The Bad Prank
- 5 years ago
- 40
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"Tell me a story," the young girl, freshly tucked into bed asked. "Puh-leaze."
"You are much too old for bedtime stories, Lyra," I scolded, patting her on the head.
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
I sighed, knowing she could say "Am not," much longer than I could say, "Are too."
"Okay, but just one." I said.
I began to tell her a story I had never shared with another living soul. I don't know what made me tell it. Maybe it was the fact that I needed to share it while I still could.
My story began forty-five years ago, when I was about the age of my granddaughter. I was walking down the path to the village. I was walking alone, even though Daddy liked for me to take my brother with me. It made absolutely no sense at all, because I was bigger than that shrimp anyway and I can lick him in a fight too.
As I came to a small bend in the path, I saw something so shocking, it was almost hilarious. There was a beautiful young girl maybe a year older than I was, throwing rocks up into the tree, trying to knock loose a white toga hanging from a branch. The shocking thing was that it was her toga. She was totally naked!
I hid behind a tree, so that I could observe her with impunity. She had golden brown hair, piled on top of her head, with a few strands coming down in curls. Her eyes were the finest pale blue color and shown like sapphires. Her body was curvaceous, yet without a hint of fat or touch of age. But, it was her sex caught my eye. It didn't have a single hair to protect it from prying eyes. I had never seen such a thing. Well, only with young girls and this woman certainly wasn't one of those.
By the look of her silk robe, she must have been very rich. I'm not sure what it was, but something about seeing this obviously well-to-do girl, naked, helpless, and digging for rocks to throw, was making me feel a little funny. I was having strange feelings, like an itch between my legs that wouldn't go away.
"Come down here this instant." She ordered her togo, as she petulantly stomped her dainty feet in the grass. "I command you."
Her voice was lyrical, almost as if she were singing.
"Errrrrr," she growled. It was a cute growl. She couldn't even get mad properly. I giggled again, watching her throw another rock at her robe.
Then, I saw her looking my direction, so I pressed up closely against the tree. She must have heard my giggle.
"Is that you Thalia?" she asked. "I've had enough of your pranks already."
I tried not to breathe. My face was only inches away from the tree, I wished there was some way I could see if she was still looking in my direction or how far away she was.
"You think this is really funny, don't you, Thalia?" she said. "Well, I'll show you funny!"
I screamed as her fast hands darted around the tree and grabbed my toga. A quick tug and I was as naked as she.
"You're not Thalia," she said, looking at me with a puzzled expression.
I tried to hide my nakedness behind my hands. "Give that back," I said, grabbing for my toga.
"Come and get it," she said, giggling, and running back the way she came.
I ran after her. It was impossible to try to cover myself and run at the same time. What a sight we must have made, two naked girls running through the woods.
Then she stopped and just before I could catch her, I watched as she balled my toga up and reached back.
"Stop," I cried, but it was too late. My toga flew from her hand, and now hung on the same branch as hers in the tree.
"Ha," she laughed. "Now, I finally have some help."
How stupid could she be? Now we were both in trouble. "I can't believe you just did that, you horrible girl," I said. "I could have gone into town and gotten you a toga, but now we are both stuck out here, naked and helpless."
She smiled her brilliant, if a little naive smile. "We're not stuck. It's taller than you or me, but if I lift you up, you can reach the first branch."
She was right. The togas were about thirty hands from the ground, but the first branch was only around eighteen hands tall. If she lifted me up, I could reach the first branch and climb to the other easily.
"I'm Urania, by the way."
"And I'm mad you stole my toga," I said.
"That's a very long name," she laughed. It proved infectious and I was forced to give up my stern look and join her.
"I'm Helena."
"Pleased to meet you Lady Helena," she said, and kissed my hand. I blushed. She was obviously the lady and I was just a poor farm girl. "Here, let me help you in the tree."
She moved over to the tree, and made a swing out of her hands for me to step into. I put my foot in her hands, reached up for the tree branch, and grabbed it. I barely had it with my fingertips, and there was no way I could pull myself up.
Urania moved behind me, hands on my bum and attempted to push me up. This caused my bottom cheeks to spread, showing her things only my mother had seen.
"Oh!" she exclaimed, stepping back and causing me to fall to the hard ground on my bottom.
"Ouch!" I cried, rolling to the side to sooth my hurt seat.
She was behind me instantly, rubbing my arse in a too familiar way.
"What did you do that for?" I accused her.
"You're hurt."
"Of course I am," I said. "You would be too, if you dropped from a tree."
"No," she said. "Your stab wound."
I must have turned four shades of red. She held the cheeks of my bum open and was staring at my arse hole.
"That's my arsehole, silly." Was it possible she could be that naive.
She pressed a finger lightly against it. "It doesn't hurt?"
It didn't hurt. As a matter of fact it felt wickedly delightful. I had never had anyone touch me there in such a manner. Who would?
"Of course it doesn't hurt. You know very well everyone has an arsehole." I said, pushing her hand away. "Stop teasing me."
She reached her hand back and searched her bum as if it were the most acceptable thing in the world. "No, I think I would know."
"Don't lie."
To my disbelief, she turned around, put her arse in my face, and spread the cheeks of her bum. In between the mounds of her dimpled bottom cheeks ran only a smooth valley with no puckered crater. I gasped with the realization of what she was.
"What was your name again?"
"And your sister is Thalia."
"Yes," she said. "But right now I'm not claiming her after what she did with my toga."
I felt faint. This creature with her arse cheeks spread in my front of face was a goddess. I touched the smooth valley of flesh; there wasn't even a ridge where her arsehole should be.
She turned back around and went back to inspecting my bum, but thankfully, it was on the ground and out of sight.
"Helena, can I see yours?" she said. "Can I see your arsehole?"
Are you allowed to say no to one of the gods? I felt like I could, but I turned over on my hip anyway. It felt only right after I had been so intimate with her.
She examined it inquisitively -- even poking at it, causing me to whimper. I could feel my sex grow moist. I wondered what this goddess think of me?
"I am jealous of you mortals," she said.
"What on earth for?"
She prodded my bottom hole again, causing me to gasp.
"You have two sex organs and we only have one."
"It isn't a sex organ. It's an-ah- dirty place. When we eat food, that's where it comes out of." I could barely talk due to the inquisitive probing of her soft fingers.
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November – Year 2 Erin sat next to me and for the first time since I had known her, I saw fear in her eyes. “The end of our marriage? What is going on Paul?” “Sweetie, I know a guy. He is one of my kid’s dad’s. He is a really good guy. His company does private investigations and this afternoon he showed me a surveillance video. They were watching a guy whose wife suspected him of cheating. The guy had been followed for a while and always used the same hotel room, so they legally got a...
This is a story about two people trying to escape a sadistic Human Sex Trafficker. There are some scenes of violence and non consensual sex. If you don’t like this type of erotica please don’t read it. If you do like it, read on. Please enjoy and give feedback, as I am still writing later Chapters and as always I like to incorporate some of your suggestions for what will happen to the characters in to the story. * John came around as he felt the kick in his stomach, the pain radiating out...
Hi to all horny ISS readers.This is Brando studying in Mangalore (Manipal to be precise) but actually from Hyderabad. I have been following ISS for two years now and is very much fascinated about the website. Please post your feedback & comments to First of all, let me tell you about myself. I am 22years old, 5ft 11inch, fair and have an athletic body. I am a person with high sexual instinct. I am a shy person and I don’t normally talk with girls. I stopped talking with girls after i had a...
My son is a senior in college this semester, and if everything goes as planned, he'll be the first male to graduate from college in our family in nearly 40 years. Not that the men in my family are bums, far from it in fact. Some military, some blue collar, but now my son is about to graduate! My son is extremely brilliant, but I at times wondered about his sexuality. He never brought girls home for me to meet, hell, he didn't even attend his prom. But, that all changed this summer, one week...
Hey dosto aapke samne me fir se hajir hu apne story ki adhuri kahani ko pura karne. Kisi karan se me ye stori jaldi submit nai kar paya isiliye I am sori.but now I m going to tell you the most amazing part that is 90% of sex and 10% of story. Isse pehli stori me mene 60% of story batai thi aur sex wala part baut kam tha. Aapke comments mile muje. Thnx to all. Meri mail id hai . Apne comments ya aapko koi b baat karni hai mujse aap kar sakte hai. I am 19 years old guy. Medium body ,fair and...
I woke with a moan that Monday morning, a hand reaching out blindly from under my covers to slap at the snooze button on my blaring alarm clock. It subsided back into blessed silence and I sank gratefully back under my off-white comforter, nestling down into my sheets. I needed to get a cat, I decided. Some other warm body that would help take the edge off chilly October mornings. My toes ached when I flexed them, trying to bring a little life back into them- even under the covers, I...
The entire family slept late, completely fucked out by the previous night’s orgy. After lunch, Sue and Ronnie returned to Sue’s father-in-law’s house to check on the man. They were shocked to see his condition. The meal they had left on the counter was cold and uneaten, the house was, if possible, messier than they had left it, but worst of all was the condition of Jim Mallory. He had found the half-empty bottle of Scotch and finished it off and was seated at the dining room table. Another...
My name is Angelique Tornetta and my mother is French and my father is Italian and both are hot-blooded. I have inherited my mother’s small bones and slim body and my father’s full mouth and tan skin and my dark hair and eyes from both of them. What I have not inherited—and I’m glad of it—is any hot bloodedness whatsoever. I think I know what that refers to and I’d like to state that at sixteen I’m pure and fully expect to remain so for all eternity. We live in Manhattan My father is the art...
Taboo"So the horse fucked the shit out of you, and you enjoyed it." "That's correct. It was my first time, and quite an experience." Felton could not believe his ears. He stopped fucking the young girl to listen to the Madame's explanation. "I surprise you? Yes, there were other times after that." Her admission to her decadent lust raised up his lust. He long dicked the girl with his cock. Her young cunt snapped closed, and then he shoved his cock meanly back up her tract. The girl...
As you will know from previous tales of my wife and her desire for cock she had told me she was going to the finance meeting in another town which took place every three months and always with her boss. I was well aware that he would grew her a number of times whilst away. On this trip nothing changed other than that evening I had a caller who was the wife of her boss who I had met many times. She came in and said did I know the two were having a relationship. I told her yes and had at least...
Cheating Wifes"... with nice partners. As I said, it is amazing role-playing in "Torment"... I gotta go, bye!" - you end your chat about new amazing RPG you played last (whole) night, put cellphone aside and return to your work. You don't notice that someone looked at you with interested. Later, when a lot of people left, one of the colleagues approaches you. "Hi, John. I don't really know about that "Torment", but I ..."
FetishI have to admit one of my biggest turn ons are shemales/ladyboys. In all my little ventures to asian massage parlors for some relaxing relief only once did I get a total surprise. About a year ago I visited one of my favorit little places and Mama said I should try her new girl....I might like her. So I agreed to meet with her. Waiting in my little room in walks a very hot sexy little asian girl and we started our massage session. While getting my rub down I started letting my hands wander to...