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May 2010

“Good night, Bob, Maggie. Thanks for a lovely evening. The food was wonderful.” I didn’t mean a word of it, especially the bit about the food.

“Yes, lovely evening,” said Susan. I immediately recognised the phoney voice that my wife reserved for her estate agency’s most awkward customers.

We stood on the doorstep and shook hands with our hosts, then walked down the driveway to where Tom and Annie waited for us in their car. Susan and I clambered into the back seat, Tom started the car, and we pulled away.

Tom and I had been best friends for more than five years. We’d worked on several projects together, and our wives had become best friends, too.

“Well,” I said. “That has to be the most boring dinner party I’ve been to this century.”

“Mike! Don’t be so horrible,” said Annie. “Bob and Maggie tried really hard tonight.”

“Oh, come on, Darling,” said Tom. “You can’t tell me you had fun.”

“I might have done. At least nobody told any dirty jokes like they usually do.” She turned around to glare at me.

I held my hands against my chest. “I’m positively offended, Annie. I never tell dirty jokes.”

Susan playfully thumped my arm. “Stop teasing her, Mike. You tell dirty jokes every opportunity you get. It’s one of your many talents.”

“Oh? And what are my other talents?”

Susan giggled. “You know what they are.” She leaned across to kiss me. Annie turned to face the front of the car, blushing.

Tom caught us kissing in his rearview mirror. “Please, you two—get a room.”

“We’ve got one, thanks,” I said. “And if you put you foot down and get us home, we can make good use of it.”

Annie must have been really mortified now—even the backs of her ears had gone red. “Now look,” said Tom. “You’ve embarrassed my poor, innocent wife.”

Everyone, including Annie, laughed. Annie’s embarrassment over anything remotely sexual was a constant source of amusement for the rest of us. I freely admit that seeing Annie’s face turn beetroot-red was one of the main reasons for my dirty jokes at dinner parties.

“Where are we going next Saturday?” Susan asked.

“Jack Hutton’s,” said Tom. “He’s working on a new project with Mike and me. We’re the only ones invited. He said he wants to get to know us.”

“Jack’s a good laugh,” I said. “It should be fun.”

“Well, it can’t be any worse than tonight,” said Susan. “Maggie gave me the recipe she used for tonight’s curry. I’ll be filing it under How Not to Cook.”

“Don’t be horrible, Sue,” said Annie. “She tried her best.”

“Why do we always end up at dinner parties on Saturday nights?” I asked. “They’re the bane of my life.”

“There was an article about it in The Echo last weekend,” said Susan. “They called dinner parties ‘the plague of middle-class suburbia’.”

“Damn straight,” I said. “I don’t understand it. Everybody hates them, but we still go. Why?”

“Human curiosity,” said Annie. “We want to see how other people live.”

“And reassure ourselves that our taste is better than theirs,” said Tom. “Then we throw our own because we want everyone to see the trappings of our success.”

“I get you,” I said. “Take Bob. He used to run around in a shabby old convertible when he was younger. Always had the top down, even in winter, and the stereo playing full blast. He was a right nutter. But this evening he spent nearly an hour extolling the virtues of his new conservatory.”

“Well, conservatories are one of the best ways to add value to a property,” said Susan. “Which is vital in today’s slow market.”

“Shut up, Miss Property Expert,” I said.

“I was only offering the benefit of my vast knowledge.”

“You were showing off.”

“Well, yeah. That too. Did I mention we’re up for the East of England Estate Agent of the Year award?”

“Once or twice,” said Tom.

“Anyway,” Susan continued. “Maggie is as bad as Bob. You never used to see her in any other outfit than her micro-mini and white stilettos. Now she’s the model of a respectable housewife. She kept going on about her new Dyson.” Susan put on a fake, high-pitched voice. “Oh, it’s so wonderful—picks up so much more than my old vacuum. James Dyson is a genius. I swear you’d think she was best friends with the man.”

“I wish I had a Dyson,” said Annie.

“Trouble is,” said Tom, “Once you’re on the dinner party carousel, you can’t get off. Each invitation has to be reciprocated and each party you throw results in still more invitations to still more dinner parties. It’s a vicious circle.”

“An endless merry-go-round of idle chitchat, experimental cooking and New World wines,” I said. “Why can’t we just go to the cinema one Saturday night instead? The latest Chloë Goodman film opens soon—I’d like to see that.”

My lovely wife grinned and slapped my arm again. “Yes. I’ll bet you would, you dirty old pervert.”

One Week Later

“Look at these houses, Mike. Aren’t they lovely? All chocolate-boxy,” Susan said as I drove through the village. “Houses like these are so easy to sell. They fly off the books.”

“They’re very nice, Sweet Pea. But isn’t it expensive around here? I know that Jack and Gabby paid more for their house than we did.”

“Well, you’re paying for the postcode, really. Potter’s Lodge is an impressive address for your headed notepaper.”

“What number is it?”


“Here’s Forty-nine ... Fifty-one ... There it is. That’s Jack’s car on the driveway.” The black Mercedes was parked alongside a new Ford Focus. A blue BMW was parked on the road. “Looks like Tom and Annie are already here.”

I parked behind Tom’s car and then we trotted up the driveway. Susan clutched a bottle of red wine. I carried a six-pack of Carlsberg. Jack greeted us at the door before we’d even had a chance to knock. “Evening, Mike. And this must be the lovely Susan?”

I nodded.

Jack took Susan’s hand in his and kissed it. “It’s a pleasure, at last. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“All good, I hope,” she said with a wry smile and a wink in my direction.

“Of course,” I replied.

Jack gave us the halfpenny tour of the ground floor. Susan took particular note of the magnificent Aga in the kitchen. The tour finished in the lounge, where Tom and Annie were chatting with a dark-haired woman.

“Gabby, this is Mike and Susan Towers.”

Gabby stood and offered her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” I said.

“It’s a lovely house you have here,” said Susan. “I’ve seen a lot in this area, and this is definitely one of the nicest. I love the Aga. I’ve always wanted a big country cooker like that, but you need a big country kitchen to go with it. You don’t get that in loft apartments like ours.”

“Oh, they’re wonderful. Come on, I’ll show you.” Gabby dragged Susan away to show off her cooker. I watched my wife leave. She looked as fabulous as ever in a white blouse and black skirt. Her blonde curls cascaded down her back, bouncing as she walked.

“Beautiful wife you have, Mike,” said Jack. “Three beautiful women in my house at one time. I don’t think it’s ever happened before.”

Annie blushed. I knew she wasn’t used to compliments—it was usually Susan, with her lean body and long legs, who got all the attention when they were together. Jack offered me a drink and topped up Tom and Annie’s glasses. It was like every other dinner party I’d ever been to. The main topic of conversation was the upcoming general election. Not the politics, heaven forbid. That would have been far too interesting. We talked about the media coverage instead, and how the campaign seemed somehow less exciting than previous ones. The conversations were just as banal over dinner. Jack, Tom and I discussed our upcoming project. Our wives tutted their disapproval of ‘shop talk’ and did their best to steer us in another direction.

“This lamb is wonderful, Gabby,” said Susan. “You must let me have the recipe.” She was right—it was fabulous. Although I doubted Susan would be able to do it justice.

“It’s an Oliver Ramsdale recipe. I’ll lend you the book if you like. Actually, there’s not much too it. As he keeps saying on the telly, use fresh ingredients and then keep it simple.”

“All these vegetables are from the garden,” said Jack, “I only picked them this afternoon. You can’t get much fresher than that. And according to the butcher, this lamb was frolicking in a field in Snowdonia just last weekend.”

The dessert was simply heavenly—home-made apple and blackberry pie. The fruit was also from the garden. The six of us polished off three and a half bottles of wine during the meal, and we boys enjoyed a couple of bottles of Carlsberg each too.

“Shall we go through to the lounge, lads?” Jack asked after we’d all finished eating. “I’ve got a bottle of twenty-year-old Scotch that I’ve been looking for an excuse to open. Picked it up last summer on the Isle of Oban.”

“Sounds good to me,” I said.

“Aren’t you driving?” Gabby asked.

“No,” said Tom. “We’ve booked a couple of Scooter-men.”

“Those guys with the fold-able scooters?” Jack asked.

“Yep,” I said. “They stick the scooter in the boot and then drive you home. It’s cheaper than hiring a taxi, and at least you know where the stains on your own back seat have come from.”

“Mike! That’s disgusting,” said Annie in her usual shocked tone.

“What’s disgusting? I was talking about beer and ketchup stains. I can’t help it if you have a dirty mind.” Annie went bright red.

“Stop teasing her, Mike,” said Susan.

“Yeah, stop teasing,” said Gabby. “Or one of these days someone might just get their own back.”

In the lounge, Jack poured Tom and me a glass of fine single malt. The women had vodka cocktails. Gabby and Jack were very easy to get along with and possibly because of the amount we’d all had to drink, the conversation got increasingly racy. Gabby told us about an affair that one of her co-workers was supposed to be having, which prompted Tom to fill Jack in on all the affairs in our office over the past few years. Susan lapped it up. Annie sat quietly, looking as embarrassed as she always did when the conversation turned to sex.

“Mike, I’ve heard you tell the dirtiest jokes in the office,” said Jack.

“He’s got a filthy mouth,” said Annie. She gave me a look that clearly said she didn’t want her evening spoiled by one of my jokes.

“And he uses it for more than just jokes, I can tell you,” said Susan. She and Gabby burst into a fit of schoolgirl giggles—something they’d been doing all night.

Annie wore her best ‘offended mother’ look. “Do you have to be so crude, Susan?”

“Who’s being crude?” Susan said. “I meant he’s a good orator. It must be your dirty mind again.” Annie blushed. Susan and Gabby giggled again.

“Ignore them, Mike,” said Jack. “I want to hear one of these jokes.”

“Yeah,” said Gabby. “The dirtier the better.”

“Tell ‘em the one about the priest,” said Susan.

“I haven’t heard that one,” said Tom. “Is it new?”

I nodded. “A friend emailed it to me a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been saving it for the right occasion.”

I rolled up my sleeves and launched into the joke. It was about a priest with an overly large cock. He couldn’t get laid because girls took one look at his todger and ran away in fear. My joke-telling technique can be awful, especially after a few drinks. Unfortunately, booze makes me think I’m a Comedy Club head-liner. I rambled on with the story, ignoring interruptions and questions from Gabby and Susan. Annie sat with her arms folded across her large bosom and her legs crossed. She bounced her foot impatiently as she waited for the joke to end. Finally, the priest in my story got himself alone with a pretty young woman and insisted they turn all the lights off.

“The priest strips the girl naked, right, and gets ready to fuck her. Then she says I’m a bit surprised, Father, you know. I thought all you’d want to do was talk about ... Jesus Christ! Get it?”

I chuckled at my own joke. Tom, Jack, Gabby and Susan all laughed too. Annie looked confused.

“I don’t get it.”

“Think about it,” I said. I wiggled my little finger and then drew my hands apart like a fisherman boasting about the one that got away.

“Oh,” Annie said. She went bright red, which made the rest of us laugh even harder. “So,” she said, “is it meant to mean that the priest is so big that he hurt her?”

“Yes!” Susan, Gabby, Jack and I shouted together. This was the first time that I could remember Annie showing any interest in my jokes. It was certainly the first time I’d had to explain one to her. I don’t know if it was because there were so few of us—normally dinner party guests numbered in the teens—the unusually relaxed atmosphere, or the amount she had drunk, but there was a different air about Annie.

“But,” she said. “it’s not real, is it? I mean, it’s only a joke, right? You don’t really get them that big, do you? So big that they hurt, I mean?”

Jack and I looked at Tom and laughed again. I wiggled my little finger at him. He looked angry for a second, but then smiled and laughed too.

“Oh, I don’t know,” said Gabby. “Jack was quite painful the first time. But I soon got used to you, didn’t I, babe?”

Jack smiled.

“Now, Mike didn’t hurt me one bit the first time,” Susan said. “Mind you, I was so drunk that I nearly passed out.”

We were all in hysterics, apart from Annie. But she didn’t look embarrassed or horrified like she usually did. She wore a funny little smile. “So, Gabby, how big is Jack?”

“Big enough!”

“No, really. How big is he? I mean, how big would it have to be before it hurt?”

“I don’t know, Annie. I’ve never measured it.”

“Let’s do it now,” said Susan, clapping her hands and bouncing in her seat. I looked her in the eye. She winked and smiled at me. I knew she could be racy, but she’d never gone as far as suggesting something like before. “In fact, let’s measure all three of them. Have you got a tape measure, Gabby?”

“It’s in the kitchen. I’ll go fetch it.” Our hostess dashed out of the room and quickly returned holding a seamstress’ measure in her hand. “Okay, boys. Get your dicks out for the girls. Let’s see what you’re working with.” She unravelled the tape measure with a flick of her wrist.

I sat in the armchair closest to Gabby. Tom was on the sofa wedged between Susan and Annie. Jack stood in front of the fireplace. I looked at Tom and he shrugged. Jack did the same when I looked at him.

“I’m game if you are,” Jack said.

“I’ll bet you are, if Gabby’s telling the truth,” I replied.

“Come on, Mike. You first. Stand up and drop ‘em,” said Gabby.

I pushed myself upright and fumbled with my trousers.

“Oh, come on. We haven’t got all night.” Gabby knelt in front of me and pushed my hands out of the way. She opened my trousers and yanked them down, along with my shorts. Jack and Tom chuckled. Annie looked a bit shocked at this turn of events but fixed her eyes on my half-hard cock as it swung in the warm air. I looked at Susan. She was on the edge of her seat, watching intently. I’d seen that expression many times before, but never in company. Her eyes were slightly glazed and she slowly licked her lips.

“That’s a nice size,” said Gabby. “Not too big and not too small.”

“It certainly suits me,” said Susan. “He knows which spots to hit with it too.” She and Gabby erupted with laughter.

Annie giggled nervously. “Measure it, then,” she said. I think she was getting into the swing of things.

“I can’t,” said Gabby. “It’s still growing.”

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Die Webcam5

Story nicht von W.„Willst du noch eine zweite Runde, Tobi? Wir könnten es mal gleichzeitig probieren. Schon was von Neunundsechzig gehört? Mach aber vorher den Computer aus. Das Gebläse nervt. Wenn geblasen wird, dann anders."Für das Angebot war Tobias natürlich sofort Feuer und Flamme. Er beeilte sich, den PC auszumachen und schaltete ihn einfach mit dem Netzschalter aus. Dabei übersah er das rote Blinken der Cam-LED, die anzeigte, dass sie auf Sendung waren und eine Zuschauerin gehabt...

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Yet another Gor story! Not my universe, no profit, etc etc. Hope you enjoy! A chill wind brings a light shiver forth as he makes his way through the pass... surprised at how quickly the cold seems to have come on, he is grateful to see home in the distance. The glow of the fire reaches out into the gloom, growing more pronounced as he nears the steps, and it is with growing anticipation that he climbs the stairs quickly, unlatching the door and slipping inside, closing it behind him, loathe to...

4 years ago
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My parents were helping me with my first year college tuition and board but made it clear that I was on my own as far as paying for fun. There was no money for a car so I made do as best I could. Without a car, I was very limited as far as part time employment was concerned so I fell back on the familiar job of babysitting. My parents did help me get a credit card with a low limit but I had to make the payments myself. I enjoyed the use of the card a little too much and soon had the limit...

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Service SocietyChapter 23 Campground

Dexter sat in the lawn chair listening to the birds chirping in the tree. He was taking a few minutes to relax after the long drive to the national park, and the effort to set up the camper. There was still a lot to do before it got dark. If Will or Sarah had any experience camping, he would have tasked them to do some of it. At least sunset was several hours away. Will and Sarah were seated next to him bored out of their minds. Neither had any clue concerning what to expect when camping. It...

2 years ago
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Forced to pay the rent

This was going to be the last time that Camille decided to skimp on the rent. John, the landlord was tired of seeing her drive up to the apartment in her dad's BMW while she was behind almost three months on her payment. He had let her slide the first couple of months because she was cute and he thought that being nice to her would pay off in some perverted way at some point in the future but now it had gone too far. John had called some of his friends from high school and told them to meet him...

4 years ago
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In the Shadow

You come home and you see his car. You know what I have planned and you follow the directions I left you. You quietly walk down the stairs from the garage to the basement. You can hear us talking.  I poured you a drink and left it on the bar. You grab it as you quietly sneak in. The lights are off in the next room so you know you won't be seen in there. You watch through the glass door. I know you are here and I stand up. I pull him to his feet so you can see us both. I take the drink from his...

3 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 71

In the second part of the movie, the director tried to make it a little scarier. However, it wasn't enough to get the girls to crawl onto their boyfriend's laps. Not that those boys were really disappointed with it, because they still managed to have some fun with their girlfriends. Well, Jimmy had more fun than Frederik, because Frederik still didn't go further than caressing Sandra's buttocks. Although, he did let his finger explore the valley of Sandra's ass with on of his fingers....

1 year ago
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A Kiss in New York

It was a beautiful sunny day in late August in New York City. I am a tourist and you are showing me your city. We browse the shop windows in the Soho district, eventually wandering down a tree lined street. I never dreamed that New York City was so beautiful. Even the bustle of New Yorkers pressing past does not impede on my pleasure. Nothing could improve upon this moment as I commit the picture of it in my mind. I turn to look over my shoulder at you as we walk along the New York street, we...

4 years ago
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Bitchs Tale

Bitch’s TaleStory from the perspective of a girl who gets dominated by a group of brothers, but then discovers that she likes being abused and fucked and willingly begs for more. Chapter OneMy name is Mandy and I am a bitch. I know this because I've been told that that is what I am many times in the past few days? Let me explain. I am 25 years old and no stranger to sex. I am very familiar with the sight, smell and taste of a man's cock and cum. In fact to be perfectly honest, and that is what...

2 years ago
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Sugar DaddyChapter 5

"Really, Mother, you surely didn't expect to come back and find nothing had changed. You deserted us without so much as a goodbye. We've moved on, Mum. Dad's moved on, and to do that he had to divorce you." "But surely I have some say in it. I was one of the partners in the marriage. You surely can't dissolve it without me having any say." "You had your say the day you walked out that door." I had no need to say anything—Elliott was doing a sterling job of putting his mother in...

2 years ago
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Wrestling a Gay Friend

Just for private reasons I shall not mention the name of the other people involved in this.When in was in high school, which is about 7 or 8 years ago, we had a friend who we all assumed was gay. I had a girlfriend back then, which I am married to right now. He never confirmed to be gay, but all of us really could see he was. The way he talked, the people he hang around with and the way he did things. But because he seemed to be ashamed he never told anybody.About 5 years after high school, all...

2 years ago
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The Chess Piece Ch 10

Thanks for being patient. I had to revise this chapter some then submit for re editing. MaaddMaaxx thanks again for editing and pointing out places that need a little more attention. You are the best! I hope that everyone enjoys! CinderLaw * It had been a busy month for Laysea. After finding out she was pregnant, she had her encounter with Maxie, then she went back to the bakery to tell her friends that she was expecting. They all shared a toast with orange juice and sprite and ate one of the...

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The night I fucked my srs friend

It was just another normal early winters weekend, I was 19 at the time. I think it was around early November. THe dark nights had really drawn in now and it was one of those miserable Friday afternoons. I was driving home from work and thinking about the weekend ahead. Sould I go out tonight I thought, maybe I will go out for a few beers. Anyway I got home about 5pm and cracked open a beer and sat in front of the Tv. My mum was cooking in the kitchen and my Dad was in his office, then I heard...

3 years ago
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Blackheart by captv8td [email protected] 1 – BedeviledShe leaned out over the edge of the ship and drank in the salt air as the breeze tousled her hair.  Her jet black mane flowed and ebbed with the air currents and stray tendrils of her hair whipped at her face.  She took in a deep breath.  It had been a long day.The Bedeviled was at anchor now.  She and her officers had seen to the securing of the ship for the night.  Now the duty watch was doing what duty watches do and the rest...

4 years ago
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Succubus Statistics

************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2004/October 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* I was in real trouble. I had failed the statistics module of my last year and HAD to...

3 years ago
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Marriage of Inconvenience FChapter 2 Decision

“Mrs. Pierce, I don’t see why we’re spending so much time on foreign exchange. Money is money, isn’t it?” “No, Henry,” Carolyn responded, “in foreign trade, money isn’t money. At least, it’s not what money is in domestic trade. Let’s deal with that first. People keep saying that money can’t buy everything. It can, however, buy everything we deal with in economics. Do you want a candy bar, a magazine, or a ride on the EL? Well, when you want anything, money stands for everything else. What...

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I Should Have Called A Cab

I SHOULD HAVE CALLED A CAB By Spanky de Bautumn I huddled in the darkest part of the closet, afraid to breathe for fear of making a sound, trying to figure out how I'd gotten myself into this mess. It started out like any other fall night, nothing special, just another Thursday night. The starter on my old Pontiac was on the fritz, so I caught a ride to the Wayside Inn. It was on the other side of town, but Thursday is Ladies Night, so I felt compelled to...

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My name is Cameron. I just made 18 and it’s my senior year of high school. I’m the type of guy that really doesn’t care what anyone thinks about me. I talk to whoever will listen and wear what I like. I like myself the why I am and no one is going to change that. I have a couple of really close friends that I usually hang out with every weekend and at school, but other than that, I’m sort of a loner. In my opinion, I’m not a bad looking guy. I’m about 6’1 and 170 lbs. I stay in fairly good...

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The Wild Golf Weekend

Upon my return from San Diego, things changed between Bryan and me. That Wednesday at work, Bryan sent me a message that he would be stopping by that evening. I was instructed to be naked when he arrived. That evening when Bryan came into my apartment I was nude as told. Bryan and I made love. We had a wonderful evening. We had great fun and great sex. He held power over me that I could not resist. He had me tell him all the things Joe had done with me in San Diego. The details seemed to excite...

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Everyone has a hot beginning this is minePart

I am sitting here in my studio apartment, and I am alone and depressed and looking for guidance from a very dominant woman who wants a very submissive shemale slut that is 30 years old, horny as hell, and shares the same likes and tastes that I do. Mainly f***ed blowjobs, and lots of different outfits, everything from leather, latex, lingerie, you name it. Let me go back 5 years ago to how it all started for me. We all have our own stories and beginnings, and this one is mine. I am a very...

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Open Letters To My Underwear

I like buying underwear, especially panties, or knickers as we call them over here. I don't know why, but I've always disliked the word 'panties' in my mind it sounds dirty. Knickers sounds so much nicer, more innocent and cutsey. Maybe it's because the word panties isn't widely used in New Zealand? Below are open letters to my underwear, thanking them for their good service. I have lots of pairs of underwear so I won't do them all, but I will group them.Dear G-strings- I admit at first I hated...

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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 11 MindControlled Teachers Passion

Chapter Eleven: Mind-Controlled Teacher's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson I had such a cocky grin as I passed the “sewage worker.” He probably was a government agent, but he couldn't prove that I stopped time. That I was the source of the strange anomaly they were looking for. Nor could they figure out that my sister was the other one. It was clear they'd tracked it to my college, but there were hundreds of students here, and that didn't count the staff. So I...

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Impregnating Sarah Part 1

Meeting Sarah The drive to the doctor’s office was miserable. It was Friday afternoon and it seemed like everyone had decided to leave work early and randomly drive around the city. Sarah had already been cut off three times and she still had several miles to go. Sarah mumbled to herself, “These people are nuts! I’m gonna get killed driving to see my doctor. Talk about irony.” Suddenly, brakes lights began to flash in front of her and she could see that something had happened up...

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Portrait of the Valkyrie as a Young WomanChapter 2 An Unfair Fight

The next morning at work, I got bad news. Gary Ross was having trouble again. Gary was an ex-con, a weightlifter, a former state wrestling champ, and a troublemaker. The mill owner, Mr. Crabtree, had a soft spot for problem cases, or Gary would have been out on his ass years ago after all the trouble he used to cause at the local dives. More than one townie woke up in a hospital bed after crossing Gary. Two years ago, though, Gary started dating Lisa Hatcher, a former beauty queen from Polk...

1 year ago
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My Ex Girlfriend After Her Marriage

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Sonu, 25 and 5’-11”. I was born in a middle class family and serving in a private organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from hidden places when they...

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Adventures in Amax

You live with your parents in a small village in the countryside. Your village is even too small to have a real Guildhouse, just the local Inn that the few Adventurers use to rest during their long journeys. Some like to tell their stories and, be those real or lies, they sparked a burning passion to everything related to Adventuring. You joined the militia of the Village, and even had an Adventurer train you in some very basic fighting techniques. But now to you: Who are you? Who are your...

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Jack and Jamie

Jack was a strapping young man of twenty. He was 6 foot 1, had wavy chestnut hair of a fashionable length, hazel eyes beneath brooding brows, a chiseled face, with a small cleft in is chin. All the girls at the college he attended thought he was delicious. Many were not averse to demonstrating this by giving him great blow jobs and every now and then a decent ride on their magic carpet. For Jack life was grand. During the summer break of his sophomore year Jack returned home to do a bit of...

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grabbing my breast, kissing my neck, feeling the bulge in his pants i felt my panties getting wet. not really the kind of guy i would go for but not having sex for a year i forgot all about that. i wasn't looking for anything to happen but as persistent he was the more i relented. i tried to resist and i was ready to leave but he took his close off and there before me was his cock fully erect long and thick. not having dick for a year this turned me on so much. i don't now if other women feel...

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A Distant Distraction

Jossy didn't notice the glint of light as she sat down for her first coffee of the day. It came from the rich villas perched high on the cliffs the other side of the bay. The glint was the only movement beneath the blistering sun, other than the occasional turning of a bronzed body down on the beach below. Jossy made herself comfortable at the table on the decking outside her hotel room. She needed to make some sort of decision today, a decision she'd put off for far too long. Her room was...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 17

We'd had our showers, Carol and I sharing her en suite bathroom, whilst poor Patti had to shower alone in the guest bathroom. We sat at the kitchen table, all completely naked eating cheese and ham on toast. As I sat there, my eyes lit on the butter dish and I instantly thought of the time I had slipped my finger up Sandi's cute little arse. Patti must have read my mind or she saw me staring at the butter dish lost in thought, because she dipped her finger in the soft butter and held it up....

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The Piano Teachers Pussy

author's Note: This is a reposy but I do have permssion to do so.The Piano Teachers' PussyIntroduction: A story about a young man's introduction to love... I was 14 years old and in grade 9. I never really wanted to take music lessons but it was a forgone conclusion in my family. Both my parents were very musical. My mother was a backup cellist in the cities symphony and my father had taken music lessons his entire c***dhood. My parents had tried to get me enthused about some instrument – any...

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