Peilisalin kronikat 47 51
- 3 years ago
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Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 0, Jatkon aloitus eli uuden alustus. Jokaisella tarinalla on alkunsa ja loppunsa, t?m? ei kuitenkaan ollut kumpikaan niist?. Kaunis naisellinen kaksikkoni vietti aikaansa patjalla, kuinkas muutenkaan kuin paneskellen totta kai. Bimbo, tai siis anteeksi, ?lykkyytt??n lis?nnyt blondi oli t?ll? kertaa pantavana vaan ei alla patjana. K??nteinen lehmitytt? tuntui olevan h?nen suosikkinsa t?h?n astisista asennoista ja akteista joita min? olin p??ssyt n?kem??n. Mutta nyth?n min? hypp??n t...
Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 3, Tarina tisseist?, maidontuotannosta ja muodonmuutoksista. *Opas s?ps?hti henkisesti ja selvitti kurkkuaan.* Ah, tervetuloa takaisin! Sep?s oli erinomaisen eroottinen esitys ja tuoreen raikasta tarinaa, eik?s? Jatketaan juonta nyt kun on alkuun p??sty... Mielenkiinnolla katselin kuinka kaunis kaksikko peseytyi rankan ratsastuksen j?lkeen mutta harmikseni pesutilassa ei tapahtunut muuta mielt? kutkuttavaa toimintaa. Pettymykseni korvattiin kaksin verroin n?hdes...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 0, Muutos. Kaupunki n?ytti melkein siedett?v?lt? syksyisen aamu-usvan k?tkiess? sen hopeiseen syleilyyns?. Matka oli ollut pitk? sek? fyysisesti ett? henkisesti mitattuna. T?n??n oli viimeinkin aika tarkastella aikaisempia tapahtumia ja valita uusi suunta. Seisoin hetken suuren py?re?n rakennuksen ovella, ajatuksiani kooten ja valmistautuen henkisesti tulevaan koitokseen. Heti sis??n astuttuani saapumistani odottanut opas viittoili minua seuraamaan ja k?velimme pitk?n k?yt?v?n p??h?n. Avasin ...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 7, Puhdistus. Havahduin painon tunteeseen p??ll?ni ja tunsin jonkun koskettelevan ja kutittelevan kupeitani. "Huomenta," kuulin blondin sanovan. Ennen kuin kerkesin avaamaan silmi?ni, pehme?t huulet hipaisivat omiani kevyesti, painautuen kovemmin kiinni, hell?st? suudelmasta nopeasti intohimoisemmaksi muuttuen. Kaksi ajatusta k?vi aivoissani yht? aikaa, "joko taas" ja "oi kyll? kiitos". Vartaloni oli v?litt?m?sti valmis, n?nnien kovettuessa bimbon suuria rintoja vasten ja jalkov?li...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 12, Akti. "Pane mua jo peppuun, pliis" bimbo aneli, h?iriten ajatusteni lentoa. Kummastelin kadonneen erektion enigmaa, mahdollista motiivia miettien. Samapa tuo, totesin olkap?it?ni kohauttaen. Olipa blondilla itsell??n penis tai ei, kovasti h?n halusi minua kairaamaan onkaloaan. Sapelini syk?hti odottavasti muistaessani toisenlaisen kuuman ja m?r?n onkalon, sen tiukan puristavan imun. T?n??n pantaisiin viimeinkin kakkoseen, naisen toiveen mukaisesti, pitk??n h?nt? piinattuani j...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 17, Panostus. Tunnustelin ja tutkailin bimbon suuria rintoja samalla kun siirsin painoani takaisin jalkojeni varaan. Siirsin vaaleat pyyhekuivat hiukset hell?sti syrj??n ja painoin suudelman niskan hiusrajalle. "Olet paras panoni ikin?," tunnustin Muusalle, j?tt?en kertomatta mit? muuta h?nen seuransa minulle merkitsi. Erkanin naisen vartalon p??lt? ja leikkis?sti l?pp?isin letke?ll? letkullani kauniita kannikoita, siemenieni tihkuessa kermapiirakan uumenista. Kylpytakkini lievett? k?ytt...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 27, Alustus. Kaunis blondini makasi raukeana kainalossani. Pohdin pystyisink? pit?m??n lastinhimoisen, kestokiimaisen bimbon tyydytettyn? kovin paljon pidemp??n. Nuorekas vartaloni oli saanut uuden energiasys?yksen muutoksessa, mutta fysiikallani oli silti rajoituksia. Edes feromonit eiv?t pystyisi m??r??ns? enemp?? nopeuttamaan tahi lyhent?m??n palautusaikaani. Tunsin my?s tarvitsevani taukoa herkkien paikkojen hinkkauksesta ja lastis?ili?t vaativat uudelleen t?ytt??. Kellokin tikitt...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 32, Yll?tys. K?dest? pit?en talutin blondin huoneeseen. Sokkona kulkiessaan nainen luotti johdatukseeni mutta ei arvannut mit? tuleman piti. K?velimme paljain jaloin sile?ll? lattialla kunnes bimbo l?ysi suuren py?re?n patjan varpaillaan. Olin aikeissa istuttaa naisen kun h?n karkasi otteestani ja kier?hti nelinkontin patjalle. Silm?t edelleen vy?tettyin? bimbo huitaisi kylpytakin liepeet pyllyns? p??lt? ja tarjosi itse??n astuttavaksi. Naurahdin ??neen, blondi oli ottanut kaksimielisen heit...
Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 6, Pieni? pohdintoja, per?n puhdistuksia ja anaalin avaamisia. *Oppaan katse oli lukkiutunut patjan tapahtumiin kun h?n huomasi hienoisen h?iv?hdyksen silm?kulmassaan. P??t? k??nt?m?tt? h?n viittil?i k?dell??n, kehottaen katsojaa tulemaan l?hemm?ksi." Nyth?n t?m? vasta j?nn?ksi k?y, kun ei punap??n pyllyreik?? n?y. Jos muistini ei nyt pet?, niin t?m? kaksikkommehan ei ole viel? molempien anaaleja kairannut. Blondi kyll? oli kerj?nnytkin parrua pakaroidensa v?liin ja hyv?n ensimm?isen peppupanon h?n saikin, jos ...
Rachel hoped for a bit of privacy, but she never got it. Her parents believed in being open about everything and their house was always ready to welcome anyone who happened to be passing by. Inside the house there were doors but no locks, anyone was free to go anywhere. Unfortunately Rachel was now a woman and she would have liked some time and space to herself. It never happened. She would be changing in her room and her Mom would walk straight in. She would be in the shower and her Dad...
“I thought of a remark ... that the United States is like a ‘gigantic boiler. Once the fire is lighted under it there is no limit to the power it can generate.’ Being saturated and satiated with emotion and sensation, I went to bed and slept the sleep of the saved and thankful.” ― Winston S. Churchill All of a sudden, the Yanks were everywhere. They were all over North Africa. They were driving up and down the British country roads in their jeeps and tanks and even training on the beaches...
I was in desperate need of a night out so I asked my husband if we could get a babysitter for the boys and go to dinner. He happily agreed and called the neighbors to see if their daughter, Susie, was available. Thankfully she was so we set it up for Saturday night. Saturday came around and I was more than ready to go out and look sexy for my hubby. I chose a short black fitted dress that hugged my hips and was low in the front to show off my C cup tits. I threw on some 4in black heels and let...
I awoke early the next morning with the sensation of my cock being sucked. I opened my sleep fogged eyes and saw Matthew's bobbing head slowly coming into focus. I exhaled a deep sigh. He was a great cocksucker. Standing nearby was Kayla looking a little less forelorn than last night. Her fingers were absentmindedly stroking her little pink slit. She smiiled down at me before settling down on my face. The sweet perfume of her cunt overwhelmed me as she began to ride my face. I eagerly licked...
What’s up, you dirty dog! How’s your cock holding up? Have you been remembering to take breaks? You’ve got to give that little pecker a rest, or you’ll be beating some burnt meat real soon! Trust me. I know from experience! But you can spend one more day engaging in some much-needed “self-care”, right? Well, that’s great to hear! Because I’ve got some pretty great content for you and your cock today!In a world where movies are being made for either 16-year-old girls or the Chinese government,...
Premium Porn Parody Sites“Well you see, buddy, it is like this,” the tire man said to the bus driver loud enough that I could hear him. “Your wheels weren’t made to take the load of the bus without a tire on them. That’s why they run two tires back there case one goes flat. When both your tires went, your wheels flattened right out like you see them now. Aren’t a standard lug pattern I can pick up anywhere around here neither. Seem they gone got them some artsy type who had them made special for this bus line. We can...
I was only sixteen at the time of this story. I’m eighteen now and my name is Dan. It was winter and my sister was visiting for the holidays. It was Christmas Eve and our parents had left to shop. It was just me and sister alone. My sister, Allie, is very attractive at age 24. She is fairly small but has a nice big ass and a little chest. She had a beautiful face like myself and our whole family. She was a college graduate, CU. I was good looking but very, very youthful, a real cute face. I...
IncestJonar was dying. As the sturdy Dorkan ship rocked and heaved on the storm tossed waves, Jonar lie dying in his bunk in the cramped quarters he shared with Myka. His stomach told him it was time to vomit again, but Jonar knew better. There hadn't been anything in his stomach since the morning they left the city aboard this vessel of death. Since he was unable to keep anything down, the young Gnathar was dehydrated, causing him to shake whenever he tried to use one of his exhausted,...
Black men are superior to white men in many ways, especially in the "sex department." They can turn white men into pussies (literally) by taking the white boys ass just as he would any other female. He does this not for sexual pleasure. He does this to demonstrate that he is the Alpha Male. If he can make the white boy submit, so too will his white girlfriend,. furthering our humiliation. The black superior male dominates by dominating our white girlfriends sexually, sometimes right in...
To make it clear for some people that do not clearly understand. Some of us we really love women. We love every inch of their bodies - anything that makes the look women: Their round chest, their big gluts, their cute face, their feminine hamstrings etc. Staring a hot woman will turn me instantly on, in a way I cannot control my self.I realised that when I was very young. Topped up with testosterone at that age, I spread my cums all over magazines and/or television shows that they have nothing...
SUNDAY, July 7, 1991 I saw some of Sunday before I ever got a chance to sleep. Between the extra adrenaline of racing for the first time, and a few Mountain Dews drank too late in the night, I was wired for sound. Before we finally bid goodbye to everyone at the track and brought the car back to the shop, I was directed to stop at the pit gate to pick up my winnings for the night. I was handed an envelope with $125 in it. I had finished 12th that night, the first of my racing career. I...
She was rapidly approaching the point of completely losing herself in the passion and pleasure of the moment. With her arms tied above her, and her legs tethered by long silken scarves to the posts and iron frame of the hotel bed, she could hear her own breathing accelerate with each passing moment. The new lacy nightgown that she was wearing for the first time, a gift for "this special night", that her husband had dressed her in, was now hiked up high enough to expose her increasingly wet...
"How many times have I told you? I'm not going to have anal sex with you!" Lisa's complaining again, "I want you to make love to me, not to use my body to satisfy your perverted needs! If you love me, show me some respect and stop asking me to be your sex toy!" "Lisa, I love you ... but I have my needs. Look, we've been married for two years, and you still think sucking my cock is dirty?! My needs are not perverted, every man loves dirty sex. I want to thrust my cock into your anus, I want to...
Erotic FictionMegan's bikini bottoms were soaked as she unfolded her chair and laid down on her back, out in the sun for the first time in five days. This part of Texas got some pretty big storms from time to time and the one that had blown in out of the gulf the last five days was no exception. She had spoken to Betina a couple times on the phone over the last week, but she hadn't seen Jamal since he had graciously taught her how to give blow jobs. Megan wanted to tell him that Harold really loved them...
My wife and I have been married for 15 years as we are both in our late thirties. We are both professional as Amy is an office manager and I'm an engineer. You could say that we are a power couple and very routine in our every day life with one exception. I was not able to get an erection. This has put quite a strain on our marriage. We never fought about finances or anything about the house but we had fights all the time regarding this. I did n't know what she wanted from me as I saw ...
I had been at work all day trying to get my work done, but it was hard because I had been thinking about my sexy housemaid all day. Thinking how sexy she looks wearing her short skirt and apron and that white headband that I gave her. I have wanted her for so long and had masturbated many times in the privacy of my darkroom, just thinking about her. Sometimes I’d mentally fuck her down there in the ass, sometimes in the pussy, sometimes I’d picture eating her out and sometimes she’d suck my...
“I have got one with group sex in it”, said Abdul excitedly. “Can I come over now?” “Yes, come quickly.” I replied, “Mom has gone to grandma’s place”. My Friend Abdul and I used to watch a lot of porn together. He used to buy them from vendors selling pirated DVD copies near railway stations. Both of us were horny 18 years old and this incident happened in the summer of the year 2008. It was summer break and we had a lot of free time. I live with my parents in Pune city. My name is Sumeet. My...
IncestIt was Wednesday February 15th, 17:15 p.m., and John Ventura is a commuter, waiting for his train to take him home from an unnamed train station in Chicago. He was waiting in the small station diner because he was having a bad day, and that happened to include his usual train leaving just before he managed to get inside. A cup of hot coffee was sitting on the table in front of him and his newspaper was opened and in his hands when he heard a friendly, soft spoken female voice: "Is this seat...
My wife and I have been married for ten years and for all that time, she’s taken care of my every need. As a quadriplegic, I have a lot of needs, both medical and emotional. Worst of all, the accident left me with permanently limp-dick. I was injured before I met my wife, Lana, so she knew what she was getting into before we got married.For the most part, our marriage is wonderful. But as you can guess, our love life isn’t what it would be if I could move. Even if I could move just my arms, I...
CuckoldThe last part of Cyrus’ North Island journey comes to an end. After spending a week indulging in the last bit of adventure, he spends an entire week, splurging on some of the best food and wine that New Zealand has to offer in Hawke’s Bay. He is once again living in a luxurious cottage, overlooking a vineyard, and living the ultimate dream. At a New Year’s Eve party, he meets Leah, an amazingly beautiful and elegant older lady and spends two incredible days with her. On his last day, he meets a...
hello doston sbhi chut walion our land walon sabhi ko mera land uthakar namashkar doston main pure visvas se kahta hoon ki yeh story padkar aaap ke land khade ho jayenge our sabhi choot walion ki choot main pani aa jayega kion ki ye story meri choti bhabhi ki chudai ki sachi kahaani hai jisme maine apni hi choti bhabhi ki kasi hui choot ko jamkar choda tha . sabse pehle main aap logon ko apne baare main bata doon ki main gwalior main rahkar padhai kar raha hoon .aur meri puri family gaon main...
I unzip my skirt, shimmy it down across my hips, down to my ankles, and kick it off. I reach back and unhook my bra and drop it on the floor, freeing my breasts. My nipples stand up full and proud, chilled by the air and tense with arousal. I kick off my high heels, then pull down my panties. You take them from me and shove them in my mouth. You then push me backwards until I reach the bed, then you hold my shoulders and push me back on the bed. "Up." You command. I wiggle up on the bed...
Cicely stared at me and asked quietly, "How did you do that?" I shook my head. "I don't know. I didn't intend for it to happen." She thought quickly. "If I didn't know better, I would say you just invoked what we normally used for binding a new member to our house..." I was shocked and confused. "You mean having them make an oath? I don't do that." "But you don't have to," she said quickly. "You already have the gift to bind Mind Magi to you." She thought more. "I've...
Useful Humiliation ã CarmenicaDiaz Rosehad completely shocked me with her casual announcement, so shocked I almostspilt my wine. I peered at her through my glasses and she smiled at me. 'DidI hear you right? You're going away for two weeks with your boyfriend?' Shenodded, laughing at my consternation. 'Yes, two wonderful weeks in Jamaicaand I'm going to drink cocktails, eat and eat, lay on the sand and,' shewinked, 'have lots of great sex with Johnny.' Iblushed at that, I had seen Johnny...
She just wanted to get home and run that program again to remove the Dildock Virus from her computer. That morning before she left work the software said it was 86% finished, so maybe a few more runs of the program and it’d be complete. She wanted her problems over with and just get on with life. She was sure there’d also be a flashing message on her phone from her mother wondering why she didn’t email her yesterday. Mothers do worry after all, but the thing that was nagging her most was the...
I wake up suddenly to the feeling of my white satin bedsheet sliding across my nude breasts as my boyfriend pulls it entirely away from me and off of the bed. "Get up, Wyvvs, we have to be going," he calls as I absently close my eyes in the morning sunlight and shyly cover my chest with my arm."Going where, what are you talking about Rick?" I slide my bare legs to the edge of the mattress and sit there for a moment in nothing but my black panties. He walks back over to me, fully dressed and...
CuckoldThere is a real girl named Jacqui, and somewhere in the world, in some internet café, a young, smiling, beautiful girl may happen to come across this tale. This is for you sweetie — still miss you. September 2003 "Ya got ten bucks Mister?" she asked as she darted in front of me, one of a small group of black clad, pierced and tattooed punkers who'd mysteriously appeared in the neighborhood just days earlier. "Ten bucks? What happened to the fifty cents for squeegeeing my windshield?" I...
If you didn’t know her, your first impression of Sonya would be that she’d descended from a long and particularly prestigious line of varsity cheerleaders. Tanned, blonde, and sporty—she struck that perfect balance between fit and curvy. But she didn’t get her figure from shaking pom-poms at some football game, no sir. She got it from fencing. From stabbing people, competitively. She had a gift for it.That’s how we first met, actually—she joined the university fencing team with me during our...
You wake up from an erotic dream. A dream that you didn't want to end. You feel your cock, hard and wet with precum. A usual morning wood you think. So comes the time to rub it out. The plan is to remember that dream you just had. You take a deep breath, take a seat in your sofa, close your eyes, and slowly start stroking. Several minutes go by, but you just can't get that dream back into your mind. Not one scene comes back. Frustrated, you stop masturbating. You sit there in quiet for a time,...
Dr. Prinz sat quietly with a brandy in his hand. His final patient of the day had been an uninteresting dowager of late middle age. Her problem was no different than many others Prinz had listened to during his years as a psychoanalyst--just a bit more pressing. She was suffering from sexual deprivation and she had been a difficult subject to program through hypnosis. But today, she had fallen into a deep hypnotic trance and had related to Prinz, her burning desire for sexual release. Even...
Hi this is Nikhil again, and thanks for the great response I received for my previous story. A little about me, I am from Hyderabad, living in Chennai, working in an IT company with an average build fun and adventure loving guy. Please leave your feedback at I thought of sharing another story which is partly real and partly fantasy, which is real and which is not is up to your imagination. The incident took place two months back when I was traveling from Hyderabad to Chennai after a good...
Andy was suddenly startled out of her comfortable daze by an all too familiar voice. Glancing up, she found herself staring straight into the green eyes of this morning. The guy grinned, and ordered a straight black coffee. She turned and took care of it, all the while fuming at his audacity. First he spies on her, than he follows her work? She tried to calm down and her rational side began taking over. This shop was very popular, and he probably just stopped by, having no idea she worked here....
An open door, a mirror, a hard-on, huge boobs, a stunning booty and delicate girly lower lips and the forbidden invitation into the bathroom....I was back from jogging. I thought I was home alone in the early afternoon. I had a free line at college and was getting my fitness up for next month’s local riverside fun-run. I had really worked up a sweat and needed a shower.I was at the top of the landing when I nearly tripped over my undone jogger’s lace. I bent down to do it up and that was when I...
Introduction: This is my first story so please feel free to make recommendations and pointers and let me know if you enjoy it!! I hope you have a good time reading it. Enjoy Jenna waited in the car looking at the time, which told her it was just about 2 a.m., her fingers tapping against her steering wheel impatiently waiting. She had been looking forward for this whole thing between her girlfriend Stacey and her. It was hard for the two of them to have alone time since she had an annoying...
Leslie Church nervously walked through the ABS. She could feel the eyes of the men on her as she quickly moved around the DVDs, past the sex toys and into the dimly lit corridor behind the tacky red curtain. She had done her recon well, she knew where to go in simple steps, her gym bag over her shoulder, her eyes fixed forward towards her goal. The only sounds were her heart pounding, her nervous breathing and her heels clicking on the tile floor. At barely 5' tall and with a curvy 34D-28-36...
Let’s talk about lesbians. What is it about lesbians that us men enjoy so much? I don’t think women enjoy seeing a couple of homos go at it (Lord knows I don’t), but as a man, there’s nothing more entertaining than two bitches slamming their "vagoos" into one another.I hope one day to command a team of lesbians for myself. But until that day comes, I am here to bring you the best in class for all kinds of porno, so today we will focus on Yespornplease has some excellent porn...
Lesbian Porn SitesI am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Merci ? toutes et ? tous pour vos r?actions si positives ? mes autres histoires. Je serais toujours tr?s content de recevoir vos critiques afin de continuer ? progresser dans mon ?criture. Merci en particulier ? JP. J'essaie de tenir compte de tes remarques constructives. C'est difficile de trouver un ?quilibre entre le rythme de l'histoi...
Caleb was quiet as he drove JJ and Blake home; Kim was following in her car. Caleb was considering all that had happened, and what he had learned this evening. He didn't know what the results would be from the further blurring of the lines between himself and Al, but he was sure there would be consequences. Everything has consequences; Caleb just hoped they wouldn't be fatal consequences. The new information about Al's crash, and what the expected attitude of the aliens would be, was...
The day after I fucked Emma for the first time, I met Jim for lunch at the cafeteria. “Jim I kind of made a mistake with Sheri. I got her kicked out of her parent’s home and she has no money to support herself. If we don’t do something we lose our maid. “I know this is unorthodox, but let her move into the fart house. Do not give her a room, only a closet to put her stuff. There is a linen closet we could empty and she could hang some things in the coat closet. Make a rotation. When a...
In this report, I am going to tell you a fact that happened to me a few years ago, when I was in my early twenties, our circle of friends always walked together, the boys and the girls, bars, ballads, trips, in short, all the staff walked and frequented the same places, and there was one that was closer, we used to go to each other's house, and we traveled with his family and he with mine, all normal, until one day he told me he needed to talk, because his sister (who did not attend our class)...
Let's face it. No one really knows what its like to die, I certainly didn't. The last thing I remember was someone saying, "He's gone." In the next instant I was somewhere else. I can't even explain it really, because the somewhere else was without substance, without definition really. Until images came to mind, places I had once known, been to, or had wondered about. Then suddenly ... there I was! It felt warm, comforting. I was standing on a hill, there was a breeze against my face,...
This is the offical A.T.H.P story. Credit to Delta77 for letting me use some of their writing. Heya thanks for checking this out, I hope you can find at least something that interests you. Whether it be Dragon Ball to Rumble Roses, in the end the goal is to give whatever kinky (or not vanilla) mind is reading this something to pleasure yourself to, though I personally do recommend some kinkyness too but I am also being incredibly biased. This is a Choose Your Own Adventure based on the cyoa A...
FantasyRon Harris winced in the darkness of his bedroom, as the telephone next to his bed shrilled like a lance into his recoiling ears. Having just finished a fifteen hour day on the job, it felt like he hadn't slept at all. Looking at his alarm clock, he could see that he really hadn't slept at all. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, hoping that before he was fully awake, the phone would shut up and leave him in peace. No such luck. It went on and on, refusing to die. He eventually resigned himself...
Layla Price opens up this exquisitely shot scene with some erotic pole dancing! She’s wearing purple fishnet panties that really accentuate her bubble butt. Then, her stud, Derrick Pierce shows up and ravages her pussy and asshole with his tongue. After smothering his face in between her luscious ass cheeks, he grabs a handful of her hair and jams his big prick in her mouth and listens to her choke and gag. Then, pushing one of her lovely legs towards the sky, Derrick pounds her pink...
xmoviesforyouAfter so many recounts of having sex it becomes difficult to tell another story with the same panache and punch, and as my main aim is to make you want to wank with me, I have to embellish the encounter, just as in real life, making the guy about to fuck me, surprised and eager, so I can have a better orgasm, better than the last one, making me like the proverbial d**g addict, desperate for the never-ending bigger and better bang.Of course the experts among us will say, 'Mariel your a sex...
Friday late evening my sweet Ana told me after dinner she was in the mood for some drinks out. I accepted the offer and she went ready in just few minutes. When she came back from the bedroom, she was wearing a sexy black short dress, revealing her long beautiful legs. Before leaving, Ana bent over her waist, to show me she was not wearing a thong. Even her labia seemed to be already wet…I asked her about her plans for the night and she told me she just was horny and wanted to check somebody at...
He was anxious. It had been a long time since he felt her breath on his skin or the warmth of her touch. As he pulls up, he spots her immediately. In a sea of people, she stands out like a shining star, but she would never know it. He sees her looking for him, but he is in a vehicle unfamiliar to her. He stops, but doesn’t get out. He just sits for a minute looking at her, in awe of her beauty. He can’t believe she is there for him. As she stands there, the men in the crowd can’t keep their...
XL Girls will keep you warm in the winter and give you shade in the summer, but chubby chasers are more concerned about how well they fuck. In that case, you probably aren’t going to be satisfied with the local ugly chicks with beer bellies and snaggle teeth. Hey, I get it; as a guy who spends his waking days beating off to the world’s best porno, I’ve got pretty high standards when it comes to chicks I want to see while I’m adding another layer of crust to my old gym socks. When I’m fapping to...
Premium BBW Porn SitesI know there's something I've forgotten before I explain why I'm on 23rd Street telling this story. Shameful moments perhaps? Times I was cruel? Things I never should have done? That seems appropriate now. How about when I strung the blonde wife and the swarthy husband's daughter along? You may have forgotten her, but I never will. We grew up together. A beautiful girl, she had been my best friend until eclipsed by new friends not once but a few times. We knew each other before I had...