- 2 years ago
- 31
- 0
I came in the back door after potting some Inpatients to put on the front stoop. It was a beautiful, normal Sunday morning. I had no way of knowing all that was about to change.
I washed my hands in the kitchen sink and thought I might catch a quick shower. I grabbed the basket of clean clothes off the dryer so I could put them away and headed upstairs.
My son’s clothes were on top so I stopped at his room first. I had no idea he was even home. I opened his door and stepped in with my basket of clothes.
I was stunned, shocked. I found my son sitting on the edge of his bed with no pants on and his girlfriend kneeling on the floor between his legs. I couldn’t really see what she was doing, her back was to me, but it was quiet obvious to me what was going on.
“Oh my God!”
I dropped my basket of clothes when my hands shot up to cover my mouth.
“MOM!!!” Joey shouted at me.
Jenny, Joey’s girlfriend, jumped to her feet.
“Oh my God!” she whispered to Joey and then she ran past me.
“I’m so sorry Mrs. Andrews” she says to me as her eyes darted away from mine and she ran out of the room.
I had seen Jenny a number of times before, but today ... she looked different. Older. She was only 15 but she had put so much make-up on that she looked ... well ... like a hooker actually.
“CHRIST MOM!” my son yelled.
“Don’t you yell at ME Joseph Matthew! Last time I checked ... I was still your mother.”
I wasn’t the one that had done anything wrong here and I wasn’t going to be talked to like I had.
“But Mom...”
“But Mom nothing young man...”
Up until that point everything had happened so fast that I hadn’t really noticed but now my eyes were instantly drawn to this huge hard-on my son was sporting. It distracted me for a second and kinda took the wind out of my sails.
“Um look...” I said a little calmer now. “I’m sorry I didn’t knock Joey, but I had no idea that you were home ... and I certainly had no idea that you might be up here doing something like THIS!”
“But what Joey? But what?”
I watched him halfheartedly trying to cover his penis with his hands and quite frankly, he was doing a poor job of it. Finally he just dropped his head and looked at the floor as he sat on the edge of his bed with his hands in his lap.
“What is it? What are you trying to say Joey?” I asked sympathetically.
“Nothing ... Just never mind.”
I looked at him for a few seconds; neither of us moved or said anything. To be honest, it felt pretty weird looking at my son sitting there like that. I knelt down and started to pick up the clothes I’d dropped. I kept glancing up, watching him sitting there, wondering when he was going to get some pants on, wondering what he was waiting for. I supposed he was gunna wait for me to leave before he got up.
My eyes kept bouncing back and forth between the clothes and him sitting there on his bed looking like a puppy that had just gotten smacked for shitting on the brand new carpet.
It was hard to miss the tip of his penis sticking up past his hands. To be a little more accurate, there were a couple of inches sticking up past his hands. And as long as I’m being more accurate ... I guess I didn’t try very hard not to miss it.
I was a little surprised that he was still so hard and that his penis showed no visible signs of calming down. I certainly would have thought that being caught by your Mom, would at the very least, knock the lead out of your pencil.
I was also pretty surprised at how much NOTICING I did.
Now being his mother and living in the same house with him for six-teen years, I’ve seen Joey naked before a thousand times through the years. I’ve even seen him in different degrees of nakedness over these latter years as well. You know ... in and out of showers and changing to go swimming and such. But I wasn’t accustomed to seeing Joey in a full state of arousal. I was kinda uncomfortable by the fact that he wasn’t making much of an effort to cover himself up. I realize that he now thought he was old enough to be getting blowjobs in his room but I was still his Mom...
I asked him if he was OK.
“Yeah ... I guess.” he mumbles.
But I could tell that he wasn’t OK. I certainly understood.
He was a 16-year-old boy that had just gotten the first half of a blowjob, as best as I could see and he was OBVIOUSLY, I told myself, still aroused by that.
“Look Joey, I’m sorry. I really am. I’ll gather the rest of these clothes and just leave them here in the basket. I’ll put them away later so you can...
... You know ... Deal with that.” {And by that, I meant deal with that baseball bat between his legs. He looked like he was on deck and planning on swinging away}
My son looked up at me. He looked a little confused for a second like he didn’t know what I meant, like maybe masturbation was some kind of foreign concept reserved for mean old lonely men and convicts serving twenty to life. I was gunna ask him what the matter was, like you don’t jerk off, right? But he started to say something again,
“But you don’t understand...”
I stopped gathering the clothes off the floor and looked at him waiting for him to continue.
“That ... That was...” H e trailed off.
“What Joey? What are you trying to say?”
He lifted a hand away from his sizeable erection and rubbed his forehead troubled not realizing he was exposing a healthy chunk of real state between his legs. He looked down at the floor again and said very softly, “That was gunna be the first time...” he says just above a whisper.
“What?” I asked him.
He looked up at me.
“That was the first time.” he stated with what I perceived as a little bit of attitude.
“It took forever to get Jenny to say she would ... and now ... well, she’ll never do it now.” He tells me like the bank was giving out bags of money and he didn’t have cab fair to get there.
“What? You mean give you a ... a blowjob?”
{I would’ve sworn that when I said the word Blowjob, that he adjusted his hands in his lap, trying to better conceal the huge erection he had.}
“What?” I had a little smirk on my face. “Do you think that I’m so old and out of touch that I don’t know what a blowjob is?”
“Well no.”
“Would you be more comfortable if I used a different word?”
He shook his head no. “I’ve just never heard you say stuff like ... like that.”
“Well, I guess the opportunity hasn’t come up to much before today Joey. I mean come-on...” He rolled his eyes at me. “Maybe I should try to work it into the conversation a little more, huh?”
“Should I start asking at the dinner table: Hey Hun, have a good day today? How was school? Did you clean your room, take out the trash ... get a BLOWJOB today?”
{I was sure this time that I’d seen his hands pushing down into his lap when I said the word ‘Blowjob’.}
“No Mom...” He had a little smirk on his face now and although I was trying really hard not to look, I believe I saw one of his fingers actually diddling his penis. {I Don’t know ... It might have been a nervous twitch or maybe even the on-set of Parkinsons. I might have to read up on the symptoms.}
Now I knew that getting a blowjob is a pretty big deal to most guys. I felt really bad I’d ruined it for him, I did. But the fact that my son was left to sit here naked diddling his own hard-on, was not my fault. He should have picked a better spot for his oral escapades.
“I should have known...” he started.
“Known what Joey?”
Joey and I had a pretty good relationship, we could always talk about damn-near anything up until now. I didn’t want that to stop. I had known for a long time that Joey masturbated. I had talked to him about that a long time ago. I’d told him that it was perfectly natural and he could feel free to do it in the privacy of his room anytime he felt like it. It was no big deal. “As long at it doesn’t get in the way of your school work or your chores.” I had said lightheartedly.
I had even walked in on him one evening when he was doing it. “Ooo ... Sorry.” I’d told him somewhat embarrassed myself, and had turned right around and walked out to give him his privacy. No big deal. {Of course, he didn’t have someone in there helping him like he had today.}That was a few years ago. This was different. He was getting older now and obviously just thinking about stuff while he masturbated just wasn’t enough. But this was not the place or the time. I certainly didn’t want to walk around my own house on eggshells never knowing when I was gunna walk in on ... STUFF! What next? Walk in the dinning-room and find him fucking someone on my best table-cloth.
I pulled a clean towel from the laundry basket, pushed the basket aside and walked over to my son, holding the towel out to him.
“Here Honey. Cover yourself up.” I told him.
It seemed almost silly to say at that point. It was kinda like hanging a picture over the TV, ya know. His dick was still rigid. It looked painfully so. I noticed when Joey raised his hand to take the towel ... that his penis was ... Well ... I know it’s not very “Motherly” but it was Quite impressive actually.
The head was shiny wet and the color of catsup. It was hard not to notice.
“Now tell me...” I said calmly. “ ... You should have known what?”
“It’s just ... Well ... I’ve been looking forward to this for so long.”
“What ... Getting caught with your girlfriend in your room by your mom?” I asked jokingly, trying to lighten the tone a little.
“NOOOOO ... I mean ... You know.”
He looked pretty frustrated. And yes, I knew what he had been looking forward to.
“Im sorry Sweetheart. Ga-head.”
“It’s just I just knew that something would happen to ruin it. Jenny will never do it NOW. Shit ... I’ll be lucky if she even speaks to me now.”
I knew that what my son was trying to tell me was important to him but it was kinda hard for me to give Joey my full attention. My eyes kept creeping down to the towel. Had the circus come to town?
I couldn’t understand it. I would have thought that after all the time I’d been there and as embarrassed as he should have been that ... Well ... that it would have gone limp by now. I just couldn’t stop looking at the tent in my sons lap.
I couldn’t help but notice how much bigger his penis was from the last time that I saw him when he was masturbating. I admit that I didn’t get a real good look last time ... Certainly not the view I was getting today ... But it seems that if it had been, back then, as big as it is now ... Well ... I would’ve noticed and remembered, that’s all. It was really a huge difference I thought. He was only 16 years old for Christ sake and his dick was already longer then his fathers. A lot thicker as well.
Without even thinking, I just blurted out,
“You’ve gotten a lot bigger since that last time I walked in on you doing...”
“MOM...” My son cut me off.
“Oh, sorry ... it’s just ... Well ... I” I trailed off as I stared at the towel that covered my son’s hard dick. You’d have thought it was gunna fly off at any moment like some long awaited unveiling and his hard dick would start singing its own version of “It’s a Hard Days Night’ by the Beatles.
There was a long awkward silence while I stared.
He just sat there while I looked at the towel between his legs. I’m really not sure how much time passed. He just watched me looking without saying a word. Letting me, for all practical purposes. Until curiosity got the best of me ... I wanted to know...
“Ummm ... I hope you don’t mind me asking Joey but ... how come you’re still so hard?”
He looked down at the towel now and just shrugged his shoulders like I’d asked him if it was gunna rain today.
“I guess because I was really excited about getting my first ... blowjob MOM.”
He emphasized the word “MOM” like all this was my fault. It was MY fault that he was sitting there with a boner.
“Look Joey...”
I felt some of the attitude coming back.
“ ... I said I was sorry ... and I AM. I really am, but there’s nothing I can do about it now. Look...”
Then what he had just said registered in my head. ‘His first blowjob’
“ ... YOUR first blowjob? I blurted out.
He shook his head slowly, sadly ... yes.
“I thought that you meant it was Jenny’s first time.”
“No ... Well, Yeah ... with me, but it’s not her first time ... It was mine.”
I felt worse. That explained a little better why he was in such a state ... Kinda.
“Jenny told me this morning that she’ do it. I’ve been waiting all day for this.”
“Wow Joey ... I didn’t know but this still isn’t the time or place. Listen, I can see that you need to do something with THAT before it explodes or something.”I nodded my head towards the towel. “ ... So I’m gunna just go down stairs and go on about my business and you can ... you know...
{I made an “O” with my hand and moved it up and down a few times} ... and then, if you feel like it, we can talk about this more later.”
I wasn’t gunna hold my breath until he came down to TALK ABOUT IT MORE.
Joey lifted the towel a little bit and glanced at his swollen dick with what I thought was a bit of sorrowful disappointment.
“I can’t do that knowing that you’re downstairs KNOWING I’m up here doing it Mom! Besides ... It’s just not the same.”
I felt a little sorry for him.
“I can’t believe this.” He mumbles frustrated. “And it took so long to get her to put...” He stopped abruptly.
He was really bothered by all this. I couldn’t blame him I guess. It was probably a pretty big deal to all the boys. A ‘Right of Passage’ of sorts. I’m sure he’d heard plenty of talk about it and there was a great deal of anticipation, not to mention the time and effort he’d put into talking Jenny into doing it. And now ... As far as he was concerned, I had ruined it for him.
To make it worse, she’d started and not finished. That had to be pretty rough on the boy. I certainly remember how important it seemed to be to all the guys I went out with. Joey’s father included.
“I’m sorry again Joey. But before I leave you to ... you know ... I have to ask you a question?”
My son rolled his eyes again and flopped back on his bed with his hands over his face abandoning the towel that hid his erection. Well ... it didn’t HIDE it, it just covered it up. I had a hard time drawing my eyes away.
“Yeah Mom ... Sure ... Ga head...” He told me through his hands.
“What was up with Jenny?”
My son took his hands away from his face and looked at me curiously.
“What do ya mean?”
He’d caught me once again staring at the tent in his lap and had to recapture my attention.
“Uh, Mom...”
“What do you mean, ‘What’s up with her’? You mean other then getting caught ... by my Mommy?”
“Yeah right...” I said a bit indifferent and then continued, “No I mean what’s up about all the make-up and the red lipstick. I never pegged Jenny as a “Red lipstick” kinda girl?”
For the first time since I’d entered my son’s room ... he looked really embarrassed.
“I ... I asked her to do that.” He told me quietly, border-lined ashamed.
“What do you mean, you asked her to do that?” I didn’t understand.
“I like it.”
“You like what, Joey? I’m not following you.”
“The make-up ... The lipstick, I wanted her to do that.”
“Oh ... How come?”
“I wanted her to look ... You know ... hot ... older I guess; like the girls in the magazines. “ he explained.
{This was odd conversation to have with my naked son, but it was what it was. I guess there really wasn’t anything that wasn’t odd about this whole situation.}
“Oh!” I thought for a second. “Well she did.” I said to him. “If you’re talking about porn magazines” I told him bluntly.
“What are ya saying? Are you saying she looked slutty?”
“Pretty much.” I told him honestly.
He raised his eyebrows, leaned back a little more, raised his arm above his head and reached under his pillow. I was somewhat surprised when he pulled a tube of lipstick out and tried to hand it to me.
“This is yours Mom.” He said with a bit of attitude. “Your slutty lipstick.”
I looked at the tube of lipstick in his hand and then at my son. I’m sure I looked a bit taken back. I slowly reached my hand out and let him drop it in my hand. Then it occurred to me ... The color of catsup...
“Joey ... Is this why you’re so red down there?” I nodded towards the towel.
He slowly lifted the towel and looked; I looked too.
“Oh Wow!” He quietly whispered.
I watched as my son lifted the towel up with one hand and let his other hand close around the base of his dick ... His still hard dick! He tilted it towards his belly to get a better look at its tip. I watched as he let his hand slowly slide up the pudgy shaft towards its swollen red head. I felt like he didn’t even know I was there. He touched the tip of his dick with the tip of his index finger as he held his dick just behind the rim with his other fingers. He looked like he was mesmerized. I certainly was. He ran his fingertip through the red lipstick smear and then over the fresh drop of pre-cum oozing out from the slit on his hard prick. He let loose his hard-on and brought his fingers closer to his face to examine them better as he rubbed his finger and thumb together slowly. He looked fascinated. I was too. His other hand held the towel up; almost as if he were showing it to me if I cared to look. It would seem I cared to.
I could clearly see the red lipstick smears on the white towel and what appeared to be a small wet spot where a good amount of pre-cum had been seeping out ... apparently the entire time we’d been talking. Once again I found myself taken back by his somewhat laid-back manner. It was quite obvious that he didn’t care in the least that he had a hard-on in front of his mother.
I wasn’t sure what was happening here; it all seemed so peculiar. Not just the fact of where this conversation had gone ... But the fact that it all seemed so ... Nonchalant, I guess would be a good word for it. This wasn’t really the kind of conversation I should be having with Joey; his erection shouldn’t really be a topic for discussion for him and I, but it was almost as if we were just talking about school or the price of eggs. It was really odd.
“Yeah ... It is...” He told me as he showed me his fingertip.
He looked up at me and again caught me looking at his dick.
“Yeah Hun...”
“Why do you keep looking at my dick like that?”
His question caught me off guard. I felt my face get hot.
“Um, I’m sorry Joey. I ... I’m really not sure. I guess ‘cause I’ve never seen you like this.” I was flustered. “I mean all hard and everything.” I couldn’t believe I’d said it. And as if that wasn’t enough, more spilled out “It’s really big...” I blurted out before I’d even realized what I’d said.
“That’s good, right?” My son asked me like I was some sort of expert on the subject sharing my thoughts on the Pro’s & Con’s of penis size from the everyday woman’s point-of-view.
His cock was so rigid it looked like you could crack nuts with it. It was so swollen; so thick. And I still didn’t know why it was still like this. The redness went down the shaft of his prick a few inches mellowing to a soft pink hew. It wasn’t all lipstick. I could see every vein that wrapped around his stiff shank. I’m ashamed to be able to describe it so well. I had to literally tear my eyes away. But before I did I mumbled one more un-motherly thing...
“Yes ... Yes I suppose it is.” I murmured in an almost dreamy voice. I pulled my eyes off of my son’s dick and looked in his eyes. I felt my face redden even more if that was possible. I was noticeably embarrassed as the swing in the conversation became more and more inappropriate.
“Joey, I should just leave and let you take care of that...” I gestured towards his penis again. “It looks like it ... like it hurts.”
“It’s never been like this Mom.” He informed me with a look of pride mixed with a little concern of his own.
“You mean hard like that?”
He looked up at me and shook his head, “Yeah.”
“OK then.” I said nervously like the conversation had all of a sudden taken a wrong turn when, in fact, it had actually taken a wrong turn fifteen minutes ago. “I guess I’ll leave you to it.”
“Yeah ... OK Mom.” He kinda whispered like he wasn’t sure if that’s what he wanted. I started to walk out when Joey called to me.
I turned, “Yeah Sweetie.”
He had a strange look on his face and he whispered to me like he was afraid someone else might hear him.
“I’m really excited...”
“I noticed Joey. Kinda hard not to...”
“Do you want to ... I mean, would you mind ... maybe...”
His words drifted away like a lost kite on a windy day. Feeling my stomach drop, feeling I already knew the answer, I reached for the string anyways... “Mind what Joey?” I asked, my voice barely audible above my pounding heart beat.
“I don’t know ... maybe giving me a ... a hand job or something?”
I didn’t think I heard him right.
“Excuse me?”
His face changed right away. He looked like a little kid that had just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He was immediately sorry he’d said it.
“Nothing...” He mumbled uncomfortably.
I needed to make sure I’d heard him right. I didn’t want any doubt. I took a step towards my son and cocked my head slightly to one side, one eye squinting.
“Joey ... Tell me what you said.” I said sounding more like a mother and less like a Mom.
He looked sheepishly at me and cleared his throat. It was the same look he had on his face when he’d used my good Hand crocheted Afghan as a floor in his snow-fort the winter he’d turned six.
“I ... I asked if you wanted to ... to...”
“To what?”
“ ... Maybe give me ... a ... a handjob.”
I was stunned. Speechless almost. “My God!” I thought.
“Joey ... I’m ... I’m your Mother.” I tried to sound stern, offended even, but that’s not the way it really sounded when it came out.
“I know ... I’m sorry ... I just thought ... that maybe...”
“That what? That maybe what?”
“ ... That you might want to.”
“That I might WANT to? You just thought that I might WANT to give you a hand-job? You’re my son Joey! I can’t do THAT.” I told him harshly. “Even if I wanted to...” I heard myself add as I quiet afterthought.
“It’s wrong...” I told him. “ ... Very wrong. Why in the world do you think I might WANT to?”
“I ... Well ... You kept looking at it ... like maybe ... I don’t know ... like you wanted to ... to touch it or something.”
I was shocked. I stared at my son. I never thought I would ever hear my son ask me something like that. I admit ... he WAS right. I had found myself looking at his dick more than a few times; actually staring more than just looking. I suppose I could see how he thought I might have looked like I wanted to, But ... I don’t know. I didn’t mean to make him think I wanted to ... to do something. I just couldn’t help looking at it, that’s all.
The fact is, I haven’t seen anybody’s “dick” since Joey’s Dad left. I supposed that I missed it a lot more than I’d realized. It was true that I found it hard not to look at his dick the way it was. I had been used to seeing my son’s private area through the years but had never seen his dick ... his cock ... like THAT; so hard and thick ... ready for sex. Until a few minutes ago, I had seen and thought of his penis as only something to pee with. Now ... It looked more like something used for fucking ... Fucking hard! ... Hitting home runs.
Even when I’d walked in on Joey masturbating, I had never gotten a very good look at his penis. I was in and out too quickly. Had it not been my son’s hard thick cock I was staring at this afternoon ... I might have been more than happy to jerk it off. Truth be known ... There were plenty of times recently, that I HAD thought about what it would feel like to touch a nice big dick again, to jerk it off, even suck it. I missed doing stuff like that terribly. But he didn’t know that. At least I didn’t think he did. I guess I DID look like I wanted it.
I swallowed hard.
“I know I was looking at it Joey ... But that doesn’t mean I’m willing to give you a handjob for Christ’s sake...”
“I know Mom. I’m sorry. Really...”
I didn’t know what else to say to him. I thought that pretty much covered it. I turned, a bit beside myself, and left his room.
“He obviously needs to relieve himself. He’s just really excited, that’s all it is.” I told myself. “He was looking forward to his first blowjob and he was denied that soooooo ... he’s just horny. Hell, the fact that his dick is so hard and red is proof of that.”
I could feel that I was flushed. I went to my room and sat down on the edge of my bed. “Wow” I thought. “You want to give me a hand job, he says.” Did he really ask me that? I would have never thought it in a million years. “That’s incest...” I whispered out loud. “Or is it...” I wondered quietly. “Is it incest if I just jerked him off?” I asked myself as if it were just a simple every day question. I was a little shocked that I would even ask myself. It made me feel like I was trying to talk myself into it or something. “Whatever.” I mumbled.
After a little more time mulling the whole thing over I asked myself why he’d want ME give him a hand job. “I’m his mother for Christ’s sake.”
I got up and looked in the full length mirror that hung on my closet door. I swept my long black hair out of my face with my fingers. I stared at myself. I was a 44 year old mother. No gray to speak of. My eyes were sky blue and my lips were very full and pouty. I noticed small crow’s feet at the corners of my eyes and a few small wrinkles around my nose when I smiled. I guess I looked OK. Men still looked at me when they drove by. I got the occasional beep of the horn as well when I was out running, so I can’t look too awful bad. Men still flirted with me ... A little ... Sometimes I guess. It was hard to tell what was just wishful thinking.
“Maybe they’re just looking at my tits.” I thought; they’re pretty big. I put the tube of lipstick down on the dressing table and put a hand under each of my tits and lifted them slightly under my shirt, pushing them together. I let them go and watched them fall back into place. They jiggled a little. Not too saggy. I turned around and stuck my ass out at the mirror. I ran my hands over each check. It was still pretty firm; heart shaped. I thought it was a nice ass. My jeans fit it good. Made it look good too I thought.
I stared at myself for the longest time. I took the tube of lipstick off the table and took the cover off. I brought it up to my lips as I rolled it out. I started to put it on. I rubbed my lips together and then ran my tongue over them; remembering, sadly, what it felt like to be desired.
It had been a long time since I’d put this color on my lips. I sat down at my dressing table, stared at myself in the mirror. I brushed my hair out, re-applied my eye make-up a little darker and put on some liner. I seemed so misplaced and absorbed as I tried to prove to myself that I might still be pretty ... perhaps even sexy.
I pulled my hair back in a pony-tail and tied it with a white scrunchie. This was the way I used to wear my hair a long time ago. I moved in close to the mirror and kissed the air and licked my red lips again.
My son was right. This lipstick did make you look more like one of those women in those magazines. Kinda slutty. Way too red.{Unless you were Jane Russell or Marilyn Monroe and it was 1958}
I got a funny feeling in my stomach when I realized that this was the very lipstick that Joey asked his girlfriend to put on to suck his dick.
Then ... I couldn’t help it ... after seeing Joey’s straining cock and after him asking me about the hand job and all ... I looked in the mirror and wondered what it would feel like to have a thick cock sliding past those red lips into my mouth. I pictured what it would look like, even opened my mouth in anticipation.
I thought about all the times I had done that very thing to Joey’s father; with this very lipstick on. It used to drive him wild. He would almost beg me to put it on and blow him. I missed that. I guess Joey was like his Dad. The thought somewhat comforted me in one way and pissed me off in another.
His father had been gone for more than two years. A pretty young dance instructor. But that was a different lifetime.
“I guess that you could still be sexy enough to excite some 15 or 16 year old boy; to make him want to think about doing stuff with you.” I whispered to my reflection. “A M.I.L.F...” I whispered. The thought made me feel kind of ... sexy. I really didn’t mind the thought of some 15 or 16 or 30 year old for that matter, fantasizing about me. What harm could it do? “But it shouldn’t be Joey!” I whispered out loud. “Not my own son.” I said coming out of my little fantasy world.
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"Still think you can kick my butt in basketball?" I was staring down at this scantily clad college chick in a bikini, sun bathing by my pool. When I came home early from work I had no idea that my daughter, Debbie, would be visiting from her nearby college. She had occasionally come and used the pool, but it was rare for us to cross paths. As I stared down at her womanly form, she sat up and explained that she was home for the weekend. "Basketball?" I asked distractedly. She smiled...
This is an excerpt from a book I have been writing, Feedback would be appreciated. Rinsing her hand’s, she turned to face him, staring up wondering what was next. His hand’s caressing the bare flesh of her sides beneath his T-shirt. Picking her up beneath the arms, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips as he supported her full weight. As he walked her to his bed she stared up at him wanting desperately to know what was he thinking? He bent over steeply preventing her legs from...
When you wake, it’s still pitch black outside. Midnight? Maybe not. Looking around, you realize it’s too dark, even for night. Normally, your room shimmers like twilight. Light seeps in from the hallway and through the window. Electronics give off a dim glow even in sleep mode. Here, you can’t even make out shadows. The blindness is total and complete. To stay calm, you try to look around, but there’s nothing. Even the sounds you are used to– the electric hum of your laptop, your phone...
BDSM"This," thought Taylor Stuart as she dropped exhausted into the empty salon chair and ran a hand through her long waist length hair, "has got to have been the worst day of my life." Sitting back with her eyes closed, the twenty four-year-old brunette reviewed the events that caused her to make such a declaration. Her first disaster of the day had actually started the night before with the sudden arrival of her sometimes lover, George Williams, at her apartment. The relationship between...
I wonder what would happen if I asked? You and me just out and about mid week in the local shopping centre. We wander into one of the local large stores just looking I cant resist anymore “ give me your knickers please!” I whisper in your ear. You look at me surprised but with that smile on your face. “you are joking!” “No” I reply “Give me your knickers” We are in a short isle her eyes dart from one end to the next and her hands start to hitch up her skirt. Tugging at her knickers they fall...
Fern ran for all she was worth. Her long blonde hair streamed behind her, and her large bountiful breasts bounced beneath her simple halter as she moved as if her life depended on it. She wasn’t exactly in mortal danger, but her life was at stake, nevertheless. The female of twenty-five seasons panted as she ran. She cupped her wildly bouncing breasts with both hands while her four hooves pounded the ground in a desperate gallop. The frightened centaur just had to get away! She couldn’t let...
I awoke in the morning to find a huge puddle of cum that had seeped from my well fucked ass the next morning, and I wondered just how many times each boy had made a cum deposit inside of me. I was sure I had cum more than I had ever had in one fuck session, but those boy were like and endless stream. I climbed from the bed and staggered to the shower and stayed there until the water turned cold. I was totally drained and starving, and the smell of Jessica cooking bacon and eggs brought a...
Over the course of the next few months John began to feel much like a yo-yo, seemingly constantly in motion and usually somewhere else in the world than where he’d rather be. To he and Dee’s initial disappointment she had not ‘caught’ immediately, but they soon learned the delight of Rae Jeanne’s old saw about ‘Practice makes Pregnant’ – enjoying the opportunity to ‘practice’ at every possible opportunity. It began to look like things might settle down for a while for them though. His latest...
I meet Maria in here the net - she is still a shy virgin - we write a lot She takes her first steps along the long the road of learning to love sexShe hesitates between the Catholic ethics from her recent Convent schoolAnd the nice needs of her hot body as she sinfully plays her pretty pussyShe seeks my advise in all these delicate matters - so we write much more Peter plays her Spriritual Father for her hot Holy ConfessionsAs she no longer trusts the lustful questions of her parish priestshe...
It's finally Friday. Your friends have gone out of town, leaving you by yourself to enjoy a nice, quiet evening. You couldn't go because you couldn't convince your asshole of a boss to give you the day off, but some relaxation has been on your agenda for some time, now. Most often, you and your buddies would be spending the time at your apartment (living alone has its advantages) and watching bad movies while drinking beer and eating pizza. Typical Friday night fare. You were thinking of doing...
Introduction: Thisis the story of a teenage who want to seduce the teacher she has a chrush on My name is Amy Cotter and this is what happened on my last day at school. I took a deep breath and looked at myself the mirror. On any other school day Id be wearing a very different set of clothes. The school code of conduct stated that all pupils should wear a uniform consisting of a white shirt or blouse and either black or grey trousers or a knee length black or grey pleated skirt. It was ok to...
Just before I pack it in for supper, Dr. Willson phones. “Hi Trent, Nancy said you called.” “There is something I’m working on, but I need to ask you some personal questions before I get into it.” “OK, well, ask away.” “The picture on your desk, Is that your daughter?” “Yes, it is, why?” “How old is she?” “13, What’s this got to do with?” “Where does she go to school?” “Edward Milne” “Where is that?” “Sooke” “So, she will be going to Belmont next year.” “That is right. What is...
Back when I was finishing grade 13 in high school, I had just reached the age when I could finally vote (among other things) and had access to one of the household cars. My folks had started a Friday night routine where they would go out for dinner and then catch a movie afterwards. They were always out of the house from 6pm until 11pm at the earliest. When I could rely on their being gone for that long every Friday night and having the house to myself for the evening, I would make up some...
Hi! I’m Julia Evans ... No! I’m Julia Stevenson – How could I forget? Of course, it’s only a few hours since we took our vows. Someone asked me to tell my story as I saw it. Of course David ... my Master ... my husband has told the story, but he doesn’t know all the details. I never expected a ring on my finger – just a collar on my neck... I was very lucky with my mum and dad. Seriously. I never, ever, doubted their love for me and I grew up secure and happy. Dad held the belief – and Mum...
They were now walking in a region covered with many rocks and just a few small trees. An hour after they had broken their camp of the previous night, they stood at the very edge of a dark forest made up of extremely high trees. Vincent couldn't identify any of them. They had enormous trunks covered with thick and scaly dark brown bark, while the deep green leaves growing on the high branches were the size of a large pizza. The look of the place didn't reassure him at all. He told himself...
My long anticipated return to the land of the Rising Sun was several years after the adventure I had experienced in the mountains with the estimable duo of the two Miss Yomikos. I had thought of them often throughout those intervening years with much fondness and a desire born of joyful memory. The opportunity to return was almost thrown into my lap by the winds of circumstance and I vowed to take full advantage of the favors of fate and return to my glorious haunts of yesteryear and the...
I had found a good engineering job right out of college and we had a decent life. It was the typical American life, lived in the suburbs, kids went to good schools, played sports and Tera was a typical soccer mom. Then one day we looked up and our last kid was graduating college and leaving for a job in another city. We had become "Empty Nesters" at 43! Being in excellent health and happy, I thought, this is our time to enjoy life! I had always been extremely happy with our sex life and...
ASYLUM TALES The title of the story describes it all Author’s Note: Damn, it’s been about three months away from the keyboard with the exceptions of a couple additions already laying around to other stories. JJ seems to be a prophet; I’ve gotten the urge to revive and add a couple chapters of ‘The Nanny’ next month with it being the most popular of my tales. (And on its anniversary since I started that story last October) But first, I figured I’d do a one time deal and rattle off some...
As soon as the door closed behind the mail carrier, Helen moaned and exclaimed, “Christ I’m horny! Delon, can I borrow your cunt? I really need my pussy eaten right now!” He grinned and asked, “Are you sure you wouldn’t like a nice hard cock?” Everyone was watching her. She hesitated just long enough that we could tell she’d been thinking about it lately. But she didn’t quite have the nerve. I knew she never would. She isn’t the prig I first thought she was. But she’s no Cindy either....
Ringing in a new age. By Blossom Loverose. "You look just like your Grandmother!" that was what twenty-five year old Clay Castleberry was often told by those people who had known his grandmother. Having never met his grandmother, Clay could not say one way or the other if he looked like her or not. What he did know was that with his strange silver hair and his slim body that really had no muscle definition, he had been...
Melinda finally broke out of her shocked silence. "Heather, wh-what the fuck are you doing here?" The image of Heather smirked and stepped between Melinda and the imprisoned Penny. She glanced over her shoulder before turning back to Melinda. "What am I doing here? Bugging you, of course." "What the hell are you talking about? Can ... wait, did Diane free you already? Is that it? Are you here to help me?" Heather laughed. "Help you? Why would I do that? You know I've never been...
The next night, Ryan was sitting with her guitar, deep into a song when she heard Lara come in. ‘So, how’s it going with the boyfriend?’ Ryan looked up to see her friend leaning against the wall, a gleam in her eyes. ‘It’s going fine, thanks.’ Ryan went back to her song and hid a grin, knowing the neutral response would drive Lara crazy. ‘Oh, come on. There must be more than that.’ Ryan pretended to think, then shook her head. ‘No, that’s all.’ Lara made a frustrated sound and Ryan...
Elaine was 5ft 4" slim build always superbly dressed in high heels and stockings with knee length pencil skirt and white blouses and today she was slightly annoyed as she left for work Steve her husband had promised that he had arranged cover while they had the plumbers in and now from out of nowhere had a meeting. So yet again she had to change her plans to sort his mess out. Actually now she thought about it she was bloody annoyed. “It’s just one afternoon.” He had said the night before. But...
Quickie SexWhat the heck is it about people wanting to know if Celia or her sister were putting out. “I have no idea. Celia’s only twelve, and I don’t even think about having sex with middle school girls anymore. I’m pretty sure I probably did when I was in middle school,” I told the mother of Celia’s best friend, who so happened to be a boy. “As far as I know, the kids are treating her like a leper because she did some dumb human trick to impress some kids. She did say some boy came over to see if he...
Hi friends ,This is my first submission….not a cooked up story but true incident & many more to come….I promise..I am Raj from gurgaon ht 5 ft. 10 inches with an athletic. A maid aged about 20 yrs was hired by my mother- in-law as she stayed alone at a South Delhi house. She is originally from Jharkhand. I made certain advances at her during the day such as – moving my hands over the neck, shoulders & cheeks..the only reaction was she closed her eyes and sighed. At first I could not make out if...
Reddit STAWG, aka r/STAWG! Welcome back, my horny ass men! I am here to tell you all about a subreddit called STAWG. If you are wondering, STAWG stands for Sexy Thick Ass White Girls, and well, that is exactly what you can expect from r/STAWG/. So, if you are interested in looking at gorgeous women with huge asses, you are more than welcome to check them all out!Reddit.com is a website that basically has it all, so no matter what kind of a specific thing you might be looking for, I am sure that...
Reddit NSFW ListHello ISS readers …. I would like to introduce myself as harry. I live in Chennai. I am very much interested in sex since college days. I would always love to have relationship. I am ardent follower of ISS. I am reading ISS for many years. I would like to thank all the writers for sharing your experiences with others. And also the content managers of ISS for selecting and publishing good stories. This incident happened six years ago… The heroine of the story is fathima (name changed for...
It's Saturday and one of those wonderful mornings when I awake gently with the realisation that I have no commitments, nothing I have to do, and am alone for once. My husband Tom has gone to play golf and I had heard another car leave with Beth, the beautiful university student lodging with us for a while until she finds digs, off with her boyfriend for the weekend. I am alone. It is rare for me to have space like this and with the warm feeling inside I know that I need some release – let's...
Wife LoversWhen he crawled off of me, he looked like he’d aged ten years. He kind of stooped over, and he was still breathing deeply, like he’d just run a long way. I felt his sperm begin to seep out of me and reached to press my pussy lips together. What he had given me was precious, somehow, and I didn’t want to lose it. I let Brinn’s drain out of me routinely. Maybe that’s because I knew he was always ready to put more in. I know for certain that I thought, at that particular point in time, that what...
WARNING: I tend to use the ‘n-word’ in my stories quite a bit. If you cannot handle reading that word, then this story isn’t for you! Remember that this is a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously by anyone. Note: All characters in the story are over 18 years old. ====================== I stood silently, waiting for the next white boy to make his way into my room. Suddenly, a huge black man slammed open the door to my room. His massively bulging biceps seemed to be ripping at his...
For as long as she can remember, Carolyn’s friend has always had everything she wanted materialistically. But when her friend manages to take advantage of their private tutor, it’s the last straw. She knows that Carolyn has always had a thing for him, and now it’s her turn for revenge. After inviting him over for a private session, she makes sure that she is dressed to impress. Once they have eaten a nice meal that she has specially cooked, she asks whether he wants dessert. No prizes for...
xmoviesforyouYes she does cut his dick off at the end whuch was edited because of hamster's rules as it was gory. It hurt my dick just to watch it.PlotBased upon a true incident in 1930s Japan, Nagisa Oshima's controversial film effectively skirts the borderline between pornography and art -- making Bernardo Bertolucci's Last Tango in Paris of four years earlier look like c***dren's programming in comparison. The story concerns servant and former prostitute Sada Abe (Eiko Matsuda) who becomes sexually...
Dosto meri suhagraat aur honeymoon ki story ke baad ab sunane mai ja raha hu ki kaise padosi ki biwi ragini bani mere laude ki diwani. Toh history, geography band karke seedha story chalu karta hu. Aab meri biwi pregnant hone ki wajah se maike chali gayi hai. Pados ki family mein ladka bar bar tour pe rehata hai, uski biwi jiski umar 36 hai ghar pe hi hoti hai aur unka baccha 10 saal ka hai jise Christmas hi chutti ki wajah se nani ke ghar bhej diya hai. Ladke ke bar bar tour pe rehene ki wajah...
Stephen has had a long week as a handyman but it has been profitable. Stephen was looking forward to driving the 2 hours to Boulder to see the University of Colorado Buffalo football game. He was able to get home by 3:30 Friday afternoon which he wasn't able to see much of the last 10 days. Stephen was 5'9" and weighed 170 lbs had just a little longer than collar length brown hair, beard and brown eyes. He stepped out of his pickup when his neighbor Rochelle came over as fast as she...
Tuesday morning of that week, when I was carrying some tools to my van, I was nearly knocked over by a large, too large for our lanes, lorry going through the village. He failed to notice me but I just managed to avoid him. I did think it strange that it had Spanish plates. I also thought that it was a good job Aggie wasn’t with me. It did miss though, so it was soon forgotten, at least until I was driving to work, when I spotted it outside the Falconer. Spotted sounds as if I was alert, it...
‘Puzzled, he opened the bag and pulled out the tube and, apparently, knew immediately what I was offering. I actually think, from his expression, that he was shocked, but excited, and I’ll honestly say love, soon spread over his face. He moved from between my legs and lay beside me. ‘Are you sure, sweetheart? Buying this and offering to do it is wonderful, but I don’t want you to do anything that you have doubts about.’ ‘I had thought about what to say or how to offer it to him and was...
Yoni, Gina and I left the Palms after only five days, just to be sure we were waiting when Prince Tulan returned. We were all nervous. We were all emotionally invested in the project and each other. That day passed slowly and casually. We were playful. I got flashed and kissed the flashing pussy or boob. But our minds were racing. There was only room for small talk, walks and ineffective work. We watched the Prince return about sunset but we did not hear from him. All night I tossed and...
Vicki was lying across me, both of us naked and sweaty from our exertions. My spunk, which I had sprayed over her tits neck and face, was now sandwiched between us and the taste of spunk was in both our mouths after our French kiss finale. Now I was tired and thought a quick wash and bed together would be the right idea. Vicki though began gently stroking my cock and, craning my neck to look down at her tiny and sexy body in that state, I found myself becoming aroused again. We must have laid...
I am Rakib from Dhaka. I am 26 year old well built guy. I used to give private tuition from my university life. One of my student’s name is Priyanka. She is not that good looking but her body is very hot. She used to call me bhaia. I was very professional so i never looked at her with lust. She was also had an affair with another boy. But that boy didn’t care about her. She was very depressed about it and some time’s share her sad story with me. One dream had changed our relationship. One...
Introduction: Rachelle has a secret lust for her neighbor Krysta. Rachelle woke up in the middle of a loud thunderstorm. Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was 4am. There was only one thing on her mind, and that was the port-hole window of her neighbors bathroom. Both of them were high school students, neighbors, and classmates. However, Krysta was the popular type and refused to have anything to do with Rachelle. The two of them had never even talked. Rachelle had a secret though, and it...
Some identical twins struggle to retain a sense of individuality. They'll style their hair differently, dress differently... anything they can to differentiate themselves from their sibling. But Lisa and Nancy were different. They reveled in their similarity. Growing up, they vexed their parents because it was never possible to discipline them when they were naughty behind their parent's back - it was simply impossible to know which of them was guilty. They shared everything. They ostensibly...
SpankingThis starts the story at the beginning, that is how Ryan was spanked for the very first time by his Aunt when he was 16 years old, and his Mum had to decide if she was going to continue spanking him when he returned home – “Hi Sis, how has my Ryan been?” asked Audrey. Ryan, Audrey’s 16-year-old son, had been staying at his Aunt Lizzie for four weeks whilst Audrey and Jeff were away on a break. “Hi Audrey, he’s been fine” then after a...
SpankingIntroduction: Horny and Alone I have lived alone since my divorce several years ago and have a home sort of in the rural suburbs. I work a part time job and have a big Lab named Bear that is my watch dog since I am alone most of the time. I am not a beauty queen and am a little on the heavy side as I have a wide ass and plump thighs. My breast are very large, a 44 Ds and I love to play with them. I was always into masturbation and love to make myself cum every day, some times even several...
Joy was to attend a bachelor party, where she could only fuck the groom. She would not be happy that I limited the amount of cock she would receive. The slut needs to understand only those that pay get to fuck her. “Why can’t I fuck whom ever my pussy wants?” Whined Joy, as I applied her slutty makeup. “Because your pussy, wants to fuck everything. Now shut up and let me finish.” I said smiling. Besides, Joy knows I can pound than pussy better than anyone else. Joy dressed in a short 6...
Eva sighed and laid her spoon across her plate. Could the man ever cook. They’d started with hors d’oeuvres, then worked their way through pan-fried sea bass with glazed baby vegetables and a pear and walnut salad over a bed of spring greens before finishing up with a ginger mousse. Eva helped Eric carry their dishes to the sink and then moved to the living room to look out the window. She was impressed despite herself. His flair with food showed creativity and his effort in preparing it made...
Yesterday we went out to do some shopping and have lunch. We got back home about 4pm and I had a shower. When I came out my wife was on the sofa so I told her to come into the bedroom with me. After five days off we both wanted it. We slowly started kissing and touching each other, I took off her shorts and underwear so we were both naked on the bed. She was sat in the cowgirl position whilst we were kissing and touching each other, her perfect round tits hanging down. She then moved down to...
LANGSUIRS:Shadow of the Old Ones FICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCOPYRIGHT (c) 2010NOTE TO READERS: The following events take placeduring the invasion of the Earthly plain by the creaturesknown only as the "Old Ones." While previous knowledgeof the LANGSUIRS comic is not necessary to read thiseBook, having read the comics, will probably make theeBook much more enjoyable and understandable.CHAPTER 1Thursday - 2:46 pmMarlin Township, Highway 9 - Graydeaux Parish, Louisiana Officer Laura Bingham stepped...
Betty realized the inevitability of a divorce from the day she confronted us in front of Karen's house. A no-fault with both parties agreeing required a waiting period of ninety days, so four to five months was the fastest it could be accomplished. If the defendant objected, the wait would be two years. The sessions with Andrea were designed to help us deal with issues other than the fact of not being married. It was three weeks from the last session and Betty wanted to meet to discuss...
When we arrived back at the house there was a welcoming committee. It almost felt a little strange, but it was nice to have three beautiful women greet us at the door. Tara, Marie and Lisa smiled and came down to help us drag our bags up to the house. We had a whole extra suitcase full of gifts, mementos and trinkets that we'd picked up in the "junk shops". I was a bit surprised to see Marie and Lisa still there, but it was a very pleasant surprise. I always enjoyed their company. They...
Two weekends ago during my weekend visitation I noticed my daughter Charlene was withdrawn - not her usual upbeat self. “Wanna get out and see a flic?” I asked. You choose and I’ll throw in all the popcorn you can eat.”“Naw that’s ok. Rentals at home are cool with me tonight.”Suddenly while watching one of the movies Charlene blurted: “Dad, do you think I’m fat?”Smiling I answered “What are you talking about?”Honestly, Charlene, 14 years old, is a bit chubby: 5’3 145 pounds. But her bubbly...
My old time girlfriend Paula had invited me to her home. The excuse was having a few drinks, but she wanted to introduce me her new boyfriend; since she was a recently happy divorcee….We sat around a low table, just a small group of good friends.My loving husband Victor was sitting close to my side.The brand new boyfriend Jamal was not what I had expected.Paula’s former husband was a guy his late thirties, a blond handsome man with blue eyes and very kind…But this guy Jamal was not like that,...
There was a great swimming hole that I used to go to in Jeffersonville, Vermont. It was a series of waterfalls and small pools. For years people had used it for nude sunbathing. Once, after climbing to the top of the falls, I spotted a couple on a large flat boulder in the middle of the stream. I was partly hidden in the thick woods but could see through the trees well enough to see that she was giving him a blowjob. When they spotted me she stopped what she was doing. I was nude myself and,...
ExhibitionismTensions were sky-high as it was the placement season! Every person on the campus was in the library, talking to themselves answering made up interview questions, in the computer lab researching the companies, putting up a bold face when inside they were scared. Quite the opposite for me, I wasn’t scared of things like these, ever. I just thought, what is going to happen will happen and therefore no point in worrying about it. I anyway, was not a very bright student, nor was I particularly good...
Sun 10/17/04 I feel foolish writing in this book. I've never kept a diary before. I don't even like the word "diary". It is a silly word. A child's word. I think I made a new friend a little over a week ago. His name is Ricky. I am writing this on his advice. He says it will help me cope with my emerging feelings. So, here I am, trying out his advice. It can't hurt, right? Okay then, here it is. These first entries will be very long Dear Diary. So many new sensations, longings,...
How my pantyhose fetish began…I will never forget the first time I tried on an item of hosiery. One day I passed my parent’s bedroom and saw something d****d at the foot of the bed that caught my attention. I entered their room to check it out. What I found was a girdle with the suntan nylons still attached. I had never thought anything about hosiery until that moment. I touched the ultra sheer RHT stockings. The nylon felt cool and silky in my hands and I immediately had the thought that I...