The Dark Legacy
- 3 years ago
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Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental. This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone any sexual activity unless all parties are able to clearly and consciously legally consent and choose to do so.
Charlie Morris unpacked his briefcase onto the gigantic table. Light filtered in the colored glass from the midday sun. This conference room was once the Solar of the castle. Cold and clear, no clouds filtered the light. The Old oak table laid awash in color and random lines. Those distortions resulted more from the inch thick bulletproof Lexan rather than the centuries old glass.
Charlie felt comfortable. Castles like this one, stuck on an island in the North Sea, should be bitterly cold in late November. Even with eight-foot thick walls, he suspected insulation behind the dark paneling. Heat did radiate from the floor. The fireplace was empty, shuttered by heavy decorative doors.
His bum knee had twitched on the entire helicopter flight to the island. Climbing the stairs had worked some of the stiffness out. He felt he might even be able to score on a penalty kick. Ok, the keeper might need to be limping a bit. He felt better anyway.
From a portfolio case, he gently removed a large three-foot-by-three-foot piece of vellum. The research he had done on the Black-Mal written on its surface was completed. The Jameson families shared a common home over a thousand years ago. Then the family split between the Gunn and Stewart Clans. The Stewart-Jamesons had controlled this castle, called Caisteal Geasan since 1420 and by decree of James the Second were the 'Law under God himself.' On the island, the head of the family literally ruled by whim alone.
In 1590, the Gunn-Jamiesons forced the Black-Mal he laid on the table. Provisions in the Treaty of Union made the document binding. The Gunn-Jamiesons had had seven unique tries to invoke the clauses written into the Black-Mal. Charlie had found only six documented attempts.
Presently a small military unit had a base on the southern portion of the island under a carefully worded lease between the Crown, and the Elliott Jameson the family's patriarch, at the time. The Crown needed a "collocet ut obliviscatur," somewhere to place prisoners to disappear, literally forgotten. The Jameson family wanted no interference with passage of any persons or goods that passed through the island.
Ian Jameson, Charlie's employer, had one year to provide an answer to Edmund Jamieson. As the party called to defend the Black-Mal, Ian could choose where the challenge could be made. Caisteal Geasan gave Ian the right to interpret the law to his will. He could not escape the letter of the Black-Mal. Ian would twist it to his advantage.
Reunification, the last unanswered portion of the Black-Mal, Edmund had little left to lose. He was the last surviving Jamieson male. Edmund's son Robert died shortly after his wife gave birth to a daughter named Lillian.
"Well my boy, have you set my plan in motion?" Ian appeared at Charlie's side. That startled him.
"I have the documents written to your specification." Charlie had a hard time hiding his displeasure. Immoral to the core, what he had set in motion would damn him to hell. Parts were palatable, even admirable. Treating four couples to all expenses paid honeymoons and nuptials made Ian out to be a romantic. The changes made to the tower suite were not romantic.
Ian was well aware that Charlie didn't like his plan. Here on the island what he proposed was legal, anywhere else, in the civilized world, these crimes bordered on the unfathomable. "I'll sign them here." This would end the Jamieson's infantile attempts to wrest control of Caisteal Geasan.
Charlie spread out a set of three documents. Ian crossed over to the mantel and grabbed the great seal of Caisteal Geasan. Returning, Ian placed the seal on the table. A heavy deep thump punctuated the act. The next half hour was filled with sign here, initial there.
An excursion to the stables was a rare opportunity to escape the watchful eye of Mrs. Sturbridge. Lillian Jamieson knew the old bitch lived for the express perverted pleasure of assigning demerits. Once you received twenty-seven of them, any discounts your parents had for tuition evaporated. Gran-da was convinced she got kickbacks.
Lillian had collected her fortieth demerit today for the ponytail she sported. Her hair never would stay fixed under the school's official riding cap. Besides, hiding her natural shade of deep red when it desperately needed sunlight to add natural highlights made the demerits worth it. She was blessed with emerald eyes that all the fashion magazines said screamed for a lighter shade of red hair that emphasized and complemented her skin tones.
Her curse had been her hips, all thirty-nine inches of them. She would, at best, described herself as bottom heavy. Her breast had stopped at a 'C' cup according to Silks and Secrets in Glasgow. According to the American charts, she would have had a 'B' cup. Having her hair able to billow and cascade down her torso would draw the eye from her hips. Very few people understood the frustration of having to consistently buy outfits that were mix-matched. Yes, her grandfather had her formal gowns made but just once, she wanted to go into the GAP and buy a form-fitting outfit off the rack.
The old Ford minibus bounced down the lane heading to the stables. Lillian shared similar views with most of her classmates: the ride to the horses was more dangerous than riding the horses. They had just passed an old barn painted red. After the next corner, a bounce was to happen after a small bridge. The driver, Mr. Creedy, known as Mr. Creepy, would gun the motor, making the girls bounce in their seats. Everyone knew he would then look at the monitoring mirror to watch the girls' breasts bounce. The old biddy Mrs. Marshall ignored his antics. She sat stoically staring down the lane.
Instead of being pushed into her seat, Lillian was thrown forward. She heard a squeal from the brakes. The front of the minibus dipped down. Lillian felt herself pressed into the seatback in front of her. Mr. Creepy let out a string of profanity. A panel van blocked the lane. The sound of an engine made Lillian turn. She saw a lorry stop inches from the rear emergency exit of the minibus.
Everyone was talking at once. The cacophony made it seem like everyone was shouting. One girl was screaming. She was looking at the word 'SCANIA' in large block letters directly out the rear windows. Her seatmate pulled her back onto their bench. The girl changed from a screech to a series of "Oh Gods" as she calmed down. Evelyn started to complain that her cell was not getting any service.
Mrs. Sturbridge waddled up the aisle to the door. When it opened, she accelerated through it. In her place, a dark skinned man stepped into the bus. "You bitches exit the bus!" He sounded foreign, like the Egyptian shopkeeper in town.
"Now see here!" Mr. Creepy shouted back. "Do not speak to-" A pop occurred and faint wires stretched from the dark man to Mr. Creepy. Mr. Creepy shook then collapsed into his seat.
This produced a series of screams. The response was a burst into the roof of the minibus by a machine pistol. Silence became the result of the gunfire. "Exit the bus!" He waved to encourage them. "Whores and bitches that've lost their maidenheads in the yellow van, pure and virgin cunts in the red van." The man injected a syringe of something into Mr. Creepy.
Lillian was one of the last girls to exit. She could see Mrs. Sturbridge lying on the side of the road. "Virgin cunt or whore?" the dark skin man asked her. Lillian could not answer such a question. She was doing good to walk. A slap refocused her attention. Lillian still could not bring herself to answer. Hands ran roughshod in her pockets. Her cell phone and iPod were tossed aside. "Virgin or whore?" He grabbed the waistline of her riding trousers. "Hold still!" With his fingers behind her briefs, the man slipped short heavy knife into the gap, designed so that the cutting blade could never cut the skin. Lillian felt the plastic guard as it slid down toward the base of her crotch. The plastic guide was replaced by fingers, "Good little cunt, get in the red van." He pushed her toward red van. Bags, cell phones, purses, and clothing littered the ground.
Lillian had to grab her pants on both sides of the cut. She walked without thinking. Tears began to roll down her face. There were more girls in the red van than she thought there should have been based on the late night chats in the dorms. Once she topped the ramp into the red box-van, hands grabbed hers. She lost the grip on her pants and they fell away. She tried to grab them, but could not break her hands free. Handcuffs snapped shut. An industrial zip tie secured them to a chain bolted to the floor. Something stung her upper arm. She looked to see a syringe pulled away.
As the door of the panel van closed, Lillian sat down. The cold metal touching her ass reminded her she was exposed. Hastily Lillian pulled up the remnants of her pants. Surrounded by darkness, she joined the chorus of sobs that were dying down. Banging on the side of the van must have signaled the driver. The van jostled away. Lillian found herself drifting into sleep.
BBC News arrived at the kidnapping site before the local authorities. Tipped off by an anonymous phone call by a voice that was both filtered, and using an obviously bad American accent it was to enticing to pass. Later it would be learned the call originated from one of the girls' cell phones. Triangulation from logs from the equipment linked to the local cell towers reveled that the call came from the crime scene.
From that point on the hidden little lane, easy access to the M74, M8, and M80 were all within a twenty-minute lazy drive. Jennifer Nelson, her engineer, and cinematographer acted as concerned citizens first. Dialing 999, she reported what they found as she moved to check on an unconscious woman. The man in the minibus came under the care of the engineer. The cinematographer began a detailed examination of the scene. He stated what each of the others was doing and tried to record anything he could that their actions might obscure. Recorded simultaneously on his camera and on media in their truck, he would surrender a copy when the authorities arrived.
By the time the authorities arrived, the minibus was almost one hour late arriving at the stables. That put the perpetrators in a thirty-mile radius from the spot. The UK Highways Agency sprang into action. Intense reviews of any footage that cameras could provide concerning traffic to and from the lane over the last hour were dissected. Three potential targets were identified.
The first truck was tracked to a loading dock. Bags of horse feed soon filled the back of the van. Almost immediately after the first truck proved to be a dead end, the second target van suffered a catastrophic engine failure. The quick response was greatly appreciated. Having it offered at gunpoint did cause some concern.
That left the last possible target. CCTV showed four vehicles entering the M8 heading toward Edinburgh, one flatbed empty lorry, a yellow panel van, and three sedans. That caravan was on the City on Edinburgh By-Pass almost to Musselburgh.
Special Operations teams began to converge on the area. Their target had stopped at a small warehouse with rail traffic access. The cameras could not see inside.
The yellow panel van backed to within eight feet of a transport container, mounted on a trailer, attached to a tractor, making it ready for a quick exit. Opening the back of the panel van, Derek al-Kindi pulled the built in ramp, setting one end a foot into the container, the other he fastened into place. He hopped onto the ramp, and then turned to his men. "Strip them in the van." The other men climbed into the van. "Then take them to the container trailer." The other six men started up the ramp. Derek stopped the last man. "Jean, start the truck and make sure we are ready to roll. Then if there is time, come help us to finish."
Jean headed over to the cab. He verified the airbrake connections and that the pin was in place securing the trailer. Moving around to climb into the cab, he saw the first of the naked asses slung over shoulders. Once seated in the cab, he began the startup sequence. Jean did the math in his mind, twenty grand for the ambush, then twelve-fifty for each bitch in the van. That made another ten grand, thirty grand total, for a few hours work. The diesel rumbled to life. He opened the door to report. The barrel of a silenced M11 pointed at his chest. The man next to him held up his finger ordering him to be silent.
"De-" the words were cut short by four rapid clicks. A small bag caught the expended shell casings. Jean died before they dragged his carcass out of the cab. Using the wheels to block the view of the men transferring the nude girls, the two men moved to their second position.
Sounds of the ramp dropping to the floor were followed closely by the clank, which signified the closing of the shipping container door. A small cheer followed the sound of a padlock clicking shut.
The padlock clicking also assured the special operations squad that their captives were relatively secure.
"Mount up." Derek shouted out to the men. "We'll meet at Barney's Pub at the Port of Sunderland."
The sound of a round being chambered into an H&K MP5 has a remarkable effect on a person. Multiply the sound by five and then have those very same weapons appear in the hands of an armored anti-terrorist unit. There is a surprising range of reaction. One man fainted. Two men suddenly sported growing dark stains the front of their trousers. Three raised their hands as they fell to their knees.
A steady diet of badly written movies inspired Derek. Thousands of hours of video games fed his stupidity. His right hand reached behind back to his waistband. He dove toward the open area under the trailer.
A 7.62mm round tore into the upper reaches of his right shoulder. The force knocked him bodily into the man urinating behind him. Before he went into shock, Derek was able to taste the urine on the pant leg covering his face. Unlike the video games, there was no overhead view to show the concealed sniper in the upper right part of the screen.
Secure in the hay barn, the Egyptian sounding man began to peel the red plastic decal away from the sides of the panel van. He whistled Elton John's Nikita, while working. His panel van now showed it belonged to Office121. Raising the door, he visually checked his cargo. Unfortunately, he would need to load a wall of paper boxes to hide his cargo. Balling up the decals, he stuffed them into several garbage bags. Those bags he tossed in with the girls.
In two hours, it would be safe to dose the girls again. Going back to the cab, he removed a new set of plates. He started replacing the ones on the van. Kneeling on the stone floor at the front of the van, he never saw the silenced pistol lining up with his spine. Three bullets into the back of his head ended his life.
Dropping her pistol to her side, the shooter walked to the back of the panel van. The caramel woman looked at a picture. Spotting the girl she pulled out a credit card sized cell phone. Turning the Hindi girl, she first activated the phone and then slipped it into the girl's coat pocket.
Slipping out the way she came, the shooter moved into the underbrush. Moving away carefully, she negotiated her way to a scenic jogging path. A pack sat waiting for her. Quickly she shed the camouflage overall and changed to running shoes, putting the boots in the pack. Checking the timer on her watch, she began stretching. The yellow tank top and tight shorts would soon draw a great deal of attention. A runner topped the hill and ran straight to her. He kissed her.
"Konmen lé-z'affè?" the big white man asked. She made a pistol shape with index finger and thumb. He smiled. Her fingers flashed the sign for three.
Ebony fingers slid up his shirt. "Renmen m' wi," she whispered.
He pushed her against the nearest tree. Then he knelt before her. Ripping her shorts down, he drove his tongue into the upper parts of her caramel slit. Grabbing his head, she rode him. Other than the sounds of the breeze and the woods, a soft slurping drifted about five feet from the pair.
The ebony woman shook. He pulled away. His cheeks glistened. He wiped them on her shorts. As he stood, she started to sink to her knees.
"Cette nuit," he whispered. She grabbed his cock outlined in his shorts, and kissed him again. The couple then started running east.
There was a lane open, giving Pete access to the baseline. Switching his dribble to his left hand, he drove toward the basket. The defense collapsed in on Pete. Their error left Paulie open in the far corner behind the three-point line. Instead of the layup, he hooked a pass over his head directly to the wing. With his feet set, Paulie's shot arced gracefully toward the hoop. A gentle kiss off the backboard redirected the ball into the net.
Pete hopped into the air, letting the chain link fence absorb his momentum. Rebounding back, he met the team exchanging hi-fives.
"Damn Pete, sweet pass." Jake pulled him into a bro-hug. "I guess playing a little college ball did help your game."
Pete had received a full ride scholarship to Southern New Hampshire. He played as the second unit power forward. At six foot five, he was just under the minimum ideal height for a small forward. Weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds, he had a pesky low post presence.
According to Garrow family legend, they had moved to Boston in 1820, slaves that had been set free and sent north. The family was still involved in trade with Europe, business relationships that had lasted almost two hundred years. Pete would be starting at the company in two days. His grandfather had sent him to Inverness, Scotland last month to meet the old world partners in the company.
A month later, Pete wished for a few balmy December mornings in New Hampshire. The rain! It rained heavily in the winter. The sky stayed gray. Boston was colder, but it was dryer. He understood why the old folks would complain about their bones hurting.
Braving the cold, Pete walked down Eastgate toward the alleyway, Hamilton Street. He needed to finish his holiday shopping. Cutting down Hamilton to the Marks and Spencer Shoppe, he felt a stinging in his left ass cheek, then his body failed to respond. He had shocked himself before while fixing a lamp, but this hurt. The pain stopped. Before he could move, something jabbed his arm. Colors swirled, massing into the images of blobs. Hands grabbed his arms.
A squeaky voice from his left piped, "Damn, this is a heavy load."
"Shut-up," the voice to the right said. "Our piker is late with the van."
Pete heard the sputtering motor before he smelled the oil it burned. A sliding sound he associated with the old basketball van signaled a door opening. Shoved forward, his shins smacked the edge of the opening. That stung. When Pete's face smacked the floor, it hurt worse. Rope bound his hands and feet. A tarp covered over him. Heat from the exhaust warmed the floor. A deep whoosh and clank signaled the door was slammed shut. As the van eased forward, Pete succumbed to the need to sleep.
Edmund Jamieson had dodged a bullet. His granddaughter Lillian had almost been taken from him. If she had been lost, it would have destroyed his last chance to win back the family's birthright. Neither of his sons had seen fit to father a boy. Freddie was bent, and spent his life takin'-it-up-the-bum; Jackie had dropped just the one girl. Then he died when a drunk struck him as he jogged down a road.
Once that bastard Ian's last grandson married last spring, it provided an opening. The Black-Mal, centuries of crawling kowtowing to the high and mighty Jameson clan, would end. 'A husband, who is direct lineage of the Laird, ' the old Gaelic was beautiful to the ear. Yet revenge for all those centuries would be sweeter.
That bastard Ian would have no one to wed Lillian. The Black-Mal would then force the change in ownership of Caisteal Geasan. The daft girl never complained about coming to the family estate high in the heather. Edmund knew the scare from the kidnapping would keep her in line for at least six months. Greed, not providence, had saved the girl. Once the second truck broke down, one accomplice had killed the one who could be identified. After the drugs wore off, one of the big-breasted girls had her phone hid in her bra. A 999 call later and they were free.
Edmund sat down in the heavy leather chair behind his desk. He spun clockwise and snickered at the thought of his plans coming to fruition. The image of his butler and gardener flashed before him twice before he could stop the spinning.
"Sir," Bradbury his butler called. "It appears someone has loosed six sheep, a cow, and a plow horse in the garden."
Edmund could feel his temple budging in time with his heart rate.
"A book wrapped in paper was on the front door." The butler held out the paper. "There was no writing on the paper, only this mark." The coat of arms of the Jameson bastards, this one was bordered by a heavy red band, signaling that a fourth branch of the damned family was claimed to exist.
Edmund took the book. Opening the cover, he read. The butler and gardener exited the room. Edmund began to curse. Once he read page eight, everyone on the ground floor heard the cry. "Lillian!"
Rushing to the stairs, Edmund sprinted to the top. He stormed to the east wing. At Lillian's door, he burst into her room. On the bed lay a marshalling of the family arms, painted on heavy oak quartered to ancient custom, a symbol of marriage.
Half her face felt the cold air. The other half was warm. She could feel her head rise and fall. An arm pressed against her back. Her mind cleared a bit more. The heat engine she rested against breathed steadily. The right breast touched the bed and flesh, its counterpart touched only skin.
Still not opening her eyes, Lillian took stock of every sensation. Her thigh and leg draped over a body. Coarse hair touched the side of her knee; it was the sensations of her sex resting against skin that opened her eyes.
There was enough light that it made her blink. It took a few moments for her vision to focus. Her tongue felt as if it had fur growing on it. The taste of a foil gum wrapper hung in her mouth. Accumulated pressure in her bladder decided to make its existence known. She had to get up.
Rolling away removed the warmth of the male. The sudden cold seemed to make the pressure even greater. Sliding her legs over the side of the bed, she stood. Lillian's toes protested the bitter temperatures of the stone floor. Her bladder ended the argument. Spying a water closet, she moved that way as fast as possible, stifling squeals.
Sitting down, braving the cold, Lillian felt relief as she peed. Crossing her arms, she felt something around her neck. It was a choker of some sort. Her fingers could barely reach under it. It was about the same diameter as a five-pence coin. She could not find a clasp. It was made of three-finger width sections that felt metallic. After wiping, she looked in the mirror. The green choker did match her eyes. The goose bumps on her skin signaled her state of discomfort.
Once done, she explored the octagonal room. It appeared to be about seven meters from edge to edge. Heavy and with no visible handle, the only door in the room resisted her efforts to break it. There were no towels, blankets, or any type of covering. She was beginning to lose feeling in her feet. Moving to the large lounge, she curled into a ball.
"Lillian," a soft artificial male voice called. "It is much warmer on the bed with Peter."
The voice scared her. She tried to stay still.
"The mattress is heated."
Lillian had been warm there. She shivered there on the lounge. Uncurling she lost what little heat she had generated. Walking quickly, she returned to the bed. It was warm. The massive black man still slumbered.
"Snuggle up to him, Lillian." The voice instructed. "It is warm, safe, and pleasurable, in bed with Peter."
Touching the top of the bed confirmed its warmth. On the bed lay Peter. Climbing next to him, she stopped to look at his cock. Lillian had seen them before. Never this close or for real, but it looked big and was aimed away from her.
"Touch it Lillian," the voice implored. "Soon it will become the center of your existence." Delicately, she climbed onto the mattress. "You need to caress the cock, Lillian." Her hand moved unbidden toward the penis. The heat emanating from the groin promised to soothe her fingers. "Yes, Lillian, that's a good thing to do."
Taking hold of the warm flesh, she felt the pulse of his heart. It grew in her hand. Once it reached about twenty centimeters, the tip began to spread. Something inside began to poke through. Reaching up, she pulled the skin around that tip down. That freed a large helmeted cock. This looked like the ones she had seen on the Internet.
"You did very well, Lillian." She realized she was not alone. "Crawl up beside Peter. You will be warm."
Embarrassed, but thrilled at her wantonness, the need to warm herself further drew her to snuggle beside him. Soon she fell asleep.
Edmund's private line rang; the voice on the other end was expected. "Hello Jamieson," the 'ie' was accented and pronounced as a loud 'e'.
"Ian, you ruddy bastard, where is she?" Edmund screamed into the phone.
"Eddy, Eddy, Eddy," Ian relished in the anger of the old fool. "Safe and in the company of her husband, their honeymoon is progressing adequately."
Edmund had tradition fueled by anger. "No consent to a marriage was ever given, you bastard."
The counter stated facts that served as virtual daggers to Edmund's soul. "The tenants of a bride price were left at your estate." A paused ensued to hammer home the reality. "Your forbear Marcus, agreed to a bride price in the codicils of 1736. That document has been in the Inverness Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Court since 1850."
"Ian, that court will not support that document," Edmund countered. "We both know that."
"It resides at that court, Eddy. Whatever court that holds the Black Mal administrates it."
Edmund saw a chance. "The Black Mal is part of the collection at University of Edinburgh. The court there will void this and charges will be brought."
The laugh Ian gave unnerved Edmund. "It's been on loan to the university. Every ten years, my solicitors reestablish that fact. Today, it is with me in Caisteal Geasan."
Edmund had him there: was no male of age, to marry Lillian. "There is no male of the line, Ian."
That laugh came again. "In 1730, the last time your clan tried to evoke the Black Mal, Robert Jameson sent his youngest son to Boston to secure an heir. Rodrick purchased a negress, paid the Miscegenation Fines yearly, and fathered four males. The Black Mal does recognize 'Biblical Marriage.' When it was written, an heir, no matter how remote, could legitimize offspring. The Garrows are legitimate. Their birth records have been recorded here in Caisteal Geasan since 1735."
Edmund's computer signaled that an email message had been received.
"Eddy, open the email attachment. Lillian was playing with the cock that will plant the babies in her belly."
Ian heard a crunch and the phone went dead. Hanging up the phone, he turned back to the video feed from the Honeymoon tower.
Lillian woke up with her stomach growling. She was alone in the bed. The bitter cold of earlier gone, warmth permeated the room. A rhythmic clang of metal sounded across the room. Looking to find the source, she saw Peter's back as he worked on an exercise machine. Light reflected off the sweat, which defined the muscles while they flexed. Lillian eased off the bed. Watching the ebony man effortlessly lift and lower the mechanism, she took a few cautious steps in his direction.
"You have completed this set satisfactorily," the artificial voice announced. "Lillian is awake."
Peter's head turned to scan the bed. Lillian tentatively waved. He stood and walked toward the kitchenette area. He did not try to hide his nakedness. The muscles in his thighs flexed with each step. The 'V' shape of his torso drew her eyes to his groin. His penis pointed down at the floor. Scanning back up to his face, she realized he was assessing her. She became acutely aware of her nudity. Her stomach growled again.
The voice called again. "Lillian, this is Peter."
"Hello," Lillian could feel her cheeks become hot with a blush.
"Peter, this is Lillian."
His eyes locked onto hers. "Hello," the confident voice soothed her apprehension.
"The first actions required for earning breakfast have been completed." Peter's eyes looked up at the speaker grill in the ceiling. "Lillian, take Peter to the shower and clean him."
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The Legacy by Sarah Miller The erie bluish white light flickered across the walls, the thunder cracking and booming through the house. Sheets of water pounding on the roof provided the background music. This was just great. I come home from work to be greeted by another load of crap from Janice, and now we had a 45 mile drive through what appeared to be the lightening storm of the century. It was the first Friday of the month and, as usual, we were on the way to my maternal...
Foreword: Hello and thank you for reading. This story is one of several that I will be adding overtime. I created the Legacy line of stories to delve further into the fictional world I am writing about and to help those who want to know about the Blue Dress plot device, its rules, and where it comes from. The Blue Dress Legacy - Reshuffle the Deck Jesse and Jim Grove were well known in there home town. Twin brothers who from an early age were known troublemakers. Whether they...
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My Family's Legacy By Jennifer Allison For the first thirteen years of my life I lived the normal life of a boy of a middle class family. Except my family had one very strange quirk. The men in my family would have a men's-only outing at least once a month. You could count on them being at these outings for every three day weekend. My Dad would disappear for these weekends by himself until my seventeen-year-old brother John reached his thirteenth birthday. After that, John...
LEGACY By Jenny North "Whatcha reading?" I asked, seeing my wife's smile as she sat on the couch, thumbing through a book. She held it up and as I saw the cover, my heart sank. My high school yearbook. "I hid that," I told her. "Poorly! So I knew it was juicy. And with your reunion coming up..." "Which I will not be attending." "Aww," she pouted. "Do I embarrass you...Tinker Bell?" she beamed, holding up the page with pictures from the Halloween dance. Ugh, I'd really...
2002 "It was 1960, but I can remember as if it were yesterday." Phillimore puffed at his pipe, but it had gone out. Another match flared and he held it to the bowl, sucking and gurgling interminably until a satisfying billow of smoke finally rose fragrantly past the rows of rusty leather books to the yellowed ceiling. "1960. Arthur Saxby sent for me in his office. I was a junior in the Company then, and of course, all I could think was 'what have I done wrong this time?' But it seemed I...
As Aric and Brianna made their way downstairs they headed to the den and saw Galen sitting in a chair at his desk making some notes with his back to the doorway. Just as Aric was getting ready to knock on the door frame Galen said "About time you woke up boy. We need to have a talk. I should have had it with you long ago, but I put it off thinking that what I was seeing couldn't be true. But now I understand it is." As Aric and Brianna came into the room and took a seat on the couch...
The Miracle Legacy By Morpheus There was a faint humming that filled the air from the small room's air conditioning, as well as the many whispers. I frowned, stretching in my chair and glancing around me impatiently. There were 9 other people in the room, waiting just as I was and all of them seemed to be college students too. I yawned, glancing at my watch and wondering when the show was going to start. Or more specifically, when it was going to be over so that I could collect my...
“Inmate 34257-alpha.” The slightly distorted voice roused me from my slumber. “Inmate 34257-alpha, wake up!” I sat up and looked around. In front of my cell, behind the stun-field, waited one of the guards. Their blue-and-white armor was built to hide their identity, from the gender-obscuring hardshell plates protecting them from impacts and energy blasts to the faceless mirror visors and voice modulators built into their helmets. Probably done to prevent retaliation if any one of their...
They rode the next day, when Henry came by riding Beau and leading Sadie by the reins. Down by the creek, which was running high and clear, they swam in the pool where the water swirled past a large, flat-topped rock, and then against the bank and back on itself in a gentle whirlpool, a few small leaves and twigs trapped in its center. They swam naked, as they had in this same pool when they were small children; each of them in their own era, their experiences separated by decades. After, they...
Wife LoversDiana never neglected her work but she did make an effort to join Hal whenever he was off to see the bullocks or the lambs. As the harvest drew nearer she wanted to know what they grew and what it was used for. She took an interest in the machinery. She climbed up onto the combine and looked down inside while Hal explained what each compartment did. She gazed at the round baler. "How big are the bales?" she asked. "Five foot diameter and six foot across. They weigh little short of a...
Diana was cooking supper. Hal was keeping her company. Nick was changing. Helen came into the kitchen, walked over to Diana and sniffed her. "Mmm," she said. "Hal seems to have done a pretty good job." Diana burst out laughing. Hal went puce. Straight faced Helen went over to him and sniffed him. "So does Diana," she said. "Mum!" She ruffled his hair. "She washed your hair too. Very good!" She stood back. "Was it fun?" she whispered. Hal nodded still quite unable to...
Diana was happy; very, very happy. She had cast off her misery about Garry. She would always love him and never forget him but she had given in to the feelings that had developed about Hal. It had started with his easy friendship when she first arrived and developed while she nursed him after the accident. His quiet, warm sympathy over the bullocks had accelerated the feelings; feelings that had frightened her and caused her to tell Helen of her worries when Nick had announced their holiday...
Hal came in at half past three, shivering. There was no sign of Diana. She was presumably at the shop. He put the kettle on. Just as it was boiling she came in. "Ooh!" she exclaimed. "You must have extra-sensory whatever. Tea is just what I need. The shop went wild this afternoon until about quarter of an hour ago." "It might do again." "Millie doesn't think so. Apparently it's the Wednesday pattern." "Why? I'd've thought Friday would be the rush with fresh things for the...
Book 2 – Introduction I’ve made a big jump in time from the original Chapter 1, as I’ve decided to get my book published in three parts by an American Underground Publisher, who is keen to get my amazing life into print. In this story I’ll very briefly cover some of the period between Book 1 -Chapter 1 and the beginning of Book 2 (and there is still another whole book to go). Jack’s legacy My sister and I were ‘procured’ by Jack (who became such a loved part of our family and...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, grope, hp, magic, oral, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 3 – Lily Evans Is A Slut! by Avatrek ([email protected]) Hogwarts of 1976 was a very different Hogwarts of what Harry and Hermione had ever experienced. It was probably in large part due to the fact that both Harry...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, inc, uniform Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 4 – Spin The Bottle by Avatrek ([email protected]) Gryffindor House of 1976 was far better than the one Ronald Weasley had ever known, not only were the common room and dormitories bigger, better and...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, mf, mf, mmf, cream pie, exhib, inc, hand job, hp, grope, magic, oral, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 7 – Morning Mayhem by Avatrek ([email protected]) Ron Weasleys dreams were strange, filled with time-travel and perversion, they were the oddest of his life. When...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mmfff, exhib, grope, magic, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 1 – In The Beginning by Avatrek ([email protected]) Harry Potters fifth year of education was one of the most difficult times of his young life. Publicly slighted by both the Ministry of Magic and the...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: ncon, exhib, grope, spank, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 2 – Clothing Optional by Avatrek ([email protected]) Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood were on a very important mission. A mission which had taken them back in time to...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: Mf, mf, exhib, f-solo, grope, magic, spank, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 5 – Classes Begin Part 1 by Avatrek ([email protected]) It had been a very tumultuous first day of Hogwarts for Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna. Harry and Hermione had spent their first night...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, mf, mf, mmf, cream pie, exhib, inc, hand job, hp, grope, magic, oral, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 8 – The League by Avatrek ([email protected]) Hermiones first day of class at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1976 had begun a little less than...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: Mf, exhib, grope, hand, magic, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 6 – Classes Begin Part 2 by Avatrek ([email protected]) As Ron, Ginny and Lunas day went relatively well, Hermiones had been nothing short of a disaster. Her first class had been double potions and after being...
Centuries ago our world was visited by an advanced race of aliens, explores on a cosmic journey of discovery. These strange visitors found earth and its primitive inhabitants fascinating so much so that they spent many years living amongst us, studying us,helping us, guiding our development. If you are wondering why your history books never mentioned the time Copernicus got the idea for a heliocentric model of the universe from an alien slug creature it's probably because these particular alien...
This would be the fourth of a series of extremely erotic sex legacy. It may seem too huge but worth the time, which I guarantee. So I, Hari, a 22-year-old guy from Mangalore, mixed with fiction this particular series to make guys hard and the ladies very wet. I was still in ecstasy after the heavy blowjob. I sat with my dick out on the couch. She started laughing and then pulled up my shorts and kissed me. “Go, clean up,” she moaned. I went to the washroom and had a quick bath, removed my shirt...
This would be the third of a series of extremely erotic sex legacy. It may seem too huge but worth the time, which I guarantee. So I a Hari, 22-year-old guy from Mangalore, mixed with fiction this particular series to make guys hard and the ladies very wet. I dreamed all night about banging her. The expectations of having the slutty Sharon in my flat for 3 full days was making me hard. As usual, I went to college and then rushed to the library to meet her. In a light blue top and matching...
This would be the first of a series of extremely erotic sex legacy. It may seem too huge but worth the time, which I guarantee. So I a Hari, 22-year-old guy from Mangalore, mixed with fiction this particular series to make guys hard and the ladies very wet. We were going out of control behind the racks. I was burying myself between her juicy boobs kneading them with my right hand like smooth water balloons. She had closed her eyes and enjoyed my work on her with ecstasy while her hands were...
This would be the first of a series of extremely erotic sex legacy. It may seem too huge but worth the time, which I guarantee. So I a Hari, 22-year-old guy from Mangalore, mixed with fiction this particular series to make guys hard and the ladies very wet. Just another usual day of my life. I was an engineering student trying to waste time and the latest hobby I found out was a library. The library is the only place you can find the cutest and hottest chicks that too of nerdy type. Beauty with...
Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder By D.A.W. Author's Note: As this is the third and final story in my Ragnarok Rising trilogy I highly recommend reading 'Incompatible' and the revised version of 'Transfigured' before proceeding further. I've posted a glossary of terms (including the days/months and their English equivalents) to go along with these stories, it can be found at Bigcloset Topshelf, Fictionmania, & tgstorytime. Originally, this story was posted as a serial, but...
Disclaimer: Before I start, as far as I am aware, there is no pharmaceutical company called Chem-Tech (I googled it and everything). If there is, then it is completely coincidental. Chem-Tech's Legacy - Matilda's Story (Chapter 1) "PHIL," shouted my mother from downstairs. "STOP PLAYING WITH THAT BLOODY CAT, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL." "COMING," I shouted back. I turned to my kitten. "Sorry Tabitha, gotta go now." Tabitha just cocked her head at me as if to say...
Chem-Tech's Legacy, Matilda's Story (Chapter 2) I woke up a couple of hours later to feel something warm and furry snuggling into my stomach, purring away. I lifted my sheet to see Tabitha. "Hey there Tabby," I said in a sing-song voice, that was quite high pitched. I was still struggling to recognise it as my own. "I'm surprised you know who I am." I was. I didn't look anything like I used to. In fact, how did she know who I am? As well as not looking like I used to, I didn't...
Chem-Tech's Legacy - Matilda's Story (Chapter 3) My Dad came running outside. "What's going on?" "It's Danny," I wailed. "He just collapsed, I think he's changing like I did, look at his hair," I said as I pointed at his ginger hair, slowly changing to grey." "Oh shit," he said whilst dialling a number into his mobile. "There's nobody answering the Chem-Tech number, I'm gonna call an ambulance!" Since he was breathing okay, I called upon my basic first aid skills while we...
Chem-Tech's Legacy - Chapter 4 - Matilda's Story The interview was complete. Sharon and the TV people had packed up and left, but not before telling me that the early ratings on the interview had gone through the roof on a national scale. "You're the nations sweetheart now," Sharon had told me before she left. "So you're really going to go then?" my mum asked me as she was helping clear the gunk from my face. "What? To the disco?" I asked back "Of course, it's not like I can...
Chem-Tech's Legacy - Chapter 5 - Alice's Story It had been two weeks since the incident involving Tilly, Danny and the tanker truck. A lot had happened since then. Most significant for me was Danny's funeral. Everybody from school was there, including Tilly in a black dress, tights and heels. She looked very smart and definitely seemed to be adapting well to being female - and feline - despite everything that had happened to her recently. I'd always been friendly with Danny. He had...
Chem-Tech's Legacy - Chapter 6 - Darren's Story Well what a crazy few weeks it had been for a town our size. It had all started when two kids had gone snooping around the laboratory facility (be surprised if you hadn't heard of it. It's never been out of the news lately. A company called Chem-Tech) that I worked at and fucked about with some experimental stuff that they reckoned could be a cancer cure. Anyway, for some reason that I never understood, one of them turned into a cat...
Chem-Tech's Legacy - Chapter 7 - Matilda's Story "Come on Tilly," Jenny encouragingly. "You can't mope about the house for the rest of your life!" "I'm not going out there," I said in a sulk. "I'm a laughing stock!" I was, of course, talking about the catnip incident. I was obviously still upset about my former best friend trying to attack me and then watching him die, but it was the catnip incident that confirmed what everyone was really thinking about me. I was a freak show to...
Chem-Tech's Legacy - Chapter 8 - Tales From The Facility Jenny "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Sophie yelled. "WHO THE HELL IS THAT?" she yelled again, pointing at the newly formed rabbit girl who up until a few minutes ago was a man called Bryan. "He was going to change me," I sobbed. "He tried to turn me into a rabbit." "What?" She looked from Brian to me and back again. "Brian?" "How could this have happened?" Brian squeaked. "I'm not infected!" Sophie turned to...
Chem-Tech's Legacy - Chapter 9 - Matilda's Story It had been around four weeks since the shit hit the fan. The 3rd of April, 2015. The day that the government quarantined our area of the country from the rest of it. The day it was announced that there was a strong chance that anyone living in this area could be at risk of being infected with the compound. The compound that could change you into a human/animal hybrid if foreign DNA were to be introduced to your blood. In the days...
Chem-Tech's Legacy - Chapter 10 - Matilda's Story "Belle," I heard a sing song voice chirp from another room. "Wakey wakey Belle!" I woke up in an oversized cat bed with pink sheets. Where the hell was I? And who was Belle? Oh yeah. I'm Belle. Or at least that's what my psychotic "owner" Melody has named me. I was wearing the frilly pink nightie that she had leant me for the night and my hair tied back in a pony tail.. I only had the one dress that I was wearing when I first...
Jacen and Lumiya stared at the camera feed for the interrogation room in the depths of GAG headquarters on the unnamed moon STAR WARSA LEGACY OF FORCE Jacen Solo and Lumiya stared at the camera feed for the interrogation room in the depths of GAG headquarters on the unnamed moon.? Usually for this sort of procedure Jacen would have undertaken matters at the units main HQ on Coruscant or aboard their star-destroyer, the Anakin Solo, but he could not risk any but the most loyal...
I have the misfortune to be named Alejandro del la Mancha. The other children in school used to tease me unmercifully, asking where my donkey was and was Pancho coming to kiss my wounds better. I learned to fight well and willingly those early years in Valencia. I had thirteen summers when these events began. I was a fair-skinned, blue-eyed, blonde Spaniard, very rare and often cursed. My uncle was a swarthy skinned, curly haired flamboyant drunkard of a man who made his living renting out...
Who is Gabatrix... ? Is he a man, and is he a hero? What is the legacy that such a man could create for the human race? The only way that we can answer this question is to learn about your past. When we sit down and observe the history of humanity in the last two hundred years, you end up learning about the amazing accomplishments that we, the ones that call ourselves “Homo sapiens,” had conquered. We were on the brink of extinction, yet we remain alive because of the sacrifices of our...
Leah woke me from my slumber. “Pardon me, are you ... officially ... here?” I smiled up at her, then took a bite from an apple on my nightstand. Then I pulled her down to me, giving her a deep kiss. “Good morning, Leah. I’ll be down shortly for breakfast after I get dressed.” She hurried down the stairs, excited. I could hear her saying, “Get everyone ready for breakfast, Martina has returned to us!” I lazily got out of bed, luxuriating in feel of my own bed without any deceit after so...
Panting like two marathon runners we both reached the shower at nearly the same instant. Mom's butt was pink from the cracks I landed and she reached back to try and rub the sting out. "You really know how to get to a girl don't you. My ass is sore but it's a nice sore." She kissed me and when the shower water was up to temperature she grabbed me by the dork and pulled me into the stall with her. Her shower was very modern and was finished in granite. The shower heads (twelve) were all...
Gloria returned to the office with me. It was six o'clock and everyone had gone home. I drove her to her apartment and headed for my own nest. When I got home I went straight to the shower and cleaned up. I put on some lounging slacks and a robe and grabbed a beer and walked down the hall to mom's room. The door was open so I walked in and was greeted with the naked back of my mother. She was sitting at her make-up table putting some eye cosmetics on. Her black hair was wet and clung to her...
Pink Envy [Warning R18 content: contains minor incest] While some boys might complain that girls get Penis envy, Gilbert Bromley had a very different kind of envy in his life. To explain Gilbert's special type of envy we have to go back to the very early days of his childhood. Where we find Gilbert age 6 playing dress ups with his 10-year-old sister Phoebe. Phoebe was defiantly not a tomboy at all, but she certainly was the one in charge of this little game. They where...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...