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Steven Trenton hopped forward struggling to get out of his costume. After all Scarlet O'Hara was crawling on her hands and knees across his bed. She stopped, hitched her voluminous skirts up over her hips and leered at him. As her skirts cleared her ass the scent of her arousal filled his nostrils. He hopped again - his erection tangled in his underwear - and nearly fell over. GODDAMNFUCKINGCOSTUME!

"C'mom baby hurry." Steve heard the pleading in his wife's voice. He wanted to say: I am hurrying or it's not my fault! Actually she was the reason his dick was so entangled - not to mention hurting like hell as he struggle to free it. But he didn't dare say: Hey it's your fault I'm all tangled up. That would likely mark the last time he'd ever get a blowjob while driving; he laughed silently to himself relishing the reality: I got a fucking blowjob while I was driving!

Damn! Thinking about Debbie's drive home blowjob made his dick harder. He'd been begging her to do it for years. He'd even rented that Steve Martin movie where the wives talked about doing it (except he'd forgotten about the car wreck part... that sure didn't help his cause.) No way he was going to jeopardize a repeat performance. "Almost there Deb."

Surprised? That did not begin to describe the experience. Surprise was when Deb had appeared at his arm and said it was time to go home. Up to that moment he had always been the one ready to leave a party. They'd hardly started home when Debbie had unbuckled her seat belt and dove for his zipper. He was just about to say something when she sucked his dick into her mouth. Instead he moaned an enthusiastic (and encouraging) "oh yeah."

She was relentless. Lips and tongue, sucked and swirled, her left hand stroked the exposed shaft of his cock while her right fondled his balls. He tried to search through her skirts to finger her only to have his hand placed squarely on her right breast. He pinched her nipple and gave it a twist; a mouth filled groan was her response.

He felt the tale tell tingle of his orgasm and said nothing as it increased. He was silent as the point of no return was passed, although he did groan appreciatively. His cock swelled and began to spurt as he turned onto their street; how he managed to park he couldn't remember. Debbie noisily swallowed, stuffed his cock back into his pants, zipped him up, and whispered in his ear, "I need to be fucked so bad."

Debbie backed out of the car with her right breast completely exposed. She flipped her nipple up and down as Steve marveled at her. She stood slowly and sashayed toward the front door. Steve limped, hopped, and hobbled forward in her wake.

He had been right behind his wife as they entered their bedroom. This was turning into one crazy night. The party they'd been at was definitely adults only - not that it was an orgy or anything - it was just that so many of the women attending either wore so very little or if they did dress up it was almost scandalous. He'd seen one women in a Grecian toga that clearly revealed that she was bra less, panty less, and unbelievably gorgeous. Even Debbie in her Scarlet O'Hara costume had half her areolas showing! Steve had lurched from one degree of sexual arousal to another. While not by nature a dedicated party attendee he was disappointed when Debbie said it was time to go home.

"Fuck me baby. Fuck me like you did at the party. I've never felt you so deep in me... hurry Stevie." Debbie Trenton wiggled her ass having already flipped her costume up. She was frantic horny; screwing her husband at the Halloween party they'd attended earlier this evening had her at fever pitch.

A part of her was still shocked that she had instigated it. Debbie like many women - preferred that her husband initiate sexual activity. Steven Trenton, by no means a demanding alpha male, was actually a really nice guy. It was just the way he was; need a favor, who better to ask than Steve? Need an extra hand? - you could count on Steve showing up and being prepared to work. Steve always ready to jump in and help someone out. But Steve demand sex, Steve take charge in the bedroom? - not likely. Steve would ask his partner what she wanted; inquire if he was moving too fast or too hard. That said, he certainly got the job done once he got going. Once he got going - "once" that was the operative word. Debbie had lived for years in that silent frustration of wishing for more frequent sex. But tonight, the party, the drive home, and now this - for Debbie it was unbelievably liberating. Empowering! After tonight she was going to have more sex, more often! "All Steve, all the time" she liked the sound of that. She was sure she'd like the feel of that.

The ride home, the wild ride home was more accurate! Debbie had been out of control frisky on the return drive, constantly groping him to the point of distraction. He had hinted (okay more than hinted, he rented that silly movie!) at wanting her to blow him while driving since before they were married. She'd always declined. But tonight she was out of her mind horny - and she knew why.

Debbie was in full rut because earlier that night she had taken a wrong turn while searching for a bathroom. She opened a door and found herself standing not five feet from a very vigorous threesome. A woman, naked save for her stockings and garter belt, was standing bent forward at her hips with a man at each end. The guy behind her was fucking her like the Energizer Bunny, a blinding blur of hip to hip - slap, slap, slap - contact. The guy in front was standing with his pants around his ankles, head tilted back, and his hands on her head. Debbie starred at the ménage a trois for she didn't know how long. It was only when the man getting the blowjob noticed her and suggested she strip and join them that she excused herself and left in search of her husband; her lust at a boiling point.

She'd found Steve quick enough - he was to only one at the party wearing the "Scream" costume. She dragged him to a quiet spot, turned around, lifted her skirts (she'd come as Scarlet O'Hara and was now determined to cum as Scarlet O'Hara) and told him to fuck her "right here, right now." That he hesitated at all had her royally ticked off. "Get your dick out and in me now or I'll find someone else to do the job." He complied and rammed his cock into her. Debbie had been shocked at his aggressive thrust (it was so unSteve-like), but quickly encouraged more as Steven was deeper in her than she had ever experienced before. God he was so deep in her. The race to orgasm was close, he came first, but she wasn't far behind.

Debbie was a little peeved when Steven pulled out, zipped up and left her with out a kiss, cuddle, or even a kind word - he was taking this Scream thing too far. Except that by the time she had her skirts rearranged and her boobs pushed back into the corset bodice she was getting horny just thinking about what they'd done. She decided that she was going to find Steven and suggest it was time to go home. She knew Steve would leave - he was not a big fan of Halloween.

Who would look forward to Halloween considering some of the things that had happened to him? As the youngest of three brothers when Steven was finally old enough to go out with them they gave him a bag with a hole in the bottom and told him to walk in front of them unaware that his candy was falling out piece by piece, only to be picked up and eaten by his older brothers; it was years before he figured out what they had done.

It didn't get any better as he got older. Invited to his first boy-girl Halloween party he was talked into going as the Mummy; wrapped head to toe in toilet paper. It was a really good costume until one of the older guys pushed him into the pool. Steve had spent the rest of the party wrapped in a scratchy blanket, shivering while he waited for his parents to pick him up.

But that was then and right now Steven had finally shed his costume and reached the edge of the bed. His cock was hard and ready. He looked down to align his cock and was surprised at how red and swollen Debbie's cunt appeared. More surprising was a persistent little voice that kept saying, "didn't you hear what she just said?"

"C'mon Steve - hurry - do me like you did me earlier. The way you fucked me at the party was so awesome."

Steve felt his erection wilt as his stomach did a dizzyingly quick flip-flop while the little voice said, "That's what I was trying to tell you." That's what Debbie had said before. No mistaking what she was talking about. Steven staggered to the bathroom and threw up. God this can't be happening to me - I hate Halloween - and he threw up again. He rinsed his mouth out and stared at the haggard image in the mirror. This had to be some kind of nightmare and any second now he was going to wake up.

Debbie pushed the door open, "Oh poor baby, are you getting sick? Let's get you into bed right now. And don't you worry one little bit about me babe. I'll just relive that incredible fucking you gave me earlier."

Steven Tenet groaned - he hadn't fucked his wife earlier, but he sure as hell knew who had.

Alexander Agnew was backing away with both hands raised. "It just happened Steve. You have to believe me. I mean c'mon man, she was wiggling it right in my face. She was insistent; she said she'd go find someone else if I didn't do her. So in a way I kind of helped you out..."

It was a scene, an event that Alex would never forget: his best friend's wife begging for it. He was just about to identify himself when she hitched her skirt up and wiggled her bare, wet cunt at him. He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't stop himself - her scent was overpowering. This was too perfect, too kinky; he didn't want to stop himself. He simply walked up close behind her and just went for it. He figured if he fucked her hard and fast she'd be too preoccupied to notice any difference. He'd figured right about that. What might happen later he really hadn't thought about - until now?

"Help me out? Help me out! Helped yourself is more like it. I'll tell you what I would have done. I would have, I would have... I would have identified myself you asshole. All you had to do was lift the mask and say "Sorry Deb, I wanted to scare Cathy so I talked Steve into letting my borrow his costume." Steve was starting to lose it. He couldn't believe Alex was arguing for some kind of a free pass - "don't you get it? You screwed my wife asshole!"

"That's true but you weren't there. I was and in the heat of the moment. I just reacted. I'm sorry." And considering the increasingly aggravated husband in front of him, he really was sorry. "What would you have done?"

"What would I have done? I wouldn't have - God Damn you! - You fucked my wife Alex. It was practically rape." Steven was clenching his fists and waving his arms now. The veins in his neck were beginning to bulge.

"Whoa Steve. I did not rape Debbie." Alex was alarmed that Steve was dropping the "R" bomb on him. He hadn't forced himself on anybody - he simply took advantage of an opportunity that presented itself to him. But the glow of last night's dalliance was fading fast and Alex realized that a shit storm was blowing his way - a quick piece of ass was not worth this much trouble. "I made an honest error in judgment."

"Error in judgment!" Steven was incredulous at the statement. Did Alex think he was going to get a free pass on this? " Didn't he understand how serious this was? He tried a different tack, "Do you think Debbie will think it was a simple error in judgment when I tell her what you did? Will Cathy agree with you? For that matter, what if the situation was reversed and you'd just found out that I had taken advantage of Cathy - what about that?"

"Look, I am truly sorry for what I've done. I was wrong to do what I did, but I can't undo it." What if either of the wives found out? Alex knew he goose would be cooked. He knew Steve wasn't going to let this go either and sooner or later something would have to be done to make it right. "Steve, I'm asking you not to say anything to Debbie or Cathy. Give me a chance to make this right... please. Just give me a chance."


The two couples walked slowly up the gangplank. The girls were ecstatic that they were about to leave on a romantic four day, three nights cruise down to Mexico. Steve had to hand it to Alex this was a pretty dramatic mea culpa driven patch things up apology.

"I'm never going to complain about your golfing again baby." Cathy Agnew hugged her husband close. "A cruise for four just for hitting that little white ball into a hole."

"It was a hole in one sweetie. A once in a lifetime experience." Alex smiled and kissed his wife. He wondered if Steven had caught the irony in his choice of words. "What can I say? Right place, right time - to pull that off; I am one lucky guy."

"And you're going to be an even luckier guy tonight." Cathy couldn't wait to reward her husband. Was he really changing? Money spent, especially any kind of vacation usually benefited Alex's desires. This was the guy who included golfing and sport fishing on their Caribbean honeymoon - when she did neither! Sure he hadn't paid for this trip, yet here they were. No golf, no fishing, no sports on TV just four wonderful days and three hot nights. Yes, Alex definitely needed to be rewarded for this good behavior.

"Yeah, once in a lifetime is right asshole." Steve muttered under his breath. That said he had to hand it to Alex; while they had played in a local charity golf tournament, there had been no hole in one and certainly no cruise awarded for it. This was Alex's effort to balance things out between him and Steve. Even Steve had to admit this was a pretty good set-up.

The couples eventually found the accomadations (surprised to find their cabins on opposite sides of the ship) and set off to explore. When the women discovered the duty free shops the men split off in search of a bar. They found one that overlooked a swimming pool.

"So how much did this set you back Alex?" Steve knew that Alex had been putting money aside to buy a fishing boat and suspected that the down payment money had paid for the cruise. A deeper, darker curiosity was how much did Alex think fucking Debbie was worth? Steve quickly pushed that thought out of his head and chose to think that Alex was making a good faith effort here.

Their strained friendship - they had actively avoided one another - was slow to heal after the Halloween party incident. The pairing up at the charity golf tournament was unavoidable having paid for their spots months in advance. But it was there that Alex had floated the idea of a cruise for the four of them, using the tournament as cover. Steve had cautiously accepted the proposal after eighteen holes of Alex's active encouragement. When Steve finally agreed Alex had said there would be more but wouldn't elaborate until they were all on the cruise ship.

Alex smiled and raised his glass. "The cost is unimportant Steven my friend, and I do mean friend, I really do. By the time this ship returns to this dock you will not be merely even with me... in all likelihood, you will be ahead."

"How do you figure that?" Steve was wary - how are you suppose to trust a guy who knowingly took advantage of your wife? Yet...

"You know what I did at the party, I know what I did - so let me say this with all sincerity "I'm truly sorry for the pain it's caused you." Debbie doesn't know, Cathy doesn't know and I think you'll agree with me that due to the passage of time - it should stay that way." Alex paused, waiting for a nod that didn't come. "I mean if you were to confess to Debbie now that you had let me borrow your costume and it was me that night..."

"Yeah, I get it. What are you driving at?" Steve was getting angry again. Alex always had to spread the blame around when something went wrong for him. Steve had done nothing more than a favor that had turned into a terrible nightmare. As your basic good guy, willing to forgive and forget Steve was willing to give a little here. Damn - this was a big one to get past though.

"Steven, I am trying to make this right and that means that you and I need to be on the same level. We need parity, balance - we need equality." Alex glanced quickly around until he was satisfied that they were private enough. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a small plastic baggie. "These little beauties cost me one hundred bucks... special blend of GHB, Ecstasy, and something called psuedopyschoscylici - oh Hell, I forget what it's called. I bought four of these little red devils."

"There are only three there."

"Right you are. I already tried one out and it worked like a dream. Two weeks ago I dropped one of these in a glass of wine. Cathy drank it, fifteen minutes later she was acting like she'd drank the whole bottle. Thirty minutes later she was pretty much passed out and stayed that way for three hours. The way this stuff works is amazing, because the next morning she did not remember anything that happened after dinner! Not only did I fucked her until I couldn't get it up anymore, but I finally took her virgin ass; I've been trying for years to get into that. And you want to know the best part? - while we were fucking she might have been mentally out of it but her body wasn't. Instead of just lying there like a lump she was squirming and pushing her hips up; totally into it - it was incredible. Next morning, no hangover, couldn't remember anything. Best part was her asking me what I said that finally convinced her to try anal. I told her that was my secret, and then she said, "Well don't forget it." Is that awesome or what?"

"Okay, so now you're drugging your wife so she'll have sex with you?" Though the words were meant to bite, Steve had lightened his tone when he spoke them. He had no idea where Alex was going with this.

Alex smiled back - this was going to work, he just knew it - and waved the waitress for another round. "Yeah, I suppose so. I'll tell you one thing, I'm going to make sure I always have a couple of these around. But back to the reason I have these, here, now... the reason I have these is you. Say the word Steven and I'll pop one of these into Cathy's drink sometime after dinner. When she gets all loopy I'll take her back to the cabin, and undress her. Then I'll return to where you are give you the key to our cabin. You my friend get two undisturbed but memorable hours with Cathy and when you're done, we will have balanced the books and she won't remember a thing."

Steve looked slack jawed at Alex. "You'd drug your wife so that I could... you want me to... fuck her. Are you crazy?"

"Steve, I already did it once and it worked perfectly. You and I will be the only ones who know. Look, Debbie had been drinking at the Halloween party when I took advantage of her. Cathy will have been drinking and you can take advantage of her. It's perfect - we'll know, they won't!" Alex saw the hesitation in Steve's face. "You have three nights - pick one. Personally, I think we should plan on doing this tomorrow - Saturday night. Think about it okay, it's all set and ready to go all you have to do is say the word and enjoy giving Cathy a good screwing. Let me say one more thing and I am being completely straight here Steve. I can't think of anything else I can do to make this right between us, and I can't imagine a better time that this cruise. Just say the word buddy."

"You'd set it up for me to have sex with your wife?" Steve shook his head is disbelief. If the situation were reversed - like that would ever have happened - could he propose something like this - it was audacious. "Your serious aren't you?"

"Serious as a heart attack man - look we'd better get back to the girls. If you're game just say the word, Steve."

The first day was perfect and dinner that night memorable. The couples went back to their cabins and both men discovered that duty free shopping included sexy lingerie. Alex got very lucky. Steven got laid too- but he had a lot on his mind.

"You seemed a little distracted honey." Debbie lay on her back beside her husband, both enjoying their post orgasmic glow. "I mean, one minute you're making love the next you're fucking me hard, really hard - not that I'm complaining about the hard part. I mean I kind of like it when you get all macho with me. Makes me feel like you're... I guess I mean I really like it."

Debbie rambled on as Steve considered the options before him. The bottom line when all was said and done was clear enough. Alex was offering Cathy to him on a silver platter. Alex didn't seem to mind; hell he was practically insisting that Steve screw his wife. Steve had to admit to himself that a free pass to fuck Cathy was tempting in the extreme.

"Earth to Stevie. Oh look at you." Debbie wrapped her hand around his erect cock. "I can't believe you're hard again so fast... looks like I'm the lucky one tonight."

Steve watched his wife straddle him, impale herself, and slowly post up and down on his cock. He had to smile; Debbie didn't need to know that the erection she was enjoying was courtesy of his fantasizing about fucking Cathy. He watched his wife fuck with a smile of deep enjoyment. He realized that she had done nothing wrong - what had occurred at the Halloween party was all Alex's fault. Cathy had done nothing wrong - once again, it was Alex's fault. Steven's choice was easy.

Debbie shifted forward, grinding her pubic bone against his, then leaning back and coming forward at a slightly different angle. He realized she was trying to accomplish something. "Hey careful honey, you don't want to break anything. We have plenty of time to enjoy."

Debbie looked at him and frowned. "I'm trying to find the position or angle you used when you fucked me at that Halloween party. That was some of the best fucking you've ever given me... you were so deep, I came so hard."

Steve was speechless - she was still thinking about that damn Halloween party? Well fuck that! Tomorrow night should work just fine he thought. He reared up, causing Debbie to squeal in surprise. He moved behind her positioning her on the edge of the bed. Steven gripped his wife's hips and thrust into her as hard and as fast as he could. Debbie complained at first, but Steve didn't miss a thrust. He was so preoccupied with his own orgasm he had no idea if his wife came. Once he was finished he pulled out, lay down and was asleep in seconds.

"I should be angry with you Steven Tenet. I am so damn sore this morning," Debbie glared at her husband then let her face soften into adoring love as she lightly fondle Steve's morning erection. "I'm way too sore to fuck... howse 'bout a good morning blow job?"

Steven stared up at the ceiling as Debbie sucked and slobbered all over his cock. His anger from the night before had dissipated and once again he was unsure. He let Debbie finish - no need to stop a perfectly good blowjob - and then they showered and headed off to breakfast.

Something was going on. Debbie watched Steve and Alex talking quietly off to the side of the room. It had started at breakfast and here it was again at lunch, something was up with those two. She speculated that they were probably going to sneak off to one of the pools and look for young girls wearing thong bikinis or even sunbathing topless. She leaned toward Cathy to comment about that and was reminded at once of the soreness of her bottom - thanks to Steven and his short, thick cock. That's when it hit her - short and thick, not long and deep - and Debbie sat back up. It wasn't Steven at the party she knew that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Someone else was wearing one of those Scream costumes and that someone else had fucked her! Good Lord.

Suddenly things began to fall into place. Debbie had been fucked by a longer thinner cock; that's why it touched places so deep inside her. She understood now why she hadn't tasted herself on Steven's cock when she gave him the blowjob on the way home. He hadn't cleaned himself in a bathroom or anything, because he hadn't fucked her. Then when they got home - damn - Steven hadn't reacted until she was begging him to "fuck me like you did earlier." DAMN! Steve knew he hadn't fucked her and that someone else had! That's what he was sick about!

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Despite her using a white cane out of the office, I suspected she was not totally blind. Her being a subtle paradox intrigued both of us. One day last week, I saw Megan grope her way along a wall out of the Ladies’. With rear and side of her knee-length skirt trapped in her tiny and shear bikini panties, several of us stopped short and stared. I know I sighed at the sight of her tiny, muscular leg and cheek and licked my lips at the thought of what I’d do with that leg. Her butt crack and more...

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Dun and Dusted Part II Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 The House of Fools

There was a moment of stunned silence, broken by the irascible voice of Crudwright. “I fear my dear wife has been out in the sun for too long. Come along, Chastity, let me accompany you to our tent where you may lay down and compose yourself.” “If one could determine where the eastern edge of this lake was situated in the year Moses led the Hebrews across the Reed Sea one would indeed be standing where Moses and the Israelites had trod.” We all swung about to face the man who had spoken,...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 44 A Procession of Fools

The castle began to fill up a week before Court was set to officially open. Joseph was forced to shake the hands and accept the curtseys of dozens of lords and ladies, their children and grandchildren, several brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews, the staff they brought with them and a host of other people that arrived in Tyrell – and expected the hospitality of the castle. The first, of course, had arrived weeks earlier. Those that had stayed in local inns or in tents outside the...

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Ships Whore

Ships Whore Pt. 1 Synopsis: A man is set up by his wife and shipped off to the infamous Trans V Ocean Lines. Here he is transformed into a tranvestite ships whore and forced to serve as a whore to all that desire her, after a while she gets to like it. Of course she eventually finds a way to turn the tables but must endure incredible humiliation and repeated gangbangs with a few thousand normal degrading sexual acts thrown in. Allison caught me eventually. My penchance for...

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Starship Starbride Chapter Two

Captain Kirtomy felt the warm, heaving breath of her ship’s counselor on her sweat-drenched neck as they drew closer in bed together. Her breast was enfolded beneath Pen’s copious bosom, and the soft pressure felt comfortingly intimate. The life support system on the officers’ deck had not been turned on long enough for her quarters to have reached normal ambient temperatures, and the cool, oxygen-rich air being pumped into her cabin felt refreshing now after hours of torrid love-making....

3 years ago
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Starship Starbride Chapter Two

Captain Kirtomy felt the warm, heaving breath of her ship’s counselor on her sweat-drenched neck as they drew closer in bed together. Her breast was enfolded beneath Pen’s copious bosom, and the soft pressure felt comfortingly intimate. The life support system on the officers’ deck had not been turned on long enough for her quarters to have reached normal ambient temperatures, and the cool, oxygen-rich air being pumped into her cabin felt refreshing now after hours of torrid love-making....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Battleship Prien the living hell for nazis prisoners

Battleship Prien, the living hell for nazis' prisoners Authors: Noemi Salvadge & Mister Johnson Author's emails: Noya2929 [at] gmail [dot] comTags: M/f, M/f+, F/f, F/f+, F+/f+, interracial, modification, snuff, Tit Torture, feet, slavery, bondage, real, torture, nc, Extreme, Scifi Introduction Summary Germany won the Second World War with the aid of Japan. 56 years later the rest of the Solar System is colonized, full with Battleships of the two superpower Empires. In 2001 Battleship Gunther...

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Internship Room Pleasure

This incident might be a bit long but please bear with me… It all began with a couple of kisses on the cheeks. We were just office colleagues doing our internship. This was the incident that took place when I was doing my internship in Mumbai. She was also doing her internship. It wasn’t love at first sight but slowly we developed a strong feeling for each other. One thing that we knew was that we could enjoy each other only for 20 days because after that our internship would be over. The first...

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Ships That Pass in the Night

SHIPS THAT PASS IN THE NIGHT By Charlotte Dickles "You look as though you're about to jump overboard." The voice took me completely by surprise - it wasn't so much that the words were spoken in such a hoarse, croaking voice that the speaker had probably had their voice box removed - it was simply that I hadn't expected anyone to be here at this time of night. Whilst I'd been in the ferry terminal that evening, waiting to embark, I had scanned the ship looking for the most...

2 years ago
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ships in dock and wifes horny part 2

My wife and I were the first 2 out of bed the day after Cerome arrived. we sat and discussed what to do with the k**s. I said since her parents and mine were both busy today for the Saturday of the 4th of July weekend, we needed to keep the k**s occupied. I suggested that Cerome may be able to get a guided tour of the Ship. she thought it was a good idea and we both sat and drank coffee until the k**s awoke. We played with the k**s until Cerome woke up and he was wearing my robe that Peggy laid...

2 years ago
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ships in dock and wifes horny part 2

My wife and I were the first 2 out of bed the day after Cerome arrived. we sat and discussed what to do with the k**s. I said since her parents and mine were both busy today for the Saturday of the 4th of July weekend, we needed to keep the k**s occupied. I suggested that Cerome may be able to get a guided tour of the Ship. she thought it was a good idea and we both sat and drank coffee until the k**s awoke. We played with the k**s until Cerome woke up and he was wearing my robe that Peggy laid...

4 years ago
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Starship Transient

[Authors Note: Remember to customize the first names/nicknames of your crew, check the Guidelines on page 2 thread, and go to the forums to Story Feedback for discussion and questions, if you want. "Author's Note" will be at the top for the main threads and it starts with "Alcubierre Starship Model" on page 2.] The only technologically advanced, and now a trans-planetary species, in all of known space has conquered The Milky Way Galaxy, so to speak. The vast majority of known habitable star...

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Internship Ke Time Ka Maza

Hi guys mera naam Aarti Gupta hai aur main Gorakhpur se hoon. Main 23 saal ki hoon aur main abhi Gorakhpur me padhai kar rahi hoon. Meri height 5’6″ hai aur mera complexion fair hai. Mera figure 32-28-34 ka hai. Main pichle 2 saloon se ISS ke stories padh rahi hoon aur mere din ki shuruwat ishi se hoti hai. Mujhe ISS ki stories padh ke bahut maza aata hai to maine socha kyun na main yahan apni story bhi upload kar doon taki log usko padh ke maza le saken. Ye story kareeb ek saal purani hai jab...

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Ships in the Night

Danielle Murray strode briskly through the front door of the downtown hotel, a bellhop trailing behind with her suitcase and a hang-up bag. She walked up to the front desk to confirm her reservation, complete the check-in process and obtain her key card. Once she had completed her business, she thanked the manager who was working the desk with a brief smile, then walked purposefully through the ornate lobby. As she walked through the lobby, she happened to look over at a man reading a...

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Dealership Darling

Helping out my brother one rainy morning we were at this dealership while he tried finding a new car. He went on a test drive of a third and final car while I decided to wait behind. Sitting in the showroom of the dealership while waiting for him people were hustling around and trying to sell cars, shuffle paperwork and answer incoming calls. I happened to pay attention to the receptionist but was distracted for a few minutes. When I looked back there was a different one working the front...

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Internship at ASS Chapter 1

Internship at AS&S - Chapter 1 Nalani had been working for the offices of Albert Sloane and Sons for six fairly stressful weeks the day that it first happened. She was eighteen, fresh from high school, and feeling overwhelmed. The job as a receptionist in the high-end consultancy firm of AS&S was a very lucky find – the pay was excellent for entry-level and the company flat which she lived in, a remarkable perk, was beautiful. In the evenings she daydreamed about moving up the corporate...

4 years ago
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All rights to this story are reserved by the author with the following exceptions. The story may be redistributed by any site that gives it away. It can't be distributed by any site that charges fees for memberships. Just send me an e- mail that you've posted and I'll be happy. Warning: This is an adult story dealing with adult themes. Don't read any further if you're not an adult or don't have an open mind. Waldo ([email protected]) Ladyship By Waldo Chapter 1 - All...

4 years ago
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Starship Starbride

It was said they would never dream. How could they? Even the tell-tale signs of rapid-eye-movement were suppressed in the stasis-field of the ship's hibernaculum, their life processes held in suspension as shimmering blue cryo-gasses inhibited even cellular mitosis. Brain-waves barely registered on the bio-scanners, and yet somehow, deep in the hidden recesses of her sub-consciousness the dreams came! An erotic tableau of her most secret desires unfolded irrepressibly, as the young...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Starship TravelerChapter 4 Gaining Knowledge

"What did you do to pass all that time as you traveled?" "I studied the worlds I discovered. I reviewed information gleaned from thousands of worlds. Travelers do not meet often in the expanses of space but when we do, we exchange what we have learned. When I return to my home planet, I acquire vast amounts of information and download it into the ship's data banks. When I was on your planet I recorded as much of your world's history, art, natural wonders, and scientific knowledge as I...

2 years ago
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Worshipping My Ass

Worshipping My Ass by: EvaMartini age: 22 Gender: f Approx words: 3646 Today is my 22nd birthday and I am giving myself some free time to do what I want. For a long time, I have wanted to discuss the subject of guys worshipping my ass, so today is the day. Then tonight I will party and maybe blow out some candles, among other things. I am five-foot-five with stylishly long dark hair and brown eyes. I have a medium build that is 34b on top and a gorgeous and attention-getting rear-end. I...

4 years ago
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ships in dock and wife is horny

My wife mentioned to me that there was a ship coming in to dock for $th of july weekend and a newspaper article was looking for families that would adopt a sailor for the weekend and allow him to have a family style fun 4th while in a strange port where they may not know anybody. I knew what she had on her mind and got hard thinking of the possibilities. I told her to call, and she said I already did, and they had questioned her on specifics. she told them she would prefer a sailor that was a...

3 years ago
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An internship was compulsory as you approach the final year of your high school. The school believes in providing students with the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience by learning from the industry of tomorrow directly. You went for several interviews and only successful candidates get notified. In the events that the none of the companies picked you as the candidate, the school will automatically allocate one for you. Your dad was outstation in Zurich and won't be home for...

5 years ago
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During my junior year in college, I began looking for an internship. Initially, my search was local, my hopes were to stay close so I could stay in my apartment. When nothing was panning out, I got a recommendation from my water polo coach. He had a friend who was looking for an internship student for his small property management company. I wasn't thrilled when I heard it was in a small town located in the Midwest. Reluctantly, I sent my resume.....since I hadn't heard back from anyone else....

2 years ago
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internship fuck with sexy nurse

This story is about how a doctor during his internship made out with the co worker nurse. Who was awesome figure 32-28-34 Punjabi girl. She was stunning. All this happened last yr in Chandigarh.This is the time when I was doing my internship after finishing my graduation. As u all know hospital is surrounded by many beautiful and sexy nurses, my hospital was no exception. I had almost 20 nurses in my department and all of them were pretty friendly, and I always used to flirt around with them...

3 years ago
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Shipwrecked on Lust Island

After six months on her new job, Melissa found herself summoned to Masters’ office. At first she was worried she had done something wrong but the boss quickly put her at ease. “Melissa, you’ve been a great hire and a wonderful asset to the office,” he said. “It’s about time you had a vacation.” “Well, um, thanks, but I don’t really know if I’ve saved enough to afford a trip,” Melissa said. “I thought you might say that,” Masters said with a smile. “I’ve talked this over with your folks and...

4 years ago
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Shipwrecked 7 and final

My second problem was that there was no Macy's in sight. Hell, there wasn't even a Seven-Eleven. There was a limit to the island's resources that all three of us hadn't already shared. I found my solace to contemplate my dilemma at the top of a coconut tree on the north side of the island. When you get to the top of one of those things you really feel alone. How was I going to get a whole day alone with Jessica without annoying JoanI? One thing I knew, JoanI had no use for traipsing...

4 years ago
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Shipwrecked 6

So I'm laying here wondering exactly why it is that my wrists and ankles are shackled to all four corners of the bed I also was thinking about how vulnerable this position was. Any time a guy has his legs spread apart like this, it makes him think. About the time I started thinking about escape, I caught the distinct smell of coffee, eggs, and fresh smoked ham on it's way into the house. The door opened and the girls walked in with a big tray that also included juice and fruit. They both...

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Shipwrecked 5

As I was getting up, JoanI and Jessica walked into the hut and announced that they wanted to go fishing. I looked at the two of them, blinked, and shrugged my shoulders. They picked up the tackle gear and poles and headed out to the south beach where we had found good fishing before. I walked out to the beach for a quick rinse and then made a little breakfast. I had found some coffee bushes during a walkabout and picked enough beans to keep me in coffee for a bit. I put some on the fire and...

2 years ago
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Shipwrecked 4

Four days had passed since our little dance in the rain. There had been similar showers but we were definitely getting that cast-away look and I decided that it was time for a well deserved bath. More exploration of the island discovered both a fresh water spring and a collection of hot mineral springs that I had not yet shown the women. The had been bugging me to take them on one of my walk-abouts and as well as the soap root that I had mentioned. The girls had another concern, especially...

4 years ago
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Shipwrecked 3

"How many more do you think we need?", Jessie asked. "Well, when you think you really don't want to pick anymore, you might be about a third done," I replied. "We got at least two more rooms to do, and what you got done so far might be enough for one wall. Don't worry. I'll come get you for lunch and we can go for another swim". "You really think you can handle a swim after all that extra activity you had last night?" JoanI stuck in as she rolled her eyes. " you...

4 years ago
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Shipwrecked 2

There was a tree that was squatted out in four directions about ten feet up. I sent the women out to pick reeds and elephant leaves and I started hauling the lumber over. The ropes on the ship were pretty much gone but there were plenty of pulleys on board. A few vines and I was set. Before long I had a good floor to walk across and I was setting up walls with bamboo poles. I went to check the roasting pig and put the clams around the rocks lining the fire pit. Having all the framework done...

3 years ago
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Shipwrecked 1

It wasn't supposed to be like this. it was just supposed to be a nice simple outing on a friend's sailboat with Jesse and Joani. The idea of being alone all day with two beautiful women did not bother me at all. The weather was supposed to be good, so I let the sails out and took off for open ocean. Funny how things can change out on the water. We weren't more then an hour off Manele Bay when things started to get dark in a hurry and I started to turn in, but the girls insisted that it was...

3 years ago
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---- I think I will get a drink Ralph... ---- Ok... see ya when ya get back. [Ralph laughs..., right... Elsie.] Elsie approaches the bar-keep. ---- Hello. ---- Hello he answers..., enjoying the party Elsie. ---- YES! .... How did you know my name, she asks... Mackay winks at her; I like to know the names of my good looking customers... Elsie laughs; --- Good looking eh! ... I am seventy young man... you should respect your elders. --- Oh I do, believe me... You just do...

2 years ago
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I was a 6’4” fit good looking testosterone driven male that enjoyed pretty girls my age, and I must confess I was a flirt. She was my first woman, Gail was 5’4’ red hair slightly overweight lady. She had large breasts, dressed conservative with nothing provocative. She did have a personality, was smart, and a scent that got my attention. After discussing my students, a requirement for my internship, we went for dinner. After a few drinks, her scent broke my barrier. We explored each other...

2 years ago
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Worshippind Miki Part Two

The head of my cock felt so fine as I probed against her rubbery cervix. "Is that comfortable, Baby?" I asked. "I hope I'm not hurting you?" Miki shifted her hips upwards and looked down between her small breasts and watched as my cock slid in and out of her beautiful pussy. "Paul," she moaned, "it feels so good to be filled by you. Now I know what I've been missing all this time!" Miki's vagina constricted even tighter around my cock and I gasped in surprise and nearly lost...

3 years ago
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She couldn’t walk another step. She was soaked to the bone and the salt from the seawater was making her itch. The cold water was also responsible for her stiff muscles that were screaming for her to stop and rest. But she knew she couldn’t, if she stopped she might not get going again. She’d read all the books about survival, if she stopped she would probably fall asleep, if she fell asleep she might never wake up again. Someone has to live around here! I saw the dock earlier. She would have...

3 years ago
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Shipwrecked Ch 02

The bedroom was just beginning to fill with the watery light of dawn. Tints of rose, gold and lavender began to spread across the quilted covers on the bed. Arianna’s internal alarm clock was beginning to nudge her awake but she kept her eyes closed in an attempt to prolong her dreamy sleep. She stirred in silent protest when her stomach lurched from nausea. In an effort to control it she concentrated on the memories of Mark loving her the night before. He had been exquisitely tender, taking...

3 years ago
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Shipwrecked Part 1

This story has a fairly long lead in before you get to the action, so be patient, and I hope you think it is worth it. Part 2 will be up shortly as well, which will raise the temperature a lot of degrees more. We’d been away from home now for nearly 3 weeks, and were getting close to our goal. Our boat had conquered 30 foot waves, and horrendous hurricane force winds, and the 6 person crew (four men and two women) had become a slick team, any rough edges having been long since knocked off. ...

4 years ago
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Shipwrecked Part 2

“Wow”, was all I could say as we collapsed together. “Wow indeed”, she responded, “Maybe getting marooned won’t be so bad after all”. And she kissed me, long and languorously, our tongues tasting and sliding gently, over and over, until the sheer sensuality of this stoked the fires again, and turning her over, I slid my hard again cock into her dripping pussy. Once more our passion built, and my cock pistoned into her belly, until her body shivered and pulsated in orgasm after orgasm, and...

2 years ago
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Shipwrecked Part 3

“Have I much catching up to do?”, asked Terry. “You certainly have”, replied Angie, and turned back to Terry, to strip off her dried clothes. “Look, Ted, just look at her breasts. Don’t you just want to suck them right now?” “They are lovely”, I admired, and moved across to sandwich Terry between Angie and me, and bent over to kiss her breast, cupping it in my hand. I was delighted when Angie also bent over and our heads touched as we each worked on a breast. In a while, as Terry started...

2 years ago
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Serena McGuire hated boats, that was all there was to it. The rolling beneath her feet, the closed confinement, even the sea air bothered her although it never had before. Of course, she had been on a beach then. But the combination now had her stomach rolling along with the waves of the ocean. Her best friend, Isabel Trecher, instructed her that if she would actually spend some time on the deck instead of in their cabin (which happened to be on the lowest deck, complete with two beds, one...

2 years ago
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Shipwrecked On Mermaid Isle Part 3

The sailor’s eyes fluttered open and he found his senses assaulted by a cacophony of sex sounds. His momentary disorientation was chased away by the hedonistic scenes about him; he was inside a wooden hut, his body surrounded by a circle of approximately ten women, and he lost count of exactly how many formed the daisy chain because it was difficult to separate one entangled body from another.No matter if they were on their backs nor their knees, each sex-crazed seaside fae pleasured another’s...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Shipwrecked on Mermaid Isle Part 2

The weak light of dawn streamed in from a small opening in the thatched roof and danced golden streaks across the soft, dried grasses that padded the floor of a small beach side hut. The warm rays danced their heated caress over the sailor’s spent body. The man emitted muffled cries and tossed upon the floor, the sound and movement rousing him from sleep.The sailor rubbed his eyes as the twisted reality of the past days came upon him, striking him as hard as the waves had crashed upon his...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Shipwrecked on Mermaid Isle Part 1

The roiling sky was rent by a wicked, forked lance of white-hot lightning as the full fury of the storm slammed into the merchant vessel, Abundant Horizons. Across its rain-slicked deck scurried harried, valiant men, near exhaustion as they battled to keep their frigate above the clutching, malevolent waves.A castle-high wall of frothing water battered the beleaguered vessel as cries of “Man overboard!” rose again and again above the panicked wails of the shaken crew. Louder than all was the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi

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