*abandoned Project* Woman's Best Friend - Part One free porn video

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She had no fears of hamsters, mice, gerbils, snakes, spiders, lizards, turtles, cats, or even horses. In fact she loved most animals. Just not dogs. What made this a real problem was that she was studying to be a vetrinarian, and this is what was keeping her up late for so many nights since September, much like tonight.

She was nineteen, currently in her first year in university, a pleasant girl if a bit shy, with a peach, easily flushed complexion, especially around the cheeks, which were topped with freckles. Her voice wasn't shrill, but panicky, fluttery and small when she spoke, but when she was silent her habit was to leave her mouth a crack open, just enough to see her teeth, giving her a dazed look. Her hair was auburn, slightly frizzy, down to her lower ribs whenever she didn't tie it into a similarly straggled bun. Her eyes were a pale green, and only added to her dazedness since they would glaze over whenever she got lost in her thoughts. Being a runner, she was accustomed to wearing athletic shorts and breathable workout gear, but preferred a hoodie and leggings to keep the brisk english wind off of her self.

Ideally she would specialise as an equine vetrinarian, but the course she was studying required practical knowledge of animals of all sorts, that included interacting with dogs of various breeds, or she would fail. It didn't leave Amy feeling well, her saving grace being that she was scheduled to take part in the 'Practical Interaction' module during the second semester, while she was still in her first.

It was November, therefore she had about two months before practical classes would begin, which she would be too scared to attend, which would result in her having to do it again the next year. No good. Or to drop her course entirely. Even worse. It was clear she just had to try and get over her anxieties before January.

Her first thought was to look online, which she did, curled up in her dorm room bed on her phone, which yielded an array of solutions. The most common one was exposure therapy, but she didn't have a dog on hand to try, not that she wanted to. She had friends who owned dogs, Meghan in particular, a girl from her hometown she had known since primary school, although they were close friends, she made the effort to avoid her home, where she knew a cream coloured beast of a dog lived. Meghan was a very understanding person, in fact, outside of Amy's family she was one of the few to know of her fear; she told most others she was simply allergic to dog fur, which was a satisfactory reason to keep away from them, even if it did make owners and dog lovers a little cautious around her. She would give her a message the next morning to arrange a meet up at her house if she could, making a mental note to herself not to forget. Until then she would keep looking. She had found multiple claims of 'fear pills' that she was smart enough to not purchase, some Q&A forums where people wrote about their fears without discussing solutions, and a bounty of "cute" dog videos, which only made Amy bitter that she found the videos disturbing and frightening.

After what must have been a good hour of searching Amy had come across something... interesting. An mp3 file, titled 'Woman's Best Friend' on a website designed to hypnotise people and encourage certain behaviours, ranging from sleeping earlier and longer, being more organised, having an increased vocabularly, more risk-taking, more religious, and the list went on and on. Amy was curious. The website was a trove of audio files after audio files, and there was a seemingly vibrant community of people trying to hypnotise themselves into believing whatever they wanted. "Woman's best friend" was 3 hours long, to be played while the user slept, described on the site "to make oneself more open and loving towards dogs of all kinds, and erase any inhibitions one has to caring for animals". It sounded like nonsense, if Amy was being truthful, but she wanted to believe that she could listen away her fears in her sleep, and if what she read about hypnosis what correct, the trick to being hypnotised was wanting to be hypnotised. Plus it was highly rated on the site. She was supposed to be asleep at such a late time anyway, her falling eyelids were hinting, so she may as well try the file and see how she felt in the morning.

She downloaded the file to her phone, got comfortable in bed and still as dead, listening in on her headphones. She focused on the words being sweeped into her mind. There was a constant ambient noise, removing any sound from the outside world, with sighs of relaxation and laughter fading in and out. Soon a dreamlike voice floated above the ambience.

The words were spaced out, each one emphasised with a happy, soothing, almost drugged tone. Sweet little nothings being spoken to both Amy and this imaginary dog, from an imaginary dog owner. She could hear the dog panting, the pads and claws of his paws rapping against a hardwood floor getting louder, closer, she could hear panting, and the a wooshing, the wagging of a tail, her imagination filling in any gaps. The voice called the dog over, and the rapping quickened. The dog felt big and close, as if she were crouched down at it's level. Strangely she didn't feel tense, despite how the usual sounds of a dog; the panting, the paw padding, often unnerved her. Perhaps it was only real dogs that could unease her, ones she could see and touch. The voice was calm and motherly, telling Amy that there was nothing to fear, encouraging her to pet the dog, to run her fingers through it's fur; how soft and smooth it was, and how warm the dog felt underneath it's coat. To get closer and closer. She felt the warmth sink into her fingers like a sponge, further in until her entire body was being hugged by this warm sensation, almost tingly like pins and needles up and down her body. It was as if the dog was on top of her, squeezing her and pinning her down. She wasn't frightened, the voice was soothing to her ears and helped her enjoy the embrace. The panting was louder than ever, right at her ears, and the voice was ever as calm, keeping her at ease. The voice moaned to her how good it must feel to have such a loving friend, and how this warmth is so addictive.

Amy wasn't sure when exactly she fell asleep, but when she woke up she felt like the same woman. She didn't care much for dogs still, and the upcoming practical module still seemed hopeless. She wasn't surprised, it must have been a ruse or some other thing. She remembered to call Meghan and set up a visit later that week, and went about her day like normal. Leaving her dorm, Amy saw multiple dogs of various kinds on leashes on her walk to lectures, and while she did cross the street to avoid close contact with them, she smiled and waved at the owners as they passed her by.

Lectures went surprisingly great. Amy felt focused, contributing to the discussions where she would normally slink away and let others move the lesson along. It was like she had been switched on and was more motivated. Her lecturers seemed to notice it too, commending her for not being so dazed as she often seemed. On the walk back to her dorm she felt on top of the world, almost wishing a she would pass another dog owner.

She got back to her room and immediately went back to the hypnosis site. The file she listened to really seemed to do the trick, but where was the good mood coming from? She checked the file and the hypnosis website for clues, since nothing else she did that day was out of the ordinary. The file information stated listening to the file would result in elevated spirits after being around a dogs, the closer the better, and the reviews below strongly agreed. No wonder this file was so highly rated. If she could have such a great mood from seeing a dog from across the road, after one listening session, imagine how great she would feel after a few more sessions?

The informatio tag stated the recommended dose was to listen every night while she slept, which Amy was more than happy to do. That night she took a hot shower and had a cup of tea to get herself comfortable and prepared herself for another audio session. Laying still in bed she felt the same calm which swept over her the night before, and the same blissful voice emerged with familiar barks, pants and paws rapping at hardwood floors. She felt her eyes lull sooner than usual, and fell asleep soon after surrounded by the comforting sounds of dogs and owners.

Again, Amy had woken up, slightly warm and flushed, but feeling no different. She thought about how she might be more focused and ambitious in her lectures, but had no lectures today to really show off her confidence, something that had slipped her mind. Feeling restless she decided to go for a run. Donning her leggings, trainers, top and a hoodie, she embarked on her usual route out of her dorm and around the surrounding town at a brisk pace.

It was a bright, cold day with gusty wind, the kind that normally made one dread the coming winter, but Amy felt good. She was making good pace, only now realising she hadn't had breakfast, which was for her, and made a stop by a local patisserie for a sausage roll. With the roll in her hoodie she began to make the walk home, but noticed the local park nearby. It was usually a place she avoided for all of the dog walkers, but she was feeling ambitious, and headed toward the entrance.

The park was less busy than usual because of the cold, many of the people there being dog walkers. There was probably one dog to every person. Amy felt out of place, but not fearful, compared to her previous self which would have never come close to a place like this. She explored the place a little, toeing on the flat, tarmac pathway.

The park itself was big, being a large public garden the size of a small field, acting as a space for people to breathe and relax. The land was flat, a long rectangle with trimmed grass that was laying limp on hardened soil,. Tall iron fencing lined around the perimeter with hedges lined inside of them, not as tall but offering some seclusion at shoulder height. On the grass were bushes, public bins and a few wooden benches which stood at the sides of the pathway that cut through the grass and meandered to the other entry gate, which opened out to another section of town. There were no trees, so no leaves littering the ground.

Amy could see why the park was so popular with dog owners, a flat and open space with gates at either end meant pets could roam and run without escaping. One such dog was big, with fluffy dark fur that transitioned to white down it's body, to completely white on all four paws, running circles around it's owner and going back and forth at a energetic pace, putting Amy at a slight unease. This dog was closest, and she locked eyes with the owner, a woman a few years older than her, pale with dark hair, dark glasses and dark clothing. She would almost seem gothic if she wasn't so cheery. The stranger smiled and greeted her with a wave before replacing her hand in her jacket, and Amy did the same. They made small talk, learning each other's names, the woman was Nicole.

Amy asked about Nicole's dog, which she learned was a male husky. Amy knew practically nothing about dogs from her years avoiding them and here she was trying to know more about them, even if she felt tense around him.

The dog was named Howie, and had picked up on this new person speaking to Nicole, and in the same energetic fashion had run up to the girl to know her better. She screamed in fear, before Nicole calmed her down, reassuring her that Howie was a good boy and wasn't dangerous. The girl calmed down but was still stiff and eyeing Howie like a rabbit to a wolf, but that didn't stop him from sniffing around at her shoes, then further up her legs. He could smell something delicious from her hoodie, which made him bark with excitement, eliciting another scream from the terrified girl. Nicole then took Howie by the collar, but he couldn't help himself. He made a small pounce at the girl right where the smell was coming from, and the girl fortunately fell on her backside, splayed out and a little discombobulated. This was his chance, he snooped in and began to sniff at her hoodie, looking for this enticing smell. Pinning her down, Howie ran his snout up and down her torso, her unable to move. Nicole was trying to pull him away but it was no use. He went into her pockets and pulled out the sausage roll, getting excited and taking it with him as he pulled his weight off of her and behind a nearby bush.

Amy was left in a daze. She was just pinned down by a husky that was much bigger from up close than she expected, and rubbed up and down by his nose. She should be struck with fear, praying that she wouldn't be bitten. In fact she had the though right until she was pinned down, where she felt a strange pang of delight. She was in shock at herself, and her face was flushed completely. A frantic Nicole pulled her up by her arms, sitting her down on a nearby bench, apologising throughout. Amy was barely able to make sense of what happened, but she managed to convince Nicole that she was in fact okay and that she would be fine getting home herself. She could hear Nicole scolding Howie as she made her way past the entry gate of the park and back to her dorm.

She could believe how pleasurable it felt to be pinned down like that by the husky. She was laying in her bed with pillows on top of her, trying to recreate the scene. Something about it just made her feel euphoric, like she was in a dream. In fact, it felt just like she was listening to her hypnosis file, which only made her feel more sure about the pleasure she felt. The hypnosis was really working, she wasn't scared in the slightest being underneath Howie; she enjoyed it. She even wanted it to last a little longer.

Amy's mind went wild. Her in her room, on the floor, pinned down by the large beast, it's tongue licking her bare skin... She could even smell Howie on her hoodie where the scent had clung to her, pressing the fabric up against her nose. Her body was heating up, she could feel her sex throbbing, begging to be touched. Amy couldn't believe she was aroused, and an intense mixture of disgust and lust washed over her.

She was hesitant, but fell to her desire and began to rub her pussy underneath her leggings and panties. A strong voice in her head was telling her to stop thinking about a husky in such a sexual way, but another nagging voice in the back of her mind convinced her to keep going. She used her free hand to squeeze the pillows above her, pretending she was pressing herself against Howie, which only made her more desperate for the real thing. Breathing deeply into her hoodie, which lay across her face, she took in deep whiffs of Howie's beastly odour. She moaned into the fabric, feeling an orgasm building up inside of her, and went with it. She hadn't remembered a time when masturbating felt this good, or this naughty. She thought about depraved things: what Howie's kisses would taste like, what dog fur would feel like against her bare stomach, what a dog's penis would look like. Being so horny made her feel like a disgusting pervert, which only built up her orgasm further, creating a cycle of pleasure and shame. She thoguht about what being with an actual dog would be like, submitting to an animal. Being a bitch!

The intensity of her masturbation had reached it's climax, and Amy was enjoying and regretting the hardest orgasm she may have ever felt. Waves of pleasure rippled through her, with waves of repulsion after. She was in disbelief at how much she enjoyed it. She was sure this was down to those audio files, they must be perverted in some way to make her feel like this. She listened through the audio file in it's entirety, and found how perverted the files got as they went on. Speaking of how good dogs smell, their breath and fur, and how their warmth is like a perfect hug that fills you up; how the sound of panting and barking send shivers of pleasure through the body. The messages were repeated over and over in the file, with the accompanying sounds of barking, panting and paw padding. The last ten minutes of the file was dedicated to touch, and how feeling a dogs fur was like masturbation itself, and waves of lust will go through you when you rub against a dogs fur.

Amy was astounded by this, wishing she had listened to the file in full before hypnotising herself with it. She wanted to delete the file and just move on, there were better ways of dealing with a fear of dogs, she would be seeing Meghan and her pet in a few days, where she could get used to being around dogs in a safe, platonic way. But an idea began churning in her mind. You can only really be hypnotised and fall to it's effects if you want to be hypnotised, so maybe, deep, deep down... she wanted this. This was ridiculous, she never inteded to become aroused by a dog of all things, she just wanted to be less afraid of them. In that sense the hypno file worked great, she was much more confident in her studies too, and she hadn't had an orgasm so strong... ever. Amy looked down at her phone, and was having a surprisingly difficult time deleting the file. Is this part of it? Listening to the file makes you addicted to it? She hoped so, otherwise this lingering feeling of wanting to listen to the file again was down to her.

Amy listened to the file again that night.


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23YearOld Girl Loses Virginity For Getting A Project

If I could turn back the clock and rewind this event then it would not exist anymore. But I can change neither the past nor this event. After the , I felt so guilty that I sometimes thought of killing myself for having done something which felt wrong. But it didn’t feel wrong at that time. I still ask myself these questions – Was it just out of lust and body wants? How could I ever let my body decide over my emotions? Did I love him more than just the body? I could not even reason to myself or...

2 years ago
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My Fourth Gangbang By Industrial Project In 8211 Charge And Foreign Boss

Hello I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmadabad, I am Gujarati, I am 24 years old. I am sharing my fourth experience recently happened with my Industrial Project In charge and his foreign boss. Please share your feedbacks at parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com. Let me describe about myself, I am doing MBA and I am from wealthy family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36 29 38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. So let me start narrating my recent...

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The Project

The Project Synopsis: A group of girls at Chris' high school decide to make him their project for the next four years - feminizing him - and they get some help from an unexpected source during the fourth year. Eighth Grade I wouldn't exactly say that we live in the wilderness or anything like that, but we live in a part of upper New York State that is mainly rural - small family farms and stuff like that. The area where I live does have a school, but it's only for grades K-8, no...

2 years ago
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Abandoned on War

I knew it was coming, all males were conscripted at the age of eighteen. Only this year there were not as many males so they had lowered the age. In our system men were conscripted into the military for five years. If they survived the men received grants for a family and land. Only they not only conscripted me they took my only sister. She committed suicide after she was gang raped by the cadets that were to train her. Training for conscriptees was mostly just teaching us how to point and...

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Project ManagerChapter 3

It took about an hour from when the order for a large half sausage and cheese and a half vegetarian and mushroom pizza was placed till it was delivered. They sat at the kitchen table eating the pizza and sipping on some diet cokes. Scott looked at Sandi and saw that her hair was disheveled and her lipstick was gone. The look on her face was that of a lady that had been freshly fucked. He chuckled a little as he had that thought. Sandi heard the chuckle and said, “What is so...

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Altered Fates Project Zulo

(Author's Note: This story provides a finale to all the Altered Fates tales I've posted here to date. It contains spoilers for, and resolves dangling threads from, most of those eleven stories. I wrote them out of sequence, but I always knew where each of them fitted in the overall scheme. Read in order, the larger story should all fall into place with what might have seemed stray characters and random bits of business all connecting up. Even if you read the individual stories as they...

1 year ago
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Kamihime Project R

Hey there, you deviant freaks and geeks. I’ve got a treat today for fans of naked girls, cartoons, and video games. It’s definitely one of the better hentai RPGs I’ve played lately, so without further ado, let me tell you about Kamihime Project R.Magic, Technology, and SexTo play Kamihime Project R, you need to head over to Nutaku. I’ve written up a whole review of the site if you’re interested, but for now all you really need to know is that it’s a platform for porno games. If KamihimeProjectR...

Best Porn Games
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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

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Project Super Soldier Part 5

Chapter 34 After changing, Kat and Becky explained that they had some things they had to pick up for gym class after dinner, Kat also gave her mother the permission slip and had her sign it. While they were cleaning up after dinner Becky's phone rang. Her caller ID showed that it was May, so she answered and placed her on speaker phone. "Hi May, I was just getting ready to call you and tell you we are on our way." "Cool, I told my mother our plans for tonight and she wants to...

4 years ago
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Anns Art Project

Ann couldn't remember when those dreams started. Ever since her breasts became so large, pictures of her globes started popping up in her mind all the time. Her boobs materialized as part of old paintings and art installations, on walls and windows, in fruit baskets and even inside bookshelves! It was just crazy, and quite irritating. At some point, Ann was concerned that she was about to go crazy. She knew she had to do something about those weird thoughts. And so she decided to study art,...

3 years ago
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Final Year Project

Final Year Project Per & Dorothy (Dor) are final year students living in London, Per is Swedishfinishing a degree in Media & Communications (which gives him a lot offree time) and Dor is finishing a degree in Fashion. Dor is a full time Gothand dresses in Goth fashion at all times. Per has been working at a club forthe last two years which twice a month holds a Bondage / Fetish night.  AsPer can get her in for free Dor went along for a look and soon found that shewas into the bondage scene. As...

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The TakeTwo Project

What if you could... start over? Try again? Charge forward into life with a brand new perspective? Imagine a reality where you didn't have to look down at yourself and sigh; where you look in the mirror every day, with your ideal self looking back at you. Think of a world where problems like body dysmorphia didn't exist. Never too tall, too short, too thin or fat, too much or too little of any part of you, of anyone. Sounds good, doesn't it? From the welcoming arms of Encephalon Silver, we...

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Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I

Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 14:04:11 -0700 From: William Steps Subject: Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I ADVENTURES IN ASTRAL PROJECTION Episode one; Accidental Revelation I had been experimenting with astral projection since I was eighteen years old, back in 1999. I had no success whatsoever at first, but the more I practiced the more I had some results. I pursued it as more of a hobby, but after a few years I was able to correctly see things in...

3 years ago
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New Project

New Project By: Light Clark Synopsis: Tyler Gahret cares for nothing more than science, so when someone attempts to recruit him while he is returning to his usual job, he is all set to refuse. When he learns what the new project he's being recruited for is, however, he finds it too tempting to resist. Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It makes mention of a few characters and places from that universe, but does not use them for anything major. It...

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Fucked Girlfriend8217s Bestfriend In Oyo Room

Hi friends! My name is Divine and I’m here with another story and I hope you will like this one. This happened last week. I’m in last year of my graduation and fortunately, I have a girlfriend since second year. So, coming to the story. The name of the girl in this story is Vaishnavi. She is my girlfriend’s bestfriend and they are like sisters. One day, my girlfriend and I were casually talking and I asked my her to have sex with me. But she said I won’t do it till marriage. I tried to convince...

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Married To African For The Project 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, this is Sravya again  hope you guys enjoyed my story and also thanks for your response if anyone missed my first part go through my story “married to African for project”coming back to the story when I wake up and went out side of the hut every one is busy with there work I sat and started watching them After few minutes berko came and stand behind me and he gave me a small smile I smiled back later he called me to come with him and we both went to some place where 10 mins walk from...

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Episode 19 the School Project

Kelly and her dad were out walking in the park one autumn day; Kelly skipping along in a short summer frock, kicking through the fallen leaves. Kelly occasionally flipping up the back of the skirt to reveal the bright pink boy panties that her dad loved. He would often just lie on the sofa stroking and licking the tiny crescents of her bum cheek exposed by the panties; sometimes without even fucking her properly. Once aroused she would flip his hard erection out of his trousers and into her...

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Project 401

As a young lad I had always been intrigued with robotics, be it very simple, or the quite complex systems, either drew my interest. During my junior high, and senior high school years, I had entered and won, most science fairs with various robotic mechanisms of my own design. The latter versions were a bit more complicated, and were actually controlled by the computer programs that I had also had designed and written, programs that I had so well protected were virtually breach...

3 years ago
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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

4 years ago
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Abandoned Exploration Turned Pleasurable SUB

A few years ago, I explored abandoned places with some old friends. Normally we'd explore the place as a group of 4-6 people and normally split into pairs. For some backstory, this was not long after I went through a bad breakup with my girlfriend of nearly four years. Out of my group of friends, I relied on the guy I've known the longest for the times I need another person's input or words. Although, I've almost always been the "peacekeeper" or the most logical one of our little group. ...

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The Project

She was hot! She was hot and she knew it. The table had been 'guy central' as guy after guy made the pilgrimage to the shrine to ask for her to bestow even the smallest amount of attention on them. She danced with a few, but turned three times as many away. Some things never change. She was hot! She was hot and she knew it. The two girls with her weren't bad, but they didn't even come close to her. A steady stream of guys made their way to her table and after a moment or two of...

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Little Sisters Sculpture Project

Lori scraped one last sliver of clay away from her art project. It was finished. She looked at it critically. It was a recreation of the statue "The Thinker" that she had done from a photograph of the famous piece. It had taken her six months. But it looked good. She was sure anyone would recognize it. The muscles in the naked man's body had been much harder to form than she had thought they would be. But now it was done. She'd turn it in tomorrow. Ms Haskins would fire it in the big kiln...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 18 Ahh Kiyone

"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...

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For the Presidents Eyes Only Project Sweetpea

For the President's Eyes Only: Project Sweetpea By DEE DEE PERRI CHAPTER 1 The agent's eyes swept the crowded room once again with professional efficiency. To one untrained in his science, it would appear as a casual, almost bored, cursory examination of the restaurant, but a skilled observer would have noted the brief, almost imperceptible pause- the agent had detected something interesting. Now using the menu to partially obscure his actions, the man visually confirmed his...

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Sex Carving Girlfriend Fucking Her Best Friend Forever And Boyfriend 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, I am Rajdeep frm delhi. I am 28 years old with an average build and 5.10 height. This is a true incident that happened 2 years back when i had just moved to Delhi. I have many friends in Delhi and was staying with one of my female friend Ishika in malviya nagar where i met her previous room mate Tarana and her bf Vikas.We had a nice night together…No sex ..Just healthy chatting whole night. I became friend with Vikas and no time…Nice chap ..Good build..Handsome. Let me tell you...

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project partners

She looked at the clock as she stepped into the shower. The warm water running down her shoulders was just what she needed after a long day in college, and tempted as she was to soak in a bit longer, tonight there was no time to waste. John will be here any minute, she thought as she hurried out of the shower, wrapping her wet, dripping hair in the towel. She walked around her bedroom in her lingerie, trying to figure out what she should wear. Damn it, I don’t have enough clothes, and I went...

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project partners

She looked at the clock as she stepped into the shower. The warm water running down her shoulders was just what she needed after a long day in college, and tempted as she was to soak in a bit longer, tonight there was no time to waste. John will be here any minute, she thought as she hurried out of the shower, wrapping her wet, dripping hair in the towel. She walked around her bedroom in her lingerie, trying to figure out what she should wear. Damn it, I don’t have enough clothes, and I went...

Oral Sex
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Welcome Home Part Three The New Project

"We have to invest all our money in the bar," Jordan said as she looked across the table at her family. They met at the local diner for breakfast. Now, they all looked at Jordan as if she had lost her mind."It is a dump." Sherry shook her head. "Five regulars come every night. They drink the same three beers, then they leave. Everyone else comes because there is nothing else to do around here." "Exactly!" Jordan nodded. "There is nothing out here. The movie theater is always three weeks behind...

Oral Sex
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The Research Project Ch 01

Kari sat at the table by the entrance to the vacation lodge with her dad’s number one assistant, and looked at the men gathered around her. She still didn’t know how her dad had done it, cut down all those e-mails and questionnaires to these fifteen men. Marie, the lady seated next to her had told her little about the selection process, but she had mentioned that her dad had chosen a wide variety of test subjects. Well, from what she could see, that was true, there were fifteen men and talk...

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