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I came in the back door after potting some Inpatients to put on the front stoop. It was a beautiful, normal Sunday morning. I had no way of knowing all that was about to change.

I washed my hands in the kitchen sink and thought I might catch a quick shower. I grabbed the basket of clean clothes off the dryer so I could put them away and headed upstairs.

My son’s clothes were on top so I stopped at his room first. I had no idea he was even home. I opened his door and stepped in with my basket of clothes.

I was stunned, shocked. I found my son sitting on the edge of his bed with no pants on and his girlfriend kneeling on the floor between his legs. I couldn’t really see what she was doing, her back was to me, but it was quiet obvious to me what was going on.

“Oh my God!”

I dropped my basket of clothes when my hands shot up to cover my mouth.

“MOM!!!” Joey shouted at me.

Jenny, Joey’s girlfriend, jumped to her feet.

“Oh my God!” she whispered to Joey and then she ran past me.

“I’m so sorry Mrs. Andrews” she says to me as her eyes darted away from mine and she ran out of the room.

I had seen Jenny a number of times before, but today ... she looked different. Older. She was only 15 but she had put so much make-up on that she looked ... well ... like a hooker actually.

“CHRIST MOM!” my son yelled.

“Don’t you yell at ME Joseph Matthew! Last time I checked ... I was still your mother.”

I wasn’t the one that had done anything wrong here and I wasn’t going to be talked to like I had.

“But Mom...”

“But Mom nothing young man...”

Up until that point everything had happened so fast that I hadn’t really noticed but now my eyes were instantly drawn to this huge hard-on my son was sporting. It distracted me for a second and kinda took the wind out of my sails.

“Um look...” I said a little calmer now. “I’m sorry I didn’t knock Joey, but I had no idea that you were home ... and I certainly had no idea that you might be up here doing something like THIS!”


“But what Joey? But what?”

I watched him halfheartedly trying to cover his penis with his hands and quite frankly, he was doing a poor job of it. Finally he just dropped his head and looked at the floor as he sat on the edge of his bed with his hands in his lap.

“What is it? What are you trying to say Joey?” I asked sympathetically.

“Nothing ... Just never mind.”

I looked at him for a few seconds; neither of us moved or said anything. To be honest, it felt pretty weird looking at my son sitting there like that. I knelt down and started to pick up the clothes I’d dropped. I kept glancing up, watching him sitting there, wondering when he was going to get some pants on, wondering what he was waiting for. I supposed he was gunna wait for me to leave before he got up.

My eyes kept bouncing back and forth between the clothes and him sitting there on his bed looking like a puppy that had just gotten smacked for shitting on the brand new carpet.

It was hard to miss the tip of his penis sticking up past his hands. To be a little more accurate, there were a couple of inches sticking up past his hands. And as long as I’m being more accurate ... I guess I didn’t try very hard not to miss it.

I was a little surprised that he was still so hard and that his penis showed no visible signs of calming down. I certainly would have thought that being caught by your Mom, would at the very least, knock the lead out of your pencil.

I was also pretty surprised at how much NOTICING I did.

Now being his mother and living in the same house with him for six-teen years, I’ve seen Joey naked before a thousand times through the years. I’ve even seen him in different degrees of nakedness over these latter years as well. You know ... in and out of showers and changing to go swimming and such. But I wasn’t accustomed to seeing Joey in a full state of arousal. I was kinda uncomfortable by the fact that he wasn’t making much of an effort to cover himself up. I realize that he now thought he was old enough to be getting blowjobs in his room but I was still his Mom...

I asked him if he was OK.

“Yeah ... I guess.” he mumbles.

But I could tell that he wasn’t OK. I certainly understood.

He was a 16-year-old boy that had just gotten the first half of a blowjob, as best as I could see and he was OBVIOUSLY, I told myself, still aroused by that.

“Look Joey, I’m sorry. I really am. I’ll gather the rest of these clothes and just leave them here in the basket. I’ll put them away later so you can...

... You know ... Deal with that.” {And by that, I meant deal with that baseball bat between his legs. He looked like he was on deck and planning on swinging away}

My son looked up at me. He looked a little confused for a second like he didn’t know what I meant, like maybe masturbation was some kind of foreign concept reserved for mean old lonely men and convicts serving twenty to life. I was gunna ask him what the matter was, like you don’t jerk off, right? But he started to say something again,

“But you don’t understand...”

I stopped gathering the clothes off the floor and looked at him waiting for him to continue.

“That ... That was...” H e trailed off.

“What Joey? What are you trying to say?”

He lifted a hand away from his sizeable erection and rubbed his forehead troubled not realizing he was exposing a healthy chunk of real state between his legs. He looked down at the floor again and said very softly, “That was gunna be the first time...” he says just above a whisper.

“What?” I asked him.

He looked up at me.

“That was the first time.” he stated with what I perceived as a little bit of attitude.

“It took forever to get Jenny to say she would ... and now ... well, she’ll never do it now.” He tells me like the bank was giving out bags of money and he didn’t have cab fair to get there.

“What? You mean give you a ... a blowjob?”


{I would’ve sworn that when I said the word Blowjob, that he adjusted his hands in his lap, trying to better conceal the huge erection he had.}

“What?” I had a little smirk on my face. “Do you think that I’m so old and out of touch that I don’t know what a blowjob is?”

“Well no.”

“Would you be more comfortable if I used a different word?”

He shook his head no. “I’ve just never heard you say stuff like ... like that.”

“Well, I guess the opportunity hasn’t come up to much before today Joey. I mean come-on...” He rolled his eyes at me. “Maybe I should try to work it into the conversation a little more, huh?”


“Should I start asking at the dinner table: Hey Hun, have a good day today? How was school? Did you clean your room, take out the trash ... get a BLOWJOB today?”

{I was sure this time that I’d seen his hands pushing down into his lap when I said the word ‘Blowjob’.}

“No Mom...” He had a little smirk on his face now and although I was trying really hard not to look, I believe I saw one of his fingers actually diddling his penis. {I Don’t know ... It might have been a nervous twitch or maybe even the on-set of Parkinsons. I might have to read up on the symptoms.}

Now I knew that getting a blowjob is a pretty big deal to most guys. I felt really bad I’d ruined it for him, I did. But the fact that my son was left to sit here naked diddling his own hard-on, was not my fault. He should have picked a better spot for his oral escapades.

“I should have known...” he started.

“Known what Joey?”


Joey and I had a pretty good relationship, we could always talk about damn-near anything up until now. I didn’t want that to stop. I had known for a long time that Joey masturbated. I had talked to him about that a long time ago. I’d told him that it was perfectly natural and he could feel free to do it in the privacy of his room anytime he felt like it. It was no big deal. “As long at it doesn’t get in the way of your school work or your chores.” I had said lightheartedly.

I had even walked in on him one evening when he was doing it. “Ooo ... Sorry.” I’d told him somewhat embarrassed myself, and had turned right around and walked out to give him his privacy. No big deal. {Of course, he didn’t have someone in there helping him like he had today.}That was a few years ago. This was different. He was getting older now and obviously just thinking about stuff while he masturbated just wasn’t enough. But this was not the place or the time. I certainly didn’t want to walk around my own house on eggshells never knowing when I was gunna walk in on ... STUFF! What next? Walk in the dinning-room and find him fucking someone on my best table-cloth.


I pulled a clean towel from the laundry basket, pushed the basket aside and walked over to my son, holding the towel out to him.

“Here Honey. Cover yourself up.” I told him.

It seemed almost silly to say at that point. It was kinda like hanging a picture over the TV, ya know. His dick was still rigid. It looked painfully so. I noticed when Joey raised his hand to take the towel ... that his penis was ... Well ... I know it’s not very “Motherly” but it was Quite impressive actually.

The head was shiny wet and the color of catsup. It was hard not to notice.

“Now tell me...” I said calmly. “ ... You should have known what?”

“It’s just ... Well ... I’ve been looking forward to this for so long.”

“What ... Getting caught with your girlfriend in your room by your mom?” I asked jokingly, trying to lighten the tone a little.

“NOOOOO ... I mean ... You know.”

He looked pretty frustrated. And yes, I knew what he had been looking forward to.

“Im sorry Sweetheart. Ga-head.”

“It’s just I just knew that something would happen to ruin it. Jenny will never do it NOW. Shit ... I’ll be lucky if she even speaks to me now.”

I knew that what my son was trying to tell me was important to him but it was kinda hard for me to give Joey my full attention. My eyes kept creeping down to the towel. Had the circus come to town?

I couldn’t understand it. I would have thought that after all the time I’d been there and as embarrassed as he should have been that ... Well ... that it would have gone limp by now. I just couldn’t stop looking at the tent in my sons lap.

I couldn’t help but notice how much bigger his penis was from the last time that I saw him when he was masturbating. I admit that I didn’t get a real good look last time ... Certainly not the view I was getting today ... But it seems that if it had been, back then, as big as it is now ... Well ... I would’ve noticed and remembered, that’s all. It was really a huge difference I thought. He was only 16 years old for Christ sake and his dick was already longer then his fathers. A lot thicker as well.

Without even thinking, I just blurted out,

“You’ve gotten a lot bigger since that last time I walked in on you doing...”

“MOM...” My son cut me off.

“Oh, sorry ... it’s just ... Well ... I” I trailed off as I stared at the towel that covered my son’s hard dick. You’d have thought it was gunna fly off at any moment like some long awaited unveiling and his hard dick would start singing its own version of “It’s a Hard Days Night’ by the Beatles.

There was a long awkward silence while I stared.

He just sat there while I looked at the towel between his legs. I’m really not sure how much time passed. He just watched me looking without saying a word. Letting me, for all practical purposes. Until curiosity got the best of me ... I wanted to know...

“Ummm ... I hope you don’t mind me asking Joey but ... how come you’re still so hard?”

He looked down at the towel now and just shrugged his shoulders like I’d asked him if it was gunna rain today.

“I guess because I was really excited about getting my first ... blowjob MOM.”

He emphasized the word “MOM” like all this was my fault. It was MY fault that he was sitting there with a boner.

“Look Joey...”

I felt some of the attitude coming back.

“ ... I said I was sorry ... and I AM. I really am, but there’s nothing I can do about it now. Look...”

Then what he had just said registered in my head. ‘His first blowjob’

“ ... YOUR first blowjob? I blurted out.

He shook his head slowly, sadly ... yes.

“I thought that you meant it was Jenny’s first time.”

“No ... Well, Yeah ... with me, but it’s not her first time ... It was mine.”

I felt worse. That explained a little better why he was in such a state ... Kinda.

“Jenny told me this morning that she’ do it. I’ve been waiting all day for this.”

“Wow Joey ... I didn’t know but this still isn’t the time or place. Listen, I can see that you need to do something with THAT before it explodes or something.”I nodded my head towards the towel. “ ... So I’m gunna just go down stairs and go on about my business and you can ... you know...

{I made an “O” with my hand and moved it up and down a few times} ... and then, if you feel like it, we can talk about this more later.”

I wasn’t gunna hold my breath until he came down to TALK ABOUT IT MORE.

Joey lifted the towel a little bit and glanced at his swollen dick with what I thought was a bit of sorrowful disappointment.

“I can’t do that knowing that you’re downstairs KNOWING I’m up here doing it Mom! Besides ... It’s just not the same.”

I felt a little sorry for him.

“I can’t believe this.” He mumbles frustrated. “And it took so long to get her to put...” He stopped abruptly.

He was really bothered by all this. I couldn’t blame him I guess. It was probably a pretty big deal to all the boys. A ‘Right of Passage’ of sorts. I’m sure he’d heard plenty of talk about it and there was a great deal of anticipation, not to mention the time and effort he’d put into talking Jenny into doing it. And now ... As far as he was concerned, I had ruined it for him.

To make it worse, she’d started and not finished. That had to be pretty rough on the boy. I certainly remember how important it seemed to be to all the guys I went out with. Joey’s father included.

“I’m sorry again Joey. But before I leave you to ... you know ... I have to ask you a question?”

My son rolled his eyes again and flopped back on his bed with his hands over his face abandoning the towel that hid his erection. Well ... it didn’t HIDE it, it just covered it up. I had a hard time drawing my eyes away.

“Yeah Mom ... Sure ... Ga head...” He told me through his hands.

“What was up with Jenny?”

My son took his hands away from his face and looked at me curiously.

“What do ya mean?”

He’d caught me once again staring at the tent in his lap and had to recapture my attention.

“Uh, Mom...”


“What do you mean, ‘What’s up with her’? You mean other then getting caught ... by my Mommy?”

“Yeah right...” I said a bit indifferent and then continued, “No I mean what’s up about all the make-up and the red lipstick. I never pegged Jenny as a “Red lipstick” kinda girl?”


For the first time since I’d entered my son’s room ... he looked really embarrassed.

“I ... I asked her to do that.” He told me quietly, border-lined ashamed.

“What do you mean, you asked her to do that?” I didn’t understand.

“I like it.”

“You like what, Joey? I’m not following you.”

“The make-up ... The lipstick, I wanted her to do that.”

“Oh ... How come?”

“I wanted her to look ... You know ... hot ... older I guess; like the girls in the magazines. “ he explained.

{This was odd conversation to have with my naked son, but it was what it was. I guess there really wasn’t anything that wasn’t odd about this whole situation.}

“Oh!” I thought for a second. “Well she did.” I said to him. “If you’re talking about porn magazines” I told him bluntly.

“What are ya saying? Are you saying she looked slutty?”

“Pretty much.” I told him honestly.

He raised his eyebrows, leaned back a little more, raised his arm above his head and reached under his pillow. I was somewhat surprised when he pulled a tube of lipstick out and tried to hand it to me.

“This is yours Mom.” He said with a bit of attitude. “Your slutty lipstick.”

I looked at the tube of lipstick in his hand and then at my son. I’m sure I looked a bit taken back. I slowly reached my hand out and let him drop it in my hand. Then it occurred to me ... The color of catsup...

“Joey ... Is this why you’re so red down there?” I nodded towards the towel.

He slowly lifted the towel and looked; I looked too.

“Oh Wow!” He quietly whispered.

I watched as my son lifted the towel up with one hand and let his other hand close around the base of his dick ... His still hard dick! He tilted it towards his belly to get a better look at its tip. I watched as he let his hand slowly slide up the pudgy shaft towards its swollen red head. I felt like he didn’t even know I was there. He touched the tip of his dick with the tip of his index finger as he held his dick just behind the rim with his other fingers. He looked like he was mesmerized. I certainly was. He ran his fingertip through the red lipstick smear and then over the fresh drop of pre-cum oozing out from the slit on his hard prick. He let loose his hard-on and brought his fingers closer to his face to examine them better as he rubbed his finger and thumb together slowly. He looked fascinated. I was too. His other hand held the towel up; almost as if he were showing it to me if I cared to look. It would seem I cared to.

I could clearly see the red lipstick smears on the white towel and what appeared to be a small wet spot where a good amount of pre-cum had been seeping out ... apparently the entire time we’d been talking. Once again I found myself taken back by his somewhat laid-back manner. It was quite obvious that he didn’t care in the least that he had a hard-on in front of his mother.

I wasn’t sure what was happening here; it all seemed so peculiar. Not just the fact of where this conversation had gone ... But the fact that it all seemed so ... Nonchalant, I guess would be a good word for it. This wasn’t really the kind of conversation I should be having with Joey; his erection shouldn’t really be a topic for discussion for him and I, but it was almost as if we were just talking about school or the price of eggs. It was really odd.

“Yeah ... It is...” He told me as he showed me his fingertip.

He looked up at me and again caught me looking at his dick.


“Yeah Hun...”

“Why do you keep looking at my dick like that?”

His question caught me off guard. I felt my face get hot.

“Um, I’m sorry Joey. I ... I’m really not sure. I guess ‘cause I’ve never seen you like this.” I was flustered. “I mean all hard and everything.” I couldn’t believe I’d said it. And as if that wasn’t enough, more spilled out “It’s really big...” I blurted out before I’d even realized what I’d said.

“That’s good, right?” My son asked me like I was some sort of expert on the subject sharing my thoughts on the Pro’s & Con’s of penis size from the everyday woman’s point-of-view.

His cock was so rigid it looked like you could crack nuts with it. It was so swollen; so thick. And I still didn’t know why it was still like this. The redness went down the shaft of his prick a few inches mellowing to a soft pink hew. It wasn’t all lipstick. I could see every vein that wrapped around his stiff shank. I’m ashamed to be able to describe it so well. I had to literally tear my eyes away. But before I did I mumbled one more un-motherly thing...

“Yes ... Yes I suppose it is.” I murmured in an almost dreamy voice. I pulled my eyes off of my son’s dick and looked in his eyes. I felt my face redden even more if that was possible. I was noticeably embarrassed as the swing in the conversation became more and more inappropriate.

“Joey, I should just leave and let you take care of that...” I gestured towards his penis again. “It looks like it ... like it hurts.”

“It’s never been like this Mom.” He informed me with a look of pride mixed with a little concern of his own.

“You mean hard like that?”

He looked up at me and shook his head, “Yeah.”

“OK then.” I said nervously like the conversation had all of a sudden taken a wrong turn when, in fact, it had actually taken a wrong turn fifteen minutes ago. “I guess I’ll leave you to it.”

“Yeah ... OK Mom.” He kinda whispered like he wasn’t sure if that’s what he wanted. I started to walk out when Joey called to me.


I turned, “Yeah Sweetie.”

He had a strange look on his face and he whispered to me like he was afraid someone else might hear him.

“I’m really excited...”

“I noticed Joey. Kinda hard not to...”

“Do you want to ... I mean, would you mind ... maybe...”

His words drifted away like a lost kite on a windy day. Feeling my stomach drop, feeling I already knew the answer, I reached for the string anyways... “Mind what Joey?” I asked, my voice barely audible above my pounding heart beat.

“I don’t know ... maybe giving me a ... a hand job or something?”

I didn’t think I heard him right.

“Excuse me?”

His face changed right away. He looked like a little kid that had just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He was immediately sorry he’d said it.

“Nothing...” He mumbled uncomfortably.

I needed to make sure I’d heard him right. I didn’t want any doubt. I took a step towards my son and cocked my head slightly to one side, one eye squinting.

“Joey ... Tell me what you said.” I said sounding more like a mother and less like a Mom.

He looked sheepishly at me and cleared his throat. It was the same look he had on his face when he’d used my good Hand crocheted Afghan as a floor in his snow-fort the winter he’d turned six.



“I ... I asked if you wanted to ... to...”

“To what?”

“ ... Maybe give me ... a ... a handjob.”

I was stunned. Speechless almost. “My God!” I thought.

“Joey ... I’m ... I’m your Mother.” I tried to sound stern, offended even, but that’s not the way it really sounded when it came out.

“I know ... I’m sorry ... I just thought ... that maybe...”

“That what? That maybe what?”

“ ... That you might want to.”

“That I might WANT to? You just thought that I might WANT to give you a hand-job? You’re my son Joey! I can’t do THAT.” I told him harshly. “Even if I wanted to...” I heard myself add as I quiet afterthought.

“It’s wrong...” I told him. “ ... Very wrong. Why in the world do you think I might WANT to?”

“I ... Well ... You kept looking at it ... like maybe ... I don’t know ... like you wanted to ... to touch it or something.”

I was shocked. I stared at my son. I never thought I would ever hear my son ask me something like that. I admit ... he WAS right. I had found myself looking at his dick more than a few times; actually staring more than just looking. I suppose I could see how he thought I might have looked like I wanted to, But ... I don’t know. I didn’t mean to make him think I wanted to ... to do something. I just couldn’t help looking at it, that’s all.

The fact is, I haven’t seen anybody’s “dick” since Joey’s Dad left. I supposed that I missed it a lot more than I’d realized. It was true that I found it hard not to look at his dick the way it was. I had been used to seeing my son’s private area through the years but had never seen his dick ... his cock ... like THAT; so hard and thick ... ready for sex. Until a few minutes ago, I had seen and thought of his penis as only something to pee with. Now ... It looked more like something used for fucking ... Fucking hard! ... Hitting home runs.

Even when I’d walked in on Joey masturbating, I had never gotten a very good look at his penis. I was in and out too quickly. Had it not been my son’s hard thick cock I was staring at this afternoon ... I might have been more than happy to jerk it off. Truth be known ... There were plenty of times recently, that I HAD thought about what it would feel like to touch a nice big dick again, to jerk it off, even suck it. I missed doing stuff like that terribly. But he didn’t know that. At least I didn’t think he did. I guess I DID look like I wanted it.

I swallowed hard.

“I know I was looking at it Joey ... But that doesn’t mean I’m willing to give you a handjob for Christ’s sake...”

“I know Mom. I’m sorry. Really...”

I didn’t know what else to say to him. I thought that pretty much covered it. I turned, a bit beside myself, and left his room.

“He obviously needs to relieve himself. He’s just really excited, that’s all it is.” I told myself. “He was looking forward to his first blowjob and he was denied that soooooo ... he’s just horny. Hell, the fact that his dick is so hard and red is proof of that.”

I could feel that I was flushed. I went to my room and sat down on the edge of my bed. “Wow” I thought. “You want to give me a hand job, he says.” Did he really ask me that? I would have never thought it in a million years. “That’s incest...” I whispered out loud. “Or is it...” I wondered quietly. “Is it incest if I just jerked him off?” I asked myself as if it were just a simple every day question. I was a little shocked that I would even ask myself. It made me feel like I was trying to talk myself into it or something. “Whatever.” I mumbled.

After a little more time mulling the whole thing over I asked myself why he’d want ME give him a hand job. “I’m his mother for Christ’s sake.”

I got up and looked in the full length mirror that hung on my closet door. I swept my long black hair out of my face with my fingers. I stared at myself. I was a 44 year old mother. No gray to speak of. My eyes were sky blue and my lips were very full and pouty. I noticed small crow’s feet at the corners of my eyes and a few small wrinkles around my nose when I smiled. I guess I looked OK. Men still looked at me when they drove by. I got the occasional beep of the horn as well when I was out running, so I can’t look too awful bad. Men still flirted with me ... A little ... Sometimes I guess. It was hard to tell what was just wishful thinking.

“Maybe they’re just looking at my tits.” I thought; they’re pretty big. I put the tube of lipstick down on the dressing table and put a hand under each of my tits and lifted them slightly under my shirt, pushing them together. I let them go and watched them fall back into place. They jiggled a little. Not too saggy. I turned around and stuck my ass out at the mirror. I ran my hands over each check. It was still pretty firm; heart shaped. I thought it was a nice ass. My jeans fit it good. Made it look good too I thought.

I stared at myself for the longest time. I took the tube of lipstick off the table and took the cover off. I brought it up to my lips as I rolled it out. I started to put it on. I rubbed my lips together and then ran my tongue over them; remembering, sadly, what it felt like to be desired.

It had been a long time since I’d put this color on my lips. I sat down at my dressing table, stared at myself in the mirror. I brushed my hair out, re-applied my eye make-up a little darker and put on some liner. I seemed so misplaced and absorbed as I tried to prove to myself that I might still be pretty ... perhaps even sexy.

I pulled my hair back in a pony-tail and tied it with a white scrunchie. This was the way I used to wear my hair a long time ago. I moved in close to the mirror and kissed the air and licked my red lips again.

My son was right. This lipstick did make you look more like one of those women in those magazines. Kinda slutty. Way too red.{Unless you were Jane Russell or Marilyn Monroe and it was 1958}

I got a funny feeling in my stomach when I realized that this was the very lipstick that Joey asked his girlfriend to put on to suck his dick.

Then ... I couldn’t help it ... after seeing Joey’s straining cock and after him asking me about the hand job and all ... I looked in the mirror and wondered what it would feel like to have a thick cock sliding past those red lips into my mouth. I pictured what it would look like, even opened my mouth in anticipation.

I thought about all the times I had done that very thing to Joey’s father; with this very lipstick on. It used to drive him wild. He would almost beg me to put it on and blow him. I missed that. I guess Joey was like his Dad. The thought somewhat comforted me in one way and pissed me off in another.

His father had been gone for more than two years. A pretty young dance instructor. But that was a different lifetime.

“I guess that you could still be sexy enough to excite some 15 or 16 year old boy; to make him want to think about doing stuff with you.” I whispered to my reflection. “A M.I.L.F...” I whispered. The thought made me feel kind of ... sexy. I really didn’t mind the thought of some 15 or 16 or 30 year old for that matter, fantasizing about me. What harm could it do? “But it shouldn’t be Joey!” I whispered out loud. “Not my own son.” I said coming out of my little fantasy world.

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This is an excerpt from a book I have been writing, Feedback would be appreciated. Rinsing her hand’s, she turned to face him, staring up wondering what was next. His hand’s caressing the bare flesh of her sides beneath his T-shirt. Picking her up beneath the arms, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips as he supported her full weight. As he walked her to his bed she stared up at him wanting desperately to know what was he thinking? He bent over steeply preventing her legs from...

2 years ago
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When you wake, it’s still pitch black outside. Midnight? Maybe not. Looking around, you realize it’s too dark, even for night. Normally, your room shimmers like twilight. Light seeps in from the hallway and through the window. Electronics give off a dim glow even in sleep mode. Here, you can’t even make out shadows. The blindness is total and complete. To stay calm, you try to look around, but there’s nothing. Even the sounds you are used to– the electric hum of your laptop, your phone...

1 year ago
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"This," thought Taylor Stuart as she dropped exhausted into the empty salon chair and ran a hand through her long waist length hair, "has got to have been the worst day of my life." Sitting back with her eyes closed, the twenty four-year-old brunette reviewed the events that caused her to make such a declaration. Her first disaster of the day had actually started the night before with the sudden arrival of her sometimes lover, George Williams, at her apartment. The relationship between...

2 years ago
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I wonder what would happen if I asked? You and me just out and about mid week in the local shopping centre. We wander into one of the local large stores just looking I cant resist anymore “ give me your knickers please!” I whisper in your ear. You look at me surprised but with that smile on your face. “you are joking!” “No” I reply “Give me your knickers” We are in a short isle her eyes dart from one end to the next and her hands start to hitch up her skirt. Tugging at her knickers they fall...

3 years ago
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Dont Blow it and get jerked

You stood naked in your bathroom, Admiring yourself in the mirror. You were a magnificent speciman of a man. Well built where it counts and incredibly handsome. Your cock hung down like a horse and you knew very few ladies who could resist a ride on it! In the bedroom you had your TV on but you were barely paying any attention to it. You had plans today to go out and find a beautiful young thing at the bar to fuck. Suddeny however the program was interuppted by the news. "We interuppt this...

4 years ago
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The Cabin Part One

If you’re already a friend of mine, you know I have a one track, filthy mind. So imagine my joy when my gorgeous boyfriend, booked us a luxury cabin in the woods, so that I could live out my fantasy of a dirty night away. I thought it is only fair that I write a story based on the events that night in the cabin. I have changed our names to protect our identities, but apart from that there is nothing added, or taken away. I hope you enjoy reading about it, as much as I enjoyed experiencing it....

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Are you a taboo daddy? Don’t call yourself that in public. Nobody is impressed. And it makes you sound like a creep. That is, unless a beautiful bimbo calls you that, then what can I say? Daddy the night away, player!For the rest of you that fantasize about getting fucked by your daddy, you’re going to want to take a look at Taboo Daddy. Taboo Daddy has the kind of porn that you think it has: taboo, family erotica. Whether you love watching siblings fuck, mother’s riding their son’s cocks, dads...

Incest Porn Sites
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I know I'm to blame. It was my idea in the first place, after all. Now I get to lie here and listen to my wife purr, I swear she's actually purring, in contentment without me being the slightest bit involved. And it burns my britches 'cause I've no one to blame but myself. It was a bit of laziness on my part, actually. The wife's always been one to enjoy herself in bed. A hurried job once in a while is OK, but try that too often? No siree, Bob; that dog just won't hunt. Well, you have...

2 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 15

My dash clock showed 4:43 when I rolled to a stop at the back corner of the apartment building. I saw the curtains move, and then Val poked her head out the door to look both ways before she came out. She ran out her door, slamming it behind her, as her small white, shorty apron flipped up over her pussy. The apron was made with a bib at the top that was barely wide enough to cover half of each breast, with a strap that looped around her neck. She had it tied at the waist in back with a big...

1 year ago
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A Girls Night Out

Elaine was looking forward to her night out. It had been ages since she had gone away without her husband and this time it was a girls’ night out with her friend Anne. They were out for the night and staying in a plush hotel in the city.They arrived at the hotel, looking forward to getting dolled up and heading out for a night on the town. The plans were to have dinner then head to a club to do some dancing. After checking into the hotel, they headed to room only to be a disappointed with a...

3 years ago
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Love and Lies

when you love a person you will do everyting to keep that person happy but when she stared to lie to me i had to let her go she would get mad at me because she be wanting to some were so she can get with me best friend and fuck him.

2 years ago
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I fucked her friend the morning after our threesom

Waking up the next morning was a trip. We were all still nude, I was spooning with her friend, my hand right on her pussy. My girlfriend was asleep by our feet. No clue how that happened. Wanting to get up, I tried to move as slowly and gently possible before I heard a voice-“Oh finally you’re awake. Last night was AMAZING.”Her friend was awake. As we whispered about the night we’d had, I couldn’t help but slowly start to rub her pussy and grab her ass. She seemed to enjoy this, as she gave me...

1 year ago
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Jamaican Holiday Ch 07

Sunday – Ist Day as BBC slut wife We managed to get up and shower for a late breakfast, and my wife surprised me by not wearing her ever-present bra and panties to the dining room - only a T-shirt and shorts. The waiter, Andre, did his usual flirting, "Missy, ja look especially good this mahning! (his eyes on her chest) Didja have a fine night?" She blushed, and I thought her nipples pushed harder against their slight covering. "Yeah, I did!" she answered. "A fine Jamaican night, Missy?" he...

1 year ago
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Replacement TherapyChapter 4 The Haunted and the Hunted

By the beginning of June, I was pronounced fit by my doctor. I wasn't actually. I had been so careful not to overdo anything, that my real fitness was sadly lacking. But Yolanda had a plan, and when Yolanda wanted me to follow her plan, I had no intention of denying her. We started off with aggressive walks in the morning and after supper. They were an hour long and with the warm weather now bordering on hot some days, I was really feeling the stress of these workouts. She would drop the...

1 year ago
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Behen Ki Chut

Hello iss ke readers mera naam sameer hai main fair 5 6″ ka hoon . Yeh meri pehli story hai ,yeh aajse 2 saal pehle ki baat hai jab main 16yrs ka tha aur meri badi behan 19 ki thi ,meri behan bahut hi jhakas hai uska naam simi hai .Ek din meri behan ne kaha ke sameer tune kabhi kisise pyaar kya hai meine kaha nahi aur tum didi ne kaha haan meine kaha kisse toh usne kaha jaaved (mera dost)mein chonk gaya kya tum javed se love karti ho? Didi ne kaha haan to meine kaha woh toh sirf jism ka pyasa...

4 years ago
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Losing My Virginity

If you are under 18 years of age or are not interested in these explicit topics please do not read this story. This story is true- even toned down some what. My first story, hope you enjoy it. I apologize if it is too long. As I said, it is my first writing endeavor of this type. I hope to put some more up-many will be fact some will be fiction.Several years ago I joined a site to finally find an attractive female who was dominant. Someone to help me explore these fantasies, deep desires. I...

3 years ago
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Me and Gavin

Gavin was a slender 12 year old boy in 7th grade who measured only 5’2” tall and about 90 pounds with short, light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was your typical 7th grade boy that loved video games, soccer, wrestling and just horsing around. Years and years of soccer had sculpted him into the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. His body was slender with absolutely no body fat, his legs were long and lean but muscly at the same time, he sported a little six pack for abs and his...

1 year ago
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The Ranch Chapter 4

Nancy took my hand and led me towards a doorway behind her desk. James went outside to wait in front of the building.Nancy pushed open the door and led me in, closing the door behind me.We were in a beautifully appointed bathroom with a gorgeous glass enclosed shower, a whirlpool tub and lovely sinks, toilet and bidet. I had never seen a bathroom quite like it, except in magazines.Nancy was now talking to me like we were old friends. All the coldness and officiousness that I had seen earlier...

3 years ago
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Experiencing Raw Lust With My Reader

Hi ISS readers! Hope you are doing great and enjoying your life. Well, this time, I thought to write my story in a different way. I wanted you to feel the heat, which built up between me and my partner in this story. That’s why I gave a small preview of what will happen next. Many people on ISS know me and have read my stories. For those who don’t know me, I am Akash, living in Mumbai and enjoying each moment as it comes. You can go to my Author’s page and read my other stories and know more...

1 year ago
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Here I am at a local dinner not too far from my apartment right down the corner. I am in a black tight top and black tight jeans. Vee, is my name and I have long hair on top shaved off on the sides, I am about 5’3 and I stand at 160 but a solid cut 160 the type of job I do keeps me fit. I just recently signed up for one of those online dating or in my case ‘fuck’ sites. It’s a little embarrassing to say. I just had a bad break up a few months back with my ex and well for some odd reason or...

2 years ago
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Do Me Here

This is based very loosely around a situation. We were at a friend’s wedding. It was my boyfriend, Max’s friend, and this became quite a complication. The difficulty was that I didn’t really know this friend very well and Max had spent all day socialising and mooching around the wedding, so naturally I felt quite alone sitting unaccompanied at the nuptials. The ceremony came to pass and the meal and reception were shortly after at a big, fancy hotel. Earlier in the day I was thinking of...

Group Sex
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Code Potteroff

Amy Marie Rogers was the kind of friend one does not soon forget. Neither was Stephanie Potteroff. We used to live at the same apartment complex and while our peripheral relationship only included late night parties at the apartment complex hot tub, an occasional trip to a bar or club, and hanging out at each other’s apartment watching movies. Amy was never alone. She and  Stephanie Potteroff- yes, that was her name and the joke of a lot of crude remarks- were practically inseparable. Amy lived...

3 years ago
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My Journey Into Sexual Pleasure Part 1

It is every woman’s romantic dream, at least in England, to live in a country cottage with roses round the door and an old fashioned country garden with its informal mixture of flowers, herbs, and vegetables densely packed into a small space. In a country where most people now live in towns or cities, many in drearily uniform suburban estates, I have often wondered if the English passion for gardening is partly an attempt to recreate that idyll. However, I am one of those few people fortunate...

3 years ago
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Young America 2 The Slumber Party

Introduction: The continuing lustful story of four typical American teens finding their sexuality in suburban America Slumber Party Raven sat in the shower that night water dripping off her short black hair. Her ass still stung, and a terrible hollowness filled her chest. She had stepped beyond friendship with Ronnie and now there was no going back for either of them. It was a strange sensation, being with a boy, one that she would never forget. She hadnt enjoyed it, like being with a girl,...

3 years ago
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  POKE-HER-NIGHT NOTE: This is another story written by request for a married couple. Craig was at home working on a budget proposal on his computer when it crashed. He cursed, but was happy that he had recently saved his work to his USB. As he wondered how he would finish this without going to work he saw his wife’s laptop. He grabbed it and flipped it open. A website was already up called lushstories and it was in a search engine under loving wives group sex. As he investigated further, he...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Price of Betrayal 4 Tanya Learns Her Limits

Introduction: Part 4 When I got home at five till six, my hands were shaking, I was so excited, and I actually dropped my keys on the floor as I was putting them on the table by the door. The house was deathly quiet, and I just as quietly went to my room and changed into my leathers. Then I prepared her room for the aftercare I knew she would need. Barefoot, I made my way to the dungeon. Tanya was right where she should have been, and the first thing I noticed was that she was already...

2 years ago
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Pamela Likes Boys

Pamela donned her sexiest baby doll nightdress and lay on her bed, waiting for her husband. At 30, she had an extremely stunning figure. Most would describe it as an extremely voluptuous figure. A round lovely face with succulent lips, twinkling eyes and curly blonde hair made her very attractive. Her body defied her age; narrow waist and supple round cute buttocks tapering into full shapely thighs. Her biggest assets were her huge round firm boobs that stood upright in spite of age and...

3 years ago
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Our new baby sitters mum 1

The girls evening routine was bath, tea, story time, bed. Since they were naked for their bath and for bed they insisted, and we accepted that they remain naked for tea and story time. When Phillipa was five and Mary was three, a single mum, Helen, and her 13-year old daughter, Wendy, moved into the house across the street from us. Wendy was already a well developed beauty, and her mother, Helen, was obviously where Wendy's beauty came from; at 30 Helen was still stunning. When we...

4 years ago
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My Beautiful Widow Maid Who Became My Wife 8211 Part 1

Hi this is me Nithin again with another interesting story. Those who don’t know me I am Nithin from kerala, 25 years of age. This story is purely from my imagination, so if there is any mistake please forgive and can correct me through sending me mails or commenting. My mail id is u can also contact me through KIK messenger and my id is Nithin.1. I always love and fantasize about those ladies who are elder than me and those ladies who are having huge and nice boobs and ass. So this story is...

4 years ago
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LA FunChapter 79

I shouldn’t be groggy because it was already six thirty California time. My body should have recognized that I had not been in Hawaii long enough to become acclimated to that three hour time difference. Knowing that the home office was on Central time, which was two hours later, made me want to get going this morning. I needed to find some inner peace, so I put workout clothes on to go outside and do some forms. My two sisters woke while I was putting shoes on, smiled at me, and went to the...

1 year ago
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TandraChapter 26

I walked through the medical section looking at the people that had come to depend on me. Mecholov's wife and three children, his maid on one side. A mother and her two children of a man Mecholov had to kill, so that he could acquire the family. How could one man be so evil, as to do this to his family, people that he was supposed to protect? It was almost 5 AM my time, and the girls would soon be waking. It would be good to be inside the base for some reason, but I knew being in the ship...

3 years ago
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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 10

"Appreciate the help, Sultry, Seven and your Powers ... even if it is unsettling to watch you discorporate," Alfred said. There was a long pause... (see) ... and Cassie said, "What about me? I helped, too." Helped, too was said with a catch in her throat and a tear in her eye. And an even longer pause. Sultry finally said, "For all I know, Cassie ... you sent my Jack to his death." "Sultry. There's a lot of things you could say to me and about me but don't you EVER say that to...

2 years ago
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The Dragons Nest part 1

The year of our Lord, 1191. It is a beautiful Spring morning in northern England, and the sparse clouds drift across the sky as I stand watch over the flock. My mother and father are sheep farmers by trade, and I, their only son, have been occupying my time in the fields. Still just a young man of my twentieth year, my small height and slender frame keep me from fighting against the heathens under our king, Richard the Lionheart, but I am not saddened by this. Aggression is far too foreign a...

1 year ago
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Mixed and Matched

A gentle kiss woke Sue. Opening her eyes, she looked up into the smiling face of her big brother. She grinned and returned his wake-up kiss then wrapped her arms around him and pulled his naked body down on top of hers. After a night spent making love, it was incredible how good she felt. There were no twinges of guilt, no feelings of remorse, just a delicious sense of unconditional love and happiness. They had needed one another: he after coming back from a year in combat physically sound but...

4 years ago
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Fucking Lesson In The Tuition

This is my real sex story. I am working as a software engineer in a well-known company. My mom asked me to meet her friend, Sonal. I was excited to see Sonal. Sonal is in her late 30s, bit busty, but she puts up lots of makeup to look younger. Her boobs are big but saggy. But even at this age, Sonal looks beautiful and sexy in her own way. May be it’s her thighs or her big ass or her flirty talks with me, I don’t know but she is sexy. Since she is my mom’s friend, I have seen her from my...

1 year ago
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Subjugation of a Siren Pt 1 The Business Lunch

Minidevilette© 2012 It was supposed to be one of ‘our’ days. Plans had been made, a rendezvous arranged, the countdown of hours dragging by until the appointed time. As I was dressing to be undressed he had called. Something had come up, an important last minute thing with colleagues. A business lunch. Cases hung in the balance and it couldn’t be put off. We’d have to reschedule. I honestly thought I’d be physically ill from anticipation if I had to wait another day to finally crawl under his...

4 years ago
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Wagons HoChapter 8

March 29, 1845 We did manage to stay in bed until after daylight. It was mom, moving around, getting her cooking fire burning that awakened me. Tess stirred shortly afterwards and when I hugged her she leaned over and gave me a kiss. "I hope you know I love you, Jase," she said. "I love you too, Tess." "What about me?" Millie asked. "Tess loves you too, Millie," I said with a grin. Millie started to hit me so I said, "I adore you." Millie's kiss would have started a prairie...

2 years ago
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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part IV

Buffy The Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part IV By Cal Y. Pygia Damn! Wherever Willow was, she wasn't home. The witch still hadn't returned to her motel room. At least, this time, Buffy hadn't had to rely on Sunnydale's public transportation system. Xander had given her a ride across town. He'd offered to wait, to make sure that Willow was back, but Buffy, wanting to be alone with the witch, had dismissed her chauffeur. Although Xander was no doubt anxious to get back together with...

2 years ago
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Treble Inn

You are a student of Paranormal Studies from Feng-Hwang University. You've been sent to Treble Town to research events reported around a cave system south of town. Your train has arrived uneventfully. Your luggage is loaded into a cab that will take you to Treble Tavern, a quaint establishment that the department is luckily flipping the bill for. The cabby is a grumpy old man that will neither look at you nor talk to you. He simply parks in front of the inn, and barks out the fare. You pay...

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My Spanish Teacher

My name is Tommy, and this story happened while I was sixteen years old and in the eleventh grade. School was almost over for the year and boy, was I ready too! I never really liked school, and the prospects of having a whole summer off was thrilling! The only thing I would miss was my Spanish teacher, Mrs. Delgado.  She was 5' 2" tall, 34DD-22-32 and about 112 pounds. She was forty years old, but she looked more like a twenty-five year old! She was beautiful and sexy and she knew how to use...

2 years ago
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Surprise surprise

It was the early hours of Saturday morning and, not unusually, my wife was working away. I had been out for a few beers and almost immediately crashed on the sofa when I got in. I'm not sure how long I'd been asleep when I was awoken by a text message. I jumped up, startled firstly by the loud alert and then secondly panicking who could possibly need to text in the early hours of the morning. The number wasn't one I recognised and the message simply read "hey, you up?". Curious as to who it was...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 05

Dani felt Bull shift against her head and opened her eyes slowly. She was stiff and sore from sleeping in the same position but she was reluctant to move. It only took a moment to realize if she did, then she would disturb Bull and he needed his sleep as much as she had. Her last waking memory was Bull bringing her out here, settling her back beside him on this lumpy old couch, and stroking her hair until she felt the stress and tension of the night fade from her body, and mind. Now it all...

1 year ago
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The Night My Life Changed

by darkfan90 This is the story of how my life change in a way I never dreamed it could. My name is Alex. I am doing my second year of collage. I am a 19 year old, 5'8”, 135lbs Caucasian boy. I am tall and skinny and I ware glasses. I have never been in a fight, but I am pretty smart. I have always been a nerd in school, but it has allowed to to do well here. As a result my parents have helped me get a condo off campus this year that I have just moved into. Witch I am very happy about, because...

4 years ago
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Badi Maa Aur Mai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam rohit hai age 23 saal,meri body kafi aachi hai me ek it company me kaam karta hu meri family gaon me rahti hai hum logo ke paas kafi khate badi hai, meri family me maray maa baap aur meri badi maa hai jiska naam rupa hai,wo mera pita ke bada bahi ke wife hai yani ke mera bada papa ke,unki aur unka do beta ke muat ke accident me ho gai the karib do saal pahela,rupa ke age 45 saal pati aur betao ke maut ke baad rupa akali ho gai the meri family rupa ke bahut care karti hai,baat tab...

3 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 70

The limo pulled up to the Montoya's and Henry, my driver, and I both got out. He went back to open the trunk and I went to the front door. It opened before I got there and Kelli came out, closely followed by an older man with a weathered face and gray peppering his hair. My view of him was quickly cut off by Kelli's jumping into my arms. "Well hello," I said with a grin. "Hi yourself," she answered back. Then there was a kiss. Slightly longer than I felt comfortable with, given that...

2 years ago
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Cuckquean meet cuckcake unexpectedly

You'd known I'd been seeing my gf for a month or so now and bits of hers was appearing round the house but as a good cuckquean you appreciated that she is a big part of my life now since she gets my cock and cum almost daily.You'd never met and you was happy as you got to hear all the naughty stories later, see some naughty photos that she sends you of me and most of all you got to clean my cock after I'd been with her.You'd started to work out that I wasn't just using her arse and mouth like...

2 years ago
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Viki 8211 Part III

Phil had been gone 3 weeks. Viki and I had been planning our trip to Tokyo. We rarely wore clothes in the house now. Tom was used to seeing us naked about the house and it meant we could have full pleasure of each other without having to disrobe every time we wanted to lick or suck each other. Phil had informed me that his secretary who had been making advances on him regularly on his 1st trip to Tokyo was very accommodating when Phil had returned. Her name was Ria and she was by all accounts a...

2 years ago
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Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 5 Personal Space

When the pack had warmed up, they ate again, sitting around the fire pits in groups of three or four and sharing meat. This was more casual than the feast had been, less organized. Schaffer found himself in the company of the two identical males that he had seen at the table during the previous night’s event. Their height, coloration, and markings were all exactly the same. Apparently, these aliens could produce twins like many animals on Earth. They seemed overly curious, borderline...

3 years ago
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A Date With Mom

A DATE WITH MOM(by Eros!) My friend Tamara had told me that the only people who took out personal ads in our local weekly were "horny yuppies with more money than brains." However, I had recently finalized my divorce after twenty-seven years of marriage, and I simply didn't know how to play the modern dating game. Besides, I could think of a lot worse things than a man with a fat wallet, a lonely cock, and an empty head. One advertisement called to me again and again: "Good-looking...

1 year ago
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Crystal Blue Eyes

This is my first story so go easy on me, but any pointer for future are welcome; She sits back into the hot water, surrounded by the bubbles and the sweet smells of lotus flower and orange filling her nose, she allows herself to relax back in to the water further and rest her head. Her hands gently glide over her body, as she washes the stress of the day away, she hated her job in a delivery department of a manufacturing company, and she wasn’t sure why she was still there. She shakes her...

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The Mercy of Sarabande

The Mercy of Sarabandeby C Sarabande was an orb-weaver, one of those quietly efficient fairy-killersfor whom long-suffering humans are always grateful. Now fairies are too cleverfor a spider web that sits there, plainly visible, week after week. So Sarabandeused a special silk, invisible to fairies until it was too late. What's more,she built five new webs every night, always in different places from thoseof the night before. She'd then spend the day going from web to web. If theyhad caught...

1 year ago
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Despite That I Still Love Her

Hy guys, thank you for all the good comments and feedbacks that came to my account. My name is jaggs. I am from Bangalore. This story happened last year when I returned home for my brother’ wedding. My brother was getting married to his lover. I knew her from a long time back. Her name was Anusha. She was a cute girl with a slight tan color. She was hot because of her boobs which flaunt her with shapes. She was a good friend of mine. She was the medium tan girl with 36d boobs with back nipples....

3 years ago
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Glory hole with friend and husband

You got the invitation from your rich boss that told you about this place. invitation only by member... after taking your clothes off you are a bit unsure where to start... there is a small pink sign showing where glory holes are located. your dick is really thirsty tonight... there is two holes but at one of them some man just finished with a big orgasm and left . you stick your semi hard penis inside.. nothing happens at first but you can feel warm breath coming on your dick.... next feeling...

1 year ago
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The Gardnerrsquos Tale

How I, a young virgin was seduced by the woman of the houseI’ve just been to meet a new customer for my garden and lawn care business, a pleasant chap called Nick and his wife Jane, she seemed nice too when she fetched us coffee. Prices were agreed and I was to start this week coming, one morning a week to see how I get on.The first morning arrived and I knocked on the back door just to let them know I was there. The house was an old barn converted a while back, single story but still...

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