Dead Stick 12 free porn video

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Finally finished I saw that the golden hue of light in the sky meant the sun was coming up. Dressed in a flash I flexed my magic, seventeen levels higher was really nothing to sneeze at, plus I was betting that Cedric was counting on me increasing. Something was tickling the back of my mind; I knew that he was up to something I had a feeling what it was, but I just couldn't seem to put my finger on it. Well, I thought, I might as well get to class; if I did survive they would still need the training in order to make it in both worlds.

Arriving I saw that the office was open, a smile lit up my face, good girl Celina was back! Walking in, she was there waiting for me a huge smile on her face. "Morning Mr. Greenstick! I have been practising the exercises that I saw you teaching the students the last few days I was off. I am proud to tell you that I have grown seven and a half levels and I plan to use them tonight! I promise Mr. Greenstick that I won't be as easy to step on next time!"

I smiled hugely; her power had been closing in on the top level of mage's when I knew her 175 years ago. Damn I thought I hoped that this wasn't a trend, if it got too far out of hand the council would step in. I really didn't want to go against the entire council, with my levels now I could easily kill half of them. Though now that I thought of it the way Cloe was going she was up there a fair piece herself.

"I am glad that you have increased, in the coming days I feel that it will serve us both very well." I told her as she started to beam at my praise of her. "Mr. Greenstick," she started somewhat shyer all of a sudden, "I remember a lot of things now. I wanted to apologize to you for hurting you in the past. I was very sick in my mind and I realize that you loved me greatly. May I make a confession to you?"

I was a little hesitant but slowly nodded, I still loved this woman, more than I had any other, she was after all my first real love that I had been completely serious about. "I guess,” I answered, still unsure whether I shouldn't call the doctor or not.

"I..." her face was suddenly red as she was blushing! Holy shit she was embarrassed. "I am different somewhat than I was before, I am not the same that I was; I am now this Celina and will always be." Turning away she started to walk to the door. Almost in a whisper I heard her say, "I know as I said I hurt you as I did myself, but I still love you Tyrome." With that she walked out the door leaving me stunned as hell! What in the hell was going on? I hadn't had a serious relationship in over 100 years (since my now ex-wife tried to knife me in the back quite literally). I couldn't get laid if I was the last male on a planet of all horny women. Suddenly I have 2 women that I have known for a long time wanting me. For a moment I thought that I ought to recall the doctor and bust him in the face just for the hell of it.

I really didn't have time to go after her as the first of the class started to arrive. The rest of the day I went through the motions trying to teach the class but I kept hearing what both Cloe and Celina had told me. Christ this was all I needed I was already screwed enough being as far behind Cedric as I was but now this! Half way through the class I heard a soft giggling and knew that my sister was finally awake.

She asked startling me out of my stupor.

I shouted at her in my mind.

Defiant to a Tee she retorted,

I heard Eluria gasp then she was apologizing, I told my sister ducking as an errant blast flew by me. Looking I saw that Gena's partner had momentarily lost control. Stopping the whole class I started to point out that Gena's partner had let her emotions over rule her mind and thinking. As their power and emotions are linked it is always a good thing to keep emotions in check.

I pulled the young Pena out of the groups to demonstrate. "Now I want you to think of me as an enemy and you are mad, fire at me." His face held shock, "It's ok I am far more powerful than you are, you can't hurt me."

He fired at me but I knew he wasn't mad yet, so I thought a moment, "Hey BOY! So you've been to bed with that little slut you are using? I bet she's a great lay, think she'd give me a ride?" I watched as his face contorted into rage and he let loose a wild burst of fire that barely hit my shield. "Alright can anyone see what was wrong?" Pena was still seething but I could see he had finally got what I had done.

Several of the students raised their hands; I pointed to Gena's partner, "Yes miss Fina, what was wrong?"

"He had lost almost all control when he got mad, though the power was briefly increased, it was also wide spread and easy to avoid." She replied.

I nodded and looked at the rest of the class, "Anything else? Any observations Mr. Pena?"

I saw that he was thinking then it seemed clarity struck him. "I noticed that after I fired I was weakened for a few moments, this would make it easier for an enemy to destroy me?"

"Very good Mr. Pena, always try to stay calm, it has saved my life more than a few times. Now then I want everyone to do your exercises all of you are starting to near lower mage level. I am going to have you doing these each day this week; it should start to raise you even closer." I watched as they all started in on their motions, out of the corner of my eye I saw that Celina was also doing them good girl! I had been hoping that she would be listening and get in on the act herself.

Christ what was I going to do with her? I already had Cloe fawning over me but Celina also? I wasn't even sure that the council would allow me to have two wives, even one for that matter besides this time next week I might be dead as things were going. I started to measure their levels again. Ok, a quick lesson again on the power of mages, there are 40 levels of sub-mages, though not really that powerful 'til they are near mage level. Then there are 20 levels of mages. After that there are the few clan leaders, there being 5 levels to them. Then came the council if I remembered right there were 20 levels of them, I had gone beyond that well over a week ago.

When I'd met Celina centuries ago she was near the top of the mage level list I'd say she was border line of the clan leader levels now. Cloe had already surpassed the council leader and was still increasing. I sat and did an exercise myself I still had two or three to equal Cedric which was all well and good but could I actually use them? This was the main concern I had going into this battle with him. After only a few minutes I had gone up another half, I estimated I needed another two and a half levels to pass him.

Passing a hand over the class I felt that they had really improved in such a short time I felt none of them below sub-mage level 10 now, with any hope they would all be lower mage level next week then the last two weeks I could really start their education. At present I was just teaching them to stay alive and increase their power. Once they were mage level they would be more targets for the scum out there.

As I felt there were two at sub-5 most at sub-8 or 9 just one at 10 (Gena) that one was more of a healer than a defensive fighter, though I felt she was definitely improving. Now that I knew who she was and what she was I would be able to teach her better I just hoped that all I did really was sinking into their skulls. Reclining back I went at the exercises again feeling my levels increase even as I started, relaxing I knew that I couldn't be out that long so I tried to limit how long I had my eyes closed. An hour later I heard several of my students call me immediately I opened my eyes to see several of them standing around me.

I heard Gena's soft gasp when she drew closer to me, I'll be damned only sub-mage 10 and she could already detect levels most impressive. I'd have to complement her later; I arose and had them pair off again according to the levels I felt. We had been at it for most of the day when I heard a shout from the outer office, crap now what? I told the rest of the class to stay put as I erected a shield on my way out the door. I saw that there were several men that were hiding from Celina, good girl I thought. Reaching out I froze all of them.

"I am obviously dealing with a bunch of very low class idiots! In case you fools haven't noticed I am a hell of a lot higher than I was, perhaps you'd like me to unfreeze you and let you find out right before I completely destroy you." All but one of the men's eyes were growing wider as I spoke I figured as much, releasing them I told them they were free to go but they owed me a favor and that I'd remember them. Each nodded and was gone extremely quick.

"Now then as defiant as you are, do you think you can beat me. I highly doubt it but you're welcome to try." I told the man.

I unfroze the idiot and started to power up to almost full power, that I believe was enough as he shook his head no and was gone as quick if not quicker than his friends. I reached out to where Cedric was and shouted for him. Appearing a moment later he started to laugh, "So you really don't care about these little wimpy children. The shield you erected will fail soon then their weak power will add to my own."

Shocked a moment it was my turn to laugh, this of course pissed Cedric off to no end as his face contorted into a mask of rage. "You dare to laugh at the greatest mage that has ever lived? I could kill you now brother far easier than you think even with the piss ant power of our sister that you have. I will wait, I need you to be as high as you can be so that when I suck your soul I will indeed be unstoppable not even the council combined will be enough to stop me!" Shooting a bolt at me I deflected it then reached out and started to rip away at his defenses, screaming he again tried to pull away but I held fast.

"You've been fucking with the wrong mage you sorry piece of shit!" I shouted over his increasing screams, "Whatever you are planning it won't work, ‘cause I am here to stop you like always!" Finally he screamed even louder then wrenched his self loose but not before I got a sense of what his plan truly was. So I thought, he'd planned on me taking one of my siblings from him, problem is I had taken far more of them than he'd intended. Even with the orders he'd implanted deep in her there was far too much of her for them to really control her plus I felt I had taken the last bit of her from him.

I told her as I reached in and ripped the orders out of her. I heard her gasp then cry but it was short lived when I heard her tear filled voice.

Nodding I saw in her mind other orders that she pointed out and were quickly eliminated. I came to, or arrived back in my body Celina was there trying to clean up the mess she'd held her own far better than I'd hoped for. Walking up to her I removed the barrier to my students and reached Celina when I felt my energy drop, crap.

"You did an excellent job but," I heard several of the students in the doorway, "I think you need to call the council, I'm afraid that Cedric took a bit out of me with this latest battle." Celina's eyes went wide as she started to scream for the council even as Pena was also calling his father. I turned to the class, "I am proud of each of you, you are progressing far better than I thought you would, " I wobbled on my legs falling to my knees, that's when I heard Gena gasp, then Cloe and Celina started to scream, oh gee! I hadn't noticed the blood on my forehead ok Cedric was really getting desperate if he was trying to injure me, good, the ass! I felt several hands grab me as I felt the energy leave me and the world spiraling into darkness. Crap this was going to ruin my whole damn day!

I awoke an hour later with a loud groan I felt several people around me before I opened my eyes. Opening them slightly I felt the pain start, crap! It felt as if my head was splitting still I managed to get my eyes open though I just didn't seem to have enough strength to get off the floor yet. Celina lifted my head and Cloe poured the foulest smelling concoction ugh! The taste was even worse than the smell though I had to admit I felt my strength returning quickly.

Looking around I saw the council standing a ways off huh? Why were they over there? I looked the other way and soon got the answer. Tom and Evelyn Timmings, Gregor and Trina Vidon were beside Cloe and Celina. Shaking my head my eyes opened wide.

"Why in the hell are you here? I thought you were all going to stay in the keep, and YOU," I said as I turned to Gregor, "you told me you'd back off!"

Gregor gave me one of those irritating smiles of his as he answered, "So I lied, what are you going to do? You have never been able to catch me, what makes you think that with your added power you are faster?" Sitting up I grabbed my head as I started to fall back towards the floor, oh crap still dizzy what had Cedric been trying to do weaken me so others could kill me? Yes, I was starting to see he was; it was almost like what I'd been trying to teach my students. If the enforcer was weakened then he was an easy target.

Gregor and Tom rushed forward and helped me to sit up, "Thank you, but again why are you here?" I asked them both.

Tom smiled and looked at Gregor then Trina, "We were following the energy of a titanic battle, and it took me a little while to realize that it was you Tyrome. I arrived a moment after you faded." Tom told him.

"Hey what can I say," Gregor started. "I felt it also though I had a little trouble finding you,” that was from Trina.

Lowering my voice I told all four of them, "Look I appreciate all of you coming here, really I do, but this is my brother we are dealing with. He is the sneakiest son of a bitch there is, I don't want any of you hurt as I said I owe you far too much, now please go home I will end this one way or the other but I will end it." Tom nodded that he understood turned to talk to Gregor who's eyes opened wide then he hung his head and nodded yes. Both Evelyn and Trina were trying to protest but Tom quieted them with just a look.

"Gregor and I, my wife and daughter will honor your wishes, we will though as for Johnathon," here Tom shook his head, "I cannot nor will I even try to tell him that he has to honor your wishes. Even with your increased power Tyrome you still aren't a match for him. I know you have enough tricks that you could probably put him down but I wouldn't try his recuperation is fantastic." With that they all flashed out.

The council slowly made their way to me and the women, Cloe's eyes were wide at the way I had talked to Tom Timmings. She wasn't that old but she did know of the sub-council rule, but what had amazed her more was the simple fact that Tom had relented as easily as he did. The council nodded saying that they were behind me no matter what my decision then they too flashed out. I thought a moment then my eyes flew wide, that son of a bitch he was going to tell Johnathon! ARRGH! I'd never be free of owing him if Johnathon showed up to help.

I told the class that we were done for the day, that I was proud of them. They all shook my hand, and then started to flash out. Gena was the last, "You really should have let grandpa help you and uncle Gregor. I am afraid that Grandpa is going to interrupt Daddy and Momma." Giggling a moment she stated, "I'm glad Grandma is a good healer, he was limping a week the last time he broke in on them." With that she was gone Cloe and Celina were the only ones left when I heard my sister speak up.

I was cringing at her tone she was right but this was about family, my family and my shame at not being able to stop Cedric from killing all those I loved.

I saw that both Celina and Cloe were looking around looking for something. "What's going on? What are you two doing,” I asked.

"I heard a young woman's voice," Celina told me a surprised look on her face.

"I did too though I could swear that I have heard it before." Cloe said looking at me to explain to Celina. "I will see you at home," as she looked at Celina then me, "afterward." With that she flashed out, crap, just like her to leave me like this but then she must have been talking to Celina and her feelings for me great!

"Uh," I started trying to figure out just how I was going to tell her, "A great many things have happened to me since we were together. I have made a great many enemies including Cedric, as I am sure you heard is my brother."

Celina nodded looking at me with a look I hadn't seen from her in well over 175 years, "I know all this the battle, your partner, the loss of your family. Had it been me Tyrome I would not have made it as long as you."

Sighing I knew that it was now or never. "The time before now when I battled Cedric I managed to rip a part of him free, it was the soul of my sister." I heard Celina gasp as tears started to fall from her eyes. "She was finally free, but was afraid that Cedric would recapture her if she didn't hide. The only place she had was in me, say hello Elura." I told my sister.

"Hello," I heard my sister's voice, "I am so happy to meet the one woman who loved my brother as great as you did thank you." Both Celina and I were staring at each other with gaping mouths then Celina nodded yes before she flashed out. Umm I hope this didn't go bad as I had two women after me and my god they had such tight asses.


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Hard Knobs and Broomsticks

[email protected] Another story by Pagan.Hard Knobs and Broomsticks "That was a wonderful evening darling," the raven haired womanpatted his knee as the car slowed for the bend, he snatched a quick glanceat his wife, "Glad you liked it, nice to go some where different."She turned and looked at the two girls behind, one wasmore asleep then the other as she looked at them she smiled, "I thinkour girls had a great time?"One of them returned the look by forcing an angelic smilepast a...

1 year ago
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Salla and Savva crouched low as they worked their way through the jungle flora. The waist high bushes provided perfect cover along with the camouflage of the leopard fur shorts and bras the duo wore. The two long brown haired jungle women would not easily be seen. The tribal explorers moved stealthy and silent as a jungle cat. They edged toward the strange sounds. If the sounds were voices they were not like any voices they ever heard. These voice-like sounds had a deep tone. Never before while...

2 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 47 Deadstick

As Wormwood raged across the world, the chaos served the Tyrants interests. By January, Canada and Mexico had fallen under their control. As governments struggled to maintain control of their populations in the devastating wake of the plague, Warlocks arose. Men and Women who swore dark Pacts to Lucifer. Oppressed peoples and beleaguered governments turned to Mark and Mary Glassner. And the Tyrant's price was simple—submission. –excerpt from 'The History of the Tyrants' Theocracy', by...

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If you ever wanted to enjoy a bunch of girls with big tits, but you aren’t a fan of curvy bodies, then you were probably wondering where you can get content with skinny chicks that carry huge milk jugs on them. Well, that’s exactly the problem I’m trying to solve for you today. You see, there are many people just like you who wanted to see huge tits on skinny chicks, so the DEFI4NT network on went ahead and created a subreddit called /r/titsonastick. It’s a phenomenal sub where you...

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The stickup

"Why can't I just once find a convenient spot," Merion said to her self while circling the parking lot looking for an open spot!!! Two more times around and there it was, a BMW was pulling out of the spot closest to the bank's front door!!! "Finally, a little bit of luck," she said with a sigh, while gliding her Bonneville in the newly vacant stall!!! "Where's my check book," she said, while looking through her purse, "it's gotta be here someplace!!!" With her nose buried in her purse, she was...

4 years ago
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Dead not Alive Women to die for Part 1

Mai Shiranui was in trouble, or at least, the guards at a secret M.I.S.T. facility who had uncovered the kunoichi trying to infiltrate it, believed they had her firmly under control. She had decided to help fellow kunoichi Ayane and Kasumi take down a rather significant threat to world peace, and set off for the facility situated on Kauai Island, concealed beneath a steep hill. However, intelligent AI security sounded an alarm after scanning of all persons entering the facility revealed that...

2 years ago
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Dead Stick 71

We started blasting away at each other, damn the pup had been doing his exercises, he'd risen his levels a few also good I wasn't AS worried about killing him but I still could if I wasn't careful. I'd taken my mind off the exercise at hand and let lose a fully charged blast, realizing my mistake I wrapped the boy and yanked him out of the way as the blast took out the entire back wall. ‘Ah crap,’ I thought, ‘this wasn't going to sit well with the owner and the boss.’ Shaking my head I...

1 year ago
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Dead Stick 6

That night returning home I finally took all 3 clips off her, though I didn't relieve her I did finally ease her torment. "What's the matter Tyrome? Ya going soft? She said I could almost feel her thumbing her nose at me. "No, I don't want ya getting killed if that damn brother shows up, me included, why not be a good girl, and clam the fuck up a while huh?" I told her hoping against hope that she took it to heart and actually give me a break. I should have known it was too...

3 years ago
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Dead Doll epilogue

They give us the key to the only suite there, even though we only intend to use the bathroom. Lucy sits down on the toilet to pee before she joins me in the shower.“We should stay here a few days,” she says as she changes place with me under the running water. I tell her I don't think it's a good idea. I just want to go home.After the shower, before I put my clothes back on, I crouch down and open the mini bar. There's snack, a champagne bottle, two beers, red wine and Voss. Except for the Voss...

1 year ago
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Dead and Horny Book 1 and 2Chapter 2

Into the Woods Dana had watched most of the hotel’s library of On-Demand movies by the time Lily came sulking through the front door sometime after dawn. Without a word, the succubus disappeared into the bathroom, and the shower kicked on. Frowning, Dana checked the time. Why was Lily taking a shower? She figured that the succubus could just blink her eyes and become clean, or whatever, but maybe demons needed to bathe frequently to chase away the stink of sulfur. Curious, she cracked open...

2 years ago
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Dead and Horny Book 1 and 2Chapter 6

Safe Harbour Lily gazed across the water, her eyes trying to find any sign of land. She was floating in the ocean, the technicolor clouds above her tumbling about like cotton candy in a dryer. She was unable to get enough lift out of the water to fly, and the dark depths below shifted as if alive. She was in the Dreamscape, of that she was certain. “Lily...” It was Dana’s voice, but it sounded impossibly far away. She had been hearing Dana for a couple of days now. At first she had tried...

2 years ago
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Alison Goes to London chapter 4 Fucking Fuck My Fucking Cunt With Your Fucking FuckStick

Friday 30th September, 2050Dearest Mommy,I am sooooo sorry it has taken me so long to write. I have been so fucking busy – or vice versa! The first two weeks of this term have been the fuckingest I have ever had in my life. In Cunts’ classes we have been doing every variation of cock-in-cunt fucking I have ever heard of: mish, cowgirl, doggy, spoons, sideways, corkscrew, sitting, wheelbarrow, standing – you name it! I never knew there were so many ways of just getting my pussy fucked! Cunts...

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 49 Rays Secret Nightstick

"Wow, these are just so, ouch, neat!" Christi snapped the shiny plastic clip onto her nipple. It changed colour quickly from dark blue to a bright green as it bit into the blue-eyed brunette's soft pink flesh. "Kathy, you've got to try these!" "What are they?" Kathy answered distractedly as she admired the big black strap-on in the full length mirror. "They're called Mood Clamps. They change colour depending on how turned on you are." She put her arms around Kathy waist and began...

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Undead Nightmare

Welcome to Undead Nightmare, a zombie apocalypse survival story. This story will take place in a generic fictional city infested with hoards of undead. This story doesn't have an erotic focus, but it may contain a few sex scenes. Though they will likely be fairly short. To begin the story, select a character.

2 years ago
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Dead Stick 13

Then there was Johnathon, with his wild magic he was far stronger than I was to a point. His father had said I did have quite a few tricks that I could take him down with though I wasn't all that sure I could keep him down that long. Sighing remembering Tom's words I knew that sooner or later Johnathon would be involved, it was just when I wasn't sure. Flashing out to my apartment I was walking up the last flight of stairs when I felt a strange energy. "I suggest if you wish to...

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Dead Stick 10

"I can't take all the credit for that, some yes, but not all, I had a visitor, and your wife interfered." I told my friend. "A visitor? Hell must have been someone awful high in the ranks to shake her like that," he replied. I just shrugged, "I guess, it was Evelyn Timmings, a very old friend and savior of mine though she'd never admit it." "Y ... you mean Lady Evelyn Timmings?" I just nodded. It was at that point that my friend started to laugh I mean REALLY laugh, so...

3 years ago
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Dead Stick 8

I'd finished my exercises going up now 6 3/4 more than when I started a few days ago. Now at least I could stop him a bit maybe even hurt him enough for him to have to lay low and heal but I needed to go higher if I even wanted a slim chance to survive. Sighing I knew that I'd have to put more on the shield again. Maybe gain a few more days but I couldn't keep it going up or he'd catch on, break free sooner, then, I was dead for sure as most of the world was. The hard thing right now was...

2 years ago
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Dead Stick 5

"Mr. Greenstick," Celina called, "all the students are now gathered in the practice room." "Thank you Celina I'll be there momentarily, I have to gather a few things." Today I was going to start on their pitiful offensive skills. Walking in I handed each a small book, they each looked at them and laughed. Growling I waved a hand at each of them soon they weren't laughing. I watched as the spell slowly crept up each of the young mages. As each started to panic, I watched...

4 years ago
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Dead or Alive Xtreme 3

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, video games, franchises, developers etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own Dead or Alive or any of its characters. I am making no money as a result of the...

3 years ago
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Dead Mans Fantasies

You wake up feeling slightly dizzy. The world around you is gloomy and strange, red streaks of a dead man's blood lining the grimy walls. You push yourself up on the cold, wet concrete of the alleyway, and feel your head. "ooh, why am I so dizzy?" you ask yourself, looking around and surprised to see police tape and several cops standing around. You walk over to them, and call out. "Hey! What's going on down here? What happened?" They don't answer, and keep talking to each other as if they...

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Dead Meat

Dead Meat By Margaret Jeanette Katherine Lubbock sat at her desk talking to Jerry Smith who sat across from her. He handed her an envelope, which contained pictures. She looked at all of the pictures. They were of her husband having sex with three different women. She had suspected he was cheating on her so she had hired Jerry who was the best private investigator in town. He left and she wondered about what to do with her husband of eight years. She didn't want to divorce him...

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Dead Dames Dont Lick

Dead Dames Don?t Lick Dead Dames Don?t Lick- a short story -by Eve Adorer I saw the silhouette. I heard the tap. It was light. It was polite. The glass in the door was in no danger of breaking. I?d had it with this job. My partner had just copped a forty-five between the pink-capped mountains. Loathe funerals, even though I do look great in black. ?Die young and make a great corpse? they say. Sam?d done her best. She?d looked a whole lot better not box-wrapped though. Me and...

3 years ago
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Dead Right

Preface A few readers of my first contribution, »The Child Molestress«, took note of my partially South African background and asked for tales from that far-removed country. With this series of unconnected short stories I try to comply with those requests. When reading these, it should be borne in mind that during my time in South Africa, Apartheid was rife and some of the stories will only make sense when this concept of enforced segregation is understood. I do not condone Apartheid, whether...

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Dead Stupid

You know what happens when you tempt the Devil? You end up at an auto service station in the middle of nowhere on a holiday weekend while a guy tries to find a tire that will fit your car. That is how the Devil gets his due, all because I was too lazy and stupid to replace the spare tire after I had used it. Tomorrow I kept telling myself, Damn! The service station attendant, the same guy who had towed my car, hung up the phone and looked at me. "Mister, the shop in Oakdale has a tire that...

2 years ago
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Dead Girls VengeanceChapter 3 Carols First Revenge

The Grotto had gotten a referral from what must have been an older girl’s version of our Grotto. Filene would do the jumps and stay with me while remaining invisible. But first I had to visit one of the few non-dead people who knew about The Grotto. We met with the one she called Mr. X. Filene said she wanted me to learn how to control my glamour. She explained, “Without that control, the living can see you but when they try to touch you they find that your image is as insubstantial as...

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Dead StickChapter 6

Finally, classes were going like they were supposed to, hell even better now that I had the elder's son helping. Beginning the second week I had increased all their power to almost twice what it had been, though no where nearly as strong as mine. The whole time I had also been trying to increase Celina's power after a few days I was finally feeling an increase there also. I had put more feelers out on the brother but still got nothing. I was beginning to think I night have actually killed...

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Dead StickChapter 12

The next morning I awoke on the floor where Cloe normally slept, when the hell had I gotten on the floor? Then the memories of yesterday start to intrude on my mind, ah yes! I had been tired after everything that had happened yesterday. Getting up I made my way slowly to the kitchen, where Cloe had left me some breakfast. Looking around I saw that she'd obviously been called away to a council meeting; well it was her main job after all. Finally finished I saw that the golden hue of light in...

1 year ago
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Deadly Secrets

Disclaimer: This is not a true story no matter how much I wish it was any scenes or people who reflect real life things is done purely by accident or by chance with that said her is my newest story Deadly Secrets By Ruby Star Prologue My friend Robert Joe has had a very unhappy life. Why has his life been unhappy? Because he feels, and he is correct in that feeling, that his whole life is a lie. The things he does, the way he looks, the way he talks, and even his gender and...

1 year ago
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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 15 Terrycloth

The Whittaker Fund, the ammunition gambit, was bringing us into intermittent contact with Karl Hoffstatter. Well, with his gopher, Roger ‘Hoppy’ Cransdale. The FBI had decided to let Cransdale roam free for now. The bet was that he’d lead them to higher-ups in the American Nazi movement. The further bet was that the low-priced ammo that the Aryan was buying wouldn’t be used for anything but training purposes. It wasn’t a long-term wager; once Cransdale started repeating his route stops,...

2 years ago
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Everything is in the memory stick

I was thinking about a previous experience, last time when I had to use the subway during the rush hour, some months ago. Someone had fucked me real good in the middle of the crowded train car…That afternoon I decided to get another chance to enjoy something like that pleasant adventure. This time I was wearing high stiletto heels, a loose short skirt and a blouse that left little to the imagination.I got inside the train and reached for a pole to hold on to. The car was not very crowded yet...

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The Principal Rules With A Very Big Stick

Your name is Sheema. u have long black hair and stand 5’2”tall. In fact when you look at your from the sides when u raise your arms and you can see your ribs. u have a very narrow waist which measures 21 inches and your hips measure 33 inches. your legs are very long and thin too which also suggests a very skinny teen, but the best part of your weight is seen in your very large tits which measure a mouth-watering 32D! Yes from the back u do appear to be just another blond skinny teen, but when...

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