Weight Loss ProgramChapter 18 A Matter of Trust Epilogue
- 4 years ago
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I must admit right here and now that I thought a lot about Shirley's fantasy. I thought about it on the drive back from her place and, somehow in my mind, her fantasy started to have a willing co-star... me.
At home, I spent some time online exploring those hypnosis erotica sites, reading some of the shorter stories. It turned out that the authors of most stories simply used the quite unlikely "I am your master and you must obey everything I say" theme. Such a thing could happen, but it required that the subject already be willing to submit their will to that of another person, and that takes quite a lot... not just a submissive tendency, but one so strong that they would desire to actually lose their own personality in the process. In my mind, it was only natural that this couldn't happen as often as portrayed in the online stories.
Those stories were fiction, however. The fact that they were fantasies meant that they didn't have to deal with the real world facts about hypnosis.
However, this didn't negate the fact that most of the activities mentioned in the stories were still quite erotic to me! I was simply amazed at the number of ideas that people had about using such a power. There was the classic "master and unwilling slave" motif, of course, but there were others. Unsurprisingly, there were a few ideas taken from "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever," in that people were able to regress to previous lives.
In some stories, the theme involved stage hypnotists having their volunteers meet them after the show for some extracurricular activity. I'd already mentioned that most stage hypnotists don't actually hypnotize people, so these were really fiction.
Another popular theme was having female victims treat a penis like a "cream filled Popsicle." Although it was an obvious male-oriented fantasy, and probably unrealistic, the idea did appeal to me.
The variations, of course, were as endless as there were authors to pen the stories.
As titillating as such stories were, few gave me any insight of how I could fulfill Shirley's fantasy. Trance Shirley didn't give me too much detail on what she actually wanted, so I would have to play it by ear.
Knowing that I wouldn't be able to come up with too many ideas ahead of time, I continued researching weight loss from reputable web sites, the ones that weren't trying to sell anything.
What I found, of course, was a repeat of my original research and Shirley's own analysis of her situation. Exercise seemed to be the key to losing weight and keeping it off.
On Saturday morning, I realized that I knew very little about a proper exercise program. Most of the reputable sites mentioned aerobic exercise, so I got the great idea to tune into the early morning exercise shows on TV... especially the ones that seemed tailored for women.
Now, I've occasionally seen these shows before, but considered them soft-core porn intended to arouse males more than they were intended to help housewives lose weight. The exercises were real, however. Apparently, they had to have some sort of use in order to keep up their pretense.
I watched girls squatting, doing leg lifts, and other healthy activities in exotic tropical locales. I saw some using gym equipment to accomplish their tasks. Some seemed to be serious, explaining activities that were especially suited for flattening the tummy and others for firming up flabby thighs.
As two o'clock approached, I came up with what looked like a low-impact workout that Shirley should be able to do based on my watching those shows. Using hypnosis, I could get Shirley to stick to these workouts three or four times a week, the recommended schedule I saw on the web sites.
The doorbell rang a little after two. It was Shirley. I saw her car parked in my driveway, and she was dressed in the same sort of outfit she normally wore to the office.
"Hi, Shirley!" I said, smiling as I opened the door.
"I'm sorry I'm a bit late. I went the wrong way down the street, and only noticed when I saw the house numbers moving up instead of down."
"Not a problem." I invited Shirley inside.
"Would you like a drink?" I asked.
Shirley shook her head. She seemed a bit nervous, though. "Can we... you know... start?"
"So soon?" I asked. "How about a glass of water? Water is supposed to be good for you and helps clean out your system."
"OK," Shirley said, reluctantly.
I led Shirley to the living room, and told her to put her jacket on the foot stool in front of my recliner. I left for the kitchen and filled an eight ounce glass of spring water.
As soon as I entered the living room, I said, "Sleep, Shirley. Sleep." This was Shirley's post-hypnotic suggestion to help quicken the entire hypnosis process.
Shirley looked a bit surprised, but her eyes quickly closed and I saw her breathing get deeper.
"Trance Shirley only," I said.
Shirley didn't react at all. However, if the commands from the last session held, Shirley would not be aware of what was happening at this point.
"Lead me to the Room of Secrets," I ordered.
There was a second's pause and Shirley said, "We are there."
"You told me last time that Waking Shirley desires me to take advantage of her."
I nodded. "Does she still have this desire?"
"She has been thinking of that over and over since we were put under."
There was no response to this.
"Can you tell me what she fantasizes?"
"Shirley pretends that you tell her to undress. This is embarrassing, since she doesn't like the way she looks. Infrequently, she pretends that you have her do sexual things, make her perform oral sex and then have intercourse. She feels that she cannot resist your commands, and is helpless."
"Ahh," I said. This was interesting. It seemed to fit some of the plot lines of the erotic stories I was reading, actually. "Is there anything more?"
"Even before we talked during the snow storm, Shirley had fantasies of you and her dating. Unfortunately, she hasn't gone out on dates because she doesn't like her appearance."
"I see." After thinking for about a minute, I added, "Well, take me to the Room of Obedience."
A pause. "We're there."
"Trance Shirley, everything you are told to do while you are in this room, you know that you have to obey. Unlike Waking Shirley, you have no choice."
There was a longer pause. Apparently, this wasn't an easy thing for her to accept.
"Trance Shirley, you told me that Waking Shirley has fantasies about me taking advantage of her."
"That information is can be found in the Room of Secrets," Shirley admonished, surprising me with the first hint of emotion since she went under.
"I know that," I said. "However, if Waking Shirley desires this, then Trance Shirley should allow me to give her orders in the Room of Obedience."
Again there seemed to be an internal struggle. I was about to say something when Shirley said, "I accept that."
"So, everything I tell you to do in this room is something that you will be compelled to do. Is that correct?"
"Not everything," Shirley answered.
"What limits do you have?" I asked.
"Shirley will allow you to control me in an effort for losing weight. She also allows you to control her to fulfill her fantasy."
Sometimes, Trance Shirley's use of pronouns was a bit confusing, but I understood what she meant.
"Remember that I told Waking Shirley that if something is outside the limits you are willing to allow, tell me at once and not to get angry. If you do that, you won't be bound by the rules of this room for what you tell me is outside your limits."
"Shirley accepts that. We will obey all orders or tell you when we cannot."
I thought for a few minutes while Shirley stood in my living room. Suddenly, I had an idea of how to fulfill Shirley's fantasy.
"Here are your orders." I gave Shirley specific instructions and had her repeat them to me in her own words to confirm that she understood.
Finally, I said, "Take me to the Room of Weight Loss."
A slight pause, and then "We're there."
"Waking Shirley is back."
Almost immediately, Shirley blinked twice.
Without missing a beat, I said, "Shirley, today we are going to work on helping you lose weight. In order to do this, we will work on two of the things that you have suggested yourself. The first will be an exercise regimen. The second will be having you eat a more healthy diet."
Shirley said, "I've tried both and failed."
"This time," I said, "we'll try it together. I will work as your exercise coach, and also as your diet manager. I'm learning this as I'm working with you, but together we can probably succeed where you alone have not been able to. Will you help me try to help you?"
Shirley nodded. "All right."
I gave Shirley a few more simple orders that she would have no difficulty accepting in order to help her get herself in the right frame of mind.
Shirley agreed to them all.
I finally gave her a post-hypnotic suggestion. "Shirley, whenever I touch my right index finger to my nose and give you an order, you will consider that order. If you have no reason to disobey my order--in other words, if you don't find anything objectionable to my order, you will immediately obey it. If you do find something objectionable, you will immediately tell me 'No.' Do you understand and agree to this?"
There was a slight pause. "Yes."
I then led Shirley slowly out of her trance. I needed to draw it out a bit because I didn't want Shirley to notice that she had been under a bit longer than she might remember.
Of course, Shirley had no active memory of the other orders that I had given her in the Room of Obedience, but I knew that those orders, plus the index finger order, should make things a bit fun this afternoon.
Once out of her trance, Shirley shook her head. "That's it?" she asked.
"we're going to do this slowly," I reminded Shirley. "We need to establish our relationship of trust."
Inwardly, I knew the irony of my words, but didn't convey this to Shirley. The effect, however, mostly served to help reinforce the trust I had already started to build within her.
The tricky part, of course, would be to keep that trust and build upon it, while at the same time, fulfilling Shirley's fantasy. In order to do that successfully, I would need some help from Trance Shirley.
"So, what do we do now?" Shirley asked.
I put my finger to my nose and said, "You need to get prepared to start your first exercise workout."
Shirley had no idea that my request had any underlying effects, so she naturally obeyed that order without hesitation. This obedience, once granted, would have an interesting side effect.
"OK, Jim."
Immediately, I returned my finger to my nose. "Let's establish another part of our relationship. Call me 'Coach.'"
Shirley nodded, smiled, and said, "Yes, Coach."
Shirley slipped off her shoes, and placed them neatly next to the ottoman, where she had put her jacket earlier.
I watched Shirley go through her procedure, wondering how soon she would notice that something was awry.
Shirley looked at her legs, and realized that she wouldn't be able to exercise properly in stockings. She seemed to fight within herself, and finally started squirming. I was a bit surprised when I realized that she was wearing pantyhose.
"I can't exercise in those," Shirley said by way of explanation.
I didn't say anything.
Shirley looked at her skirt now, and came to the startling realization that she couldn't exercise in that, either.
"Um, Coach... I didn't bring any exercise clothes!"
I didn't answer her, but sat on my love seat and smiled.
Shirley looked at her skirt, and then at me. It took her a few seconds before she gave out a sigh and found the zipper on her side.
"Did you do this to me?" Shirley asked.
Again, I didn't answer.
Shirley took off her skirt, and her blouse hung down and partially hid her plain white panties. "Are you happy now?" Shirley asked.
Once again, I didn't answer. I didn't want to spoil the surprise.
Shirley looked away from me and down at her body. Her fingers moved to the top button of her blouse.
"Oh, fuck no!" Shirley cried. "What did you do to me?"
I figured that taking the fifth amendment was the best idea. If Shirley actually freaked, I could always stop the order that she was currently compelled to obey.
Shirley looked in horror as her errant hands continued to unbutton her shirt. "How are you doing this?" Shirley asked.
By the time her hands removed her blouse, I think Shirley was resigned to having me see her in her underwear. She folded it neatly and placed it with her skirt and jacket.
Shirley refused to look at me, and I could see the redness in her face. She was truly embarrassed at me seeing her in her underwear.
After a delay, Shirley's arms moved behind her and toward the middle of her back. "Shit! No! This isn't funny, Jim!"
I silently watched as her brassiere loosened and her hands pulled the straps down. It took only a few seconds for me to see her large but pale breasts. She turned away as she folded the garment neatly on top of her blouse.
Shirley turned to me, and I saw anger in her eyes. She was still embarrassed, but she was sputtering. "Why did you do that to me? I trusted you!"
As Shirley was yelling, her arms were once again busy. Her panties were nearly past her knees when Shirley realized what she was doing. "Jim! I said that this isn't funny!"
It was finally time for me to speak. I put my index finger to my nose and said, "If you can tell me truthfully that you hate what I'm doing, I'll make it stop. Otherwise, stop pretending to be angry."
Shirley looked at me, and started to speak. "I..." There was a pause. "I..." Another pause. Finally, Shirley cast her eyes down. "I'm sorry..."
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The whole day she avoided making eye contact with Shyam. After dinner and stuff, when the kids were asleep, they sat watching TV. They kept watching till late in the night. It was like both were afraid of what would happen, if the TV was switched off. I guess both of them were hoping that one of them will fall asleep, so that they won’t have to know what to do in the darkness of the night. After all the regular programs were over, on the Bhojpuri channel they were watching, it became time for...
IncestStandard scram, scat, shoo if you are a prude or underage disclaimer: This is a work of fiction it in no way depicts any actual people or events. If you feel it does depict you and you enjoyed those events it than good for you! This story depicts acts of sex, humiliation, feminization, various other forms of debauchery and implied forced homosexuality. If this is not to your thing or you are under the legal age to read this in your town, village, city, municipality, district, region,...
Jenny’s rested on my face, as I positioned my naked figure, my legs spread wide, heels drawn back to my buttocks. My wet cunt was spread and no doubt by the feelings coursing through me, running with my own lubrications, and also gaping wide like a fleshy cave. Looking up through Jen’s fleshy ass crack, I could make out Ruthy closing in shamelessly on Jenny’s soft pale warm skin. I observed Ruth run her fingertips delicately down Jen’s flanks, heard Jen snickered like a young pony, and felt her...
Copyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...
Thoughts One thing I've observed about humans is that, like robots, most know when their death is near. I, of course, know when my power cell is near expiration, and that if I don't get a replacement installed before that happens that I will cease to function without outside expense and assistance. How humans know this for themselves, however, is beyond my understanding. Most will claim they haven't got a clue as to when they'll die, yet I find that denial more so than actual truth....
October 11th, 1993 "So, Carter." Lynn looks up at me from the breakfast table in the penthouse suite of the Sand-Dune. "Claudio will arrive about noon. What will you tell him?" I smile and look out the window at Vegas. "Thank you very much, Claudio ... all that jazz." I close one eye from the morning glare and think about something else for a minute. "And ... don't ever come back here or I'll take an apple corer to your eye sockets." Lynn winces. "Is that wise?" "I don't...
"First we need to draw Ali and his gang into a place where they think they'll have the advantage," I started as the family, including Nancy whom I now regarded as family, gathered around. "It also needs to be in an area where there is no network coverage for mobiles as I do not want them to be able to call for help once they stick their heads in the noose. This won't be easy in an urban area unless we can get them into some sort of underground facility." "An abandoned warehouse...
“Are you two prepared?” Del asked their novice Lezmonom warriors. “We’re as ready as we’ll ever be,” Lizzle said, pulling on her gloves. “I’m set,” the second one proclaimed, as he checked his helmet. “I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.” “Remember, Kalib, you need to keep your head,” Siss cautioned. “There are hundreds of things to watch for. The slightest thing can go wrong, and we don’t understand enough to know what to expect. A minute sharp edge can puncture a suit, plus there may...
Hello people out there. I am Ritika from CHANDIGARH. My boobs and butts are the most interesting part of my body. I am studying Business from a private college here and I hardly go to the college.I have a group of friends with whom I can be generally be found in any of the cinemas, food joints or on the near market. We are three friends. We three enjoy a lot and all of us have a high sex drive. We even have lesbian sex sometimes as usually girls doing in hostel and watch porn movies a lot in...
My name is Lance. I am 18 years old. I am 5’9 and I weigh 170 pounds. I am pretty fit, and most people think I am quite hot. I would like to tell you a story about myself and a girl named Ashley. It was about five o’clock in the evening and basketball practice was just ending. So was gymnastics practice. Gymnastics practice was on the same day and time as basketball practice so we always had to share the gym. I was just getting out of the shower and saw that there was only one boy left in the...
Eroticit was true. She had an okay face, big brown eyes with too much mascara. light brown skin, long mexican hair with those ugly fake streaks in them, pear shaped body with a little acne.. she was attractive enough to fuck, and ugly enough to not feel guilty when i finished her off. "Did you ever think about getting braces to fix that shit?" she didnt answer. i looked down at her, you could tell she was becoming aware how bad tonight would turn out. I looked around for something blunt...
You are a male grad student doing ancient resarch for a term paper on ancient Sumer. In the labyrinth of books you find a Sumerian translated tome. After spending a great deal of time deciphering it, and reading the entire book. You realize that you have read and developed the ability to contol the minds of others. Sweet now what
BDSMThis is the eighth story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the first, The Miracle Legacy. The Miracle Legacy Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl Counterweight By Morpheus It was a great day for a picnic. The sky was clear, the sun was warm and the birds were all...
Weight Gain Reddit, aka r/WGBeforeAfter! Don’t you just love to see babes go from skinny to chunky? That transition can be incredibly hot, and I am sure a lot of my peeps will agree. Then again, you are either into this sort of thing, or you are not. Both are completely fine; it all really depends on what the fuck you are hoping to see. All I am saying is that if you would like to see some hotties transform from skinny to fat, you should check out r/wgbeforeafter/.Basically, r/wgbeforeafter/...
Reddit NSFW ListI am onto continue with my experience. For people who do not know what i am talking about, please refer back to my part 1 experience – https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/32835-sexercising-with-a-park-mate.html So, it all happenned all of a sudden and her mother and myself both were embarassed at the incident. Pooja was almost petrified seeing my erection as it might cause serious suspicion with my free hanging state down under there. Pooja intelligently escaped the situation on the...
Hello Friends! This is a true incident which has hapenned to me while i was working in bangalore. I have changed all the names to protect the privacy of the people involved (including mine). Working in the software proffession, i started developing a small tummy. I got concerned of it and started a daily morning routine of jogging in a nearby park. Being the garden city, the parks here are quite big, well maintained and very well frequented by all the age groups. I used to observe that a...
To be honest, I was surprised they stayed open as long as they did. I saw on the news last weekend some of the tourist beaches, like Bondi were shut down, but that hasn’t happened here and I don’t think that would happen here at my sleepy little town…. but who knows what next week will bring. In Alex’s message on Monday, he suggested that whatever my pool routine was, I should just keep that schedule and go over to his and Adam’s place and work on my strokes…. replace my pool exercising with...
On Monday morning I received a message from my old fuck buddy Alex telling me that the local pool has been shut down as part of the Corona measures.To be honest, I was surprised they stayed open as long as they did.I saw on the news last weekend some of the tourist beaches, like Bondi were shut down, but that hasn’t happened here and I don’t think that would happen here at my sleepy little town... but who knows what next week will bring.In Alex’s message on Monday, he suggested that whatever my...
Gay MaleI looked out my window. A thunderstorm was rolling in, the withered late-autumn corn bristling in unison. The last gasp of Summer, was about to be overtaken, and the freeze of winter would coop me up in this two-story prison for the the next season. Don't get me wrong; I do enjoy the passage of seasons. From the radiance of summer to the sterility of winter, it adds a predictable spice to life. People in the South do yearn for snow, after all. But in this rural outpost, two miles out from...
Mind Control