Max to Maxie Chapter 4 Project Fred
- 2 years ago
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I parked my old Ford Ranger pick up truck in the North Carolina Baptist Hospital furthermost guest parking lot. From the seat I removed the cardboard coffee holder and the paper bag. I sat there parked between two work trucks to eat my animal fat on a biscuit. I also contemplated what had brought me to that place at that time. It was a chore I dreaded even though it marked the end of a twenty year wait. Nothing really concerned me about the visit except how I might react. I had some unfortunate violent reactions in my past. I just never knew what might trigger one. Once the cold food and hot coffee were consumed I considered some practical issues.
The distance from my old truck to the entrance would have been daunting for a man half my age. Fortunately the greater part of my almost fifty two years had been spent in the military, otherwise I might never have been able to make that walk. Since I am basically a ‘lazy as dirt’ individual, I can make that statement with confidence.
For proof I needed only weigh myself. I have gained five pounds during the three months of my retirement. I had spent that time eating my way across the United States. From Travis Air Force Base to West Jefferson North Carolina it had been one beer and high calorie meal after another. I recognized my short comings without offering any apology for them.
My jobs in the United States Air Force had all been mostly with force security, or the training of new airmen. Even after I had attained the rank of Master Sergeant, it required me to stay physically active. I wasn’t required to run with the recruits, but I always did. “Never ask a man to do anything you wont do yourself” was an unwritten law of the training cadre. That being said, I did my last five mile run on the day that I walked my papers through the retirement center. By the end of that one single day, I was a civilian after thirty two years of service. I was also fifty one years and a few months old.
I eventually returned home, since I had nowhere else to go. Home was a deserted homestead outside the deserted North Carolina Mountain community of Bear Creek. Bear Creek no longer had the small general store, or the FCX farm supply store of my youth. The remains of the buildings were more or less standing, but completely rundown. There still was a post office zip code for the town, but no real town left.
When I first arrived at the crossroads, I found huge weeds growing inside both of the wooden buildings. Even so I parked the truck and carefully examined the condition of the buildings. After a few minutes I left the abandoned buildings of Bear Creek. I pulled the Ford from the overgrown parking lot onto a bad county road. Then I pulled from it onto the worse gravel road, and finally I pulling onto a not at all maintained dirt drive leading to what should have been our old farmhouse.
Since my Military specialty had been force protection, I had lived in some pretty crappy places over the years. I knew that I could work something out it even though the homestead was nothing more than weeds, and a pile of burned out lumber. It had been abandoned most of the twenty one years my brother had been missing. My parents just gave up when the light of there life either ran off or died.
I had come home a few years after his disappearance to bury my dad. He had spent his last few years in an assisted living facility. I have to admit I lacked the courage to visit him there. Even then I knew the home place was worthless. It had been empty since our mother had pass several years before. At the end of that trip, I removed the front and rear doors from the old place, then just walked away. I expected that it was too far from anything for anyone to want to live there, even rent free.
The county Sheriff tracked me down after three more years passed. He left a message on my phone. It was to tell me the house had burned to the ground mysteriously. He suggested I return home and clear the lot. I completely ignored his advice.
“It’s not on any main road, so it wont attract any vagrants. I think I’ll risk the lawsuit for any personal injury,” I said out loud to myself. I never looked back except for once on my way to a Florida, for a temporary assignment. On that one trip by truck, I did return to the home place. The very first thing I did on that trip, even before I put up the no trespassing sign, was to kick the one standing wall down. That wall had once held up the corner of the building. It was also possible that the fallen roof held it up. When I left that day, it was no longer standing.
I did not return again until it was all over. It was however my plan all along to return there to live. I decided that for sure after a visit to my ex wife. The decision to move to the homestead was so that I could forget her and her new family. I just wanted to be alone for a while.
Since I had paid the two hundred bucks and change to the county tax office every year, it was mine free and clear. I never did ask for a new evaluation of the place, even though I could have. It was worth nothing at all in my opinion, but I knew the tax department didn’t want to hear that.
On the night before my visit to the hospital parking lot I had check into the West Jefferson flea bag motel. It was left over from the 1950s at least. After I checked in I drove to a very distant cousin’s house. “Hello, are you Alice Martin?” I asked of the older lady who greeted me.
“I used to be,” she replied. “and who are you?”
“I’m still Andy Martin, John and Inez’s youngest.” I replied.
Then we went through the I remember your family period of catching up. There were a few cousins still living in he area, she informed me. Then she filled me in on each of them and the locations of their house trailers.
“Did the Sheriff ever get in touch with you?” she finally asked.
“Not recently did something new happen?” I asked.
“Yes somebody found your brother Fred’s remains. The Sheriff was trying to find you to make a notification. You need to call him,” she said.
The call to the Sheriff led to a second call to the anthropology department at Wake Forest University. That call led to a visit to the North Carolina Baptist Hospital the next morning. After I made the long walk from my parking space to the front door, I found my way to the hospitals anthropology lab. There I met with Doctor Sharon Tate for the first time.
“I’m sorry about your Brother,” she said. “I was team leader for the group who disinterred his remains,” she informed me.
“And you are sure it is my brother?” I asked.
“Yes, he was a familial match with a sample in the national DNA data base. As a matter of fact it was a match with you. They tried to make a notification, but you couldn’t be found. Now I know why you were in the process of retiring and your records were in limbo no doubt. Your only forwarding address was a post office in Ashe County. Unfortunately the Sheriff there couldn’t find you either.”
“Okay, I’m sorry things are still up in the air now. I’m living in a flea bag motel till I get my family’s homestead re established. So what can you tell me about Fred’s corpse?” I asked. I forced myself to be professional about it. I had done my walk down memory lane during my drive down to Winston Salem that very morning.
“I am sure he was the victim of a homicide. I can’t know the circumstances of course, but he had significant stab mark on his sternum and two ribs. After all this time there was no other evidence at the scene,” she said.
“Do you have any idea who did the original missing persons investigation?” I asked.
“No, but the park rangers have the case under review now. A Captain Brown is doing the review before it gets closed,” she said.
“Review or investigation?” I asked.
“Aren’t they the same?” she asked me.
“Not exactly,” I replied. “One you try to figure it all out. The other you try to make sure no one can accuse you of screwing it up.”
“I wouldn’t know about that kind of thing,” she replied.
“I guess not,” I agreed.
“Would you like to review my complete file?” she asked.
“Of course,” I replied.
“Badly enough to buy me lunch?” she asked.
“Well that depends on the price of lunch, and the amount and quality of the information,” I said with good humor.
“Okay, it’s probably worth a pizza lunch,” she said.
“Fair enough, I like pizza,” I advised her.
“I never met a man who didn’t love pizza and nachos.” she said.
“Well maybe not served together,” I agreed again with what passed for a smile.
“So what did you do in the Air Force?” The not very attractive anthropologist asked.
“A little of this and a little of that. Mostly air police the first twenty five years,” I answered.
“So you guarded the gates and airplanes?” she asked.
“We call that force protection, but yes I did a lot of that,” I replied.
“Did you ever get to the middle east,” she asked. I decided she was a very blunt woman but harmless. She was however severely lacking in the social graces, I decided
“Yes, but I don’t talk much about it when I’m sober,” I replied.
“So what about the last five years?” she asked.
“This and that,” I replied.
“What is that supposed to mean?” she asked bluntly.
“I spend some time in CID, then I did a transfer into training command to pad my pension,” I explained.
“Huh?” she asked simply.
“There were no new Master sergeants being made in the air police sector, but there were slots in the training command. So I spit shined my shoes and joined them,” I explained.
“It’s just a coincidence that we found your brother around the time you came home?” she asked.
“Well I didn’t plan it that way,” I said.
“So what now? I mean, do you want us to Fed Ex his bones to you?” she asked as bluntly as ever.
“What are my choices?” I asked.
“You could donate the bones to the school’s archeology department. With a stipulation that the bones be available to you for viewing,” she commented.
“I expect you have learned all there is to learn from Fred’s skeleton,” I commented.
“We still don’t know who killed him,” she said. “We probably never will know since it’s not something we normally concern ourselves with.”
“That’s true, I suppose. I feel I owe it to him to look into it though,” I admitted. “You can store the bones here. It is no longer Fred.”
“I’ve been thinking about that since your called, even before I met you and found out who you were. I have an idea floating around in my head,” she informed me.
“Does your plan include a home cooked meal?” I asked.
“If you cook it, I’ll bring the wine,” she responded. “Absent that I was thinking of writing a screenplay.”
“Why a screenplay?” I asked.
“When I was between digs a couple of years ago, I actually wrote one. It went on cable TV,” she informed me.
“I cant see a movie in this at all. What would it be about?” I asked.
“About three hours, or maybe thirteen hours as a series,” she said with a smile.
“Aside from the smart ass comments, what would you base it on?” I asked.
“Why our search for your brother’s murderer,” she said. “We could get a ‘made for TV’ movie from that story if we are successful, if not a documentary. You know a do it yourself guide to a cold case investigation.”
“It sounds interesting, but I’m going to be working on my homestead. I might look into Fred’s death, if I have time,” I explained.
“Sure I get it. Why don’t you take a look at my report on your brother, then we can decide on our next move,” Doctor Tate suggested. She just wasn’t going to go quietly into that long night.
“I guess I wasn’t clear enough. There is no we. There is me, an out of work pensioner, and you an under employed anthropologist,” I said with a dark edge to my explanation.
“If I were a less professional, and a less confident woman, I might consider sleeping with you,” she said.
“Please don’t,” I was pretty sure I meant it. Tate was about thirty pounds over weight with damp stringy blond hair. She also wore no make up so her face was washed out.
“So how about we go back to my place and discuss what I know about your brother. Then you can tell me me what I don’t know,” she demanded.
“I have things I need to do,” I suggested.
“Sure you have to get back to your fleabag motel with it’s plumbers, drug dealers, and whores,” she said. “Spend a couple of hours with me. The fleabag will be there when we finish our chat.”
“I think it is a waste of time, but I’ll give you two hours,” I agreed. I admit I didn’t think much of her plan, but she did seem harmless. After I finished the work on the homestead life was going to be boring as hell. I would need things to occupy me. Besides when you get down to basics a woman is still a woman. She also seemed pleasant enough.
Before I began to spill my guts, we drove to her apartment. I insisted that we each drive our own car so that I could leave at anytime. I wanted to be able to drive back to my motel before it got too late. I explained to her that I had a big day starting when when the sun came up the next morning. It was a lie but she didn’t need to know that.
Once I got to Sharon’s apartment, she wasted no time. “So what was it like growing up on a mountain farm in the seventies?” she asked.
“Believe it or not, I’ve thought a lot about that lately. We were poor, but not on welfare. My dad did all kinds of things to keep us off of welfare. Welfare separated the rural classes back then,” I explained. “You weren’t really poor unless you were on welfare.”
“What kinds of things did he do?” she asked.
“When I was small, I mostly remember him being gone at night. He worked with a friend catching chickens,” I stated flatly.
“What the hell does a chicken catcher do?” she asked.
“They go into commercial chicken houses to capture sleeping chickens. Then they load them into a truck to head out for processing. When the houses are empty the farmers clean them, then it starts all over. The chicken distributor delivers more chicks, the farmers feeds and waters them for about six weeks,” I explained.
“And your dad made a living doing that?” she asked.
“No, but it was a part time job that was available year round. When the leaves were on the trees in the summer, he and his friend made liquor. He and his friend did that every year. It helped get us through the winter. Actually mom filled an out building with food she canned in the summer. That food mostly came from her little garden. Some things were also bought from the store when they ran sales. She stored them to get us through the winter. The liquor money and the chicken catching managed to keep us fed. There was also enough money for me and Fred to get a new pair of jeans each for school.
Fred was ten years older, so he was in school before I was old enough to remember him much. Since he won a full scholarship to Appalachian State University, he was obviously smart as hell, and a hard worker. It was a huge deal in the small community where we lived,” I explained.
“How did that make you feel?” she asked.
“I was jealous of course, but I found out quickly I didn’t have the same brain. I couldn’t make the next leap from what was being taught, to what it all meant. So I slipped along from one thing to another like all my friends. I never really had my eye on the prize. Because of that I never knew what the prize was, or what winning it felt like. I guess that’s because I have a minimal imagination. Which, believe it or not, proved an asset later in life,” I suggested.
“How so?” Sharon asked.
“The jobs I had in the service required low tech answers to everyday problems. For those I had to think inside the box. It required I use the tools which I had, not invent new ones. That’s how I made it thirty years in the Air Force,” I explained.
“So where were you when Fred went missing?” she asked.
“When I got the news, I was twenty five and still doing my job guarding airplanes. Fred was thirty five and married with a son by that time.
He was living in Charlotte, and working for something called White Sands. He was in the military contracts department. I remember that it was all very hush, hush.
He and Juanita returned to the mountains for vacation most every year, and to show of off the baby. The year he went missing, a co worker drove up to go hiking on the Appalachian Trail with him. His wife was also from the area, so she stayed with her family in West Jefferson while the men folks were gone.
After he was missing a few days, I got the word that he and his co-worker were missing. I got the call from my mom. I couldn’t come home until he was officially declared dead. Without a body it took three years for that to happen. By that time Mom had passed and dad was in assisted living. There was nothing a twenty something year old could do,” I explained. “I guess I never got closure, so now I’m going to try to get it for us all. But I’m also realistic enough to know the odds are against me, which is why I’m going to do it in my spare time.”
“Okay, so what about you. What did you do during those thirty years?” she asked.
“I already told you,” I said.
“No you haven’t. I want more details,” Sharon demanded.
“Some night when I have more time and a lot more to drink, maybe I’ll tell you,” I explained. “Now it’s time for me to head home.”
“You don’t have to go,” she said shyly.
“I do, unless I want to drive some really tough roads at night. I also have to meet a truck on the homestead first thing in the morning.”
That statement wasn’t exactly true. I had to be on the homestead finishing the preparations for the truck, but it wasn’t bringing my new home until later in the morning after I told her. I just wanted to get away.
During the drive to the motel I began my walk down memory lane again. During my first few years away from home, I had been on the force protection details of several forward bases. Also during that time, I slept in several improvised shelters, so I had no fear of nontraditional housing. That gave me a leg up on constructing my homestead.
No one who really knew me would have been surprised by my choices. No one around the Bear Creek community knew me, so they might have been surprised to find me planning a move into a metal shipping container. I spent the next day leveling the already more or less than level lot. I also stacked some concrete blocks around so they would be close to where I needed them the next day.
I spent another sleepless night at the motel checking and rechecking the things I needed to do. The Internet was a blessing for that. Even the flea bag motel had a WIFI hot spot. I finally passed out from exhaustion.
At approximately 9AM the truck would be leaving the sales and storage lot where I had purchased the used shipping container. While it rolled toward me, I would be checking the level of the ground yet again. It was where I would be placing the dry piles of concrete blocks used as piers. I only planned a stack of two blocks on each corner and one stack of two on either side. They all had to be built as the container came off the truck. I also had some one inch oak boards to use for the finer adjustments. To my great surprise and relief everything went satisfactorily during the offloading.
When we finished, I gave the driver the check for a thousand dollars. It was the final payment of my container’s purchase price. I had rented a large house jack which made the final leveling of the container possible. It was almost dark when I finished that task all alone. Upon finishing I realized I hadn’t eaten since my breakfast at the Crossroads Diner. The diner sat at the intersection of the county road and the state road. I felt sure that I would be eating there again as darkness closed in around me.
As proof of my worker bee status, I gave thought to the next step needed to establish my box home on the family homestead, even over my country style steak. I also held a conversation with the waitress as she cleared the table.
“We seen you twice in the same day. That usually means you are visiting somebody here,” she said. I expected that she was trying to be friendly to increase her tip.
“Not really, I’m resurrecting my home place,” I said in response. “Hey. I’m in need of a carpenter. You wouldn’t know of a good one would you?”
“I can’t vouch for them, but there are a few business cards on the board at the front,” she said pointing to the front door.
I said, “Thank you.” Then I finished my pecan pie. On the way out I added two builders to my cheap cell phone’s memory.
When I returned to the motel, I called one of them. He promised to stop by the next day after he finished re-roofing a chicken house. My dad might well have caught chicken in that house, I thought. When I returned to the motel, I ordered a saw service to be installed first thing the next morning. To do that I had to stop by the office of the local electric co-op to set up an account, and leave a deposit. That I couldn’t do till the next morning so things ground to a halt for the night.
Since I had a couple of hours at least before the builder arrived at my place the next morning, I managed that chore and also had time to drive to the Home Depot. It was tight since it was located just off interstate highway forty in Hickory. I bought a bunch of 2x6 boards to use in configuring a floor support system for the storage building. I also got some hurricane anchors and cable. I figured to tie the structure down, just in case.
The builder who showed up for the job in the afternoon was a black man. Since I had been raised in the area, I was only mildly surprised. He had obviously come from a job site. He was wearing dusty overall, but that didn’t bother me any.
“So what do I call you?” I asked the man who out weighed me by twenty or thirty pounds of muscle.
“Benjamin Dark, or Ben,” he said.
“I have a job that needs doing Just as soon as the county co-op brings in a saw service,” I said. “I plan to be the helper, so maybe I should just pay you by the hour on this part of the job.”
“Ten bucks an hour would work for me,” Ben said. “I got a saw that run on batteries and one with a cord. I could get started and put in a couple of hours this afternoon.” He was looking at the back of my truck filled with lumber.
“Why not,” I replied.
We doubled up a couple of twelve foot long 2x6s to make twelve foot long 4x6 beams for the outside of the floor joists. We made six of them, one for each end and two for each side. Since I had planned for the floor system, the corner piers were set back from the edge of the corners of the metal box. In other words we were able to run the side beams before we had to move the piers. It took us till dark that day and almost all the next day, but we were about half finished before the saw service was installed. By the end of day, the floor was completely supported by treated 2x6 floor joists. They were screwed through the metal floor in the metal containers.
Over those two days Ben had worked eleven hours. I gave him one hundred and fifty dollars. The extra I explained was for his extra hard work.
After we knocked off work that second day, I drove to the Home Depot again for some thin plywood to lay over the inside floor of the shipping container. The container was much stiffer, but also heavier after we finished with that frame. After the third day’s work Ben left at five. I swept the floor three times before I installed the vinyl squares on top of the plywood I had glued to the metal. I knew it would be easier with nothing in the way.
It would also help prevent water damage. The tiles and mastic that held them in place also created another water barrier between the tiles and the plywood. I was a little paranoid, since my dad was always facing rot issues with the house where I grew up. I was determined to eliminate that, as much as possible, In my home.
Since Ben had to take the rest of the week off, I hung around while I waited for the Coop to come bury the new power lines. A second utility truck installed a WIFI hot spot at the end of my drive. It would handle several clients I was told. I couldn’t image there ever being several families living in the area. Even so I signed up for the service.
The co-op had placed the saw service beside the house the day before. Their technician had explained that my electrician could eliminate the saw service once the lines were run from the coop. When he finished with the house I could just call for the needed inspection to go live with the power. In the meantime I had two live outside electrical plugs. Even when the electrician was finished I still had to wait for that inspection. Even so I had some power from he saw service.
Ben was due back on Monday to help me install the insulation under the floor and the insulated ceiling tiles. After that the plan was to move into the homestead. I had put off moving in so that the work on the homestead would be easier.
Over the weekend my plan was to pack up and also pick up the wall and ceiling panels. I also planned to hang the floor insulation holders under the shipping container as well. That was about the extent of my building plans for the weekend.
Even that proved to be a pain. Not the work, the timing was the problem. Dr. Sharon Tate invited herself down on Saturday to continue the in-depth interview.
“So are you glad to see me?” she asked at the motel room door.
“Sure, I’ve been working hard on the homestead. I need a break today,” I explained.
“This interview might be easier,” she said. “But I give you no guarantees.”
“That’s okay, because you are going to have to be flexible,” I said.
“Okay,” she said tossing her backpack in the corner. She removed a mini recorder from her large purse.
“Not yet, we have to go shopping for some paneling. You can help me choose,” I explained. “But feel free to bring it along. It’s a long drive to the anywhere from here.
Twenty minutes later we were entering the Home depot nearest the motel. It wasn’t near at all. I found the most economical way to do the walls would be to insulate with rolls. To use them I needed batten strips glued to the metal walls of the containers. Then cover it all with some really cheap paneling. The down side was it increased the load on the truck.
I loaded the rolls of insulation, the 1x2 batten strips, and then the cheap panels. The rolls would have been safer alone, but I managed to tie them onto the other items loaded into the truck bed. It was a precarious load, so we moved slowly.
During the drive time too the store and then to the homestead, Sharon insisted I allow her to question me. “I have no idea why I was chosen for the army ranger school. The course was a bitch. It was the exact same one used for the army rangers. I wanted to quit several times. I stayed with it, because I had a bad case of youthful stupidity,” I explained.
“Yes which leads to a false sense of invincibility,” Sharon agreed.
“Yeah, I filled some body bags with those kinds of guys. I avoided it because I was just lucky I guess,” I explained. “I did a deployment or two in some shit holes. Places where we never were, then I went to a military transport command base. I spent two year guarding cargo and MATS planes headed to forward bases. It was safe, but boring as hell. After two years I got a chance to go back to force protection on forward bases. I jumped at it.
For the next several years I went between MATS bases and forward fire bases. It was still a pretty boring assignment. It was mixed with the occasional moments of terror though. Then I transferred to CID in Texas. I worked my way up to technical sergeant there. Then they froze all promotions and I was getting short for retirement. I managed to do my last five years in a training position in Texas. I also made Master Sergeant, so my pension would be a little larger. The rest you know,” I said.
“Not really did you ever marry?” she asked.
“Once, but it didn’t take. One bad deployment, one bad PTSD bout, and she had enough,” I said.
“That is quite a biography,” Dr. Sharon said.
“Not really most of the time I was just shining shoes,” I replied. I told her about incidents that were either humorous or exciting.
We stayed at the homestead just long enough to off load, and store the insulation and supplies necessary to install it. At dinner that evening she told me all about her life as a student then as an educator. She had some hairy moments while playing field archaeologist. Mostly from run ins with the criminal elements. The out of the way places with lots of history, were also out of the way that made great smuggling trails for drug cartels according to Dr. Sharon.
“I should tell you that I have got a promise from the National Park Service. They will send us the digital files on your brother’s case,” she said.
“Good I’ll get to work on the homestead while I wait,” I said.
On Sunday morning she returned to her apartment on the campus of the University in Winston Salem. Before leaving she said, “I’ll be finishing my exhibit at the university library this week. Then I will look for a more rural apartment. One in which to write my screenplay. Someplace without so many distractions. Hey, maybe I’ll just move in with you?”
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"Are many of them still waiting?" Nate asked as he removed the small pouch of toiletries from his locker. The communal bathroom at the end of the corridor was shared by around fifty military recruits, all living on the same floor. Those assigned to the bunk right next to it often rushed in first to claim the showers before the others could. "There wasn't anyone when I came out," his bunkmate James replied, scrubbing his hair from across the room. Thank god. It was Nate's cue to head to the...
Gay MaleTed got a phone call. It was from his cousin Freda. She needed help. The furnace was on the blink, Ted felt sorry for her. Her husband was in the Navy and she was all alone."Who was that?" ask his wife."My cousin Freda, she needs help"Ted drove to his cousin's apartment and she let him in."I didn't mean to bother you Ted but I didn't know who else to call" she sighed."That's ok, I am glad to help" Ted looked at the furnace. The pilot light was out. He lit it and soon heat filled the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Ted got a phone call. It was from his cousin Freda. She needed help. The furnace was on the blink, Ted felt sorry for her. Her husband was in the Navy and she was all alone. "Who was that?" ask his wife. "My cousin Freda, she needs help" Ted drove to his cousin's apartment and she let him in. "I didn't mean to bother you Ted but I didn't know who else to call" she sighed. "That's ok, I am glad to help" Ted looked at the furnace. The pilot light was...
IncestI rose early Saturday, anxious and nervous about what the day might bring. I was still in my robe, sipping my latte on the veranda with Oscar when my cell phone 'binged', alerting me to an incoming text message. Smiling at Oscar, I said, "Oh, a text from my lunch date today." The text ready simply, 'are we still on for lunch? Alfredo'. I smiled as I realized that Alfredo was as anxious as I was. I quickly typed, 'Sure. I'm still game if you are'. Instantly, the phone 'binged' again, "Great....
CuckoldAfter my wonderful lunch and afternoon with Alfredo, we could not get enough of each other. Part of the appeal was the newness of the affair; part of it was the risk of being caught by our friends or by Alfredo's wife, Sonya; and part of the appeal was that Alfredo and I had such limited opportunities to be together we cherished each moment we did steal. When we could, we'd sneak off to Oscar's and my flat over lunch time and I would let Alfredo fuck me in our bed. I always tried to make sure...
ToysDr. Fredrik Peterson was a research scientist and a complete pervert. He would be the first to admit this. Being a fairly small man and not very attractive to women, his usual sexual experiences were limited to solo masturbation whilst watching porn movies, his favorite movies being always concerned with non-consensual sex and humiliation. For some time Peterson had been working on Subliminal Perception, the ability to control a subjects mind through invisible one frame pictures inserted into...
Chapter One He told me his story one cold Friday night at my favourite oasis, 'Charlie's Hangout.' I had noticed him a few times, but you could nowhere say he was a regular. I had noticed him because he always looked a bit gloomy, and the few times I had seen him he had finished his last beer at about quarter to twelve, and then he left. This Friday night he was there when I entered at about half past nine. Sitting at his table with his beerglass almost empty. As I passed him on my way to...
my arab wife jesmina cheating on me,with my boss alfredHai I am Baher from saudi arabia, living in los angeles iam 31 year old arab muslim guy ,its my real story, working in IT company, my wife is from saudi arabia she is 27 year old her name is jesmina bin, she is beautfull hijab wearing arab muslim girl,we married 3 year before in saudi,she not working ,she is finished college,her father run flower shop in LA ,that’s why we come in LA looking job, we have one k** 2 year old boy, i working in...
my arab wife jesmina cheating on me,with my boss alfredHai I am Baher from saudi arabia, living in los angeles iam 31 year old arab muslim guy ,its my real story, working in IT company, my wife is from saudi arabia she is 27 year old her name is jesmina bin, she is beautfull hijab wearing arab muslim girl,we married 3 year before in saudi,she not working ,she is finished college,her father run flower shop in LA ,that’s why we come in LA looking job, we have one k** 2 year old boy, i working in...
I’e been trying to set thing straight in my mind. Was it me who began the pursuit of Freddy, or the other way around. I’m not quite sure. My wife and I and met another couple Freddy and Althea at a nudist camp. We had campsites close to each other and saw quite a bit of each other (more than most people will actually see of another couple) on weekends. I’m unsure just how it all started, but I do remember seeing Freddy jogging down the path to the showers that were below our campsite. What I...
I met Freddie in the summer of 1980. San Diego was my home town, but I lived in a rural community in the Laguna Mountains, of San Diego County. I was major radio junky, and I always called into to win what ever contest was being promoted at the time. I won movie tickets, shirts, food coupons, albums, and money. But the jewel in my contest crown was Queen’s The Game Tour. The contest consisted of being the correct caller, and answering some trivia questions. The trivia questions were: 1. What is...
Dead Girls Don't Cry All Souls Day 2008 Story Contest By Maggie Finson All Souls Day kind of sneaked up on Walt Hynes. With a soft, but insistent knocking at his front door at three AM. Turning over in his bed, unhappily without a partner, Walt groaned, stared at the bedside alarm clock and winced as the knocking at the front door got not only louder, but even more demanding. "All...
Scott received a strange message from Lachlan by carrier pigeon. Lachlan explained that he was escorting hundreds of Saxons north to assist with Scott's building projects. That was not strange in an of itself, but what was strange was that the majority of the Saxons were not motivated by the former 'prisoners' but rather by a desire to escape marauding Vikings. Closer scrutiny of the dead at the battle in Galloway also showed that it was in fact a strange looking type of Norsemen that...
By anon y mouse First of all, I should tell you a little about myself. I never in my whole life imagined that I was anything but heterosexual. I was raised in a small town, I was expected to marry, have babies...yadda yadda yadda. Well, of course, I did all that...well mostly. I went to college, became a teacher, married my high school sweetheart, tried to have no avail. I wasn't fertile so Mr. High school sweetheart left me after 6 years of marriage. In the eyes of my...
*Also: These chapters do not contain any sex scenes, but are meant to introduce the characters, the setting, and the romance budding between them. This actually has a somewhat complicated plot by my standards, and there will be more erotic parts of the story in later chapters. I've gotten some hate for posting stories like these in the past because lots of people here would rather just jump right to the fucking without much character development. so if this isn't your cup of tea, leave...
Back in 1971 I,d only recently emigrated to England and was still settling in. Most of the jobs I tried weren,t very satisfying or even helped pay our bills, but I was trying hard. Wife Sarah was a very sexy a****l, but we couldn,t afford babies so it was the pill and worrying that at times she,d forget to,take it so late periods could be worrying. When she was really sexy she,d put on the tightest minidress she possessed with no bra(she has magnificent 40D cup boobs) and crotchless fishnet...
DEAD You never know when, you never know where, and you never know how. You never know when, you never know where, and you never know how, but we all will die one day, some tragically, some unexpectedly, some peacefully, some prematurely, and some expectedly. It is inevitable. These are snippets of life and of death. Read on to realize what happened to others and you may discover what may happen to you. * The Tragic Death: Jenny was a pretty blonde girl, her thoughts were like everyone...
I live on one of the many islands off the Carolinas surrounded by a long stretch of very white, sandy beach. From the middle of June to the end of September, the hundred or so homes on the island are occupied by all sorts of the vacationers or party goers. By the beginning of October, the population on the island dwindles to less than ten and soon thereafter, to just one, me, as I am the only full timer living here. My house is a weathered sprawling mix of a house. Part Colonial, part Cape...
DEAD HEROES by MAGGIE FINSON Chapter One Awakenings Taizu swam slowly to wakefulness, prodded by the coldly insistent, metallically hard voice within her head. COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS ON LINE. Her thoughts were slow, reluctant, floundering through the murky currents of a mind mired in shadowy dreams of death and pain. Fighting to flee those non-memories, her mind thrashed in terror. Uncaring, the sexless, cruelly emotionless line of glittering words caught her thrashing...
It was a bright Saterday afternoon as the sun gave a generous shine over the campus. In one of the many apartments of the campus, you blink once more with your eyes. Live has smiled upon you. Not only didn’t you pass any problems in finding this apartment, you were sharing it with the two most beautiful beings on earth. One of the girls was Carly Shay. She is the more caring girl of your roommates. Her girliness, optimism and tendency for having good moods were what you most like about her. You...
My Friend Fredia This tale comes from Larry. Larry meets an old school friend who has went through some changes in his life. Peace. Belle. Hello everyone. My name is Larry Sargento. I know you have been hearing from my sister Nicole some of the time. This time you get to hear from me. It all started about one month ago. I pulled in to the Ye Old Irish Inn's parking lot. I had to meet a crew of brewmiesters from across the state about brewing beer. It was a monthly meeting. Behind...
RoccoSiffredi! I know that you fuckers mostly want me to suggest free websites with great porn shit, but sometimes what you really need is a good premium site instead. This is why now I shall talk about a great premium porn website called Rocco Siffredi. From the very beginning, I was presently fucking surprised to see that they have a nice dark design, which is easy on the eyes if you like to browse for porn at night, just like me.But, this is still a premium site, so what I will talk about...
Top Premium Porn SitesAs with most Friday mornings, I had made an early start in order to finish up the week’s work and enjoy a worry-free weekend. Arriving in my office a few minutes before 7 a.m., I began taking advantage of the quite time to concentrate on a few pressing matters. Just as I was deep in thought, I heard what sounded very much like a young girl’s half-timid and half-joyous giggling. The how and why a teenage girl would be in our suite of offices before the start of business caused me to investigate....
FetishDana flicked her wrist, causing the sword to unfold itself just in time to parry the first attack. Tasia had leapt across the balcony, easily clearing two deck chairs in the process, and the swords scattered sparks as one blade slid off the other. “Where did you get that?” Tasia demanded. The knight was pressing hard, and if not for her recent feeding, Dana would have been easily toppled. The two of them clashed, and Dana twisted her blade, keeping them locked up. “I’m just full of...
Mindy was a high school senior at Elm Street high. She had long dark hair, tanned skin, large ample breasts and I nice round ass. As she sat there threw 2nd period history she could barley keep her eyes open. She had been partying the night before and got absolutely no sleep. As the teachers slow monotone voice rambled on and on about god knows what. She laid down her head and quickly fell asleep. Once she entered the dream world, Freddie took a moment to look the girl over. She was quite a...
Dead Ringer by Torrent In this sequel to "Jewels in Her Crown ," thedeadly dildo finally gets a workout — and a familiar blonde's gooseis cooked. -------- The card attached to the gift box was brief: "Wearit. See you at 6." Samantha Guilfoyle smiled. It was just like him, she thought. A man of fewwords. Big, strong, handsome, and with the dick of a champion bull. She wasa sucker for — and of — big dicks. She tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside, nestled in...
Lisa Bennet rode her horse smoothly and calmly across the desert sand, sleepily leaning her head against the neck of her horse. Her long, blonde hair fell to either side of her head, and her bright blue eyes could only be seen every now and then, for they were nodding off. Her average, but perfectly shaped breasts heaved slowly against her saddle, and her cowboy uniform and hat helped keep some of the heat off of her. She was a five foot four woman, and she had left her home four years ago when...
We pulled into Deadwood about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. While Sturgis wasn’t that much farther, Laurie’s hands gripping my waist was making me edgy and I knew I needed to stop and blow off some much built up steam. After we checked into the hotel, Laurie jumped in the shower and I took the opportunity to run over to the local grocery store. I strolled through the store quickly, grabbing a bottle of white zinfandel and a couple of the disposable enemas. I had plans for Laurie, even though she...
ReluctanceI was just finishing up my plans for my trip to Sturgis this year when my phone rang. I got a cocky smile across my face when I saw it was Laurie calling. When I answered her call she told me that her kids were off with their dad for two weeks and was wondering if I had any free time. I began telling her about my trip to Sturgis. “Oh, that sounds like fun, Dan, I’ve always wanted to go there,” she said with a hint of eagerness to her voice. “Would you like to come with me,” I asked. I could...
HardcoreDEADLIER THAN THE MALE Chapter One Jo felt betrayed, for she was sure she had been, by her husband of five years, whom she had loved and whom she thought had loved her. Well, maybe he did, but going to see her neighbour and best friend down theroad was a funny way of showing it. Of course she had no proof ? yet. But soonshe would. Didn't he find her attractive? Twenty-seven, raven hair, 5 feet ten inches,great body, slim and athletic, and, she thought a pleasant disposition as well.She had...
I guess some background would be in order. I was a virgin when I met Sandra, and so was she. We dated through our junior and senior years of high school, though she would tell friends things 'weren't serious' until college. I always wondered about that, since after my 'always ready' attitude she'd given in and we had sex the 1st time shortly before graduation. Honestly I don't remember much about it ... I was nervous, she was scared, neither of us knew what we were doing. I got the...
bitch who was the absolute curse of my life. The dry wind blew out of the south, a hot tongue of dryness that tried to suck any moisture from any thing it touched. I had miles to go just to reach the border of her forest, then I had to struggle even more miles through the thick tangle of under brush. It was going to be tough going considering I couldn't really run now, not after what she'd done to me, plus the fact I couldn't really let anyone see me. Me? I'm Tyrome Greenstick,...
All the men died. The first time a man was asleep after a particular instant -- January 29, 2012, 8:37pm GMT -- he stopped breathing and died. A billion or so men in Asia just never woke up. Sleepless wives found themselves lying next to corpses in the dark, while better sleepers made the discovery by daylight. By the time the pattern was clear, another billion men faced a cruel end -- whenever they couldn't hold their eyes open any longer, they would die. Along with the anguish came a...
Change in Plans “This is absolutely horrifying,” Dana said, looking at her left shoulder. She was lying on her back on an operating table, and the skin of her shoulder was splayed open like an ominous dissection to reveal the musculature underneath. Hunched over her stomach was an unconscious man in his sixties, his glasses askew on his face. “If I was still alive, I would never eat chicken again.” Lily stood over them both. She had one hand on the man’s forehead, her thumb and pinky on his...
The Oracle The last time Dana had broken into a top secret Order facility, she developed severe heavy metal toxicity, took a bullet in the head, and went on a trip through time in an Elder god’s filthy mouth. She would have felt more apprehensive about this go around if she hadn’t found herself staring at a map of the facility as well as a couple of detailed pictures of the Oracle chamber that Zel had drawn up after letting Lily into her dreams to see it. Dana was in Eulalie’s room again,...
That particular night she met "Deathmaster," a man in the role playing room who talked about killing the women he fucked while they were in the middle of orgasmic pleasure. The idea turned Sally on so much that she had three powerful orgasms from masturbation while they chatted. Deathmaster and Sally agreed to meet again the following night, and he succeeded once more to inflame her with his stories about deadly sex. By the third night they had exchanged e-mail addresses, and not long after...
A true story...I’ve been working at a restaurant, part of a large chain. There are quite a few very hot young men and women to flirt with and keep the days and nights interesting.And then I saw him…Deep ebony skin and two diamond stud earrings to accentuate this blackness. I walked up and looked in his eyes and introduced myself. His name is Alfred and he is 24 years old. I am 38 and I could tell he was surprised and instantly aroused. I wondered if he had ever had a white woman or a sexy...
After her last incident, when the man she was fucking was killed in the midst of orgasm, she knew these people were serious. Death was inevitable for her if she kept playing this deadly game. And that was exactly what drew her back. She was addicted to the danger. She never knew such ecstatic sex before. She had to have it one more time. Deathmaster met her at the abandoned prison again. She was stripped of her clothes, her hands were manacled behind her back, and she was marched between...
Bill Thornbury, holding his cards just below his eyes, watched Jack Burton laying down his three aces. "There, you bushwhackers, read 'em and weep," Jack said as he reached for the pot. "Not so fast," Bill said. "I did not stay in just to sweeten the pot" With that, he lay down his cards. "Just got these itty bitty pair of sixes, and three pretty nines, for a full boat." Ron murmured under his breath," Sandbagging son of a bitch!" All six guys at the table laughed. "Lets take a...
Assistant Professor John Bresnahan was in his first year teaching at Wellesley College. It was a good position, and he felt lucky to have landed it. He had had qualms about teaching at an all-girls school, but the Wellesley students were very sharp, even more interesting than he had expected. It made teaching so much more rewarding. It was fifteen minutes into the class of his first-year seminar on introductory psychology. "So what other examples do we have of the self-serving bias?" he...
I'm such a slut. It's not easy to know where to start. I suppose my routine - that's what got me into this, I guess.Each morning, after my mother went to work, I had three or four hours before my shift at the factory started. I would get the box from under my bed and dress myself. The stockings, the suspender belt, the bra, the patent heels.I would brush down my long hair and apply my make up, slip into a short mini-dress and admire myself in the mirror. I loved turning from Fred to Freda in...
Mai Shiranui was in trouble, or at least, the guards at a secret M.I.S.T. facility who had uncovered the kunoichi trying to infiltrate it, believed they had her firmly under control. She had decided to help fellow kunoichi Ayane and Kasumi take down a rather significant threat to world peace, and set off for the facility situated on Kauai Island, concealed beneath a steep hill. However, intelligent AI security sounded an alarm after scanning of all persons entering the facility revealed that...
We started blasting away at each other, damn the pup had been doing his exercises, he'd risen his levels a few also good I wasn't AS worried about killing him but I still could if I wasn't careful. I'd taken my mind off the exercise at hand and let lose a fully charged blast, realizing my mistake I wrapped the boy and yanked him out of the way as the blast took out the entire back wall. ‘Ah crap,’ I thought, ‘this wasn't going to sit well with the owner and the boss.’ Shaking my head I...
That night returning home I finally took all 3 clips off her, though I didn't relieve her I did finally ease her torment. "What's the matter Tyrome? Ya going soft? She said I could almost feel her thumbing her nose at me. "No, I don't want ya getting killed if that damn brother shows up, me included, why not be a good girl, and clam the fuck up a while huh?" I told her hoping against hope that she took it to heart and actually give me a break. I should have known it was too...
They give us the key to the only suite there, even though we only intend to use the bathroom. Lucy sits down on the toilet to pee before she joins me in the shower.“We should stay here a few days,” she says as she changes place with me under the running water. I tell her I don't think it's a good idea. I just want to go home.After the shower, before I put my clothes back on, I crouch down and open the mini bar. There's snack, a champagne bottle, two beers, red wine and Voss. Except for the Voss...
LesbianInto the Woods Dana had watched most of the hotel’s library of On-Demand movies by the time Lily came sulking through the front door sometime after dawn. Without a word, the succubus disappeared into the bathroom, and the shower kicked on. Frowning, Dana checked the time. Why was Lily taking a shower? She figured that the succubus could just blink her eyes and become clean, or whatever, but maybe demons needed to bathe frequently to chase away the stink of sulfur. Curious, she cracked open...
Safe Harbour Lily gazed across the water, her eyes trying to find any sign of land. She was floating in the ocean, the technicolor clouds above her tumbling about like cotton candy in a dryer. She was unable to get enough lift out of the water to fly, and the dark depths below shifted as if alive. She was in the Dreamscape, of that she was certain. “Lily...” It was Dana’s voice, but it sounded impossibly far away. She had been hearing Dana for a couple of days now. At first she had tried...
DEE'S DIARY MONDAY, MAY 6th Dear Diary, What an absolutely WONDERFUL day yesterday was. And now, here I am writing about it (I was certainly in no shape to do so last night!), strangely at peace, knowing that today is my last full day on this earth. My last night may be a little uncertain, however. I've agreed to do something that has me VERY nervous. But I'll get to that. I drove out to the lake house about nine o'clock and stopped at the farmer's market and butcher shop on the way....
Welcome to Undead Nightmare, a zombie apocalypse survival story. This story will take place in a generic fictional city infested with hoards of undead. This story doesn't have an erotic focus, but it may contain a few sex scenes. Though they will likely be fairly short. To begin the story, select a character.
Non-EroticThen there was Johnathon, with his wild magic he was far stronger than I was to a point. His father had said I did have quite a few tricks that I could take him down with though I wasn't all that sure I could keep him down that long. Sighing remembering Tom's words I knew that sooner or later Johnathon would be involved, it was just when I wasn't sure. Flashing out to my apartment I was walking up the last flight of stairs when I felt a strange energy. "I suggest if you wish to...
Finally finished I saw that the golden hue of light in the sky meant the sun was coming up. Dressed in a flash I flexed my magic, seventeen levels higher was really nothing to sneeze at, plus I was betting that Cedric was counting on me increasing. Something was tickling the back of my mind; I knew that he was up to something I had a feeling what it was, but I just couldn't seem to put my finger on it. Well, I thought, I might as well get to class; if I did survive they would still need the...