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May 2010

“Good night, Bob, Maggie. Thanks for a lovely evening. The food was wonderful.” I didn’t mean a word of it, especially the bit about the food.

“Yes, lovely evening,” said Susan. I immediately recognised the phoney voice that my wife reserved for her estate agency’s most awkward customers.

We stood on the doorstep and shook hands with our hosts, then walked down the driveway to where Tom and Annie waited for us in their car. Susan and I clambered into the back seat, Tom started the car, and we pulled away.

Tom and I had been best friends for more than five years. We’d worked on several projects together, and our wives had become best friends, too.

“Well,” I said. “That has to be the most boring dinner party I’ve been to this century.”

“Mike! Don’t be so horrible,” said Annie. “Bob and Maggie tried really hard tonight.”

“Oh, come on, Darling,” said Tom. “You can’t tell me you had fun.”

“I might have done. At least nobody told any dirty jokes like they usually do.” She turned around to glare at me.

I held my hands against my chest. “I’m positively offended, Annie. I never tell dirty jokes.”

Susan playfully thumped my arm. “Stop teasing her, Mike. You tell dirty jokes every opportunity you get. It’s one of your many talents.”

“Oh? And what are my other talents?”

Susan giggled. “You know what they are.” She leaned across to kiss me. Annie turned to face the front of the car, blushing.

Tom caught us kissing in his rearview mirror. “Please, you two—get a room.”

“We’ve got one, thanks,” I said. “And if you put you foot down and get us home, we can make good use of it.”

Annie must have been really mortified now—even the backs of her ears had gone red. “Now look,” said Tom. “You’ve embarrassed my poor, innocent wife.”

Everyone, including Annie, laughed. Annie’s embarrassment over anything remotely sexual was a constant source of amusement for the rest of us. I freely admit that seeing Annie’s face turn beetroot-red was one of the main reasons for my dirty jokes at dinner parties.

“Where are we going next Saturday?” Susan asked.

“Jack Hutton’s,” said Tom. “He’s working on a new project with Mike and me. We’re the only ones invited. He said he wants to get to know us.”

“Jack’s a good laugh,” I said. “It should be fun.”

“Well, it can’t be any worse than tonight,” said Susan. “Maggie gave me the recipe she used for tonight’s curry. I’ll be filing it under How Not to Cook.”

“Don’t be horrible, Sue,” said Annie. “She tried her best.”

“Why do we always end up at dinner parties on Saturday nights?” I asked. “They’re the bane of my life.”

“There was an article about it in The Echo last weekend,” said Susan. “They called dinner parties ‘the plague of middle-class suburbia’.”

“Damn straight,” I said. “I don’t understand it. Everybody hates them, but we still go. Why?”

“Human curiosity,” said Annie. “We want to see how other people live.”

“And reassure ourselves that our taste is better than theirs,” said Tom. “Then we throw our own because we want everyone to see the trappings of our success.”

“I get you,” I said. “Take Bob. He used to run around in a shabby old convertible when he was younger. Always had the top down, even in winter, and the stereo playing full blast. He was a right nutter. But this evening he spent nearly an hour extolling the virtues of his new conservatory.”

“Well, conservatories are one of the best ways to add value to a property,” said Susan. “Which is vital in today’s slow market.”

“Shut up, Miss Property Expert,” I said.

“I was only offering the benefit of my vast knowledge.”

“You were showing off.”

“Well, yeah. That too. Did I mention we’re up for the East of England Estate Agent of the Year award?”

“Once or twice,” said Tom.

“Anyway,” Susan continued. “Maggie is as bad as Bob. You never used to see her in any other outfit than her micro-mini and white stilettos. Now she’s the model of a respectable housewife. She kept going on about her new Dyson.” Susan put on a fake, high-pitched voice. “Oh, it’s so wonderful—picks up so much more than my old vacuum. James Dyson is a genius. I swear you’d think she was best friends with the man.”

“I wish I had a Dyson,” said Annie.

“Trouble is,” said Tom, “Once you’re on the dinner party carousel, you can’t get off. Each invitation has to be reciprocated and each party you throw results in still more invitations to still more dinner parties. It’s a vicious circle.”

“An endless merry-go-round of idle chitchat, experimental cooking and New World wines,” I said. “Why can’t we just go to the cinema one Saturday night instead? The latest Chloë Goodman film opens soon—I’d like to see that.”

My lovely wife grinned and slapped my arm again. “Yes. I’ll bet you would, you dirty old pervert.”

One Week Later

“Look at these houses, Mike. Aren’t they lovely? All chocolate-boxy,” Susan said as I drove through the village. “Houses like these are so easy to sell. They fly off the books.”

“They’re very nice, Sweet Pea. But isn’t it expensive around here? I know that Jack and Gabby paid more for their house than we did.”

“Well, you’re paying for the postcode, really. Potter’s Lodge is an impressive address for your headed notepaper.”

“What number is it?”


“Here’s Forty-nine ... Fifty-one ... There it is. That’s Jack’s car on the driveway.” The black Mercedes was parked alongside a new Ford Focus. A blue BMW was parked on the road. “Looks like Tom and Annie are already here.”

I parked behind Tom’s car and then we trotted up the driveway. Susan clutched a bottle of red wine. I carried a six-pack of Carlsberg. Jack greeted us at the door before we’d even had a chance to knock. “Evening, Mike. And this must be the lovely Susan?”

I nodded.

Jack took Susan’s hand in his and kissed it. “It’s a pleasure, at last. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“All good, I hope,” she said with a wry smile and a wink in my direction.

“Of course,” I replied.

Jack gave us the halfpenny tour of the ground floor. Susan took particular note of the magnificent Aga in the kitchen. The tour finished in the lounge, where Tom and Annie were chatting with a dark-haired woman.

“Gabby, this is Mike and Susan Towers.”

Gabby stood and offered her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” I said.

“It’s a lovely house you have here,” said Susan. “I’ve seen a lot in this area, and this is definitely one of the nicest. I love the Aga. I’ve always wanted a big country cooker like that, but you need a big country kitchen to go with it. You don’t get that in loft apartments like ours.”

“Oh, they’re wonderful. Come on, I’ll show you.” Gabby dragged Susan away to show off her cooker. I watched my wife leave. She looked as fabulous as ever in a white blouse and black skirt. Her blonde curls cascaded down her back, bouncing as she walked.

“Beautiful wife you have, Mike,” said Jack. “Three beautiful women in my house at one time. I don’t think it’s ever happened before.”

Annie blushed. I knew she wasn’t used to compliments—it was usually Susan, with her lean body and long legs, who got all the attention when they were together. Jack offered me a drink and topped up Tom and Annie’s glasses. It was like every other dinner party I’d ever been to. The main topic of conversation was the upcoming general election. Not the politics, heaven forbid. That would have been far too interesting. We talked about the media coverage instead, and how the campaign seemed somehow less exciting than previous ones. The conversations were just as banal over dinner. Jack, Tom and I discussed our upcoming project. Our wives tutted their disapproval of ‘shop talk’ and did their best to steer us in another direction.

“This lamb is wonderful, Gabby,” said Susan. “You must let me have the recipe.” She was right—it was fabulous. Although I doubted Susan would be able to do it justice.

“It’s an Oliver Ramsdale recipe. I’ll lend you the book if you like. Actually, there’s not much too it. As he keeps saying on the telly, use fresh ingredients and then keep it simple.”

“All these vegetables are from the garden,” said Jack, “I only picked them this afternoon. You can’t get much fresher than that. And according to the butcher, this lamb was frolicking in a field in Snowdonia just last weekend.”

The dessert was simply heavenly—home-made apple and blackberry pie. The fruit was also from the garden. The six of us polished off three and a half bottles of wine during the meal, and we boys enjoyed a couple of bottles of Carlsberg each too.

“Shall we go through to the lounge, lads?” Jack asked after we’d all finished eating. “I’ve got a bottle of twenty-year-old Scotch that I’ve been looking for an excuse to open. Picked it up last summer on the Isle of Oban.”

“Sounds good to me,” I said.

“Aren’t you driving?” Gabby asked.

“No,” said Tom. “We’ve booked a couple of Scooter-men.”

“Those guys with the fold-able scooters?” Jack asked.

“Yep,” I said. “They stick the scooter in the boot and then drive you home. It’s cheaper than hiring a taxi, and at least you know where the stains on your own back seat have come from.”

“Mike! That’s disgusting,” said Annie in her usual shocked tone.

“What’s disgusting? I was talking about beer and ketchup stains. I can’t help it if you have a dirty mind.” Annie went bright red.

“Stop teasing her, Mike,” said Susan.

“Yeah, stop teasing,” said Gabby. “Or one of these days someone might just get their own back.”

In the lounge, Jack poured Tom and me a glass of fine single malt. The women had vodka cocktails. Gabby and Jack were very easy to get along with and possibly because of the amount we’d all had to drink, the conversation got increasingly racy. Gabby told us about an affair that one of her co-workers was supposed to be having, which prompted Tom to fill Jack in on all the affairs in our office over the past few years. Susan lapped it up. Annie sat quietly, looking as embarrassed as she always did when the conversation turned to sex.

“Mike, I’ve heard you tell the dirtiest jokes in the office,” said Jack.

“He’s got a filthy mouth,” said Annie. She gave me a look that clearly said she didn’t want her evening spoiled by one of my jokes.

“And he uses it for more than just jokes, I can tell you,” said Susan. She and Gabby burst into a fit of schoolgirl giggles—something they’d been doing all night.

Annie wore her best ‘offended mother’ look. “Do you have to be so crude, Susan?”

“Who’s being crude?” Susan said. “I meant he’s a good orator. It must be your dirty mind again.” Annie blushed. Susan and Gabby giggled again.

“Ignore them, Mike,” said Jack. “I want to hear one of these jokes.”

“Yeah,” said Gabby. “The dirtier the better.”

“Tell ‘em the one about the priest,” said Susan.

“I haven’t heard that one,” said Tom. “Is it new?”

I nodded. “A friend emailed it to me a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been saving it for the right occasion.”

I rolled up my sleeves and launched into the joke. It was about a priest with an overly large cock. He couldn’t get laid because girls took one look at his todger and ran away in fear. My joke-telling technique can be awful, especially after a few drinks. Unfortunately, booze makes me think I’m a Comedy Club head-liner. I rambled on with the story, ignoring interruptions and questions from Gabby and Susan. Annie sat with her arms folded across her large bosom and her legs crossed. She bounced her foot impatiently as she waited for the joke to end. Finally, the priest in my story got himself alone with a pretty young woman and insisted they turn all the lights off.

“The priest strips the girl naked, right, and gets ready to fuck her. Then she says I’m a bit surprised, Father, you know. I thought all you’d want to do was talk about ... Jesus Christ! Get it?”

I chuckled at my own joke. Tom, Jack, Gabby and Susan all laughed too. Annie looked confused.

“I don’t get it.”

“Think about it,” I said. I wiggled my little finger and then drew my hands apart like a fisherman boasting about the one that got away.

“Oh,” Annie said. She went bright red, which made the rest of us laugh even harder. “So,” she said, “is it meant to mean that the priest is so big that he hurt her?”

“Yes!” Susan, Gabby, Jack and I shouted together. This was the first time that I could remember Annie showing any interest in my jokes. It was certainly the first time I’d had to explain one to her. I don’t know if it was because there were so few of us—normally dinner party guests numbered in the teens—the unusually relaxed atmosphere, or the amount she had drunk, but there was a different air about Annie.

“But,” she said. “it’s not real, is it? I mean, it’s only a joke, right? You don’t really get them that big, do you? So big that they hurt, I mean?”

Jack and I looked at Tom and laughed again. I wiggled my little finger at him. He looked angry for a second, but then smiled and laughed too.

“Oh, I don’t know,” said Gabby. “Jack was quite painful the first time. But I soon got used to you, didn’t I, babe?”

Jack smiled.

“Now, Mike didn’t hurt me one bit the first time,” Susan said. “Mind you, I was so drunk that I nearly passed out.”

We were all in hysterics, apart from Annie. But she didn’t look embarrassed or horrified like she usually did. She wore a funny little smile. “So, Gabby, how big is Jack?”

“Big enough!”

“No, really. How big is he? I mean, how big would it have to be before it hurt?”

“I don’t know, Annie. I’ve never measured it.”

“Let’s do it now,” said Susan, clapping her hands and bouncing in her seat. I looked her in the eye. She winked and smiled at me. I knew she could be racy, but she’d never gone as far as suggesting something like before. “In fact, let’s measure all three of them. Have you got a tape measure, Gabby?”

“It’s in the kitchen. I’ll go fetch it.” Our hostess dashed out of the room and quickly returned holding a seamstress’ measure in her hand. “Okay, boys. Get your dicks out for the girls. Let’s see what you’re working with.” She unravelled the tape measure with a flick of her wrist.

I sat in the armchair closest to Gabby. Tom was on the sofa wedged between Susan and Annie. Jack stood in front of the fireplace. I looked at Tom and he shrugged. Jack did the same when I looked at him.

“I’m game if you are,” Jack said.

“I’ll bet you are, if Gabby’s telling the truth,” I replied.

“Come on, Mike. You first. Stand up and drop ‘em,” said Gabby.

I pushed myself upright and fumbled with my trousers.

“Oh, come on. We haven’t got all night.” Gabby knelt in front of me and pushed my hands out of the way. She opened my trousers and yanked them down, along with my shorts. Jack and Tom chuckled. Annie looked a bit shocked at this turn of events but fixed her eyes on my half-hard cock as it swung in the warm air. I looked at Susan. She was on the edge of her seat, watching intently. I’d seen that expression many times before, but never in company. Her eyes were slightly glazed and she slowly licked her lips.

“That’s a nice size,” said Gabby. “Not too big and not too small.”

“It certainly suits me,” said Susan. “He knows which spots to hit with it too.” She and Gabby erupted with laughter.

Annie giggled nervously. “Measure it, then,” she said. I think she was getting into the swing of things.

“I can’t,” said Gabby. “It’s still growing.”

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1. A Quick Shower I woke up in a thin, brown-haired girl's bed, spooning with her. She wasn't awake yet, and she was facing away from me, so I wasn't sure if it was worth it to wake up next to her, having not remembered the night before. But I'm a nice guy, so I like to wake up my one-night stands in the nicest way possible. I moved my hand under the covers, and found her pussy. I rubbed her thighs, pussy lips and clit. She stirred, woke up slowly, and put her own hand on top of...

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No FutureChapter 38 Unto the Next Generation

Tamara 2097 Not all the residents of the Elysian Nursing Home where Tamara worked were over eighty years old. Some were rather younger. In fact, some were barely seventy. It hardly seemed much of a reward for decades of scrimping and saving for retirement to have to live in a single room in a nursing home before you had much opportunity to enjoy your twilight years as a retired citizen. Iris was one such woman. It hadn't been very many months after she'd celebrated her seventieth birthday...

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Chance Encounter The sequel

After the time at the glory hole, both girls knew their lives had changed. They had gone from young wives and mothers to thrill-seeking bitches. Apart from the cocks they had wanked, it had been the first time they had sexually touched each other.Jane had thrilled at the feel of Sue's tongue licking and sucking her clit. Now when they found themselves alone, they never missed the opportunity to make each other cum.This particular Monday morning found them lying naked next to each other, resting...

Group Sex
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Hot Threesome Story Of Indian Gay Boys

Hi guys, I have two friends living near me. We were childhood buddies. I had done 69 and blowjobs with both of these sexy Indian gay boys separately. But they didn’t know that. I am not telling their real names. Let it be Sam and Danny. Sam thinks Danny is straight and Danny thinks Sam is straight. One day, I called Sam and asked if we can go to the river for a swim. He agreed and I asked if I may call Danny too. He said that if I call Danny, then we both cannot have fun together. But I...

Gay Male
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WebYoung Kimmy Granger Kristen Scott Bunking Up Part One

Kimmy Granger has always been at the top of the pecking order when it comes to her popularity at school. She’s so popular that no matter what she does or what she says she’s treated like a goddess, no matter how much of a bitch she can be. Today the hot topic is her mother’s new marriage to Kristen Scott’s dad. While their parents are madly in love, Kimmy just knows that this Kristen chick she knows as the weird gamer girl who eats her lunch on the toilet is going to be...

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SerendipityChapter 10

I could not believe that she managed to get out of bed without disturbing me, but she woke me with coffee ... blessed, life-giving fluid. She'd cleaned her teeth and used mouthwash, kissed me despite my morning breath, and sat beside me with her ... what? Sniff ... Earl Grey? "I think I'd like to go to Bridie's church," she said, "do you mind? Will you come with me?" "I don't suppose it'll kill me," I said, "no, I don't mind and yes, I will." It was interesting ... and quite...

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Schulrods Curse

Once upon a time and far away in the small town of Desiter, there was an old man with an incredible story to tell. Everyone in the village thought him an old fool, but a fool he was not.For he had a plan that he had put into motion years ago."Glamora Tregares was a very unusual girl,” began the old traveler, Schulrod Ghet. "She was different and quite strange," he said, making ugly faces while describing her to the young crowd.The children cringed with fright as the story went on, and so he...

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Janet and Justins Island Affair

The deep, dazzling blue of the Caribbean Sea was like nothing Janet had ever seen before. It stretched out like a soft blanket of azure as far as her eyes could see. Overhead, the bright island sun sailed lazily across the morning sky, occasionally disappearing behind one of a handful of fluffy white clouds that floated carelessly toward the horizon. Each time the sun disappeared behind a cloud, only to reappear a few seconds later, the color of the sea changed. One moment it was a deep...

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The Habib Show

TheHabibShow! What do you typically buy when you hit the local Shop-n-Save, Gas-n-Go, Stop-n-Rob, or 7-11? Personally, I grab a couple of blunt wraps, a few of those sketchy herbal dick pills, and a pack of extra-large rubbers before meeting a crackwhore outback. I’m really curious what Habib of TheHabibShow picks up when he goes, since he worked at a Quicky Mart before giving it up for has been pornographically documenting the sexual exploits of Habib and friends since...

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The Ten of Them Chapter 20

Introduction: Sams first big snow and reunion of lovers. The Ten of Them: Chapter 20 During our last chapter, we hired two men to repair Sams grandmothers home, on a trip to retrieve Sams personal items. We then dropped off Ron and Reese in Texas on our way home. The two will rejoin us as quickly as possible. Kathryn, Marshall and Misty will continue their class and assist them in achieving a retirement income. Its the least we can do for Sams godparents. Steve and his nephew had attempted to...

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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 16 The Aftermath

October 9th, 1995, 1:42 AM MST, Mile 2502, 23 miles east of Hyder, AZ Jill slowly wrenched open her eyes. It hurt. Everything hurt. Everything hurt a lot. She felt hot stickiness and a lot of weight on her and realized that George was laying on top of her. They had been making love on the bed, she about to hit the throws of ecstasy, and then everything stopped. No hints, no vague feelings, no fuzzy ideas. Blank. She remembered nothing of what happened. One moment she was moaning George’s...

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Diana from Nagercoil first sex experience

Hi all the lovers of ISS I am a Diana from nagercoil enjoying my life like all the normal ladies. I will also write some day and here is my real incident. This is the incident which took two years ago. I was 22 years and had completed my bachelor level. I used to live in Nagercoil City , Kanyakumari District , Tamilnadu State to get further education I planned to study in the college of Madurai and my family was positive. So, I went to Madurai for joining the college. I stayed at my relatives...

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The Apparition in White and Red

The Apparition in White and Red by Tegeli Despite the seaside town's distance from proper civilisation, when I got the job offer there, I didn't hesitate. I only wondered how my reunion with my old friend Kim would go. CHAPTER I: Him My childhood was interrupted twice by my parents moving to another town. Kim's family happened to move to the same ones. Uprooted and among strangers, it was easy to just keep up with Kim, and it helped that our socially useless interests often aligned. Kim was...

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RSOBChapter 11

After a good nights sleep and a good breakfast, we put the floor down and the hallway was finished, except for painting it and putting in the lights. Since Bubba was the electrical genius, I got him to hook up the 3-way switch while I hooked the lights up. It didn't take that long and we had lights in the hallway. Now all I had to do was to paint it. We turned our attention to the hospital room where we would keep the asshole. It needed to include the bathroom, so we started our planning...

2 years ago
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Ready to Dance

Ready to Dance? By BoundNightmares Copyright 2009 BoundNightmaresAlso from BoundNightmaresPliableDarknessFor more information about me, please visit my smashwords profile page is a work of adult fiction.  If you are not an adult, this work is not for you.  The characters are not real.  The scenes and situations may or may not be possible.  For your own safety and the safety of others, do not try to duplicate anything you read here. ...

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A New LIfe with Angelique

Angelique got married to Doug, and my wife and I became good friends with them. They had two boys. As I got to know Angelique more, I liked her increasingly, becoming both a close friend, and sexually attracted to her. Angelique is a “girl next door”. Kind of like comparing, on Gilligan’s Island, Mary Ann to Ginger. Ginger was the siren, the sex symbol. Mary Ann was beautiful, but in a wholesome, conservative way. I always found Mary Ann to be the more attractive of the...

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The Avatars

The Avatars By Morpheus Part 1 I stopped my car at the end of the driveway, just a short distance away from the rather large house in front of me. However I didn't bother to get out. Instead I sat there for the next minute, nervously tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, feeling like a novice instead of the experienced newspaper reporter that I was. Hell, I felt almost like this was the biggest story of my life rather than just a routine interview. "Who am I kidding," I...

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Girls Love Country Boys 3

It was about 9 A.M. Monday morning and Jessie was plowing the field to prepare it for planting soybeans when he saw Mandy's car pull into his driveway. He stopped his tractor and looked the direction of his house perplexed. He turned the tractor off and walked to the outside of where his furrows were going to be and got on his 4 wheeler and rode the approximately 95 acres on it to his house. He walked in and saw Mandy at the stove and that stopped him dead in his tracks. Mandy...

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My BF and his BF Hypnotized FoxTrot PT3

Kristy bit her lip as she read the text. The night had just taken on a whole new dimension. She took the ice bucket full of beers back towards her parent's master bedroom and walked in as she took another swig of her lager."Just so you know boys we'll have company very soo..." she was cut off in shock as she walked into the room. The boys were laying opposite each other as they sucked each other's cocks in a beautiful 69. They were hard and moaning and Kristy couldn't believe it. Left to their...

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Tales of Djinnar The Old Man

This is an old joke but with a TG twist Tales of Dijinner: The Old Man By Long Leggs The old man was bitter and disappointed. All of his life he only wanted one thing. To be a woman. Now he had found a magical lamp. And all his dreams were going to come true. On the third rub the genie appeared. WHAT IS THY WISH O MASTER? In a quavering voice the old man said, I wish to be a 21 year old beautiful woman. And before you say it I know that that is two wishes. For my third wish...

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Needing to Cum

The morning sun warmed the bedroom, and I snuggled down under the sheets, still half asl**p. Slowly I became conscious that the other half of the bed was empty. I stretched out, enjoying the half dazed relaxation. Almost instantly, I was aware of the aching need of my body. For days He had denied me an orgasm, until I was at the point of near madness. Of course, simply being denied an orgasm was one thing… being teased and brought to a peak over and over without release, for several days in a...

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Squashtoy part 3 my wife involves her

I hope you enjoyed the quite tame earlier parts, this is where I hope it gets more interesting.It quickly became clear to me that this was not going to be the normal squash and lick session as my wife pulled up her skirt to her waist while sitting full weight on my stomach. Briefly I saw that she had already removed her knickers, as soon she lifted up her skirt and moved up to sit directly on my face. this was not the usual seat high up on my chest allowing me tongue access to her clitoris, it...

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Surviving 2Chapter 22 Spring 878AD

Scott spent a lot of time with his R&D group that winter, allowing them to drag every little piece of information they could from him on the topics that most interested them. He tried to refrain from making suggestions, not wanting to stifle their creativity, instead just submitting to the interrogation with good grace. So far they had been subjecting a number of materials to the tried and tested forms of processing - dissolving in water, evaporation, roasting at high temperatures - but...

3 years ago
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All Need Touch

I didn't pay any more attention to the new people moving into the empty apartment than I usually did. I was the accountant, I didn't much care who the people were, I only cared that they paid their rent. So when the girl came to the office asking for a key, I had no idea who she was. "My mom's supposed to be home," she told me, "But sometimes she forgets. She won't let me have a key." I tried not to look at her strangely, but she looked quite old enough to me. If she was old enough to...

2 years ago
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The Train Station

She was wearing a pin stripe business suit, oval glasses and her hair in a bun. Long high heels that made the line of her leg stand out. Her heels clicked against the floor of the train station as she checked her watch. Our eyes locked for a split second. She was a stunning woman; almost 6 feet tall. Out of my league, as they say. I grabbed my newspaper, sighed to myself as I pretended to chat on my cellphone. I was boarding a 2 hour train ride on business to New York City in about an hour. My...

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My Wifes Strapon Surprise

It was another birthday about to have come and gone with little fanfare from either my wife or myself. It didn't really bother me all that much; I mean, thirteen years of marriage plus two kids tends to put a damper on your personal life events. I figured it would be pretty much the same as the last few, Melissa would give me a heartfelt card that I would appreciate followed by a hug and a kiss. Kids would be wrangled into bed, then I would download a new PC game as my gift and spend the night...

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22 Is on My MindChapter 5

I got served the divorce papers on the following Tuesday. She sued for irreconcilable difference, and we counter sue for infidelity. She got pissed and withheld the kids from me. We ended up going to court so I could get visitation rights for the kids. The divorce didn't go the way Ivy had planned for it to go. I fought her on every turn. We finally ended up in court. We couldn't agree on anything. I had quit my job at Ford, and had financial documents that showed I am cash poor. I had paid...

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Sara and Lizzies Story

[Lizzie] I was thinking we should go on a romantic getaway together for a few days ... as a sort of jump start to our great love affair. I will have a white limo pick you up as soon as you're ready ... and I'll be waiting for you in the back seat ... with a bottle of champagne and strawberries. I'm told they complement each other well. I thought I'd let you know what I'm packing... My perfume, Chanel ... and a little make up, mascara, liner ... two lipsticks ... a hairbrush ... two...

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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 3

Once Trish left, Dave set about seeing what cocktails he could make, sorting through the liquor that Bob had supplied.  He couldn’t believe how much there was.  He noted that amongst the common spirits supplied, there was a bottle of vodka and one of peach schnapps.  He had brought cranberry juice, so he was going to be able to make a ‘Sex on the beach’ cocktail.  He had coconut juice, pineapple Juice, and Orange Juice, and noted there was a bottle of Bacardi, so Piña Colada was another on the...

Wife Lovers
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Coital BlissChapter 2

Robin Coxman, the mother of Janet and Wilbur screamed, "Wilbur, what on Earth do you think you are ... Oh, what's come over me!?! Wilbur, please fuck me? I can't stand it, I must have your cock!" Robin tore, literally, her clothes off, and jumped at Wilbur in the bed. Wilbur neatly sidestepped her and smeared his own nose. That was to slow down his reaction so that his mother would not be frightened by his large cock. She was lying on her back and reaching for her son before his cock...

2 years ago
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Cat Got Your Tongue

Every day was the same for Jack: crawl out of bed, struggle to stay awake in the shower, get dressed, rush to the university, daydream about the cute redhead a few seats in front of you while your professor rambles on about tangent planes and gradient vectors, go home, eat, tool around on line, then sleep. Every day, that is, until today. As Jack struggled to stay awake in Calculus, he noticed his redheaded sweetheart in between nods. He thought he was dreaming, because he noticed she had two...


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