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Dead Ringer

by Torrent

In this sequel to "Jewels in Her Crown ," thedeadly dildo finally gets a workout — and a familiar blonde's gooseis cooked.


The card attached to the gift box was brief: "Wearit. See you at 6."

Samantha Guilfoyle smiled. It was just like him, she thought. A man of fewwords. Big, strong, handsome, and with the dick of a champion bull. She wasa sucker for — and of — big dicks.

She tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside, nestled in tissuepaper, was a two-piece, red, white and blue costume. Emblazoned across theskimpy top was a big red "S."

Okay, she thought, I've got the tits for the job. She tore off her graysweatshirt and pulled on the top. She was right. She filled it perfectly.

She wriggled out of her jeans and tried the blue short-shorts. Again, shelooked spectacular.

Samantha didn't consider herself proud or boastful. She was just blessedwith a beautiful body, a lovely face and naturally blonde hair. She was a knockout,and she knew it. What was wrong with that?

She glanced at the clock. Only 5:23. She had plenty of time. She selecteda CD and popped into the player. Suddenly, her apartment was filled with thethrobbing sounds of Slut Slammer and the Jay Birds — brutal, primitive,violent. There was little she was ashamed of — certainly not her hyper-sexuality — buther taste in music sometimes embarrassed her.

She stepped in front of the full-length mirror and began a slow, sensualdance. Slammer was singing, growling really, about what he was going to doto his bitch, how he was going to beat her, humiliate her, make her beg formercy. Samantha looked at herself in the sexy Supergirl outfit and imaginedfalling victim to cruel men with rough hands — and kryptonite devicesthat looked like oversized cucumbers.

"O-o-o-o-oh," she moaned. "Oh, please don't hurt me."

She licked the forefingers and thumbs of both hands, then slipped them underthe top and massaged her nipples. They instantly grew erect.

"Stop," she sighed. "Oh, no, don't bite them, don't bite."

Then she jerked her hands behind her, as if someone were tying her wrists.She squirmed and struggled, fighting her invisible bonds.

Her eyes widened in mock horror. She arched her back, pulling her pelvisaway from an invisible assailant in front of her.

"Oh, no," she said hoarsely, "not there. Please, not there."

Her pelvis began to gyrate slowly.

"Oh, God. Oh, it hurts . . . . It hurts so good."

She closed her eyes and swayed to the beat of the music. I can use this,she thought. I can use this at the club. They'll love it.

Her make-believe horror turned real as she heard the closet door behindher slide open. In the mirror, she saw a man emerge behind her, a big man,clad in black. She pivoted just in time to get a face full of green mist sprayedfrom a canister in the man's hand. Samantha ran out of the bedroom and boltedtoward the apartment door. But it burst open before she reached it, and anotherman rushed through. They collided, she stumbled backward, then he punched herin the jaw.

She wobbled, then sank to her knees. He kicked her in the crotch, and shetoppled over onto her side.

"Out cold," he said, glancing up at his partner.

"Yeah, that was easy," said the other man. "But what I can'tfigure is this: I sprayed her with that aerosol kryptonite, just like Domoordered, and nuthin' — no reaction. It was like I squirted her with water."

"So what? Kryptonite might not work, but she sure can't take a punch."

# # #

Domo was puzzled and disturbed by Gus and Bobbo's account of SG's capture.

"You're sure she inhaled the spray?" he asked.

"Yeah, boss," said Bobbo. "At least, I'm pretty sure. Itwent right into her face."

He looked at the young woman chained to the wall. She hung limply. One sideof her face was swollen.

That worried Domo. Swelling was a normal human reaction to being punched,but Supergirl wasn't normal. At least, she hadn't been before. Maybe the crystalsembedded in her skull had somehow weakened her whole system.

Whatever the processes at work inside her, her exterior remained spectacular.They had stripped her, and her naked body was perfect — long legs, slenderwaist, large, well formed breasts. He slipped one hand under her chin and raisedher head.

Her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning," he said softly. "Welcome back to the landof the living."

"For a while," snorted Bobbo.

Domo shot him an angry glance.

"What . . . where am I?" SG mumbled.

"Ah, you really don't remember," said Domo. "Well, my dear,you are in my home — in a very special room in my home. We call it theBody Shop. You've been here before."

SG looked past him. The room was full of large tables and strange devicesmade of metal and rope and leather. Chains with hooks hung from the ceiling.

"What are you going to do to me?" she asked.

"We're going to make you a movie star," said Domo. "Actually,you already are a star, in a way. Videos of your earlier stay here have beenamazingly successful. The market is very select and small, of course, but thosewho've been given the opportunity have paid a very handsome price. And no onehas complained."

Domo cupped his hands under her breasts. "They seem, if anything, evenlarger than I remembered. What do you think, Gus?"

"I dunno, boss," said Gus. "I wasn't given a chance to spendmuch time with her. Bobbo and Turgul got most of the choice assignments." Therewas a hint of resentment in his voice.

"Bobbo, how about it?" said Domo.

"She's changed a bit," Bobbo said. "You're right about that.But it's her. I'd recognize that face anywhere. Fuckin' beautiful."

Footsteps approached, and a tall woman with the air of an aristocrat joinedthe little party.

"Gretchen, our favorite house guest is back again," said Domo. "Howdo you think she's holding up?"

"Well, she looks okay," said Gretchen. "Have you run anytests?"

"Not yet. I was waiting for you. Maybe an MRI to see if the crystalsare still in place? What do you think?"

Gretchen shook her head. "We don't need that." She pulled a smallblack device from her pocket, aimed it at SG and pressed a button.

SG looked blankly at her.

"Hmmm," said Domo. "Maybe the crystals have dissolved."

"They shouldn't have," said Gretchen. "Kryptonite is a verystable mineral. It should last decades."

She stepped closer to SG and slid one hand between her legs.

"We'll try an old-fashioned approach," she said.

SG flinched, then relaxed. Gretchen gently stroked SG's crotch. Suddenly,SG moaned and began to respond. Her pelvis moved back and forth.

Gretchen removed her hand and slid it into SG's mouth. The blonde suckedher fingers greedily.

"She's the same as when we let her go," said Gretchen. "Thecrystals may not work, but the wiring in her brain is still that of a slut."

"Thanks for your expert opinion," Domo said with a wry smile.

"What are you going to do with her?" Gretchen asked.

"Pretty much what we did the last time. Lots of rough sex, taped bythe inimitable Clyde. And I thought we might sell her at a special auction.She'd bring in ten million easy."

"You don't need the money," said Gretchen. "Neither do I.We're not in this for money. You had your fun last time. This time, I wantcontrol of her."

"For what purpose?" asked Domo.

"For my pleasure. For my ultimate pleasure."

"And what would be your 'ultimate pleasure'?"

Gretchen pressed her left hand against SG's throat, then slammed her rightfist into the young woman's defenseless stomach.

"Her death," said Gretchen, as SG gasped for breath.

# # #

But Domo had no intention of surrendering SG to Gretchen for a snuff party.It was true that he was rich, but one can never be too rich,he told himself. Besides, auctioning off SG might enable Domo to form analliance with the buyer; and the buyer inevitably would be someone withenormous wealth and power.

Gretchen didn't think of such things because she had been born to wealth.She didn't have to plot how to accumulate wealth through ingenious criminalschemes — the kind of schemes he had spent his life devising.

So, in his mind, SG's fate was settled. Days or weeks of starring in sexvideos, then to the auction block.

Meanwhile, he might as well have some fun with her himself — somethinghe hadn't allowed himself during her first visit.

That evening, he had Bobbo and Turgul deliver her to him in his bedroom.Her hands were shackled behind her, and she wore only a leather collar witha metal ring. Slave collars on women were one of his favorite fetishes.

"Remove the handcuffs," Domo said. "Now, gentlemen, you cango."

When they were alone, Domo gestured to the marble bar and said, "Champagne?"

"I guess so. Sure," she said.

He handed her a glass of champagne, then raised his own glass.

"To a beautiful and mutually rewarding relationship," he said.

"Whatever," she said. Then she drained the glass.

"Be careful," he said. "This can make you tipsy."

"That's okay. I'm best when I'm a little tipsy."

She knew what was expected of her. She moved toward him and opened his maroonrobe. He wasn't as muscular as she liked in a man, but when she looked downshe saw that the muscle that really counted was just about ready.

"I can see why you're the boss here," she crooned. She knelt andwrapped her fingers around his shaft. "It looks delicious."

She ran her tongue around the head, then took it into her mouth.

Domo closed his eyes and trembled. She was good — a hell of a lotbetter than Gretchen. Better than any of the sluts that he and Gretchen hadexperimented on, and disposed of.

He raised SG to her feet and guided her to the huge bed. "Lie on yourbelly," he commanded.

He slid a pillow under her pelvis and fucked her slowly from behind. Whenhe was just about to cum, he withdrew.

"Turn over," he said.

When she was on her back, he slid his hands up and down her body. Neverhad he fondled anything so perfect. He closed his eyes, letting his fingersfeed him tactile images.

Then, suddenly, he opened his eyes again. A flaw. His fingers had detectedsomething that shouldn't be there.

He was about to speak, when the bedroom door burst open.

# # #

It was all arranged. Gretchen would stick with at least part of Domo's program.Clyde would shoot lots of videotape. He was, after all, a professional. Hehad worked in Hollywood, and abroad. Assistant director of "Chop-ShopMamas." Cinematographer for an Italian flick, "Snuff Babes of theAdriatic." Half a dozen other credits.

Gretchen described what she wanted.

"Okey, dokey," said Clyde. "We can handle that. Is it coolwith Domo?"

"Domo is indisposed," Gretchen said sharply.

"Okey, dokey. So who's our leading man?"

"We'll start with Meecham," she said.

Clyde nodded slowly. Meecham. He was the new boy on the block. Melvilleand Crustacean used to be her favorites, but now it all Meecham, all the time.

"Does he have . . . uh, the equipment?" he asked.

"More than enough," Gretchen said with a hint of a smile. "Morethan most of you sorry bastards."

# # #

Meecham may have had the equipment, but physical courage wasn't one of hisnoticeable characteristics. Fucking Supergirl sounded like risky business.

"The slut is all yours, Meecham," said Gretchen, as they assembledfor the shoot.

"Thanks. I assume she's . . . safe?"

"Of course. The crystals in her head don't sexually excite her theway they did, but she's as weak as a kitten."

"A declawed kitten?"

"Totally. Melville and Crustacean worked her over this morning. She'sno more dangerous now than any other reasonably athletic young woman — andyou've never had much trouble with that type."

Meecham grinned. Then he turned to SG, and his grin disappeared. He staredat her with cold eyes.

But SG wasn't looking at his eyes. She saw the bulge in his tight leatherpants and felt weak. As he moved toward her, she automatically sank to herknees. He stopped, his crotch inches from her face. He wore a black codpiece.On one side of it was a metal tag.

He pointed and said, "Bite it, sweetie. Bite it and rip it off."

She did as she was commanded. There was the sound of Velcro tearing, andsuddenly his dick was exposed, semi-erect and much too large for so slim aman.

SG licked her lips and trembled. She wanted it, wanted it to fill her mouthand eject its juices down her throat.

"Lick it, sweetie," Meecham said softly. "Lick it til it'shard as a rock."

She licked it, slowly at first, then with growing intensity. She took thehuge purple head into her mouth.

He stepped back and drove his knee into her jaw. She fell backward.

"Did I say suck it?" he barked. He slammed the heel of his bootinto her exposed belly. She groaned and turned onto her side.

Meecham flipped her back onto her back, straddled her and knelt so thathis dick hovered just above her face.

"Who am I?" he asked, as he stroked his swollen organ.

"My lord and master," she said softly.

"And what are you?" he asked.

She hesitated. He removed his right hand from his dick and punched her inthe mouth.

"What are you?" he asked again.

She mumbled an incomprehensible answer. Blood trickled from the cornersof her mouth.

"I can't hear you, bitch," Meecham said, resuming his masturbation.

"I am . . . I am a worthless slut," she whispered.

"Again," he shouted. He was nearing climax.

"A worthless slu . . . ." She gagged on her own blood and coughed,spraying a foamy red geyser into the air. At that moment Meecham groaned loudly,and his creamy ejaculate spurted onto SG's face. Cum and blood mixed into apinkish mess, and Meecham reached down with his left hand and pressed it intoher mouth and nose and eyes. She struggled helplessly.

"What's the matter, bitch," he snarled. "Don't like strawberry?"

Gretchen stepped onto the stage. "Okay, Meecham. Great job, but that'senough for now." She knelt beside SG, grabbed a handful of her hair andraised her head as Clyde moved closer with the camera.

"Here's our pitiful little superheroine," Gretchen said. "Haveyou had a good time?" She made SG nod yes. "And did Meecham's bigdick excite you?" Again, a forced nod.

"And do you want this degrading session to end?" This time sheshook SG's head violently back and forth.

"I didn't think so," Gretchen said with a sweet smile. "Okay,Turgul, now it's your turn."

Turgul's approach was straightforward and brutal. He reached down, grabbedSG's collar and jerked her to her feet. Then he slammed his other fist intoher gut. She tried to double up, but he had too tight a grip on her collar.Three, four, five more punches landed with sickening thuds. She went limp inhis grip.

"Put her on the table," Gretchen said. "Then butt-fuck her."

Turgul tossed her face down on the heavy wooden table. Meecham grabbed herwrists and pulled until she was at the perfect angle for Turgul to assaulther from behind.

Gretchen handed Turgul a bottle of lotion, and he squirted it into SG'sasshole. Then he dropped his pants, revealing a dick almost as big as Meecham's.

SG writhed and screamed as he plunged it into her. Turgul fucked her slowly.He prided himself on his ability to postpone ejaculating.

As he continued pumping, Gretchen leaned over the table and brushed theblonde hair from SG's bloodied face.

"So pretty," she said. "She won't be pretty for long, though." Sheglanced up at Meecham. "When Turgul's finished with her, take her to thekitchen."

Meecham shrugged. "Sure, but what's the point? We're not going to eather."

Gretchen smiled brightly. "Who says we aren't?"

# # #

Turgul was pissed. Sure, he had gotten to fuck that hot little bitch Supergirlagain, and to do it in a way that would fill her with shame. But he wasn'tin control here; Gretchen and her freako sidekick Meecham were. Worse yet,they evidently planned to disfigure and butcher the slut, which would infuriatehis boss and mentor, Domo. And when Domo was furious, everyone was in danger — includingTurgul, even though his only offense was to be unlucky enough to be draftedby Gretchen into this enterprise.

Angry, he punched the wall of the long hallway that led back to the staffquarters. Well, if he was going to be punished anyway, he figured he oughtto at least get something out of it — something more than a piece ofass. For months, the image of Stick's crushed skull had haunted him. He hadhoped that Domo, after he was finished with her, would turn SG over to him.He planned to ram that studded steel dildo deep inside her pussy and tear aparteverything that made her a woman. Then he would attack her asshole. Now thatshe was weakened and could bleed, the assault on her most private parts wouldsurely be fatal.

Dildo of Death. Butt Ripper. He pictured the steel rod in a marketing videoaimed at wealthy perverts. "The sex toy that snuffed Supergirl can beyours for only . . . ." He paused in his mental rambling. How much wouldit be worth? Could he get away with selling it and pocketing the full price,without sharing with Domo? Hell, why even tell Domo?

"What's up, Turd Bull?" Meecham's voice startled him.

"Nuthin'," said Turgul. "Just heading back to my room."

"Don't you want to see what we're doing to Superslut?"

"Sure, but Domo's not gonna like it. He said to keep her intact untilhe decides what to do to her."

Meecham laughed. "You really are out of the loop, Turd Bull," hesaid.

"Quit calling me that," Turgul growled.

"I'll call you whatever I fucking please, Turd Bull. You don't countfor shit around here. Domo may have indulged you, but Domo's gone. Victim ofa coup. Gretchen's chief bitch now."

"What do you mean gone?" Turgul asked.

"I mean kaput, dead, not only dead but diced and sliced and out withthe garbage."

Turgul turned pale. "I don't believe you."

"After we check in on Superslut, I'll show you the video. Yes, we tapedit, the whole thing. It's amazing what a commercial food processor can do toa human body, once you've cut it into manageable chunks."

Turgul felt sick to his stomach. He knew Gretchen and Meecham and the otherweirdos were capable of any depravity, but he never expected them to standup to Domo.

When they reached the kitchen, Meecham opened the door and waved Turgulin.

SG hung upside down, legs spread 45 degrees, ankles tied with wire to chainsattached to the ceiling. Blood from Meecham's punch had dribbled down her faceand through her hair and formed a small pool on the floor. Her arms hung loose,her fingers only inches from the floor.

The chef was poking her body with a stubby forefinger.

"What do you think, Henri," Meecham asked.

" La viande, she is ferme .Yes, very good. She will be très délicieuse ,Monsieur."

"You bet your French ass, she will be," said Meecham.

"Is she still alive?" asked Turgul.

"Sure," said Meecham. He grabbed a meat-softening mallet froma table and swung it in wide, overhand arc. It landed on her crotch with athunk. She moaned, and her body jerked violently.

"Still alive, but not for long, Turd Bull. In an hour or so, Gretchenand the gang will be down here for the final festivities. Henri is going toshow us how to butcher a 126-pound woman in such a way as to feed 70 to 80guests. We won't have that many this evening, of course. We're going to freezemost of her. It'll all be on tape. We may launch a cable channel — 'Cookingwith Henri.' It would be a smashing success."

Henri smiled a tight little smile under his toothbrush mustache. "Youare too kind, Monsieur."

"If you're going to cut her apart anyway," said Turgul, "canI have her for a few minutes. I've got something I want to do to her."

"I'll bet you do," Meecham said with a leer. "But we can'trisk damaging the meat."

"I won't damage her. I promise. You won't notice any difference."

Meecham looked at him thoughtfully. "What do you have in mind?"

"There was a dildo down in the Body Shop. Domo kept it in a drawerunder the big table. We was gonna use it on her the night Stick was killed."

"And you want to use it on her now?" Meecham asked. "What'sthe point? You want to give her one last orgasm?"

"No fuckin' way. You have to see this thing — steel with wickedstuds. It'll tear her insides apart. And since you're gonna kill her and eather anyway, what the hell difference does it make?"

Meecham smiled. "This sounds too good not to share with the rest ofus. Go get the dildo. You'll get to use it, but not alone. We'll all be there,and Clyde will record it for posterity — and for all the bitch's fans."

# # #

Through the fog of pain, SG had heard the grisly conversation. Now the bigkitchen was quiet, except for the sound of Henri whistling at the far end.She opened her eyes and tried to make sense of what she saw. The room was upside-down.No, she must be upside-down.

She tilted her head so she could see her legs. It took almost all her strength.Freeing herself was impossible. But if she didn't get free, she would die ahorrible death.

She decided to throw herself on the mercy of the French chef.

"Help," she cried. But her voice was weak, and Henri kept whistling.

She tried again: "Help. Please help me."

The whistling stopped. She heard footsteps approaching, then she saw Henri.He put his fists on his hips and looked annoyed.

"Why do you plead?" he asked. "Your destin ,he cannot be escaped."

"Please," she whispered.

Henri rubbed his chin. "Perhaps I will help you," he said. "Perhapsyou will help me." He picked up a remote control and pushed a button.A motor whirred, chains rattled, and SG was lowered a few inches. Henri lookedat her, then down at himself. He nodded in satisfaction, pulled off his apronand unzipped his pants.

SG realized what he wanted and felt sick. A blowjob.

"Please," she said in a very small voice. "Please, not this."

" Mais oui," said the chef. "Why shouldI help you if you refuse?"

He stepped closer. His dick was inches from her face. Then he put his armsaround her waist and pulled her closer, and his organ was inside her mouth.

She began to suck, and as she did, she felt Henri's tongue licking her pussy.Despite herself, she began to get aroused. She put her arms around him andcaressed his pudgy behind. His smelled of sex and garlic.

They came simultaneously, he ejaculating profusely into her mouth, she wrackedwith ecstatic tremors.

Then he withdrew, wiped his dick with a dish towel and zipped up his pants.

" Merci, my child. That was very good."

She mumbled that it was good for her, too, and waited for him to use theremote control again to lower her to the floor. But when he pushed the button,she was pulled back up toward the ceiling, not down. When her face was at alevel with is, he stopped the motor.

"I am very sorry, Mademoiselle," he said. "IfI let you go, they would kill me."

"You bastard!" she sobbed.

" Oui, I am un salaud. ButI am also a very good chef, and I will cook you to perfection. I can assureyou."

At that moment, a door opened and voices filled the room: Gretchen's, Meecham's,Melville's, and others'. SG shuddered. Now she would die.

# # #

They tied her to a big, Y-shaped table. Gretchen stood between her spreadlegs and inserted two fingers into SG's pussy. "Amazing. The bitch isabout to die, and she's wet. Funny what can excite a woman."

"You're a woman," said Crustacean. "What excites you?"

"This," said Gretchen. "Torture. Degradation. Death. Thesame things that excite you, my little crab cake. And soon we can add cannibalismto our list of lovely perversions."

She turned and looked over the small crowd.

"Come here, Turgul," she said. "Meecham says you have a veryspecial treat for Superslut — and for us."

Turgul stepped forward. He carried a long object wrapped in newspaper.

Gretchen moved aside, and Turgul took her place between SG's legs. He heldup his package, then ripped away the paper, revealing the deadly dildo. Thesmall audience applauded.

"Show it to our guest of honor, Turgul," said Gretchen.

Turgul turned and held it over SG. She began to tremble violently.

"No," she cried. "Please. Kill me quickly. Kill me now. Don'tuse that thing on me."

Gretchen close to SG and stroked her tear-stained cheek.

"Yes, we will kill you," she said softly. "Of course, wewill kill you. But not quickly — especially not now, when Turgul hascome up with such a wonderful way to entertain you." She looked up andsaid sharply, "Melville, get in close. I want you to keep your camerafocused on her face. Clyde will take care of the other end."

Several members of the crew had brought in powerful lights, and suddenlythe scene was ablaze. SG blinked and turned her head back and forth, searchingfor a sympathetic face, someone who would show mercy. There was none.

Turgul leaned forward and said, "Okay, honey, this is for Stick."

He pressed the rounded end of the dildo against the lips of her pussy andrubbed it gently against them. She moaned softly, and her pussy got wetter.

"She likes it," Meecham said.

"She won't like this," answered Turgul. He shoved the dildo threeinches inside her, and the sharp studs, protruding half an inch each from thesteel cylinder, began their deadly work. SG screamed and struggled. She archedher back and tried to draw her pelvis away from the offending rod. Crustaceanpressed her belly back down on the table, and Turgul pushed the dildo evendeeper.

Her screams for mercy were drowned out by the cheers of the crowd.

"She won't last long," said Crustacean. "Look, she's alreadybleeding like a stuck pig."

Indeed, blood was gushing from her vagina. The flow increased as Turgulrotated the steel rod, drawing the studs across tender internal tissues.

"Six inches," said Turgul. "Halfway there."

"Finish her off," said Meecham. He was beginning to feel queasy.

"Not a chance," said Turgul. "Nice and easy does it."

He pushed it in another two inches. Spasms of pain wracked SG's body. Insteadof screams, she made strange gasping and gurgling noises. Her eyes had rolledback, and only the whites showed.

Turgul worked the dildo around inside her.

Suddenly, SG's struggles ceased. She lay senseless, perhaps lifeless.

"Aw, shit," said Crustacean. "Just when it was getting good."

"It's over. She's dead," said Gretchen. "Turn her over toHenri."

"Not yet," said Turgul. He looked down on SG's bleeding body,motionless except for the rise and fall of her lower belly, where he manipulatedthe dildo.

"One last push, the one Stick never got to give you, sweetheart." Hejammed the rod all the way to the grip. Twelve inches of studded steel werenow inside her.

SG seemed to revive, no longer an animal in pain but someone in a strangereverie. She looked into the camera, less than a foot from her face. Her lipstried to form a word, but then she was convulsed and coughed blood.

"Son of a bitch," Melville yelled. "She got it all over mylens."

Gretchen pressed two fingers against SG's neck. "No pulse. She's finished."

They untied her, and Henri took over. He placed a bucket on the floor, turnedSG so that her head hung over the edge of the table, then slashed her throatwith a short, broad-bladed knife. Blood flowed out, but slowly. Her heart nolong pumped.

"Very good," said Henri. "I will need some help." Henodded to Turgul. "You are big and strong. You will carry her over there,and we will gut her."

The crowd began to thin. Gretchen said, "Clyde, stay with them. I wanttape of every step. But I don't need to stay here any longer."

"Neither do I," said Meecham, joining her.

"Cheez," growled Turgul. "What a bunch of pussies. Okay,Henri, you can count on me. I'll rip her guts out by hand, once you slice heropen."

# # #

Two weeks later, at a private club on the top floor of the second tallestbuilding of Metropolis, Superman and Commissioner Baron had just finished dinnerand were lighting up cigars.

Baron blew a smoke ring into the air and said, "The time has come,my friend, to lay our cards on the table — to share intelligence."

Superman, adjusted his blue and red tie, smiled and said, "Sure. Yougo first."

"We have an informant," said Baron, "one who's proved reliablein the past. He tells us that Domo is dead, the victim of an internal powerstruggle. That's the good news."

"And the bad?"

"It was Gretchen MacBride who pulled it off."

Superman's nose wrinkled, as if he had just detected a foul odor.

"Yes, I see you've heard about her," continued Baron. "Andperhaps you've also heard she is virtually untouchable. Her connections arevery impressive. Her father was the governor's chief fund raiser in the lastelection, and an uncle is dean of the medical school."

"I knew she had friends in high places," said Superman. "Ijust didn't know the details. Is there anything I can do?"

"Yes. You can answer a few questions."


"Where is you cousin?"

"Kara Zor-El? She's far from here — safe and sound."

"You're sure?" asked Baron.

"Absolutely," said Superman. "I saw her only two days ago."

"Well, that's a relief. We heard . . . . our informant told us thatSupergirl had been killed in some kind of snuff ritual. He said he saw themkill her."

Superman twirled a brandy snifter in his hands and said nothing.

"And after they killed her," said Baron, leaning forward and speakingmore softly, "they butchered and ate her."

The snifter shattered, and glass and brandy spattered over Superman's expensivesuit.

"My God," said Baron, "are you okay?"

"Yes, yes. You know broken glass can't hurt me."

A waiter rushed up with a towel. Baron handed it to Superman and said, "Thankyou, James. We'll tidy up here. Sorry if the rug got wet. Send me the cleaningbill."

When they were alone again, Superman leaned forward and put his face inhis hands.

"What's wrong?" Baron asked. He looked deeply worried.

Superman was quiet for a long time. Finally, he said, "I've sent ayoung woman to her death."

"You mean the victim? You knew her?"

"I befriended her, then I set her up. She was a decoy — to protectKara. She looked like her, exactly like her. I knew I was placing this womanin danger, I even tipped off Domo where he could find her. Somehow, I thoughtit would all work out. He'd realize his mistake and let her go — or evengive her a job. God, what a fool I was!"

"Well, nothing can be done about it now," said Baron, clumsilypatting Superman's knee. "Just one of those things. What's important isyour cousin is alive and safe. They think they killed her. They won't be lookingfor her anymore."

# # #

But Gretchen was looking for her; she was lookingfor Supergirl in her dreams. Ever since the banquet at which the young womanhad been consumed, Gretchen had slept badly. It wasn't a case of remorse. Somethingwas wrong with the picture. Something was wrong with the almost effortlesslysuccessful capture, torture and death of the slut Gretchen hated so much.

In a recurring dream, Gretchen watched as Turgul drove the dildo into SGand churned it inside her. It moved like some restless animal in her guts,pushing up her lower abdomen. It could pop out at any moment, in a bloody,alien birth. What was it about this image? What was wrong?

Gretchen awakened with a start. She looked at the clock — 2:33 inthe morning. No sense trying to get back to sleep. She was too excited.

She got out of bed, lit a cigarette, picked up the TV remote and puncheda button. The huge flat screen on the wall lit up. Two talking heads on CNNdebating the latest coup in Russia. Fuck it. Another button, and now it wasNational Geographic on pandas.

She walked over to the shelf of DVDs and tapes. They were in neat rows,except one tape. It lay on its side on the edge of the shelf.

Supergirl #6. The one she had watched two days ago. The one she needed tosee again — slowly and carefully.

She popped it the VCR. They were tying Supergirl to the table in the kitchen.The quality of the tape was poor, and there was no sound. This was a transferbased on raw footage, before Clyde had begun editing. The camera moved in fora close-up of the girl's pussy. Then a shot of her face, eyes searching forhelp that she knew wouldn't come. Melville had shot this part.

Then back to Clyde's work. Turgul was pressing the end of the dildo againsther labia. She was responding — sexually. The bitch couldn't help it,even as she stared into the face of death.

There! Just above her pubic hair and slightly off-center. A white line onthe skin, perhaps three inches long.

A scar.

Whatever their weaknesses when exposed to kryptonite, Superman and his kindon't get appendicitis.

They don't have operations.

They don't have scars.

So who was the little bitch they had butchered, Gretchen wondered. Oh, well,what difference did it make. Supergirl was still alive. That's what counted.

The tape continued to roll. Gretchen, deep in thought, suddenly realizedwhat was on the screen: the gutting. She shuddered. Turgul was enthusiasticallyripping out the young woman's innards. The scene revolted her.

Yet it also fascinated her. She couldn't look away.

And she couldn't help but think that Supergirl was alive and there was thedelicious possibility that the butchery could all be repeated — thistime with the right victim.

It was only a matter of time. In a week, a month, a year, Supergirl wouldreappear in Metropolis. She would be drawn back to crime-fighting, like a mothto the flame.

Like a lamb to slaughter.


Same as Dead Ringer Videos

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Into the Woods Dana had watched most of the hotel’s library of On-Demand movies by the time Lily came sulking through the front door sometime after dawn. Without a word, the succubus disappeared into the bathroom, and the shower kicked on. Frowning, Dana checked the time. Why was Lily taking a shower? She figured that the succubus could just blink her eyes and become clean, or whatever, but maybe demons needed to bathe frequently to chase away the stink of sulfur. Curious, she cracked open...

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Safe Harbour Lily gazed across the water, her eyes trying to find any sign of land. She was floating in the ocean, the technicolor clouds above her tumbling about like cotton candy in a dryer. She was unable to get enough lift out of the water to fly, and the dark depths below shifted as if alive. She was in the Dreamscape, of that she was certain. “Lily...” It was Dana’s voice, but it sounded impossibly far away. She had been hearing Dana for a couple of days now. At first she had tried...

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Dead Stick 13

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Dead Stick 12

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Dead Stick 10

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Dead Stick 8

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Dead Stick 5

"Mr. Greenstick," Celina called, "all the students are now gathered in the practice room." "Thank you Celina I'll be there momentarily, I have to gather a few things." Today I was going to start on their pitiful offensive skills. Walking in I handed each a small book, they each looked at them and laughed. Growling I waved a hand at each of them soon they weren't laughing. I watched as the spell slowly crept up each of the young mages. As each started to panic, I watched...

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Dead or Alive Xtreme 3

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, video games, franchises, developers etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own Dead or Alive or any of its characters. I am making no money as a result of the...

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Dead Mans Fantasies

You wake up feeling slightly dizzy. The world around you is gloomy and strange, red streaks of a dead man's blood lining the grimy walls. You push yourself up on the cold, wet concrete of the alleyway, and feel your head. "ooh, why am I so dizzy?" you ask yourself, looking around and surprised to see police tape and several cops standing around. You walk over to them, and call out. "Hey! What's going on down here? What happened?" They don't answer, and keep talking to each other as if they...

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Dead Right

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Dead Stupid

You know what happens when you tempt the Devil? You end up at an auto service station in the middle of nowhere on a holiday weekend while a guy tries to find a tire that will fit your car. That is how the Devil gets his due, all because I was too lazy and stupid to replace the spare tire after I had used it. Tomorrow I kept telling myself, Damn! The service station attendant, the same guy who had towed my car, hung up the phone and looked at me. "Mister, the shop in Oakdale has a tire that...

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Dead StickChapter 12

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Deadly Secrets

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Deadlines and Dares

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Deadly Smoke

Deadly Smoke        Lisa was 18.  She was a bright young girl.  However she was not pretty, or even very healthy.  She had numerous medical ailments.  Her eyes were bad and so she wore a thick pair of glasses.  Her parents loved pig tails so that is what she wore.  Her face seemed as cratered as the moon.  She was allergic to practically everything.  The greatest issue she had was her Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  The slightest thing would set it off and she would go into a coughing...

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Dead StickChapter 11

As I continued to stare at the door to the bathroom that Cloe had just gone through, I could still hear my sister laughing at me. Then I heard her sharp intake of breath, oh crap she'd obviously gotten to my deep thoughts of Cloe, I told my sister a...

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Walking to the old factory building I saw Celina awaiting me, "Damn! Sorry Celina in all the activity yesterday I forgot to code the building to allow you access when you got here in the morning." "It's alright sir, I figured it was something like that, no need to explain," she sweetly replied. Wow! This was a definite improvement in her character from what she'd been before, now caring and meticulous compared to before when she was wild and dangerous. Opening the building he pulled...

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Deadly Sex Games Ch 08

Working the streets for a black pimp was very exciting at first, and Sally enjoyed the exploding orgasms she experienced just from living dangerously and having sex with strange men. But after she got down to the routine of sucking and fucking one dirty cock after another, and being forced to suck most of them to ejaculation, Sally eventually realized that the sensual thrill she was seeking here was going away. She was getting itchy for even more dangerous action and began thinking about...

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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 11 Bait

Hobo and the Proper Villain were a common sight in the Crossroads. And they usually drew smiles with the PV riding along on Hobo’s back. Pilar or Walker, often both of them, took Hobo out almost every day. But even when she wasn’t along, her presence is felt. I was walking through the Wrigley lobby one afternoon and I heard Pilar speaking firmly to Scout and shy little Wally Maypole, “Remember, it’s Hobo’s walk, not yours. It’s a dog walk, not a people walk.” Both men nodded...

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Dead by Daylight Explicit Fanfic The Trappers Agitation

She crept away slowly on her hands and knees, her heart pounding like a drum inside her chest, jeans covered in mud and dirt. She covered her ears and shut her eyes tightly as she heard terrible cries of pain echoing in the distance as he took them away one by one, sacrificing them to this strange creature, this Entity. She cried into her hands, holding her mouth shut trying to stay quiet. Whilst streams of tears ran down her face, she quietly prayed, “Please, don’t let him catch me, I don’t...

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