Subway series 7 Please Don t Ask How I Got Home
- 3 years ago
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You've just stood for five minutes in a cafeteria line to get today's version of an allegedly healthy meal -- wilted brown lettuce and tuna that came from a fish tossed onto the boat by its picky peers because it lacked taste. That and a lukewarm cola from the don't-call-it-Coke machine are going to set you back $4.50, if the unsmiling mouthbreather at the cash register ever finishes her interrogation. That all? For here or to go? Cash, charge or on account? On account of you're driving me crazy, you want to say, but you just tell her "cash," since the $10 bill in your hand apparently isn't enough of a clue. She plucks it away, slides it into a cubby in the cash drawer, and counts out your change, just like they taught her: four-fifty, five, ten, twenty.
What do you do?
Come on, quickly! The guy behind you in line is already shoving his tray full of carbohydrates forward.
Do you rush away from the cashier quick as you can, trying to decide whether to spend your extra $10 on the Lotto or a few beers tonight?
Do you sidle away cautiously, trying desperately not to attract attention, rehearsing the pose of astonished innocence you'll adopt if the cashier catches her error and calls you back?
Or do you hold up the line while you try to give back the extra cash, even if it means explaining it twice, slowly, in little words, before the cashier understands and accepts the money with no thanks and perhaps even a hint of suspicion in her glance?
That last one is me, every time. I can't help it; I was raised that way.
Being honest and polite in today's society sometimes feels like the whole world's a set of biker's leathers and you're a pair of oxblood wingtips. Refuse to join your fellow students in cheating on a test and you become a social outcast. Try to hold open a door for someone, man, woman, or child, and you get tangled in a jerky waltz of feints and sidesteps; they're waiting for you to swoop in front of them. Allow a pregnant woman juggling a gallon of milk, a box of Frosted Flakes, two apples and a peach to cut in front of you and the woman behind you interrupts her cellphone conversation long enough to drive her full-to-the-brim cart into your ankle in spite.
Bottom line? It doesn't pay to be polite today. But that's not the point, is it? You're not supposed to be polite so you can earn a reward, at least not in this world. You're courteous because it's the right thing to do; you're polite because that's how you'd want other people to treat you; you're honest because to lie is a sin. You don't get anything in return.
Well, usually you don't.
That's how last Wednesday started out.
I was slow to get out of bed because I'd been up late the night before instant-messaging and e-mailing my nephew Pete, who had a term paper due on the Napoleonic Wars. As the only one of my family -- two brothers, two sisters -- who's childless and single, I'm the one who gets called on for all late-night emergencies. I'm not quite sure if that's simply because my siblings figure I have no social life or some subtle form of revenge because I do. In this case, I couldn't complain much about the logic. I was a history major for two years before I switched to business when I decided I had gotten too attached to eating regularly. My brother is the mechanical one, and my sister-in-law -- well, suffice it to say that with her education, the sum total of her knowledge of the Napoleonic Wars comes from being able to sing the chorus of Abba's "Waterloo" verbatim.
So I was the lucky pup who got to stay up all night electronically coaching Pete through his paper. He kept asking if I couldn't just tell him what to write. Instead, I directed him to several good Web sites, told him to send me an outline, rough drafts, the whole "give a man a fish-teach him to fish" routine.
Sometime around 2 a.m. Pete informed me he was finished -- a surprise, because I hadn't even seen a full first draft. That's when he told me he'd also been IM'ing some of his classmates and they'd sent him to a term paper site where he'd bought a B+ paper with his mom's credit card. He signed off without even a thank-you. Like I said, you don't get anything in return.
I'd finally gotten to sleep sometime around 3, so when my alarm clock clanged at 6 I just punched it off and rolled over -- for a few more minutes, I told myself.
It was 6:45 before I peeled my eyes open again. So much for having a leisurely breakfast, which is how I like to start my day. So much for having any breakfast, in fact. I raced through my morning ablutions and was almost back on schedule when I heard the first crack of thunder. I spent 15 minutes searching for my umbrella before I remembered that I'd loaned it to my cubicle neighbor for his lunchtime dash to the coffee shop three days ago and he never gave it back. Never gave me the change from my double tall latte either, it occurred to me.
Oh, well. At least I'd have the morning paper outside my apartment door. I prefer to read it on the train, so I always leave it outside until I leave. Today it could be an impromptu bumbershoot.
But... no paper. Not the first time that had happened. I suspected the woman two floors up whom I'd caught a couple of times peeking out of the elevator when it had mysteriously stopped on my floor before I could get to press the button. Our floor was an obvious target for paper snatchers because there were four of us who all got home delivery. In fact, I noticed, 6-C hadn't retrieved his paper yet.
I admit I hesitated, but only for a second. It just wouldn't be right.
I was already running late, so I couldn't wait for the storm to pass. I was resigned to getting soaked. But by the time I got to the lobby, it looked as if it were letting up a little. The doorman offered a cab, but I gestured to pass it on to a woman who I'd passed in the lobby wrestling with an umbrella. The doorman had barely gotten the cab door open when the woman shot past me, throwing her umbrella and a paper into the car and jumping in after them. As the cab drove away, splashing my slacks, I got a look at her face.
It was the paper snatcher.
Ah, well. It wasn't raining that hard. And I only had six blocks to the subway station. I started to hoof it.
Halfway there, it began to pour. I quickly had water streaming down my face. Ducking under the narrow overhang of a newsstand, I bought a paper. I only had a $5 bill. The guy gave me change, mostly in pennies. As I raised the paper over me and stepped away, I noticed he'd given me 3 cents too many. Two other guys were lined up to buy papers so I stepped around them to hand back the pennies. As I did, I felt something cold on my foot and looked down. The puddle was at least four inches deep.
I squished and squooshed the rest of the way. By now I was so far behind my schedule that I'd run smack into rush hour. I had to wait for three trains before I could even squeeze onto one, what with people pushing past me.
Let me make this clear: I get up so early -- normally -- because I am not a sardine and I don't like being treated like one. My usual subway ride is a calm, if jolting, trundle. I can always get a seat -- indeed, I usually have enough room to spread out my paper without disturbing anyone next to me.
Not so on this morning. The subway car was jammed full of damp humanity. I could barely move, but with some effort and many apologies I began to ease away from the doors and toward the center of the car like the signs tell you to do.
And then it appeared. An empty seat, right in front of me. I swear an angelic choir sent forth a hosanna. I was wet from head to toe -- well, at least my right foot's toes -- I had no newspaper and I was going to be late for work. But at least I had a seat.
I dove down into it. Bliss on a metal frame was that cracked orange Naugahyde. I closed my eyes for a moment to savor the feeling.
When I opened them, there, right in front of me, was a little old lady.
Dried-apple face. Babushka. Mesh shopping bag. Black socks and sandals. The whole nine yards.
My backside tried to burrow down into the seat but my soul pulled me to my feet.
At the same moment, a woman across the aisle also got up. We bumped elbows as we both gestured the old woman to our respective seats. She looked us both over as if we were escaped lunatics. I guess I looked the part more, bedraggled as I was. The other woman had evidently had benefit of an umbrella for her trip to the train. Her blonde hair, which fell straight back halfway down her pin-striped blue jacket, was shiny and dry. No drops of water on the tip of her aquiline nose or the tops of her rosy cheeks, nothing to distract your attention from her startlingly blue eyes.
A few years back when I was 19 years old, I was a college student studying tourism. I never really had girlfriends because I was too busy studying, working out, and hanging out with my friends. I was also freaked out by the fact I was physically attracted to a few guys in college. Not knowing how to deal with this situation, I certainly didn't want to talk about it with them, because I knew they would laugh and probably reject me.Everyday was the same old routine; take the bus, take the subway,...
People always say your life can change in an instant, but I thought they meant something drastic had to happen, like a car accident, or maybe a blood vessel burst in your brain. Or it could be that something really lucky happens, such as being spotted by a talent agent, or winning the lottery. I didn’t know that your life could change in an instant but that it would not instantly change. What I mean is, something could happen, something subtle, and you may not realize it at the time but it...
I felt his cock pressed tight against my ass and he felt huge I could not budge and inch as the subway car was filled beyond capacity and as the car bumped and swayed along I felt my short skirt riding up on my ass now I have a really nice round bottom and great hips from all the aerobics and work outs I do to stay in shape and that cock of his was nestled between my cheeks rubbing up and down up and down I began to fantasize about it what it would feel like in my pussy or even my ass OMFG I...
I felt his cock pressed tight against my ass and he felt huge I could not budge and inch as the subway car was filled beyond capacity and as the car bumped and swayed along I felt my short skirt riding up on my ass now I have a really nice round bottom and great hips from all the aerobics and work outs I do to stay in shape and that cock of his was nestled between my cheeks rubbing up and down up and down I began to fantasize about it what it would feel like in my pussy or even my ass OMFG I...
I was 25 when I got married. A virgin. For 15 years, I never strayed. Not once. Why would I? I loved my wife. She wasn't a classic beauty. We argued sometimes. But she was there for me whenever I needed her. In good times and in bad, just like the minister said. We survived the early years together, the sadness when the doctors said we could never have children. But we shared the joy, too: the vacations out on the coast, that little cabin on the lake. I tell you this so maybe you'll...
© Copyright 2002. This story was written while chatting online with Magdalena. The conversation continued until we began to fantasize about the subway. The story line was taken exactly as it took place online, with very few changes. The online chat took about four hours to complete. I hope everyone who reads this story, enjoys it as much as we did writing it. She is a 26-year-old girl named Magdalena from Stockholm, Sweden. She is currently engaged. Her hair is the color of honey (every...
I watched Alicia get off the subway and almost didn’t recognize her at first. I was expecting to see her in her professional clothing, but she had on dark jeans, brown boots that stopped just below the knee, and an orange top that was shaped like a triangle and hung off one shoulder. ‘Damn, girl. You look hot!’ I whispered, as I hugged her and gave her a quick kiss. Then I pushed her back to arm’s length to get another look at her. She smiled and said, ‘I changed clothes after work.’ ‘I would...
It had been a full week since the first time Alicia hugged me. Now I planned my day around those few seconds when I might see her. I didn’t have anywhere else to be, but I wanted to be sure I was at the station when she got off the subway. The note I held in my pocket said hugging me was the bright spot in her day. Somehow that made it feel like I had a responsibility, but it wasn’t one that made me feel like running. Alicia needed a hug every day after work and I got to be the one to give it...
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SUBWAY SUBWAY The subway is a daunting place at any time of the day. The cold harsh lighting provided by overhead lamps, half of which have been vandalised and no longer work, forming pools of dark shadows in? several areas.The once white walls now a dirty cream, much of that covered with graffiti and aerosol paint. The trains themselves, once new and immaculate, now the playground of vandals and subway gangs, the seats badly cut, and more graffiti bear evidence to the inability of the...
I walked back to the apartment feeling the heat in the air and the warmth in my pocket. I now had Alicia’s picture and phone number safely tucked away and I felt like I had a little piece of her with me. I reveled in the awareness of how much my life had changed recently, but I also had some pretty serious problems to deal with. Right now I needed to find out if Jeff paid his rent. As I walked up our stoop, I saw Thomas gingerly coming down the steps, holding the railing looking like a...
Subway Heat By billy69boy My name is Tori. I’m a 26 year old medical researcher at General Scientific downtown. I usually keep my private life private, especially my sex life. But I recently experienced the most extraordinarily erotic encounter I’ve ever had, and I can’t seem to stop thinking about it. So, I thought if I wrote about it, and shared my story with other people, perhaps I could finally get beyond it, and go about living the rest of my life in peace. I usually drive to work, but...
Subway Heat By billy69boyMy name is Tori. I’m a 26 year old medical researcher at General Scientific downtown. I usually keep my private life private, especially my sex life. But I recently experienced the most extraordinarily erotic encounter I’ve ever had, and I can’t seem to stop thinking about it. So, I thought if I wrote about it, and shared my story with other people, perhaps I could finally get beyond it, and go about living the rest of my life in peace.I...
I'm a heavy man weighing around three hundred pounds. I don't eat much but I do like foods that are high in fat. I see this guy on television saying that he lost over one hundred pounds eating Subway subs. I have always wanted to loose weight but lacked the enthusiasm. Something told me to begin doing what this guy did. It was a hell of a sandwich. I lost over a hundred pounds and still going. This is how I did it. It began with my first Subway sandwich. I walked into the store and saw this...
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In that seemingly endless British sci-fi TV series, "Dr. Who," the various incarnations of the good doctor travel through time and space with the use of a machine that is, basically, a nice red British telephone booth. I suppose that fit the budget of the BBC, but if the producers wanted to be more believable, they'd have sprung for a mock-up of a train car from the Tube, London's justly famous underground rail network. I ride the Tube faithfully every time my wife and I visit London, and...
I was working in Japan and daily had to ride the subway trains back and forth to work. It was July and ungodly hot, with humidity levels off the scale. During the morning and afternoon rush hours, the trains were horrible. Always packed to capacity, plus extra people. The subways were so over-worked and over-packed, that they hired 'packers'. During rush hours, these people showed up in uniforms, with little white pith helmets on their heads and did their jobs on the subway platforms. Their...
I have had the privilege of working with Gaius Petronius as an editor since chapter 6. He has a very sharp eye, yet sometime I miss his corrections of my typos. I am extremely grateful to him for not only correcting, but teaching this feral writer, all the while reminding me to be true to myself. And because some of you have asked, this story is about half way done. ***** Don and Lenny were both standing on the sidewalk at the jobsite when I got there at 8:20 a.m. There was a refrigerator on...
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I was having the best dream that Alicia was going down on me, actually licking me as I petted her soft hair. Then as I grew hard she took me in her mouth, and as I slowly became conscious I realized I wasn’t dreaming at all! ‘Mmmmm,’ I greeted her, ‘What a nice way to wake up. I thought I was dreaming at first. No wonder I call you Dream-Girl.’ But I think I am going to change that to Best Alarm Clock Ever’.’ Alicia giggled and crawled on top of me and kissed me right by my ear. ‘Good...
Mike and Jill got on the crowded subway car. Mike had closed on a big account four work and they went out to celebrate. Both of them had several drinks and were feeling pretty tipsy. They couldn't wait to get home to ravage each other. They found a spot and Jill grabbed the above head handrail and Mike stood behind her as they took off. Jill could feel Mike's kisses against the back of her neck and his hands trying to move under her skirt. Stop, she told him. People can see. I want you so bad...
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Some summertime trips in the subway are different.This afternoon I see you standing in the subway train where I just got in. Although on the other end of the train, your appearance grabs my attention. But your eyes are grabbing me as well. A strange type of magic fills the train. The train is very full, but I slowly find my way through the crowd in your direction. We loose sight of each other, but I can feel your presence stronger and stronger. You're standing with your back facing me when I...
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‘Texas Toast? Alicia, calm down, tell me what’s going on.’ Alicia was explaining to me how she almost got kicked out of her recovery program that day. Apparently she refused to eat something called ‘Texas Toast’ that I had never heard of, but she described it as frozen white bread dripping with saturated fat. It sounded like garlic bread to me, all buttery and tasty. She said she finally broke down and ate it, but cried and it was really hard for her and she almost walked out. I listened...
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There had always been times when X had been naughty all day, too much for her own good. She had been unable to keep her fingers still and out of her pants, from masturbating in bed over barely making it to the shower before she masturbated again to staying horny and naughty throughout the whole workday, stealing frequent bathroom breaks from her employer to take care of herself.Those days had been infrequent, welcome but embarrassing exceptions to her focused and disciplined lifestyle.Since the...
Copyright © 2003 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved Jacquie was, as usual reading as she rode the crowded subway. Holding onto the support that dangled from the roof of the car with her left hand, and with her book in her right hand Jacquie was concentrating on not noticing the crowed of humanity around her. When the hand touched her, she didn't give it too much thought, she moved away as an automatic response. As she moved away from the offending hand, Jacquie bumped into another person...
"Chill out. She's fine. Look. You can see her chest rising. He held a nipple firmly at the peak of her inflation. "There! Can you all see her tiny tits pull away as she BREATHES?" It was true. Except for her cerise nipples turning pale, she looked pacific. More so than I'd seen her all night. I'll give her ten minutes to rest." The inet image froze and he stopped responding. Lee said the FBI narrowed the feed to within fifty miles and they expected to find them within twenty minutes...
“Yes, we are. The world of strangers is watching. You don’t seem to be enjoying my wife’s ass.” Sue never said she fantasized about rough sex against her will. If that’s another lie, it’s biting her on the ass, and tits, this very moment! “Are you sure this is what you want?” “I am. And I’m afraid your wife is enjoying this too much for my sake. Let’s ask her. Ohh, she can’t answer with a cock in her mouth. JFK’s grunts say she’s actively sucking his dick. Damn! I don’t want her enjoying...
We’re cruising along a wide and quiet suburban street. Green lawns stretch back from the pavement to the nice semi-detached homes. There’s a slim woman walking a large dog along the side of the road, and we pan around to look at her as we pass – it’s no-one we know, but we kind of wish we did! Then we’re looking forward again – seeing an intersection infront of us ... Then pulling up, looking out of the side window right at a single story, flat-roofed building. A sign outside reads,...
“Are you thinking about it?”Delicate nose cocked, ingénue eyes, the curl on her lips grew. Such playful insolence expected an answer. There was only one ‘it’ in our private lexicon.I grinned, raised an eyebrow, “I like what you have done with your hair.”It did not deter her.Sheltered from the winds of change, we basked in the diminished warmth. Inside, the open kitchen, its copper pans on the wall, hummed with industry. Happy chitchat competed with café music. Imbued with a homely...
TrueEcho studied her hair in the rearview mirror of Hawke’s truck. He hadn’t done too badly cutting it, and it hadn’t taken her long to add a few finishing touches with the scissors. The change was simple, yet drastic enough she barely recognized herself. A sense of exhilaration played at the edges of her nerves. In a long sleeved blouse and oversized shades, Trey could pass her on the sidewalk and not have a clue who she was. She closed her eyes behind the shades and leaned against the headrest....
Straight Sex“Echo,” he said. “It’s time to get started.” She had to blink a few times to get focused. Hawke was sitting on the bunk opposite hers in the trailer. He was leaning onto his elbows down on his knees, watching her face even though the cropped T she went to sleep in had ridden up over her left, candy tipped breast. She wasn’t even aware of it until he reached over and gingerly pulled the edge of the T shirt down to cover her nipple. She smiled and closed her eyes again. The sound of her new...
Oral SexShe was an enigma on the Pacific Coast Highway, a she-devil as I would later learn, but springtime in California evoked a lazy naiveté in me. The golden coast was full of the promise of summer love affairs and casual encounters. There are the mind-fucks too, but nobody is thinking about the pitfalls and risks while watching the swish of a short skirt over tanned thighs and the smiles that invite you down that gilded path of sexual adventure. I was hungry for it, thirsty for the taste of sweet...
Hardcore“Fuck.”Carie tilted her head to the side and repeated, “Fuck.”She observed her lips in the mirror carefully. “Fu-uck.”She frowned momentarily before shaking her head side-to-side, tossing her lengthy cascade of sable hair into a seductive mess. She popped a brow, angled her chin over her bare shoulder, and cast a sultry, flirtatious gaze towards the mirror. Lips rounded, she loosed an aching, swooning breath: “Fu-uhh-ck!”There. Yeah, that was it. That was the “fuck” that never failed to launch...
HumorThe Reverend Tobias Whitmore was perplexed.Not that this was a particularly unusual state of affairs for him, he mused, as his relatively short life seemed to be lived in a condition of relative confusion.As the third son of a minor branch of a noble family with pretensions to faded gentility, he was always destined for the church from birth. This had nothing to do with his character, merely the state of his family’s finances. Bluntly, there was no money to afford any of the sons the leisurely...
HistoricalThe must of old linen and wood pulp soothed his heightened senses. It stilled the tingle of anticipation in the pit of his stomach. Frobisher would be waiting for him, the lecherous crook. Thick with a stale odour of pipe tobacco, it fired memories of their battles of wits, a long time ago.The gothic styled vaulted ceilings still carried the soot of centuries. Once a chapel, this vast space had a gravitas and presence that would be all the more impressive if he could see the rest of it. ...
SupernaturalMarissa Weiss very much enjoyed her mid morning run. On that Monday, her trainers pounded the smooth, black asphalt of this suburban residential street, one of a vast network in her upper middle class neighborhood. Mature oaks, poplars and sycamores spread their generous canopies over lush, well tended yards, creating a forest in the outskirts of Atlanta. The road wasn't anywhere near flat, with hills and dips that challenged Marissa to pound harder. She loved the exertion, her well toned frame...
CheatingThe moon was just starting to peek over the distant range when Jake and his men finished rounding up the stray cattle. The skittish creatures rejoined the herd with grateful sounding bays and moos, as if leaving hadn't been their idea in the first place. Jake spat the trail dust out of this mouth and leaned his long, rangy body onto the saddle horn as he watched his men bring in the last few stragglers. A quick count ensured that they had found nearly all of them. Midnight snorted and pawed the...
Straight SexIt had been two weeks since I’d seen Mrs. Vandermeer. Two excruciatingly long weeks during which I wasn’t even allowed to touch myself, let alone do something about the terrible hunger she’d set loose within me. It wasn’t too bad during the day. After all, I kept busy with my normal day to day routine; going to school, spending time with my friends, homework and chores, time spend with my family. Not that I didn’t think about Abby at odd moments. I’d be sitting in class while Mrs. Morgan tried...
BDSMIndru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
This week, we start the show with establishing shots of the most boring suburban estate you could ever hope to see. Lots of ‘nice’ double story semi-detached homes, each with their own little square of grass and concrete driveway out front, separated from the public footpath by low brick walls. We can see a chunky, out of breath looking man walking along the street toward us, perky, elegant and mean-looking Doberman by his side ... This week’s host – the love-him-or-hate-him Cockney geezer –...
Leaving the Wilderness Park and Tawnee Stone does nothing positive for my shitty mood. This morning, the sky is heavily overcast with dark, ominous clouds. A thick fog makes my old weary bones feel the cold; then while loading the last of my equipment into my trailer, it seems the whole sky opens up and dumps. The downpour is so heavy there are times I can’t see across the road. Drenched to the bone, the defrosters are on full attempting to clear the windows; I am finally on my way. Evidence...