Shiver Me Timbers! A Pirate's Christmas free porn video

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Arrrr! Damn but what it's cold! Shiver me timbers indeed!

It's not supposed to snow in the sunny Caribbean, but that's what I get for getting caught in a surprise very late season hurricane. Now, here I be ... shipwrecked somewhere days north of Vera Cruz on some wind-swept uncolonized seacoast, with me crew deep in a winter of discontent, and hordes of blood-thirsty savages waiting just outside musket range to enjoy us for their Christmas feast!

Bah! I, Captain Grimthrope the Thrice-Poxed been in worse scrapes. I have a cutthroat crew, muskets, pistols, dry powder, and enough sweet rum for a good swallow or two before we sweep the beach of those ragged arse natives.

I'd like to blame Wild Eye Wallock for this fine mess, but I can't says as I blame me old First Mate much ... we had been at sea for a mite long bit. The trouble started a few weeks ago in early December when we smartly took the prize of a nice smuggler's Barque that steered like a drunken ox, loaded to the gills with sweet dark Barbados rum just ready for some midnight trading with the Don's for some of their even sweeter silver. Wild Eye, called as such for his 'lazy eye' that don't quite meet yours like an honest sailor's should, demanded we do a full crew share split of the loot and that we beat back to Port Royale for a good bit of Holiday celebrations. And perhaps we ought to have.

The pickings had been fair this year, but not quite all of our ballast stone mound had been replaced with chests of the Don's sweet silver just yet. Now that hurricane season was likely done and past, it was silver hunting season again, when the Spanish ports would spread their legs wide and give birth to fat helpless Treasure Galleons. I'd taken one back in the spring and me palms were itching for the chance to take just one more this season. I had bought me a good one thousand acres of good sugarcane land in Jamaica already, and one more good haul would set me up in life as a respectable gentleman planter.

Wild Eye pushed – I pushed back, and most of me crew agreed with the goal of one last big prize. We soothed our nerves over a mug or three of our captured rum, and some of us just might have tasted a wee bit too much 'cause when the morning came we awoke up on deck of the Barque alone with no sight of Wild Eye, or me prized Sloop "The Bloody Mary" ... carrying nearly all of the loot with them!

I could have done without the sight of old Wild Eye; I never liked the way his weak eye looked at me when he bobbed his head up and down me crank, but I did love me Sloop! She was fast and sleek to the chase – a greyhound of the sea if ever there was one! Didn't matter none how outgunned I might be, I'd just sail loops around my foe and rake their stern with shot until they had no more belly for a fight and struck their colors. She were shallow drafted too, a born smuggling ship that could escape across reefs and shoals too narrow for any Frigate or Ship of the Line to follow. The mark of a true pirate is that he could take a Galleon with merely a Pinnace, but I was a wee bit happier with me Sloop, 'twas not much larger and holds far more loot.

This new albatross what Wild Eye had left me, albeit with most of me original crew, were named the "Reluctant Virgin", and that she be in truth! Besides steering like a fat bloody sow, it took a gale to move her sails, even in the weather gauge. She had a few good guns and an ample stock of powder though, and a willing crew to drive her onwards. Catching Wild Eye with this tired draft-horse was pretty much as impossible as finding a honest Welshman or a sober Irishman, so we set our sights south, back to the Spanish Main. Besides, we had nearly a year of lost loot to replace!

We started off patrolling off of Santa Catalina Island and picked off a few unwary merchantmen, which were even slower and less well armed than we were. Still, it were mighty poor picking for treasure and their crew didn't make for much better sport neither. You'd have thought listening to all of their pitiful cries that they never enjoyed a stiff rod pumped up their bums. I was a bit of relief to be done with them and send their ripped arses and slit throats to feed the sharks!

I'd have rather turned and gone east up the Main, but this sow couldn't handle runnin' close-hauled to the wind at all. It was going to be west for us, running broad reach as much as possible. Our luck all the way up the Mosquito Coast and into the Yucatan Channel was little better. Our luck remained poor, bagging just a brace of wee coastal craft and a Caravel that was near as barnacle ridden as we were that we had to shot nearly to floating wood pulp before she ran down the flag. Sinking her afterwards was but a mercy for that pile of floating wreckage. I gave the fortunate few survivors the choice of joining me crew or joining the flotsam and the lot of them preferred to live for another day, and they took to the life of rum and sodomy under me black flag like old veterans.

I gave more than a passing idle thought to just crawling our way east across the Channel towards Havana, which in a better ship would have been but a short cruise away. There's more than a few smuggler towns and even a suitable pirate friendly den or two along those wild coasts, but I weren't at all pleased with me ship and not about to reef my sails for a bit of a rest until I had me a craft worthy of dueling with me ole Bloody Mary.

I thought our luck improved a bit about a week later when we surprised a small but heavy laden Treasure Galleon just after we entered the Bay of Campeche. I'd have never caught her except she were overloaded with sweet silver, and running low near up to the gun ports, and we surprised her when she came out of a nearby rain squall near right smack into us. She could still out-maneuver us a fair bit, and she managed to put a hard broadside of ball into us, one of which clean took off the head of me 2nd Mate, Lucky Liam, but we had the range on her and raked her with two good broadsides of grape-shot that near but swept the deck of her defenders. I'll sorely miss ole Lucky, that one armed, one eyed, peg-legged, poxed cocked bastard!

We climbed aboard to survey the blood washed decks of our new prize. She weren't no sleek Sloop, but at least she could run a wee bit close-hauled ... if I could keep her from sinking on me. Appears that one or two of me shot 'twas aimed a tad too low and her port side was taking a good bit o' water below.

Me boarding party found the surviving crew with no stomach for a fight and I clapped the healthy ones into irons and set them below to man the pumps as if their life depended upon it ... which it did. The crew was in a bit of a mind for some sport, but keeping both of our damaged ships afloat was now wee bit more important stretching out a few fresh rosebuds. The more randy, led by me helmsman Nasty Ned, took their release upon the crippled and wounded, and a few of the more intact corpses. Now it was time to secure the treasure, a task much to my liking!

As expected, the holds were stuffed with chests of good sweet silver and even the ballast mound was composed of sturdy silver ingots. A joy to this old pirate's eyes! There was a fair amount of gold found as well and I had those chests moved over to the Virgin for safekeeping. If nothing else, that relieved a fair bit of weight off of the overloaded Galleon, which really were loaded far beyond what a sensible captain would cargo below for safe sailing. If I have any regrets, it was not dumping at least a third of the booty overboard to lighten the load further to reduce the flooding, but I thought I'd gamble with Neptune and race to beach the pair of our crippled birds right away and do ourselves a proper hull patch job, and then sail towards a pirate friendly port with the full treasure to spend.

The Captain's cabin held treasure of a different sort. There was a fine gem-laden cask filled with gems and jewels, and a rarer prize still ... the daughter of a Spanish nobleman, probably the Governor of Campeche. This had definite ransom opportunities to take yet more sweet silver from the Don's.

The young noblewoman in question did not appear to be especially favored by Venus; in fact her countenance was a rather plain one, and of rather short and stout stature. Still, it's not every day you get to dip your wick into a soft Lady Don! My two companions, me remaining junior 3rd Mates, were equally delighted with the spoils and having a good bit of randy sport that didn't include either the participation of either Nasty Ned or young Bobby, me cabin boy.

Her equally ill-favored companions seemed to take immediate exception to my advances. Her guardian was a rat terrier faced shrew of advancing years and equivalent sour temperament. She rattled off a series of demands and other threats and when we failed to defer to her obvious authority she pulled out a pistol that she'd concerned within her bodace and shot me Mate Roger the Red near dead! I pulled one of me pistols and returned the favor, but with better aim and a more final result.

Waste of an old bit of cunny; I'd be willing to bet that it had been hardly ever been used. Still, the old hag would be providing someone in my crew with some room temperature dalliance material, at least for a day or two until she begins to stink. Ned would certainly have some sport with her. This was getting more than irritating, however; I was starting to run out of Mate's. Roger wasn't quite dead yet, but his gut wound would need more than shots of rum to cure and we had no sawbones. I bent over and eased his passage with me belt knife, but he didn't thank me none for my kindness.

The Lady's other protector, a young priest or monk, judging by his tonsure, was much more obliging. He crawled over to us on his knees with his hands upheld in prayer and begged for the sparing of the Lady's Virtue. Fat chance, although in the better light of the doorway the monk looked a bit more fuckable than the not-so-fair Lady. Me last surviving Mate, Big Johnson, thought much the same thought and smartly dropped his breeches and popped his massive member into the surprised, but not resisting, prayer hole of the monk.

"Enough with your prayers to your puny God," Big muttered, "now it's time to learn to properly worship something far more magnificent - my cock!"

Big is true to his name, and a popular officer with the crew especially when it's time for a little rest and relaxation. His titan sized member filled the monk's mouth to its capacity but from the skill of his ministrations on that monster I would say that this wasn't his first intimate service to his fellow men.

I seized the Lady and considered my prize more carefully. Her worshipfulness's countenance did not improve upon closer inspection; still she was not entirely without usefulness. At my cutlass point I bade her strip and she obeyed, and soon my helpless captive was naked and kneeling at my feet, quivering with fear and anticipation.

For a Spanish noblewoman, she seemed to have had a rather more complete education than one would expect from the Don's. She wasted no time in freeing my own splendid member and demonstrated with some considerable talent that her priest wasn't quite the best cocksucker in this cabin. Her skills were indeed quite excellent, and I made a mental note to myself have her teach that vibrating vocal cord trick to little Bobby, sometime soon.

She showed no dislike to swallowing a sailor's salty spunk either, and she gorged herself as if starving upon this seaman's semen. From the loud choking noises, Big was blasting down his own massive salty load down the monk's throat, to an equally appreciative receiver.

Big was just getting warmed up however, and he then lifted the monk's robes up to expose his bare arse to give it a right jolly rogering, which from the cries of pleasure wasn't a novel experience for our church mouse either. Randy little buggers and fornicators, the lot of them ... obviously they spend too much time on their knees and take to sodomy like cat loves its cream, or a Scotsman his sheep. Looks like Big, now that he'll be the assigned captain of the prize ship, will now have a cabin boy of his own for a spell.

I grabbed the cask of jewels and me plundered wench, and we crossed back over to the Virgin for some nice and quiet quality time alone together in me own cabin. Me young cabin boy Bobby pitched a bit of a jealous snit but I boxed his ears and put his whining tongue to better work licking my ball sack and arse while I boarded me new prize and plundered her. The Lady hastened to obey, and planted herself spread wide-eagled for my entrance into her tight, but far from virgin cunny. She was a hot fuck, but looking upon her face made me less than fully romantically inclined, but a solution was near in hand. I empted out a large draw-string sack and popped it over her head, and found the resulting intercourse of far greater enjoyment. I debated adding a second one over my own, in the case of an accidental slippage, but decided that would be insulting to my Lady's dignity. Besides, I found her rear arse view to be not entirely unpleasant when I later reamed out her virginally innocent rosebud as she squealed her delight while I buggered her hot tight ass, filling her bilge pipe with my pirate chowder.

We lost a pretty big chunk of the day, lost in our revels and some overly heavy rum consumption. As a result we nearly got jumped ourselves by a pair of Spanish escort War Galleons and had to toss up every yard of sail we could rig to make best speed for our lives. Our only prayer was to ride before the wind on the storm winds of the squall, which just seemed to grow in strength. I stayed on board the Virgin and let the prize crew under me last trusted Mate, Big Johnson, handle the limping Galleon.

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Simone and I decided to take a long sailboat ride we had been having some difficulties in our marriage and we felt that we needed to reconnect and being alone together on the open sea might be just the thing for us...We have a nice sailboat that we used to use all the time back when we were first married but it has been docked in the marina for a long time now so when we uncovered her and went over her bow to stern cleaning and making sure she was ship shape for our journey through the...

1 year ago
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Pirates of the South Seas

Leaving the office, I walked outside heading for the dock. I noticed that the workers in the hemp fields were diligently harvesting the plants. When one of the workers broke a plant, the crew chief was instantly chastising the older woman. Reminding her that survival depended on her not damaging the crops. Our ropes made of our hemp were famous for their, strengths and durability. Breaking plants means shorter fibers, means weaker overall rope products. I smiled as the crew chief...

4 years ago
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River PiratesChapter 10

This was a straight run for Kansas City. The only stops were for fuel and food. The latter was necessary since we had a lot more people on board than Capt. Johnson had planned for. The 32 mountain men that we were carrying as passengers really cut through our food stores. Man, could those men eat! Oh, well, they were also damned good hunters, so we rarely took long in our stops for hunting. Fuel replacement usually took much longer, but the extra hands cut the time for that, too. Everybody...

3 years ago
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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 9AA Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates After leaving the clothing store you grab a quick bite to eat. You continue to joke with Wendy, "Um, maybe your not hungry? Have you eaten enough for the day?" "Perhaps if your cum was still a thick as it used to be, then I would be full. As it is, I'm definitely not thirsty at all. I mean I do intend to drink you dry a soon as I can." "Well, maybe I should eat some more of your thick cream. Sandy wasn't...

1 year ago
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African Pirates Journey into Sex Slavery

Scott tried to think as he clutched his wife protectively. This had been Scott and Amy’s 1-year-anniversary pleasure trip, a cruise around the continent of Africa. It was supposed to be the perfect, idyllic adventure -- almost like a second honeymoon. And now only uncertainty gripped him. Terror shone in Amy’s pretty blue eyes. Scott wished he could provide some real comfort, but he knew that any words he might say would ring hollow. The sun rose higher, casting a beautiful ball of fire on...

4 years ago
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Jilnar Jardaly and the Pirates

A warm, gentle breeze blew across Jilnar Jardaly's sexy bikini-clad body, caressing her completely hairless skin, which was as smooth as silk and as gold as honey. She loved nothing more than chartering a private yacht on the beautiful Pacific Ocean, nor did two of her closest girlfriends who had come to enjoy the Caribbean getaway with her. It was just the three girls together, along with the yacht's owner and captain, a local girl named Elly, who was every bit as hot and gorgeous as Jilnar...

3 years ago
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Somali Pirates and Their Prey

Introduction: A young English woman in her last year of college is recruited along with other young women into a clandestine naval intelligence program that promises technical challenges travel and adventure! But end up seeing and experiencing several heart stopping bound sexual situations that take them to the very edge, and beyond perverse humiliating sex, much more than most women can imagine much less experience in a lifetime! The fact that several are drop dead gorgeous and two of them...

4 years ago
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Pirates Treasure

Pirates Treasure Lindsey enjoyed Halloween. For her, dressing up in a costume and hiding behind a mask removed all inhibitions. And nothing said Halloween more than a costume that allowed her to show off her body. An experienced motion picture sound technician, Lindsey was also a skilled seamstress. Each Halloween, she made her own costume as well as the one Steven would wear. This year, she’d decided on a pirate theme. Black is sexy, she told herself as she unrolled the bolt of soft jersey...

3 years ago
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Pirates Treasure

Pirates Treasure Lindsey enjoyed Halloween. For her, dressing up in a costume and hiding behind a mask removed all inhibitions. And nothing said Halloween more than a costume that allowed her to show off her body. An experienced motion picture sound technician, Lindsey was also a skilled seamstress. Each Halloween, she made her own costume as well as the one Steven would wear. This year, she’d decided on a pirate theme. Black is sexy, she told herself as she unrolled the bolt of soft jersey...

2 years ago
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A pirates life

The sound of gunfire, cannon fire, and the sounds of splintering wood filed the air as the shouts of battle emanated from the sailors of His Majesty's Navy, and a pirate ship that had caught up to them. The pirates had blasted some chain shot to break the mast of the Navy's ship making it immobile, before preparing to board it. John Kidd, a twenty year old sailor of His Majesty's Royal Navy, by far the youngest sailor aboard the Swallow fired his rifle at one of the pirates who was swinging...

3 years ago
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Evil Pirates

The waters around the small tree-covered island, jutting proudly from the calm sea, were dangerous. I knew this; I had been told. The coy young lady, whom I had spent half the previous evening with at The Red Lion warned me as her eyes twinkled and my hands massaged her thigh. I got nowhere with her, despite me drunkenly boasting I could bring any girl to a powerful orgasm with my tongue, but we discussed a few fantasies and I got a kiss on the cheek. She smiled sweetly and welcomed me to the...

3 years ago
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The Plundering Pussy Pirates

My hands are tied above my head with my pantaloons pulled down and gathered around the tops of my leather buckled boots. On deck, my rounded arse is on display for the gawking crew. The whir of the propellers cuts the silence. Waiting is the most intense part. My delicate cheeks flinch, trying to anticipate when the first strike will be felt. The flogger is a devilish instrument with each of the nine tails acting independently, delivering its own unique bite. When it strikes, your mind doesn't...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Your ship has been taken out by a big storm. You manage to survive by tying yourself to a piece of wood and make a makeshift sail out of your clothes. You do all this before you pass out. For days you float not knowing what would happen. You were a man searching for new land and treasure. You obeyed the law and earn yourself money and the life. Your money and your life went sinking by the ship. A pirate finds you and takes you in. They nurse you back to health. You soon find your life in the...

3 years ago
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River PiratesChapter 12

There was a clamor for a pirate pool before we even left the New Orleans dock. Such was the reputation of the Lovely Louise that not one of our passengers feared pirates, they just wanted a pirate attack so that they would have something novel to bet on. With so much demand for betting pools, Logan showed some creativity and set up two pools, one for the date and time of the next attack and one for where the attack would take place. The prizes were increased to $100 each, and the ticket price...

2 years ago
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PLEASURE ISLAND THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 10AA Theme TripsToursPirates Planning and Plotting

PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 10AA Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates Planning and Plotting "Let's claim my first treasure ship." There is no hesitation for Wendy. "Yes, Captain. We will set a course for the primary shipping routes at once. The treasure ships are heavily armed and sometimes escorted by other vessels. It may get dangerous. It will be tomorrow morning before we are in position. Is there anything that you require tonight?" "Send in a bottle of rum for now. My...

3 years ago
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Somali Pirates and Their Prey Chapter Three

Chapter Three “ Diamonds” Lord Vattendaul with his money belt strapped tightly around his waist is in a hurry to meet with these shady diamond traders! He has enlisted one of the crew's help as the yachts small power launch with him aboard heads for the small port of Mogadishu and this clandestine meeting! Once there he is blindfolded and and stuffed into the back of a Land Rover, then whisked away to this unknown appointed place. He is almost insane with lust to be the owner of these...

4 years ago
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ShipwreckedChapter 6 The Pirates

Zack was still cradling Nani in his arms in their cabin when he heard the Captain holler from up on deck. "Hey, were you coming back up here sometime today?" Zack could hear the amusement in the Captain's voice. Zack intended to just give Nani one last big hug, but she quickly reached out, grabbed his hand and pulled him to her. Taking his face in both of her hands she pulled his face to hers and placed her lips on his. The kiss that ensued curled Zack's toes and with great reluctance he...

2 years ago
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Three Pirates and a Mermaid

Today, Henry finally answered a great question that has preoccupied his mind ever since he took to the high seas as a young sailor-turn-pirate: exactly how do you have sex with a mermaid?Once he had captured her in an unbelievable stroke of luck, he excitedly turned his canoe towards the island, not the ship. And away from the camp. This was one booty he didn’t want to share with just anyone.He unwrapped her from his net and watched in awe as she brushed her fiery orange hair from her lovely,...

3 years ago
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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 12 A good trade

Turned out Emma's dad had reiterated his offer to the Captain as a thank you for my deflowering of his daughter. He asked that the Captain give him a handful of the girls to help him and the rest to help the Chief around the village which she was only too happy to do. The following morning, Delta (Lieutenants Chrissie and Charlotte, and Seawomen Kathryn, Amanda, Tabatha, Africa and Holly) were joined by Emma's father and his assistant on the jetty. Their first task was to move the ship...

2 years ago
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Pirates of the 21st Century

A criuse liner, the Claver, is making its way through the Indian ocean. On board are over 200 female members of the high society. Movie stars, singers, models, politicians, reporters and athletes. This was the cruise to honor all successful women of the Western society. These beautiful women party, frolic, and enjoy their time, not knowing how close they are to the deadly peril of the seas Unfortunately, the Captain of the Claver miscalculated his course. The cruise ship has come dangerously...

3 years ago
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African Pirates Journey into Sex Slavery 3

Now all three were in the captain's quarters below deck, being tormented by Khari and the General's two nubile sisters, Lady Neka and Lady Kunto. Amy's poor husband, Scott, had been tied to a chair naked. Lady Neka had put a cock-ring around the base of his shaft and threatened to cut his balls off if he didn't come in 15 minutes. Then she'd proceeded to mount that shaft, humping him hard with her moistening slit as Amy and Jennifer could do nothing except watch in horror. Kunto knelt...

4 years ago
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River PiratesChapter 13

I looked for advance men in each of the other 15 towns on my list. We agreed that St. Louis and Kansas City were big enough to be special cases and we would quickly generate a full house without advance publicity. This proved to be true, but the advance notice was important for all of the other places. The only negative reaction we got was from some of the passengers who resented having their exclusive use of the gambling facilities shared by "peasants." They had a point, to some extent—we...

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Pirates of Caledonia I a Journey Into the UnknownChapter 7 Samanthas dirty secret

The following day started for me with a shower, getting dressed, getting breakfast, getting the Captain fed and dressed. She read a navigation report before Commander Paula came into her cabin and updated her on the work done during the night crew. Suitably content with these two updates, she stepped out of her office and rang the bell to signify inspections were due to begin. A brief moment passed and all the crew were lined up on the deck. 'I shall conduct the inspections with just my...

3 years ago
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Doris Friends And PiratesChapter 2

"Third Girl Missing - Caribbean Mystery - Latest" Angela FitzMaurice glanced at the placard as she dashed towards Mansion House Station, hurrying home after another long day at the office. Those six words were sufficient to make her pause in her headlong rush back to Hampstead. She thrust fifty pence into the hand of the eternally amiable newsvendor, telling him to keep the change, then continued on her hurried way to the platform. As usual, at the highly inconvenient hour she finished...

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