New Town Part 2 free porn video

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New Town Part 2 By Princess Pantyboy (All, I added a couple paragraphs from part 1. I hope it helps to become a better read since it's been awhile since I put Part 1 online. If you haven't read part 1 you should first. Thanks again for all the sweet emails with encouraging words. Hugs Princess) I put Kellie back on the floor but first giving him a big hug, hopefully throwing him off balance that I am reminding him to be more like the baby girl he is acting like. The look on Kellie's face seems to be that it reminded of him forgetting to complain about wearing a diaper and having to pee in them like a baby. But then we both hear a KNOCK on the front door, and I pat Kellie on his/her diaper bottom. "Go ahead sweetie I'm sure it's your new friends wanting you to come out and play with them." His eyes light up reminding him he has friends that want to play with him and he doesn't complain about me treating him like a baby girl. I watch as he runs to the front door with his dress bouncing up and down, showing everyone that he is wearing plastic panties under his super girly dress. I watch as he opens the front door all the way seeing his new friend Miley smiling at Kellie up and down looking at his cute girly outfit. "Wow your momma did a great job on your hair, it is so pretty now just like mine." I watch as Kellie looks back at me smiling the biggest smile he has ever had looking at me. I don't think he realizes what his new friend said how pretty his hair is now. I smile back seeing him wearing the little toddler dress, plastic panties, and wearing little lace socks that barely cover his ankles and shiny white Mary Jane shoes. He is smiling with his hair in perfect pigtails with pink ribbons in each pigtail while his eyes are shining with his new baby girl bangs. "Thanks momma for fixing my hair, I'm going outside to play with my friend Miley, okay momma?" I smile at Kellie, and he still has no clue what his new hairstyle looks like. All I see is my baby girl smiling back at me that I always wanted and now have. "Okay Kellie you girls have fun." I finally have my baby girl now in our new town. After I close the front door, I am watching little Kellie through our front living room window. I am being careful so he doesn't notice me staring at him playing like a little girl. I don't think I have seen him this happy before. He is jumping around, with his dress is bouncing up and down showing the world his pretty plastic panties. He looks so cute now skipping like his new friend Miley is doing. Both of them skip over to Miley's house, and they start playing jump rope just like normal little girls do. A couple hours go by as every time I walk past the window seeing Kellie laughing. I am just about ready for dinner to be done, and I will be calling little Kellie home soon. But I see him running across the lawn holding Mileys hand, they come up to the front door and they come inside. "High girls are you having fun outside? Dinner is almost ready Kellie so I was just about ready to call you inside." I notice that little Kellie is still holding Mileys hand as the two of them really look like little girls hearing them giggling. Funny how only one of them is a real girl but little Kellie my son looks more like the girly girl out of the two of them, I giggle softly to myself. Miley and Kellie continue to giggle after my comment. "I was just walking little Kellie back home Ms. Larson." I smile at how polite the little girl is being. "Is it okay if I come back tomorrow after breakfast and play with Kellie?" "I have been watching you both and you play very well with each other. That sounds fine with me Miley. Thank you for walking little Kellie home." The moment the front door is closed I look down at little Kellie playing with one of his pigtails. "I told Miley I didn't need her to walk me home momma. I think she thinks of me as her little sister or something. Girls are crazy for sure momma." "Well I'm glad your new friend cares enough to make sure her new friend made it home safe. You are right we live right next door so the chances of you getting lost on your way home are pretty small sweetie." I look at momma, and I am not sure if she is teasing me or just trying to kid around with me. Either way she is being funny, and I can't remember her being funny around me before. Back at the old house she was always making fun of my friends that she never liked any of them that they are bullies, and she was right. Well they weren't actually my friends they seem to only come over when everyone else was out of town. I just don't remember mommy being so happy like she is now. "Go and wash up sweetie, you can help me put dinner on the table after you are cleaned up okay?" I have never helped mommy with dinner it might be fun. I never heard her complain about cooking dinner before, so I guess I can help her since she let me play outside all day while she cleaned, and unpacked our stuff from the move. "Okay momma I will be right back, and help you." I watch as little Kellie turns, and skips down the hallway into the bathroom. I know I should tell him no running in the house but he looks so cute skipping like the little girl he is looking like, and acting like. I will have to keep enforcing him to be more and more girlie. I hear the faucet shut off in the bathroom and him drying his hands, but then nothing. I wonder what he is doing so I walk slowly over to the open bathroom door. Just before I get to it, I see a reflection of the glass from one of the large hallway pictures of little Kellie squatting down looking out the bathroom door. He is then staring between his legs like he is waiting for something to happen. Oh my god he must be peeing in his diaper. Oh, how cute he looks, I bet he is wondering if the diaper will hold all his pee, or leak. I better get back in the kitchen before he sees me. This is so great he really is regressing back to being a toddler. I bet he waited until he came inside to go potty, so his little friends didn't see him going potty in his diaper. I need to just get him so relaxed that he doesn't even think about going potty in his diaper. This way he will just wet his diaper just like a baby does. I then hear him walking back towards the kitchen. "Let me see your hands sweetie." I see a look on Kellie's face as he shows me his clean hands. I am waiting for him to complain that he isn't a baby that he knows how to wash his hands but he says nothing. "Good girl sweetie you did a good job. Can you bend over and reach the bottom cabinet, and pull out one of the pretty aprons like mommy is wearing?" The moment he bends over I can see clear as day his plastic panties are sagging between his legs confirming for sure he was squatting down, wetting his diaper. I look away so he doesn't see me staring up his pretty dress. "Just pick anyone sweetie and I can help you put it on if you need help." I notice out of the corner of my eye he picked the frilliest girlie one that was in the cabinet. He walks up next to me and hands me the super girlie apron. "Oh, you picked my favorite one this one is so pretty Kellie. Now lift your arms up and turn around." I watch as he doesn't question me at all and lifts both his arms up. I will continue to treat him as girly as I can until he complains. "Oh yes that apron looks so pretty on you, and fits you perfectly well maybe it is a little big, but it does protect your pretty dress." Wow this is weird mommy never asked for me to help with dinner before. I stare at the girly apron, well I never had to wear an apron before either. Look at me though I'm wearing a dress and diaper. I guess it's girl mode so I guess it's okay to be weird because seems like all girls are weird. Mommy continues to treat me like a girl, and a little girl at that. I did agree to go into girl mode so I guess it's okay. I won't tell mommy that this dress is definitely more comfortable than my summer shorts. I know I would be sweating for sure with all the games we played while I was wearing a dress. Seems the air just blew up under the dress and cooled me off before I even got hot. After dinner mommy asked me to help clean up, and I have to admit the apron doesn't really bother me. What really bothers me is I don't remember wetting my diaper. I mean I am in my bedroom getting undressed and mommy left me a silky pink nightgown on my bed. I am changing into to it and it does fit me well. I better throw this wet diaper away so mommy doesn't see I wet the diaper again. I don't want her to think I was really a baby. I'm just trying to act like one for mommy like she asked. I'll just pull up this little pull-up and put the plastic panties back over the new diaper. Wow does my little penis even look smaller than it was before? I know mommy teased me about my boy parts being as small as a newborn, but it all looks so tiny now. I will have to ask mommy about what Miley said about vitamins her momma gives her to keep her skin smooth, and her face clean of pimples. She said that it would probably help my skin too. I wonder if those vitamins would help my little boy parts grow too? This silky nightgown feels so good, but wow it is so short. I guess all girls like short dresses, and short skirts, and short shorts, girls are just weird so no sense in complaining. "Hurry up downstairs sweetie and I will start the movie after you come down okay?" "Yes, momma I am coming." I see momma carrying a plate with fresh homemade cookies, and two glasses of milk for us. I notice momma smiling at me looking at me from head to toe. Mommy puts the cookies and milk on the coffee table. "Help yourself sweetie while I start the movie." I can't believe how girly Kellie is acting, walking, sitting everything. If a total stranger came in here right now, they would never believe that he was not a little girl. I try not to stare at Kellie as we watch the movie but he is sitting just like a little girl with his legs tucked under himself sitting on the couch. I can't stop staring at him, he is even giggling like a little girl when a funny part came on the movie. It's actually funny that he doesn't even mind watching a super girly Disney movie like little Mermaid. When we received this movie years ago by mistake from the Disney movie club, I tried to watch it with Kellie, and he said it was too girly of a movie back then. Now his little girly eyes are glued to the movie, and with all his giggling makes it perfect. The first time he caught himself giggle, I was giggling as well so he didn't stop acting girly. After a while the movie is over, and I notice little Kellie is out cold. Wow he must have been tired. I carry little Kellie up to his new room and I don't think he has complained once about having a super girly room since he started girl mode. I lay Kellie down, and cover him up with his Disney princess blanket's. God, he looks like a little angel laying there with him cuddling his Disney princess pillows. I think I will push his manliness some more by taking all the boyish stuff out of his room like his old baseball trophy's, and favorite baseball bat, and glove. I pick his dress off the floor he was wearing all day and put it where he had his trophies on his dresser. I take the pink dirty clothes hamper out of his bathroom and put it where his baseball gear was leaning against the wall. Looking around I don't see anything that looks like it should go in a boy's bedroom, the whole bedroom is totally girlish. I would love to take all his boy clothes out of his dressers and closet but that might be pushing him too much. I think I will let him pick his own clothes in the morning and if he picks girls clothes like I hope, he can say goodbye to all his boy clothes, and hello to just dresses and skirts. The pretty dresses he has been wearing are all super girly girl outfits to say the least hee-hee. Good night my little Princess Pantyboy hee-hee. I slowly walk out of his room thinking to myself if I treat him anymore like a girl, I should start saying her, instead of him, hee-hee. I get in bed thinking about what I can do to make Kelly's life more girly. (THE NEXT MORNING) Wow I slept like a rock I don't even remember coming to bed, let alone how the movie ended. I'm sure knowing mommy she will probably want to watch it again if I tell her I fell asleep before it ended. Stretching out in bed I can see I must have slept in because the sun is already coming through the window. I can hear mommy downstairs making breakfast, then I hear a knock at our front door. "KNOCK, KNOCK." "Oh, good morning Miley, Kellie is still sleeping, but I think it's time to get up." I can't hear Miley but she is talking softly to momma. "Kellie are you up? Miley is here and you need to get dressed, and come downstairs sweetie okay?" I toss all the blankets off of me, and slide out of bed. "Okay momma I will get dressed and come downstairs." The moment I say get dressed I see the soaked diaper sagging down between my legs. What the hell how did I wet myself while I was sleeping? I must have been really tired. The diaper slides down to the floor when I lift my arms over my head to pull my nightgown off. I toss the silky nightgown onto my bed after I pick my soaked pull-up off the floor and put it into the bathroom garbage. I stand totally naked seeing all Miley's hand-me-downs still on the end of the bed that was brought over yesterday. "Hurry up Kellie, or Miley an I will eat all your breakfast hee-hee," I hear momma saying, and her and Miley giggling about eating all the food. Looking at all the clothes I don't know what to wear. I look out the window hearing the birds singing and it looks like it is going to be another hot day out again. I pick up the little flowered dress with no sleeves and pull it over my head. I take a pull-up out of the pile on my dresser and slide it up my legs seeing my plastic panties from yesterday reminds me I peed my diaper in my sleep. I better take extra protection. I see the matching flowered plastic panties that match this outfit and I slide them over my diaper. "I am really curious what Kellie picks to wear this morning because yesterday I picked the pretty dress, he wore all day and when he went to bed, I put a pretty nightgown on his bed and he changed into it no questions asked." "Yes Ms. Larson, and that was a very cute outfit you picked, I am hoping he still stays in girl mode today as well. Playing with Kellie yesterday felt like I was playing with another girl like me. It is much different when my brother and little Mikey go into girl mode, I still think of them as boys wearing girl's clothes. When Kellie is dressed in girl's clothes, I think of him just like I do another girl. Please don't tell him but I want him to stay in girl mode forever hee-hee." We both hear little Kellie walking down the stairs and come into view. "You both better be teasing me I am hungry, and you better not have eaten all the food for breakfast." Good morning sweetie, we were just teasing you there is plenty to go around." I sit down at the table next to Miley who is just drinking orange juice. Momma puts a glass in front of me next to my plate. "Yea you sure slept in Kellie I was up, and running around made my bed and had breakfast." I look up at momma when she said she made her bed because momma is always bugging me to make my bed before I come down to breakfast. "I really like the pretty outfit you picked Kellie. I think great minds think a like we are like twins both wearing flowery dresses." I look over at Miley while I take a bite of my French toast. I don't even realize that my momma cut up my French toast like she did when I was a toddler. "But my hair is done, and I have shoes and socks on already. You look like you just rolled out of bed little Kellie hee- hee." "Yea I guess I did just roll out of bed. My momma, and I stayed up late watching movies and eating homemade chocolate chip cookies and dipping them in milk. So, I guess I did sleep in." Momma walked over behind me. "I can brush your hair sweetie so you can go out with your friend after you eat if you want mommas help?" Momma is treating me like a toddler and before I can even respond I feel mommy brushing my long hair out. Momma is ignoring me and starts talking with Miley while I am eating. "So, what's on the plan for today Miley you coming over so soon you GIRLS have anything fun planned?" I hear momma say you girls, but I guess I am still in girl mode so no matter. Miley looks sad turning and looking at my momma. "My mommy wants to take me shopping in the mall for a new dance outfit and after she is ready, we are going. So, I wanted to come over and say good morning to Kellie and tell HER I won't be around to play this morning like we talked about doing yesterday. I forgot mommy wanted to go to the mall. Sorry Kellie I forgot yesterday when we made plans to play together today." "Oh, it is okay Miley we can play when you comeback I still haven't even put my clothes away from just moving here." My momma smiles at me sounding sympathetic to Miley not wanting to leave, and not be able to play. "Okay well like you said Miley you are allowed to play until your mother is ready so you two girls go outside and play, and I will call your mommy Miley." I hear momma taking control of the conversation. "Kellie your white sandals are by the front door sweetie it's too hot for socks you should be comfortable." Miley and I walk outside after she puts my sandals on my feet. Why is everyone treating me like a toddler. The moment we walk over to our new driveway we see little Missie sitting in their driveway drawing on the driveway with sidewalk chalk. What ya doing little Missie?" Miley yells out to him as we start to skip over to see Missie. He is definitely in girl mode he is wearing a bright yellow sundress and looking between his legs I see matching plastic panties. I have to admit wearing girl's clothes sure is more comfortable in this heat. "I thought you couldn't come out and play because your mommy was taking you to the mall. I seen Kevin on his way to football practice, and that is what he was saying." "Yea it's true I just stopped over little Kellie's to tell her I couldn't play today. I'm sure my mommy will be calling me any minute. Looks like you have been drawing with your sidewalk chalk for a while." Missie smiles at me playing with my hair. "I was up early because I knew it would be too hot to sit on the driveway later once the temperature rises. Isn't this a pretty butterfly I'm drawing? Come sit with me until you have to go guys." We both sit down taking some sidewalk chalk, and drawing our own little pitchers. "Yes, that is a pretty picture Missie." I say smiling at her noticing that her plastic panties look like there sagging, but the last thing I'm going to do is embarrass her. Wow that is messed up while I was trying to not stare at her plastic panties, I started to wet myself. We continue to play for another hour when we see my momma walk out to our driveway, she is waving for us to come back. "Kellie, Miley come here please." "I guess we have to go Missie we will see ya later, have fun drawing your pretty pitchers." Miley and I stand up and I see Miley whips her short dress as she stands and I do the same. "Let's race to your mommy Kellie; 1,2,3 goo." Miley starts to run and gets a head start as I start to run after her, but she is clearly going to win. "Hey I wasn't ready you cheated Miley." I don't notice our dresses popping up and down as we run to momma. "She cheated momma she didn't tell me we were racing until she started running." "That's okay my little princess, I talked to your mommy Miley and she was letting you play with Kellie and is going to meet us in the mall so we can shop together. Okay girls on three you both race to see who can get in the minivan and put their safety belt on first. Ready 1,2,3 goo." Wow Kellie looked at me weird when I said we are going to the mall, but he didn't complain at all. It was funny to watch Kellie's eyes he looked down at the pretty dress he is wearing when I said we are going to the mall. Funny though when I said I want you girls to race his eyes lit up, and he was off like a flash with his panties in full view of everyone to see when he was running. I think he even runs like a girl with his hands by his side like Miley does. "Good job girls it was hard to see who was the fastest." I see Kellie stick his tongue out at Miley. "Both you girls need to fix your dresses, I can see both your panties clear as day." I watch them both fixing their dresses while I am starting the minivan up after closing the doors. "I told you Miley you didn't beat me again, my momma said it was a tie," I hear Kellie telling Miley, then he sticks his tongue at her, and she sticks her tongue at Kellie. He is definitely regressing for sure and in a good way. "Okay girls we are off so be good or we aren't going on this adventure." I start the little mermaid DVD, and the screens come alive as they both become quite and watch the movie on the big screen in the middle row. A short time later we arrive at the mall, and they are both sound asleep which is a riot. I can't believe Kellie is taking naps like any toddler would. I get out and open the side door. "Okay my little princesses let's go we are here, wake up girls." "Momma you don't have to yell, I am not deaf ya know," I hear Kellie whining while Miley giggles at Kellie's comments. The both of them are rubbing their eyes. Kellie never said a word about me referencing him as a girl. We pile out of our mini-van, I don't even say anything as mommy takes one of my hands as we walk. Little Miley takes my mammas other hand. I look up at momma, and she is smiling looking down at me while we walk through the mall parking lot. A couple of teenage boys are walking in front of us. "Let me get the door for you three ladies," the boy says that has a blonde hair and his hair cut like the other boys in a crew cut style. I look up at the boy holding the door, and I notice he is barely a teenager. I am really much older than him. I remember then that I am still in girl mode as I see the reflection of momma holding two little toddler girl's hands. Both the little girls are wearing very short girly dresses, and one of them is me. I feel a little pee going into my diaper. "Oh shit," I say aloud not only am I still in girl mode wearing my new pretty dress and diaper now I am away from my house and walking into the mall. No one is staring at me saying look there's a boy wearing a dress. I relax a little more just looking around while we walk. Mommy stops and is staring into the window display in front of one of the stores in the mall. I am still looking around, when I make eye contact with my reflection in the glass window display of my momma holding the two girl's hands. I see the same reflection when we walked into the mall, but this time the smaller girl is squatting down obviously peeing in her diaper. "Oh shit," I say softly again when I realize I am the little girl wetting her diaper. OMG what is happening to me? I am peeing my diaper dressed like a little girl, and I am referring to myself as a little girl. "Okay girls let's go inside, Miley's mommy is having her hair done and she is going to meet us in this store when she is done." I look around hoping no one seen me wetting my diaper. No one is laughing so I will just wing it, I guess. Miley pulls on my dress to get my attention. "Kellie this is where my mommy is supposed to take me to pick a new dance outfit for when I start ballet." I listen to Miley and I can see how excited she is. "Oh, look this is the exact one I'm supposed to wear to my ballet class." I look up seeing Miley holding up a light pink leotard with white tights on a hanger. "Oh, this one is too small for me, this is your size Kellie." I look down at the hanger Miley handed me. I have no clue why she gave it to me, but she is so excited so I will hold it for her. "Okay this is my size. Can I try mine on or do we have to wait to try them on till my mommy comes?" I look up at my momma smiling at me like she is in deep thought her watching me holding the little pink leotard and tights on a hanger. I smile not knowing what momma is smiling at me for. Oh, I wonder how far I can push little Kellie, he is getting more, and more girly as the day goes on. I thought I was going to breakout and laugh seeing my son wearing a little girl's dress squatting down peeing in his diaper. If he only knew I was watching him the whole time. "I guess we can speed things up a little bit Miley your mommy did say she wanted to come here so you can try on your new dance outfit but you wanted to play with Kellie instead. That is when I said I would watch you while she was getting her hair done, and then I would bring you girls to the mall." Momma keeps referring to me as one of the girls but then again, I'm in girl mode wearing a dress, so I guess that's okay her referring to me as a girl. "If you girls hurry up trying on the ballet outfits, I will get you both a treat at Dairy Queen that is next door." Miley and I look at each other smiling, hearing we are going to Dairy Queen for a treat which I'm guessing will be an ice cream cone, I hope. "I think it would be a great surprise for your mommy if you picked your own ballet outfit like a big girl. Oh, and if you're wearing a diaper Miley you can try on your outfit without it sweetie. Now hurry up girls." I am staring at Kellie still holding the ballet outfit on a hanger smiling at him when I made my comments. I am hoping he will go inside with Miley and try on the little super girly ballet outfit. Oh, if he did that would be like a dream come true having my very own little girl. I'm sure this is pushing him too much, but just as I was going to say something else little Miley started talking again. "Okay Kellie come on we have to hurry if your mommy is going to get us a treat for trying on "OUR" ballet outfits." Miley grabs Kellie's little hand, and pulls him inside the dressing room. I can see the shock in Kellie's eyes as he is dragged by Miley, I just smile at Kellie as he disappears into the dressing room staring into my eyes. The dressing room attendant sees what we are carrying. "Okay girls I know you are big girls but if you need help with your pretty dance outfits just call out. I can help you, or I can get your momma to help you both okay girls?" We both look up at the young girl who works for the store standing at the entrance to the dressing room. "Yes, ma'am we are big girls we can get dressed ourselves, but thank you," I hear Miley saying as we walk in and she closes the large curtain. "Okay Kellie we have to hurry, I will help you with the buttons on the back of your dress. I know they were hard to reach when I was smaller, and wore that dress. Now turn around quickly then you can help me with my dress." Before I know it, she has the buttons un-done, my dress is around my ankles. I am stepping out of my dress standing only wearing my plastic panties and diaper. "Looks like someone wet themselves. You want me to call your momma, and have her change your wet diaper, or do you want to not tell her and just try on the outfit?" Oh, shit I hate for momma to see I wet my diaper during the day she will never let me out of diapers, but I sure as hell don't want to try on this ballet outfit either. I guess I'm in girl mode so I guess it is alright no harm in just trying it on. "Umm okay I guess, but you have to promise not to tell her I wet my diaper again okay Miley?" I stare at Miley for a response while she is pulling down my plastic panties exposing my sagging diaper I am only wearing now. "You are my best friend Kellie; I don't have to promise, but I will if you want me to. I don't want you to get in trouble either." I relax hearing Miley. "Okay turn around again." I turn around slowly; I look down at my sagging-soaked diaper. I then hear the tape getting removed as the diaper falls to the floor. While Miley is folding up the soaked diaper, I move my hands between my legs to cover my little boy parts. "Okay lift your leg Kellie with your back to me and slide your leg into the tights, and then the other. It is so much easier if you sit down and roll them up your legs next time, but you aren't wearing any panties." I do as I am told feeling better not being naked and getting the soaked diaper off of me. "Good girl now hold on to my shoulder while I pull up hard on your tights and then step into the leotard Kellie." I do as I am asked putting my hand on her should as I feel her pull up hard and it feels like my little balls, and penis were pushed back into my body. I look down and step into the pink leotard not really looking at it but noticing there isn't any type of bulge between my legs anymore. I feel Miley pulling my arm through one strap, then I slide my other arm through as I watch Miley stand back staring at me. "Wow your leotard and tights fit you perfectly." Miley smiles as she stares at me up and down more staring between my legs not saying anything about how flat and smooth it is between my legs. "Can you get my zipper now Kellie so I can see if my dance outfit fits as good as yours?" What is she talking about saying my dance outfit? I don't need a dance outfit; it does feel snug between my legs but not un-comfortable. "Okay the zipper is down Miley," I barely say but her dress was already on the floor while she was stepping out of it. Miley is only dressed in her little barbie panties. I smile it being the first time, I seen a girl wearing panties. I guess it's not much different from them wearing a bikini swimsuit. "Can you hand me my tights and I will show you how easy it is to put on when you are sitting down." I watch while Miley roles up the tights into two little donut looking things and she rolls them up both her legs in no time. She steps into her pink leotard and she looks so girly and I stare between her legs and see she is flat there like I am. We both turn towards the mirror and I can see even better that we look exactly the same between our legs. Staring into the big mirror I can't believe how much I look like a little girl now. "Oh yes my dance outfit fits as good as yours doesn't it?" I don't know how to respond, maybe I'm in shock that I look just like this little girl does. Kellie does my leotard and tights look okay on me and are they as pretty as yours?" "Um yes yours is just like mine, and yours looks very pretty like mine," I say not knowing mommy stuck her head through the curtain to see how we are doing. I look up hearing mommy. "Well yes yours looks very pretty Kellie just like you said and I'm glad your dance outfit is comfortable too. Come out here girls so I can see you both better." "Oh, you girls look so pretty," we both hear when we come out of the changing room. The crazy thing is, it isn't my momma saying that it is Miley's mommy saying how pretty we both are. "Oh, you both will have so much fun, come here girls I want to show you something," we hear her mommy saying. I turn around seeing mommy carrying my dress and Mileys following behind us. Momma is just smiling staring at me wearing the little pink dance outfit. We walk through a double door and then see chairs and a large window that looks like a waiting room and through the window is a dance area. I look back at mommy putting our clothes on one of the chairs and following us through another door where there are a bunch of little girls dressed just like Miley and I smiling at us as we walk towards them. We also see three boys dressed in black shorts and white short sleeve tee shirts. "High I am Mileys mom and I called about starting her up with ballet classes." I stare at the girls and boys all staring at Miley and I while Mileys mommy is talking to the dance instructor who is very pretty and only about 22 years old smiling at Miley and me. I feel my momma put her hand on my shoulders like Miley's mommy is doing with her. "Well that's great we are so excited to have you little Miley, and who is this with you?" I see the pretty girl smiling at me reaching out to shake my hand. "This is my best friend in the whole wide world and her name is Kellie." I smile hearing my name as I shake her hand. Looking back at mommy she is smiling so hard and smiling at me then looking at all the little girls dressed in the same pink leotards and tights. I see Miley take the teachers hand then she reaches out to me and I take her hand as well. "Okay girls run over there with the other girls and boys, we will just be warming up." Miley starts to run then out of nowhere I run as well as we hold on to the railing by the large glass mirror. Oh shit, what am I doing over here this ballet teacher thinks I am joining Miley in ballet class. I turn and see my momma and Mileys mom sitting down talking in the waiting area. I see my momma noticing me staring at her and she waves to me, I naturally wave back to her. I should run over there and tell momma I don't want to be in this ballet class. "Okay girls, and boys let me have your attention. First of all, welcome you to ballet 101 I know all you girls and boys have never had any ballet training and this is everyone's first lesson." I look around again staring at the girls smiling at me and each other so excited. "Now kids I know your all excited but I need your complete attention, I need you to stare into my eyes and not look around." Wow the teacher was totally staring at me when she said look into her eyes and not look at the others. I stare back into her eyes like I am told. Okay girls spread apart about 5-6 feet from each other." We do as instructed. "Okay now this is a warm up stretching exercise. I want you all to follow me, and slowly spread your feet apart, Slower the better." I watch as the teacher starts to spread her feet apart as she stares at me, then the others. It seems like she is just staring straight at me only. I continue to watch her, and as she spreads her feet apart more. I do the same. "Now keep looking at me don't look at the others, and continue to do as I do slowly." I continue to watch her, and I feel almost hypnotized watching her spreading her feet apart until she is lying flat on the floor with both her legs spread apart on the floor smiling at me. "That was outstanding Kellie," the teacher says, I look around and all the girls, and boys are clapping and applauding staring at me. I look up seeing my momma and Mileys and all the other mommy's watching me and applauding. "I didn't know you were joining our class, how many years have you been training in ballet sweetie?" I look at her not knowing what to say. "Before you tell me your history, lets us reverse this process sweetie. I want you to follow me, and start to pull your feet together like I do. Just stare into my eyes, don't look around at the others okay sweetie?" "Okay I guess." I look straight ahead and if I didn't know any better it looks like the teacher is shaking and sweating a whole bunch. I watch as the sweat is starting to pour down over her forehead, then her shoulders. After a short time, we are both standing back straight up with our feet together smiling at each other. I walk over to the teacher that has her arms out to me and she looks so soaked from sweating like she just got out of a pool. I'm not sweating at all. "Are you okay?" I say to the teacher who is just smiling at me. "Well for one thing I should be asking you that. I think we both deserve a water bottle break sweetie okay?" I watch as the teacher swings her legs around and stands up. I smile when I see the teacher hand reach out to me, I take it and stand next to her. Well sweetie if this is your first time in any type of dance class you are a natural. Now everyone let's take a water break, I think your teacher needs a break." The whole class smiles at her little joke but she looks tired. After the fast water break the class went pretty fast everyone was thanking me for joining their class and asked for my help after and wanting to know where I live and if they can come over and practice some time in the future. I don't know how to say anything to my mommy about that I don't want to do ballet but it is really easy but is such a girly girl sport or activity. I watch as mommy is talking to the other girl's mothers and setting up play dates or practice dates so maybe I am getting signed up for ballet classes. We start walking to the parking lot with both our moms talking together behind us. "Wow Kellie you sure did a great job in ballet class you are definitely a hit in the class wanting all those other girls to come over and practice with you. Make sure when they are over, I am there to also practice. I want to be as good as you some day." Going back in my head listening to Miley and playing back my own conversation I am thinking as myself as one of the other girls meaning I'm thinking more and more like the little girl I look like. I guess mommy doesn't care me being in girl mode and I guess that's how girls act so I guess I shouldn't worry about acting so girly. "Umm of course Miley, I mean I don't really even remember me saying I wanted to continue ballet class." I look at the shock look on Mileys face as I notice we are still dressed in our leotards and tights. I look around and all the other girls are dressed like us maybe they came in their ballet outfit where Miley and I had our ballet outfits under our dresses. I guess our moms must be carrying our clothes. Girls are weird walking around dressed like this but I guess if you think about it the leotards look just like a girls one piece swimsuit, so maybe it's not so weird. We still continue walking to the parking lot. "What you have too, I know you had fun I was standing right next to you the whole time. I mean you were laughing and giggling like me and the other girls. Kellie you have to we had some much fun together." I hear Miley talking louder and getting the attention of both our moms. "What's going on girls, is everything okay?" Miley turns around and looks like she is going to cry hearing my comments about never saying I was going to continue ballet. "Is everything okay Miley?" Miley looks at me, then looks back at our mommy's. "Kellie said SHE never said she was going back to ballet with me. I was telling HER that we had some much fun and SHE was jumping around with me and the other girls having so much fun." My mommy looks at me like I'm supposed to say something. "Well yea mommy I had a lot of fun and stuff with the other girls, I mean ummm." I play with my hair nervously realizing I counted myself again as one of the girls. "I was just saying to Miley I never said I wanted to continue ballet." I see my mommy stare at me that at Mileys mommy then back at me. "Sweetie everyone there watched you having a great time with the other girls. I think all the other girls would really be sad if you didn't come back especially how they were asking about practicing ballet with you during the week. You seemed very excited about all the other girls being your friend like Miley and wanting your help since you did such a great job on your first day of ballet." "Miley don't pressure little Kellie; SHE will make her own mind up like her mommy is talking to HER. I of course could help with taking the girls after school," we hear Miley's mommy saying and looking at my mommy. "Oh, speaking of picking people up. I have to pick Kevin and little Mikey from practice, so Miley want don't you let Kellie and HER mommy have some private time so they can talk about ballet." I look over at Miley hearing her mommy's comments to her. Miley looks at me taking my hand. "Mommy I just wanted to play with Kellie, do I really need to go with you to pick up the dumb boys?" I look over at Miley seeing she is very upset not knowing if she is still upset with me or having to go with her mommy. "It's okay Miley can stay with us she will be able to help Kellie figure out if SHE wants to continue ballet. No pressure sweetie, but I did pay for you to go to ballet lessons for the whole year when Mileys mommy was paying for her." I am in shock hearing my mommy paid for me already. "It is my fault for not talking with you first sweetie, I know you Kellie had a lot of fun and you didn't have much fun at the old town we lived in. You seem to be such a better person and are making so many friends like Kellie and all the other girls at ballet." I'm trying to think of what to say when Miley comes over and holds my hand smiling at me with tears in her eyes. "Mommy can I ride home with Kellie I know you have to pick Kevin up for practice? Pleaseeee mommy." "She can stay if you want her too it's no problem for Kellie and I," we hear my mommy saying to Mileys mom. Miley is smiling from ear to ear, I kind of wanted some relax time to talk to mommy without company. Miley and I pile into mommy's car, and we start driving away. I look down at myself still wearing only the ballet clothes. I feel kind of weird as I look down at my legs incased in pink tights with a pink leotard. I am the picture-perfect example of what a girly girl is. I shake my head and see Miley smiling at me like she is in deep thought as well. Well at least Miley and all the other girls are all dressed like I am so I guess it's all good since I'm still in girl mode. A while later we pull into our new driveway. "Oh, look Keven and Mikey just got back too I see them getting out of my mom's car," we hear Miley saying while we watch Mileys mom waving at us walking over with Kevin and little Mikey. "Wow you girls look great how was ballet class?" We hear Mileys big brother Kevin saying. I look over at him and Mikey who are both back to boy mode. Kevin is wearing his football practice stuff and little Kevin is wearing his soccer practice clothes. I feel weird since I'm still in girl mode with Miley. Miley smiles at me taking my hand walking closer to them. "Yea it was way fun, you boys should try it too. there are a couple boys already in the class but Kellie was the star of the whole ballet class when she did a slow split in front of everyone, and then a reverse split. That is when you are already doing a split, then you push your heels together until you are standing up. I tried it with all the other girls in our ballet class and only Kellie and the teacher could do it." "Yes, the teacher even looked wiped out after her and little Kellie were doing that exercise in front of the class. I thought she was going to have a heart attack hehehe." We all turn hearing my mommy saying and hear her and Mileys mommy giggling. I smile hearing the compliments I'm getting. "Oh, speaking of heart attacks I think Mikey's mom is going to have a heart attack if I don't take Mikey over to get his new school uniform. She called me on my drive back home and asked if I could pick Mikey's new school uniforms up. I guess this is the first year there doing school uniforms and they are giving them away free the first year, then after that we have to buy them. Today is the last day to get them free so were going to go now before they close, do you and Kellie want to all ride together with us?" "Yes, that would be great, I didn't even know they were doing uniforms, plus I have no clue were the school is hee-hee." Wow that sucks school uniforms but I guess it could be worse thinking to myself when I feel mommy taking my hand and Miley taking my other hand. "Okay let's go with Mileys mommy Kellie, then we will find out where your new school is." We start walking across our yard towards Miley mommy's big SUV. "But mommy shouldn't me and Miley get changed we are still in our ballet clothes." My mommy looks at me and smiles. "No, I'm sure you both will be okay. I mean look at Kevin and Mikey are still in their sports practice clothes just like you and Miley are. I'm sure it will go pretty fast since today is the last day I'm sure most of the school already got their uniforms already." I guess that makes sense and I guess it will only take a little while. We all climb into their big SUV. Mommy and Mileys mommy get in the front seats and Miley and I climb into the back third row, as Mikey and Keven get in the middle row of seats. "Everyone buckles up," we hear Mileys mommy saying. I start to buckle mine up seeing my mommy turning around seeing if I'm buckled. "Okay we are on our way, the kids could have actually walked to school but I'm sure it would be difficult to carry their new uniforms. But during the year they will be able to walk to school together." "This year they have a lot of new rules from new dress codes, too new school uniforms. All the students have to take an evaluation testing so that decides which grade level they will go into. I would say that is the biggest change." Wow thinking to myself as we pull into the parking lot. "Yes, let's just say Kevin is very concerned because he had very low grades last year like a lot of students and they may go to a much lower grade when school starts after the testing." Mileys smiles and squeezes my hand. "Not me right mommy I had great marks all year and especially at the end." Miley's smiling so hard I think her face is going to break looking at Kevin's face looking sadly about the possibility of going a couple grades lower than where he was last year because of his bad grades. "Oh, that's not good Kellie your grades where very low last year and you failed those two classes. How does anyone fail gym class anyway?" I look down feeling embarrassed because I failed two classes hearing my mommy talking. We all get out, and Miley takes my hand like we are twins or something. I mean we are wearing the same ballet outfits. "Well since Miley seems attached at the hip to Kellie hee-hee. Can you take Miley to get her uniforms while I take Kevin and Mikey? Both of they are in school sports so they will take longer than the other students," we hear Mileys mommy saying, I notice both Kevin and Mikey looking sadder for some reason. I notice little Mikey playing with his long hair like he is going to cry. "Sure, no problem sounds good, come on girls let's see if we can beat the boys," my mom says. Miley gets excited an takes one of my mommy's hands and I take the other. I'm feeling excited watching the excitement in Mileys face as we walk. I smile at her as we pass girls walking with their moms as Miley and I almost drag my mommy with us getting ahead of all the girls that weren't in line yet. While we are in line I watch as our line is getting bigger and bigger and I notice there are only girls in my line. I guess since I am in girl mode this is the line, I should be in I hope, I wonder how many boys like me are in girl mode that are in the line. I laugh to myself as we are the next people in line. "Hi my name is Miley Smith and this is my best girlfriend, in the whole wide world Kellie Larson, oh and her mommy Ms. Larson." I see Miley smiling looking at me after she talked to the teacher. "Yes, hi I am Kellie's mommy I wasn't sure if I needed to be here since Kellie and I just moved to this new town. We love it here so far." I smile at mommy taking over the conversation. "Well that is great Ms. Larson. Welcome to our town I am glad you, and your daughter are enjoying living here." Oh, that was weird she called me her daughter but then again, I am wearing a dress, and ballet leotard as I giggle softly hearing her referring to me as mommy's daughter. "Well yes Mrs. Larson after Kellie and Miley change into their new school uniforms they will be taking evaluation testing which will decide what grade level the students are to attend. Our school has the highest level of high school graduations with the highest GPA. I know this may be especially different for folks like yourselves that may have come from a less aggressive school and a lot of the new students have to go back a grade a two but twice a year they are tested and can advance again at that time so not to worry little Kellie." I hold onto mommy's dress, me feeling very worried about this evaluation testing since I was such a terrible student for so many years. "Don't worry Kellie I know you will do fine and if you have to go back a couple of grades you will have a chance twice a year to retest and go up another grade level so just relax sweetie you look so nervous." "Okay girls what size clothes do you wear little Miley?" I smile hearing the lady teacher calling Miley little so now Miley knows how it feels being called little all the time like I am. Miley looks up at the lady teach seating behind the table. "I am a small so I maybe smaller but my best friend in the whole wide world little Kellie wears an extra small, so I'm not really the little one here." I listen to Miley and she is right I am not as tall as she is listening to her twist things around so everyone sees I am the littler one and I am much older than her. "Well okay Ms. Miley here is a bag with you new uniforms in it including shoes. If anything doesn't fit feel free to go over there to that line and they will give you the next size up or down, okay sweetie?" I watch as Miley nods her head yes, and I turn and see a line that is super long and goes all the way around the auditorium. I sure hope our uniforms fit because that line looks way to long. "Okay little Kellie so is Miley correct you wear an extra small size clothes?" I look up at my mommy. "Yes, that is correct little Kellie is shy until she warms up to people." I see a large bag that is handed over the table for me. "Okay girls go over there and get changed into your new uniforms, if everything fits you will receive three more the same size in the mail. If something doesn't fit you know where the line is. The testing is right over there through those double doors and needs to be done as soon as you're in your new uniforms." I look up at mommy, then I see a bunch of boys walking by wearing their school uniforms as they are rubbing their heads. That is weird and they all have the same type of hairstyle's crewcuts. "Come on Kellie the sooner you get your new uniform on the sooner you can take your testing sweetie." I feel mommy taking my hand and walking me over to the girl's restroom as Miley takes my hand and we walk inside. "Hey I can't go in here Miley I'm not a real girl," I whisper into Miley's ear; I notice she is ignoring me as she sits down on the bench and starts taking her shoes and socks off. I sit down looking around seeing girls in all different types of getting dressed. Some girls are just wearing their panties and bras and other are in their uniforms. I am in shock and I don't know what to do as I look around. I blink my eyes trying to be more relaxed and not the nervous wreck I feel like. I look down at myself, and my shoes and socks are now on the bench next to me and my dress is sitting next to me. I am sitting only in panties and a camisole. How did that happen as I try to relax again, I see Miley fully dressed wearing her new school girl uniform. The dress is so short like above mid-thigh, I look down again and I am shaking my head trying to clear my head, I open my eyes and see I am now wearing the little black Mary jane shoes and lace socks that barely cover my ankles. "Are you okay Kellie?" I hear Miley saying as I look up at her standing, then I am standing. I am in shock because I am wearing the same little school girl uniform but mine looks like the skirt is even shorter than Miley's. What the hell happen did I black out? I got dressed in front of all these girls and no one said anything? No one noticed I am a boy? I look up at Miley with her hands on her hips staring at me while she is loading her old dress into the bag that had our new uniforms in it. "Miley what happened? I'm not sure, one second, I was wearing you know a dress, then the next second, I'm wearing this girl's school uniform. I don't remember even getting undressed let alone totally changed. None of the girls noticed I am a boy?" "I was getting undressed, watching you get undressed and then dressed like I am in our new girls school uniform. All the other girls just see you as one of the girls." I am looking around while listening to Mileys comments. "Miley do you see any guys in here like me in girl mode?" I continue to look around as I am talking with Miley more of a whisper so all the girls in the locker room don't hear me. "No Kellie, I don't see any boys in the girl's locker room in girl mode, only us girly why?" I look at her, and she made it sound like I was a real girl like her, and was just another girl like the other girls here. "We better hurry your mommy is waiting for us and we still have to do the evaluation testing to decide what grade and classes we are in." Shit this is not starting to sound good, I think to myself. Miley hands me my bag with my dress in it that I was wearing. I feel her holding my hand as we walk out of the girl's locker room. "Look there is your mommy standing next to my mommy, and looks like there are two boys with them but I can't see them clearly from here. Let's see if we can get rid of these bags to our moms so me don't have to carry them around for the testing." "Ummm okay I guess I want to talk to my mommy about my new school uniform. I mean it makes me look like a little girl. I am so much older than I look now Miley." Miley looks at me like I am an alien. "So, it's good to look younger just think when you are an old lady you will look like a young lady hahaha. No, but seriously, I know you said your 18 years old but you look like more my age especially since your real petite as you said." "Oh, sweetie I love your new school uniform it makes you look so pretty," I hear my mommy saying. Holy smoke mommy is not even complaining that I look like a little school girl instead of me being her 18-year-old son who is going to graduate this year since I was left back. "Don't you think the girls look so pretty in their new school uniforms?" Oh my god I hear my mommy talking to Miley's mommy who is standing next to her. "Oh yes I totally agree the girls look so pretty in their new school uniforms. We can't forget the boys also wearing their new school uniforms, and their stylish new hairstyles hee-hee." I turn seeing the two boys rubbing their heads, and realize they are little Micky our new next-door neighbor, and Kevin who is Mileys big brother. The crazy thing is all their pretty hair has been cut off and now they both have boys crew cuts. I barely even recognized them. "What happen to all your hair Kevin and Mikey, why did you get it all cut off? You two look totally different now?" I start to play with my long hair nervously while I am talking to them. I watch as Mileys mommy smiles, and rubs Kevin's new crew cut hairstyle smiling. "Well Kellie all the boys have to have all their hair cut off and have matching crew cuts its part of the new uniform requirements. Lucky you girls don't have to get your hair cut short like us." I look at mommy smiling at me, then Miley taps me on the shoulder. "Come on Kellie we have to go for the new evaluation's so we can see what grade we are going too." I feel Miley pulling me with her as our mommy's takes our bags with our old clothes in them. I look back at mommy waving to me, and I don't know what to do while Miley pulls me toward the testing areas. I feel my super short skirt bouncing as I try to hold it down while my mommy smiles and waves at me. "Okay boys you both better run along as well and good luck with your testing?" Miley mommy says. I am still playing with my long hair as I see my mommy waving to me and she starts talking to Miley's mommy. (This is the conversation between my mommy and Mileys mommy that we can't hear.) "Yes, Kellie and Miley look so pretty in their new school uniforms. Ya know what is funny my little Kellie didn't say a word about him being issued a school girls uniform. I guess I should start spelling his name with an 'IE' like a girls name instead of with a 'Y' like a boy's name hee-hee." They both giggle to each other. "Yes, you are right she, I mean he looks so cute in his new school girl uniform." "No, I think you are right when you referred to him as 'SHE', because she fits her better, and I love my new daughter." THE END? I hope you enjoyed my newest story; I was going to end it here unless you think I should continue this story. If you have any thoughts you would like to share please leave a comment on this website. If you would also like to email me, my contact information is below. Thanks again for all the emails with kind words and encouragement. Hugs, and kisses, Princess Email: [email protected] Or to chat with me at KIK (App) Princess_pantyboy

Same as New Town Part 2 Videos

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Anything For Georgetown part eightHoulihan finds out Monica danced at a party

Monica looked behind her. Some boys had come upbehind her, and she and Nick had been surrounded, but when Blake had tripped up the stairs, Nick had whirled around and two of the boys who had come up behind them saw the gun and backed away. She got up the stairs and burst out of the house. Nick followed behind her. Oh Geez, she thought. This was bad. This was very bad. Nick had asked her about the gun during their phone call, and she’d said yes, but she never thought he’d have to bring it out....

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Anything For Georgetown Part three

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New Girl in Town

New Girl in TownMargo sat next to me in the coffee shop late that Saturday afternoon.His real name was Mark, but he was one of the loveliest Drag Queens inNew York City. I had been dressing secretly at home in my mother's and sister's clothes for just over three years, but at 18 years old, I hadnever been in public as a woman. Margo lived now as a female, and couldpass anywhere. I complimented "her" on it, and "she" said, "You coulddo just as well, you know." I was flattered, but not as sure as...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Letter From Eisengrim Township

LETTER FROM EISENGRIM TOWNSHIPDear Shoeblossom:Sometimes Brearley lets me jerk off. Kneeling on the hardwood floor on my bare knees, rubbing my stiff and long denied cock, it’s so painful! Brearley is always gorgeous, fully clothed as a striking contrast to my nakedness, in tight jeans or a sexy miniskirt, sometimes  a tube top. Often she will wear a sexy business office outfit, which really, really makes me feel even more naked, humiliated, and excited.?Keep that willy whacking, Fremont, but...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 41 Uptown Girl

Music Room, Medway High School 1:35 pm, Friday, March 9, 1979 “Mr. Nevins, Ms. Robertson and Ms. Labatt, do you three have any ‘new’ songs prepared, as per our agreement?” Mr. Ballows asked after everyone had gotten their instruments and taken their seats. Because the three of us were spread out in the large music room, I looked down at Sammy, who was sitting in the clarinet section, and then to Lynette, who was one row higher but across the room from Sammy with her flute. Both girls...

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New York is a Hell of a Town

I won an all expenses trip to New York City for three days. My online friend Lynn, who runs a small gallery in a suburb of New York City, is excited, because we have not met yet. Her joining me in the city will be a great way to physically connect for the first time. Before now we have only talked on the phone and written each other. The prize trip includes airfare, hotel, an unnecessary shopping spree and a dinner at an expensive restaurant one night before I depart home. My hope is that she...

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New Kid in Town

Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov The contents of the suitcase overflowed onto the rumpled bed. Sport jackets and underwear mingled with battered paperback novels, bars of hand soap, and creased snapshots of a middle-aged couple embracing a gangling adolescent. Ben could barely contain his excitement. He had arrived in Manhattan all of three hours ago, and already he felt he belonged. Even the luggage tag proclaimed him an official inhabitant of the city: "Benjamin Davis Carper, New York,...

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New In Town1

I took the $3000 I had to my name, got myself as motel room to stay in until I could find a job that would pay for rent and food, and toiletries, all that good stuff. After about a week if rigorous Internet searching I was a able to secure a job interview with an advertising company. It was a low end office assistant position but it would keep food on the table so I figured what the hell. Besides if I stick around long enough long enough maybe I The could turn into a great opportunity for me....

4 years ago
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I Was Out Of Town She Was At A Party

The party she was attending was a Halloween party. I had been out of town for several weeks, we were in the process of moving and I went first. By this time, I had been encouraging her for 3 or 4 years to have another guy whenever she wanted. Enouraging her to be a slut. The weeks leading up to this party were intense as we emailed and talked on the phone, fantasizing and having phone sex while her sister laid in the same bed as her at night. She would send me sexy pictures on her phone. It was...

3 years ago
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New town new start

Luke had just moved to a new town with his mom and sister on the Saturday but at some point during the move, all of his clothes had gone missing. Now, Sunday morning, his mom is helping him get dressed in the only clothes she could find to fit him; a girls' underwear set and a floral pink dress. Luke stood humiliated in just a pair of light pink knickers as his mom helped him into a matching training bra. "Why do I have to wear this?" he argued dolefully, already feeling rather defeated...

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Mrs Townsend

It is our anniversary and I sit naked on our bed. When I awokethis morning I was told to shower and to shave every inch of my body, torub lotion and powder on myself so that every inch of me was soft andcaressable. I have done as I was told; I am very obedient. By now thecherry red polish on my toes and my fingers are dry and shiny. My lips areglossed the same color. My eyebrows are plucked and shaped, my lashescurled, my face powdered, my cheeks blushed, my shoulder-length haircombed. I...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e14 Naomi Townsend 45

Series 9, Episode 14: Naomi Townsend (45), from Northampton We’re on a dull council estate. Wide streets and rows of 1970s-built housing. It probably looked great on paper, but in reality it looks windswept and depressing. We pan around to face a larger building, no taller, but much wider – a small community hall/library. This week’s host appears, walking around from behind the hall – ripped jeans and a too-tight t-shirt that highlights her impressive round boobs. She totters toward us on...

3 years ago
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Uptown Spunk

Unexpected taboo lovin' at a strip club for women. His theme song, Uptown Funk, was cued up. It was a remixed, longer version of the hit single. The first bit of lyrics blared out.Doh Doh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh dohDoh doh doh, doh doh doh, doh dohHe stepped out onto center stage. “Awwwwright, ladies!” primed the announcer.He was dressed in a navy pin-stripe suit, white shirt, and sky blue tie in bare feet. A 1940’s style fedora was cocked to one side and masked his youthful, handsome face....

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A New Chambermaid in Uptown Abbey

I was born in December 1940 with blond hair and blue eyes. My father was a Swedish arms sales representative for Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns. My mother had been the chambermaid in Uptown Abbey, when he had been visiting the owner, to sell him a licence to manufacture the guns. He managed to seduce my mother one morning when he was feeling randy. He was her first lover, and I was born nine months later. My mother stayed at Uptown Abbey until 1943 when she left to become a barmaid in the...

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Anything For Georgetown Part sixMonica is asked to entertain at a party

Over the Christmas break, Blake Hartley had calledMonica up. He managed to get some guys to pony up for one of Monica’s stripping parties. She hardly talked about them anymore, but part of the attraction was the infrequency of the event. Once every two months. Otherwise, it became routine. But this was a different situation. Monica hadn’t danced in months—well, she hadn’t danced for any of the boys for a while. Once a month, after school, usually on a Friday, Houlihan had her strip for him....

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MidTowne Spa

It was the night before my nineteenth birthday and as usual for a testosterone driven teenager I was horny. I didn’t really know what but I’d been thinking that I wanted something different than a bar hook up. Then an E-mail buddy told me about the Mid-Towne SPA that he went to there in Houston. It sounded fantastic, especially the maze. When he mentioned that it was a chain operation and that he thought they had a branch in Dallas, I went straight to direct assistance. Mid-Towne was one big...

Oral Sex
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New in Town

Twisting the key, you feel the engine die below you. You open the door and step out into the cool ocean breeze, admiring the view before you. The town of Green Moore was a quaint little seaside town off the coast of the Pacific. It was rather small and unassuming compared to some beach cities, with a relatively small local population, somewhere around 15,000. Even to a young one like yourself, you know that a small population can be a bad thing for your kind: people are noticed missing too...

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New town

We moved to a town back in the 60s when I was just a boy. I was to young to remember my father when he died and it was just mom and me. Mom was pregnant with her ex bosses c***d which is why we had to move. Instead of leaving his wife for mom, he fired her. To avoid a scandal of a single mother, and pregnant she chose to leave rather than hear the gossip.We moved into a small house on the outside of town, and mom took a job as a telephone operator working mid shift which was 2-10 at night, most...

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Anything For Georgetown Part two

Houlihan lingered overeach shot for several minutes. He had never faced this situation before in his life. He was enraged and shocked and totally turned on. He had a thing for young girls, and even being in his mid twenties, never seemed to show interest in anyone his own age. He despised slutty women, yet the more reserved women who crossed his path bored him. Women should be saints everywhere except the bedroom, that was his theory on things. Girls like Monica enraged him because he was well...

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New Town pt1Wrong Club

Mistakes can sometimes lead to the biggest changes. I know that my life would be far different if I had gone to the right club, that first weekend in town. I had just moved to the Boston area, and the only people I'd met so far were my coworkers. It was one of those coworkers who told me about a concert that sounded like a good time. We made plans to meet at the club, so there was something fun to look forward to.It was a funk show, so I thought I'd wear my tight jeans and a button-up...

1 year ago
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New Girl In Town

I just left a meeting with my ex-wife. We finalized our divorce. However, she was very surprised and impressed with the new me. The trouble began a little more than three years ago. We had been married two years when she discovered my secret desire to wear women's underwear. I have never been able to fight the urge to wear lingerie to relax. I hated the feeling but could not fight it. I never thought about actually being a woman, which confused me even more. But I always kept it a secret....

4 years ago
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New Girl in Town

Margo sat next to me in the coffee shop late that Saturday afternoon. His real name was Mark, but he was one of the loveliest Drag Queens in New York City. I had been dressing secretly at home in my mother’s and sister’s clothes for just over three years, but at 18 years old, I had never been in public as awoman. Margo lived now as a female, and could pass anywhere. I complimented “her” on it, and “she” said. “You could do just as well, you know.” I was flattered, but not as sure as she was....

2 years ago
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The Towns SlaveChapter 7 Deliverance

"Well my sweet slut I think it's time to get you home. You've been such a great slut this weekend, with my friends and all, that I'm going to give you a treat. If we leave tonight there is a nice resturanct about 1/2 way home and we can stop and have dinner there." "Would you like that my sweet slut?" "Yes MASTER." "Good! So go out to the RV and put on that nice dress you started with. Comb your hair and put on some lipstick. I'll be right out." My MASTER was certainly being...

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new slut in town

It was late. Jeanie had been out late before, but not like this. Sure,Jeanie was old enough to be out on her own, 22, but she had always calledwhen she would be delayed and her step-father, Ted, was worried. Andexcited.Jeanie had gone to the hottest club in the city, a place where the youngand beautiful would hook-up, sometimes for a dance or two, sometimes forthe night. She had no trouble strutting past the velvet ropes, with hernatural good looks, her slender physique, her perfect, plump...

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New In Town

My first story ever! Comments are appreciated It was a Thursday in late August, and the moving truck had arrived at our new home. I could not believe it; Junior year and I had to switch schools. I stood there in my summer cotton dress with my arms crossed watching the movers struggle to lift our antique chesterfield and mom holding her breath trying not to have a panic attack. "Careful with that, gentlemen. It is very expensive." I let out a groan as I walk over to my frightened mother. ...

Group Sex
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controlling the town

Introduction: I moved to a town that had a very interesting history. so i decided to invest in it. I guess a lot of people out there in this world would consider me a pervert. I cant explain why, but after a failed marriage, I found woman to be undesirable to me. I do not like men, but I had a tendency to fantasize about younger girls. I seemed to think of woman in general as sluts. I began to believe that all women would or could be made to become unfaithful. It seemed that out of every ten...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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Cougar Town Post Exodous

Cougar Town - Post Exodus An Earth Kitten Tale By Sarah and Malissa Madison Chapter 1: Road Travel "Stay safe, Erika." Sarah said as she watched the convoy pull off on their journey. That was when the black suburbans pulled up to the theater, and armed agents seemed to be everywhere in the town. Sarah found herself in handcuffs, and looking at her kitten as she was led out of the theater, still in her dance leotard. Some of the agents seemed to be holding a bag for her. Sarah...

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Town Slut

When he saw it in his in-basket he was not surprised. Even without opening it he knew exactly what it was, and had a fairly good idea already of what it said. The truth was that it was something he had been waiting for, and expecting, for a little over three weeks. Shawn Spencer considered himself to be a reasonably intelligent man, and many times he could see how things would turn out, just by expecting things to happen in their natural order. The fact it had taken so long was the only...

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New In Town pt 1

Chloe sat at the bar around the corner from her new apartment. She had only been in Dublin a day and felt like she had just made a huge mistake. No, she thought, this is good, I need a new life. The bar tender walked over and asked what he could get for her. ‘Surprise me!’ she said with a smile. The bar tender smiled back and handed her a pint of Guinness. ‘New in town?’ he asked. ‘How did you know?’ replied Chloe. ‘Your accent.’ The bar tender chuckled. ‘Oh.’ Chloe blushed. ‘Guess I’m...

4 years ago
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New Town and My First Stud Lover

Back then times were great. I was 26 years old, just landed a nice paying, easy job at the local lumber mill as a scale operator, and I was a lot like any other 26 year old American male. A healthy appetite for young ladies, and loved the local bars, and playing the bar sports. I also worked out, and unlike my small home town, the new one had a nice fitness center with an indoor pool, and the whole nine. I joined up, and started working out, and in about the third week there my life changed....

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New In Town pt 1

Chloe sat at the bar around the corner from her new apartment. She had only been in Dublin a day and felt like she had just made a huge mistake. No, she thought, this is good, I need a new life. The bar tender walked over and asked what he could get for her. "Surprise me!" she said with a smile. The bar tender smiled back and handed her a pint of Guinness. "New in town?" he asked. "How did you know?" replied Chloe. "Your accent." The bar tender chuckled. "Oh." Chloe blushed. "Guess I'm the...

4 years ago
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Hypnosis App II Back In Town Part 11 and Epilogue

Author's Note: Here we are in the last section of my "Hypnosis App" sequel. As some of you may have guessed from the way this story was released, the whole story was already completed from the get go and weighed in just a little under 500KB in total. I decided to release it in smaller segments just under 100KB each in order to establish 'bookmarks' that I thought were a good amount of time to read before a break. I'm sorry if that wasn't obvious - I can take some of the suggestions in...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Uptown Spunk 3 Pt 2

Athena’s eyes couldn’t move fast enough reading the email she received. Her heart was beating wildly, she was hyperventilating, and tears began to fall. When she finished the message, she sobbed uncontrollably.“Oh!, Oh! I can’t believe it!” she stammeredRobert had finished his shower. The naked, muscular stud-c***d headed for the bedroom to get fresh underwear. Knowing that with White Castle murder burgers digestion took extra long, he perversely considered bending his illicit lover over the...

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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

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New life part2

When he raped me he thought I was 16 or so – it wasn’t until after the gang rape I told him I was only 13 – I told him so he would let me go but instead all he saw were dollar signs; lots of perverts want to fuck kids and they will pay heaps to do it. The type of men Jack whored me to liked little girls who cried and got frightened so I was perfect. He dressed me in clothes a 5 year old would wear and since every customer acted out raping me – the clothes were only ever worn once. I had...

3 years ago
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Little Town Sensuous

Entering the town to Sensuous is Main Street running North and South with several side roads adjoining Main Street and in the center of town was Erotica Avenue running East and West. In the middle of the crossroad was the only traffic light. On all four corners stood a street light of iridescence-orange. When lite at night the surrounds land scape glowed excitement brings sexual desire to all couples joining its corner of the town. The roads are made of cobble stone with vibrant white,...

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Town Spirit

WARNING: This story has absolutely no transgender elements in it. Permission was kindly granted from the FictionMania task force to archive it within the "Miscellaneous Stories" category. There is a brief mention of "the plight of Afghanistani women"; this story was authored prior to the events of September 11, 2001. This was originally written for a story contest for the Breast Expansion Archive. Town Spirit By Radioactive Loner There's a town in the middle of Indiana that...

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Controlling the town 3

Introduction: Meeting the townsfolk The people all started to arrive by nine in the morning. As they came in to the house, I collected each of the questionnaires. I scanned most of them and was quite impressed with the variety of choices that were highlighted. My task may not be as difficult as I had first imagined. I had locked all of the rooms upstairs, which I did not want people to enter. There were five bathrooms available to my guests. All rooms had the CCTV cameras in place and working....

3 years ago
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New Girl in TownChapter 4

It had been six months since Tom and Jessica had last seen each other and since the last time they'd had sex together. Tom had thought he'd never see her again; she'd moved away and taken a job in another country but then one morning he heard a voice from behind his back and he turned around to find the hottest sexiest woman he'd ever known standing there waiting to say "hello" and to let him know she was "back in town". Tom felt his cock instantly harden and start rising sharply in...

1 year ago
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The empty shell of the townhouse still smouldered as the fire crew carried out the charred remains of another victim. The corpse soon joined the line of black body bags behind a parked ambulance, hidden from the gathered TV cameras. No doubt an effort to give them a dignity in death that they didn't have in life. So… what happened at this old townhouse? DC Blakely scribbled into his notepad, twitching his nose at the acrid smell of burnt furniture. He turned to his colleague, the buxom brunette...

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