VIRUS SURGE: Chapters 1 & 2 free porn video

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During its time in captivity the source impregnated itself and birthed a female child within only a few months. The child grew at an alarming rate to full maturity within a year’s time. Once the child was able to breed, the pair mated constantly for an unremarkable amount of time. Once the scientists were able to separate them it was discovered that the milk and semen produced in both bodies contained a high protein count along with many of the other needed nutrients for the average human body to live a full life. But the amount needed to sustain these women was beyond anything the average human could ingest in fifty years’ time.

One day the lab decided to test what the mutation could do to a normal human. So the main research team separated the two females once again and placed them in isolated areas. About two hours later each female was given two subjects to breed with. Two male and two female subjects seemed to be a preferred number considering that the tests desired both genders to be infected and observed.

Hours passed quickly as the four normal humans were infected and the drastic mutation began, the breeding that ensued was quite primal and fierce. Notes were taken as the team believed that the slime coating on the tentacles had the effect to make a potential mate’s skin become more elastic so that a woman could take larger objects in any available orifice and house more offspring in the womb along with producing large amounts of breastmilk. While the effect it had on a man was to greatly enlarge the penis and increase both the potency and production of fertile sperm.

Once all four subjects were placed in isolation it was discovered that both women had been impregnated. Of course by the size of their bulging abdomens how could they have not been? As with the source female the women gave birth to the hybrid offspring, far faster then the normal human cycle could possibly allow. After the offspring of the two women had grown to the size a one year old the babies were taken to another part of the lab to be tested and studied closely. As for the four subjects who were changed by the source females, after a few blood tests and extensive examination they were disposed of in a human way, more or less.

Six Months later.

After countless trial and error experimentations the lab had found a way to recreate the genetic code of the source infection. They had been able to eradicate the need for sexual interactions and stop the spread of the gene into other subjects. After the military heard about this development they decided to seize control of the entire project. Once the military destroyed the clone mutations they began to turn the alien gene into a Bio-weapon, which would be used for the protection of the country as well as a first strike in case of wide spread conflict across the globe.

During the next few months the scientist did everything in their power to reengineer the alien gene. Since they kept the source alive they were able to keep pulling new samples after each failed attempt. Then one day one sample adapted to the changes made to its DNA and was able to regenerate its physical form, however after that had become known to the military they decided it would be best to see what this new and improved mutation could do if given the right motivation.

Several weeks later the mutation was able to take human form. It was a fertile adult version of the source infection; her mental capacity was well beyond anything the scientists could have hoped for. As for her physical appearance, she was the incarnation of the perfect woman. Even with her sex drive lowered to a near non-existent state she still retained the need to reproduce. Later tests and observations showed that she could not impregnate other women as her sires could, much to the relief of the research staff. However, she was still able to modify a human’s genetic code to become more a compatible mate.

Two days following additional observations the experiment was named in order to keep things somewhat simple, also it proved to be more co-operative with a name instead of a number. The name given to her was Lilith, nothing to do with any religious being even though others thought it was rather fitting all things considered. As for the original mutation she was dubbed Gaia, the titan and mother of the Greek Gods Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.

Now that the military saw that Lilith had become more co-operative, the ranking officer in charge of overseeing the project had her placed in a more domestic part of the lab complex. This part of the lab was deep underground and held dozens of large rooms for experimentation. First her blood was taken and infected with a small dose of the H1N1 virus. The point of this was to see if the blood would kill the invading virus or mutate it. After twenty-four hours the H1N1 virus was destroyed by the instinctive antibodies in Lilith's blood. The following days were filled with much of the same tests with every known infection and virus discovered in the world and each viral strain was destroyed by her blood.

Nearly a month later the supervising officer received orders to turn Lilith's blood into a viral weapon that could kill a targeted genetic strain of a specified person. The lead scientist thought about its qualifications for a few hours before giving the officer an answer. Yes it was possible, however in order to achieve that, Lilith's DNA would need to be altered yet again. Also it was necessary to introduce that person to Lilith directly after the tests were complete and all was successful. But this process would take yet another year to complete since Lilith's blood was already so complex due to the mutations which allowed her to overcome all known viral strains.

A year and three months later

Lilith had gone through extensive experimentation to become the most complex and advanced being on the planet. Her body now able regenerate from a small piece of cellular tissue, her immune system able to eradicate any and all know virus and flu strands within a few minutes of contact. Her mind had absorbed all manners of literature in all forms the many human languages, she became a genius in mathematics, sciences and all other subject matter taught on the planet. She fully understood every human emotion and ambition. She was in every aspect the perfect being. Now her life would change either for the good of mankind, or she if she saw dark truth of her existence would she turn on the ones responsible for creating her?

Chapter 1: First Kill

June 5th 2015. 8:30 am.

"Good morning Lilith, how was your night? Restful I hope." Jake Merkin her personal physician overseeing her mental and emotional state, along with her only friend says as he turns on her bedroom light. This made the sleeping woman dive under the blankets and groan in annoyance. "Now listen here young lady, we have a full schedule today filled with important military requests." he states while pulling the sheets off the naked nineteen year old woman. Making the tsk sound Jake taps his pen on her forehead.

"Jake don't, I'm not in the mood for your energetic personality. I am not a morning person... I’m more of a nocturnal creature." Lilith said as she took hold of his wrist and pulled him down onto the bed. She then used her foot to grab the covers and flip them over the two of them. One of her games was to try and make the young lab assistant become her 'play' thing. This seemed to be working more and more as of late.

"Lilith, now is not the time for your games, the supervising officer is growing tired of your seductive antics. I might not be allowed to see you again if you keep this up." Jake said with an exaggerated depressing sigh. He enjoyed being Lilith's caretaker; she was a very spontaneous and intelligent person although she could be rather childish at times. Being with her was for lack of a more complex statement, entertaining and yet relaxing.

"No! You belong to me and I won't allow them take you away!" she said as she pulled him into a full body hug. Lightly she kissed his cheek and purred a bit. "You belong to me, not them." she added softly while stroking his cheek and smiling at him.

"Lilith, I'm not a pet you can keep forever. My life is far shorter then yours." Jake said as he shook his head and patted hers’. "Now get your lazy ass off me and out of bed or I will make sure you won't get to 'play' with me today." he added with a firm tone.

With a heavy sigh she kissed his lips then removed herself from his body and her bed. Although she had grown used to the constant tests and exercise it was still a pain to go through it every day for the last two years. "What am I to do this time? More Viral injections or do I get to do something new and fun?" she asked while clothing herself.

"Even I am not allowed to know that. The military wants this to be a secret to all nonessential personnel. I’m not even allowed to be there to watch. However, I suspect it has something to do with you being able to kill a target using seduction techniques. You are part of a military program after all." Jake said softly as he picked up his clipboard and pen. When he stood up Lilith was in front of him wearing a black tank top and tight blue jeans, she even put her long red hair in a braid.

"So I'm going to kill someone? Why and who is it?" she asked softly while looking Jake in the eyes to confirm her suspicions.

"For all I know it’s just a simple blood test as usual I was merely stating a theory one that I hope does not come to pass. What I do know is that your blood will be taken and injected into the blood of some unknown subject to see if your viral capabilities are deadly. Mostly speculation on my part of course. You do know I enjoy conspiracy theories.”

"Why does it have to be me? Why can't they use her?" Lilith said getting rather angry that she was the only test subject for everything in this damned complex of a prison.

Jake stopped before opening the door to the testing site. Turning around he lightly touched her cheek and smiled. "Because you are perfect in every possible way, I do disapprove of this as much as you, but my voice is never heard in the conference room. Be a good girl and do as they say, the sooner the tests are completed the sooner we can ‘Play’ later." he said softly.

"That’s bribery and you damn well know it!" she pouted and crossed her arms.

"Of course, it works doesn't it?" he asked while turning back to open the air locked door. As the thick steel door opened Jake and Lilith were greeted by six armed guards and the supervising officer.

"Well I see she is up and ready to begin our test. But what took so damn long this time?" the officer asked as he glanced at Lilith for a moment before returning his gaze to Jake.

"I was telling her that she should behave and that if she does as told I would go and buy her a gift from the mainland." Jake said as he wrote something down on his clipboard. "Tell your men to lower their weapons sir, they make Lilith rather aggressive and gets quite protective when it comes to my well being. Don’t want her to hurt one of your new recruits now do we?" Jake added softly while looking back up at the officer.

"Are you ordering me around boy?" the military's most strict officer just had to demand the respect of every person in the complex, even if it was just to show who was in control of the place and the funding.

"No sir, merely warning you and your men, no harm intended of course. You see as her caretaker and only friend, Lilith tends to find me more valuable then all the advanced equipment in this facility. And if I am harmed in any shape or form, or if she believes me to be in any sort of danger she will protect me by all and any means she deems necessary." Jake stated with a calm and relaxed smile.

All of what Jake said was of course true, but the reason Lilith valued him so much was not only because he was her only friend but it was due to the fact that she wanted to mate with him. So if he did come to be harmed she would go into a state which would end in either the complex being destroyed or killing everyone responsible for Jake's injuries before allowing herself to be killed.

"Very well then." with a quick wave of his hand the guards lowered their guns and stood back to let Jake and Lilith pass through, the Officer however led them to the designated area.

Once Lilith was placed in the center of the exam room Jake let her kiss his neck before he left to take care of his usual tasks. So now she stood alone or rather sat, in a pure white room with nothing to do but wait while her blood was taken and tested to fit the military's needs. Unknown to Lilith the military already had the target inside the facility; what’s more the intended target was in the adjoining room waiting to be released. Time began to drag on making Lilith very bored and angry at the pointless need for her to remain in the room alone without even a book to occupy her mind.

After what seemed like hours the overhead P.A system turned on and the voice of the lead geneticist echoed in the room. "Lilith, it has been confirmed that your DNA can implant a viral strain that will make the cells of a target begin to deteriorate at an alarming rate. All that is needed now is to implant the DNA code into your blood and with just a kiss you could become our best weapon against all high caliber threats."

Rolling her eyes she nodded then laid down on the cool floor to stretch out. Now she just needed to relax while someone came in and injected the alteration strand into her body. After that she would be set loose on the world and she would just need to kiss the military’s high priority target and everything would eventually run its course back to a neutral state of affairs or so she be forced to believe.

After another hour of waiting some lab assistant wearing a biohazard suit came in and quickly inject Lilith with the new alteration. Luckily for her that no one knew that she was able to find out who the DNA belonged to by creating a mental image reconstruction of the target. When the assistant left she opened her eyes and yawned. "So when do I get to give this person my kiss of death?" she asked in a bored tone.

"Soon. The military managed to capture the target a week before today, he was deemed far too dangerous to be allowed in a high security prison. He will be sent into the room shortly, we just need to boost his hormone levels to make him desire sexual contact. After just one kiss you can use your strength or alien skills to prevent him from moving afterwards. Just don’t kill him we have to see how long it will take for your DNA to kill a full grown human." the voice stated.

"So I'm going to have to force him off me? How large of a dose did you guys give this criminal?" Lilith asked even though she knew there would not be an answer to her questions, there never was. Save for what she managed to get out of Jake.

With only a few minutes of waiting, a door opened at the south wall then a ragged looking man was thrown into the large testing room. With a shake of her head Lilith got to her feet and walked over to the captive and knelt down beside him. Since she wanted to get this over with quickly she suddenly grabbed the man's shoulders and kissed his chapped lips. Then the speakers on the ceiling came on again. "Lilith you will need him to ingest your saliva in order for our test to work properly."

Annoyed at this request she rolled her eyes before forcing her tongue into the man's mouth. After a few moments of tongue dancing she pulled away and pushed the man down onto his back before she stood up and walked away. "There it’s done, can I leave now?"

The speakers crackled but before the lead researcher could reply the prisoner cried out in pain. Lilith turned her head to see why he was yelling, the sight shocked her so much that she stumbled and fell onto her ass. The prisoner was bleeding out of his pours. His skin began to tighten and dry up until it became brittle and cracked before turning to dust. He reached out with an expression of pure agony and despair before his head fell to the floor and cracked open allowing dust to pour out onto the floor. It took only minutes for the prisoner’s body to become nothing but a pile of ash.

Over come by a sense of despair and nausea, Lilith collapsed into an unconscious state.

Slowly her mind returned and her vision focused on Jake who was sitting beside her bed. She quickly clung to him while crying softly. "W-why.... w-why d-did that happen...?" she asked Jake though not expecting him to answer. "Never again... please don’t make me do that ever again." she pleaded while pulling him down and pulling her blankets over both of them. Then she wrapped her arms around his waist and back, gently she pulled him closer and cuddled him like a little girl would a teddy bear. After nearly an hour of crying she relaxed a bit. "I’m ok now…" she whispered into his ear. Lying her head down on his shoulder her eyes closed and she relaxed almost completely.

Jake stayed still for a few minutes until he was sure that Lilith had fallen asleep. With a slight shake of his head he stroked her cheek with one had while the other was somewhat trapped under her torso. It was then that he was able to smell her intoxicating scent clearly. It held a sweet yet invigorating fragrance that reminded him of a flower garden, odd yes but it was still a very pleasant scent to enjoy. Then he smiled and thought up one of the few things he could get her when he was away on the mainland.

With a slight groan Lilith adjusted her position so that Jake was pinned on his back while she used his chest for a pillow, her leg crossed over both of his and her arms laid by his waist. Jake saw her peaceful expression and he smiled at how calm and relaxed she looked. Lightly he stroked her hair and lay still while Lilith slept.

About an hour later Lilith woke up and smiled when she saw Jake, slowly she crawled up his body until they were face to face. "Thank you for staying with me." she said then moved to kiss his lips, but just before their lips met she stopped and pulled back. She looked at him in the eyes as hers began to water. "I want to be your lover but... a single kiss from me might kill you..." she whispered softly then quickly hugged him. "Why am I just a tool for killing people...?" she cried into his shoulder and went silent save for her whimpering.

Jake was to say the least shocked at her words, he always thought that he was just a friend to her he never thought that she wanted to have an intimate relationship with him. His arms held her gently and he kissed the top of her head. "Hey now, you won't be able to kill me. How many times have you kissed and bit my neck to tease me? You drew blood from me once remember, and I was fine." he said to calm her down.

"That was before I was able to kill with a kiss!" she cried in frustration.

He thought for a moment then stroked her hair. "Okay then we will just have to try an experiment." Jake said as he sat up and pulled Lilith up with him. "Now we will need to try this in your bathroom so we don't make a mess of your bed." he added softly.

Lilith cocked her head to the side wondering what he was going on about, and what he was planning on doing.

"Well go on the get into your bathroom." he said nudging her a bit. He would have gone first but she was sitting on his legs, so he couldn’t move at all.

Once Lilith realized this she quickly moved off of him and out of the bed. With a bit of an awkward stretch she went into her bathroom to wait for Jake and to hear this idea of his. "Please don't let it be something bad that harms him." she muttered while sitting on the edge of her bathtub.

When Jake entered the bathroom he held a knife and a small glass cup. He set both on the counter next to the sink and turned to face Lilith. "Alright this is what we’re going to do; I will make a small cut on my arm and let my blood spill into the glass. Then after I fix up my arm I want you to do the same, if your DNA is deadly to mine then all that should remain in this glass is a small pile of dust if nothing at all." he said softly as he pulled Lilith to her feet. “So let’s find out if you are going to be the death of me alright.”

Lilith nodded and looked at the glass then back to Jake. "Fine, but I don't like seeing you hurt so if my body won't kill you then I'm going to punish you for cutting yourself." she stated with crossed arms.

Jake nodded then turned to the sink. He placed the cup near the edge and picked up the knife, then taking a breath he cut the side of his hand and turned it so his blood would fall into the glass. Flexing his fist he was able to force more blood out. Once he was satisfied with the amount he moved the cup and ran cold water over his hand. "Alright now it’s your turn." he said turning to smiling at Lilith.

With a nod and a sigh she took the knife and cut her finger letting only a small drop of her blood fall into the glass with Jake’s. She then backed away and waited, if her DNA could kill him then a reaction would start fairly soon. If he was safe from her then nothing would happen right? She hoped nothing would happen.

After few minutes Jake checked the cup and stirred the contents. He then waited for another five minutes before checking it again, he sighed and nodded. "Well as it turns out," he started as he looked up at Lilith, and then paused for a moment. "Your DNA does not wish to kill mine." he said with a smirk.

She lit up and smiled at this news. She could now have her way with him and nothing bad would happen well he wouldn’t die anyway, he would be rather sore in the next few days that she was fairly sure of.

Later that day Lilith was sitting in one of the smaller testing rooms strapped to a chair. She was to be given a new injection that might affect her mind and body rather drastically, which could cause her to lash out at every one in the room. "Now just relax and hold still, you won't feel a thing I promise. However, what comes after wards I'm not so sure." the attending doctor then pushed the needle of the syringe into one of her veins and pushed down on the plunger. The dark blue liquid inside quickly shot into her body and spread rapidly. The doctor backed away and watched carefully.

Shortly after the injection Lilith’s breath became ragged she started to sweat. Her body twitched every few seconds and she looked around wondering what was happening, then her vision changed. she could faintly see the heat resonating off the doctor and the few working machines in the room. She blinked a few times to get her normal vision back but it did nothing to help, she suddenly felt as though something had struck her head making her cry out in pain.

All of this was being recorded by the security cameras in the corners of the room. They fed the video to the supervising officer on the main observation deck. "Is this supposed to happen? She seems to be in a great deal of pain, why is that?" the officer asked as he watched the footage.

"Sir the drug given to her is meant to boost her mental and physical abilities, basically she is going to achieve full control of her entire being. Since this is a drastic change one that we have no experience with the pain is rather hard to bare, but I know she will survive this. Once she adapts Lilith will be the ultimate weapon for your head of state to put into the field." An elderly researcher stated as he looked over the charts.

After nearly twenty minutes Lilith stopped screaming and calmed down. "Fuck... never put that in me again..." she said as sweat flowed down her face, she was tired and her throat was sore from all her yelling. Once she was released she was allowed to stretch her legs. Which was hard since they felt numb, but at least she was given something to drink. Although it was a strange looking substance of a pinkish colour, and yet it tasted rather sweet. "What was that?" she asked once she had finished the contents of the glass.

"Oh that was a nutrient product which allows the body to regain all the stamina and nutrients that have been lost its more or less a protein shake with added minerals and vitamins. You will be drinking that for the next few weeks and your body may still go through slight changes. But you won’t go through any pain well nothing compared to what you just experienced, at most you will have headaches and muscle cramps." the doctor said as he opened the door so Lilith could leave and get some rest.

That night as she lay in bed Lilith couldn't help but want to touch herself. She groaned in annoyance with her body, she just wanted to get some sleep and nothing else. But her body wanted pleasure and would not let her sleep until it got just that. So with a heavy sigh, she stripped off her clothing and started to play with her clit and pussy. She moaned at the slightest touch which concerned her a bit since she never felt this sensitive before.

She arched her back as she thrust two fingers into her wet cunt, nearly crying out in pleasure as her body shook from a sudden orgasm. "Fuck me.... why am I so sensitive now..." she said aloud hoping to get answer but she just wanted to cum again.

She moaned and screamed in sweet bliss as she fingered herself, her juices soaking her sheets along with her sweat. "Oh... yes! Fuck..... Yes!" she cried as the pleasure continued to build toward her next approaching orgasm. All she thought about was pleasure she wanted no needed to orgasm and bathe in the pleasure. Pinching her clit, she screamed in blissful agony as she came hard, her girl cum squirting over her hands and onto her already soaked sheets. She moaned softly after regaining her breath. Panting softly her hands fell to her sides leaving her pussy exposed to the cool air. Her eyes slowly closed then she fell into a deep sleep.

The next few weeks were pretty much the same, getting injections that made her weak after screaming in pain then masturbating three times a night just to be able to fall asleep. She noticed that her body was becoming a bit more muscular and her curves were a little more defined, also her breasts were growing again.

"What the hell did they put in that damn drink?" she asked herself while looking at her body in the bathroom mirror. "Not that I'm complaining or anything but damn I'm horny as hell right now and I don't want my fingers anymore." she said softly.

"Lilith its time for you to take your medication." Jake said as he entered her ‘glass’ house.

Suddenly a mischievous smile crossed her lips and she left the bathroom. Quietly she crept up on Jake and pushed him onto the bed. "Where have you been?! you were gone for nearly a month!" she pouted while lightly stroking his sides and kissing his neck.

"Yeah I was on leave, it is actually mandatory to take a vacation every six months." he said as she straddled him. He could tell something was odd about her this morning and couldn't help but notice the lusting look in her eyes. "Now Lilith just relax, no need to get so frisk...."

He was cut off by her suddenly kissing him and forcing her tongue into his mouth. She then pinned his arms down so he couldn't resist. Then she started to grind her crotch against his, needing him to get hard so she could fuck him senseless.

Once she was sure he was hard and when he started to comply with her. she let go of his arms and held his head lightly, as their tongues danced between their mouths. His arms then wrapped around her gently, he groaned a bit as she kept grinding onto his hard cock.

Somehow Lilith managed to strip Jake of his clothes without him trying to stop her. Was her body putting him under some kind of trance or was he just as horny as she was? In any case she was riding him within no time at all and both were loving it. He was feeling her up and caressing her body, while she ground her hips into him thrusting good and hard. She loved having his hard cock inside her tight wet cunt, and she could not wait to feel him cum inside her.

Her moaning grew louder as they switched into the doggy style position. Jake was fucking her rather hard and Lilith loved every thrust. Their bodies shimmered with sweat from their quick pace, which should have been damn near impossible to keep up. "Oh fuck yes.... Jake oh.... Harder please much harder....!" she moaned while reaching under herself and teasing her clit.

Without needing further encouragement he thrust harder. Pounding her cunt with his large hard cock. Listening to her moans was like hearing heavenly hymns to him. "I'm... going to.... cum!" he announce as he gave her all he had. Then suddenly thrusting one last time and holding her tight as he reached his peak, shooting his hot thick sperm deep into her tight cunt.

As the first shot of his cum hit the back of her cunt Lilith climaxed and cried out in pleasure. Her whole body shuddered for nearly five minutes before her orgasm slowly subsided. Both of them collapsed onto the bed panting and smiling like two teenagers. They stayed like that for a few minutes before slowly and exhaustedly climbing into the bed. Holding each other until they fell asleep.

Chapter 2: Consume, Transcend & Mutation
July 1, 7:45 am

“So what is the progress on our favourite test subject?”

“Well so far she is showing signs of increasing strength, her body is also beginning to adapt to all of our recent tests. Sir, I believe that Lilith is in the final stages of her completion.”

“Good, that’s very good. Now all we need to do in order to make her into the perfect bio weapon is to get rid of her damned caretaker.”

“General, if the research and development staff was to remove or harm Jake Merkin. Then Lilith would become so enraged that she would willingly destroy this facility and hunt down the ones responsible for his disappearance.”

“Are you certain of that Doctor? If you aren’t then we will dispose of Merkin in the next three days as scheduled.”

“Sir, I’m positive that she will kill and destroy everything in her path in order to get him back. According to these reports if he was to be removed in the next three days, her power would be far more devastating then it is now.” He paused to let the General taking in that possible disaster before continuing his report. “Keeping with the schedule the facility staff is going to place Lilith in isolation with one of Gaia’s newest clone children.”

“I see, well that does pose a problem for our goal to be completed. Very well keep him there for a few more months. We shall see how much Project Lilith has progressed in her completion after that time.”

“Yes sir, I will report the updates of the test to you next month.”

“That will be all doctor, you are dismissed.”

Three days later.

Lilith sat on the cold tile floor of a newly rebuilt testing room; her arms were crossed as she sighed. “Oh come on, can we get this test started already?” she asked not expecting to get an answer.

Instead the door to the far right of the room opened, a large metal container was pushed in. two men in bio-hazard suits then emerged from behind the container, and unlocked the metal door on the front. They then quickly left the room and closed the door behind them, which clicked as the lock activated.

Lilith slowly got to her feet as she watched the container. She wondered what was inside, but at the same time she was afraid to find out.

When she found out what was inside the container, it gave her mixed emotions. One was anger and the other was fear. The being that stepped out into the light was a clone of Gaia; obvious changes had been made to her appearance. One was that this clone had crimson red hair and had a more fragile in figure.

Clenching her fists Lilith backed away from the clone until her back touched the cool tile wall. “You bastards! How dare you put one of her offspring in the same room with me!” she cried out in anger.

The clone smiled and walked toward Lilith, seeing as she appeared to be a perfect breeding thrall. “Come here little girl, we can have so much fun together.” The clone cooed softly as four tentacles sprouted from its back.

“No way in hell bitch! Stay the fuck away from me!” Lilith yelled as she moved along the wall to keep away from this sex starved whore.

“Oh come now, is that any way for you to treat your loving sibling? Come give your little sister Eva a hug.” The clone said softly as her tentacles snaked out to take hold of Lilith.

“Fuck you bitch! I know what happens when you touch me. There is no way in hell I’m going to give you a ‘hug’ you got that!” Lilith said as she ran to the other side of the wall. She knew that it was pointless to run away but that didn’t mean she couldn’t try for a little while.

“Now you’re just being a complete bitch. Fine if you want to play hard to get then so be it, but you will be in my arms and enjoying the pleasures that I can bestow soon enough.” Eva said as she turned to keep her eyes fixed on Lilith. With a small innocent smile several more tentacles sprouted from her back and made their way to block Lilith’s path.

Lilith was eventually caught and mercilessly dragged over to Eva. “Lilith be a good girl and calm down, I just want to get to know my older sister.” With that said Eva wrapped her arms around Lilith and lightly kissed her neck. “Mmm… you smell so nice, and you taste so good too.” She whispered softly.

“No! Get off of me! Let me go you crazy whore!” Lilith screamed as she tried to break free from the tentacles, but it was to no avail. Her limbs were held tight and escape was near impossible.

“Lilith please calm yourself, I promise that nothing I do will hurt you. In fact you might just enjoy all of my attention. Your young and lovely body needs to be satisfied sexually, and I doubt that the man who stole your purity would be able to fully satisfy you.” Eve stated before she ripped Lilith’s cloths apart.

“Don’t you dare speak ill of him! I will kill you if you even think about laying any limb on his head.” Lilith hissed as she once again struggled against the tentacles restraining her arms.

“Hush, hush now my dear. I have no intention of going near that man of yours, no I prefer women.” Eva then lightly licked Lilith’s neck. “They offer so much more and teasing them is much more entertaining.”

“Let me go damn it! I don’t want to be teased nor do I want any type of foreplay used on me!” Although she yelled out in protest her words fell upon deaf ears. Fore Eva’s mind was set on one thing, breeding.

“Such cruel words you speak, have yet to notice what I’ve been doing to you for the last few moments.” Eva said with a wicked smile before licking Lilith’s neck.

Without even the slightest hint of notice several tentacles had wrapped around Lilith’s body and had already begun to stimulate her. Now alert of what was being done to her Lilith started to moan softly, against her efforts to silence herself by biting down on her lower lip her moans were still audible.

It wasn’t long before three tentacles had found their way into her mouth, pussy and asshole, each thrusting deep and hard into her body, giving her both pleasure and pain in inhuman techniques. Her moans while muffled, were still rather loud. Eva’s hands once again teased Lilith’s nipples and clit, all in an effort to make Lilith her new sex slave, someone to breed and make stronger and more alluring offspring, who would continue to spawn with every human they encountered, creating a new race to conquer the planet.

Eva’s thoughts were being sent to Lilith through a symbiotic telepathy. It was those thoughts which made Lilith regain her strength and start to fight against the tentacles holding her.

“What’s the matter love? Don’t like the plans I have for this planet? Too bad, one way or another it will happen. Then once we are the dominate race I shall release our mother whom will bring about a new era and send our race back into the vast empire of space.” These words were spoken through telepathy as to keep any unwanted ears from hearing them.

Thrashing about Lilith used every ounce of her strength to free herself and to beat the living hell out of Eva, alas her efforts were ended by more tentacles sprouting from Eva’s back and forcing Lilith’s body into a stiff spread eagle position. All hope seemed to leave Lilith’s mind, her fragile altered body no match for a pure born alien life form.

“That’s a good girl, give up let me breed you. Let me make you one of my thralls to do with as I please.” Eva said aloud with an amused laugh.

Then four tiles on the floor opened up as a cage rose from the lower levels. Inside where three young humans two female and one male, each were in perfect health and nicely shaped. The male was of Cuban descent, one of the females was a mocha skinned woman and the other was easily identified as an asian.

Eva turned to look at these three humans and smiled, more thralls to add to her plans of breeding. Two of her tentacles suddenly whipped the top of the cage off then lifted the two women out, a third and fourth took hold of the male. However the second he was lifted out of the cage Eva impaled his body onto the broken bars, killing him instantly. Then she threw his body at the windows of the observation room. “You dare give me a diseased wretch to couple with?! Do that again and I shall make sure your doctors are ripped apart upon my next examination!” she yelled in annoyance.

Without much care for the new thralls’ pleading Eva thrust two tentacles into each of them, one into their mouths mostly to silence their whining, then one into their tight cunts. Both began moaning like whores in no time at all, it was all too easy making horny young women into thralls. Once pleasure was given they would be obedient little sluts to use and tease.

After a short passing of time Eva established mental links to the new women, now she could know exactly what each thought and felt. Searching through the black woman’s mind Eva found that she enjoyed being fucked in every orifice, this brought a smile to Eva’s lips for a moment before thrusting a third tentacle into the Black woman’s tight ass. She then searched through the Asian’s mind, what she found didn’t please her at all. This Asian was a whore from china originally but was transported to America via triad handlers, a used and abused piece of ass. Personally Eva preferred her thralls to be experienced, but not whores from a slum. However, she was clean, no STDs or any viral strands in her blood. She would be kept nonetheless and used more often then the Black woman.

Just as Eva was about to impregnate all three women, Lilith’s body started to spasm. But it was not from pleasure, something was wrong. With some worry about what was happening to her half-sister Eva removed every tentacle from Lilith’s body, setting her down on the tiled floor. Her body shook in a frenzy of spasms. “What the hell have you done to her? What did you put in her body!?” Eva shouted at the tinted windows, was this some sort of countermeasure to protect Lilith from conceiving a child? If it was Eva would make sure to kill everyone who was responsible.

Slowly the spasms stopped along with Lilith’s heart.

Furious Eva used the tentacles that once held Lilith, to grab the remnants of the cage and threw it at the tinted windows. Much to the strength of the glass two of the windows shattered, a scream of hatred followed by Eva’s tentacles wrapping around the Asian. She pulled her limbs out in a spread eagle position, and then in a blink of an eye the woman was ripped apart. Blood Splashed over the Black woman and onto Lilith’s lifeless body. The white tiled floor now covered by high velocity blood splatter. What remained of the woman was thrown through the shattered windows. “I will kill every one of you for killing her!”
Not wanting to kill the last thrall Eva released the black woman much to disappointed sighs of frustration.

In the observation room the staff were terrified that Eva might find her way inside and kill them all, from that fear most tried to flee from the room but due to the broken windows and the severed body the contamination procedures locked the doors. After many attempts to open the ten inch steel door, the staff’s fears were realized when Eva crawled through the window and began to tear the staff apart one by one. It wasn’t long until there was only one member of the staff remaining. “Wait…. Please wait… I- I didn’t want this to happen either; I’m not part of what happened to Lilith. I just record the data and send it to the higher authorities…” the young brunette said while shaking with fear and holding a clipboard tight to her chest.

“Oh? Is that all you are allowed to do here? That’s such a shame for such a beautiful and smart woman.” Eva said with a coy smirk as her tentacles wrapped around the woman’s arms, legs and waist. “Well if that’s the truth then I’ll make you into one of my personal slaves. You will enjoy vast amounts of pleasure and give birth to many of my children.” Her voiced became seductive as her pheromones began to swim through the woman’s blood.

“I will be your… Slave…? Pleasure… oh yes please…” she moaned softly as her body began to heat up.

Moments later Eva was back in the testing room with her new thrall, she had already began pleasuring the brunette before continuing with the black woman. While the tentacles pleasured the thralls Eva knelt beside Lilith’s blood covered body and held her tight to her own body. “They have been punished for killing you my dear sister. Rest now and be free of your hate. I will make this world pay by turning their women into my slaves, and using their men as my personal toys. Of course I’ll treat your Jake Merkin with the utmost care; he’ll enjoy many pleasures while I turn him into a male version of myself.”

After Eva’s words echoed through the room Lilith’s body began to mutate, her solid form slowly becoming soft and changing into a near liquid state. In mere seconds she became a puddle of pulsing black slime.

Thinking this was the final stage of Lilith’s degeneration Eva stood and turned to her thralls, she would begin her plans of impregnating them and enjoy destroying the facility. But when she lifted her foot, she found the remains of Lilith clung to her and kept her in place, while the rest of the pulsing flesh began to crawl up Eva’s body and engulf her.

Lilith’s remains acted as some sort of deteriorating mass which had begun to devour Eva’s skin, muscle, blood and bones. Melting away every last bit of her while covering her body and moving across the tentacles to the women, which would also share the same fate. Screams of agony filled the room; the pain these women felt could not be described in words.
When there was nothing left of Eva and the two women the pulsing remains began to form into a crystallise shell. Its exterior was harder then any metal known to man and yet it had an elastic trait.

Five days later, after many of the remaining staff had collected data on the crystallise they found that something was living within and would eventually hatch. Whatever the creature may turn out to be it would be immune to all diseases and have great potential to become either a resource to cure every known illness or be the perfect bio-weapon for the government. But the military liaisons wanted more data to be able to fully utilize the hatched creature’s abilities. So more computer scanning devices and sample collection machines were brought into the room to fully examine the crystallise and collect better research data.

Hours flew by as the computers compiled and sorted the data on several hard drives. Each one composed at least three different possibilities for what might hatch from the crystallise, but since most of the DNA was human the out come was centered on a humanoid being with incredible mental and physical capabilities. Such a being would not only prove to be nearly indestructible due to rapid self regeneration, but could have the knowledge to create new technologic devices to make any nation into a super power far beyond anything which had been created by man.

Soon days became weeks and with the passing time the crystallise grew larger. After nearly five weeks it had grown from three to eight feet in diameter. The outer shell had hardened so much that it rivalled bedrock and lost the elastic trait. But the odd thing was that a pulse could still be felt if someone were to touch its surface and find that it was also rather warm.

After four months of research the higher authorities had grown impatient for the crystallise to hatch and reveal the new born creature. Their intolerance had reached the point to where one of the lower soldiers tried to break the shell with a sledgehammer and pull the humanoid out, but the shell never gave way nor did it even crack. So that course of action was halted and forgotten.

Two months after that the outer shell began to chip away and crack. Soon the hard exterior which remarkably reached fourteen inches thick fell away leaving a smaller leather like shell. Its colour was a light grey allowing the staff to make out the humanoid form within. Every now and then the humanoid would make a sudden twitch indicating that it was either dreaming or its body was preparing to break free of the crystallise.

For the next six months there was no change in the crystallise state nothing new occurred. The pulsing had stopped, only the faint beating of hearts came from within but only the machines could detect the vibration. The being within would hatch soon, barely more then a year since that incident occurred this new entity would have such amazing skills nothing would ever come close to rivalling that power. He or she would be like a god, and nothing would detest its glorious form. Such was the theory.

Finally after thirteen months of hibernation the crystallise began to tear open as the creature within clawed its way out, the last part of the transformation would end when the new entity emerged from its protective shell. Slowly the tearing grew larger splitting from inside and opening a narrow scar. After long minutes of clawing and tearing the shell split wide open allowing a foul smelling blue-grey liquid to spill out onto the floor. Then an odd coloured fist burst through the opening, followed shortly by the other. This creature began to force the opening apart causing the shell to split top to bottom. At long last the entity pulled itself free from the crystallise, revealing its new form to the world or at least those who were watching the security footage from another room. Covered with the slimy liquid the sexuality could not be confirmed. It took several steps away from the crystallise before falling to the floor and clawing at the slime covering its body. Moments after most of the slime was removed a team of medics rushed into the room, all of whom were women. They placed towels over the humanoid and confirmed that it was a in fact a woman.

Once she was dried and covered the team of medics put her on a gurney, they took her to the experimental medical lab. She was strapped down and hooked up to a monitor so her vitals could be recorded while they took blood samples. All the while she slept peacefully, never even stirred when the doctor and nurses examined every inch of her body.

When she woke up nearly four hours later she was laying in bed in one of the old experiments’ room. Confused she sat up and looked around the room to get the layout of her new living quarters. Satisfied with that she moved off the silk sheets and wandered around the room, checking the bathroom, and observing the keypad beside the door. Curious about it she reached out to press one of the buttons, but before she could the door slid open and one of the doctors walked in. She held a bundle of clothes which she placed on the dresser next to the bed. “Put those on and see how they fit, if they do not appeal to your interest then I’ll have something else brought to you. Do you understand?” the doctor said while observing her.

A quick nod was all she gave before picking up the clothing and dressing. Once fully clothed she looked at herself in the full length mirror in the bathroom. The black cargo pants were a tight fit but she liked them since they made her legs and perfectly shaped ass stand out. Her shirt was a loose tube top but her large breasts made the top seem rather small. She wore thin black socks under a pair of boots with pronounced heels. Content with how her outfit complimented her golden tanned skin she returned to the doctor.

“Well I’m sure the male staff will approve of that outfit, however I will request for a different shirt after the exercise session.” The doctor said before turning toward the door and punching in the code and swiping her ID card. She led the humanoid to the combat floor where some basic physical tests would be recorded. Swiping her card the doctor opened a rather large door, which housed a botanical garden but with more jungle plant life then normal public ones had. “This is the guerrilla training ground, it will test how your body and mind react to the dangers we have placed in here. Understand?” the doctor said before she activated the code to activate the novice level setting. “Oh and for now you are called Delta-five-nine or D-five-nine.”
“Delta-five-nine… D-five-nine… I am a code number for this training simulation?” She asked softly before moving forward and entering the starting position. “What is my objective for this mission sequence?” she asked quickly turning to the doctor.

Impressed by her grasp of understanding and knowledge she jotted down some notes onto a note pad which had been in one of her coat pockets. “Just to run the course, hollow graphic rings will be placed throughout the area you are to pass through them until you reach the finish platform at the other side of this complex. You will be timed; but that will not interfere with your results this is just for exercises so do not push yourself. There are obstacles within the course that you must either eliminate or overcome before you can move on. Elimination targets are red and tactical obstacles are blue. Now once the alert flare goes off you start. Do you understand your task?” the doctor said with a small smile.

“Delta-five-nine understands her mission conditions, but requests one more bit of information.” D-5-9 said softly while surveying the scenery before her.

“Very well what do you want to know?”

“Requesting permission to know your name Doctor.”

The doctor laughed a little and nodded. “Of course, I’m Karen Grantt.”

“I’m ready to begin the mission Doctor Grantt.” D-5-9 said as she moved into a runner’s position.

“Very well then.” Dr. Grantt said while putting the final activation code into the terminal.

After only a few seconds a yellow flare ignited from the opposite side of the complex, with that D-5-9 took off into the thicket. She passed through every ring with ease considering this was her first attempt at the course. Five minutes in she came upon her first red obstacle. It was a hand to hand sparing match with a trained marine, not a hologram. “Beat me in a fight and you move on understood soldier?!” Before D-5-9 could answer the marine charged at her throwing punches and kicks to her ribs, kidneys and face.

She responded well for her first time, dodging the face shots and blocking the kicks while taking the body shots like they were nothing. It took her around six minutes to put him into a submission hold and have him tap out. “Move on soldier...”

Her next obstacle was blue; information was listed on a handheld hologram recording. She was to avoid detection while making her way to a weapon stash and taking three items before moving to the next part of the course. The items to collect were one Kimber Eclipse 2 series hand gun with paint rounds, a Beretta CX4 storm series semiautomatic rifle, and a buckmaster survival knife. Her first attempt at this obstacle ended with failure due to being caught just before reaching the weapon stash. That took her twenty-five minutes. Her second attempt took much longer but she was able to complete the task but just barely, giving her a completed time of thirty-two minutes. After that she just passed through more rings which altered from running to jumping and climbing over regular military obstacles. When she came to the next red side mission, a hologram device informed her to eliminate the five targets hidden within a small maze using her paint knife alone. The maze was a total of four kilometres in length and width so a total area of sixteen kilometres. Before she went into the maze the device alerted her to a ten-minute time stop anything after that would be added to her current time of eighty-six minutes. Being as quiet as possible in the forest terrain she made her way into the maze with her paint knife in hand. although quick, her movements were nearly inaudible. It wasn’t long before she dispatched the first and second targets, the other three were further into the maze then she had first assumed. Five minutes into the time delay she took out the third target by trapping him in a dead end. She managed to lure him there by using her shadow to get his attention, when he came to the dead end she came up behind him and slit this throat with paint the knife. The fourth target was taken out just before her time delay ended. The final target patrolled the exit of the maze he had 180 degrees to scan before he would check the secondary pathways. He would take no more then ten seconds to check one path before moving to the other. The amount of time she had spent finding the exit and watching the final target since the time delay ended was around fifteen minutes. She waited for him to check on of the secondary paths before sprinting toward the exit, turning and leaping onto guard while slashing his neck to complete the task, current time of one hundred and one minutes.

After that more checkpoint rings and some minor obstacles that barely slowed her down, at one point she had to swim across a deep pond while pushing her guns and knife on a floating water proof crate. Now soaked from her little swim she gathered her gear and ran to the next and final check point. At long last her goal was in sight, but she had one more task to complete before she could reach the finish platform. Six red soldiers patrolled the outer edge of the area while four blue moved about the center. Her objective for this final task was to eliminate the red without alerting the others and avoid the blue. Her hologram device gave her a map of the area with the locations of the soldiers, while also displaying her current time of two hours and forty-five minutes. For this task she would need to watch the rotations of each guard then pick them off one at a time while they ventured further away from the rest.

After she disposed of the six red soldiers she used stealth tactics to avoid the blues and reach the finish platform to give her a total time of three hours and seventeen minutes.

Dr. Grantt walked through the door behind the platform while holding a clipboard; she was taking notes when she stopped beside D-5-9. “Well for your first time on the course you did rather well, having only needed to redo one task.” She said with an approving smile. “I have a daily schedule compiled for you. Every morning you are to run the course, after that some lessons will be prepared for ranged combat, along with hand to hand sparing with three soldiers, each from a different country. You will be allowed to eat before the course and after the lessons, and finally after some physical examinations which will be preformed by me. Understood?” Dr. Grantt said as she looked over D-5-9.

“I understand Dr. Grantt, but will I be given a real name instead of my designation?” D-5-9 asked softly while placing her gear in a storage bin. She would not be allowed to have any weapons outside of the training complex, a precaution in case she tried to escape.

“Oh of course you will be given a name, I don’t suppose you have one in mind do you?” Dr. Grantt said as she lowered her clipboard.

“I don’t think any I have at the moment would suit me very well. I don’t know or understand why but I can remember things that I haven’t done, images of another person’s experiences flashed through my mind while I slept after coming into this world. Dr. Grantt, am I clone of another woman?”

“No you are not a clone, come with me now and I’ll explain a few things while I give you a physical.” Dr. Grantt said as she took hold of D-5-9’s arm and led her out of the training complex and into the medical lab.
“Now if you will step behind the screen and strip out of your clothes I can begin the physical.” Dr. Grantt said as she activated the biometric scanner, and the full body scanning system.

D-5-9 quickly stripped out of her clothing, standing completely naked she covered her 34 C cup breast with her right arm while covering her crotch with her left hand. Although Dr. Grantt had seen her naked earlier this morning she still felt that she had to cover up, mostly because the security camera had a full view of her naked form. “Dr. Grantt is it possible to have that security camera shut off?” she asked while turning to side in an attempt to hide her body.

“The security camera? Oh that well it’s more for show then anything, it isn’t connected to any of the other security systems. I just put it there to make sure none of my staff try to steal anything.” Dr. Grantt said as she moved in front of D-5-9. She flipped a switch that made the large circle scanner moved down and stop just above D-5-9’s head. “Now place your hands at your sides and hold still while the machine scans your body.”

D-5-9 did as she was told but she glared at the camera, even if it was just a fake she didn’t feel any more relaxed about it. As the scanner activated a green light emanated from it, it was slow moving from her head down to her feet and back up. It did this three times before the light shut off and it moved back to its original place. After a few seconds there was a sudden beeping noise coming from a monitor at the other side of the room. The doctor rushed over to check what data the scan had gathered. A gasp of shock escaped her mouth before she turned to look at D-5-9 with a surprised expression.

“Doctor what is it? Is there something wrong with me?” D-5-9 asked as a worried looked came over her, she was scared to find out what was wrong and if there was something wrong with her it would make her fear into reality.

“Well… you’re in perfect health it’s just at you have a few extra parts.” Dr. Grantt said as she walked back over to Delta. “It seems that you have two hearts and two wombs in that body of yours. I must say it is surprising and well rather impossible for such a thing to occur. Then again you aren’t fully human so I assume that’s why you are able to possess two hearts and two wombs.” Dr. Grantt added while touching Delta’s shoulder and moving to the front of her chest and down to her stomach. “This is very fascinating, if you are able to have two of those I wonder what other secrets your body has.” She said while thinking about some possible physical abilities her body might have.

“Doctor… your hand, its moving rather low and you might touch my... ah! Dr. Grantt, that’s rather forward of you to touch me there.” Delta said as she backed away and covered her crotch.

“What? Oh my, I’m sorry I wasn’t aware of what I was doing. My hands tend to roam freely while I’m deep in thought.” Dr. Grantt said as she put her hands behind her back. “If any man were to look at you I’m sure all he would be able to do is stare at you and ask if you’re an angel.” She chuckled at the thought then an amused smile crossed her lips.

“Doctor, what are you thinking about doing to me? I have the right to refuse anything that makes me uncomfortable…” Delta said while backing up further and touching the cold wall.

“Now just relax I’m only thinking about some test that might prove to be useful to me and may help you be less timid around men and perhaps get over your shy nature while being naked.” Dr. Grantt said as she walked up to Delta and lightly took her by the hands and led her back to the scanner. “Now for this experiment I’ll need to get you some new clothing, and a healthy young man.” She added softly while looking over Delta’s body.

“Doctor what are you planning?”

“Oh just a rather entertaining evening for you my dear, nothing to worry about, I just want to see how you interact with men. It’ll be a good learning experience for you I promise.” Dr. Grantt said with a reassuring smile.

“What exactly do you want me to do with this healthy young man? Nothing that would make him think I’m a… the word that I’m looking for is? Oh right a slut? Strange, I know these words but they are not mine…” Delta said while crossing her arms under her breasts as an annoyed expression covered her face.

“What? Oh no nothing like that, well not right away that is. Just talk to him about what he likes, build some trust with him and make him into a friend. If you want to have sexual relations later then you may do as you want.” Dr. Grantt said softly.

“Right and you have no ulterior motive for this? How am I to trust you when you start planning dates for me without even consulting me first?” Delta said with a hint of suspicion in her voice.

“Well I am curious as to how your body might react to a man’s touch, and if your pheromones are able to make him into a mindless sex toy, since you have some of the same DNA as your older sisters had.” Dr. Grantt said with a heavy sigh.

“S-sisters, I have older sisters? Doctor exactly what am I and how did I come to be here?” Delta asked with shock written all over her face.

“Well… it’s a long story but to sum it all up you are the result from an incident that occurred thirteen months ago. But I suppose you want the full story, get dressed and sit down.”

Delta quickly dressed and sat down on a stool near the Dr. Grantt’s desk. “Alright now tell me the facts about my origins Doctor and don’t skip anything.”

Dr. Gra

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TITCAGE Claire didn’t want to work at Titcage. But work experience during the school holidays was compulsory for seniors and despite her best efforts she couldn’t convince her parents or teachers that the so-called Committee For Gender Equity was against women, not for them. Funded by church groups, conservatives, and the world’s richest men, the organisation existed for one purpose: to change community and government attitudes to women and restore women to a role solely as sextoys,...

3 years ago
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Reversal of Roles For a Day All Chapters

Chapter 1 The Switch After years of being my Dom, you say you want to switch with me for a day and experience some new things. We will find out just how submissive you can be. I have sent you a large box along with some brief instructions telling you what time you need to be ready for the limo to pick you up, what you are to bring with you and what you are to wear. There are three seperate, plain wrapped packages inside the box. You are to bring the package marked with a one along with...

4 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt All Chapters

LAURA AND ERICA Her girlfriend's cunt tasted as good as ever. Laura lay in the top position of a nude 69, her short fringe of pink hair hanging over her eyes as she lapped at her lover Erica's pussy. She loved this position. She loved the feel of her large tits being splayed out to either side of her lover's trim stomach; she loved the feel of Erica's boobs against her own midriff. She loved Erica's head between her thighs, loved knowing she could clench her knees together and trap it...

2 years ago
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Heads You DressThe Final Chapters

CHAPTER SIX --- THE SALON & THE SECOND DREAM 1 A few weeks later Jason arrived for work in medium heels, low cut, patterned blouse and women's trousers, his lips as pink and glossy as ever. He was surprised to find Kelly in his office. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Morning, Jenny. Fetch us a glass of juice each and we'll talk about it." "Huh?" "Hurry. I'll not tolerate slackness." What the heck was going on? Jason thought. He reached into the small fridge and...

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A New Life The final 4 chapters

“Good Morning sleepyhead,” I heard as I opened my eyes. “My name is Qi; I wanted to see what you had before you came to the party preparations room.” She smiled down at me and then turned and headed to the bathroom. I watched, as the smallest woman I ever saw, walked into my bathroom. She was barely four foot tall, if that. She had acute little ass that had the gentlest sway as she walked and I think I could wrap my hands around her waist without trying. I quickly jumped up when I heard the...

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Waiting Out the Storm Final Chapters

Chapter 4The ice maker was on the far end of the hall from their room so that helped kill a little time. He wanted to give her time to get into position and wait there for him as long as possible. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do next except that he knew that putting ice cubes into her pussy was going to be involved. He also knew that she was going to be there with her pussy full of a cool bottle and a vibrating egg that could go off at any minute with her ass in the air waiting...

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Aunt Jeans Illicit romance 12 chapters

Chapter 1Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment -- so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin' stupid!She said she was going to the grocery store!He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely...

4 years ago
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The Senpai and the Kohai the missing chapters

Chapter five I walked upstairs. I started dreading walking out in public again. In my room I found a yellow dress with short sleeves. It had floral suiting. It reminded somewhat of a Japanese, or perhaps Chinese, dress. I undressed, and rummaged around my underwear drawer to find some suitable things to wear. How should I choose? It wasn't exactly obvious. If I wanted to avoid the lingerie to be seen through the fabric, I had to choose something lighter. White, perhaps. There...

4 years ago
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Maybe Its Magic Final Chapters

Maybe It's Magic by RH Music Chapter 7: The Concert It is Thursday, just two days until our evening out in New York, and I am worried. Am I starting to have feelings for Mr. Feyla? Is that possible? What is clear is that my female parts (as I call them now) get wet all on their own - no salve required (although I still apply it every two hours, as Morgen suggests). Further, the 'indentation' is getting deeper and deeper, up to two knuckles deep. Okay, it's a hole. I...

1 year ago
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resurgence of chaos

Hunters name- crestures used Shadow - warriors/dragons Khira - light warriors/winged beasts Drake- dragons Anubis- dark beasts, beast warrior Locke- gate guardian Christiana-fairy/insect Kara- fire/water Dragons Pyro Surge Tiger Silver Ice Chaos Storm Demons Infernos Hydra ‘The fallen one’ Cryos ‘Sealer’ Chromos Vulcanos ??????????????- unknown Human? Ash-pokemon (pikachu, charizard, staraptor, lapras, scyther, heracross) Tai-digimon (agumon, warp...

1 year ago
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Resurrection The Resurgence

“A man does what he must in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures. That is the basis of all human mortality.” Winston ChurchillI have been in the room for three days. Observation, I am told, but I feel fine or so I thought.Casey, my night nurse, strolled into my room. She always came to see me for a few minutes before her shift started. I gazed slowly up and down her frame. She had the curvy hips of a woman that was meant to breed, orange sized tits and...

Love Stories
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A Marvellous Draconic resurgence

In a hidden cave system a group of elderly men and women have gathered for a meeting a few coughing obviously there health is not doing to well. One of them holding a golden staff with a dragon encircling it approaches. "I welcome you all though it saddens me to see fewer and fewer of us everytime we gather that is why I propose a new plan." The Grand-Elder informs those that have gathered. "And what is that you're proposing?" Another elder asks. "For us to continue our species and ensure us...

4 years ago
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Alfie and Blatt Resurgence

(Back in 2003, an erotic writer named FINC released a story about two aliens, and their sexual exploits with a human female named Becky. It was one of the first erotic stories I had ever read, and it always stuck with me. I adored the concept, and the characters. This is my tribute to that story; and a chance to continue their adventures. Feel free to search for the original story, as it can still be found on other sites.) First, let's describe our two main aliens. Alfie and Blatt. More...

2 years ago
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Julie A Brief History Of A Housewifes Resurgence Episode 1

Julie chose not to wear underwear that day, this was the first sign that something was changing. You see we all know that life is a struggle, sometimes events challenge us on a daily basis and this can lead to a version of ourselves developing that we simply don't recognise and that's why we have to act to stop the rot and find that person lurking inside.That Tuesday morning Julie had seen a stranger staring back at her in the bathroom mirror. Her first port of call was to dye her hair, she dug...

1 year ago
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Presurgery fun

So. I had back surgery the 2nd of May, was supposed to be there that day but my dr called me and had me come in the night before.I forgot i was wearing my black baby doll under my clothes, what follows is my last sexual encounter in over a month now.i got to the hospital and they took me into the surgery prep area to start with, and it was then and there i remembered i had my black baby doll on, and nowhere to hide it so i just went with it. and by that i mean i stripped down to it right in...

2 years ago
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Plastic Surgeryholics

Plastic Surgeryholics By Leticia Latex (formerly BlowMuP) (c)2002 "So...? What do you think?" asked Amber as she walked out of the surgeon's office. "I love them and I can't wait to try them," answered Mike as he reached out for her. A wicked smile formed on her full lips, "Try them? Michael Fraser, you perverted little tease!" she said. Amber Fisher and Mike Fraser had found in each other a common passion for plastic surgery. Their combined salaries allowed them to start...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 24 The Surgeons Wife

A heavy snowstorm swept over the central mountains on November 15, putting an end to travel, foraging, military drills, and just about anything else that involved extended activity outside. The Defenders congregated in the bathhouse and the kitchen, the only two buildings that were adequately heated. Isauria and Danka spent much of their free time sitting on their bed, wrapped in blankets while Isauria practiced writing or doing arithmetic problems. There were not many books in the...

3 years ago
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New Order New OpportunityChapter 11 The Dangers of Resurgent Males

Constable Margery Dennis scowled at the mess in the room. The woman sobbing beside her was distraught; her house ransacked; the man she thought was hers, and locked in chastity to her, gone. It was a common enough occurrence, Margery knew. The woman had thought she could keep a man with only the most rudimentary security. Too often it ended like this. She looked at the cage he had been kept in. It should have been strong enough but it obviously hadn't been. He had burst out of it somehow,...

2 years ago
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Life Lessons combined chapters

The boys on my side of the street and the girls on the another side I watch as the boys, just a minute ago were talking and rough housing with each other when one of them notices the girls and they go dead silent looking down at their feet trying not to be noticed by two average looking girls, all because they look a little order then they do. Those boys continue to walk on and as they come in front my house I see one of the boys look back at the girls whom are now several house away just...

2 years ago
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 7 Only three chapters

I went to the house and as Olga smiled at me she told me about her morning preparations, "My breasts were pumped a little this morning, but there is so much milk that remained only for you. I put the rest in the fridge, so when you're thirsty you could drink it later. Yesterday I ate a lot of chili so my milk would be extra tasty for you." She told me, as this would be an everyday activity. My cock took over control in my brain. She stood a short distance from me I could see her whole...

3 years ago
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A Surge Ends Up As Reality

Every inch inside her was taking her into more and more pleasure Wah! My first sex experience and it was heaven and nothing more. I could feel her juices lubricating my dick into her. Each time I went in I could hear the sound gluch gluch of my dick banging her cunt. Well I am Yagnesh 20 years old pursuing b-tech in Vijayawada. This happened a month ago when I was in my room . I am a big fan of iss and always hoped to bang someone. Always craved for sex but no one was so close to me to share...

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Barbara and the couple two short chapters

Barbara gets piercings Seth watched Barbara again from a distance. This time they were in the middle of the city and the red headed girl was looking for adresses. Seth had send her only a adress and a time. So far she has not seen him yet but she had followed every command that he had given. She was sturdy and ready for anything. Wondering if he should try to have her be a piss slut once, he saw that the girl had found the adress. She had arrived at a tattoo and piercing parlor. Seth...

2 years ago
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Cupids curse in proved grammar and proof read first 4 chapters

It's nothing new to me. I've been having same dream ever since my 18th birthday. At first it was only happening once a week, but now it’s happening every night. “Shit! I’m going to be late.” I shouted after looking at the time on my IPhone. You see today is the first day of the 19 years I've spent on this planet that I will be living alone. Well with my best friend. “Jaden, come downstairs right now.” My mom shouted from down stairs. “I'm coming mom.” I said in a nonchalant tone. You...

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Cupids curse The first 4 chapters

As I get off the bed to come to her I feel the same sharp pain in my eyes. I never stop moving as almost if my body was possessed. Drawling me closer to this mysterious women with every step. When I finally reach the sofa my heart starts thumping wildly like a horse on a open field. Again she signals me to sit down by her. The mysterious women does nothing more nor nothing less. And in reply to her soundless motion I take my seat next to her. As I sit down next to her she let's off a odd...

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Alicias Lesson CAW8 entrant All 5 Chapters

An XNXX exclusive. ***** This runs about 13,000 words so be warned. Check the tags and enjoy. Introduction: Bryan falls in love with Alicia, a coworker. As their relationship advances, two women he works with show their interest in him. One Alicia invites to have a little fun, and the other Bryan hints that he likes. Jealousy breeds a taste for revenge, but who is the killer? ***** Alicia drove to work, cruising at a leisurely pace with plenty of time to spare. She would make it...

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Abigail three chapters

It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...

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The Truth About Bethie The First Part Chapters

9. Bethie's wishWe cuddled and pecked and necked for a good little while after that. Not worrying about pictures, just enjoying ourselves. I was by then completely in her spell, so comforted from my earlier anxiety about Lizvette, and guilt-free about Bethie. She was very much in command and very obviously enjoying her status as lady of the house and love of my life.She was curious to see the pictures, and eager to secure them. At her request, we moved to the den. There, at my desk, she sat in...

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True Stories Winter At Beech Mountain Chapters

It was mid-winter here in Western N.C. --- and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places- same faces - had given me the 'itch' to travel.. My income also suffered now because of the Christmas season. People would rather buy presents than have a massage.I had watched the discovery channel lately, and hit on an idea. In winter, caribou would migrate south to their winter grazing areas and be near a water supply. In summer, they moved back north to stay cool and be near food and water. I would...

2 years ago
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Amber and Jake An Altered Fates Story Final Chapters

Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Edits by SteveZ Part 6 Jake awoke the next morning feeling wonderful; she kissed her lover Bob gently as he began to stir. It was great to feel so sexy. She padded over to the mirror and looked admiringly at her - at Amber's body. 'Well, in many ways it was tempting to see if Amber would be willing to trade bodies and lives,' she thought, 'but I love most of my own life too! I'm rich, have a great job, my income from all sources is...

4 years ago
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Love Me til Dawn The Final Chapters

It was not for another four months before Alice had Lorraine alone to herself again and in a position to discuss it with her.Upon their return from San Monique she had begun an intensive management course designed to give her the basic knowledge she needed. She would never need to do any bookkeeping but it was vital that she could interpret the accounts. Alice had some experience in her previous job as a clerk that helped her understand the accounts sufficiently. She was taught the different...

7 months ago
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Spread sex into chapters

A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor… A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor friend loves to masturbate experienced guys. She loves to give a blowjob, and we are happy to show everyone who wants to...

2 years ago
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The Surgeon

The Surgeon A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I know that I have an affliction. I am, after all, a man of science. A physician. A surgeon, and a good one. I know that my urges are abnormal, even aberrant. But urges, by their very nature, do not allow for control by logic. That is not to say that one cannot seek to analyze the causes of such powerful impulses. Of course, it may be some deep-seated distrust of other men, combined with a desire to dominate and humiliate them. ...

1 year ago
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Gagged an Oral Surgeon encounter

A month has gone by, time for my appointment. This is just a consult, I'm expecting some paperwork, someone poking around my mouth, and some x-rays to see if I'm a good candidate or not. The check in goes smooth, I fill out a dozen pages of consents and acknowledgment of terms-of-services forms. Then they bring me back and park me in a dental procedure chair for the consult. This is where something went wrong, or right, hard to say, but I ended up being totally into it. A nurse comes...

4 years ago
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SRU Surgeon Generals Warning

Be certain you check the label before you buy that next pack of cigarettes from the store! **** This is my first attempt at a story of this nature, so I'd really like to know what you think of it. Look for a sequel if it generates enough favorable responses. **** Spells R Us "Surgeon General's Warning" submitted by Debi Tony Fitzgerald and Andrew Evans carefully wended their way through the crowds at the mall. Andrew and Tony were best friends, had been, since their...

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From Cardiac Surgeon to Housewife

From Cardiac Surgeon to Housewife By Kathy Smith Sheldon Friedman, MD ScD was a full Professor in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Columbia Medical Center. He has 7 children (from 17 years old to 6 year, the oldest is a girl) and a gorgeous wife, Hannah (she is very petite, 4'11" with huge plumb breasts, 'DD'. She has dark brunette and dark eyes. Her face would knock any guy away!). Sheldon is very thin, 140 lbs., and very tall, 6'3". His face, well, it's not pretty, nor handsome. ...

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Parting Ways Part 1 Jaimies Surgery

Chapter 1 The week before Memorial Day weekend brought all seniors at Winnisimmet High School together for the school's annual awards night. The seniors knew this was the big moment, for many borderline yet still academically gifted students this was the one that would decide who went to college and who had to seek employment. For the 14, "Finn Family" seniors it was just a formality as they had their college paid for by John Finn as well as shrewd investments by their parents and...

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Lindas Surgery and the Aftermath

Linda, as usual, was fucking everyone that even acted like they wanted some of her pussy. She worked full-time as a seamstress for a nationally known company, and would, on weekends, help her friend at her day spa, usually getting 4 or 5 customers in an evening.She had not been feeling as well as usual, so went to a doctor for him to check her out. He was a Family Practice physician, and felt a knot in her groin, so referred her to another doctor, who WAS a surgeon, who also examined her, and...

4 years ago
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Ms Surgeon

Jackie Lawrence was in what she considered the best part of her life. The various struggles of the past were simply that, in the past. She could name them, chew on them, if she wanted, or allowed herself but these days she simple didn’t bother. She’d grown up with a name that she hated, Samantha Jacqueline. She’d often chided her Mom about where they came up with that name. Her Mom only ever smiled her soft enigmatic smile and said her usual: ‘Oh I like that name.’ Jackie surely didn’t like...

2 years ago
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The Surgeons Lodger Part 5

Michelle picked up a couple of sirloin steaks and vegetables to go with them. She wasn't read while she walked around, she just looked like any other woman in the shop. This gave her an enormous sense of satisfaction. While there she browsed the rack with tights and stockings. This was something she'd always wanted to do, but always felt people would think she was a pervert when dressed a man. Odd that she thought. You often she women looking through men's underwear in shops. No one...

2 years ago
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The Surgeons Lodger Part 6

Michelle sobbed herself to sleep. Anger, sadness and fear made a tight ball in her chest that prevented her from breathing easily. Eventually she dropped off. When she woke she had that brief feeling of amnesia, then the full reality of what had happened the night before came rushing back. She had no money, but had to leave. She had thought she had found someone who actually accepted her for just being her. The disappointment was raw in her mind while she sat up in bed and considered...

3 years ago
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The Surgeons Lodger Part 7

Sam rushed through the front door and saw Michelle waiting. She choked on her words. "I'm so sorry Sam. You treated me better than I have ever deserved, and I threw it back at you. I'll go if you want." Sam wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. He kissed her forehead, and said. "I'm sorry too Michelle. I should not have assumed you wanted to change gender completely. I just thought I was helping. Now I see how thoughtless I have been. I would love you to stay....

3 years ago
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The Surgeons Lodger Part 8

As Michelle fell back in the hallway, her head hit the wall. She slid down as the world span. "I should have cut your fucking balls off when yer mam died. I knew a little freak like you would never be a real man." The word "freak" stung Michelle like a blow. The anger gave her a jolt of adrenaline. Her head cleared as her mind seemed to slow down what was happening. Tommy grabbed the front of her dress as she scrambled away. The buttons popped off , leaving her with her underwear...

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