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Part One – Galas and Gardens (continued)

One week later, Nancy walked into the Country Club after her chauffeur dropped her off. She dressed for the occasion with a tasteful blouse and tailored cream-coloured designer pants. She wore white flat shoes and had a summer shawl over her shoulders. The staff at the Country Club greeted her by name and she heard the warmth in their voices. She paused by a few and inquired into their families and well-being, remembering the names of the children and even their age.

A few years back, Nancy had hosted a children’s party for all the staff. When the Country Club had refused to host the event due to some legal crap, she had opened the doors to her house. She hadn’t spared any expenses and the staff still remembered it fondly. Nancy was their friend, and they loved her.

Soon she was inside and heading to the outdoor patio area near the pool and tennis courts. She had a favourite seat and hoped it was available. From there she could watch the Gulf and ignore the surrounding snobbery. She sighed as she made her way through the club complex. George had always understood and never questioned her need. She missed him fiercely every day. Together they were a team; always in step with one another and always reaching out to touch one another.

Nancy faltered and almost turned to leave when the club owner called out her name. Nancy forced a smile and turned to the voice. A rather large man, immaculately dressed to club standards, appeared from the office area. You can dress a pig in the same clothes, and it would look better, she fumed and stepped toward him.

“Mr Carter. How are you?” she reached out with both hands and Mr Evan Carter grasped them, too strongly as usual.

“Please, Nancy. Call me Evan. I wish you would.” His voice was always high-pitched, and it grated on her nerves. George had hated the man, and that was all she had needed to know to equally dislike him.

She merely nodded.

“Such a pleasure to see you once again to bless us. You’ve been missed. The members are always asking about you, especially after your donation at the gala. That was very generous. I’m sure George would be pleased.”

Nancy had to clench her teeth. The audacity of this man! How would he know what George liked or didn’t like? She resisted the urge to put him in his place and nodded instead. “Thank you. Is Alice here?”

Mr Carter nodded his head but did not seem inclined to let go of her hands. She watched him check her out. All men always did, and she had long grown used to it. Most men were more discrete, but not Evan Carter. She never got used to him sizing her up like some piece of meat at the market. He was repugnant to her. She snatched her hands back a little more sharply than she intended. My nerves are almost shot.

Mr Carter was oblivious to it. “Yes, she’s out on the patio waiting for you. She’s ordered drinks and they should be waiting for you.”

“Thank you,” and Nancy turned and walked away.

Mr Carter called after her. “If you need anything, anything at all, please do not hesitate to ask for me directly…”

Nancy shuddered at the implied offer and kept on walking.

She greeted more people and exchanged air kisses. It took her the better part of ten minutes to clear everyone and finally emerge on the patio. She looked around in the bright sunlight and felt a presence sidle up to her.

“Ma’am,” whispered Devin on her right. He was the head waiter for the patio. She smiled up at the large black man and saw him smiling back. “Such a pleasure to see you again, ma’am. You’ve been missed, dearly.”

“Thank you, Devin. It’s so good to see you again. I’m sorry I’ve not been around.”

She saw the sadness touch his eyes and her heart twisted a little. He nodded. “It's completely understandable if you don’t mind me saying so. You’ve been in all our prayers. My wife asks about you all the time.”

Nancy felt a spark of joy. His wife was a wonderful woman. She had been through such hard times before coming to Canada. Nancy had helped with her citizenship. Their family had three wonderful children, all bright and full of hope for their future. “Please send her my love. How are the children?”

Devin smiled brightly. “Doing wonderful in that school. And little Audrey is doing so well. Her autism is being managed much better, thanks to you.”

Nancy smiled at the larger-than-life man. “Devin, it was the least I could do. I’m glad to hear everything is good. You have my number. If you have any problems, give me a call.”

“I surely will, Mrs Bates.”

“Tut! It’s Nancy!”

“You know I can’t say that here,” he said in a quiet voice, smiling and looking around the patio.

She sighed. “I know. I’m sorry. Such a pretentious club. I heard Alice is here?”

Devin smiled down at her. “At your usual table. When we heard you were coming today, the staff were so excited. Your table is waiting for you. Can I escort you?”

Nancy slipped her hand into his offered elbow. “Why of course, good sir. Lead on!”

Already the patio was abuzz with conversation with most heads turning her way. She identified the numerous patrons and knew them as the rich and powerful in business and politics. She smiled at them as Devin escorted her graciously to her table. She spotted Alice and saw her wave toward her.

“Ma’am, Miss Berry has been here for a good hour already and has finished one pitcher of Margaritas already.”

“Oh, has she? Interesting. You know what I like and how to make it. Please?”

“Of course, Mrs Bates. You don’t need to ask. All the staff here know how to best take care of you.”

Nancy felt her eyes sting and blinked. George and she had always treated the staff here as people. They were generous when they could be, and the staff always respected them. She had not realised just how much she had missed this place, despite the aloof members.

Devin brought her to the table and Nancy slipped her hand free. She patted his arm. “Devin, thank you so much. You are simply the best.”

“My pleasure, Mrs Bates.”

Alice was smiling at them both. “I told you she was coming, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did, Miss Berry. Do you require anything else?”

Alice hoisted her empty pitcher and gave it a little shake and laughed. “One more?”

“Certainly, ma’am. Coming right up.”

Devin disappeared, and no sooner had Nancy sat than a vodka and soda appeared before her. Nancy looked up and saw Ben, another favourite of hers. She rose and hugged the startled black man. “Ben! I missed you! How have you been? How are your studies?”

Ben backed away and looked nervously about. “Ma’am, very good thank you.” He leaned in and whispered. “We missed you. Please don’t hug us here? You know how Mr Carter gets?”

Nancy frowned. She did indeed. “I’m sorry, it’s just been so long. So, school?”

Ben beamed. “I’m starting my second year this Fall at the Vancouver Academy of Music. I’m learning so much!”

Nancy grinned. “Fantastic! You play such beautiful music. You have quite the career ahead of you!”

Ben nodded. “Thank you. Jazz is in my soul. I’ve formed a trio and play the clubs down in Gastown. I have a gig lined up at Guilt and Company. You should come check us out this weekend! I remember you and George dancing to my music. I would love to see that again.”

No sooner were the words out of his mouth than a look of horror crossed his face.

“I’m so sorry!”

“It’s okay, Ben. I remember that fondly, too. I’ll try to be there, okay? Don’t worry about it. It has been over a year now.”

Ben nodded but looked like he had betrayed someone. “I’m so sorry, ma’am. We all are. We all pray for you. We think about you all the time.”

Nancy felt the sting in her eyes again and then hugged Ben once again and whispered in his ear. “Thank you, Ben. Knowing your music is taking you places is enough for me. Don’t you worry about Evan Carter. He forgets things sometimes. I’ll remind him.”

She pulled back and saw Ben’s eyes were a little wet.

“Thank you for the drink.”

Ben left without another word and Nancy sat and looked at her friend who was grinning a drunken smile.

“They ask about you all the time here. I’m tired of making excuses for you. Ben has an album out now that he produced. He won’t tell you because you know how they are with you. All afraid you’ll do something nice for them. Which you will. What did I hear about Carter?”

Nancy rolled her eyes. “He ambushed me coming in. All smarmy and hands-on. Undressed me with his eyes. Typical crap.”

“And what is he forgetting?”

Nancy took a sip of her vodka and soda. She could barely taste the vodka and she sighed happily. George taught her to always watch alcohol intake in public. It was the road to disaster, he always said. “He forgets I own this joint…:”

Alice tipped back her head and roared in laughter. After a moment, Nancy joined her.

A new pitcher of margaritas appeared, and Alice’s glass was replaced and refilled. They toasted one another and clinked glasses. Alice was looking around and smiled. “All the staff keep appearing all over and sneaking looks at you, did you know that?”

Nancy shook her head and smiled.

Alice gave her an appraising look. “You’re looking better. Stronger.”

“Yes, well, someone spoke to my chef and complained about me not eating enough!”

Alice raised her glass. “Guilty as charged!”

They laughed and enjoyed the view for a moment. Nancy kept glancing at Alice and Alice smirked.

Alice decided to steer the conversation away from what was eating Nancy. “How is Angela doing?”

Nancy’s face lit up. “Oh, she’s doing wonderful! What a change having a roof over her head and good things to eat. The doctor said she was dehydrated and malnourished. Nothing else. Clean bill of health.”

“Has she said anything about her past?”

“Not much. I get the feeling she left Calgary to escape something or someone. Probably before it left scars on her. She’s terribly shy. Worse than me. She really thought she could change her life in Vancouver, but it didn’t work out and she slipped through the cracks. She’s smart though and found Gabrielle.”

“And her fascination with you?”

Nancy looked uncomfortable. “A childish thing. She seems to be over it now that she can see I’m not some Disney princess.”

Alice snorted. “Disney princess? Whoever called you that?”

“Devin’s autistic daughter did once.”

Alice laughed. “What are you going to do with her?”

Nancy sipped her drink. “I really don’t know. I don’t think she wants to leave just yet and I am thankful. I’ve asked her to look into her education. Find something like Robertson College. She’s already complained about the Wi-Fi in the house and is determined to fix my… rooter? I don’t understand.”

“Router, I think they call it. She did say she was into technology.”

“Yes, well, she’s busy on my computer in the office all the time.”

“You let her on your computer? George’s computer?”

“Oh yes. You should see her clicking and typing away. Her face lights up and she is so happy. It’s a delight having her around. The house doesn’t feel so empty anymore.”

Alice was pleased to hear her friend speaking so positively, but she was worried. “Careful, Nancy. She’s a stranger.”

“What could she do?”

“Who knows? Just be careful.”

“I will.” Nancy sipped and watched Alice for a time. Finally, after Alice just seemed content to smile at her she leaned toward over the table. “Well?”

Alice took her time answering. “He’ll be here at two.”

Nancy checked her watch. “An hour?”

Alice sipped her drink. “Yup, time enough to get some panty remover into you.”


Alice chuckled. “What? When was the last time you got laid?”

Nancy blushed furiously. “You know when.”

“Yes, I do. Now drink up!”


An hour later, Nancy saw Alice looking over her shoulder at something. As soon as she turned to look, she saw Devin bringing over Steve Fagin. Her nerves jangled through her and she felt the sudden need to run, but she steeled herself and waited.

She stood and turned, and Devin and Steve approached.

“Mrs Bates, your guest has arrived, Mr Steve Fagin.”

Nancy opened her mouth to speak but Steve spoke first. Without even looking at Devin he spoke to him. “Thank you, you’re dismissed.”

Nancy blinked and saw the expression that crossed Devin’s face. It wasn’t pleasant. She opened her mouth to say something when Steve reached out and took her hand and repeated the gesture from the gala. His lips brushed her knuckles. She lost her voice, unsure how to react. She looked to Devin, but he was already gone.

“Nancy, such a pleasure to see you again!” gushed Steve. He sat at their table without an invitation and spied the pitcher of margaritas, Alice’s third.

Nancy and Alice sat awkwardly and shared a look.

“I admit when Alice contacted me, I was surprised. Surprised you remembered me, to be honest.”

“It was a memorable evening,” said Nancy, feeling unsure.

Steve looked at her and smiled. It was dazzling and beautiful. “I hadn’t forgotten you. You are such a treasure. One in a Million.”

“Thank you.”

Ben came over and stood nearby waiting. Steve noticed him. “A glass, please,” he said and pointed at the pitcher.

Ben looked at Alice who nodded minutely. He left.

“I didn’t think I left much of an impression with you,” said Steve when the ladies said nothing else.

Nancy glanced at Alice unsure of what to say. Steve was acting strangely. She felt doubts rise quick and fast.

Steve looked at both of them. “I’m messing things up, aren’t I?” he said and slumped back in his seat. “I’m sorry. Perhaps I should go. I’ve never been to such a fancy place and I’m not sure how to act. I’m embarrassing you.” Steve rose and Nancy reached out and grabbed his arm.

“No, don’t. Stay. I wasn’t much better when I first arrived here,” she said and caught Alice’s disagreeing face in the corner of her eye. “Stay. Relax. There is no ‘way to act’. Order your own drink. They’ll bring you anything you want. Food, too, if you’re hungry.”

Steve hesitated and then quietly sat down. “I’m so bloody nervous. I’m acting like an American, aren’t I?”

Nancy laughed. “Perhaps. I bit boisterous.”

Alice stirred. “You know Nancy knows all the staff here personally. Interviewed some of them. She can tell you all their children.”

Nancy shot daggers at Alice who ignored her.

Steve looked surprised. “Really? Why would you be interviewing staff here?”

Alice tittered. “She owns the place…”

Steve looked stunned. “You own… this place? The Country Club?”

Nancy was truly embarrassed. “Yes, not many people know that. Please keep your voice down. George bought this place for me one day out of the blue. He said If I was so interested in how the staff are and their lives, I should be their boss. So now I am. It’s more token than anything else. Mr Carter runs the place on my behalf.”

Steve said nothing and looked around the establishment. Ben arrived and placed a glass down on the table in front of Steve. Steve looked up at him. “I’m so sorry. I’ve been very rude, I’m afraid. I don’t know the rules and I am truly out of place here. This is a far cry from my town in New Jersey. Can I order something?”

Ben nodded his head. “Yes, sir. What would you like?”

“Scotch, neat. Single malt. Laphroaig, if you have it? The eighteen?”

Nancy felt a jolt hearing the name of the scotch. It was her husband’s scotch. And the exact age he preferred. George always said he had to drink a scotch old enough to sleep with.

Steve looked at her and winked. “It has to be old enough to sleep with!”

Nancy lurched to her feet.

Steve stood. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No, no. I just need the ladies’ room. I’ll be right back.”

Nancy hurried away and made it to the ladies’ room. It was thankfully empty, and she burst into a stall and emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl. Her mind was reeling. He was so much like George. Too much. It distressed her and excited her.

Finally, the nausea passed. She had been feeling sick far too often these days. Alice is right though. I need to get out. Enjoy life. George would have wanted that.

She washed up and rinsed her mouth. She exited the bathroom and went back outside. She saw Alice and Steve laughing up a storm at their table and she smiled. This might work after all, she thought and joined them.

“What are you two laughing about?” she asked, and Steve rose and remained standing until she sat down. He settled in and sipped his scotch. Alice looked at her worried. “I’m fine, Alice. Not used to the summer heat.”

Steve nodded. “I hope you are feeling better. Alice was telling me about how you first met.”

“No, she didn’t!” laughed Nancy. “Tell me you didn’t!”

Alice laughed and sipped her drink. “Yup.”

“Did she really catch you kissing a girl in a bar?”

Nancy peeled in laughter and embarrassment. “Yes! It was horrible!”

Alice made an unladylike snort. “You were loving it.”

Steve smiled at Nancy. “Tell it from your side. I know Alice’s…”

Nancy sighed. “I suppose I might as well. It was my first year in UBC, the University of British Columbia,” she explained, and Steve nodded. “I went bar-hopping with some girlfriends down in Gastown. There is this terrific Irish pub – a huge place — with live music, and we went in. I started drinking this red beer…”

Alice spoke “Rickards Red.”

“That’s the one! Anyway, I liked it. Too much. This is before I met George! Remember that! Anyway, there was this little red-haired girl there. My age. Beautiful. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She noticed and approached me. Soon we were drinking and laughing. It was magical.

“Things get a bit blurry, but soon I was outside with this girl. Skipping on the cobblestones! She steered me into this other club. A dark strange place and before I knew it, I realised I was in a gay bar. Sorry, alternative lifestyle place. I started to look around and noticed a lot of same-sex couples. They were playing Jenga! Jenga! Incredible. Anyway, I was looking around at all these women kissing and stuff. And men kissing men. It all looked so civilised. Oh, our waiter Ben is going to be playing there. He is so good at jazz. I digress. One thing led to another and suddenly I was kissing this redhead. I still don’t know her name. I never did learn it, actually. Why’d I never notice that before?

“So, there I am, first-year university student, doing everything a first-year should. You know, experimenting?” Nancy laughed. “I’m oblivious to everything when I feel this tap on my shoulder. It’s Alice. She says, and I quote ‘Mind if I cut in?’.” Nancy laughed harder. “It was so… so funny. I started to laugh. Really laugh. The whole place was looking at me. The redhead—God I hate to call her just that—this girl I was with flipped me off and exited the place. So, there is Alice and I standing there staring at each other laughing. She gave me this chaste kiss on the lips and said ‘let's blow this popsicle stand’ or something and she brought me back to the dorms. She went to UBC and recognised me. My knight in shining armour! She held my hair as I puked for hours. I was SO drunk. She rescued me. Or so she thinks.” Nancy kept laughing and missed the strange look Alice gave her at the end.

“I met George two days later. The end. How’d that compare? With Alice’s version?”

Steve was laughing and Nancy liked the way it looked on him. The corners of his eyes crinkled, and she suddenly wanted to kiss them. “Mostly the same. She never said anything about puking though. And she said you were openly groping the poor girl in the bar and were being equally groped. The whole bar was watching you!”

Nancy laughed. “True, I left that part out.”

Steve looked appreciatively at Nancy. “I adore your laugh. It's beautiful.”

Nancy stopped laughing and blinked at Steve. “Wow.”

Even Alice seemed impressed.

They smiled at each other. Nancy felt very much at ease. She spied the staff looking over at them and smiling. Everything feels perfect for once, she thought and raised her glass to Alice and Steve.

“To us!” she chimed.

“To us!” repeated Alice and Steve.

Late in the afternoon, they sat by the pool in the shade in loungers watching the kids and some adults swimming. Alice had fled to the bathroom about fifteen minutes earlier and Nancy was informed some staff were helping her and keeping her away from prying eyes.

There was a little table between their loungers and Nancy put out her hand for her ice water when Steve captured her hand. He held it and rubbed her palm.

“Thank you for inviting me. I’ve had a wonderful afternoon,” he said.

Nancy looked at him and saw the sincerity. His thumb pressing her palm relaxed her. George used to do that to her. She had missed it.

“I would like to ask you out for a date if that’s allowed?”


“If you would like, I mean.”

“Hmm. Where would we go?”

“How does jazz sound? We could go watch Ben play. You said he was good, and I love jazz. Especially Oscar Peterson. Night Train. My favourite album. He’s Canadian, right?”

Nancy felt like she was floating out of body. George had adored Oscar Peterson. She found herself nodding. “Okay. Ben said he plays there this weekend.”

He smiled. “It’s a date then. I want to say something to you, and I don’t want you to judge me right away.”

Nancy nodded.

“I know you are still grieving. I’m not trying to replace your husband or make you forget him. I just like your company and I would like to bask in it a little longer.”

Nancy felt her eyes sting again, and she nodded. “Okay.”


Steve picked Nancy up right on time driving a new Tesla Model X. The gull-wing doors opened, and Nancy clapped to watch it. Steve got out and held out his elbow to escort her to the passenger side. He helped her get in and then surprised her by reaching across her to buckle in her seat belt. He paused as he was exiting and looked into her eyes for a moment.

“Need to keep you safe,” he whispered, and she felt a thrill go through her.

He got in and pushed a button and the doors closed. In a moment they were off, and she marvelled at the lack of sound. It was like riding in a cloud.

“What a beautiful car!” she gushed.

“Thank you. This is the best one. Did you know how they are named?”

She shook her head. She knew nothing about cars, but at least knew the Tesla brand and what they were.

“Elon Musk named them the Models S, 3, X and Y. Do you see what that spells?”

She thought and then got it. “Oh my God! Really?”

“Yup, he has quite the sense of humour.”

“Good for him. There’s not enough laughter in the world.”

“I agree. Let’s try to get some out of you tonight. I want you to be relaxed and have a good time. This is about the music and your friend Ben. I’ll keep you safe, always.”

Nancy sucked in a breath. George always said that to her. He always promised to keep her safe. And he always did. Then he left her. “Okay,” was all she said. She reached over and took his hand and marvelled at how small her hand was in his. I wonder if what Alice said was true about large hands…

They entered the club and Nancy was noticed right away. She had warned Steve about it. The city of Vancouver knew her by sight. Soon they were sitting by the stage, with drinks on the house, and waiting for Ben and his trio to perform. They held hands and talked of small things. Life growing up. Inspirations, dreams, and loss. She found herself warming to Steve and felt a tingle of excitement run through her and wondered if she would be brave enough later. And if she could be strong enough.

The lights dimmed and Nancy could see the trio position on the darkened stage. She spotted Ben right away when he settled behind the piano, but he couldn’t see her yet. Once they were settled, the stage lit up and Ben looked out into the audience and spotted Nancy right away.

“Mrs Bates!” he exclaimed, and the audience laughed good-naturedly. “You came!”

“Of course, Ben. I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Play your heart out for me!”

She saw his chin tremble, and he nodded. He turned to his drummer and cello player and spoke quietly, but Nancy heard him. “Change of song, guys. I told you she would come, didn’t I? Play it good. Just for her.” Ben looked out at the audience. “Ladies and Gentlemen. We are the Ben Stills Trio, I’m Ben Stills. This song goes out to the one person in my life who changed it so much for the better. Mrs Nancy Bates. I know the song that she needs to hear right now. Ladies and gentlemen, ‘I Got It Bad And That Ain’t Good’ by the Oscar Peterson Trio.”

Nancy gasped and lifted a hand to her mouth. Soon the silky piano notes, soft drum brushes and soothing cello filled the room. She watched Ben’s face go from studied to enraptured as he teased the song from his piano. She felt her tears fall. This was George’s favourite song, and she knew he would have loved to have been here to watch Ben’s masterful performance. The audience was hushed, pulled into the melody. She felt Steve press a handkerchief into her hand and she dabbed her eyes never taking them off Ben.

All too quickly the song ended, and the club was still. Ben was still lost in the moment and then looked up and looked around as if waking from a dream. The audience jumped to their feet and the applause and cheering were thunderous. Ben looked surprised and then recognised it was for him and his trio. He looked at Nancy and mouthed “thank you”. Nancy nodded, unable to speak.

“Thank you, everyone. We appreciate that. On drums is Rich Jenkins. On bass, Steve Harkness. The next song comes from the Holly Cole Trio, ‘I Can See Clearly Now.’ Please forgive my singing…”

The audience laughed and then went silent as the cello thrummed. Ben adjusted his microphone, and then his beautiful countertenor filled the club. His hands danced on the keyboard and the audience could see and feel the beauty the trio poured into their music.

The evening flew by. Steve held her hand and said little. Nancy met with the trio on stage and hugged them all tightly and congratulated them. She spoke some quiet words to Ben, and then he was holding her tight and everyone could see the tears in his eyes. Nancy wiped her eyes and took Steve’s hand.

“Take me home. Now. I want to feel the ludicrous speed…”


In short order, they were back at her home. Steve walked her up to her door. She carried her shoes in one hand. They stopped at the entrance.

“What did you say to him? To Ben?” he asked once they stopped.

Nancy leaned up and kissed Steve on the lips. She held herself there for a moment. And then pulled back.

“I said George heard his music in heaven.”

Steve went quiet and then moved to leave. Nancy stopped him.

“Where are you going?”

Steve looked into her eyes. “Home.”

“Come inside. With me.”

Steve stepped closer and leaned down and kissed her. Her lips parted and his tongue slipped just inside and touched her teeth. His left hand held the small of her back and his right held her upper back. He leaned forward and took her weight and she felt light as a feather.

He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes and spoke. “I have the same hunger. But this is too fast. I enjoyed tonight. More than you know. It was magic. Let’s go back tomorrow. See Ben again.”

Nancy nodded, afraid to speak. Steve kissed her and righted her on her feet.

“Goodnight, Nancy. See you tomorrow.”

She watched him stroll back to his car and watched the door swing up. He turned and gave her a cheeky salute with two fingers to his brow. A gesture George would often do. She smiled at him and waved and watched him enter the car and drive off in silence.

She wrapped her arms around her midriff and spun around in place.




Nancy woke a little later than normal. She stretched languidly in her California King and luxuriated in the feel of the satin sheets against her naked skin. She always slept naked. She hated the feeling of sleep clothes pinching her or confining her.

She glanced at the window and by the angle of the light streaming in she judged it to be mid-morning. She looked at her clock and saw it was only eight in the morning. I’m such a terrible judge of time, she thought and smiled.

Nancy always slept on the left side of the bed. She took up so little space and barely ruffled the sheets. She stretched again and heard a thump beside her on the floor. She leaned over and spied her Magic Wand lying on the floor. She grinned at it and leaned down and just managed to get her fingers on it and pull it back up. The electric cord trailed from the end.

After Steve had dropped her off, she had skipped into the house and swirled around in joy. She hadn’t felt this aroused for a long time. The kiss from Steve lingered on her mind and she relived it. The feel of his strong hands on her back. The way he supported her so effortlessly. It had been a magical night.

She climbed the entrance staircase to the second floor and saw the flickering light from the office. Still in her bare feet, she tiptoed down to the door and peeked inside. Angela was on the computer again. George had placed the desk so he could look out the window instead of putting his back to it. She watched her for a moment.

Angela was browsing the Internet. It looked like business sites to Nancy. She was perched on the large leather seat and leaning forward. After a moment, Angela did something with the mouse and the screen changed. Nancy was shocked to see images of her from celebrity magazines fill the screen. Angela selected one, and the image filled the screen. Nancy knew the picture well. It had been scandalous at the time. Her attempts to get it pulled from the Internet had failed.

It showed Nancy on a yacht off a Greek island. The photographer had caught her sunbathing in the nude with a telephoto lens. She was on her back but perched up on her elbows and looking to the left. She was completely oiled up and her breasts were exposed with her puffy nipples erect and obscene. The worst thing was she wore no bottoms, and her pussy was not only exposed, but her lips were parted, and her private pink insides were clearly visible and her clitoris, a little larger than most women, was clearly there. Nancy remembered that trip. What the press and the world didn’t know was that the wetness between her legs was George leaking out from her.

She loved and hated that picture.

Angela was doing something in the chair and suddenly her feet lifted and lay on the desk with her legs spread. Nancy heard the wet sound and then Angela moaned. Nancy took a step back in shock. Angela was masturbating to her picture! Nancy went to leave but then heard Angela whisper her name.

At first, she thought she had been caught, but then heard Angela speaking to the screen.

“Nancy! Yes, like that. Please. Deeper. Harder. Ungh.”

Nancy was enthralled. She had never seen anyone masturbate before and certainly never to her picture. Angela was really starting to go at it and the wet sounds grew louder. As she watched, Angela lifted her hand to her mouth and sucked on her fingers for a moment and then resumed. Nancy wished the seat back didn’t hide everything.

Nancy felt her nipples harden, and hot wetness filled her pussy. She wanted to suck those fingers, too. She lifted a hand to her right breast and found her nipple and give it a light squeeze and shuddered as her body responded.

She knew she shouldn’t be watching. That she was violating Angela’s privacy, but she couldn’t seem to make her feet move away.

“Nancy! More! Just like that. Yes!” Angela moaned and Nancy could see she was thrusting her fingers deep inside herself.

Nancy watched it all. Heard Angela call out her name over and over. Her arms movements became erratic and the toes on her feet curled and opened. She was lifting her ass off the seat in time to her finger thrusts and for a moment Nancy caught the red curls of her pubic hair and saw her wet fingers plunging inside her.

Then Angela came in shuddering shakes of her entire body. She made a deep moaning sound in her throat and then gasped. She lifted her ass high and Nancy could see her fingers thrusting and then circling her clitoris. A beautiful clitoris, hard and pearl white, glistening with her juices. Nancy licked her lips. She could smell Angela’s musk now. She smelled sweet and wonderful. Angela thrust her hips a couple of more times and then stilled her hand. Her orgasm was long and varied and Nancy felt the sudden need to feel the same thing.

Suddenly her feet could move, and she slipped away silently in her bare feet to her bedroom. She failed to notice Lan at the other end of the hallway peering out from a side room. She ripped off her clothes and dived into her massive walk-in closet. She searched her lower drawers frantically and found the Magic Wand George had bought her early in their marriage. It had never been used.

She ripped open the box and pulled the wand and attached cord free. It was wound up and tied with a wire and she ripped it away. She could feel her wetness leaking from between her legs. Her nipples were pinched and hurt like bright hot sparks. She staggered to her bed and then tried to find the electrical outlet behind her nightstand. Finally, she spied it and reached back with the plug and tried to plug it into the outlet. It took her several attempts, but she managed. She made a small cry of victory and stood shaking with need. She flipped back her bedsheets and flopped onto her back.

She looked over the Magic Wand and found the power switch. It had two positions, and she selected the single line and the round head of the wand vibrated. She tried the second position, and the vibration increased.

A wide grin spread across her face and she held the wand and reached down with her left hand and split her pussy lips apart. She felt her wetness pour from her. She had never been this wet. Her needs never cried out to her so deeply.

She thrust inside her vagina for a moment with two fingers. She reached in and up and found her best spot and then gently rubbed it. She looked at the wand and then lowered the vibration. She had never used anything like this before and she gently lowered the round head to her clitoris.

The moment it touched her; she knew it was too much. She jumped and then placed the head next to her clitoris. The vibration passed through her mons and her clit erupted in pleasure. Nancy moaned hard as the pleasure rocketed through her. It had been so long. Too long, she knew.

Sex with George had been wonderful and fulfilling. She missed that. She thought of Steve and the kiss and her pleasure rose. She kept her hand gently rubbing her spot and moved the wand slightly. She could feel her wetness flooding her hand and for a crazy moment she worried about the sheets. Another ripple of pleasure flooded her, and her head arched back with the intensity.

She thought of Steve for a moment. Thought of him kissing her all over. His lips on hers and then sliding down over her neck. His hands caressing her, possessing her, touching her breasts, and squeezing her nipples. She thought of him touching her between her legs. His fingers running through her public hair and over her mons. His finger slipping between her lips and touching her right where the wand was exciting her.

Suddenly it was no longer Steve in her mind. A thin, shy redhead with freckles running laughing down the beach filled her mind. Tender kisses in secret. And then it was Angela. Her red hair bright and flashing. Her feet on the desk and her ass thrusting high into the air. Her name on her voice.

And then the shy redhead was back. Nancy’s mind flipped from one to the other and her pleasure grew, and her moans and cries filled the bedroom.

Standing just outside the bedroom, stood Angela. She was peeking through the crack in the open door and watched Nancy pleasure herself. She had seen Nancy in her reflection on the computer monitor. Saw her watching and pinching her nipple. Hope shone in her eyes and she watched Nancy now and she heard every sound and motion Nancy made. She came so close to opening the door and joining her. Her whole body and soul demanded it.

Then Nancy screamed a name and Angela fled in tears.

“Brigitte!” screamed Nancy and came violently in her bed.


Back in the present Nancy hefted the weight of the wand. She was tempted to use it again but resisted the urge. It was a wonderful toy. Pleasuring herself last night had changed something within her. She felt alive. More at peace. The future, which had always looked so dark, seemed bright.

She smiled as she recognised her own message for the people she helped. The future is bright. She laughed and swung out of bed. She opened her nightstand and dropped the wand inside. She found the plug, unplugged it, and closed the drawer. Her finger lingered on the drawer for a moment before she walked away and headed the bathroom.

An hour later, she emerged downstairs. Lan met her on the landing. “Miss, would you care for breakfast?”

“Actually, yes, please. Fruit and yogurt. Perhaps a bagel with lox and cream cheese? I’ll take it in the day room this morning.”

Lan looked startled.

Nancy laughed. “I know. I haven’t been in there since George died. It has been long enough. Open the drapes and let the light in. If Angela is up, please have her join me.”

Lan nodded and rushed away.

Nancy wandered the house for a time. It had been so long since she had seen it. She smiled at the mementoes of trips with George. Photos of the two of them were everywhere. Both smiling broadly and loving every moment together.

Lan found her when breakfast was ready, and Nancy entered the dayroom. It was a small room like you would find in a normal house. It was the place George and she had relaxed the most often. The staff called it “the” room. It had been closed since George died. Only the cleaning staff entered to dust carefully and clean about once a month.

Nancy entered and saw that nothing had been moved. It was exactly as George had left it. His empty cup and newspaper sat on the table. An ashtray with six butted-out cigarettes. A dirty plate. Exactly as it had always been.

Nancy turned to Lan who hovered behind her. “Please clear the dishes away.”

Lan gasped and held a hand to her mouth.

Nancy smiled at her. “It’s been long enough. Clear the dishes.” Nancy patted the poor woman on the shoulder and Lan nodded and quickly took the dishes away. Nancy watched them go and felt a pang in her heart. Then a sharp stab. Her brow was quickly covered in sweat and Nancy sat as her head spun.

In a moment it passed, and Nancy took her normal seat. The serving staff arrived and placed her breakfast in front of her.

“Thank you, Beatrice. How’s your daughter doing?”

Beatrice froze and looked at Nancy in joy. “Ma’am! You’re back with us!”

“Yes. I’ve been gone for so long. Is your daughter well?”

“Yes, ma’am. Right as rain now, thank you for asking.”

“I’m glad.”

“Ma’am, if you don’t mind me saying. On behalf of the staff, thank you for keeping us on after…”

“Of course! We are all a family of sorts, are we not?”

Beatrice nodded happily and left Nancy to her meal.

Nancy looked up when Angela entered and looked around. “Morning, Angela. How did you sleep?” Nancy had images of Angela playing with herself and felt a tingle.

Angela was still looking around. “This is a neat room. The door was always locked.”

“This was a favourite room of my husband and me.”

“Ah, I see.”

“Please have a seat and join me.”

Angela finally looked at her and Nancy sensed something was different. The look of infatuation was dimmed. Nancy sighed happily thinking at last Angela was coming down to earth.

“Did you order anything to eat?”

“Coffee. Only coffee in the morning.” Angela sat down across from Nancy, not knowing it was George’s usual spot.

On cue, Beatrice carried in a small tray with a mug of coffee steaming in the middle of it. She paused when she saw where Angela was sitting and then continued. “Here you go, dear. Your usual.” She placed the mug down in front of Angela. She glanced at Nancy and fled.

Angela sipped her coffee and smacked her lips. “The coffee here is amazing. Everything is amazing. Your indoor pool? Amazing. Did you know you have a full croquet field on the side of the house? And a lawn bowling green? How do you play lawn bowling, anyway?”

Angela had come out of her shell a few days ago. She had transformed from shy and reserved to talking a mile a minute. She was comfortable and felt safe. This pleased Nancy immensely.

“Actually, yes I did. George said his parents had put them in. This house used to have many more people in it. All his family. Scores of children. Over the years they passed or moved on. Then it was just George and me. And now its just me. And you now, of course.”

“You still have a full staff.”

“Yes. I couldn’t let them go. They are a part of this house. It is their livelihood. The work here feeds their families and puts their children through school. How could I let them go?”

“That sounds expensive.”

“I suppose it is. But I am investing in their futures.”

“Their futures. You won’t see a return of investment.”

“Who said I needed a return of investment? Knowing their futures are brighter is enough.”

“You really mean that don’t you?”

“Mean what?”

“The stuff about brighter futures. I soaked all that up as a kid. Read everything you said. I had posters in my room of you. You were kind of my hero.”

“Hero? Me? I’m just a single person.”

“You’ve touched thousands of lives. But always the same message. A brighter future. Why that?”

Nancy’s face clouded for a moment. “Something someone told me once. But enough of that. I wanted to talk to you about something.”

Nancy saw a look pass across Angela’s face. A look of fear that came and went in a flash.

“You’ve been here a week and I want to extend that. In fact, you can stay as long as you like. I think I might have a job for you here.”

Angela looked apprehensive. “A job here? You want to hire me to clean the toilets or something?”

Nancy laughed and at first Angela looked mad and then laughed too. “No! Something better. Alice mentioned to me the other day that I have not been paying enough attention to the business. George handled all that. I did… other things.”


“Yes. Charity. It gave me purpose. It still does.”

“Like me.”

“No! Not like you. Dammit. Stop interrupting me! I want someone to start looking into the business. See what’s happening and report to me.”

“You want me to spy on your business? Don’t you have people for that?”

“Yes, absolutely. But George always said, ‘Trust but verify’. I need someone NOT in the business to look into the business. Do you know enough about finances to do that?”

“A little. Mostly I understand technology, but business today is all tech-based. I can poke around for you, sure.”

“It pays.”

Angela’s eyes lit up. “How much?”

Nancy told her and Angela whistled.

“That’s a lot!”

“No, it’s what personal secretaries are normally paid. Plus, I added a little bonus. And you can stay here of course. You need to be close to me. George had one. He retired after George died and moved back to England.”

“This is surreal.”

“There’s more. I want you to finish your studies. Online courses if you can. You’ll have to balance working for me and schoolwork. You have to accept both. That’s the deal.”

“Can I think about it?”

Nancy was surprised, but nodded.

“Great. I’ve thought about it. Deal!”

Nancy laughed long and hard. Beatrice hovering outside the door shushed the other staff loitering in the hallway to stay quiet. Smiles passed between everyone.

“I’ll need passwords and access,” said Angela after a moment.

“Of course. I’ll write them down for you.”

“Don’t. Tell me. Never write them down.”

Nancy nodded and saw the gleam in Angela’s eyes.



Alice entered the day room shortly after Angela left. She looked around in awe and whistled.

“I never thought I would see the day! What’s got into you, Nancy?” She gasped and spun in place toward Nancy. “Did you get laid last night? Did you sleep with Steve?”

Nancy giggled. “No! I didn’t. But I had a wonderful night all the same. Listen.”

Nancy recounted the evening with Steve and how wonderful Ben had performed.

“He’s going to be a huge success. I think I’ll back him. Speak to a record label. I’m going back to see him again this evening. With Steve.”

“Wow. Another date. Good for you, love. I’m so proud of you. You have colour in your cheeks, are you sure you didn’t sleep with him? If you did, spill. How big is the monster in his pants?”

Nancy giggled. “I didn’t honestly! I came home and… well, I found that Magic Wand George gave me as a joke all those years ago…”

“You didn’t!”

Nancy nodded looking pleased with herself.

“You go, girl! Good for you!”

Nancy blushed.

“How’s Angela working out?”

Nancy smiled. “I just hired her as my personal secretary.”

Alice was surprised. “That’s amazing. But are you sure? You know nothing about her!”

Nancy shook her head. “I do actually. I called in a few favours. Angela left Calgary when her parents kicked her out at fifteen. They are devout Christians. A little radical, too. They caught Angela with another girl. Lost their minds. She went to live with another family for a while and then left after something happened. She worked and managed to get her high school diploma with fairly good grades.

“She saved and worked in Calgary in grocery stores and other jobs. Never staying in one place long. She enrolled in Robertson and then something happened there. She left Calgary altogether and came to Vancouver about a year ago.

“She has one arrest on record from eight months ago. Vandalism and petty theft. She painted a mural in Vancouver on a building, and they called it vandalism and she stole the paint to do it. She paid the fine with what little money she had, and she lost her job. She’s been on the street ever since.”

Nancy was shocked. “The poor girl. What did she paint?”

“No idea. I’m trying to find out.”

“Be careful, Nancy.”

“I always am.”


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Crystal ClearChapter 14 European Tour Old and New Friends Threats and Deception

The envelope had a wax seal across the flap embossed with the script letters 'NR'. On the front, written in bold letters, were the words, "To be opened only by Jim Mellon." An usher brought it to me at intermission time. I thanked him and went to tip him, but he said, "Oh, no sir, the young lady handsomely tipped me to deliver this to you personally." I figured it was some not-so-subtle fan mail. The green room door opened and a stage hand yelled into the room to Crystal and me, "On...

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Once Upon an AlienChapter 13 Direction and Deception

Cody pushed the foot of the staff into his satchel so the head was free of the leather. He strode towards the Lieutenant, with Gabir and Briana at his heels. "Gabir, can you carry those inside your shirt?" Cody asked, over his shoulder. "I want them hidden, and I want your hands free." "Yes, Seeker," Gabir said, unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt, and sliding the metal plates inside. The tablets were so light weight, that they didn't appear to hinder Gabir's movement....

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Stewards Third MissionChapter 4 Deception

I returned to the Seine’s house that afternoon. I wanted to talk with Mel again, but Mel and his wife, Cecil were out. The two girls, Tara and Tamera said they would be coming back soon and invited me in. Tara brought me into the living room and had me sit on the couch, while Tamara went to the kitchen. I saw, open on the coffee table the old church directory that Mel had referred to last time. It was open to the “S” entries. As I sat on the sofa, Tamara brought me sweet tea and they both...

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The New StartChapter 31 Vickis Deception

Victoria was Sonya's cousin and only living relative. She was mated to Aren and was one of the Silka couples. Vicki, for that was her nick name, was three months pregnant. She was the first Silka to become pregnant since their flight from the robots had ended. Vicki would start to show in a few weeks and deliver in five more months. Sonya had told her of her plans for the trip, how she hopped to seduce Shileea, Jordan and Elan and make them her family. Vicki was shocked at Sonya's...

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Blackfeather33 Deception

I IGNORED HIM. Damned old bird could just wait. I was coming and I couldn’t let go of either Katie’s pussy or Kyle’s lips. I hugged them to me and desperately held her to my breast as I kissed and kissed. My climax wouldn’t stop. Her fingers pumped into me in rhythm with Kyle’s cock pumping into her. I could feel her pulses on my fingers and knew she was coming as hard as I was. I’d never come so hard. Tears ran from my eyes as I opened them and looked into Kyle’s eyes. And saw his...

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Three Can Keep a Secret if Two areDeceptive

I swallowed and looked up not knowing what I was going to do. Tasha was leaning with one hip against the door of her father’s truck. She looked sexy as hell. I took a long look at her. Tasha has shoulder length, flaming red hair. It was full and framed the pale skin of her face. The red brought out the bottle green color of her eyes and the smattering of light freckles. Her face is very attractive and after her striking eyes, her full lips are it’s most pronounced feature. My eyes drifted...

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Plain Jane Looks can be deceptive

There was a woman at work that everyone liked but she was really plain looking. Jane was in her late 20's and dressed like a much older woman. Her dresses were baggy and her hair was an unattractive shortish curly mop. She never wore make-up and her face was unremarkable. However she was friendly and had a cute smile.One day she came with a bunch of us for an end of week drink and I offered to see her home. It was about a mile to her place and we decided to walk. The winter night air was...

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CHAPTER 15: THE BEAR & WOLF JOIN INMy experience with riding horses had been marginal, restricted primarily to a few afternoon rides with associates at a ranch catering to tourist types. So, I stood in the barn, out of the way, as Samantha prepared two of their horses: a stallion she was riding and a mare for me. She had the mare saddled and ready, handing me the reins to hold while she applied the bit and reins for the stallion.I nervously stroked the side of the horse’s huge head and down...

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A little about myself, im 19 years old and 5ft5, brown skinned with black hair and look very bear like with a lot of hair (due to my hair colour being black, the hair is more obvious on my brown skin) and im chubby. AT THE GYM It was nearly 2am on the 2nd of January and I decided to go to the gym in the city centre that im a member of. This good thing about this gym is its open 24/7, which allows me to go there at ungodly hours. I got to the gym around 2:20am, got changed into a...

4 years ago
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Animal GirlChapter 11

Like before, Sarah didn't hear anyone enter. Only this time, it wasn't Henry Hawkins at all, but his hired boy, young Sammy. Sammy wasn't a day over sixteen, but Sarah could not have failed to notice the way he'd looked at her whenever they were together in the truck cab. She could almost feel the intensity of his eagerness, his brash adolescent desire for her, but she had merely shrugged it off. But that was before... and nothing was the same now. She could only assume that she must...

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Second Chance

       It had been three years.  Three looooooong years as far as her libido was concerned.  She’d stayed far away from all of it; buried herself in her awful temp job that had since become a permanent secretary position, not that it’s permanence made it any better, just more predictable.  She’d aided her ailing mother until she’d died six months before and her sister was so far AWOL she hadn’t even shown to the funeral.  She was alone and emotionally destitute when not so long ago her life...

1 year ago
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God of LoveChapter 30 In the Hotel

Katherine was the calmest in the room, she was at that moment watching their reaction. Although it was quick, she noticed the abnormal reaction of the three. With her eyes, she tried to sign something to Sara, but she wasn’t paying attention. At that moment, Sara was lost in thought. She was incredibly happy, and at the same time uncomfortable. She had found the soulmate she had been looking for for years but didn’t know what to do, that reality hit her hard. After searching for years, she...

2 years ago
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Ingrams Assoc 2 RetreatChapter 2

Two days later, April found herself on a United flight to San Francisco, to pick up a flight to Fiji later that day, accompanied by Simon Miles, and their two contractors, Mikey and Ramon. The flights were uneventful, and she did her best to relax and prepare herself for the upcoming ordeal. When they arrived at Shizuoka airport, after dealing with passport control and gathering their luggage, Simon and his colleagues hugged April, wished her luck, and left for their hotel as soon as they...

3 years ago
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Half Priced Taxi Part 2

Once inside the party, Linda wasted no time grabbing us some drinks and getting into the mood, i myself was finding it hard to get into the party spirit as all i could think about was the events from earlier and the possibilities of what could happen later on if i didnt get things under control.I looked at Linda chatting to one of her friends in the corner, what a slut i thought looking at Linda, it wasnt more than 30 minutes ago she was sucking off the taxi drivers black cock, swallowing his...

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my neices photoshoot

I ran into my neice(my wifes brothers daughter) at the mall recently and she asked me why we(my wife and I ) dont come around anymore. I told her it was my fault. she asked what that ment, and i told her your aunt doesw not "feel comfortable" around you. she asked why and I told her Mandy(my wife) caught me masturbating while I was looking at a picture of her(my neice). she blushed some then asked me what picture was it. I told her it was a picture of her from a party where...

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Blind people have some advantages – not many, but a few. The two senses that I’ve found superior to that of most sighted people are hearing and smell. There’s also a third sense that is often enhanced in the blind, the sense of touch. With the right person, in the right situation, touch offers a very fine way of ‘seeing’ someone. While wedged into the booth at the Hilton coffee shop with colleagues, I could tell from the tone of the conversation that the guys were deferring to the lady from...

2 years ago
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Tapping that fine White Ass Blacken

Tonya was just so damn busy lately that she could not think straight! She was babysitting from 5:30 a.m. until time for school and then off to class and then back to babysitting until bedtime and then she had to wake up at 1:30 a.m. to let the last c***d go back home. She was not only feeling tired but also horny. She had not seen her lover in months and she had not had any for several weeks. She was young and had needs. She was tired of masturbating and she needed a cock!Tonya had a lover that...

4 years ago
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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 14 They Lost The Race

October 9th, 1995, 12:20 PM MST, Mile 2365, 23 miles west of Phoenix, AZ Jackie and Jeff very soon got back to the separated lower level coach room. They had been running the whole way, with that boundless energy and enthusiasm that children seem to have and their parents wish they had half of to try to keep up. Their mom would have screamed if she had seen them doing that. She was a wonderful mother, but she could be more than a bit stuck up at times. They were both panting, but also had...

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Daddys Fantasy

I lay here on a hospital bed going over my life, making sure that every decision I ever made was the right one… Not only for me but for my family… I think about my son’s, all adults now but still in need of guidance that only a father can give, and Yulissa my gorgeous baby daughter she’s a beautiful rose in a bed of thorns. Life has been hard for her; she never really fit in with the boys and never really got along with her mother. I try to spend as much time with her as I can, because even...

2 years ago
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Help Part 14 Conclusion

*** Danny lay unconscious on the hospital bed after a long and difficult operation. Jake sat quietly by his side, simply watching him sleep. He had been out for almost twelve hours now and he was due to wake soon. They had discovered in the ambulance on the way to the hospital that Danny had indeed broken both of his arms and the left arm, which was the one he’d broken when diving out of the way of the truck, needed a metal plate in it. However, in the end, this turned out not to be the...

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The Courtship GiftPart 3

The Courtship Gift, opera in 3 acts, with 2 scenes each. Cast, in order of appearance: Toy Mistress Male Cannibal Warrior Cannibal Princess Male Ship Captain Act 1, Scene 1 (Toy, Mistress) Toy: How soft and strong are my Mistress's thighs! How good tastes her love-cup between them, even when she is not yet fully aroused by the workings of my lips, my teeth and my tongue! How lucky am I, to have been given the task of pleasing her! How deep is my love for her! I would do anything to give...

1 year ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 2

“Are you serious?” came Natalya’s incredulous voice over the intercom. “Come on up and see for yourself,” Inari replied, her voice still quiet. The clamor of movement from behind her let her know everyone had left their posts to get a good look. “Oh, my God!” Priya and Natalya said at the same time. The lights were still flashing across the hull from their position, but the name of the ship was clear as day. “Looks like those legends you told me about are true Nats,” Korsa said. “Yeah,”...

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Chai Se Chudai Tak 8211 An Evening To Remember

Doston main Delhi mein rahta hoon aur meri umar 31 saal hai. Main abhi single hoon aur mujhe single life hee pasand hai. Aisa kyun? Yeh aap samjhenge jab aap sunenge mera yeh kissa. Yeh meri pahli kahani hai. Issiliye aap ka feedback bahut important hai. Aap mujhe par reach kar sakte hain. Baat 1 mahine pahle ki hai. Mai roz ki tarah ghar ke paas tea stall par khade ho kar chai pee raha tha aur peete peete samne ek sundar larki khari thi uska nazara le raha tha. Uska figure hoga kuch 32,28,34....

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Sex With An Older Family Friend

So hai, its kk again, with another story of mine. I’m 22 yrs old, fair and athletic, trying to enjoy life to the core. My email id is So coming to the story, this happened with my mom’s friend who is our family friend and very close to us. At that time I was 19 yrs old and aunty was 49 yrs old. I won’t say she’s beautiful but she’s pleasant looking. And her body is so voluptuous that once you see her, you would only want to bed her. Sorry, no approximate measurements but whatever I could make...

1 year ago
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Halloween Pt4

(If you haven't read Halloween Parts 1-4, you'll have no idea what's going on. Except for sex.) He broke off the conversation with the guy he was next to, and strode purposefully toward me, a cup in each hand. "Where you going, Baby?" Colette tried to intercede. "She's going home?" she said, with the sentence starting out forcefully, but ending on a high note, so it sounded like a question. It was obvious he was ignoring her completely. "I said, I'd be right back. I was just going to get us...

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My First Threesome

So here goes, my first post on here, so my name is Shav, – or Shavbgood – but sometimes, I’m Shav-b-bad, depending on what mood I’m in. Lol Well, I am a bi-girl, I love my hubby, he is super hot n turns me on loads, but i also like girls too and lucky for me – and him too i guess he is ok with this. I am down to earth, totally honest and am just into having good times with fun people;And I love love love to go out n dance and party all night I love to dress up, and I love high heels, but i’m in...

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My name is Jason and my wifes name is Carla and when I first saw these people (funnsun2) posting on here at Hamster, I thought they were full of shit. NO place that I've ever heard of has all these southern country girls just hanging around naked and drinking beer all day waiting on a few guys to fuck but let me tell's all TRUE!!I first contacted Hal at his e-mail and he asked if my wife and I could take a look at the trailer park and he invited us over to a keg and naked fuck party...

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