- 2 years ago
- 27
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This story is made up of a number of conversations, but they are conversations, so they just fit into the series. This one is about the trouble with numbers. When you think you know how this is adding up, read on.
“Man, why are you looking at my dick?”
“You’re staring at my dick. Are you gay?”
He laughed. “No, I was just surprised. I thought it would be bigger.”
Aiden had just broken the man-code big time. Every guy knows that when you go for a piss, you stand at the urinal and you stare at the wall. You don’t look around. You don’t offer to shake hands with the man standing next to you. And you never look at his dick! Not ever! Then he tells me I have...
“Aiden, fuck you! I don’t have a little dick. You have a little dick!”
He laughed at my sad attempt to come up with some sort of clever reply to his comment.
“Whoa there, don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t saying you had a small cock, I was just saying I was surprised you don’t have a massive one.”
“I don’t get it.” I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. I mean, I worked with him and we were friendly enough at the office, but I really didn’t think we were close enough for us to trade comments about each other’s tackle. “Why would you think I have more than normal?”
We zipped and started washing our hands.
“Okay,” he said, his voice full of bonhomie and hail-fellow-well-met. “I met your wife at the Christmas party, and I have to say, on a scale of one to ten, she’s a 9.3, maybe even a 9.5, when she’s all dressed to kill as she was on that evening.”
“Fuck you!” I responded wittily. “She’s a ten, even when she wakes up with a hangover, and every other time of the day as well.”
A 9.3? The number bugged me. I understood that guys were always going to check Sarah out; she was that beautiful, but how did he work the scale to be that accurate? Did he give points on various aspects of women? I pondered that: maybe a score out of 20 for the face, 20 for tits, 15 for waist and hips, 10 each for length and shape of legs ... How much did that leave for things like butt, feet, hands, overall impression? What about things like personality, voice and the all-important intelligence? Sarah was no dumb blond. My wife was a beautiful petite redhead with a brain that would impress Professor X and Doctor Strange, in my opinion. She was way, way, smarter than me. I was having trouble trying to work out whether the total of my scoring guesses equalled a hundred. If it wasn’t out of a hundred and the score just divided by ten, I was lost. I decided I’d have to write it down later.
Most of all, it bugged me that he had considered my wife long enough to give her fractions of scores. I don’t do well working with fractions, as they’re pretty tough nuts to crack, but I can operate the computer to do it, really well. How much do you have to think about someone to score them in fractions?
“Don’t get me wrong.” His voice interrupted my thoughts. “I think Sarah is astonishingly beautiful, which is why I made assumptions about the size of your package.”
“Well, look in the mirror. On the same scale of attractiveness, you’re what ... a five maybe? With those scars, I’d guess five and a half at most, on your best day. She seems to be so far out of your league I thought you must have an enormous penis to compensate. Something to boost up your score.”
I didn’t know I had a score, and looked in the mirror. Brown hair, with a lick that swept sideways across my forehead, but cut fairly short to get rid of the damned curls that had plagued me all my life; blue eyes – ordinary; a nose – definitely ordinary; mouth – same. My chin was fairly square with a slight cleft that Sarah liked to lick. There was a thin scar that extended in a curve from the left side of my mouth, and another on my forehead above and between my eyebrows, but you could hardly see those any more. The rest of me – ordinary.
I was indeed a five – an ordinary average Joe that wouldn’t stand out in any crowd of more than two people.
“So what keeps your wife with you? You must have nightmares about that.”
“What do you mean?” I couldn’t get the gist of what he was saying. My brain felt even cloudier than usual.
He turned, leaned his butt back against the sink comfortably and crossed his arms.
“Will, you have to know that people tend to stick with others of their own level.”
My expression must have shown my suspicion. I still wasn’t sure whether he was trying to come on to me. I wasn’t brainy by any means, but I wasn’t completely stupid. You don’t break the man code for nothing. People would laugh and point at you if you did that.
“Okay, let me try another way of explaining it. You’ve seen how some animals choose their mates. They have a mating ritual where one will show the other their best assets – feathers, muscles, beauty, abilities, whatever.”
“I’ve seen that on telly, sure.”
“Well that’s just something that’s built into all of them. It’s genetic. It’s a way for any species to keep getting stronger, better, more able to survive. A mate is chosen for that ... that certain something that will be carried forward into their children to give them an advantage.”
“The Theory of Evolution?”
He seemed astonished that I’d heard of it. Well fuck him! I might not be bright, but I can read okay – well, sort of – and my memory is just fine. I’d seen a couple of programmes about it and it all kinda made sense. What surprised me most was that it was a theory. Most people seemed to accept that it was fact. It would be nice to think there was someone who lived in the sky, who cared for all of us like a really good dad and planned everything out for our best interest, but I couldn’t help that sneaking suspicion that it was wishful thinking. Sad, really. It would have been nice. Much better than my real dad, who would knock us about all the time when we were little. He died, and I had to pretend to be sad like everyone else – although I had a sneaking suspicion that not many of them were that sad, really.
“Exactly,” he continued. “What I’m saying is, with your wife being a 9.3...”
“A ten!” I insisted.
“ ... A ten, okay. And you being a five, it means something has gone wrong. You should be with a five, and she should be with another ten. It’s just nature. So I thought you had something to compensate – like a big dick. That’s all I meant. I was just surprised. No offence.”
“You think she should be with a ten? Not me?”
“I’m not saying that. I’m just saying it would be more natural for her to want that. Think about it. When I first discovered she was Doctor Sarah Plummer, I assumed she was in medicine. Then I found out she has a PhD, and teaches at the university.”
“A PhD In financial management,” I announced proudly. I don’t think there was anything about Sarah that didn’t make me proud. I know I’m not as clever – and obviously not as attractive – as her, but there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her. I would shout from the rooftops how proud I was of how wonderful she was, if they’d let me. I don’t do things like that anymore, however. It caused too much trouble the last time.
“Will, what do you do here at the company?”
I frowned. “You know what I do. I’m a retail analyst, and that’s what I do. Why do you ask?”
“No reason in particular,” he smiled. It didn’t seem a very friendly smile, but I’m not good at understanding expressions. The doctors say it’s not autism, it’s something from that time Dad knocked me down. It’s nothing I should worry about, according to them, so I don’t. I do know it’s there, however.
“So, what you do is punch in sales figures and then run a series of programmes over them to come up with the analysis that management is looking for. Is that right?”
“I guess. I do like the job.” I had a niggling worry that if I gave the wrong answer I might lose that position. I didn’t want to lose my job.
“You didn’t write the programmes, you just punch in the figures and then run the analysis software.”
“I didn’t write them. I don’t know anything about coding,” I confessed. My brother Luke is the one who’s good at that, and he wrote the programmes that I use every day. He was the one who told me about the job at the company, and I think he slipped in a good word for me with the management. He told me he hadn’t said much: that it was just a corollary of his contract with them, whatever that means. I looked up corollary once on the net, but jeez, it was like trying to read lawyer-speak.
“So...” He drew the word out, as if he was waiting for me to jump to some conclusion.
“So what?”
“So you actually just press a few buttons now and again.”
I thought about that. “I suppose I do. But then, you just talk. You don’t make any of the things you sell, you just talk to people until they give up and buy something.”
He looked surprised at my words, and then offended. I shrugged.
“I don’t think you have a clear understanding of retail planning, marketing campaigns and the tactics of salesmanship.”
“No,” I admitted. “But I know I keep getting productivity bonuses for the job I do. So somebody really likes me to keep pressing those buttons.”
He cleared his throat and took a little walk around the bathroom.
“Please, don’t get me wrong,” he said, after a few moments. He was now stroking his chin, the other arm still crossed over his chest. I’d seen him do the same thing with clients. He looked good when he did it – very smart.
“I just wanted to point out a few of the things I was thinking about,” he finished. “Just trying to help you out.”
“I’m not offended,” I said. “I do my job. That’s it.”
He leapt on that. “Ah, now that’s one of the things that is concerning me. You do your job, and you get those ‘productivity’ bonuses, but you never get promoted. Whereas your wife is hugely successful and has won several awards for the books she’s published. Do you see why I’m puzzled?”
“Hey, she deserves those awards,” I said hotly. “She should get more. Sarah is the best teacher I ever had.
Okay, that wasn’t strictly true. She wasn’t a teacher in any class I’d attended. I’d actually met her in the university library, when she asked me if I wouldn’t mind getting a book from the top shelf of a book case. I’m tall, at six-three, and she just tops five feet, so I was very happy to do it for her. The (Mis)Behaviour of Markets by Mandelbrot and Hudson, at least I think that’s what it was called. A thick, yellow book that surprised me at how heavy it was. I stumbled and almost dropped it, and she caught my arm to steady me. Something about the name of the author caught my attention.
“Mandelbrot? I thought he was a mathematician.” I’d heard Luke and his coding buddy Paul mention the name often enough while they were writing the programmes my company had bought before I started there. I had no clue as to what they were talking about or what he did, just that he was a mathematician.
“Oh you know Mandelbrot? From his work on fractals? Are you a mathematician?” Her voice was like that of a BBC news reader whose tongue had been dipped in honey, chocolate and wine, and was then sent specifically to enthral me. There was a hint of an Irish accent to it – which could explain the red hair and green eyes, so huge behind those glasses. I preferred those and always grumbled when she wore her contacts to functions.
For a moment I had just stared, and then the idea of me being a mathematician struck me, which was so off-base that I started to laugh.
“What?” she’d asked, a smile appearing on those perfect full lips.
I’d tried to explain, but couldn’t get the words past my laughter, and in the end she was laughing helplessly, just because I was.
“I’m sorry,” I had managed to gasp eventually. “No. I’m not a mathematician. I’m a financial analyst. That’s the job title.”
“Oh really,” she’d said, her eyes widening slightly with interest. “Well, that’s not too far from being a mathematician.”
That set me off again, which set her off in turn, and we’d ended up leaning on each other as other people in the library shushed us angrily. The head librarian even came up to tell us off, until I guess she realised who it was.
“Sarah, I didn’t realise that was you,” the older woman said. She was nice and didn’t mind me using the library. We got along well. “Are you all right? Mr. Plummer, are you bothering Professor Lowry?”
“No, he wasn’t. We were just sharing a joke.” The little redhead giggled, the sound of which seemed to startle the librarian somewhat. “Except I’m not sure what the joke is.”
She started to laugh again at how ridiculous that was, and now it was my turn to be drawn in by it. We leaned on each other for support once more.
The librarian rolled her eyes.
“Mr. Plummer, you know where the anime section is. What are you looking for over here?”
“I was looking for books on film critics. I was trying to find out a good movie to watch.”
Sarah had burst into helpless laughter at that, and only later did I understand she thought I was joshing the librarian.
I’ve heard that laughter makes people feel good. It has to do with chemicals, apparently, but to me it just makes sense that if you’re laughing, you’re usually happy. In that little bubble of laughter, I invited Sarah to have a coffee with me to thank her for propping me up when I’d almost slipped while getting her book. She thought the idea of tiny little her managing to keep big old me upright was hilarious and we were off again, this time trying to stifle our giggles – which just made it worse. Finally, we managed to pull ourselves together, and she accepted my offer, taking my arm as we left the library.
We talked. We talked for a couple of hours over several cups of coffee. Finally, I invited her over for dinner. Perhaps if I’d explained I still lived with my family, she might have turned me down; probably would have turned me down. Once she was in my car and I phoned Mum to tell her I was bringing a guest, it was probably a bit late to back out politely. Several times I caught her looking at me carefully, but on that journey home we mostly laughed – jokes, stories, current affairs; they all seemed funnier when I was with her, and she seemed to have the same reaction.
Dinner was great that night. Despite the looks of complete disbelief I got when I’d turned up with this stunning, intelligent, funny and fully functioning beauty on my arm, the family was in top form. Mum, Luke and my sister, Amy, had charmed Sarah completely. In turn, she had them twisted around her little finger by the end of the meal, at which point Amy whisked Sarah off for some girl talk in the kitchen. It went on for quite a while, but Luke kept me occupied by showing me some of his new games, so I didn’t really have time to get worried about it. I figured Amy was probably ratting me out on stupid stuff I’d done as a kid. Hey, that’s what sisters who love you tend to do.
When Sarah rejoined us, she sat next to me, looked at me intensely, and then traced the scar on my cheek with a finger. I think it took everyone by surprise when she leaned in and kissed the scar for a long moment. It certainly surprised me. I was the same age as Sarah, but I hadn’t been kissed by many pretty girls at that stage, that’s for sure. Well, not even one, actually – even just on the cheek.
“Does that mean you’ll come to a movie with me?” I asked, and she looked at my family and then nodded.
“Yes, I’d love to. Let me know...”
“Great. Come on then, let’s go,” I said, leaping to my feet and drawing her up to join me. “It’s okay, you’ll love it.”
Eyes wide, Sarah had looked at Amy who gave a little shrug and nodded.
“If nothing else, be kind,” Amy had murmured.
I didn’t get what she meant; too busy looking forward to seeing Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I’d heard that it was a really good movie.
We got there in time for me to buy her an expensive box of chocolates and a soft drink. I got popcorn for us to share. When we took our seats, she took my hand and held on to it.
“You are a surprising man, Will Plummer. I like you.”
“I’m glad. I like you, too. Think how awful it would be if we had to sit here and hold hands if we didn’t like each other.”
She smiled at me, and I fell in love.
My stomach seemed to suddenly swoop up in my belly and flop over. Not romantic-sounding, but true. I’d never really been in love before, just had crushes on a few girls over the years. This was different – so different.
After the show, I took her home and she invited me in for a drink.
“Love one,” I said happily. “I’m really thirsty after all that popcorn.”
She gave me that look again, the one where her head tilted to one side slightly, and then she smiled and I felt my stomach swoop all over again.
That drink – of soda – went down well. Sarah put some music on and we danced. It was lucky Amy had taught me well, as she and Mum were the only women I’d danced with to that point. After a couple of songs where we slow danced on the thick rug, which was nice in our bare feet, Sarah drew my head down and kissed me. I kissed her back, trying to learn on the fly by copying everything she did, and it turned into quite a snog, which had to be nearly the best event of my life that year. Over Sarah’s earnest announcement that she didn’t ever do this on a first date, it eventually turned into a rush for the bedroom while I thrilled to her words that we’d been on a date. A real date – fancy that! I’d carried her in my arms like a baby, while she kissed my neck and nibbled at my ear.
What followed was the almost best event of my life. Soon, I was no longer a virgin. Besides discovering that the pleasure she gave me was almost supernatural in how astonishingly good it was, I also found that this new status of non-virgin allowed me to nibble and kiss her body wherever I wanted. I took full advantage of that; learning new things about women and pleasure every inch of the way. She laughed and smiled, murmured and sighed, and now and again gave little long-lasting screams, which startled me at first. Then I found myself on my back and quite a few times making the same sounds, so I understood perfectly well how she felt. Those sounds echoed from both os us whenever I was behind, underneath or on top of her. Sarah was so pretty, and my heart felt so full it was almost overloaded, so it took a long, long time to make sure I kissed every inch of her as many times as she’d let me. I knew I was in love, but I also knew that this probably was a once in a lifetime thing. I wasn’t going to waste a moment of it.
In the morning, however, holding onto me like the most beautiful little limpet the world ever saw, she said she thought she loved me, too, after I told her how she made me feel. That made me really happy – and that really was very best event of my life.
When I told her later that I’d never passed my GCSEs, and pretty much scraped through high school on perfect attendance alone, she immediately got me signed up and began to tutor me. She was a great teacher, and so much more. Within a year I had two GCSE passes. More importantly, we were married and living happily in a house we’d bought. Sarah had made a fair amount of money from her books, as new students all round the world kept buying them each year as regular as clockwork. I kept making my bonuses, and between us we found a lovely cottage in the urban countryside, with plenty of room to expand.
I had never been happier – my life had become a dream come true, which was a really nice change.
That was, until Aiden introduced this new idea of scores to me.
“What’s puzzling you?” I asked him.
“Your wife is ten physically and mentally. She’s an intellectual, and you are ... well, you’re not.”
“What’s it to you?”
“Nothing,” he said, with a laugh. “I’m a friend – just trying to look out for you. You see, at some stage your wife is going to realise that she’s on a much higher level than you, and in all likelihood, it’s going to make her unhappy to realise that she has someone who is ... to put it bluntly and please don’t take offence – less than she deserves. Don’t you think she should get what she deserves? I mean, you love her, I can tell you do. So don’t you want her to have what she deserves?”
I thought about it. I did love Sarah – completely and utterly. I wanted her to have everything and anything she ever wanted, never mind just everything she deserved.
“So what are you saying?”
“You still don’t get it?” he asked, a look of astonishment on his face. “It seems that the reports of terminal vacuity were not fallacious.”
I frowned. I didn’t really understand it, but it didn’t sound good. Those two GCSEs didn’t include English, although I could spell the word dyslexia all too well.
“My friend, the greatest gift you could ever give your wife is a ten to match her level.” He was watching me pretty closely, caution in his attitude. At least I thought it was caution. I wondered if he thought I would take offence and hit him in the face. Maybe that’s why he was cautious. Then again, he was kinda making sense.
“So how do I get to be a ten?” I asked.
He laughed, sounding a bit relieved, and then sighed and put his hand on my shoulder. “Sadly, I don’t think that would ever be possible. You see, tens are born, they’re not made. It comes back to genetics and evolution. She would have incredible children with another ten, but as a five, you would bring them down to a 7.5 at best. You understand the maths?”
It took a couple of moments, then I realised he was right. Half of fifteen was seven and a bit more. Maths wasn’t one of my GCSEs either.
“Intellectually and physically you are pretty much robbing her of the future generations she deserves. That’s why I wondered if you were perhaps blessed with a big penis, like I am. Unfortunately, it seems you are fairly average in that department as well. I’m so sorry.”
“So how would she get what she deserves?” I was struggling with this concept, but if it was what I suspected, it was making me feel pretty bad inside. It seemed he wasn’t calling himself a big penis, as I’d first thought, but that he had one. I didn’t see it made much difference – Sarah seemed to like mine as it was.
“Inevitably, she would seek one out. She loves you, but the whole of nature – every gene in her body – would pressurise her to get the very best she could in order to pass superior genetic material on to her offspring. She would find herself a ten.”
He seemed so sorrowful. “And she would probably end up carrying that man’s child.”
“While she was married to me? You think she would cheat on me? Don’t be so fucking nasty!”
He squeezed my shoulder, looking so sympathetic. “I’m afraid it’s how life goes. She would hate the cheating part of course, as it would probably destroy your marriage. She is too good a person to accept cheating on you and forcing you to unknowingly raise another man’s child as a solution, so she would eventually tell you about it. I know you would have too much pride to accept that, and the two of you will end up apart – her wailing and woeful at having caused it, and you ... lonely and broken, so alone. So alone! Utterly alone.”
“Sarah would never cheat on me!” I declared, trying to fight back against this awful prediction of an inevitable fate.
“You keep believing that, Will! Be strong! Fight to the end – the unchangeable end!”
There were tears in my eyes now. I didn’t want to lose Sarah! I couldn’t allow that to happen.
“So what can I do?” My voice was a bit wobbly, and I had to fight to keep it calm. “Is there nothing I can do?”
He shook his head sadly, and then paused, raising a finger into the air. “Wait ... Of course! That’s it!”
“What’s it,” I mumbled.
“It’s simple. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. If she doesn’t cheat, then the marriage wouldn’t break up because she wouldn’t feel guilty. You have to give her permission to do this. No! Even better, you find her a ten and help her fulfil her evolutionary destiny!”
“You persuade your wife to ... go on a date, let’s say. With a ten. When she returns, she will be happy and content, and your marriage will survive. Oh I’m so glad we found the right solution for this problem. You were lucky you came to me about it.”
“I didn’t come to you. You just stared at my dick.”
“Equally lucky for you,” he said loudly. “Oh, thank God you came to the right solution – unless you can see any other way of avoiding this break-up, this utter destruction of everything and everyone you love, to face dying alone. All alone!”
I wished he would stop saying that. I’d been alone, apart from my family, for most of my life. Being with someone, with Sarah, was infinitely better. I shook my head, thought some more and then nodded.
This time he put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a good squeeze. I wasn’t comforted much.
“Now all we have to do is find the right man,” he said.
“A ten?”
“Of course.”
“I don’t know any tens apart from my wife.”
“Well, you have me,” he enthused. “I can help you look, or ... well, I’m embarrassed to say so, but people keep telling me that I’m a ten. Of course, I’m too modest to accept that approbation, but I must admit, they’re probably right.”
“You?” I think the tone of my voice probably showed my disbelief.
“That’s what they tell me,” he said smoothly, although his eyes had narrowed at my response, so he was probably a bit upset.
“I’ve never heard anyone say that,” I commented, trying not to upset someone who seemed to be looking out for me. “Although I do tend to stick to my computer station here at work, and don’t chat too much with the others.”
“They probably didn’t want to upset you,” he said sharply. “By the comparison, I mean.”
I nodded. He was probably right.
“You’re sure you’re a ten?” I asked.
“Look at me,” he ordered. “Take a really good look. I’m big and strong – I played rugby for the university, you know. I’m told I’m very good looking, although I wouldn’t say that myself, of course. I have a brilliant brain and have two degrees from Oxford, although I never, ever tell people about them, of course; modesty prevents it, as it would be too much like bragging and I’m a very modest person. I’m very, very healthy – always have been. So I’m packed full of the greatest genes you can possibly get.”
I was feeling ill. Is this what Sarah deserved? Is this what she needed? It didn’t feel right in any way whatsoever, but Aiden had to know what he was talking about. After all, he’d said he had degrees; actual university degrees! I just had a high school certificate for two subjects. I was proud of them, but I knew it didn’t make me smart.
I loved her. I didn’t want her to have sex with someone else. I wanted to keep her just for me, but if I loved her, didn’t that mean I should give her the very best that I could manage? And if I couldn’t manage to do that myself, shouldn’t I try and find someone who could? But I really didn’t want to!
I could feel tears start in my eyes as I tried to work out this problem. I understood it, and I understood the answer, but I was desperate to find something else – anything other way, anything except this.
I think he noticed how I was feeling. “It’s so sad that this is the way forward for you, your wife and your marriage, but it’s lucky we are of the same mind on this. Of course I’m glad to help out in any way I can. They say charity begins at home, and I’ll be glad to do what I can. Of course, I’ll be very discreet.”
“Discreet?” His words were starting to jumble in my head and that old ache was coming back – the headache I sometimes got when I had to come up with an answer I just couldn’t see. It used to happen a lot before I met Sarah, but, just by being there for me she made that go away. She seemed to make the answer so clear every time I got stupider than normal. She said it was pressure that did it. I joked that it was pressure on my brain that had got me the way I am. She didn’t think that was funny.
“Naturally I’ll be discreet, if that’s what you want. I would never mention anything about this to anyone ever – especially not to the lads around the water cooler. Especially them. You wouldn’t want everyone in the office to know your business, would you?”
His smile seemed off again, as if it didn’t quite mean what it was supposed to, but I just couldn’t read it.
“No, I don’t. It’s my private business.”
“Exactly! So don’t worry about that. Now, what would be the best way forward, do you think?”
“I think the best way would be back to my desk so I don’t get behind on my work.”
“That would be the right thing, but not the wise thing,” Aiden said.
“No. What you should do is give your wife a ring and tell her your idea. You would probably have to persuade her to accept your gift, so you’ll probably need to put a little pressure on.”
“I don’t like pressure. Why don’t you tell her the idea?”
“If I explained it, she would probably immediately see the advantages of ... er ... having a date with a ten. I’m proof positive of that. But she wouldn’t understand that this is a great gift that you are giving her – a gift from the very bottom of your heart.”
Here is the tweaked version of my story Conversation. Dove was quite correct. This will be the final version, I am reluctant to modify it further. This is my first 100% complete story. It may be archived by the following sites if they want to: Fictionmania, Sapphire's Place, Crystal's Storysite, and Beverly's Balcony. Any other site that wishes to archive this story, should ask for permission first. This is a G-rated story. Conversation A sweet story by Veronica...
Martine saw it, and how it changed the night! She saw it, so she has to believe it. It wasn't just a rumor or gossip. It was there. Or. They were there, and the she of they was doing it to the he. To the him. Martine is too rattled to handle the grammar. It had been a nice, but ordinary party, a sweet night in all things but one, when Martine left the clubhouse through a back French door. Ordinary and nice, but Martine felt she had to get out. She turned left onto the patio that overlooks...
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Zara had had the Wisdom build us a rose garden. I'm not sure why, except that it had something to with some sort of gift to Yvonne. Whatever the motive, it had appeared after a day or two, perched above a dramatic and strangely earth like vista – the hills and lakes of an alien planet visible through a panoramic window of something that probably wasn't anything remotely like glass. I'd taken to spending a lot of time up there, not least because Zara had also specified a random breeze to add...
BIKER TRAINing...My wife and I are members of a motorcycle club in Jackson. As members of Apple City we enjoy the occasional charity activities, and social aspects of the club. We have a trike, and some of the clubs frown on them, viewing them as not really motorcycles. However, everyone at our local club is laid back and for the most part non-judgmental. Our club is mostly made up of members from Jackson, Charleston, and a few from Columbus.Our club owns a pre-engineered building that we...
Hi to all I.S.S readers. This is Kavitha writing about my personal experience that took place a year and a half ago. First some introduction. I am the wife of Mr. Narayanan. I have a 3 year old kid. My husband is a sales executive and often goes on short tours and has satisfied me abundantly (in every aspect). Hope you guys understand. My brother was staying with my parents and came to Chennai to do some course. He got himself enrolled and made a few friends in the due course of time. They...
Forward: In the year 2099 the world has gone to total shit. The divide between rich and poor is so great that multi-billionaire families can literally buy their own armies but the poor can barely pay their rent. Technology has progressed to a point that even near-fatal injuries can be healed completely, but such resources are strictly regulated by a tyrannical and corrupt governments which reserves such luxuries for the upper classes. In the metropolis of Climax City (wherein this story mostly...
The Last Killer Chapter 1 - The First Blood I am, to the best of my knowledge, the one and only of my kind in the world. I do not mean I am an alien or some strange being of science fiction or supernatural origins. I believe I am human but I believe something in the past has made this world either completely oblivious to my machinations or completely complicit in them. After my change came about and the horror and fear of that first time passed I began to search for reasons why what I...
I went out drinking with 2 long time girlfriends that I hadnt seen for years now even though weve kept in touch.We went out alot during and after high school and they pulled shit like this before but nothing ever happened sexually back then.Tonight though was a different story.We got together and went out to eat and talk .I wasnt planning on staying out late and diffently wasnt planning on having sex.After we ate we decided to go to a bar and have afew drinks and talk about what weve been doing...
I figured I would find some pornography. In fact, I hoped that was all I would find. I'd never suspect that Tony would cheat on me, but my heart was racing with the thought I might be wrong. I started thumbing through the different folder names, scanning for anything that would send me straight to a divorce attorney. Luckily, it seemed to be just a stash of dirty pictures and videos. Not a big deal, right? I breathed a little easier, but now I was curious as to what things were turning my...
Being Bimbo ? ? ?????Introduction ? ? Before allowing Brandi to begin this narrative of her life I feel I should inform those who failed to read her previous narrative how she came to be?who?and what she is. Those who have read her previous book may wish to skip forward. Though there are a few things I may reveal that her fans do not already know. ?????My name is John. I own a rather large marketing firm well-known across three continents. I am also a certified hypnotherapist, a skill I learned...
I must have dozed off for a moment. I woke up when Juliet poked me, as the pain was still there. "John, Elizabeth is going to be here soon. You may want to freshen up a bit. Then we'll go to see your apartment together with her and Sandra." I did what I could, and had another cup of coffee and a sandwich. I wasn't sure if it contained cheese or ham, and I didn't really care. I ate it anyway. Once I was finished with those I turned to look at Juliet, and raised my eyebrows. She grinned...
“Ten...more, nine...more, eight...more,” she counted down as she hit the bag, her hits becoming irregular and misplaced. As she counted a breathless “!” She punched the bag with all her might, sending it swinging and putting her off-balance. A smile played across her lips as she hung on the bag, sweating and breathless. She held the bag for a few minutes, regaining her composure. As she started to cool down, she started shivering due to the cold sweat dripping from her body. The...
It started out as an ordinary day, that is if any day could be ordinary for Cindy. Cindy, who only yesterday, it seemed, walked down the aisle with Hal, the love of her very young life. Their story became the stuff of family legend. Hal was the bank president's son and their only child, a cool, poised teenager, new to the community, but already at ease in the high school whose movers and shakers had soon realized that this 12th grader would make a name for himself. And that he did. A bit over...
Hello everyone, I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories and hence thought of publishing one of my experiences. About me- 5’11 in height, having a penis size of around 6 inches and 24 years old. Any feedbacks would be appreciated or any discrete relationship with a woman would be appreciated at This story was in 2015 when I had just shifted to Chennai to complete my studies. After all the admission procedure I stayed in a pg for a while then found a really good flat on rent in a nice...
I had barely managed to fall asleep when I woke up suddenly, with someone shaking my shoulders. The movement was violent enough that I thought it was my father, and I bolted upright, thinking there was some sort of emergency. My room was dark, and no one was standing over me, so I was momentarily confused, both by sleep, and the lack of reason for being so rudely awakened. I finally realized that I had company in the bed, and I turned in the interloper's direction, not being able to see...
As time passed, Michael saw the securing of the Solar System with advances of technology added to the original SSPDP. For years the platforms appeared to be space debris until a cloaking system was perfected. The weapons systems had advanced to the point they could be effective to a range of 10,000 kilometers, with the main problem being that there were only six shots before the power supply was depleted. The hope was that if it were not a kill, the spacecraft would reach the range of another...
Introduction: True story as to how we metand young love The Virgin I had Just made a wrong turn into a driveway as my friends car, who I was supposed to meet was parked across the street from where he lived. I had gotten out and had walked up to the door to inquire, and had just knocked, when this beautiful young dark headed girl answered the door. I was so taken by her and was trying not to be so obvious as I looked her over, thinking to myself wow she is really nice. As we talked she said my...
An elderly man walked out of the shop grumbling under his nose, he couldn’t believe how rude people can be. With a snap of his finger the surroundings changed, engulfing him in the void before surroundings appeared again, as he was now in a bathrobe in a good looking lounge area, a chair behind him moved in place for the elder to sit down on. “I think they all need a lesson, not just this world, every one of them.” The man conjured a bright orb that scattered into billions of tiny fragments and...
Mind ControlWhilst mom and Clare had, unbeknown to us, been getting it on together, Angel and I had been exploring the gorge. We had been walking and generally making polite conversation concerning the beautiful scenery for about ten minutes when Angel turned the conversation towards private matters. She asked me if I intended to stay in our small town for the whole of my life, what plans I had, whether I had a girlfriend and all sorts of generally personal questions. It certainly didn't bother me and I...
Now, growing up I was super into school and was a bit of a dork. I had a great group of friends, but we were super awkward and not at all sexually active, so there wasn’t much pressure to do much of anything. Once I entered college everything changed, the atmosphere was sexually charged, inhibitions were lowered, and you’re trying your best to make friends. I was a naive seventeen-year-old who suddenly had all of this freedom and my floor happened to be coed. The first weekend living at college...
College SexChad Stephens sat in his office trying to decide what to do about his predicament. He’d been very excited when his Office Manager, right hand man (well woman), and best friend Karena had hired a new girl for the position of Office Whore. Reina had been delightful on her first day when she had appeared so innocent and yet eager to learn how to be a Base 12 Slut, whose job it was to take care of all of his sexual needs. He had been surprised how much it had pleased him that she had accepted the...
Office SexThis is my first story so please don’t mind and few pieces are real in this story. I will start with story rather than boring you and when I was a kid, I used to love smell of woman’s bra and panties and when that smell turned me into cross dressed I did not realize. By the time I hit my puberty I was very excited about cross dressing and used to cross dress whenever I used to get any chance to cross-dress in private. Soon after and I joined an engineer college which was mostly dominated by...
Gay MaleThis joke makes sense if you live in Ontario Canada A platoon of soldiers was marching north of Kandahar when they came upon an Afghani terrorist, badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side of the road was a Canadian soldier in a similar but less serious state. The soldier was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the Platoon Leader asked the injured Canadian what had happened. The soldier reported, 'I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway...
“I feel guilty that all this agent talk is just about me. Alex, couldn’t you also represent Jake? He’s a fantastic hockey player. Our careers seemed to be very similar and we’ve been friends a long time,” Brad asked. “Could you? Could you also be my son’s agent?” Wendy asked, placing her hand on Alex’s leg, well above the knee. “I certainly could represent Jake. It would be very satisfying to possibly have two clients join us in my first visit,” Alex smiled. Wendy turned more towards Alex,...
Introduction: This Is Just Something That I Wrote, To Kill Time, as I Got Over, Writers Block For Wolf In Sheeps Clothing: Sophomore Year. Hope You Guys Enjoy. Dear Diary, I know its been a while since Ive written in you, but I just have to get this off my chest, and I know I cant tell anybody or daddy might get in trouble. You see, I can only start off by saying Ive only loved one man in my life, and that man is my daddy. I remember him treating my mother like a queen before she left us....
Lacey had always been cautious when playing online as her sissy self, and had only ever met a handful of men. Sucking a few cocks over the years, and her cherry was popped, but none of it was very remarkable. She wanted more, as strong fantasies grew over the last few years, years without any cock to service. She was about ready to burst. After spending time away from it all, she signed back up to a few websites where she knew she could have some fun, and began again. After a couple weeks of...
Following the opening of THE Faculty, 7 of the teenage stars from the movie decided to have a party up in Josh Hartnet's hotel rooms. Usher, the talented musician was there, along with the lovely Jordana Brewster. Clea Duvall, who played the brainy loner in the movie was also there along with Elijah Wood. The last two that arrived were Laura Harris, who played the alien in the movie and Shawn Hatosy, who played the high school quarterback. They were all relaxing, drinking beer and listening to...
Mike Brown was 26 yrs old and had been a nurse at the Lexington Sports Medical Clinic for almost two years. One of the best medical facilities of its kind, it often played host to a variety of professional, college, and weekend athletes. The usual injuries ran from a bad sprain or compound fracture to a totally destroyed knee. Most of the patients were male, and were usually very young. Every day the halls were filled with men whose bodies had been molded to physical perfection. Mike always...
Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Natali Ruby, a curvaceous brunette with a juicy ass and great tits to match and she has come to Private Specials, Irresistible Beauties for a debut she’ll never forget! Nataly wastes no time getting hot and horny with her man Andrew Marshall as she gives an amazing deepthroat blowjob just to warm up! Then enjoy this curvaceous wonder in action as she offers up her pussy for a taste and fuck before opening her ass and enjoying some hard anal...
xmoviesforyouAt 22, Tim really didn’t have a care in the world. He was living with his girlfriend and had his circle of friends. Little did he know that one fateful trip to the grocery store would throw a wrench into his comfortable lifestyle. He had picked up a few items from his list. After loading the trunk of his car with the groceries, he pushed the cart to the side, bumping it against the car next to him and started to get back into his car. But before he could, an older man in front of him saw him...
He sat in the cool darkness of the restaurant. His eye wandering aimlessly over the patrons.She was wearing a dark red silk chemise. Her blonde hair framed her face perfectly. She and her companion chatted quietly but she allowed her eyes to wander the room.Their eyes met for an instant. She smiled quickly and he returned her smile by slightly raising his wine glass. Her eyes moved quickly back to her companion and then, as quickly, back to him. She nodded her head briefly and then shifted her...
VoyeurKaren cooked and got the table ready. I looked around for something to do. I had some time, so I decided to sneak out. I opened the door to the basement, which was located just outside the kitchen, between the living room and utility closet. I quietly walked down the sturdy, wooden steps. They didn't make a sound. The air was earthy and moist, even a little drafty. The dim light took some getting used to. Suze, who lived down here, never said a word. This was her home, as nice as anything she...
Old Friend, New Relationship-Part 1 I met Karen in my divorce support group while I was dealing with my second divorce and she was trying to cope with her first. About the only thing that we had in common was that both our spouses had cheated with good friends of ours. She was a couple years older and very attractive. I remember that she always dressed so well for our group meetings. We both attended regularly for almost a year, in which time several of us formed a sort of loose union. Among...
CrossdressingTeacher PetI teach Drama and Media studies at the local school. Being out of University for only two years. the older pupils are not much younger than me. However, I am good at my job, my lessons are interesting, so I encounter very few problems. I liked to think I was pretty, and wore my hair in a pony tail, which, I believed, made me look young. I certainly turned heads. At Uni, I knew that I had a reputation of not being the hardest student to get into bed, and I was a bit freaky, fond of...
A game too far?.Sayuna steps out of the warm glow of the steamy bathroom, her lithe but damp hair and body wrapped in soft towels as she turns down the lights of the bedroom apartment. Settling on top of her quilt, feet up in the air, she eagerly turns on her laptop, looking forward to a bit of escapism fun after a hard week at graduate school.Slender fingers lightly tap across the keyboard, as she logins in her avatar, Mira Cheng. Her scandalously clad avatar appears on screen as Sayuna’s face...
Corvus had a strange sense of foreboding as the limo pulled up outside the general's house. The family wing was mostly dark, but the lights were burning in his own rooms. He almost pointed it out to Quad, but decided if there was any hazard, it probably wouldn't be the sort that the big centurion could protect him from. The reception desk in his antechamber was empty and he called out. "Clover, Rose, is everything all right?" Rose emerged, barefoot, blinking sleep out of her eyes, and...
The sex-ed tapes from the school came in the next day. So that afternoon I showed them the 11 to 13 year old tape. This one explained puberty, all the emotional and physical changes that boys and girls go through. They divided the tapes for boys and girls with one tape each. I just ran both of them back to back. It seemed funny that they would only talk about the boys or about the girls and not both sexes. As I was running the tapes, I saw all three kids taking notes. They were actually...
I try to move a little and holy fuck a coursing pain runs right through me. I groan loudly and something stirs at the bottom of the bed. “Robbie?!” my eyes are better focused now but I could tell that voice anywhere. It’s Stacey. “Oh, thank god you’re awake!” She shuffles her seat closer up to me. I guess she must have been sleeping. “What... What happened?” I speak out but with a little difficulty and pain. My face aches. “You’re in the hospital. You look and are in a pretty bad shape! We...
From Urban Dictionary: “Catfish — A fake or stolen online identity created or used for the purposes of beginning a deceptive relationship.” Enter Alex Coal. She’s one horny slut, and she swipes right almost all the time! She uses all the different “hook-up apps” on her phone to satisfy her insatiable desires; and tonight, Alex is extra horny. I mean her cunt is soo wet. So when she realizes the dude she’s supposed to meet isn’t really the dude...
xmoviesforyouMy first time writing a story so please be gentle.Rough DraftFYI: Ashley is 25. Long black hair. D size cup. An ass that would make you nut once you enter your cock from behind. I love that she has this dip in her back. Perfect place to grab a hold of and really use her the way I want. A short 5’0 as well. Love me a toy to manhandle.So let me start by saying that me and my girl, we’ll call her Ashley, were high school sweethearts. We ended up breaking up but we always kept in contact. 3 months...
“You had sex with mom?” Rita asked surprised. I was still in a state of shock. I couldn’t believe I was deceived like that, but at the same time, I was a little turned on at my mom’s boldness. Rita was the splitting image of mom, except mom was 35, 5’8, 120 pounds, and had a 36D bust. “I swear I thought it was you, why would I have any reason to think otherwise?” I said trying to atone for what happened. “You can’t tell the difference between me and mom?” she asked intently. “I didn’t see...
Ginger was waiting for them at the security gate when Ali and Bill returned from Hawaii. She just stood and watched as they walked through and then shook her head slowly. She took Ali in her arms and kissed her and then kissed Bill. "I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Ali, you are absolutely out of this world! I can't imagine a girl looking more beautiful than you do now. "You were right, you know. You have a deep golden tan, hair the color of yellow gold, and...
By : Rahul Gautam Ye baat aj se 3 sal pahli hai. Mere village me mere ghar ke paas hi ek prema naam ki ladki jiski umra us waqt Mushkil se 18 varsh rahi hogi ka ghar tha. Wo ladki itni mast aur gadrai hui thi ki use jo bhi dekhata, niyat kharab ho jati. Us se pahle me ladkiyo ke prati aise vichar nahi rakhata tha. Lekin use patane ke liye hum dosto me ek aghoshit comptition chhid gaya. Humare paas us samay ek tractor bhi tha jis se hum dusro ke khet bhi jota karte the. Ek baar main unke khet...
Hi readers, I am sai from Hyderabad. This is the first story in Indian Sex Stories. I have been reading stories on this site from past 5 years. Finally, today I am going to share my true and real experience. Feedbacks, comments, and compliments are most welcome. Any girls or in satisfied women can contact me on Let me introduce myself. I am Ashok from Hyderabad 25 yrs old. From the age of 18 yrs I am aware of porn and since then I am waiting for a beautiful opportunity. Even from 18 yrs, I...
My niece Cynthia came to visit us for a month every summer. I was the “cool” aunt even though I was nearly three times her age. That summer would perhaps be the last visit since she had turned seventeen and her interests were changing.Rob saw her walking into the baggage claim area and waved. “Cindy, we are over here.”She smiled and made her way towards us. Her dark sun-tanned complexion stood out in her yellow sundress. Her beautifully painted toes stood out in her open sandals.“Hello, Cindy,...
TabooThere are times when your wildest dreams come true and yesterday was on such day!!! I'd been friendly with my neighbor, Hazel ever since I'd moved into my new flat a month earlier. Hazel was like me in her early sixties, that made us the youngest in the block of retirement flats where we lived. All of the other tenants were much older, mainly in there seventies and eighties and some even in their nineties. Yesterday I was on my way back from the shops walking past Hazel's flat and saw something...
Erotic FictionThe culmination of Billy and Crystal's visit with Philip and Mary had certainly been much different than Crystal and Philip would have ever guessed. She and Billy had left to return to their home three days later, but before their SUV pulled out of the driveway, Philip and Crystal had shared five more lusty bareback unprotected fucks together. Philip had even taken Crystal to the bed where he and Mary slept and he'd fucked her there twice in a row late one afternoon while Mary had driven...
Scott was in the office, editing a report for work, when Nina poked her head in. "I'm off to swim again. Seeya in a bit." "Have fun. Don't drown." "Ha, ha." When Nina didn't immediately leave, Scott looked at her expectantly. She seemed to be a little unsure of what to say, or whether to say anything, but finally took a breath and said, "There's probably something I should tell you; there's a chance that I will end up having sex with one of the lifeguards while I'm...
Marty had no idea if this causeway was crossable as it didn’t have depth markers. Mary walked over to the bank and up the river a short way before coming back. She checked out the sky and turned to him. “It is only about a foot over, and there isn’t much rubbish, so it should be safe enough. However, I don’t think we should hang around in town if it starts to rain again, which it will.” “We’re lucky; Pam stopped further up the coast as we haven’t had the rain those poor bastards have....
Story: #9 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 1 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 3 of 4 - The Entertainment Stacey is now just a memory to the 5 scared girls, lying in the dirt, waiting for there turn on the Jessica 3000. James and the rest of the team are in rest mode after the huge feast that was once two lovely young...
My sister, Sarita, who is now 20, is one very tall girl. At 5’11”, she towers over most girls her age, and even a few guys. All of her height is in her sexy legs. She has the longest and sexiest legs I have ever seen. As her older brother, I never used to think of Sarita in a sexual manner. But several years ago, one only had to look at her to tell she was going to be model type material. She had the long black hair, blue eyes, and the body most young girls die for. She had firm breasts, a...
IncestIt has been several weeks since my daughter inlaw did anything with or to me. No spankings , no ass play, nipple clamps, nothing! She just checks to make sure I m wearing the red pantiesand to check the cock cage making sure its not causing any sores. It is but my blue balls don't count ! She will hold my balls as she inspects and laugh as I try to get hard because of the painit causes. She has said this week if I m good she will release me so I can cum, I want that so bad! Its Friday...
Author's Note: This chapter is the third chapter in a story originally written by Guardiana. Please read those first, but quick summaries: 1. "A favour for my siblings" - Danny agrees to disguise himself as a girl to help his brother and sister attend a cousin's birthday party, a cousin that holds a grudge against him. 2. "It started as a favor" - At the party, things escalate when he is pampered and dolled up at a salon, then discovered by his cousin, and after she gets him drunk,...
Purely a Business Arrangement Lady Caroline Westhaven gave a grimace of displeasure as her maid tightened the laces of her corset. "That's enough Minnie," she said sharply. "Sorry My Lady, I'm just trying to get your waist down a little so that you will look your best in your dress." "I don't give a tinkers cuss how I look in my dress," snapped Lady Caroline. She was immediately contrite. "I'm sorry Minnie, I shouldn't have snapped at you, but I do so hate these odious...
(True names are not given) & (My English is not good, hope you all can understand what I am trying to say) My name is Vishnu and I am from a middle class family. Lust is what I cannot control because whenever I see a girl my penis erects and I masturbate 5 or 6 times in a day. I would do anything to see a girl naked or to see some parts of girls body. I love to fuck aunties and masturbate imagining my relative aunties or neighbour aunties or any aunty who has wonderful figure. I am a person who...