- 3 years ago
- 47
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The small group of teenagers sat in the corner of the near empty offices of Ryan, Smith and Dodge. It was lunch hour and most of the workers had taken advantage of the warm Friday afternoon to take a walk on the streets of New York.
Jimmy Ross, the youngest of the four, fiddled with the dial of his new transistor radio, changing the news station they had been listening to get the baseball scores to one that played top 40 tunes. To their annoyance, instead of how the local teams had done, the radio commentator had been going on and on about some incident with two American warships in some place called the Gulf of Tonkin.
"Where the hell is the Gulf of Tonka?" Joe Wilson asked, just before Jimmy changed the station.
"That's the Gulf of Tonkin, dummy," Peter Butler corrected Joe. "It's a body of water between Vietnam and China. Tonka are the trucks you probably still play with."
"Well thank you Mr. Geography," Joe laughed back. "Leave it to you to know the name of every unimportant piss-ant little country in the world."
"Well if you paid any attention in Miss Murray's class, you'd have known it too," Peter, who had gone to school with Joe, added.
"Yeah, like that little piece of information is ever going to come up again in my lifetime," Joe retorted.
The friendly barbs faded as the sounds of "Pretty Woman" replaced that of the wooden announcer. The discussion moved onto more important subjects, at least those more important to eighteen-year-olds working summer jobs before going off to college in a month. They went from the Yankees' chances of making it to the World Series again to the new James Bond film, Goldfinger.
"Hey did you see this about the new program that's coming on CBS next month?" Steve Walton asked as he flipped through a TV magazine as he ate. "It's about a bunch of people who take a mini-cruise and get shipwrecked on a deserted island."
"Now that sounds like a stupid idea for a show," Peter said as he finished off his own soda. "What's it called?"
"Gillian's, no wait a sec ... Gilligan's Island," Steve read.
"That sounds as stupid as the idea," Joe joined in as he leaned over and looked at the large picture of the show's cast that accompanied the article. "But I'll tell you what; I wouldn't mind getting stranded with those two," he grinned, pointing out the two younger women in the photograph.
"Yeah, like you'd know what to do with them once you were on the island," Peter interrupted.
"You'd better believe it," Joe shot back. "Trust me, a week alone with me on an island and I'd have both of them giving me blowjobs."
"More likely committing suicide," Peter corrected him. "As if you ever really got a blowjob in your life."
"Hey, all I can say to that is Donna Petrachinni, what more needs to be said."
Peter reserved comment on his friend's reply. Ever since the night of their senior prom, Joe had claimed to have gotten Donna Petrachinni to have gone down on him. The only guy in class to have the nerve to make a claim like that. Now Donna wasn't exactly the hardest girl in town to talk out of her bra, and sometimes even her panties, although it was only to let you rub her pussy with your hand. Getting her to take your cock in her mouth was something else all together.
Blowjobs or oral sex if you wanted to get technical, were the Holy Grail of sexual accomplishments among all the guys they knew. Few were those who had actually experienced one. Not even Peter's older brother, Mark, who had been married a year now, had ever gotten one. The subject had come up in a discussion between the two brothers and the elder admitted that his new bride wouldn't even discuss the idea.
"Hey, I'll tell you who I'd really like to be stranded on a deserted island with," Steve said, saving Peter the trouble of having to once again express skepticism over Joe's reoccurring claim. Three sets of eyes turned in Steve's direction for the answer. The blond haired teen waited a long heartbeat and then answered, "Kathy Chakiris."
A chorus of "Oh Yeah" came from Joe and Jimmy in response to the answer. Peter, strangely enough, tried hard not to react to the suggestion. It wasn't that he didn't agree with his three co-workers' assessment. Far from it in fact. He was just afraid that if he replied at all, it would be so enthusiastically that it would be embarrassing.
The second youngest of the summer help, although that really didn't matter that much when you were only talking about months if not weeks difference, Peter Butler had been totally smitten by Kathy Chakiris since the day he'd been hired. In that regard, he was far from alone.
Kathy Chakiris was a tall, dark-haired woman of thirty who was the back office's chief clerk. A sort of assistant to the office manager, she had a lot of responsibility but little real authority. Of Greek background, Kathy was without doubt, the sexiest woman in the company. Aside from her deep olive skin and dark red lips, she had a striking figure that included a bust to rival Jane Mansfield's.
Divorced two years ago after an eight-year marriage, it had become a point of certainty among most of the men in the office that she was hot to trot. This was a belief that none of them had ever been able to back up with personal experience, but a strongly held conviction never the less.
Almost as if on cue, people began to return to the office at that moment, and in the forefront of the group was Kathy. Dressed in a form fitting dark blue dress that hugged her figure like a second skin, she was also wearing the dark sunglasses that she wore even inside the office. Peter couldn't recall ever seeing her without those glasses, an element that just added to her allure.
"Good afternoon boys," Kathy smiled and said as she walked past the small group.
None of them really answered, feeling her gaze even through her dark glasses. It was almost as if she knew what they'd been discussing. At least that was the way Peter felt. He was also sure he wasn't the only one of his friends who thought of Kathy when they were alone and took matters in hand.
It wasn't until two more groups passed that the four young men tossed the remnants of lunch into a pail and went back to their work spots. Peter happened to be assigned to Kathy's department this week and had only settled at his desk when Mr. Davis, the department manager walked into the center of the room and called for everyone's attention.
"I'm afraid that I have some bad news, Ladies and Gentlemen," the balding fifty-year-old announced. "I just got a call from a friend at the home office and it seems that we're going to find ourselves the recipients of a surprise audit come Monday morning."
A flurry of low groans greeted the announcement. People who had been there for any time knew what was coming next.
"Now while I'm sure that they'll find everything as it should be, small errors have been known to happen from time to time," Mr. Davis continued. "So as we've done in the past, I'd like you all to come in tomorrow morning and we'll run a practice audit. Just to make sure that everything balances."
A second round of groans, which Davis just seemed to ignore, followed the first. With only three more weekends left in the summer, each was precious. Mr. Davis assured them all that if they got in by seven, he was sure they could finish by noon and still have plenty of time to spend the day with their families.
"Excuse me, Mrs. Chakiris," Peter asked as he stepped up to her desk. "Does that include us, coming in tomorrow I mean?"
"I'm afraid so, Peter," she replied with a friendly smile. "Even though you really don't have anything to do with the audit, Mr. Davis likes everyone to come in as a show of support. I'm sorry."
"That's okay," Peter smiled back. "I don't really mind, I just wanted to be sure that I was supposed to come in, that's all."
"I wish everyone were so co-operative," the tall woman replied. "It's all I can do to get some people in here kicking and screaming."
"Well I guess I better get back to work," Peter said as he walked away.
He glanced back over his shoulder to see Kathy already once more engrossed in a report that had been sitting on her desk. When he got back to his own desk, Peter was immediately aware of two things. One, that he could still smell her perfume, and that two, he had a first class hard on because of it. Looking downward so no one could see him blush, the dark-haired young man hoped that the former would stay with him for some time, and that no one had noticed the latter.
Peter had to rise extra early Saturday morning to catch the train and get into the office by seven. He hoped that Mr. Davis had been right about their being out of there by noon. His father had won tickets at the local bar to the game between the Mets and the Colt 45's out at Shea that afternoon and had given them to his two sons. A Yankee fan to the core, Ben Butler had no interest in wasting his Saturday afternoon watching Casey Stengel's Amazing's make fools out of themselves once again. Not that the new Houston team was that much better.
Now if they had been Yankee tickets, he would've been more than happy to truck out to the Bronx and watch Yogi Berra's Bombers on their way to yet another World Series. The days of the great Titans of Yesteryear might have been fading, but an afternoon watching the likes of Mantle, Ford and Maris was still not to be missed.
"One of these days," Peter had told his Dad, "the Mets are going to really be contenders. They might even be World Champions."
"Sure they will," his father had laughingly replied. "That'll happen right after they really walk on the Moon."
Not really one to speak ill of the dead, but Ben Butler had an even lower opinion of President Kennedy's promise to send men to the Moon before 1970 than he did of the National League's new team. Another colossal waste of time and money, he'd said at the time. Even if it was somehow possible, which he doubted.
Before he left home, Peter had left a message with his brother's wife that if he couldn't make the game, he'd call and let him know. It would be real easy for him to find someone to go in Peter's place.
The prospect of spending a whole Saturday in the office instead of just the morning proved to be the great incentive that Mr. Davis had said it would be. Never had Peter seen some of his fellow workers do their jobs with such animation. By eleven twenty-five, the practice audit was done and people were already making for the doors.
"Excuse me," Kathy said, loud enough for everyone still around her to clearly hear. "I could use a little help in putting all of these ledgers away."
Dozens of eyes looked at the scattered piles of heavy accounting ledgers that had been left scattered across a dozen desks. Normally kept in a large storage room down on the twenty-first floor, they had been moved upstairs for the audit.
With half the work force already gone, none of those left wanted to get stuck any longer than they had to.
One by one, they came up with some excuse as to why they couldn't stay. Without the authority of the office manager behind her, and he had been the first to leave, Kathy really couldn't force anyone to stay.
"Come on, Pete," Joe said as he started for the door. "If we can catch the train, we can be home in an hour."
Peter thought about it a few moments, then said. "You go ahead, I'm going to stay and help."
"Whatever the hell for," Joe said. "No one else is."
"Because it's the right thing to do," Peter answered. "If you want to go, you go ahead."
"Suit yourself," Joe said, shaking his head at his friend's attitude. "But just remember Pete," he said in a lower tone that only the other teen could hear. "It's not like she's going to be so full of deep appreciation that she's going to drop down to her knees to thank you."
"Sometimes, Joe," Peter said as he watched his friend walk away, "you really are an asshole."
By the time Peter walked back into the office, Kathy was the only one still there. She was loading a few of the ledgers into a shopping cart that they used to move them between floors. Picking up two of the books from a nearby desk, Peter dropped them into the cart.
"Oh Peter," Kathy said as she jumped slightly at the sound of the books landing on her own pile. "I didn't realize that anyone was still here."
"I thought I'd stay and lend a hand, Mrs. Chakiris," the younger man said.
"That's very nice of you," Kathy replied, her smile exhibiting a genuine warmth that he had never seen before. "But if you are going to stay, I'm going to insist on one condition."
"What's that?"
"You stop all this Mrs. Chakiris nonsense," Kathy laughed. "Like I've been telling you to do all summer. You make it sound like I'm old enough to be your mother."
"All right, ... Kathy." Peter smiled as he piled another few ledgers into the cart.
Even with the two of them, it took another hour and four elevator trips to the twenty-first floor to put away all the ledgers.
"I read an article the other day," Peter said as pushed the now empty cart down the equally empty hall. "that said that someday they'll be able to make computers that will keep all these records on a disk the size of a pack of cigarettes."
"Are you sure that wasn't one of those science fiction magazines," Kathy laughed. "Sounds like something out of the Outer Limits."
"No, it was Scientific American," Peter said, then realized that she was joking with him. "Oh, I get it."
The elevator door opened once more on their floor. As they stepped back into the office, Kathy checked her watch.
"Quarter after one," she said out loud. "I was afraid that I wouldn't get out of here until after three."
"Oh no," Peter exclaimed as he heard the time. "I forgot to call my brother about the Mets game."
He quickly dialed his brother's house on the closest desk phone. His sister in law told him that Mark had already left for the game. She also told him that when Peter hadn't called him one way or another, Mark had simply asked one of the neighbors if they wanted to go.
"You were supposed to be going to the baseball game?" Kathy asked Peter, not being able to ignore the telephone conversation.
"My Dad won a pair of tickets, he gave them to my brother and me," Peter explained.
"Now I feel guilty about having you stay and help," Kathy said.
"You don't have to feel that way," Peter replied. "I wanted to stay, I really did. More than I wanted to go see the game."
"I think you're lying," Kathy smiled. "but thank you for saying that. I really do appreciate your staying."
Peter wasn't sure what he was going to say next, but whatever it was, it flew right out of his head as Kathy leaned over and gave him a thank you kiss on his cheek. It was the sort of kiss you would get from a friend, but as unexpected as it was, he couldn't have been more surprised if she had kissed him on the lips and stuck her tongue down his throat.
"You really are a dear," she said with a smile after the kiss.
"I guess I'd better get going," Peter finally replied, still at a loss for words.
"Before you go, Peter," Kathy said as she sat on the edge of her desk and crossed her legs. The black slacks she wore seemed to accent, rather than hide her long legs, "can I ask you something?"
"Sure, anything," he quickly replied.
"Do you ever hear the men in the office talking about me?"
"I'm not sure what you mean?" came his reply.
"Oh I'm sure you do," Kathy said. "It's no secret to me that a good many of the men in this office look at me as some sort of easy lay, even though I've never so much as gone out with any of them for a drink after work."
Peter was shocked to hear the phrase "easy lay" come out of Kathy's mouth. It wasn't the sort of thing he'd ever heard any woman say.
"Well I try to ignore office gossip," he said.
"But you have heard it?" she asked again.
"Yes," he finally admitted.
"Do you think that it's true?"
"Well I guess it doesn't have to be true to be gossip," Peter said after a few moments consideration.
"Well just to set the record straight, I'm not an easy lay, despite what anyone says. Most men these days see a woman who is both attractive and divorced and automatically assume that if she shows the slightest interest in them, all she wants to do is go to bed with them. As if she was nothing better than some common streetwalker."
With his eyes fixed on the contours of her body, the first thing that came to Peter's mind was that there was nothing common about Kathy. Then his common sense took hold and he said nothing. Yet he wondered why she was telling him all of this.
"One of the reasons why I don't date anyone from the office," she went on, "is the fact that because of that view, any invitation I did accept would be taken as an invitation to something far more than dinner. Even if that expectation went unfulfilled, there are many of those who would assume that it had been realized."
Peter was now totally confused and still confused by the candor of her statements. It was almost like talking to one of the guys. After all, girls didn't talk about getting laid, did they? Finally the thought occurred to him that she was telling him all of this because somehow she had heard what he and the guys had been saying about her in their lunchtime bull sessions.
"I guess I'm sort of guilty too," he admitted with a deep blush as he explained how she had come up in their noontime discussions. He left out, however, the fact that she was a frequent visitor in his own masturbation fantasies. That would be too forthcoming.
Kathy laughed at his admission. It took him a few seconds to realize that she wasn't laughing at him, just his admission.
"Sweetheart, it doesn't bother me that you and your buddies talk about me," she laughed. "That's just part of being eighteen and perpetually horny. In fact, I'd be more offended if you weren't checking me out. Women have egos too you know. I wouldn't even be shocked to know that one or two of you might think of me late at night."
This was way too much, Peter thought to himself. He couldn't imagine any woman saying the things that Kathy had just said.
"I guess by now I have you totally confused, don't I?" Kathy finally said.
"Sort of..." Peter answered.
"Well the reason I guess I told you all of that was because I want to make it up to you for missing the baseball game and spending your time helping me. I just wanted you to understand that what I was offering was exactly that, with nothing else attached."
"Okay," Peter replied, still not really understanding.
"I was going to the World's Fair out in Flushing Meadow tomorrow with my roommate," Kathy finally explained. "But she had to go home to New Jersey last night because her Mother is ill. Since the tickets to the Fair are already paid for and everything, I was wondering if you'd like to go with me? Just as friends."
Peter's eyes lit up. Despite living not all that far from the Fair, he had yet to go there. It was one of those things that you kept saying, next weekend. Without even thinking about it, he was saying he'd love to go.
"That would be great," Kathy said on hearing his reply. "Would you rather meet me at the entranceway, or do you want to come over my apartment and pick me up. I live up on Belle Boulevard."
"I guess it would be easier to meet at your apartment," Peter said, not having realized that Kathy also lived in Queens. "The way the crowds are at the Fair, we might never find each other."
"You're probably right," Kathy agreed as she wrote down her address on an index card for him. "We should get an early start, would eight be too early?"
Peter said that eight would be fine as he took the card from her. Kathy said that she had some errand to run in the city and that she would lock up everything in the office.
As he rode the elevator down to the lobby of the midtown office building, Peter only now realized what had just happened.
"Wait until I tell the guys that I'm going to the World's Fair with Kathy," he told himself excitedly.
Then he considered what Kathy had said about how the men in the office viewed her, a view shared by his friends, and decided that perhaps this was something that he should keep to himself after all.
Peter spent almost an hour getting dressed the next morning. Normally, Sunday called for just a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, but today was going to be special. Out came a blue dress shirt and black pants that were only slightly less proper than those he wore to the office. The eighteen-year-old had only finally begun to sprout facial hair during his senior year and it was a growth that was usually sporadic at best. Still he spent a careful ten minutes of that hour making sure his face was smooth and clean. Completing his morning ritual, he splashed on cologne, taking care not to overdue it.
Luck was with him as he managed to get out of the house without running into anyone who might be curious as to where he was going so dressed up. His good fortune continued as he managed to catch the bus over to Kathy's apartment. On a Sunday schedule, he would've had a good wait for the next one.
Kathy lived on the top floor of a three-levels family house. He checked his appearance one last time before knocking on her door. All the way over here, he had been rehearsing bits of conversation that he was sure would impress her, beginning with what he was positive was a great compliment on how great she looked this morning.
All that mental time and effort went to waste when Kathy opened the door. Peter could only mumble a feeble good morning as she swung the door open and invited him inside.
Kathy must've just stepped out of the shower because all she was wearing when she answered the door was a wrap around towel. Peter's eyes opened wide as they fell immediately on the highly visible valley of her large breasts.
"Well good morning, Peter," she said with a bright smile as he stepped inside. "I'm afraid I was up a little late last night and overslept," she added in explanation of her appearance. "Just give me twenty minutes and I'll be ready to go."
With that she turned and vanished into her bedroom, leaving a still shocked Peter staring at the long, smooth legs stretching out from beneath the terrycloth covering.
Peter finally found his voice again once Kathy was gone. He couldn't believe she had just opened the door dressed like that and was so casual about it.
"Well, that didn't take too long, did it?" Kathy said as she stepped out of the bedroom fifteen minutes later.
Gone was the towel, replaced by a pair of black slacks that hugged both her long legs and ass and a yellow short sleeve blouse that was only slightly looser around her chest. Her long hair was pulled back and held in place by a black headband.
Kathy took a few moments to check the contents of the small purse she had taken off a nearby table, then snapped it shut.
"Shall we go?" she said with a broad smile.
The trip over to the fair grounds took only twenty minutes, or about a third of the time the two of them had to wait on the long line outside the main entrance. It seemed like half the city had decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and picked today to visit the fair.
Peter didn't care, he was having the time of his life. Kathy and he were having the most interesting discussion about the fair. He learned for the first time that this was actually the second World's Fair to be held at Flushing Meadow. The first had been twenty-five years ago. Kathy had a childhood memory of being taken to it by her parents.
Finally, they passed through the gates and the wait was more than worthwhile. It was like stepping into another world. The world of the future.
Despite the crowds, they wanted to try and see everything. They rode the AMF Monorail and the Swiss Sky Ride, for the latter of which Peter insisted on paying for the two of them, even though he thought the seventy-five cent ticket was a bit excessive given what he made a week.
They had their photograph taken in front of the Unisphere and Kathy treated the two of them to a Bel-Gem, a delicious concoction made up of a fat waffle base, piled high with strawberries and topped with whipped cream.
"You know, when my Mom was a kid, when you treated someone, they said you were blowing them." Kathy remarked as she finished her treat.
"That's very interesting," Peter replied, trying not to laugh.
"So if you really wanted to," Kathy whispered in a sexy voice. "I suppose you could tell you friends that I blew you."
Peter almost choked on the last of his waffle when he heard that. He would've thought he was used to Kathy's little jokes by now. There were times her comments were as off-color as any of the men in the office. Kathy just laughed as she used one of her napkins to wipe the whipped cream off the young man's face.
"Careful, I don't want you to choke," Kathy grinned as she dabbed at the last white drop. "That would just ruin the rest of our day."
From there they went to the RCA Pavilion where they got to see Color TV. Peter was fascinated by the multicolored images. A child of the new television generation, he had never seen anything but black and white before.
Kathy had humored his interest in anything new and futuristic and had gone with him to the Hall of Science where they'd seen a full size diorama of a future space station, as well as giant models of the rockets that would one day take men to the Moon.
In exchange, she had taken him to the New York City Pavilion, a holdover from the Fair Kathy had attended as a child. One of the guides had explained that the building had also been the headquarters of the United Nations back in 1946. The admission to the exhibit was a more reasonable ten cents, a sum well worth it Peter agreed, just to see the incredible scale model of New York City that was the center of the display. The model had over eight hundred thousand buildings.
They ended the day with what turned out to be what Peter imagined had to be the highlight of his day. Pepsi-Cola had sponsored the new Walt Disney ride called It's A Small World. A childlike water ride through distant lands, it also had quickly become a sort of tunnel of love for young and not so young adults. The simple ride became memorable when Kathy, caught up in the moment, had given him a brief kiss.
"That, is for being such a wonderful escort." She said in way of explanation.
The glow from that unexpected kiss stayed with Peter all the way back to Kathy's apartment. In the hours they had explored the fair, he had discovered a side of the older woman he had never expected. Outside of the office she was even more sexy and fun loving than he could've imagined. Peter found himself wishing that he was ten years older, or that she was younger. Then again, he couldn't imagine any girl his age ever being so cool.
When they finally got back to Kathy's apartment, Peter stopped at the front door of the building and thanked Kathy once again for inviting him to go with her to the Fair. It had been a lot of fun, he'd told her and more than made up for the missed baseball game the previous day.
"Oh, aren't you going to come up?" Kathy unexpectedly asked. "It's still early."
"Sure, if you want," a surprised Peter found himself responding.
"Good, because I've enjoyed your company too much to want to see it end so soon." Kathy commented as she opened the door and stepped into the vestibule. "I'm sure we can find something or other to make the rest of the day interesting."
Following her into the building, Peter wondered what that might be.
"I'll be back in a minute," Kathy said as she dropped her purse on the same table she had picked it up from earlier in the day. "I just want to clean up a little."
"Sure," Peter replied.
"Why don't you turn on some music while you're waiting," she said before closing the bedroom door behind her. "There's soda or beer in the fridge if you want one."
Peter turned on the Hi Fi that sat on a table in the living room. Soft sounds came out of the twin speakers as Peter walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He was about to take a RC Cola, then decided what the hell and took a bottle of Rheingold beer instead. It took him a moment to find the wall mounted bottle opener since he didn't always carry his church key.
The beer was ice cold, something Peter appreciated. Although he only came of legal drinking age a few months before, Peter had his first beer just before his sixteenth birthday.
Walking back into the living room, bottle in hand, the eighteen year old only had to wait less then a minute before Kathy reemerged from her bedroom.
The only change Peter noticed was that Kathy's hair now hung free down across her shoulders. With a smile on her face, she crossed the room to join her guest.
"Now that looks great," Kathy said in reference to the beer in Peter's hand.
Peter felt like such an idiot. Of course he should've asked if she wanted one as well.
Once again, it was Summer, no more studies. Casey, being young and popular with the guys at school had alot of parties ahead of her. She had a slim, curvy waist and long dark hair that came to her shoulders. Her best feature was her boobs, she was a full 36D and always made sure they were well recognised everywhere she went. Casey was getting ready for "some guy's" - which took alot of persuading her dad. He knew and could see why she got so much attention which made him even more objective to...
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My love's hands are deformed. They were deformed at birth. If you see her on the street, or walk up to her at our library's reference desk, you will see that three fingers on her right hand are shortened and webbed, and her thumb is curiously shaped. Her left hand is more affected—all the digits are stubs, so that it looks something like a paw. On its own your face will swing to her hands. You won't notice, or will forget, her tired-looking eyes, always tired looking though green and bright,...
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*** For all the naysayers who do not believe today's men in their 60's-70's and even 80's could be as handsome and distinguished and virile as the men depicted in these stories please suspend belief, or copy and paste and covert them into an age that seems more fitting. BUT,IF YOU ARE A TEENAGE GIRL WHO WORKS IN A LARGE CORPORATION, YOU CAN NOW IMAGING YOUSELF WITH THE BOSS, WHO YOU KNOW IS EVERY BIT THE MAN DESCRIBED IN THIS STORY! THESE ARE HIGH-POWERED MEN THAT RETAIN INCREDIBLE PHYSIQUES...
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Summer time, sunset. Two of us naked at the beach, there is bottle of chilled white wine, two glasses, small wavelets splashing our legs, cocks and asses. You are drinking wine while I'm sucking your soft cock and I can feel how it is growing in my mouth. After some time you take my hand to slightly masturbate your cock and now you want to give me a head. I'm so happy to put my cock between your lips, but you are taking control, you are playing with my foreskin, kissing it, licking it, than you...
Hanna My eyes were gritty from the long flight and my body felt like a paper clip as I made my way along the aisle in the airplane. People were pushing and trying to get off as fast as possible. A baby began to cry behind me and it had been doing so on and off over the nine-hour flight. My dad was right behind me.“C’mon, get a move on.”“I’m trying, but there are some old people up front who are taking ages to get out of their seats.”My dad sighed and I agreed with him. I wanted to get off as...
ReluctanceCynthia was pulled out of her dream around six in the morning. Her husband stumbled out of bed and as usual that included a lot of noise. The quiet part was slipping out of bed, but being half asleep and dragging his 230 pounds to the bathroom, while he tried to gather his clothes without turning on the light, was the noisy part. She pretended to be asleep when he stumbled to the bedroom door. Cynthia knew that Mark was trying to be quiet and she just played along, but if she was honest she...
Cynthia was pulled out of her dream around six in the morning. Her husband stumbled out of bed and as usual that included a lot of noise. The quiet part was slipping out of bed, but being half asleep and dragging his 230 pounds to the bathroom, while he tried to gather his clothes without turning on the light, was the noisy part. She pretended to be asleep when he stumbled to the bedroom door. Cynthia knew that Mark was trying to be quiet and she just played along, but if she was honest she...
First TimeI've never been a teacher but I have worked for schools occasionally.That summer was ridiculously hot, even for the country I was in. No onewore much and there was a lot of luscious boy flesh on display. I hadthree days work to do at a boarding school; a bit of intense work then along pause and then another intense period and so on. I was able to usethe school's swimming pool - not as grand as it sounds. More of a waterhole in a clear -flowing stream up in the mountains. The boys wereallowed to...
The midsummer sun beat oppressively on the baked ground outside the hotel. The heat trap they called a courtyard pool was incapable of lowering my internal temperature below sweltering. Even immediately after a swim, sweat broke out spontaneously without any physical activity. I lasted until around two in the afternoon before I gave in and retired to the room I shared with Lisa. She had found a suitable set of muscles to enhance her lovelife, and it was unlikely that she would show up here...
I lay on my side with me knees drawn up as Richard slowly slid his rock hard cock in and out of my warm wet pussy. We were talking in low quiet voices about sex and girls in particular. Richard assured me I was the love of his life. I reminded him though I was his mother and soon he’d find a woman to love and cherish like he does me. He was wondering what made women attracted to men. I told him between sighs and uh huh’s. that he was a very handsome young man with a nice cock to offer any...
I was an only child and raised very sheltered and home schooled. I also had a minister for a grandfather who lived with us, so to say that I wasn't exposed to things of a sexual nature is an understatement. I knew there were things going on with my body but I just wasn't quite sure of what. Around the age of seventeen I signed up for a swim team; I had loved swimming from early in my life and I was quite good at it. It was also a way to get out from under the strict, watchful eye of my family....
Gay MaleBEING ME (FOLLOWING YOUR BLISS, BEING HAPPY WITH THE WOMAN IN YOU) MYSELF TODAY Today, I'm an executive of my own company and recognized in the field under my true self, a woman. It is a great joy to interact with others, no more hiding or living two lives. The most important part is that even those who knew me, in my previous gender accept me and I accept myself. I have found that most important part is making yourself happy, as opposed what others want you to be. It is...
Jenna has been with her ballet company for years, and finally she has a shot at being the principal dancer. Her Director, Lucas, is a perfectionist and she has always found him attractive. She knows the only way to get the role is to show him just how dedicated she really is. When he visits the studio to see how well she has been doing with the rehearsals, he doesn’t seem too impressed with what he sees and asks for a little more passion. She clearly needs disciplining, and Lucas will show her...
xmoviesforyou(Bridget's been sitting in my family room again, tossing down Irish whiskey and talking about her adventures. She had hinted about this one before, what she did in England after her rescue mission to France in WWII. So here it is. For those of you who don't know her, I refer you to Chapter 1 of "Bridget's Nights" where she first appeared and explained a lot about herself. This story contains both Male/Female and Female/Female sex. Thank you Marian as always for the errors you caught and...
Jessica flinched at the sound of a knock at the door. She buried her head underneath the pillow, tangling her already messy brown hair into a rat’s nest in the process. She pulled the covers tightly over herself, clenched her brown eyes tightly shut, curled her body into the fetal position and silently prayed that whoever it was (and she knew who it was, she knew who it must be, she knew who she was afraid it was and that was enough) would go away. The knocking continued. Jessica gritted her...
The Birthday Wish. The rope swings back and forth like the pendulum of a clock. My mouth is dry as I move the chair in front of the noose, and step aboard. In the end it wasn't the despair, or the anxiety, or the sense of disappointment, or betrayal, or failure that did me in. It was the boredom. The simple knowledge that tomorrow would share the same bland awfulness that yesterday did. As a teenager, my mum would always say that tidying my room wouldn't kill me. Shows how much...
That night was the beginning of my fall into the utter pits of hell and damnation. It all started out innocently enough. After we returned from the sunroom, we ordered com-units and swimsuits for the girls. If they were going to be out and about without me they needed a way to contact me or Sharon; the com-units would take care of that. Had a nice dinner, watched some mind-numbing shows on the vid after reviewing the evening's messages and got ready for bed. The girls sent messages home...
Here are the simple facts. I'm 30 and I've been happily married to my hot 26 year old wife, Melanie. She's really slim, but with curves that talk to you, long black hair that goes half way down her back, and a really pretty face with big sincere eyes.The fact is she's also a bright woman who works as a grade 3 teacher in a local public school. For me, Melanie is the perfect package.Three months ago, on a warm, typical, mid-July Friday, we were having dinner in our apartment. Mel's younger...
“Either swear a magically binding oath to become my loyal ... pet, or become my afternoon snack.” My foxkin’s shoulders slumped, and she raised a hand to her neck, and said, “Like a slave collar?” I shrugged. I didn’t know how they worked, so I couldn’t answer her question. Oaths sworn on my name are naturally binding, and I explained that to her. Instead of confusing her, I let her think I had the [Oathbinding] ability. There is power in names. As an eternal, like the greater fey and true...
Author’s note: thanks again to my beta readers and to estragon for copy edits. Votes and feedback always welcome. © 2011 All Rights Reserved Brody drummed his fingers on his knee and bounced his leg as he sat on the team bus. They’d be on their way to Philly soon and few things got the Capitals pumped like a game against the Flyers, even though it was the teams’ first meeting of the season, in mid-November. Baxter dropped into the seat beside him. ‘Jesus, do you never sit still?’ ‘Just a...
IT’S ABILITY THAT COUNTS by Rumple Foreskin Donna Faircloth was energized, turned-on and kneeling on the kitchen floor, giving her husband a surprise blowjob he’d never forget. She’d just come home with her emotions in overdrive after a daylong workshop on conducting group encounter sessions. Clay had been replacing the cover to the overhead light fixture when she walked in. Though tall enough to do this without a stepladder, with his arms were stretched overhead he looked like someone being...
Had 2 guys (Vietnamese) show up late one night last week looking for a girl to fuck. I don’t keep a list here at the hostel so they were out of luck. They were probably in their mid 20’s and not bad looking so I offered my ass (and mouth) to them. I hadn’t had a good fucking in about 2 weeks anyway and was horny.They turned me down…that night…Monday night they came back about 10 pm and asked again, this time about doing me. Of course, I’m a slut, so they weren’t paying to fuck me, it was all...
Switch up Wednesday, July 06, 2011 3:45 PM Dear Readers, I wanted to write about a night my Wife and I had awhile back. It was during a point in our marriage that we were wanting to have some extra fun, spice things up, explore and see where it lead to. So, we joined an online sex site, figured we would see what it was all about. After we got our profile set up, we browsed awhile. Seeing some interesting people, as well as some very sexy ones, we decided on emailing a couple we had found to...
Introduction: Young, sexually precocious Nadia is a few months pregnant and more cock hungry than ever, venturing further into the realm of group sex and loving it! Continued from Nadia the Nymphomaniac: Pregnant and Addicted to Cock Part 9 – Brotherly Love John, are you sure? This is crazy! said Derrick softly. Hed arrived at his older brothers house not too long ago, and over coffee his brother had just informed him that his 13 year old niece was almost 5 months pregnant and aching for a...
This story was motivated by the sight of a very pretty Indian college girl in an atrocious bikini at the pool this summer. Once it started though, it became an exploration of power exchange. All characters in this story are completely fictional. I welcome all suggestions and comments on the story. It’s not what might be considered ‘hot’ just yet. It’s because the explosive scene I have in mind will now appear in the 2nd chapter. It’s not written yet, but I will certainly work on it if there is...
We found the ramp and began making our way up the spiral. Ashley had her phone to her ear. "Yes, I know about it. I was filming ... No, I didn't put my video on YouTube." "Sooner," Lenore and I said in unison. "Look, we're trying to get to our seats," Ashley said. "No one here is hurt or anything." "No one?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder. Lenore giggled. "Morgan told us about how this security company has been known to try to shake down some of the luxury box ticket...
I lay under the covers pondering the rapid changes in my life over the past few days. I knew I loved Sally, and she loved me. Mila was a breath of fresh air. But was this a one night stand or the start of an escalating relationship with her? Then looming over everything was Denver, and behind it, all was Linda, was I betraying her memory or was it time I moved on? It was pointless; I couldn’t get back to sleep, and dawn was breaking so I eased myself out of bed. I paused for a moment,...
I am Mac; I had been away from home for a few days on business. I was supposed to be home the next day but came a day earlier as my business finished early. I was in a hurry to get home to my lovely wife Karen. I took a taxi from the station.My house was deserted and far off from the main locality. I went to the door and inserted the key and turned it but the door did not open. "What is the matter with the lock?" I circled the house. The curtains were closed. I glanced into the drawing room but...
It was a good thing that the summer season was in full swing, as even though the dominant ladies, many with their entourage of budding young dommes, had received their invitations to arrive at Darkington Hall at different times, the raised eyebrows of station masters at the nearest rail stations would have been raised even further, along with their already stirred cocks, had they known that each illustrious and imposing matriarch was headed to Darkington Hall to witness the triumph of...
My hands shook slightly as I crumpled up the letter. My husband sensed something was off, and turned to me. ‘Is everything okay, honey?’ He asked in concern. ‘I just read a letter from my friend’s mom… He’s finally back.’ I didn’t need to specify which friend since I referred to this particular friend just often enough that my husband knew who I was talking about. When I was a child, from about age 8 to age 12, my best friend in the whole world was the boy next door. He’s a year younger than...
Last weekend both me and my partner were off work. We decided that we would try something a little different and went online to find some local “Dogging” areas. For anyone that doesn’t know, in the UK “Dogging” is where strangers meet up, usually in a reasonably secluded car park, and basically have sex with each other or watch couples have sex. We found a dogging site that we liked the sound of and decided we would give it a try. I wasn’t sure what to wear but I needn’t have worried. My...
I hadn't been to the mall since I stopped going there looking for another Her that fall. With it being the week before Christmas, the mall was like a totally different place than it had been. I couldn't believe how... uncomfortable I was being around so many people again. I think I would have freaked out and left if I hadn't been there with Joey. But I couldn't show that kind of weakness in front of him like that. My biggest problem was what to do with my eyes while we were walking....
Val Smyth was still glowing after the fucking that nineteen-year-old Seb Connors had given her the previous night when she phoned her friend Christine Illingworth. "Hi Chris, well I did it," announced Val."Did what?" asked a still sleepy Christine."Fucked Seb Connors of course," replied Val."Shit, you didn't, was he good?" asked the mid-fifties Christine of her similar-aged friend."Yeah, fucking amazing, I told him that you fancy him too," said Val."You did, what did he say?" responded the now...
MatureRe-written from my original post as posh-slutAfter our night of fun at my local pub a couple of weeks ago Annie, Emma and myself wanting to do something similar but with more interaction the guys.I chatted with Bill the landlord a few days later as to whether it would be okay if we arranged to do something one evening after closing hours. Bill was completing in agreement to my request, extra bar sales no doubt being a great incentive.We decided on Easter Sunday as it suited us girls and also...
A cool morning breeze blew through the ancient forest of Wyre, spreading across the valley as if heralding the approach of a raven-haired noblewoman. Dressed in an exquisite a black and silver gown, she studied the lands around her before motioning her mount forward towards the fortified keep of Dun L?idir. Behind her, a procession of other riders soon followed, the more heavily armored riders spreading out as the group passed through the edge of the woods. Galloping ahead of the escort, ...
It was the start of another academic year. I had been teaching the upper division courses but was asked to teach a College Algebra Class for this term. I was looking forward to doing so as I had heard how ill prepared the students were. Most of the incoming students must take remedial course work due to their low understanding of mathematics at the major university where I teach and I wanted to see just how ill prepared they were. I waited in the classroom for my students to start arriving to...
It was nice to go over there and hang out, even if it was only for a short time, but now my summer vacation slowly slipping away. I started to worry I think that I was leaving myself open to be obligated to have sex with him and maybe I think in a way I was hoping he’d make a move and ask me. However, I feel he wanted me to suggest it so he’d know I wanted to do it. The subconscious want to have sex with him again I think had manifested itself in my want for the car, because I had been...
I had been The Duke's personal sex slave for about a year and I had been with many different gay men each and every weekend. "Be obedient, Scooter, and do what they tell you and make me proud!" was The Duke's oft-repeated phrase just prior to the meetings. I made him proud, too! Why not? I loved sex and was good at it. While he made twenty, twenty-five bucks per pop, the five bucks he doled out to me helped financially. If that sounds like rationalization, so be it! I have no guilt or...
Bella Rolland, a business owner, is having a first meeting with a branding consultant, Alexis Tae. Bella’s business is fast growing and she wants to send out the right messages to consumers with new branding. As they settle in, Alexis asks some questions about the business, though nothing stands out in Bella’s responses — it’s nothing that Alexis hasn’t already heard a million times before, so she wants to dig deeper. Alexis then asks if she can find out more about...
xmoviesforyouAs I entered your apartment I placed my holdall on the floor, it contained the results of hours and hours of self abuse.There were about 30 to 40 porn magazines that were in a disgusting state - just how I like them. Every magazine had stained pages, some of which had stuck and torn in places and the smell of stale cum could be intoxicating.I had been spraying my sperm over these girls for years and the record of my masturbating sessions was plain to see. Most pictures had several loads on...
Not long after I started “sleeping” I felt Sebastian’s hand travel down my body, and under my pants. He started rubbing on my clit, and I had no idea what I was feeling, I just knew it felt good. He put his hand a little further and stuck a finger up inside me. This kind of hurt a little, but I was “sleeping” so I just went with it. He alternated between flicking my clit and fingering my pussy for a bit, but must have decided I was sound asleep, because he started pulling my pants down. I...
Hi, this is my first sex story ever. I have been reading many stories since a decade but this time I came to the website after a long time.I am 29, just married. My sex story is incest and you may not find it very horny and m not a professional writer but I will write exactly what happened in details please pardon me for typos. Its a real life incident happened in 2008(9 years ago) when I was 20 and my sister was 31 at that time.We have two more siblings but they have nothing to do with this...
IncestMe & the wife went away for the weekend a few months back in Blackpool, we stayed in a decent hotel & the thing that really stood out was its licensed bar in the basement. Firstly i should give you some background to me & the wife, she loves sex & especially loves sucking cock, she sucks it well & more often than not she swallows, she's a 32DD & is 31 yrs old. I love watching her, either on her own or with other men, i cant explain it it's just so erotic, she only fucks...
Nathan Bronson is supposed to tutor his friend Alex More, but he is just so awkward that his stepmom, Alana Cruise, can’t stand it. She decides to give him a quick makeover by urging him to take off the glasses and change his clothes. While Nathan is changing, Alana notices that he’s definitely a shower and should be very proud of what he’s showing. She supervises the study session once Alex arrives and sees Nathan hitting on his friend, but she can’t get Nathan’s...
xmoviesforyouThis is a free translation of a famous short story published at the beginning of the decade on a well-known American site of erotic tales.---Apart from the fact that I am a psychologist and that I really participated in the treatment of a patient with the psychological disorder known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), the rest, all: names, dates, places, facts are all fictitious just tô preserve the identity of the patient and also mine, since what happened involved me in a completely...
She was a lonely housewife. her husband had gone to foreign shores in search of riches and it had been a year since he last met her and oh yes aarthi missed adam. She missed his musky odour as he held her in his strong muscular frame. There was only so much that sex stories sex chatting and skyping could do. Even the vibrator wasnt enough any more. she was lately finding herself imagining moments of bliss with other men as she came to her peak. Akash should do. She thought as she closed her...
Chapter 16 Misogynist sales executive loses competition for CEO job to his rival and is systematically reduced to an air-headed administrative intern at the beck and call of those office workers he used to abuse. As we begin this chapter, one tormentor has been fired and another appears to offer to help him - all while the CEO takes steps to permanently entrap the poor sissy into a life of feminine slavery. Previous chapters should be read first. Category descriptions are for entire...
Not only country boys know how to survive even though the song that tells of their prowess would leave that impression. We country girls have ways of seeing to our needs also, and can do that quite well thank you.One of our country girl needs is to keep down the level of sexual stress to a point where we can function otherwise. Of course, there are lots of ways to do that and we usually find them and that's what this little story is about, how I found mine.I suppose I was like most girls in...
I left and went to pick up her clothes. After seeing the damage done to her panties, I decided to sell them on the internet ( i got $150 for them, and also began regularly selling her well used dirty panties). As I was putting the rest of her clothes in the dryer, I heard splashing and screaming in the bathroom. I ran in to see Amber in the tub, legs spread wide apart laying on her back, fuckin the hell out of her ass with a hair brush handle. she was moaning and rocking as she dug...
The pills Carl had given her had left her in a very deep sleep, so deep in fact that Olivia thought she was dreaming she was having sex. It wasn't until the cock in her cunt hit bottom that the searing pain she felt wrenched her from her deep sleep. She started to scream and a hand covered her mouth in an instant. "Olivia, it's me!" Steve whispered into her ear, "Relax!" He was almost all the way into her pussy, and although it felt a little looser than normal, it still felt amazing....
The smoking hot ebony schoolgirl Zoey Reyes was quite the popular young lady at her private learning institution. She decided to use her popularity to try and run for class president! It was quite daunting, so she hit up her white friend Dylan who was actually the current class president for pointers. He came over her house and they got to talking. Zoey wanted to skip the small stuff and get straight to the point. How did he win the election? It turns out he got the endorsement of the last...
xmoviesforyouHi ISS Readers, This is Rajesh I would like to share my real incident happened with me last year. I am 25 year old guy. I had interest of having an affair with my cousin sister who is aged around 34 with 32-28-32 figure. She is not super figure, however she is the sex goddess for me. Because all my sexual thought, knowledge, interest arrived from her. In our childhood we used to visit their house for vacation. But when I was 13 she was married to my mother’s younger brother, after a year she...
IncestIn her dressing gown, fresh morning coffee. Breakfast with Louse Minchin and Naga Munchetty. The doorbell rang. "Bit early for post." Her husband was still in bed. She adjusted her gown to maximum cleavage, was exciting not knowin who it might be but still modest and innocent.He stood large shoulders, big chest, a little scruffy and rough."This the Jones household?""I got a court order to seize goods to the value of £50000, unpaid debts!"He put his boot in the door and barged in.Tina quickly...