The Dildock Virus Chapter 2 free porn video

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She just wanted to get home and run that program again to remove the Dildock Virus from her computer. That morning before she left work the software said it was 86% finished, so maybe a few more runs of the program and it’d be complete. She wanted her problems over with and just get on with life. She was sure there’d also be a flashing message on her phone from her mother wondering why she didn’t email her yesterday. Mothers do worry after all, but the thing that was nagging her most was the feeling that she was forgetting something. Something really important and she couldn’t put her finger on it …like part of her mind wasn’t letting the other half see what’s really going on. She was mulling this over as the bus drove past row upon row of billboards and one in particular caught her eye. The advertisement was for one of the new Wi-Fi/4G tablets showcasing its capability for two way video conferencing and featured a picture within a picture of two people talking. Her body recoiled like the moment of shock when the sheet is peeled back off the coroners table to reveal the corpse of a loved one beneath.

The impact hit her hard and sudden. Not only had she exposed herself to others on the internet the night before, but shoved a banana inside herself and orgasmed for their pleasure! Literally orgasmed! Oh my God! Her gasp of realization caused several passengers around her to look up and see if she was alright. She quickly stared back out the window, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Dear Lord! What if one of these dirty sweaty construction workers saw her and recognized her!?

She saw the passing world with wild unblinking eyes. The thought hitting hardest in her mind over and over again was the fact she enjoyed it. God she really got off on it. No emotion, no feeling, nothing in memory had ever come close to that release of passion last night. Then she got scared, her heart pounding, that given the opportunity, would she do it all over again. “No!” The anguished gasp involuntarily escaped her lips. It mustn’t ever happen again! “What the hell is happening to me” she desperately wondered. She must have been drunk, but she didn’t remember drinking. Someone must have given her something in a drink, but what? She heard of that sort of thing at Raves, but she hadn’t been to anything like that or any bar for that matter. No, it must have been just a one-time thing, never to happen again …ever. She then began the overwhelming effort to suppress emotion, personal shame and a very real fear of losing herself. She had to bury those thoughts as deeply inside herself as her conscious mind would allow. Laurel made the mental commitment to herself that with her first step off the bus at her stop she would be back to her normal self and move on forgetting it ever happened. No one she knew would even have seen her last night anyway. Done.

She turned the key and entered her apartment. Thinking about what she was going to have for dinner, she flicked on the computer to do another pass with the anti-virus software and rid herself of that Dildock bug once and for all. “What inconvenience! Why do people make these viruses anyway?” she muttered to herself.
While she was waiting for her leftover pasta to heat up in the microwave, she changed out her work clothes and freed her breasts from the confines of her bra in the process. She tossed a loose fitting cotton tank top over her head and slipped into her casual hi-cut jeans to shut down for the night and chill. She wasn’t planning on going out or seeing anyone and so determined comfort was far more desirable than modesty especially in the confines of her own home. She caught her image in the full length mirror in her bedroom as she zipped up the shorts and noticed her ample breasts had the tips of her nipples poking at the fabric, leaving nothing to be imagined. Giving herself a half turn and a leggy pose she did a quick study of her curvature and rounded buttocks. With her golden hair sensuously cascading about her shoulders she looked pretty sexy even if she did say so herself in a country video sort of way. The word slutty came to mind, but she chose not to use it. “If men like a few curves on a woman than I guess I’m their gal” she verbally joked to herself.

Sitting herself sat down at her computer desk she started the virus program. If she had thought about it, she actually was looking forward to the process and had gotten quite used to the pulsing display that strobed before her eyes. It was almost entertaining now, taking her away from her troubles, relaxing her and washing the stress of the day away. She might even run the program now and then once the virus was finally removed because well, it just felt good. That was her last thought as her mind seemed once again to just …drift …away.

The leftovers were quite cold in the microwave when she finally got around to them. But as cold as they were, she found herself hungrily devouring them anyway. She was famished as if her body was preparing for energy for it was going to need later. She glanced back at the time on the microwave and frowned. The digital clock said it was 7:35 pm., far later than it really should be. She had just gotten the last forkful in her mouth when a buzz on the intercom told her she had a visitor. Gulping down the last bite she pressed the button and responded with a “Who is it?” She got a mild surprise upon hearing who it was.

“Hi, its Reggie the computer guy just checking to see how my program was working out.”

“Fine …thanks for asking although you didn’t need to come over.” She saw no reason to let him in, but after a brief moment of silence, her natural desire to be courteous stepped up and she buzzed the entrance. “Please, come up.” I really should thank him in person she thought, just not for long.

Less than a minute later, Reggie was at her door and it was too late as she was opening it to realize that with no bra on, her breasts would be pushing out with clear definition. “Oh well, can’t do much now.” was her quick thought. The stocky, thirty-something male that stood at her door was unimpressive to say the least and the big shit eating grin on his face took away any appreciation she had for his concern and reminded her just how obnoxious he was just the other day. She could feel her own personal defense growing stronger by the second. Instead of letting him barge in like the last time, she stood her ground at the door. She would be polite, but firm. This was her home after all and she would only invite in those whom she wanted, when she wanted.

“I’ll just go in and check your system out, make sure my software is doing its job.”

“Thanks for your concern, I really appreciate you coming out here to follow up, but there’s really no need, its working well and in fact the whole process should be complete with just another scan or two. Thanks for checking in, but I’ve got to get back to …”

He cut her off. “Good to hear, but there’s also something I want you to see,” he said with quick purpose and began rolling up the sleeve on his left arm, “it’s a special tattoo.” Foreboding told her not to look down to his forearm, but courtesy and curiosity were stronger. With one brief glance, her legs buckled in vertigo. His next words became a thundering boom running rampant inside her mind. The inked graphic was that of one simple image. “I am …the Black Diamond …diamond …diamond...” Her mouth went slack and she continued to crumple there on the spot. “What the hell is…?” The question came back, but this time there was a connection.
He grabbed her by the shoulders before she fell completely and helped her stagger to her couch where she fell like a drunk to the seat cushions. He closed and locked her door. “You never know who might walk in.” he said with a menacing chuckle. She struggled to raise herself to a seated position and gather her wits as he went to her computer and checked some statistical information. A brief moment later, he came back to her quite pleased and spoke. “Ninety two percent complete. Good girl! You follow instructions well. Not much longer …my little CockSlut.”

Even as she sat, a flush came over her and she could swear her pussy was getting a burning itch. How could one word have such power? CockSlut?
The smile was gone from his face, and a brutal, ugly appearance took its place. He stood before her arms folded, legs shoulder height apart like some demanding mighty Jinn. Laurel knew from here on, he would not be asking her things, but giving orders. And so it was. “Take of your clothes.”
Laurel didn’t know how she did it, but a small ember of fighting spirit sparked up not yet completely snuffed out by his efforts. She looked him in the eyes almost wincing, but her answer was clear if weak. “No”

She thought she saw confusion and uncertainty fill his expression, but if they did, they were short lived. A smile creased his lips as he spoke. “It looks like you need a little lesson in obedience.” And then assuming the voice of a master, one who intended on being obeyed if not eventually worshiped, he gave his next command. “I am Black Diamond and I order you on your knees before me, CockSlut!” If she felt she could resist him before, her defiance now fell like sands through a grate. Her body reacted before her mind was aware and she found herself kneeling before him a mere few feet away.


Reluctantly her knees shuffled her nearer. And again he commanded. “Closer still.” This time she found herself kneeling erect, her face mere inches from his groin. She couldn’t help but feel she was on a runaway train racing towards its inevitable destruction and no chance of getting off.

“Any of my commands will be met with total submission and you will discover that with each surrender of your will to my wishes, your senses, your passion and willingness to please will only heighten. Now, CockSlut, open my zipper”
Both trembling hands raised to the task requested. She didn’t know if this was something she wanted to do or not. It seemed she could no longer control her body. Fingers touched fabric and metal, and she noticed just what he had said, how alive all her senses felt. She could feel the weave of fabric, the thickness of the material, the small sharp edge of the zipper catch and how it’s cool metal turned to warmth within seconds between her fingers and thumb tip. As she tugged it down, she could hear each fastener click free and saw the zipper smoothly part open now free of its fastening. She became acutely aware of every sensation whether she wished to or not. But she also noticed that part of her was beginning to look forward to each new experience or revelation.

“CockSlut, take It out.” Each time he gave an order, he repeated her trigger word like another rivet being hammered into her collar of submission. He had to make sure there were no further chances of reprisal or regression from his design. With grace and care as if attempting to touch something most delicate, her fingers slipped between the folds of his pants and instantly sensed his body heat. With the first touch of flesh upon her fingertips, she felt almost thrilled at the discovery there were no undergarments and gave a little shiver at the realization she had actually touched …It. The part of her in control was fascinated, while another part, shut away in an ever receding locked room was shrieking in fear, revulsion and impotence. Her fingers encircled her hidden treasure and she marveled at its warmth, its thickness even when flaccid. With a delicate squeeze she brought it out, showing the gentleness a mother would have removing a blanket from the face of a baby. At this point, there was only one side to her now. When Reggie’s cock was totally free, instead of being repulsed by what his penis represented, she couldn’t help but admire its shape, its size and perfection. Each rushing pulse of blood caused it to slowly swell in size. Soft yet firm, smooth yet with building veins, it now radiated heat proclaiming itself alive with power. Whatever he had done to her, she couldn’t fight the growing desire deep inside her loins, her quickening heart and her increasingly erotic mind.

Reggie nodded in approval. “You are beginning to understand, my CockSlut.” Again he reinforced his statements with her trigger. “I am Black Diamond and you are what I have made you. You do and think what I say, because deep inside, you know I am right. The ultimate reason for your new existence is for the sexual pleasure of others. Although in public you may behave like any other woman, when directed, no act of sex will eventually be too degrading, only something that turns you on increasingly more. You may have thought of yourself at one time to be a good girl, just what others such as your parents wanted you to be, but from here on when the opportunity arises, you are just a slut and in truth always have been. That program I wrote and installed on your computer isn’t removing a virus; it’s inserting one into your brain. A crushing wave of understanding sent her mind reeling. It was too much! Laurel squeezed her eyes shut as if she could withdraw within and close all gates to the outside world, but the whimpering moan that eventually escaped her throat told her only of futility. He was doing this to her and she didn’t know how to find it within herself to resist, to fight back.

When her eyes finally opened, Laurel realized she had never let go his cock, but kept it mere inches from her face, unable to defy its attraction. Black Diamond knew what she was thinking. “Magnificent isn’t it? This is your new addiction, your service to cocks and their owners above all else. You seek intense pleasure achieved only through sexually pleasing others. You now crave sex in all its forms and as I said, soon the most obscene and lewd acts will only leave you wanting more. Look at yourself; you’re behaving like a Pavlovian dog. Even the thought of cock, its musky scent and its touch practically makes you salivate.”

It was true. Laurel had unknowingly brought her nose within a fingers breadth of his cock head and caught herself deeply inhaling its tang. Her warm puffing exhalations as she sniffed were causing him to harden even more. She felt an incredible urge to taste it, to feel it in her mouth, to run her tongue over the smooth hardness of its helmeted head, to worship it. A few minutes ago she was struggling to keep herself as she once knew, in this moment she was responding with total willingness and no effort to resist what she now knew to be true. The new Laurel was winning. She wanted to give herself over and like an obedient slave, surrender to the shackles of her bondage. Her conversion was becoming more real with each sex induced thought. She knew he was right, and with willing acceptance came the excited curiosity of where this would all take her and promises of pleasures yet to come. Never before had she given head to anyone, but her eyes closed again and with sensuous motion slowly brought her widening mouth closer, ready to receive its desire. Her tongue came out to pay ultimate homage to his erection, but he pulled her away with a twisted smile.

“Not just yet. It’s time for education and with understanding comes further acceptance. What I’m about to tell you, you will know to be the truth. All humans are at their essence, is merely animals. The only essential thing that makes us different is our cognitive intelligence. Take life anywhere down to its most basic core needs. First is the need for food, the root basis of survival. Then comes the need for shelter, which is comfort and safety. What’s next? It’s the need to procreate and carry on the species. Survival of the one, then survival of the all. These are absolute fundamentals common to all creatures. Now do you want to know the crazy part? Procreation isn’t the basic instinct, fucking is. Making babies is just an inevitable result. You have food in your refrigerator; there is a ceiling over your head and a lock on your door. That just leaves your need for sex. Society has always been good at condemning this urge and labeling it as improper and dirty. In our efforts to please our parents, our preachers, our society, we’re conditioned to always try being good. Good from what? For the most part, they have been very successful in suppressing this need and limiting it to justify having babies. Yes procreation is part of it, but it’s much more than that. A woman’s core sexual instinct is to attract a mate. Not a husband, but a sexual partner, someone to breed with. Why do women act feminine? Why do they obsess on clothes, on jewelry, on make-up and hair styles? “Am I getting fat?” “What do you think of Botox?” “Like my new breasts?” It’s all a lure in their effort to get fucked. And they all do it instinctively.
Men are generally alpha males. Copulating with as many females as possible insures the survival of the species. The moment of ejaculation deep inside a woman’s body is one of the most intense feelings a man can experience because it’s his reward for mission accomplished. Cumming in a woman’s mouth shows his dominance over her. When she swallows, it’s her ultimate acceptance. Cumming on her face or body is like a dog peeing on the bushes to mark his territory. Most everything else is just variations, fetishes and male servitude merely twists and inversions.
Which all leads is to the stark reality as to what you obviously have become. You’re a slut, in fact a cockslut. You’re not a whore. Whores do it for money. Sluts do it because they’re addicted to it.

Laurel’s head hung in shame. She realized she couldn’t disagree and quietly began to weep. Her mind felt overwhelmed as two completely different behaviors struggled within. “Cheer up! You’ll get over it soon. That’s just the old you lamenting it’s passing. The new you is going to love everything you’re about to become.”

“But enough!” He turned to other matters at hand. “You promised your fans another show tonight and its time.” Panic burst through her melancholy and as a slave would beg her master, she pleaded not to appear again on that website. But wishes went unanswered as he pulled a smart phone from his holster and with a couple of deft key strokes opened her computer to the website He automatically logged her in, just as he had done the previous day. Standing outside of the camera’s view, she now saw the portion of her room in front of her computer come up on the monitor. The number count of viewers started at zero, but instantly began climbing faster than the dollar counter on a gasoline pump. She now realized just how many had seen her last sexual act.

“Now my hot little fuck, my little CockSlut, it’s time for your performance. There will be hundreds looking to drop their load after seeing what you’re going to do today for them. Tease them first with a seductive little strip dance just to set the mood. Perform like the hottest stripper you could imagine yourself to be. Exposing yourself to all those men is going to get you incredibly turned on, so get started. If you get a little stuck knowing what to do next, I’m sure the messages all those horny men will be sending you will give you lots of good ideas.

With a swift kick of his foot Reggie pushed the chair away in front of the computer and opened up the viewing area for Laurel to dance unhindered. Another few button presses on his smart phone and her computer started blaring out loud suggestive music. With a shove from her tormentor, Laurel was front and center in a camera shot that showed her from below her knees all the way up.

“Dance for your fans, CockSlut and don’t forget to look at your messages. I’ll give you two songs to show them what you’ve got.”

She froze on the spot and the look on her face was that of the deer in the headlights. Reggie again barked at her to dance and Laurel couldn’t help herself from beginning. It started off as a slow shifting rock from foot to foot but soon began to build into something else. A door in her mind was again being closed to the young woman she once was and the new Laurel was stepping to the forefront and taking control. She closed her eyes and her hips and shoulders were soon swaying to the pulsating beat. She felt herself surrendering to the rhythm. Perhaps she thought if she just let the music take over, she could lose herself in it and then even if for a moment, she could escape, losing all responsibility. She had to admit though, it did feel good. She focused on what Reggie had said as she increasing gyrated to the beat, and soon Laurel found herself imagining herself as an exotic dancer. And if she was, just how would she move to allure men, to turn them on, to want her. When she opened her eyes again, she caught the small image of herself dancing on her monitor. “God, I look good! Definitely have some sexy moves happening. Reggie is right; it’s all instinct.” she thought. The camera did a slow zoom to her face from her body and caught her sexy eyes and a mischievous smile. She looked to where it told her the number of viewers she had, and got a little rush when she realized over 1080 people were watching her performance. Wow! …and so early! Some men must have been telling their friends about her! Then she bent down a little closer to the screen, revealing her hanging cleavage in the process as she read some of the scrolling messages of those she now regarded as her fans.

A little chuckle escaped her lips as she read their requests. No surprises here. “You’re such naughty boys!” she chided and stripped off her tank top tossing it to the ground, making more than one watcher happy. Her breasts, bobbing completely free of concealment. gave perky little bounces showing everyone her outstanding cone shape breasts, oversized nipples and slight upturn. As reasonably large as they were, they defied gravity and dared anyone watching not to want to suckle them. She got more into the dance, rolling her head dreamily from side to side which sent cascading hair in all directions. Every now in then she casually cocked her eye to the message board to judge her success in driving the men wild. She was now looking forward to obeying all their requests, in due time of course. She undulated her hips and tummy like a belly dancer, undid her belt and loosened the top of her short cut offs. She thrust her chest forward and ran her hands through her hair. A few more sways of her hips and her jeans were barely clinging to her hips before a quick little shake dropped them all the way to the floor. The camera was sharp and clear and viewers had eyes glued to their monitors to make out the outline of her puffy mound within her white cotton panties. The camera zoomed in for a better look.

Seventeen hundred viewers! Messages were fast and furious. As a reward for her performance thus far, Reggie popped up a few profile windows of jerking cock close-ups that men were begging to show her. Laurel closed her eyes and gave a quick shudder. She was imagining all those viewers crowded together in some old and dirty wrestling arena, all eyes focused on her, bathed in a pool of light as the star attraction and wanting to ‘do it’ with her. Each was busy with their hands stroking themselves. She almost wet herself. How incredible it felt. Never before would she have thought such a thing, but at that moment she couldn’t imagine doing anything more exhilarating. She was alive and she was giving these men, regardless of who they were, how they looked, how old they were or how many there were, what they wanted most, a piece of her.
The camera pulled out as she turned around and while bending over she began removing her last piece of clothing, her panties. The curvature of her body, the slightly parted globes of her rounded ass, the shapeliness of her legs positioned together as she teased it finally down were surely sending howls of lust into the air whatever bedroom or den she was being watched in. She gradually turned around while massaging hands went from shapely breasts to inner and outer thighs. Her fingers then found their way to her plump trimmed mound and moist slit. As the camera zoomed in, she parted her vaginal lips slightly to demonstrate to all its puffy, glistening receptiveness.

“Yeah baby! Spread it.”

“Where do you live?”

“Finger yourself you slut” another viewer messaged.

“Shit! I blew my load already!”

She ran her middle finger up and down her ridge to get it slick before she slid it inside herself to the second knuckle. She shivered and she thought anyone of the now nineteen hundred subscribers watching could be doing that to her, invading her with their hands, their tongues, or who knows with what else. Laurel was a natural; she needed no practice to become the perfect tease.

“Suck your finger”

“Baby open my profile! I’ve got somethin’ for ya!”

“Turn around! Show me that ass again! I’m just about there!”

“Taste yourself!” There was no shortage of suggestions of what she could do next.

But Reggie had other plans. He had stripped off all his clothes already and was getting just too horny to stay out of the action. He ordered her to lean over the chair and grab its arms giving the viewers an incredible side profile that highlighted her curvature and wonderful hanging breasts. He positioned himself behind her. In one shove he drove his thick steel-like shank deep inside. Although she had intercourse only once before, she was so wet and receptive there was no pain. All she felt was intense pleasure as her pussy welcomed its invader with clutching muscles. Her head rolled back and she gave a throaty groan. He ordered her to remain looking at the camera while with increasing speed he pumped himself in and out. Onlookers seeing her spaced out look knew just how turned on she was. She was getting fucked and the bitch loved it! On the monitor, images of dozens of cocks were already exploding, their owners all wishing they were the one driving it into the beautiful twenty one year old.

Reggie pace soon reached its maximum and the slapping of his belly on her fleshy ass tapped a staccato beat that made her breasts jiggle in unison. Reggie’s thoughts were farthest from what the viewers might like and only on getting himself off. He had her dismount and as he lay back in the chair, backrest partially down, told Laurel to face him and mount. Her feet quickly stepped up onto the chair straddling Reggie and lowered herself down on her haunches. She grabbed his juiced pulsing cock and inserted it back into her pussy with an impatience that underlined her intense need to feel it stuffed deep inside where it belonged. Minutes before he was a monster, unattractive and unimpressive. Now, it didn’t matter, only the feeling in belly did. Hunched over her stallion, thighs and ass tight in explosive frenetic action, she began to ride him hard like a demon obsessed jockey trying to make it first to the finish line. She jack hammered her tightly stretched pussy up and down over his shaft from having only the head inside to all out consumption where not a millimeter of cock could enter further. Groin against groin, the loud flesh smacking sounds were profound. Her pussy grabbed his cock with each entry and her outer lips clung like lovers arms with each retreat. There was no sensuality in her actions. Her hunched backside taunt and glistening showed to the internet world only a raw, base sexual act that would not finish without mind blowing climax. Reggie’s hands clutched the arm rests fast for support. It was obvious to all that the action they were witnessing was Laurels alone.

“Give it her! She fucking has to have it!”

“Bang that bitch!” comments from the watchers came in streams. The message window was a constant scroll.

“Treat her like the whore she is!”

“Look at her! The fucking slut can’t get enough!”

After several minutes, Reggie wheeled the chair around to show a side profile of his lust filled mount. Her grabbed her tits like the handle bars of a bike and pulled them taunt to the sides. Laurel only grunted. Eyes closed shut in lust; her body was stiff like a steel spring in action. Any pain she may have felt from his mauling or her straining legs only heightened her frenzy and she redoubled her efforts to get his seed inside her before her inevitable collapse. Her whole body was now coated with a sheen of perspiration and stands of sweat matted hair flailed her shoulders as she pistoned even harder on Reggie’s groin. He knew he couldn’t last much longer. This bitch was incredible with no let up. “Fuck I make great sluts” he thought to himself.

The chair gradually turned from the onslaught to show her backside again and the camera zoomed into a close-up of her pounding ass and cock swallowing pussy. Reggie started grunting uncontrollably and she could feel his groin lifting off the seat. Laurel knew the moment of her reward was near. With incredible timing, she slammed down hard one final time, meeting his up thrust as seed splashed deep inside her like a burst dam. He couldn’t have been implanted inside her any deeper. Reggie had big balls and wave after wave of ejaculate sprayed from his twitching cock. She herself was caught up in a whirlwind of an orgasm so intense her choking groan and body shudders racked her spasming body seemingly minutes on end. Viewers had stopped messaging only to give full attention to their own climax. What they saw was incredible! This beauty, this young woman so seemingly untouchable on the street, was impaled deep on this man’s cock and the combined juices of their fucking was practically spurting in pressured sprays from around the tight fit of their union. If ever there was an act of pure sex, this surely was it.

When she finally came down from her transcendental high, in heaving breaths she turned around to view the monitor. The camera zoomed in from her crouched body to a close up of her sweaty, glazed and panting face. Over four thousand watchers had witnessed her debasement. As she slowly dismounted, muscles threatening to collapse from their efforts, several new popup profiles loaded on her screen showing close-ups of yet more men in their frenzied finishing stages of getting off while the thought of what they just witnessed was still emblazoned in their minds. With a click of his smart phone, Reggie closed the website, grabbed her tank top from the floor and wiped himself off before starting to slowly get dressed. She felt the cooling sweat on her body and the mix of their juices running down her legs like pee. Before her legs gave out completely she slumped into the chair. Laurel looked over to where Reggie was slipping first one leg and then the other into his pants, and couldn’t help but see Reggie for what he really was, a crude chunky pot-bellied man with hair starting to thin. But just minutes before he was her total partner in the most obscene act she have ever possibly have participated in. What had she done? Or rather, what had he done to her?

“Why…?” She was pleading for an answer. “Why did you do this to me?”

Reggie actually took a moment to reflect as he buttoned up his shirt before giving his answer. “You contacted me. Not the other way around. Remember that. Nothing personal, I just needed to test out new algorithms for my program and you fit the bill. If you think I did this to ruin your life. I didn’t. In fact, I’ve only changed it for the better. What you are is all you. I only brought this side of you to the forefront and enhanced it. I took away all the pressures and guilt society placed on you. Admit it. Never before did you felt so alive. Never have you felt such emotion, such a rush.” He was just finishing tucking his shirt into his pants when he commented further. “Get used to it. This is the new you, and you’re gonna love it. Not that it wasn’t fun for me, but fucking you wasn’t the reason for all of this. You were just part of the fine tuning process. I’ve got bigger fish to fry than you. By the way, how do you like my name for the virus? Whether it’s a dildo or a cock, anything stuffed inside feels great, ..huh!” He chuckled at his own musings. Reggie was now fully dressed and about to close the door, but before he departed he had one last thing to say. “Some day when you’re in a room full of men with a cock shoved into every hole, remember to thank me for your …liberation.” And with that, the latch clicked shut.

Sitting, slumped and sticky in the same chair on which she just had the most incredible sex, Laurel turned to look at her computer desktop screen and at the icon of the program that had caused all this. Just staring, nothing else, her eyes started to well up and she began to sniffle. “What …am I becoming? …What have I become?” She gave herself a moment to sob in self pity. The program then became the target of her conversation. “I must never use you again. You did this to me. Where is the life I knew? What have you done? It has to stop!” She gave a brief pause in her reflection. “…But you’ve also given me pleasure I’ve never known, made me feel desired, wanted …and made me feel really alive for the first time since I can remember. I know I should do, but right now what I really need most is for you to take me there once more.” Before she could convince herself otherwise, a part of her brain double clicked on the icon. And like the calm expectant moment an addict may experience once the drug is injected and now rushing to the brain, she waited. “...Maybe this one last time ...then I’ll give it up….” More quickly and more receptive than ever before, her mind settled into the familiar rhythmic pattern of colors and flashes. As her attention drifted away from the worries of the world and into her all absorbing task, she had just one more fleeting thought. “I think I’ll stop when I get to 100%. I mean …that’s a perfect score isn’t it?” But for right now, she had to concentrate…

The author invites you to leave a remark or contact him with your comments.


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The YVirus Ch 04

The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...

4 years ago
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My thanks to Steve Zink for all his help with this story. Virus By Destiny The second gulf war was to be remembered, not for the massive casualties or Britain's first use of nukes but for the Iraq's last act of defiance, the virus. It swept across the globe in a matter of weeks; no one could find a cure. The results of this virus were astounding; any man who contracted it would find his genetic code being rewritten. A lucky man would find himself merely growing a large pair...

4 years ago
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THE VIRUSBy Amanda WrighterCHAPTER TWOPARKHOUSE APARTMENTSPHILADELPHIA 11:42 AMDAY ONE Veronica Alvarez sat quietly in her bedroom staring out the windows of her apartment down at the street below. Normally it would have been filled with noon-time traffic rush, but it was eerily quiet and empty. The police had chased down and killed a man in a car not twenty minutes earlier. A few stories down, the man’s bloody and hole-ridden car remained sitting in the street. Every few minutes a police...

2 years ago
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The YVirus Ch 03

The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...

3 years ago
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Hugh and the Virus

Hugh and the Virus By Jillian Permission is granted to repost the story in it's entirety, crediting the author, is hereby granted. I would also like to invite other authors to add their tales to the Virus Universe. Hugh had always secretly admired women, not as a potential mate but more by wishing he was one and able to wear all their pretty clothes. Then, as news of the accidental release of a sex-changing virus from a weapons plant in the former USSR, he struggles to come face...

2 years ago
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The Virus

April 10th It all started a couple months ago. I was watching the news and they had a clip about a mad scientist. He claimed to have created a virus that turns women into brainless nymphomaniacs, and unless all nations of the world transferred zillions dollars into a certain account in a week's time, he would unleash it. Of course, nobody believed him. We should have. A week went by, and when nothing happened, people just laughed the threat off, saying, "that it was just a threat by some...

2 years ago
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The P Virus

My first story for Fictionmania, even though I've been writing under a different name elsewhere for a very long time (a lot of it transgender and transformation fiction). Hope this meets your approval. The P Virus By Jayson McCaul The origin of the virus was inexplicable. One day the papers were claiming it was the product of biological warfare. The next it was a mutation of a common sexually transmitted disease, most likely genital warts or genital herpes. For a while witches and...

4 years ago
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The RVirus The Buddy System

“So? It's our job... stupid. This what they pay us for.” Amanda shot back at him, her words dismissing his complaints. “Besides Mark, this is way better than playing guard dog all the time.” He relented with a sigh, his falling upon broad curves of her glorious ass, knowing full well he should be keeping an eye out, but it was impossible not to stare, even in full tactical gear it looked fantastic. “Don't tell me you don't like it… popping the heads of zombies… mowing down mutants.”...

3 years ago
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The XVirus

This is a rough idea which popped into my head one night. The TG part is a bit unusual, but I hope you find the story enjoyable. The X-Virus by Elrod W. It's been ten years now, and the chaos has pretty much settled down. The government, for once, did something right and actually helped get things under control. Of course, we Y-guys still encounter a little hostility and resentment; I guess that's natural, given what happened. Some of the government boys asked me to help with...

2 years ago
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A Virus Marriage

A Virus Marriage By Jillian Well, here we go again, my third story that takes place in the Virus Universe. This time the subject(s) are a middle-aged married couple, Helen and Philip Kingston whose three children are all grown and out of the nest. Here again, the subjects not only change sexes but their ages as well, losing about 35 years as a result of the virus. A twist to this particular story is the continuing reluctance of both parties to willingly accept what it inevitable and...

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Locked Down for the Virus

“Okay, Lionel, have your bags packed on Saturday morning,” the younger brother reminded his sibling.“I will, Blaine! What time will you be here? I’ll be there around ten in the morning.”“Do you want me and Freeland to ride together or do one of us need to ride with you?”“You tell me what you want. Just think about it and let me know.”“Okay. And you have WiFi, right?’“Yes, Lionel. I…”The five-foot-eight, reddish-brown, effeminate man went silent as he saw a dark figure lurking outside his...

4 years ago
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Finding Adaptability of the GayVirusChapter 2

Oh ... that was a good break. It looks like we went about an hour over our time. But by the satisfied looks your faces' you don't mind. Let us move on. This is the part of F.A.G. where we delve into the changes that the virus has had and is still having on society, law and everyday morals. As you know my daughter is my wife and she is sixteen. About a year ago this would be considered illegal. That is no longer the case. Five months after the virus went global, You guys most likely...

3 years ago
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Gender Virus

GENDER VIRUS by BobH (c) 2013 Locked away in a remote research station and storage facility deep in Siberia were all the nastiest products of Soviet-era bio-weapons research. The nuclear explosion that took out the station was supposed to destroy them all, but one of them survived.... *********************************** A WEDDING STORY by Carol Wolfe Amalgamated Press UK This is a tale of a bride and a groom, of Craig and Marnie, and of a mother and her child. It's...

3 years ago
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Technology wrestles with the Wuhan virus

A virus invaded us from China…When people first started hearing about this mysterious virus in Wuhan China, no one worried.  The WHO told everyone it was not possible for the virus to transfer human to human.  The CDC echoed the same thing and even when it first appeared here in the USA, we ignored it.Well, all the experts were wrong or full of shit. The government ended up shutting down the country for three months and that seemed to have done the trick. By July, people were once again able to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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THE VIRUSBy Amanda WrighterCHAPTER THREETOWNHOUSE ROW – GARLAND STREETRICHMOND VIRGINIA1: 10 PMDAY ONE Tiffany Phelps clicked the alarm button on her keychain and waited for the telltale chirp of her BMW convertible. After the annoying noise informed her that her car was secure, she dropped the keys into her purse and made her way the short distance up the steps to her townhouse and found the front door locked. Annoyed, she rapped on it several times. Her son, Franklin opened it a few moments...

2 years ago
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The Virus

Chapter 1 The Virus Atlanta, Georgia is a beautiful place to visit. It is truly the south and exhibits all of the southern charms we associate with the south. Great barbeque pork, beautiful women and Cheetah III, one of this countries best nude gentlemen’s clubs. I was there on business visiting Atlanta for a couple of weeks when the holocaust hit the entire nation. It happened so fast and was so devastating that no one had a chance to determine how it happened or do anything about it. ...

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The Gender Bias Virus

The Gender Bias Virus By The Princess The world became a vastly different place in the year 2015. That was the year that the Gender Bias Virus was discovered. Like flicking a switch the proportion of boys born into the world became 95 percent. For every 100 births worldwide there were only five girls to ninety five boys. This sparked an international frenzy to try and discover the cause. Every nation supplied its best medical scientists and researchers to collate all the...

1 year ago
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The K9 Virus

January 1st, 2017 The clock on the nighstand switched from a.m. to p.m. In the distance one could hear the church bells ring 12 times with a thunderous sound that was sure to wake up even the ones that partied hard last night. In a darkened room on the other end of the small city, a figure stirred in bed, forcefully awoken by the sound. The figure groaned and hesitated to open their eyes. After a few minutes the figure realised it made no sense to go back to sleep. The body manages to sit up...

3 years ago
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Virus by Jade Catherine Devlin 2011 A.D. I sat, uncomfortable in button-down shirt and tie, in a conference room in Gilette's corporate headquarters in Massachusetts. An ambitious young man in an impeccable suit gestured with his laser pointer at a graph. "The leaders in the razor market agreed last month to share data on the phenomenon. The results are shocking. Sales of men's razors fell 21% across the board last year, and the decrease is continuing and accelerating. ...

2 years ago
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Bleu Goes Black A TT Virus Story

TTV - Bleu Goes Black: A TT Virus Story Chapter 1 "Special Delivery" My wife and I, Samuel and Charlene Danube, were best known for owning the Bleu Danube chain of high end restaurants. I'm sure you've been in one of them for an anniversary or a special birthday, maybe a celebration for a promotion. It doesn't really matter, but I hope you have. We're very proud of them and the work we put into them and we worked for years building up the business. Every aspect was based on...

3 years ago
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I Love This Virus

The damn virus was pissing me off. I drove up to KC from Oklahoma to visit my son and his new wife, he and I both found out she is pregnant! I was going to visit several old friends and I was going to go to St. Louis to see my daughter and her husband and my two grand daughters. It all went to hell when the State began to take away my freedom. The State is Mother, the State is Father. I used to think that was a tag line or a joke, no more. I just walked across the parking lot of the Hampton...

2 years ago
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THE VIRUSBy Amanda WrighterCHAPTER ONEPARKHOUSE APARTMENTSPHILADELPHIA 9:13 AMDAY ONE Veronica Alvarez was thirty two years old, a mother, and a writer for the online news blog, The Unappreciated Truth. Sadly, she had nothing to write about. For the most part, it had been a practically uneventful week in the media and the world. Her editor had called to nag her three times already since Monday and here it was nearing Thursday and she’d yet to turn in a single headline for the fledgling,...

1 year ago
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The Happy Cure for the Big Biosexual Virus MistakeChapter 2

Like many parts of the military, the biological weapons division was designed with the hope it would never have to be used. The goal was deterrence of any enemies who might think it a good idea to unleash -- or threaten to unleash -- a biological weapon. While a scientist could understand this, at another level it meant their life’s work was most likely going to be useless. Now, everything had changed. There was a biological weapon at loose in the world, and it was now their job to cure the...

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The YVirus Ch 07

The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...

1 year ago
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The Virus

The year was 2050, a virus had spread in the world that affected all men and about 10% of women. The virus made men impotent, meaning that no man in the world was capable of impregnating a woman. On top of that, it shrank their cocks, making the new average size of a hard male cock to be at only 2 inches. This incident affected the balance of power all over the world, with man becoming more submissive due to increased insecurities and loss of self-confidence. On the other hand, the 10% of the...

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The Stinky Feet Virus

[Everyone in this story is 18-years-old or older.] No one suspected a thing at first. Initial reports of a sorority house reeking of feet were no big deal. Everyone thought it was merely a case of poor hygiene, and the college's higher-ups informed the ladies that their feet stunk so bad that they could be smelled outside the house, and would need to be cleaned immediately. When they washed their feet, however, that rancid vinegary smell simply wouldn't go away. Shower after shower didn't put a...

4 years ago
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VIRUS SURGE Chapters 1 2

During its time in captivity the source impregnated itself and birthed a female child within only a few months. The child grew at an alarming rate to full maturity within a year’s time. Once the child was able to breed, the pair mated constantly for an unremarkable amount of time. Once the scientists were able to separate them it was discovered that the milk and semen produced in both bodies contained a high protein count along with many of the other needed nutrients for the average human...

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Cleopatra Virus

It all started 3 months ago, although it never really made any headlines at the time. Only one paper reported it, putting the story at the back of the paper. Couple caught having sex in public, was the headline. Apparently, they had been having sex in the local mall. A guy pounding a voluptuous 18 year old in the food court, while hundreds of people watched the lewd act takes place. The police considered nothing of it, but they didn’t know what had transpired, or what it was going to...

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Covid virus

So , Biden announced his Covid 19 task force. A list of heavyweights from the past.The board will be co-chaired by three public health heavyweights: Dr. David Kessler, a former commissioner of the Food and d**g Administration under President Bill Clinton; Dr. Vivek Murthy, who served as surgeon general under President Barack Obama; and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, a professor of public health at Yale University.The board will also include a slate of global health experts, infectious disease...

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Slut Cop Kate Chapter 01 Turned Into A Slut By The Virus

Don’t get me wrong, my city had its fair share of scumbags. And that was why I was in my car in the late hours of the evening, hoping to rid my town of one less scumbag. “Car coming up,” my radio squawked. A non-de*********** 90s Honda Civic rolled up and parked outside the building. “See it.” I pulled out my binocs, watching a line figure come out of the car. What stood out to me was the fact that he was wearing a white jumpsuit and carried a briefcase. He looked around. Satisfied, he let...

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Gay VirusChapter 5 New

As a little present from her parents, Bobbi and Sasha had 2 days off of school they called their school and told them they were "sick" so the two were sleeping in, after the night they had they needed rest. Downstairs her mother was finishing up her daily chores. "I wonder if what Eric said was true." She said getting wet just at the thought. After the last of her chores she went to her daughter's room anticipating what was to cum, if what her son said was true. She crept into her...

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CDC Documents Unknown Virus 4

January 28th, recording resumes where the last one left off: Darcy takes a few steps in and closes the door. "What was that strange man doing here?" She says out loud but looking in the direction of the closet. She takes her long coat off, revealing a pencil skirt and a pillowing blouse. She leans down to take her heels off and a generous view of cleavage is revealed. She stands back up and sees Nathan, dropping her shoe as she does. Nathan laughs and rubs the back of his neck....

2 years ago
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THE VIRUSBy Amanda WrighterTOWNHOUSE ROW – GARLAND STREETRICHMOND VIRGINIAOne Year Earlier… “Is that all you’re gonna eat?” Franklin asked as his mother sat down with her plate of toast and a glass of juice. “I already had some sausage,” she replied with a snicker as she bit into her toast. They were both still naked and Franklin was still enthused with the whole situation. His mother wasn’t a supermodel by any means, but compared to all the mothers of his friends, she was a literal hottie. ...

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The virus

Hi All - This virus thing is getting in the way of my (I am sure many of your as well) cravings for cocks and cum. Most of you know my desire to service the truckers mostly a the truck stops. Well, lately there has been very little truck traffic especially at the truck stops and rest areas. Saturday night I got all dolled up like a street slut and drove to my favorite truck stop. Pulling into the parking lot holy crap the lot half empty. I parked at my normal location next to the dumpsters and...

2 years ago
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The Happy Cure for the Big Biosexual Virus MistakeChapter 3

The world was in turmoil. The inability to achieve orgasm was bad enough, but that hunger for sex was terrible. Infected people were instructed to pair up and have sex when they felt the urge. Where the ratios weren’t perfect a man could satisfy several women or vice versa. Nuns and monks could be celibate no more. Where same-sex groups got infected, a few people of the opposite sex would be recruited to meet their needs. In the early days, when the forty-seven men on an oil platform started...

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The Bimbo Virus

"Alert! Alert!" The alarm sounded. "The virus has spread! I repeat the virus has spread!" A man over the intercom yelled hysterically. Men and women in lab coats were running for their lives, pushing and shoving through the doors to save themselves. "What's happening?" Asked a young blonde woman. Who recently graduated from college and was on her first day on the job. "You must be the new girl? You see the short version is that there is a virus that turns anyone into sexy, and dumb bimbos." A...

1 year ago
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The Futanari Virus

Note from the author: This is my first chyoa story and first real attempt at writing erotica. I've no idea how long this will go for, nor how much I will ultimately write, but I figure some people might at least enjoy what I've got. If you, the reader, have any notes or suggestions, feel free to comment and I'll see what I can do. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy. In the year 2019, the planet Earth was completely upended by the appearance of an obscure, newly discovered virus. No, not that...

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Biodigital Virus

The moment the virus was released the world changed in ways no one could predict. The person who created it was not the most stable human being in the world and his utopia was certainly not a world most people would want to live in. The virus was coded for a particular DNA sequence. Once it found the piece of DNA it was looking for, the virus would activate and that person would know just exactly how the creator had felt the day the he had been rejected by the target. No one would ever forget...

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What is the Covid19 Virus Really Teaching us

I’m a strong believer that there is a spiritual purpose behind everything that happens, whether that is what we perceive as being good or being bad.As I meditate upon this, I want to share with you what I feel the Corona/ Covid-19 virus is really doing to us:1) It is reminding us that we are all equal, regardless of our culture, religion, occupation, financial situation or how famous we are. This disease treats us all equally, perhaps we should too. If you don’t believe me, just ask Tom...

1 year ago
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VIRUS Prologue

VIRUS: Prologue By Destiny Iraq fired the opening shot in the Second Gulf War when it tested its deadly new nerve gas against its old enemy Kuwait. The effects of this chemical death were hideous, people dissolved as if soaked in acid, becoming little more than piles of blood and steaming tissue. The attack was well timed; America was in an election year and none of the aspiring candidates wanted to be branded a sabrerattler. Russia was still suffering its own problems and...

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Fem Bug Virus

My name is Janice I was born John so long ago. I had watched many things change over the years and gone through as many troubles and triumphs. More pain then most as I transitioned. The big sixty was coming around the corner and the one thing I had regretted was never getting up the nerve to get the bottom surgery. Even with all the new genetic organ replacement options. My husband didn't mind too much as he wasn't that into women and definitely not into men, however you take love...

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Virus S

"FUCK ME YOU STUD!" the slender new trap screamed in agonizing bliss as the muscular stud pounded him from behind. Connor could see the brute's body changing by the second. He arms grew more muscular and his jaw grew more angular, but even stranger was his cock. It seemed to be growing thicker and larger as he plowed the twink's ass. The bull wasn't the only one changing. Connor noticed the twink's ass seemed to be getting fatter and plumper as his hips widened. "OH FUCK!" the twink shrieked as...

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The YVirus Ch 06

The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...

4 years ago
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The YVirus Ch 05

The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...

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The Slut and Rapist VirusChapter 4

Similar dramas unfolded throughout every community and every culture. Teen boys were especially susceptible to the charms of women. Teen girls were initially too trusting, raised in a modern culture where girls and boys could mix easily as friends,. The infected were all confident and optimistic, enjoying quick, hot sex with anyone they could. They didn't see any problem. The uninfected, by contrast, were worried and anxious. They retreated into larger household groups for protection. They...

2 years ago
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Le virus

-C’est prêt ? Le hacker se tourna vers son boss, qui se tenait toujours dans l’ombre. La pièce était plongée dans une semi-pénombre, seulement éclairée par la lumière de la lune. -Et comment que c’est prêt. Encore un clic et ce sera prêt à être distribué. -Parfait. Est-ce que tu te rends compte du bordel que ça va répandre à travers le monde ? -J’ai hâte de voir ça. -Tu sais, quand tu es venu me voir l’année dernière pour me parler de manipuler l’esprit et le corps des gens et de modifier la...

Mind Control
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Catgirl Virus

JFK Airport, July 2018 “We need a doctor!” a woman screamed as she ran out of the bathroom. The pair off officers from the Port Authority went to check on the screaming woman. She led them into the bathroom and pointed at another woman passed out on the floor. The first officer called in a request for medics on her radio while the second was about to check the woman for vital signs. The comatose woman coughed on him. “She’s alive,” he said, “Feels like a fever. Possible OD? I am looking for an...

1 year ago
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SRU The Virus

SRU: The Virus By Crunch Shawn wandered around the Hillsdale Mall aimlessly. He didn't really like the overcrowded, overpriced shopping center too much, but it seemed to be the best place to get his mind off of his latest failed relationship. He figured his problem was that he never made the time to actually make friends with the girl he was seeing. Being a product of young male hormones caused him to simply want to get into some girl's panties, not to bother with becoming...

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Turnabout Virus

TURNABOUT VIRUS By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 Dr. Harold Haas handed the younger man a glossy print. "And this?" "What is this Harry?" Smirked Dr. Carl Stine. "A post-dissertation exam?" Even at fifty, Carl still had that boyish quality that had been his trade mark back in the old days at Cal Tech. All those years working in corporate America, double breasted suits and all, hadn't completely erased the child that had come into Dr. Hass' laboratory, some twenty-five years...

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XY Virus A Lifetime Decision

1974: China begins to study their population problems and how to slow its growth. The Chinese culture values male offspring over female and any mandatory restrictions would simply cause continued male population growth, but almost stopping females being "born". Medical science explores a cure. 1979: China's "one child policy" began to be implemented after secret experimental genetics tests caused "unwanted modifications" to the babies being born to tested women. All information...

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CDC Documents Unknown Virus 2

After finding a replacement transcriber, and filling him in on the information to this point, we resume from the previous encounter: January 22: Recording: Darcy and Jack each look at the books handed to them. "So you want us to be completely honest in these, for scientific reasons, but what if it it's something we don't want to share with you?" Darcy looks at Nathan in a confused way. "There are some things that are just too personal, and I don't want you knowing them." Nathan...

3 years ago
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Like A Virus Shannon And Sharon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is part of a series of stories, all set in the same universe. Reading the story "Puzzles and Solutions" will make things in this story make a lot more sense. Andy Meeker pulled around and stopped in front of the grocery store to pick up the milk and bread and such that his wife had asked for when he had called. He stepped through the front door, and the first person he saw was Jason, a sixteen-year-old boxboy, on his way out the door, pushing a shopping cart full of...

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The RVirus Trespasser

Sure, there were obvious risks, but she thrived off taking risks. The idea of winding up in prison hardly scared her, her main source of income already carried that sentence. One breaking and entering charge was hardly a deterrent for a woman like her. If her hunch was correct it would all be worth it in the end. The traffic was slowly dying down around the industrial sector as the commercial buildings clustering in the area had all closed up shop for the night. The natural light of the...

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The virus pt1

" Scientists beleive that the disease has been turned completely inncent and should no longer cause any infections, for all those..." John turned off the tv and yelled "Liers" to the open space. He looked toward my sisters, even though they were 16 and him 17 they have been able to handle themselves fine. "Im going out to the clearing to get the cans then go fill them up, k? The twins looked at him and said "k" in perfect unison. He walked to his truck and loaded it with wood and...

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The Sappho Virus

The Sappho Virus, most peope viewed it as an Urban Legend, a sexualy trasmitted vius that turned women into beautiful lesbians and men into werewolves? It sounded unlikely to me. But that was before, I used to be a bookworm really, small breasts, plain face and clothes, I wore glasses even, my name is Casey by the way. I had a few friends, but I perfered to keep to myself. Yesterday, just before gym class started I had come into the locker room, stripping off my usual clothes, I'm just about to...

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