Sisterly Love - Luna And Riley Ch. 02 free porn video

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Notice: This story progresses quite slowly, especially when compared to other, short erotic stories. Just a heads up, this one isn’t quick.

Chapter 2: A New Policy

Luna awoke the next morning to the sound of her alarm clock. Even though it was summer and she didn’t have to get up early, she preferred not losing her accustomed routine. Today however, she was feeling particularly tired so she snoozed a few times before finally giving in to the alarm and getting up. She stretched and made her way to the bathroom.

The towel wrapped around her failed to cover her large body, starting above each nipple and ending around the middle of each of her strong thighs. Her penis swayed between her legs like a pendulum with each step, hanging down to her knees. She opened her door and peered into the hall to make sure the coast was clear, before quickly walking to the bathroom. Once inside she thought she could still make out the smell of cum from her accident last night. She hoped Riley hadn’t noticed when she had gotten up.

After her shower Luna returned to her room to get dressed. While somewhat proud of her muscular form, she felt insecure showing it off, causing her to often wear baggier clothes. Not to mention, finding fashionable clothes in her size was nearly impossible. Being home was some of the only times Luna got to wear the clothes she truly loved wearing.

Since she was massive for a woman, her parents had gone to extra lengths, and had gotten clothes custom made for her measurements when she requested it, so as to make her feel more comfortable with her abnormal life. This way she could enjoy the looks she saw on other girls, and not feel limited by the slim ***********ion of larger sized fashion items.

Due to the custom nature of her nicer clothing options, she felt that she actually looked better in them, than the girls she was replicating. In return to her parent’s generosity, Luna didn’t ask for clothes very often, as she understood the financial strain it could put on their family.

She stored her penis and put on some comfortable, plain white panties and a short, high waisted, tight fitting, brown, leather skirt. It made it only a third the way down her upper leg, showing off her muscularly defined thighs and calves. She threw on a tight fitting, black turtle neck that she tucked into the skirt and finished it off with a matching belt around the top of the skirt.

Like usual, she opted not to wear a bra, as she found them uncomfortable, and her boobs didn’t sag much at all without one. Her nipples were noticeable through the thin, tight fabric of her shirt, but she didn’t mind. The outfit was perhaps a bit provocative, but it wasn’t an uncommon kind of appearance for her at home, and her family had never commented on it in the past.

Content with her look, Luna headed downstairs to get breakfast. Riley usually got up before her, so she was surprised when she found the house empty. She found a note on the table saying that her parents had gone to the store and would be back soon. It must have been Saturday she realized. It was easy for her to lose track of the weekdays, when they all felt so similar.

She got herself some pop tarts, a glass of water and sat at the table. She watched some videos as she ate, putting her dishes away once she had finished. After cleaning up, Luna headed upstairs and knocked on Riley’s door. After getting no response, she poked her head in and asked blindly,


After more silence, she fully opened the door and entered the room. It didn’t take long for her to realize that Riley wasn’t there, meaning she must have left the house, likely to hang out with Becky or Charlie. Riley’s room was a bit messy with some clothes lying on the ground and the bed unmade. The walls were adorned with posters of artists she liked to listen to, as well as some other decorative paintings and wall hangings.

Luna began to leave the room, but felt a sudden urge to look around. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn’t help herself. Her curiosity got the best of her and before long she found herself standing next to one of Riley’s dressers. She opened the top drawer and found it full of random clothes. The drawer was a bit of a mess with no discernible organization, and half of the clothes unfolded. She opened the one below it to find it in a similar state.

She opened one last one to find that it did have organization. This was obviously her underwear drawer, as it housed an assortment of panties and bras. Her mind wandered as she mindlessly picked out a pair of blue and white striped panties. She held them up and admired their cute small size. Due to her large stature and thick muscular disposition, Luna’s hips were barely over twice as wide as Riley’s.

Her hand recoiled, dropping the panties as she decided that what she was doing was going too far, and she closed the drawer. She got up and started heading to the door, silently vowing to never do this again, when something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye.

Riley’s laptop was open, sitting on her bed. Some notification must have turned on the screen as she was about to leave, which caught her eye. Despite her very recent resolve to leave Riley’s things alone, Luna found herself drawn to the laptop. She slowly walked over to the bed as if someone might hear her moving, despite being home alone, and took a look at the screen.

It was on the desktop but there was an active internet browser window on the taskbar. Luna’s finger seemed to move on its own as she navigated the interface and opened the window. The browser opened showing her something she had not anticipated. On the screen was a google search result for “vagina too small”. Many of the result links were purple, instead of blue, indicating that Riley had visited many of the sites.

Luna again realized her perversion of Riley’s privacy and silently cursed herself. She minimized the window, and left the laptop how she found it before leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.

She couldn’t help but think about the search, but she felt bad for invading Riley’s privacy in the first place, so she tried her best to forget she had ever seen it. She decided to play some video games to get her mind back on track, and soon she had forgotten all about her sister’s odd search. When her parents got home, she helped them bring in the bags, and the three of them settled down to play a board game. After the game came a movie and before long, the afternoon had arrived.

Riley had returned home by the time their movie was finished, going straight to her room as soon as she arrived at the house. Riley usually didn’t avoid the rest of the family, but occasionally she would hole up in her room, so Luna didn’t think much of it. After the movie, the three each went their own ways, Luna to her room, Eleanor to the kitchen to prepare dinner, and her father to the office, to check something for work.

Not much later, the four reunited in the dining room and sat down for dinner. Eleanor had made burgers and hot dogs, which was one of Luna’s favorite family meals. Being so large, Luna had a voracious appetite, and could easily eat twice what the average person could. While at the table, Luna noticed how Riley seemed more disconnected from the general conversation than usual, as if her mind was somewhere else. She still responded to the conversation when necessary, but having grown up closely with her for 18 years, she could tell when something was off.

After they had finished eating, the four remained seated at the table, Luna and her parents were caught up in the conversation while Riley sat absent minded. Suddenly the four heard a ringtone, and they all looked over to see Riley’s phone ringing on the table. Eleanor grabbed the phone before Riley could, and inspected the caller.

“Sorry it’s Charlie face timing me.” Riley said softly, holding her hand out to take the phone.

“That’s fine,” Eleanor said, “We can all talk to him.”

“NO!” Riley said sternly. “Don’t answer it!”

Riley lunged across the table as her mother playfully kept the phone out of her reach.

“Uh oh I’m gonna do it!” Their mother teased, her finger close to the answer button.

Riley tried again to reach for the phone. It was clear she was not amused by her mothers attempted humor. Eleanor again jerked the phone to keep it from Riley’s reach but accidentally hit the answer button. Suddenly the ringing stopped and the screen was replaced with a video feed of Charlie.

“Hey Ril-.” Charlie started to say.

“Hi Charlie,” Eleanor responded, a bit surprised she accidentally started the call.

Luna could hear Charlie freeze up, not having anticipated being greeted by Riley’s parents.

“Oh... hey, misses... Johnson.” Charlie nearly whispered shakily.

“It’s been a while since we last saw you, just thought we would say hi.” Eleanor told the phone.

“Yeah.” Charlie chuckled nervously.

“Her dad is here too.” Eleanor said.

“Hey Charlie.” Their father chimed in. Luna felt bad for Riley and this embarrassing display on their parents behalf. Riley seemed to shrink as the embarrassment took over.

“Hey... mister Johnson.” Charlie responded.

“So what were you calling for?” Eleanor asked.

“Mom!” Riley silently mouthed angrily at her mother. She joined it with a quick hand motion across her neck and reached once again for the phone. Eleanor disregarded her.

“Uhhh… I was just gonna ask... if I could…. pick up Riley a bit later?” Charlie stuttered.

Luna noticed Riley’s expression and demeanor quickly change as Charlie mentioned the prospect of Riley going over.

“Yeah I don’t see why not.” Riley’s father responded.

“Uhh, great, I uhhh, can pick her up in maybe like, an hour.” Charlie was stumbling through this admittedly very awkward situation, of which Luna’s parents seemed to be oblivious.

“Sounds good, see you then.” Their father said.

“Alright, see ya.” Charlie finished.

“Byyyye” Luna’s parents said and Charlie left the call.

Eleanor reached across the table and Riley quickly snatched the phone from her hand.

“Don’t ever do that again!” Riley exclaimed.

“Ah come on, that wasn’t so bad.” Their father argued. “I mean, if he’s gonna date my daughter I think I should get to know him.”

“Not like that though!… That was an invasion of privacy, that call was for me.” Riley continued ranting.

“Relax honey,” Eleanor chimed in. “Look, I’m sorry okay, I really didn’t mean to answer it, I was just messing around and I accidentally pressed the button. I couldn’t hang up it would have been rude.”

“Whatever, just PLEASE don’t do that again.” Riley retorted.

“Okay I won’t.” Eleanor teased.

Riley quickly stood from the table and moved upstairs to her bedroom.

“Thanks for dinner.” Luna said as she too walked towards the stairs.

“Sure thing.” Eleanor responded.

Luna could hear her parents laugh a little to each other as she walked up the stairs. It seemed a little rude of them to not take it seriously. They had invaded her privacy, not much unlike she herself had, only hours before. Whatever, she thought to herself, they were all in the wrong, but at least she felt bad about it. She got to her room and closed the door behind her.

The only thing lighting the room was a small bedside lamp, as she enjoyed the dim light. She laid back on her bed and put in some earbuds as she began to listen to music. After about 10 minutes she heard a faint knock at her door. She took out one earbud to see if it had just been a part of the song, but sure enough another knock soon followed. She took out both earbuds and set them down before walking to her door.

Luna opened it to find her sister clearly distraught. Riley was dressed in some jean shorts and a thin white tank top. She looked as though she was on the verge of tears and she avoided eye contact as she asked if she could come in. Luna obliged and moved aside so she could enter, closing the door behind her as she did so. She made her way to the bed and climbed up near the foot.

“Everything okay?…” Luna questioned as she too approached the bed and sat down at the head. Luna swept her legs underneath her to keep from invading Riley’s space on the queen size mattress.

“No…” Riley started but didn’t finish.

“I know what they did was rude but I don’t think they actually meant to hurt your feelings.” Luna said, assuming she was upset about what had happened at the table minutes ago.

“It’s not that.” Riley said.

Luna furrowed her brow in thought and confusion. If that wasn’t what was upsetting her, she had no idea what was. After a decent moment of silence Riley spoke up again,

“This is super embarrassing, so if I tell you, you have to promise it stays between us.”

“Uh… okay, I promise.” Luna insisted.

“Okay well it’s about….” Riley paused clearly nervous to have the conversation, “It’s kinda like thing.”

Riley was lying on the bed looking straight up at the ceiling, purposefully avoiding eye contact.

“Oh…” Luna said.

She had not expected that, but it was clear to her that she needed to be there for her sister. She decided that if she acted like it was no big deal to talk about sex, then Riley would probably be a lot more comfortable in the situation, which would be better for everyone. Luna swallowed the frog in her throat and went on.

“Okay.” Luna tried to say as nonchalantly as possible. “What do you want to know.”

Riley seemed to respond instantly to her change in tone, even if only to a small degree.

“Uhhh…. Well.” She started. “It would probably make more sense if I told the whole story…. So…. I’ll just start from the beginning.”

“Okay, whatever works.” Luna said.

“Okay so... you know I’ve been dating Charlie for a few years now….” She paused.

“Yes…” Luna said insinuating that she should continue.

“Okay well…. Anyways, yesterday when I went over to his house, we were ‘messing around’…..”

“Listen, it’s normal to have sex.” Luna cut her off. “If you guys had sex that’s fine, I figured you guys had already had sex.”

Her casual usage of the word sex, as well as her chill demeanor seemed to really put Riley at ease, as she finally made eye contact with Luna.

“Yeah I know, I’m not a kid anymore.” Riley mocked, shoving her in the knee playfully, “but... I haven’t had sex with him before…. Or… anyone.”

“Oh….” Luna paused, “Well before yesterday I’m guessing.”

“I’m getting to it, if you would just let me tell the fucking story!” She playfully yelled, softly hitting her in the knee again.

Riley was starting to get much more comfortable which Luna thought was good. She was starting to act a lot more like herself.

“Well could you tell it any faster, ‘cause I’m afraid I’m not gonna live forever.” Luna joked.

“Fine!” Riley said as she stood up, “If you don’t want to help me, I’ll just leave.”

“No stop!” Luna interjected, “I’ll listen just tell the story.”

Riley sat back down and continued from where she left off.

“Okay so we were ‘messing around’ and things got a bit… hotter than usual. And one thing led to another and we... wound up naked.”

“Alright, I’m following,” Luna said. “Still don’t see the problem but…”

“I’m getting there!” She retorted. “So anyways…. he decided he wanted to... finger me.”

“Okay” Luna said.

“Which I know is normal, I’m not a prude.” She defended herself. “But when he went to….” She paused, “You know, put a finger in me. He said I was really tight.”

“Okay, continue.” Luna said again.

“Well… That’s basically it.” She said

“Uhh, what? Okay you lost me.” Luna said, confused.

“So he tried to stick a finger in me and he was like ‘WoAh YoUrE rEaLly TiGhT.” She impersonated his voice. “and he said my vagina as a whole just looked really small.”

“So….” Luna started, trying to figure out the situation, “The problem is… that you think your... vagina... is too tight?... am I getting this right?”

“Kinda, yeah, but it’s more than that” She said. “He said my whole pus-…” She stopped herself, “vagina is small. Like really small apparently. And to be honest, I mean, like… I’ve watched porn before and all those girls have bigger pussies than me…” She let it slip that time. “I don’t know, he just made me feel like I’m a freak or something.”

Her voice slipped somewhat on the word “freak” and Luna could tell she was close to crying again. If only Riley knew how normal she was compared to her, Luna thought to herself.

“And now he’s coming over soon to pick me up and he’s probably gonna want to try stuff again tonight, and I’m scared ‘cause I don’t want to let him down…. I just don’t know what to do.”

“Okay, I see.” Luna said. “Alright, well first of all, you are a freak.” Luna tried to joke to get her to laugh.

“I’m serious!” She said while giving her a dirty look.

“I know, I’m sorry.” She apologized, “You’re not a freak. I can tell just by looking at you that you are perfectly normal. In fact I’d say you’re more beautiful than just about any girl I’ve’ ever seen.”

Riley gave her a weak smile that told her she appreciated the compliment.

“And also, it’s important to understand that everyone is completely different. Maybe you do have a smaller pussy than average, that doesn’t make you a freak, it just makes you human.” Luna said trying to sound as encouraging as possible. “I mean look at you, you’re just small in general, so it would make sense that you have a small pussy.”

“You said you’ve watched porn,” Luna continued, “Does every girl in porn have the same exact size pussy, or tits, or waist or hi-”

“No…” she cut her off, understanding her point but not sounding completely convinced.

“Well then why would having a slightly smaller pussy matter.” She kept going. “And frankly, if he made you feel bad about yourself and your body, then fuck him! That’s not cool. You really are gorgeous and I’m sure your pussy is completely normal and healthy.”

Riley looked up to Luna with soft, loving eyes as she seemed to absorb the compliments into her very soul.

“Thanks, Luna, that means a lot...really.” She said softly. “But still, he couldn’t even get a finger in me… How am I ever going to have sex with someone if I can’t even get one finger in me?”

“I mean…” Luna paused, “I guess it’s something you’ll have to deal with, but here’s the thing. You said that was your first time ever doing something like that with someone else right?”

“Yeah...” She answered.

“Well then you were probably just really nervous and tense which caused you to be tighter than usual, which is normal. But since you’re apparently already really tight, it just seemed more drastic for you.”

“I don’t know…” She responded meagerly.

“And I mean really, he couldn’t fit one finger, I mean come on…” Luna scoffed.

“I’m not lying!” She pleaded.

“Did you see it, I think maybe he was just trying to make you feel bad. One Finger!, I assume you’ve fingered yourself before, how many fingers could you get inside?” Luna asked.

“I’m not lying, I saw him try. And I’ve never been able to finger myself either. I usually just…. Rub myself...”

“I don’t know... I’ve never heard of anything like that before.” Luna said.

“So I am a freak!” Riley said, falling back into a fit of hysteria. “It IS weird to have a pussy this small.”

“No that’s not what I said.” Luna back tracked. “I’m just having trouble wrapping my head around it. It just doesn’t make a lot of sense.”

Riley sniffled, “I… I could… Show you… that way you could see it, and tell if it's normal…”

Luna was surprised by Riley’s suggestion. While closer than most siblings, their relationship had never been sexual in any way, and the two had never seen each other naked before. Though, she had to admit that seeing her sisters pussy made her swell up a touch. She swallowed to clear her throat and readjusted her posture.

“Uh… I guess if it would make you feel better, you could, but you don’t have to.” She said.

“Well… you said yourself that you're having a hard time wrapping your mind around it. Maybe if you saw it, you would have a better idea of the story.” Riley responded.

It was becoming more apparent to Luna that Riley was actually fully considering showing her, her bare pussy. She was growing slowly at the thought, and the last thing she needed right now while trying to comfort her sister, was an awkward boner. She tried to think of something to make her cock deflate while continuing the conversation.

“I’m just really worried,” Riley whimpered, “I don’t want to be…. A freak. I don’t know who else to go to. I can’t talk about this with mom and dad, they’d kill me. And I know you’ll be honest with me.”

“Yeah, I guess it would help to see it, but like I said, I’m sure it’s perfectly healthy.”

“But you can’t be 100 percent positive unless you see it.” She stated. She had moved up so that she was now resting on her elbows instead of her back.

“I suppose technically, yes.” Luna said.

“Okay… I want you to be sure, so that I can be sure that I’m normal.” She said.

She sat up and climbed off the bed. Luna watched in complete disbelief as the world seemed to move in slow motion. She noticed her heart was racing, beating so hard she could hear it. It seemed to be so loud that it drowned out every other sound around her. She watched as Riley nervously reached down and unbuttoned her denim shorts. Luna could see her trembling, and she noticed that she herself was trembling a bit.

Luna’s dick was now at about a quarter its full length and still slowly growing. Suddenly it popped out of her pussy, causing Luna to jump a bit on the bed. It continued to grow as it worked it’s way backward, up the crack of her ass. Luna re situated her seating position as she became more and more uncomfortable.

Her dick could only get so hard backwards before it became unbearably painful, and she was slowly approaching that point. After a pause, Riley started to actually pull down her bottoms along her thin thighs. She guided the shorts for a bit, before letting go entirely, where they fell to the ground on their own.

Luna had seen her sister in a swimsuit before, so the sight before her wasn’t entirely unique. But due to the circumstance of the situation, she found the view very stimulating. She had on cute pink panties with little floral Lacey bits around the edges. They tightly stretched across her mound and over her outer lips. She followed the seam up her hips to where they disappeared behind her.

Luna was sure she was dreaming and would soon wake up. It was just last night that she had dreamed of ramming her huge cock into her sister, and now less than 24 hours later Riley was getting naked for her. It couldn’t be happening, but it was. Riley paused after dropping her shorts and stepped out of the folded mess it left on the floor below her. She kicked them a couple feet away and then reached up and hooked her thumbs around her panties.

Luna’s heart seemed to beat even harder and her mouth had gone completely dry. She couldn’t imagine what Riley was feeling right now. Riley carefully pulled at the tight undergarment until it started to glide down her legs. Luna’s eyes were glued to her sister’s crotch as her panties slowly began to fall away. Again Riley eventually let go and the panties slipped to the floor, leaving her standing in the room, completely naked from the waist down.

Luna swallowed using what little saliva she had left in her mouth, and inspected her sister’s vagina from a distance. She clearly had an innie, as the outer lips completely obscured everything within. She must have waxed or shaven somewhat recently as there was not a single trace of pubic hair. Riley stood with a nervous posture for a second before returning to the bed and sitting across from her. Luna gave Riley a confused look, as she remembered why Riley was showing her, her pussy in the first place.

“Riley that looks completely normal,” She said, “Like not even small at all.”

“That’s... just the outer... lips.” She muttered nervously, “They look normal but the... inner lips and the vagina are small. Just... look.”

Riley was sitting on her butt facing Luna with her legs spread out on each side. Luna was now only a couple feet away from her sister’s completely exposed, bald pussy. Riley’s hand trembled slightly as she guided it to her entrance, stopping just millimeters above it. After waiting a moment she used two fingers to slowly spread her outer lips apart, providing Luna with an unhindered view at the rest of her genitalia.

As it came into view Luna had to admit it was remarkably small. She had never seen one quite like it before. Overall it was probably about half the size of the average vagina, maybe even smaller. The skin was a slick, light pink that glistened in the dimly lit room. The inner lips were small and barely protruded from their base. Near the top, just below where they joined, stood out a tiny little clitoris. Her opening was very small and tightly shut, possibly due to her nerves, but also due to its size.

Luna cleared her throat before speaking,

“It’s smaller than I was imagining. But… it's a vagina, it’s designed to stretch. I think when the time comes, you’ll be fine. You have nothing to worry about.”

“But I ‘am’ worried, ‘cause Charlie’s picking me up soon… and it’s gonna happen again I just know it.” She whimpered shakily.

“You just need to get more comfortable with him, and just sex in general. You’ll get there eventually, it just takes time.” Luna tried to comfort her.

“But it's embarrassing!” She cried, “How am I supposed to get experience if he gets all weird about my freakish body.”

Riley broke out into soft sobbing as she finished her sentence, her hands moving up to her face as she wept. Luna’s focus left her vagina and she felt her wood grow softer as her heart yearned to nurture her sister. She was no longer horny, but rather empathetic of her poor sister, having a serious problem.

Riley closed her legs as she felt Luna crawl up to her side. She curled up with her head in Luna’s lap as she continued to cry. Luna ran her fingers through her hair as she tried her best to comfort her poor sister. Luna hated to see her like this, although a part of her longed for these types of opportunities, so she could be a bastion of support for Riley.

“Shhhh, it’s okay…” Luna whispered to her. She wanted nothing more in that moment than to stop her cries.

“I… I.. thought he L… loved me, but he m… m… made me feel so…. un...unnatural.” She stammered as she sobbed.

It occurred then to Luna that she was not only sad about her vagina predicament, but also the fact that Charlie had treated her apparently very harshly. It seemed that her head was a mess of implicated connections of everything Charlie had ever said to her as she reconsidered their relationship.

“Hey, fuck him, okay…” Luna said, “listen if you’re that worried about it, just text him and call it off.”

“But it’s n… not that easy….” Riley whimpered, “I st...still like him.”

“I know…” Luna eased, “It’s hard now, but if he made you feel like this, then he’s not the one. Trust me you’re beautiful and caring and funny and I know there’s someone out there that will love you for who you are, no matter what.”

Riley’s crying slowed as she listened to the kind words from Luna.

“Thanks Luna….” She sniffled, “I hope I meet someone like you someday.”

Luna cherished the sentimental words. She knew Riley meant it with every fiber of her being. She continued to brush her hair with one hand and rub her back with the other. Thankfully, it seemed her crying had mostly stopped.

“Thanks Riley… but I’m kinda one in a million.” Luna joked.

Riley gave a weak chuckle to her attempt at cheering her up, but otherwise remained silent.

“Listen, if there’s anything I can ever do to help, I’ll always be there for you.” She said.

Riley seemed to perk up slightly at that.

“Well…” She sniffled, “You said yourself that I just need to get…. More… comfortable with it all…. Maybe you could help me with that.”

Luna was fairly sure she understood what Riley was implying, but didn’t want to rashly insinuate something lewd in such an unstable situation.

“I’m not sure what you mean…” Luna responded.

“It’s just that… I’m more comfortable with… you, than anyone else… I know. If…. I could…. Practice… then maybe I wouldn’t be so nervous next time.” Riley spoke, much less teary and more so nervously.

“Yeah... I guess I could give you pointers and what not.” Luna replied, still scared of misinterpreting her request.

“That would be nice…. But I was thinking more about…. Real…. Experience.” Riley stated.

Luna was positive she was implying that they have some form of sex, but she still desperately didn’t want to scare her off.

“Okay… I’ll do anything... if you think it will help.” She added.

“Really?” Riley perked up, sitting up on the bed, “You’d really do that for me?…”

“Yeah, of course, I’d do anything for you Riley.” Luna said.

Luna could see new tears form in Riley’s eyes as she heard her sister. Riley lunged forward, knocking Luna flat against the bed in a quick embrace. She didn’t say anything but Luna could hear Riley sniffle as she buried her head between Luna’s large boobs. Luna wrapped her arms around her as she laid on top of her. Riley squeezed her tighter as she did so, warming Luna to her very core.

“You’re the best.” Riley said into her chest.

“Thanks Riley.” Luna said back, rubbing her back as they hugged.

A few moments later Riley climbed off of Luna and resumed her position near the foot of the bed. Luna sat up and looked at her. Riley’s eyes were red and watery from the cascading emotions she was likely feeling, while at the same time, she gave a smile that told Luna she was beginning to come around.

Riley was still half naked, but she was sitting on her knees causing her crotch to disappear between her small thighs. She brushed her short hair out of her face and wiped her eyes, recollecting herself. Despite her somewhat disheveled appearance, she was still stunning.

“Sooo….” Riley began, unsure how to start their practice, “I guess… I guess I still need to get more used to… being naked around other people…”

“Alright, yeah that seems like a smart place to start.” Luna responded.

Riley looked around nervously before grabbing the hem of her tank top and pulling it over her head. Now she sat across the bed from Luna naked except for a white triangle bra. Luna gave her a smile of encouragement and after a short pause she reached behind her and unclasped it. With her free hand she caught it on her chest, allowing herself a few more moments of decency. Luna could see her trembling, she was clearly nervous, but she didn’t seem uncomfortable. It was her sister’s idea after all.

Riley slowly began to drop her supportive hand and Luna watched as her naked breasts came into view. Riley’s flat chest showed only the slightest indication of two boobs, puffing out barely an inch. The tiny bumps each had matching small, pointy pink nipples. Her small areolas surrounded each nipple and were probably an inch and a half wide. Luna was unimpressed as, admittedly, she preferred much larger breasts.

“Wow you’re stunning, Riley.” Luna bluffed.

“Do you really think so?…” Riley asked as she looked on at her expectantly.

“Yeah I really think so,” She lied encouragingly, “You’re literally, like, perfect in every way.”

Luna loved Riley’s face, but her body left much to be desired. Riley thanked her as she blushed and dropped eye contact.

“I’m not nearly as attractive as you, though,” Riley said, “I mean look at you, you have like the perfect body. I wish I had big boobs and wide hips like you.”

“What, these?” Luna questioned playfully, grabbing her large tits in each hand and bouncing them slightly, “Trust me, they only weigh me down.”

“Yeah right,” Riley scoffed, “I bet the boys just drool over you at college. I’m lucky I got Charlie interested in me. And honestly your height and muscles are like… super hot...”

“Oh yeah?” Luna responded, surprised that Riley would admit something like that, “Well, the boys are mostly intimidated by me, and the girls all treat me like some freak. I just wish they’d notice me for who I am.”

Riley cocked her head as she interpreted what Luna had just said. Luna quickly realized that she had unintentionally just admitted to being a lesbian, and hoped Riley hadn’t caught on.

“You… Want the girls to notice you?” Riley asked.

“Never mind that,” Luna smiled nervously, trying to regain control of the conversation, “This is supposed to be about you, remember?”

Riley could tell Luna wanted to move past what she had said. Riley made a mental note of the comment and then shifted her seating position so that her legs were spread on either side of Luna. Luna now had an unobstructed view of everything. Riley laid back on her elbows as she watched her sister’s eyes explore her exposed body. Luna’s eyes wandered down from her sister’s gorgeous face, to her pussy, which had closed up again, then down to her asshole which she hadn’t noticed before.

She must have been too focused on Riley’s vagina earlier, because she hadn’t even bothered to look. Riley’s asshole was fairly normal, it was slightly darker than the surrounding skin and it cinched down to point. It wasn’t unique like her small vagina, but it was still exceptionally attractive. Luna found herself getting harder once again, and she worried her sister would soon notice. She quickly thought of a way to end their practice session and resume it later.

“You have a great body, and you have nothing to be ashamed about. So how about this.” Luna started, “From now on, when you're upstairs, you’re naked. That way, you’ll get more used to both getting naked and being naked.”

With Luna and Riley’s rooms being the only ones upstairs, their parents rarely went up there. Both Riley and Luna knew that being naked upstairs would be a reasonably safe arrangement. Riley blushed at the thought and quickly responded.

“Okay.” She said, nervous yet somewhat giddy at the idea of something so taboo, “I can do that.”

“And, how about an open door policy, so no matter what, I can come into your room at any time.” Luna added.

“Ehhh…” Riley countered, “Only if that one applies to you too.”

“Uhhh...” Luna thought nervously, “Sure...”

“Alright, It’s a plan.” Riley bounced happily on her side of the bed.

She sat up and reached out with open arms to Luna, who reciprocated the embrace. Luna felt her large tits squish against her chest as she held Riley close to herself. Riley’s small erect nipples poked into her chest as they hugged. Luna’s arms and hands felt the incredible smoothness of her skin for the first time in such an intimate situation. Despite her ugly proportions, Riley’s skin was perfect.

“Thanks again, Luna,” Riley whispered as they held each other, “I love you.”

Luna felt herself get a bit choked up when she said that. Riley had said ‘I love you’ to her before, but due to the circumstance, Luna felt that it meant more this time.

“I love you too.” She returned as she squeezed her even tighter for a second.

The two broke their hug, and Riley climbed off the bed, gathering her clothes off of the ground. As she did so, Luna got her first look at her naked from behind. The soft lamp light that filled the room seemed to add definition to her flat backside. She could see the small lobes of her ass stretch as she bent down to pick up her belongings.

Once she finished she looked back to Luna one last time and flashed her a lovely smile before heading for the door.

“Goodnight!” She called as she made her way to the door.

“Goodnight.” She responded.

She opened the door, stuck her head out to check if the coast was clear and quickly scampered down the hall to her own room. Once alone, Luna sat back against the wall and took a deep breath. Had that all really just happened or was she about to wake up. She checked the time to see that it was around 8:30 pm. Her mind stagnated as all she could think about was Riley’s beautiful pussy.

She quickly remembered why she had tried to quickly finish the encounter. Her massive phallus pressed hard against her ass crack and pulsed with the beat of her heart, growing bigger by the second. She stood from the bed desperate to release the pressure in her groin. She swiftly unbuckled her belt and unzipped her skirt, pulling it down along with her panties in one swift motion.

Pre cum had soaked into her underwear and more continued to flow from the tip as it sprang forth with incredible velocity from the sudden freedom, sticking nearly straight up into the air. A long, thick, glistening string of clear pre cum stretched between her clothes and the base of her dick, and she watched as a large bead of it slithered down her shaft.

Luna wasted no time, making hasty, lengthy strokes with both hands up and down her huge cock. At first her tight grasp pulled at the fleshy skin of her penis with each stroke, but her hands quickly became slick and began to glide smoothly over the surface. Luna spent over an hour, frantically masturbating to the memory of her sister’s forbidden fruit. Despite being heavily caught up in the moment, Luna desperately didn’t want a repeat of the previous night’s clean up, and soon looked around the room for a safe place to cum.

Without finding one, Luna quickly sprang up from her bed and scurried to the bathroom, continuing to stroke herself along the way. She glanced down the hall to Riley’s room to see that her light was off and her door was closed. She busted into the bathroom and took aim at the toilet just as her orgasm began to hit her. She stroked with great speed as an absolute torrent of white cum ejected from her penis.

After what was undoubtedly the longest, most powerful orgasm of her life, she looked down in the toilet to see she had raised the water level a good two inches in the bowl. The water and semen had combined into a nearly opaque mixture. She had missed the bowl a small amount and some final drops of cum dripped from her cock and the toilet seat making satisfying ripples in the liquid below.

Luna breathed as she came back down to earth, her dick quickly deflating in her hands. After cleaning the small mess, and washing up, Luna headed back to her room to go to bed. She eagerly awaited to see what tomorrow would bring, excited and nervous at the prospect of getting to see her lovely sister naked more often.


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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

2 years ago
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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

2 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

3 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Sisterly LoveChapter 6

Several long minutes later, the three of us were sprawled out on the bed, but strangely no one was touching anyone else. Candy was still nude, but Stephie had donned a black lace bra and flesh colored undies along with high topped stockings. Stephie gently touched my shoulder. “Howie, we need to talk.” “Not now, Stephie. Not now.” “Howie!” “Not now, Sis!” “Look it’s not as bad as you think, Howie.” “What ... what makes you think I feel bad, Sis?” “I know you, Howie. I--I just want to...

2 years ago
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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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