PurcellChapter 18: Purcell free porn video

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Sam Warren led a considerably larger delegation to the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia in June of ‘72 than Gabe Lincoln had led to Chicago four years earlier.

The state now had 14 electoral votes, and it had gone solidly Republican in ‘68.

The delegation still could not stay in the hotels that most of the delegations used, but travel distance was shorter, perhaps because the city was more compact. Randolph and most of the other whites stayed at the regular, white, hotels.

Grant’s election had been as close to a consensus as the country had reached since the era of good feeling, but his re-election would not be. That made Alabama more important

The nomination was not in doubt, but the platform was challenged. A speaker dealt at length with the necessity of “healing the rupture between the sections.”

Sam rose to respond.

“The chair recognizes General Sam Warren.”

“Mr. Chairman, the previous speaker said that the Party should be generous to the south. As the chairman of the delegation from a southern state, you might think I would be gratified. I somehow suspect, though, that I wasn’t included in the south that he was interested in placating.

“You have to understand that not all the southerners were involved in making war against the United States and giving aid and comfort to its enemies. The former slaves were not willingly involved, and most of them were not involved at all. There were white unionists in the south, too, and I have met some. Let me tell you, you might be willing to forgive the disloyalty of the disloyal. They are totally unwilling to forgive the loyalty that the minority showed.

“They call the white loyalists scalawags, and they don’t intend to forgive them ever. They don’t much forgive voting Republican, either.

“They call me a carpetbagger. They call the troops which risked their lives to bring the prisoners out of Andersonville niggers. They say that those troops shouldn’t vote, but the guards should

“Remember, these men surrendered once. What they tell you they will do is covered by what they told you they would do before.

“Mr. Chairman, I say that I don’t want peace with traitors, and I especially don’t want it so much that I’m ready to betray men who fought by my side to get it.”

He got some applause, but it didn’t sound as loud as the applause for the previous speaker.

The race for vice president was hotter than the race -- at the convention -- for president. Sam didn’t understand the issues, and he freed the delegates to make their own choices.

“Don’t follow me,” he said. “I’m voting blind.” He finally ended up voting for Wilson, as did most of the delegation. They might have been following his lead; they might have preferred a Massachusetts accent which reminded them of some teacher.

Deborah had two pieces of news waiting for her husband when he got back. she decided to save the gossip and go with the personal news.

When Sam had checked at the store, read to Tertius, and eaten his supper, she waited for him in bed.

“It has been a while,” she said. “We may be having another baby.”

Sam kissed her, kissing her belly in a pause between kissing her lips. The news did not distract him from wanting her, but she had not really expected it to.

“Remember that Ab who helped you on the map?” she asked at breakfast when he had drained his coffee and set the cup down.

“Remember him well. Ab is a good man.”

“Marjorie seems to agree with you. She is going to marry him.”

“She is what?” Sam nearly exploded, but she had been careful to tell him when his mouth was empty.

“It hasn’t been publicly announced yet, but the teachers know.”

“Well, when it’s public knowledge, let me know.” Sam suspected that he might panic Ab if he congratulated him before that point. Somebody had probably told Deb in confidence who had been told on condition of not telling anybody. -- either Miss Nelson or Miss Rawlings. ‘ ‘

Sam had spent his first three years in the army reading the papers to find out where the generals were sending him and the last year of the war getting confidential briefings in staff meetings to tell him things that the reporters were already asking him about. When someone told him, “You can’t tell,” he didn’t. He didn’t expect the secret to stay secret, though.

“I need to organize the militia better this summer,” he told her. “After picking is the time for action, but we can talk between planting and picking.”

“Very well, when are you leaving?”

“I have to spend a night in Montgomery starting tomorrow.” Only one passenger train a day each way stopped at the station, and then only when you flagged it or told the conductor when you got on. If he had business in Montgomery, he stayed overnight, or he took the shay.

“I’ll repack your bag,” Deborah said.

“Thanks. I’ll bring some more paper to put in them.

Sam greeted young Jeff when he came. Then he took the dining room to lay out his plans. A township contained 35 sections subject to grants and another section which could be leased out to support the common school. These days, hired labor was scarce and land ownership was widespread; damned few people were interested in leasing land. Anyway, 35 sections meant 140 quarter sections. That could be 280 veterans’ grants or 560 freedmen’s grants.

In practice, a significant portion of that land was owned by whites and another portion was under water or otherwise unavailable to grant. And there never was a township with all veterans or no veterans.

Something like 60,000 veterans had received grants in Alabama, and fewer than 240,000 freedmen had last time Sam heard. That would be 360,000 quarter quarter sections, or 90,000 quarter sections or 22,500 square miles. That did not include sections for lease.

Central Alabama, which included most of the granted land, but not all, was maybe 60% of Alabama’s 52,000 square miles. Call it 30,000. That would have 5/6 of a thousand, call it a thousand, square miles of land for lease. Of 30,000 square miles, 100 still owned by the townships and 22,500 granted to Negroes, that would leave 6,500 or more than a third of what had been granted, in the hands of whites, on average.

In starting the militia, he didn’t need to deal with townships with major white ownership. He was limited to his own efforts for the most part, and he couldn’t get to most townships; he couldn’t even get to most counties. So, he wouldn’t bother with a township unless it was 3/4 granted. What was that? 420 quarter quarter sections granted.

His other idea was based on his observation that not enough of the men he wanted to recruit knew each other. Those who had been freed from the same plantation and granted land close together had maintained their friendships. so, to a lesser extent had those from neighboring plantations. He wanted the veterans who would be the officers to do the organizing, though, and they didn’t usually know their neighbors.

If the experience of Deb’s old school carried over to the new schools that the state Board of education had established, however, the people around those schools knew each other.

He’d go to Montgomery and ask Pearson for the list of those townships. Then, he’d get the grant records for the townships in the right counties. If the Board of Education was establishing a hundred new schools a year, then they were establishing two a year in the average county.

While in Montgomery, he’d visit the Freedman’s Bureau to see what the grant situation was in those townships.

He was still deep in his plans when there was a knock on the kitchen door. Deb as in the parlor with Tertius and Jeff. He got the door.

‘Boot Franklin,” he acknowledged. “What can I do for you? You’re about up to me in reckoning.”

“General, do you know about any job that can use my reckoning. I’m about played out at home, and all the girls are took.”

“I don’t know of any. My own store has all the help we need, all we can afford. I may be able to ask around, though.” He kept hearing that there was a shortage of competent staff that wanted the new state agencies to succeed.

“Thank you, General.” Franklin went out the kitchen door. Sam was tempted to tell him to knock on the front door the next time, but that would have disturbed Deb and, maybe, woken Tertius. They didn’t really have a parlor until Jeff, Senior, finished up.

In Montgomery the next day, Sam called on Pearson. Pearson told him what to ask for and which clerk to ask.

“By the way,” Sam said, “do you have any use for a clerk who is real good with numbers? His reading and writing skills are about what you would expect from several years of night school, but he can reckon as well as most graduates of the common school I attended in Illinois. His mental reckoning is better than most of them.”

“What is his hand like?”

“I’ve only seen his written numbers, but those were quite legible.”

“Write him a letter of recommendation and send him to me with it,” Ralph Pearson said. He was quite willing to give patronage to a senator on the Education committee, especially a cooperative one. Ralph would be damned, however, before he gave a place to an incompetent. He thought, too, that Warren had asked his favors in the wrong order. The records of what schools had been established were public records, available to anyone. Warren should have asked for his patronage first.

After visiting the proper clerk, Sam put the lists of schools established in each of three years in his pocket. Mostly, they would be for later.

At the Bureau, David Clarke told him that not all the records were there. The Bureau had branch offices, some of which kept their own records., Luckily, the records he wanted, for Calhoun and St. Claire counties and for his own county of Lowndes, were kept in Montgomery. Calhoun had had six and the other two had had five schools each established in the first two years. Sam realized that the Board was concentrating, as he was, on the areas with greatest Negro population.

He recorded the former sergeants who got grants in the townships with schools. Sergeants were less important in these townships. Presumably, the rest of the veterans were literate by now.

It took him well into the next morning to copy all that data down. Then, he went home.

Marjorie had been hesitating to write this letter, but delay wasn’t making it an easier.

Dear Mother,

Please let the rest of the family read this or read it to them.

I am engaged to be married.
His name is Absalom, or Ab for short. He is one of my students, by far the most intelligent.
He is very light-skinned for a Negro and looks very attractive.
We plan for the wedding to be in July. Most weddings around here are Sunday after church, and-- ours will be, too.

Love to you all,

Ab was sitting in his cabin after a day of hoeing. Some days he so much missed wrestling with Moby Dick that he lit his lamp and reread some chapter. This wasn’t one of those days, and he was sitting in the dark. There came a knock on his door.

“Who is it?” he called. Tina, Cellus, and their children usually called out instead of knocking.

“Sam Warren.”

“Just a second, General.” He went to the door. The quarter moon gave enough light to show the general. “Wasn’t expecting visitors.” He was wearing pants but neither shoes nor shirt.

“I understand that you are marrying Teacher Purcell.” That was Ab’s understanding, too, but she wanted him to call her ‘Marjorie.’

“Yes, sir.”

“Congratulations,” Sam said. “You going to live here?”

“Yes sir.”

“Well,” the general said, “Massachusetts ladies expect some niceties. Can you take the day off tomorrow without the weeds choking off the cotton?”

“Yes sir.”

“Why don’t I come back in the morning? I can look at the place and suggest what else to buy.”

“Thank You?” Ab said.

Now that he was aware of his visitor, he could hear the harness jingle as the general rode away.

As he had promised, the general came back in the morning. He arrived at nearly 8:00 by the clock.

“May I come in and look around?” he asked. “Okay. You need a bed, a bed with a feather mattress. A Yankee woman doesn’t cook on a Franklin stove. I’ll show you when we get to town. You wash in the branch?”

“Yes sir.” If he didn’t, the general should be able to smell it.

“Well, even if it feels better in this weather, Yankee ladies don’t bathe outdoors. You need a bathtub. I carry those, but not most of what you’ll need.”

The general left Stepper in Ab’s stable, still saddled. They took the mule cart to his store and got the things he said Ab needed there. Ab signed for the full amount. Before they rode away, the general went into his house for a package.

“I should ask you before we go,” the general said. “Do you have money in the Freedman’s Savings Bank?”

Ab told him how much.

“Good. You should draw it out for these purchases. Look, for these stores, maybe I should be the shopper and you should be the man driving my mule cart.”

“They wouldn’t like selling to me?” Ab asked.

“Or they would try to cheat you.”

“Yes, Massa.” Ab had to trust the general.

Before they got to town, they stopped at a branch. The general had brought dinner for both of them.

After a long time of shopping, they returned with the wagon loaded. Sam helped Ab move everything into the house.

“One more thing you have to buy,” Sam said as he handed Ab the rest of the money and the ring. “Yankee ladies need a privy, a shithouse. If you don’t know another carpenter who works growing season, Jeff Ralston, who has done some work on my house, works all year around.”

“If you want to give Marjorie and Ab a wedding gift,” he said to Deb when he got back to the house, “They don’t have curtains.”

“I must say,” Deborah responded, “you are taking this more positively than I might have expected.”

Even before joining the army, Sam had been motivated by loyalty to his friends. Four years of war had polished that. As far as his emotions went, the school was Deborah’s family, a family he had married into. He was loyal to Deb and her family. If Miss Purcell wanted to marry Ab and the other teachers supported her, then that was his position.

Then, too, his political agenda was building a functioning society in Black Alabama. He couldn’t be a leader in that if he upheld segregation.

Sam stayed home for a few more days. Sunday, he played with Tertius and then read to him while he was falling asleep. He made love to his wife.

Monday, he set off to Calhoun county. He could get a train at the station, but getting Stepper on a train was more of a hassle. So, he rode to Montgomery and got them both on a train there.

Once Sam got to a township, he found that any place he asked could give him approximate directions to the man he was seeking. Then, when he got close, the neighbors could give him precise directions.

“Parts of the state have seen the rowdies that call themselves ‘Knights of the White Camelia.’ They don’t believe in Negroes voting, and they threaten, lash, and even shoot the men who promote voting,” Sam told a former infantry sergeant in the Army of the Savanah, Brutus Sherman. “The state is organizing a militia to stand against them.”

“Sheriff isn’t enough? Seems to me that breaking the law is their business.”

“Sheriff can deal with one law-breaker; he can get together a posse to deal with a few. When men ride by the fifties to defy the law, we need something else. We didn’t send a sheriff, or even a federal Marshal, against Jeff Davis. That required an army. Against these men, we need an army, too. Just a smaller army”

“And the real army won’t do it?” Sherman asked.

“Not that small. There are 51 counties in this one state. They are talking in Washington about cutting the standing army down to 25,000 men. That might be enough for Alabama, but most of them would be stationed in Indian country. Alabama has to take care of its own problems. Frankly, if the Negro majority government of Alabama can’t take care of Alabama’s problems, then the Democrats will just say that the fault is with having a government which responds to the Negro majority.”

“Well, we haven’t had the problem yet, here. I think I’ll wait until we do.”

Sam had already given up on Sherman. He was ready to pass on. He wasn’t yet ready to abandon an argument, if he ever would be. “Waiting for it to get here,” he said, “will make it ten times worse when it does get here. There are several types supporting these night--riding raids. There are the fire-breathers; there are the ride-alongs; there are the sympathizers. There isn’t much we can do about the fire breather except shoot them, hang them, or put them in the penitentiary. We don’t really do much to the sympathizers; there’s not much we can do, legally. But when the man who is already a sympathizer sees that riding along will make him one of the big boys without much risk, then he will ride along. When he sees that it is dangerous before he joins, then he’ll be too busy for those rides.

“Once he rides once, he is one of a band,” Sam ended. “You might remember how being part of a band of brothers kept you moving forward under fire.”

“Yes, sir! And I’m not going to join another band.”

Sam parted peacefully from Sherman’s house. Mrs. Sherman insisted on feeding him first.

Raz Teal, originally from Tennessee by way of the Army of the Mississippi, had another response altogether.

“I can see that, General. We fight them somewhere sometime, or we go back into slavery. If we fight them sooner and we fight them away from my kids, that’s a good idea.”

Teal went to class two nights a week, mostly with other veterans who had received a little teaching in the army. He would open his place to a meeting of other veterans interested in forming a militia on Saturday afternoon in a little more than a week. They would schedule another meeting later open to all freedmen.

Teal would take responsibility for promoting the militia in his class and to the men in his section, that was ten other grants.

Halfway through this conversation, Sam was a guest for dinner. He got to another fairly-willing former sergeant before the day was done. That man, Jim Bennet, fed him supper and took responsibility for selling the militia to his section. Bennet had a family which included children born before the war. They slept in a loft, and Sam slept in the loft with them that night.

Sam spent another day getting people to spread the word about the militia and the coming meeting Saturday in this township and then he left for the next township on his itinerary. There were not yet two adjacent townships in Calhoun County with schools, and he got the impression that this was true of every county.

When his circuit was finished, he began conducting the meetings of the provisional companies. The first one was at Teal’s place on a Saturday afternoon. They elected the captain from among their members, a man named Rowland; not Teal, to Sam’s surprise. Sam made sure that they were clear that the number of lieutenants, even the legitimacy of the captaincy, required enrolling a sufficient number of privates.

They assigned the responsibility of recruiting members from each section. When there were two in attendance from a section, they chose one to be responsible for the recruitment, when no one had come from a section, they chose one of the spares to recruit in that section. Sam emphasized the necessity of recruiting in the 28 sections bordering on the township (including the corner sections).

“You can’t get to those sections immediately,” he said, “but the county militia has to cover the entire county in a few years. First a company grows, and then it divides. Right now, I’m having trouble persuading the legislature to arm the militia that we have.”

Sam spent the rest of the day and Sunday with the Teal family. He had scheduled the next provisional company meeting for Monday afternoon, the one after that for Tuesday afternoon, etc.

When he finally got back home, he was exhausted. Stepper needed his rest, as well, though Sam had spent more time talking than riding.

There was a letter waiting. Boot had the job, and he was grateful. The letter answered one question. Boot’s hand was almost as pleasant to read as Deb’s, and it was perfectly legible. The second was probably more important for a clerk.

He spent some time catching up with happenings at home. Deb washed his clothes, and he finished reading the book to Tertius. (He had long ago read the whole thing for himself, so he’d know where he was when Tertius got too squirmy after two pages.)

And then it was time to enlarge the Lowndes County militia.

The process for his home county differed mainly in the pitch. Only for two townships was he forming new companies. The other two were close enough to the centers for existing companies that he recruited men for those companies. He invited the captain of each company to join him at the organizing meeting.

And, when he got back from that trip, it was time to prepare for the wedding.

Marjorie Purcell was not a nervous woman. She had come into a state where she had never been before and established a school for a people who had never been to school before among a mass of armed men who took every opportunity to express their hate. She was now facing a marriage, a time when most women are nervous. What she felt was not nervousness.

She felt panic.

Most brides, if they were worried about the particular man they were marrying and the secret rituals of the marriage bed, had seen the open parts of scores of marriages, most immediately their parents’ marriages. Marjorie had seen New England marriages, and she had seen freedman marriages. The marriages of freedmen were quite different, and what would her marriage to Ab be like?

After all, when she had been establishing a school, she had previously taught in the school at Port Royal. She hadn’t ever been a wife, and Ab had never been a husband, and their observations had been of very different marriages. Ab’s enthusiastic report of what he and the general had bought brought that home to her. Ab had not only slept on the floor and washed in the branch while he bought a Sunday suit, He had not thought of a bed or a tub for her until Sam Warren – a man from the rough plains of Illinois by way of four years of military camps – suggested them.

And then, too, it was one bed. Marjorie had never imagined sleeping in a separate bed from her husband. She had quite carefully not imagined what their sleeping arrangements would be. Marjorie was an educated, liberated woman. She knew that marriage involved sex. She also knew that the local whites’ opinion that Negro sex was bestial was the rawest prejudice. Ab? Deferential Ab? Still, the virgin bride’s natural apprehension had that fear -- however often rejected -- added to it.

Marjorie had ventured only a small distance on the road of romance. She had given a few kisses to boys -- as opposed to the scores she had received from relatives. And not one of those kisses had been from Ab. He had called her “Teacher” until she had told him not to. Ab wanted to marry her. Did he feel the least whit romantic towards her?

At least one of these fears, and quite probably both, were silly. Marjorie was clear about that. Still, she found that experiencing a silly fear leaves you afraid.

And she could not get out of it. Engagements were meant to be broken, though she had not known anyone who broke hers. Grooms had been left at the altar. When you agreed to an engagement with a black man, though, your breaking the engagement meant rejecting Black-White marriages. And that was an abandonment of the basic principle of her life, racial equality.

Same as Purcell
Chapter 18: Purcell Videos

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Callie clicked on a lamp and checked her watch. Midnight and she was still wide awake. She’d been kept captive in her own basement for four days now and still had trouble believing it. Rolling over onto her back, she stared unseeing at the ceiling and thought back over the events of the last few days. Every morning Jack awakened her for exercise and a well-balanced breakfast, followed by writing assignments. Somehow she had come to enjoy the tasks, remembering how much the mental stretch of...

3 years ago
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A Moms Sexuality Awaken Chapter Thirteen

CHAPTER Thirteen That was when Sally realized the man inside her ass had just shot his load inside her and she had finished sucking all the cum out of Beth’s mouth. She missed Tom, but the man now inside her pussy was making it hard to go back to her memories. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kate talking to Josh and she wondered what that was all about. A feeling of jealousy at first swept over her as she didn’t want anyone getting her Josh. But, then she remember, that there really...

4 years ago
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Spanking Day

The twelve chimes of the clock tower heralded the top of the hour. It was noon, and a large crowd had gathered in the town square outside the courthouse. A crowd this big could only mean one thing.Today was Spanking Day.A large wooden platform about three feet above the ground had been erected in the town square outside the courthouse. Judging from the number of cushioned mats that were brought out with the horse, it looked like about a half a dozen women would be spanked today. William...

3 years ago
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truck stop layover

hello everyone my name is Gina. im 5'11" 195 lbs and im a trucker and this happened 2 years ago. I had just made my delivery for the week and my dispatch said I didnt have another load till monday so I could head to my pickup but couldnt get till monday so I had a long weekend. I usually post on craigslist to the city that I will be stopping at each night looking for some fun and tonight was no different. I started to my pickup because there was a big truckstop along the way with 100 parking...

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Birth of ShadowChapter 2

We are Spook Company, Captain Pinky Adams commanding, of Specter Battalion, Major Nancy White commanding, of Phantom Regiment, Colonel Bruce MacAmon commanding, of Shadow Brigade, General Zeke Jones commanding. Try to say that three times fast! As Mercenaries we are always on the lookout for work. Right now our services are pretty much tied up helping the Tauran Concordat maintain their independence and keeping their borders free of Pirates. The Tauran Concordat is one of the association of...

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Bridgets Nights Ch 08

I sank back into the large tub and let the hot water begin to soak my aches and pains away. I felt slightly hungry, not surprisingly after the exertion and stress, physical and mental, of the day. Fortunately, I was used to going long periods of time without feeding. I certainly had no intentions of attempting to do anything silly with my new friends. They had already seen me, recognized me for what I am, and yet accepted me for the person I had been, and would always be. No one finds too many...

3 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 33

To win the ADT, a golfer had to shoot decent rounds the first two days (so as not to be sent packing) and then start all over, all-even against sixteen of the best golfers in the world, and finish in the top half, again, on Saturday. Sunday, if you were still around, you were in the running -- for the only time all year -- for the kind of first-place money they gave the men of the PGA practically every week. One million bucks. If you finished second, you took home a nice round $100,000,...

4 years ago
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Village Gays 8211 Part 1

Myself Mani I am from pollachi a beautiful village in Tamil Nadu this is my real experience this happened when i was waiting for my plus 2 results. I am very slim, fair, 5.5 height, never looked like some one going to join college, looks like school student 50 kg is my weight, my tool is 7 inches. I am little under weight some time when i stand nude in front of the mirror i use to thing major part of the food i intake goes directly my dick for my body looks like monster. Coming to the story I...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Sissy Summer SchoolChapter 11

That morning I woke up to the sound of my Cousin groaning above me. She had a hangover, and although I had no experience with it personally, I knew that my Aunt had them after drinking too. “Good morning, Ma’am,” I said from the bottom of the bed. I usually waited for my Aunt or her to unbind me to start my morning rituals around the house. “Don’t be so chipper, Fart face,” she called me. I was used to the names my Cousin liked to call me. Blair was quite creative, but fart face was one of...

4 years ago
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A Fantasy Come True

My wife and I went on a four day vacation to Charleston to enjoy the sights and especially to enjoy the nights. Our first night there I was no sure how it would go. I was wandering if my wife could really get in the role of being a Dominatrix. Would she really enjoy having DD as her Slave? Could my wife become the Dominatrix that I want and need? All my questions were answered that night. My Mistress started that evening letting me know just how much she was looking forward to having DD serve...

3 years ago
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Apartment Eight Makes A Golden Challenge

Wednesday night at the Fawns Over Foxes Ladies Club... Johnny B Good2night stepped through the curtain to the small backstage “launch pad”. Breathing as if he had just ran a mile, he fanned himself with his call sheet, his shirt beneath his glittery velvet vest drenched in an uncomely layer of sweat. His ears were ringing, the screeches and screams of the crowd on the other side of the curtain sounding like a klaxon in his skull. “Amateur Night,” he grumbled. The ladies were always voracious on...

2 years ago
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The Black Experience

"The Black Experience."I recently had sex with someone other than my husband forthe first time. What bothers me is that it was by far the mostexciting experience of my life. I am a forty-year-old mother of two sons. I have beenmarried for nineteen years to a wonderful, caring and loving man.Before we had c***dren, Frank liked to take nude photos of me. We have a very large scrapbook of me in steamy poses from fullyclothed to butt naked. That book has been hidden in the basementfor years. I must...

3 years ago
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My Naked Night Out On The Town

It all started a few weeks ago when my husband and I watched a DVD that he bought that showed some great looking ladies baring it all in public. We both knew that I had not gone that far before, just a flash here and there, but he was horny for me to do more. I was flattered that he thinks that I am that sexy. I had to think about it but had to admit that it was making me wet and horny thinking about flashing my body. I decided to try going further, I thought what the hell, could be fun...

5 years ago
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Goals Dreams and Life

Hi everyone. There is no sex in this story, sorry. I want to thank my wife for her help with this story. Her insight has kept me in the realm of reality. Well mostly. One little aside here. Recently I made a comment about Anonymous Andys. I meant to chastise those that write comments anonymously, denigrating my stories and me for writing them. I have no problem with constructive criticism or an honest critique of my work. On the other hand I may have inadvertently insulted those who give an...

4 years ago
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Bahen Aur Chachi Ko Cooda Raat Me

Jaise ke maine meri last kahani mein bataya tha ke kaise maine mere niyu chachi ko choda, aur mere dore ab ANU par the. ANU meri cousin. Lekin yaha to sab ulta hi hogaya. Kyon ki mein to chodana chahata tha anu ko lekin maine choda meri bahen ko.Meri behen , jisaka naam hai Avanti. Avanti padhati hai first year B.Com. Figure 38-26-36. Bohot sexy. Meri chachi ke kahane par Avanti ne bhi meri chachi jaise hi lambe baal kiye hai. Usake baal bhi usake choutaron tak hilate hai. Aur usake baal baal...

5 years ago
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RetreadsChapter 18

I let Bryan in and he stopped in his tracks before blurting "damn Matt! How in the heck did you manage to lure so many beautiful women in here?" The girls laughed and Paula said "you're right, we like him already!" Evidently Paula and Becky sure did because they claimed him and placed Bryan between them on the love seat. It was cramped but they seemed to prefer it that way. If there had been another love seat my companions and I would have been just as happy. Kathy was on one side and...

2 years ago
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By: x1021 – Dallas, TX This is my first story, so please leave feedback. Try not to be too hard on me, but I can accept constructive criticism. This is also a true story, and the only thing I really had to “fabricate” was the dialogue because I can’t, of course, remember everything that was said between us that fateful day… Tamera by x1021- Dallas, TX Anal, Consensual Sex, Creampie, First Time, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Teen, Virginity, Young Me – Dan (20) My Half-Brother...

3 years ago
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Playtime Stories Ch 12 BBC Gang Fuck at Club FBl

12. Then, by chance one day my darkest fantasy came true. I got “used” by a large group of black men in the backroom of a club. I was in town for work and decided I wanted to play one more time before flying out the next day. I’d had some visitors from c-list and the chat lines to my room several times over the week, but I wanted more. I went from my nice hotel to a crappy motel and changed. Then I drove across town to an arcade that had been pretty fun a few years before. It was...

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Emmas Summer Babysitting Job

1 - Hopkins Island, Massachusetts Mid July 2009 "Maaaaatt?" "Mrs. Pemberton-Smith," I answered with a quick nod of acknowledgment as I handed Emma and her friends a menu each. "Mrs. Connors ... Miz Burton," I added as I looked down at the three twenty something year old women I'd known all my life. I was grinning. "Matthew Liam Hopkins?" Emma Pemberton-Smith, nee Kruger, said as she jumped up from her seat, the surprise clear in her voice. "What are you doing here?" she asked as...

3 years ago
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The Sweetest Thing 8

The Sweetest Thing By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 8 "Better than I expected?" replied Alex, giving her a look. "How could I..?" "Of course she did," interrupted his mother, leaning in and hugging him as he let go of Kayla's hand. "Great job tonight, my sweet love." "Thanks. I love you too, mom," said Alex, a bit humbled. "And thanks for throwing me such an expensive party, and maybe we'll just talk about the stuff you went over the top on that I'll need some...

5 years ago
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Fixed Penalty A Tale of Four Parts Part Two and

Meg was in the office and she was bending over a filing cabinet.She knew she was putting on a show for her boss with her G string hardly containing her arse at all . Megs cunt and asshole were clearly on display for her bosses enjoyment .“Come here Meg “ he said “I need you here” Meg walked over to his large desk “Yes Sir “ she said “what can I do for you”? “Just stand there and don’t move unless I tell you “ said Megs bossShe knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted to feel her up and finger...

4 years ago
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Angela Gets Her First Butt Plug Part 3 of the Angela series

Chapter 1  After leaving Michael’s office on Friday, Angela made only one additional small sale, but did well on Saturday and Sunday, putting her well above her goal for the week and a good start on week three. She was glad Michael had given her the extra cash since it would still be another week before she got paid. She had calculated how much gas she would need and put in just enough to get her by, leaving her a few dollars for groceries and soda. When she arrived home on Sunday, Dawn told...

2 years ago
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MyPervyFamily Violet Gems Our Last Night

My teen step-cousin Violet Gems is such a babe! Perky tits & a cute little ass. When she drags me upstairs & admits she thinks I’m cute on her last night in town, I’m a little scared. I (Peter Green) mean she is my step-cousin after all! Then she pulls out her pierced tits and lets me touch them, my worries start melting away. She says she won’t tell anybody and then drops to her knees to suck my big dick. Violet bends over and shows me her fat little ass. I shove my...

4 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 3 Mrs Jones

I READ through all of Bradford Gold’s letters from England to his wife in America that late afternoon and evening. They covered a period of about 17 months, about 72 weeks in all, and there were 59 letters, all of them were either two or four pages long, but mostly they said little or nothing. There was certainly nothing of any meaning that threw light on why he would consider deserting from his commitments to the Military. He carefully avoided mentioning any airfields or even what counties...

2 years ago
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Rough Cut Ch 19

Chapter 19 Detectives Jansen and Braxton were close on Moe’s heels, screeching their black and blue buggy to a halt minutes after Moe had swept through Mona’s ransacked house. While the Cincy boys sifted inside through broken furniture, at the height of darkness, Moe, with only a distant street lamp for illumination, fumbled through the yard looking for a possible clue. All three came up empty. Later, the cops continued their thing outside, once again retracing Moe’s footprints. Moe plopped...

2 years ago
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she craves big black dicks

This is my story about me and my craving for black cock. I am a 36 year old woman who has always fantasized about being fucked by a big, black cock. I am married with two teenage sons and a husband who gives it to me any time I want but he works out of town and is gone most of the month. I love to masturbate and when I do, I dream of having a huge black cock in me.I am a rather large woman with a nice big ass and large tits. I dream of being ravished by a black cock! I have several vibrators...

4 years ago
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The Homecoming

It’s the end of a busy work week and I can’t wait to finally leave the building and go home. I haven’t seen you for almost 2 weeks and you are the only thing on my mind as I walk out into the bright sunshine. The only way of communication during your business trip are the late night talks on Skype and your sweet messages you leave on my cell. After arriving at the house I realize that I have less then 90 minutes left to prepare for the little surprise I planed for your homecoming. Entering...

4 years ago
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“That really was something, just what I needed,” she confides in the afterglow forty-minutes later. “I really would love you to watch two naked, hung toy boys licking and kissing my ass, then my cunt. Could you handle that baby?” “Tell me more,” I ask with a smile, aroused at the idea. We do look to stretch the boundaries. “Do you have any particular boys in mind? Or would you like me to find some for you? Or is it us?” “Could you really handle that baby?,” she asks again with a teasing...

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MommysGirl India Summer Reagan Foxx Amilia Onyx Caught By The Cop

Reagan Foxx is at home reading a book when she gets a knock at the door. Officer India Summer has arrested Reagan’s stepdaughter, Amilia Onyx, and asks if she can come in. Amilia has been caught spray-painting the school. Reagan assures India that she’ll ground her stepdaughter and make sure she never does it again. The thing is, this is the second time India has arrested her and it’s pretty clear that grounding her is not going to cut it. Reagan retorts that perhaps she could...

4 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 98 Direct From Salzburg

They had a morning practice the next day. They blew it off. They had told June and Kathy--both of whom were there with them--that they were going to. "We're going to watch downhill skiing. We'll see you at the afternoon practice!" "Guys..." Kathy started. "Hey, it's the Olympics," Sophia told them. "Screw it. We're trained, this practice isn't on the main ice, and Warren loves downhill skiing. See you!" They found a spot at the end of the hill. To their amusement, they found...

2 years ago
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Being Slutty

We all do things we regret and hope they don't come back to haunt us.That is me.You see, I'm a forty-two-year-old happily married woman to a man that loves me. We have built a good life together over the last twenty years. It's the second marriage for both of us. Neither mine nor my husband's first marriages lasted all that long. Both less than five years. Mine, I was too young, and his wife died.I spend my days working in the garden and taking care of the house. I'm content for the most part....

4 years ago
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Gave My Virginity

My name is Achu, I am telling you all how i lost my virginity. From my days in school I have been very horny and never had a chance to have sex with any girl or women. During my school days I used to masturbate a lot thinking of the beautiful school girls and other girls around. I used to have a neighbor when i was in school her name was Usha, we were good friends and slowly I used to press her boobs and she only allowed me to do it. Even in college I did not have much of fun, it was studies,...

3 years ago
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My Baby Sister

A few days ago my sister came over. It's nothing new she does that from time to time. We decided to drink. We both got pretty fucked up. Right around 11:30 p.m. we decided to call it a night. I told her she could sleep in my daughter's room since she was gone for the weekend. I went to the bathroom and then as I was walking past my daughter's room heading to my room... I heard some moaning. I listened for a moment. It sounded like my sister was trying to get herself off. I slowly pushed the...

1 year ago
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Hey Hentai! I’m always on the lookout for new, awesome sites full of incredibly sexy hentai videos. And that’s not just to tell you fucks about them. I love this shit. I want my own personal library of kick-ass hentai sites to bust nuts to. But sometimes I have to be a little generous and give you dudes the deets. After all, the more traffic these sites get the more content they can pump out. And, as you know, not all hentai sites are created equal. Some fucking suck while some will blow your...

Premium Hentai Sites
3 years ago
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playing with daddy

So after our last meeting daddy had forbidden me from cumming. For me this is very hard because I have a high sex drive especially since daddy was texting me constantly teasing me. I nearly lost it once Friday night when daddy sent me a pic of him cumming to a pic I sent him and commanded me to send him one of my soft clitty so he knew I was being good. Every five mins I delayed he said it was five more spanks(he had picked up on my love of being spanked). This nearly broke me I was so turned...

2 years ago
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Dannys Dick Part 5 Summer

Danny's Dick Part 5 - Summer I was in Sears the other day, picking up some white cotton socks and a pair of light PJs to wear during the summer. On my way to the checkout counter I was walking past the Girl's Section and I noticed a display of tops on sale. I'm not sure why, but I stopped and looked at the display and on impulse, just grabbed a purple pleated knit top and paid for it along with the socks and PJs. When I got home I took it out of the bag and thought, "Why the heck did I...

4 years ago
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In a Flash

Blake was woken up by the vibrating of his phone. It was a text from his sister: 'Did you forget to pick me up?'"Oh, shit!" Blake whispered as he flung up from the bed. His girlfriend, Laura, lay naked on the bed, her face buried in the pillow. "Mmm... what's wrong?" she mumbled. "I gotta go pick up Jessica." Blake kissed Laura's shoulder and neck before picking his clothes up off the floor. ***Blake's car revved into the parking lot and came to a screeching halt in front of his exasperated...

4 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 12

September. School. Because Mike was a teacher, the arrival of the fall term had a greater effect on the Ferguson household than on most others. But with everything else that was going on, school starting almost faded to insignificance. Kristen and Coach reluctantly held off their plans for a quick civil wedding, and organized a small church wedding. A few of Coach's relatives were able to make the trip, and this had a surprising healing effect on him. Jenny's singing career quickly became...

2 years ago
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Big Blue Toy

I have been thinking about you all day.  Working myself up, with thoughts of you inside me. Behind me.  Touching me.  With your hands on my body, in my ass and my pussy.  I have sat at this desk and worked myself into a frenzy with these thoughts.  My panites are soaked, and I cannot wait until five oclock, when I can leave this place and come home to you.  The conversations that we have had today, on the phone, its been hard to control myself.  Keep from reaching under my desk and just finger...

2 years ago
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My Addiction to My Boss

I sit at my desk finishing up with my work for the day. Five minutes until I can leave, and I have to leave before Damien. To be honest, I'm not sure I can risk seeing my boss today. Since day one, I have been attracted to his bright green eyes that contrast so beautifully against his dark hair. He always keeps it a little messy, but still appropriate for a lawyer. I know all the women in the office are attracted to him, but I have the chance to see him every day as I'm his assistant. Over the...

Office Sex
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Your Sister And Her Money Problem

You lived at home with your mum and dad while your sister had recently moved out to live with her boyfriend. She now had to start paying rent in order to stay there along with her normal outgoings such as makeup and clothes. Lily is about five foot with brown hair and C cup tits, and nice ass and cute face. *message to find out how to get pics of her* About three months had passed since Lily had moved out and you could see she was struggling financially... One day you were hanging out with your...

3 years ago
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Big Dog by Tony505

Taking my Big Dog for a Ride Cruising down the Interstate KW by mysideGot a Peterbuilt at my backdoor then Rolled up upon a WhiteDang it is gonna be one ruling good timeDown on 95 or across I10 it don't matter what state I am inTraveling with the others in the cool of the NightMe and my Big Dog Sailing down with delightGrab the stick Slam into Gear Let me Whine I have no fearMake my Wheels Sing with Glee me and my Big Dog are Wild and FreeHit the Spot Let it Roar Push in the Clutch there is...

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