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September 2006


He'd been only twelve when she'd won her first gold medal in Sydney. As he watched her standing in front of the crowd at the town pool almost exactly six years later he couldn't help but remember the elation that had swept through the town of Orange Beach, Florida that sultry fall day so long ago.

A local girl, a pretty, happy, perennially smiling girl everybody knew, his next door neighbor and ex baby sitter, she had exploded the last few meters of the Olympic pool and with one last desperate lunge had out touched a big shouldered swimmer from Germany and won gold for America. Gold for the people of Orange Beach!

A tall, bubbly blond from Florida, she somehow represented everything that makes America great. Looks yes. But it also was her openness, her ability to laugh, her kindness, all combined with hard work, perseverance and a willingness to learn, that made her the embodiment of the American ideal.

As he watched her talking he could see she was surprised at the size of the crowd who had appeared on what was her first day at her new job, her job as head coach of the Orange Beach High School Swimming Team as well as director of the Orange Beach Swimming Club. It had supposed to have been just an informal introductory meeting between the new boss and the staff and the swimmers.

But the mayor and full town council had appeared, Mayor Brown with speech in hand. The principal of the high school, the woman who had replaced his father just one year ago was also there. So was the publisher of the local paper. And about another thousand curious citizens of Orange Beach had turned up. They'd all greeted her with a standing ovation.

America's swimming darling had decided to come home. It had been heralded in the weekly Orange Sentinel — perhaps the biggest story in the town paper since the parade that had been held for her six years earlier. It had been almost four years since the boy had last seen her.

And every person in the town of seven thousand people knew what had brought her back. The story had been headline news on Fox and CNN and ESPN and the COURT channel for weeks. They'd all heard the 911 tape to the Las Angeles Police Department... the cry for help from a battered wife!

She'd married Kenny McGuire one year after returning from Sydney, a beautiful, double gold medal winning athlete who'd fallen in love with the star first baseman of our favorite team, the L.A. Dodgers. It was the perfect match — the gold medal winning swimmer and the baseball player with matinee idol good looks.

And of course, Kenny, being a Dodger made it even better. Just about every Orange Beacher was a Dodger fan. How could we not be with Vero Beach and Dodgertown, the spring home of the Los Angeles Dodgers just twenty-one miles away to the east. She'd met him the spring after she'd won the Olympic gold.

It had seemed like a fairy tale when they'd married. Now, Kenny McGuire wouldn't have lasted ten minutes if he walked down Main Street of Orange Beach today. And the tall teen knew he would have been at the head of the avenging pack! The boy was going to be captain of the high school swimming team that year. His name was Donald Graham. He thought she was the most desirable woman in the world!


"So, little Donny Graham is on the high school swim team," I teased, a big welcoming smile on my face as I looked up at the boy, then added, "Except he's not so little anymore."

"You remember me Miss Merrywell?" he asked shyly, a blush spreading on his cheeks.

"Miss Merrywell? Yeah, like I'm going to forget my favorite neighbor, the little monster who always gave me a hard time when I was babysitting him?" I answered, grinning, watching this cute boy who'd become such a handsome teen. The boy who now meant so much to me.

"I never did," he protested, grinning like an idiot, his face now beet red. It was a lovely contrast to his blond hair and blue eyes.

The crowds had finally left and now I was surrounded only by my two assistant coaches and the thirty some members of the high school swim team, the number one program in the state. And yours truly, battered wife or not, was determined to keep it there.

"Hey you, are you heading home?" I called out to Donny who was looking back at me as he talked to a beautiful, dark haired teen by the pool gate. Our meeting had just broken up.

I watched him as he gave a quick kiss to the girl and then turned and walked over to me.

"Yup... soon," he answered, his eyes flitting back and forth from mine to the girl by the gate. "Are you staying at your house tonight Miss Merrywell?"

"What happened to Jam? Isn't that what you and your crazy sister used to call me?"

"You weren't famous then," Donny responded with a grin.

I had always liked little Donny and his sister Gail. But who was this cute boy/man? This boy who could blush so easily while turning teenage girls knees to jelly? "My furniture doesn't arrive til Sunday. I want to check the house though," I added. "Gosh I've got so much I want to do before it arrives."

"I'll help," Donny promised.

"I'm going out now to see what work I have to get done. Want a ride?"

"Yeah, sure... please. Let me talk to Kim first for a second," he said as he looked back at the cute teen waiting thirty feet away. Lucky little girl I thought, a wave of nostalgia for my teenage years sweeping over me.

"Is your daddy home?" I tried to ask nonchalantly ten minutes later as I turned my Audi into the short, tree lined private cul-de-sac that held the Graham and Merrywell houses. But as I asked Donny a shiver of fear coursed through my body.

"You haven't heard?" he demanded looking over at me in surprise.

"What?" I asked as Donny started laughing.

"I thought you knew. He got married. Just last Saturday. I was his best man."

"What? Your father? To who?"

"You won't believe it," he promised with a huge grin.

"But he's too old," I stammered, completely rocked by the news. But I also knew Robert Graham would never think he was too old for any woman.

"She's hardly older than me," Donny added.

"Who is?"

"Do you remember the Collins family... they lived over on Poinsettia Road?" the boy asked.

"Yeah sure, I went to school with Glen," I answered, completely mystified. Did he marry Glen's mother I wondered.

"Do you remember his sister Marjorie?"

"The younger sister?"

"Yup," Donny agreed, "she's twenty-two now. Just graduated nursing school. She married dad on Saturday."

"But... gosh, your daddy's got to be sixty now."

"Sixty-three. He's taken her on a six week tour of Europe for their honeymoon." I could see he was amused at my surprise.

"But why would she marry him? I mean, she was such a pretty little girl." But as I spoke I remembered the feel of him when he was inside me. Remembered how he had made my body thrash in ecstasy. For a second I felt a tinge of jealousy towards little Marjorie.

"You should see her now," Donny said, then gave a wolf whistle.

Thoughts and emotions flooded through my mind. Relief surely was the strongest but surprisingly I also felt jealousy and regret. "Who's taking care of you then?" I asked, offhandedly, completely lost in thought.

"Isn't that why you came home Miss Merrywell?" he asked me daringly, a grin on his face, "to baby-sit little Donny?"

"If you call me Miss Merrywell again I may put you across my knee young man," I joked back even while knowing that the only reason I'd come back to Orange Grove was the Grahams — father and son and daughter. "How's Gail anyway?" I asked as I thought of Donny's sister, stalling, still trying to catch up to my whirling mind.

"She left for Gainesville right after dad's wedding. First year... wants to study engineering," Donny answered, a certain disdain for the university choice of his sister clear in his voice.

"U.F.? Yuck," I groaned, my Florida State background and dislike of everything Gator showing.

"I know," the boy agreed, "She's turning into a loser." But watching him and remembering the two children from my babysitting days I knew how much they loved each other.

I actually laughed when I saw the two houses; delighted they looked exactly as I remembered them. They stood side by side, two-story houses that stood framed by the palm trees and lush Florida vegetation that surrounded them. They were sentinels for the vast orange groves that marched outwards behind them.

I hadn't been back since I'd convinced my mom to rent the house and move to California to live with me and my baseball playing husband four years ago. God, don't think about mom, I admonished myself even as the wave of sadness started to flow through my body. Mom, already dead six months.

"You okay," Donny asked, somehow sensing my pain.

"I was thinking of mom," I whispered, then wiped the tear from the corner of my eye.

"We wrote you... Gail and I... when we heard... your mom was always nice to us," Donny replied sadly. "She used to sneak us ice cream when dad wasn't looking."

"She liked you guys," I agreed and then ruffled Donny's blond curls.

Donny followed me as we toured from room to room in the large, two-story, deserted house. "I had cleaners in last week," I said offhandedly to Donny, my mind still trying to digest the news of his father.

"Yeah, we saw them. Gail was hoping you'd get here before she left."

"I was hoping to get some painting done this week, my bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom," I added as we walked. "I'll never get it done now."

"Why not? We could do it. It's only Monday... school doesn't start for a week."

"You have better things to do than that."

"No I don't. And I'll call up the team... we can have ten people here painting tomorrow morning."

"I don't have any paint, any brushes... anything," I protested, waving my arms helplessly.

Thirty minutes later we were on our way to Vero Beach and the brand new Loews that had just opened, a list of room measurements and preferred colors in hand. Donny had simply run roughshod over all my objections. Why not, he'd asked.

Then he used his cell non stop as we drove and had six commitments from teammates to be at the house at nine the next morning even before we'd pulled into the two acre Loews parking lot that was less than five minutes away from the Dodger complex I knew so well.

An hour and a half later my trunk was brimming with supplies and I led Donny to a local eatery for dinner.

"Maybe we shouldn't have come here," Donny mumbled through a hamburger.

"How come?" I asked as we ate.

"I don't know... your husband and all," he said, shy again now, "you guys probably ate here all the time... when you were going out I mean," he added hesitantly.

"Guess I'm pretty famous around here eh? Everyone feels sorry for poor little me... ," I started, still mad that my problems and the awful tape had been played all over America.

"He should be shot... horsewhipped... if he ever shows his face," the boy interrupted.

"It wasn't all his fault Donny."

"You don't hit a woman," the boy replied with a force that surprised me.

"No, you don't," I agreed, remembering the hurt my husbands fists had rained down on me. The bastard, I thought to myself as I tried to keep the tears from flowing.

We were quiet, both of us lost in our own thoughts the rest of dinner, but as we drove back towards home I finally roused myself and asked, "So, tell me about this Kim."

"What?" he asked and then immediately reddened.

"C'mon Donny. The dark haired girl. The one you kissed, your girlfriend?" I asked with a grin.

"She's just a friend. In my class. On the swim team..." he said, a boys embarrassment clear in his tone. "We're not serious or anything."

"Does she know that?" I teased. Boys didn't have a clue.

We unloaded the car quickly when we got back to my house. I was surprised at how excited I was at the prospect of actually getting the painting done.

"Thanks Donny... for everything... I really," I started as we stood on my front porch, me ready to jump in my car and head for town. Gosh, I realized, I'd almost leaned over and given him a kiss.

"Where are you going to stay anyway?" Donny asked.

"I'll get a room at the Comfort Inn for a couple of days."

"Crikey, don't be crazy, you can stay in Gail's room," he insisted, "Why waste the money?"

"But... I can't... I mean you're all alone," I stammered, the thought of entering the Graham house daunting.

"C'mon Miss Merrywell... Jam," he said with a cocky smirk. "Besides with all the money you save you can hold a big bar-b-q for the team when we've finished painting. You'll owe us."

"Oh can I?" I asked but smiled saying it, then finally agreed, my desire to enter the Graham house again outlasting my fear. Besides, Mr. Graham was in Europe. But then, later, for hours I lay trembling between the sheets of Gail Graham's bed. Remembering other nights, other days, other beds.

I dreamt. Of an evil man. But as I lay writhing on the bed, groaning in my sleep as I was despoiled, as I was torn in two, the devils face slowly morphed into his sons. You can't have him Jacqui, part of me tried to warn.


Donny and I had eaten breakfast and were setting up the supplies by the time the teens starting arriving around nine the next morning. No one even bothered to ask where I'd spent the night as I handed out assignments. Fifteen teens eventually arrived, and although the atmosphere was more party-like than business-like, by two in the afternoon a first coat of paint was put on every room in the house.

The boys had also carried down the furniture that had been stored in the attic for the last four years; a dining room table, a couple of sofas that would be okay in the den or on the porch, my parents old bedroom furniture, and finally some bookcases and other odds and ends I thought I could use. It was starting to feel like a home.

Then I herded them grumbling to the town pool for a late afternoon practice. If you guys want to be number one...

Swimming is serious work! I mean it. Oh it can be fun too but to be a top swimmer takes dedication and long hours. Hour after hour of laps. Weight lifting. But you know, kids like it. Unlike football or baseball its coed so the hard work is tempered by the chance to socialize. Then there's the bathing suits!

It's hard to be modest about your body if you're a serious swimmer. Let's face it, there's just nowhere to hide when you have a racing suit on. Breast size, the exact outline of your nipples, gosh, you can even tell if a girl shaves down below when she gets out of the water and her wet suit is sticking to her like a second skin. Sticking up the crack of your butt.

And the boys! Through the thin, red, nylon suits you could follow every vein that ran up the young cocks, you could see the ridge as each shaft thickened into circumcised bulbs. There was no reason to guess about penis size, every girl on the pool deck could give you a rundown on every boy.

You just got used to it. Lived with it. Or you got out. Male swimmers always claimed that the most 'endowed' athletes came from their sport, a claim that could be easily verified at one glance at any meet. Small cocked boys invariably quit.

And of course Donny lived up to that reputation. And more. I'd been watching my first practice from the tower at one end of the pool, just trying to get a first impression of the styles and strengths of the some thirty people doing lap after lap under me.

He was the last out of the water, and stood stretching languidly for seconds as the water streamed off his muscled body. Tall, with broad shoulders, he shook his head once and then bent over and touched his ankles. His stretched hamstrings led up to a tight, round butt that pointed directly up at me.

As he stretched back up and turned to answer one of is buddies my eyes momentarily caught Kim and another girl across the deck. Oh, oh, I thought, recognizing the hungry stares both were directing at this young god. Then I turned back to Donny.

I almost fell out of my chair and tumbled off the tower into the water below. Christ, I'd known he'd be big, shit, the genetics had promised it. Still, anyone watching me would have seen the surprise etched on my face, would have seen how my eyes hungrily devoured him. I watched transfixed as one of his hands moved to his groin and adjusted himself. "Jeeesus," I mumbled half aloud, "like father, like son."

"I'll sleep at my place tonight," I insisted as we ate the steaks Donny had just grilled. It was just past nine-thirty but the heat of the Florida day still lingered oppressively around us. Without the screens of the Florida porch on the Graham house, the humming insects that seemed everywhere would have dined on us.

"Don't be silly. You won't be able to breathe with the fumes." For a second I heard the steely authority of his father's voice in his son's tone. Still, I didn't argue. I liked the thought of sleeping in the same house as this young man.

We were sipping wine with our meal. A hearty red which went perfectly with the thick sirloins we were eating. I had tried to refuse him when he suggested that he also should partake of the wine.

"You're too young... what would people think if they knew the swimming coach was offering her charges the demon drink?" I asked.

"I'm eighteen. Besides, Daddy serves us wine. Me and Gail," he argued.

"He does not. Does he?"

"Yes," Donny insisted as he reached for the bottle.

"Before or after he seduces and marries twenty-two year old girls?" I asked, curious to know more about his father's marriage.

"She says she loves him," Donny said as I let him pour himself a glass, "that he's everything she wants."

"What did her family think?"

"Daddy can make people do what he wants," he suddenly spat out, an unsuspected venom for his father clear in his words.

"I know," I whispered back but I don't think Donny heard.

I slept fitfully again that night, endless dreams, dreams of two men, of two men fighting to possess me. Of two cocks, large, thick cocks, cocks that became sabers that dueled to own me.


"So which one is it?" I asked Donny the next night around ten. We had started painting a little later that morning but still, by four in the afternoon the second coat was finished and the job was done. It was party time. On me.

And so I found myself as chaperone for a group of sixteen, seventeen and eighteen year old teenagers. I'd bought soda, burgers and hot dogs and bags of chips which we ate around the backyard pool. For the next five hours, until they finally had started to wander off, I'd acted the adult, supervising them. I knew if I hadn't been there they'd have been drinking beer. Smoking dope?

And the whole time I'd wanted to be one of them. To be young again. To not have a care in the world. I was too young to be the adult.

"Which one is what?" Donny asked in answer to my question.

"Kim or Mandy?" I asked. Amanda was the name of the other team member who'd showed more than a little bit of interest in my young neighbor. I'd cracked open another bottle of wine after the rest of the kids had left. Both of us were sipping as we dangled our feet in the water.

"What do you mean?" he stalled, reddening.

I swear, I meant only to ask him which one he liked, which one was his girlfriend. They'd both been hovering around him all day. Pushing their bikini clad bodies against him. But I asked instead, "Which one have you slept with?" And then added, "Or are you sleeping with both?"

He didn't answer, instead simply pushed gently on my back and propelled me into the pool.

"Donny!" I chided with a laugh when I finally surfaced.

Later, both of us now moderately high, I raised the subject of Donny's mom and her death some two years earlier.

"I hate him," Donny suddenly hissed.

"Who honey?" I asked, having no idea what he meant.

"Daddy... god he can be a bastard."

Did he know about us I wondered? Did Robert Graham's son know what his father had done to me so many years ago? How?

"He hit her. Hit mommy," was suddenly ejaculated from his angry young lips.

"Your father? He hit your mom?" I asked, astounded.

"I didn't do anything... for years... not until it was too late, ' he spat out, the tears now flowing down his cheeks. "He hit Gail... me too... I should have protected them," he cried.

"You were just a boy. You couldn't have done anything," I tried to comfort even as I realized I should have guessed. "He was so big, so strong Donny," I said as I remembered how his father had so easily manhandled me.

"I finally fought him... I was scared Jam... so scared... but I couldn't do anything. He'd been hurting her for so long."

"What happened?" I asked, trying to imagine this boy facing his father.

"It was when I was fifteen. Three years ago," the now strong eighteen year old started. "He hit mom... slapped her right in front of Gail and I... I had to Miss Merrywell... I had to stop him."

As I listened, wondering how a thin fifteen year old could ever have hoped to match up with his father, I couldn't help wishing that I'd had someone to protect me the many times I'd been mauled, been forced to accept his ugly body.

"He broke my nose, messed up my knee some," Donny added, but with just a touch of pride in his voice now.

"Oh my gawd, the evil bastard," I hissed, irate, forgetting for a second the boy as I remembered the father.

"I gave him a black eye."


"And two broken ribs... it sorta ended up even." There was a man's pride now in the Donny's eyes.

"You beat your daddy? Oh my gawd Donny, you were so brave," I said as I pulled his head to my chest.

"I waited so long," he answered, the tears still streaming down his cheeks.

"You were just a boy," I said, trying to console this boy/man. I gently ran my hands through his blond mane.

"It was my mother. My sister. I should have protected them... I was scared," he admitted.

"Of course you were... but you still faced him. Like a real man. You were brave Donny, so brave."

"He can be so bad," Donny wailed.

"Can I tell you a story," I suddenly asked, knowing I was about to tell this boy the story I'd never told anyone.

"About what?"

"About me... about your dad."

"But," he said, confusion in his eyes.

"When I came back from Atlanta, my first Olympics," I started. "Oh I thought I was pretty good, seventeen years old, had won a bronze medal in the 200 butterfly, we'd won a silver in the medley relay... my picture had been in Sports Illustrated."

"I remember how excited the town was," Donny interjectied, watching me intently, his tears forgotten.

"I was pretty full of myself those first few weeks back at school... I was a bit of a bitch," I admitted.


"Uh huh. Then one day I was sent to your daddy's office. He hurt me."


"When he started to talk to me I sassed him back, let him know how important I thought I was."

"You sassed daddy?" he asked, knowing from long experience how dangerous that was.

"He just grabbed me and bent me over his desk and started to spank me. With a thick wooden paddle. It hurt... so much."

"I know," Donny agreed and I knew he too had felt his father's hand.

"I fought him... screamed... tried to get away," I told the son. "Then I told him I'd go to the police... tell everyone." The memories of the day were still so fresh in my mind as I panted out my confession. "He just laughed and told me I was suspended for two weeks. That I should transfer somewhere else if I didn't like his discipline, that he didn't want me back, not with my attitude."

"What did you do," Donny whispered.

"I begged him... told him I was sorry... that I'd never be bad again."

"He let you go?"

"Bend over, he ordered me. And don't say another word he added. I was scared Donny," I told the teen, "So scared."

"You let him?" Donny demanded.

"I had no one to protect me. I was so scared. It was just mom and me then. What could I do?" Donny held me as I told him how his father had lifted my short plaid skirt and delivered blow after blow atop my thin, white, cotton panties. He held me when I told him how I'd finally fled from his father's office, red blotches of blood staining them.

"He's a bastard," Donny growled. "Did he ever do it again?"

"Not for the rest of that year," I hedged, still unwilling to tell the whole story. "But I was so scared of him... scared that he'd call me back to his office. Or that some night when I was baby sitting you he'd come home early and do it again."

For minutes afterward Donny cradled me in his strong arms as I cried softly. But I couldn't help but notice the hard-on that was straining against its confinement in his shorts.

It was Donny I dreamed of that night. Tossing and turning in his sister's bed I dreamed of his long, hard cock filling me in that most forbidden of couplings.


Donny was off to Palm Beach Thursday with his summer league baseball team, their last regular game before the playoffs. "I'll be home for dinner," he promised, "Wait for me, I'll bar-b-q some chicken."

"Don't worry about me. What about Kim and Mandy? You've been ignoring the poor girls," I teased with a smile, flirting shamelessly with a boy I could never have.

"Don't eat without me," he threatened back, grinning madly, in love.

I spent the day doing the hundred little chores that always need to be done when you move. Electricity and phone and mail and internet and cable and...

I positioned my parents old bedroom furniture in the large back bedroom, the bedroom that overlooked the backyard and pool and gave a view of the orange groves that started at the edge of our yard and wound for miles towards the west. There was also a large side window that faced the Graham house. That in fact faced Donny's room just thirty feet away. I made the bed; I'd decided to finally take up residence in my home.

Then I went out and bought some groceries... some more wine. Later, I had just hopped out of the shower when I saw one of his friends drop Donny off in front of his door. Quickly pulling on a cream colored silk cami and rather tight yellow shorts I realized how badly I wanted this boy to find me attractive.

I quickly brushed my still wet hair. Dabbed perfume onto my body. Then rushing I reached my back door and opened it just as he was about to knock.

"How'd you guys do?" I asked the startled teen.

"Great, we won. You haven't eaten yet have you?" he blurted out.

"I'm baby sitting you," I teased. "I'm not allowed to eat before you."

We talked and drank as the chicken cooked. I drank more than I had the night before. I knew if I didn't I'd never have the courage to tell him part two of my story.

"He spanked me again," I started three hours later. We'd eaten and drunk our fill in the preceding hours. Replete and sitting with my legs tucked comfortably under me the urge to confess drove me on. Donny was sitting watching me from the other end of the couch. The only light came from a few stars twinkling in the southern sky. It was easier to talk not seeing his face.

"Daddy?" he asked.

"Un huh. The next September... I'd just turned eighteen the month before... had spent the summer with the national team... it was just the second week of school. I hadn't done anything wrong Donny... it wasn't fair."

"What did he say?" his son asked me.

"He called me to his office. After last period. I was scared Donny. He was nice at first... asked me how my summer had been. How I'd liked traveling to South America for the Pan Am games. I thought everything was okay." The wine and my memories suddenly made me weepy.

"Are you alright Jacqui?" Donny suddenly asked out of the darkness and then I felt his arm slip around me. It was the first time he'd called me by my name. I loved the sound of it on his lips.

I nestled my head against his chest as I started to speak again. "I have to spank you again little girl, he said to me when I finished telling him about my summer. I asked him why... told him I'd been good... that it just wasn't fair."

Donny knew from long experience that reasoning with his father never did any good and so simply held me tighter and let me talk.

"C'mon here, he finally ordered me, his anger and impatience obvious. I thought... oh Donny, I thought okay, it'll hurt but it's just once, then it'll be all over. It was my last year there. I just went to his desk, bent over, I was crying."

Donny saw the tears on my cheek as I recounted my tale, lightly brushed one off and then, both afraid and excited about what I was going to say, tried to give me a way out, "You don't have to tell me Jacqui, its okay."

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Family Secrets

©Copyright September 2001 by Ezra Zane. Dear Readers, This story was written under the nom de net of Ezra Zane, also known as E.Z. Riter. As with most of my stories, it was edited by Ruthie herself. Good reading. E.Z. When I arrived home from work on Friday, Marilyn's car was in front of the house. The guilt that was eating at my guts took another bite and I reached for the Rolaids as I parked my car in the garage. When I walked in the back door, Carol greeted me and kissed me softly...

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Stolen Looks Stolen Secrets

Stolen Looks, Stolen Secrets - By Emma Smith Sunday, 25 August 2002 All persons and organisations portrayed in this story are fictitious, sadly. I used a script to generate all the character names for the story. No reference to any real persons is intended or should be inferred. Cast Andy Rathbun SomaChange (UK) Director Adam Eaves SomaChange (UK) Security Chief Stacy Butler SomaChange PA to UK Director Gerald/Geri MacNeill SomaChange Computer Expert Linda Gebrael...

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A Wifes Secrets

CarlIt is past midnight, but I'm not certain of the exact time. I just know that it has been more than an hour since Carl brought me home. The wetness still coats my thighs as I have not showered. There was no need since my husband is out of town on a four-day business trip for his firm. I am acutely conscious of the condition of my vagina, not just its slick wetness, but mostly its widely stretched condition. Carl used it several times, each time forcing it wider and more open. I have tried to...

3 years ago
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Submissive Secrets

Submissive Secrets by Lewis Chappelle Note: This is rather lengthy piece and is a follow-up to ?Submissive Spirits? published earlier. It follows, in time frame and character development, the material in ?Submissive Sailing? which also was previously published here.Please let me know your reactions to this material. Thank you, LC SUMBISSIVE SECRETS Chip had started with the Thompson company as Assistant Vice President for International Operations. Chips boss reported to his...

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Field of secrets

She'd walked back home not knowing what to think of her afternoon. Who was this man, this Sir Edgar? She reminisced on the events that took place in the barn. She recalled the pleasure and smiled. She recalled the confusion and frowned. She recalled realizing she had a secret. For the people of her community would surely think her actions were a disgrace. She snorted at the thought. A disgrace. She entered her small hut just outside the settlement. Out of habit she started feeding the small...

First Time
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Marisol Hari Seller of Secrets

Up from the bowels of the vast underbelly of Europe in that region formerly known as the Balkans appeared a female child of great beauty and feminine charm. She became known as Marisol Hari the Mistress of all Spies. Of course, that was not her real name. Her real name is obscure because her mother chose not to name her father, a man who was reputed to be a black marketer of despicable character. When she was but 18 years old, she found employment in a cabaret in the midst of the charming but...

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Panty Secrets

Panty Secrets By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Carded Timmy. My parents named me Timmy. Timmy Garconette. They didn't hate me or anything. In fact they loved me very much. And they're good parents. They probably thought Timmy was a nice name. But it just gives you an idea of the flavor of my life. Timmy is not the name of a guy who scores the winning touchdown or scores with the winning babe. It's kind of a wimpy name. My one-year-older sister Clare got a pretty good name and some...

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Secrets by r. gold It's my little secret. Sitting at the kitchen table, I'm looking over at Billy Talbot dreaming about sucking his cock. I'm half listening to the conversation between my roommates. As the sound of their voices recedes to a low buzz, I'm imagining the warm heated member pushing against my lips as I wet and lick him. Lost in the rush of heat to my face and body, thinking about kissing the swollen head, chewing and flicking the underside of his foreskin with...

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Trouble at home the sharing of secrets

“Chris, do you remember my friend Hillary?” Becky called to me from the kitchen.“The one with the nice arse,”  I replied, raising my voice above its natural level, so I could be heard from across large open plan living area, where I was just packing my case for work. The comment was a throwaway one, and I didn’t need to turn around to sense the frown forming of on my wife’s face. It was one of the gifts of long-time husbands, that we can always sense our wife’s displeasure.  “Not the time...

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Revealing Secrets

Marriage is, of course, a ceremony and institution of compromise. The best thing being, naturally, to get all the compromising out of the way well before the ceremony occurs to become the institution. The circumstances vary from couple to couple--that goes without saying. Some guys have to give up their Friday night out-with-the-buddies bowling league. Or shift it to a Tuesday. Me, I had to forswear pussy-eating for the rest of my natural born life. The first few times Ariel and I got...

2 years ago
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Keeping Secrets

"You told her yet?" "No." Troy Garcia looked at his friend. "And don't you tell her, either." Reed Delaney held his hands up. "Not like I was going to. I'm your sponsor and your friend, but I'm not your mom." Troy stared at his half-eaten slice of pizza. "I'm gonna tell her." "When?" "I don't know. Soon." Reed ran a hand over his buzz cut. "That's a little on the vague side." "Got any suggestions?" Troy glared across the table. "Oh, for fuck's sake, man. The...

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Family secrets

Jacob was the youngest child of his family, and it was now the morning of his 18th birthday. He awoke excitedly knowing that he would no longer be seen as a kid. He jumped out of bed and when to the bathroom which he shared with his two sisters, who usually sleep in. While in the hallway he hears moans coming from both his sisters rooms and his parents room and he gets kind of confused and decides to take a peak

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Young Cross Dressers Secrets

Young Cross Dressers Secrets *Sandy was busting at the seams to tell someone some very exciting secrets she was keeping. She couldnt tell anyone she knows. She decided to tell them here. __After reading My Bra and Panties are Missing, my own real story kept nagging at me to be told, but I wasnt sure how. I decided to change all the names and write a story all about this secret world I stumbled into. I started getting very horny just thinking about all that had happened&hellip,. __My story...

1 year ago
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Promises and Secrets

Author's Note... This is my first attempt at a Cross-dressing story. So please forgive me if it seems a little disjointed. Above all I hope you enjoyed it. Comments are welcome. Promises and Secrets By Maria Ski Dedication For Samantha, thank you for the encouragement to actually finish this story. And to the usual suspects, they know who they are... And then of course there is You, the person who is reading this...

2 years ago
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SECRETS SECRETS Chapter 1  I had always been interested in bondage but had never done anything more than look on from the safety of my lounge room, via the Internet.? I had also over the years collected a number of items that I could use for some self-bondage when the mood took me.? I can remember as a child trying to lie so still in my bed pretending I was tied down and the excitement when some TV show would have the heroine kidnapped.?? Of course, as a child I had no thoughts that it...

3 years ago
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F4 Keeping Secrets

(Author’s note: This story is an entry into FAWC (Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge), a collaborative competition among Lit authors. FAWC is not an official contest sponsored by Literotica, and there are no prizes given to the winner. This FAWC was based around the theme of music, with four songs given to choose from. The song that inspired this story was ‘Written in Rock,’ by Rick Springfield.) * * * * ‘You told her yet?’ ‘No.’ Troy Garcia looked at his friend. ‘And don’t you tell her,...

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Greg learns his wifes secrets

Greg is a medium guy. He is under 6 feet tall, medium weight, medium looks, small hands, feet and a small dick. He is an unremarkable and uninteresting man with a unreliable medium sized 15 yr old car. He has a middle ranked job at a large sized library in a huge sized city on the west coast of the united states. His middle income helps to make the payments on a middle sized house in a middle sized city. The only thing not mediocre about his life is his wife of ten years. Charlotte...

1 year ago
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Rules of Engagement The Three Secrets

Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, FF, dildo, toys, masturbation, oral, cunninglingus, sex, cheating Summary: An erotic story based on the television show Rules of Engagement. These are my descriptions and my story of the characters of Rules of Engagement by CBS. I do not own the show, the characters, or anything else related to the show. This is just a parody of the show using my own words. I do however approve heavily of Megyn Pryce and what a beautiful gorgeous woman she is....

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Sharing My Room With Sis 7 Secrets

Mom was already gone to work for the day. As I went to the bathroom I realized I was again a free man. On Saturday I had become Abby's slave for the day after loosing a childish bet and a childish argument. Abby had not only made me do a school project for her, but had made me walk around naked all day except for a bowtie. She had teased dick with soft touches and kisses, and when she found me jerking myself, she made me show her porn while she masturbated. Finally, she had me give her a...

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The nights sinful secrets

~ Chapter 1 ~ Athena giggled to herself as she ran through the Marquis’s maze. She heard the hushed ramblings of boots pounding the dirt in the far off distance. It has to be him and a few of his men searching for me. They didn't sound close enough to catch up with her yet. She ran deeper into the maze at a playful pace. The image of shock flashing over him pushed her further to the limits of just plain naughty foolishness and if she was honest with herself, she loved every second of it. Jase's...

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David 2 Family secrets

When David got home he was relieved to see the house in darkness. It was unusual for his parents to go to bed early on a weekend but he was thankful that he didn’t have to face them.Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed.He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for...

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David 2 Family secrets

Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...

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Learning Family Secrets

We climbed out of Norma’s car and went in through the front door. Francine, George, Brenda and Marcia were waiting for us in the living room. George stood as we entered, offering me his hand to shake. He had a good grip, and smiled as he told me, “We’re glad to have you in the family, Darrell. Norma and I both appreciate how willing you have been to share bodies with all the women in my life. I know you had a good time yesterday fucking Norma and her mom, and I certainly have missed fucking...

1 year ago
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My Pet Lucy Chapter 1 Secrets

It was early summer and Sam was helping Lucy get ready to move house. They had only been dating for a couple of months, but things were going pretty well. Neither of them had been looking for anything serious but they got on well, shared some genuine affection and had a lot of fun together.Lucy's mum would be arriving soon to begin ferrying her stuff to the new place. They had packed up most of the other rooms, which just left Lucy's room to sort out."So, what needs to be done?" Sam asked,...

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High School Secrets

High School Secrets By JRD Jimmy and his friend, Elmer, were walking home when they passed the house of David Bender, the school's star quarterback. David was sitting on the front porch with his girl, Amanda, the head cheerleader. Getting close, Elmer asked, "Want to make a break for it?" Before Jimmy could respond, David yelled out, "Hey, boy, get over here." Jimmy sighed. "Naw, indulging David means he protects me from the other bullies at school." Jimmy was an...

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I guess we all have them, I certainly did, but you don't realize that others do too until something happens, that many times brings them out into the open. My mother had been sick for quite some time, dad having passed away a few years before so she had pretty much lived alone, though she had many friends that she spent a considerable amount of time with, which I was very grateful for as at the time, I lived a considerable distance away out of state. So I guess depending on how you look at...

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Family Secrets

For the longest time I had a secret crush on my step father. (I have been gay very early on in life). He resembles those 70's porn stars-tall, dark, mustache and beard, hairy...... He was raised a farmer, turned truck driver....His body was tight, lean-he was very sexual.... He had many porn vids that I would watch over and over-as I masturbated hoping that one time he might catch me. I was about 25 years old and visiting my parents. One day there was no one home, I was so friggin horny that I...

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Dark Secrets

Chapter One - NaomiEveryone has dark secrets right? Take Naomi for instance. She’s a bright girl, young, attractive. She’s married to a hardworking man, Buddy. They live in a nice house, on a large ranch, right along the Trinity river in Texas. There’s a horse barn and some cattle. Naomi loves to ride all over their property. Probably the only thing that she doesn’t have is the company of her husband. You see he works in the oilfield and is rarely home. When he does finally make it there, he’s...

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Dirty Secrets

Her Dirty Secrets from Her Lover and The Naughty Chef It began as a usual Saturday in the big infamous oval track town, racing capital of the world, home of the black and white checkered flag, the Indianapolis 500. Deanne was extremely tired. She had talked to her friend with benefits, her lover, in NYC through the night. Slowly over a period of about four months, they had been getting to know one another as friends and lovers. It was safe to say they were both pretty much suffering...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 3 Sojonit Secrets

The woman in the red dress led me through a labyrinth of hallways, corridors and after an elevator ride, into the secret basement facilities of the Temple far below the surface accessible only through a complicated process of ID verification that made the Blue-Blue-Red Code process look like child’s play. We ended up in a small conference room of sorts with several chairs and a kidney shaped table in the middle. A Sojonit entered and handed the Mother Superior a PDD and said. “Arrangements...

4 years ago
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Meriweather Way Secrets

We all have secrets…Elise Fairborough had many! Living at number twelve, Meriwether Way for the last six years she had discovered the very best way to press her husband’s shirts, the perfect stain remover for her white sheepskin rug even the best way to brew coffee in the morning to give it the strongest taste. Yet if one thing Elise had learned above all that she had perfected in the last six years, it was how to keep a secret behind closed doors. ‘Yeah of course just set up the meeting, I...

2 years ago
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Tell Me Your Secrets

Going through emails was normally quite tedious when you owned a website. Joseph's website, however, was a niche site that only attracted specific viewers, so the emails he received were very specific, and much more interesting.He scanned the list until he found the one that interested him. It was from Marie, his current client. She confirmed that everything was a 'go' for tomorrow night. Joseph smiled. Marie was a hot and horny one. This was going to be fun.His website catered to husbands or...

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Dirty Little Secrets

Dirty Little Secrets By Couture"Are you done yet Millie?" Victoria called from the living room."Almost finished ma'am."  The petite young woman hurriedly loaded the cups in the dishwasher and looked around beneath the sink for the detergent.  She was a pretty girl of only twenty four.  However, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, cheeks with a light coat of blush, sky blue eyeshadow, and pink lipstick, she looked nineteen."Hurry, you're embarrassing me in front of my friend.""I'm sorry...

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I Spy with my Little Eye Something Beginning with S Secrets

Part 4 I woke up the next morning and groaned deeply as I felt a pair of lips sliding down my morning erection. Even before I was fully awake I was thrusting my hips upwards to meet that willing mouth. “Isn’t your sister good at sucking cock, my little baby!” came the whisper in my ear. My eyes shot open and I would have been panic stricken except for the feeling of a pair of cheeks hollowing against the side of my cock. I looked at my mother lying beside me as her pointed nails took hold of...

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Do you have a secret stash? Of course, you fucking do! We all do! Whether you are talking about that ounce of reefer you have stuck behind your bookshelf or all those old VHS porno tapes you are hiding from your mother for some reason, we all have one! Or did have one, until we moved out of our parent’s basement like the big boys we are!Well, Secret Stash also has its own secret stack. So much that it named the premise Secret Stash! The platform has a fuck load of videos available for you to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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sister SECRETS

I woke up Saturday morning from a really hot dream and as usual I had throbbing hardon. I knew Mom and Dad had both gone to work, leaving just me and my sister at home. As I lay in bed thinking about my dream I pulled off my underware and began to masturbate as I looked at some porn magazines enjoying the feeling as I stroked my hard cock. Without warning my bedroom door opened and my sister walked in saying "Hey, what are you going to do today..." then she stopped in her tracks as she saw me...

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Ladyboy Secrets

LADYBOY DIARYby utubeslutforgive the misspellings but inocent words get sensoredby the auto censelessDiaries can be dangerous and have unexpectedconsequences if they fall into the wrong hands.Or the right hands ….Early Spring and that meant a visit from myAunt Becky and my cousin Susie.I loved Susie but she was kinda weird.She had mood swings like she had permanentPMS, very unpredictable.Otherwise she was very sweet.Crazy bitch.The...

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A Day Full Of Secrets

Hello Everyone This beautiful experience started some 3 months back in December 2012. I still remember, it was a Saturday morning a weekly off for both me and my spouse. We were getting ready for a boring Parent-Teacher meet at my child’s school. It was this time when I got astrology alert on my cell saying this is a day full of secret affairs. Be cautious or flow with the destiny and I pretty much ignored it thinking its not gonna work with me as usual. It was a start of a vacation and I...

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Patchwork People XVI Buried Secrets

XVI. Buried Secrets. First thing I do on that first day is I take a detour through town to check out this totally demented store where Marcia mentioned she has a job. What kind of a job, I can't quite imagine. From what I can tell, it sounds like something super low-ambition, some not-trying-too-hard menial position that can't possibly pay very much. Given my main reason for showing up here in Hope Crossing, that doesn't bode well for the future of yours truly. You can imagine my...

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Goldshire Secrets

Goldshire Secrets By: Lyrissa "Come on, humans, do it. Push harder!" The seductive female voice was mixed with grunts, moans and the creaking of a massive bed as three figures were locked in furious intercourse in the cosily furbished room. The woman who had spoken was a very tall and lean purple-skinned elf, with long tapering ears which bobbed up and down as her two partners thrust into her. She had a lovely, natural face with silver-shimmering eyes and long dagger-styled markings...

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Finding out Dads Secrets

Dad always said, if anyone could save the world it would be characters like James, fighting the good fight. When I was teenager I read a lot about spies and the world of secrete agents. I would send away getting all the latest spy gadgets that were sold on the back of comics or magazine I happen to be reading at the moment. Most of it was junk of course, but in my mind and with a little imagination those spy gadgets were the best things a young man could have. It was when I turned 16 I...

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Wrong Secrets

Table of Contents Prologue Awakening The Contract Investigation Starts On Target A New Investigation Holidays Clean Up Afterwards The titles in use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. 30 August 2019 version Prologue I’ve never been to Scotland, the UK, or Europe. That’s easy to prove because there are no airline tickets or accommodation bookings in my name anywhere outside of Australia. I’ve never been issued a passport by the Australian Passport Office, contact them and they...

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The ParkersChapter 49 Secrets

Frank and Janet Stone knew about their son's drinking habits. Greg was 16, old enough to be left alone when his parents left the house, but Frank and Janet realized that, in the last few weeks, there's always some bottle missing when they returned. They were not that worried. They didn't confront Greg, and thought he was simply being a teenager. It's not that they didn't care, but they realized that their only son was simply experimenting some alcohol. Both Frank and Janet had started...

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New Family Secrets

New family secrets My name is ryan and this is my story. When i was fifteen my mother and step father were killed in a car accident. My aunt (my mother's youngest sister) took me in and adopted me. My aunt and uncle were welthy due to them being big time investers. Okay now that you have the rundown of how i got there I feel that i owe it to you to describe my new family. My uncle Derrick is fourty-nine stands about six foot three with salt and pepper hair and looks like he works...

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Jias Awakening Ch 4 12 Jessas story and family secrets

Introduction: And introduction to Jias family and their fun Jias Awakening Ch 4 1/2 : Jessas Story and Family Secrets Authors note: This actually takes place between chapters 4 and 5. She got home from school and threw down her backpack beside the door. Again, no homework that day, so Jessa could relax. Next she stripped off her tshirt and skirt, leaving her wearing nothing but panties. Jessa looked at herself in the mirror, wishing that her boobies would start growing like the other girls in...

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My true untold dirty secrets

I’m hot n sexy since from my c***dhood. Whenever I got the chance, I never missed and made the best use of it. I had many encounters and a few of them are here. This is the first time I am narrating my true secrets, but it feels all good to me to be getting out of it before you all. These are all true ones.First Time in 9th Grade!!The story starts when I was 15 years old and was only in the 9th grade at the time. At the beginning of the year I met a girl and we became instant friends. As the...

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Deadly Secrets

Disclaimer: This is not a true story no matter how much I wish it was any scenes or people who reflect real life things is done purely by accident or by chance with that said her is my newest story Deadly Secrets By Ruby Star Prologue My friend Robert Joe has had a very unhappy life. Why has his life been unhappy? Because he feels, and he is correct in that feeling, that his whole life is a lie. The things he does, the way he looks, the way he talks, and even his gender and...

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My true untold dirty secrets

I’m hot n sexy since from my childhood. Whenever I got the chance, I never missed and made the best use of it. I had many encounters and a few of them are here. This is the first time I am narrating my true secrets, but it feels all good to me to be getting out of it before you all. First Time in 9th Grade!! The story starts when I was 18 years old and was only in the 9th grade at the time. At the beginning of the year I met a girl and we became instant friends. As the year went on we flirted...

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Revenge is best served blonde Prt 3 Secrets

Introduction: Part three, as secrets come out and life gets more complicated for Zach Prt. 3 This night just kept getting more and more screwed up as it went on, and to top it all off, when I had my doubts and guilt about the whole situation Ali told me that Sara came home with a hickey on a night that I was not with her… That bitch was cheating on you!? Ali said, seemingly almost more angry than I was. Yeah I think she is. I said quietly. Like for sure? She is for sure cheating on you?...

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Big Girls Keep Even Bigger Secrets

Big Girls Keep Even Bigger Secrets. Chapter One It was my first day at College, being a freshman at a University filled with a bunch of people I didn’t know had me nervous, especially about my appearance. I woke up an hour earlier than normal, throughout the morning I tried on just about every outfit I owned including the five I just bought for the school year. I like to call myself thick, but that doesn’t fool anyone. I know I am fat and rarely in high school did I catch any attention from...

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Moms Sleep Mask Secrets

Moms Sleep Mask Secrets …..I can no longer keep this to myself. Moms who find they can no longer resist the desire to be with their son sexually….this is for you. It may not work for you, but it sure the hell worked for me. I knew all the taboo stuff, but one event changed all that when my son was a young teen.…..I went out to our lawn shed in the back yard to get something, when I opened the door…there stood my son just as he was shooting cum as he jacked off. In a millisecond I didn’t close...

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Sensualize Secrets

Sensualize SecretsHello everyone, I’m Julie from Sensualize and I’ve decided to start writing a Blog (weekly) to share just a selection of sexy sensual and quite often very funny sexual encounters I have been fortunate enough to experience. Real people’s names have been changed the only name that’s real is mine! Hope you enjoy my very first ‘Sensualize Secrets’The BeginningI met my now husband about 5 years ago, when we first met he was very open about his previous swinging lifestyle (at first,...

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