A River Of Surprises Chapter 5 free porn video

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At home I stripped, taking extra special care removing my top, then washed myself anxiously, the damnable brown stain still unmovable on my skin, no matter how hard I rubbed it. Then there were my breasts. Yes, my breasts, I couldn't believe it, I had breasts, they horrified me, how could I hide them? How could I get rid of them? I investigated them carefully, it was hard because they felt so sensitive and made my little penis buzz when I touched them. In a way I had to admit he had done a good job, they looked perfect and they did look sexy, but what the hell am I saying, Christ, I am a man, I shouldn't have breasts, I didn't want breasts, they were for women. I spent what was left of the evening trying to puzzle out how I could possibly hide them when I went to work. At first I thought I'd have to take the day off, but I knew that would be difficult, work was planned in advance. I knew that I couldn't bind them down, I had tried a little bit, but it was too painful and the last thing I needed was stitches bursting and me having to rush to hospital How the hell would I explain that? So it was down to wearing loose clothing to try to conceal them, that and of course, trying to avoid people as much as possible. I put on a clean nightie, it was similar to the one that I'd been wearing the past week, except that it was powder pink. The touch against my breasts made me shiver, so I tried my best to distract myself and think about something else. I suddenly realised that I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving. That was enough of a distraction, so I headed for the kitchen and made myself some sandwiches before collapsing in bed out of sheer mental exhaustion. So to the start of another week, but this time, not only did I have to think about the ankle chain and the nail varnish, now I had surgery to care for and breasts to try and hide. It was going to be a nightmare. As it happened my loose tee shirt and my father's old sweatshirt seemed to do the trick, as far as I could see in the mirror anyway. Thank god I didn't work in an office, but spent most of my time travelling around on my own in a van. I succeeded in minimising social contact without too much difficulty and the day went smoothly. I got home to the usual message from him. "How are your tits girl? Show me." As if having them done to me wasn't enough, he expected to see them too, my embarrassment knew no bounds. I undressed to my panties then took the picture, reluctantly sending it to him, the buzz of humiliation tingling inside me as I did it. "Looking good slut! Now go and get dressed in your Monday outfit." I sighed and went to the skirt and top that I had worn the previous week, no bra because I remembered what Uncle had said. It was a nightmare having breasts, but I was terrified that I would cause damage to myself too. I looked at myself in the mirror, my breasts and nipples obvious through the semi sheer material of the blouse. I shuddered, then giving myself a shake, sent him the picture, just wanting to move on. "Another before bed girl," was all the reply said. And so the week went on, each morning, disguising those dam breasts and each evening showing them to him before dressing and sending him more and more pictures. Each day my breasts seemed to become more and more sensitive and each day I was feeling a growing desperation to touch, feel and rub them. It was crazy, the week seemed to fly by, Friday came quickly, too quickly and quicker than I wanted. That evening was spent wearing stockings and suspenders and together with my now super sensitive breasts, it was all starting to drive me crazy. I am embarrassed to admit that I spent some time rubbing myself, my stupid little penis buzzing madly, yet annoyingly it seemed to stay flaccid and again there was no conclusion to clear my head. The last message I received that evening, just built on that maddening mixture of horror, humiliation and foolish arousal. "No boating tomorrow, Uncle is coming to see you, so make sure you are dressed and looking nice for him, remember he said no bra. I'll see you on Sunday and I don't want any nonsense from you girl." As if I wanted to wear a damn bra anyway, as if I wanted the bloody breasts in the first place, it was a complete nightmare, I hated having them. In a way those breasts they had given me, had tied me down even more than his blackmailing threats. I had spent the entire week fretting over them and thinking about them, they had become the focus of my entire life. Whilst in reality I should have been puzzling and working out what could I do to get out of the whole horrible situation. I should have sent him a message telling him to do his worst or something, call his bluff even, but then that film was very compelling and it had been playing on my mind. Here I was now however, with not a thought in my head, those breasts, my breasts, driving me crazy, the feelings made even worse by the clothing he was making me wear. Sleeping these days had become a real issue, each night broken with a mixture of horror, humiliation, embarrassment and then that twisted, confusing teasing arousal. I was getting into a mentally unstable state and I knew it. Saturday dawned, it was raining, just as well I wasn't going boating. I lay in bed for ages listening to the rain, wondering nervously what "Uncle" was going to be calling to see me about. I had a vague hope that he would remove these breasts, but then I started thinking about what was meant by 'dressed and looking nice for him.' I looked at the clock, it was almost 9, it made me jump out of bed fearful, he might be here at any time. I rushed, yet I had to slow myself down to wash carefully, trying not to touch my breasts as I did so. What the hell was I to dress in, his words were going round in my head. I knew it had to be something effeminate, but the very thought was making my stomach tighten in impending humiliation. I put on a pair of panties then taking a deep breath I grabbed a random skirt and a blouse, trying my best to overcome the sissy feelings they created in me when I put them on. Attempting to carry on as normal, I went about my usual chores. The morning wore on and I fretted continually, my mind not on the housework, I was unable to concentrate on anything, but when the front door bell finally rang, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I threw on a dressing gown that I had at the ready and opened the door cautiously, I didn't want to be seen publicly dressed like this and anybody could have been at the door. It was him. "Well aren't you going to invite me in darling." In hesitated reluctance I opened the door wider and let him in. "What on earth is that rag you're wearing girl, take it off this instance." Nervously I took the dressing gown off. "Hmmm." He looked me over, my embarrassment growing as his eyes roamed over me. "Well we'd better have a look at your lovely breasts, hadn't we? Your Daddy told me that there is a single bedroom upstairs with a suitable bed for me to give you an examination." I just stared at him my nerves jangling. "Well come along let's go, lead the way, I haven't got all day girl." He followed me closely up the stairs and into the spare bedroom. Yes, there was a single bed there, it hadn't been used since I was a child, it was metal framed and quite high up, with a firm mattress on it. I kept a white sheet covering the mattress to keep the dust off it. "Strip off and lie on your back on the bed then girl, let's have a look at you." I took off my skirt and the blouse, my breasts bouncing slightly as I did so. He smirked as he watched me. I was about to climb up onto the bed when he stopped me. "No, I said strip girl, now take your knickers off too and quick about it. I finally lay there on my back stark naked, in complete embarrassment, hardly daring to look at him. Meanwhile he had put on a white coat and a pair of latex gloves. The examination was very professional and careful. He lifted each of my breasts (oh god I hated thinking of those protuberances like that) carefully removing the dressings beneath them and wiping the healing surgery. He seemed to be pleased and said so. He took out a tube with some sort of ointment, which he said was a mixture of aloe vera and Comfry and he gently administered it to the scars. "Well they won't need any more dressings now, just carefully administer the ointment three times a day for the next week and then by next Saturday you will be able to wear a bra. I'm also giving you some different medicines, tablets, which are antibiotics, tablets to stabilise you from any rejection and to help your body accept them." I looked in nervous horror as he put the tablets on the bedside table. "Now, I have to give you a few jabs just to boost things and to develop you." His smile as he spoke, chilled me to the bone. "lie perfectly still girl." He had a syringe in his hand, the needle fine and small. I quivered and closed my eyes, hardly daring to move as he approached. I felt his fingers touching my breast, then his finger and thumb sliding around and gently gripping my nipple. The stinging prick was right into my nipple, the sensation that followed like a heat through it which stupidly made my little penis flick and tingle. He took his time, it seemed like an age, then he repeated the procedure on my other nipple. I was in a confusingly aroused state by the time he had finished and he seemed to know it as he stood back almost leering at me. "Now a couple in the cheeks of your bottom baby and we will be done." I was in such a state that I just allowed him to roll me over onto one side and give me another long stinging injection in the cheek of my bum. I gasped and whimpered I am embarrassed to say, why didn't I just push him away and tell him to get stuffed? He continued to once again repeat the process, rolling me onto my other side for the injection in my other cheek. "There, that's the medical bits done baby, now let me have a look at those ears of yours." My ears? What was he on about? He looked at my lobes, running his fingers over them, then gently dabbing something on them with cotton wool pads. I closed my eyes tightly again, just wishing he'd finish and go. The sting in my earlobe made me gasp. Oww. He was grinning widely as he continued, putting the silver studs in my ears and I'm ashamed to say I only lay there whimpering and quivering, hardly able to look at him in abject embarrassment. "There that's lovely baby, I think your Daddy will be pleased, now get yourself dressed. Remember to take the tablets twice a day before food. Keep your bra off this week, you can put it on next weekend when we go out again." Still smirking he leaned over me and kissed me right on the lips "Now much as I'd love to play with you, I have to be off, be good." He was gone then, as quick as that, I heard him going down the stairs as I still lay there wanting to curl up in horror. Why had I let him kiss me, why had I accepted all that he had done? I told myself that it was because he was a doctor and I had always been brought up to respect the doctor. I had hoped that he would do something about those boobs, my boobs, those hateful, horrible ever-present boobs, they were driving me mad, I hated them, hated them, loved them. Ohhh god and now my nipples were painfully erect and throbbing. My hands went to them in a natural reaction to try and ease the feeling, but all it did was make me almost swoon as my palms touched them and I descended into an awful, wonderful, confusing squirming arousal as I tried unsuccessfully, to stop myself from fondling them. I finally managed to pull myself together enough to dress, panties, skirt and blouse, I know that I shouldn't have worn them, I know, but I was afraid he would just turn up to test me. I wandered around the house feeling on edge, struggling to find something to take my mind off my begging nipples. His message didn't come until late afternoon. "Send me a picture. NOW," was all it said, the inference and assertion all too obvious. I took the picture in an almost immediate submissive quivering response, my jumpy edginess overcoming any thought of revolt. Foolishly, in my mind I had to take the picture and send it to him straight away, any other thoughts were driven out of my head by his words. "Take your blouse off, show me your tits." Again, in my mind his demanding authoritative undertones, not to be argued with, driving my submissiveness. Literally quivering I removed the blouse and automatically took another picture for him, no thought of saying no, I cannot explain why. "Take a video of you touching your nipples girl. QUICKLY." I let out a little whimper, then setting my phone up to video I balanced it on the hall stand and stood in front of it. I brought my fingers up to my nipples and gently touched them, the feelings coursing through me made me spiral out of control for a minute, my palms rubbing over my screaming nipples caressing them and I was swooning to my touch, a weird deeply submissive arousal gripping me as I did it. The sound of the phone message broke the spell and trembling I picked up my phone stopped the video and read the message. "Send it to me. NOW." I didn't even look at it before I sent it, my brain was all over the place. I just stood there quivering, waiting. A reply eventually came. "What a good little slut, you love your tits don't you? We are going to have so much fun with them, aren't we?" His words filled me with fear yet they insanely fed my inner arousal, I could have cried with frustration but my nipples were screaming for my touch, his touch, god what was I thinking. It was hell trying to ignore them, ignore him. Finally, I put my blouse back on with the sweatshirt I'd worn to work over it, in an attempt to try and hide them, anything to take my mind off them. Supper was an easily prepared ready meal. The bottle of wine dug out of the cupboard to dull my senses and help me forget. I watched an adventure movie sipping the wine, forcing my mind to ignore everything else. The message bleep nearly gave me heart failure. "I'll be there mid-morning; you'd better be ready waiting for me." It only took that short sentence to leave me in a state of confused emotions, forget the rest of the film. I finished the bottle with a racing heart, fearful of seeing him yet my maddening nipples were erect and begging again. The wine must have helped me sleep, but I awoke with a thick head and fear in my heart. I took my medicines religiously and unquestioningly followed by painkillers to clear my head. Dressed once again in a clean blouse another skirt and ever present panties, I had a meagre breakfast, I had little appetite for food. Then I put on the makeup that I knew he would be expecting and waited with growing nervousness, slowly getting into a state of abject suspenseful fear. By mid afternoon my nerves were shattered, but I was coming to the conclusion that he had led me on and that he wouldn't be coming around today at all. The sound of the front door opening destroyed those thoughts and filled me with a sudden horrified embarrassment, I'd forgotten he'd kept my keys, and suddenly there he was, smirking again. I hated him, hated that smirk, hated the control he'd created over me. "Well? Aren't you going to give your Daddy a kiss?" I detested his tone, but foolishly I couldn't stop myself reacting to his voice. I almost tiptoed across the kitchen and lifted my face up to his. I didn't want to do this I really didn't, I swallowed the bile that bubbled in my throat, then he was kissing me, his thick tongue rudely in my mouth, his arms wrapped around me enveloping me, hugging me tightly to him. I whimpered I couldn't stop myself as I quivered in stupid submission to him. He smirked again as he broke the kiss, his hand slipping over my breasts, my nipples immediately stiffening painfully in response to his touch. "I got some pretty things for you to wear darlin, let's go upstairs so you can model em for me." He guided me out of the kitchen and up the stairs bringing his dreaded rucksack with him. "Mummy's bedroom darlin." He knew that being in her old room increased my emotional instability. Closing the bedroom door behind us, he lifted his rucksack onto the bed and turned to me. "Well, what ya waiting for? Strip you little bitch." That aggression that he seemed able to switch on so quickly just turned me into a foolish nervous submissive jelly. I unbelievably undressed without argument, even though I was in a whimpering quivering state of embarrassment. A cavalcade of feelings were going through my head as I did so, wishing deep down that I had the courage to say no, to tell him to get the hell out of my life. He reached into his evil rucksack and I shuddered in fear of what he would bring out. In his hand was another of those hateful plugs, but this one was different, it was black a little larger but with wires coming out of the base. He accompanied it with a tube of blue gel and threw them both on the bed in front of me. "You know what to do girl, get it in your little cunt, NOW." I jumped at the last word and hurriedly picked up the plug, squirting the gel all over it. He watched me carefully as I burned in humiliation wriggling the hateful thing into me. It hurt, it was painful and I whimpered as I struggled with it. "GET A MOVE ON." I gave a squeak as it finally fully entered me, my stupid little penis giving a little pulse of stiffness as it did so. He laughed; it wasn't a nice laugh. "Ya loves that don't ya girl?" I just squirmed in discomfort, blushing in my embarrassment. "Hands behind ya." The order was spat and my reaction thoughtless and almost immediate. The dreaded cuffs were on me before I could think and there I was naked and plugged with my hands cuffed behind me. He smirked as he slowly returned to sit on the bed. "Come ere an stand infront o me." I just couldn't seem to be able to stop myself. I was shuddering, a submissiveness coursing through my entire body. He picked up from the bed, two thick black, rubber bands (well that's what they looked like) except somehow, they had wires coming from them, similar to the ones from the plug and which were dangling from it. To my shame and horror he worked one, the larger one, over my little penis, pulling my testicles through it, one at a time until it tightly enclosed me at my root. I couldn't believe that I just stood there and let him, it was insane how could I just stand there and allow him to do it. Yes, I was tugging at my cuffed wrists, but I just couldn't speak, couldn't argue, all I could seem to do was whimper. The second band was much smaller but he pulled back my foreskin and worked it over my little head until it clung tightly beneath it. Reaching back to the bed beside him he picked up what looked like a piece of black latex rubber, he opened it and I realised that I was looking at a small pair of rubber panties. "Step in." He held them out for me. I looked at them in some horror. "Pleease," I whispered, finally finding a voice. "STEP IN." Whimpering, I did so, with him helping me to slide it over one foot at a time. I just stood there then, in a curious mixture of feelings as he slowly worked them up my legs until they were just above my knees, then he unceremoniously tucked my little penis, with its rings and wires, back between my legs before he pulled the panties right up over my hips. He pulled them higher and higher, I can't believe how they stretched and clung, gripping and squeezing my every part, enclosing me in their skin like tightness. He turned me around then and I felt him pulling the wires up between my cheeks and out of the top of the panties. Producing a small oblong box, he plugged the wires into it before tucking it into a small rubber pocket on the left side of the waistband of the rubber panties. "Let's see if we can make you dance a bit then, dolly?" He gave a coarse laugh as he picked up his mobile phone. He fiddled with it a second until he gave a grunt of satisfaction. "We got remote control see dolly, so let's see if it works." He touched his screen a few times and I suddenly felt a tingling sensation in my little penis. I gasped, my eyes widening, looking up at him. "Ahh, do we have contact dolly?" He touched the screen again as he spoke and the tingling turned into a stronger buzzing pulling feeling in my little penis, trapped as it was in those tight, tight, rubber panties. I squirmed and let out a moan, I couldn't stop myself. "Lookin good dolly, an that's only number 3 settin." The pulses of current stopped as quickly as they started. "Now let's see how receptive your cunt is dolly." I began to gasp a pleading no just as the feelings started and cut me off. The weirdest sensations began gripping my insides, coming in short pulses that were causing my invaded rose bud to spasm and my words turning into a quivering squeek. "Ya likes that don't ya dolly? Well we got plenty o time to play with that today." The pulses stopped as suddenly as it started and his arm slid around me again, pulling me too him, his hand straying up over my nipples as he did so. It was an unwelcomed reminder of their buzzing begging need, his touch making me swoon and then he was kissing me again, rudely sexual, his fingers tweaking and gently pulling at my nipples as he did so. I was lost, cuffed, chastised and swooning from his touch whimpering submissively into his all-powerful kisses. He broke his kiss a second to look at me, that evil dominant grin on his face as he did so, his fingers never ceasing his playing with my nipples. "Your mine aren't ya girl, I owns ya now don't I?" His voice was low but hard. "DON'T I?" "Yess, yess, I gasped, unable to stop myself pushing my breasts against his tweaking fingers, the feelings possessing me. "Then tell me girl, tell me, now." He pulled on my erect nipple, squeezing it as he spoke. I gasped, whimpering, "I'm yourss Daddy, you, you, own me Daddy." "Yea I do girl, Now turn around girl." He released me from his grasp as he spoke Trembling and quivering I did so, the cuffs came off as quickly as he put them on and I stood there trembling, unable to think straight in my mixed up emotions. He sat on the bed again, looking at me, a lewd grin painted on his face. "Here put this on girl, an be careful wiv it." He threw a plastic envelope at me, it appeared to contain black stockings, or tights or something. I was still trembling as I opened it. It unfolded as I did so and it confused me as it did, was it tights? Yet it seemed too big for tights. It was only when it was completely unfolded that I realised it was a body stocking in an incredibly sheer tan colour. I whimpered, a flush of embarrassment at the sight of it, my nipples still erect and throbbing, my entrapped little penis foolishly tingling. "PUT IT ON." Blushing and trembling unstoppable, I slowly worked my way into the thing. it was so weird to put on, stretchy yet clingy, enclosing my body, the touch to my still yearning nipples as it clung to them, only increasing their sensitivity and stiffness. Finally, I stood there clad in this most revealing of things yet enclosed in its sheath, that tickled and teased me completely. "Lovely, now let's go out for a walk." He was looking at me closely as he said it. I paled in horror. "No, No, please I I can't go out like this, no, please no.....umm daddy." "Ya looks lovely, so what do ya want then girl, do ya want a nice skirt to cover ya up, is that it?" I looked at him terrified, I couldn't go out like that, no way, I couldn't, anything was better than this, I nodded nervously. "Speak up girl, do ya want to wear a skirt out is that it?" I nodded again, mumbling, "Ys daddy." "Well tell me girl, how's I suppose ta know, ya got ta tell me, now tell me." I could hardly look at him, this was a nightmare and yet my stupid nipples were begging to be itched. "I want to wear a skirt daddy," I mumbled. "You want to wear a skirt out girl? Tell me then." I swallowed, I had to say it or he might make me go out dressed like this. "I, I want to wear a a skirt out daddy." My voice not more than a whisper. "Well, we'd better see what we can find hadn't we girl." He reached into his dreaded rucksack as he spoke. He pulled out something black and flimsy, its shape confusing. He handed it to me and I nervously took it from him, looking at it. "Well put it on then girl." There was no zip, it just seemed to be some sort of light lycra type material. I stepped into it, my nerves rocketing as I began to pull it up. By the time the waistband was at my waist, the realisation of what it was became apparent. It was a tight thin almost rubbery miniskirt made of spandex and polyester, but as it stretched it became more and more transparent. It came down to just above my knees, clinging tightly, restricting movement, but worse still, over my hips and bottom it was so transparent you could see what I was wearing beneath it. He was smiling, that horrible dominating smile of his. "Before we goes out we better get something on those feet too had'n we girl." My brain was screaming in embarrassment but I just stood there quivering wordlessly. The shoes he produced were black ankle boots the heels perhaps 3 inches, zipped at the sides with a strap around the ankles, he made me put a foot up on the dressing table stool whilst he put it on me, zipping the side up, then doing the ankle strap before producing one of his little padlocks which he put through the buckle. I shuddered as he did it, my fear and horror growing by the second. He seemed to revel in his humiliation of me, making me stand wobbling as he did the other boot. "There we can go for a walk now cant we girl." His smile was pure evil. "Nooo, please, no, I I please." I had my hands covering my breasts though not touching them. "Not like this please." "Whats tha matter girl, your tits are covered aint they?" "Noo, please please," I begged. "Ok, well if ya does ya lipstick nice and we puts ya hair in pig tails then praps I'll find something else for ya. So what ya gonna do?" He'd backed me into a corner yet again and I had no alternative but to agree. He watched as I reluctantly sat on the stool in front of the mirror and instructed me as I applied Mummy's lipstick and then a gloss coating, which he had found in her drawer. "Now let's get ya hair lookin pretty for ya to go out wiv daddy, girl." I was in an emotional hell, but stupidly I couldn't fight him, couldn't scream and shout, no, go away, leave me alone. Instead I was like putty in his hands, agreeing because I would die of shame if he made me go out dressed just as I was. Finally he stood back, looking at me. "That's better girly, so do ya think ya deserves to wear something else?" "Yess, yess, please, let me wear something else, please." I paused then added, "Daddy," just to try and persuade him more. "Yes, I think there's something else needed girl, I thinks ya needs to wear a collar, don't ya?" I just stared at him in horror. "Or do we go out jus as you are girly?" He looked at me, taunting me, waiting for my reaction. "Nooo, please nooo." My hands covered my breasts more. "Pleease." "Are ya gonna wear a collar for daddy then, girl?" He looked wolfish, he could turn the smallest things into blackmail. "Pleease." My voice a mere whisper. "Are Ya?" I took a quivering breath. "Ys." Then tell daddy, tell me ya wants ta wear a collar for me." I looked at him pleadingly and he countered my look with an aggressive stare. "I, I want to wear a, a, collar for you daddy." It was more of a submissive whimper than anything. "Yea, course ya do girl." He must have had the collar in his pocket as he produced it magically. It was pink kid leather and about an inch wide. It had a silver coloured buckle on it and a silver coloured half ring sewn into it. There was a silver heart dangling from the ring with the words "Daddy's girl" engraved onto it. I almost choked, getting up to run from him when I saw it, but his hand snaked out and grabbed me, his grip fierce and vicelike on my arm. "Ya do as ya're told, ya sissy or by fuck I'll send all them photos to ya boss an I'll make the blog public to everyone, we'll even get ya pretty picture in tha papers. They'll all think y'are a gay fuckin sissy an no one will believe anything ya say, I'll see to that ya little slut. Now come ere an wear ya fuckin collar like ya agreed." His flash of rage and shouted words left me quivering and tearful, I felt defeated, I couldn't see a way out and simply stood there as he fastened the collar around my neck. The click from yet another little padlock only making my fearful submissiveness grow even more. "Tha's better girl, see if ya behaves then everythin will be alright. So do ya think ya still deserves to wear somethin else girl?" Even having crushed my attempt at standing up to him, he was still taunting me. I gave a miserable half nod. "Ys." My whisper belying my feelings. He walked over to the bed and reached into his dreaded rucksack again pulling out what looked like a black leather jacket. He handed it to me just as he had with the other things. I took it from him cautiously, it was smooth and glossy and in fact some sort of faux leather. I began to put it on, thinking that perhaps he had been teasing me before, whilst in fact he had meant me to wear a jacket to cover my barely covered breasts. It was when I actually got it on however, that I realised that was not the case. It was a bolero jacket, it came to just below my rib cage and as it had no buttons it was open at the front. Whilst it covered my nipples it didn't cover my breasts, in fact my entire cleavage and lack of bra was visible. I gave a horrified squeak as I tried to tug the front together, attempting to cover myself up at least a little. His hands closed around my shoulders and he steered me in front of the mirror. "Lookin sexy girl." I looked at myself with a surge of humiliation, I looked like a complete slut. To my eyes I looked like a mixture of effeminate, sissy man, schoolgirl and tarty woman. My maleness was further twisted, diminished and effeminized by my obvious breasts, It was a complete confusion and the BDSM Theme visibly obvious. Not giving me time to react and denying me any opportunity to stop him, he hustled me out of Mum's bedroom, down the stairs and out into his van. In moments I sat there frozen in screaming embarrassment, the van, high up, making me feel like I was visible to everyone. He buckled my seat belt around me, locking it in place before fiddling with his mobile phone. The tingling in my little penis was almost immediate, followed by the pulsing in my bum. I let out a loud whimper as I squirmed in the seat and he laughed rudely. "Just makin sure you're comfortable darlin." I hardly took any notice of the journey, I spent all my time either squirming to the feelings or trying to hide my face, my embarrassment new no bounds. We finally pulled into a small car parking area, it was surrounded by trees and to one side was a public toilet, there were two or three cars parked there even though it was now late afternoon. He undid my seatbelt then got out of the van, coming round to my side he opened the door. "Cmon, git out girl, we gonna go for a nice walk." It was a humiliating and harrowing experience, he held my hand tightly as we walked and he walked at a pace that had me struggling. The tight skirt and the invasive plug had me wiggling along stupidly as I tried to keep up with him. At times we met couples coming back from their walk. The women would look sneeringly at me, whilst the men ogled grinning lewdly. I was blushing in red faced humiliation trying to avoid any eye contact and whenever possible turning my face away so as not to be recognised. Eventually we came to a point where the path petered out above a small shingle beach and I stood behind him, only wanting to go back home and for this whole putrid episode to end. He started back then, pulling me along once more and I was hopeful, until we came to a little side path. Holding my arm tightly he guided me along it for a short way until we came to a bench overlooking the river. "Sit down darlin, I wants to enjoy tha view." I sat wondering when would this torture end and he sat down close beside me. He took out his mobile phone a second and fiddled with it, the tingling teasing sensations in my little penis responding immediately, making me give out a gasp. "Thas better innit darlin, now give your daddy a nice kiss." I glanced at him repulsed. "Or should we try your little toy a bit more? Eh?" he waved his phone at me a second. I gulped, glancing round nervously, just in case someone could see. "Well darlin? You gonna give daddy a kiss?" It was an evil tease, he was smirking, he knew that I would have to give in. I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves and swallowing my revulsion and I leaned over to kiss him. In seconds his arms were around me pulling me tightly to him as his lips mashed against mine. His tongue thrust out opening my lips and his usually crude sexual snogging dominated me. His free hand slid over my breasts as he held me there, seeking out and finding my constantly throbbing nipples and in seconds I was a weak whimpering quivering mess in his complete control. "Let's take this jacket off darlin, you mus be hot wearin it." He released me a second, pushing the bolero down off my shoulders leaving my top naked save for the sheer body stocking that teased and enhanced it. I whimpered a whispering no, attempting to cover myself up in embarrassment, but he would have nothing of it. His arm back around me holding me against him as he kissed me again, playing with my desperately yearning nipples as he did so. Time seemed to stand still, I have no idea how long he played with me. Each time that I managed to get some control of myself and pull away from him, he would adjust the evil device and get me into a quivering moaning mess again. "Tell daddy you loves him darlin," he said as he played with my nipples. I whimpered and wriggled. I only wanted him to stop this all and take me home, but he persisted. "Tell daddy you loves him darlin." My nipples throbbed, rock hard to his touch, I couldn't think straight, I was feeling confused by the sensations going through my body. I said it before I even realised it. "I love you daddy." He kissed me hard his fingers lightly pinching my nipples. "Tell daddy again darlin." He hissed. I whimpered, I almost felt as if I was going to cum. "I love you daddy. I love you daddy." Suddenly I was so desperate for that climax I'd do anything and he knew it. "I love you daddy." I gave an urgent moan. "Unzip daddy darlin, give daddy a nice kiss, you know ya wants ta, don't ya?" he pulled me over into his lap as he spoke. With my penis literally throbbing from the electric pulses going through it, I just couldn't think straight, I was quivering all over and before I realised it his trousers zip was down and his stiffening cock hot in my hands inches from my lips. I gasped, the pulses from the plug starting, the feeling like an intrusion inside me and in seconds he was in my mouth and I was sucking him. He seemed to adjust the spasms in my rear to mimic my mouth's movement up and down on his increasing stiffness. I was loosing my head, loosing all control of myself, loosing my self disgust, his hands over the back of my head guiding me on him. Time? What was time? All that I could think of was the pulsing of the electric signals dominating my little penis, the spasming of my bottom and the hot wet stiffness of his cock as it reamed my mouth. I should have been prepared for his sudden swelling stiffness and his jetting climax, but it happened almost before I realised it, his voice in my ear grunting. "Swallow it, swallow it all girl, don't spill a fuckin drop." His words were only to state his control over me, I'd already swallowed his seed, not that I wanted to, but I'd done it in involuntary reaction to it. He pushed me back then and I sat there gasping, the evil teasing currents stopped, leaving my poor little penis numb and somehow unsatisfied. He smiled a triumphant smile taking out his handkerchief as he did so. Leaning forward he dabbed my lips with it, then unwrapped a ten pound note that was wrapped in it. "You're learnin girl. This is for ya first trick, do what ya'r told an you'll earn a nice little packet, wont yas?" He pushed the folded note into the sleeve of my body stocking at my wrist. "Cmon then ya little slut, lets go home, so we can play some more." He stood, holding my bolero jacket in one hand as he reached out to me with the other. He had no intention of giving me the jacket back and holding my wrist tightly he set off dragging me along in total fear and humiliation at being seen. Luckily, it was late enough for the path to be quiet, though there were still a couple of cars in the car park. When we got there, I hurried over to his van, desperate for the sanctity of its suggested privacy. I stood by the door expectantly, glancing over at him. "Jus gonna take a piss girl, won't be a minute." To my horror he headed for the toilets, leaving me standing there in the open alongside his van. He took his time, it was a harrowing nerve wracking few minutes before he appeared and walked over to me. "Tell Daddy you loves him girl." I was already in a quivering nervous state and I was desperate to get inside the van, to hide my teasing nakedness. "I love you Daddy," I mumbled. "Louder girl." I whimpered looking around me, I was sure I could hear someone coming. "I love you Daddy." "Now give us a nice kiss an say thank you to Daddy." I was sure I could hear someone coming out of the toilets, I had to hurry, I pushed myself to go up to him and tilting my head back, trying to supress the revulsion I still felt. "Thank you Daddy." It wasn't much more than a whisper, then I kissed him as he expected on the lips. The kiss once again was more like a snog, his hands seeking and finding my nipples, teasing them as he kissed me. Two men came out of the toilets together, they looked seedy and scruffy and they cheered lewdly as they saw us. Daddy held me to one side as I quivered in complete humiliation. "Come an meet my sissy daughter boys." I could have died. They walked over leering at me as they came. "Say hello to the nice men, girl." He took out his mobile phone as he spoke and seconds later the tickling started again in my little penis. I whimpered softly. "Cmon girl, do as you're told and don be shy." He looked evil, the tingling grew and I began to quiver. "Hello." I gasped in a nervous mumble. "Nice tits," one said as they both ogled me. "Like I tole you boys, he's still getting used to em, an he loves havin is nipples touched too, drives im crazy." He laughed as he said it. "Nice, does she suck?" "Fuck yea, he's learnin, but I got im givin good ead an enjoyin it already." "Does she fuck?" I couldn't believe that they were talking about me like this. "He's getting there boys, when we finished, he, that is she,'ll be fuckin as good as any cunt, she'll be wantin it all the time, with all the girly sex appeal, but without none o that female shite, if ya knows wot I mean." They were both nodding. "Fuckin right Doug, we aint here for them money grabbin bitches, why do you think we got this little meeting place. We want a tart to do as she's told so we can have our fun without any hassle." His friend, a huge man, hadn't taken his eyes off me all the time that they had been speaking and I felt very, very worried, embarrassed and humiliated. He spoke suddenly, he sounded gormless, his voice deep, coarse and uneducated. "Ya gonna let us see wot she's like?" Doug looked at him and smiled. "Ya want to try the merchandise eh?" "Yea." If Doug, Daddy, hadn't been holding my wrist I would have run. "I tell ya what I'll do, ya can give him a kiss an feel his tits for a minute, then tell me if ya gonna sign up or not. I tell ya you wont regret it." I tugged experimentally at my wrist and he turned to me. "Behave girl, or I'll get our friends to elp me spank ya." I froze. "Sounds like a deal Gordy, doesn't it?" The smaller man was talking to the big one. "We know Doug, he'll be true to his word." The big one appeared to be thinking and Daddy, Doug and his friend stood looking at him expectantly. "Yea ok, me an Jessy gets to snog im an feel is tits for a minute each, an if we likes it ya wants us signin up? "Yea Gordon, that's the deal." The bigger man appeared to be thinking. "K, go on Jessy, give im a try first." They were all suddenly smiling and I felt like I was a rabbit in the spotlight. I turned to Daddy, Doug and was about to start to say no, you can't do this when the pulses in my little penis increased and my voice turned into a squirming whimper. In seconds the small man, Jessy, came towards me, Doug's voice in my ear. "Do as your fuckin tole an kiss him properly, or fuckin else!" I was suddenly in Jessy's arms and he was kissing me. It was a strange feeling, he was soft, much softer than Daddy Doug, his kisses almost effeminate, his hands softly sliding over those, my breasts, his palms caressing my nipples. I felt confused, the feelings and the soft gentle kisses, twisting my mind. When he broke away he looked into my eyes as he still held me and he smiled. It was the smile that broke the spell, it was triumphant and sleezy. "Your go Gordy", The big man had come up right beside him as his friend had been kissing me, he was looking at me, smiling lewdly. "My go now you fuckin cunt." I was suddenly wrapped in a hugely powerful pair of arms and I gasped, whimpering, trying to wriggle free. The electric pulses in my sex increased joined by those in my bottom, they made me twitch, feeling weak and stupidly aroused with their remorseless teasing. The big man's disgusting maw closed on my mouth, his tongue like a bar prizing my lips apart as it entered my mouth almost chocking me. Then his fingers locked on to my nipples and it was like an electric shock going through me, my mouth opened and I was under his control. He ravaged me for what seemed like ages, but couldn't have been for more than the minute that Doug had promised. When he let me go I almost collapsed on the floor, I felt weak and almost as if I'd been raped. In the back ground I could hear their voices as I struggled to get myself back together. "Well?" Doug was looking at the pair of them and they were both smiling evily. "Yes we are in, sign us up, yes Gordy?" Gordon's grin was toothless. "Fuck yea." Doug nodded and smiled. "Ok boys we'll be in touch and let ya know when." They shook hands and headed off to their respective cars as Daddy, Doug opened the door of the van for me. "Git in ya little slut, let's git ya home an tucked up nice an tidy." I don't remember much about the drive home, I spent all the time once again trying to hide my breasts. When we pulled up my drive, he let me out and opened my front door for me. "Go up to Mummy's bedroom ya little slut." I rushed up the stairs, I just wanted to strip out of the awful things and get those horrible electro things off me. I was about to get the skirt off when he arrived beside me. "Git ya hands behind ya girl." He grabbed my arm as he said it, I was powerless to stop him, I was so weak from the whole humiliating afternoon that I couldn't fight him now. The dreaded cuffs clicked in place as I feared they would. "Onto the bed ya little slut." I tried begging, but he almost threw me onto the bed and a rummage in his dreaded rucksack, which was still there, revealed a second pair of cuffs. He fastened them around my ankles together with a short chain which he linked between both sets of cuffs, clipped with the little sprung clips that he'd used before. He left the room then, leaving me there helpless, wriggling. I thought he had gone but he returned after a few minutes, he'd found that awful gag and proceeded to put it on me, pulling the penis deep into my mouth as he buckled it behind my head. I moaned and tried my best to beg him to release me, but he took no notice, instead I saw that he had my mobile phone in his hand and he seemed to be doing something with it. I was terrified, what or who he might be sending messages to. I attempted to beg once more with gagged mumbles, but he took no notice of me. After a little while he turned to me at last. "Let's try to see if it works slut." He began pressing things on my phone and instantly the pulses began to flow through my little penis once more. He was watching me carefully and he could see my reactions as I jerked and whimpered. "Good, that works, now let's see if this works." He took out his own mobile, again pressed a few buttons and again the pulses went through my little penis. "Ahh good that seems to be working." He sat beside me then placing my phone and the keys to the cuffs around my wrists, on the bedside table beside the picture of my father. "Ok girl, I have connected your mobile phone up to our little toys, by Bluetooth and I have linked the control ap to WhatsApp. The WhatsApp on my phone is open to your WhatsApp which means I can control our toy from my house, the pub, or anywhere." He smirked as he saw the fear in my eyes. "Here is the keys to your hand cuffs." He pointed to the keys on the bedside table. "All you have to do is get the keys to release yourself, I've put the keys to your ankle cuffs on the other bedside table behind you. I'll know when you've released yourself when you close our WhatsApp message, but until then I control you girl." He smirked again as he saw my total horror and watched me wriggling madly. "If you cannot release yourself, I will know and if you are a good little slut I'll come around in the morning and release you." I tried my best to shout to beg, but it was all gagged. "Gnight little slut, enjoy." He kissed me on the forehead and then he was gone. I heard the front door slam, the van start up and then drive away and I wriggled and screamed into my gag and that's when the pulses started up again. It took an age for me to think about the cuffs and a plan to free myself. He did control the pulses and in doing that he did switch it off from time to time, I think he was just playing with me, playing with my mind, playing with my senses. Often I thought I was going to finally climax, but he was too evil to allow me to do that. Releasing the clip at my wrists was more by good luck than anything, now at least my wrists weren't linked to my ankles. The next challenge was to wriggle backwards across to the bedside table, find the key with my fingers, pick it up and then try to unlock my cuffs. All that with the horrible, horrible, teasing, tickling, continually keeping me aroused, electrical pulses. I managed eventually after an awful worry that I might have dropped the key on the floor. Clenching my teeth, I rolled over to the other side of the bed, got the second key and finally got all the cuffs off. My troubles weren't over though, as I had to take all those clothes off to get my panties off and get the electrodes off. He continued playing me with varying strengths that had me again so, so, close to climaxing. I felt foolish when it occurred to me that what I needed to do was turn my phone off, what an idiot I am. That at least gave me some release and let me relax so that I could take those slutty things off, though weirdly I just lay there a while in absolute exhaustion, crazily I didn't feel like removing them straight away. I still felt massively aroused and just lay on the bed feeling myself all over through the clothes. Finally, I pulled myself together and stripped, laying those terrifying clothes out almost reverently, on the bed as I undressed.

Same as A river of surprises chapter 5 Videos

2 years ago
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River 11

Chapter 11 So far: Jerome the yearling wolf has died, but two new wolves have joined the people. One of them decides that Moonie can atone for his sins, and over time the river cleanses his soul. The story of Moonie was told, both before the time of this tale, and after. As River and Wayne walked back to the Waters' campsite, River continued to tease the big man. She reached up and stroked his chest, marvelling at the muscles she could feel. "What?" "Just checking to see if...

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River 6

So far: River's parents return that evening, only to discover what happened this morning. Dale is adamant that he will kill the molester, even if it means going back to jail again. River, however, is dejected and mopish as the river continues to ignore her. River and Wayne were silent as they drove back into the park from the town. After they crossed the little covered bridge, River sobbed twice, and then broke out into tears. Wayne quickly pulled over, and then slid along the...

1 year ago
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River 2425

Chapter 24 and 25 Chapter 24 So far: The events in Stone Ledge reach a conclusion, and not a happy one. However Marilyn receives a treasure, and the flotilla heads back to the reserve in record time. The suicide of Virginia Audette is not yet a completed story, however. -------- ------- ------ As Marilyn and Nick admired their tiny new baby, River came over. "It isn't over," she said. "The river said that there will be a hearing the day after tomorrow, before Ginny's funeral....

2 years ago
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River 4

CHAPTER 4 So far: River is now a girl, and a revered leader of the people, after a special rite at the river. But her parents are in peril, with her father apparently in jail, and her mother seemingly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. River rushed to her mother, who was close to losing it. "He went home last night, and got in after midnight," Alison sobbed. "He went into the office early, and found it was full of police and accountants. Somebody has stolen several million dollars...

3 years ago
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River 10

CHAPTER 10 So far: Shortly after a traditional religious ceremony at the river had been a huge success, River and Wayne are running full tilt through the reservation towards the highway, where Moonie's chicken hatchery stands. Two shotgun blasts had been heard, and one squeal from a wounded wolf. River was a few dozen yards behind Wayne as he veered away from the river, running at full speed. Even so, she nearly caught up with him as they neared the hatchery, where they saw an old...

2 years ago
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River 28

Chapter 28 - A New Dawn So far: Dale introduced a stone mason to his family, and River and the river helped him choose apprentices. Then Dale took Mark out hunting, or was it the other way around? ----- -------- ------ On Friday night, while Dale and Mark were still at their camp, in between hunts, River got up as usual at 2 a.m. and went to the river. She had been in there for about two hours when she looked up and found, to her surprise, a taxi from Sudbury Yellow Cab pulled...

3 years ago
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River 21

Chapter 21 So far: things are moving along nicely. Alison and Mark are on the road north again, now permanently, with Nick escorting them. River has seen another couple given a special treat by the river, as her store starts to come together. And the expedition north is days ahead of schedule. ----- ----- ---- Connie called in sick on Thursday, her third day in a row. "Lovesick," she joked to River, as they worked setting up the store. She planned to drive back to Sault on Friday...

3 years ago
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River 30

Chapter 30 - School Days So far: River learned how to tan a deerskin, and then there was a great coming together with people from many of the area reserves. The river taught all of them the language and the history, and one boy in particular learned something important. Homes were found for all the new students, and the high school is going to be close to bursting, mostly with grade 9 students. It was not all arrivals though. River had to say goodbye to Wayne, her first First Nations...

1 year ago
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River 39

Chapter 39 - Death So far: Many of the residents of the area were updated on their winter activities, while a new and ominous character was introduced into the story. ---- ----- ----- Spring came on March 20 that year, although most people still considered March 21 to be the official date. Manitou seemed to prefer the second date, since the ice on the river broke up early in the morning and River and Mark went out at 2 a.m. to find the river filled with ice chunks flowing downstream. "We...

4 years ago
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River 26

Chapter 26 So far: Nick solved the problem of a home for his new family, at least until a permanent place is completed. A delegation of the river people headed to a hearing at Stone Ledge, where Ginny's parents were banished. Luv's grandfather opted to move to the river reserve, while her grandmother decided to try her luck in the bigger city of Thunder Bay. ------- ------- ----- After the trauma and excitement of the past few days, River was looking forward to a quiet day ahead...

2 years ago
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River and the Franks Ch 1 A Lesson in Respect

River and her stepdad were never close, but he didn’t mind her staying around the house and lending her some money here and there. The occasional blowjob or fuck helped motivate Brad to help her. The first time Brad had raped River was two months ago. Brad did not plan or really want to. But with River’s mom leaving them, he couldn’t help but resent the girl. He didn’t want to, but it happened. That resentment manifested as an aggressive lust one day when River spoke back to him...

2 years ago
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River 1

River "Are we there yet," 14-year-old Ricky Waters moaned for at least the fiftieth time this morning. But finally the answer wasn't "No, not yet," but "almost" as his father slowed to pull down a side road toward the mountains. "Mangadetigweyaa Nature Preserve" was printed on a sign by the entryway. The place had been a provincial park when Ricky's dad was a boy, and he had come camping here every summer during the 1980s. He had decided that, with Ricky going into high school next...

1 year ago
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River 40

Chapter 40 - Resurrection So far: The river has died, and River wants to die too. But there is Luv to think about, and her family. The men try to track down the killers, and are assisted by a very attractive and competent OPP officer, and a very plain and incompetent MoE agent. ------ ------ ---- The men went to the Waters' house first, and finding it empty, went next door to Nick and Marilyn's where they found it nearly full of women. River was holding Luv while eating pancakes. Liesl was...

2 years ago
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River 9

CHAPTER 9 So far: River is back in the park after a long ride to Sault Ste. Marie, where she met, and collected two of the river's people who had been trapped in a cycle of prostitution and drug addiction. She will take them to the river as soon as they arrive at the campsite. They pulled into the campsite at about 10:30, after letting Gail and Gina off at the JR camp. The tired boys immediately went to their tent, and Alison told River that she would look after unloading the van...

3 years ago
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River 1314

Chapter 13 So far: River met with her family, and got an update on their activities. The next morning River and Liesl got a ride with Wayne to the edge of the reserve to visit with an interesting couple. After visiting one shop in the morning, she was headed to another home. ----- - -- ----- "Anna Audette?" River asked George. "Is she related to Kyle?" George chuckled. "No. Or at least not closely. There are five different families named Audette on the reserve, and six with...

3 years ago
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River 12

CHAPTER 12 So far: River had a productive Monday, visiting many of the artists on the reservation. Tomorrow she and Liesl would visit some of the crafts people. River is heading back to the campsite to see how her mother and father made out in their days. ----- -- ---- River arrived at the campsite in time to help clean up the dishes. The boys had spent the day at the river, running wild, claiming they were fishing. They did catch one, in the traditional way, not...

3 years ago
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River 41

Chapter 41 - Retribution So far: The river has not died, but is greatly wounded and River might still lose it. But a sting is set up to catch the polluters, and then Kyle and George Audette come to the rescue to help get it cleaned up. Our friend from the MoE makes another appearance, and really does little to help things. ----- ------- ------ Sid Oldman got to work more than an hour before the day shift started. He was a bit upset to see a forklift left out in the loading bay,...

2 years ago
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River 29

Chapter 29 - The Students Arrive So far: The river saved another cancer victim, who decided that she and her daughter may stay in the area. Then news came of a near- disaster at Moose Portage Reserve that was narrowly averted by Rod and the girls. Finally, Mark wins twice, getting his trophy into the new house, and con(vinc)ing River to treat his hides. ---------- ------ ------ Sunday morning found River in her usual spot. She had a pair of trousers of her fathers to mend, and...

4 years ago
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River 17

Chapter 17 So far: Everyone on the reserve had spent a busy week preparing for the Sunday services, when the Prophet and the Singers would leave on their expedition. ------- ----- ---- Sunday morning River was up in the early darkness as usual, standing in the river. She remembered a story from one of her helpers in the store on Friday. This was Small John George, a cousin of the Tall John who had returned safely with her brother the night before. Small John was one of the idlers...

4 years ago
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River 37

Chapter 37 - Celebrations So far: Miners try to take the reserve as their own, and a small war erupts as the First Nations decide that they will no longer let the white men take what it theirs. The river keeps the war bloodless, in a way, and eventually it is resolved. ------- ------ ------ The town and reserve were abuzz for several weeks after the miners' war ended. It was nearly the end of November when River realized that her birthday, or Ricky's birthday, as odd as that now...

2 years ago
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River 20

Chapter 20 So far: Mark and Alison no longer have any ties to Toronto, and plan to head north following their respective adventures, riding in convoy with Nick. As well, let's update what River and the others were doing on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. ------ ------- ----- While Alison might have wanted to get back to St. Mary's as soon as possible, the three did not get away as early as they might have wanted. For one thing, none of Mark's clothes fit him, so he wore some of...

2 years ago
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River 32

Chapter 32 - Moose Hunting So far: Mark has an interesting first few days at school, showing his teacher that he is not a slow student, and helps others in the class. He makes a friend at lunch, which leads to an after-school fracas the following day. ------ ----- ------ River woke up at 2, and then went to wake Mark. She expected more of a battle getting her brother out of bed early, but actually found him quick to get moving and dressed. While River never used a flashlight to...

3 years ago
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River 36

Chapter 36 - The War So far: grand openings abound, with the Ojibwe Co-op and the Waters house getting most of the attention. Nick's and Marilyn's house, and the credit union also opened. Finally, River gets another idea, and the First Annual St. Mary's High School Fashion Show is the result. ------ ------- ------ In early November Mark and River were waiting for the sun to come up on a Friday morning when they heard a chorus of wolf howls from a few miles down the river. They got out of the...

3 years ago
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River 8

CHAPTER 8 So far: River avoided problems with the law while helping the river cure the elders from the hospital. After that, there was a shopping trip to beautiful downtown St. Mary's in the evening, in preparation for the bigger excursion to the city on Saturday. Finally, River sees that her dad has a secret, which he won't tell her. River woke early again, and was able to spend an hour in the river before heading back to wake her family first, and then went back to her tent at...

1 year ago
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River 27

Chapter 27 So far: River came up with a solution that will keep Dale from losing most of his workforce during deer season, in a way that will please Mark. The river refused to cure the cancer victims who come to it, with one possible exception. The prophet headed off to visit two more reserves, and River has a new hobby, sewing. Finally, Marilyn finds another project, and plans start for Ginny's House II. ------ --------- ----- The next morning River spent most of her time at the...

4 years ago
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River and Sonya Get Wet

River walked slowly in the moonlight toward her hot tub. The night was warm, but her heart was still cold from the breakup. She needed to feel again, it was difficult to continue being so cold in her life. It was difficult to pretend to be fine while having her heart ripped out. Her longing needed relief so that she could rest and she had not felt that in so very long. It was okay to let him go, but there were still many other things in her life that needed to be taken care of. She knew her...

1 year ago
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River 23

Chapter 23 So far: Kyle's Rube Goldberg invention is a huge hit, Alison's tormentors are punished, and Mark makes a new friend in the Toronto police force. Finally, the northern expedition is a huge success ... until they return to Stone Ledge. ------- --------- ----- Rod reached the tree first, and Ria was amazed when he seemed to run up the trunk in a display that was equal to those parkour moves she had seen on the Internet. But Rod had never before done anything like that,...

3 years ago
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River 34

Chapter 34 - The mine So far: Wayne headed off to college in London, Ontario. On his mission from Manitou, he meets new friends, both four-legged and two-legged ones. He gets a ride back north for Thanksgiving, and Ginny's House II starts to become a reality. ------ -------- ------ Soon after Thanksgiving Neil Audette's divorce was finalized in Thunder Bay, and as soon as Nick and he returned home, they started working on the mine in earnest. Neil took his samples to an assay place he knew...

2 years ago
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River 7

CHAPTER SEVEN So far: River had spent much of the morning in town treating and finally liberating several elders from the local hospital, where they had been encouraged (trapped?) to stay in a scheme rigged by the administration of the hospital to maintain a higher bed count. With the elders freed, River needs to take them to the river, to allow them to be cured in the ceremony that they had missed on Monday. At the river River pretty much duplicated the ceremony from Monday. After...

3 years ago
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River Conclusion

Chapter 42 - Conclusion So far: The mill has changed hands, and a media frenzy waited for the First Nations occupation to erupt into violence, which never occurred. Nick and River negotiate a settlement, and a new couple return to St. Mary's. ------ -------- ----- A day after returning to work after her activities on the river, Const. Sandra Harper was passed by a black Mercedes travelling well in excess of the posted 110 kph speed in the opposite direction. Her radar gun recorded the speed...

3 years ago
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River 16

Chapter 16 So far: River meets two new people, and the river bestows gifts on them. Carla gets a family, and a chance to be a girl, including a shopping trip. River and her new lawyer go to town, and make up with the hospital and the liquor agency. Then they cap off a busy day with a trip to Colin, resident computer nerd, and discover that a viral product means money will be coming into the reserve. And now: For a change we will look at the following four days, Wednesday to Saturday...

4 years ago
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River Song

The woman was old and bent and gray, long in her days and hard-set in her ways. As constant in her course as the river which rolls past her place. Those whom she’d loved, (and some who’d loved her, she supposed) had long gone away, moved on or, mostly, passed on. Somewhere, (Tennessee, or Georgia she had heard) dwelt her children’s, children’s, children, but they neither knew her nor cared to. Yes, she was old, but the river was older still. Her family had dwelt on its banks for many...

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River 22

Chapter 22 So far: the river has cured the doctor of cancer, although he won't admit it yet. Progress in getting a bank branch for the town has taken a different tack, with the possibility of a credit union managed by Alison. Both of Alison's children are registered for school in September, although not without problems. ------- ------ --- On Friday many of the townspeople were standing outside of Red Door First Nations Arts and Crafts, as the new store was named, and that name was now clear...

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River 5

CHAPTER FIVE So far: Camping can be dangerous, as Mark learns when he is accosted by a strange, creepy man in the camp washrooms. River is minutes away, running faster than she ever has in her life. She doesn't know what is wrong, but the river has told her that Mark is in danger. She needed to get to the camp, find out where Mark is, and then get to the washrooms before the young boy is scarred for life. There isn't enough time. (Warning, this episode deals with pedophilia, and if...

1 year ago
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River 33

Chapter 33 - Wayne's Mission So far: Night taught a science class, the Credit Union is started, and already expansion plans are made, and a massive moose chooses an honorable way to die. ----- ------- ------- Wayne arrived at the dorm in London with his roommate Jeremy just after noon on Monday. They spent the next few hours unloading the car and setting up their rooms. The dorm had two separate bedrooms with a shared bathroom and kitchenette, not the shared bedroom only type...

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River 35

Chapter 35 ? Grand Openings So far: Word about the gold rush is on, and big companies wanting a piece of the action were surprised and upset when they couldn't convince the band to give up a share, in return for ruining the environment and rerouting the river. And Mark was taught an interesting lesson. ----- ------- ----- The months of September and October brought changes to St. Mary's. In the last week of September, the Ojibwe Co-operative had its grand opening. The store had been open for ...

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River 38

Chapter 38 - Moving On So far: River gets some great news from the river on her birthday, and then sees her small celebration grow and grow and grow. Finally, Mark brings back a historic Ojibwe celebration with Longest Night to celebrate the solstice. ------ ------ ------ Winter in northern Ontario can be bleak. Snow, cold, short days, long nights and bad tempers for most people. But along the river the last one didn't occur this year. In February River promoted a winter festival, with all...

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River Boat Day 01

(Preface: The River Boat was created between Annora and My Erotic Tail. This tale of Abby and Sam on a house boat on the river grew from a small idea (SRP) into a wonderful tale. Thanks for the wonderful co-write Annora. I hope everyone enjoys the read as much as I enjoyed the write. A special Thank you to LadyShianne for editing.) (Chapter One) The Cherry The ride from the airport was long and quiet. They exchanged views of their expectations of this vacation get away. But the travel had...

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River 31

Chapter 31 - Mark at School So far: River had her first day at high school, and all goes well. Her Ojibwe teacher had a sly way of letting her teach the language and history to the other students, without them knowing that she was really in charge. The river cured a newcomer to the school, although not in the way one would expect. And finally we discovered what Chip's secret was. Now we go back a few hours and go to Mark's first day at school. ----- ------ ------- Mrs. Cutler...

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River 19

Chapter 19 So far: We start a chapter in which River does not appear. After Alison s horrible session with the vice president of the bank left her unemployed and shattered, she met up with the lawyer Nick and started to calm down. In this chapter we look at what her son, Mark did at the same time as Alison's meeting. ----- --------- Mark wandered through the Taddle Creek Mall, three floors of retail extravagance. In his mind he compared its 300-plus stores to the one main...

3 years ago
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River RatChapter 6

They pulled in at North Canyon Rapids an hour or so later -- no one was wearing a watch -- and called it good enough for the day. The hike out of there proved to be pretty good, and dinner was good, too. Al had some stories to tell around a tiny campfire that evening, and Crystal spent a few minutes talking about her beautiful trip down the Inside Passage on a salmon boat called the Glacier Bay a couple years before, and how they had to cross one wide opening in very bad conditions. A rogue...

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River RatChapter 5

They drifted on down the river, with Al mostly talking about the history and the geology of the place -- it was new and interesting to her, too, and would be among the many things she had to learn, she knew without asking. The wind was getting to her a little; so she dug around in her on-river drybag and pulled out a nylon rain jacket, that would help to keep the water off, and pulled it on. The Canyon walls were higher now, and closer together. As they drifted along Al explained that...

2 years ago
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River RatChapter 17

It was good to be out on the river. It was a comfortable day, not too hot; they got under way into a comfortable breeze that made things just about perfect. Scooter spent a couple minutes talking about John Doyle Lee, the Mormon assassin with nineteen wives who founded the Ferry back in the 1870s, the only place the river could be crossed for hundreds of miles in those days, and pointed out the old roadbed that led up the far Canyon wall. They ran around a slight curve and bounced through...

1 year ago
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River RatChapter 52

While most everyone but the crew was still asleep, Scooter and Crystal got their heads together in the early morning half-light. "If we're going to make this a qualifier for Randy, we're going to have to get him and Nicole out of Duane's raft," Crystal said. "And, I want to run with Nanci and Mom, at least today." "Guess we can do it," Scooter said from behind the roar of the big propane burner that was heating wash water. "How's about you take Noah, and I'll take Randy and...

4 years ago
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River Boat Day 02

River Boat: Day 2 (Turtle Cove) (This story was written by Annora and My Erotic Tail in (SRP) Thanks Annora~) (Edited by LadyShianne…Thanks S~) The sound of Abby in the kitchen woke Sam from his slumber. Slowly he arose and made ready the ‘Cherry’ for its daily voyage. The two of them exchanged ‘Good mornings,’ as Sam got the boat under way and Abby started breakfast. A bit nervous, they glanced at each other not sure what to say to break the ice. The River Boat made its way down river as...

2 years ago
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River World

River world is more of an experiment then a true reality anyone to have died on Earth is brought back to life on River World. River World is 100 times bigger then earth and it has billions of people on it. If someone is killed in River world at some point the keepers will bring them back to life somewhere down the River. Different people control about very square mile and the Keepers supply resources like food and some forms of luxury items. Thou they tend to be rare. The Keepers are the...

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River RatChapter 2

Kat started to school in the little River City community school and caught up to the other students. The weather was getting cooler and even on sunny days it was too cool for Kat to go without clothes. Except when she was inside the houseboat, then she hardly ever wore clothes. Luther had even quit fussing at her. For Thanksgiving, Luther and Kat fixed a real fancy Thanksgiving dinner and invited Granny to eat with them. With duck season coming on, Luther spent a lot of time getting his...

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River RatChapter 62

"You know," Scooter remarked as she and Jim headed down the Bright Angel Trail from Indian Gardens. "We ought to rig it around with Al so we could actually run with Dave and Mary once. I've never run with them, and I've always heard they were pretty cool." "They are," Jim said. "I spent all last fall running with them, remember? If Team 2 has a certain religious tinge to it, Team 1 has a New-Age tinge to it, so to speak." "What kind of tinge do you think Team 3 has?" Scooter...

1 year ago
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River PiratesChapter 9

I sold every one of my shotguns at Rock Island. They were much more popular than the rifles. Even an Indian band pooled their resources and bought one of the shotguns. That was the kind of thing that was going to kill the nomadic life of the Indians. Once they learned how much easier it would be to obtain food with the shotgun, they would be buying powder, shot, and caps. That meant that they would locate near a trading post and not want to wander very far away. We didn't pick up much...

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River RatChapter 51

Once everyone had a chance at the lunch line and were standing around working on sandwiches and pop, Scooter got up on the drybox of her raft. "OK, folks," she called out. "I'm Scooter Whitsell. Scooter isn't my real name and some of you know what it is, but I'm trying to forget it so I usually don't answer to it. I'll be your trip leader the first half of the trip, since Crystal knows a lot of people here, and it'll give her a little more chance to be friendly. She'll be leading...

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River PiratesChapter 8

The Ohio River could and would be very treacherous if it was ever given the chance. Sand bars abounded and the channel was almost impossible to find when the river was in flood. Capt. Johnson had a man on the bow taking depth readings every few yards. The Lovely Louise was barely moving just fast enough to keep up steerage. Any faster and they would not have been able to correct for changes in the channel. Fortunately, the Lovely Louise drew very little water, even when heavily loaded. She...

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River Boat Day 06

Abbey and Sam were in slumber on the River Boat. The gentle swaying of the boat was like a rocking cradle. The night was quiet and peaceful. Abby lay warmly in Sam’s arms. The Moon’s light come through the window of the bedroom casting shadows as the boat swayed with the rivers swells. Sam opened his eyes wide in the pitch black dark. He looked at Abby whom was sound asleep. Sam rolled back over to his side, searching for a cool spot in the pillow. Then he nuzzled into sleep again. ‘Clink,’ A...

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River PiratesChapter 7

The cannon was small, but Capt. Johnson had bought some grapeshot and cannister rounds for it. Either one would play hell with attacking pirates. I made a point of getting to know the three cannoneers, Jim Anderson, Bill Jackson, and Hiram North. They were all veterans of the Indian wars and knew how to handle cannon against gangs of attackers. We all felt a lot more secure when they signed on to the Lovely Louise. Between the cannon and our fast-loading rifles, we would be able to outfight...

3 years ago
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River RatChapter 3

There were some supplies that Scooter needed to fill out early the next morning, things like extra sunscreen, sunglasses, Chapstick, and tampons, but fortunately they were able to find them in a convenience store not far from the motel. The Canyon Tours business office proved to be a small building that had once been a house, with a large steel building in the back and a big parking lot. Crystal parked the Dodge along the back fence and got out. Scooter got out of the car and checked out the...

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River RatChapter 7

It was getting well along in the afternoon when the crew bus got them back to Flagstaff, but there was still work to do. Scooter found out that no one had been joking about dumping the groovers -- they'd taken several and used each one till it was getting close to full. They all stunk like hell, and there was nothing to be done about it but try to survive and hope to hell there'd be a swamper junior to her on the next trip. They stunk just about as bad while they were being hosed out and...

1 year ago
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River RatChapter 25

Friday morning was strange. It still seemed strange to haul their things in from the trunk of the Dodge, to hang clothes in real closets, put them in real dressers. They took their time about it, and it still felt nice. Once again, Scooter volunteered to do Crystal's laundry -- a washer and dryer were things the house lacked. After Al picked up Karin and Crystal in the late morning, around lunchtime, Scooter drove the Dodge over to the Burro, got the laundry going, and had a beer and a bar...

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River RatChapter 28

What with one thing and another, it took several hours to wind up this end-of-the-season staff meeting. There was one more item on the list to wrap up the year: the season-end staff party at Al's the next night. Everybody who had been at the staff meeting would be there, of course, but so would most of the summer boatmen and swampers within reach, many of the people from other companies who had filled in for the odd trip or two, a few former boatmen like Michelle's parents Pat and Rachel,...

2 years ago
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River RatChapter 54

The trail was familiar -- she'd hiked it a couple months earlier; one of the hike-ins had done it a couple years before, it turned out, so he was familiar with it, too. She suggested he take point since the trail could be tough to find in spots. Scooter figured she'd take sweep, to make sure everybody made it up all right, but right now her mind was mostly on other things. A little ways up the trail she turned around for one last look at the six rafts and the river. She was sad to have to...

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