Sheer Envy Part 4 free porn video

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Shouldn't I be disgusted at what he had done? I should at least be disgusted at him molesting my friend in her sleep - I knew she would be. Somehow a part of me just found that even more arousing, knowing my friend had been degraded, even violated. It made me think I deserved the same treatment, and I began punishing myself again, knowing I'd never get the punishment I deserved, or even craved. Even if Theo turned his attentions to me it would be less than I deserved. I wanted it, so it would never be such a betrayal for me. No, I deserved something horrible, and the thought only excited me more.

I don't know how long I spent pleasuring myself, but I do remember feeling tired. I fell asleep eventually, and it felt as if no time at all had passed when I woke up to the sound of Claire's phone buzzing.

We got up, had breakfast and did all our usual things. Every time I looked at Claire I imagined Theo, and I could think about little else. When I finally got home I went straight to my bedroom to pleasure myself again, and that was how I spent much of my home time throughout the next week.

Much to my disappointment, we went to a party the next weekend. Claire and Tara took the plunge and decided to sample some alcohol someone bought, and it seemed to take hold quite quickly. They ended up passing the night dancing and flirting with the popular boys while Jonas, a nerdy boy from the school, sat and talked to me about our mutual love of horror movies. I should have appreciated someone paying attention to me at all, but all I could think about was Theo. When Claire ended up making out with a boy from class on the sofa, I found myself hoping they would do more - after all, I thought, if Claire had a boyfriend perhaps she would miss our sleepovers and Taras father would have no choice but to turn his attentions to me.

But it was not to be. Tara dragged Claire away from him and we left the party, myself sober and rather annoyed while my friends were being drunk and annoying. They insisted on sleeping at my house since it was closer to the party. It was also convenient that my parents work nights so they wouldn't be around to get angry at Claire and Tara for their underaged drinking.

So another week passed. Another week of sexual frustration punctuated by memories of Theos touch. When Saturday finally came, I was excited. I enjoyed spending time with my friends, and of course I was eager to see what the night would bring. It was a nice day, so after shopping we went to the park to kick around the ball again. Once again, Tara completely outclassed us, and seemed to be in a particularly show-off mood. When we decided to leave she was still full of energy and ran to vault over the fence, but her foot slipped and she fell, one leg on each side of the fence as she came down hard.

The look on her face was priceless, and Claire and I had to stifle our laughter at her shrill cry of pain. I know we don't have balls, but a hard impact to the groin hurts us too. She toppled to the grass and lay on the ground for a moment as we expressed our concern, but soon she was up and limping again, her sporty nature making sure she was too proud to admit how much it hurt. But it made me think again about something that had been worrying me; what if Claire woke up feeling the aftereffects of Theos touch? I hadn't noticed anything that would have stood out if I hadn't been aware of what he was doing, but he focused more on Claire. If she woke to aching nipples and a sore vagina on top of the occasional sticky skin and wet patches in the bed, how long would it take for her to suspect something? Thankfully she'd mentioned night sweats last time, but surely she would start to suspect something if he kept escalating.

Regardless, we made our way to Taras house, and when we explained why she was limping to her Theo, I managed to steer the conversation to waking up sore, hoping he would get the idea and be careful. I didn't want our fun to end in disaster.

As day turned to night, the thought kept bothering me, but I couldn't ignore my excitement. After another delicious dinner, I decided to get changed last.

Tara emerged from her bedroom in the usual pyjamas, with a button up blue top and matching pants that hid her lithe athletes' body but accentuated her olive tanned skin and the thick black hair that framed her fine boned face.

Claire emerged from the bathroom in a top so typical of her, a sheer white T shirt just little too tight and a little too thin so that her impressively sized boobs strained against the material, her nipples clearly outlined where the nubs poked through the fabric. She wore pyjama pants this time, and I hoped that Theo might not focus so much on her tonight if it was a pain to remove the pants from the slender platinum blonde beauty, but I knew that may be a bit much to hope for.

I excused myself and moved into the bathroom as soon as Claire was out, telling my friends that I needed a shower and to start the movie without me. They barely even noticed, Tara already beginning the traditional lecture for Claire to cover up so that Theo wouldn't see the blonde girls impressive assets.

As soon as the door closed, I stripped off and looked in the mirror. I knew I didn't have the sporty models looks of Tara, or Claires natural pornstar body. But Theo paying attention to me last week had helped my confidence immensely. My boobs, smaller than those of my friends and slightly pointy, had still grabbed his attention when he thought I was sleeping, and he had seemed quite happy with my pink, virgin slit and the fact that I had taken to shaving it regularly. With my red hair, my freckles, the little bit of remaining baby fat around my soft face I had always been looked at as "cute", as the childlike nerdy one of my group, but his looks and touch had made me question that.

I turned to double check that the toilet seat was down, then sat naked on the cold surface, my legs apart, and pleasured myself thinking of the older man downstairs, who even now was cooking up some delicious dessert that he would drug us with so that he could touch us in our sleep, to molest and abuse girls just a third of his age.

The thought got me off quickly, and I had a hurried shower before drying off and slipping into my own sleepwear. Tonight I had decided to break tradition. I had bought an adorable pink summer pyjama set, with a button up silk Tee and small, loose fitting, matching silk shorts. I had chosen them specifically to give Theo easy access, and they looked great as well.

When I walked into the room, Claire and Tara instantly began gushing over them. I suppose it was a big change, seeing me wear anything nice rather than the same old cheap and shapeless stuff, and we had a long conversation, ignoring the movie while I showed them more like mine on the stores facebook page. We just ended up talking for a long time, and suddenly the movie was over and Theo was giving us each a carefully ***********ed slice of delicious homemade red velvet cheesecake.

It was a shame to sneak so much of it into the little baggy hidden in my handbag as I had been practicing, but I knew I wanted to be fully awake for tonight, even if he was sure I was asleep. Seeing him casually eyeing us before he left gave me the motivation I needed though, and soon we were all done and crowded around the sink brushing our teeth before I took a quick bathroom break to flush the evidence of the tragically wasted dessert.

Then it was off to bed.

I had planned ahead for tonight, going for multiple drinks of coke through the night and multiple bathroom breaks. I asked Claire if she could sleep against the wall tonight so that I could have the outside of the futon we shared in case I needed more toilet breaks. She hadn't even questioned it, and now I could make myself more accessible for Theo.

It didn't take long for Claire and Tara to fall asleep as the drugged dessert took hold, and their steady breathing was soon the only sound in the room. For me it took forever. Have you ever tried waiting for something without moving? It seems like an eternity. It probably only took about twenty minutes, but it felt like I had waited for hours.

At long last, the bedroom door opened just a crack. I let my breathing become slow and heavy, and closed my eyes most of the way as I so often had. He walked in, his strong chest bare, black hair cascading down to cover his broad shoulders. He wore dark, thin shorts, and I could see there was already a tent in them where his erection strained to escape.

"Girls!" he called out, the usual test to see if we were awake. He was obviously getting far more confident in himself.

As usual, he then made the rounds. First, he shook Tara by the shoulder, calling her name as he did so. But this time he did something different, sliding the blanket from her shoulders before he turned to Claire and I.

He seemed to pause for a moment when he noticed that we had switched place, and I closed my eyes properly as he approached, and braced myself.

"Amy!" he called out softly, his large hand gently shaking my shoulder.

Then it was gone, and a moment later, I heard him calling Claire.

Then the light was on, and I could feel him repositioning the lamp above myself and Claire. I felt that familiar rush of excitement between my legs, and then disappointment as I felt his weight on the edge of the bed. He was reaching right past me, to Claire. How could he not? I could feel him moving around, no doubt lifting her top to reveal her big double D boobs, and more movement as he no doubt played with them. He began praising her, muttering about her "big perfect tits", and I heard the familiar wet sounds of his mouth, no doubt working her nipples.

But then he shifted again. I felt his hands on my body, and my heart skipped a beat.

"And what's this pretty little getup you're wearing, Amy?" he asked, obviously expecting no response. I felt my nipples stiffening as his hands went to my chest, and he seemed to notice, his large hands roaming my body as his thumbs rubbed my nipples through the thin top. "Did you wear this just for me, huh, you dirty little slut?"

I was so excited having him talk to me like that, his hands touching my body. He began to slowly unbutton my top, and I felt him pulling the fabric apart as his hot breath washed over my pale, exposed skin, loins burning with desire as he paid so much attention to my B cup boobs. As he leaned down and took my exposed right nipple in his hungry mouth, the hair of his beard pricking my soft skin, I couldn't help but let out a tiny moan. He laughed.

"Such a horny little slut, aren't you?"

He had no idea, I thought to myself, fighting every part of my being that wanted to simply open my eyes and beg him to take me. I held my breath as his large hand slid down my body, gently pulling aside my small silk shorts to stroke my freshly shaven outer lips, his thick finger just barely touching but sending a shiver of excitement up my spine.

"Let's have a look at this perfect little pussy" he said as he shifted his weight again, his hot breath now directly on my needy, virgin slit, bringing another soft moan from my lips as his finger teased at my moist entrance. "And always so wet. You can tell this one wants it. Don't worry cutie, your time will come, but daddy has something else to do tonight."

And with that, he was up and moving away from me. I wanted to call out, to beg him to come back. Instead I opened my eyes to find him, and was surprised to find that he'd moved back across the room to stand over Tara, his daughter.

What was he doing there?

Then I saw the phone. I was sure he hadn't been holding it before, but all that mattered was that he was now. He must have been recording. I suddenly felt humiliated and ashamed. Had he been recording us a moment ago? The way he was talking, the shifting of his weight... he must have been. Strangely enough, I felt betrayed, and ashamed for feeling that way. What was wrong with me? I was fine with him touching me, touching girls a third of his age, but not with him recording us? He had been molesting my friend in her sleep, but this was what made me feel bad? No, I told myself. I deserved this, and so much more.

So, I watched, curious. He had the phone light on, and seemed to be moving the phone along his sleeping daughters body, slowly panning up and down. His other hand reached down, and I realised he was slowly unbuttoning her pyjama top. His own daughters top. I watched in awe, forgotten in the back corner of the room as he slowly pulled her shirt open, revealing her slender, toned form. Her olive skin seemed to glisten in the light, her perky C cup boobs rising and falling as she breathed deeply in her sleep. His hand squeezed one, then the other, gently pinching her tiny dark nipples as he did, the phone still hovering. I noticed he was keeping it away from her face. A small relief at least.

I looked on in awe as he bent down, his lips pursed, and sucked her nipple into his mouth before releasing it, swirling his tongue around it slowly before slowly kissing his way down her flat, toned stomach. He grabbed her hips, shifting her around the bed until she lay sideways, her legs dangling from the edge. He rested the phone on the bed for just a moment. Then, in a practiced motion he somehow made look easy, he lifted her hips and pulled her pants completely off in one swift moment, leaving her long legs dangling bare. He picked up the phone once more and panned down her body, then used his free hand to pull her legs apart, the phone making its way between her legs.

"God damn baby", he said softly "I really wish you'd take a lesson from Amy down there"

I caught a glimpse of her dark, bushy, pubic hair as he sank down to his knees, and I knew what he meant. I was glad he was ignoring me at the time, or he might have seen me smiling at the compliment.

He began rubbing her gently with his finger, and I crossed my legs to stifle my own arousal as I imagined his touch on me. The phone never left his other hand as he began to rub her vigorously, and I could hear her heavy breathing from the other side of the room as he picked up the pace. Theo continued to mumble obscenities, always referring to himself as "daddy" as he called her a slut and complimented her perfect body.

The older man slid two fingers into my friend - more than he had ever done with me - and I was struck by the absurdity of the situation as I watched my one of my best friends being finger fucked in her sleep by her own father. I had never imagined him going this far, but I was glad that he had. Still on his knees, he bent his head forward, the phone discarded on the ground as his mouth bent forth to his daughter's pussy, one hand still rubbing her clit as the other reached up to squeeze and grope her boobs.

I found myself reaching downwards to touch myself as I watched, still doing my best to pretend to sleep as my own fingers began to rub my clit. Theo continued to eat his daughter's pussy, and I could hear Taras moans now, building and building until she arched her back and climaxed into her father's hungry mouth.

But it wasn't over.

He reached down, grabbing himself and removing his shorts as he once more reached for the phone.

"Okay, baby," he growled, his voice filled with animalistic lust "Time for daddies cock."

I would have fallen out of the bed if I hadn't been trying so hard to pretend to be sleeping. I knew from late night girl talk that Tara touched herself regularly, that she had used a spare electric toothbrush to pleasure herself, but I had seen Theos cock up close. I doubted she'd ever had anything that large inside herself, and I wasn't sure her accident today would be enough to hide what happened. She had still been limping slightly tonight, but everything I knew about virginity loss told me this was a bad idea.

Theo stood, and stopped for a moment. Without warning, he marched from the room completely naked, his thick cock bouncing as he walked. What was going on? Had he changed his mind? No, Tara was still positioned sideways on the bed, her legs dangling from the edge, and his discarded shorts were at her feet. He returned before I could figure it out, carrying a small brown paper bag. He pulled out a small tube, holding the phone to it for a moment before squirting it onto his sleeping daughters exposed pussy. he put it back into the bag, then pulled out something else. After a little fidgeting, he turned to the side and I realised he was pulling a condom onto his thick, hard cock.

Then he turned back to his daughter, the phone panning up and down her exposed body one more time before he leaned forward between his daughter's legs. He braced himself awkwardly, bending his knees slightly to get the right angle, and I could see the muscles on his broad back tense. I wished I had a better view. I wished I could trade places with her. He groaned softly as he leaned forward, one hand holding the phone and one between his legs to guide himself, and I knew he was in.

He began to rock back and forth, tossing the phone to the bed as he leaned forward and braced himself with one hand. He slid further up the bed, his daughter's legs spread wide around him, and began to pick up the pace. I could hear Tara begin moaning once more, and Theo continued to grunt and talk to her, asking her if she liked daddies cock, telling her how tight she was and that he loved her. He began to pick up the pace, but I could see that he was still holding back. I wasn't, one hand squeezing and pulling at my nipples while two fingers plunged in and out of myself again and again, trying to match his rhythm.

The forbidden nature of the incestuous rape scene playing out before me, the excitement of being in the same room, the risk of being caught and the touch of my own fingers turned out to be too much to bear, and I had a hard time stifling my own climax. Thankfully he was in his own world, the wet smacking of skin on skin, his heavy breathing and Taras own moans keeping him distracted, but I knew he was close. Still he was holding back, fucking her somewhat slowly, but their speed was building. I could hear Taras moans beginning to build as he picked up the pace a little more, and I noticed he was now thrusting deeper as I continued to pleasure myself. I wondered if he was even using his full length, but there was no way to know.

Then it came. I saw Taras legs tightening, her fathers firm bouncing ass moving ever faster as she moaned loudly in orgasm. Now completely on top of her, he grunted, stiffening slightly, and stopped moving. I pulled my hands away from my own hungry slit, and once more feigned sleep as he slowly rose from his daughters sleeping body.

"God baby, you're such a good little slut"

He stood, stretching as he rose, the muscles on his back and shoulders dancing, his dark skin slick with sweat. He pulled what appeared to be wet wipes from the bag, and began to wipe down her body as he'd done to Claire and I in the past, quickly glancing back to check on us before he leaned down to pick up the phone and scan her naked form one more time. He then put his daughters pyjamas back on her and repositioned her in her bed so that she lay as she had when he'd entered the room.

Now he turned to us. I closed my eyes most of the way, a trick in which I was now well versed, and watched. He strode towards us casually, his thick cock still dangling at head height, no longer erect but far from flaccid. My heart sank a little as he reached straight for Claire, the phone still in his hand, and I felt him fidgeting with her. But as he moved, it bought his cock within inched of my face, and that was reward enough. I wanted to reach out, to move my head forwards and take it in my mouth, but resisted the urge.

Then came the light of the torch on my face, and closed my eyes for real as he began to shift and reposition me in the bed, opening my top and pulling my shorts to the side as he positioned my legs wide apart. I heard him shuffling around, and I could see the light from the phone moving around through my closed eyelids. I heard the shutter sound as he took a series of photos, then paused, and took more.

I felt something cold and wet between my legs, on my inner thigh, and almost flinched. I realised it was the condom. He was placing his used condom, still filled with his spent cum and covered in his own daughters juices on us and taking photos. He moved it to my chest, draping it between my breasts. More shutter sounds. It disappeared again, no doubt onto Claire, and there were more sounds. Next it was on my face, on one cheek. I could smell the musky smell of his cum. Then it was gone, and the light from the phone dimmed as he leaned over to Claire once more. When his attention came back to me, I was disappointed to feel him fixing my clothing, covering me up once again before quickly wiping me down with a wet wipe.

A moment later he was gone, taking his bag of naughty tools and turning off the lights to leave me alone with nothing but my unconscious friends, my impure thoughts and my eager fingers.


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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Reddit BreastEnvy, aka r/BreastEnvy! Have you ever tried to pick up girls or just talked to your friends, and one of them seemed a bit more ‘gifted’ than the other? And of course, what I am hinting here is that one of them had bigger tits than the other, thus the subreddit name. To be fair, what is there not to like about chicks with huge tits? You have babes of all shapes and sizes, and I am referring to their bazongas, obviously.The great thing about all of this is the fact that Reddit is an...

Reddit NSFW List
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Do you ever feel a sense of Hentai Envy coming over you? Before I became ThePornDude, the feeling did overwhelm me a few times, which is honestly why I started this entire section of my website. Sometimes you feel like you’re missing out if you hear other people talking about the weird-ass, ultra-perverted doujinshi they’re reading, and meanwhile you’re still trying to whack off to Naruto reruns on TV. Well, my friends, there’s no need to let other weebs have all the fun anymore. Hell, after...

Hentai Manga Sites
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SheHulk Green with Envy

Sitting at a café table outside the front of a restaurant and enjoying the summer weather, three women chatted away while sipping at their drinks, laughing at each other’s jokes and small talk and enjoying the other’s company. And the three gathered quite a few stares from the nearby tables and pedestrians that walked by, after all… It’s not often you get to see the three She-Hulks all gathered in the same place! Jennifer Walters; the Sensational She-Hulk covered her mouth to keep from spilling...

3 years ago
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Owners Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 14 Valentine8217s Day With My Lover

Hey, all, I am really sorry for the delays in the story. I had a few things going in life, and then this Corona situation stuck. I hope all my readers are doing good and being safe. This story series will soon conclude with part 20. I have written all the parts and are ready for submission. Then I shall at the end of the series need your help to understand what genre you readers would want to read next. As far as this part is concerned, I am going to write from the perspective of the lady, io...

2 years ago
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Owners Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 13

Thanks a lot to all my readers again for writing and expressing support for this series. With that being said let me continue to the next part of the story. At the conclusion of the last part, I had said she told me to carry her to the bathroom and punish me for being a bad girl. I carried her on my shoulders and had all the designs in my mind to make her squirm in that tub today. I told her to wrap a towel and wait for me. I left the bathroom. I called for a pastry and chocolate syrup and a...

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Owners Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 12

Thanks for the responses and the love for the last part, and also your valuable suggestions on what you want. Trust me it helps me to gauge what you want with such suggestions. The entire night we had sex with regular intervals. We hugged each other and slept in each other’s arms and had a great nights sleep. The next morning I turned to an empty bed beside me. I saw that beauty whom I had sex with last night with my shirt on and nothing underneath sip her cup of tea. Trust me nothing turns a...

2 years ago
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Owners Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 11

Thanks a lot to all my readers again to writing back and expressing support for this series. Let me continue to the next part of the story. I finished my shower. Due to the memories of the car ride and the naughtiness and provocative behavior of Anjana I was really hard. That’s when I wore a bathrobe and picked up a cup of tea. I sat down to think of what happened for the rest of the night. After we had our little dirty play while I was driving we checked into a hotel. It was a very reputed one...

1 year ago
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Owners Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 10

It’s been a long time I know. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for all the mail and support you guys gave me for these last few years. Trust me, I wanted to write but the site was not being accessed. But now that I am back, rest assured your favorite stud and his bhabhi will leave you happy. Disclaimer time guys. Since we have missed 3 years I am going to write what happened at the start of the year. Then keep going back to the flashback mode. So without much time wastage here we go. It was a...

3 years ago
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Owners Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 9

I would like to thank all you beautiful readers to have mailed me and given me your responses, thanks a lot for the love and please keep your responses pouring. I would like more of your thoughts and your little experiences or any other queries. So continuing with the next part, here we go. We held each other and slept like there was no tomorrow and truth be told we both were very tired we both had rocked my bed which was enjoyed by my sexy neighbor and she had held on to me tight and was...

4 years ago
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Owner8217s Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 8

Hello everybody hope you have enjoyed the previous part, and as usual I would like to thank you all for your comments and encouragements that have you have given me . I also would like to request you all to give feedbacks of yours on the story and your take on it. With that being said, I would like to continue to part 8 of erotic series that you all have been reading. After the nonstop fucking and the kink of banging a married woman’s pussy from behind while her husband was on a call was done,...

4 years ago
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Owners Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 7

Hi many of you have appreciated my last part, and have mailed me your thoughts so thanks a lot for your replies and opinions. Now here is the part 7 of this series. Please keep your comments coming so i can write more and simulate your fantasies. So here we go. We played with each other’s bodies for a bit and kissed and caressed each other in the bath tub till we felt the water get colder by the minute. The bath tub though sizeable was still uncomfortable for two people, by now anjana had held...

1 year ago
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Owners Pride Neighbour8217s Envy 8211 Part IV

Hello All, how are you? This is Hungstud again, writing the fourth part of the story. I have recieved a few mails from the readers and i firstly want to thank you all for your kind words and encouragement for my writing. I would like to assure you all that there are lots more twist and turns and plots which wjll unfold between the wife and the stud, so keep reading and keep writing to me. With that out of the way, let me get down to the story. It was a fine Friday evening i was upbeat about the...

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Owners Pride Neighbours Envy 8211 Part III

Hello all, this is Hungstud again, bringing you the third part of this series which I hope you people are keenly reading. If you liked the first two parts trust me, you will love the rest of the parts which will be written. Before I write the third part I want to request you people to write in comments to my email or below so I can understand what you people want. So here is part III. I got up with Anjana in my arms and after the previous nights sex, which was the most awesome I ever had, I...

2 years ago
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Owners Pride Neighbour8217s Envy 8211 Part II

Hello all, this is Hungstud again. You might have read my last story about how i had made love with a middle aged housewife. Without wasting your time, i will give first time readers small intros i am 28 years old working for a MNC and living in the western suburbs of Mumbai, Her name is Anjana Sharma a housewife who is as beautiful as beautiful can be. Now coming to the story, after we made love we had a nice couple of hours of sleep, i found her sleeping soundly when the first ray of morning...

2 years ago
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Owner8217s Envy Tenant8217s Pride

Hi All, This is Akshay Ganna again. I am 36 years old and have a very nice 6 feet tall athletic body. I hope you have enjoyed my previous stories. This particular story is a real life incidence which took about 10 years back. I was then 26 years old and had been working in an IT firm in Pune. I was deputed to Hyderabad for a period of 6 months on a project delivery. In about a week I managed to have 1BHK house on the 3rd floor. It was on the top of the building with a big open terrace. The...

3 years ago
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The Legacy of Envy

Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental. This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone any sexual activity unless all parties are able to clearly and consciously legally consent and choose to do so. Charlie Morris unpacked his briefcase onto the gigantic table. Light filtered in the colored glass from the midday sun. This conference room was once the Solar of the...

4 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 50 A Touch of Envy

April 25, 1984 My girlfriend smiled at me across the lunch table. It was Wednesday, the day of the week when both of us had large gaps in our class schedules in the middle of the day. We had gotten together at our favorite snack bar, and were enjoying a midday meal consisting of the usual nondescript campus chow. "You seem to be in a good mood today," I said to Inez, with a curious grin of my own. "Mm-hmm," she mumbled in reply, not giving anything away. But still, the same smile...

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Fools EnvyChapter 2A

I was staring at the lonely view of a brick wall from my new apartment when my cell phone rang. I had been expecting Terry's call, but it hadn't come. I wondered if I had misjudged the situation. Maybe she wasn't that bothered by my leaving. It would give her all the time she wanted to screw around with her friends. Maybe that really was what she wanted. When I heard the distinctive tones, I checked the caller ID. Instead of our home number, there was one I didn't recognize. I wondered...

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Fools EnvyChapter 2B

I never fell asleep, so was able to get out of bed long before she woke up. I went downstairs and made myself coffee and breakfast, even though I didn't have much of an appetite. There was a notepad on the table so I wrote her a letter telling her that I had gone to a friend's house because he had an emergency. I picked one she didn't know well who lived about an hour away so she wouldn't be tempted to drop by. I did go to Pete's house, but just sat and talked to him and his wife. Pete...

2 years ago
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Fools EnvyChapter 3A

"... And you just walked out?" Karen asked, clearly shocked. Steve thought he saw a hint of mirth in her expression. "Yes," he sighed. Karen's clear disdain for Terry could sometimes be overwhelming. It got so bad that sometimes he even felt the need to defend his estranged wife. He understood that Karen was just taking his side and appreciated the thought. The truth was, he was a little confused about why it bothered him so much. Even after what Terry had done, Steve had never been...

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Fools EnvyChapter 3B

"Good morning, sunshine," Karen cheerfully said, waking Steve from a deep sleep. "You were so out of it that I was able to go get coffee and bagels and you still haven't moved since I left. I was about to check to make sure you had a pulse." He slowly got out of bed and joined her for breakfast. He enjoyed the morning with her, although there was no repeat of the fireworks from the previous night. They talked cheerfully, being careful to stay away from any discussion about the possible...

1 year ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 5 More Signs of Envy

Ashley grabbed my hand the instant we were out the door. We paused for a moment to find her mother's minivan. Ashley spotted it first and took off, dragging me behind her as we made our way toward the bright green vehicle. The sliding door to the back seats slid open as we arrived. I peeked in to find Mrs. Roberts sitting the driver's seat. She kept her eyes forward as Ashley jumped in and turned to grab both of my hands. I paused and started to reach for the front door. Mrs. Roberts just...

3 years ago
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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

3 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

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South of Bikini 4 Departures

With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...

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