My secrete was not so secrete
- 3 years ago
- 57
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It's always difficult, becoming the stepmother to a teenager, and Bridget is finding her own situation no different.
Making a good first impression is always key, but whatever she tries, the mature blonde just can't seem to get through to Abby. No matter what conversational tactic is attempted, the moody goth always seems to walk off in a huff, even if it starts off civil, and quite frankly Bridget is at her wit's end with the girl.
Talking with her husband, the girl's father, hadn't yielded any results, and Bridget had been on the verge of simply giving up and resigning herself to a life with a step-daughter who won't talk to her when one last opportunity presented itself: an extended business trip that her husband needed to take, leaving her with a solid month to try and win over her stepdaughter with nobody else in the house but them. It's an opportunity that Bridget doesn't intend to pass up!
When the day of her husband's departure rolls around, Bridget's already made plenty of preparations- she's sourced a few particularly unique bad horror movies after hearing about how much Abby enjoys them, and she'd hoarded plenty of popcorn and other assorted snacks, but she can already hear Abby skulking off and slamming her bedroom door. Not a great start, admittedly, but she'll be damned if she gives up quite that easily!
After laying out a selection of DVDs for their perusal later, Bridget dusts herself off and makes her way upstairs, grimacing at the feeling of too-loud bass rumbling through the floor beneath her. Far too loud, honestly, Abby's going to give herself hearing damage at this rate... Well, she won't say anything about it for now. Instead, she simply gives a sharp knock on the door, firmly enough to be heard over the racket of the girl's music, and waits for an answer- one that comes in the form of the music being paused and a huffy voice calling out.
"Ugh. What?"
Smoothing over a frown at the girl's rudeness, Bridget opens up the door, offering the lounging goth a bright, warm smile. At least the music was turned off, that's always a nice sign.
Taking in a breath, Bridget begins to speak.
"Well, as you know, your father has just left, and so it's just us girls in the house for a while! I thought we could bond with some movies, I bought some of those bad horror b-movies you seem to like so much- but if you've got some other ideas, let's hear them! So long as it's not illegal, I'm willing to hear out pretty much any pastime you might have, so if there's anything you've really wanted to do recently, now would be the time to mention it!" She ends with another warm smile, trying to get some energy going between them both. It only partially seems to work, as Abby does sit up a little straighter and fix her stepmother with a calculating gaze.
She doesn't answer for a few moments, long enough for Bridget to start to worry, but eventually she clears her throat and swings her legs over the side of the bed to sit up properly.
"I, uh... yeah, I might have some ideas. It's a little weird, though, so you promise not to freak out at me and just say no if you don't wanna do it?"
The soaring joy of Abby finally confiding something in her entirely overrides any sense of apprehension or worry that Bridget might have felt under other circumstances here, ignoring the slightly ominous phrasing in favour of taking a few steps into her stepdaughter's incredibly messy, cluttered bedroom. Honestly, would it kill her to pick up more around here...
"Abby, I wouldn't dream of it! You know you can confide in me if you need to." Bridget speaks with a smile, and while Abby's response does contain the eyeroll she'd been expecting to see, the girl seems to be more inclined to be sociable. An unusual situation, to be sure, but a welcome one.
"Right, yeah. I was just thinking, uh- since it's just us girls here and all, maybe you could help me out? I need to get some firsthand experience with stuff for my writing, and fuck if I'm asking my friends for it, so- anyway. I need to know what a spanking is like, and you're like, the whole housewife MILF deal, you probably know how to do that, right?"
Bridget's expression crosses a range of emotions during Abby's rambling confession; from a faint frown at her use of a curse word, to surprise at the topic at hand, to a conflicted sort of look when she's called a MILF... but ultimately, her expression settles on 'thoughtful', and she rubs her chin for the full effect. It's an odd request, there's no denying that, but following through on it could be pretty beneficial for the both of them. If she can get Abby to be a little more respectful and helpful around the house, well, isn't that generally the point of giving someone a cherry-red bottom? Lord knows it worked on her when she was a young lass.
After thinking it through for a moment, and accidentally leaving poor Abby to stew in mild nerves about what the eventual reaction will be, Bridget gives a slow nod of affirmation.
"Yes. I think I can help you with that, but there'd be some caveats!"
"Right, yeah, of course. What, uh, what're you thinking?" Abby breathes out a sigh of relief, rising up to her feet so she can address her stepmother at something closer to eye level- though since she's a fair bit taller than the older woman, that doesn't quite end up working out the way she wants it to. Still, Bridget doesn't let that get to her, tilting her head up to survey her stepdaughter with a warm, encouraging smile.
"Well! You need the full experience to be able to write about it, right?" She waits for a moment, getting a hesitant nod from Abby before she continues. "I can do that for you, but it has to happen on my terms! A real spanking doesn't end until long after you've started kicking and squealing, but I think you're almost certainly going to earn some extra punishments too... so here's the deal! I'm going to spank you now, as well as taking care of anything extra, and we'll put you to bed early too with a top-up whacking to ensure you're well-disciplined. Does that sound fair, sweetie?"
Bridget fully suspects that Abby's asking for this for reasons beyond simply wanting experience for her writing, and the way that the goth girl's eyes light up proves that suspicion- to say nothing of the way she eagerly agrees to those terms after barely thinking about them for half a second. It's cute, honestly- but it's not going to save her hide from the kind of thrashing that Bridget is resolving to give her.
A moment passes while Bridget sizes up her stepdaughter, pondering how much she'll be able to take, before she nods again and steps up to ruffle the girl's hair, beaming through the muted groaning that comes from the physical gesture.
Now, it's best to start out strong for the punishment, and Bridget knows precisely how it worked for her... once she's done ruffling the younger girl's hair, Bridget moves to pinch her earlobe instead, starting to march her firmly out of the room.
"Um- ow, hey, what the hell?" Abby protests, albeit weakly and hesitantly; she did ask for this, after all, but she's starting to get a taste for exactly how out of her depth she may end up being once the fun begins. Bridget just laughs softly, leading her stepdaughter down the stairs and into the living room, with only the occasional stumble on the way down. Perfect, so far so good...
"Now then! Put your nose into that corner over there while I fetch a few things. Chop chop!"
Abby had opened her mouth to question the instruction, but ends up only yelping when it's punctuated with a light slap to her clothed behind, making her reach back to cover it with both hands as she scurries off to the corner her stepmother had pointed to. She's seen this before, in her... 'research' into the topic of domestic discipline, so she doesn't need to be corrected when she gets into place: her nose presses hesitantly to the wall, her breath hot against the wallpaper, and she folds her arms behind her back for good measure. The whole experience is nerve wracking in the best way- exhilarating and unique, far different from when she'd experimentally put herself in timeout after first coming across the topic. There's something about it that hits very differently when there's someone else in the room actively watching her...
Speaking of that someone, it becomes apparent soon enough that Abby isn't going to be waiting in that corner for too long. She does have to wait while her stepmother fetches a chair and drags it into the centre of the room, then a touch longer while she busies herself doing... something else, god knows what, but less than five minutes later she feels that intoxicating feeling of a hand pinching her ear, pulling her back out of the corner and prompting her to gasp again. Bridget hums a little tune as she marches Abby towards the chair positioned ominously where she'd dragged it a moment before, and wastes no time sitting herself down in it, hands shifting to rest on Abby's waist so she can pull the girl into place in front of her.
"Alright, sweetheart, we'll skip the scolding portion this time since you know exactly why you're being spanked- oh! But it's pretty authentic to have you say the reason, so we'll do that. Put your hands on the back of your head, Abby." Bridget looks up at the girl expectantly as she finishes talking, nodding encouragingly as Abby hesitantly does as she's told. It's a motion she might come to regret, as Bridget takes advantage of her hands being out of the way to hook her fingers into the waistband of Abby's baggy lounge pants, tugging them down in one swift motion and reaching up to do the same to her panties before she has a chance to react.
When she does react, it's with a shocked gasp as she's bared in front of the older woman, keeping her hands on the back of her head and bending at the waist a little in a vain attempt at obscuring her nethers.
"Whoa! What the fuck- ow!" She dances back a step when Bridget lands a stern slap on the side of her thigh, shutting her mouth quickly and looking on with wide, flustered eyes.
"Language. We'll wash your mouth out later... but! First things first... what are you getting spanked for, sweetheart?"
It takes a moment for Abby to respond, of course- the poor girl's being tossed in the deep end with very little experience, and it shows on the way her face floods with pink and she stammers a few times before she manages to get out a satisfactory response.
"I, um. I'm getting s... spanked, because I asked for it?"
Bridget lets the statement hang in the air for a moment, wanting Abby to squirm a little, but ultimately nods, giving her stepdaughter another bright smile before starting to urge her down across her knees. It's a simple affair to get her over, but Abby ends up squirming and adjusting almost as much as Bridget ends up trying to adjust her as well, but it isn't too long before Bridget has her stepdaughter properly splayed across her knees, head down by the ground and pert, bare bottom positioned and angled perfectly for a proper session of discipline. With all of that done, there's clearly no more reason to delay, and so Bridget gets right into it- she gives Abby's upturned bottom one quick pat, stifling a giggle at the way the girl jumps and squirms just from that, and then...
Her hand swats down nice and hard, the sound of palm on flesh ringing out over the room and mixing with the sudden squeak that Abby gives, the girl tensing and wiggling a little over Bridget's knees. She's given the barest moment to adjust to the slight sting on her pale cheek, before the woman's palm cracks down again- and then again, again, a rhythmic pace that alternates Abby's slowly pinkening cheeks as the girl herself grits her teeth and focuses on trying to tough it out.
To her credit, her toughing it out does linger for a fair bit longer than it would've for some others; her bottom swiftly turns a nice healthy shade of pink under her stepmother's stern palm, and she's gripping the chair legs tight with the occasional grunt slipping from her pursed-shut lips, but she's managing to stop herself from kicking and squirming too much while she's disciplined. For now, at least... she doesn't know exactly what Bridget has in mind, and so she lets out a sigh of relief when the clockwork-paced rise and fall of her stepmother's palm finally comes to an end, a soft squeak leaving her when her warm, tingling bottom is given a faint pat.
"How are you liking your spanking so far, sweetheart?" Bridget sounds almost like she's purring when she speaks, and Abby's response begins as a nervous little laugh.
"Uh, it stings. So, what, do we finish up with more timeout, what's the usual play here?"
Abby's question earns her another teasing little laugh from Bridget, as the older woman leans over to the side and plucks up the implement she'd set aside earlier- that is to say, the hairbrush she'd selected from the few she has access to, the heaviest and broadest to ensure that she covers as much of Abby's bottom as possible with each swing of the brush. Once she has it, she taps it first against her palm, and then against Abby's bottom, the latter causing the goth to tense up and look over her shoulder with a worried expression.
"Oh, no, sweetie. This isn't done yet- you're only pink! We'll need some nice redness before you're done over my knees." Bridget answers, cutting off Abby's attempt at protesting by raising the brush and bringing it down for a sharp, stinging CRACK of wood against bottom, transforming whatever Abby had been about to say into a wordless squeal of surprise and pain.
"Wait wait- ow! Holy fuck, that stings!" Abby does find her voice after that swat, but Bridget pays it little mind, only tutting as she starts to paddle her poor stepdaughter's bottom steadily with the brush. The stubborn toughness from before barely lasts a minute into the spanking before the cracks start to show in her facade, and a further minute of steady, merciless paddling ensures that she's kicking her legs and squirming heavily enough to kick off her pants and panties, vocalising out with sharp, desperate squealing- but to her credit, she does her level best not to put her hands in the way. Though, it's hard to know if that's out of respect for the scene, or fear of getting her hands struck by the hairbrush so firmly punishing her pert, reddening rear end.
"Ow! Owww! Please, Mo- fuck! It hurts! Owowowwww!" She kicks and squirms and pleads her little heart out, but Bridget knows exactly what she's doing, and the merciless onslaught of the brush doesn't end until she's sniffling and on the verge of outright tears. Her bottom burns and throbs, on fire and enough to ensure that she won't be sitting down any time soon, and she's acutely aware of the fact that she'd have been bawling like a baby if things had gone on for even a minute longer...
"Alright, sweetheart, up you get."
It's all that Abby needs to hear- she shoots up to her feet, dancing from foot to foot and clutching her burning bottom with both hands, rubbing at the sting with a quivering lower lip. It's a very cute display, really, and one that Bridget watches with a slight smile. Abby's given a moment, and then Bridget rises to her feet, pulling the younger girl in for a warm hug and rubbing her lower back soothingly.
"It's intense, right? I'll bet you're gonna be a real good girl while your father's away, especially if I tell you that you're gonna get something just like that if you backsass me too bad. Right, sweetheart?" Bridget gives Abby the courtesy of not having to make eye contact, continuing the hug and letting the taller girl nod meekly into her shoulder before she breaks free.
"Great. So, we still have your mouthsoaping to take care off, so march that sore butt over to the kitchen, Abby! C'mon, chop chop!"
Once again, her words are punctuated with a light slap to the bottom, but this time the effect is far more pronounced- as should be expected, given the lingering fiery sting still on those punished cheeks. Abby yelps, and hurriedly scurries over to the kitchen, with Bridget following close behind.
There's no sense in dallying, and Bridget understands that, reaching out to grab some bar soap and running it under the faucet while Abby watches on with growing, mounting concern.
"I, uh, I never asked for this part." Abby offers weakly, but Bridget only rolls her eyes, one hand moving to cup the back of the goth teen's head so she can push her head down and towards the soap starting to loom in front of her.
"Open wide, Abby. The language you displayed during your punishment is just unacceptable, so we're going to have to clean that filthy mouth of yours." She starts to scold, channelling her own mother from punishments she'd received in her youth- and judging by the look on Abby's face before the soap even touches her lips, it's definitely working. Of course, her face scrunches up even further once the soap actually enters her mouth, and she instinctively tries to pull herself back, grimacing and whimpering in distaste as Bridget starts to scrub the foul, bitter taste all over her mouth, suds rolling down her chin as the older woman only hums happily. It's all too much for the poor girl, it seems- the combination of the throbbing in her bottom, the embarrassment of being bottomless in front of her stepmother, the foul taste and the chiding for using curse words... she starts to cry partway through her soaping, tears running down her scrunched up face as Bridget finishes up.
"Aw, there we go... don't worry, sweetheart, tears are a natural part of your punishment." Bridget coos, pulling the soap out and setting it aside. "Okay, hold it in for a moment, don't spit. Are you going to use bad words while you're punished, sweetie?"
Abby shakes her head vehemently in response, still sniffling and crying, and Bridget ruffles her hair affectionately.
"Good girl. Spit it out and rinse now." She smiles again at the sheer desparation in Abby's motions as she moves to do just that. "So, that's the end of your punishment, until bedtime. Seven thirty, I expect you in your pj's and ready for bed, so I can give you your bedtime spanking. Is there anything else you wanted experience with, honey?"
For a moment, nothing, as Abby's too busy swishing some water around her mouth in a vain attempt at washing the taste of soap from her mouth, but she's quick to answer once she's given up on that fool's errand.
"No, ma'am. Um... I'll let you know if anything else comes up, though. I'm gonna be nervous for some of it, though..." Abby reaches back to rub her sore bottom as she talks, still a little self conscious- but Bridget doesn't seem to care, reaching over for a side-hug and giving her sore bottom a soft pat.
"Oh, I'll bet. Go on, sweetie, I know you want to disappear into your room and take care of business, if you know what I mean."
Abby can't stop herself from blushing, hiding her face behind her hands and letting out a flustered little groan.
"Oh, come on..." She whines, but Bridget just laughs, leading her out of the kitchen with renewed enthusiasm.
"No no, it's fine, it's just us girls here! Go on, I'll put on some music while I vacuum so you'll have privacy." She says, winking at her flustered stepdaughter. Nothing more needs to be said- Abby doesn't even stop to pick up her discarded clothes as she pads off towards her bedroom, and Bridget watches her red bottom round a corner out of view with a satisfied smile on her face.
Oh yeah. Things are going to go a lot smoother around the house now, she's sure of that.
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1. Abby wiped the steam from her mirror. A Britney Spears hit blared from her cell phone, bouncing off the bathroom walls. Abby sang along into her hairbrush, biting her lip and shimmying her shoulders, whipping her wet hair from side to side, twisting her hips to the floor and back. Then the phone rang, interrupting her first private concert in her brand new apartment. She checked the caller ID and took a deep breath before answering. ‘Hi, Mom…’ She let her towel fall to the floor and...
Passion In James County XI: Abby Chapter twenty-nine ‘Abby, I think that was just about the best meal you ever made for me!’ Greg exclaimed when he finished eating. She’d prepared a very tasty chicken and vegetable casserole for dinner. Greg, who didn’t normally like chicken, found it delicious. ‘I know you don’t like chicken,’ Abby said, ‘but I really like this, and it’s easy to make, so I took a chance and made it. Did you really like it?’ ‘It really was good,’ Greg said. ‘Actually,...
The Chronicles of Abby: Abby’s Birthday(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part story was around a week after Abby’s neighbor, Uncle Jim brought her to a motel to get a good fuck.[SEXY COMMENTS Please!!! Really appreaciate SEXY comments!] After blowing the candles and cutting the cake. Both Matt and Jim were sitting on the bench at their garden, sipping beer and chatting while Jeff and the girls played inside the house. “So, your wife’s missing her daughter’s birthday party because of work?”...
The Chronicles of Abby: Abby’s Birthday Part 2(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part of the story is the sequel to Abby’s Birthday, right after Abby’s daddy had fun with her in her room.[SEXY COMMENTS are HIGHLY APPRECIATED] “Where are you going?” asked Jim while sitting on the sofa, watching TV. “I’m going over to Abby’s to get some…… Ugh……, Ugh……, Ugh……,” said Jeff while arching his butt forward and backward thrice, imitating that he’s fucking a pussy. “Hmmm……, Didn’t you just finished...
Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter five Abby’s desire to have her husband spend more time with her wasn’t satisfied in the weeks following their trip to their mountain cabin. In fact, Lee spent even more time at the office and hospital than he had before the trip. Her suspicion that her husband might be seeing someone else continued to grow stronger, but she had no proof that Lee was cheating on her. And, even though she tried to convince herself nothing was happening, the...
Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter eleven Abby sat in her living room, staring at the TV, wishing she knew some way to make things different in her life. Her husband and Carol Burke, his scrub nurse, who she now knew he was having an affair with, were attending a week-long convention in Las Vegas. Now that she had confirmed that Lee was having an affair, Abby knew in her heart of hearts that her marriage was over. Just the same, that knowledge didn’t keep her from hoping...
The front door to Lyney House was open when Abby got there. She had driven up preferring not to arrive hot and clammy from the walk up the hill. ‘Hello!’ She called stepping forward just across the threshold. She was uncertain whether to proceed further. A door twenty feet away directly in line with the front door opened and a tall, slim, grey-haired lady, dressed in jodhpurs and blouse smiled at her. ‘Hello, Abby. Do come through, I have just put the kettle on.’ Abby advanced down the hall....
Abby had expected a third degree cross examination upon arrival back at the Combe Inn. But all Mary asked was. ‘Did you enjoy your few days away, the sea air must have been nice.’ Alerting Abby to the fact that James must have told at least one person where she was. In the bar that evening she saw Sam, who surreptitiously winked. Abby discreetly nodded, acknowledging his part in the conspiracy. She then gave her attention to Mr. Brasher who had arrived that day. She and Mr. Brasher went to the...
The next day dawned with high cloud, through which the Sun would break frequently, it was warm, and Mary considered that it would stay this way all day. Abby had considered going over to the West Somerset Railway again, but Sam’s words last night had given her a lot to think about, and after breakfast her footsteps, as if with a mind of their own, took her to the station. The peace and solace that she would normally find here escaped her today. Perhaps she was wrong to think that she could put...
Later that week Abby took a day off to drive over to Coolton Grange. She wanted to pick Richard’s brains a little, and felt that time with Maggie would give her some relaxation. Richard was a mine of information about many things, but what gave Abby great hope was his mention of refrigerated transport. The slaughter house in Paverton could do the transport, but at a huge cost as Abby would be using the lorry for a whole day with only a small load. Richard mentioned that he was using transport...
The Chronicles of Abby: Davis and Madelyn Part 2(Madelyn’s Perspective)Synopsis: This story is the continuation of the episode ‘Davis and Madelyn Part 1’.[SEXY COMMENTS ARE REALLY APPRECIATED!!!] A week later, Madelyn waited for everyone to leave the classroom including Abby before asking her teacher, Davis for the gaming device that he had promised to get her. “Mr. Davis, has it arrived yet,” asked Madelyn in an especially sweet voice, feeling hopeful. “Hey, Maddie. Guess what? I think it’s...
A new city, a new job, a new life. It all sounded so good, starting over. But she'd tried to save some money by going with a cheaper moving company. Now very few of the boxes were in the rooms they'd been labeled for and neither of the beds had been reassembled. The four men had dumped things pretty willy-nilly and left, grumbling, because she had rightfully declined to tip them. It was a good thing her job didn't start for another two weeks. It was summer vacation and Tyler was out of...
Abby drove Mr. Brasher down to the station the next day, leaving him to wander around at his own pace. It was some time before he returned to her with a smile on his face. ‘I always get emotional when I see a place such as this. It looks so forlorn and neglected now, its purpose forgotten. But it was once an essential part of an economy that boosted this Country’s wealth and social standards to be the envy of the World. Knowing that it will be restored is a source of great happiness for me.’...
The Chronicles of Abby: Abby and Her New Friend(Abby and the new girl’s Perspective)Synopsis: Finally, Abby has a new neighbor, a new friend. Abby’s really happy but Jeff on the other hand was extremely frustrated! [APPRECIATE SOME HORNY COMMENTS as I get off by reading your comments!] The doorbell rang …… “Hold on a second, I’ll be right there,’ said Matt and he walked towards the front door while wondering who would visit him during this time of the day. He opened the door and saw a really...
Synopsis: This event took place when Abby was alone with her dad since her mom was away for work. And this was the first time ever Abby’s dad masturbated in front of her while looking at her sweet sexy panties in a really short mini skirt. She showed him her panties to get out of trouble. [Note: This part connects with the story: Abby, the 1st Grade Panty Tease and Her Perverted Teacher] When Abby turned seven, she’s ready for elementary school. Abby’s mom had previously turned down her chance...
The is a story about a life changing experience that my wife and I had a couple of years ago. Abby and I had planned a celebration after she lost a considerable amount of weight. She had reduced down to 110 pounds and looked great. I should describe Abby. She has long brown hair and big brown eyes. She has the cutest face and her smile is contagious. She stands five and a half feet tall and has a body that won't quit. Abby's petite figure measures 34D-21-33. Despite her awesome assets Abby is...
The Chronicles of Abby: PART 3 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part reveals how Abby teased her teacher, Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties and what happened when she went home with her daddy after that. It was the day Abby would tease Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties. Abby was standing in front of her full size mirror, lifting up her extremely short denim skirt that was picked by her daddy, Matt to wear to Mr....
Abby had gone to the station to think and was surprised to find Sam and Harry who had cleared off all the scrub and weeds around the house, and also erected many of the posts. Sam greeted her heartily. ‘Hello Abby, how are you today?’ ‘I’m fine thanks, Sam. I didn’t think you would be down here so quickly.’ ‘Yes, we thought it best to get the ground cleared before George comes in. He will only dump everything all over, and we would have to wait until goodness knows when to get the scrub...
The Chronicles of Abby: Daddy Came Back(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This is the continuation of Part 3 of The Chronicles of Abby: He’s So Heavy. What is He Doing to Me? ‘Jeff, wake up! Hurry! Wake up now!’ urged his dad, Jim while making sure not to wake little Abby while she was still asleep beside Jeff. ‘What’s wrong, Dad?’ asked Jeff who had just awoken and feeling slightly dizzy and exhausted. ‘Quickly, wake Abby. Get her cleaned. Her dad will be arriving in about 10 minutes’ time or less....
When Mavis and Sam came into the Combe that Saturday night, Mavis immediately looked around for Abby. She looked enquiringly at Mary, who had a very smug look. ‘Abby?’ she asked Mary. ‘Gone up to the House.’ ‘Will she be back a bit later?’ ‘Don’t think so,’ replied Mary, ‘had an overnight case with her.’ ‘Oh!’ In that exclamation, Mavis had invested more meaning than a sentence fifty words long could have described. Mary nodded as if she had understood every word of that sentence. Sam...
The Chronicles of Abby - Abby's Alone Time with the Horny Teenager, Jeff (Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: Matt has finally come up with a plan to leave his little girl alone with his horny teenage neighbor, Jeff. What will Jeff do to Abby?A few weeks has passed, Matt has been waiting for the day to get his daughter more of his neighbor’s teenage son, Jeff’s semen. Matt learnt from his neighbor, Jim that his son, Jeff was away for a week. He went for his school’s camping trip to a jungle for a week...
The Chronicles of Abby: PART 4 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: Right after Abby’s dad threatened Davis, Davis kept his lust in his pants until one day. Right after Abby’s dad threatened Davis, he hasn’t done anything risky with Abby. For the past few lessons, he had seen all sorts of panties color underneath her skirts and dresses whenever Abby sat with both her feet on the edge of the chair, hugging her legs. Sometimes, she’ll even sat with...
Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter thirty When Greg woke in the morning, he was alone in bed. Afraid Abby had left, he sat up, then he heard his bathroom door open. Moments later, she appeared in the bedroom, wearing one of his shirts, which dangled almost to her knees. Her hair was a bit tousled, and when she saw that he was awake, she smiled and flushed a little. Greg thought the blushing only made her look more beautiful. ‘Good morning,’ he said. ‘Good morning,’ Abby...
The turnaround for me came when I was handed a multi-million dollar class action suit against Abbott Chemical. The basis of the case is that Abbott Chemical had been dumping toxic chemicals near a low income residential neighborhood and over the years several people in the community had become very ill with cancers and liver problems. The case looked like it would be a slam dunk for us and would put several million dollars into the firms account and about $200,000 in mine. The problem was...
Abby had met Ray at the mall when he was the substitute Santa. He had eaten her pussy and brought her to a screaming orgasm, and fucked her as no high school boy had done before. But still, she was nervous about visiting Ray, as he was basically a dirty old man. And Abby's mom had always warned her about dirty old men. But after going out with another unsatisfying high school kid, who was hung but came within minutes, she kept thinking about Ray and his big cock, and how long he had stroked...
TeenROBERTO'S SECRET by Spanky Dee Cody Daniels was only trying to help her country; she never dreamed things would come to this. She was patriotic and felt compelled to do whatever asked of her to aid in the capture of the terrorist known only as "Roberto." But lying in his bed, bound and gagged, Cody wondered why she let herself go this far in the Bureau's plan to nab the world's most wanted and hated man. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It...
Abby wondered if she had overstepped the bounds, until James suddenly began to speak. ‘In many ways I was only playing at being an Officer, I viewed it as part of my training really to become Landlord here. Oh it was fun and I enjoyed it, that is until the Falklands happened. You know it is rather exciting to enjoy that sort of life, believing that you will never have to put into practice the skills you are being taught. Many officers can go through their entire Army career and never hear a...
After her visit to the dirty old man's house, Abby was satisfied, but a little embarrassed that she had let the old man Ray fuck her and cum inside her. She also worried a little about becoming pregnant, so when they were finished with the sex, she had gone to Ray's bathroom and tried to clean up and had done her best to squirt a bit of water inside her pussy, to flush out as much cum as she could.But as she got dressed, she was still a little sweaty, and her red hair was limp and stringy...
TeenAbbyT-Girl, Dick Girl, Trio, Anal/Oral, Multiple partners, Flashing, Fist, Creampie Abbygale had stopped to check on her ole friend Hudson. The rain had poured days prior to the approaching Hurricane Miriam. Hudson was a small town farmer, producing natural grown, clean vegetables. A solitary spirit with few needs and tough as iron, he had never married. She had met him when she was “Albert”, a college educated, agricultural agent. They remained close, even through her transition into a...
So over Xmas i moved to a new part of town and after i settled in to my new place i tried a couple of the local bars and restaurants, there was 1 local pub that had had a total refurb, as i had never been in there before but the local vibe was it was a nice warm place serving good food so i arranged to go there for Sunday lunch with a friend It was a very busy place and the lunch was very very good, but better than that there was a barmaid working there who at once caught my eye, Abbie looked...
I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...
I'm copying this story from here: because I prefer the interface of this site. Please feel free to copy entries from the story map, found here: In the original story, underage sex was allowed, but since that is against the rules here on this site, please make the appropriate modifications to fit site rules. I tried to...