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I've become tired of stories of simpering females being rescued by manly hunks, so this is my variation on that theme. I know there are different federations out there, I just lumped them all together and called them MMA. Enjoy the story.

He rolled his eyes and wrinkled his nose. He was in a gym, more specifically a gym dedicated to training fighters, with the smell of stale sweat, blood, and other things he wasn't too keen on discovering.

They were everywhere, punching bags, lifting weights, jumping rope, and sparring. The place resonated with grunts, squeals, and curses, along with trainers yelling instructions. He stood just inside the door, allowing his eyes to adjust to the semi darkness. A man of late middle age approached him, with a look of boredom on his face.

"Another pretty boy in a suit", he thought, taking the guy in, "banker, lawyer, somebody trying to make money off the sweat of the fighters". Still they were a necessary evil, and he tolerated them if they could make their lives better.

"Looking for somebody?"

Mark looked at the guy, fiftyish, iron grey hair, sharp brown eyes, not aggressive but not friendly. He acted as if he wanted him there as badly as he didn't want to be. He fished out a card.

"Mark Stewart, Stewart Financial Systems. I'm here to see a" he paused, looking at some papers,

"Miss Bettina Burke."

"Betty Bang Bang? What for?"

"I've been asked by her manager to help her set up a financial plan. Seems there may be big money in her future and he wants to make sure she keeps it."

The man thawed visibly.

"Great. I'll tell Manny you're here. Come on in, look around, I'll get him."

He did look around. Not surprisingly, half the fighters were women, the gym was getting a reputation for producing some of the top ranked women MMA fighters in the Southeast. He didn't follow the sport, but admired their fitness and determined attitudes, prima donnas didn't last long here.

Manny Torres was short, thick, with a rugged face and a nose that had been broken at least once. A former welter weight boxer, he had risen to number four in the world, losing title matches twice. He made decent money, but managed to waste it all. Not overly educated, he was intelligent enough to go with his stengths. He had a keen and analytic eye, could tell if a fighter had talent, and even more importantly, if they had heart.

He had managed and trained a few boxers, all good but none were ever able to make it to the top. His reputation was well earned, if a fighter broke training or got caught doing something illegal, he was within contractual rights to drop them. He did several times, usually after exhausting all other options. He had gotten more than one fighter help, whether he trained them or not.

He started managing women in the MMA world by accident, helping train and managing a younger sister of a friend and former boxer. She had heart but not a lot of talent. He got her several matches, carefully chosen opponents with the same skill level. He knew better than anyone you could destroy a fighters will and future by overmatching them.

She won three out of four and was getting plenty of notice. Deciding she had outgrown Manny, she signed with another manager, one in it just for the money. Manny gave her some advice she didn't take before she left. Her new manager was anxious to get her name out even more, and booked a fight with the number six ranked woman in her weight class. He never told her, but he knew she couldn't win, but he thought it would be great exposure.

The woman destroyed her, breaking her nose, then grappling her to the floor into a submission hold. The girl wouldn't yield, and the other fighter, who had a bit of a sadistic streak, broke her arm. It was legal, it happened occasionally, but it was frowned upon. She never recovered, losing three more bouts before retiring.

Manny came over, looking at the guy like he did everyone, analyzing him as a fighter.

Tall, slender, he would bet money he was more muscled than he looked in that suit. Moved good, too, admiring the way he wove through the boxers, dodging suddenly as a novice got tangled in her jump rope, even catching the girl before she hit the floor. Great reflexes. Yeah, he could definitely train this guy.

"Manny Torres."

"Mark Stewart."

Manny liked his grip, strong without being overpowering, the shake of a man confident in his own abilities.

"Come into the office, Mr. Stewart, let me explain what I need."

They went into a surprisingly neat but cluttered office. Posters adorned the walls, mostly of fighters in the gym. He pointed to one.

A tall blond in fighting attire, holding her fist up and glowering. The logo read: Bettina "Betty Bang Bang" Burke. He wondered what she looked like when she smiled.

"That's her. She's got a lot of talent, will probably make it to the top, if I can get her to control her temper. We're working on that. She's got a bout coming up with the number eight fighter. I think she'll win."

"What's her rank?"

"Right now, she's unranked. If she wins, she'll probably get ranked. Ten, maybe even nine. She's done really well in her regional fights."


"Seven and two. Two on points, three by knockout, two by submission."

"What about the two she lost?"

"The first loss was her very first fight, and nerves knocked her off her game plan. The second she should have won, but she got mad and lost her concentration. Why the questions about her fighting ability?"

"You're asking me to assist her in managing her money. I invest a lot of time in my clients, that's why I charge more. I'm very successful at what I do, so I can pick and choose. Most of the people I work with already have wealth, they want me to grow it. With her, I'm starting from ground zero. I want to know if I'm wasting my time."

"Then why are you here if you think it might be a waste of time?"

"Once upon a time there was a businessman who worked in New York City. There was also a cop who worked there. On September 11 one year, something bad happened. This particular cop saved that particular businessman, carrying him down four flights of stairs to safety. The cop was named Burke, the businessman was named Stewart. The cop had three sons and a daughter named Bettina. The businessman had a son and a daughter. The son's name was Mark. The Stewart family owes the Burke family, Mr. Torres, more than money. Even if she sucks, I'm going to do the best I can for her."

Manny was stunned. Then Mark smiled.

"Of course, it would be better for everybody if she was really talented and makes a boatload of money. Can I talk to her now?"

She came in the office five minutes later, glowering. Still in exercise gear, sweating heavily from sparring. Plus, she lost her concentration when the guy in the suit walked by, and her sparring partner gave her a good shot to the mouth. She could already feel it swelling.

"What a prissy looking man" she thought, taking in the crisp suit and highly polished shoes. Damn, not a hair out of place.

"Miss Burke, I'm Mark Stewart."

She stuck her sweaty hand into his, enjoying the slight frown as he withdrew. She bet it took everything in his power not to whip out a hanky and wipe his hand off.

"Call me Betty. What are you gonna do to make my life better?"

"My purpose is to advise you how to grow your money. I assume you have a career plan after your fighting days are over. It's my job to make sure you're financially secure to pursue it."

"What's in it for you?"

He seemed surprised at the question.

"Why, money of course. I charge for my services."

"I hear you charge more than most. Why?"

She's smarter than she looks, he thought, actually did a little home work.

"Because you get just me. Let me explain. Say you go with one of the big houses. They'll probably do a good job for you. They'll assign you a financial manager. He'll be handling you and countless others. He won't have time to watch over you personally, most likely dump your money in some mutual fund plans, maybe a few bonds as a security blanket. The norm is five funds. Every fund has a manager, and that manager gets his fee whether he makes you money or not. Your manager gets his fee. At the end of the quarter, if you make money, great. If you don't, your manager and every fund manager he has you in still gets their fees."

"I don't do that. No mutual funds. I'll investigate a stock and determine its' viability before I suggest you invest. And I don't make decisions for you. I give you the facts and let you make your own decisions. If I think you're about to do something foolish, I advise against it, but the ultimate decision is yours."

"And don't get me wrong. I'm not a one man show. I have a partner and several assistants who do research for me, but ultimately I make the decisions to recommend something to the client. If it flops, the blame is mine."

He paused, grinning.

"Of course, if it takes off and you make a bundle, I take all the credit."

"This was just a meet and greet, Miss Burke, to see if we can work together. If you want to establish a relationship with my company, call and set up an appointment. The receptionist will tell you what to bring for the first consultation.

Good luck to you, Miss Burke, I hope your career is a successful one. Here's my card."

He rose to leave. As he was leaving, he looked over his shoulder.

"Oh, and to prove I do my homework, watch your next opponent's left leg. It not as weak as she leads everyone to think."

Manny and Betty watched him go.

"Is what he said true?"

"About the money or your next fight?"

Manny was smiling. It was the first time he had ever seen a man come close to impressing her.


"The money side, yes, he's supposed to be one of the best. On Cindy, I don't know, but you can bet I'll be checking."

Cindy Smith, the 'Memphis Temptress", her next opponent, was reported to have a very weak left leg. All the fight films they had reviewed seemed to confirm this.

The night of the fight she was a bundle of nerves. It happened every time, she knew she would settle down as soon as the bell rung.

She had trained hard and was in the best physical condition of her life, one hundred forty pounds of pure muscle. She reviewed tapes of her opponent endlessly, gathered all the information she could about her in and out of the ring. It had gotten to the point where she could just about say with certainty what she would have for breakfast every morning.

Manny made her review her own fights, pointing out weaknesses and lecturing her about her temper.

"Bang Bang, if you can't think, you can't fight. And when you get pissed, you stop thinking."

They were the last on the undercard before the main event. She heard the announcer call her name, and she came in bouncing, trying to stay loose. Waiting in the ring for them to announce her opponent, the higher ranked always came in last, she looked across the crowd, and saw him.

Mark Stewart, dressed immaculately, of course. Seated beside him was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Her whole body screamed "Class!" at the top of it's lungs. They made a very attractive couple.

The Memphis Temptress strutted in. Damn, every thing was a production for her, but she had to admit, she brought the crowd to its feet.

They got their instructions, tapped gloves, and retired to their corners.

The first round was spent feeling each other out, looking for weaknesses. The crowd booed, wanting action. The second round was a little more heated as they both pressed for advantage.

Betty had a black belt in Judo, was an excellent boxer, thanks to Manny, and was very flexible, thanks to her gymnast background.

Cindy was more of a grappler, with Brazilian martial arts and wrestling in her background. She even spent time studying sumo wrestling.

They pitted style against style, Betty dancing in and out delivering kicks and blows, while Cindy tried to gain advantage by pushing her against the fence in an attempt to take her down. Betty got in a couple good head and body shots, but Cindy shook them off and succeeded in wrestling her down once. It was a close call, she almost got a submission hold. Betty barely wriggled out.

They were even going in to round four, then Betty got a couple of good head shots in, splitting a lip and hitting her left eye enough to cause swelling. Cindy knew by experience it would be black in the morning.

Then Cindy surprised Betty and the crowd by doing a sweep with her left leg. She would have had her then but the bell saved her.

Manny talked to her while the corner crew checked her out.

"You two are dead even so far. This is the last round so it's now or never. Time to get down and dirty. Stop trying to stay out of her reach. Tap a few times and then go in on her. She won't expect it, get her down and make her submit. Everybody knows you don't like to win by submission. Make it work for you, girl."

Betty danced out and started jabbing. Cindy had gone mostly flat footed, barreling straight ahead, trying to reduce ring space. The right hook seemed to come out of nowhere and she went tumbling, but was on her feet before Cindy could press the advantage.

Cindy rushed in, determined to end it. Something in her eyes made Betty think 'left leg', and sure enough, she saw the sweep coming. Instead of backing up she did a complete front flip over the leg, landing right in front of her as she came round. She never saw the straight right to her nose coming, and was on her ass and had her arm locked into a submission hold before she could clear the cobwebs from her brain. She had no choice, she pounded the canvas and acknowledged submission to the referee.

The crowd was on their feet cheering. It was a brilliant finish to a mediocre performance.

Betty came to the center of the ring, hugged her opponent, and let the announcer raise her hand in victory.

She was surprised when Manny brought Mark Stewart into her dressing room. The woman wasn't with him.

He offered her hand.

"Well fought, Miss Burke."

She shook it.

"Thank you, Mr. Steward. Thanks for the scouting report. How did you know?"

"I watched her in the gym, reviewed her fights.

I do this with all my clients. How they perform in their professions determine how well they'll be able to invest. Now, a word of advice."

"Be gracious, smile a lot when you do your interview. Give credit to your trainer and manager. Praise your opponent for a good fight, thank the referee for a good job."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because it's good business. I've seen a few of your interviews, when you win you come off arrogant, when you lose you come off sulky.

That doesn't endear you to the fans, and a good fan base is an asset. It'll also make the interviewers spend a little more time with you, and exposure is exposure."

"Well, good night. I have someone waiting. Again, congratulations."

"Going home with little miss rich bitch,"she thought, "I bet they don't even sweat when they fuck."

The next Wednesday found Betty and Manny sitting in the offices of Stewart Financial, holding the requested papers.

They were shown into a large office and Mark came in right behind them. He shook hands.

"Thanks for coming. Again, congratulations. What do you have lined up next?"

"We have a tentative bout scheduled in four months time, we want to make sure we're ready. She's ranked nine now, looks like it'll be against the number seven contender."

Manny said this with a great deal of satisfaction.

"Is number seven any good?"

Betty spoke up with a little pride.

"Anybody that's ranked is good."

"Really? How good are you, Miss Bang Bang? And where did that nick name come from?"

Betty blushed a bit.

"I had older brothers, so we played a lot of cowboys and Indians, dad would limit out TV and game time. I had the only two shooter in the universe when I was about five. All I ever said was 'bang bang' when I pretended to shoot, so that was the nickname my brothers gave me."

"Then when I got into MMA, every time I practiced a two punch combo, I would yell BANG BANG, to build up lung capacity. Manny heard me, and all fighters have nicknames, so he stuck me with it."

"Good story. You should tell it in interviews. Still didn't answer my question, Miss Burke. Are you good?"

She held his gaze.

"Yeah, I'm good. Really good. I could be champion. Not now, but soon."

"Good, show me your paperwork, please."

He looked over her folder. Making a note here or there.

He sat back and regarded them for a moment.

"Miss Burke, truth here, you've $25,000 earned from fighting. The sad fact is, most women MMA fighters, even the top ranked, make between a half to two thirds less than their male counterparts. Not fair, just a fact. Realistically, if you become champion in your weight class, and manage to hold onto it for two or three years, you MIGHT make a million two to a million five. Good money, and if you retire by thirty, which most do, you might make another million. Good money, but not enough to last for the rest of your life."

It seemed like a lot for Betty, raised on the disability and retirement pension of a cop. But she saw the wisdom in his words.

"What do I need to do?"

"First, we need to look at a manager for you. Not for fighting, Manny here is well qualified for that, but a personal manager, someone who can get you branded with a shoe or sports apparel manufacturer, get you live appearances, TV spots, calenders, that sort of thing. There's good money there, and you don't have to get hit to make it."

He took in her jeans and sweatshirt.

"Miss Burke, do you ever smile? Do you own a dress?"

She was offended, her face getting red.

"Yes, I smile, with my friends or when something amuses me. I own a few, but have little occasion to wear them. And I am NOT taking my clothes off for a calender."

He held up his hands in a placating gesture.

"I said nothing about removing your clothes, in fact I advise against it, it would probably affect you adversely. I was talking about something like this."

He pulled out a Women Of The MMA calendar.

"I admit some of the ladies are a bit risque, but none of them are nude. As for the dresses, when you start getting close to the top, you stop being a person and start being a commodity. In fact, when it reaches that point, you probably need to incorporate. That's in the future.

But the point I'm trying to make, Miss Burke, is the commodity is you, and any good ad man will tell you, attractive packaging is half the product."

"That's it. I'm not going to invest this money right now, you need to make a few upgrades. Don't think of it as spending money, more as investing in the future. If you're interested, there are some standard forms for you with the receptionist.

Have your lawyer look them over, it just outlines what is expected by both parties when it comes to your money."

He rose to shake their hands, the consultation over.

"How do you know all this stuff?" asked Betty.

"Research, Miss Burke, never underestimate research. If your schedule is clear, there is someone I'd like you to spend some time with. Mr. Torres, I'll make sure she gets home, if she agrees."

She nodded uncertainly, Manny hugged her and left.

Mark excused himself and left, bringing back the woman she had seen at the fight.

"Miss Burke, this is Ms Johnson."

She stood and shook, and to her surprise Ms Johnson asked her to remain standing as she circled her slowly. She turned to Mark.


"Good, Miss Burke, Ms Johnson will escort you home. Have a pleasant evening."

"Come with me, please."

She led her out of the building and into a waiting cab. They rode for about twenty minutes before they stopped outside an upscale shopping center.

"Miss Burke, are you willing to listen to Mark and follow his advice?"

"I guess so. What are we doing here?"

She smiled, it turned her into a whole different person.

"Packaging the commodity. Come on, lots to do.

You are free for the rest of the day, aren't you?"

They were taking a week off before resuming training, so she had time.

The walked into a large department store, and went to the cosmetic department. Ms Johnson asked her to call her Alice, saying she hoped they could be friends.

"What are we doing here, Alice?"

"New paint" said Alice cryptically.

For the next forty minutes her face was made up, washed off, and done over until the consultant and Alice agreed it was as close to perfect as they could get. Betty wasn't allowed to look until they were done, and was stunned at the woman staring back from the mirror. She was ... pretty ... no. She was more than pretty.

The woman packaged the purchases, and Betty was shocked at the price. She looked at Alice.

"Investment, Betty. Mark said you could afford it."

She paid the lady. Instead of leaving, they went into the dress department. Another hour with a consultant, she had the perfect dress for showcasing her athletic body. Tight but not clingy, allowing her muscles to ripple seductively underneath.

Alice said it was perfect and then laughed. She left for just a second, coming back with a satin thong.

"You need this. Turn around and you'll see why."

Betty turned and look over her shoulder. You could practically read the brand name on her full cut panties. It ruined the look completely.

She blushed when she took the thong, she had little experience with anything but 'functional', and said so to Alice.

Alice laughed.

"Honey, for dresses like this, it is functional underwear. Besides, you've got the tightest butt I've ever seen. That bottom was made to be displayed."

Betty blushed furiously and the salesgirl giggled.

Alice insisted she keep the dress on.

The next stop was for shoes. Again, Betty had little need for high heels, but Alice bullied her into a pair of two inch heels, telling her as soon as she got used to them they would go up an inch.

Next was the hairdresser.

"I'm not cutting my hair!"

Alice calmed her.

"I wouldn't think of it. This is just a trim, maybe put a highlight or two in. You have beautiful hair, you just need to showcase it."

They took down her trademark french braid. It was even longer than Alice first thought, hanging down to the middle of her back. The hairdresser was practically drooling. Alice laughed.

"Be careful dear, the girl is a professional fighter, wouldn't do to make her angry."

Soon the whole shop was clustered around her, asking questions. She had to promise a poster to them.

Alice immediately started working the owner.

"You know, Betty wasn't satisfied with her last salon. I brought her here because I trust you, but the ultimate decision is hers. She's going places, most likely in another year or two she'll be champion. It would be a feather in your cap if she stayed with you."

Before she knew what was happening, Betty was getting a manicure and pedicure, on the house.

Shrewdly, Alice promised a picture of her after the trim, poster size, to be placed beside the fight poster, in exchange for full salon care for the next six months. Betty shook hands with the owner, and entered into her first endorsement contract.

Betty couldn't believe the creation she had become. Men and women alike turned heads, and Alice assured her it would be commonplace.

Alice insisted in treating her to dinner for putting up with her, and they went into the nicest restaurant she had ever seen.

The meal was delicious, but she was nervous.

"What's wrong, Betty?"

"I feel like everybody is staring at me."

Alice gave her assurances.

"Well, I'd like to think some of the looks are for me, but it's not your imagination. Not to be arrogant, but we're the hottest women in here, we're going to get looks. They know me, but everyone is trying to figure out who you are.

Heiress, lawyer, businesswoman? They can't place you, and it's got them wondering. Let's have some fun, come on!"

They left the restaurant and adjourned to the bar. Almost immediately, they were surrounded by men, buying drinks, making conversation, jockeying for attention. Betty didn't drink, so Alice got her a mineral water with a twist of lemon, and a white wine, making sure the bartender knew that was all they were drinking.

Inexperienced with the flirting and the innuendo, Betty said little, letting Alice deflect the advances.

One man was particularly aggressive, making Betty uncomfortable. Alice finally put a stop to it.

"Ben, do you what field Betty is in? I thought not. She's a professional fighter, ranked number nine in the world. I'd be a little more polite if I were you."

Ben looked at her, trying to imagine her as a fighter, before laughing.

"This baby doll, no way! I don't know much about fighting, but I'd be glad to teach you about horizontal wrestling. I'm sure I could show you a thing or two."

Betty hopped off the stool, angry, fists balled.


Ben had more alcohol than sense in him.

He sneered.

"You gonna make me, little girl?"

Betty was just about to swing when a hand enclosed hers.

"There you are girls. I thought I missed you."

Mark held her hand as tightly as possible, then shocked her when he kissed her cheek.

The look he gave Ben was cold.

"Ben, I think you owe this lady an apology. Now."

Ben immediately apologized, saying it was just a joke, he meant no harm. Betty thought he looked scared.

"Betty, accept his apology."

For some reason her anger was gone, and her cheek seemed to tingle where he kissed it.

"No problem."

Mark smiled, his white teeth seemed to glow.

"Well, now that that's settled, let's grab a table."

When they settled at the table Mark immediately launched into a lecture.

"Save the fighting for the ring, Betty. How you behave in public has a direct impact on your image."

"I could have taken him! I had it handled."

"Think about it, Betty" Mark said impatiently, "do you really want to read about how a trained fighter kicked the ass of a harmless drunk in a bar? Plus the lawsuits, you could be broke before you make any money. Temper, Betty, temper."

Her good feeling was gone. Damn, he treated her like a child.

Alice saw her frown and jumped in.

"Don't get angry, hon, remember, we're here to look out for your best interests. We've GOT to get you a manager."

"Why can't you do it?"

Betty said, looking at Alice.

Alice looked stricken for just a second, before Mark jumped in.

"Yes, Ms Johnson, I think that's an excellent idea. Please consider it."

He turned to Betty.

"Before she made a career change and moved here, she was a top publicist in California. Still has a contact or two, no doubt."

He turned to Alice.

"Please consider it. I can do without you in the office for a little while. It might be fun."

Alice considered it.

"All right, but there will be rules. You listen to me completely. Don't question my decisions, at least until you catch on to what I do. I won't need to spend much time with you right now, that will come later as you become more into the public eye. And I insist on a two year contract, it will take me that long to make you, understand?"

Her voice had gone all business, the friendly tone gone.

Betty said meekly "Yes ma'am."

Alice smiled.

"Good. Now, I have to get home. Clear tomorrow afternoon, I'll text you when and where to meet. Mark, will you escort Betty home? All right, kisses."

She air kissed them and strode off.

Mark smiled at Betty.

"You don't know what you're in for. That's the most focused woman I've ever seen. She can be downright brutal when she needs to be. You're in for a wild ride. Now, shall we?"

The ride to her home was quiet. It was on the lower end of middle class. She still lived at home. She said nothing as they parked.

"Goodnight, Miss Burke."

"Mark, would you walk me to the door? My dad is old fashioned, if he thought you just dumped me out it would change how he views you. He's not too keen on letting someone else get hold of my money as it is."

His smile was downright warm.

"Your father sounds like a good man. I'd like to meet him. I apologize, I should walk you to the door, my mind was elsewhere for just a second. Shall we?"

He opened the door and escorted her to her house. She held out her hand to shake.He took both her hands in his, reached down and gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

"Good night, Miss Burke. I hope you sleep well."

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Hi friends, this is Manoj back. En ammava en friend abu othatha sonnen. Avan avanoda driver oda senthu en ammava othatha solren. En frnd abu masam oru thadava vanthu en vetula vanthu 3 nal iruoan. En ammava nai mari opan. Pona masam avan varapo avan avanoda drivera kutitu vanthan. Avan vanthathum amma avanum nalla pesunanga. Avanga en munnadiye thottu thottu pesunanga. En amma ku ela samayal velaiaium senjan. Avan kitchen la amma kundiya thatunatha pathen. Amma kulika porapo nan epium pola ota...

4 years ago
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Emmas adventures and misfortunes

Introduction: Some sentences are a bit messy, but I couldnt think of a way to make them better. Anyhow, this is my first attempt at writing and posting a story… hope you enjoy. Today is June 16th, a day since Emmas school year came to an end, while also the day on which her mother Evelyn is having several interviews with potential candidates for a job of a live-in nanny. Even though Emma feels glad to be away from boring school and excited about her free summer, shes also both slightly worried...

3 years ago
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Jemmas dance contract chapter 1

Jemma was delighted when she opened her email telling her that she had been chosen as a dancer for a three month contract in Cabaret at The Pavilion theatre in Bournemouth. She had never been there before but was soon looking forward to it although she knew it would be hard work. Also she would have to leave her girlfriend behind – oh how she was going to miss those intense orgasms they used to give each other.Being there for three months she knew that she would have to get somewhere to stay so...

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Jemmarsquos Dance Contract ndash chapter 2

Jemma’s Dance Contract – chapter 2Jemma was fuming as she showered and got ready for her performance in Chicago later that evening, but as the warm water splashed her body she realised that her nipples were hard and that she was getting damp between her legs and it wasn’t the shower that was doing it.She had to admit to herself how much she enjoyed what had just happened to her, it was just that they had filmed her that annoyed her. However, she had no intention of joining them when she got...

2 years ago
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Ammavai Thungum Pozhuthu Naki Oothen

Vanakam enathu peyar Bala, vayathu 22 naan kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Enathu kalluri chenniyil irukirathu naangal ingu thaan vasithu varugirom appa aransanga vellai seithukondu irukiraar. Avaruku vayathu 45 aagugirathu enathu ammavuku vayathu 36 aagugirathu aval eppozhuthum veetil iruka maatar. Amma thaniyaaga thaan irupaargal engalin vaazhkai ippadiye sendru kondu irunthathu aanal enathu ammavai naan oopen endru appozhuthu ennaku theriyavillai. Pengal annaivarukum sariyaaga 32 muthal 38...

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A Good ManChapter 38 Simba

Have you ever received a wake-up blowjob? I hadn’t until that morning when I woke to find Clarissa’s lips wrapped around my shaft. I groaned and reached down to place my hand on the top of her head. She looked up, grinned around my cock, clearly pleased to see I was awake, then went back to her self-appointed task with just a touch more vigour. I groaned again and tipped my head back. After the tongue-lashing I’d given her last night, followed by a pounding that tested her bedsprings to their...

3 years ago
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East Meets West Pt 02 Ch 01

If you haven’t read East Meets West, Part 1, then I suggest you read it now, otherwise this story will make no sense to you. I would also like to add that I don’t write sex stories . . . I write stories that have sex in them. Hopefully, the sex enhances the story, but is not the primary reason the story was written. Sex between consenting adults who love each other is truly one of the most glorious things on earth. I also want to point out a few things here, so I apologize in advance for...

4 years ago
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East Meets West Part Two

If you haven’t read East Meets West, Part 1, then I suggest you read it now, otherwise this story will make no sense to you. I would also like to add that I don’t write sex stories ... I write stories that have sex in them. Hopefully, the sex enhances the story, but is not the primary reason the story was written. Sex between consenting adults who love each other is truly one of the most glorious things on earth. I also want to point out a few things here, so I apologize in advance for...

3 years ago
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Mumma Had Nice Session

Hi ISS readers I m back with the incident which occurred a month ago.First my intro I’m Mastram(RAM) and this incident is about my aunt deepu whom I also call mumma because her hubby was my dad’s friend and simultaneously deepu is my mumma’frnd so I use to call her mumma and our relation was like Mom n son n also a best frnd.Let me tell about mumma she has a dynamic 34 30 36,32 years old figure milky white in color,n had a baby of 5 year.Coming to story…. Ye incident ek month phle hua jab uncle...

2 years ago
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Mumma8217s Hard Fuck By Old Man

Hi friends this is vicky.Today i am going to tell you a true incident which happened to me in my family.This incident happened when my mumma age was 38 she is a very beautiful women at the age of 38 also she looked liked 28 year old women the reason behind that she has maintained her body she looks really very hot and beautiful. Mumma Fucked I still remember the days when we were used to go for any party of my dad office my dads friends stairs at her body not even my dad colleague there were...

2 years ago
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Ammavai Otha Nangan Kathai

Hi friends this is manoj back. Nanum en friendum en ammava okuratha pathu rasicha kathaiya sonnen. En amma enga area la oeriya thevudiya va aita. Nanum en friendum en ammava try pana aramichom. Ava kulikiratha papom, kakusku poratha papom, dress mathum p8lthu papom. En amma per chitra. Nalla nattu katta. Entha oru ambala en ammava pathalum avala veri thanama okanumnu ninaipanga. En amma en mama kuda avanga friends kuda okuratha nanum en frndum pathurukom. En friend per ramesh. Nanum en friendum...

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Black Mamba

It had been nearly ten years but I recognized her. She hadn't changedall that much. In fact she was prettier now then she had been in highschool. I knew her because she ran with a crowd that I sometimes ran with.You know, not actually "in" the group but a sometimes replacement. JillJordan wasn't someone I was likely to ever forget. I had a big time crushon her. We never dated or anything. I just admired her from afar and lostcontact after graduation. By the way, I'm Travis Tolliver. I couldn't...

1 year ago
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A ranger meets an elf in the wild

Sitting on his bedroll in just his trousers, Thanir watches as the first rays of the morning sun broke through the trees. He glances quickly at the smoldering remains of last night's fire but decides against rekindling it. The next town, and a real meal in a tavern, is only a few miles away so there was no need to cook a breakfast. Rubbing the last of the sleep from his eyes, the young ranger stands and stretches.Just as he begins to roll up his bedding, a series of sounds jerk Thanir's...

4 years ago
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Grammas New Garage

I was gathering up my tools from the job site, getting ready to call it a day when my phone rang, “Danny, this is Mom. You got a minute?” my mom asked“Sure Mom, what’s up? I asked.“Danny, your Grandmother and I were talking today on the phone and she wanted to know if I knew a good contractor to build a garage next to her house. I told her ‘Ma, my Danny’s a contractor. I don’t know how busy he is, but he could at least give you a fair price.’ So I told her you would call her this evening.” And...

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Night Skies Hotel III More Than Meets the Eye

Night Skies Hotel III: More Than Meets the Eye By Solari A plume of creamy white smoke streamed from the young woman's full, pouty mouth as she straddled her latest lover. Trissa was smoking again, as she almost always did before, during and after sex. She held the long, slender cigarette between the long-nailed, delicate fingers of one hand while her other hand was buried within her long, thick, luxurious mane of flame-colored hair as she slid up and down her lover's long, hard red...

1 year ago
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Boy meets Girl Part 1

Introduction: I hope you all like it.. positive feedback only. Boy meets girl, Girl meets boy Its been almost 2 weeks since me and my mom moved into our new house. Things have been going pretty well so far, I cant really complain. I met some new people in the area that seem pretty cool,but only one in specific caught my attention. His name is Andre. He is really attractive, and makes me feel weak. I remember looking into his hazel green eyes and feeling kind of lost for a moment because I...

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Consummation At Coimbatore

Hey everyone. It’s Prasad here. I’ve been reading ISS stories for a while now. Thought I’ll share my own story today. I’m from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. This happened a few years ago during my summer vacation after my 12th board exams. To say about myself, a decent looking 21 year old, 5’11, a bit chubby. Board exams preparations were hectic and with additional tuitions and stuff it was pain staking indeed. Though I study well, my parents sent me for tuitions for main subjects. So this was my...

4 years ago
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Power Granny meets She Hulk

Power Granny Meets She HulkBy lilguy [email protected] Granny meets She Hulk on a beach..smut and muscle follows.Note- This was a commission I did Granny meets She HulkThere was a beach that every now and then was rented out where Super heroes, could relax privately after battle. It was an Inland that floated between dimensions, floating in and out of reality. This way character from multiple realities could go there to relax. It had a force field...

3 years ago
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The Haruhi Armband

The Haruhi Armband. By apsm. Disclaimer: I don't own Haruhi Suzumiya or its characters. As the twilight sky darkened over the skyline, a young man was sauntering his way through the spatial crowds of his street towards his nondescript apartment. With hands in coat pockets, and a messy tangle of brown hair, he looked like your average citizen. Well actually he was- just an office boy fresh out of university named Gene- but despite the melancholic expression, a feeling of dull enthusiasm was...

2 years ago
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Emmas first time

Introduction: Emma has a big surprise on her18th birthday. In Yorkshire. England. In the summer of 2014. Emmas first time. It was Emmas 18th Birthday. The sun shone in a clear blue sky. Birds sang. Not a breath of wind. The heat was stifling, especially as we dont usually get hot days here in Yorkshire.There was a big marquee on the manor lawn. The rock band were doing sound checks. I was in a foul mood. I bought the wrong parts for my car. I had to take them back. On my bicycle, 18 miles...

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Stud meets the cougar

Introduction: Introduction of a young teenager who meets a mature woman Stud meets the cougar First things first, my name is Byron, I am now 19 but the following story happened 4 years ago when I was just 15 during my summer break in Anaheim, California. Im not sure if any of you are interested in my looks but I have white skin, brown eyes and short curly hair, I never considered myself to be good looking. At that time, I was skinny, tall, and friendly with people. My parents, especially my...

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Amy 1 Amy Meets World

Amy 1: Amy Meets World by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Something Happens I had the absolute coolest fucking girlfriend in the world and everything about her excited me and jazzed my nerve endings: Emily Komori. For one thing, Emily was almost as tall as I was when we started...

4 years ago
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Girl Meets World Teaching Smackle

Girl Meets World - Teaching Smackle[Takes place during: Girl Meets Smackle]It was a quiet night in Greenwich Village, and Riley, Maya and Smackle are sitting in Riley's room giving Smackle a makeover. Earlier in the afternoon, there was a debate between John Quincy Adams and Einstein Academy, Farkle lost the debate and Smackle won. After winning the debate, Isadora invited her arch enemy out for a smoothie date. Smackle seeks Riley's advice on how to win Farkle's heart, even though she knows...

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Girl Meets World New Influences

Girl Meets World - New Influences[Takes place during: Girl Meets Demolition]Have you ever had one of those days when you sit by the bay window in your room with your best friend and you two try to come up with a good scheme to make money by selling all of your clothes? Well, that's what happened to Riley Matthews and Maya Hart. Riley and Maya came up with a good scheme to sell all of their clothes and where did they sell their clothes at? A certain little clothing store called Demolition. The...

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Girl Meets World Girl Meets Foursome

Takes Place During: Girl Meets Semi FormalIt was a beautiful night in New York City. The semi-formal dance has just ended at John Quincy Adams Middle School and Riley enters her neatly decorated room in her apartment with Maya, Lucas and Farkle. With Auggie spending the night at his friend's house and Riley's parents, Cory and Topanga, are out hanging out with Shawn, Katy, Eric and Jack, Riley has the whole place to herself."Tonight was really fun." Riley said."Aren't you glad that you got to...

1 year ago
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Commandments and Rules of Life

Without rules the BDSM relationship is nothing more than an SM relationship that does not confess. Some will need few rules to feel bound, as opposed to others clamoring for many and complex rules, it is up to the master to find the right measure. Some are content to enact rules in the sandstone of their fantasy of the moment. It is much more coherent and therefore structuring for the submissive to set a framework of main principles, the rules of everyday life being only the application in a...

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Gramma Gets It Good

“Ohhhh! This will be fun,” she thought as she was bent over the clothes dryer by a person who approached her from behind. The brown hand that reached around to squeeze one of the hanging mammaries gave her a real clue. He’d fucked her every day for the past week since she saw him stroking his big shaft lying on his bed. That sight had been a wakeup call and she’d dropped her robe and climbed on. His smile as she’d revealed her body had been enough of a “Yes”. He spoke little English but words...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 20 Coimbatore

I awoke in a bed. My head hurt. The level of pain was similar to that suffered after my orgy with the five female Grand Tour guides in Naples, but I knew I had not been engaged in any of sort of sexual activity as I had then. I opened my eyes. The pain intensified. I shut my eyes. I must have groaned as someone said ‘he has regained consciousness.’ Although my eyes were tight shut I was aware someone was standing close to my bed. “I’m sorry I hit you so hard, Jack, but you were about to...

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Gemma in Control Part 2

Gemma walked through the gym and into the office where Miss Johnson was sitting reading some papers. Miss Johnson looked up and smiled at seventeen-year-old Gemma and thought how pretty the sixth former looked in her summer school uniform. Gemma took the smile to mean that the Headmaster had not told her what she had done to him after school yesterday. Miss Johnson asked in a relaxed tone, "Hello Gemma; what can I do for you?" Gemma handed the pen drive to Miss Johnson and said, "I have brought...

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Gemma has done as Dave commanded the night before. He requested that she be nude, on her knees in the waiting position of submission when he arrived home from work the next day. Dave informed Gemma that she has learned her role well as his submissive sex slave, and now would be shared with whomever he chose. Gemma's only words in answer to the demand were, yes master, as a smile spread across her face, and her cum filled pussy clenched in excitement. Gemma watches as the door opens further...

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Gemma was up out of bed at 6.30, as usual, every morning, she got showered and kissed her husband goodbye as she headed off to her shop. She ran her own small art dealing business on the south coast just outside Brighton.She was a very quiet person, laid back and down to earth in her private life, but more outgoing almost ruthless in her work life. She had done well for herself building up a successful business, and she was still only thirty-five. She was very happily married to Dominic who she...

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I was in the front garden mowing the lawn, it was a hot Sunday in August and I was just wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt, there was an ice-cold bottle of beer sweating on doorstep. When I’d finished the lawn I sat down on the step and took a long pull on the bottle. “Hey Mr Carter...” I looked up, it was my neighbour’s kid, she was stood on the driveway with a parcel in her hands. “Oh hey Gemma, how’re you doing?” “I’m doing great, I love this weather, so hot.” “It’s too hot for...

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Gemma in Control

The SixthForm College was pretty much empty when seventeen-year-old pupil Gemma Dawson walked through the secretary’s office and into the Headmasters study. Mr Cooper looked up startled when he saw Gemma enter. She was wearing her summer school uniform of a green and white gingham dress with buttons down the front, a white belt, the hem halfway down her thigh. She also wore short socks which was strange for a sixth former. He didn’t like it when a pupil just barged in to his room though....

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Gemma Cathy Supermarker Gang Bang Part 5

The next day after her supermarket gang bang and when she had sobered up a bit, Gemma was still buzzing about what had happened. I reminded her that she threatened to go back with her cousin Cathy and she said she knew that and was going to talk with her on wine night later in the week. Sure enough wine night came and as I worked upstairs I could hear more chatter and giggling than normal as the vodka flowed and it made me wonder what they were planning. When I went to get a drink in the...

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12, SUES FANTASY MEETS REALITY.I have a number of on line ladies, this particular one I have never met but she turns me on like crazy with some of her sexy antics. Finally after some months of on line sex we had the chance to meet and this is the story of that meeting.Before we start perhaps it would be in order to describe the lady her circumstances and her passions. I shall not use her name as she needs to be anonymous, she works for a government department and it would be churlish to cause...

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Darlene Meets the Family Episode 3

Author's Note: I really hadn't intended to make Darlene more than a one time character when I wrote the first story. As Pirondello showed us, sometimes your characters take on a life of their own. Jenny and Darlene seem to have taken up residence in my head and want me to tell their story. Here, then is Darlene's third adventure. Darlene Meets the Family - Episode 3 By Ricky Nervousness is a relative state, and how you cope with it varies with its degree. For the mildly...

1 year ago
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I Dominus East meets West

I Dominus: Japan – East meets West It was three in the morning, Tokyo time. I was wide awake, sitting in a leather chair in my hotel suite, looking out at the brilliant, Tokyo Tower. My eyes shifted to the shimmering, city lights that reflected off the Sumida River. Tokyo is a beautiful, modern city. Crowded, noisy and always bustling. But, if you looked past the Tokyo Tower, that rose bold and stark against the skyline, to the white, snowcapped peak of Mount Fuji, you were taken back in time....

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12, SUES FANTASY MEETS REALITY. I have a number of on line ladies, this particular one I have never met but she turns me on like crazy with some of her sexy antics. Finally after some months of on line sex we had the chance to meet and this is the story of that meeting. Before we start perhaps it would be in order to describe the lady her circumstances and her passions. I shall not use her name as she needs to be anonymous, she works for a government department and it would be churlish to cause...

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Dennis The Menace Part 6 Alice Meets Henry039

Dennis The Menace: Part 6 - Alice Meets Henry's New Bossby Sniper32One late afternoon, Alice was in the kitchen making dinner, when her husband Henry came in the house though the back door. He through his brief case on the kitchen floor, he then almost ripped the refrigerator door off the hinges when he grabbed himself a beer. "Honey, your home so early and you look upset" Alice said when she saw the look on his face."Remember earlier this week when I told you I was getting a new boss, well I...

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Gemma by Callie Messenger I trotted quickly up the stairs to Daly's flat. She'd called me at work about heading out for dinner. I had clothes there so I would shower and change before we left. Possibly we might have time for something else too. I knocked on the door, and was a little surprised to watch it swing open. I walked in and called her name. She answered from the bedroom. I dropped my case and walked through. As I entered the bedroom, Daly was laid on...

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Sissy Cuckold Meets Wifes Lover

SISSY CUCKOLD MEETS WIFE'S LOVER by Throne "But why can't you just go out with him? I mean, why does Jake have to come into the house?" My wife Tessa put her hands on her wide hips and gave me an impatient look. "Really? Would that be polite? To make him stand out front? I decided it's time for him to meet you, Frankie, so that's all there is to it. When I tell him about my sissy husband he's always interested in meeting you." "You keep saying that. Except... I mean... look...

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Asian girl meets expat guy at the gym

For all these years she had been fulfilling her duty as a wife and working mother, working in her Hong Kong office throughout the week and managing the home and her family on either side of the day. She was always busy, but somehow found the energy to keep going. Perhaps it was the gym sessions: the only time in the day she had time to herself, when she could even feel herself. Weights, Zumba, stretching - this was the time when she could feel alive in her body, feel it all stretch and push,...

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Asian wife meets white guy at the gym

For all these years she had been fulfilling her duty as a wife and working mother, working in her Hong Kong office throughout the week and managing the home and her family on either side of the day. She was always busy, but somehow found the energy to keep going. Perhaps it was the gym sessions: the only time in the day she had time to herself, when she could even feel herself. Weights, Zumba, stretching - this was the time when she could feel alive in her body, feel it all stretch and push,...

4 months ago
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Tom meets Mira

"A model from Onlyfans meets one of her followers when she's stops over in his town, asking him to show her around and shoot some new content for her site, but one thing leads to another..." Author's Notes "While this story may depict two real people, it is fictional. The woman involved is a real OnlyFans model, whose user name is mira.clegoddss and has approved of me writing this story." Part 1 I got home around 4:40 AM, around the same time I usually would after I got off work. It was hard...

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Sharing Cindy Chapter 34 Cindys New Job and the Men She Meets There

Introduction: This is another in the long list of true adventures my wife and I have shared. Sharing Cindy Chapter 34 Cindys New Job and the Men She Meets Thank to the many of you who have been in contact with me through these stories. Looking back on all the fun times my wife Cindy and I have had over the years, and writing them down for others to experience, has been a very enjoyable experience for me. I can only hope that some of you have enjoyed reading these as much as I have enjoyed...

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Boy meets Daddy

Boy Meets Daddy (unabridged) Boy knew how awkward the first physical meeting could be. He decided that he would handle it by instinct. When Daddy opened the door, he looked into his eyes, smiled shyly (because that was all he could manage) stepped in the door and immediately put his arms around him, cheek against his chest. A bit startled at first, daddy looked down with a smile, closed the door to the room and held him for a moment. "Sorry sir," boy mumbled. "That's okay, boy" daddy said and...

1 year ago
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Chelsie Meets Her Mistress

Chelsie Meets Her Mistress (based on a true story) by Mistress Lisa Chapter 1 Mistress Lisa sat in the hotel lobby, staring at a large screen TV, but not really seeing it. Her mind was on the man she was supposed to be meeting. He had served her online for over a year, but they had never met before. She was a touch nervous...something she DEFINITELY wasn't used to. She reached in her pocket to touch the pair of panties she had brought for her favorite cyber slave. "This is going to...

2 years ago
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Nancy meets Monte

Nancy meets Monte By sub_nancy_cd Looking in the mirror of the ladies washroom at the airport, I fix my hair and make-up, I was glad I decided to wear my hair up in a ponytail, it made me look cuter. I wore my black mini skirt a white blouse with smart lace surrounding my breasts. I wore white pantyhose and my three inch black heels. I turned back and forth in the mirror, thinking to myself, its been 4 years since I met Monte on- line. He knew I was a crossdresser on hormones and...

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The New Girl in School Part 6Chloe meets the Godfather

New Girl in School Part 6: Chloe meets the (God)Father It was the most pristine if serendipitous sight for at the school, for in the central courtyard, stood a massive ash tree. And at its foot, in midst of the crisp autumn leaves, laid a couple-Joey the meek but lanky fellow, sitting besides his new girlfriend Chloe as they indulged in a nice lunch outside, despite being it being early October. Sure they had gone on enough dates that for intents and purposes they might as well be a...

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When they were growing up my daughter had a friend through a club they belonged to, called Gemma. She lived locally and my wife and I soon got used to her turning up on our doorstep most weekends and after school. Gemma's mum had been young when she had her and was still young and hot. I was secretly very pleased that the girls were such good friends, as we became friends with her mum too.The problem was that I don't think her mum was ready to settle down to being a mum. Gemma's dad lived a...

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Gemmas spa experience day part 3

I slipped to the floor, my cock relieved at the break avoiding imminent explosionGemma parted her knees a little wider and slipped down the tiled bench further offering her body for exploration by my tongue. Josh looked momentarily unemployed, enjoying the view but with an expression that he was unsure what to do nextmmmm and I need to lick that cock Josh, so stand up ‘pleeeze...’ came the direction he neededHe stood dick upright in front of and slightly to one side of her I pushed my head...

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