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(From A Suggestion By Mordmorgan)

With midnight and the scheduled end of her shift was more than an hour behind her, Audrey Piersall was bored out of her mind. As interesting as the streets of Manhattan were, after ten hours everything began to become one big blur. She'd spent so much time driving her cab this last month that it was starting to feel like a second home.

While the extra money she was making by driving so much was nice, she didn't really need it. She'd been spending so much time behind the wheel simply because she needed something to do. Something to get her mind off what she'd just been through. Besides, it wasn't like she had anything, or anyone, to spend it on, other than herself.

She and her lover, Cleo Burton, had broken up just over a month ago. When they'd moved in together after a year of dating, Audrey had been convinced that the relationship would last forever. That bubble had burst when Cleo had sat her down one night and told her she'd taken a new job out in Chicago. Cleo had explained that while she still loved Audrey, she didn't think they were meant to spend their lives together. She hadn't even given Audrey time to think about it, or even the option of going with her. After all, driving a cab in Chicago wouldn't be that different than New York. Two days later, Cleo was on a plane and out of her life.

At first, Audrey had just stayed in her apartment, hiding from the world. After a week of that, a few of her friends had dragged her out to go to the clubs with them. She had tried to have a good time, but her heart just wasn't in it.

Trying to get her out of the malaise she was sinking into, a few of her single girlfriends even dropped a few hints that they be interested in keeping her company in a more intimate manner, but Audrey politely declined. She was unwilling to cross the line between friends and lovers just for some quick satisfaction. The thirty-two year old was also unwilling and unready to start hitting the bars alone or to be fixed up on a blind date. It was still too soon. So she had been driving her taxi instead, lost in her own little world.

"Dispatch to Cab 58, come in," Audrey's radio crackled.

"Cab 58," Audrey responded as she picked up the mike, "what's up?

With the lousy reception on the cab's radio, she could never be sure, but the voice coming out of the box sounded like Naomi Walchuck, one of her girlfriends who had been trying to help her get over Cleo.

"I've got a call for a pick up outside Club Flare to go to East 53rd and 2nd Ave. Can you take it?"

"Sure, nothing better to do. That's a bit away though."

"You're the closest available," the voice said. After a pause, it went on. "After this is done, you might want to consider calling it a day, 58."

Audrey laughed. Now she knew for sure it was Naomi. The others in the group called her 'Mommy' due to her tendency to try and take care of the others.

"Alright, alright," she said. "Mark me down as signed out after this fare is done ... Mommy."

"Good girl," Naomi laughed. She then went on in a less cheery voice, "Am I to assume that you'll be back at it again tomorrow?"

"No, I'll probably take the weekend off. It's supposed to get pretty miserable the next couple of days. But don't count on me going out. I'll just get caught up on my cleaning and reading."

"Alright, I still hope to see you," said Naomi.

With that, Audrey signed off. She proceeded to make her way to her pick up, figuring out what she would do at home. There was no way she was going out, so she'd have to screen her calls. That, of course, was what answering machines were for.

Club Flare was over on the West Side, down by the entrance to the Holland Tunnel. It took longer than Audrey would've liked to get through all the New Jersey bound traffic, and to make matters worse, a heavy rain started to fall as she pulled up in front.

The redhead rolled down her window and looked around for her fare, hoping that they hadn't got tired of waiting and made other arrangements. Then, from inside the club's doorway came a blue-coated figure scurrying towards the cab as she tried to avoid getting too wet. Or at least she was trying to since it was hard to scurry in high heels.

The rear door opened and then as quickly closed as the figure dropped into the back seat. A stream of curses spilled from her lips, giving Audrey pause. Some she understood, but others, the more malicious ones judging from their tone, were in a language she didn't understand. If she had to guess, the cab driver suspected that they were directed at something other than the rain.

She gave her passenger a moment to compose herself and settle in, then she turned around and verified the address she had been given over the radio.

"East 53rd and 2nd Ave, right?" she asked, getting her first good look at her passenger.

"That's right, the Carlstead Towers," the woman in the back seat said in a strong yet lyrical voice, wiping a few locks of wet hair from her face as she spoke.

Without realizing it, Audrey found herself staring at the well-dressed woman. Long lustrous black hair, made more so by the rain, framed an almost elfin face of classic Asian beauty. Audrey also couldn't help but notice the amount of leg being shown, even though the woman's skirt was pulled down.

As Audrey waited for a chance to get back into traffic, another thought entered her head. The woman looked very familiar.

After having driven a taxi for a while, Audrey had gotten pretty good at telling which fares were talkers and which simply wanted to get where they were going without any chit chat. The passenger in the back seemed to be a talker. Audrey decided to see if she was right. It was long drive and she was still bored. Besides, she had found that talkers were often appreciative for someone to chat with and were usually better tippers.

"If you don't mind me asking why are you even partying over on this side of town? There are some much nicer clubs closer to where you live."

"That's true, but this was supposed to be a blind date. A friend fixed me up with her cousin, who's from out of town. The Flare is her favorite club, so she suggested we go there."

"Well, I guess that explains it, except for one thing..."

"Where's my blind date?" the woman laughed. "That's okay, you don't have to be tactful, and it's an obvious question."

Glancing at her rearview mirror, Audrey was relieved to see that her passenger was smiling. For a moment, she was worried that she might've asked too personal a question.

"The not so pleasant answer is that I was dumped," she said, her tone reflecting that she was trying to make the best of the situation. "Everything was going great, Max and I had really hit it off. Then this blonde bimbo 'accidentally' bumped into Max, knocking a drink to the floor. She apologized and offering to buy a replacement, all the while doing deep breathing exercises that anyone would have to be blind not to take notice of. The next thing I know, Max and the bimbo are out on the dance floor together and I'm on my cell phone calling for a cab home."

"Men can be such assholes," Audrey said from the front seat, "put a nice set of boobs in front of them and they lose what little sense they have."

The woman laughed again, the sound a musical tinkle. "I know this may sound corny, but who said it was a he? Max was short for Maxine. I guess it's just as well. She was apparently a breast woman, and I'm not exactly overflowing my dress."

Audrey silently noted that while that may be true up top, it wasn't true of down below. She again glanced at the woman's legs while she waited for a red light to change. The woman had crossed her legs, resulting in the dress riding up even further.

After the light turned green, Audrey gave some thought to what the woman had just told her. The fact that she'd been at the Flare was unsurprising. While not really a lesbian bar, per se, it often had several female couples and single women looking for the same. Every once in a while the place would hold 'Ladies Night' parties, as well. She and Cleo had been to the place for one of the 'Ladies Night' parties and had gone back a couple of times just to dance.

"Did I shock you?" the woman in back asked, taking Audrey's sudden silence as disapproval.

"No, not at all," Audrey said, her eyes trying to watch for a reaction in the mirror. "I was just thinking that anyone who'd leave a beautiful woman like you for some bimbo should have her head examined. I know I'd never do it. But that's the sort that you find at a club like that."

"Really," the Asian woman said, digesting the new piece of information. "Am I correct in assuming that you've been to Club Flare yourself?"

"Yeah, me and my ex went there a few times," Audrey replied. "Mostly just to dance."

"And your ex is?"

"She flew away to Chicago to work for a cable network out there," Audrey added. "Evidently, her career meant more to her than I did."

The mention of the cable network Cleo had gone to work for suddenly caused Audrey to remember where it was she'd seen the woman in back before. Her name was Keiko Yamaguchi and she was the six o'clock anchor on Cable One News.

The reflection in the mirror worked both ways and Keiko was experienced enough at reading people's faces to know that Audrey had recognized her. Her own expression told the driver knew that she knew that she knew.

They continued to make small talk on the run up the FDR drive but Audrey knew she already had no chance. There was no way an on-air personality like Keiko was going to be interested in a mere cab driver. Absolutely no way.

"Here we are, the Carlstead Towers," Audrey announced as she pulled under the overhang so that her fare wouldn't get wet again.

Out of the corner of her eye, Audrey could see Keiko looking over her shoulder to see the fare on the meter. From her vantage point, she could also see down the Asian woman's dress through an opening in her coat. At least well enough to decide that the anchorwoman underrated herself in that department.

"Here you go," Keiko said as she handed Audrey the fare plus a tip that was more than generous. "It was a nice ride, I enjoyed talking to you."

"Thank you," Audrey said as she took the money and dropped it into her lockbox, "I did too." she added as she signed her route sheet to show what time she finished for the night.

It took a few moments for her to realize that her passenger hadn't yet exited her cab. She turned around to ask if there was a problem.

"You said this was your last fare for the night, didn't you?" Keiko asked.

Audrey nodded that it was.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to come up and have a cup of coffee or something," Keiko smiled. "I'm not going to fall asleep anytime soon and I'd rather have a little company than just zone out in front of the television."

Taken back by the unexpected offer, Audrey took a long moment to answer. When she did, it was a resounding yes.

Leaving Keiko standing safely under the overhang, Audrey parked her cab in an empty spot in front of the building. There was room in the small area reserved for guests, but she decided it was more prudent to leave her cab out on the street.

As she followed the thirty-year-old newswoman into the lobby of the exclusive high rise, Audrey was glad to see the look of surprise on the face of the night doorman. It said Keiko wasn't in the habit of bringing home women late at night. Then again, it could've been just Audrey's dress that surprised him, she reminded herself. Sneakers, white corduroy pants and a black sleeveless tank top hardly went with the evening dress Keiko was wearing.

They took the elevator up to the twenty-third floor, then walked down a long hall to a corner apartment. The living room they stepped into was rather sparsely furnished, giving Audrey the impression that Keiko didn't spend a lot of time at home.

"Why don't you make yourself comfortable while I get out of these wet things," Keiko said as she put Audrey's umbrella into a small stand by the door. "Could you be a dear and turn on the coffee maker on the kitchen counter while I change?"

Leaving her guest to make the coffee, Keiko disappeared into the bedroom to change. Audrey found the coffee maker easily enough and merely had to hit the on button since it was one of those with a timer and had already been loaded up for the morning. Checking in the cabinet above, she found large mugs and the traditional accouterments, loading them onto a serving tray she found on the counter. A small measure of milk from the refrigerator completed the package.

"You didn't have to do all that," she heard Keiko say from behind her as she walked into the kitchen. "I was the one who invited you up for coffee after all."

"I didn't mind," Audrey smiled as she turned to face her hostess.

"It feels so good to get out of that wet dress," the Japanese woman said as she ran the small towel through her hair one last time before discarding it on a nearby kitchen chair.

A pair of loose green sweat pants and a comfortable T-shirt had replaced the dress in question. It only took Audrey a half-second to note that like herself, Keiko wasn't wearing a bra.

"Why don't you make yourself comfortable on the couch and I'll bring in the coffee," Keiko said, seemingly ignoring the fact that Audrey had been staring at her long enough to be noticed.

"Sure," Audrey replied, suddenly aware what she'd been doing.

Taking a second look around the living room while she waited, Audrey realized that she had been wrong in her initial assumption. It wasn't that the apartment was sparingly furnished, it was that it was full of gaps. As if a number of furnishings and decorations had been recently removed. A situation she should've recognized since her own place had a similar aspect.

"Here we go," Keiko said as she reentered the room carrying the tray Audrey had prepared.

As she set it down on the table, Audrey saw that Keiko had added a small selection of tiny cakes and cookies. Each one more appetizing that the last.

For a few minutes, they drank their coffee in silence, as if each was unsure how to restart their conversation outside the safety of the cab ride. Finally, Audrey decided a compliment on the apartment was a safe enough opening line.

"Thank you, I do love it here," Keiko answered. "It used to belong to my sister-in-law so I was able to get the insider price on it when the building went condo a few years back."

"Oh, you were married?"

"Just for a little while, right after high school," Keiko smiled. "Biggest mistake of my life."

"I've had a few friends go through that as well," Audrey offered in support. "They didn't discover, or at least admit their preference until after they'd given in to conventionality and gotten married."

"Oh, my marriage didn't come apart because I suddenly discovered I was into women," Keiko laughed. "It was nothing like that."

"I'm sorry, I just assumed..."

"Don't worry about it, other people had thought the same thing," the younger woman replied. "It had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with culture."

Audrey listened intently as Keiko explained that it wasn't until after the wedding that she learned that her dreams and the role of traditional Japanese wife that her new family expected her to follow were incompatible. An annulment followed a year later, leaving Isoruku free to find a more compatible bride. With the exception of his sister, Midori, who had been her best friend growing up, the entire family now acted as if she had never existed.

"That's some story," Audrey commented.

"But one that happens more often I'd venture than the one you suggested," Keiko added. "Especially when you're talking about Sansei, which is what I am."

"Sansei?" Audrey asked, unfamiliar with the term.

"Third generation," Keiko explained, "we grow up with parents that only know Japan through their grandparents. There are still a number of traditional families that try and keep the old customs alive."

"So when did you discover you were interested in girls?" Audrey asked, deciding it was now safe enough to broach the question.

"About two years after the divorce," Keiko replied. "I was still living out in Los Angeles then, working for Channel 8 and had been sent to New York on a story. Never having been here before, I decided to stay a few extra days and see the city."

Keiko paused and took a slow sip of coffee.

"I wound up at a YWCA around the corner from my hotel one night, trying to talk my way into an aerobics class," Keiko continued. "The instructor, Karen was her name, later invited me out to dinner."

"Did you know she was gay?"

"Not at first," Keiko admitted. "I wasn't until we got back to her apartment and I saw a photograph of Karen and her lover that it hit me. Evidently, she was away on some long term business trip."

"And what did you think then?"

"I wasn't sure what to think," Keiko smiled. "I'd have been lying if the idea of being with another women had never crossed my mind before, but the thought and opportunity never seemed to cross."

"Until then," Audrey grinned.

"Until then," Keiko smiled back.

"So what happened?"

"Let's just say I truly made the most of the unexpected convergence," Keiko answered, her broadening smile telling the other woman that it had indeed been a life changing moment.

They just smiled at each other for a long moment, until Keiko asked Audrey what about her.

"Well never been married," she began, "in fact, never ever dated a guy. I grew up in a small town an hour's drive north of Boston and sort of knew I was attracted to girls back in grade school. Of course I never had the nerve to do anything about it until my senior year of high school."

"Who was she?" Keiko asked curiously.

"Her name was Barbara Ann Whitmore, and she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever met in my life," Audrey said after a long pause. "I don't know how I ever made it through history when I spent just about every minute of class staring at her."

"So the two of you went to school together."

"Not exactly."

"What does not exactly mean?"

"Barbara Ann wasn't in my history class," Audrey said with a wicked grin, "she was teaching it."

"Omigod!" Keiko gasped, her hand coming up to her mouth in surprise. "You slept with your teacher?"

"Maybe I shouldn't have said that," Audrey said, taking Keiko's reaction as disapproval.

"No, please don't feel that way," Keiko insisted, "I just never met anyone who actually did that. Straight, gay, whatever, that has to be just about every high school student's ultimate fantasy."

That made Audrey feel better.

"How did it happen?"

"Well, to be honest, I never imagined in my life that she was gay," Audrey went on. "She was about thirty-five I think, with curly blonde hair and the most incredible blue eyes. Every male teacher in school wanted to get into her pants, even a few of the married ones."

"I can well imagine," Keiko said, trying to imagine Barbara Ann from Audrey's description.

"It was the night of the senior prom and the last thing I wanted to do was spent the night in heterosexual hell, letting some dork take me to the dance and then spent the rest of the night trying to keep his hands off me. So I borrowed my brother's car and drove into Boston to find some more interesting way to celebrate graduation. I had heard about a club called Scarlett's on one of the local BBS's and decided to see just how good my fake ID was."

"Don't tell me,"

"Yeah, you can see where this is going, but I swear to God, that's exactly what happened. I was like a kid in a candy store, wall-to-wall women, all of them looking for the same thing as me. I must've had four or five offers before I'd even ordered my first drink."

From the look on Audrey's face, Keiko could almost feel the emotions the memories were bringing back.

"Then I saw her, standing at the far end of the bar. At first, I told myself that I was imagining it, that it was just someone that looked like her. But it was here, and suddenly every other woman in the place seemed to fade away until it was only the two of us."

"What did you say to her?"

"It's funny, but I don't remember," Audrey said. "All I do remember is her telling me that she had a strong feeling that I was into girls, and that she had taken note of how much time I'd spent staring at her in class. The next thing I knew, the two of us were on the dance floor, holding each other close. Then we were kissing, then ... well, I'm sure you get the idea."

"What happened after?" Keiko asked.

"I never saw her again," Audrey answered. "Evidently, she had taken another position down in Florida and was leaving the day before graduation."

"But at least you had that one night," Keiko pointed out.

"That we did," Audrey smiled.

"To Barbara Ann and Karen, our first lovers," Keiko said as she raised her mug. "Wherever they are, and whoever they're with, we hope they're happy."

Agreement filled her face as Audrey lifted her own mug.

"So now that we've traded first times, do you mind if I ask a personal question?" Audrey asked after they'd spent a few more moments finishing their coffees.

"I'm not sure how much more personal we could get, but sure, ask away," Keiko asked, her curiosity aroused.

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Time: Mid-afternoon, 3 July 2276 Place: The New United Nations Headquarters building outside of New York city. The Security Council Chamber The security council had just convened its daily session when the short young woman with long red hair suddenly appeared among them. "Arrest that woman. She's a criminal!" the current President of the Security Council demanded loudly. No one moved to obey him, but not from want of trying for neither the security personnel present, nor the diplomats...

3 years ago
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Allso the ConclusionChapter 1

Characters appearing in the first two chapters: Zandra Allso Amber's direct descendant, 5'-0" tall, 105 pounds, 34D-23-35, 15 1/2 years old, long red hair, green eyes, a light dusting of freckles, very cute Randell Zandra's lover, he too was an Allso descendant, 5'-10" tall, 150 pounds, 17 years old, blond hair, blue eyes Marlene Zandra's private secretary, 25 years old, brown hair, blue eyes Miranda Chief of Operations, an older woman in her 40's, brown hair, blue eyes,...

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Allso the ConclusionChapter 2

Back at her office, Zandra stopped long enough to pick up and pocket several of the new personnel force field devices, as she was sure that she would need to make several more trips and might have to quarantine several other sites. She then proceeded on to the Operations Center. Zandra appeared in Miranda's office while she was on the phone, and waited until she was finished. "I've brought you a present," Zandra told the older woman when she hung up the phone. "What kind of present?"...

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Allso the ConclusionChapter 3

It was several hours later that morning when one of Miranda's assistants rushed into her office. "Pull up channel 63, the Army is calling us," she told her. Miranda brought it up on her monitor and was shocked at what she saw. Miranda saw a young woman with tears running down her cheeks on the monitor. She was strapped into a vest containing explosives. Miranda also recognized the young woman. It was Alexandra, one of Zandra's friends and the daughter of their Chicago office...

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Allso the ConclusionChapter 4

The guards at the rooftop helipad took charge of Zandra and her paperwork from those in the helicopter. They marched her into the building, and took the elevator down to the detention section. She had already seized control of their minds, and there was nothing for the Headquarters's expensive and sophisticated detection equipment to find as Zandra had returned all of her equipment to the storage dimension while still on the helicopter. Halfway to the detention center in the basement,...

4 years ago
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Allso the ConclusionChapter 5

Zandra and Randell transported from the hospital to Miranda's office. The older woman was expecting them. "You won't believe what those idiots have done," she said, as soon as they appeared. "What have they done now?" Zandra asked, exasperated. "It's not so much what they have done as what they haven't done," Miranda told her. "They have only evacuated an area for a mile and a-half around those two sites." "NO!" Zandra replied in shock. "I told them twenty miles in radius....

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Allso the ConclusionChapter 6

"A thousand light years!!" Miranda shouted in shock and dismay. "Yes, the 'Old One' said it would be a short trip in the new ships. Not like the trip they had made here from Eros. That was when we found out that the asteroid bases have been building ships in secret for more than ten years. Ships that are designed to travel in fifth gear all of the time. "They have produced enough ships to carry the entire population of Allso and all of their normal personal possessions. There are also...

1 year ago
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Egotastic All Stars! Hey, now, you’re an AllStar! Is that meme dead yet? Well, if it wasn’t before, I’m pretty sure I’ve killed it with this intro. If not, then I’m just dancing on its grave. But yeah, welcome to, your one-stop shop when it comes to all things celebrity-related. It’s a blog site of a sort, and it offers a lot of pretty good takes on some of the hottest things that celebrities are doing right now. From leaked nudes to sex tapes, it seems that

The Fappening
1 year ago
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FREEDOM Class Warfare

FREEDOM: Class Warfare Part One The Beginning of the End By Razor7826 (Copyright 2008) Thoughts?  Encouragement? Email me at [email protected].  I’m always interested in hearing from my readers. This story in no way reflects the views of the author.  It is intended for the eyes of legal adults only.?There is no such thing as a free society unless consenting adults have the right to manage their own lives, even towards actions widely agreed upon to have long-term, negative consequences.  The...

3 years ago
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My blonde Experience part 2 BlondeBrunette Warfare

My blonde Experience part 2 Blonde/Brunette Warfare My blonde Experience part 2 Blonde/Brunette Warfare synopsis;  This cute blue eyed blonde guy who resembles a cute Uma Thurman pissed me off so much by beating me in our first nude wrestling match That I needed a rematch badly and got one. This time it's a fight to the finish with this cute brown eyed brunette that resembles a cute Alanis Morissette. author;  latinlover69  story codes;  m/m,cbt,d/s,real,consensual,heavy  Story; I...

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The Crush The Friendship The Final Farewell

The Crush  The first time I met you, a feeling never experienced before came over me. It did not take long to realize that it was called the crush. You were much older than I. A woman whose knowledge and travels were willingly shared with me. I was fortunate enough to spend every weekday from late August to early June with you. Everyday when it was time for me to leave, I came up with reasons for staying a little longer. You were kind enough to let me. For that brief time you opened my eyes to...

Love Stories
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Ballsy Secretary

Shemale - cum-eating – dominant – submissive – big cock – secretary – bossA few more good strokes and I'd be like a fire hydrant. My breathing was ragged; my fist pumped up and down the long neck of my cock nearly as fast as my heart beat in my chest. I love this part. That moment where your knees go weak and you finally give in. Your eyes clench shut and the pressure from your balls explodes up your shaft until your tip blasts that first strand of cum and sweet relief finally takes you over.I...

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Snowballs in Hell Kinda

Prologue After I died it took me a little time to get used to the fact. Especially since I didn't really believe I was dead. I mean, I still seemed to have a body; I was still corporeal, if that's the right word. I didn't remember any tunnels of light, or angels, or harps. Nothing like that. I just remember sitting in that nice hot bath, watching the water turn kind of pink and getting sleepy. And I had this weird dream that Paul had come home from work and found me there and he had...

2 years ago
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As we travel along the mountain road, you look over and give me a smile. I reach over and take your hand wrapping my fingers around yours. You pull our hands down to your lap and rest them against your leg. I can feel the warm rising from your leg against the back of my hand. You lean over and whisper ‘Don’t I even get a hint on where we are going?’ I smile at you and say,’ Just another minute Angel, we are almost there’. After a few more turns we pull over the side of the road and park next...

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The first few moments she was directing my driving I do have to admit, I was slightly worried. She had plotted out a course that took me down roads I had never heard of, and to an area outside the city I didn't even think existed. When she pointed to the side of the road after the bridge and told me to pull up and park there, I had brief visions of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre running at fast-forward through my mind, and her leaving my dismembered body off in the dark woods at two in the a.m.She...

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My farewell

History: My farewell.Today, I have thought about something that I have wanted to do for a long time. Something that started as an idea, and that today, I still like it and I want to make it happen. What would you think if someone tells you that you want to go far from where you live, to live a new life? Well ... Exactly that has been going through my mind for months, many, but many months. I didn't know how to tell my parents, what they were going to tell me, that they were going to ban me, I...

4 years ago
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9 Lisarsquos Big Farewell

Sunday morning we had a late start, I was up first and made a big pot of coffee which I took upstairs. There was some initial confusion as not everybody had slept in the same bedroom they’d removed their clothes in. so there was much toing and froing until everybody found what they were looking for. Dan & Ally were the first to leave, Lisa offered to drop them off but they are literally only two minutes from me and due to the way the estates roads go it’s usually quicker to walk in any...

2 years ago
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Quickie With Classmate During College Farewell

Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan a 23 year old male from South India, single. Those girls and guys who haven’t read my previous stories are requested to read them and enjoy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy shagging. Married women or girls of any age group can approach me for fun. This is a true incident except names changed. So it was the end of our college. Graduation and all formalities were over and now everyone was literally a free bird. Away from all academic tensions. Ours was, as usual, a...

2 years ago
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A Fuck At College Farewell

Hello it’s me, Sam again this is a recent story. It happened just few days back, we had this farewell function arranged for the 4th year students of our college. I have this friend in college called Sona. She is just the sex goddess I want. She was sexy, hot, she had a nice figure, 33c breast, 26 waist, and 36 hips. She had long black hair, she was 5’6″ tall, beautiful, big dark eyes, fair complexion, and she was, oh my god just awesome. We were in a relation since past 1 year, naughty fun...

4 years ago
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A time of changes Part 7 Farewell

Part 7: Farewell Rachel and Chelsea drove back home as quick as their anxiety allowed them. Neither of them spoke. When they arrived, they slipped into Chelsea's bed and hugged tightly, eyes wet with tears. Morning found them like that. They slipped out of the room without being seen and took turns to take a shower before breakfast. Steve walked into the kitchen while the two stared silently down into their cup of cereals. "What's up?" he asked worried Chelsea had tears in...

2 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 39 Catrsquos Farewell

Saturday afternoon, Raven and Scarlet sat on the couch watching Cat suck on Andrew’s cock like a baby sucking its thumb. Eyes closed, her head was resting in his lap, his cock was in her mouth, and she was sucking on it gently. There was a look of contentment on her face. Andrew’s head was rolled backwards and his eyes were closed. Little tremors ran through his body at times. The sensation she produced was enough to keep him erect, but not enough to bring him to climax. They had been like...

1 year ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 14 Last Farewell

June 20, 2029 “Hello ... hello Brother Matthew. It’s me, Clark.” It was almost seven in the evening when Clark arrived at the monastery. He had come down the mountain the previous morning to spend two days working in the garden and the field. The work wasn’t as difficult as in previous years, but it still took a lot of time and effort. It had rained the day before he left the cabin for the farm. The vegetables were growing nicely, but the weeds were thriving too. The corn was nearly five...

4 years ago
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Chapter 25 Fond Farewells

After Christmas and New Year there’s always a sense of anti-climax and this year was no different. We got back from Matty’s about lunchtime to find Emma & Tasha still asleep – rather surprisingly alone. Lisa woke them with some coffee and told them to be in downstairs in ten minutes if they didn’t want to miss out on the bacon butties she was preparing. They were a bit non-plussed by the guys not being present too – they’d gone to bed with them – then Tasha noticed a previously unread text...

3 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 34 Farewells

I pulled up in the driveway of Jenny’s place, and knocked on the front door. Jenny answered; pulled me inside, wrapped her arms around me, and kissed me deeply, even before I had a chance to put my stuff down. When she finally released me, I asked her where I could hang up my clothes for the evening, and she led me down the hallway to her room. Hannah was waiting there; she was just wearing a long white tee shirt, sitting on the double bed with her legs curled up underneath her. “So, how...

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The ArrangementChapter 8 Fun and Farewells

I woke the next morning in rumpled sheets that still smelled like Riley, a wet spot still noticeable beneath my ass. My groin was pleasantly sore from overuse, and I felt my cock pulse with anticipation as I thought of yesterday's events and fantasized about today's version. I took a quick shower, and my mood darkened a bit as I remembered that we had about 24 hours left on this ship. By the time I woke up tomorrow morning, the Marvel of the Seas would be back in the port of Miami, and...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 16 Will Faring

Will Faring’s response to my ad: 11:00 Tuesday at the park a little down Flinders from 12. Short walk to my place. T-shirt “This is Football” Featuring the round football front and back. Call 412-4495. -ftbl I called, “This is Will.” “Z, here. What kind of business might you be interested in?” “Likely short. An hour of pleasurable fun - then I buy lunch.” “Pleasurable fun for you or me?” “If you can’t mix sexual activity and fun I should find someone else.” “Let’s have fun on Tuesday....

3 years ago
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Phsychological warfare

She also had her hands on her hips looking stern. "I am sick and tired of this, David! Every lesson you come in late! i know it isn't the bus, because i know you drive! so what's the reason? couldn't be bothered getting out of bed? just don't think Psychology is important?" "It's 10 minutes." i told her in disbelief. "It's always 10 minutes! and that's if you even bother showing up! You're 18 for gods sake! it's pathetic!" she hissed. "Get out of here, and don't bother...

2 years ago
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Futa Warfare

(This is my first original story after a few years on this site. Feedback and comments are very welcome. ) (Edit: Comments help me decide what to focus on when writing so if you like a particular chain that can help it get continued. Plus contributions are always welcome.) It's always cold when you wake up. You're not sure if it's because the ship is conserving power or its captain just likes the temperature low but you know its soon to be time for action again. The Code of Conflict was written...

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Sisterhood of Sin 28 Bitch Warfare

Marta chooses a booth where she can sit with her back to the wall. She has transformed back into the ninja look and I smile inwardly at our shared secret. I've never masturbated in a room with another woman, not even with Kyra when we were college roommates, although I heard her doing it many times. "Do you know that you snore softly, Cate?" "Yes, I'm told that only happens after good sex, like last night. Do you know you snore when we fly in private jets?" "Assault choppers, too. I try to...

3 years ago
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Age I Of The United StatesChapter 9 Earths return to warfare

Scott looked at the screens and the map as the iLOX cruisers closed on the Earth and the Broadswords closed with them. There were also a few surprises dotted around that he might be able to use. "The smart-dust has detected another fleet of iLOX cruisers. They are fully cloaked and have appeared behind our ships, Admiral. There are two hundred more now heading our way, behind the USS Atholl and USS Buchan. I have relayed the details to the captains," said the XO. "Your Grace, I have a...

3 years ago
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Darkness and LightChapter 36 Psychological Warfare

Roban rose from the floating bed and cast a last self-satisfied view down at the unconscious figure of the naked goddess. Esthera lay, spread out and limp, on drenched clumps of her gauzy veils. Her breathing was slow and deep, and a little smile graced her slightly swollen lips. Roban swaggered down the stairs to the ground, head held high and feeling extraordinarily smug. His feet, unused to this type of movement, made him stumble and he reached the ground rather undignified. When he stood...

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A Final Farewell

The cold stone pressed against her knees as she knelt silently in the narthex, waiting for Jolen to complete his business and join her. She had much to tell him. Nervousness fluttered in the depths of her stomach, or was that a movement of their child? Her thoughts strayed to how little she knew of childbirth. Would Jolen welcome her news? She knew he had wanted children very much, he would make such a wonderful father…so unlike the parent she had known. But following so closely on the heels of...

4 years ago
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The Islanda Farewell

The next day was a blur of activity. After breakfast the entire community gathered to help with the boat project. We divided into two groups: one, headed by Patricia, concentrated on collecting palm leaves and weaving them into matting to later sew into sails. The other, captained by Horace, chopped trees and bamboo in order to create a framework to lash on top of the raft. This would allow a rigid structure onto which we would attach mast and sails, rigging, rudder, and daggerboards. ...

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Tanks Farewell

[Some of you have never known a man like Tank. I had the privilege. Perhaps this story of fiction mixed with events and feelings quite real will give you a glimpse into what Tank meant to me. I’m putting the story in Romance because from 1968 on it really was love.] * gave me the bad news. The drive to Tank’s funeral wasn’t going to be fun. There was a big storm moving into the area between Salt Lake and the little town in South Dakota where he was being buried. The woman talking...

3 years ago
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The Crush The Friendship The Final Farewell

*The Crush* The first time I met you, a feeling never experienced before came over me. It did not take long to realize that it was called the crush. You were much older than I. A woman whose knowledge and travels were willingly shared with me. I was fortunate enough to spend every weekday from late August to early June with you. Everyday when it was time for me to leave, I came up with reasons for staying a little longer. You were kind enough to let me. For that brief time you opened my eyes to...

3 years ago
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A Fond Farewell

It had been several weeks since my relationship with Maya was forever changed. The sweet little girl that I had thought of as a little sister for most of my life turned out to be one of the most sexually aggressive girls I’d ever met. Our families are very close, and so like always, we had plenty of time alone. Only now that time was spent sharing much more than thoughts and feelings. It was now the last day of my trip, everything was packed and ready to go. I, on the other hand, wasn’t ready...

3 years ago
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A Fond Farewell

Friday was coming to an end, work was dragging on, and I had regular boring plans to kill time until the party on Saturday night. I had decided to go to my Gym and get in a good workout. I went in and was immediately met by Joe. He said, “I have been looking for you and wanted to tell you that Harry had passed away. The funeral is on Saturday and wake is tonight.” I hadn't seen much of Joe and Harry lately, but we always had worked out together. We had not been playing much together recently...

4 years ago
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Finally we meet part 7 farewell

I would say I slept maybe 4 and a half hours or so when my friend woke me up with her mouth on my cock. I figured with all that we had covered sexually since picking her up at the airport Saturday afternoon our sexual adventures were over but she had a difference of opinion and I was in no position to disagree. My eyes opened before I was fully erect and said good morning to her but with her mouth full she just looked up at me and smiled with my cock very deep in her mouth. I pulled her up to...

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