Cathy's Examination free porn video

"Hi Cathy," called out Prof Tomas.
"Hello Professor," she said.
He was not one of Cathy's favourite Tutors for she felt his eyes stripping her naked whenever she sat in his classes. She wouldn't have minded so much if it was that new Professor Blunt in Media Studies for he was quite cute. Professor Tomas was everything but; he was fifty at least and quite horrible.
"Must make time to see you Cathy," he said staring at her bust, "your end of year exam is due in a few weeks and I must go over with you a few things.
"Yes professor," Cathy answered sweetly for she knew she had to keep him happy to get the best grades.
"Not sure when I can fit you in," he said, "may have to be one evening, that ok with you?"
"Well, I'm not sure," she said not wanting to be with him at anytime outside normal hours.
"Your choice," he said and turned away.
"I'm sure it'll be fine Professor," she said quickly before he was out of earshot.
"Well if you're sure," he said getting out his diary, "how about this Friday night, 8 o'clock, my place?"
Shit Friday night was her night to party at the student's bar.
"Fine," she agreed reluctantly, "see you there."
"Evening Professor," she smiled sweetly.
"Ah yes Cathy," he said, "sorry but I had forgotten about you, never mind come in now you're here. This is an old colleague of mine Professor Johnson."
"Hello," she said.
If anything this professor looked even more horrible if that was possible.
"Hello child," he said sweetly staring at her body, you don't mind if I stay and just listen in?"
"What, no that's fine," stammered Cathy, having one old man leer at her all night was bad enough but two was even worse.
It was even worse than that; for she had decided that to have a better chance of a good grade if she dressed up a bit for the old bugger. So instead of her usual jeans and t-shirt, tonight she had worn a dress that was, on reflection a bit too short for when she sat down most of her slim thighs were on show.
"I'm sure students were not so pretty when I was at college," leered Johnson.
"Right Cathy lets get started," said Professor Thomas, "and you Johnson can be useful and open a bottle of wine for us."
Well that sounds nice thought Cathy, I could do with a small drink to steady my nerves.
"There you go," said Johnson as he handed her a glass full of dark red wine.
It was horrible; professor Thomas kept asking her things that she didn't know.
"Didn't you attend any of my lecture on the subject," he said.
"I think so Professor," she answered lamely.
"Well if you did, your mind must have elsewhere," he said nastily.
"Here have another glass of wine," soothed Johnson.
"Thank you," she said taking the offered glass and downed it in one go.
She put the glass on the small table slightly behind her so missed the meaningful look that past between the two professors
"Ok, lets start again shall we," said Thomas, "lets see if you know anything about this.
She didn't and it brought tears of frustration to her eyes. How could she have missed all these lectures?
"Well it seems to me that you're going to have a tough job passing this exam," said Tomas.
"No please, I can't fail," she sobbed and accepted a third glass of wine from Johnson.
"You can't fail such a pretty girl as her," objected Johnson, winking at his friend.
"So what do you suggest then," he said winking back, "the girl's fucking useless."
"Oh no please," she wailed, his words causing more tears to fall.
"Now my dear drink this," said Johnson handing over a further glass.
He sat beside her and his hand rested on her thigh.
"I'm sure you've done some studying for Thomas's course," he said, his hand moving up and down her thigh.
"Well yes of course I have," she sobbed, she wanted to take his hand off her but as he was the only one being kind to her, she didn't dare alienate him as well.
"Well if we can find something you're good at," he leered at her, "perhaps we can persuade Thomas here to be nice and pass you."

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