law is here, we better fix an extra plate, Jen.” I told...
This is the first story of a few that I was so lucky to be a part of and I would love to share them with you! I had hired this woman as a delivery driver because the store I had just taken over had ruined the reputation of the business with terrible service. Her bubbly demeanor, bordering on ditzy was cute and she was herself a beautiful 40 year old woman and a milf for sure! She would be my best tool in the road to rebuilding the business. The customers will love her. She was tall with...
Thanks to the unfailing unreliability of the British railway system, whether "publicly" or privately owned, there was a hitch! The knight in shining armour and would-be rescuer of his beloved from the clutches of Satan and his loathsome acolytes - was a little late arriving. Veronica had been strapped down on the cold marble slab for fully ninety five minutes before the proceedings could begin and she was not in a good mood. This was no way to spend a weekend, no matter how rich the...
Naomi was 16 years old, and was extremely beautiful. She had long blackhair and bright emerald green eyes. She had a curvy, sexy body, and knewit. She used her good looks to get everything she wanted.She fucked many guys, including boys from her school, and her father'sfriends. She loved sex, loved getting fucked by virtual strangers even.Her best friend, Travis, had a huge crush on her, but she never had sexwith him.Her first lesbian experience started at school. She went into thebathroom and...