Making Dreams Come True
- 3 years ago
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My name is Anne and I’m fourteen years old. I am what you might describe as a “mousey” girl. I am not ugly, but I’m totally unremarkable to look at. I am the girl they would label “teen girl #3” in the credits of a movie.
I have very light brown hair that I wear shoulder length. I’m five feet, three inches tall, and I weigh eighty pounds. My breasts started growing when I was twelve, but they grew slowly. My bra is still an A Cup. It doesn’t feel like my boobs are going to grow any more. I like the way my tits are cone shaped, and my nipples are really pointy.
I’m obviously skinny, but I don’t look skeletal. When I strip and look at myself in the mirror, I think I look properly proportioned to be healthy, but I don’t think I look sexy.
I do seem to have something that boys like though, and I always have a boyfriend. As close as I can figure out, I look soft to them, and they think I look like it would feel good to hold me and make out with me.
Because I don’t have an ego or think I’m beautiful, right after my birthday, I started dating guys who are nerds. They are so glad to get a date at all, they don’t gossip, and never tell the thing about me that helps me keep boyfriends a lot longer than most teenage girls: I never say, “No.”
I like sex, and I like it a lot. I’ve been cock crazy since I gave up my cherry, the day after my fourteenth birthday. That means I like to have sex a lot. If a boy can learn how to make me cum and can learn to last long enough to get me off at least five times in a row, he will get all the pussy he ever dreamed of.
I’m not one of those girls that over-thinks everything. I don’t care about the “state of our relationship,” or any of that other emotional horseshit. If a guy is nice to me and keeps me satisfied, I’m just fine with eating at a fast food place, or going to the drive-in.
I get “B” s in almost all my classes. I am workman-like and uninspired, according to one of my teachers. Well no shit! I will probably be a supervisor at the DMV or a department manager at Wall*Mart when I grow up. That’s about the most I can aspire to, so why bust my butt over studies when I could be on my current boyfriend’s back seat, getting my little brains screwed out?
My dad is a doctor, and he wishes I gave a shit, but he knows I’m a lost cause, and he’d rather keep things pleasant around home, so he got me an IUD, taught me about rubbers, and he hopes for the best. My anti-STD strategy is to date virgin (until I get a hold of them) boys, no one ever thought of fucking before, train them how to do me the way I like, never say no, and keep their balls drained dry, so they never have toxic sperm buildup pressure that would make them look for another girl. Rubbers are icky, so I let my boy-friends stop using them after three months or so, if they don’t run around. I do have more than one boyfriend because they can’t control whether their parents will let them go out or not, so I need to have backup. I don’t run around on them though. I always explain exactly what they will get from me. I’ve done more than one guy a day because of that, but nobody felt deprived, so I figure as long as I’m honest about it, there shouldn’t be a problem. After all, I’m no Helen of Troy, so while guys like me enough to keep me well fucked, I don’t expect any guy to fall in love with me where they can’t sleep or get crazy thinking they can’t live without me.
Now I’ve been perfectly happy with this little life of mine for a while. I never will be the Homecoming Queen, and I have no desire to date the Quarterback. I think it is realistic to think if I show a boyfriend I can keep him happy, he will want to ensure he has a lifetime supply of hot, needy pussy, and marry me after graduation. If he’s a nerd, he can probably get a good job repairing welding robots or fixing ATMs or something like that, so we ought to be able to afford a car and have a tolerable life. Besides, if sex is as important to him as it is to me, we won’t need much of an entertainment budget, and we should both be pretty happy.
My mom and I never got along. She thought she was smarter and prettier than she really was. She treated her high school friends like shit after she married my dad. As they would have said in the old days, she put on airs. Mom wanted me to do golf and tennis at the county club. She wanted me to act like I was upper class.
I did my best to avoid confrontation, and after I disappointed her enough times, she left me alone. She did like to call me a whore, and I always loudly pointed out that I had never, ever charged a guy for sex, and never would. Things weren’t warm and fuzzy at home, as you might suspect.
I never cared what the fuck Mom was doing, but I accidentally found out she was fucking both her tennis instructor and the golf pro, so if Dad wasn’t home, I had to yell at her, that while I was a slut, at least I wasn’t a double adulteress. I was glad we lived on five acres, because some of our fights got up to “Falcon Crest” or “Dynasty” volume level. I never planned to throw the first punch or rip her dress off first though.
I didn’t tell Dad about his cheating bitch of a wife because I was afraid she might rat me out to the point where he felt he had to ground me or send me to military school or something equally odious. Getting fucked and cumming a bunch of times every day was too necessary to my survival to take a chance.
I got home from what to me was a most satisfactory date with my longest-term boyfriend yet. Jack was willing to go down on me, and he had gotten good at it. I still love getting banged hard by a stiff dick the best, but if a guy is cooperative, lets me suck him off, so he can last a while when he does fuck me, and will eat me out so I can have a bunch of orgasms, the night can go so perfectly, my body is damn near floating on air when he takes me home. I do get a little sad sometimes, wishing I’d feel all dreamy in love after a guy makes me cum a bunch, or that he’d get lovey-dovey eyes after I take his load...
There were cop cars, with flashing lights all around the house. I went inside, and the deputy sheriff had Dad sitting in a chair in the living room. For some ungodly reason the guy I called “Barney Fife,” (but never to his face), had Dad handcuffed.
He made me sit down across the room from Dad. I was told I couldn’t go to my room and I couldn’t talk to, or touch Dad. I was about to smart off and ask him if he was going to handcuff me too, when Dad gave me his, “behave yourself” face, and I figured I better not mess with a man with limited intelligence who carried a gun.
The crime scene people came downstairs and gave a report to the detective who was sitting across from Dad.
The detective said, “Dr. James, the preliminary finding is that the Country Club golf pro and the tennis instructor were having affairs with your wife. The crime scene appears to show the tennis instructor murdered your wife and then the two men shot and killed each other, almost like a western shootout.
“We would like you and your daughter to go to a hotel so we can finish processing the evidence. At this time, you are not a suspect, but remember that anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. People like yourself don’t usually think of it, but it might be a good idea to retain a criminal attorney sir, so they can advise you on how to protect your rights.
“While you are not a suspect, please do not leave town until after the police clear you.
“You may go pack a bag. I’ll send an officer with you to make sure the crime scene isn’t compromised,” The detective said.
Dad looked pretty zombie-like. I asked Dad for his phone, and I called his office nurse. I told her Dad needed to close the office for a week due to his house becoming a crime scene. She told me she’d take care of it. Then I called the doctor Dad thought was competent, and asked him if he could cover for Dad’s more serious patients while the office was closed. He assured me he’d take care of it.
I handed the phone back to Dad. I decided I needed to be the one to be strong, and take care of Dad this time, so I took his hand and said, “Let’s get our stuff and get out of here so the officers can work.”
Dad followed me like a puppy.
We each went into our room to pack a bag. I’ve had a crush on my dad practically forever, but I’m a realist and never saw the point in chasing after someone I couldn’t have. That’s why I went for the nerds, because I could have any of them I wanted, and a few were nice looking. My current boyfriend was the best so far. Jack is good looking in a clean-cut, country boy way. He is muscular enough to get me hot and wet for him, and smart enough to follow instructions and get me off very, very well.
Still, Jack’s not my dream man.
Standing in front of my dresser, I made a split-second decision, and put only my sexiest lingerie, tiniest bikinis, shortest shorts, miniest-skirts, and most revealing tops in my little bag. I stripped out of my clothes, cleaned Jack’s cum out of my cunt, and then put on sexy panties, a matching lace bra, a very tiny mini-skirt, and a tight tank top. I needed to know if I showed off my body to Daddy, would he think I was sexy? Would he want me? On purpose, I didn’t pack a nightgown or pajamas.
We walked out to Dad’s black pickup. For the first time ever, Dad opened the door for me, and I smiled at him as I climbed into the big, black, four-wheel-drive Ford. I hoped he got a good look at the black lace panties I was wearing, as I climbed into the truck.
I loved the smell of the leather seats in Dad’s truck. I daydreamed about getting Dad to take me out in the woods and fuck me on the leather back seat someday. I could feel and smell fresh pussy juice soaking my little cunt. I hoped I smelled yummy to Daddy.
We drove into town and Dad took us to a nice hotel. When we were in the room, he looked horrified, and said, “Annie, I only got one bed.”
“It’s fine Daddy. It’s a big bed, and I don’t take up much room,” I joked.
He was distracted enough that he didn’t dwell on the impropriety. I called room service and ordered dinner for us. I also ordered a bottle of McAllen eighteen-year-old Single Malt Scotch. The operator didn’t want to accept the scotch order, but I remembered the voice on the phone was Felicity Adams, who graduated from my high school this spring.
“Felicity, Dad gets that from Mr. Duffy’s bar all the time. It’s not that far away. Dad could use a shot or two tonight, since his wife was murdered and our house is now a crime scene. I saw Jeremy was working, and he’s over twenty-one, so it wouldn’t be much trouble for him to run down to Duffy’s and pick up a bottle. Just tell him to have Mr. Duffy put it on Dad’s account, and then you won’t have any billing problems. I’ll make sure you and Jeremy get a little something for your trouble,” I said.
“Oh, gosh I’m sorry Anne. Tell your dad I’m sorry. Oh gosh Anne, I’m sorry about it being your mom too,” Felicity stammered.
“Thanks Felicity,” I said.
It was just another example of my invisibility, and there was no point getting upset about it. Besides, my dad was young and good looking enough I figured Felicity was a little befuddled, trying to figure out how to get Dr. James to notice that she was a recent graduate, had a shapely figure, and a reasonably attractive face.
“Look at you, Annie. The tower of strength in time of crisis. Hell, I didn’t even know you knew how to do any of that shit,” Dad said.
“I noticed you were pretty zombified, so I figured I better pay you back for the diaper changing and stuff you did for me when I was a kid,” I said.
“Well, I want you to know that using alcohol to suppress feelings and grief isn’t the preferred method, but I do seem to calm down when I taste the sherry overtones in the McAllen,” Dad admitted.
“I figured at around two-hundred dollars a bottle, you wouldn’t do too much abusing of that substance, at least. Sometime the familiar or the favorite self-treat can help get things under control.
“Now why don’t you go take a tub bath and soak in the hot water for a while. That should help your muscles loosen up while we wait for dinner. I think I saw Jacuzzi jets in the tub,” I said.
Dad got pajamas out of his bag and went toward the bathroom. He stopped in front of me and wrapped his arms around me.
“I don’t remember when you started looking and acting so grown up,” Dad said, as he kissed my cheek.
I hope Daddy felt my nipples get stiff when he embraced me! I was smiling to myself because Dad’s cock was stiff, and it was bigger than Jack’s. I don’t think I am a size queen, although I had dumped some boyfriends for not making me feel stretched when their dick was in me, but it didn’t take a horse dick to make me feel full. I was more afraid I was a Nymphomaniac. I do feel happier after sex, but never that goofy, in love feeling lots of people talk about. I was kind of reserving judgement, but the realist in me warned me that I might never get to feel that kind of romantic love or mythically great sex.
I was eager to feel Daddy’s cock inside me, filling me up, loving me, and letting me love and comfort him. I hoped my impromptu plans would be enough to bring Dad around to my way of thinking. I was also hoping Daddy didn’t have deeply held ethical beliefs about family love, so he would be easier for me to sway.
When I thought it was about five minutes before our food would arrive, I knocked on the bathroom door. Dad had fallen asleep in the tub. Fortunately, he didn’t slip under the water. I woke up Daddy and helped him get out of the tub. I wrapped a towel around him and helped him dry off. I was pleased that Dad didn’t freak out over me seeing him naked. When we got him dry, we got him into his pajamas, and I led Daddy out to the living room of the little suite.
Room service knocked. I opened the door, and they rolled in a table with grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. There was also a bucket of ice, crystal glasses, and the bottle of McAllen single malt scotch. I poured three fingers, neat, for Dad. I know how he feels about watering down good scotch. I served Dad his scotch, and I smiled inside as Dad took a sip and actually smiled. I served the food, and Dad nearly started crying.
“You always made this for me when I was sick or hurt Dad, so I thought it might have some healing power for you,” I said.
“My mom always fell apart if I got hurt, and my dad was always the one who took care of me. He gave me grilled cheese and tomato soup. That’s why I always gave them to you when you were upset or hurt,” Dad said.
We sat together on the couch, and I made sure Daddy could feel my soft female body pressed against him. We watched a romantic comedy on TV. The story was about a young woman who falls for a professor. I liked the way the girl talked about how boys her age never touched her heart and soul the way her professor did. The movie was a “B” flick, made by one of the cable movie channels, so it was a little racy. When the girl started talking about how, because the professor touched her heart and soul, he touched her body in a way that rocked her world, it made perfect sense to me. I grinned, because that was exactly what I wanted Daddy to hear, and I hope it worked out to be true for me.
The nudity in the movie was great too, because I could tell it made Dad get a boner. I squirmed around and put my head on my Daddy’s lap. My pussy got wet almost instantly, with my cheek against the hard, throbbing shaft of my father’s erect dick. It was all I could do to keep myself from unzipping his pants and swallowing my dad’s cock.
I poured Dad another three fingers of scotch. Before I did, I tasted the few drops in the bottom of the glass. Dad never let me drink, but I could tell that this was one of those times when expensive booze tasted good and cheap stuff didn’t.
“Annie, are you trying to get me stiff on purpose?” Dad asked.
“I need to know if you think I’m sexy Daddy. I’ve wanted you to do me for years. Do you want me?” I asked.
“My god yes, baby girl. If I’d known that, I would have taken care of you myself, and you wouldn’t have needed to fool around with all those boys,” Dad said.
“Wouldn’t Mom have objected?” I asked.
“Obviously she was getting her jollies someplace else, and she didn’t take care of my needs for as long as I can remember, so I doubt if she would have cared.
“Regardless, we need to make up for lost time, little girl,” Daddy said.
I didn’t waste any time. I opened up his pants and took out my dad’s erect penis. Since he told me Mom hadn’t taken care of him for a while, I sucked Dad off. I took his cum in my mouth and swallowed every drop. One advantage to being sexually active, besides not being shy or afraid, was that I knew I could make things better for myself, no matter how good a guy is, with a little management. I suppose it seems a little cynical to think I needed to make my dad pop in my mouth before we fucked the first time, but it really wasn’t me trying to manipulate my dad, more a case of trying to help him be his best. I figured if I eliminated the possibility of overexcitement and quick climax, it would make both of us happier with the results of our first time together.
Dad got between my thighs and ate my pussy until I was a squirming, screaming mess. Then, with the best foreplay I’d ever had making me hot, wet, and oh so eager, Daddy filled my little teenage pussy with his grownup dick. He fucked me hard, and I came better than ever before. He lasted a long time, and I was a very happy, very well fucked girl when I realized a guy was making my pussy sore for the first time. I started talking dirty, whispering things I thought would get to Daddy, in his ear as he rode me. I talked about how good he fucked me and how much I loved having my own daddy dick me until I was his cock crazy slut. Daddy blasted off inside me for the first time, and I knew we were going to have a very long-lasting love affair, complete with lots and lots of great sex every day, because our love making satisfied both of us in a way neither of us had experienced before.
Daddy and I wore each other out, and we clung to each other as we came down from our orgasmic highs.
“Dad, I don’t know how my genes made me so plain, when Mom was trophy worthy in every way. Is lots of hot sex going to be enough for you? Is your mousy daughter going to satisfy you? I mean Mom had perfect C Cup tits, and I’m just an A Cup. Mom had a porno worthy ass, and I’m kind of a stick figure. I worry a lot that I’m not enough for my handsome daddy,” I confessed.
“Annie, I like everything about you. I have had nasty fantasies about you seducing me or me seducing you since you first sprouted boobs. I love the way your tits just fill my hands. I love knowing you’ll never get saggy; that your tits will always be firm cones, never empty bags, sagging to your knees.
“Another good thing about a slim figure is that you can always find sexy lingerie that fits. Even Victoria’s Secret doesn’t make some of their hottest things for a woman with a C Cup bust, or your mom’s porn worthy butt.
“I hope it doesn’t seem creepy that your father wants to have sex with his pubescent daughter, every day, for the rest of our lives,” Daddy said.
“Actually, I like the idea of having my hunky daddy seduce me every day for the rest of our lives. As long as you fuck me more than once a day, I’ll be a very happy girl,” I admitted.
“Do you think you’ll get bored with schoolgirl uniforms?” Dad asked.
“I’m sure if you let me do some seducing teacher role plays and let me buy pretty lingerie to tempt you, we can always find interesting games to play,” I said.
“Do you feel satisfied, Annie? I know you were worried that you are a nymphomaniac,” Dad asked.
“I’m more comfortable about that now. I wondered if my not feeling totally satisfied was because the sex was mechanical and there wasn’t an emotional component to the relationship. Now that I finally got the man I love to fuck me, the results are a lot more satisfying. That seems to rule out nymphomania, since we just proved that I CAN be satisfied by a man,” I said.
“So, your old dad is able to take care of you more satisfactorily than your parade of young, studly boyfriends?” Dad asked.
“Gosh Dad, I never expected you to have insecurities. Please take my word for it that I’m more satisfied than I’ve ever been. If I had been brave enough to go after you first, there would have never been a parade, let alone my ever taking another man to bed. If we are going to have a life-long love affair, you have to believe me about this, and don’t worry even a little bit about it. If you let your insecurity get out of control, it will wreck everything for us. I swear Daddy, I will never need another man, and I won’t cheat on you, like Mom did.
“Mom saw herself, with good reason, as a great beauty. I know I’m just a mousy, skinny little teenager. You are the man I’ve always wanted, and now that I know I can have you, I am only going to be seeing how often and how well I can fuck you. I may not be beautiful, but I’m a great fuck, so I’m going to lead from my strength, and give you the very best sex you ever had, and make sure you are getting all you can handle. I’ve shown you the deep dark thoughts in my insecure soul, do you think you can live with my needing you to screw me four or five times every single day? I have to be sure you never have a second when you feel deprived or ignored, and fucking you until there’s nothing but dust in your balls is the only way I know to be positive you are always getting enough.” I said.
“I should have known you were a better person than your mom, Annie. I’m sorry. I’ll keep my older man, with a young lover, insecurities under control, and make sure you know for a fact that your dad wants you every second of every day,” Dad said.
I jumped on Daddy and sucked him hard, then pushed him onto his back, climbed on top of him, and rode him to even better orgasms than he’d given me the first time.
“Is this going to be our life from now on, fucking every time you can get me hard? I’m not complaining, by the way, I’d just like to know what you plan for our future,” Dad asked.
“I think it will take a little time for us to settle down and find out what normal is for us. Both of us have been deprived for a long time, and we need to adjust to having all the sex we want, available anytime we want it. Knowing you want me all the time will reassure me. I promise I’ll do it any time, and any way you want, so you never feel deprived again. I’m pretty sure I’ll never get bored with even plain vanilla sex, and I hope you will always be as enthusiastic as you were the first time about having your daughter hot for you. If it turns out you need something extra to make you sure, every part of my body is available, any way you need to use me, daddy,” I said.
I ground my clit against Daddy’s hard body and exploded into my best orgasm yet. My tight little pussy started sucking on Dad’s cock and milking the cream out of his balls. He shot off inside me with a force I’d never felt before.
“I love you Daddy!” I moaned.
“You fuck me so good! You make me feel the way I’ve always dreamed making love would make me feel,” I whimpered.
“My god, Annie!” Daddy groaned. “I’ve never come that hard before in my whole life. We will have the best life together baby girl,” Daddy said, as he tried to catch his breath.
After a week, Dad needed to get back to his practice, and school was about out of patience with me being absent. I wished we could keep on just staying home and fucking six or eight times a day, but I didn’t want daddy to start feeling like doing me was work or an obligation, so I didn’t complain about going back to “real life.”
The police got done with our house. Dad hired a contractor to gut the master bedroom and remodel it. All the furniture was hauled away. We fucked and slept in the guest bedroom while the construction went on. Dad had the bathroom enlarged. He had the shower redone so we could shower together, and even fuck in the shower if we felt like it. He put in a Jacuzzi tub big enough for both of us. He let me do the decorating, and I opted for a country casual style. When everything was ready, Dad let me pick out the curtains, furniture, bed, mattress, and linens.
In a lot of ways, it was like we were newlyweds, and most of Mom’s memory was already erased. We were pretty happy. We were definitely in love, and we had lots and lots of great sex. There just seemed to be something missing for both of us, and we both realized we weren’t as happy as we should be.
I tried reinventing myself as the brainy schoolgirl so I could role play Hermione Granger kinds of girls, but after a few weeks, it was obvious that just wasn’t me.
I could tell Daddy was reading me all wrong and imagining he was too old to satisfy my near nymphomaniacal need for sex.
Before things got out of control, I sat him down after dinner and then sat on his lap.
“Daddy, darling, I am physically more satisfied than I’ve ever been. You know I’m a high school freshman, and trying to invent myself. I don’t know who I am yet. I was trying out the brainy schoolgirl role, but it just isn’t working for me.
“How would you feel about a wife who liked being barefoot and pregnant?” I asked.
“I have to admit I have fantasies about knocking you up and even more about you being very sexually demanding while you are pregnant.
“What are you thinking you want to try?” Daddy asked.
“I think I need to be like a Pioneer Woman. I think you should move your practice to a little town in Wyoming or Idaho and I’d keep the home fires burning while you saw patients. No one would know from looking at me that I’m your daughter, because there is no family resemblance. We would just tell people I’m your wife. I can say I have Social Anxiety Disorder, so people leave us alone.
“We can get a place out, away from town, and you keep me barefoot and pregnant; not to mention so well fucked I always walk bowlegged. I would do the gardening, canning, cutting firewood and all the other pioneer living things, as well as raising lots of pretty babies with you,” I said.
“What about me being a man who wanted to molest my daughter, but she seduced me first? I’m probably not trustworthy around our daughters when they start to develop a figure,” Dad admitted.
“You never molested me, Dad. I trust you to respect our girls and leave them alone unless they tell you they want your attention. You know I have serious needs, but if they didn’t want me to share too much, I suppose it would be OK,” I said.
“I don’t know Annie. I think it would be best for me to limit my sex partners to just you. I’m afraid if I start messing with our daughters, you might not get enough one day and think you needed to do something about it other than fuck me,” Dad said.
“Maybe it would be best to deal with that issue when we come to it. I think you should wait until our daughters are fourteen, at least, even if they beg you to make love to them,” I said.
Dad got me new ID, and Anne James disappeared.
Anna Cory James, who is supposedly barely twenty-one, was introduced as Dr. James’ wife in the tiny town in Idaho where Dad opened his family medicine practice. There were some FLDS neighbors, so we didn’t expect anyone to turn in the doctor for having a young wife. I kept a very low profile, so no one ever had a reason to think about me.
We owned eighty acres bordering a National Forest. I turned into a regular hard body with all the gardening and chores required to raise most of our own food and live off the grid as much as possible. I started wearing a bikini or sometimes just sexy panties, to get Daddy stirred up when he got home. I learned all the tricks about banking the fire in the cook stove and putting the mostly cooked food in the warming oven. I’d get Daddy to fuck my brains out, then we’d cuddle, clean up, and have dinner.
After dinner, we’d read, sitting close together on the couch, but out hands were almost always busy, keeping each other stirred up. Around eight, we’d fuck each other silly on the couch, then I’d get the wood stove ready for the night, we’d go shower together, and sometimes fuck each other in the shower, or climb into bed and screw each other senseless. Daddy would wake me up in the middle of the night almost every night and fuck me until my body felt like Jell-O. We’d cuddle up and sleep until the alarm went off in the morning. Dad would fuck me really good before we got up. That was how we made sure we were both getting our minimum daily requirement of hot sex.
After Daddy got me feeling all satisfied, peaceful, and ready for the day, I got up, woke up the fire in the stoves, and got breakfast ready. I had started using hand ground coffee because a hand grinder doesn’t scorch the beans from heat generated by friction. The spring water we use for our drinking water makes about the best coffee either of us have ever tasted.
For our first anniversary present, Dad bought me a small batch roasting machine. I ordered green Kona coffee beans online, and the UPS driver dropped off a fresh pound every Wednesday.
100% fiction! My back ached, my feet hurt and I was tired, Friday evening, the end of a long week. I’m the high school librarian and I’d spent most of the day in the stacks, filing books. I’d been standing, bending and lifting all day. I went to the bedroom, changed my shoes for bedroom slippers and went to the kitchen to get a glass of wine. My recliner called my name, I sat and kicked back, ah, yes, better; I sipped the Chardonnay. My eightteen year old son Tony was going out for pizza and...
IncestThe events depicted in this story take place in the months following the end of Making Dreams Come True and so may possibly make more sense if that story is read first. * * * Making More Dreams Come True by Writer 345© 1. Helena's At-Home It all began at one of Mom's "At-Homes". These are the soir?es that take place on the third Thursday afternoon of every month when we were "at home" to receive visitors - always members of "The C...
This is going to be the last that you’ll hear from me for a while. I still have several commitments that I’ve got to fulfill. In the mean time, I wish nothing but the best for all of you. In the mean time, I’ll see you when I get done…whenever that is…lol. MoogPlayer ~~~~~~ If wishes were horses, Then dreamers would ride… Jon Butcher ~~~~~~ Have you ever wished really hard…and then prayed that it would come true? Well, this is a story about answered prayers. ~~~~~~ Hi, my name is...
DREAMS DO COME TRUE Hazel had been my next door neighbour for over a year and although we'd got on really well from day one, nothing sexual had ever happened between us but it didn't stop me dreaming. She wasn’t what you'd call a raving beauty but she had something special. She had a latent sex appeal!!! She didn't seem to do anything to push the point but it was just there. Each time, after we'd spent time together, I'd go back to my own flat and imagine how it would be to undress her...
My name is Caleb and I am twenty-two years old. I work part-time as a stripper at The Dragon’s Lair by night and a full-time student by day. Every year The Dragon’s Lair puts on a charity silent auction for an animal rescue in our city. This year they are auctioning off their strippers instead for a dinner out and I am one of them. How I got talked into it I am not sure but I am standing here ready to go to the auction block. I have no problems taking my clothes off in front of maybe...
Gay MaleI look at my handsome husband and tears trickle down my cheeks. "Alexandria? Baby, it's okay. It was just a bad dream," Jake says, pulling me into his chest.Tell him. Tell him now."Jake, it wasn't a bad dream. I wasn't screaming in fear." I say and then pause, unable to look him in his deep brown eyes. "I was screaming because I was cumming ... I mean dreaming about cumming.""What? You had a sex dream?" he asks lifting my chin up to face him."Yes."He hugs me tighter whispering in...
BDSMSECRET DREAMS COME TRUE SECRET DREAMS COME TRUE Chapter 1 Claire was sitting in front of her computer opening her mailbox again and again. She was waiting for a special letter, but it hadn't arrived yet. It wasn't supposed to, but she hoped she could find it earlier. It would come from her possible Master. She remembered their first chat. She had always dreamt of finding a Master, but never dared to do anything for that. She was nervous, as it was the first time she was talking about her...
Note : THis story is completely fictional! Hai, I am Jagan I like very much Incest . Every son have a dream so I have a dream. I am waiting till for that day it comes true in my life. Now the day came just one month before. So I want to share how my dreams coming true in my. Life if you also help it to get your momma as you like I am satisfied for it. The dream between my lovely momma and me, you know she is dream woman of everyman My mom was a fashionable lady in her late forties and till now....
IncestHazel had been my next door neighbour for over a year and although we'd got on really well from day one, nothing sexual had ever happened between us but it didn't stop me dreaming. She wasn’t what you'd call a raving beauty but she had something special. She had a latent sex appeal!!! She didn't seem to do anything to push the point but it was just there. Each time, after we'd spent time together, I'd go back to my own flat and imagine how it would be to undress her and find out what sort of...
Erotic FictionI dreamt of you last night… There we were walking through the woods, the wind catching our laughter and carrying it away. The late evening autumn sky streaked with all the shades of red and orange, filling us with a warm cozy feeling. Arm in arm there’s no need for words between us, as we step into the cabin we had rented for our rendezvous. Closing the door behind us, I turn to find you just inches from me and I smile. Your strong arms pull me to you and softly you kiss me, parting my lips...
In the previous parts, you read how we got infatuated with our mom and how we got into incest. Now you will read how we make dreams come true. Probably one month had passed after our adventurous summer. I had a bad headache. I had spent the previous night having wild fantasies about my mom and couldn’t sleep. So I decided to bunk college. But I didn’t tell my mom as she would not allow this. So Chetan, mom, and I got out of the house at the same time to go to our respective schools and...
IncestI was monitoring Cindi’s dreams now, more closely than ever. Her dreams were all gruesome nightmares. They were filled with Ares, towering over her, beating her, berating her, raping her, killing her. Or at least they would have been if I had let them. I was inserting myself into her dreams, towering over Ares, dragging him off of her, beating the crap out of him, throwing him around like a rag doll. Eventually her dreams settled down a bit. Her subconscious had accepted that I would protect...
I travel to India on business every 2 months. My stays have become somewhat boring as there is not much to do in your off time except to visit bars and look at all the beautiful Indian girls. Lately I became friends with a well known Bollywood actor and at his home the one day we had been drinking and having a good time. I teased him and some of his friends that although there were close to 10 million females in Mumbai they had failed to organize me any. Well that is when they surprised me....
Dreams Come TrueFinally, I split with my long-term partner of 15 years and she had custody of our two c***dren.As a secret female wrestling addict since first fantasies aged 10 I decided that my new freedom was going to give me the chance to make fantasy a reality. My first move was to join a dating site and own up to my wrestling obsession. Surprisingly I received a lot of response from women living in the same coastal city as me and even more to my surprise, many were around the 30-40-age...
I believe that everyone has sexual fantasies. Mine is to watch another man fuck my girlfriend. I have written several stories about my girlfriend, Judy. Out of all the stories, this is my favorite. It is a true story!Gil, who is a friend, kept calling Judy at work wanting to get back with her. He had no idea that I knew anything about their first sexual experience. Judy called me from her work to tell me that Gil had been calling. She wanted to know what I wanted her to do. Of course, I wanted...
HardcoreI slid my cock into her slowly, enjoying how the head of my cock spread the inner hole of her moist love pit. Her pussy lips closed around me, grabbing hold of my shaft as it inched inside her. I started to pump finding a perfect rhythm as Iris and I joined as one. “Oh you feel so good! Wow you wrap yourself around me. It’s so tight in there. So tight.†I said as I worked inside her. Being the national marketing manager of Prestige Inc. had its perks. 5 star hotel rooms, unlimited credit and a...
AffairIt was late Friday afternoon and Melanie and Julie were packing and cleaning up the vacation cabin. They had been there for two weeks and would be leaving for home tomorrow morning. Melanie paused from mopping the kitchen floor to reflect on the events of last week. "You know Jule, in my ten years of nursing I've never come across anything as bizarre as finding that hiker in the ravine." Julie tucked some stray hairs that had escaped from her headband behind her right ear. "I don't think...
Joanne and I had been married for alittle over four years, when one morning she told me about a dream...a dream that changed our sex lives.We'd always had a great sex life, but also always interested in taking it to the next level. This was definitely the next level!She wanted to tell me about her dream, but was worried I'd be jealous. That just made me more intriqued. I told her not to worry. She told how in her dream, we were having sex....(I'm thinking cool)...then she says....with another...
Joanne and I had been married for alittle over four years, when one morning she told me about a dream...a dream that changed our sex lives. We'd always had a great sex life, but also always interested in taking it to the next level. This was definitely the next level! She wanted to tell me about her dream, but was worried I'd be jealous. That just made me more intriqued. I told her not to worry. She told how in her dream, we were having sex....(I'm thinking cool)...then she says....with another...
First TimeTonight was it. Every detail had been meticulously planned. He had haunted her footsteps like a shadow for the past two months, had her in his every thought for the past seven. He had memorized her every smile. He would awaken from his dreams to swear he could smell her sweet perfume. He had tried fruitlessly to win her attention, but she barely even noticed his existence. And with every unreturned smile he felt a hate burn inside of him. She thought she was better than him. She thought that...
Coar (Dream Come True) by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr Coar was a prince, third born and very willful. He had been told that to enter the Glittering Forest was very dangerous, if not deadly - and that went double when the three moons were in stepped-phase. Then, he had been told, there was created an opening between the world of Kingdom Tehnra and the realms of the Others. Coar was as curious as he was headstrong, and he was very interested in seeing an Other. So, ignoring all warnings and...
I awoke late one Thursday night, early Friday morning, and was drenched in sweat. The air conditioning had went out and I had not cracked the window as I often do during the hot spring months. In Grants Hall, the air conditioning often went out during the night and we would surmises that the administration would shut it done to maintain cost. Any way, I got up and d****d myself in a towel and headed off to the common showers. As I opened the shower room door I heard the waters running, slowly I...
Dreams Do Come True By K.C. Prologue Hi my name is Carl and a few days ago I was a 20-year-old pedophile. I had a very extensive picture collection of little girls. Mostly 6-14 year olds, nude, their smooth supple body there for me to masturbate to. I would almost cream my pants thinking of their breastless chests. One day something strange happened; now my name is Kaci and I am an eleven-year-old girl. This is my story. Chapter 1: Pre Kaci days I had just gotten home...
“I had that dream again last night,” Ed told his best friend Joey. “The one with that girl?” questioned Joey, “What was her name again? Terri? Toni?” “Tina. Her name was Tina. I just can’t get her out of my mind. It’s weird, Joe, she seems so…real. Maybe I’m just going nuts.” This was the eleventh time in the past month that Ed had had this dream. It was always the same. Somehow this girl had become entwined...
Dreamscape Conclusion By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 5: Dream Walker Fear, confusion and fraud. These were the three words, which had dominated my existence since I died in a car accident. Through cosmic happenstance, I emerged from a coma in the body of Lucy Maya. My second chance at life, so to speak, was not one of wonderment at the miracle of being given another crack at life, as one would expect. Quite the opposite. I tip toed through this life fearful more people...
Edward sat at his computer screen, staring at his monitor until his eyes started to close from exhaustion. Every once in a while, he would get so horny, so desperate to experience his fantasy he would stay up all night just stroking himself and looking at porn, desperate to feel . . . it. He had pretty much resigned himself to the fact that he was never going experience his dream come true. What was his dirty little secret? What thoughts tormented him? You see Edwards ultimate fantasy was to...
Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality. by BinaryFellow Summary: Chris and Sarah are hired to test a new revolutionary virtual reality technology being developed that will one day change the world. It's all fun and games until Sarah takes things too far, and the technology malfunctions. Author's Note: This is my first story ever. Please leave honest & constructive feedback. Consider this an open universe. Anyone may write stories about other characters that...
Can dreams come true? (The dream crystal) A man has dreams of being female, which become more and more realistic, with the help of the dream crystal. (If this seems a bit rough, it is because some of dreams are based on actual dreams I have had; p.s. it is only "autobiographical" in that sense.) --------------- I can't remember the exact details, but I am running in a forest and playing. Gradually I become aware that I am wearing a dress. A blue and white, frilly dress, with...
Shawn strapped on his gear and prepared himself for another patrol in one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Standing a whopping 6’5” and weighing a chiseled 275 pounds, citizens and hoodlums alike all new Shawn very well. On the mean streets, his nickname was “Big Jack.” Even his fellow officers looked up to him as well. When they got a rough call, they felt at ease when they saw Shawn arrive as their back-up. By no means was he considered one of those types who hid behind his...
First TimeI am Shalu 34 years old homemaker. Married ten years ago in an arranged marriage. My would be was educated, simple to look at and had good running business at Mumbai.There was no reason for me to refuse except for I had leave parents at Bangalore and stay that far from them. It was a simple marriage performed at our home village and I was off to Mumbai. I had just heard of Mumbai and its ever busy streets, pani puris, pav bhajis, Juhu beach, Grand Ganapathi festivities, VT, Nariman point etc. I...
I have written this story for a friend who says she just loves stories of a loving father and what he gives his little girl. Bunny, this one's for you. I had graduated from high school earlier than most and begun college at the youthful age of 15. Was I smarter then the rest? No, not by a long shot, I just happened to be able to score well on the tests and caught a break. I had been anxious to leave the home my parents had provided me along with the abusive treatment I had received every day...
IncestThis is my entry into the ‘Winter Holidays Story Contest’. Be sure to vote, and either leave a comment or send feedback. I hope you enjoy it. **** Dozens of lights twinkled from their perches. A fresh pine scent filled the air. Gaily wrapped presents crowded together to find a spot under the tree. People scurried through the stores to find those last elusive gifts. It was three days before Christmas, and Abby wished it was over. The packages were empty, fake, like the tree with its air...
Author's note to reader: This is a sequel to the multi- part, completed, story "Dreamscape". Knowledge of that story will make this a much more comfortable read. Beyond Dreamscape Part 1 by Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: Magic, Malevolence and Malarkey He looked at the face of his watch glowing dimly in the darkness: quarter to eleven. The snoring told Arnie Williamson the man who slept above him was finally asleep. The former bus driver moved quietly off his bunk...
We had been looking forward to this vacation my wife, Rita, and I for a long time. We had both worked hard since just before Christmas. Rita to build up a good-will so she could take some time off when she had the baby we were planning to conceive during this week or so we should spend hiking in the mountains. Rita even told me about a dream she had the night before. It was on our second or third day and we had made camp in a little valley and during the next morning we had been overcome with...
I wanted him. How desperately I wanted him I cannot begin to tell you. Alone at night I thought of nothing but his face, his arms, the white and pink and ivory blue of his delicate skin, the curls of his hair, the soft smile of his lips, the glitter of his eyes. But he wasn’t there and I sat alone, the bottle before me, the bottle pouring into the glass, into the glass until there were only shadows. And then sleep. But even in sleep he towered above me, lay supine below me, his every curve and...
GayChapter 1 "You want to do what?" Mary asked sitting bolt upright in bed. My wife and I had just had a marvelous session of sex. We were nestled in each other's arms enjoying what the sexologists refer to a "postcoital-languor". That's highfalutin for "feeling fuckin' good afterwards!". And believe me I was feeling good. Mary is a wonderful bedmate. Just looking at her makes my cock hard, and I know from watching other guys around her that they are jealous as hell of me. She has the...
The First time I saw her I was in shock. How could this girl want to hang out with me? She is gorgeous. She drove me out to the lake and we talked. We really didn’t do much that first day that we met. I was so nervous my palms were sweaty; I had trouble getting whole sentences out, I felt so stupid. We continued to talk online after that first meeting, only our e-mails got more intimate. I knew she had a girlfriend. I had been off and on with Aimee at school. I didn’t really intend for...
This is a real life sex story happened with me on this very Sunday 28th of August 2016. I was asleep in my room around 9 AM, when my father, mother and hot little sister left to attend the opening ceremony of my father’s very close friend’s Restaurant in Noida. I am an Engineering student currently doing good with my studies and projects. Sex was very appealing to me from my teenage although I had never had sex in my life of 20 years!! I didn’t knew today was going to be that day I would never...
IncestThanks for feedback to the last story. Leave your comments to I waited for the click. Even though Vegeta challenged the new villain in his harsh, raspy voice I was sure I would hear the click. I always did. This was what I had woken up early for. And not just that day, this had been the routine since the start of the vacations. She had liked that. She said I was becoming disciplined and responsible. Then she ruffled my hair. That tingled me. The morning repeat of Dragon Ball Z had just...
IncestJim Fox was looking for an address for a building located someplace along this crowded city block. "I know they told me that the number was nine something Central Street." Jim started walking slowly down the block looking left and right and not one number was posted on one building until he reached the middle of the block. Well, what do you know?" He said to himself once he saw the building he was looking for. It was kind of strange to find the building in the midle of the block but there it...
Wheels Resort Dining Area 3:38pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 After most of us settled back down after Sammy’s little Wushu demonstration, Lynette leaned against me and whispered up into my ear, “Because Angelika, uh, Kalena and her mom have a great understanding and appreciation of music, you, uh ... you know the song, the one you and I have worked on ... that Rock-n-Roll Dreams song?” I simply nodded my affirmation to Lynette as she peered up at me. She then softly added to her thought...
hi friends, I am telling you my sexy story in which my dream come true. I am 5'5" tall, slim and energetic guy. My cock is 7" in size and 2.5" thick. I met a girl on wrong number named "PRIYA" lives in Delhi . One day I make a call to my friend but it was going wrong to another number. I was on call and on other side there was a girl who told me that i dial her number not my friend's number. So, I tell her sorry and disconnect the call. But after that the girl call me everyday and want to chat...
My wife is very beautiful and has got a very attractive figure. Many a times I have noticed people eyeing the sexy figure hidden inside the thin materials of clothes. She usually wears sari or salwar suit. She is conservative in nature. So she never tries to wear sexy outfits. But even in traditional dresses she looks very hot. Her fair skin, big boobs and perfect ass always makes her the center of attraction.Recently I changed my job. We changed the city and moved to a new city in Gujarat. I...
My wife is very beautiful and has got a very attractive figure. Many a times I have noticed people eyeing the sexy figure hidden inside the thin materials of clothes. She usually wears sari or salwar suit. She is conservative in nature. So she never tries to wear sexy outfits. But even in traditional dresses she looks very hot. Her fair skin, big boobs and perfect ass always makes her the center of attraction. Recently I changed my job. We changed the city and moved to a new city in Gujarat. I...
“About last night,” Sonia began. “We’d had too much to drink. But that’s no excuse.”“No its not, we’re all responsible for our actions, whether we’ve had a drink or two, or not, you understand that don’t you boys.” Chloe said.“Yes Mum. We’re sorry, we got carried away, and took advantage,” Jack said“I’m sorry to,” Harry told them. “This is our secret, you understand!” Sonia said. Both boys nodded.“No really, this is to be kept between ourselves.” Chloe said“We won’t tell,” Jack said.“Good,”...
The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and the early morning air was crisp and invigorating. And I was sweating like a pig. Yeah, I know, pigs don't sweat, but I do. I was climbing steadily in shadowy pursuit of my older brother. Jacob, Jake to me, was twenty-five and home for a two week visit. Me? I'm "lil Sis," to my brother. My name's Helen and I just had my twentieth birthday a month ago. I live at home with my widowed mother, Sara, aged forty-nine. I worked during the day as an...
After my first time I had cathced my wife to had a sex with her boyfriend in office.I started used hidden recorder everydays and have captured her sex with his lover in sauna.It was amazing and very horny, but I like to get more.I tried to speak with her about threesome but she refused me. Then I have sent some notes to her lover by e mail. He was frightened and start informs my wife about me.She convinced him that I am very dangerous person and not reliable. He is going to avoid contacts with...
The Girl in My Dreams By Andy Hollis I woke, sweating up a storm. The stench of smoke and flames from my dream still lingered in my nose. With a groan, I rubbed my mouth with the back of my hand and rolled out of bed to hurry to the bathroom. The light turned on, and I squinted throughsleep-encrusted eyes to see my mother standing in my bedroom door. ?Are you okay, Will?? ?Bad dream,? I mumbled and tried to get around her. ?I?ll be right back.? I stumbled down the hall to...
Author’s note: Ordinary guy going through a rough patch starts discovering the power of his dreams and makes his wildest desires become a reality. This is a work of fiction and any semblance to actual people or places is purely coincidental. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I walked through the depanneur door, trying to act nonchalant and casual, but as is so often the case, the more one tries acting cool, the less one actually ends up being. As it happens, I couldn’t keep my gaze straight and I inevitably...
Part 1 of a multi-parter. Dreamscape 1 By Diana Kimberly Heche No, this isn't right! None of this is. I stopped in mid bite, then chewed the pancakes more slowly, straining my senses to search for the qualities that I loved in them so well. Nothing. It was not that they were bland in the traditional sense, they were completely devoid of taste altogether. Impossible. I picked up the glass of orange juice and brought the pulpy liquid to my nose, inhaling vigorously for a...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Grown and living in separate states, my sister and I jumped at the offer by our parents of a paid trip to Hawaii. We hadn't all been together for several years and the idea of a couple of weeks in paradise together, paid for by our parents, was almost too good to be true. We met at our parent's home to fly out to California, and from there, on to Hawaii. When we arrived at our hotel in Hawaii, I learned that the folks had arranged for themselves to...
IncestDamsel of Fey Dreams by Tegeli PART I - The Dandy and Swordswoman CHAPTER 1 I glanced behind me. The sober neighbourhood didn't have an ill reputation, as far as I knew. Yet the sun had set, and most of the windows yawned lightless. My physique lacked the sturdiness for me to be confident when walking through dark and unfamiliar places. I should have armed myself with more than my rather superfluous walking stick. But I had to make the best of impressions. No weapon was...
My name is David, and the main events in this story began when I was thirty-five years old, and my beautiful wife, Kate, was thirty-four. We are still living in a middle-class suburb of Hartford, Connecticut, where our daughter is in the fifth grade. Kate and I met in college, when I was a senior and she was a junior, and we got married when she graduated.I was thirty years old before we could afford to move to the suburbs, and we were lucky to have such good neighbors in our cul-de-sac. We...
CuckoldDreams Really Do Come True I love to dream. I can lie in bed and just let my mind wander. In my dreams the girls are always willing to undress for me and let me have sex with them. Anything goes too such as oral, anal, spanking, and water sports. When I fuck the girl next door her mother is always okay with it and she never calls the police on me. In fact most times she joins in. I can run around naked inside or outside and never get caught. All of my dream girls will pose naked...
Dreams are fulfilled by me, the desires by you. It was a dreary Saturday afternoon as Daniel Samuelsson walked under a dreary sky to enter a dreary mall, to just be around dreary people while he tried to find something bright, at one of the dreary stores filled with dreary goods, to lighten his dreary mood from having a dreary life. Daniel did not really believe his life was really that dull, lifeless and depressing. It was just February, the worst month of the year for...
In the distant past, in the time of the old world, our people once dreamed of flying among the stars; and then made it happen. They had conquered and reshaped the old world; building great cities here and on the eternal moon far above us in the evening skies. Nothing seemed impossible for them; and the discovery of the star-gate propelled them to a thousand worlds with a thousand different cultures. This time of exploration and discovery brought great knowledge and wisdom to the old world;...
His name was Mark Fagan and he had dreamed of a woman for months, every night he dreamt of the same woman. He had never seen her in his real life but knew she was his soulmate. He did not even know her in any way but felt she was near. He only knew that her first name was Rose, and her beauty was like that of a Rose. He tried to stay in dream land as much as possible so he could be with her. In another part of town She was dreaming of him, she only knew his name was Mark, she had dreamt of him...
Tara lived with her parents and her five-year-old sister Hannah. Tara at the age of nine had adored having a new baby come into the house, and had enjoyed playing with her as she grew up. Since she was so much older, she related to her a bit more like a mother than a sister. But the little girl adored her and was on the whole a pretty good kid. She had her moments, of course. But on the whole Tara felt she was lucky when she heard her peers talk about their siblings. Hannah had a best friend...