- 3 years ago
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Guards of the Catalina prison watched over inmates as they entered the lunchroom. Sounds, yells and screams hollered by Psycho Maniacs and Sociopath personalities wail across the room. Mr. Jack Gann was an appointed guardsman to relieve Mr. Mark Tripper, who was terribly ill from consuming bacteria infested tuna fish from, a snak-pac vender machine located in the premises of the Olowasee Catalina Prison break room.
Inmates sat down and eye balled Jack. He was a notorious man with no feeling of guilt or remorse for all the prisoners. Jack stood seven feet tall and slightly stoop-shouldered. His face was weatherdried, deep grooves running from ears to mouth. His hair shaved completely off. He wore dark sunglasses and carried with him his personal nightstick. It was carved from an Oak tree that was struck by lightening in his yard at home near Shady Oaks Estates.
Rumors that crawl every space within the prison gray walls told a story that Jack once beat a man to death with his stick. He was neither convicted of the crime nor punished. In fact he was never charged with any crime. The prison officials claim that nobody in Olowasse prison was a bonafied citizen except a guard or the warden. It was their rules of conduct and code. All prisoners were expendable at any cost. They might have not realized where justice was nor would it prevail. Olowasee carried no justice. You were a dead man when you walked in the front gates of hell.
Jack had taken a few steps towards a table where three inmates were enjoying their meal. It consisted of rice and beans and one slice of bread. The beans had maggots crawling in it. For some inmates it was considered a good source of protein. Jack stood at the table and stared at the inmates. He uttered no words. Kevin Taylor was sitting right in front of Jack. Kevin was an honest man. He was tried and convicted of murdering Michael Turner. His wife testified against him. He was pinned out as a bad man. He was set up, but couldn't prove his innocence, with his wife's testimony against him. He lost his case and was sentenced to life in prison without the eligibility of parole. Kevin would spend his remaining life behind bars in the cell block-54 for a crime he didn't even commit.
"You dropped your fork," Jack said. He pointed his nightstick at Kevin.
"I got my fork right here sir," Kevin said. Jack flails the nightstick against the chest of Kevin. Striking hard.
"You don't understand boy, you dropped your fork."
Kevin buckled and coughed from the impact of the stick.
Immediately, Kevin threw his fork on the floor of the prison lunchroom. The room remained quite. Nobody said a word. They knew Jack meant business. The prisoners watched quietly to see what Jack was going to do with Kevin.
"Pick up the fork boy."
Kevin reached down from his chair to pick up the fork and Jack lifted his boot and kicked Kevin in his ribs sending him to the floor. Several other prisoners got up and moved their chairs out of the way.
"Jack," a voice hollered from the entrance of the lunchroom. "You got a phone call on line two."
Jack looked at Kevin lying on the floor, buckled up in a fetal position from the impact of his boot striking him. The other prison guards stood and watched saying not a word.
"Your ass is mine boy, you better watch your back, got that!" Jack said.
He slowly turned and walked away. The room began to get loud again as the prisoners started to finish their meal.
Kevin got up from the floor still coughing from the tremendous blow. He staggered up and then gently sat back down at the table. He sagged in his chair, his whole body deflating in reaction to the blow from Jacks boot and the nightstick.
Frank sighed with relief as Jacks voice faded into the other room.
Monday, 10:00 a.m. Kevin rose up from his bunk. He was awakened by the sounds of chains and keys. He hears the cell lock and the door opens revealing his cellmate.
"Kevin you got a partner." The guard said.
In walked a black man shackled from his hands to his feet. The guards uncuffed him and let him free inside the cell. The door shut loudly and echoed throughout the prison walls.
"I'm Jim." he said.
"How's it going, my name is Kevin." Kevin reached out and shook Jim's' hand.
"I got to spend six months in here. I don't know why they brought me here, but it's a mess down at the other prison." Jim said.
"What happened?" Jim.
"I don't know the whole story. They found an inmate dead in his cell next to mine. I heard Jack was there, but I couldn't speculate if he did it or not. I know this much. That man isn't cool at all."
"Tell me about it, he just about busted my ribs all to hell and back." Kevin said.
"I'll give you some advice Kevin. You best not even look at that man through them dark sunglasses. He has an evil eye. They say that nobody has ever seen his eyes. They say he's albino. I'll tell yea! You just don't look at him and stay away as much as possible. What you in for?" Jim said.
"Damn boy what the hell did you do?"
"I didn't do anything. I was set up and my wife Linda testified against me. I got a bum rap. I hope to get another trial. I have this feeling that Linda was having an affair with this guy that got shot. They say I shot him out of jealousy. My gun was at the murder scene, a.38-caliber Smith & Wesson with my prints on it. Linda is the only one that knew where I kept my gun. She testified that I threatened to kill. It's all screwed up. I'm here and she's out there. I would have never thought she would deceive me like that. It must have been money or something. Anyhow I'm here doing life as a result of it." Kevin said.
"Sounds like she's a bitch. She's out there living it up. And you're in here. Man! That's a bum rap. When is your appeal due up?" Jim said.
"I don't know. They won't tell me anything in here. Don't you remember? Nobody has any rights in Olowasee prison. Were dead when we walked in the door, so I was told." Kevin said
"You got that right? Were in hell hole."
St. Andrews Park was forty miles away from Olowasee. Their Linda sat down in her living room going over the insurance papers she'd received from Michael Turners' policy. Linda was the beneficiary. Linda Taylor gathered all her papers and filed for the insurance money. She'd carefully planned the whole murder. She put the blame on Kevin. When the money from the insurance is received she'd plan on leaving town and starting a new life elsewhere.
She turned on her computer and logged on to chat. She started to chat on yahoo and look for another man to meet as she did when she met Kevin. Her profile revealed Sexy Linda, a twenty-nine year old female in search of a hunk. She checked her e-mail and then her relations profile. She'd got no mail. She then logged off. She grabbed her purse and insurance papers. She went to the nearest post office to mail the policy.
Then she got back in her car and drove to a local tavern. She entered the room. It was quite and there was a few men sitting at the bar. The jukebox was playing a tune and some men were throwing darts. She sat down and ordered herself a mix drink. Rum and coke her favorite. Frank was nearby and noticed the gorgeous brunette sit down alone. He grabbed up his drink and eased over to sit by her.
"Hi, my name is Frank." He said. He reached out and shook her hand.
"I'm Linda, it's a pleasure to meet you."
"That will be two dollars ma'am." The bartender said.
"Allow me to pay for that," Frank said.
"Why thank you, that is very nice of you." Linda said.
Frank adored Linda and inquired to know more about her. Linda was slightly paranoid. She didn't want to start a relationship too soon with another man. She just played her time until the money arrives from the insurance. She talked about camping and the Internet. She loved the Internet. She went on explaining that she met her husband on chat. She was divorced and wanted to start a new life.
Frank told her that he was a local area network assistant for Gray and Associates. Linda was impressed.
"Maybe you would like to go out to dinner sometime." Frank asked.
"Yes, I would love that," Linda said.
Frank told Linda that he had some installation to be completed at work. He gave her his number and told her to call sometime. Linda like that allots and would take him up on the offer for dinner. Frank finished his drink and got up from the barstool staggering.
"Are you going to be all right?" Linda asked.
"Oh yea! I can handle it. I only had a few drinks. I still have to work tonight so I took it light." He winked, turned and walks to the door. Frank waved good-bye.
Lisa Thomas was a single divine woman. An Attorney at-law. She received a phone call from the Olowasee prison. Frank had told her that he was set up and the public defender didn't do a good job. He wanted to hire Lisa as his attorney. Lisa obtained the information from Frank. He was divorced. His ex wife lived in St.Andrews Park. Lisa pondered and suggested that she would have to meet with him at the prison to get more defined information.
Tuesday, 9:00 am, prison guards lead out Kevin to a room where he waited to meet with his attorney.
Lisa walked in the room. Frank stood up and saw a beautiful woman in front of him. Lisa stood five feet tall. Her hair was short and black to her neck, with green-eyes. She reached out and shook Franks' hand and told him to be seated.
"You were arrested on March 22, 2000, is that correct?"
"Yes, but I didn't do it, I swear." Frank said.
"Frank, I have to prove that in court you understand? I have to file the appeal with new evidence that proves your innocence. Right now! We have nothing. Now I need to hear your story from the start. What exactly happened?" Lisa asked. Her pretty eyes-gazed at Kevin.
Frank's expression lightened at her question. A corner of his mouth lifted and his eyes twinkled down at her.
"You know Lisa, I'm going to like you very much." he said.
One hour later, Lisa said she would look into the case for circumstantial evidence not applied at the hearing. Frank concluded that he met his wife on the Internet and never knew that she would be capable of committing murder, but he feels that she did and used his gun. According to Frank. He would do what he could from prison to help solve the case.
"Can you get to an Internet here in the prison?" She asked.
"No, I have been beaten bad by Jack the guard and I don't get privileges."
"Let me worry about that." Lisa said.
"I need you to get as much information about Linda as you can OK?"
"OK! Lisa."
"Lisa, I must say you look very nice." Kevin said.
"Let's' stick to the case shall we. I will see you again in three-days."
Lisa stood up and called for the guard. She took one last glance at Kevin and smiled. Kevin smiled back.
Kevin was returned to his cell and later that day he received information that he would labor in the library. Kevin showed up about 8:00 p.m. He did his chores and then sat down by the computer. He logged on the computer under his cell block number 54 as required by the prison. He slowly moved on to chat and left a message for Sexy Linda. He said that he was a hunk and lived in Florida. He wanted to chat with her, but only could chat at night because he worked in the day. He closed the letter with the name Dan.
Jack walked in the library and shouted to Kevin.
"Your time is up boy." Kevin logged off and gladly got up and walked towards the door.
Jack lifted his nightstick and stopped Kevin from leaving the room.
"I don't know how you got this job passed me boy, but you listen good. I got your number and your mine got that?" Frank shook his head up and down and left slowly.
Jack immediately flail the nightstick behind Kevin' legs. He fell to the floor.
"What's wrong boy, can't you walk?" Jack asked.
Frank got up in extreme pain and limped off. Jack stood back and laughed loudly.
Jim heard the guards bring in Kevin. The door opened and Kevin was badly beaten up. He laid Kevin down on the bunk.
"My god, what did they do to you?" Jim asked.
"It's Jack. He's going to kill me if I don't get out of here."
Kevin passed out exhausted and tired.
Linda had returned from work. She logged on to her computer and read the message from Dan in Florida. She was happy and began to write back. She wanted to chat with Dan around 9:00 p.m. She asked him to log on and she would be waiting for him.
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Cell Phone Slave Part 1Amaya saw the package in her mailbox and fought to rein in her hopes. More than likely it was for her roommate, Helen. She pulled the package out of their tiny dorm mailbox and looked at the address. It was for her! Amaya searched the package for a return address but there wasn’t one. The young college student checked the mailbox for any other mail, especially for her financial aid check that was a month late. There wasn’t any.She didn’t open the package in the lobby...
Mayra nam Gurya hay, aaj may 1st time apni aik private story aap logo say share karnay ja rahi hoo. Mayri kosish to hay k apni bat aap logo tak pohcha sakoo laikin Q k yeh mayri pehli write-up hay is lea is may jo b mistake ho for that I apologize with all of you. Sub say pehlay may apnay baray may aap ko batati chaloo k may aik slim 27 yrs ki pure mashriqi larki hoo aor abi tak virgin hoo. Mayra size 32 hay lakin bilkul tennis ki ball ki tarah tight. Aaj say aik mahinay pehlay tak mujay sex k...
Introduction: Tell me what should I write about first Writers Block&hellip,. So heres my dilemma I like to write and write until I finish the idea I just get fumbled when it comes to details in the story I came up with the plot, middle and ending just getting from the beginning to the end with the story gets to me. Im trying to include better grammar, punctuations and character descriptions but I also like to avoid this option if I can. So you may see stories without descriptions but if youve...
It was one of the hottest days of the year and I was sitting in my air conditioned apartment staring at the computer screen trying to think of something erotic to write. But I was having the worst case of writer’s block of my career. I would start a story and then couldn’t finish because I just wasn’t inspired by the plot, the characters or the worst thing of all for an erotic writer- the sex. It was becoming frustrating but the only saving grace was that I had nothing to do outside and with a...
Hey, I am Aditya (name changed). I am 18 yrs old. I know my age is less but I don’t know how but god gifted me a gem. I got an 8.5-inch tool that is wide enough to satisfy anyone who can resist my dick. I live in Delhi so anyone in Delhi Noida or Ghaziabad can mail me for satisfaction.I guarantee full privacy. You can mail me on So coming to the sex story. I was a person who was full of lust.I masturbated a lot of times a day watching porn.One day a new aunt shifted to my society. I lived in a...
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Amaya saw the package in her mailbox and fought to rein in her hopes. More than likely it was for her roommate, Helen. She pulled the package out of their tiny dorm mailbox and looked at the address. It was for her! Amaya searched the package for a return address but there wasn’t one. The young college student checked the mailbox for any other mail, especially for her financial aid check that was a month late. There wasn’t any. She didn’t open the package in the lobby although she was...
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Amaya awoke seconds before her alarm went off. Her heart was already racing. The weight of everything she needed to do pressed down on her, but she was smiling. Wesley had promised to let her handle his cock today, and she wanted everything to be perfect.First she took an hour-long shower. Amaya literally washed everything twice. Her breasts were still tender from that evil bra yesterday, but the marks had almost faded. She shaved her legs and even trimmed her sex, making a dainty little bush....
Dreams were cruel sometimes. Amaya dreamed of fucking in a movie theater. Sometimes she was screwing Chris, gripping his short blonde hair as he thrust inside her and other times it was a mysterious masked man that she knew was Wesley. Both fucked her hard, both made her do nasty things but neither of them would let her cum.Amaya awoke to the sound of her own moaning. It was Sunday morning, and she was hornier than she was when she went to bed. Across from her, Rick slept with the blankets...
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1. A successful journalist is sitting inside his room, staring at a fireplace. A cacophony of sounds keeps reminding him of the storm outside. ‘Soothing,’ the man mutters to himself while stretching his arms. ‘I really hope this rain is going to provide me with a stream of creative ideas.’ ‘You’ll have more than you bargained for,’ a voice can be heard. ‘Who’s there?’ the journalist sits in a chair, scanning the room. ‘I’m a panacea,’ the voice says. ‘That’s an intriguing accent,’ the...
The dreaded inability to write had a stranglehold on me. I sat in my study and looked at the blank screen on my PC. It had been two months since I last was able to compose a story. Since then my imagination had been bone dry and my spurts of inspiration as arid as my spurts of cum.Luckily for me, my publisher was my significant other. Just as I was pouring myself a glass of Jack Daniels, the entryway opened, and Joy entered. She looked stunning in her little yellow sundress with a blossom...
BDSMIt's 9 in the afternoon and you are sitting at your desk, blankly staring at the monitor in front of you. It's been almost 12 hours since you woke up, and ever since you had breakfast, you've been trying to get something creative going. As a writer, nothing is worse than having writer's block. Despite your publisher assuring that you can, you feel that you really cannot write bestsellers on command. Your first published book, "Satanic Sheets of Satin", was a bestseller and is even now, a year...
"If you stare at that screen any longer, you're gonna get square eyes" Lucas' dreamy voice caught Christina off guard. She abruptly glanced up from her blank laptop screen, greeted with the sight of a freshly showered and shirtless boyfriend. She blinked hard, allowing her eyes to adjust back to the non-pixelated world. She leaned back against the headboard of her bed and scrunched her straightened legs into a basket, carefully balancing her pride and joy on her knees. "I think I have writer's...
Straight SexI took a big breath and an even bigger sip of champagne to calm my nerves. I was about to begin my ritual of transformation, but tonight was special. Tonight was Halloween, and for the first time, if everything went according to plan, someone other than myself and a few anonymous internet strangers would see me as a girl. With shaking hands, I donned a wig cap and put on my favorite long brown wig, combed to lustrous perfection specifically for tonight. Adjusting the floral scented...
March 1985, Chicago, Illinois The rest of Sunday, the last day of March, was calm and relaxing. I had wanted to watch the NASCAR race at Bristol on ESPN, but it had rained all afternoon in Tennessee and the race was postponed a week. It wasn’t usual for NASCAR to race on Easter weekend, but they would this year, though on Saturday instead of Sunday. Bill Elliott had won his second race of the year in Atlanta two weeks previously, and was looking strong. Most of my housemates left for home...
The sound of the tailgate party was as formidable as a wall. Amaya stepped off the bus and was physically affected by how loud it was. Conflicting music played from different cars, each trying to drown out the others. People didn’t talk, they yelled, often punctuating their sentences with screams of team pride. Adding to the confusion was the roar of cars coming into the parking lot. The cars stretched as far as Amaya could see, and she wondered what the big fucking deal was anyway.The parking...
Amaya awoke minutes before her alarm. She was lying on her stomach, and her thong was pulling tightly across her sex. The smell of sex was still in the air, and the feeling of Chris’s cock was still in her pussy. Without thinking about it much, she ground against the bed for a few moments and enjoyed the arousal that permeated her body.Wesley’s promise came back to her as she awakened more, and she moaned. He’d promised to take her completely. He’d promised to bypass the phone and claim her in...
For the second day in a row, Amaya spent her time getting ready for sex. The déjà vu was hard to shake as she showered, fixed her hair and chose her clothes. Again, she kept her meals light. She couldn’t help remembering that when she’d done this yesterday, she had expected wonderful sex. Instead, she had sucked off three guys in a dirty restroom. Amaya wondered if tonight would be just as surprising.At least, Amaya would be the one unleashing the surprise. Chris thought tonight was just...
This is my favorite part....--------------------------------------------Amaya was topless in her room. The packages she bought last night were strewn all over Helen’s old bed. She used Helen’s old desk as a sort of kitchen, plugging in appliances and setting up dishes. Earlier, she had picked up some microwave food from the corner store and she was now having a hot lunch in the privacy of her room.College life was good.Waking up had been even better. A solid night of sleep had made a new woman...
Amaya was terrified. The uncertainty in her gut was worse than when she was doing dares for Wesley. Standing outside her dorm, waiting for Chris to pick her up, was the bravest thing she had ever done. Sure, she had gone on dates in High School but this was different. This was her first college date and somehow, Amaya just knew she was going to fuck it up.It might have been the clothes. She was dressed in an outfit she had bought yesterday and they made her feel sexier than she had a right to....
Driving my little convertible I couldn't help but smile, feeling calmer already with the wind in my hair, knowing I wouldn't have to work for 2 whole days! After the massage I would probably sit around at home, maybe take a bath, maybe take a dip in the pool, or sip some wine while reading a book. Oh, who was I fooling -- I'd probably end up pleasuring myself in my bedroom! Massages always made me so horny! The big, strong hands all over my body, stimulating every inch of me. I loved...
Laura was a strong, determined woman. Under normal circumstances no one could get her to do anything against her will. The other inmates, however, outnumbered her and had overpowered her with infuriating ease. The other women had stripped Laura down to her prison issue bra and panties. Now using strips of her torn clothes, they tied her standing up to the bunk bed. Her arms were outstretched as if she were being crucified, and her legs were spread wide, leaving her alarmingly vulnerable. Pieces...
That winter night I was lying in bed under several blankets, trying to recover myself from a very bad cold I had got the previous day…My sexy wife came inside the bedroom after having a shower.Anita was dressed in a tiny black dress I had not seen before, which showed lot of her perfect round tits and her sexy toned legs. She also wore black high heeled shoes which accentuated her nicely shaped calves. She looked absolutely gorgeous; so my cock began to stir, although my fever and that horrible...
Although I always had my magazines, a collection that was to grow to over 10,000 over the years, seeing girls for real was not as easy. Fortunately seeing a sexy-dressed girl walking down the street was enough to give me ecstasy, but whether I was hanging out my window or standing on the corner in my ‘dirty’ mac, it was sometimes a long wait for girls to walk along. In the US mags in my collection, I often saw ads for 8mm movies – ‘Etalie a go-go’, ‘Etalie raised skirt’ and lots of others, so...
Ruth Carter sat at the old desk in the back room of All Star Video. The last of her employees had gone home a half hour before and the fifty-one year old felt justified in having a cold beer as she worked. It was an indulgence she would've fired anyone on her staff for taking. Part of that attitude was, of course, due to the fact that the average age of employees at All Star was eighteen. From the day she and her now ex-husband had opened the store fifteen years before, there had been two...
After a Christmas feast and some more waiting, the army set off in several columns towards Montgomery. Ab saw no Confederate soldiers attacking them, although he did hear some gunfire off to their left. Once, too, he saw some prisoners being marched along by infantry guards. When they got where they were headed and the battery dug in, they told him that it was Montgomery. He had seen Montgomery, and it didn’t look like Montgomery to him. What if all these smart generals were going to shell...
{date:2020-08-10a} Marjorie Purcell took the two weeks between the last of picking season and the Christmas week straightening out evening-school students who kept coming on the wrong nights – or who came on the wrong night for the first time long after school resumed. She did notice that the good-looking, light-skinned one, Ab, came on the nights he’d been told before the picking break. He attended most nights he should, too. Only some slavery had ended, she noted wryly. There were a great...
When Deborah Warren had told the other teachers that she was expecting a child, they had all been excited and pleased. She had seen a flicker of worry cross Marjorie’s face. Her question was whether Deb could teach through to picking season. “Past Christmas, I would think. The babe should come early in the new year.” “Well, we might as well adjust the schedules before the Christmas break. We don’t want you delivering the child in front of the entire class.” “No, but I don’t want to deliver...
Ab felt fairly happy with the planting season just past as he rode to school Monday evening. He’d plowed his land and Cellus’s land, and Martha still seemed happy. He’d planted a lot of cotton, some corn, and even beans and turnips. He had a new cabin with a fireplace and a floor. He’d bought a ham to hang from the ceiling of his new cabin, and he figured to eat well the next year. He was even happier when he got to class. He knew that there were four teachers in the school, and they taught...
When Gabe Lincoln led his delegation to the Republican National Convention in May of ‘68, he realized that the formula for assigning seats had been to their disadvantage. On a historical basis, Alabama had no Republican presence in ‘64 and a census population of less than 800,000. Well, next time would be different, and he was a state party chairman. Since every potential candidate but Grant had withdrawn, he didn’t expect a long affair. The committee had scrambled to find accommodations...
1852 When Massa Swithin fell sick, Young Massa Billy was away at school, the beginning of his last year. He was called home, and he got there two days before his daddy died. Young Massa had the funeral in the big house. Later, Sally stood in the crowd of slaves in back of the guests while they lowered Massa into the ground. Later yet, she helped serve supper to the guests. She was in the cookhouse washing dishes when Old Tom came for her. “Massa wants you in the big house,” he said. At...
When Diane Rawlings looked back on her teaching day for her nightly prayer in the first school day of 1869, she gave thanks for sorting out of the youngest children. Most of the beginning bench were six-year-olds. Almost no children were starting school as much as a year late. Most of her best bench were eight-year-olds who had been with the school nearly since it began. It was true that she had four benches and only three years. It was true that the middle two benches sat a good many...
{date:2020-09-03p} In the spring of 1869, Grant was inaugurated. While Lincoln’s inaugural had been marked by a war which was already developing, and Hamlin’s marked by the inception of a peace and the “internal colonization” plan that Black Alabama, at least, celebrated, Grant’s inauguration seemed to herald a new era of boredom. Most of the nation looked forward to this. Jeff and Vickie Ralston barely looked up to read the news when it got to Warren’s station. Jeff had finished building...
Marjorie Purcell hadn’t sensed her tension grow as attendance dropped off for planting season. She did, however, feel herself relax as attendance grew again. Unlike picking season which took everyone, different family members had different demands on them at different times of planting season. When the family had a plow, which more than half did by now, the man of the family usually did the actual plowing. Day attendance of the children was little affected; even many women could come to...
Marjorie Purcell expected little from the brief period between the end of picking and the Christmas break. The new year was the time for promotions and any new policies to be acted on. The long break for picking was the time for those policies to be decided. At best, the brief period was a time for reviewing the previous year’s learning and spiking it down in the -- always slippery -- minds of the students. After services on the cold and wet first Sunday after school started, Ab came up to...
Sam Warren led a considerably larger delegation to the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia in June of ‘72 than Gabe Lincoln had led to Chicago four years earlier. The state now had 14 electoral votes, and it had gone solidly Republican in ‘68. The delegation still could not stay in the hotels that most of the delegations used, but travel distance was shorter, perhaps because the city was more compact. Randolph and most of the other whites stayed at the regular, white,...
Celli tore herself away from her art with reluctance. She had ignored the ringing phone several times before it began to drive her mad and she finally gave in to its shrill demands. “What?” she barked at whichever poor soul had decided to interrupt her latest Manga comic. “Hey Celli, it’s Peter. Have I called at a bad time?” “No not at all Peter, sorry. What can I do for you?” “Actually, it’s what I can do for you! I’m having a little get together at mine tonight - some beers, a few games, just...
Group SexI was busy packing for my little trip up to my parents’ holiday cabin, which was a few hours’ drive away from our house. My step-brother, Tyler, would also be coming with me. Our parents wanted us out of the house while they dealt with some legal issues surrounding a client my mother was currently fighting a case for; as they thought it would be easier for everyone. So, as a result, Tyler and I were going to spend a week or so in the woods, alone and yet completely free to do whatever we...
TabooCello She leaned, forlorn against a weathered wall, no hall to fill with song. Slender neck, adorned in scrolls of curl, poised itself in wait of charm extended– for strings had not yet dimpled at fingers deft, nor had she known the spring of ample stroking. He came to her, with understanding hand and eyes that fell at frame of curving grace and dared...