A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 10 - BridgetChapter 54: I Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way free porn video

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February 3, 1997, Chicago, Illinois

“Dave Kallas, Tara Brooks; Tara, Dave - once and future VP of Software Development at NIKA.”

They shook hands and Tara and I sat down in chairs facing Dave’s desk at IIT.

“Steve filled me in,” Tara said.

“And me,” he replied. “I read your basic proposal. It’ll need to be fleshed out to turn it into an actual development proposal.”

“Steve warned me about that and said you’d ask a bunch of questions today to get us closer.”

“Then let’s get started,” he replied.

For the next two hours, I mostly listened, only asking the occasional question or making the odd comment when I felt Dave and Tara weren’t quite on the same page. Both Dave and Tara took notes, and by the time they finally agreed they’d come to a solid set of conclusions, they’d each filled several pages with notes.

“Steve, when can you get me the funding?” Dave asked.

“By the end of the week. Deborah was tied up with responding to Dante, but we’re in a bit of a holding pattern at the moment. Did she make an appointment with you to prep for the inevitable deposition?”

“Yes. She’s coming here on Wednesday to go over what we expect Dante’s attorneys to ask.”

“Remember, they’ll probably ask some unexpected things, too. And they can range far afield, including things which aren’t directly relevant.”

“They’re allowed to go on a fishing expedition?” Tara asked.

I nodded, “In depositions they can ask just about anything, and it’s very difficult to avoid answering. The Federal Rules say that any question may be asked that might reasonably lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. So the answer itself might not be admissible, but if it leads to something that is admissible, then they can ask it.”

“If you can answer in front of Tara, what do you think the angle will be?”

“Mostly what I said before - they’ll try to show you objected to the project by asking VERY carefully worded questions which don’t allow you to explain. We both know your objections were to the pressure on the ‘Young Ones’, but they’ll try to selectively quote your emails, and so on. Of course there will be the whole ‘morality’ angle, but that would be more to impeach my character than anything actually probative. The other thing they might try is to get you, or someone else, to say something which would attract ‘imperial entanglements’.”


“Or IRS. Or the Anti-trust division of the DOJ. Deborah will be there, but I’d strongly advise you to have your own attorney present. I have a few names from Jamie of independent attorneys who are not NIKA clients who can handle this kind of thing, or you can pick one you find yourself. We’ll cover your costs, of course, but I’d prefer you pick the attorney.”

“To deny Dante a potential avenue of attack.”

I nodded, “Yes. And to protect your interests in the event we lose.”

“But you’re confident you’ll win.”

“I am, but if this gets in front of a jury, it’s not a sure thing. The odds are strongly in our favor, but juries do random things, according to every lawyer I’ve ever spoken to.”

“Obviously you have a strategy.”

I nodded, “Obviously.”

“Not going to give me a peek at the hole cards?”

I chuckled, “That’s about as likely here as it is at the Hold ‘Em table!”

“I might have a chance of beating you or Terry then!”

“Might,” I grinned.

“I don’t say this kind of thing very often, but you can be a real asshole!”

“Thanks!” I grinned.

“I take it you don’t lose very often?” Tara asked.

“If I do,” I replied, “it’s usually to Terry, or on occasion in the past, to my late friend Jorge.”

“How can you be that much better at a game where the cards are shuffled and come up randomly?”

Dave chuckled, “Which is why most people lose to Steve - they play their cards, and not the man. In Hold ‘Em, the cards are, for the most part, irrelevant.”

“Huh?” she asked.

“It’s a mental game based on betting and knowing the odds and knowing your opponent,” I said. “Yes, there are times when the cards matter, but that’s maybe 10% of the time. Mostly we never see each other’s cards. Showdowns are not that common; mostly everyone but one person folds before you get to the point where you show the cards.”

“Strange. When we played poker when I was younger, we always showed our cards.”

“Hold ‘Em is different. I bet you were playing stud or draw.”

“5-card draw, mostly, yes,” she replied.

“Learn Hold ‘Em,” I replied. “It’s a great mental game.”

“In my spare time! Dave, when do you think you can have the design document fleshed out?”

“Give me two weeks. Once you approve, we’ll get started coding right away, and you’ll have the first working module by mid-April.”

“Excellent. Steve, how do I pay you?”

“I’ll have Deborah send you the information. You can wire the money or send a check to the LLC. When you’re ready to let someone else in on this, then we’ll work out a royalty system. Dave’s going to do an analysis of what we should charge for it. When you’re ready.”

“And nobody else in Pennsylvania, right?”

“That’s your call,” I said.

“There is no way in hell I’m helping my competition! Why would anyone do that?”

Dave started laughing and shook his head.

“You might want to ask Steve about Lone Star and the latest version of NIKA’s legal software,” he said with a grin.

“The phrase ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ explains everything,” I replied.

“I think we call it ‘politics makes strange bedfellows’,” Tara said.

“Are you two ready for lunch?” Dave asked.

I chuckled, “I haven’t eaten in the Bog in ages!”

“The Bog?” Tara asked.

“IIT’s non-cafeteria food service. Burgers, fries, and beer. I’ll use up my entire carb allowance for the week, but it’ll be GOOOOD!”

“And you’ll feel lousy for a couple days while your body readjusts,” Dave replied.

“True, but I don’t do this very often.”

“What’s your limit?” Tara asked.

“No more than 50 grams of carbs a day, but I usually stick to around 30, though most of those are ‘hidden’ in the sense that they’re in things like broccoli, dressings, and sauces. I’ll make up for it by going to karate tonight, which I usually don’t do on Mondays.”

“You still run every morning, right?” Tara asked.

I nodded, “Yes. On the treadmill or at the Y in the Winter, and in Washington Park during the warmer months.”

“So only in August?” she teased.

“It’s not THAT much worse here than Pittsburgh. Let’s go!”

The three of us left Dave’s office in the Stuart Building and headed to the Bog. It had been remodeled at least once since the previous time I’d been there, but the food was basically the same - good hamburgers and fries, though I got water rather than a soft drink. We chatted a bit about hockey, football, and baseball, though I mostly listened when Dave and Tara discussed the Bears, Steelers, Cubs, Sox, and Pirates.

When we finished lunch, we said goodbye to Dave, and then Tara and I headed back to the NIKA offices. She’d come to IIT straight from Midway Airport, so she hadn’t seen my office. She was totally impressed, and I suppressed a laugh when Penny just rolled her eyes and smirked. After the brief tour, which involved our new space in the other building, Tara left to do some shopping on North Michigan Avenue, and I got back to work.

February 5, 1997, Chicago, Illinois

“The court scheduled arguments on the motions,” Deborah announced from the door to my office on Wednesday.

I got up and motioned her to the «zabuton». She slipped off her shoes and joined me.

“Which ones?” I asked.

“The injunction request and our motion to dismiss.”

“Which means?”

“I’d run this by Jamie to be sure, but I’d say that means the motion for summary judgment will be denied as we expected. But it also means the judge thinks there’s at least a chance Dante can win on his injunction, which actually surprises me. I’m also surprised that our motion to dismiss is getting a hearing.”

“Do we know anything about the magistrate judge who is reviewing the motions?”

Deborah shook her head, “She’s relatively new, so her record is minimal. And remember, all she can do is recommend dispositive actions. In other words, she can’t, herself, dismiss the case or grant summary judgment.”

“So why the hearing on our motion?”

“Most likely because there is some specific issue we raised which might sway her to recommend dismissal.”

“Interesting. Can she grant the injunction?”

“Anything she does is subject to review by the District Court Judge, unless we waive our rights to that, and we haven’t. If she’s inclined to grant it, it would be stayed until it was confirmed by the District Court judge.”

“That’s an ‘Article III’ issue, right?”

“Exactly. It’s because a US Magistrate Judge is appointed by the district itself for eight-year terms, or four if they’re part-time. They aren’t nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, so they can’t act as Federal judges and make final, binding rulings. Mostly they manage discovery and pre-trial orders and motions such as the ones we’re talking about.”

“When you say she’s ‘new’, what do you mean?”

“She was appointed only a couple of months ago. She used to be a top litigator in Dallas. From all reports, she’s smart, witty, and excuse the term, fair-minded. But she also has a reputation for being a stickler for protocol and following the rules.”

I chuckled, “That works in OUR favor, not Dante’s. Give me a no-nonsense judge with a decent sense of humor, and I’ll be very happy. But she can’t actually hear the case, can she?”

“Actually, she could; about ten years ago, the Supreme court ruled that so long as both parties consent, a US Magistrate Judge can preside over a jury or bench trial in civil matters. At that point, she would be, for all intents and purposes, a Federal District Judge, and any appeal would be to the Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. But Dante would have to consent.”

“OK, Counselor, let me know when the hearings will be.”

“You’re going to Dallas?”

I nodded, “I want to size up this judge. If she’s what she’s reported to be, I’m going to want to maneuver Dante into a bench trial before her.”

“But you said he wants a jury trial!”

I nodded, “Yes, but when his request for a preliminary injunction is denied, time is on our side, not his. And if I understand docketing, it’s MUCH easier to get on the trial docket for a US Magistrate Judge than on the actual District Court docket. I read it can take two years from the initial filing for a civil case to actually go to trial.”

Deborah nodded, “Or longer, depending on all the pre-trial stuff. That’s why parties sometimes agree to allow the case to be heard by a magistrate judge.”

“So, if Dante thinks he can win, he’ll be very much interested in a quick resolution. We certainly are, either way. So we smoke him out by asking for the magistrate judge to hear the case, assuming my gut tells me that’s the right thing to do.”

“You’re going to make that decision on your gut?”

“Counselor, tell me about the District Court Judge.”

“Appointed by Carter, he’s a former civil rights attorney, who has a reputation for not liking multi-national corporations. His rulings tend to favor the ‘little guy’.”

“Who’s the little guy in this case?”

“I think Penny is right,” Deborah smirked.

“Somehow I think whipping them out and putting them on the bench will get us both found in contempt and arrested,” I chuckled.

“True. I’d have to say Dante would appear to be the little guy, with two big, mean corporations picking on him.”

“That tells me we’re better off with the magistrate, even without me going to Dallas. But I’ll go anyway.”

“How the heck do you intend to maneuver him into a bench trial?”

I grinned, “He’ll ask for one.”

“But you said he wouldn’t!”

“What’s off limits in a civil case between private parties?”

“Not much, so long as it’s relevant.”

“Think Dante’s character can stand up in front of a jury?”

“You mean the serial sexual harasser who has violated patents, treated his employees like crap, sued both you and Melissa several times, and otherwise behaved like a scumbag? No.”

“His attorney will understand that we won’t try that approach in front of a judge. Facts, yes, but not putting Penny, Sam, and others, including his former employees on the stand, or doing our best to do so to show a pattern of behavior. The same goes for what I think happened with Lone Star. What he did MAY have been perfectly legal, and if it was, it won’t sway the judge. But think about a jury hearing how Dante has, in effect, been picking on both Melissa and me since he sold her DP.”

“I wondered why you weren’t too concerned about going to trial. Do you really think you can pull that off?”

“One step at a time, Counselor. When is the hearing?”

“March 6th, which is a Thursday.”

“Well, that’s inconvenient because I’m flying to Boston on Thursday night for our long weekend at a bed-and-breakfast. What time?”


“And how long?”

“About two hours, I would guess, three at the outside. I need to talk to Jamie to be sure.”

“Do that. Worst case, I’ll fly straight to Boston from Dallas. Birgit will have a hissy fit, but it can’t be helped.”

“And you claim that child doesn’t run your life!”

“Yeah, yeah,” I grinned. “Talk to Jamie and let me know.”

“I need to talk to Lone Star’s counsel as well.”

“Obviously. Just keep me posted.”

“Will do.”

February 7, 1997, Chicago, Illinois

“Steve, I have Gwen Meyer on the phone,” Kimmy announced late on Friday morning.

“Put her through, please.”

A moment later Gwen was on the line.

“I wanted to call and give you an update with regard to Miss Sutcliffe. She’s still in Illinois, and I think there’s a reasonable chance she’ll be able to stay with her foster family. That said, the court did order visitation under the supervision of DCFS, but at a neutral site, so her mom doesn’t know where she’s staying.”

“When you say, ‘reasonable chance’, do you mean a layman’s ‘reasonable chance’ or a lawyer’s?”

“A layman’s. You know that DCFS can operate nearly autonomously. The only thing that is stopping them from making a decision in this case is that it’s interstate, and Family Court stated that there’s sufficient evidence of abuse to void the automatic return to North Dakota. They haven’t changed their mind on that.”

“Is that what DCFS is fighting?”

“Yes, because they don’t want trouble bringing kids from Illinois back from North Dakota in the future.”

“So they screw over a specific individual to protect their agreement, and thus their own power? Typical. What’s next?”

“After the visitation, DCFS will determine if her mother is fit, and then make that report to the court. From there, if the court rules her mother is fit, DCFS and North Dakota Family Services will petition the court to have Miss Sutcliffe returned to North Dakota.”

“She doesn’t want to go,” I protested.

“She’s a minor, Steve. I know you disagree with the entire concept, but in the end, that means she doesn’t get to decide. This is different from Marcia’s case, because that was a question of which parent in Illinois should have custody, and DCFS wasn’t really involved except to do an evaluation. In this specific case, it’s a question of who has jurisdiction over a minor child, and generally, it’s the court where she has her permanent residence.”

“She was abused, Gwen!”

“I can’t go into the details, but North Dakota claims that is resolved and she isn’t at risk.”

“Well, I’d say Willow seems to think she is!”

“Yes, she does. And that WILL be taken into account by the court. Remember, DCFS can only make a recommendation; they do not have final say. I’ll get to make my case, as will the Public Guardian, and he’s not part of DCFS.”

“OK. Keep me posted.”

“Don’t try any end-runs, Steve. And please don’t contact Miss Sutcliffe. It’s OK if she calls you, but if you appear to be actively interfering, it will hurt, not help, her case.”

“OK. Thanks, Gwen. Let me know when you know any more.”

“I will. I’ll send you an accounting of my time charged against the retainer.”

“Thank you.”

We said ‘goodbye’ and hung up.

“You know,” Penny said, conspiratorially, “we could make a lot of money opening a ‘hitman’ service that only targets moms acting like bitches.”

“Sadly,” I replied, “I don’t think we’d ever run out of customers.”

About an hour later, Deborah came to my office.

“We got Dante’s discovery list,” she said. “I called Jamie and we can head over for a meeting with him, Thad, and by phone, the Lone Star attorneys and our attorney in Dallas.”

“Any surprises?”

“No. You called it exactly right.”

“Then let’s go.”

We left the building and walked to the Allen & Baker offices where Jamie’s assistant ushered us into a conference room where Jamie and Thad were waiting.

“No surprises, right?” Jamie asked.

“No,” I replied. “Well, except that a movie named Dante’s Peak opens on Friday!”

“I heard about that,” Jamie said, shaking his head. “About a volcano everyone is afraid will erupt!”

“Sounds about right, I chuckled. Anyway, we figured that was the approach he’d take.”

“Anything to add to our discovery list?”

I shook my head, “No. He’s going to go completely around the bend when he sees the approach we’re taking. Is there any way he can prevent us from deposing Nathan Edwards?”

“Not that we can see,” he replied. “Unless there’s something that the team in Dallas knows about this.”

“Jake Brown, here in Dallas. Not that we’re aware of. The other side can argue relevance, but that doesn’t generally prevent depositions or subpoenas. If what we glean isn’t relevant, it can be excluded if it has no probative value for the matter before the court.”

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 31 Fallout a Party and a Dance Part I

October/November, 1980, Milford, Ohio I didn’t know for sure what to expect when I walked into chemistry class on Wednesday. I had tossed and turned in bed and hadn’t slept well because I couldn’t get the situation with Kara out of my head. It was going to be a mess, no matter what happened. That was the only thing I was sure of. “Hi, Steve,” Kara said quietly. “Hi, Kara,” I answered, not looking her in the eye. “What’s wrong?” “I told you last night what was wrong and what would...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 12 Self Discovery With Some Help

May 17, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “Dance with me!” Leila insisted when I came into the sunroom. I took her hand and led her to the dance area, then took her into my arms. “When do you leave for home?” I asked. “Tuesday. I’ll be back in August. Thanks for letting us move in!” “You’re welcome,” I said. “So does everyone who lives here get privileges?” she whispered. I chuckled, “Dave lives here, so I think the answer to that is a resounding ‘no’!” She laughed, “You know what I...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 23 A New Flame

September, 1980, Milford, Ohio Things with Bethany seemed normal on Thursday. After school, I helped Mrs. Seime with the YFU Exchange Program presentation. There were six sophomores who participated, and I spoke for about five minutes about my experiences and answered questions. In my judgment, only one of the students was truly a serious candidate, a Sophomore girl named Jo Filmore. I talked to her after the presentation a bit and she said she’d fill out an application. I told her I’d be...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 33 Confusion and a Clinic

November 1980, Milford, Ohio Sunday was typical, with my phone calls, working with Beth, and my play date with Debbie. What came out of the blue, just after Beth left, was a call from Joyce. She told me that her mom had wondered why we weren’t seeing each other except at her grandfather’s house. Joyce was afraid that would get back to her grandfather and might cause problems. She wondered if I would come to dinner at their house on Saturday. That was the day before I was planning to see Don...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 45 Dumb Boy Part II

January 1981, Cincinnati, Ohio Becky took my hand, led me from the dance floor, and walked us silently to the elevator. She pressed the button for the ninth floor and the doors closed. Alone in the elevator, Becky crushed her body against mine and we kissed hard, our tongues engaged in a duel for supremacy, our hands roaming over each other’s backs and butts. The bell rang, and the door opened on the ninth floor and we barely disengaged to walk down to my room. I unlocked the door and...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 46 Dumb Boy Part III

January 1981, Milford, Ohio “Tell me, Steve, why the fuck I should even think about having sex with a stupid bastard like you?” “Because we love each other, Stephanie.” “Didn’t I tell you that if you fucked Becky, I would never sleep with you? And you did it anyway, didn’t you?” “Yes, you did. And I did. I screwed up. I know I did. What can I do to make it up?” “Steve!” she said, waving off my words, “What exactly does that conniving bitch have that you would be willing to throw away...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 30 A First Kiss

October 1980, Milford, Ohio Another week of school passed, and after school on Friday, I showered and dressed in my black slacks and black polo for my date with Kara. “That outfit is going to get you laid for sure, Big Brother!” Stephanie smirked. “I don’t think so. If everything goes perfectly, I’ll get a nice goodnight kiss, and that’s it. A single kiss.” “Jeez, Steve, you’re really losing your touch!” she teased. “It’s not like I’m not having sex, Squirt. I’m just not as crazy as I...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 36 Peaches

December 12, 1986, Indianapolis, Indiana “How are you doing, Tiger?” Jessica asked after greeting Kara and me with hugs and kisses. “Shitty,” I said. “But I had a good talk with Bethany after Red called me.” Jessica smiled, “And THAT is exactly why I had to let you take her away to Wisconsin for a weekend. Granted, I didn’t know what the circumstance would be, but I knew you’d need Bethany eventually. And you would need her in a way that could only happen if you two repaired your...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 17 Nancy and Paul

June 15, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “What did Bethany have to say?” I asked Jessica as we showered together on Sunday morning. “We talked a lot about you, and about her, and how things had come to where they are now. I guess I helped make a mess of her life, so I feel a bit of an obligation to help put it back together.” “No way, Babe! Bethany did what she did because of things that happened long before I met you. I assume that she told you that we’d pretty much agreed to get married and that...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 25 Confrontations and Conversations

August 21, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “Joyce, I said am not going to put up with this!” I declared for the third time. “Steve, don’t do anything rash or stupid. Threatening Connie was NOT smart.” “Oh, that wasn’t a threat; that was a promise!” I snarled. “I told her so, too. If Anthony or Connie, or anyone associated with them so much as THINKS about Becky, I will put a stop to this in whatever way and by whatever means I deem appropriate at the time. You know me well enough to know that...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 43 Firsts Part IV

January 1981, Milford, Ohio On Monday, when I sat down beside Kara in chemistry class, she reached over and squeezed my hand. “Kara, let’s have lunch, I need to tell you what happened on Saturday.” “OK. I’ll meet you at the computer lab.” I dropped my hand to her knee and squeezed as the bell rang and Kara smiled. At lunch, I stopped to tell Bethany I’d be talking to Kara and then went to the computer lab. Kara arrived just about the same time I did. I unlocked the door, and we went...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 16 License and Registration

August 1980, Milford, Ohio Late on Wednesday evening Dad met my flight at Greater Cincinnati airport. He let me drive home so he could be sure I was ready to take my driving test. When we arrived home, he told me he was satisfied with my driving and he would take me to the BMV on Friday. We talked about buying the car and he offered to co-sign a note for me, so I didn’t have to use all of my savings to buy the car. He figured that if I put down $3000, I’d have payments of about $130 a month...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 38 A New Year

December 31, 1986, Chicago, Illinois My wives and I were eating breakfast when Elyse came into the kitchen. She sat down with us and I served her bacon, eggs, and pancakes. “Jess, I really want to thank you for letting Steve spend two nights with me!” Elyse said. “You’re welcome,” Jessica said. “How are you doing?” “No morning sickness and I feel great!” Elyse said. “Especially the last two mornings!” Jessica and Kara both laughed. “We know how THAT feels!” Kara said with an impish...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 40 The Fate of All Men

January 23, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “Hi, Peaches,” I said as she walked out of the Jetway door. “Hi, Yankee!” she said, flashing me a smile. She stepped aside and dropped her carry-on bag and I pulled her into a tight hug. I immediately started crying. “Damnit, Yankee! Don’t start that already!” she ordered. “You can cry later.” “But Peaches...” I protested. “But nothin’. Look at me.” I released her slightly so we could look in each other’s eyes. I fought back the tears and she...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 57 Three Birthdays Two Jobs and a Play Part I

March/April 1981, Milford, Ohio I had half-expected Stephanie to sneak into my room on Sunday night, but to my combined relief and regret, she didn’t. We were up early to swim and she once again looked around for any observers and gave me a quick kiss. “I missed sleeping with you last night, Big Brother,” she whispered. “I wanted to come to your room, but I knew it was too dangerous!” “We’ll find some time, Squirt, I promise!” “Good!” she whispered, “My pussy feels so empty!” “Just your...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 33 Thanksgiving

November 25, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “The board approved the budget with consulting, rather than full-time staff,” Dave said as soon as I’d said ‘hello’ when I answered the phone. “Excellent!” I said. “Did the budget request cover both programmers for the whole year?” “It did. They did approve an additional position, but that’s for supervising the computer operators and managing the Prime Computers, not for programmers. That’s exactly what Mr. Forster had in his original budget...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 78 Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Part II

May 15, 1992, Glencoe, Illinois “Join me in my study, if you would,” Noel Spurgeon said when we finished our dessert. It had been an interesting evening. Samantha and I had talked for a bit before we’d been summoned to dinner. The meal had been prepared by a chef and was served by a white-coated young man. Again, this was a far cry from Lois at the van Hoeks’ house. What wasn’t a far cry was the fact that I was having dinner with a man who knew I was going to be sleeping with his daughter...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 47 The Triumvirate Part I

January 1981, Milford, Ohio On Tuesday morning in chemistry class, Kara kissed my cheek and let me know that she’d spoken to Bethany. They were going to get together with Stephanie after school. Kara would talk to me once they had decided what to do. I thanked Kara again for loving me enough to forgive me. At lunch, Bethany told me to go sit with Kara at the ‘Holy Rollers’ table. Tracey stopped me as I turned to head there. “Steve, where are you going?” “To sit with Kara. It’s complicated...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 48 The Triumvirate Part II

February 1981, Milford, Ohio Sunday followed the usual pattern of a call to Karin, swimming and breakfast with Stephanie, and then doing homework until Beth arrived. When Beth arrived, I talked with her about an problem that we’d have to solve, and probably soon. If she was at U of I and I was at IIT, we’d have no real way of providing support to our customers in and around Cincinnati. I suggested we find a Freshman or Sophomore to help us over the Summer and after we went to Chicago. “Why...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 53 Spring Break Part I

March 1981, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, Stephanie and I swam, then ate breakfast. Dad loaded up the car for the drive to Myrtle Beach just after 9:00am. Mom tried one last time to talk him into making Stephanie go along, but he resisted, saying that he’d already told her she could stay. Mom objected vehemently to Stephanie being around me, but she knew that argument wouldn’t work with Dad. I hadn’t made any plans for Saturday, and Beth and I agreed we’d skip this Sunday’s work because...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 27 Fuck Them

September 15, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “When is Bethany moving in?” I asked Stephanie as we ate breakfast with Kara and Jessica. “In a couple of weeks,” she answered. “And you’re really OK with sharing a room with her?” “Yes. Jorge was a bit put out, but I explained everything to him and we’ll work it out. There’s always a guest room if I have an overnight guest!” “True. I really appreciate you doing this,” I said. “I don’t think it’ll be for too long.” “Oh?” “She and Nick. I’ll bet...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 28 Social Rejection

September, 20, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “I’m helping Bethany move back to your house today,” Nick said as we finished breakfast. “She said that you two had worked out your issues and were friends again.” “My sister told me about her moving back today. And we were never not friends, but everything that happened last year put a pretty serious strain on our friendship.” “She told me that you asked her to marry you and that she turned you down,” he said. I nodded, “I did. And she did. And as...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 26 Confrontations and Connections

September 1980, Milford, Ohio When I arrived home after my date with Joyce, Stephanie came to sit in my room and talk. “Hey, Squirt!” I said. “Hey, Big Brother,” she said, seeming a bit down. “What’s wrong?” “Oh, a few things. The most important one is that I’m worried about Bethany. I talked to her today, and she’s really fixated on the idea that you two are going to be married and live happily ever after. I know she’s told you that she’s OK with all the other girls, but I don’t think...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 11 Truth and Consequences Part I

July 1980, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, Jennifer took me home after breakfast. We planned to go out that evening for dinner and a movie. I kissed her goodbye in the car, then got out, waving as she drove away. My bubble of happiness was quickly burst as I walked inside and my mom was waiting there, anger in her face. “Stephen, I can’t believe your father allows this immorality! And what’s worse, that those girls’ parents allow it!” “Mom,” I said carefully, trying to keep my temper...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 24 Ready and Willing

September 1980, Milford, Ohio I was up early as usual on Saturday morning. I swam with Stephanie and we ate breakfast together. I let Dad know I’d be out with Bethany most of the day and would be home just after midnight, which was well before my 1:00am curfew. I left the house about five minutes before 8:00am and drove to Bethany’s house. I knocked softly on the door so as not to disturb anyone who might be sleeping. Almost immediately, Bethany opened the door and came out giggling, giving...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 18 Connections

June 23, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “Mario called last night to let me know he was safely in Los Angeles,” Julia said to kick off our Monday morning meeting. “What did you decide about Cincinnati?” I asked. “Cindi and I will do it,” Julia said. “With your sister and Elyse handling the day-to-day administrative stuff for the summer, I can spend the time. The real pinch is that it’s going to take Cindi away from sales for a week. We don’t have an option, though, because we really can’t afford...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 4 Bethany and Jennifer

St. Stephen’s Day, 1984, Indianapolis, Indiana I went to see if Ed had returned and found him and my sister sitting with Kara. Ed looked even happier than he had earlier, so I assumed my sister had properly thanked him. “She’s awake, but groggy,” I said. “She has no idea what happened, though. Ed, why don’t you go see her?” “Thanks!” he replied, giving Stephanie a quick kiss. “I see you properly thanked him!” I teased, after he left. She laughed, “I did. Twice!” “You weren’t gone THAT...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 37 Youve Got to Be Kidding

December 1980, Milford, Ohio “How was your trip to Indianapolis?” Debbie asked in the car on Monday morning. “Pretty good. And very tame, actually. Katt had competition skating every day, so we were in bed early.” “I bet!” Mary giggled. “Believe it or not, we were asleep by 10:00pm both Friday and Saturday nights. Katt and I made love once each day. Well, Friday afternoon was pretty wild, but she’d already finished her skating for the day,” I said. “You mean to tell me that, except for...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 38 Skiing and Skating

December 1980, Milford, Ohio and Boyne Mountain, Michigan The rest of December followed the pattern that had been set at the beginning of the month, but now Debbie was seeing Phillip every Saturday. I didn’t invite Kara out because I wanted her to think things through, but I saw her in chemistry class and at lunch and told her that we would talk after I returned from Columbus. On Saturdays, I had lunch with Bethany and hung out with Larry during the evening. It was good to hang out with...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 31 Stephie and Jason

October 19, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “How was Indianapolis?” I asked Kara when I found her studying in the ‘Indian’ room. “Great! Jess and I had a wonderful time sitting around her apartment in our pajamas, cuddling, and talking. How was Wisconsin?” “Great! Bethany and I had a wonderful time sitting around the suite in our pajamas, cuddling, and talking!” “I KNOW that’s not true!” she laughed. “Is everything good between you two?” “It is. She’s ready to move forward. I’d expect that she...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 35 Debbie V

November 1980, Milford, Ohio I woke up with my alarm on Saturday, extremely tired, but in a far better mental state. I met Stephanie in the pool and she easily lapped me several times. I was sore and exhausted from the previous night’s swim, but I struggled through my usual 50 laps. When we finished, I took a long, hot shower before meeting Stephanie for breakfast. “Are you going to take my advice, Big Brother?” “Well, I’m going to talk to Bethany for sure. I’ll call her at 9:00am and ask...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 52 More Parties

May 16, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “Should I wake her for breakfast?” Kara asked. “She’s still sleeping?” I asked. “If you were your usual self, is that a surprise?” Jessica teased. “But yes, Kara, go wake her.” Kara left the room. “And how do you know about my ‘usual self’?” I asked. “We girls do talk, Tiger! I’ve spent lots of time with Bethany, talked with Kathy quite a bit, and Jennifer, too.” “Of course you have!” I chuckled. “You’re OK?” “I’m fine, Tiger. It’s not just that I gave...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 21 Talladega Nights

July 25, 1986, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee “Have a safe flight, Lyusya Alekseyevna,” I said as she picked up her carry-on to board her flight. “Thank you, Stepa. I will call you on Wednesday with my address. And thank you, Kara Alanovna!” “You’re welcome, Lyudmila!” Kara said. “Kara, may Stepa give me a proper kiss?” Kara smiled and nodded. I pulled Lyudmila into my arms and kissed her deeply. “Thank you for loving with me, Stepa. It was wonderful!” she whispered. “And...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 17 Senior Year Begins

August 1980, Milford, Ohio On Monday morning, Stephanie and I got up early enough to swim and eat breakfast together. Stephanie was starting eighth grade, so she’d be riding Bus #8 with me. Unfortunately, Jeff was also on the same bus, but I didn’t really worry to much about that because of what I planned to do. My first order of business, when I got to school, would be to get a parking pass which Seniors could get automatically just by asking. I also knew that Mom would then insist that I...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 58 Three Birthdays Two Jobs and a Play Part II

April 1981, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, after swimming and breakfast, Stephanie and I started setting up for Bethany’s birthday party. We were doing it at lunchtime because I would be in the play that evening. Stephanie and I were invited to her house on Sunday for her family celebration as well. I was happy the day had turned out nice, given we were planning on grilling hamburgers. I loaded the charcoal into the grill, and then Stephanie and I formed the hamburger into patties. I...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 32 Katy and Kenneth

November 3, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “Ugh,” Jessica groaned when her alarm clock went off at 4:00am. The three of us had agreed that Kara would stay in bed and that I would get up with Jessica and eat breakfast with her. We left a soundly sleeping Kara in bed, and while Jessica showered and quickly dressed, I went downstairs to make breakfast. “You didn’t have to get up with me, Tiger,” she said as I served her bacon and eggs. “I’m going back to bed once you leave,” I grinned. “Do you plan...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 39 The Finer Points of the Law

January 11, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “It was good to see you again, Lyusya Alekseyevna,” I said when her flight was called. “And you, Stepa Rayevich. Thank you for a nice time yesterday and this morning. I am sorry I could only visit for one day.” “It’s OK,” I said. “You’re always welcome here.” “Your wives are very nice, too, Stepa. It was good to see both of them. I very much enjoyed going out with the girls last night while you were with your friends.” “I’m glad,” I said, as we walked...

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