Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One
- 3 years ago
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My name is Anita. When I reached ageof 22, I was relatively an experienced girl; I had several boyfriends untilthen and, mostly with all of them, I had good times. However, something wasmissing; all of my previous boyfriends were macho types; cocky and masculine.What I wanted was someone not so thought; I wanted a guy that was gentleand submissive. As much as my appearance doesn't show it, I am a dominantperson.
I wanted to find someone I could dominate;both, in general and sexual way, but only a man who would want me to be thatway with him. I am not some man-hating bitch; what I wanted was just to playgames. Every time I tried to impose that on some guy, no matter how discreetand not so unusual my tries were, he would always run like hell, away fromme.
Lately, I wasn't even trying anymore;I figured that it was too difficult to find someone a little kinky amongall those "straight" guys. And then, I met Alex. We met at the one seminarheld by International Animal Protection Community. He was a young veterinarian,at the time, working once a week as a substitute. I, on the other hand, wasstill in school. We sat together at the seminar and didn't take much noticeof each other, almost until the end.
As it got boring, just before the end,we engaged in conversation, mostly about some protected animal species.
He proposed a cup of coffee and I accepted;I had nothing better to do, anyway. At the moment, he wasn't a guy, thatyou'd whistle after, if you passed by him on the street. Rather short andtiny for a man, with reading glasses, and really conservative clothes onhim, he didn't make big impression with his appearance. But, he seemed smartand nice. Myself, I am not so impressive, either; 5.3' tall, rather skinnyand with short hair I looked more like a boy then some sex-bomb. I knew howto fix myself to look attractive but, that particular time, I wouldn't turnmy head after my own self, either. The truth is, I thought, if I get to knowthis guy, he might help me to finish my school.
But, as the story will show later, hedidn't help at all; in fact, he just distracted me from my studies. Not onpurpose, though.
One whole month we used to meet likethat; for a cup of coffee and a walk. And we always talked about his workand my studies. One day he said, "Well, you know…maybe we could goout sometime…I mean, not like this, you know…we could go fora dinner or something" he was also shy and I liked it, "Are you invitingme to a date, Alex?" He blushed instantly and start to mumble something like, "Well…yes…Imean, just to…maybe, you know…I was thinking if" and he neverfinished, because I began to laugh, "I am sorry Alex…I just couldn'thelp it; of course we can go out; I'd like that." We agreed that, on oneSaturday, he'd pick me up and take to a restaurant and, after that, we'llsee.
I didn't know what to wear that night;I was thinking of wearing some casual clothes but then I decided to provokehim a little, just to see his response. So, I put on a nice and tight reddress that reached just above my knees; over it, I put a long black leathercoat and, I jumped into a pair of very high-heeled sandals; those were redwith metal heels and had some small metal details on the straps.
He came to pick me up right on time;when I opened the door I had only that dress and shoes on me; my coat wasstill in my closet. I knew I looked good but, still, I was no Hollywood superstarsex-bomb. However, to him, it seemed like I was just that; when he saw mehis jaw fell down and his eyes almost bulged out. At that moment I knew thathe, probably, didn't have much women in his life; he tried to say somethingbut he just stood there and let out a few letters, "A…a…y…I" Again,I couldn't help myself and I began to laugh, "Ha, ha, ha…sorry, Iam so sorry…ha, ha, ha…it's just that…sometimes youlook so funny, Alex…please, come in." I wanted to help him a littleso I told him to sit and ran off to the kitchen. Once I calmed down, I cameback, "How about a drink?" I asked him, "A…yes, yes…sure" Ialready knew what he liked so I brought him a glass of pineapple juice withsome vodka in it.
He managed to gather himself togetherso he said, "Thank you; I just wanted to say…you look so…soravishing" I smiled to that and said, "Oh, thank you Alex; you look differenttonight, too", I had to say it but, he looked, more-less the same; it seemedhe had no touch for clothes. I noticed how his head was down all the time;I thought it was just his shyness but, I realized, he couldn't take his eyesof my legs or my shoes. I was surprised by that and I thought ' maybe,he would like to be closer to my feet. 'I felt kind of warm and excited about it but, I decided to take it slow;he was too gentle to propose something like that to him at that time; anyway,I wasn't completely sure if he really was looking at my legs. "Shell we?" Iasked once he finished his screwdriver, "Yes, yes…let's go."
He left his car in front of my buildingand we took a cab; that was my idea as I planned to get him a little drunk,so, I dint want him behind a wheel. While we drove to the town, I watchedhim carefully and I was right; his eyes were constantly focusing on my legs.I helped him a little and, with a quick and hidden motion, I pulled my dressup a little more. I could feel it in the air; he was the one; somehow, Iknew he wanted to burry his head between my legs.
The restaurant was ok; he really hadno style so I was afraid he might take me to some place not so neat. It wasn'ttop class but it was fine. We had a few drinks while we waited for our firstplate; food was better then I expected and the wine, too. "I've never beenhere before; place is really nice, I like it" I said; it pleased him thatI was satisfied, I could tell. At first, we engaged again in some casual,small talk; after a while I asked him to tell me about his previous girlfriends.He hesitated and began to blush again, "Oh, come on, tell me; we are notgoing to talk about animals all night, are we?" "No, no, of course…thatwould be silly…it's just that…" he was blushing more and more.I leaned towards him and whispered, "Are you still a virgin, Alex?" I wasjoking, of course; it never occurred in my mind that it could be the truth;he was 25, after all. He began to blush even more…no, his face wasalmost purple and, he began to move restlessly in that chair. By accident,I hit the worst spot; I had to mitigate the, already awkward, situation,so I said, "It's no big deal, even if you are…its completely normalthese days" I was talking like in complete indifference. The truth is, Iwanted to laugh myself to tears but, fortunately, I managed to restrain myselffrom it. "With all these diseases, nowadays…I think most of womenwould appreciate it." Finally, he looked up and said, "Really? I never thoughtabout it that way", I sensed he was relieved, "Of course, Alex…it'sfine…I mean if you are a virgin…are you?" I couldn't help myselfnot to ask. Really quiet, he said, "Yes." Quickly, I had to figure out astrategy how to proceed with him and, I did; I was thinking: ' ifhe needs education in sex, so be it; I'd have myself a virgin to fuck and,what was more important, I had a chance to teach him how to have sex my way;since he didn't know any different, I'd just train him to be submissive,obedient and humble. '
Again, I leaned closer to him and, justa second before waiter came with deserts, I said, "Do you need a teacher,Alex?" with coquettishly tone of voice. He got so excited and never answeredmy question; I saw how he was swallowing heavily; his breathing gave himup, too. I had him.
The rest of the time, he tried to avoidmeeting my eyes; I, on the other hand, was looking at his eyes constantly.When we were finished he wanted to pay; I thought that might be a first lessonso I said, "No! I'll pay this time." and I said it with a commanding toneof voice.
Once we were out, he stopped the cab;as we stood on the sidewalk, "So…where would you like to go now?" heasked me, "Well, there are a few nice places to go on Saturday night but",I grabbed his jacket with my both hands and pulled him close, "If it is upto me…then we are going to my place!" I said with determination inmy voice. He just stood there looking up at me, "Well? Is it up to me, orisn't it?" and then, he replied quickly, "Yes, of course it's up to you." "Good" Isaid and pulled him inside the car. I told the cab driver where to go, turnedto Alex and crossed my legs, so my dress would go up a little. I licked mylips while he was staring at me; I figured he didn't really comprehend whatwas going on. I did nothing in the car, nor did him; once we were insidemy apartment, he sat down on the couch and removed his jacket. I broughta bottle of wine, sat beside him, making sure he had a good and clear sightof my legs. I poured the wine and said, "Would you like to tell me, how comeyou're still a virgin?" I saw he felt uncomfortable again so I continued, "Andit's quite ok if you don't, I'll understand." He hesitated for a while andthen, "Well…I just think that I am too shy, that's all…therewere girls around me but I always seemed to pull out the last minute." "Maybeyou didn't feel comfortable around them? Do you feel that way with me?" "Yes…Imean, no! I feel nice around you, really…" and while he talked, Ibegan to rub his leg with mine. That distracted him enough to stutter, "I…don't…Ifeel…maybe…" who knows what he wanted to say, probably nothingat all. "Should I stop?" I asked and, again, he was rather quick with hisreply, "No, no…don't…I…" I took hold of his tie andpulled him closer; as I kissed his lips, very gently, he shut his eyes likea kid. I whispered, "Alex, I think I know how to teach you; I think I knowwhat you want" I looked at him, waiting for his response, "Really? You…youdo?" "Yes Alex, I think I do." He began to swallow hard again; at that moment,either he knew or, he just hoped that I knew what it, that he really wanted,was. He has been dreaming about it for years but, he never thought it couldcome thru for him; this was the beginning of a real thing, not just his imagination,and it was a bit too much of a change for the moment. The first step wasthe most important one; I knew, once he makes that first step, everythingwould be easy. I stood up, turned at him and moved away a little; he satthere almost shaking. He held his glass firmly with both hands and lookedat me; I knew I had to keep myself calm so I called at him softly, "Alex?" "Yes" hereplied silently, "I want you to do the first thing that comes on your mind",I widened my legs a little and placed my hands on my hips; I continued, "Thevery first thing that crosses your mind, I want you to do it…evenif it seems a strange and unusual thing to do, I still want you to do it." Iwaited a little; he moved forward and barely managed to put his glass safelyon the floor. I thought he was going to get up but he didn't; half way, helowered himself on the floor, and as I was still a little far, he crawledto me. He looked up at me and, when he realized I wasn't laughing nor hadsome wondering expression on my face, he bowed down and kissed my foot. Again,he looked up at me but I just said, "Do it again." He kissed my other foottwice and I encouraged him, "More…don't stop." At that moment he letgo; he began to lick and kiss my feet, shoes, ankles, everything. Seeinghim down there at my feet made me crazy; I got all wet in an instant. However,I knew I had to save that for later; his training just began and I knew Ihad to proceed until he was completely loose. Slowly, I moved towards thesofa and sat down, "Take my shoes off, now" I said and he did; he waited,probably for some more instructions so I said, "Go on; lick them clean." Hetook my feet one by one and began to lick them eagerly; he licked my soles,my heels, sucked on each of my toes and, before I knew it he was chokingon one of my feet, trying, as it seemed to swallow it. I helped him, of course,so I leaned forward, held his head from behind and pushed my feet in hismouth. And that was another nice surprised; his mouth were huge; more thenhalf of my foot was inside it and it looked like he could take more.
I was so horny I thought I might comeif he'd just look at my cunt. I pulled my foot out and said, "You see…Iknew exactly what you wanted." I gestured with my finger at him to sit onthe sofa and, once he did, I began, "I know what you thought, Alex; You thoughtthat you're some kind of freak for a long time" and at the same time, I caressedhis chin gently, "Frankly, most of the people would, probably, think thatyou are…but not me, no", I moved closer to him and said, "You havejust the thing I want and that makes us both some kind of weirdoes in theeyes of other people." I waited for his response but he was silent, "Thething is, I don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks, do you?" "No…no,I don't." He was accepting everything I said; I figured, he might not needtoo much training, after all; he was already submissive enough, I just neededto implement his submissiveness into the games I had in mind, but slowly,step by step. I knew many ways to drive him crazy from lust; also, I knewthat with him, as innocent as he was, it would go easy. "Take off your clothesto your waist!" I ordered him; as I changed my tone of voice a little, helooked at me first, like in surprise, so I acted quickly, "Well, don't youwant me to be in command? It's just part of the game, Alex"; after hearingthose words, he took of his shirt immediately. I told him to go down on thefloor on his hands and knees; I went behind him and took off my panties whilehe wasn't looking. Then, I strode him so he was between my legs; I watchedhis back go up and down from his deep and horny breaths. I leaned forwardand said, "Open your mouth, now", and, as he did I shoved the wet side ofmy panties in his mouth.
I pulled them over his head and, slowly,sat on his back; the smell, the taste and touch of my panties made him evenmore excited; I could hear clearly his fast breathing as he did it only thruhis nose. But, once he felt my hot and wet pussy on his back, he began toshiver; also, I kept my feet forward near his hands so he would have a nicelook at them, constantly. I caressed his hair for a while; in a little while,I leaned forward and whispered into his ear, "Good pony", and he just noddedwith his head. He was a little skinny for my taste but, that way, I feltmore power over him and that was good. I sat back on the sofa and told himto turn around; I took my panties back and told him to sit down on the floorwith his legs spread in front of him, "Now, why don't you open your zipper;let Anita see what you're hiding there." I was expecting he wouldn't do itso easily but, I was wrong; he did it very swiftly. And, once his dick poppedout like he had a string in it, I realized why; he was proud of his tooland had a good reason for it. Now, I stood in surprise with my jaw down;his penis was somewhat more then average in length but, it was the thickestthing I ever saw. His whole self was in disproportion to his cock; it seemedlike he had another leg growing there. "Jesus" I said and he smiled; he washappy I reacted that way; he was glad that he surprised me in a best possibleway. "Take off your pants!" I said with my voice accelerated. As he did,I took his thick tool between my feet; I knew he'd probably come in seconds.First, I pressed it against his stomach, a little; I wanted to feel withmy sole how thick that thing really was, and, once I had, I couldn't waitto put it inside me.
I began to rub his cock with my leftfoot; up and down, I stroked it, and then, took it again between my bothfeet. I increased the pace and, after a few seconds, gushes of sperm cameout watering my feet, my legs and my carpet. He rumpled the carpet with hishands as he came; his head fell back and he let out something that soundedlike, "A…a…a…a…a…" Once he was done, hegave me a puppy look and said, "Thank you." I wanted to laugh again but Imanaged not to; instead, I acted very seriously, "Look what you did to myfeet and my carpet; go and get something to clean up the mess, quickly!" "Yes,yes…" he stood up and wanted to run; he forgot that his pants werestill around his ankles so he almost stumbled across the table, "Sorry…Iam" he began to apologize but I hurried him up, "Go and get it, quickly!" Ihurried him because I needed a second alone; I couldn't hold my tears anymoreso, as soon as he was gone, I began to laugh like crazy. Damn, he was funny;at times he looked like a 10 year old.
Before he came back, I managed to stoplaughing; he brought a towel and cleaned my feet and my legs. The carpetwas already dry and there was nothing he could do. He took his shirt likehe was going to put it on, "What are you doing? No, no…just stay thatway; I want you naked" I said and added, "We ain't over yet, anyway."
I instructed him to sit at the sameplace on the floor; I wanted to see how quick he could get it up, again.I began to pass my feet across his legs, each foot on other leg. I skippedhis groin and moved up at his torso, "Stay still!" I ordered him, and sohe did. I passed my feet across his chest and his hands; I touched his neckand moved up to his face. As soon as I reached his lips, his cock went upin the air, firmly. I put my feet on the floor, spread my legs and liftedmy dress, up; I gestured at him with my finger to come closer and, as hedid, I said, "Kiss my thighs, Alex." He moved his head in between my legsand began to kiss and lick my thighs; he never came close to my pussy becauseI never told him to. I grabbed his hair gently, moved his head away and said, "Alex,I want to sit on your face now…can I do that?" Those words made himtremble again, "Y…yes, yes…please" I stood up, told him toturn around and lean his head on the sofa. I took off my dress over my headand stood naked above him; I had no bra but, before I proceeded I put backon my shoes. He just watched and waited; slowly, I mounted him and loweredmy crotch above his head. As his mouth was already wide open, I placed mypussy on top of it. He let out a loud moan as I began to rub it gently onhis face, "That's it…yeess…ooohhh" I felt I might come in aninstant but I wanted to prolong it for both of us. "The tongue, Alex…getit out…ooohhh…lick Alex, lick" I said as he just kept still;soon, his tongue was out, licking, probing my pussy hole, lips, everything…
His hands were passing across my hipsas I circled my crotch on top of his face; suddenly, he began to grip mythighs with his palms; I felt him moving below me and I turned around. Hewas coming again; again, there were gushes of sperm coming out. What waseven more interesting, I never saw a man come before without even a singletouch to his penis. I stood up and said, "Damn it, what was that? You didit again!" My words and my tone scared him so he began to apologize, "I amsorry…I am so sorry…I just couldn't help it…please forgiveme." I was a little angry because I was restraining myself from coming but,I calmed him down, "It's ok, don't worry…after all, this is all aboutpleasure and I am glad you enjoy me so much…I am glad I make you sohorny, it's good." He saw how I was about to sit in his lap so he, quickly,wiped the sperm away. I sat down on his legs, took his head in my hands andkissed him; I gave him a strong wet kiss on his mouth. One thing he knewhow to do was how to kiss, and so, he kissed me back. "Here" I took his handand placed it between my legs, "Touch me a little" I said. He moved his fingersacross my pussy lips and my clit, "Yes…that's it…mmm"; he wastoo gentle so I told him he can do it with more élan. Once I was readyagain, I said, "Now, I'll have to fuck your face, not just sit on it", Igrabbed his shoulders and pushed him down to the floor; I didn't let himsay anything, instead, I moved quickly above his head and landed my crotchon his face. I began to ride it good, this time; I glanced at his cock andsaw how it grew bigger, again. ' Oh, thisis going to be great ' Ithought. I moved away, down to his groin, positioned my pussy atop of hiserected cock and began to slide on it. It was pretty hard; even with allthat lubrication around, it was still too thick, "AAAHH!" I yelled loudlyas it hurt a little, "Jesus, Alex…what is this?" and, when I managedto make it disappear inside me, it hurt if I moved up or down. I did it veryslowly in the beginning; my pussy needed adjustment to that monster. Aftera while, it was ok; the pain was gone and I was free to jump up and downon his shaft. I pressed him to the floor with my hands on his chest and,as I rode him, he held my hips, "OHHH…FUCK…YEESSSS!!!" I cameso strong it made me dizzy. I was screaming and yelling some unmeaningfulwords and sounds for a long time. Once I was done, I fell on him exhausted.We lied like that for some 10 minutes; I lifted myself up a little and calledat him, "Alex?" "Yes Anita?" he replied, "Thank you…so much" I said.He smiled and said, "No, thank you…really."
One whole week, we didn't go out morethen 15 minutes. Only he went to do his job on Wednesday, but it was justfor few hours. One morning we woke up; he looked at me and said, "Anita…Ilove you." Quickly, I mounted him, sat on his chest and pressed his handsdown with my knees. I figure he expected something else so he just lookedat me with his eyes wide open, "Hm, lets see" I said. I pulled his hair alittle hard; "Ouch!" he cried out, "Still love me?" I asked, "Yes…ofcourse…what?" he was confused; I slapped his hip pretty hard, "Well?You still love me?" "Yes, I love you! What are you doing?" I moved down andsat on his stomach; I lifted my hand in the air and asked, "Can I slap youface?" He was completely confused but he said, "Yes…if you want to." Iwaited until he closed his eyes and then, I slapped his cheek very gently;he opened his eyes and looked at me; his face showed disappointment untilI said, "I love you too, Alex." He was happy like a kid; he hugged me andkissed me softly, "Sometimes I fear you" he said, "I know but…it'ssupposed to be that way, isn't it? I said, "Yes, I suppose it is."
Each day, I added something new to ourgames; after a while, his imagination came into life, too. We were insatiableand we both lost more weight.
Two months later he got a steady job.He was so happy when I said "Yes" to his proposal to marry him. I knew wewere right for each other and so did him. That night we sat at the kitchentable and talked; I came up with a great idea, "How about if I sell my apartment;I was thinking…now that you have a job we could get a loan and buya house. I think, with the money I get for this place, we could make a verygood deal." He was thrilled with my idea so we got to it as soon as we could;we agreed to get married after we buy a house. "One thing though; we buya house only if it has a basement" he said; at first, I didn't realize whywas that a condition but then, it came to me, "Oh, you dirty little thing;I am planning our future and you only think about one thing", we both smiledto that. He came closer and sat beside me, "Well, what do you think? We couldhave one special room for our selves…just like a dungeon; if we useour bedroom, sooner or later, someone will come and ask to see our home;basement, we can always hide somehow." Of course I liked the idea; just thinkingabout it made me all warm.
The loan came thru and we found a house;it was beautiful and it was closer to his work. The house was well maintained;we just rearranged it with our things, a little.
The basement was the biggest job; itwasn't easy to turn it into a bedroom…well, a strange one, but stilla bedroom.
Every day he came home with somethingnew, "I bought you something" he'd say and pull out a pair of knee-high leatherboots, black or red, with high spike heels and thick soles; or a corset,or just a pair of sexy shoes, new pair of handcuffs… Sometimes, I'dspank him; for that, I usually used a plastic ruler. I didn't really likehurting him…well, I thought about it and, it's not that I didn't wanttoo, I just couldn't; I loved him too much.
One Friday he came back a little earlierand, again, he bought something, "Look what I've got" he said. I was in thekitchen preparing some pasta when he came in. He brought a long, thick, blackbullwhip, "What do you think?" he asked, "Oh Alex…I don't like it;you know I don't like hurting you." "I know I know…that's why theguy in the store told me I can bring it back if we don't like it…and,he'll give me my money back." "Good; then get it back tomorrow, ok?" "Ok" heconfirmed, "I will…it's just" he came closer, "What Alex?" "Well…it'sjust that I wanted to try…I wanted to try a little pain, that's all",he said gracefully, "I am just curious, that's all; I know that a lots ofpeople like pain, so, I just wanted to see why." I watched him for a whileand then I said, "I don't know, Alex; I told you, I don't fancy the ideaof hurting you", but more I looked at that whip, more excited I got, too.Few times, I daydreamed about whipping someone for real; I thought aboutother way of inflicting pain and, I didn't feel completely indifferent aboutit. He turned around and said, "Ok, it was just a thought"; he was aboutto leave but I stopped him, "Ok, listen; if you want me to whip you, I'llwhip you…I'll do it but, don't blame me afterwards if it hurt toomuch, ok?" I didn't know he had some masochistic desires in him until thenbut he seemed happy about it, "Good, we can just try once and…we'llsee." The feeling was strange; at the same time, I liked the idea and I didn't.Once, I hit him a little harder with my boot heel and, I was terrified seeinghim curling on the floor and crying out pretty loud; he was assuring me itwas ok; he said how it didn't really hurt and how he just acted. But, I didn'tbelieve it; I saw a nasty bruise my heel left on his side and I didn't likeit.
We had this game we played; we did itusually while at dinner and, often, we wouldn't even manage to finish themeal; instead, we'd just run down to the basement and spend the rest of theevening there. It was like this: we both used to say to each other nastythings; I'd say the things I had planned to do to him or the ones I'd requesthim to do for me; he would say it other way around; either he'd say whathe'd do or wanted me to do, or he would just explained how and why wouldhe enjoy all those things I had in mind for him. Of course, we had to elaborateall those things a little. The first one who'd remain without words for longerthen 15 seconds, he'd loose; or, the first one that'd get so horny to say "letsgo down!" would loose, too. I am not bragging but I was better in the game;I guess, my imagination was working faster then his or, he was just moreeager to quit the dinner and start playing.
Usually, we'd begin with some softerand lighter things and ended up with more harsh or severe ones. Sometimes,I or he would even say some pretty nasty stuff we knew we wouldn't try; maybe,that was the source of him getting eager to try some pain. At times, it waspretty difficult for me to determine which one of us was kinkier; it wasdifficult to say who was a bigger pervert.
"First, I am going to bound you to thecross and just tease you; I'll fix myself so, to drive you nuts out of lust.I'll just walk around you, touching some sensitive places with my ridingcrop; I'll make you beg me to let you kiss my shiny leather boots" I beganthat night. "Ok…I don't think that'd work for long; first of all,my cock will get big and hard very soon and you won't manage to restrainyourself from grabbing it; soon, you'll start thinking how you want it insideof you and you'll have to let me go." He was right; as much as I liked playinggames of domination, each time we did, the best part was having his cockdeep inside me. "Hm…ok, I'll let you loose; but you'll be orderedto crawl around me and I'll put a leash on you; you'll have to lick my bootsall over, suck on my heels, clean the soles with your tongue." "Oh, I'llenjoy it so much; I'll do whatever you'll tell me to because that's justwhat I want; to be your dog on the leash, to lick any part of you or yourequipment…I'll go crazy out of excitement."
We went on like that for almost an hour;our food got cold as usual and, that evening, I lost; at the end, he wentto extremes and pissed me off. At the end he said, "I'll beg you to whipme more and more, until I faint out of pain; once I recover, I'll provokeyou some more by begging you to beat me up with your boots, to trample meall over…I'll provoke you until I get the worst part of you out; you'llget cruel and sadistic and won't care about me hurting." As much as his wordsmade me angry, they confused me, too; I couldn't close my mouth or my eyesfor a minute after he said it. Then, I stood up and said, "Get your ass inthe basement, you fuck! I'll show you my worst side, you prick!" I neverused words like that with him, before; however, judging by the expressionon his face, he liked it so I asked him, "You like me calling you names,don't you?" He just nodded his head so I said, "Ok then; why didn't you sayso before; I have dozens of names for you, you bitch!"
He went down in the basement and I followed;I wasn't sure what I was going to do to him but I knew it was going to bedifferent that time. I grabbed the wine and that new whip and went into thebasement. He was already naked when I came in; I told him to go to the crossin the middle of the basement; it was an X shaped wooden cross he made himselfand fixed it to the floor. Still in my slippers and house dress I securedthe four shackles around his wrists and ankles; I didn't really have anyexperience with real SM things; what I knew was what I saw on the internetso I decided to improvise. First, I wanted to frighten him; I thought thatmaybe, he'd ask me to quit after I get him scared enough. The bottle wasalmost full as it was already the second one; I took a long sip from it andwent to fix myself. We had enough time since it was Friday so I took my time;I knew he'd become restless because, he was in an uncomfortable positionand eager to start. Slowly, I removed all of my clothes and began to puton other. I took a black corset from the closet, pair of leather boots withhigh metal heels, pair of black gloves and a waist chain. It took some timeto put it all on me; then, I began to put makeup on my face; I choose allstrong and dark colors for my lips and eyelids. I tied my hair into a horsetail on top of my head and put on a black mask I had, covering my eyes andnose. On purpose, I left the closet open so he could see all the stuff Ihad inside; he bought most of it but, I knew he never saw it all on a pile.
It passed at least 15 minutes untilI was ready; I needed more courage so I drank more wine. When I came to himhe was smiling, "What are you smiling about, slave?" I asked; he was justabout to reply but I stopped him with a slap; it was a medium slap, but stillthe hardest one he ever got. "You do not speak, unless I say so! Is thatclear?" "Yes Anita, it is clear" he replied. "No, no…let me introduce'Mistress Anita'" I pointed at myself, "But for you, it's only Mistress;tonight, you're not worthy of calling me by my name", I came closer to him,grabbed his chin and said, "You're just a miserable little worthless wormwhich I am going to squash tonight…I mean, that's what you wanted,right?" he had no choice but to agree by nodding his head. I had to thinkfast; I needed to remember all those things I saw on the net and somethingcrossed my mind. I turned around and left the basement; I came back aftera minute carrying a plastic bucket full of potatoes, small thin rope anda few candles. He had no clue what I was doing and his face showed it. First,I emptied the bucket on the floor; I tied the rope to the bucket handle andsquatted in front of him; the other end I tied around his balls and liftedthe bucket to adjust the rope. Once I let it go, it remained hanging fromhis ball; the bucket was empty so it didn't bother him too much. Instead,his cock began to grow and move upwards. I brought a chair, sat few metersaway near those potatoes and took a few in my hands. "I always liked basketball" Isaid and threw one potato towards the bucket; once he realized what was goingon, he changed expression on his face. The first potato missed but the secondone didn't; as it landed into the bucket he made a grin on his face. Theweight itself wasn't a problem yet but the yank of the rope was. I didn'twant to give him possibility to complain so I went to the closet; I broughta plastic ball-gag, shoved it into his mouth and tied it up. I sat back andthrew another potato; this one hit the spot so did the next one. I got painful;three potatoes had at least three pound and each yank was more and more painful.He'd probably want me to stop but I decided to refer to his cock; as longas it was hard I had no intention of stopping, "I see you like it…good" Ipointed at his cock. I threw another two potatoes in and he began to letout painful moans thru that gag; I took six potatoes and went over to him;I positioned my hands above the bucket and got ready to let go. His eyeswere wide open and he moved his head as a 'No'. I smiled pitifully at himand said, "Sorry" and just let go the potatoes. As they fell in he almostmanaged to scream thru the gag, "MMMHHHH!!" I looked down and it wasn't apretty sight; his sack was completely stretched; the bottom of it began toturn red and I saw all of his veins on his neck. Frankly, I thought I'd feelsorrier for him but I didn't; it got to me, too; I was getting excited. Itook the wine and drank some more. I lit up a candle and held it in frontof him; we did the waxing thing before but only on his chest and legs. Ilifted it up and dropped a few drops of hot wax on his shoulders; I pulledmy hand back and held it in front of his chest. Suddenly, I turned it inmy hand and, all that wax fell right on top of his dick; his scream was evenlouder this time, "MMMMMGGGHHH!!!!" "Does that hurt?" I asked lightly, "Don'tworry…Mistress will remove it from your dickey" I put the candle onthe floor and, while I was down, I took his cock in my left hand. I lookedup at him and just buried my long black nail into his flesh, "MMHHHH!!" heyelled again. I scraped the wax off with my nails; each scratch left a redmark, especially on his head. "There" I stood up, "It is all gone…shellI remove this, too?" I pointed at the bucket. Quickly, he nodded as a 'yes';once I removed the bucket I took out the gag from his mouth, "Well? Do youreally want more? Some of that, maybe?" I pointed at the whip. He hesitatedat first and then, he slowly nodded his head, "You got to be crazy" I saidand continued, "but, suit yourself."
I unlocked the shackles from his handsand ankles and told him to turn around; I did it all very slowly as I stillhad hope he might change his mind. I was really afraid of doing it as I didn'twant to see him hurt; but that was not all; I worried that I just might enjoyit, and that would cause problems in future. As he didn't say anything Isecured him to the cross, again, this time with his front to it. I movedaway and took the whip; first problem was I didn't know how to handle it.I balanced it in my hand for a while, trying to figure out how to use it. "Ok,here we go" I said; I saw he was all tensed and restless from expectation.I swung the whip thru the air and almost hit myself with it, "Shit!" I coursedand smiled at myself. I did it again and, this time, it looked better butI missed him. I tried to concentrate harder; as I swung that whip thru theair for the third time, I watched it as it flew in a perfect motion, cuttingthe air and producing a neat and thin sound. It landed right across his back,down at his buttock. "AARGGHHH!!!" he screamed and twitched every singlemuscle in his body. But, hearing that sounds sequence, first the sound ofthe air being split, then the sound of leather cracking against his skinand finally, his loud and painful scream made a strong impact on me. At thatmoment I wanted to stop and, at the same time, I wanted to whip him unconscious.That first blow was extreme; it cracked his skin open but not because I wantedit that way; it happened because I had no feeling for it, yet. I came closeto him again and whispered at his ear, "Now, tell me that you want me tostop…please." He waited for a moment and then he said, "No…Iwant just a few more…please." I couldn't believe him; that had tohurt enormously but still, he wanted more. I stepped back; I was angry athim for making me do it; I was angry at myself for doing it, although I knewI shouldn't; I was angry at myself for wanting to do it; I was angry…
The whip began to cut the air as I brandishedit at him; mixture of sounds made me insane, I couldn't listen to his screamsanymore. I gagged him again and continued to tear his back with that whip;he was screaming behind the gag, twitching his muscles, gasping for air andsoon, his knees began to betray him. I didn't count the lashes; I just lashedthem, one after another. Thru the haze, I saw he wasn't even standing onhis feet, any longer; he went limp in those shackles with his knees bent;he was hanging on the cross by his hands. I stopped; as I realized what Idid I threw the whip away and ran over to the cross, "Jesus…oh shit!" Ifreaked out when I saw his back; then I noticed bruises on the back of hishands and legs, his ass cheeks and a few on right side of his face. I almostbegan to cry loud; I managed not to, but my eyes were filled with tears.Quickly, I released the shackles from his ankles and then from his wrist;he managed to stand on his feet and I helped him to the bed. He lay on hisstomach and I removed the gag, "Damn you Alex! Damn you for making me dothis!" and those tears ran down my cheeks, "How could you?" I said thru tears;he heard my voice was shaky and turned on his side. His eyes were only halfwayopen and he said, "Its ok…I'll be fine…I am sorry." It wasawful; little drops of blood were all over his back, "Just wait here…don'tmove!" I ran upstairs to fetch some medicine. I brought three large gauzesand a bottle of boric acid. I spread it over his back and spilled the acidon it; that was the only thing I had that wouldn't inflict more pain.
In an hour or so he was feeling better;in the mean time I undressed and put back my house wardrobe. I helped himup and took him right to the bedroom. We lay on the bed, side by side; hecouldn't rest on his back as it hurt too much. For a while we just kept silentand then I said, "I want you to promise me something; you'll never ask meagain to do something like that, do you hear me? Not even close to somethinglike that." "I promise" he said and continued, "It's ok, really'; I got whatI wanted and now, we both know we don't like it…it's all over, I'llreturn the whip tomorrow…it's gone." His words calmed me down a bit;he fell asleep very almost immediately but I had a little trouble with it;he was right about what he said earlier except for one thing; I wasn't sosure that I didn't like it. After I did some thinking I knew I'd never doit again; still, I had to accept the fact that I did like it. During thatwhipping and just before I stopped, I felt aroused like never before. I hatedmyself for it but it was the truth.
I was happy to realize how things didn'tchange after that night; we were the same as before, even more, we loosenedup on our talking games during dinner. We did those on regular basis but,some thing we used to say, we just discarded. Finally, we set the date forour wedding; as we didn't have many friends we agreed not to tell anyone,but later to inform our families, only, and then to prepare a dinner or somethingfor them. As we both didn't like crowds and big weddings it suited us justgreat. I told him, no big or expensive gifts as we had just enough money;I didn't need any gifts to know if he loved me or not and he agreed. He justsaid how he found a great place for our honey moon and asked if he couldarrange it on his own; he wanted to surprise me, so I said it was ok andI let him pick the place and make all necessary arrangements. There was asurprise on my mind, too; as we were about to marry in city hall, not thechurch, a great idea came to my mind. Few years ago I met someone who workedthere and was performing the wedding ceremony. Next day I went to see her;when I told her what I had in mind she was stunned; I knew she was open-mindedenough but still, "You're joking, right?" I waved my head as a 'No' and shebegan to laugh, "I don't know if I'll be able to do it…ha, ha, ha" Theserious expression on my face convinced her I wasn't joking, "You're serious,aren't you? Well Anita, I have to admit, you made my day; I knew about yourlittle kinks and all…I have no problems with that as I have some ofmy own, but this…I mean, is it great or what…" and she continuedlaughing.
We made a deal and I left satisfied.Our wedding was scheduled on Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and we began to prepareourselves from early morning. We were both very excited about it and, forthe whole day, we just repeated how much we loved each other. We plannedto have a special dinner that evening and I asked Alex if he'd arrange it;I told him at which place we would go and how I made reservations. But, hehad to go over there, not later then 2:00 p.m. to confirm our reservations.He left around 1:30 p.m. and, at 2:00 p.m. she came to the house, "Ok, hereit is" I took her to our basement. "Wow!" she said when she entered, "A littleempire of yours, ha? Nice…"
Together, we improvised an altar andI told her to dress up; I gave her some of my clothes from the closet, someboots, a black skirt and a leather jacket. She took a mask, too and someother equipment, like gloves, etc…
I told her to stay put and to be readyaround 3:00 p.m. I took the outfit I prepared for myself and went up; I managedto dress up and to put on some makeup just before Alex returned. When hecame in I was in living room; he saw me on the sofa and almost yelled, "Whatare you doing? Why did you…?" He saw me in my boots and corset, allfixed up for another session, so he was confused. Quickly, I stood up andsaid, "Shut up and get naked! Now!" he was completely confused then. He beganto remove his clothes and, while at it, said, "Oh shit…we're gonnabe late for wedding…I don't understand…" I came closer to himand slapped him a little. "I said shut up, didn't I? We won't be late…nowget on your knees…obey!" Once he was down I put a collar with a leasharound his neck and said, "Follow me." I led him straight to the basement;the lights were off so he barely managed to crawl down the stairs. As wereached the altar the lights went on; first he saw it and then he saw thatsomeone was standing behind it. The person was covered with a white bed sheetso he couldn't se her. She removed it and, when he saw her, all dressed uplike me, he backed a little. She was a redhead, much bigger then I was; seeingher got him excited; I noticed that but he tried to hide it. She got intothe role pretty well; her hands were at her hips as she said with a determinedvoice, "Shall we begin?" As Alex kept quiet and just stared at her I said, "Yes'let us begin." She took a book she had in front of her; the book containedusual stuff for the real ceremonies but, there was a text on few pages ofpaper I gave to her and she placed it in the middle. She began to read usualmatrimonial things at first; she spoke about love and respect, fidelity andtolerance and similar things. After a while she began to read from the paperI gave her, "As the couple that is with us today is somewhat different, I'dlike to add few more virtues, objectives and goals to my speech, which areapplicable here and all for sake of good, tolerant and above all, successfulmatrimony." She stopped for a second to check up on us; Alex was still surprisedbut slowly, he was accepting the situation. "Go on; please" I said and shecontinued, "As two completely different types of individuals you'll haveto work harder to achieve those objectives. You Anita, as a pre-dominantone, shall have to maintain discipline, conduct training if required to ensurequality of Alex's submissiveness and loyalty. You Alex, as a submissive partyin this deal, shall have to ensure that Anita is constantly satisfied withyour performance and with level of your humbleness." She closed the book,put it on the improvised altar and began, "Do You Anita, Mistress of thishouse, owner of everything that is spiritual, material and living in thishouse, accept Alex the slave into Your lifelong service, to be Your servant,Your toy, Your pet, if necessary an object of abuse or punishment, thereforeYour lawful wedded husband until death do you apart?" I replied proudly, "Ido!"
She turned to Alex, looking down athim and began, "Do you, Alex the slave, accept your Mistress's willingnessto take you into her service, to be her slave and servant, to obey with utmosthumbleness her, even strangest desires and requests, to live only for herpleasures, therefore become her lawful wedded husband and she to become yourlawful wedded Mistress-wife?" It'd be pretty difficult to explain the stunnedexpression on his face; it took him a while to answer the question; I bangedmy boot on the floor and said, "Well!?" Like he just woke up from a daydreamhe said, "I do, I do!" "With the authority given to me by the state, I pronounceyou a wife and a husband, therefore, a Mistress and her slave. You can kissor kick your slave, now." I turned to Alex, raised my boot a little and justtouched his ribs with it; then I pulled the leash upward indicating at himto stand up. I pulled him closer, grabbed his head with my hands and kissedhim gently. It was a long, long kiss and a hug. "Do you like my surprise?" Iasked him whispering, "Yes, yes, it is great…but, how…" andI hushed him, "Shhh…don't worry; it's all legal and real." We signedthe papers and it was done; well, not quite done because I had another surprisefor him, "Alex, I need you to stay in here for a while; I have to talk tomy friend in private…I'll be done very soon." He nodded his head andwe left; I waited for 10 minutes and then, she went in. She came down andfound him lying on the bed, "Stand up" she said; as he did she continued, "Nowkneel!" "What's all this?" he asked and, as he didn't obey, she pulled outa riding crop I gave to her, "Your lovely wife thinks how it would be unfairto you to get married without a bachelors party. Since that is now impossible,she decided to give you a present…and that present is me." He fellon his knees, "Good, now lets play" she said, but he wouldn't comply, "No…please,I am begging you, call her…I need to talk to her, please!" She agreedquickly as all that wasn't really her thing, "He wants to talk to you first!" sheyelled from the stairs and disappeared. I came quickly and asked, "What isit? What's wrong?" "Why are you doing this?" he asked me with a sad lookup on his face, "I just wanted to give you a special gift before we continuewith our lives; what's wrong with that?" he crawled right in front of me,looked up at me and pleaded, "Anita, please don't make me do this…youcan do whatever you want with me, just not this…I am begging you…" hestood up and continued, "I really, really don't want to do this; she is agreat looking lady and all, but still, I can't…I don't want to" hefolded his palms like he was about to pray and said, "You are the only oneI want…do whatever you want with me, just don't give me up to someoneelse this way." I was so touched with his words I almost cried, "I love youso much…just you, please…" I felt my chest was shrinking. Ihugged him strongly and said, "No, no…how stupid I was, I am sorry,so sorry…forgive me, please" I asked. He took my hand, kissed it andsaid, "Of course I'll forgive you…I love you so much Anita", "AndI love you Alex…so much."
The vows we took at that "matrimonial" ceremonywere so real for Alex; whatever was said then, he complied with constantly.Sometimes I had to stop him; whenever he was in the same room as I, he'ddrop down on his knees and began to crawl. At first it was amusing; later,it began to look a little stupid so I told him, "Don't do that all the time;if I want you to crawl I'll tell you; you'll destroy all of your clothesthat way." He figured he had to please me constantly which was fine withme; however, I didn't want the whole thing to loose its charm. As always,he obeyed my wish and acted accordingly. He never asked me for anything exceptone thing; once we talked and he asked me if I could wear heels always. Hesaid he'd buy me slippers with heels if I wanted; as I like wearing heelsit wasn't a problem for me. I even cooked and did some housework wearinghigh heels.
One day, a strangest thing happened;I was making a cake that included ground walnuts. It was Sunday so Alex washome, too. He was doing something and then he came to the kitchen; I neverheard him coming so, as he came in crawling and suddenly kissed my ankle,I jumped. "Damn it! I almost dropped everything…don't do that anymore." Hewas apologizing and laughing at the same time; I bowed down and kissed him, "Here,have a few walnuts" I said and, before he took them I pulled my hand back, "Nowait…be a good dog and stand over there" I pointed to the middle ofthe kitchen. He did as I told him and waited, "I'll throw the walnuts andyou catch them like a nice puppy." I took a fistful of walnuts and beganto throw them at him; he jumped around trying to catch them. I began to laugh, "Ha,ha, ha…this is fun" and resumed to throw the walnuts. "Bark" I saidand he did it; he got so engaged in his role that, at one moment, as he barkedand opened his mouth at the same time, one walnut fell into his mouth andfurther down. It went the wrong way so he began to choke on it; I froze andjust watched him choking. At first, I thought he was acting but, as he fellon the floor holding his throat with his both hands I knew it was for real;he began to turn red, then blue; his eyes were at the edge of popping out, "Gghhhh…kkrrrr" hewas suffocating on that walnut. I don't know what happened to me, but I justwatched him at first; he stretched his hand towards me and that woke me up.I ran over to him, pulled him up and, I practically threw him on the chairand on his stomach. I landed my hand several times on his back pretty hardand, after third or fourth blow that walnut came out on the floor. He beganto inhale deeply and, after few minutes, he was fine; "Alex, are you ok?" Iasked. He turned around, looked at me and said, "Yes, I am fine…Jesus,what took you so long?" "I…I don't know…first, I though youwere just pretending; later, I don't know…I just froze…I amsorry, baby", I leaned on the chair, caressed his cheek and said, "I am reallysorry; no more throwing walnuts like that."
He rested for a while and I continuedwith preparing that cake and dinner. I was thinking about what happened;seeing him suffocating like that was something new for me. More I thoughtabout it, more fire I felt between my thighs. I couldn't stop thinking aboutit and, after a while, I went to the toilet. Once I sat on the toilet bowl,I realized that my panties were completely wet. How was this possible? Howcould I get so excited by seeing Alex suffocating? ' Jesus,this is so fucked up ' Ithought. I realized then why I froze like that; I couldn't part my eyes fromthe sight of him suffocating because it turned me on. He could have beendead by now, just because I got turned on by something extremely weird. Ihad to tell him; we promised we wouldn't keep anything from each other andhe was so good and honest. I knew then that I shouldn't tell him but, I alsoknew I'd do it sooner or later as I wouldn't be able to endure the pressurefrom not telling him all.
At the dinner, he began with our littlegame; "I will suck your big plastic cock tonight if you let me" he said. "Alex,there is something I need to tell you about this afternoon. He knew, by thesound of my voice, that I was serious; that I wasn't playing at the moment, "Sure,go ahead…tell me" he looked at me. I didn't know how to begin andit took me a little while, "Well, this afternoon when…when you hadthat little accident, remember?" "With the walnut, you mean? Of course Iremember; how could I forget it", "Well, the thing is; when you were…whenI saw you on the floor I froze; I just wasn't thinking and I couldn't moveand…" I began to beat around the bush so he said, "I know all that;what's your point?" "I don't know how to tell you this so I am just gonnasay it; when I saw you on the floor choking on that walnut; when you grabbedyour throat with your hands, I was, lets say, interested in what happens,that's why I froze…I was excited with it pretty much." He looked atme for a while as he didn't really understand what I was telling him; aftera while he said, "Of course you were excited; who wouldn't be in such situation." OnceI realized he had no clue what I was talking about, I bowed my hand downand put it in between my hands, "No, no, no…You don't understand;I was really "excited"…like turned on, you know, aroused…"
He opened his eyes and mouth widelyand said, "You mean…while I was there, you…you watched me andit got you…it turned you on?!!" He seemed shocked; I just nodded withmy head still keeping it firmly between my hands. He leaned back on the chairand let out and "Phew." "I know, I know…it is so fucked up" I began, "And,what's even worst, later, I was thinking about it almost all the time; Isaw you choking on the floor and it made…", I lowered my voice andsaid, "I went to the toilet and found out that my underwear was all wet…Ihad to change it."
He was speechless; he just sat therelooking at me and the only thing he did was blinking his eyes now and then.The fact is, subconsciously, I played a rotten game on him; what I didn'twant to admit to myself was the fact that, deep down, I knew that, humbleand eager to please as he was, sooner or later, he'd come up with somethingto please me in that way, too. I just didn't figure it would be rather soonthen later; after a long silence he said, "Well, if this turns you on somuch, maybe we should do it again." "No!" I yelled and continued, "Are younuts? What kind of stupidity is that? What are you going to do? Eat walnutsto choke yourself for me; you're insane!" I never really yelled at him exceptduring our games, sometimes. He bowed his head down and said, "I am sorry;I just wanted to…" but I interrupted him, "No, I am sorry; I shouldn'tyell at you, I was wrong…let's just forget about it and finish ourdinner while it's still warm."
We ate our dinner and kept silent; Ithought that that night was ruined. Once we finished, he stood up and collectedthe dishes; usually he did all the work around the house. He behaved likea real servant and wouldn't let me do anything except for the cooking, sometimes.I went to the living room, stretched my self on the sofa and drank my wine.Once he was done with the dishes he came to me and asked me if I wanted afoot massage. I liked that and, as he was the happiest when around my feet,I said yes. He brought some towels and oil and began to rub my feet; I closedmy eyes and leaned back. It's pretty great when you have someone to rub yourfeet whenever you feel like it; as he needed my permission for everythingI said, "Be free to lick them when ever you want."
He was doing a great job with my feet;after I while he began to talk, "I was thinking; how about a role-play?" Iwas pretty dazed with the massage so I asked, "Mmm…what do you mean?We did role-playing many times, haven't we?" "Yes, yes, but I was thinkingabout what we talked during dinner…maybe…" I pulled myselfup and interrupted him, "I though we were done with that." He bowed downand said, "Ok, ok…I won't mention it again." "Open your mouth" I saidand, as he did, I shoved my left foot in; "That should keep you quiet…goon" I referred to the massage. I leaned back again to relax; but, I couldn'tstop thinking about what he said. I pulled my foot out of his mouth, pulledmyself up again and said, "What did you have in mind?" "About what?" he actedignorant, "Don't give me that; you know what about…role-playing…whatdid you have in mind?" "I don't know, nothing in particular…but Iam sure you could come up with something." That pissed me off a little, "I?!I could come up with something?! Why me, ha?!" I was raising my voice againso I calmed down. "I don't know…maybe I could try to act it out foryou or something…" he said. That sounded interesting enough, "Hm…wecould try that; no danger in that, right?" "None at all" he confirmed. Itgot my attention so I told him to do it; he got naked as he always did wheneverwe were up to something, "Ok, ready?" he asked and I nodded with my head.He kneeled on the floor and began to cough; then, he grabbed his neck andfell on his back. He tried well enough to make it look real but, even withall the noise he produced, I never bought it so I said, "Stop it; it's stupidand it's not working." He stopped and got on his knees again, "I am sorrybut it's completely different; let's just forget about it" I was repeatingmyself. But, he just wouldn't let it go, "Well, how about if you did it,ha?" "Did what?" I asked, "Maybe you could pretend to strangle me or something;maybe that would work." I smiled at him and said, "Look, I know how eagerto please me you are; but really, it's not necessary this time, just forgetit, ok?" "Ok, I'll forget it…I think you're a little scared" he saidwith a mocking tone of voice. I never liked to be mocked at so I said, "Youshouldn't make fun of me Alex; you know I don't like that." He realized thathe broke a rule so, he quickly crawled to me, bowed down and kissed my footand said, "I am sorry…I really am; it won't happen again…Mistress." Iliked him when he was apologizing; he seemed so vulnerable at those momentsand made me feel powerful at the same time as protective towards him. "Putmy shoes back on" I said; as he did I told him to turn around and lean onthe sofa between my legs. "Ok…lets just try this since you've beenso persistent" I placed my hands around his neck, "And, by the way, persistenceis not in nature of someone who is supposed to be obedient and listen withoutobjection…now I must punish you so I'll just choke you." Once I saidthat I felt warmth grow in my stomach; I began to squeeze his neck gentlyand, as I did, it got warmer. I felt it growing inside me just as it didthat afternoon. Quickly and without a word I let go of his neck; he turnedto look at me and noticed how I got restless, "Aha…so this works,after all." There was no reason for denial so I just took a deep breatheand said 'yes', silently.
Quickly, he stood up, said "Wait" andran off somewhere; in a moment he was back with a silk scarf. He kneeledin front of me, gave me the scarf and said, "Try with this." I took the scarfand tried to turn him around but he said, "No…I think it will be betterif you see my face." I was a little lost as I didn't know what to think aboutall what was going on but I wrapped the scarf around his neck, anyway. Heput his hand behind his back, pretending they were bound. Gently, I tightenedthe scarf around his neck and stopped, "Go on" he said so I tightened itsome more, "Tighter!" he said and added, "Choke me, please." I couldn't talk;I was getting too excited to talk. I tightened it more but I didn't stop;I continued to pull the scarf ends in opposite directions. Suddenly, I couldn'thear him breathe anymore so I stopped and kept it that way; he began to gaspfor the air and that sound drove me nuts. Again, it made me all wet and turnedon. I loosened the grip but I didn't want to; I thought I could come justby looking at him choking. I was breathing heavily; as I took the scarf offhe said, "May I?" indicating with his head at my cunt. I just spread my legsand said, "Yeeeesss." In a second he tore off my panties and shoved his facein my cunt. I came in an instant as I felt his tongue probing deep insideme, "AAHHHHHH! YEEEESSSS!!!" I moaned loudly. My hands were on his head andI just wouldn't let go of him; finally, when I released his head he cameout and looked at me. His face expressed satisfaction; he pleased me andthat was the only thing that mattered.
I watched him for a while, placed myright shoe on his chest and pushed him on the floor, "Lay still" I said.I pressed my shoe on top of his cock and began to, gently, mash it. It gothard in an instant, "Tell me what you want" I said, "Harder" he replied.I used to ask him that every time when he deserved it; well, he always deservedit but it was just another game; I'd let him choose what he wanted me todo to him. "Step on it…harder, please" so I did; I stood up abovehim and said, "Do you want me to squash it? I'll squash it if you ask meto" he loved when I talked like that, "H…here" he pointed at his chestas he wanted me to climb on it. I put my other leg on his chest and climbedup, "Well? What more do you want?" "W…walk, please" so I began towalk over his torso; it wasn't a big deal as I was really light. "Tell mehow do you see yourself now?" I asked. "I am a little worm under your powerfullegs" he said, "That's right, you are…I could just splat you intopulp", I was just following one of his fantasies. I came closer to his head,placed my right shoe on his forehead and said, "Lick my heel, worm!" He beganto lick and suck on my heel, "That's right; clean it good." By his breathing,I knew he was close; I stepped off of him, went between his legs and said, "Now,you will come for me", I squatted down, grabbed his balls with my left handand squeezed them; with the other, I grabbed his cock and began to strokeit. After a few strokes, I bowed my head down and swallowed is shaft. I suckedit hard for a few times while still stroking it with my hand; he began tomove his waist and his muscles got hard; I felt hot sperm filling my mouthand my throat and I continued to suck.
When he was done, I looked at him, lickedmy lips and said, "I am gonna swallow you completely one day."
That was it for the evening; later,we just relaxed and drank some wine. I had to order him to sit beside meon the sofa; he liked to sit on the floor beside my leg just leaning on thesofa. It was ok with me; I'd rest my legs on him but, sometimes, I wantedhim on the sofa just to lean on each other; sometimes I just wanted a hug. "ThisI just as good for me as using you as my footrest; I like a little romancefrom time to time, too", he smiled at me and said, "I know…all thewomen do; Mistresses too."
We talked about our games that evening;he admitted he wasn't completely indifferent about it, too; "I don't know…whenI saw your eyes while you tightened that scarf around my neck, it excitedme, too…next time, maybe you should make some angry face or say somethinglike…like 'you're dead' or 'I am gonna strangle you now'…"
I liked the idea, "Ok, next time we'lltry that; just as long as we play it safe." "Of course…I wouldn'twant it any different way, believe me."
From that night on, every session wehad included that kind of role-play; I came up with few ideas and so didhe. In fact, I tried to invent new ones all the time I spent alone; he'dcome back from work and I'd usually tell him what I had in mind. Or, we'djust implement it in our talk during the dinner, "Do you know why I madesuch a great meal for this evening?" I used to ask, "No, I don't; please,tell me", "I made all this great food because this is your last meal; I decidedto kill you tonight." He would act like he was afraid and he'd start to begfor mercy, "Please Mistress, don't kill me; I'll be good…I'll be muchbetter from now on, just don't kill me, please." Then I'd talk back to himlike, "Oh, but I already decided; you know I don't like to change my owndecisions, right? Anyway, I thought you wanted to die for me…to pleaseme, you know…because, it's the only thing that could please me now;I've been feeling so bored and unsatisfied for days now…you see, that'swhy I have to kill you, ok?"
If someone was to hear the stuff weused to say during those dinners, we'd end up in jail or some mental institutionbefore we could do anything else.
"Tonight I had a special treat for youin mind: it's called a 'tri-dildo-kill'!" I gave it names, too. "Oh, andhow that works?", "Never mind; you'll find out soon enough…it willbe your last surprise." Basically, it was always about breath control; thatwas the only controllable thing we could do. "When you finish cleaning upthe kitchen come down to the basement; I'll be waiting but don't make mewait too long." I left for the basement to fix myself up and to prepare allof the toys I needed. He was quick with cleaning and he came down; he wasalready naked when he showed up and he always kept in mind how I loved thingsneat and clean so, before he came down, he took a quick shower. I wore myusual outfit; corset, boots, gloves, etc…"Come over here" I calledhim; I placed a collar around his neck and tugged him towards the bed. Westopped near it and I looked at him; I passed my right hand across his chestand said, "Mmm…I am ready; are you?", "Yes Mistress" he replied. Ipushed him down on his knees and took a dildo; he was watching every moveI made, as always. I strapped it around my waist and brought it close tohis face, "Lick it first" I ordered. His tongue came out and he began tolick the tip of it; his tongue went around it and down to the plastic ball.Once I was satisfied I grabbed his head and, with my other hand, led thedildo into his mouth. He began to suck on it, his head moved up and downon it in slow motion. "Yesss, suck my cock…that's it…suck itgood…Faster!" and he increased the pace. I looked below and saw hiscock standing up tough, "Mmm…you like being my bitch, don't you…yeess,enjoy it while you still can." After some time I told him to stand up; Itook another, a little bigger dildo, and strapped it around his waist withthe dildo at his back. He watched me wondering what I was doing, "Now, laydown on your stomach." He lay on his stomach but transversally on the bedas I instructed him; I secured his hands and legs to the bed with four ropesI prepared earlier and I went in front of him. "I'll be a little rough withyou tonight; is that ok with you?" I asked him. Not that it really matteredbut his answer was yes, as always. "Good then" and before he knew it I shovedthe dildo in his mouth hard; 'mmmphh' was the sound that came out of histhroat. Once the dildo was all the way in I removed the strap from me andstrapped it the other way, around his head. I took the third dildo, the biggestone and strapped that one around my waist. As his legs were spread alreadyI just leaned it at his anus and penetrated him. Funny, he never needed anylubricants; his ass would get all moistly from who knows what. "Now, I'llfuck your ass good…like a real bitch you are" and I began to pushit in. In a few moments, I was fucking his ass rapidly and, with each ramhe squeaked thru the dildo in his throat, "mmmHH….mmmHH…. !!!" Thesound of him squeaking like that made me crazy; I grabbed his ass and juststuck it hard a few times on my dildo; it disappeared completely inside himand I stopped; as I did he bucked his body up and let a loud moan. I lookedat the dildo erecting from his back and I got so horny thinking of what Iwas about to do. I removed the strap off my waist but left the dildo in him;he was in pretty bad and uncomfortable position; both dildos were a hugediscomfort and somewhat painful so, all of his muscles were constantly tensed;and that was just what I wanted. I took a rope I had near the bed and climbedon it; I straddled him and said, "Be a good pony, now" and I put it aroundhis neck. I positioned my pussy above that dildo and just slid on it; I hadno problems as I was all open and wet. Then, with my right hand, I took thedildo that was shoved in his ass and, with the other I held the rope likecurbs. "Lets have some rodeo!" I said and began to move the dildo in hisass in all direction; as I did he began to buck and curve up and down, leftand right. "Oh yes…that's it, come on you wild pony…yeah." Iknew how exhausting this was for him but I had great time; as he jumped allover, I jumped on that dildo…it was magnificent and I was going insanewith lust. It didn't last long; he began to loose his strength and, aftera while he was barely moving. "Oh, what a shame…and it was so good" hejust lay there trying to catch his breath. "Well, I am afraid that's it;I am not satisfied yet and you are no good anymore so…" I tightenedthe rope around his neck, "I'll just dispose of you now…that seemsthe best." I began to tighten it more and, at the same time, I rode his backand that dildo as fast as I could, "Oh yeess…oh, god…this isit…" I pulled the ends of the rope hard and instantly came, "AAAHHHHH!!!YEEESSSS!!!" As I went orgasmic, I jumped all over like crazy; it took mea while to calm down and I realized I never let go of that rope. Quickly,I did and leaned forward, "Shit! You ok?" and he just nodded with his head.I gathered my act together, got of the bed and removed all dildos from him. "Haaahhhh!" hegasped loudly; I untied his hands and legs and he turned over; he placedhis hand on his throat to feel it, "You sure you're ok?" I asked again, "Yes,I am fine" and he coughed a few times. "What do you want?" I asked him andcontinued, "You deserve to choose now." He looked at my boots, then at meand said, "I want you to squeeze me, please." I didn't know what he meantso I asked him, "Squeeze you? What do you mean?" He stood up from the bedjust to sit on the floor; he spread his legs and took hold of my boot, "Here" hesaid and pulled my leg between his legs. He held his cock up with his handand exposed his balls on the floor; I held my leg in the air and he positionedit above his balls just to place it atop of them. I was surprised with whathe wanted so I asked him if he was sure, "Yes…I am sure." "Ok then" Isaid and leaned on the bed to have better balance control. My boots werebig with thick soles so his balls disappeared beneath it; I began to addsome pressure but really slow. As I did he was stroking his cock slowly; "A…A…A" hebegan to moan and put a painful look on his face, "Shut me up, please…Iwant you to shut me up." Quickly, I removed one of my gloves, rumpled itand shoved it in his mouth; I kept my hand over his mouth too and pressedhis head to the bed; he just looked at me gratefully. He nodded his headas a 'yes' and I added more pressure. He stroked his cock faster, closedhis eyes and made a convulsion of his face. I saw that he was close so Ijust stepped fully on his balls, lifting my other leg in the air. I stoodlike that for a few seconds and quickly removed my leg; as I did, his spermcame out high hitting all the way to my thighs and all over my boot. I alwayssaid I wouldn't hurt him but, as he asked me to, on several occasions, Igave up; he liked it and that was it…and began to like it, too; Iguess I always fantasized about hurting a slave, just not him.
I began to think how we were, maybe,overdoing it a little; I realized that, since our first date, we haven'thad a single day as a "straight" couple. I proposed a little change, "Oneweek we will act like all other people do; we'll just be a wife and a husband,deeply in love with each other; in the evening, we'll go to our bed and makelove plain old missionary way." He listened carefully what I was saying andagreed, "Ok, I guess we really should do it; maybe this is getting out ofhand a little." I didn't really share his opinion; after all, the relationwe had and the things we liked were the main reasons that brought us togetherin the first place; still, I said he was right and how we should ease upa little. And it was good, too…for some time, at least. The funniestthing was that, first night we went to bed and made love, I had to give himsome guidance on sex known to "straight" folks. The fact was, since he wasstill a virgin when we met, he never actually did it "normal" way. We hadsex, sure; however, he never really fucked a woman in a missionary positionor, for example, doggy style. I was every single time on top, fucking himinstead.
He liked it and I liked it, too; but,after 5 days it got boring. It was the same routine every time: we kisseda lot, I sucked his cock, he ate my pussy, played with my tits and then we'dfuck; missionary, doggy style or sideways…whatever. I knew he gotbored as I did; I just let him do the first move.
I knew that, sooner or later, we wouldproceed with our games just as before; while we had our "romantic" week Ithought about it and how to freshen up our role-playing a bit. I found aspecial store; they sell different articles like the actors use while makinga movie. For example, fake bloods or guns producing sound or small flamesbut without bullets; all those things appear very real but are all fake.The guy that worked there was more then happy to demonstrate how few of thoseitems worked. So, I bought a knife; it was pretty long knife, about 14 inches.The knife itself looked so real I had to examine it thoroughly to see howit really works. It was a retractable type; the blade would retract intothe handle if you pressed it against something; also, there was a small buttonon top to release that fake blood from several smallest holes on the bladeedge. I bought some fake blood, too to fill it up. I was ready to give Alexa really freaky surprise.
On the sixth day he couldn't stand beingbored anymore; we were sitting on the sofa after the dinner. Somehow, I knewthat that evening we would get to our old usual Mistress-slave routine. Iinsisted to clean up the kitchen after dinner so I could prepare my toys. "Ineed to go down to get something" I said and went to the basement; I wasquick and he wasn't suspecting anything. Once I got back, I sat beside him;only now, I had my black slippers with high heels on; he bought me thoseas well as black silky kimono I put on. When he saw me he said, "You changed?" "Yes,I am just more comfortable in this" I lied. We were supposed to watch somethingon TV; I mad sure he had a good view of my legs, my shoes and a new red polishI applied on my toenails. I knew it would work and it did; after some timehe became restless in the sofa. He was moving every few seconds trying toget more comfortable, "What is it Alex? You haven't stopped moving at allsince I got back…relax" I said. "I am just…" he began, stoppeda while and continued, "Could you please cover your…just move thema little…I am getting, you know" I smiled and said, "Ah…well,that's why my legs are for in the first place", "For what?" he asked, "Fordriving you crazy" I joked at him although it was the truth. Before he saidanything I continued, "I know, I know…you just want to get down thereand start licking…slurping all over my feet, my legs, shoes…itis ok, I understand. I leaned closer to him, "Hmm…why don't you tellme how addicted you are to my feet…I know you are but I want you totell me; maybe, if you beg me good enough, I'll let you take a few licks." Mywords stirred him all up; he got so excited he began to stutter, "Mm…I…yes…a" Hemanaged to say it finally, "Yes, yes, please let me…let me lick alittle…this is so boring, I am begging you, please." I watched himfor a while like I was still considering it, "Ok, you may; get down and lickbut just for a while." I didn't finish my sentence and he was already wettingmy feet; he was right, everything else was boring to both of us. I almostrather felt his tongue on my feet then on my pussy. "Mmm…good boy,that's it…yes, clean between my toes…ohhh" he moved fast allover my feet and my shoes but he always waited for me to tell him to removethem, "Ok, take them off now…good, that's a good puppy. The only soundshe produced in such moments were lots of slurping, "Open your mouth!" I commanded.As he widened his lips as much as he could I shoved my foot inside, "Deeper!" Iordered him again; sometimes it seemed like my leg could easily disappearinside him up to my knee, "More! Deeper!" I was strict. He took my leg withboth of his hands and pulled it toward his mouth; soon, he was choking onit, "Come on; I want to feel your lungs with my toes…swallow it!" Ilooked down at his pants and noticed a huge bump between his legs. I pulledmy foot out and said, "Ok, that is enough for tonight; remember, I said onlyfor a while." His eyes got so sad I felt really sorry for him, "No, please…don'ttorture me like this, please…I would rather that you whip me, kickthe shit out of me but don't torture me like this." I began to laugh andI said, "Alex, I was just joking…I am feeling bored too when I amnot abusing you, even for a little, ha, ha, ha…come on, let's go downstairs." Heneeded no second invitation; we were in the basement in a second. "Take offyour clothes while I think about it a little", again I lied as I had it allfigured out. I put the leash on him; that was something I always used. Ihad no intention of changing my clothes so I said, "Get down and continuewhere you started." He fell on his knees, bowed down and continued to lickmy feet and my shoes; I told him to go behind me and lick clean the backof my legs. He was very good at any kind of licking; his tongue was constantlywet and very fast. I was fortunate no to be ticklish; otherwise I'd had problemswith his tongue caressing my skin. "Up! Lick upwards!" I said and pulledup my kimono. Below it I was naked so I asked, "What do you see?" he lookedup and replied, "I see your divine ass, Mistress." "Good, now get to work;clean it up for me…nicely." He straightened up and began to kiss mycheeks; his tongue found its way to my crack and soon, his tongue was probingmy ass, "Gooood…that's good; I forgot to wash it in the shower andI need a good cleaning…you can do better then that, can't you?" "YesMistress, yes" and he got to it more eagerly. It was a lie and he knew it;I always kept myself clean for him. I began to slowly lower myself down,pushing him to the floor at the same time; once he was lying on the floorand I had my bottom above his face I said, "I was wondering; if somethingwould come out of my asshole now, would you move away?" I was in right positionabove his mouth holding my kimono in my hands. At first he hesitated withhis answer so I asked, "Well? I need an answer" "Well…if you wantme not to move then I wouldn't, Mistress." I stood up, turned around andsaid, "Oh Alex, that is so romantic…you would even feast on my excrementfor me…that is so nice of you" I leaned towards him and continued, "Butdon't worry; I was just joking about it." I moved backwards between his legsand kicked his balls very gently, "I'll do it again now and I want you tostop me when it gets too strong for you." I kicked him again with littlemore force; as he didn't even move I did it again and again stronger, "More?" Iasked and he nodded his head. This time I kicked is balls seriously and heyelled, "AAAHH!" I thought that was it but he kept silent; I pulled my legbackwards and stopped it about 4 feet from his balls; I thought he'd sayno to that but instead, he just closed his eyes and waited. My leg flew thruthe air and the tip of my shoes collided with his balls forcefully; "AAAARGGGGHHH!!!" hescreamed and said, "No more…please" he grabbed his balls and curledon the floor. I looked down at him said, "No more? Ok, no more then…but…" Iacted pensive for a second, "If I cannot abuse you anymore, what purposedo I have from you, ha? Maybe I should just kill you and get on with my life." Helooked at me beseechingly and said, "If you must, Mistress" and I replied, "Yes,I am afraid so; now stand up and go sit on that chair", I pointed to thechair near the table. As he did I went to take a long rope from the closet;as I came back to find him waiting on the chair I began to wrap the ropearound him and the chair, together. I could have just tied his hands andfeet to the chair but this was more fun. It took me a while to do it, tomake the rope tight around him and to leave some small space for his cockwhich, by the way, was up and hard constantly. Once I was done, he lookedlike a mummy; only his head, feet and his cock were visible. I took of mykimono and straddled him; his cock was standing upwards very proudly so Ijust slid on it and began to ride him, "Ohhh…nice…it's a pitya have to kill you for real this time" I said, "We could still have somefun, you know." I tried to make my voice sound serious and I managed it;he asked me, "What…what do you mean for real?" I looked at him pitifullyand said, "You know, for real…there's no coming back this time Alex." Hewas pretty concerned as I never used to call him Alex in such moments; alsomy voice sounded differently…much more serious. "Look" I said andpulled out a knife under the rag that was hiding it on the table; when hesaw it, he freaked out, "What? No!" I held the knife in my right hand betweentwo of us but, even with all this talk, I never stopped riding him, "Oh yes…you'reso hard tonight…mmm; I got a little bored with all that…ooohhh…chokingand strangling…yes, god…so I wanted to try something else." "ButAnita, please" and when he said my name I knew he thought I was serious, "Idon't want to die…no", "I know baby, I know…it's just…ooohhh…Igot bored with taking your breath away and…and I want to try somethingelse and…" I felt my orgasm was coming soon, "Oh god…yeessss…Iam gonna…I am gonna…" I grabbed his hair with my left handand pulled his head backwards; his neck was exposed to me completely. Hetried to struggle but he just helped me to come, "Yes…I am gonna cutyour throat now…I'll slay you like a…" I placed the blade againsthis throat, "Nooo!" he screamed and I just slid the blade across his neckwhile pressing that button at the same time. I came hard; my whole body wentspasmodic when I saw how real it actually looked. That fake blood made aneat line on his neck and was dripping down slowly. For a moment I actuallythought I killed him; he brought me back when he said, "I'm…I'm alive…" and;as I let go of his hair, he pulled up his head. But, when he saw the bloodon the knife he freaked again, "Nooo! What did you do?" "I killed you Alex…itjust needs some time to take you." He was completely confused as he didn'tfeel anything but, seeing that blood didn't seem normal. "Look" I said andslid the blade across my neck, too; "Its fake Alex…it's all fake" Ihad to calm him down because he began to tremble.
I took that rug, wiped off the bloodand said, "You're fine Alex; we both are." As he calmed down slowly I remainedsitting on his cock; the thing just wouldn't soften. "How could you eventhink I'd kill you, ha?" I pretended to be angry at him; whatever I'd doto him, he would always end up apologizing to me. "I am sorry; it just seemedso real…all of it, you, that knife, blood, everything…I amsorry, forgive me please…" I stood up and began to untie him, "No,no, no…that's not good enough; you mistrusted me and that requiresa little more then just 'I am sorry'." I told him to do one of the most difficultthings for him. I sat on the chair and ordered him to stand few meters away, "Now,jerk it off for me." He had no problems coming 5 or 6 times in couple ofhours as long as I did something to him. But this way it was difficult likehell, "Go on and don't beg; I wont change my mind." He knew that alreadyso he took his cock and began to stroke it; soon, it was limp and he closedhis eyes imagining who knows what to get it up again. He managed, then hemoaned, then it went limp again…anyway, it took him 40 minutes tocome and I enjoyed every minute of it.
We were done for the evening so we wentupstairs and got ourselves ready for bed. Once we were in it we talked alittle and he asked me if I could restrain myself from doing something similaras I did tonight. He said he was scared like never before in his life andhow he would like to be that way again. I promised I won't.
"But, since you said you wouldn't moveaway from my excrement I'll have to reconsider that one, then" I was teasinghim, although, I had some thoughts about it. At the end I asked him somethingand a new great idea came out of it, "I just want to know; what was you thinkingabout while jerking yourself off…you know, when you needed to getyour erection back and when you came?" He began to explain his thoughts atthose moments; more-less it was all already known and familiar to both ofus until the end. "And, when I felt I could come…you know, after somuch time I felt really tired and…anyway, when I felt I could comeI imagined myself standing on a chair with a noose around my neck; and myexecutioner was right there wearing a black hood…" his words mademe shiver; I felt aroused and wondering how it wasn't me to come up withhanging, "And she just pushed the chair under my feet and hanged me; that'swhen I came." "She?" I asked, "What do you mean 'she'? Wasn't it me?" buthe just waved his head and said, "Nope…I am sorry but it was someoneelse." He wanted to piss me off and he succeeded; I jumped on him, pushedhim down and said, angrily, "Someone else? Who? Don't you ever even thinkthat someone else could…" I stopped for a second and said, "Kill you?" andwe both burst into laughter.
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Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...
This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...
Bat girl Aka Barbra Gordon is searching for Catwoman hell bent on revenge after what she did to her. Bat Girl then thinks back to a week ago when Catwoman captured her stripped off her costume and left her in nothing but her underwear. Bat Girl tracks Catwoman to old where house. Bat Girl sneaks inside looking for Catwoman as she looking around suddenly she shocked. When Bat Girl wakes up she is tied to metal table with Catwoman looking down at her. Hi Batbrat Catwoman laughing so you didn’t...
I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to flood the passage way. It only took twenty minutes in the cab but I knew that by the end of the night this was going to be the longest time I had sat down between Molly and her partner James and not spoken a word. It was always awkward in a cab with those two. Molly would have to at any given moment...
Introduction: Part 1. Black tutu, silk stockings, 6 inch heels and the skimpiest bra I could find. I couldnt be arsed with knickers they would only get ripped off and lost forever. I didnt want to loose any of my sexy clothes they werent designer but they were mine. Silk handbag with the essentials in it. I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to...
Mia was more confused than ever when she heard her grandfather say her mother was a prostitute. In the back of her mind she thought her mother might be a slut, but she hadn't wanted to believe her mother was a prostitute. It was a lot for her to cope with, but she still longed to see her mother. On Tuesday night, Mia's Grandma Claudia and Grandpa Martin hadn't said two words to each other. Mia wasn't stupid, she knew something had happened, but she didn't know what. When it came to...
Catwoman Next Door by: Shawna Summers [email protected] It's funny how a casual conversation can have a serious impact on your life. I still remember vividly one conversation that resulted in my first female dominant relationship. I was just about to finish high school, and had just turned eighteen. It was also the winter when Batman Returns had come out. As a fetishist and comic fan, with Michelle Pfeiffer in a vinyl catsuit as Catwoman had me very interested in seeing the...
Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...
In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. ‘What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?’ I...
In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. "What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?" I...
LesbianEmancipation of Womankind The emancipation of womankind began in the early twentieth century when women gained the vote, by the end of the century they were the majority of university students and were well represented in parliament. By the middle of the twenty-first century, with women firmly the majority in parliament and a woman president, the first castration laws were passed for rapist. At first these were chemical in nature, but after some cases of men reversing the process...
~Chapter One~ The Last of His Kind ———————————— A gentle breeze swept through the ancient stone threshold and into the courtyard of a large and foreboding castle. Moonlight illuminated the neatly trimmed and imported hedges. The many flowers spread throughout, yet all huddled in their own groups, waved and weaved in a chaotic unison as the wind brushed passed their various petals. It was a gorgeous scene to behold, in fact. True beauty had been hidden behind these castle walls. All of...
Meh, I'm not looking for "kind girls", but "nude girls"! People tend to get repulsed by all the obscene pornography on the internet. We all know that female nudity may be celebrated in a way that's much more respectful. Matter of fact, seeing all these girls getting stepped on, spit on and fucked roughly has destroyed the way we see girls. Not all women want to get bent over and pounded hard until they can't breathe properly.Rather, most girls really aren't into that, and modern pornography...
Naked Girls GalleriesGENTLEMEN’S CLUB RENDEVOUZNOT BASED ON A TRUE STORY IT IS FICTIONOne day, I woke up from a sexy dream and said to myself there is something that I want to do out the ordinary that no one would have never thought that I would never do. That fantasy is to visit a high-end gentlemen’s club in mid-downtown DC‘s business district. I have always been this ‘good girl’ always expect to do the right thing and follow the rules. Some say that I am somewhat prudish and on a conservative side. I want to...
A Life Rekindled. By Trish Jill Wayland had pretty much given up all hope of ever finding happiness, she felt prematurely aged from a failed marriage, childrearing, and loss... Oblivious to her appearance Jill cut a sad and somewhat forlorn figure as she repeated the same mind numbing routines day after day. She could have done anything with her life, but constrained by chains of guilt and habit she simply existed. Every day she avoided her reflection in the mirror, not wanting to...
“I love the way you taste.” She felt his warm lips move away from hers, the strong scent of listernine lingering for a moment, and a hand caressed her foreheard, running through her hair. When she opened her eyes, her husband’s face floated above her own, hovering like a pale ghost. “Sick, I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet,” she said. Mary yawned and rubbed her sleep-encrusted eyes. These she shifted over to the nightstand to get a figure on the time. The digital alarm clock read 5:55,...
I was never a man looking for a 10, or 9, or even a 5, I won't grade women on looks alone. I was only ever interested in women, who hadn't explored every aspect of her own being, including sexual, and wants a partner committed to mutual exploration. She only has to be intelligent, searching for the finer things, healthy, fastidious, enticing, seductive, amorous, sensually passionate and understanding. Certainly not too much to ask?. My lover is the answer to all that and more. She is...
Two's Company, Three's a Different Story School had been a nightmare for me. The older I became, the more everyone else towered above me. I was slow to grow, slow to fill out, slow to hit puberty and slow with girls. I was small and soft and 'Girly'. All the girls were into the sports Jocks, against whom, I never stood a chance of even being noticed. I was sure that I could give a girl more in the way of a relationship than any of the sports Jocks, that strutted around like Peacocks,...
Chris Bradford had always chased adrenaline, when he was in high school he had been an All-American linebacker with a tendency for big hits. His performance had attracted interest from the major colleges. LSU, Texas, Miami, and USC had all offered him full ride scholarships, and in the end he had chosen to go to USC because it was the furthest away from his small town in Kentucky. While at USC he had studied international relations, and graduated at the top of his class, he had contemplated...
Chris woke up at around 11 and was surprised when he saw the time. He hadn’t slept that late since… well he couldn’t remember. He checked his phone and was again surprised by the number of messages left on his voicemail. He checked his missed calls list didn’t recognize most of the numbers. Most of the messages were news outlets begging for an interview to tell his story. One was from his buddy Mike Williams, an younger ex Delta guy he had helped bring up and train. Mike had seen him on the...
Outside the mall Chris was sat in a squad car, while the SWAT captain was talking to the police chief. A detective was in the conversation and Chris saw the older man nod and walk away from the captain and the chief. He made his way to Chris and pulled out a set of keys and undid the cuffs. ‘I’m Detective Sill I’m the one who’ll be investigating this mess. Several witnesses said you were not the shooter, at least the shooter of the innocents. Your not under arrest but your still gunna have to...
Chapter 4 Chris stood in Sarah’s kitchen as she looked at him. She was taking the news fairly well seeing as how he had just told her he was going to Chicago for a while, and an NSA agent would be following her while he was gone. He also was leaving his pistol with her. For one he couldn’t get it through the airport, and also he wanted her to have some form of protection. She had nodded through his whole explanation, not quite getting the whole story, but he was able to tell her the gist of...
On the belt, they have a saying: Minerals are controlled by capitalists, flesh is controlled by entrepreneurs. They say it's because people preferred the competition of smaller businesses and therefore put corporations at a disadvantage to small businesses. However, it was actually a government regulation put in place in an attempt to distribute more evenly throughout the belt. Either way, anyone with money for decent ship and a few licenses and tickets could start trading the...
During the summer following high school graduation, Penny testified for the defense saying Mr. DeLaurier was a gentleman, kind and and generous. The girls and women on the prosecution side didn't agree. That's where Penny met Mr. Dressler, at least that's what everyone in the courtroom called him. Lawyer Dressler lived in the biggest house in town, drove the nicest car and everyone knew he had money. After DeLaurier was found guilty of a minor misdemeanor charge, Mr. Dressler asked her if...
Group SexOn the next Thursday evening, Kirk called and asked if Penny would like to go to a party with him on Saturday night. She wasn’t hesitant when she said, "Yes!"The party was at a private club where they don’t ask for ID’s, primarily because of the older crowd. Kirk explained it was the school's annual Showstopper Gala, a fundraiser for the college’s drama department. There would be important people there, many who have contributed large sums of money to the school. Penny was to wear something...
Straight Sex“Oh my God. Oh my God. I’m so sorry guys! I didn’t know you were in here.” Tears rolled down Penny’s cheeks as she ran out of Janice’s bedroom.The girls were now part of a blended family after Penny’s mom had remarried three years earlier. The girls were only two years apart with Janice being the older at nearly twenty. They had become more than close friends. Now they were family, sisters.It was an awkward situation when Penny barged in the room. Janice’s boyfriend, Aaron, was at the point of...
Taboo"Oh no! He’s not here" Luna said pouting. Shaking her head her short honey brown hair bobbed side to side. She walked forward on long shapely legs that matched her slender body. Luna had shocking yellow eyes that was always hard to look away from. She was wearing a pink skirt that went down to mid-thigh and with a tank top with a matching pink cardigan. She climbed onto the platform and looked around but Mewtwo wasn’t there. Dammit Luna thought and sat down on the platform frustrated....
Meanwhile back in Kevin’s room his father had tossed him onto the bed. He leapt onto his son and used his knees to pin him down. His smacks landed hard on his son’s face as he beat him. “So you like fucking slaves huh?” his father growled. Kevin remained perfectly silent and starred up into his father’s empty eyes with a deep and passionate hatred. He hated his father, he always had. His father in return smacked him again. “Challenge me will you?” he growled deeply and began the turn....
Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...
There to meet the gurl I had longed to finally get to be with, you see Jill was the cd I had been talking to all these months exchanging stories of things we could do to each other, to bring the pleasures to each of us we really needed. The plane ride was awful and I was nervous as all get out, I had no idea What she would look like except she was blonde, tall, and thin with killer legs. Upon off boarding the plane I looked up and there she was with her sign with my name on it, I...
An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...
Originally I used to blog and used the site to link to my now defunct blog. I found trying to blog and respond to people too demanding. I also had some concerns about career sensitive issues. I enjoy occasional visits here and a handful of friendships based on sexual interests. Yes; that began coincidentally or accidentally really. I happened to have had sex outdoors with my husband and to have been observed by a rather sweet elderly man who was walking on the same footpath. He was a widower...
For a number of years I have used phone vibrators. Originally gifts from my husband which enabled him to excite me when our work took us away from each other.We live in the countryside and I can wear one in our large garden or when I walk on the footpaths which cross the lane in which we live and cross our neighbour farms.The vibrator is a bullet shaped one and is connected to a small phone linked unit which clips to clothing or a stocking top. Use of a mobile phone triggers about 20 seconds of...
Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years....
I settled down on the bus, taking out my phone. I scrolled through my downloaded files and clicked on the file marked anthros. My mother had sent me the file after all, something about learning 5he tools of me uncles trade. " Anthros will be your primary source of income as a rancher. Unlike their cousins the beasts meat selling isn't an option so byproducts are your primary source of income milk mostly from mammalian female anthros though there are some more specialized products, such as eggs...
FetishCopyright© -- All rights reserved. "What are you doing?" Kelly asked her twin sister Kathy. Kathy tossed her long brown hair back, adjusted her extremely short red dress and smiled. "What does it look like I'm doing?" "I know you're not going out with that jerk Mark." "What if I am?" "Kathy! You have a wonderful boyfriend, how could you do that to him?" "Look, Chris and I are good together, but let's face it, we've been together too long. Besides, Mark and I are just...
Angie the hit-woman retired the moment she married the cop with the biggest dick she had ever encountered. Her flirtation with genderless living came to a screeching halt as soon as he knocked on her wet and ready female door to confirm his desire to show her the way to full female satisfaction. Nine months after they sealed the deal with “around the world” finality, the young lovers separated their personal life from their professional life once and for all when young Angelo was born on the...
Lisanna Craig was lounging in her mansion on a Friday Night. She had just slipped on a fleecy nightgown and was enjoying a glass of wine while she stroked her cat and read a paper. She had made the headlines again in her superheroine persona, Knightwoman. She had prevented the nefarious Clownman and his henchwoman Jenny Jester from robbing the first national bank of Renisance City. She smiled at the picture of her in a superhuman pose as the two villains where lead away in a van. "Sometimes I...
FantasyWhat can we find on Adult Work besides UK escorts? Well, this is just in: it is possible to do other things besides just masturbate all day long on the internet. Like what, you ask? Well, you don’t have to always watch porn every time you’re horny, you know. Sometimes you could try to make your own! Or maybe you could browse escorts in your area, see if you can’t land yourself some real-life pussy. I’m sure your hand would appreciate the break anyway. Or you could get real old-school with it...
Escort SitesScat World! There are no two ways about it; scat porn is degenerated, weird, and repulsive. And that is me being nice. This is no genre for ‘normal’ people if at all you could term people who jerk off to porn normal. As a matter of fact, if you are reading this review while having lunch, my apologies for ruining your meal. The shit I’m about to talk about is messy and gross, and if I’m, to be honest, I don’t understand how y’all sick fucks get turned on by the sight of chicks shitting all over...
Scat Porn SitesHave you ever wished for an adult social network that you could go to just to enjoy some nice content and have a friendly chat with people and maybe a dirty chat or two with a girl here and there? I know that there have been many attempts to make something like this, but most of those end up being niche sites for some kind of kink. If you’re looking for a broad website that acts like a general adult social network, it’s pretty much impossible to find something like that. However, you can hit...
Reddit NSFW ListWhat’s the deal with Pissy Network? Is it a message board for bitchy Karens to air their daily grievances about not being the center of the world, or maybe it’s a cable channel devoted only to the most furious of angry dudes? Come on—why the hell would I be talking about that kind of bullshit around here? If there’s one thing I love, it’s something to jerk off to, and sometimes that goes well with a refreshing eruption of is a network of premium piss porn paysites all...
Premium Scat & Piss PornAs a porn enthusiast, I have seen too much to know that everybody has their favorite mode of smut consumption. Most people, myself included, have a favorite porn tube that somehow seems to always have what they are craving. Others have a preferred photo galleries archive, and others porn games they wouldn’t go a day without playing. Sometimes, dudes even have an ideal VR site. However, there are those days when even your bookmarked videos get you off. Usually, you are craving something more...
Phone Sex Sites(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Ten: Incestuous Lust Kindled By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 4th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I leaned back in the chair watching the video of Clint's wedding to Pam Hiragawa. My eyes studied it for the dozenth time. I had several pads of notes written on what I'd observed. There had to be something useful in it. Something we could grab onto. Every day, it felt like that bastard Clint was getting...
Jackie: Driving away from the airport, I was once again feeling very guilty. Sneaking around behind my husband's back was something I had thought I would never do, let along have a groping session in an airport hallway. My good Catholic upbringing was shocked and somewhat troubled. "What has gotten into me?" I shouted as I drove onto the expressway. I saw the humor in my last comment, and smiled to myself. What had NOT gotten into me was what George had HIS heart set on getting into me!...
Mankind had finally managed to get the most pressing issues under control. Earth's ecosystem wasn't collapsing after all and mother nature had gained some ground again. Free from the immediate need to ensure Earth's survival, human race shifted its focus to exploring the stars and conquer new worlds. Orbit City, the first human settlement on Mars, boomed and prospered in this phase of relative calm and quickly established itself as the primary ex-terrestrial hub of humanity. But then came...
I couldn’t believe my luck when I first saw you. The way you smiled at me I knew right there and then that you had a hold of me I couldn’t take my eyes of you. I wanted and needed to feel your touch to kiss and hold you. I was to shy to scared to let you see this feeling I had for you. my mind was playing tricks on me I noticed u looking at me was my mind doing it again. I had given my self hope I truly believed I was going to be happy then it happened.I told you how I felt and at first you...
I couldn't believe my luck when I first saw you. The way you smiled at me I knew right there and then that you had a hold of me I couldn't take my eyes of you. I wanted and needed to feel your touch to kiss and hold you. I was to shy to scared to let you see this feeling I had for you. my mind was playing tricks on me I noticed u looking at me was my mind doing it again. I had given my self hope I truly believed I was going to be happy then it happened.I told you how I felt and at first you...
Love StoriesIt was a cold, wet, miserable Tuesday in November last year and I got asked to take the place of a work colleague at a networking event.To say I'm not a big fan of these sorts of things is an understatement, but I liked the guy who asked so to help him out I agreed to go.As I walked into the venue a hot girl was stood outside smoking. I thought "if she's going in here I can live with this". Sure enough she followed me in and I immediately started chatting to her. She was already tipsy and very...
Hi folks, please be forewarned. This is a very long story. I haven't written one of those in a while and i keep getting e-mails asking for them, so as fall approaches and we all have more inclination to sit down in front of the fire with a nice long read, I decided to indulge. Those of you who want a quick story with a lot of sex scenes should probably skip this one. Also I have to warn you that I am again without the services of my regular editor and definitely in the market for a new one, so...
Now the customer who dined a week ago at the upscale Japanese restaurant where she works, he was innocent. That's how she described him to me at least. "He looked so innocent. Cute, early middle age, just a touch of grey in his hair, good body, you know he works out and eats well. Good face too, but something boyish in it. Like a part of him never had the chance to grow up. His eyes were very sad." Three years as a waitress there and Jennifer had never so much as flirted with a patron,...
It was the middle of a muggy hot afternoon that on the last day of her life Danni was paid a surprise visit by her Uncle Rudy at her family’s summer house on the shores of Funeral Lake. Danni had been living at the lake house since her Father died in early May, at first to avoid her stepmother Claire, then once Claire had moved out to avoid the reminders of her Father that the big house held. Danni missed Dad badly and felt very alone most of the time now. She had never got along with...
It wasn't the first time I'd been kicked out. My latest "family" wasn't really different than the last couple that I'd been sent to. Same old story, I lived in peace for about a week then about a month of fighting and then I'd do something stupid, the police bring me home and thrown out, but they still tell all their rich country club friends about housing a poor troubled foster child, and how I "changed their lives". Oh the idiocy of deranged suburban social statuses. It was never really about...
Love StoriesJenny put on a brave smile. How do I get myself in these things? she asked herself. It was too late to back out now. She'd wanted to work here, and she'd stayed, even when she'd found out what was going on. And because she'd stayed, she knew this was going to happen. She unhooked her bra and put it with her blouse. Then she lay back on the cot. She could see her mother on the next cot, and how her mother's legs wrapped around Mr. Graham's legs as they did it. She'd read all of the...
I HAD A DREAM! The scene could be set just a decade or so in the future, in an area for want of a better description, we’ll call middle America. There is a wind of change about! —— ‘Come in Major? So you’ve found something?’ ‘Sure have General,’ answered the fresh-faced Major, looking too young to be holding such a rank. ‘Apple has really come up with the goods since that new woman took over the Job. The new Mark 5 i-Scanner has detected something already.’ ‘A transcript Major?’ ‘Better...
Earth is the cradle of mankind, but man cannot live in the cradle forever. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Terry Wagner's family and clan continued to bond, both emotionally and as a mission team. Administrators had unthinkingly termed it the 17th Naval District Intelligence and Reconnaissance Team. Terry actually found the "17th DIRT" rather amusing. Moe Berg, the naval unit commander, moved back and forth between the intelligence team, and the DIRT vessels being modified. Regularly assigned...
I copied and pasted a real chat with my Ex, here, below. I changed the names for privacy reasons. I copied and pasted a real chat with my Ex, here, below. I changed the names for privacy reasons. It's cuckolding with style, with kindness. You don't see things like "sissy, my dog" No. No humiliation It's about love and extra kinky fun. 10:18 PM - Miguel: You know, I already got used to our crazy things10:19 PM - Rebeca: Ok my love10:19 PM - Rebeca: babe I missed you10:20 PM - Miguel: I miss you...
CuckoldWidowed by a drunken driver five years earlier, I’d thought my opportunities of this kind were lost for good, then . . . I met Shelly. Though ten-years her senior, my life-long diligence, keeping in shape and eating right, was amply rewarded. We’d been introduced by a mutual friend who recognized our shared need for each other; and so I found myself on this sunny afternoon the recipient of incredible pleasure. Shelly is twenty-six, petit at 5-foot, four-inches, and her auburn hair usually...