Porta Gloryhole
- 1 year ago
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Ricordo ancora benissimo le ultime parole della mia, purtroppo ex ragazza ieri notte, mentre mi sferrava l'ennesimo schiaffo. Io e lei non stiamo più insieme da oltre un anno, da quando mi ha scaricato perché secondo lei, ero un codardo. Non avevo le palle, diceva sempre. Ma io la amo ancora, e da allora ho provato più e più volte a riconquistarla. E' finita sempre male, sempre con lei che mi augurava le peggio cose e mi prendeva a schiaffi. Anche ieri sera, quando mi ha urlato: "SEI VERAMENTE INUTILE! CODARDO! SENZA PALLE! Vuoi veramente stare con me? Bene, DIMOSTRAMI che sei un uomo! Ci vediamo domattina, alla Porta d'Argento!"
La Porta d'Argento, un locale notturno gotico, in cui non sono mai stato. Lei lo frequentava spesso, lei e tutti i suoi amici dark che si interessavano di quella roba strana, gotica appunto. Non ci sono mai andato, ma non perché mi facesse paura, semplicemente lo trovavo stupido. Ma ora sono qui, davanti alla porta del locale, che suono il campanello. C'è il sole, è mattina, il locale dovrebbe essere chiuso e vuoto. Forse è per questo che lei mi ha invitato qui... sto ancora riflettendo, quando la porta si apre di scatto, serratura automatica. Entro, guardandomi intorno, e chiedo timidamente "C'è nessuno?"
Il locale è buio, le serrande sono abbassate ed è illuminato solo da una fioca luce di candele. Mi guardo intorno ed entro, non ricevendo alcuna risposta ne sentendo alcun suono oltre i miei passi. La porta si chiude dietro di me, e quando mi volto di scatto a guardarla, una persona scivola alle mie spalle. Sussulto, faccio un passo indietro mentre osservo la donna appena apparsa: alta, magra, dalla carnagione estremamente pallida ed i capelli nero corvino, sembra avere forme definite, sotto un lungo abito nero dall'alto colletto.
"Tu devi essere John, giusto? Ti stavo aspettando. Mi hanno detto che sei qui per attraversare la Porta d'Argento... seguimi"
La voce è cupa, dolce ma tetra, mentre si volta, come se fosse uno spettro, verso sinistra, camminando fino a quello che sembra un grosso armadio. Sto per risponderle, chiedendo "Ma la Porta d'Argento, non è questo locale?" quando lei apre l'armadio, rivelando un enorme specchio scintillante. Il vetro non riflette le immagini, ma una strana massa di riverberi colorati. Sicuramente c'è qualche trucco ottico, e mi avvicino per controllare.
"Allora John sei pronto a dimostrare di essere un vero uomo? Questa Porta Magica ti condurrà in mondi lontani, dove potrai vivere numerose avventure. Rischierai, rischierai molto. Potresti fare una fine orribile, ma se arriverai in fondo e riuscirai a tornare, sarai un eroe ricco e coraggioso, e nessuna donna potrà mai dirti più di no". La sua voce è convincente, lenta, sicura. Il suo sguardo di ghiaccio mi scruta dall'alto verso il basso. Osservo lei, poi osservo lo specchio... allungo una mano per toccarlo, ed in effetti è inconsistente, sembra solo un fascio di luce... guardo la donna "Stai mentendo, vero? E' solo una presa in giro?"
Lei in tutta risposta, dice solo "Allora aveva ragione lei: non hai le palle" e si volta, distogliendo lo sguardo da me. Ferito nell'orgoglio, attraverso la barriera luminosa di scatto, dimostrando il mio coraggio, aspettandomi di finire in una stanza adiacente. Invece, un vortice di luci colorate mi avvolge, e lentamente, la mia mentre vaga in una sorta di sogno, mentre perdo i sensi.
Troppo tardi la donna proferisce parole che non sentirò mai: "Si, in parte ti ho mentito. Non c'è modo di tornare vincitore, farai una fine orribile..."
Dunkel und bedrohlich ragte der schwarze Turm über die Straßen von Porta Murazor empor. Licht brannte in den oberen Fenstern. Auf einem hohen Balkon stand ein alter Mann. Er war hager und ausgemergelt. Tief liegende Augen blickten nachdenklich über die Stadt, die sich unter ihn erstreckte. Hinter ihm war eine große Halle. Säulen aus schwarzem Obsidian, die wie aufgeschichtete Totenschädel gearbeitet waren stützten die Decke. Schwebende Glowglobes sorgen für eine schwache Beleuchtung. In dunkle...
"When you set out on a journey,... make sure that you always carefully plan for every eventuality." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .32 Lines 1, 3. Dahra walked into the large room that contained the Starjump, with Fig trotting behind her. She closed and sealed the door behind her. No more air could get in or out of the room. She portaled to a lower room of the ship. A room she could not reach, without injuring herself, in Docre's gravity. It had a large window in what was now the floor,...
I was never a man looking for a 10, or 9, or even a 5, I won't grade women on looks alone. I was only ever interested in women, who hadn't explored every aspect of her own being, including sexual, and wants a partner committed to mutual exploration. She only has to be intelligent, searching for the finer things, healthy, fastidious, enticing, seductive, amorous, sensually passionate and understanding. Certainly not too much to ask?. My lover is the answer to all that and more. She is...
You are a brilliant physicist who has been working on a side project at home for quite a while. At last, success! You can create spatial portals that allow objects to cross through one and come out the other no matter how far apart they are! You can also polarize them, so that solid objects can go in either direction, but light and sound go only in one. The size of the portals can be changed while they are active, although changing the size of one will necessarily change the size of its...
by Droid447 Malena was in her room, talking with her best friend Renee. The last two weeks, they had been discussing their next adventure. This would not be just one more escapade to the nearest town or a fling with one of the low level scientists. Their new plan was risky, maybe even dangerous. But they couldn't resist the idea of investigating the greatest discovery in the history of mankind, as Malena's father liked to call it. “So, are we really doing this?” Renee asked. “After...
When I took it out of the wrapping, it looked exactly like the gun from the game. It was a little smaller and seemed to be one handed, instead of it's normal two handed size. I tested it out, and was glad to see the promised functions worked. However, the batteries died really quickly. I replaced them with some higher power, higher function ones, as well as added a laser projector to the end. It's snap on and off when I touched the trigger, so I could see where the portal was going to be...
"... for I swear to you, males will speak again!" -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .12 Line 23. A few days after Dahra's symposium, Lissa had decided to stay and teach at the university in Fahr. She had been offered positions at other colleges, with higher pay, perks, and positions of leadership, but Fahr was her home. She grew up climbing on the plaza's statues and playing in the parks, among the wogbols. In her eyes, all the other universities she visited seemed second best. Besides her...
"Take care of your body, for it is God's dwelling place." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .13 Line 1. Dahra woke up with the feel of water dripping on her face. She raised her face off the lawn and tried to figure out where she was. She was under a wogbol tree in the plaza at Fahrlot. The wogbols usually make excellent rain cover, but during long rains the water finally makes it through the layers of fronds and drips on the ground underneath. It was this dripping that woke her. A moldering...
PORTAL By Orlando Stuck ................................................................................................................ Why me? What the hell - shit, shit shit - why me!?! All I wanted to do today is get in a little hiking, get a little exercise, and clear my mind - now some stupid chemical spill or something has my shoes pinned to this stupid spot. I thought it was an ice patch and marched right through it - slick as glass and all - I slowed down - now...
"Weep not for your loss, for the males have lost much more than you." --The Teachings of Gran Ch. 12 Line 1 Dahra waited in the wings for Lissa to finish her introduction. In Dahra's opinion, Lissa was doing a remarkable job, speaking in front of such a large audience. Dahra had originally intended for the symposium opening meeting to be held in classroom one, like all the other of her little meetings; but the response was so over-whelming, she had no choice but change its venue to the...
“ID, please.” As you hand in your card, you consider the situation. Three weeks ago, you were personally invited to participate in a secretive government project. You received the invitation in person directly from a government representative. He knew nothing about the project itself, only that the higher-ups considered it “a big deal”. You’re currently trying to enter a highly restricted research lab. Even the fact that you’re here at all is known only to you, the few employees working here,...
"After God created the world, he created male and woman."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 1, Line 1 Dahra paced on the stone-tiled plaza in front of the museum/college of geology as various women, many with their daughters, walked past her. She should have known that no one would be allowed in the building once the testing started. Lissa's test should have been over twenty minutes ago, and Dahra didn't know enough about the geology test to know if that was a good or a bad thing. Dahra...
"When God saw the dependence of women on males, he decided that it was best that man be taken away for a time, so women would learn self reliance."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 5, Line 3. Lissa kissed her mother good-bye, watched as she portaled back to her own home, let out a sigh and opened her dormroom door. Atelan Cahlartan was there waiting. "Well? What happened? Don't keep me waiting!" Lissa gave her roommate a big grin. "I aced it." The portaler let out a shriek, ran over and...
"When God saw the chaos that came from the males' disappearance, She sent Gran to restore order, and bring the women back to righteousness."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 5, Line 3. Dahra sat down on a large rock. Lissa on the pebbly ground, rapt in the story her adopted mother was unfolding. "Your mother looked much like you do today, Lissa, except that she was a year older than you are now, a little stockier, and had hair a shade darker than yours. Her hair was cut short in the front and...
"When the leaders of the remaining factions saw the success of Gran at unifying the warring tribes, they boiled in jealousy, and conspired together to kill her."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 23, Lines 1-3. The night for Lissa was interminable. The bed was hard, barely more than a board with a sheet on it. There was bell that rang every few hours, to call the monks to prayer. If she had been fully asleep it probably wouldn't have bothered her. But the worst part of all was that there was no one...
"When they were through torturing her, and Gran was dead, the warlords cut her throat and drained all the blood into a large iron bowl"--The Story of Gran Ch. 25 lines 13 &14 Krinan strode into the anthropology building with clenched fists and gritted teeth. How dare Dahra disappear off the face of the planet for ten days without notifying her. She was her superior, damn it! It was especially despicable, since Dahra had promised to give her a full accounting of her activities, the day...
"The next day, the body of Gran had disappeared, and so had her blood. Leaving no stain in the bowl." --The Story of Gran Ch. 26 Line 1 Two days later, Dahra was sorting through resumes in her office, when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Krinan poked her head through the opening. "Dahra, can we talk?" She let out a long sigh. "What do you want, Krinan?" Since yesterday, Dahra was no longer Krinan's subordinate. She was now a special projects coordinator, and had equal...
"Gran was seen many times after she returned from the dead... As she faded from sight, she said "I will always be with you." --The Story of Gran Ch. 28 Line 1, Ch. 30 Line 14 Dahra drew a long sigh, closed her eyes, and rested her chin in her hands. The day was only half over and she was already exhausted. She had arrived at classroom one, just before nine, and discovered that the other five members of the team waiting for her. Krinan was the only one from the original group. The other...
"Cherish and protect your males, for without them, we will all die." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .12 Line 15. For the next two weeks, Dahra defended her findings. She escorted parties of esteemed archaeologist from all over the world into the shelter (as it was now called) and showed them the translated documents. Many of the more skeptical ones examined the original texts from the computer, and learned the ancient alphabets. After a few days, most of them accepted Dahra's findings and...
"Each ability group should have equal say in the governing. No one group should lord its will on the others." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .33 Line 6. The month that followed was one of the most tumultuous ones in Docre's recent history. There were more political and social debate in that one month than in the last five years. The four other guildmistresses joined with Javum in a solid pro-male stance. The ones from the other guilds who thought males were a danger to society, joined a...
"All it takes is a few bad people to ruin a community."-- The Teachings of Gran Ch .27 Line 23. Dahra woke up screaming. Never in her life had she ever felt such pain in her life. It started in her head, and crashed through her body like a hurricane. It was as if all the anguish and pain she had ever felt in her life had been rolled up in one package, and force fed into her brain, and then doubled, then tripled. Her bladder and bowels emptied. She fell off her bed and writhed on the floor,...
I could not believe the feeling I had in my stomach. My memories of being in school and being in love were back, alive and well, in the pit of my stomach. Through the bright sunlight I fought to make out the time on the digital clock 12:45PM. Good, I was early. I looked down in the seat next to me to find the rose bud I cut earlier. The moistened paper towel was making the aluminum foil wrapping around the stem cool to the touch. I chose a bud off of one of my favorite red rose bushes that was...
Hello readers, I am varun. Me aj ap logo ko meri real story batane ja raha hu. Ye bat tab ki he jab me apni engineering ki study khatam kar ke ghar aya tha. Me ghar pe aram karne ke bad sab reltives se mil raha tha. Aur ek din subah me apni aunty ke ghar gaya. Unka na Sasikala aunty he. Sasikala aunty ke bate me kya batau aap logo ko vo itni sexy he ki kisika bhi khade kahade pani nikal de. Unka size 38-28-38 he aur aunty ke kale lambe bal jo unki gand ko chute he. Aunty ke balo ka to me diwana...
Mere ek doost ka naam adnan hai….Woh mujh se taqreebun 8 saal bara hai……yaani uski age 26 saal ka kafi sporty aur helpful hai….6’4″ lamba qud…hamesha dilchusp baatein sunnata hai….Iss liye humare circle mein kaffi larkey use passund kertey hain….Uskey gher waley humare gher per aate rahte thay…mere parents bhi usey kafi pasund kerte thay….Issliy uska akser merey pass aana kissi ko bura nahi lagta tha…. Mein tau apna naam hi batana bhool gaya….Mera naam musaveer hei….Piar mein tamam mujhey gullu...
I was watching TV when it really hit. Maybe it was the cute guy on the show I was watching, maybe it was just that I had basically nothing else to do, maybe it was just hormones ... whatever it was, I was suddenly juicier than I could ever remember being. I glanced around the room - I probably should have done a more thorough check to make sure that Mom wasn’t around, but frankly I was too turned on to even care. We’d just gotten back from another appointment, and so Mom probably wasn’t...
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My wife, Darcy and I are very fortunate. I studied hard in college in technology and I landed a job right out of school that has made me very rich. I’m 28, Darcy 26. I played basketball in high school and college, 6’4” and lean. Darcy is 5.5” and about 115 lbs. We live in an estate that has a large house, tennis courts and swimming pol the landscaping prevents any outside viewers so Darcy spend much of the day laying naked by the pool when she isn’t at the country club. I’m sure our housekeeper...
THE MUSLIM ARAB GIRL:Tom was one of the best looking guys at school. He had turned 18, moved to his own apartment and was dating one of the hottest girls at his school. He was concidered the most popular guy around, and his girlfriend was very good looking. Tom had every reason to be happy, beeing a guy who could fuck such a hot girl. But Tom got bored of the same old sex with a girl who was very concervative whit the bed-activities. Most of Tom's friends had other classes than him, he really...
Thursday, August 25, 2016 – Park Warden’s House Blake woke up first on the third morning. He was surprised but pleased to see sunlight streaming through the cracks in the storm shutters in his bedroom window. He was cuddled with Sarah. Blake wrapped his arms around his lover and gently caressed her breasts. His morning woody was stuffed between her thighs. Sarah purred in her sleep to the stimulation Blake was giving her. They added realism to the erotic dream she was having. Blake could...
HI ppl this is Max ( not a real name ) first of all i would like to introduce my self,I am a regular reader of ISS but i have never published any stories of my own before but after reading so many stories i decided to Publish a story of my own.I am 18 years old and from Karachi and about 5’10 in height. This incident happened between me and a friend of mine we are the Class fellows and she is also about the same age named Nadia( not a real name ).It started of the like at first it was the...
Annette Larreau was more enraged than fear-stricken; her pride had been severely damaged. She felt like a complete idiot, having fallen right into their plot as innocently as a lamb being led to slaughter. She couldn't imagine how she might have responded differently; nevertheless, she felt the perfect fool, and it wasn't in her nature to accept that without some sort of retaliation. Thus, although her tears were for the most part tears of anger, the larger portion were pretended, in an...
January 7, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke as someone next to me moved. As I laid there, I remembered last night. Crazy! Our new gang members are into our lifestyle! And why wouldn’t they be. Sex is wonderful with those you love. Yes, it’s girl-on-girl sex, but we see nothing wrong with that. It’s certainly safer than some of the alternatives and way more enjoyable than masturbation. Once again, however, I wondered about our interest in and enjoyment of so many partners. I thought long and...
Ok don't know who will read this, but if you do this is the truth, first off none of these females knew they was being filmed, thats why every one of the videos are listed under hidden cams, I met the readhead at a Subway sandwich shop, I just got done smoking some awesome weed and she was in line right in front of me and could smell the weed on me, when I left the resturant she was standing outside and said I smell good, I knew what she was talking about and offered to smoke some with her, we...
Man, sometimes the shit I see women get away with these days kind of has me longing for the old days. Seriously. When I was growing up, it was considered okay to correct a bitch if she got way out of line. Nowadays, many men are bending over backwards to please some truly horrible women and these same conniving, horrible women are walking all over them. See what I mean? A man has to be the boss for everyone to be happy. Deep down, both men and women prefer it that way. Which is why I’m hard as...
Honey are you coming? You know we need to be at the airport early!” I said.“I am coming!” she shot back.“What is in this suitcase? We are only going to be gone 10 days not a year!’ I said to her as I pickup the suitcase and took it out to the car.We were on our way to visit some good friends of ours. We had been friends with them since the day we had gotten married over twenty years ago. They moved out of the area shortly after our wedding as we try to visit them about every three years or so....
When Mary awoke, she felt the urge to scream but bit it back when she saw the last vestiges of daylight curling around the velvet drapes and realized that she was back in Thorne’s mansion. The baby turned in her stomach, kicking momentarily before finding a comfortable spot and lapsing back into stillness. She smiled, running a hand over her bloated abdomen. Her baby was safe. Her hand touched another and she realized with great joy that Leon was sleeping behind her, his strong body plastered...
Hello friends …..I’m ankit. This is my first story. So please bear with me. I’m a software developer by profession. Agar koi unsatisfied lady mujhse secret relation k liye ya chat k liye mail me with complete words of secrecy at- This incident happen 2 months back when I was on a project in delhi for 3 months. So I got a rented flat in delhi. So first saturday. Maine dekha ke mere pados mai ek married couple rehta hai, in early 30’s. Mere balcony se unki balcony touched ha. Mai cigarette pe...
I was still half asleep when I had the most wonderful sensation - someone was sucking on my cock. It was hard and fat and was been expertly sucked. This was all wrong on a number of fronts - my wife of three years doesn't like to suck my cock (it's too big for her she claims) ... and she had left the house with her younger sister for a shopping excursion. Peering through fluttering eyes I spied a shock of red head bobbing up and down. "Oh fuck" I groaned as I realise that it was Mona, my...
I can see a girl in a photo studio – she looks familiar. Who’s that with her? Eh?! Some old git in a rainmac?! Jeez it’s a hot day in June! What’s a dirty old man in a mac doing with a glamour model?! She’s got her own site, seen a few of her piccies, wouldn’t mind an hour or so between the sheets with her – dream on!Now she’s gone to change – wish I knew what’s going on here, looks odd to me. What would a gorgeous babe like that want to do with some old perv in his dirty mac?! Jeez look at her...
“You seem nervous,” Georgia commented. “I’m meeting William again,” Oscar replied pulling at the sleeve of his robe. There was something about the young man that bothered him. It wasn’t a negative kind of feeling, just that odd sense that something had been forgotten. She took his hand to keep him from fidgeting so much and walked with him to the front door. It was a much simpler house than what she expected. True, it was large, but it wasn’t ostentatious. The walkway was neatly edged and...
THE ABDUCTION OF AMANDA.(BY AMANDA JEAN WHILEY).Story codes: m-f, non-consensual, consensual, bondage, kidnapping, slavery, violent, torture, body mod, Humiliation, packaging, spanking ,toys .Author: Amanda whiley ([email protected]).(forward: this story was written and is dedicated to the wonderful creators and players of the MMODamsel and villains abduction game, Nabbers Empire . Who’s amazing players and moderators helped give me inspiration and most of all courage...
It was my very first visit to a bi/gay bar and I was not totally comfortable. There were more guys than women and most of the women were occupied with other women. It was a turn-on to watch beautiful women sticking their tongues down each other’s throats and pulling on their nipples through their T-shirts. Major league grab ass was going on in front of me. Some of the younger girls wore short skirts and I could see hands sneaking up their dresses for a feel of young cunt, both by...
*Shannon’s Decent into Slavery* By Rasputtin SzczepanskiNote: This is a work of sexual fantasy. In no way does the author support the ugly reality of human trafficking. Everyone in this story is a work of fiction. This is my first attempt at a short story. English is not my forte so pardon my many grammatical errors. This isn’t the sort of story that I can ask those that know me personally to proof read! To be honest, it makes me wince a little to read. Not because of the dark sexual...
Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife asked if maybe we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hardon in my jeans and black speedo already. Their house was only a 5 minute walk from the bar. When we walked...
This is a story of fiction, the author makes no recommendations and does not condone, or condemn, any actions taken by the characters in this story. The characters are completely fictional and any similarities to any person or persons, living or dead, real or fictional, are completely coincidental. The Author takes no responsibility for any actions or inactions taken by any person or persons who read this fictional portrayal – so read at your own risk! This is an original piece of fiction...
Suddenly the sound of footsteps startled her and she quickly turned around. Just coming into the room was an older man with short gray hair and mustache. He was tall about 6'4” with an athletic build and tan weathered skin. Professor Hiram Jackson was the head of the archeological dept. in charge of this site. This dig in the middle of nowhere Wyoming seemed to be the home of a previously unknown tribe of natives. It consisted of himself, his best student Allison, and 20 other students and a...
My old black mechanic That Thursday afternoon I was returning home early, when the engine of my nice lovely car finally exhausted his last breathe and left me in the middle of nowhere.My loving husband was flying anywhere, so I decided to call for an emergency tow.Two hours later the towing truck arrived and an old black man came to check my car.The old man was not exactly good looking. He had several cut scars he probably received in a knife fight. He was the type of man that would scare me...
Her name is Candy. She is a beautiful woman who I met years ago while frequenting my favorite restaurant. She is the manager there and, when there is a break in the flow of business, she will often sit with me and talk and occasionally even join me as we down a meal together. Now Candy is a married woman and, by all accounts, seems to be pretty happy. His name is Steve and we have spoken on several occasions. He seems like a nice enough guy. I, on the other hand, am a 38 year old divorced...
When I returned home from work that evening, Gwen greeted me wearing a short sexy little robe that showed off her cleavage almost to her nipples so I could see that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her hard nipples could easily be seen poking against the material of the robe. She gave me a hot, wet kiss and ground herself against me. I reached down and squeezed her ass, discovering that she wasn't wearing any panties."Mmmm", I said, "what's my hot little slut been up to today?""You'll see" she said,...
Hello and welcome to my prestigious indian sex story ! I am an avid reader of iss! And love to read what happens behind doors in other people’s lives! And I love to share my experiences also! So here’s another one! I am addy, a structural engineer, who is from Hyderabad, but lives in Dubai, and as I am a structural engineer, I love women who have a great structure ;) (if you know what I mean) I visit Hyderabad every 3 months, to be with some or the other lady of my dreams, according to their...
It is pitch-black and darksome and poorly lit outside. Outside of the car that is. The clouds too, just like the sky, are tenebrous and overcast and dusky and gray. I breathe out and suspire deeply and deeply as I look at them. Yes. Stian Elberd is perched and settled in this car of ours right next to me in the driver's stall, and when I gaze at him, he strikes me as being studious and reflective and cogitative. Ruminative and cogitative of what? I am not acquainted with that...
Let me also say that we never actually have sex. We either masturbate for each other or he loves to give me oral sex. I don't think my dad would actually fuck me if I asked him. He gets too nervous when we are playing, always asking me if I'm okay and worrying if he's going to get in trouble. My day starts early. I get up before him and shower. I sleep naked and sometimes in my own bed. It depends on if we played together the night before, or if our schedules kept us apart. I make sure to...
I`d done something really stupid. Yes..... I was quite drunk but even through the haze of my inebriation I know I`d done something stupid. I`d had a blazing row with my fiancé and here I was letting myself through the back door of her Mom`s house with an apology in my heart and a reconciliation on my mind. The house was quiet. Too quiet. Andrea usually had her music system loud...... loud enough to make her Mom look to the heavens and pray for the day she`d move out and set up a noisy nest...
‘Lunch time!’ a heavy set black woman said, looking kind of like a huge purple grape in her dark purple scrubs. She carried in two trays, setting one on my roll around table and then stepping around the curtain to set the other on my roommate’s table. She pushed the curtain back to open the room up and then scooted the table over my roommate’s bed, helping her raise her bed back and get settled before returning to me. ‘Here we go.’ She said with a cheerful smile, rolling the table in front of...
Lyle is hungry. It seeps from his body like a wave of corruption to spread about him. It shines like a dark light, touching every woman he passes in the street.And they know it. Like a****ls, aware of a scent, they recognise him as he passes them by, seeing him for what he is; Hungry. A man starving with lust.Lyle sits alone in his apartment as a wisp of cigarette smoke curls from his hand in the darkening light. Outside, the city is beginning to come alive as the annual Jazz festival gets...
Stay the Course Part 6: Meeting Master John. Please read the previous chapters, it helps with the story line. I hope that you enjoy. I walked into the terminal and scanned the area. I couldn’t see Master John anywhere. I moved myself into a corner and put my bags down. I had my carry on bag top of my case that I had collected from the baggage area. I decided to find my phone and send my ‘task’ pictures to my Master while I waited for Master John. I remembered Master John had told me he wanted...