Shipwrecked Ch. 02 free porn video

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The bedroom was just beginning to fill with the watery light of dawn. Tints of rose, gold and lavender began to spread across the quilted covers on the bed. Arianna’s internal alarm clock was beginning to nudge her awake but she kept her eyes closed in an attempt to prolong her dreamy sleep.

She stirred in silent protest when her stomach lurched from nausea. In an effort to control it she concentrated on the memories of Mark loving her the night before. He had been exquisitely tender, taking her up and over more times then she could count before he finally came to her for his own release. She smiled and stretched, making sure to rub against the warm flesh that she was draped over.

When she opened her eyes she studied Mark’s face. He looked good to her, as strong and warm as her memories of the last year. She had been grateful when she was dropped into his life, but she was blessed that he was still in her life as her husband. But it was her stomach that reminded her that she would also be blessed with his child. She leapt from the bed in a mad dash for the bathroom.

Mark’s heart wrenched as he listened to her retching. She had tried her best these last few weeks to keep it from him, but whenever she was away from him for more then a few minutes he always woke up reaching for her. It hadn’t taken long to figure out what was going on.

He eased out of the bed and quietly padded over to stand outside the bathroom door. He was wearing nothing but a lazy grin when she opened the door. ‘Just a touch of the stomach flu eh?’ he asked before trailing a finger over the slope of her breast.

‘I thought so, until two weeks ago. I’m over a week late now as well.’ There was uncertainty in her voice. She wanted him to be as desperately happy as she was, but they had never discussed children in any great detail. She could only hope. She heard the rumble of his laugh before he reached out and grabbed her to swing her around in a circle.

‘Hmmm god I love you.’ He whispered before his mouth covered hers in a deep tender kiss. ‘Now I really have everything a man could ever want.’ Mark smiled approvingly as he cupped her chin. His thumb brushed over her lips before coming up to trace the dark smudges under her eye.

‘You’re not getting enough sleep…’

‘Well whose fault is that?’ she asked before catching the pad of his thumb with her teeth and licking away the marks.

‘I guess I have to take the blame for some of it.’ He murmured as he carried her back to bed. ‘As for your early morning praying sessions, that’s all the little one’s fault.’ His hands began to caress her from head to toe. Her breasts were already hard crowns from his earlier ministrations. ‘Hmm I hope it won’t last much longer. I prefer it when you wake me up.’ Her breath caught when he took a nipple into his mouth to suckle on it. She moaned when his hand slid between her thighs and brushed against her. She was petal soft and moist like morning dew from his suckling.

His fingers traced the outer folds of her, teasing her to arch against him. Her body visibly shuddered when his finger slid slowly and deeply into her. He slowly moved his finger over the folds insider her until he found just the right spot to concentrate on. Her fingers threaded into the soft silky strands of his hair to hold him close to her. Smiling to him self, Mark repeated the long, gliding caresses over and over until she tightened around him and cried out.

‘It never ceases to amaze me how easily you come for me.’ He whispered against her lips. His breath sucked in when Arianna’s hands slid over his belly to bury her fingers in the coarse hair that surrounded his already hard shaft. He groaned when her fingers closed around him, stroking and loving him from base to tip.

The threads of his control began to snap when her nails scraped over him with excruciating care. ‘Arianna.’ He whispered to her as he sank into her wet warmth. He drank in her cries, his pace quickening with every breath. ‘Oh god… I’m not going to last long love.’

‘It always amazes me how fast you can recover after…’ She panted before catching his bottom lip between her teeth.

‘Hmm good point, but I want to see you come again.’ His hand slipped between their bodies to find her clit. Her body began to shimmer with moisture as he circled the violently sensitive nub. His wet fingertips plucked at her until he began to feel her grip around him like a vise.

‘Now! Mark, I need you to move now!’ She pulled at his hips, her fingernails sinking into the hard flesh while her hips pushed up against him trying to get what she wanted. Mark withdrew from her completely, just leaving his blunt tip nestled in her soft folds. ‘No!’ she cried. Her eyes were pleading with him to come back to her then suddenly went cloudy when he pushed her over the edge.

As her body was bucking from the unbelievable orgasm he drove into her to the hilt. She screamed and bit his shoulder as he pumped into her. His control broke completely when she begged him to go harder. He thrust into her over and over until the rush of orgasm swept through him.

He cried out hoarsely as his lean body arched violently against hers. The sound of a hoarse sob broke from him as he began to convulse, the hard shudders hitting him over and over again. For a split second his eyes opened and pierced into Arianna’s soul.

‘Never been… this intense…’ he bit off before shivering all over again and collapsing on top of her, his breathing heavy and ragged. ‘Never been this deep…’ he murmured against her neck while she held him and comforted him.

Mark awoke to sunlight streaming in over the quilts of the bed. He glanced over at the clock to see that it was close to noon. No wonder I’m so hungry… Of course we did do quite a bit to work up an appetite. He glanced over at Arianna. She looked so happy and peaceful. Mark eased out of bed and headed for the kitchen to make her some lunch in bed. The dogs had been at it again by the looks of the living room, there was a potted plant over turned and the two of them were nowhere in site.

‘Ah you guys! I can’t believe it. You’re old enough to know better.’ He muttered to know one in particular before grabbing a broom to clean it up.

‘Practicing?’ Mark glanced over his shoulder to find Arianna wearing one of his shirts, the sleeves were rolled up and the top few buttons were undone. The shirt was thin white cotton and he could see her nipples and a small triangle of dark hair at the apex of her legs. He was reminded of the day they met. He was hard and heavy in an instant, as if he hadn’t had a woman in months instead of hours.

‘Come here beautiful.’ He met her halfway before he took her in his arms and lifted her up until her legs could wrap around his waist. ‘You’re making it very difficult for me to get anything done here.’ He commented before giving her a teasing kiss.

‘Well you’ll have to get yourself in check because I’m famished.’ She said against his lips.

‘Hmm me too, let me just get my fly undone and I’ll feed you.’ The amusement was clear in his voice but she wasn’t going to take the bait.

‘For food, not that I’m not always hungry for you but I think my stomach is starting to eat itself.’ Arianna decided to prolong his torment by grinding her hips against his hard arousal.

‘Hmmm you’re mean.’ He gave her a loud smacking kiss before heading to the kitchen and depositing her on the counter. They talked of mundane things while he fixed a lunch of strawberry pancakes. It wasn’t long before two golden heads peered around the doorway to the kitchen.

‘Well, well, well… Look what the cat dragged in.’ Mark laughed when one of the dogs woofed at him as if to say ‘not in your life time buddy’.

‘You guys are in trouble.’ He commented without much heat.

‘I wonder how they will get along with the baby?’ there were so many questions that Arianna had and not many people could an
swer them for her. She knew she was going to have to make a small sacrifice for the sake of their baby. She was going to have to go to the main land. ‘I’ve been thinking a bit.’ She said quietly.

‘Oh really, what about?’ Mark could tell that she was a little uneasy. He walked over to wear she was sitting on the counter and nudged his way between her legs. His hands came to her hips and gently began to massage.

‘Well, I’m going to need to see a doctor from time to time. And when it gets closer to my due date I’m going to have to start taking Lamaze classes…’ she drew a deep breath. ‘We won’t be able to stay on the island all the time until the baby is born.’

‘I had thought about that. I just didn’t know how to bring it up.’ Since they had met they rarely went to the mainland. Even though Arianna knew she was safe with Mark she still felt apprehensive about anybody seeing her and letting her ex-boyfriend know where she might be. Her family didn’t even know the exact location of where they were. ‘Why don’t you call your mom and let her know that we’re going to be coming in for a bit. I’ll call Christian and see if he can get the name of the doctor his sister used when she had Dorian.’ He watched for her nod of acceptance, but she only stared at his chest.

‘Everything will be fine. We’ve been back to your mother’s before.’

‘Yes. But not for any extended period of time, we’ve always been in only for a night or two and then headed back. He might have known I was there and just wasn’t able to get to the house before we left.’

‘He won’t get near you. I promise you everything will be fine.’ He knew it was pointless to promise such things, but he had to do something to reassure her. ‘There is a restraining order, and the P.I that I hired hasn’t found out anything about him being in the area for a long time.’

‘I know. I’m just being childish.’ She leaned forward and kissed him lightly. ‘Ok, let’s get to it then.’

‘Hey! Anybody home?’

‘Speak of the devil.’ Mark only gave an open invitation to a few choice friends. Christian was a member of the coast guard, a former navy seal who had retired early after he decided that he had seen enough blood to last a lifetime. He was a good guy and Mark’s best friend. Despite all that he had endured and seen he was usually in good spirits, ready to crack a joke or offer affection when needed. Arianna had grown to love him as much as he loved Mark.

‘Devil? Who’ve you been talking to?’ Christian sauntered into the room with a smirk on his face. ‘Whatever they’ve told you it’s not true.’

‘Yah right.’ Mark’s tone was oozing with sarcasm. ‘Actually we were just talking about you. I need a favor.’

‘Oh yah, and what would you like me to help out with this time?’ At home, Christian made a beeline for the fridge. He casually got out the orange juice and was about to take a swig from the spout before the bottle was nipped from his grasp. When he got over his moment of shock he looked down to see Arianna with her hand on her hip and tapping her foot.

‘I’ll thank you not to do that anymore. Get a glass.’ Damn she was sexy! Despite her petite form she was one of the few people besides his mother who could put him in his place. He only wished that he couldn’t see an outline of her body through that white shirt.

‘Ah sorry. Some day I’ll get myself house broken.’ She smiled slightly before handing him back the orange juice. From Christian’s point of view he could see just a hint of cleavage. His mouth began to water. ‘Ah… Hmmm. You were saying?’ He turned to look at Mark desperate to take his mind of his best friend’s wife.

‘I’m going to go have a shower.’ Arianna made an abrupt about face and headed out of the kitchen. Christian aimed an amused but concerned look at his friend.

‘Arianna is pregnant.’ Mark had to laugh at the shocked expression on his friends face. It was something that was hard to do these days.

‘Well. I guess congratulations are in order aren’t they.’ Christian grabbed Mark in a big bear hug. ‘So I guess that explains the favor a bit doesn’t it.’

‘Yeah. We’re going to head to the mainland for a bit. I was wondering if you could get the name of the doctor your sister used?’

‘Yah sure man, no problem. Just let me use your phone and I’ll call it in. But I have to talk to you first, this wasn’t really a social call.’

‘You got a line on him didn’t you?’ This was what Mark had been waiting for, a chance to torment the tormentor. ‘Where is he?’

‘Yes.’ Christian didn’t like the look that came into his friend’s eyes. He’d seen it before when he’d been on covert ops. He himself had probably had that look himself, right before he was about to head out on a hunt for tangos. Unlike Mark, he had learned to deal with the consequences. ‘You don’t want to do this.’

‘He hurt her. She’s terrified to go to Vancouver because she thinks he’s going to be there. She doesn’t deserve to live like that.’ Mark turned away, his voice had taken on a hard edge, he looked like he was ready to hit something, and his control was hanging by a thread.

‘I know this. I also know that it’s a line that you don’t want to cross.’ Christian watched the muscles on Mark’s back bunch and tense as he tried to get control of himself. ‘So I’ve taken the choice out of your hands.’

‘What!’ Mark spun around and grabbed Christian by the front of his jacket. ‘You’ve got no right! She’s my wife!’

Christian’s answer was calm. He knew Mark was looking for a fight and he wasn’t going to give it to him, no matter how much he pushed. ‘I have connections with the FBI. Aria isn’t the first woman he’s messed with. His wrap sheet is longer then my arm: robbery, assault, drug trafficking. He’s a petty thug Mark, hardly worth your time.’ Christian pried Mark’s fingers from his clothing and took a step back. ‘Charges have been filed this morning against him. A warrant for his arrest was filed for rape and attempted murder. Aria was smart enough to see a doctor before she started on her run. Her medical file has DNA evidence that links him to her rape and there are photos that show ligature marks on her neck. They’re in the shape of hands and fingers. As soon as they pick him up she’s safe. She doesn’t even have to testify because of the danger that would put her in.’

‘But you still don’t know where he is, do you? It’s not safe until they find him.’

‘You’re not alone in this. She’ll have protective services the whole time she’s on shore. But you have got to keep a lid on your anger… its not going to get you anywhere except in jail, away from your wife. And she really needs you right now.’ Christian picked up the orange juice he’d neglected and grabbed a glass out of the cupboard. ‘You want some of this?’

Mark looked at his friend, long ago when they were teens Christian had once been the hot head who charged before he thought it through. Mark had always been the cold water of reality. Mark wondered how the scales had tipped so drastically.

‘No. Thanks, for everything. I just don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost her.’

‘You won’t lose her. You were lucky to find her, she’s one in a million and fate wouldn’t let anything spoil that.

It wasn’t until months later that Christian realized how wrong he was.


November rainstorms swept down on the west shores of Vancouver Island carrying a damp chill that went deep into the bones. Arianna was grateful that she didn’t have to go out today, her back had been bothering her more then usual and she imagined that going out into the damp would only aggravate it even more.

She was reclined on the sofa, her feet propped up with a few pillows and a nice cozy quilt draped over her. The book that she couldn’t get into had been discarded on the floor long ago. She gazed off into space, her mind full of worries and fears.

Mark had gone out of town for a few days. He hadn’t wanted to leave her even for such
a short time, as she was due in a few weeks. But she had reassured him and pushed him out the door. Grateful for some peace and quiet… Mark had become quite the mother hen.

The soft kicking of the baby interrupted her daydreaming, she placed her hand over the spot he was intent on kicking a hole through and gently rubbed. Christian Marcus was a little fussy today. ‘Missing your daddy are you?’ Mark had grown into the habit of talking to the baby. His deep voice seemed to have a soothing effect because he often settled down from the summersaults he was doing at the time.

‘He’ll be home soon my love, in just a few hours.’ But Arianna was doubtful that would be the case. The wind was howling outside and what little trees that grew around the house were almost bent over against the force of it. She imagined the ferry lines would be on there last runs if they hadn’t been cancelled already. Arianna began rubbing her belly in slow circles in an attempt to quiet her son and sooth her own nerves while she wondered where Mark was and what he was doing.


‘DAMN IT TO HELL!’ Christian stood behind Mark and let him have his tirade. So far Mark had decimated the coffee table to a pile of kindling, relegated a TV to a potential flower planter and was now working on breaking every dish in the kitchen. Thank god it wasn’t his house.

‘I can’t believe that slippery little bastard got away!’ he stormed out of the kitchen and pointed an accusing finger at Christian. ‘You said that these cops were all over this like flies on shit! How the hell did he get away?’

‘You’re asking the wrong person here Mark. This isn’t my deal anymore, I have to follow channels here. Not to mention the fact that we aren’t even in the US coast guards jurisdiction, we are lucky to even be involved in this raid. So settle down!’

Christian watched as his friend, his brother of heart if not blood crumbled. Marks shoulders slumped as he sat down on a chair and placed his head in his hands. Nearly nine months of looking for this piece of shit and they had lost him because of what seemed to be bad timing. Christian didn’t think so though. The house wasn’t emptied out, but all the guy’s clothes were gone. Something wasn’t right.

‘My gut tells me this guy knew we were coming and he didn’t get much warning. He had enough time to clear out his bank accounts but not enough to pack everything.’ Christian mentally ran a list of people who could help out with some information. He had a gut-gnawing hunch that this guy got away because of some insider info. ‘Sit tight, I’m going to go make a few phone calls.’

Mark nodded. He glanced down at his watch and had to double-check what time it was. He had an hour before the last ferry. He knew he should stay another day until they had some idea about what had happened but he couldn’t stand being away from Arianna another night. Enough is enough. Mark got up and headed out to find Christian sitting in this car yapping on the cell phone. His expression could only be described as grim.

Christian glanced over as the driver side door opened and Mark folded his tall frame into the sports car. He ignored his questioning look in favor of concentrating on the dumb ass on the other end of the phone. ‘I tell you, there is no leak in this department. My guys are clean and you’ve got no right interfering with this. What I did for you was a courtesy, you hear me, a courtesy! No stop harassing my staff.’ And finally silence.

‘Well that was a good use of my minutes.’ Christian closed his flip phone with a resounding snap and tossed it onto the dashboard before turning to look at Mark. ‘Ok. Here’s what I know. That oxymoron for a chief is either really dense or really stupid to think that his whole squad is clean. I’m going to try a contact I have in the RCMP and see if I have better luck.’

‘Do whatever, we’re out of here. I’ve got to get back to Arianna and I don’t have long to catch the ferry.’ He started the ignition. ‘I’ll drive and you do your little Mr. Wizard routine.’ Christian smirked as he started dialing again.

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Books and Sex

             The couple was in front of the fireplace, clothes strewn all over the room. The male, clearly dominant, the woman spread beneath him. Every now and then the room would be filled with the high pitched sighs of the woman, and the deep throated groans of the male. Kalen's knee nudged her pale, slender thighs further apart. Her hands clutched at his shoulders, ran down his flanks in fervered urgency. Fingers pressing into his buttocks. Their bodies weren't joined yet-but they soon...

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Fun With Mami In Mumbai

Hi friends, I am Vibhor from Bangalore. I am an average built guy and I believe my dick size wouldn’t make any difference to the story. I love reading incest stories and I have been reading stories on ISS from class 8th. This is my first story. For any feedbacks please mail me on I surely would like to know your views on the story. And by the way I am still a virgin and desperately waiting to have sex with some amazing lady. I have some more stories to be told to all of you that you all can...

1 year ago
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Kris Juliet Ch VIII Holiday in Hamilton Pt2

Although relaxing, every day yielded the same routine. I woke at eight daily and lazed around in bed before getting up and making my way down to breakfast. My fantasy of sleep-ins hardly happened on my holidays and was it worse because Juliet wasn't around anymore. Breakfast was continental on an adventurous day but usually a coffee and sweet muffin. At ten, I'd see the masseuse followed by a facial then head to the sauna to relax further. I'd tan by the pool in the afternoons and conclude the...

4 years ago
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Fucking Maid In Kitchen 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, This is alok here, I’m working in a private company in bangalore. I like to share my experience here with you folks about how a south indian maid made me crazy and how I fucked her in the kitchen. I’m 24 years old, cock 6” inches and have good body outfits. My maid have huge outfits and she is married and her husband is a heavy drinker. Coming to the sex story, mom hired a maid and her name is megha, her assets are 36,32,38. Got huge boobs and ass. Usually, she wears a saree every...

3 years ago
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Daddys Girl

Abbey hurried to dress for her date. She was late and didn't want her daddy to have to wait. She had carefully chosen her clothing. Her blouse was a shear little number that couldn't have hid anything even in total darkness. The skirt was one of those seldom seen yet she knew it's just what he wanted her to wear. It was pleated and stopped at the middle of her thighs. Beneath her see through blouse Abbey wore her half cup bra and as she looked at herself in the mirror she could almost see...

2 years ago
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Charlie Ch 2528

Chapter 25 Day 1 gave her ‘I wanted to.’ Day 2 was simply quiet. Day 3 welcomed her with a ‘Good morning, sunshine’ and nothing else. Day 4 pissed her off when he told her to get some sleep. Day 5 dragged because her insomnia was riding her full force, and all Nathan had to say was ‘LOL.’ Day 6 came with a ‘Be home tomorrow. Shelley says hi.’ The morning of Day 7 meant Nathan would be home soon. Sometime, that day he would be home. Charlie couldn’t focus on her work. After re-opening her...

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Me and My Sister

Hello! I am Ronita. I belong to a Bengali Family. We are two Sisters. I am the younger one. My Sidi’s name is Rakhi. She got married to Amit (my Jijaji) last year January 2008. Now I stay at Sarisha (outskirt to Kolkata), whereas, my didi got married to a place called Ulberia in West Bengal. I am 22 years old and my Didi is 26. I just finished my Graduation in B.Com and planning for MBA. Now Rakhi looks pretty with fair skin. 5’5 in height. And a bit slim in figure. 32-28-34. Whereas, I am...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 48

This chapter was kindly edited by Eric. Great Job. Thank you. ***** Tom’s success in business was especially founded because of his skills as an analyst. He reconsidered a situation carefully and then made the decision. The decision to have sex with Todd’s soul mates was already made, but he nonetheless pondered over the fact that again his son, in accordance with Amanda and Kate, was the catalyst to implement the idea of swapping within the family. However, he had never expected that he...

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The Business Trip IV Next Steps

The following story is a work of fiction. It contains sexual themes and descriptions. It includes Transgender themes and depictions of Bondage, Domination and Submission. It is meant purely for entertainment and no endorsement or condemnation of the subjects is implied or intended. IF YOU ARE BOTHERED, REPULSED OR OTHERWISE OFFENDED BY THIS SUBJECT MATTER DO NOT READ THIS STORY. The Business Trip IV: Next Steps By Bootlover It was very hard to concentrate the next day. Tomorrow...

1 year ago
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Mobile Camere Ne Chut Dilwayi

HI Dosto,main rohit hu aur 1 software engeeneer hu.mera collage fardiabad main tha.mene 2005 main hain.collage ke final year main hmara fest fest sham ko 4 baje shru hota tha aur raat ke 3 baje tak hota tha.aur jo bande usme participate karte the o 3 din collage ke hostel main rukte the.hmaari class main 1 ladki thi shivani anand.jada sunder nahi thi par class ki topper thi.ha par body figure achi thi uski bahut top class nahi ha par 34-28-32 hogi .uska 1 ladke sath affair chal...

3 years ago
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Norton Towers ndash the apartment block for sexy

Chapter one What does a reasonably active professional man of 60, full head of hair and reasonably libido do when made redundant? In my case it was a case of being realistic and finding any job that pays the bills. So when I saw this ad for a mature concierge porter/handyman, I thought why not?’ After submitting the application I was invited to be interviewed by the ‘property management committee’. As I entered the old upmarket Edwardian mansion block in the suburbs I was met by a smartly...

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Spanky bottoms

Spanky spankingI I would love to have had bare bottom OtK spanking OTK from Mrs McCluskey…Were called into the heads office the girls were made to tuck their skirts into their waist bands, take of their knickers so their pussies and bottoms were on show. Then it was my turn to take of my trousers and underpants all the girls could see my throbbing erection, Mrs McCluskey looked at it and smiled.One by one the girls were called and put over the headmistress’s knee. We all stood behind and had a...

3 years ago
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A Boy and His dungeon XIII

Jill wandered in at about 5:00 and with everyone there the conversation turned serious. Conner thought we needed a better place to work. With more space and a way to insure privacy for the research division, citing Saturdays incident. Lisa thought that might be a good idea, but liked the easy relaxed atmosphere here Jill also liked it here, but pointed out that this was a residential area and the city might cause problems for us if our commercial enterprises came to their attention. Claudia...

2 years ago
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I'm a private investigator for a boutique divorce law firm. It's not as glamorous as it may sound. I do rack up the frequent-flier points, and yes, I went to Las Vegas last Christmas, but it was for work. I was trying to get video of a suspected cheating husband. To a degree, I understood when I spied on him. After all, his wife was a shrew, and he was a typical guy. The young lady he took to his room while his wife finished her shopping did a Tahitian hula/reverse cowgirl thing that...

1 year ago
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Apne Teacher Ke Liye Teacher8217s Day Special

Hello friends. This is my 3rd story. I hope you like and please put your feedback and comments on my email ID: This is the story of a girl who lives in Ghana, Africa. Hello readers, I am Nidhi. Yeh tab ki kahani hai jab main 19 saal ki thi aur 1st-year mein thi. Let me introduce you all to my family. Meri family mein mere dad, mom aur main the. Mere dad chemical engineer hai. Bachpan mein, jab main 4 saal ki thi, mere dad ko Jubilee oilfield(Ghana) mein job offer hua. We left Delhi(our...

1 year ago
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The Wilkerson InstituteChapter 6 Saturday

I woke the following morning to that warm, not-alone feeling I always associated with my marriages. I felt okay, not hung over badly, just enough to know I had been a naughty boy last night. Elyse and I had made love twice when we got back to the bedroom. The first time I had her bend and grab her knees by the bed. I plowed her from behind. Afterwards, still unslaked, I had turned her around and pushed her back onto the bed. Climbing on board, I had shoved her top above her tits while she...

3 years ago
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Wishing Confusion

Wishing Confusion It all started with a heated argument with my twin sister Linda. We had never got along as children, and while we were forced to live together for a spell while we were in our twenties, she ended an argument with the phrase... "I wish you knew what it was like to be me, you jackass," she muttered. Suddenly I heard a loud buzzing, vibrating noise. Linda looked down at her hand. The ring she had found was humming and it began to glow like it was red hot. She didn't...

4 years ago
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Abby TwoChapter 32

Legion decided that Abby ... and the Utes ... were more important than the business. There IS the tiny possibility that it was the Utes and not Abby that held his interest. The Firm sent a car and driver, the train was on time. The chauffeur attested to that at the police station ... she also attested to the fact that she was new to the job ... and had no idea who Legion was or what he looked like. He did NOT respond to her sign ... or the plethora of pages over the terminal speakers. The...

3 years ago
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My Hero Academia Thicker Than Water

The door to the warehouse groaned loudly as it was lifted. Light poured in, filling the dark interior. A lone figure stepped inside. *Izuku Midoriya, 15 years old. UA High School student and aspiring hero. Hero name: "Deku" *Quirk: One For All. Passed down from his mentor All-Might, One For All grants Deku immense strength. However, his body can't handle it at full power yet, forcing him to either use it sparingly or limit the intensity. The young man frowned as he glanced around at...

2 years ago
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Total Recall

NOTES: This story is heavily inspired by Phillip Dick's short story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" and the subsequent Arnie film. I know the idea isn't in itself a new one, but as far as I remember nobody has used the idea for Fictionmania stories yet... I'm hoping that the 'Total Recall' shop could become the high tech version of 'Spells 'R Us' and a new universe to write about. Email me ([email protected])and let me know what you think! Can be archived...

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it started with my mom 2

Now let me tell you a little about my aunt she was wearing a red dress and high heels, my mother was chubby but she isn’t, however she did inherit some of my mom’s features, she is 30 years old and about 5ft 6in,with a well-rounded butt and a slim waist and her tits as I later found out was a 40DD, she worked out regularly and dated on and off, but I have never seen her anything serious, she started modelling when she was 16 because local shops started to notice her for her big tits and big...

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Sams YearChapter 9 Adelaide

Sam felt guilty. He’d enjoyed both Gudrun and Karen, but had he taken advantage of them? Or had they been taking advantage of him? He hadn’t taken advantage of Meena or Susan. They’d moved on him. But Gudrun had spoken to him first. And invited him to the party. Perhaps he was a patient, not an agent. Not quite ten. There would be a phone at Tandanya and he’d call Sarah from there. There was. Sam arranged to visit “after lunch.” At the entry to Tandanya there was a display about Dreamtime...

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Mai Aur Meri Mami 8211 Part I

Hi to all ISS name is NIK(changedim 28 yrs old guy.i live in Nagpur , a regular reader of the beginning when I started to read ISS, I thought the storied are fake.but when I experienced myself I got to know that anything can be possible.actually after reading ISS stories,I got some courage to make my move on my aunt(mami).ye story thodi lengthy hai par muze bharosa hai ke aap logo ko pasand story meri aur mere mami ki hai.agar aap logo ko meri story...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 36 Nebraska and Kansas

Dave had to admit that after the past thousand miles that he was tired and somewhat bored of driving through farmland. This was most of the country, regardless of state. He’d developed a new appreciation for small towns along the way; places like Irene, South Dakota, with a population of four-hundred. As he rode slowly through the small community, he noted the pride in the town that residents had: six girls from the town had become Miss South Dakota in recent years, plus another sign declared...

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January, 1967 An abandoned warehouse in the heart of the soviet union A warehouse, dark and dim, offers shelter to it inhabitants from the cold snow and fierce winds that rage outside. A meager group of 5, huddle together, trying to conserve warmth. Hungry and cold, hearty and hopeful, this is the price they know they must pay to be free. A 6th joins, the first resistance meeting has begun.

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the time I saw my friends mum naked

One of my mates mum was really pretty, when our group of friends grew up we later all joked how we would love to fuck g’s mum. She was really hot, she was only about 5’3 tall, she had a great little body, she had mousey blonde hair and a nice tan. But I was lucky enough to recall the day I saw her naked, all those years ago when I was 7 years old. It was the summer holidays and I spent a lot of time at my friend g’s house. My parents were at work so I had to stay there all day. We would play...

4 years ago
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Flare The Fire That Blinds Part IV

“Make me cum?” Her voice was soft and sticky.It should’ve been so easy to say no- to smile and say goodnight, to go home to my wife as I had promised. But as I looked down on this tangled mess of a girl half my age, red hair chaotic and wild on her pillow, little black strip of an adult dress riding perilously high on impossibly long legs, I made the fatal mistake of hesitating, of thinking twice.She unfolded from her curled up position, legs stretching out to me, reaching for me. One heel...

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Troy's mouth was dry, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He had never felt this level of anticipation since he was little and lying in bed on Christmas Eve. Palm damp with sweat, he slowly opened his sisters door. The room was pretty much the way it always was, neat, tidy, everything in its allotted place. He ignored the dressing table with its attached mirror and drawers half full with plain cotton underwear. It had contained sexier garments, but when his sister had moved out into her...

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RunChapter 8 Hammer Down

"Move! Run! Go now!" Holly's voice blasted through the plane's cabin just at the wheels came to a stop. She freed the door and the steps went down, the short blonde shouldering the machine gun as she jumped out. "Run where?" Gene shouted into Holly's ear after he flew down the steps, the rest of the family just behind. "Where?!" Holly pointed to the extended black SUV parked a dozen yards away. Gene pushed his wife and kids ahead, raced after. The SUV doors swung open on their own,...

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Office Sex Fantasy Fulfilled On Dandiya Night

Sandy got up stretched his arms and legs. His neck was hurting and his back was feeling stiff. He looked out of his glass cabin. The floor was practically empty…the watch showed 8.30 pm….It was late and Neha was still at her desk. He buzzed her…She looked up and he motioned her to come inside. As she started walking he could not take his eyes of her. She was fair with silky hair well endowed. She wore a blue jacket over a white shirt and a matching knee length skirt. She took his breath away...

1 year ago
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A Very Difficult Daughter

DAY 1 Jeff couldn’t get the image of Sally’s face from his mind as he looked down from the high mountain ridge at the steep and winding ski trail. He was angry and depressed, he pointed his ski tips straight down and set off at a breakneck pace. He went dangerously fast into his turns, his skis throwing up plumes of powder snow and skidding across ice patches. The beauty of the mountain terrain calmed him down, the silence from apart from the ‘Shhhh’ of his skis, the clear blue skies and the...

1 year ago
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Cam Fuze! How about the real thing for once? Forget the models showing off their fake bodies. Camfuze is where you will find real people who are confident about their bodies. Their bodies may not be perfect, their cocks probably the same size as yours, but they still love to show off. Ready for some solo action live shows or sex cam shows? Sign up for an account for free and let's see what you've got here.Once you load up this site you will notice they have this pretty classic design that is...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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My Hotel Crush

This is story about my hard crush on the breakfast lady and Front desk clerk at my hotel. The people are real I don't know about there names. I stayed at this hotel and a crush on them that's it. The hotel is real and the employees I am 19 and the Black Lady 25 Front desk 23 The hotel I'am talking about is the comfort suites in North Charleston SC on Ashley phosphate Rd I checked into the hotel with my family that night. At the front desk was , she a athletic looking body. Also a nice ass, She...

Group Sex
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Landing the Contract The tales of Dana Jones Part one

Thursday afternoon 2.00 pm  “Come on Mark, fuck me…get on with it…yes…yes…oooooh…that’s it, Mark, let me feel it deep inside me!” Dana moaned loudly as Mark’s searing hot flesh pierced her soaking wet pink hole. Her breathing was ragged as his huge, thick cock jack-hammered its way into her silky hot tunnel. “Ooooohh, you fucking bastards,” she moaned as her head hung forward in a gesture of submission. Dana Jones, 32, tall, lithe and devastatingly attractive, stood in front of her desk,...

4 years ago
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Where Will It EndChapter 5 On Display

This is fiction. No part of this story is true nor do I wish it to be true ... If you are not 18, you should not be reading this. If you believe this is real, you should not be reading this. It all comes from an overactive imagination. The next morning she awoke with start. Damn if her fingers weren’t sticky again. She hardly thought twice as she licked them clean. What she did think of was what she had done in front of her son and those damned pictures! She had to figure a way to talk him...

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