Andreas big cock lust
- 4 years ago
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I had just finished my first year of graduate school and was facing a long summer of work and saving up for next year’s school expenses. Not complaining, just looking at what was ahead.
Some school friends invited me out for a bit of post-exam celebration at a private club in the city. The dirty-minded will assume I mean some sort of sex club, but it was nothing like that. It was just a place where well-to-do people go for dinner and drinks. My friend’s parents were members.
While enjoying drinks in the lounge, I met a couple who changed my life— Andi and Ian.
Before I talk about them, you should know a little more about me. Obligatory details: I am twenty-three years old, 5’5”, and about 105 pounds. Years of track and field competition has me pretty lithe, and recently more total-fitness training has added a little muscle to my otherwise very feminine figure. My best feature, however, is my natural red hair. Suffice to say, I am used to getting attention, both wanted and unwanted.
My personality is one of confidence and control. I have always enjoyed sex, but I have generally been the initiator and the one in “control” if you understand what I mean. I had always enjoyed the feeling of power that sexual intimacy had given me.
But Andi and Ian somehow changed all that.
Andi was the one to break the ice. She and Ian were at the next seating area over and “couldn’t help” overhearing me talk about exams and summer plans. Next thing I knew, Andi and I were talking all about graduate school and life dreams. I must say, she was mesmerizing. She was so smart and confident. A woman of the world who, at age forty (so I estimated), had already been to all the places I had only read about. I couldn’t quite place her accent, but she was clearly eastern European and she was beautiful. Not in a cover-girl/pop-star kind of way. She was classically beautiful—in any time period, in any culture. The kind of woman who would still be beautiful when she was seventy.
Ian said very little that night. I never learned what line of work he was in nor where they actually lived, but his company (which he owned) had memberships at clubs like this one in several cities around the country and the world to entertain clients and conduct the “real business” when they traveled.
Whatever he was thinking that night, his dark hair and dark eyes gave nothing away. He was obviously a man of intelligence and talent, but he was also much more. If you have ever seen a bull at pasture, you might understand the unexpressed but very real power contained within him. Just like the relaxed bull could in a flash gore the coyote that crosses its path, Ian was clearly a force. I would not want to challenge him in the board room.
Like Andi, Ian too was attractive, but his was a strictly masculine beauty. He was Apollo to Andi’s Aphrodite. They lived above and beyond me. And not just in terms of wealth, which they clearly had. If I had thought more about it at the time, I should have just walked away. After all, what usually happens when mere mortals get involved with the gods?
But I was enjoying myself too much. It was as though their charm and sophistication rubbed off on me while I was with them. I felt better about myself in their company. They bought me drinks I could not afford, and Andi would sometimes touch my arm and, as the night went on, my thigh in such a meaningfully nonchalant way that sent tingles through my whole body.
Finally, Andi suggested I join them tomorrow at their beach house. Ian, it seemed, was going to be in business meetings all afternoon, and she really wanted a girlfriend to enjoy the beach with. Upon reflection, she didn’t so much “suggest” I join as tell me what was going to happen tomorrow. As they left the club, she texted me an address.
When I left the club with my friends a while later, I had no intention of going to the beach the next day. When I went to bed that night, I thought an afternoon at the beach would be nice, but of course, I wasn’t going. The next morning I was a little wistful, knowing that my obligations this summer meant no beach vacation would be forthcoming. That afternoon I found myself on the highway making the hour and a half drive to the address Andi had texted the night before.
Just before 3 pm, I pulled up to what had to be the largest house on the beachfront. Even then, I had half a thought to just drive off and forget the whole thing, but I didn’t. Instead, I walked to the front door and rang the bell. Not knowing quite what to expect, I wore an electric blue tied bikini but over top wore some cut-off denim shorts and a loose white button-up blouse. Given the house and the Jaguar parked out front, I felt very under-dressed, but there was nothing to do about that now.
After what seemed like an eternity, Andi answered the door, and I was speechless. She wore an orange strapless bikini and a sheer cream-colored cover that reached to her mid-thigh. She looked like a Greek statue come to life.
Andi greeted me like I was an old friend who had dropped by unexpectedly. I, on the other hand, moved and spoke like a robot. Quite an impression. She invited me in, but only for a moment. She grabbed her bag and in an instant, we were walking off toward the boardwalk.
Andi put me at ease with her natural and effortless conversation. I can be shy and a little introverted, but this was different. Soon I too thought we were old friends. We walked the boardwalk together and I swear went in every swanky boutique it had to offer. Andi delighted in pointing out tops, hats, dresses, and anything else that “would look so cute on you.” She had exquisite taste. She was like an artist, and I was her canvass.
After an hour or two on the boardwalk, Andi said the beach was calling. At her suggestion, we shed our outer things and stalled the ocean’s edge. I held my sandals in my left hand while she hooked my right arm tight against her body. The touch of her skin on mine was exhilarating. At 5’10” or so, she was a good deal taller than me, and the side of her large, perfectly shaped breast frequently brushed alongside my upper arm. I was having a hard time thinking about anything else.
We never sat; we just walked. I found this odd at first, but I came to realize what was happening when I noticed practically every head on the beach turning our way as we passed. The young, slender redhead going arm-in-arm with the perfectly-blonde goddess. I could feel men and women alike drinking in the sight of us. I found their lust and/or jealousy intoxicating. I think that was in fact Andi’s intent.
It was maybe going on six o’clock when Andi suggested we return to the beach house. She said she had a pitcher of mimosas and some finger food we could enjoy before dinner. I was well past turning down anything she suggested at that point, so to the beach house we retreated.
Once inside, Andi ushered me to the most enormous couch I had ever seen and quickly brought two large glasses and set them on the glass coffee table. We drank and talked some more, but I can’t really remember what we said. I was completely taken with this larger-than-life woman. I had had several boyfriends, and more than a few one-night stands by this time of my life. In fact, among my friends, I was considered the sexually experienced and adventurous one. But with Andi on that couch, I felt like a young virgin again. And I desperately wanted her to make a move. I was used to being the predator. Somehow I was becoming the willing prey.
I didn’t have to wait long. With a softer voice than she had previously used, Andi said, “Your binkini is so lovely, darling,” as she touched the string near my neck and traced her fingers along the edge of the fabric all the way down to my breast. With her palm now covering my breast, she moved in to kiss me full on the lips. It was like no other kiss I had ever enjoyed. I had grown up in the age of Katy Perry. I had kissed more than a few girls. And I had more than kissed a lot of those. But this was an ageless woman who knew what she was about.
I totally surrendered to her kiss. I, who had always been the initiator, who had always been in control, was surrendering. I was giving away control, and I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t even want to help myself.
Soon Andi was kissing my neck, ears, and chest, and I was yielding by the second. After who knows how long—she was in no hurry—I felt her gently pushing me down onto the pillow behind me, and I gladly let her. We continued to make out with her now on top of me when I felt her tug on the tie that held my bikini top in place. She deftly slipped the knot and a moment later my breasts were fully on display. She got no resistance from me. If anything, I wanted it more than she did.
With this new territory open to her exploration, Andi caressed, licked, sucked, and basically did whatever she wished to my increasingly sensitive nipples. I was in ecstasy. She paused from time to time to whisper sweet words of praise and compliment—how beautiful my breasts were, how wonderful my skin felt, how delicious I tasted. Each expression of praise made me want to give her more and more of myself. I had never felt this way before. I had had plenty of sex, but I had never been taken this way before— not by a man, let alone by a woman.
My pale white breasts kept her attention for quite some time, but we both knew things were not going to stop there. And they didn’t. With the similar smoothness of an expert hand, Andi untied my bottoms, and now my entire body, unencumbered by a stitch of clothing, was presented before her. She uttered several words in a language I didn’t understand but which I assume was her native tongue.
Whatever she said, I knew they were words of appreciation and I spread my legs a little further, saying nothing but begging in my mind for her to use her magical lips and tongue on my now aching pussy. As though hearing my thoughts, she planted an exquisite kiss on my pussy lips.
You should know that I have always been into sex and the feelings it produces in me. I know some women can take twenty or thirty minutes to reach orgasm, and some struggle to even get there at all. My body is quite different. I can orgasm after just a few minutes of skilled attention. And Andi was more than skilled. Couple that with the fact that I had been sexually on edge for literally hours up to that time, I had my first, explosive, gushing orgasm within a very short. I must have seemed so wanton. I have never been one to cum quietly, and this one was record-setting intense. I screamed at my climax, and even in that neighborhood of spacious homes, I am sure the neighbors must have heard me.
As I was slowly descending Mount Euphoria, I also remember thinking I was going to stain the couch. I knew I must have drenched Andi’s face, and I could already feel my juices soaking into the cushion. But the thought didn’t last long. No amount of thought lasted very long. Andi’s lips, tongue, and fingers were doing things to me I had never felt before. My first orgasm was quickly followed by the squeals of a second and then later ever a third, and although her tempo varied, still she never entirely relented.
I have no idea how long all of this lasted. I was moving outside of thought and time. Andi played on my body like a virtuoso does on a violin, moving fluidly from my pussy to my neck, lips, breasts, and back again, as I gave myself to her completely.
I don’t know precisely when Ian had entered the room. I don’t know if he and Andi had planned for this all along, or if his “business meetings” just happened to conclude as Andi was making love to me, but through my fog I eventually became aware that he was sitting on the large couch behind Andi, presumably admiring her work.
I probably should have felt embarrassed or at least a little self-conscious, but I couldn’t bring myself to feel anything but pleasure. Ian began adding his own words of encouragement and affirmation to Andi’s. “Good girl.” “That’s right.” “Let yourself enjoy this.” At any other time, if a guy said something like “good girl” to me, I would have told him to fuck least. But in my current state of surrender, I found his words thrilling. A little jolt of pride ran through me each time I heard them.
Again, my recall of some details that evening is spotty, yet some parts remain very, very vivid to this day. I quite clearly remember Andi lifting her head from between my legs and saying with a broad smile on her face, “May Ian have a turn?” I remember thinking how polite she sounded and—I admit this is utterly bizarre on my part—how grammatically correct her question was. In fact, Andi and Ian were curiously “polite” throughout the entire event, even a little formal at times.
After Andi’s question, “May Ian have a turn?”, there was a pause. Both of them were looking into my eyes. It took me a while to realize they were waiting for me to answer.
Everything with Andi up to that point had just sort of, well, happened. I can’t remember anything that one would call a conscious decision on my part after my reluctant decision to ring Ian and Andi’s doorbell. But now, they were awaiting my decision, my foggy, half-conscious, multi-orgasmic decision.
Talking seemed out of the question. Anyone who knows me will doubt the veracity of this account when I say I could not really talk at all. I can talk a mile a minute at other times. But in this case, after a pause of several seconds, I simply nodded. It was like my final act of submission. I knew I now belonged to both of them. What had started as a girl fling, was about to become a threesome, with me as the centerpiece.
Andi moved off the couch and knelt on the floor beside me, while Ian took her place between my open legs. Ian was every bit as orally talented as Andi, but his “style,” if you will, was more masculine. Not violent or brutish, but definitely more aggressive.
The brief pause earlier had allowed me to come down just a little bit, but the change in manner of the tongue and fingers on my already impossibly engorged pussy quickly ramped me right back up. And this time it was no longer either/or. While Ian was doing delightful things between my legs, Andi began kissing me. At first, her tongue was dancing in my mouth, but soon she was once again kissing and gently nibbling my neck and ears (which are practically another sex organ for me!)
After a little while, Andi stood up and repositioned herself, placing her knees on either side of my head, lowering her pussy to my lips. I knew what she wanted, and I tried my best to give it to her. It could not have been very good for her. I was barely awake. But somehow I was enjoying the taste of her— pungent and a little sweet at the same time.
I could no longer see Ian, obviously, but I could certainly feel him. He had this technique where he would lightly pinch my clit, not at the tip, but around the hooded part, and roll it between his fingers that way. At the same time, his tongue was just long enough to curl up inside me and precisely reach my G-spot, as though he already had a map of my garden. These two things together were driving me to ecstasy, and combined with Andi’s attentions elsewhere on my body, I was soon in the throes of yet another orgasm. The two of them didn’t quit there, though.
Again, time had lost any meaning to me, but at some point, I stopped having “orgasms” and found myself in just a constant state of orgasmic bliss. One wave would crash and before it could recede, the next one was already there. Did this last for a minute or two? Or an hour or two? I don’t know and never will.
The next memory I do have is realizing that Ian had removed his tongue and fingers from pussy. In fact he had left the couch. I perceived him returning and kneeling between my legs, as he said, “I am going to penetrate you now.” It was at the same time a statement and a question. And once again, I was struck by the formality of his words. He didn’t say “fuck” or “bang” or “screw.” He was simply a gentleman. This time, however, there was no significant pause. True to his word, Ian entered me, and I welcomed him.
Ian’s cock wasn’t huge, but it was certainly gratifying. His was right in that sweet spot between uncomfortably large and unsatisfyingly small. And again, he knew what he was doing. His movements were slow and gentle at first. But his pace and intensity built and built. I was already so on edge that he quickly brought me back to my orgasmic state.
It is impossible to describe the overwhelming sensations of doing my feeble best to orally satisfy a beautiful amazon woman while her Greek god husband had his way with my now well used and soaking wet pussy. I don’t think the English language has the capacity to adequately describe what I was feeling.
Ian had tremendous endurance. Sometimes he altered his rhythm and his pace, but he went on and on for what seemed like ages. Finally though, he was evidently close to cumming. I heard Ian’s voice distinctly once again, “Are you ready to receive this, my love?”
At that moment, I literally had a woman’s pussy in my mouth, so my response probably sounded something like, “mmmph, mmmph, mmmph.” In my diminished state, I assumed he was talking to me. But I was wrong, for at that moment Andi lifted herself from my lips and arched her back, exposing her pussy to her husband. I couldn’t see, but I could hear his guttural, almost animalistic climax as he unloaded himself all over his wife. As he did so, Andi—for the last time that night—kissed me full on the lips and screamed out what I believe was her own orgasm. The sounds of climax and sex eventually subsided, and all that remained in the air was the panting of three well-satisfied people.
With that I drifted off into a deep sleep, perhaps the deepest I had ever known. I awoke the next morning still on that couch but covered in an impossibly thick, luxurious blanket. I don’t know what time I had fallen asleep (it must have been very late), but now I could see bright sunshine streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows.
I couldn’t immediately find my clothes, but somebody had left a robe folded neatly at the other end of the large couch. I put it on and followed the sound of familiar voices coming from what turned out to be the breakfast room. There is more to say about what happened that morning, but that is perhaps another story for another day.
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IncestStandard scram, scat, shoo if you are a prude or underage disclaimer: This is a work of fiction it in no way depicts any actual people or events. If you feel it does depict you and you enjoyed those events it than good for you! This story depicts acts of sex, humiliation, feminization, various other forms of debauchery and implied forced homosexuality. If this is not to your thing or you are under the legal age to read this in your town, village, city, municipality, district, region,...
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Jenny’s rested on my face, as I positioned my naked figure, my legs spread wide, heels drawn back to my buttocks. My wet cunt was spread and no doubt by the feelings coursing through me, running with my own lubrications, and also gaping wide like a fleshy cave. Looking up through Jen’s fleshy ass crack, I could make out Ruthy closing in shamelessly on Jenny’s soft pale warm skin. I observed Ruth run her fingertips delicately down Jen’s flanks, heard Jen snickered like a young pony, and felt her...
Copyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...
Thoughts One thing I've observed about humans is that, like robots, most know when their death is near. I, of course, know when my power cell is near expiration, and that if I don't get a replacement installed before that happens that I will cease to function without outside expense and assistance. How humans know this for themselves, however, is beyond my understanding. Most will claim they haven't got a clue as to when they'll die, yet I find that denial more so than actual truth....
October 11th, 1993 "So, Carter." Lynn looks up at me from the breakfast table in the penthouse suite of the Sand-Dune. "Claudio will arrive about noon. What will you tell him?" I smile and look out the window at Vegas. "Thank you very much, Claudio ... all that jazz." I close one eye from the morning glare and think about something else for a minute. "And ... don't ever come back here or I'll take an apple corer to your eye sockets." Lynn winces. "Is that wise?" "I don't...
"First we need to draw Ali and his gang into a place where they think they'll have the advantage," I started as the family, including Nancy whom I now regarded as family, gathered around. "It also needs to be in an area where there is no network coverage for mobiles as I do not want them to be able to call for help once they stick their heads in the noose. This won't be easy in an urban area unless we can get them into some sort of underground facility." "An abandoned warehouse...
“Are you two prepared?” Del asked their novice Lezmonom warriors. “We’re as ready as we’ll ever be,” Lizzle said, pulling on her gloves. “I’m set,” the second one proclaimed, as he checked his helmet. “I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.” “Remember, Kalib, you need to keep your head,” Siss cautioned. “There are hundreds of things to watch for. The slightest thing can go wrong, and we don’t understand enough to know what to expect. A minute sharp edge can puncture a suit, plus there may...
Up until that particular Tuesday, I would have to say that the most erotic exercise session was the first one with Shirley. At that time, Shirley was confused and embarrassed about her nudity, and didn't know what to expect next. I guess my next most erotic session was going to be Wendy's first, as she had the same confusion, although she was guided by Shirley as well as me. Neither one, however, prepared me for the exercise session this day. First, the girls started the session with a...
I think Jim was astonished that I actually agreed with him. I've gotten to know him well enough, though, that I knew he expected me to disagree with him. After all, why make that little speech if he wasn't expecting to have a discussion about it? One other thing I knew is that Jim is always prepared when he has these sorts of discussions. It isn't that he's obstinate or unwilling to listen to anybody else, but he's already anticipated what you might say, and is ready to shoot holes in...
Hello people out there. I am Ritika from CHANDIGARH. My boobs and butts are the most interesting part of my body. I am studying Business from a private college here and I hardly go to the college.I have a group of friends with whom I can be generally be found in any of the cinemas, food joints or on the near market. We are three friends. We three enjoy a lot and all of us have a high sex drive. We even have lesbian sex sometimes as usually girls doing in hostel and watch porn movies a lot in...
My name is Lance. I am 18 years old. I am 5’9 and I weigh 170 pounds. I am pretty fit, and most people think I am quite hot. I would like to tell you a story about myself and a girl named Ashley. It was about five o’clock in the evening and basketball practice was just ending. So was gymnastics practice. Gymnastics practice was on the same day and time as basketball practice so we always had to share the gym. I was just getting out of the shower and saw that there was only one boy left in the...
EroticYou are a male grad student doing ancient resarch for a term paper on ancient Sumer. In the labyrinth of books you find a Sumerian translated tome. After spending a great deal of time deciphering it, and reading the entire book. You realize that you have read and developed the ability to contol the minds of others. Sweet now what
BDSMI looked out my window. A thunderstorm was rolling in, the withered late-autumn corn bristling in unison. The last gasp of Summer, was about to be overtaken, and the freeze of winter would coop me up in this two-story prison for the the next season. Don't get me wrong; I do enjoy the passage of seasons. From the radiance of summer to the sterility of winter, it adds a predictable spice to life. People in the South do yearn for snow, after all. But in this rural outpost, two miles out from...
Mind ControlAndrea's, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three "A" Levels and looking forward to university, when her life was changed forever. Although Andrea excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage over the...
Sharon Corr and her fiancee Gavin opened the door to the hotel roomto see Caroline, wearing only a body stocking, cradling her boyfriendFrank's lap on the bed. His hands were planted firmly on her arse ashe sucked on her tits through the fabric. Frank turned his head tothe newcomers and let out a big smile. "Beers in the fridge if youguys want them" he told them. Sharon and Caroline were sisters,famous sisters in a band called The Corrs, sisters who had no problemwith sharing their men with...
Day one Andrea and Claire had been holidaying together for years. Neither of their long term partners enjoyed the heat, so to please everyone the girls holidayed together. Andrea is in her late thirties, 5’4”, petite but rounded with boobs about 36DD and fair. Claire is early thirties 5’7” , olive skinned and dark hair with boobs about 40F. Both had short hair. Claire had been thinking about their holidays together and realised how close they had come as friends. They discussed...
On a cool, summer day in Australia, tons of fans gathered around atour bus which carried one of the world's most popular bands, TheCorrs. More importantly it held one of the most talented and sexystars in music today, their lead singer Andrea Corr. The band steppedout of the tour bus before a crowd of crazed fans, just waiting tocatch a glimpse of the beautiful and talented family band. The arenathey were performing at was one of the last stops on their tour, andthey were ready for some time...
Andrea’s Birthday An Erotic Adventure Starring Kiki and Ty Blaze Special Guest Stars Andearl Andrea gasped as she came. “Fuck me with your big Black cock.” she moaned, as her body shuddered. She rammed the big black dildo she had been fucking herself to orgasm with deep into her asshole while she fingered her...
Andrea knew she was in a world of trouble. She was a week away from getting married, having been engaged for just over a year to a man she truly loved. But yesterday she received a letter in the mail from John, her ex, with whom she split over two years ago. He had somehow heard that she was to be married to her current boyfriend, Nathan, and wanted one more night of debauchery with her. To convince her, he included several pictures of the two of them engaged in various sexual positions. ...
Andrea is a proper male Italian name Andrea was a slim boy with delicate feature. His name and physical appearance caused him a lot of troubles during school. His parents moved to Germany just after he was born. While his name is common in Italy for boys it is an exclusively female name in Germany. Whenever he met new children or also adults there certainly was a remark to the mismatch between name and gender or, if not, people assumed that he was a tomboy. This didn't really help him...
Chapter 1 It was early December and in a rare bit of bad weather around Boston as the snow was falling hard. The night was the worst night you could pick to travel. Up to four inches of snow was expected to fall overnight. That wasn't the real problem, the problem was that it was near whiteout conditions in Boston at times. Despite the bad weather there were some hearty travelers braving the storm to get to where they needed to go. In the Tip O'Neill Tunnel things were going smoothly...
Andrea gave a long sigh. "Jeez, Markus, why are we here at a stupid bookstore? This is boring!" "Not everything is sex, Andrea," Markus replied. "I'm here to get you to at least try and develop yourself a bit, damn it." "Dear, the only way I want to develop is going through all the positions with you, you know that! Missionary is so boring, so then we switch to the more fun ones! Especially if I'm the one with the cock." She looked away from Markus, her gaze looked dreamily into the...
"This is so unfair," said Andrea to no one special. She was lying on her bed looking at the ceiling. From outside the sound of a truck reached her ears and she looked out the window. It was the garbage truck passing by. She lay down again with a sigh.It was spring break and Andrea had to stay at home with her step brother. It just wasn't fair. It wasn't her fault that he had failed all the exams and had to stay home to study the entire week. She had made plans to drive down to Daytona Beach...
After my wife left me and ran off with my best friend I turned all of my attention toward my daughter. Andrea was only thirteen years old at the time but she sure knew what was going on. Her mother had given her the choice of going with her or staying with me. She stayed with me. It was Andrea that told me that her mother had left us, not just me but us. She ran off with Fred my best friend and went clear across the country someplace. They wanted to get as far away from me as they could. I...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
I went for my usual morning walk on the mountain after rising early towatch the sun rise. I looked down at my cottage and the house next doorbut unlike yesterday morning my fun was spoiled by the new curtains overthe windows. (see Andrea and Gillian. Part 1). At about seven thirty I tapped on the back door of their small house. It was immediately opened and I looked with a lot of pleasure at Gillian.She looked excited to see me and, seizing my hand pulled me into thekitchen. She clearly had an...
Andrea left work, thinking it will be nice to get home and take a bubble bath. Brandon, her boyfriend (she's to call him Sir, in private) won't be home for another hour or so. She'll still have time to make dinner after her bath. But as she made the final turn onto her street. She saw Sir's truck in the driveway, this was odd. But that's all she thought. She parked and walked in the house. Sir was standing in the middle of the living room with his arms folded in front of him. Plus, he looked...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
"Sure, I understand," Nick said into the phone. "No, no hard feelings. Well, nice talking to you." "Shot down again, huh?" His son Anthony came ambling in from the kitchen. "Yeah," Nick said, "and thanks for the sympathy. Hey, are you doing anything Saturday night? Maybe we could rent a video, or..." "Sorry, Dad, no dice. I've got to work." Anthony plopped down in front of the TV as Nick's other son, Joey, came through the front door. "Hey, Joey," Anthony called out. "Dad...
The press was always a hassle thought Robbie Williams as he wadedthrough a hoard of screaming fans, and what seemed like an evenbigger staff of paparazzi... Oh sure... They have been after him forages... But ever since the story broke that he was seeing thebeautiful Andrea Corr they had just gone bezerk over his everymove...The funny thing is... At the time the story broke he wasn't seeinganybody, Andrea Corr, or anyone else for that matter (sure, he wassleeping with as many women as he could,...