The Great Shift Jeremy
- 2 years ago
- 30
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California, ever desiring to be in advance of everyone else, no matter the costs or consequences, decided to offer local schools a new idea called charters. Each school could write its own charter on how the school would operate. They would be released from all other state requirements as long as they followed their charter. The idea being that experimental schools would discover methods that worked best in educating kids and those ideas would gain acceptance and be integrated into the normal public schools. It also meant that some ideas wouldn't work, but there is that cost to being on the 'bleeding' edge of advances.
The only real opposition came from the teacher's union. Teacher's unions are quite interesting. They oppose any real advancement in teaching except higher pay raises for teachers. It's as if the only way to educate students is to put every dime in the pockets of the teachers. Who needs school lunches, books, janitors, grounds keepers, or administrators to keep the whole thing running? Put all of the money in teachers' pockets.
Unions also fight against getting rid of bad teachers, no matter how bad they are. So the unions fought against charters, rightly fearing that the advances would show that some of the current problems come down to bad teachers doing a bad job.
Ninety percent of all teachers work hard to educate kids. It's that other 10% that the unions spend all of their time keeping on the payroll, and consequently, paying union dues. As a side benefit, the politicians hoped that charters would help eliminate these bad teachers by exposing them, since the politicians couldn't and wouldn't take on the unions directly.
That's enough background.
I was tired of my job. I had graduated with an MBA and went to work for a Wall Street firm making good money. In my twenty years there, I had managed to sock away a good deal of cash in tax deferred retirement funds as well as other investments.
Several years earlier, while working on a big client I happened to come across a little scheme that the partners were running. It was also, to put it gingerly, slightly illegal, as well as cheating the clients. If information on this little scheme got out, the firm could have been ruined and the partners involved might have been raking golf courses in some Federal, um, summer camp.
When I spoke to my senior partner, I happened to mention my own desire to retire early. He gave me an appraising look and dropped all pretenses and offered to let me in on the scheme. So, after twenty years on the street, I had plenty of money to retire and did. Yeah, I ought to feel badly about the scheme, but I don't. Caveat Emptor, buddy. If you don't want to make sure your broker is honest, good luck to you. To save fools from their folly is to fill the world with fools. Just look at Congress and that voters won't kick them out to know we have already filled the world with fools.
I moved home to California, happy to be out of the snowy humid east. Unfortunately, I wasn't really old enough to sit on my ass all day and quickly grew bored. That's when a neighbor told me about this new school that was going to open. I didn't even need a teaching credential; my master's degree was enough. The school was going to be based on the teachings of Jeremy Bentham, the libertarian philosopher. The emphasis of the school was real world application of knowledge and the school needed teachers who knew actual business rather than just academic subjects. It fit me like a glove, so I applied.
The first year the school was small, only 300 kids. All of the teachers wound up teaching all sorts of subjects, with emphasis on practical application to the real world. For instance, when teaching Trig the students had to go out and measure the height of the buildings using shadow lengths rather than just read about it in a stuffy classroom. We also didn't have grade levels. If a 12-year-old wanted to take Econ, he or she could.
All students had to master certain disciplines and take a specified number of classes to graduate, but what those were, were up to the students and their parents. So, it wasn't unusual to have classes with students that ranged in age from eleven to eighteen. All were held to the same standards.
Enrollment took off in the next two years and we began adding more subjects, always with an emphasis on real life application. I was able to spend more time with the older students teaching real business courses. I was having a blast, since a libertarian foundation went through the whole curriculum, these students wouldn't take crap and demanded to know how things worked and how they worked to make everyone better off, not just robbing Peter to pay Paul, the way most Government programs work. The one thing about Government programs is the politicians know they'll always have Paul's support.
It was at the beginning of the third year that the Headmaster, Judy Nichols, pulled me aside in the first planning session and told me that she wanted me to teach a new course. They were asking me because I was single and she felt that being single would make it easier to take on this new class. I wondered what in the hell could make being single an advantage but just asked her, "What class?"
She smiled, "Sex Ed."
I laughed. "What's the big deal, Judy?"
She smiled and said, "You're forgetting the basic principle of practical application of all of our classes."
That rocked me. In a flash I understood why they wanted a single teacher. But they couldn't really be thinking that? "You're kidding?"
She shook her head. "The class will have an age limit, fourteen and above, but students under that can be admitted with parental permission, on a case by case basis, if they are physically and emotionally mature enough. You know how girls, especially, are growing up early these days. It doesn't do any good to teach them Sex Ed two years after they start having sex. Will you take the class?"
I nodded, unable to trust my voice. I might as well admit, that like any male teacher, and from the news reports, many female teachers as well, I have fantasies about some of my students. I had managed to keep my dick in my pants, despite provocation from flirting girls who knew exactly how to arouse a man, by frequently resorting to beating peter into submission. Sometimes, I had to use my lunch break to beat it back into submission after one of the little tarts would bend over in front of my desk and display her assets. So, this class didn't exactly strike me as a horrible idea.
"And the curriculum?" I asked.
"Our usual. Start with theory and then show how to apply the theory to the real world. That's why the students have to be old enough to apply the theory," she said.
That was plain enough. I nodded acceptance. "Thanks, Mike. I could see it being a problem for a married instructor."
"Yeah." That was a classic understatement.
First day of school is always hectic and this one was no exception. I was even more nervous than usual, however. I taught two sections of business in the morning and two sections of history, my undergraduate minor. After lunch, I taught a section of music appreciation, quite a different course for me, since I don't read music, but I love nearly everything except hip hop. On the other hand, hip hop is just like real music, except for the profoundly stupid lyrics, so I guess it isn't a problem that I skip that.
My last class was Sex Education. As I sat in the classroom waiting for students, my stomach was filled with butterflies, big lead butterflies. The students started filing in. They had all signed up for the course and their parents had approved it. As the bell rang I looked around the class. It was about even, male and female. It was also younger than I expected. Most of the students looked to be about fourteen. I had expected the students taking the course to be older.
I stood up and welcomed the students. I recognized many of the students from other classes. But some of them were new to me so I had them all tell me their names, their ages, and why they were taking the course. Pretty standard first day for me in any course.
Several of the girls were fourteen and one girl, Lisa Hernandez, was thirteen, though she did look older. Most of the students were fifteen with several sixteen. None of the students were older than sixteen. None of the boys were under fourteen.
After they had introduced themselves, I did the same. Then I started the real class. The first thing I did was ask them a question. "Why do you think there aren't any older students?"
Several people raised their hands. I pointed to one girl, Jenna, "They already know about sex. They've been having sex for several years."
I was surprised, but she was probably right. "Is that why you are all taking the class, to learn how to have sex?" The heads all nodded. "Good, let's do it."
One way Bentham is different is that every student is issued a laptop. Every desk has a port right on the desk that connects to the school network and the Internet. When I ask for homework the students download it right then into my computer. When I pass out assignments, bang, they download. No paper.
I hit a key and downloaded the 'book' into every computer. Once I knew I was going to teach this class, I looked at several standard Human Sexuality texts. They were all boring beyond endurance. It was as if the authors tried their damndest to take all of the sex out of sexuality and make it as boring as possible. Most teachers at Bentham didn't use standard textbooks because textbook authors are bad writers; they remove the context and controversies, and write down to their audience. I almost never used a standard text for the same reasons.
So I went on the internet and researched. I found that the latest research was finding that our current social rules, straight monogamy, no sex till marriage, was the exception historically. Most societies have had polygamy in some form or another. And the idea of virginity until eighteen has never been the real behavior of any society. So I had chosen Joy of Sex as my basic text, with various Internet sources to fill in the background theory and history. When I hit download, a pdf version of the book downloaded along with http address to all the Internet sources.
The students were already opening the pdf files and eagerly looking at the pictures by the time I had finished downloading them. "Hey, everybody."
They looked up, startled.
"I don't want you to read this whole book tonight. You can look at all of the pictures, because I know you will anyway." I said to giggles in the class. "But we aren't going front to back so you don't need to read ahead. Okay, close the books." Slowly, the students pulled their attention from the computers and closed them.
I spent the rest of the class talking about grading, mostly based on practical applications, and other administrative items. When the last bell rang, I sent them out. I collapsed in my chair. It had just been like a regular class. Whew!
At lunch the next day I had a call from a parent, Lisa's mom. 'It's already started, ' I thought. I called her back on my lunch. I introduced myself and we went through the pleasantries. Then she shocked me. "I'm so glad you chose Joy for the class," she said.
"Um yes," I said completely bowled over. This was not what I expected.
"When I went to school we didn't have any Sex Ed and I was clueless. I remember picking up a copy of the Joy of Sex and finding out all that I had been missing. But I was already twenty-four. I was mad as hell that no one had ever taught me any of this. I'm glad that Lisa won't grow up ignorant as I was," she finished.
"Thank you, Mrs. Hernandez," I said.
"Miss," she corrected emphatically. "I'm divorced."
And available, I heard in her voice. "I'm glad you approve of my choice. I'm sure Lisa will learn a lot in the class."
"I'm sure she will too. She asked me a thousand questions last night. I just kept telling her, wait for class. She was so eager," Miss Hernandez said.
We made the appropriate statements and hung up. I sat looking at the phone. I have to admit I was worried when I started this class. I knew we had a pretty socially liberal group of parents. However, I really thought I'd get flack about the choice of texts for the class. To be thanked for it by a parent, well, I was surprised to say the least.
The class that afternoon went smoothly. I started talking about the history of sex research, pointing out various Internet resources and what the latest research had shown. As I mentioned one, I'd call it up on my computer and it would display on the front screen. It would also display on every computer in the class since they were slaved to mine. In other words, I was giving them the theory that would support the later practicum. Frankly, it was not any different than a typical class. I tried to keep it interesting, but there's not a lot you can do sometimes.
I had the first two weeks laid out for the theory and facts including STDs, pregnancy, and prevention of both, all of the dry stuff that most classes concentrate on. I had the class read the last part of Joy of Sex called Problems and the first section Starters that dealt with these subjects. On the Monday of the third week, I called up the Joy of Sex. "On to the good stuff," I said. The interest level went from ho hum to oh yeah in seconds. Most students were staring at their screens.
"Okay, boys and girls," I started out. "Here's the plan. We are going to start with relatively usual sexual activities and work through until we get to the more unusual types in the book. You'll notice that much of the book is laid out alpha so I won't be following it that way. I have listed the readings and definitions I want you to read before each class." I sent a file to each computer. "Stay on track or you'll get lost, and won't that be embarrassing, lost in sex," I said to general giggles.
"First topic, foreplay." All eyes were riveted on me. I had them open the pdf book on their computers to the section on foreplay and had one boy read the definition.
"Why is foreplay important?" I asked the class. No answer. "Okay, don't go to sleep on me. We talked about this before. Hint, timing differences."
Alicia, one of the older girls, raised her hand, "Mr. O'Hara, it takes men and women different amounts of time to reach climax. Men on average reach climax two minutes after beginning stimulation and women take an average of ten minutes of stimulation. Foreplay can even this difference out if the man takes the opportunity to arouse the woman so that she is close to climax when they begin intercourse."
"Excellent," I said. "And there is one other thing. Foreplay feels good. Don't think of it as a necessary prelude. Foreplay can be just as much fun as any other part of sex."
I went to the board, "Okay, what things can be foreplay?" I pointed to Kyle.
He quickly looked at his computer. "Kissing," he said.
"Kyle, do you really need your book to know about kissing?" I asked. The class broke into laughter as Kyle turned red. "One more type without your book."
"Touching," he said.
"Touching?" I asked
"Touching her tits," he blurted out to giggles.
"Good," I said and wrote that on the white board to a few suppressed gasps and giggles.
I quickly filled up the board with various types of foreplay. I had to be the first one to say fellatio and cunnilingus since the class was inhibited, but that was the purpose of the class--to get them over that inhibition about what should be a perfectly normal activity.
"Okay, now for the next thing we need to break into study groups. Everyone needs a study partner, one girl, and one boy." The class started looking around knowing what this meant. The older girls quickly staked claims to the older boys. As always, the girl controls sex. Then the younger girls quickly took the leftovers until everyone was paired up except Lisa, the youngest. I thought it funny how many men would have leapt at he chance to have lovely Lisa as a sex study partner, but the boys all wanted the oldest girl they could get.
Lisa looked like she was about to cry. "We have an extra girl. That's good for me. Can I be your study partner, Lisa?"
Her face went through several emotions in a split second ending with a bright smile. "Really?" I nodded. "Yes, Mr. O'Hara."
Jenna raised her hand, "I can be your partner." Several other girls immediately raised their hands.
"Whoa. We all have partners now. We'll stay with the partners we all selected," I said, partially as a learning experience for the class and mostly because the thought of being partners with Lisa was turning me on.
"Lab time," I said to confused looks. I opened a connecting door to the room next to ours. It had been converted into a Sex Ed lab. All around the room there were soft divans that could double as sitting or lounging areas. The windows were shaded, the floors carpeted, the lighting soft, and it had a stereo playing soft music. The general color scheme was dark reds to help the passion along.
The students all stared as they followed me into the lab. "Choose a divan with your partner." There was some hesitation as it sunk in. They were really going to learn about sex, not just from a dry sterile computer but from actually doing it. Finally, all of the students were seated on a divan with their partner. I had Lisa sitting next to me.
"As you know, the foundation of this school is applying in the real world the theory we learn. Now is the time to start applying what we've learned. I want you to start with things like kissing. We don't have a full lab period so don't worry about trying to do everything today. Get comfortable with your partner. Get to know them because you have to get to like each other. Talk if you want, but also get in some practice."
I watched for a few minutes to make sure they we starting the assignment. Some were talking. Some couples leaned forward immediately and started kissing. Soon, all were kissing.
I sat next to Lisa. Her face was flushed whether with embarrassment or desire, I didn't know. I held her chin and brought her lips to mine. She purred as my tongue chased hers. I laid her back on the divan, still kissing. Lisa was moaning now as my hand found the small rounded bumps that were her tits and gently massaged them. I broke the kiss and glanced around the room. No one was talking anymore. They were all kissing, some lying down, others still sitting.
I looked back to Lisa, a smile played on her lips. "I'm glad you're my lab partner."
"Me too," I said. I quickly undid the buttons on her blouse, opening it to gaze at her chest. Her breathing quickened as I unsnapped her small bra exposing her tits. Her nipples were hard and erect already and that was about all there was to her tits yet. I took one in between my lips, squeezing it before licking around it. Lisa pressed up against me. I licked and lapped at both of her little tits.
Lisa's weren't the only moans I was hearing now. My hand cupped her pussy which was hot. Her cotton panties were wet. I pulled them down and off her feet. Her skirt was short and loose so I pulled it up exposing her pussy, still hairless and gaping open in arousal. Cunnilingus was on the list of subjects and her pussy looked delightfully ready to eat.
I settled between her legs, she looking down with her eyes glued to me. I bent forward and inhaled the aroma of aroused woman. My tongue traced between her lips, licking from the bottom to the top of her cleft. She shuddered as it traced over her clit. I heard a couple voices saying, "Wow, look at that," but was too busy to remind them that this was lab time and they should be practicing, not watching.
The taste of her sweet pussy was driving me crazy. I attacked her with tongue and lips, sucking her sweet juices from her pussy. Lisa's hips began to bounce on the divan. Her fingers curled and scratched at the plush fabric. Her legs went down my back and I felt her heels digging in as her hips rose up off the divan. I pressed back, driving my tongue deep into her. Her thighs closed on my head, trapping me as her pussy spasmed, gushing her girl juices onto my tongue.
Lisa relaxed, every muscle in her body going limp. She was breathing hard as she came back from her climax. I took the time to explore her pussy. It was beautiful, the outer lips plump and red, the inner lips glistening with her juice, her clit distended out of its sheath but slowly receding, and finally her vagina. It still had a small cruciform hymen so I knew there wouldn't be much pain when I entered her for the first time. I could hardly wait for the next section of lab work.
The preliminary buzzer rang in the lab. It was set to ring ten minutes before the class bell to give people a chance to get ready to leave. "Okay, class. Get cleaned up and dressed, if you need to." I saw many girls adjusting bras and blouses and a few of the more intrepid pulling on panties and even a few boys trying to stuff enlarged cocks back in their pants. There would be more than a few cases of blue balls that night.
Mine was one of those cases. I had jacked off to the image of Lisa, covering my belly with my cum as I dreamed of the next class and fucking Lisa. As class started the next afternoon, I asked, "Who masturbated last night?" Dead silence. I smiled, "I did." Dead silence with shocked expressions. "Kyle?" His face turned red. "Raise your hand. Your face gives you away." At that, a bunch more faces turned red. "You, you, you," I started pointing as more and more faces turned red, girls and boys. Finally, every hand was raised.
"Hands down. That is the point I wanted to make. Everybody masturbates. Everybody. You don't need to be embarrassed about it. It's like breathing, we all do it." I could see the expressions change as they began to get it.
I sent out a form with two columns, boy - girl. Each column had certain items that needed to be checked off. At the top were simple things for this lab sections like kissing, French kissing. At the bottom was the advanced, oral sex. "Lab partners are responsible for getting their partner through all of the steps. Everyone needs to check off all of the items, one form for each partnership. When you are done one partner needs to send the form back to me. Check off the things you did yesterday. Don't rush today. We still have several days of lab work for this section. Take your time and do it right. How do you know if you are doing it right?"
I looked at the class. "Anna?"
"Because it feels good?" she said.
"And how will you know if it feels good to your partner?"
"Ask them?" she said.
It was a point I had made several times, communication is the secret to good sex. "Right." I headed for the lab door, "Lab time."
The class followed me in, quickly going to the same divans they had been at before. Lisa sat next to me. "What would you like to do today?" I asked her. She blushed and looked away. "None of that," I chided her. "Remember, this is all perfectly normal. Nothing to blush about."
She steeled herself and looked up at me. "I'd like to try fellatio."
Sproing. I had an instant erection. "Okay," I said happily. "Let's both get undressed." The soft lighting made it less challenging to get naked. I quickly took off my clothes and piled them neatly on the little table by the divan. Lisa did the same. She looked even hotter completely naked, her skin perfect and body just at that stage when a girl becomes a woman, hips filling out, tits just starting to grow, and her pussy red and already engorging with arousal.
"Did you read about it in the book?" I asked.
She nodded. "I read it last night, several times," she said.
"Good." I laid back on the divan, my cock sticking up, bouncing in time with my pulse.
Lisa looked up at me. I smiled and nodded. Her hand crossed the space between us, hesitated, then she wrapped her hand around my cock. It was ecstasy feeling her small feminine hand wrap around my cock. "Gosh, it's hard," she said.
"Because of you," I told her. She smiled at the compliment. "Try some hand play at first."
Diligently, Lisa applied herself to the lesson. Her hand stroked my cock, feeling the skin move around the hard inner shaft. She played with my balls gently as it said in the materials. The precum started burbling from the tip.
"You know what that is?" I asked. She nodded. "Go ahead and taste it."
All of the materials I had in class stressed that the tastes and smells of sex are essential to the complete experience. I didn't even make it an option that girls wouldn't swallow or the boys wouldn't lick and suck a girl's juices.
Lisa bent forward and licked the tip of my cock. "It's slippery."
"To provide lubrication," I said.
She nodded, then bent forward again to lick my cock. Sweet Jesus, thank you for sex. Her hand continued stroking my cock as she licked and sucked at the tip. Pretty soon, she was taking more and more of it.
I felt the tightening in my balls and let it come, trying to cum quickly rather than hold back, to make it easy for Lisa on her first blowjob. Her hand was sliding easily now that my shaft was soaked with her spit and my precum. Her tongue rolled around the head of my cock right at the most sensitive place as she sucked ... and that was enough. "I'm cumming..." I told her as the first gush of cream rushed up my cock. Lisa held her head still, just over the end of my cock but her hand continued, just like in the book. She gulped as my cum splashed into her waiting mouth, then another and another. A trickle of white came from the corner of her mouth but she managed to swallow all the rest. I had to reach out and stop her hand as my cock had become over sensitive.
She looked up at me, "How did I do?"
"A plus," I said meaning it.
She smiled shyly.
My cock quickly wilted from that most satisfying experience. I was able to put some attention back on the room. I noticed Anna sitting on her divan with Jason and they were just sitting. Both were naked which made the inactivity inexplicable. If I had been sitting naked with a hottie like Anna we'd have been doing something. I patted Lisa, "Sorry, but I have to be the teacher too."
I went over to their couch and knelt. Anna stared at my cock while Jason looked down at his hands. "What's going on?"
"Jason won't do it," Anna said.
"Do what?"
"Cunnilingus," she said.
I looked at Jason who finally looked up at me, "I don't want to eat pussy," he said.
"Why?" I asked.
"It's dirty," he responded.
"Jason, you read our materials?" He nodded. "Then why do you think it's dirty?" He hemmed and hawed for a bit. I probed and finally it came out. His uncle had said it. "You like your uncle?" He nodded. "Well, Jason, you can like someone and they can be a good person and they can still have some wrong ideas especially about sex. People have the weirdest ideas about sex. That's why we have this class. Nothing in sex is dirty." I paused to let that sink in. "Also, if you won't do the assignments you'll have to leave the class."
"No," he nearly shouted. I waited. "I want to have sex."
"Jason, this is sex. It's not just about poking. And it most certainly isn't all about the guy getting pleased and the girls getting nothing. Learn how to get laid. Learn to eat pussy. Learn to like it. Anna is a beautiful woman and she isn't dirty. Look at her."
He looked at the naked girl beside him. "She is hot," he said, which made Anna smile.
"Good. Show her you think she's hot. Eat her nice scrumptious pussy," I said. They both giggled. Anna lay back on the couch and Jason crawled between her legs. She had a beautiful pussy and I had to leave before I pushed Jason aside and jumped her myself.
I looked around the room and saw that most of the couples were doing some sort of oral sex. One couple was in the classic 69 position, the girl bobbing on his cock as his face was buried in her pussy.
The sight of all of the teens having sex restored the vigor in my cock. By the time I made it back to Lisa I was half-hard again. "Your turn," I said as I lay down beside her. I kissed her, running my hand over her small tits. Then I bent down and took a nipple in my mouth sucking and licking it until it was hard. Lisa was moaning again. My hand found her pussy, wet already. This was one of the items on the checklist so I began playing with her pussy. My finger slid inside her easily as the heel of my hand pressed against her clit.
I began finger fucking little Lisa while alternately kissing then bending down to suck her nipples. Lisa's eyes closed as her mouth hung open as her breathing became deep and ragged. I felt her pussy juicing up as she climbed higher and higher. I picked up the pace and held it as Lisa came, her hips bouncing around on the divan. She went limp as I pulled my finger from her pussy and licked it clean. She smiled up at me. I bent down and kissed her. She pulled my head down and whispered in my ear, "I love you, Mr. O'Hara."
I kissed her gently, "That's lust, Lisa. But it's nice too."
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‘I don’t know Jenny,’ I say. ‘We’re talking borderline i****t here. I’m just helping him overcome his stuttering,’ I insist but she’s not dissuaded. ‘Seriously, Sara, you can’t send him out there to blow his top as soon as he touches something wet and warm … you’ve got to help get him ready,’ she says. ‘Who else can do it?’ she asks, taking my hand and pleading with her eyes. ‘Please, Sara.’ ‘I’ll do what I can,’ I promise, my pussy excited at the prospect of teaching Jeremy about sex. ‘This...
"I don't know Jenny," I say. "We're talking borderline i****t here. I'm just helping him overcome his stuttering," I insist but she's not dissuaded."Seriously, Sara, you can't send him out there to blow his top as soon as he touches something wet and warm ... you've got to help get him ready," she says. "Who else can do it?" she asks, taking my hand and pleading with her eyes. "Please, Sara.""I'll do what I can," I promise, my pussy excited at the prospect of teaching Jeremy about sex."This...
I have crossed between the poles To me there's no mystery Once a man, like the sea I raged Once a woman, like the earth I gave And there is in fact more earth than sea Genesis (The Cinema Show) Granada Road, Southsea May 28, 1979 Another night. Another cheap hotel. Tomorrow, another day on the road. Putting out fires, that's all they were doing. It never...
‘I want to see you naked,’ he whispers, just as I’m about to suggest he move on. Fuck! He’s even reading the signals correctly. He leaves a trail of kisses down my stomach as he locates the zipper on the side of my skirt and pulls it down. I lift my ass off the bed so he can slide my skirt over my hips and then I raise my feet up so he can remove it completely. With my skirt gone, I spread my legs and watch Jeremy kneel on the bed between my thighs. Nuzzling his face against the front of my...
"I want to see you naked," he whispers, just as I'm about to suggest he move on. Fuck! He's even reading the signals correctly. He leaves a trail of kisses down my stomach as he locates the zipper on the side of my skirt and pulls it down. I lift my ass off the bed so he can slide my skirt over my hips and then I raise my feet up so he can remove it completely.With my skirt gone, I spread my legs and watch Jeremy kneel on the bed between my thighs. Nuzzling his face against the front of my...
‘They won’t come down here,’ she said, reading my thoughts. ‘I’m over eighteen and they trust me,’ she smiled seductively. ‘I don’t want to mess up on our first date,’ I told her. ‘So if I’m going to fast…’ Before I could get the rest of the words out she shook her head and helped me undo the rest of the buttons. She pulled her blouse open and I started massaging her tits through her bra as we started kissing again. I fumbled a little with the front clasp of her bra but she helped me without...
"They won't come down here," she said, reading my thoughts. "I'm over eighteen and they trust me," she smiled seductively."I don't want to mess up on our first date," I told her. "So if I'm going to fast..." Before I could get the rest of the words out she shook her head and helped me undo the rest of the buttons. She pulled her blouse open and I started massaging her tits through her bra as we started kissing again. I fumbled a little with the front clasp of her bra but she helped me without...
Jeremy Israel’s head seemed to bounce off of his pillow as he hastily switched off his blaring alarm clock. As he groggily hobbled his way towards the shower outside of his bedroom in the basement of his slit level home, he had many thoughts racing through his mind. The most vivid of those thoughts; however, was one of his best friends little sister. He and his best friend, Chad Davis, always alternated driving to school each day and Chad’s little sister always rode along. This morning was...
First Time‘By looking at the evidence, it went pretty well,’ I laugh, warming up to my nephew’s enthusiasm. ‘Oh God! Aunt Sara,’ he says. ‘It was better than pretty well,’ he exclaims. ‘I’m pulling in now, do you want to hear about it?’ I hesitate. I need to think about all of this with a clear head and I really don’t want him to see my red ass cheeks. ‘Your mom and I drank a lot of margaritas tonight,’ I tell him honestly. ‘I’m pretty out of it and just want to sl**p. How about we talk tomorrow?’ ...
‘Hey! How’s my favorite nephew?’ I ask, bending at the waist to make sure he gets a good look at my tits as I lean over the chaise lounge and give him a big kiss on the cheek. My white, flower-print bikini can barely contain my well-developed breasts, which is why I chose to wear it this afternoon. ‘Aunt S-S-S-Sara,’ Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can’t help but notice that his eyes aren’t the only things that...
"Hey! How's my favorite nephew?" I ask, bending at the waist to make sure he gets a good look at my tits as I lean over the chaise lounge and give him a big kiss on the cheek. My white, flower-print bikini can barely contain my well-developed breasts, which is why I chose to wear it this afternoon."Aunt S-S-S-Sara," Jeremy stutters as his eyes bulge out towards my tanned globes, hanging just inches from his face. As I stand up, I can't help but notice that his eyes aren't the only things that...
"By looking at the evidence, it went pretty well," I laugh, warming up to my nephew's enthusiasm."Oh God! Aunt Sara," he says. "It was better than pretty well," he exclaims. "I'm pulling in now, do you want to hear about it?" I hesitate. I need to think about all of this with a clear head and I really don't want him to see my red ass cheeks."Your mom and I drank a lot of margaritas tonight," I tell him honestly. "I'm pretty out of it and just want to sleep. How about we talk tomorrow?""Sure,"...
After Jeremy fucked that night onto my own desk, I even surrendered my tight asshole to his magnificent black cock. He made me cry in pain, since hi dick was very thick; but I enjoyed that anal fuck so good. Finally I was done and then I picked up my clothes to get dressed; I did not bother to put my thong back on. I could feel his seed running down the inside of my thighs as he walked me to my car. As I sat down I could feel more of his juice making its way to my ass checks…After that handsome...
Princess Elaheh made arrangements for her solicitor, Jeremy, to come to Kobekistan with the papers for her to sign to finalise the transfer of the house in Oxford to Kevin and Louise. She did this, rather than have the documents mailed, because she had decided that she would try him in bed, partly as a reward for his efforts and partly to establish him firmly on her side in any future disputes with her half-brother. As the plane stopped on the searing tarmac Jeremy speculated on what wonders...
If this is your first visit to one of my stories, you may want to read Barbara and Jeremy 1-5 prior to reading this story. I also invite you to read the Pastor Sarah which was the forerunner to the Barbara and Jeremy story. Barbara and Jeremy were spending their honeymoon in a very unique and rewarding way. Following their marriage, they decided to see if they could help another church grow the way Pastor Sarah’s church had grown. When they arrived in Hawaii, they researched the various...
Right now I wanted to go to my friend Jeremy’s house. He was down, from his breakup with his girlfriend. So I, who was in the best of moods, decided he should be too. Jeremy lived across town and we didn’t get to see each other as much as we would like. We met in middle school and were friends since seventh grade. But now we went to different high schools and only got to see each other about once a week, when we got together to play cards. When I got to his house I saw only his car in the...
Jeremy and Candy There is something about being an abandoned child that resonates with us all. My characters are both foundlings. Why is it erotic? Is it all about the loss of control? I don't think Jeremy and Candy will ever shove the old witch of an aunt in the oven and then go finish eating the snacks on her gingerbread house -- the grown ups will always have the ultimate control. Jeremy, just turned 18, walked Candy, also newly 18, back to the "The Fortress" and she snuck...
IncestIntroduction: Jeremy May Have Said Somethings He Might Regret…………….. Cathy & Jeremy were sitting on the couch having just finished a romantic dinner for two, when Jeremy spoke. Well Ive been thinking babe, I know how your really into the whole bondage and restriction thing & I think I can take whatever you can throw at me. His voice quavered slightly at the end of his declaration, meanwhile Cathys eyes grew bright with anticipation. Well come on then! she said pulling him to the...
When living in New York, one day I discovered that my sweet wife Ana had been giving her pussy to a close friend of mine. Jeremy always acted shy around Anita and I would have never guessed he would have the guts to screw her. Anyway he had been doing her at our own bed twice a week for two years. Ana finally confessed the truth to me; after I told her about my suspects…I told her I wanted to watch them fucking, but she was afraid that if she told Jeremy, he would stop coming over. So I had to...
Jeremy and I are two of a pair, so to speak. We are both like each other a lot, except for the little age difference, he is 4 1/2 years older to me. I know this isn’t a big deal and all, but sometimes the age gap makes a difference. As and example, Jeremy is not a virgin, as where I am. We kind of grew up different. Him and his family that is like the normal family, divorce, sibling problems…you get the point. I am well…the tipical American family. We have a high social rank in the community...
My wife and I attended a wedding Last night.As I start writing this letter, My wife is still in bed with Jeremy.A little back ground first.We went to a coworkers wedding last night.The people were all a bunch of tight assed stuffed shirts.We finished dinner and were discussing leaving so we could possibly find a new lover for my wife.As we were finishing our drinks, a handsome young man sat down next to my wife and asked if anyone was using the seat.We told him no. He introduced himself as...
The feeling of being in Jeremy’s arms was…in a word….intoxicating. I loved having his arms around me becuase it made me feel safe and secure. Jeremy was always so sweet and adoarbale about everything. He had this way of writing poetry that just made my heart melt no matter what it said. He was so cute when he read it too becuase he was always so shy about letting me see it. I’m really into singing and dancing and performing so I’m usually in a lot of shows. I came home one day, exhaused,...
“Well come on then!” she said pulling him to the bedroom.”W-w-w-what?!” he stuttered “Now?!” Cathy replied “Yes now!”Jeremy just followed meekly behind her.”Strip completely and lay on the bed on your back with your arms above you and your legs spread so you’re touching all four posts!” She commanded forcefully. He did as he was told and Cathy had him tied tight to the four poster bed in just a few minutes. She used the rope she kept in her closet just in case Jeremy changed his mind and let...
It is a good thing that Jeremy had completed the presentation he was preparing for the board of deacons, because when Angie came walking toward him with a clean shaven pussy, wearing nothing but a pair of high heel shoes, he knew what he was going to be doing for the next hour. He turned and started to fondle her tits, however, she said ‘I just came to see your presentation.’ Reluctantly he started the presentation, which was projecting on a six foot screen. She stood behind him watching the...
This is one of the memories, from St. Croix, that I started but never finished.I was waiting for the girls one morning as usual – on the veranda of the good old King Christian Hotel, in St. Croix – there was a charter boat captain having coffee. I wasn’t really at my best or, looking my best. It was the off season and I’d been lucky enough to turn three tricks the night before. The last one was still in the room relaxing; he’d spent an hour working off his morning wood in me and I was still...
My name is Katie Ann, I am 18 and a Senior in high school, I am 5’7 140 lbs with brown hair and Br eyes. I am not the very popular type at school. I am always in the books studying. I don’t have very many friends and I wasn’t really interested in guys until my boyfriend came into my life. His name is Jeremy, he’s 19 and he is a senior in high school, he’s got pretty blue eyes, 5’9 and about 170 lbs with a nice 6 pack, very strong and nice body. It all started on February 13th when we were...
First TimeAs a 16 year old boy I was interested in two things, being a soldier and sex. Luckily I would have both in one night. It was a warm July night, my friends and I had gotten together to play some airsoft. We had spent all day preparing for the night, charging the batteries to our guns, getting BBs, and got dress in our black clothes to blend into the night. As my three friends and I were gearing up to play, two kids form down the street ran up to us with there guns wanting to join us. The two...
Jeremy had never had his clothes ripped off by three women. Here he was, on his honeymoon, in the bedroom of a pastor with his wife, the pastor’s wife and a good friend. He watched as they undressed and joined him on the bed. ‘What will Pastor George say when he returns from the dropping Sandi off at the hotel and finds us all in his bed?’ Jeremy asked Louise. ‘He will not be home until after breakfast tomorrow,’ Louise replied as she started to stroke his cock. During the next couple of...
This happened on the charter boat while I was in St. Croix. We weren’t supposed to fuck the people in the charter parties or, if we did we were to take it off the boat. This rule did get broken a few times, usually by me. I found that, unless it was a very bad incident, it was overlooked. I was helping the owner out anyway and didn’t really need the job. There were a few ‘near misses’ of being caught…one time that I wasn’t caught but the wife knew that the husband had fucked me.By this time I...
It finally got dark, and Clay and Josh were full of nervous energy. They didn't know a lot about what they would see at this party, but the way the couple had described it to Clay, it should at the very least be a hot bunch of speedo wearing guys. At the best, a wild orgy of guys into speedos, who are fit, and have no limits. Josh and Clay decided to wear their tight University shirt and footy shorts over their speedos on the way to the party. From the 3 pairs Paul had given each of them they...
I hadn't spoken to Jeremy for over a year because I knew he was very busy with school. Oh, we would wave to each other whenever I saw him on his way home, but other than that, we didn't have a chance to speak. One afternoon, I answered a knock at my door, and, lo and behold, there he was! "Hey Jeremy," I exclaimed, "It's been a long time! How have you been?" "Fine," he answered. "I just wanted to drop by and say 'hello'." "Well, come on in." He walked past me and I was...
I have written about some of my experiences on my charter boat, experiences that were mainly about a tranny who worked on the boat for me, as well as a young couple who I "played" with while they were on board. But most of my stories from the boat involve passengers 50 y/o or older.Background: Since the early 80's I have owned 4 charter boats that operated in Alaska. Since 1988 I owned/operated a 100' boat that was a very high-end...and expensive...charter operation. I seldom had more than 12...
I kept my appointment two days later. We were sitting in her conservatory during the afternoon. The sun was out this day making the glass shine and the flowers quite radiant. I was about to bite into a biscuit when my hostess asked me, "So, which of the girls do you plan to bed?" I spilled my tea and biscuit all over my vest. She was up and laughing as she helped my wipe off my vest. "Lady Warren," I gasped. "What sort of question is that?" "An honest one, Lord Northam. Simply an...
“Yes Jeremy,” she said sounding kind of horse, “do you need something?” “Actually that’s exactly what I’ve come to ask you,” I said, still not sure what Jenny had expected to happen when I confronted my mom about her flashing her naked body at me. “How do you mean,” she said. “Over the last little while you seem to have gone out of your way to either expose yourself, or to catch me naked, so a friend of mine suggested that I ask you if you needed something, so here I am trying to...
"What do you mean by 'bare boat'?" asked Marsha. "Do you mean we don't wear any clothes?" "No silly," replied Cindy. "It just means we hire the boat without a crew and sail it ourselves." "Well, you can't blame me for thinking that, given the way you usually behave at the beach," Marsha told her. "Well, I won't rule out the possibility of a bit of skinny-dipping on my part," Cindy smiled cheekily. "I love the feeling of the warm sun on my bare butt." "So what do you think, David?" Marsha asked...
ReluctanceThat evening I entered the library of the Manor house. It was large, larger even than the Woodhouse library. I assumed that the library was at least 500 years old and perhaps older. I knew from the servants that the previous Lord was a learned man and read much. Of course, with 500 years of learning and reading, he should have been such. Truth be told, I had been drawn to the library not in search of Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom but by Calliope, the Muse of Epic poetry and therefore, of...
It was during this interregnum after I had assumed the title that I turned my attention to Edward. Edward appeared older than I even though the years were reversed in truth. He thought of me as a younger brother, though he never did presume upon that relation and in fact had never given even hint of it to me. I appreciated his discretion. I determined to put such plans as I had decided upon into effect. I invited Edward for dinner one afternoon. Elizabeth was there as well. Over dessert, I...
Working for a large company can be a grind sometimes, but the rewards help make up for it. I went to work for a large sporting goods distributor right out of college. Only six years later, at the age of twenty-eight, I was a senior product manager and was being considered for a director’s position. I’m an avid golfer, and always felt that socializing with my superiors on the golf course helped me get ahead.My name is Ed, and my wife, Kate, who was also twenty-eight at the time, and I seemed to...
CuckoldMandy didn't know what was happening in her mother's bedroom. Her reaction, had she known, could be argued about, but as things were it didn't matter because, while she took her shower, Mandy's hormone-suffused young body was already turned on enough that she learned to masturbate. She had always known it felt good to wash between her legs. And, when her growing breasts stopped hurting, it felt good to rub her soapy hands over them too. But she had never done it when she was as turned on...
My education of the powers of the ring came slowly. For one thing, there were no women about on whom I needed such power. The females on the estate already did my bidding without resort to supernatural power. Gradually, I came to know the local gentry as I was introduced into society. As the estate was worth many thousands of pounds annually, I was immediately of the higher gentry myself. The estate was titled, and I wondered how could I explain the previous master had been born hundreds of...
Again, I wander in my narrative from the straight path of time. Edward's new life and death were still in that unknown future when I found myself the center of attention of all the single girl's in the county. With Elizabeth at my side, I was shielded from most of their attentions since the mother's believed Elizabeth was the path to the throne. Elizabeth was often at my side when the local gentry brought their daughters for a visit. She would be invited when I was to some local party or...
As I pondered in Boston, I hit upon a scheme that would help me recover my place in England. It was now many years since I had fled but I had not aged. How could I return to the estate, having aged not but a day or two in appearance? I wrote a letter to the estate informing them that I was sending my son, Jeremy, to the estate to learn of his past. He had lost his mother, my wife, and I wished him to assume his place as my heir designate in the manor. I then took passage to England as my own...
I adopted the French manner, purchasing a fresh baguette and some cheese for my mid-day meal and wandering down to the quay of the island to eat and reflect or simply watch boats on the Seine as life went on. It was on a fine spring day that I sat eating cheese and still warm bread and espied a young lady watching me from another bench. When I looked up, she held my eye and said, "Bonjour." "Bonjour," I answered. She paused and smiled, then switched to English, "Ah, I think from your...
OK, before I start I want to make one thing clear – I am a big Ron Jeremy fan. I think he is a true artist and a great ambassador for the adult entertainment industry. He has also enjoyed a career most of us only dream of – fucking some of the most beautiful and talented women in porn, Traci Lords and Ginger Lyn spring to mind. Ron ‘The Hedgehog’ Jeremy walked into his LA apartment, threw his keys on the kitchen bench and reached into the fridge for a beer. He was exhausted having been on set...
Samantha Introduction With every breath I feel my muscles ache from pain and bliss.? I think to myself ?how did I get into this??? I am attached to the wall standing.? I can feel the sweat drip off my face and onto my pecks.? The stench of sex filled the air.? Wishing I could touch myself, but I am not allowed, nor able.? The light is dim, only lit by the candles.? I look over and there she sits, smiling.? She is wearing nothing but long leather boots.? Her brown eyes pierce my soul.?...
Mandy might never have put it all together if Mr. Trunion had booked his charter like he always had in the past. When he and his young daughter showed up for their fishing trip, everything seemed quite normal, other than the fact that they were starting their trip in the afternoon, instead of the morning. Chastity Trunion, who had always been very confident and self possessed, acted like she always did - like she was eighteen, instead of almost fifteen. Jim Trunion acted like he always did...
Hello everyone! Here is your friend again, Abhimaan, a young Delhite Punjabi guy enjoying the vivid sexual pleasures in Delhi NCR. Gurgaon, Noida, Delhi guys have hots for me and vice versa! I passionate for movies, booze and sex. I look good and fuck better. You can always contact me on my email id: I have published my first story “Life is a one time affair” followed by “Life is a one time affair returns”. Another story “Ankit – A friend of a date” got amazing response from readers and...
Gay MaleIn mid-century, the tensions rose in America over the trade in human chattel, a criminal and ugly trade. Various provocateurs like John Brown committed acts to terrorize the slave holders and convince them to give up their human property. They responded by attacks against the more radical of the abolitionists. Battles raged in many of the territories. The two sides became more and more certain of their own moral superiority, reaching an almost religious certainty, which of course led to...
I dined with Marie and her uncle the next day. He outlined the thoughts of many of the leading thinkers of the day. Having come to the gentry from below, I understood his views on the impropriety of hereditary class. Honors should be earned; position should be earned. I, of all people, could understand how contrived such honors were. I who had come to the Lordship undeserving and unprepared. I was a simple tradesman until that fateful evening. Now, I was especial on the death of an old man....
This story starts for me when I was in high school and explains how things got started between myself, my mom and her best friend. My mom, at least up until this started happening seemed like any ordinary mom. At least that how it seemed from what I had heard from any of my friends at school. She was (and still is) large breasted with a reasonably thin figure. I guess she worked on that more than other women because of being single. Her name is Candace, her best friend, another woman that she...
Erin & Jeremy Chapter 3: And She Thought The Ride Was Over . . . Author’s Note: I would again like to thank agirl2envy for her help in this project. The name has remained changed to protect the sexy one. Erin sped up as she pulled on to the nearly deserted road. As she drove, the events of the last few days replayed themselves for her: Meeting her cyber-lover for the first time and fucking his brains out. She smiled to herself as she thought about how eager he had been to please her and,...