- 2 years ago
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Maria Ramirez sat on the hood of Duane Halstead's pickup, watching him talk to his buddies. They were discussing hunting, once again. As masculine as she thought the subject was, she also found it immensely boring. The four of them stood in a tight knot, talking about guns, and techniques, and just how massive their last kill had been.
She sighed and said, "Duane, I'm gonna go get a Coke, ok?" as she slid her feet off the hood and walked toward the house.
"Right, babe," Duane replied, not even looking at her.
She sighed and went into his parents' home. They were out of town for the week. Off hunting no doubt, she thought. She walked toward the kitchen, and the fridge. As she walked across the living room, she passed the hallway, and saw movement down toward the back. She knew Duane's brother, Mark, was home from Iraq, for a while anyway.
Maria chuckled as she though of Mark all geared up for war. His baby face framed by all that hardcore combat stuff. He had always been a pudge pot, as well, and she imagined his belly hanging over his ammo belt.
She bent over as she opened the fridge door and pulled out a Seven-up. Standing, she popped the lid and turned aroun. She leaped into the air, giving out a squeal as she regarded a tall, slim man, wearing only a pair of boxers. He startled her, obviously, an Seven up spilled over the linoleum. It took a half a moment for her to realize that this was Mark.
The chiseled chest and gut, and the square, lean face had rather thown her off. A small smile forced its way onto her face. "Christ you scared me, Mark," she said.
He smiled down at her. He stood over a foot taller than she, and probably outmassed her by double. "Sorry, Maria, I just wanted a soda, too," he said.
His voice had gotten deeper, too, she noted, it was damn sexy, she thought. Hell, he was hot.
She stepped aside, and looked for a hand towel to clean up the soda. "You've definitely changed your look, Mark," she said, as offhandedly as she could, her voice rather wowed and went through several tones as she spoke.
He pulled out a Coke and looked at her. "You've grown up a lot, too, Maria," he said. "You're going from cute to beautiful."
A deep red blush rose into her cheeks and she covered her neck with her hand. "Thanks," she said. Her heart bounced in her chest like it was trying to get loose of her ribcage and run amok through the kitchen.
She found the dish towel and wiped up the soda from the floor. As she bent double, she noted Mark's stare at her rump, and suddenly her ass was very, very warm. She stood back up and turned back toward him. "So, was Iraq all fucked up like the news says?" she asked, trying to prolong the conversation. She would rather just look at Mark than talk to the other boys right now.
Mark sat in one of the cheap plastic-covered dining room chairs in the corner and said, "Not really. I mean, it's not fun, but mostly its doing little projects to fix all the broke-dick stuff over there."
She nodded. "My family sent care packages to guys over there," she said.
"Well, I'm sure they were grateful, I know when I got one, I sure was," he said, and smiled. "Isn't your brother over there, Alfred?"
Maria's expression darkened a touch. "Yeah, though dad told him not to join, he did it anyways," she replied. "Dad's really proud of him, though, he just can't admit he was wrong, you know?"
The soldier chuckled and gave Maria a warm smile. "Your folks are good people," he said.
She nodded, "Yeah, I guess they are," she replied
Mark stood up, and turned halfway to the door. "Shouldn't you be getting back to 'Mutual of Omaha' out there?" he asked, jerking his chin at the front door.
She shrugged. "And hear, once again, how Duane killed a twenty-two point buck with a b-b gun?" she asked. "I think I can miss ninety percent of that conversation and still keep up with it."
Mark laughed. "Hunting used to be important to me, too," he said. "Just doesn't appeal much now, you know?"
The young Hispanic girl nodded slowly. "I would guess not, after being where people kill each other just as easy."
"You got it," he said appreciatively. "All those looks and brains, too," he said.
She felt her face warm with another blush. I don't blush that easy, what the hell? she asked herself. She knew that Mark was lightly hitting on her, and she liked that. He was damn hot now. Her eyes drifted over his defined abs again, and the fly of his boxers caught her attention. Sitting as he was again, they had spread open. She could barely make out part of the shaft of his prick and some pubic hair.
For some reason, the partial sight of his tackle excited her as a full view wouldn't. It looked to be a nice tool, too, thick and meaty. She realized she was staring, and not listening. "Huh?" she said to a question he has asked.
"I asked if you'd like to go for a ride?" he repeated.
She thought for a moment. "I didn't see a car out front, except Duane's," she said.
"I don't have a car, I have a bike," he said. "It's round in the back, I was changing the oil."
For a brief moment, she thought he meant a bicycle, but then realized he was talking about a motorcycle. "I dunno," she said, nervously. She dearly wanted to, but knew Duane would get jealous. "Duane might want me to stick around."
"He'll never notice," said Mark with a winning smile. "We'll ride out through the back alley and be back in thirty minutes."
Her own lips turned upward. It was terrifically forbidden and wondrously wicked to ride off with her boyfriend's brother. "Sure," she said, "but only thirty minutes."
Mark nodded at that and sat down his soda. He moved toward the hallway. Maria followed him back and watched him pull on a pair of tight jeans over his boxers. Wow, does he ever fill those out well.
He pulled a pair of riding boots over those and handed her a helmet. "You gotta be eighteen to go without one," he said. She looked at the full-head helmet and the glittering paint it was colored with.
"Pretty," she said, tucking it under her arm.
Mark walked toward the back patio doors and Maria followed him. "I'll ride slow, so you don't get cold, with that skirt and all," he said.
It had been ninety-five earlier, but was down to a chilly eighty right now. "I'll be okay," she said. Maria was inexperienced with motorcycles and didn't realize the chilling effect of sixty mile-per-hour wind.
They walked onto the back patio and she looked at the massive chrome and steel bike, it was a monster. Mark walked up to it and threw a leg over the broad back of the machine, looking at her. She walked up beside it, at a loss. He leaned over and picked her up, like a rag doll, and sat her behind him, half turning to do so. "There ya go," he said, grinning at her.
The helmet was snug as she squeezed her thick black hair into it and opened the mirrored visor. He pressed the ignition and the engine thudded to life. The very first thing that the young girl noted was that it was vibrating, down deep. It was very stimulating, sitting upright with the cycle between her legs.
"Grab around my waist," Mark said. Maria happily complied, moving her small hands around his waist and running them over his taut stomach in the process. "Not to be fresh, doll, but you'll have to scooch up."
She didn't mind that either, spreading her legs and putting one knee on either side of his thigh. Now the contact between her groin and the vibrating seat was direct, and it was making her wet, or was that the contact with Mark?
He dropped the clutch and she yelped as the bike shot forward. They barreled into the alleyway then down it, hitting the street at the end of the block at forty miles an hour. She pressed her body against his back, and felt the cool skin of his back against her bare midriff.
"Anywhere you wanna go?" he asked.
She thought for a moment, "the park, and see if any of my friends are there," she said. "I want them to see me on a motorcycle."
He nodded and barreled down the street toward the city park. Wind was blowing up her skirt, but she felt anything but cold, if anything, between cuddling up to Mark and straddling the world's largest vibrator, she was getting warmer as they traveled.
Around the park they went, but she didn't see any of her friends, much to her chagrin. She wanted to show off Mark as much as her on a motorcycle. "Stop for a second," she yelled over the roar of the bike's engine.
He stopped the motorcycle and killed the engine. "Another idea?" he asked, grinning.
Maria pulled out her cellphone and called Natalie, her best friend. "Where the hell are you?" asked when her buddy picked up.
Natalie, sixteen, a year younger than Maria, laughed at her. "I'm at home, stupid, remember, the pool, no parents, boyfriend..." she let the sentence drift off to bounce around in Maria's head.
"Oh, yeah!" said Maria, giggling. "How's that going?" she asked.
Natalie sighed. "Well, it was good, but he's asleep already from just twice," she said, a tone of disgust creeping into her voice. "He says he had to work late last night. He's so full of shit."
"Mind if I come by with a friend?" asked Maria.
"Nah, come on over," replied Natalie. "Romeo's down for the count, I even tried giving him head to wake him up, and he's out."
Maria laughed at her friend. "You sucked a guy while he was sleeping?"
"Fuck, Maria, you need to yell louder, I don't think some folk down at the river heard you," said Natalie in a stage whisper.
Mark raised one eyebrow at the conversation, but said nothing. "We'll be there in a few minutes, come out front and wait for us," she said.
"Okay, but why?" asked Natalie.
"Just do it, ho," said Maria.
Natalie laughed. "Bitch, okay," she replied.
Mark drove them to Natalie's house, only going twice the posted speed limit most of the way. By the time they arrived, it was full night out, and it was starting to get a little chilly on the back of the cycle.
They thundered up the driveway into Natalie's front yard. Natalie ran up giggling. "Holy shit, Maria, you're riding on a motorcycle!"
"Well, no shit," Maria responded, laughing and clambering off the bike to hug her friend.
Mark sat quietly as they hugged. Then Natalie, a tall blonde with a bit of baby fat left on her, but pretty cute, nonetheless looked at Mark. Maria whispered something into her ear and Natalie giggled again.
Mark said, "Now, it's not fair to whisper in other people's company, girls."
Natalie smiled at him. "She asked me if I though you were as fine as she thinks you are," she said, then dodged nimbly aside as Maria took a playful slap at her.
A smile crossed Mark's face and he helped Maria take off the bulky helmet. Maria was pink in the light of the porch light, compared to her normal deep olive color.
As I told her, you're cute, too," he said to Natalie. She was wearing a beach skirt over her bikini and her bikini top. Only a slight belly and some thickness at thigh and upper arm marred her figure, which was generally very nice. She blushed over her entire body from the compliment, and giggled again.
"Come on inside," she said. Mark swung his leg over the bikes spine and walked behind the two girls into the darkened house. "Fucking Tom's passed out in my bedroom," she said, "I closed the door so he could sleep. Prick."
They went straight through the house and onto the back patio. A small pool was built into the ground here, the water splashing over a decorative waterfall then into it. One end of the pool featured a big hot tub. "Damn," said Maria, "I don't got a swimsuit."
Natalie grinned. "I can loan you one of mine," she suggested. "It'll be a bit big, but should be okay." She looked at Mark. "I bet you can wear a pair of my dad's trunks, you're about the same around the waist." She ran inside and came out a minute later with a one piece girl's suit and a pair of men's swim trunks.
There was a little closet facing the pool where they could change and they all were in the water in minutes, splashing and laughing.
Mark would catch the two young women giggling and whispering from time to time, but they usually just swam about and splashed one another and him.
He splashed them back and then they played 'toss the girl' where he would throw them from one end of the pool to the other, launching them over his head like making a stirrup step from his hands.
He could throw Maria a lot farther than Natalie, but they both had a splendid time, flying through the air and splashing massively into the deep end of the pool. Mark liked the contrast between the two pretty girls, one blonde with fair skin and blue eyes, the other with raven hair, olive complexion, and deep brown eyes.
He was thinking about the wonders of femininity when they both tackled him in the water, dragging him under. He wrestled with them for a moment beneath the surface, finally grabbing each by an ankle and standing, lifting the ankles from the water. He held them a moment, then pushed the ankles down allowing the girls to get their head above the water. "Give?" he asked. They tried vainly to grab his head and shove him under, giggling and sputtering.
He lifted their ankles again, dunking them. When he allowed them up again. "Give?" he asked.
Maria and Natalie both said, "Yes." He let them breath a moment. "I get a kiss from both of you," he said, then in a fit of wickedness, he added, "And you kiss each other."
"Eww, no way, said Maria, though he noted Natalie didn't protest the point. He looked at Natalie as he lifted Maria's slim ankle, dropping her head into the water again. Natalie nodded at him, with an expression a bit too serious for the moment. When Maria came up for air again, she said, "Okay, okay, I'll kiss you, and her." She was giggling, and Natalie was now smiling. "But no tongue," she ammended.
Mark looked threateningly at her ankle. "Okay! Yeesh, with tongue," she said, giggling and looking at Natalie.
"If we're going to be kissing, then we need to move to the hot tub," said Natalie, "that's what they're for, you know?"
Maria laughed. "You told me they were for Fu..."
"Shaddup!" interrupted Natalie, hurling flaming swords with her eyes.
The young Hispanic girl clamped her mouth shut, still giggling.
The three moved into the hot tub and the warm water felt wondrous after all the strenuous play in the pool. All three sat down on the benches, facing toward the center of the circular tub.
"Who goes first?" asked Maria.
Natalie turned to Mark and shrugged, though with the faintest flick of her eyes, she pointed toward Maria.
"I think," said Mark, "you and Natalie."
Maria giggled at that and Natalie again smiled, winking at him.
"It's gotta be one of those 'Hollywood' kisses, too, long, and full body," said Mark as Natalie turned toward her shorter friend.
Maria stood up and came to halfway up Natalie's head. She looked up at the taller girl. "I guess you're the guy for this kiss, huh?" she asked.
Natalie nodded, and put her arms around the petite Mexican girl.
Maria hesitantly put her arms around Natalie too, and then they kissed. Their soft lips pressed together then parted, and Mark occasionally glimpsed tongue flicking between their mouths. He noted that Natalie had moved one leg forward and between Maria's slender thighs, he also noted that Maria parted them for her. When that smooth, strong-looking thigh rose to Maria's crotch, the Hispanic girl moaned softly, and pressed her body tighter to her friend's.
Natalie's hands moved down the other girl's back, then onto her round, firm rump, she gently turned Maria, so that Mark was viewing that backside directly, and could see the thigh between the shorter girl's legs moving gently up and down against her crotch.
Their lips parted, but Natalie immediately moved hers to Maria's neck, and began kissing and sucking on the other girl's throat.
Maria groaned. "No fair," she said in a hoarse whisper. "You already knew that turned me on."
"Why do you think I'm doing it?" Natalie asked Maria's neck, burrowing into the Hispanic girl's thick hair.
Her long, slim fingers kneaded Maria's butt cheeks, then one hand pressed under the cloth, sliding toward the crack between the lobes. Maria pushed back a little and said. "I told you I don't know yet," she said, chiding the taller girl."
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Hi friends this is cock from south chennai. I visit Indian sex stories for the last 4 to 5 yrs but never had enough time to pen my experiences. From my childhood I have been a very lucky boy in sex. To be in short when I did my 7th std I saw my neighboring aunt went to take bath, I wanted throw a ball inside their compound and as if searching for the ball I opened the screen of the bathroom and saw the aunt aaawhh she was top less with huge breast, my legs starts trembling but manage once she...
I am a nurse at the local hospital and my wife is an assistant at an architectural firm in town. We both enjoy our work and where we live. The neighborhood is great and we have made good friends here. While I was cooking steaks, I heard Amy scream for me. I ran over and she told me Monica had been stung by yellow jackets. I looked at her and could see that they had stung her all over one of her legs. She was sobbing with pain. Hal was beside himself, asking what could we do. I told...
Hi friends this is Cock here to pen down the Part-3 of Yellow saree doctor. For new readers pls read part 1&2 of yellow color saree. As the continuation of Part 2 let me what happened after 11.30am. Lets get into the drive friends.. at 11.30am I received a message as hubby left to office. Just by hearing this my BP raised, lol. Immediately I called her and asked whats shall do now. She said hope you can do anything u want if u come home. OMG !! I was really excited and took my yamaha Rx-100...
Dear Indian sex stories friends.! Am happy about the feedbacks I received for my first story here “yellow saree doctor”. On your’s push to me am writing this part 2 of what happened btw the doctor and me at our first live conversation. . Let’s get on the drive friends.. as I mentioned in part 1 I said I will be there in clinic in 5 mins and at the step of the door I excused ” hi doctor can I come in.. how are you ! Doctor : yes pls.. hi..so you are **** she smiled and said you look good but...
Hello Friends, Mein apka friend Sunny ek baar fir haazir hai lekar apke liye Yellow suit wali punjabi ladki ko choda part 2.Pehli story ko apne bahut pyar diya, i hope ki yeh story bi apko pasand ayegi.agar apko meri yeh story achi lage toh reply zaroor karna dosto.Ab apka jyada time na lete hue apni recently happened story start karta hun. Mein abi mumbai mein hun or yeh 6-7 months pehle ki baat hai. I got a call from aarti.Meine jaisi hi call uthayi toh bahut zor se awaaz aayi Hiiiiiiiii...
Hi Friends Mera naam Sunny hai.Mein Basically Amritsar(Punjab) se hun.Presently mein Mumbai mein job karta hun and yaha pe hi rehta hun.Mein ISS kafi time se padh raha hun and yeh mein apni Pehli story likh raha hun yaha pe.Sabse pehle mein apne baare mein bata dun.Meri age 25 years hai, Height 5ft 8inch hai. colour fair hai and achi body hai. I mean dikhne mein thik thak lagta hun.Dosto yeh baat un dino ki hai jab mein university mein 1st year padta tha.Tab mein roz bike pe hi jata tha.Ek...
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TrueI have a bad feeling about this, Miranda whispered in Ramie’s mind as they went about their business the next day. Jason didn’t want to be there when you opened the box last night. He’s been holding something back. Maybe hiding something. “Yeah, but don’t push him. Kyle and Jason have their own demons, sweetheart. Knowing our little brother and sister were growing up in an Indian village must be hard on them. Like us remembering being kidnapped,” Ramie sighed. She finished feeding the...
They’d worked out a pattern. Everyone had work to do and no one could spend all her time reading the book left for Ramie by her younger siblings. Nor could they handle more at one time than the hour they spent in the evening holding each other as they read. Every word the kids had written cut into the hearts of their mothers, father, and siblings. Even Aubrey, the only one not related by blood, worried that the babies might be affected by hearing the story at such a young age. But more than...
Cole spent a good part of the day at the Forest Service office and on the phone to his congressman. Every member of the family made calls. “Cole,” Arlen said as the rancher sat across the desk from him, “our hands are tied. The EPA is gutted and there’s been no move to replace it. The Army Corps of Engineers rubberstamps whatever they’re given. They’ve been issued permits to explore for gas and oil in the National Forest. It’s not just here. They came marching in on the first with permits...
Even on a holiday, ranch chores need to be done. Especially when nearly every boarder wants his horse out to go for a trail ride. Some of the boarders brought friends and rented horses from LK Stables riding stock. Ramie had purchased six gentle trail horses for just such a purpose. With the purchase of additional saddles and tack, feed, and liability insurance, she was happy to have all six rented for the day. It just meant that even with their late night previously, she and Kyle had to be...
A ranch is work. Work kept the Bell Family sane. Cole drove by way of the Forest Road to the upper pasture to meet with the Forest Service and the oil company. Ashley went to the Wyoming Cattlewomen’s Association meeting she presided over and encouraged the members to call their congressman and senators. Trail riders were checked in, their horses saddled, and sent out on the trail. Kyle and Ramie rounded up the eighty rescues and drove them to the corral with the assistance of their four...
Cole spent most of the morning in the Forest Service office again. Arlen was sympathetic, but felt his hands were tied. Next, Cole picked up Mary Beth and Ashley and they drove to Cheyenne. It might seem unlikely that a rancher could walk in and visit the governor, but Wyoming was a state of only 600,000 citizens, ranked tenth in total area for states, but 50th in total population. The elected officials knew who the influential ranchers were in their state. “Cole, I know you didn’t support...
Cole and Ashley had taken a four-wheeler to the upper pasture and returned upset. This had the potential to turn into another range war. The Forest Service had cancelled their lease. “Those fuckers can’t do that,” Ashley stormed. “We’ve leased that land for forty years. We’ve cared for it. Now they want us off so the cattle don’t interfere with the oil company. How many people do they think they’ll feed with oil?” “Doesn’t make a damn bit of difference,” Cole said. “Kids, we’re going to...
Saturday, there were chores to do and riders at the stable. Cole and Ashley took the Forest Service road up to the trailhead and hiked in to the base camp for their hired hands. The situation was tense. The oil company had hired ‘security’ people, supposedly to guard their equipment. In reality, they had spent the night in ATVs racing in circles around the site, spooking the cattle off in all directions. All Cole’s cowboys were on their horses attempting to round up cattle that had scattered...
“Delta Oh Niner, this is base,” Cole said into the radio. “This is Delta Oh Niner, base. Come in.” “What’s the status?” “No way to keep them from knowing we’re here and still keep them away from scattering the cattle. It seems that was their intent all along.” “What’s the plan?” Cole asked. “We had a parlay,” the voice on the radio said. “We explained the terms simply. They could run around their base with the ATVs all they wanted and we wouldn’t say a thing if they ran west. But we...
A rancher from Fort Collins arrived with two brood mares for breeding about seven in the morning. Ramie and Kyle had to deal with that just when the family had decided to let others do the work for the day and get back to the final pages in the box. They wouldn’t stand the mares to stud until they’d had a chance to settle down, but the rancher wanted to jaw a while over a cup of coffee. Of course, the topic was all about the tensions building at Yellowstone. He finally left and their two...
The family cleaned up the lunch spread and headed back into the house. Cole flipped up the volume on the news station as the main picture switched to the scene of the military staging in Cody. “This is Rhea Matthews of KWYO in Cody, reporting for the National News Network. A new development here in Cody, where a National Guard military police platoon moved in overnight to stage for an action in Yellowstone National Park, has pitted the National Guard against a handful of regular army troops....
“So that’s it?” Ashley said flatly. “The end?” “Not quite,” Aubrey answered. She held up an envelope that was on the bottom of the box. She looked at her parents and her husband. They all nodded. Aubrey handed the envelope to Ramie. Ramie took a deep shuddering breath and opened it, shaking out the contents in her hand. She opened the pages and began to read. Caitlin: It’s Time My Dearest Loving Parents, My Beautiful Sister, My Brave Brother, My Kind Sister-in-law, My Adorable Little...
In a closed board meeting of Shale Oil Company, Ron Grisholm, president of the company, had just delivered his statement of intent to rebuild the pseudo-fracking sites and continue prospecting for oil. The board members were heads-down examining the report and proposal. “I don’t see how we can invest like that with the stock in the toilet, Ron. Have you got it all in the proposal here?” one of the board members asked. “There is no sense even reading the paper. The short of it is that we...
I remember dying. I guess when I was Phile, I started this by telling you I remembered being born. But there are more important things to remember now. I remember the births of my children. I remember my lovers. I remember living as a wild ranch kid in Wyoming and as a renegade in the nineteenth century. I remember holding my sweet sister in my arms at night and knowing there would never be a more perfect match. I remember Mandy welcoming me in both my bodies into her heart and soul. And I...
~ Serenity I knew what to expect on my tenth birthday. One present, a brightly wrapped cube. I even knew what to do with it. Now. I'd only been teasing on Andy's tenth when I told him I already knew the answer to the test. But having knowledge and knowing how to use it are two different things, Daddy always says. The birthday party was fun, even with the distraction of the cube. Maia and Jeni sang me a special birthday song that they wrote me. We played our usual game of football on...
Bobby was dreaming. He was standing on the pitcher's mound of a baseball diamond. The field was surrounded by a fog bank that obscured everything beyond the foul lines. "Hello, Bud," his dad said from beyond the fog on the 3rd base line. "Hey, Dad," he said automatically, completing the greeting they'd typically exchanged with each other. "I think it's time for you to wake up, Bobby. You're going to be okay. It's safe to wake up now." Bobby strained to see through the fog, but...
While fulfilling sexual fantasies, both his own and others, was fun, it was certainly not the only thing that Seth used his powers for in his freshman year. In the process of scanning people, Seth came across some individuals that were in trouble of one kind or another. Where he could, he helped out, whether it was pointing out where to get extra tutoring help (discreetly, of course), or if it was helping someone get a job so they could afford to live while they were in school. Seth knew -...
Just look at her. What a pervert. Brooklyn Chase rubbing another one out. Hubby’s away, and she’s lonely. Brooklyn’s just three minutes into finger banging herself when she notices you there, in the room, just staring. And how does she put it? “I could use some dick!” Which is exactly what Brooklyn proceeds to do. She’s a cheater alright, and with Hubby away, Brooklyn will use your dick to finish what she just started. In all three holes!! Starting with her...
xmoviesforyouPART I The sound of the loud bell startled Mrs. Sally Johnson out of her daydream. She checked her watch. It was dismissal time already. Sally was a bit embarrassed. Normally, she was very attentive to her duties as the senior class science teacher. She had to admit that she was not her usual self the last couple of weeks. She was not really showing yet, but she was about 2 months pregnant and this time she wanted it to be a success. The last time out was a complete disaster and she regretted...
Lexi Grey is over at her friend’s house when she runs into her friend’s dad. They chit chat about school and she tells him how expensive school is and what a hard time she’s having paying for it. So when her friend’s dad steps out Lexi finds his wallet and is about to take some money, but she gets caught in the act. Her friend’s dad is upset that she would break his trust like that, but Lexi just really needed the money for school. Her friend’s dad comes up...
xmoviesforyouIt had to be Ecstasy or something like it that Karine had kissed into our mouths at the club. I'm an all night partier, but I should have been passed out on the blurry limo ride that returned us to the villa. Instead, I was still completely on fire. It seemed everyone was. The six of us were all in various states of undress. Our hands and mouths wandered lazily to whomever was closest. We got back to our rented villa, which was small with an open great room and two bedrooms off of it. There was...
HardcoreLAKEVIEW HIGH SCHOOL ALLI CAIN 1991 Marty was pretty much the standard high school nerd. He was smart, glasses, sqeeky voice, and funny laugh. That was before the divoce. The summer before his senior year, Marty's parents decided to split up. Since he was almost 18, he was allowd to choose which parent to stay with, and he chose his mother. He loved his mother more than his father. His mother really never worked before, but she...
"Today is your first hunt," said Ramzy El-Najjar when he woke Rubina, "Do you remember everything I told you?" "Yes I remember," she said bitterly, thinking only of the penalty for failure "First they hunt me with elephant dogs, then they rape me, then they beat me, then I come back here." "You forgot the sodomy," he said sardonically. The conditions were perfect; there was a little wind which ameliorated the effects of the hot sun when the hunt met and the stirrup cup of port,...
This was just a little quickie that I threw together for the holiday, though it isn't one of my better ones. My Muse is still hiding under the bed, pouting after the loss of Excalibur Principle II. A Family Gathering By Morpheus As their car pulled into Uncle Jack's driveway, 10 year old David smiled faintly to himself, his hand inside his coat pocket, firmly clutching the object inside. He looked out the window towards the house and tried to keep from giggling, filled with...
My Wonderful Obsession Part 51: Fairy Tales DO Come True September 14, 2002. The date is even more significant for me than the October day three years earlier, when I took an irreversible step and changed my body permanently from male to female. That date marked a major turning point in my life, but not in as many noteworthy ways as this day - the day I married the love of my life, Mark. It was the day I became the wife of an amazing man, the step-mother of two beautiful...
The Rejection Chronicles: Carmyn and Angel Guess what ladies? Men have huge egos. When we meet you and we’re attracted to you we can’t help it, our egos swell to enormous sizes along with other parts of our body. We start to imagine you are interested in every third word that slips from our lips. Our imaginations run wild and we believe our cocks must captivate you. We sit there pretending to listen to you prattle on about your latest hair or clothing crisis while in our brain we are imagining...
She looked down and smiled. Roses. She loved roses. But who would leave them at the door for her? She hadn’t heard from Billy since they broke up. Well she considered them broken up. She hadn’t heard from him from that stupid fight they had two weeks ago that had them both saying things she knew, or at least she thought she knew, they didn’t mean. They had both asked each other at the same time if the other one wanted to break up. No one really said a yes or no as a response. Just silence...
I was 11 almost 12 when I had my first experience with what I know now to be sex. I was swimming at a local swimming hole with some kids both boys and girls. While we were playing around one of the boys challenged me to a swimming race. I accepted because I was a good swimmer and he raced me up the creek for about 200 metres before I got tired and stopped. He came over to me and he hugged me and tried to kiss me while we were still in the water. I then realised we had been separated from...
It's been years since the fall of society began, starting with the crash of the dollar and ending with the inevitable collapse of governance. Wars broke out across the sphere until near total destruction had occurred. Those lucky - or unlucky- enough to have survived formed small communities and factions where they struggled to persist and thrive. The rest of those who remained lived a nomadic life, roaming across the country, constantly in search of something better. You are one of these...
FantasyMistress Anastasia Doll teaches her lesbian submissive slut Nataly Gold how to serve her properly with some hardcore disciplining in today’s Pornworld premium porn scene. After getting collared and handcuffed, the young brunette slave girl gets anal insertion with a big black dildo. The black-haired femdom then puts on a strap-on that her subbie takes it down her deep throat to making it nice and slick so that she can getfurther ass gaped getting fucked by the busty dominatrix wearing it....
xmoviesforyouThe Castle was mostly waterpark. There were two roller coasters, a ferris wheel, Tilt-A-Whirl and the other classic carnival rides. There was mini-golf. There was junk food. There was skeet shooting. There were photo booths. Every inch of the of the park was filled with women who were excited and gracious if you gave them your attention. A lazy river, populated with floating tubes, slowly inched its way throughout the park. Bridges crisscrossed it running from games to rides to slides to...
"Commodore, Crypian McDermid. I have just received signal orders to report to the Admiralty with my staff for discussions regarding possible operations in this area. There is a memo from Evan Cochrane personally asking you attend quote as an observer unquote. A nice touch, that, I thought. When would it be convenient for you to travel?" "Let me mull this over for a bit ... Crypian, I'm going to try something. I'll com you back. Clear." McCock extracted his PDA and entered a com...
America's Next Top Sissy Blinking slowly, Jim's blurred vision started to clear. The strong lights pointed in his face made Jim squint, but his hearing was as clear as a bell but his head was swimming. A camp male voice spoke clearly to somebody but Jim still couldn't quite see who was talking or who was being spoken too. 'Welcome ladies, too the new series of America's Next Top Sissy' echoed in Jim's ears as the camp voice continued ... 'All of this years contestants have been...
As I raised it, she reached for my belt and began to unbuckle it. I moved to oblige the effort and quickly wriggled out of them. My half hard cock lay turned to the left and growing by the second. She immediately took it in her hand and stood it up, giving it a long, wet, lollipop lick from the base of my balls all the way to the tip. That was enough to stimulate a total hard on, which she wasted no time engulfing in her mouth. She had waited all afternoon to do this and had obviously...
Her voice was so cheery and upbeat, she was such an optimist, hard to believe this would be the 5th school I had transferred to in 3 years. Her voice did not betray any sense of fear she might have that this school would be no different from the 2 before it. In each case I was picked on and bullied until my parents transferred me to another school. I had begged them to homeschool me, but they refused, stating that I needed to learn how to get along and deal with my interpersonal problems. So...
Hello guys, my name is A and I am here to tell you the story of how I lost my virginity to my maid Kala. She is in her mid 30s, married and has 2 kids. She is working is my home since 5 years and I had my eye on her for a while. She is dark colored, has fat in the right places and facial expressions that give you an instant hard-on. I forgot to tell you that I live in Vizag. She comes to work in the morning and stays till the evening. She wears a saree and always exposes ample skin. I am 21...