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Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance.

I should have known better. I wanted it so bad that I let it cloud my judgment. A guy like me never gets a girl like Marsha. Maybe in the movies, but not in real life.

Three years ago Marsha started work in the office of SSA, that is; the Safety and Security Affiliates. All of the male employees were aware of her presence, mainly because she was a notch above the other office girls. She wasn't smarter or better educated, but prettier and sexier. She didn't wear a wedding ring.

My infatuation with her quickly waned because I immediately knew that she was totally out of my league. Hell, I wasn't even in any league. The only girls, or woman, that I ever had any relationships with, were the ones that charged by the hour. I wasn't a virgin, but that was only because I worked up the courage on several occasions to approach one of the less ferocious looking ladies of the night. Actually, I found a few of the younger ones attractive, but all that they wanted from me was my money. I couldn't even find a whore that would want to spend any one-on-one time with me, if there was no cash involved.

I was raised by a single mother. I never met my father. I guess that might have had something to do with my lack of social skills with the ladies. My mother noticed the problem and really tried to help me. I spent almost two years going to ballroom dance classes with her, but all I got out of it was the ability to dance. I still lacked the confidence and courage to meet and relate to the opposite sex.

After I finished school, my mother married and moved to Florida. We talk several times a year, but that is the only contact that I have had with her.

I liked working for the SSA because it didn't require me to interface with too many people. My days were spent inspecting fire detection and alarm systems. The company was also active in installing security systems, for which I had no interest or involvement in whatsoever.

After work, I had no social life. In the evenings, I enjoyed working through logic problems and had subscriptions to all of the puzzle magazines. Although I had a home computer, I only used it when I had to. Most of my meals came out of the microwave oven. I was a fussy eater, and I guess that is why I never weighed over 150 pounds; light for my height, but healthy.

I didn't even own a suit, because I never needed one. During the day, I wore my work Dickies that were supplied by the company. I even wore them on the weekends when I wasn't working. There was a landline phone at the house, and I had a company cell phone. The cell phone had unlimited minutes, so I used it whenever I called my mother.

Contacts bothered my eyes, so I always wore glasses. They were not stylish, cool ones, but rather practical; as a nerd would wear. Actually, I think I was a nerd.

My interactions with people were always within careful limits. I didn't piss people off and I didn't excite them either. I had no opinions that were worth sharing, and I was the world's worst joke teller.

Now that you have a pretty good idea of what I had to offer the world, you can fully understand why I was surprised and stunned when Marsha Trent started casually chatting with me, on a daily basis. I was not the only one to notice her interest and after a few short weeks, I was getting teased about it, from the other office girls and some of the guys. I was flattered, but confused.

I remember how it all started.

"Dennis? Could you please do me a small favor?"

I was sitting at one of the tables in the break room having lunch. I assumed that she wanted to borrow a chair or ask me to move to another table. "Sure. Anything."

"Would you sit with me while I eat lunch?"

All I could do was nod. A few minutes later I was still trying to figure out what was going on. Other employees noticed and a few quiet comments were made. As was my nature, I did not speak. There was nothing that I could say that wouldn't make me look like an idiot, so I kept my mouth shut.

"I hope you don't mind, but this is a lot easier for me."

"Easier. How?"

She seemed to be arranging herself before answering, as if she was getting ready to give a prepared speech. At that point, I should have realized what was going on.

"When I come in for a break or to have lunch, some of the other guys always sit with me. It makes me uncomfortable. They are either making crude remarks or undressing me with their eyes. It is better being with you."

Well, I didn't know if that was a compliment or an insult. I felt a little defensive.

"That is understandable. You are an extremely attractive woman and any man that didn't fantasize about you would be brain dead."

"Do you fantasize about me?"

"A little, but I try not to let it show."

"And you do an excellent job of it. That is why I need to sit with you. As long as I am with you, the other guys won't bother me."

That didn't make sense at all. There was nothing intimidating about me. How in the world would my presence discourage a low-life from making a remark or from even leering at her?

I finished eating and sat silently until she was done. Nobody bothered us, but we got a few unusual glances. As I got up to leave, she touched my arm.

"Can you sit with me again tomorrow?"

I smiled, nodded, and walked away confused.

A week later we started having conversations. It was difficult for me, but she made it a lot easier. I discovered that she was a single mother with two girls in grade school. Her working shift corresponded with their school hours. She never mentioned a husband, ex-husband, or father figure. I was too lame to ask.

My spirits were up, and I felt normal for a change. A regular guy was getting to spend time with a gorgeous girl on a routine basis. I didn't care that it was only lunch in a company break room.

Our contacts grew more frequent and I started to feel comfortable with her. At the same time I was feeling uneasy. Something wasn't right, but I couldn't put my finger on it. After a few weeks she invited me to her home to meet the girls and have supper.

Brandy and Brenda were cute little things, but a little too well-mannered for my taste. Children under ten are supposed to be rambunctious and noisy. I felt as if I was spending the afternoon with 'Stepford' children. Actually, Marsha was a little like a 'Stepford' wife. They were perfect; too perfect.

Marsha and I started to go on little outings together. Of course, the girls were always with us. We hit all of the parks, zoos, and other similar attractions within a day's drive. The more time that I spent with the girls, the more relaxed they became. Before I knew it, I was looking forward to seeing them every chance that I got.

I don't remember how it happened exactly, but one night after about four months, I found myself in bed with her. When I play the events of the night back in my head, it always comes out the same way. I didn't do a thing to initiate it. She took the lead and seemed to control everything: the place, the time, and what we did. Now, I am not complaining. It was the first time that I got any without having to pay for it. I can't say that it was wild passionate sex, but it was the real thing. After the first night, we started to enjoy ourselves on a regular basis. At least I was enjoying myself. I was never sure about her.

Marsha had small breasts, and even after having two children, they were still fairly perky. Of course, you have to remember that I am not an expert about such things. She didn't shave like the girls in the porno movies. Every time that I got to watch her walk to the bathroom naked, was a thrill. My life had suddenly taken a very different turn, but something wasn't right.

To everyone's amazement, Marsha and I married two months later. It was a small ceremony. My mother flew up from Florida to meet the daughter-in-law that I believe, she never expected to have. I paid for her ticket. Most of the people that attended the wedding were from work. Marsha's mother, in Mount Carmel, was not able to make it. I had never met her or any other members of Marsha's family. She never talked about them.

We found a small house to rent, just until I could get a twenty percent down payment saved up. I was always cautious when it came to financial matters. Marsha no longer had to work, and became a stay-at-home mom. We had sex on a regular basis which I always enjoyed. I had a perfect wife, with two perfect daughters. It was like the 'Twilight zone.'

After the first year, I had figured that things would mellow out for me, but that never happened. Every day was the same, and the longer it went on the more paranoid I became. I would sit quietly some evenings and try and figure out what was wrong. The problem was that nothing was wrong. Marsha was a great wife, a great mother, and a wonderful partner. I started to think that I was going nuts. I was messing with my own mind and I couldn't stop. Why? Why was this happening to me? Why did I insist on ruining my own life.

The best part of the marriage was the time that I got to spend with the girls. I think that they enjoyed it as much as I did.

I am a logical person. I like to analyze things and draw conclusions. It is my nature. There was no reason why I couldn't look at this situation and figure some things out. I had no intention of turning into some type of prying busybody, but I would have to start paying attention and looking into things.

I made a mental list of questions that needed to be resolved. Why had I never met any of Marsha's family? What was she really doing when she went to visit her mother in Mount Caramel several times a month? Why was the father of the girls such a mysterious figure? The one question that I needed answered first, was what she kept in the small locked file box on the shelf in her clothes closet? The only time I had seen her with it was when she registered the girls for school. I didn't even know where she kept the key.

Finding out what was in the locked box would be my first step. It was a logic problem; a real-life logic problem. All of a sudden, I found myself looking forward to something and not making myself paranoid. My attitude changed for the better.

Marsha had a standing hair dresser, s appointment at the Elegance Chic every Tuesday morning. It was an extremely expensive salon, but I never saw it come up on the charge cards. I guessed that she was paying for it with cash, but she never seemed to have a lot of cash on hand and I saw no evidence of any unusual cash withdrawals. Of course, I had no real idea of what a visit to the salon should cost. So I had no point of reference. It just seemed odd.

I had no trouble swinging by the house in the middle of the morning on Tuesday. I waited until just after she left to go into the house. While I was standing in front of the closet, I started to worry that she might have a 'tell' placed on or near the box. I thought about it for a few moments and then discarded the notion. She was confident in her position in the house and that her box would not be bothered. After all, I was the good guy. I was the one that she could trust. I would not pry under any circumstances.

I carefully took the box down and started working on the lock. It was a simple lock, that could actually be opened with a paper clip. It took me less than two minutes. Inside, I found her birth certificate. There was nothing special there. She also put our marriage license in the box. There were a few newspaper clippings and some photographs. One of them was her high school prom picture. She was as pretty then as she was now. Her date from the prom looked familiar, but I couldn't place him.

The last things in the box were the two birth certificates for the girls. They were both born at the Pottsville Hospital, but the most interesting thing was the name of the father. Hamilton Ryder was listed as the father of both Brandy and Brenda. Now I recognized the guy in Marsha's prom picture.

Hamilton Ryder was a State Assemblyman and had been selected to run for the United States House of Representatives seat at the next election. He was good looking and charismatic. The women voters all loved him and the men admired him. He was a shoo-in to be elected. He was married to Emily Wilcox, the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in the Northeastern part of the state. Some people had said that Hamilton's rise in the political world was based on the support that he got from his father-in-law.

Emily Wilcox was a paradox. Their marriage was a big deal, and at the time was in all of the newspapers and several magazines. When they got married, she was a dowdy, mousy little thing. Over the years, she seemed to change, and not for the better. At some point, she dyed her hair blonde and started to wear it in styles that did not seem to fit her. Her make-up slowly became a little over the top. Too much rouge, too much plucking, and too much lipstick. The worst thing that changed was her attire and her boobs. It looked like she had gone from being normal to a pair of grotesque double Ds. The whole thing was a little sad. Her personality did not fit her appearance. I had often wondered if she knew that people were laughing behind her back. Of course it was not my affair, so I didn't wonder too much; until today.

Marsha wouldn't notice that the box was moved or opened. I was quite careful. I really didn't believe that she accessed the box too often. From what I knew now, I didn't see why she would. Actually, it would have made more sense for her to keep the box at her mother's house.

So now I knew a little more than I had known before. Marsha had been friends with Hamilton Ryder in high school and she was the mother of two of his children. Actually, they were his only two, because he had none with Emily. It was interesting that Marsha put his name on the birth certificates. Under the circumstances, it seemed like something he would not want.

I was a good husband that evening as usual. I complimented my wife on her hair and asked the girls how school went. For the first time, I felt like a phony. It was a game. Marsha knew what the game was, and had been playing it for over a year now. Since I was new, I had to develop my own strategy, of some sort. Just the word 'strategy' implied that it would be long-term. I wasn't happy with that, but had no short-term, tactical plan in mind.

That evening, as my 'Stepford' family was watching TV, I ordered a Bug GPS Tracker from E-bay, a 'Buy-It-Now' for $139 with free shipping. I decided that it would be interesting to find out where Marsha was going when she went to visit her mother. The new tracker would go well with my Garmin GPSmap 60CSx. This was going to be fun. As a defensive move, I set up some new bank accounts to start protecting my few assets.

The next day, I quietly took two weeks of sick leave. The company was more than happy to see me take it for monetary reasons. Marsha never really made any friends at SSA, so I didn't have to worry about her finding out that I wasn't at work. Later that morning, I stopped in to see Seymour Schlamp. Seymour and I went to high school together. We were two of the 'out' kids who built a friendship based on not being part of the crowd. Seymour got a law degree, but had no job. He was on the state, county, and city lists, waiting for somebody to die, so that there would be a job opening. In the mean time he was supporting himself, and his mother, by doing mainly automobile renewals and transfers. He also did some notary work and wills. I needed some legal advice and Seymour was more than happy to help. We spent an hour together, and when I left, he was excited as a kid with a new puppy.

I drove over towards Allentown and had lunch at a MacDonald's. They had free WiFi and I had my laptop. An hour later, I had all sorts of data and information about Hamilton Ryder. Most of what I got was political rhetoric, but mixed in with it was some information that I could use. I also ended up with a long list of addresses that I would need later.

While I was surfing, I ran across an ad for a travel trade show that was being held in Philadelphia over the weekend. Marsha and the kids were going to visit her mother Friday after school, so I decided that the trade show looked good.

After supper that evening, I did something that I had never done before. While Marsha was taking her evening shower, I took it upon myself to look through her purse. I had never considered violating her privacy like this before, but now we were playing a game. Everything looked normal and I was about to close it up when I noticed something. Marsha used tampons when she had her period, but in the bottom of her purse was a small sachet like bag with Kotex printed on it. Like any normal man, I avoided handling it. I picked it up and gingerly opened it to find an old Nokia cell phone. It only took me a minute to figure out that it was a pre-paid cell phone with T-Mobile service. There was only one number in the call log. The phone was turned off when I found it, so I left it the same way. I would have no trouble finding out who owned that number. I think I already knew.

Seymour was in a good mood. He had several folders laid out on his desk in a neat row. He seemed anxious for me to sit down so that he could show me what he had done.

"Dennis. I know that you said you wanted a simple divorce, but under the circumstances you have some pretty good grounds for an annulment. The nice thing about that is that Marsha cannot contest it and there is no division of assets. You each keep what you brought into the marriage."

"Are you sure? That would make things a lot easier."

"A lot faster also." Seymour pushed the first folder aside.

"What else?"

"I had no trouble getting copies of the girls birth certificates. Legally, Hamilton Ryder doesn't owe you any support for taking care of the girls. If it went to court, we would get creamed in the first five minutes. However the court of public opinion will have a field day with it. I suggest that we file for it and make sure that the media is fully aware of it. That will be your responsibility."

"Why? I am paying you."

"For legal services, Dennis. If I get caught participating in a smear campaign, especially against a public official, my potential career as a lawyer is over before it is started."

"All right. What do I have to do?"

"It is all printed out on this top sheet. Memorize the instructions carefully and then burn the paper."

"That is a joke, right?" I heard a groan from across the desk.

"Yeah. Sorry, but I was just trying to make things a little easier."

The next folder was an alienation of affection charge against Hamilton. Seymour didn't feel that this one would fly either, but it could be valuable in the same manner the previous folder was.

The next one related to the recovery of expenses for supporting Marsha for the last year. It had nothing to do with the girls or his paternity for them.

The last folder was not directly connected to me in any way, but was a petition to have charges brought against Hamilton Ryder on six different civil violations that were very remotely related to the situation. In one of them, Seymour was actually charging Hamilton Ryder with prostitution. He was claiming that Hamilton forced Marsha to trade sex for room and board for herself and the girls. It was another long shot, which he had absolutely no chance of winning, but that would get a lot of saucy publicity.

There were still a few holes that needed to be plugged including at least one example of proof of any clandestine relationship between the two of them. I hoped that this one would be taken care of this weekend.

Marsha was surprised to see me when I came home for lunch later. I wanted to be there when the mail was delivered. She seemed happy for the company, and made us some grilled cheese sandwiches. I tried my best to make polite conversation until the mail came.

She noticed the Priority Package and commented on it. I told her it was a removable hard drive that I had ordered to back up the computers. She accepted the answer and I left smiling. For the next hour, I carefully read all of the installation and operating instructions for my new GPS tracker. It was going to be fun. I planned it that way.

That evening, while Marsha was cleaning up the supper dishes, I installed the new tracking device in her car. It was easier than I had anticipated. I had already installed the monitoring unit in my car earlier.

I was looking forward to the weekend. If everything went as planned, I would be able to attend my travel show in Philly with no problem.

Brandy and Brenda were watching Shrek for the tenth time and Marsha was halfway through the latest Danielle Steele novel. I just sat and wondered what might have been if the situation had been a little different. I thought that I had what most men wanted and then I discovered that it was all a farce. It was like a cruel joke and I was the punchline. I would have been happy with the situation the way that it was, but that never would have happened under normal circumstances. Marsha was not the wife who I always dreamed of having. She put out some bait and I grabbed it because I wanted it.

It hurt knowing that she didn't want me. She wanted what I could do for her. I still was not able to figure out exactly what that was. Hamilton Ryder could have just put Marsha and the girls up in an apartment or condo someplace. Why did the two of them feel that it was necessary to use me, in this elaborate scheme?

I imagined that she had some feelings for me, but if that was so, she would have realized how much I would have been hurt when the truth came out. She didn't care. It became apparent that I was disposable. The more that I thought about it, the madder I became. I excused myself, claiming to have a headache and went to bed early. I was still awake when Marsha slid in beside me, but I didn't let her know that.

The next morning I spent most of my time in Seymour's office. He had let his girl have the day off. I spent an hour making copies of the papers that Seymour had drawn up on the computer and two more hours collating and putting them into mailing envelopes. Seymour had made shipping labels to all of the local newspapers and television stations and several of the national ones. It was all pure crap. I knew it and Seymour knew it, but the media would eat it up; we hoped. He also made labels for all the state legislators and for everyone in Hamilton's family and the Wilcox family that we could get addresses for. I was expecting to get sued and I didn't care.

I was anticipating the evening trip, even though it was no longer necessary. I was going to go ahead with the dastardly plan no matter what happened tonight. It was more for my self-satisfaction than anything else.

The GPS tracker was nice because it took a lot of pressure off the one doing the tracking. I used the drive up to the coal regions as a test run. I knew approximately where Marsha was going, which made it easier. I was expecting her to go to Mount Caramel, but she never did. She parked at a shotgun house in the middle of Frackville and let the girls out of the car. A lady that looked as if she was Marsha's sister came out of the house to greet them. It was like old home week. It was 'hello' and 'goodbye' all within five minutes.

An hour later, Marsha got off of the Interstate near Pocono Pines. The GPS took me to the Pocono New Moon Cabins. The actually cabins were not as I expected. All of them looked as if they should be on an Aspen Ski slope, not tucked away in the Pennsylvania woods.

Marsha drove right past the office and went to the largest cabin at the end of the road. I was close behind, but instead of following her, I stopped at the front office. The desk clerk was quite accommodating even though there were no vacancies for the night. I picked up a few brochures and indicated that I would like to look around the grounds a little bit before leaving. He smiled and thanked me for stopping in.

I casually walked down by the small lake that was in the center of the compound. Marsha was still sitting in her car. It looked as if she was on her cell phone. I got comfortable on one of the lake side benches and wished that I hadn't left my jacket in the car.

About twenty minutes, later, a black Mercedes Benz pulled alongside Marsha's car. Hamilton Ryder and my wife got out of their cars at the same time. There was a quick peck of a kiss, like a married couple would do, and then they both went into the cabin.

My questions were mostly answered. There was no longer any doubt about what was going on. I still didn't know why, but I knew what. On the way back to the office, I passed by their cars. Marsha had a small travel bag on the back seat. I contemplated taking it with me, but changed my mind at the last minute.

About half way home, my cell phone rang. It was my wife. I didn't answer and she chose not to leave a message. I assumed that she was just calling to let me know that everything was okay. I didn't care.

Saturday morning came and I was on the Schuylkill Expressway going to the National Travel Expo show. I had an idea in mind and it involved cruise ships. Almost all of the vendors at this show were directly interested in people who wanted to be connected in some manner to the travel world. Some were selling franchises and computer programs. A few of them were trying to recruit people. They were my target.

I was able to sit with employment representatives from three different cruise lines. Only one of them expressed any interest at all in a licensed certified fire alarm systems inspector. Two of them insisted on a Merchant Marine Certification; something that I hadn't anticipated. The third line, Mediterranean Holiday Lines, was only slightly interested until I mentioned that I was an accomplished ballroom dancer. For some reason, they seemed to think that was more important than my fire inspection qualifications.

I left the travel show a little dejected. I was hoping for a better response than I actually got. I didn't plan too well and the results proved it. At home that evening, I got a surprise telephone call from Brandy and Brenda. Of course I didn't get to talk with Marsha, but the conversation with the girls seemed real and sincere. I didn't ask them where their mother was because I didn't want to ruin the moment.

Sunday morning I got a surprise call from the rep at Mediterranean Holiday Lines. They offered me a six month contract on one of their Mediterranean Island cruise ships. Although I was not qualified as a maritime inspector, they would be able to use me as a records keeper and report generator. I wasn't sure what of all that entailed, but they seemed fairly confident that I was up for the job. The big catch was that I had to spend my evenings dancing with the guests. Hundreds of elderly, single, women took the cruises every year and they all wanted handsome, charming men as dance partners. I never considered myself as handsome and charming, but hell, I was willing to give it a try. I was expected to bring a formal black tux and a white tux jacket with me.

I accepted and within the hour they e-mailed an employment contract for my signature. They had already scheduled a flight out of Philadelphia for me the next Friday. The tickets would be waiting at the counter. I always knew that I had that passport for some reason.

That evening, Marsha seemed to be a little quieter than usual. Normally when she came back from the visits to 'her mother' she was peppy.

Friday seemed like a long time away. I realized that I was not going to be able to fake it for that long. I decided that Tuesday morning, while the girls were in school and Marsha was at the beauty salon, would be the best time to make my move.

Monday was a quite a busy day. I took all of the prepared envelopes, from Seymour's office down to the post office. The earliest that any of them would be delivered should be Wednesday. I gave Seymour five thousand dollars to cover his fees and expenses. After giving my notice at work, I spent the rest of the morning closing accounts.

One of the local tuxedo rental shops sold used outfits. Luckily, I was able to find two that actually fit. Since I needed a place to keep my new work clothes, I ended up renting a cheap motel room for four nights.

I drove by the house as Marsha was leaving. I had no idea where she was going, but I figured that I would take advantage of the opportunity. After loading all of my things in the car, I realized that I didn't actually own much. I felt a little sad as I drove down the street for the last time. I was going to miss married life, even though it was a farce. It was a sorry situation. I felt hurt and betrayed, but not enough to blow up. The only way out for me, was to quietly disappear.

I rented a storage unit and pre-paid it for a year. Even though it was the smallest unit, the amount of stuff that I had looked pitiful.

That night, I went overboard at Taco Bell. I got all of the items on the menu that I had never tried before. I can't explain why I did it, except that I was feeling a little reckless. Of course, most of the tray went into the trash. I couldn't force myself to eat it all.

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Soft feet padded down the hallway toward where I was lying in the rec room. I heard them pause at the door. I knew that she saw me. I knew she wanted to sit by me.”Chuck?” her soft voice drifted across the room.”Yeah?””Can I talk to you?””You can come in, but you have to be quiet.”She slipped onto the sofa by my feet. She stuck out a tentative hand and started rubbing my legs. “I’m sorry Chuck,” she whispered.”Kat, I don’t want to talk about it. You hurt me really badly. Why did you say those...

2 years ago
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Quiet Streets

For some reason, you kept thinking about "The Stand." It happened so fast, after all. The news stations playing the same old, same old, totally ignoring the true disease spreading across the face of the world. Then people started dying. Everyone, died. It was fast, incredibly fast. First they were fine, then a day of the sniffles, then a incredible burning fever that literally cooked them from the inside out after only three hours. A wiseass on channel 5 started calling it the "Black Tuesday...

2 years ago
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"And stay out, you freak!" the store owner growled as he tossed Matthew out on the sidewalk. Matt got to his feet, wincing as he felt blood running down his side, staining his new shirt, a large tear in the side. Sighing heavily, he took the shirt off to find a large, jagged gash in his side. He took his ruined shirt and tied it around him to stop the bleeding. As he walked through town, people either threw stuff at him or went out of their way to avoid him. Then again, what would anyone do...

1 year ago
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Quiet Neigbour

A youngish couple moved in next door after Gregs neighbours of twenty years. They seemed quiet pleasant people but really kept them themselves to themselves. James must have worked in the city and headed off at commuter times and got back late. A neighbour said that the wife Carla ram some sort of arts business, Greg rarely saw her and whe dressed in what he described new age hippy style. Flowing to the floor long skirts and big baggy tops and long tied back or up hair and little make up from...

4 years ago
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Lessons Of Kota 8211 Part 6 Case Resolved

Thanks, everyone for reading my previous stories. This part is the third installment of the series which depicts what happened after a few meetings and my fuck up. Happy and horny reading Well, I patiently waited for Prashant and called him next week. I asked him when is he coming back and he said tomorrow. Then I fixed him for a drink and after some negotiation, he accepted. But said that I have to pay and I readily agreed. He came. I confirmed that he came. I asked him to come to the bar in...

3 years ago
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Torment Resolved

Chapter One They'd been tormenting me for some months now, since they left school to be precise. They were my daughter's small group of friends. I had watched most of them grow up for the ten years we'd been living in our present house. All, but Claire, had spent many hours in and around my house over that decade. Since leaving school, however, they'd spent nearly everyday here. The main reason being the glorious summer we were having. No doubt our large garden and swimming pool helped....

2 years ago
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Conflict Resolved

My intention was to surprise her by coming home early and taking her out to dinner and a show. I parked on the street and walked around to the back house quietly in order to sneak up on her so that it would be a complete surprise. I was the one who got surprised. As I peeked in the sliding glass patio door, there was Susan completely naked kneeling on the family room carpet in front of Steve. Steve was the young single guy who had moved in next door to us last month. At the moment I looked...

1 year ago
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A Girl Called LenChapter 5 A question resolved

Five months later Jennifer delivered a baby girl. There were no problems with the birth, Jenny was of country stock, wide-hipped and healthy. It was a matter of routine in those days to determine the blood group of the child immediately on birth, just in case any problems required a transfusion, and of course the mother's group was already on record. Jennifer's blood was A, and the child's was AB, my blood is type O, so according to Doc. Jones, it was impossible for me to be the father!...

2 years ago
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Quiet Song

‘Baby! What are you trying to do to me? The guys are outside waiting! Jude will soon come in to see what I’ve got up to!’ the man groaned. ‘So? He’ll see that you’re with your wife, Mason!’ ‘I know, baby. But he might want what I have, and you know that I don’t like to share,’ the man wheedled. His wife laughed mirthlessly. She had heard this kind of thing many times before, just before her husband left her on her own for the day to be with his friends. She knew that some of these friends...

4 years ago
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She stands alone in the quiet room. Blindfolded, she is unaware of what is in the room with her, though she knows that he will be there soon. That knowledge both excites and frightens her. While she knows the fear comes from the uncertainty, from not knowing what to expect from him, she is excited by the mystery and anticipation. Since she cannot see, she cannot easily judge time, yet it doesn’t feel that it has been long before she hears the door open behind her. ‘He must be barefoot,’ she...

2 years ago
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Quiet Sonata

A Quiet Motion: The First Act  In the beginning, she was naturally apprehensive and cautious. It was not her nature, but she had heard all those stories evolving from the computer venue, some merely mythical, others based in sad and frightening realities. The tales of abuse, misrepresentation, disappointment that seemed to contradict the many advertisements and polished representations offered by the many services seeking, primarily, a path into one’s financial resources and not the actual...

3 years ago
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Quiet Plea

I was working in my back yard doing some of the gardening that I had put off for too long when I heard a quiet “help!” I looked over my neighbor’s fence and didn’t see anyone. Again, I heard another quiet, “help!” My neighbors had a small shed that they used as a “She Shed” (basically a woman’s answer to a Man Cave). From there I once again heard the plea. I went to an adjoining gate between our property and opened the gate. As I approached the shed I noticed that the door was slightly ajar. I...

2 years ago
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Quiet time in the mountains

Last week I decided I had to get away from home for a few hours and headed off to the mountains. There was a place that I knew I could go to and no one would bother me or come around. Little did I know at the time that I would have a very pleasant interruption. I found my spot and parked the truck, unzipped my fly and was using my 6” vibrator, that I refer to as “my buzzer”, on my cock. It was really feeling good and I was hard as a rock. After several minutes I had to stop because I wanted to...

3 years ago
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Quiet Time

I'm just getting out of the shower and have wrapped a towel around me when she comes in after afternoon classes. I can tell from her expression that it's been as long a day for her as it has for me already.She sees me and her face brightens. "Hi sweetie!" she greets me in her usual chipper tone.We kiss hello. I can't begin to explain how I've been waiting for that."Water's still hot if you don't take too long. I'll be waiting for you after." I tell her with a wink.She puts her things away...

3 years ago
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Quiet Weekend

This past week was not good. My wife spent three days in the hospital because of her diabetes. Seems that for some reason, she couldn’t control it. She went, what they call brittle. Normally, she was always in control and even if it went low, she would know, and we gave her sugar.They couldn’t figure out why she suddenly went brittle, but her sugar doc, as we like to call her endocrinologist, adjusted her injections and changed one of her insulins and that seemed to bring her back.We were...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Quiet Farmer

Genna turned into the arm entrance, as she drove between the fields she womdered what she had done to deserve this job. She was surprised at how far she had to go to get to the farm house, a young girl pointed her towards the kitchen. "Craig will be here shortly" said the young house keepper as she entered the huge kitchen, the old house hid a modern intereior. Genna recognised the "Smallbone Kitchen", there must be over a £100000.00 of kitchen fittings and she was realy taken aback as she...

2 years ago
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Quiet Weekend Part 2

I don't know how long I was lying there. The stars were fascinating. When I came back down to earth I got up and started to go to the girl's cabin.I had my hand on the knob but then thought, I promised her she could have her time and I have no right to interfere.  I went to the bar.I woke up to my back being scratched. Only one person I know can do it the way I like. I lifted my head and turned it only to have my lips engaged buy another pair.“Well good morning tiger. it's not a good thing to...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Quiet Little Place

My name is Sammy, and I work at this quiet little hotel right on the beach in a south coast resort. My work was varied and mostly enjoyable. At this minute I am picking up our latest guest from the train station in our very own mini bus. Being young, just twenty-five, I interested in all the young females that stay with us. Out of our new guests, there was only two or perhaps three, a newly wed couple on their honeymoon and the daughter of a mid thirties couple; her mum making up the third...

1 year ago
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Quiet Streets

For some reason, you kept thinking about "The Stand." It happened so fast, after all. The news stations playing the same old, same old, totally ignoring the true disease spreading across the face of the world. Then people started dying. Everyone, died. It was fast, incredibly fast. First they were fine, then a day of the sniffles, then a incredible burning fever that literally cooked them from the inside out after only three hours. A wiseass on channel 5 started calling it the "Black Tuesday...

3 years ago
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Quiet longtime Family friend became my FWB

This is a true story. One day, I ended up fucking a woman who was a Sister to me. We lived in the Midwest and we had about 5 families that grew up together. Our parents became friends with the parents of the other families due to work, and living in similar neighborhoods. It started when I was about 8 years old. Each family would have the other 4 over for special occasions like Easter, Christmas, and New Year’s. The Parents would get together downstairs, play cards, drink, and smoke. Us k**s...

4 years ago
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Quiet Day In

Day 1 IT was the first day of the school holidays. Gemma yawned and turned over in her bed. She'd been going out with Tom for four weeks now, and last night they'd had sex for the first time. Gemma had lost her virginity a couple of months earlier on holiday in Spain, and last night had been the third time she'd had sex. And it had been the third time it hadn't lasted very long. Tom had only lasted about five minutes before shooting his load into her. She wondered how long it would be...

4 years ago
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Quiet Room

"She told me she thought you could help me! She said there'd been some no-shows! She took my name!" The receptionist had brought her down to the end of the check-in counter, away from the guests with actual reservations. Jane was trying not to make a scene, but her patience was all in tatters and she needed this bland clerk to accept some responsibility. The young man nodded respectfully. "As I explained, when a party doesn't claim their room before 11:30, the room becomes available to...

3 years ago
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Quiet Desperation

Chapter 1 Paul was, superficially at least, a happy, reasonably successful man, with a pretty, buxom wife named Michelle, and 2 children- a son and an infant daughter. He was not, however, as happy as you may expect, with his lot in life. His wife was not as bad as some, granted, in that she did want sex somewhat regularly, about once or twice a week, which was better than some men had, but she was also a loud, sarcastic busybody, who touted the "virtues" of monogamy, while hypocritically...

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Matt woke up holding his naked mother to his nude body. Looking over at his alarm clock, it was seven in the morning. His mother stirred in his arms, looking up at him reverently."Morning," he said softly, kissing her cheek, "You feel ok?""I'm just fine," she replied, smiling. She then looked down between them. "Though it looks like you need some relief.""You're sure you don't mind?" he asked, his need starting to get stronger."Not in the least," she said, kissing him. "It's been so long since...

3 years ago
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Quiet Ones

I'm not sure why she's here. Or who even invited her over. Is she even friends with anyone? She being this girl I went to school with, Illiana. I think she's my sister's friend. But, she's not home. She never is when Illiana comes over. Her and my mother are talking about some book she's reading. She has dirty blonde hair, but it's always in some pony tail or bun. She's on the shorter side, 5'3" at most. Thick in all the right places. She's kinda shy. She's only ever said,...

2 years ago
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Quiet Please

or Pushing the Librarian’s Buttons It was just the local library. Every Thursday evening I would stop in there when it was open till 8 pm. I wasn’t a member; I didn’t need to be as long as I didn’t want to take any books out. The staff were friendly enough and didn’t mind you bending the rules and bringing in coffee to drink, I often bought a couple of extra ones for them as well. So after work each Thursday evening I would pick up my coffee and walk into the library just after 6 pm. I’d browse...

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Quiet Contemplation

It began, as far as you can tell, that morning. You awake to the sound of thunder and the pouring of rain outside your little apartment. The floods in the street would hamper any attempts at moving through the neighborhood without a motor vehicle and, unfortunately for you, that was exactly what you lacked. "Well John," you say to yourself as you climb out of bed and approach the shower. "It's not like you haven't done this before." And it was true. Walking had been your major form of...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Quiet Seduction

I loosened my tie, undid the top button of my shirt, and opened my trousers. I could feel my throbbing cock straining to be released from my underwear, even as she moved her body back and forth across me, barely touching. Again, she reached back, this time she rubbed against the cottony grain of my underwear. She carefully ran her fingers against the hardening silhouette, slowly, probingly at first. One finger, then two. Then she used her entire hand, back and forth, still slowly, but with more...

2 years ago
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Quiet Night Out FANTASY

It was mine and my wife’s first night out in 3 months since I was last back. We went out on our own since we thought we needed some quality time together.We had been arguing a lot the last time, but we both said we would change and this would be our fresh start...We just headed in to the town and got a little bite to eat before we started drinking. We went to the amber regent because we really liked it the last time. I hadn't seen what she was wearing before we went out because she had put her...

1 year ago
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Quiet Desperation

Note : This story is completely fictional! Paul was, superficially at least, a happy, reasonably successful man, with a pretty, buxom wife named Michelle, and 2 children- a son and an infant daughter. He was not, however, as happy as you may expect, with his lot in life. His wife was not as bad as some, granted, in that she did want sex somewhat regularly, about once or twice a week, which was better than some men had, but she was also a loud, sarcastic busybody, who touted the "virtues" of...

3 years ago
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Quietly and Completely

Quietly and completely No one will believe me when I say this, but ... it wasn't my idea. It all started in my first year at university. I was a young man, going out into the world for the first time, anxious to prove myself and get a degree. I had a tiny basement suite near the campus, with a bed, a table, a small kitchen, and maybe just enough room to take a deep breath in, if you were careful. It was still early in the school year when the first change hit. One day, I...

4 years ago
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Quietly Having Sex In The Library

My name is Will, and I’m twenty-two. I have brown hair, and I’m six foot. My girlfriend, Sharon, and I are students in college. She is twenty-two as well. We both agree that college totally sucks. We both study every single day and feel like we have absolutely no social life, none whatsoever. We often studied in the library, for research papers, and various other things. Anyway, there was almost never more than twenty people in there at a time. We guessed it was because of absolute silence...

3 years ago
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Bengaluru Diaries Part 8211 6

Hello, lovely people of ISS who read and give wonderful feedback. My name is Kishan and I’m from Bengaluru. This is my story which happened in college. All the characters are real. This is a continuation of my series of stories which happened in Bengaluru when I was in college. After I joined the college in Bengaluru I was alone for few months as I didn’t have any friends. By the end of my 1st year of college, I met this nice girl who later went on to introduce me to many more girls from her pg...

2 years ago
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 46 Darkness Before Dawn

New York City at night is really a nice sight. The lights, the life of the city, the hum of its people coming and going, I couldn't think of anywhere better. Home, of course, was better. Getting home and having my whole family together was my next goal. It was simple, very realistic and so much needed. However, the city that never sleeps was waking up from a nap. As it were. People were out on the streets. They talked. They cried and questioned. The topic of conversation: What was Master...

3 years ago
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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 21

Keith and Maddie were awake before 8:00 in the morning. It was only an hour time change, but they had slept little the night before. Unfortunately, their stay in the luxury hotel was to be short. Keith called the driver and gave instructions. “We’ll be ready to depart at 9:30. We need a store that sells mountain gear and cold weather clothing. Can you be ready?” He waited while the driver gave him instructions and then hung up. “Cold weather clothes and mountain gear?” Maddie asked. “Adana...

2 years ago
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The Highschooler chapter 4

“How the Hell did you get here? My parents will...” I started to say hush like then she kissed me putting her tongue in my mouth, we kissed passionately for several seconds almost a minute, then she answered my question, “I'm a very active girl I climbed the side of your house, and heard the shower and thought that I would join you. As for your mom she will be no problem I'll go back out the window, and I assume your dad is gone as there is no car except yours in the drive way,” she...

2 years ago
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Promotion And The Sequence Of Events

I came home, feeling delightful for which I have been promoted to Project Manager. As I was glad inside, I wanted to save few moments that night for myself to enjoy. With just an experience of 8 years I have been promoted to PM level. That’s great, I thought, let me celebrate. Being an Indian and now 29 years old women, I have never lost my two key features, my extremely soft skin with yellowish colour and dimples on both cheeks. To add to that, I have curly jet black hairs with supportive big...

2 years ago
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I (like a lot of us on here) "have a bucket list". One of the things on my list was to visit a Gay sauna, well 3 years ago I got to do just that! I visited a sauna/complex in Northwich, it was a large building (an old warehouse type building). I arrived at 2 pm and parked my car in a very full car park (there must have been at least 40 cars there, so I realised there was going to be a lot of guys there. I felt nervous but extremely excited as I entered through the front door. I went to the...

1 year ago
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Wizzard Run

This was another contest I entered before I took a break fort the holidays. As usual it wasn’t as well received as I thought it might be. The theme was, in the face of adversity. I let out a sigh what in the hell was I going to do? It was going on four weeks now with nothing new happening. If something didn’t happen soon I was a dead duck for sure. Hello, I am Ty Donald, I am what you might consider a mage, though many would probably call me a wizard. What’s the difference? Hell, I hadn’t...

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Heads turned and conversations everywhere trailed off into silence when Yelena Markov walked into the Exchange, but she was used to that by now. She wasn’t exactly sure when it had started happening, maybe it was after word had gotten around about what she’d pulled off at the Guggenheim, or the day after CNN had broken the story about the Gardner Museum theft. She remembered the day she noticed, though. The first day that she realized that the best thieves in the world (because to even know...

3 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 14

“Those are the main points that Maribel and I discussed, Kevin, and here are your copies of my replies to the questions that her committee sent you over the past year or so,” I said. “Maribel said that for the next year or two, she will have future questions routed to you, and will expect me to reply through you. That will change once I have a Twixt System in place. Maribel and I did this first set of responses to her questions this way, so we could work out any problems between the two of...

2 years ago
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The Ass Deserves Worship

I come over to your place to pick you up to take you out as we had planned. But as I get to your door and knock, I get a strange but good feeling. It wasn’t until you opened the door that my feeling was right. As you opened the door I gasped is surprise in the way you were dressed and knew at that moment that we were not going out. Wow you looked great in the sheer almost clear lingerie. Wow you looked stunning standing there, like and angel. I was stunned and didn’t know what to say. After a...

4 years ago
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Bellaire BellesChapter 20

Ashley's eyes widened. "Oh my God," she whispered. Tears were running down her cheeks. I pulled a small box out of my pocket and opened it. I dropped to one knee and presented her the box. "Ashley, would you do me the greatest honor of my life and join me in marriage?" I pulled the ring out of the box and started putting it on her finger as tears streamed down her face. She started nodding furiously. "Yes! Yes! Yes, I will marry you!" cried Ashley. She looked at the ring on her...

1 year ago
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The Midnight Train

A couple separated in a night train by circumstances...what next? We were returning to India after our weeklong gateway to paradise Island in Thailand. We went on this special trip to reconnect with each other, though we hardly had any special connection previously and I doubt we are going to have one now. Me and Prashant, both of us were brought up in traditional Indian families and we hardly had any sexual experience prior to our marriage except for porn. It was a typical Indian arranged...

3 years ago
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This is by far a more appropriate name for a story I’ve already written some time back. Many of the stories I’ve written have all been destroyed and lost forever:: But one can’t cry about water under the bridge you must move on. So I’m rewriting stories and truly under probably different headings as this one is itself:: Some of you who are here to read this story, need to know that trying this as a pure amateur will net you...

4 years ago
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Ali my Big Old Black StudChapter 10 My Fourth Meeting With Ali 3

Sunday the 25 of February 8:10 AM I woke up between Hassan and Achmeed they were still sleeping. I simply had to go to the bathroom; I left the bed quietly and closed the bathroom door after me. After having done what I needed, I washed up a bit and then I heard the door. It was Hassan, he put his finger on his lips and whispered: "Achmeed is still sleeping, let's not wake him up yet! Hassan grabbed my breasts from behind, I could feel his hard cock against my back, I turned my head...

4 years ago
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Matched PairsChapter 4

Whether caught by hook or crook, the fish dinner that night was excellent. They grilled them over the charcoal fire, along with some red potatoes on skewers. They bought some white wine for the women, as well, during the same trip to replenish their beer supplies. After they finished eating Fred and Charlie gathered firewood as the sunlight slowly faded. Maggie and Pat did the dishes in the cabin. "The fish tasted good tonight," Pat said. "You know what, Pat?" Maggie ventured. "I'm...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 2 Monday August 2 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010 Kate’s eyes widened. “Really? What?” “There’s some good news and some bad news. Let’s go someplace where we can get some privacy.” Jan took Kate’s hand and lead her out of the kitchen. “Boris, would you come and deliver the news?” “Yes, ma’am,” he said and followed. Jan, Kate and Boris sat at one end of the dining room table. Jake, who had been out of the loop when it came to Kate’s treatment for two weeks, decided he needed to get a feel for how things had...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Shay Evans Busty Latina

Enhanced Latina babe Shay Evans and her boyfriend Alex Legend are on a mission to clean up Shay’s apartment, but Alex can’t keep his eyes off of Shay’s ass and big boobs. Shay knows Alex is watching, so she plays up the way her tits shake in her tank top without a bra to constrain them. When she finally catches Alex staring, she gives up the pretense of cleaning and goes in for a dick grab and a kiss. Carrying Shay to the couch, Alex slides his hand beneath her shirt to rub...

3 years ago
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BurrChapter 49 Saying Goodbye

Having sex together didn't change us, not really. Meeting at lunchtime was still the highlight of our day, until she came through my back door each evening and we were together again. Nothing changed, not the way we looked at each other and not the way we felt. Nothing changed. Becky was still possessive. She asked my opinion about everything and offered her own without my asking for it. Our sex improved but everything else remained the same, the way her hand sought mine in the dark, the...

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