Karen's Baby free porn video

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My parents, Joseph and Ellen Gerard, had two children: a daughter, Karen, and eighteen months later a son, me, Trevor. Being near together in age, Karen and I have always been quite close. It was only when our schooling finished that we started to lead more independent lives. Karen was clever and chose to take a BA degree in Media and Communication at Leicester University, which was just under forty miles from our family home in Northamptonshire. When it came to my turn to do a degree I opted for the four-year MEng Electronic Engineering course at Essex University in Colchester, some hundred plus miles away by road.

While my big sister was at Leicester she met fellow student Graham Harmer and a year after graduating they married, a few days after her 23rd birthday. It was actually quite a strange wedding, inasmuch as there wasn’t really anyone there from Graham’s family; Karen said that she had never been introduced to his parents and he never talked about them. I was just finishing my second year at university at the time.

Life resumed, and for the next couple of years Karen and Graham lived and worked near their home in Market Harborough, while I was now working in Chelmsford where I rented a flat. I didn’t see Karen that often and we stayed in touch mainly by email, with the odd face-to-face meeting at family functions. It was a Saturday morning in late May when I received an unexpected email from my sister:

{block}Hi, Little Brother! Can you get some time off work starting two weeks from today? Graham and I booked a holiday for then, but I’ve just been informed that he has to work. As you can imagine, I wasn’t best pleased, but it was his idea to ask you, and he said he’ll make it up to me later. It’s paid for, so you just need a passport. So, let me know asap. Karen xxx{/block}

Well, I was a single guy in my mid-twenties and the idea of lying on a beach and ogling a bevy of beach beauties didn’t sound too bad, so I replied straight away that I was due some time off and I’d ask on Monday when I got to work. So that’s how I found myself meeting up with Karen at my flat on the Friday evening before we were due to fly out to Menorca from Gatwick Airport the next day.

Gatwick wasn’t too bad for me, but Karen was over a hundred miles away, so it was easier for her to come to me first and we could travel together. We could get from Chelmsford to Gatwick by train in about an hour and forty minutes, which wasn’t bad, but we would have to change twice to do so, but we told ourselves that it was all part of the adventure.

When Karen arrived on Friday we hugged and kissed. Karen was 26 at the time, although she looks younger, and is what I’d call very pretty—I think a bit like Zooey Deschanel—and an average size woman. Until she left to go to university, we went to the same school and for most of that time there was no shortage of my male friends who would come to our house and not surprisingly this number increased in the summer months when my sister and some of her female friends used to hang out and sunbathe in our garden in their bikinis!

She’s a brunette whose long hair comes almost down to her waist, and she is about 5’ 5” compared to my fair-hair and 5’ 10” height, and she looks after herself, fitness-wise. I had a girlfriend once who was 34-26-35 and she was about the same size as my sister. Karen always says that she’d like bigger boobs—not monsters, just a bit more up front. However, they seem perfectly okay to me and I assume that Graham shares my feeling on this. I’m not over-muscled, but I play tennis and squash regularly so I think that I’m quite toned and fit. Although we are brother and sister, maybe only someone like my mother would claim they can see a strong resemblance.

We’d both eaten that day, so I made sandwiches which we washed down with tea and coffee. We spent most of the evening catching up about our lives and it was just after 11:30 when we decided that an early-ish night was in order. I only have a one-bedroom flat so I volunteered to take the sofa—Karen’s response was: ‘Don’t be so bloody silly; we’re going to be seeing lots of each other during the next week, so let’s start as we mean to go on!’ Logical, I suppose, and we did use to share a bedroom for a while and saw each other naked as kids, although we certainly aren’t that anymore! As it was late we both decided to shower in the morning, so it was just teeth cleaning before bed. As I was coming back into the room from the bathroom she had her case open on the bed and was looking for something; I’m not sure what, as my eyes were fixed on her naked body.

“You’ve got one of those travel cases on wheels, haven’t you, Trev; perhaps we can get all of our clothes and things into that instead of taking two.”

“Er, yes, probably, I don’t plan on taking much for a week, mostly casual.”

“Mmm, that’s what I was thinking—we’ll sort it out in the morning. Which side do you want?”

“Sorry?” She grinned: “Which side do you sleep on, silly?”

“Oh, I’m not bothered!”

“Okay then, Bro, get your kit off and let’s get some sleep.”

Karen moved her case and then got into bed. I sat on the other side and took off my socks and shoes before undressing. I had intended keeping my boxer shorts on in bed, but as Karen had stripped off completely I thought there wasn’t much point playing the modesty card. Karen giggled.

“You definitely never had that when we were kids, Trev! Goodnight, Love!”

“Yeah, goodnight, Karen.”

I don’t always wake up with an erection, but under the circumstances I’d slept on my side and facing away from Karen. I have to admit that it took me a little while to remember whose body was spooning me and whose arm was draped over my side. I’d been without a regular girlfriend for some time and I admitted to myself that it was a nice feeling.

“I hope you don’t mind, Trev, but I’m used to sleeping with my fella and you are a nice substitute; he’s a bit fleshier than you, though. What’s the time—is it time to get up?”

“You’ve got a bit longer, but as I’m awake I might as well have my shower.”

“Hmm, I’m tempted, but if you’re getting up I might as well, too. I’d share, but your shower isn’t really big enough to double up. Why don’t you shave while I’m in there?”

We both got up and padded along the corridor and into the bathroom, oblivious to our lack of clothing; it felt so natural that I almost forgot that Karen was my sister. Whoever designed the flat’s compact bathroom arranged the toilet, wash basin and the bath’s tap end along one wall and in that order; this meant that as I shaved using the mirror over the basin, Karen was nearby showering on my right. It’s a good job I use an electric razor, otherwise I might have been distracted enough to badly cut myself!

“Can you do my back, Trev?” Karen turned her back on the water jet and soaped her front, then turned to rinse her front while I soaped her back.

“You might as well do my bum and legs while I’m washing my hair, Love.” I suppose this was something that Graham did, but I wonder if Karen knew the effect that it was having on me.

As I soaped her calf and worked my way up her thigh, Karen even lifted her left foot up onto the edge of the bath to give me access to the inside edge of her bum cheeks and she giggled as I slid my hand between them. As I quickly washed her bum hole I desperately wanted to slide further round onto and between her hairless labia, but I resisted the temptation. With her hair done I resumed shaving—all the time aware that my very attractive sister was perched on the side of the bath, legs apart, and shaving her pubic area. I think like a lot of guys who have watched a woman do this, I was fascinated whenever a girlfriend did it; although there was something not quite right about watching your sister! By the time I’d finished my shave, Karen was rinsing the bath clean.

“Do you need a hand, Little Brother?” Karen asked with a grin as I stepped into the bath. I shook my head:

“No, I’m good! Why don’t you get dressed, I’ll be out of here in a little while.” How I managed to stay unaroused I’ll never know!

We breakfasted on cereal, to use up the last of the milk, then while I bustled about with last minute things, Karen packed my clothes and hers into my case. That done, it was more or less time to leave for the airport. It was less than a mile from my flat to the station, and part of that through a public park, so a fairly leisurely walk of twenty-minutes or so and we were there. There is no need to detail the journey into London and then the train changes that eventually saw us checking in for our flight to Menorca. Once we’d taken off, two hours and a few minutes later and we were landing in Mahon where, along with the other tour package holiday-makers, we were bussed to our resort accommodation.

It was now early June and the temperature on the island was a comfortable mid-20ºC, i.e. edging towards the high 77ºF, compared to the average 16ºC/63ºF at home. The main difference was that it was pretty much guaranteed in the Balearic Islands, whereas British weather is never guaranteed. I don’t know about Karen, but after getting up early and then all that travel I was pretty beat. All I wanted to do was take off my travelling clothes and stretch out on the bed, which I did. Even Karen who was wearing a lightweight summer dress discarded it and we were soon dozing in the sultry Spanish heat.

I’d been sleeping lying on my back, and once again I woke up to find Karen cuddled up against me; in fact lying partly on me, with her head on my shoulder and her arm across my chest.

“Trevor, Love, we need to talk.”

“Sure,” I said, not really wide awake, “What do you want to talk about?”

“Well, Graham and I have been trying for a baby ever since we got married. He’s got a good job, so we figured we wouldn’t wait too long.” I was still drowsy, but I was listening.

“Anyway, as nothing was happening, we decided to get tested, and apparently I’m fine but Graham has a low sperm count. It’s not impossible that he can father a baby, but the odds are pretty poor.” I was finally beginning to regain full-consciousness.

“I’m really sorry to hear that, Sis—so what are you going to do: IVF, or something?”

“Well, we thought about it and Graham thinks we should just keep trying for a bit longer, but I favour the ‘or something’ approach. Basically, I’ve come away to get pregnant, Trevor.” That sure woke me up.

“You mean that while you’re here you’re going to let strange guys try to knock you up! How are you going to get that one past your husband?”

“I never said that, Trev: I could never do that to Graham. No, I want you to do it, Love! I know it’s unconventional, but who better to father my child than someone I love and know I can trust. I don’t want to cheat on Graham with someone I picked up for casual sex—I want you, Trevor. I’ve been watching you since I arrived at your place yesterday; you can’t deny that you find me attractive, can you?” I was still in shock.

“Well, no—I’ve always been proud to tell people that the pretty woman is my sister, and I admit that you turn me on; but still—”

“—Still what, Trev?” Her hand was now sliding down my front towards—

“Whoa, Karen! You’ve got to give me a chance to get used to this!” She chuckled.

“That means you’re thinking about it, right?” What could I say: how could I deny it when there was definite activity on the erection front.

“Yes, okay, I admit I’m thinking about it, but I’m still worried about Graham; he’s my brother-in-law and I like him.”

“Okay, fair enough. Look, I told Graham that last week was my most fertile time during my cycle. He knows my periods are pretty regular, but not about them in any detail. As he has a low sperm count, we just increase the frequency of sex when I tell him to, but we have sex quite a lot anyway. Actually, though, this week is my optimum time. Next week when we get home Graham and I will probably go at it like bunnies again, but hopefully by that time you will have impregnated me. It’s not an exact science anyway, so there will always be an element of luck involved. I am, of course, assuming that your little swimmers are healthy. There is also the fact that, coincidentally, Graham has the same colour hair and eyes as you.” I still had doubts, but it looked like Karen had covered all the angles.

“All right, I’ll do it—is this just going to be a mechanical process: you know, put it in, come, take it out?”

“Certainly not! My baby will be conceived as an act of love, so we will make love just like anyone else would do. There is actually some evidence that it helps conception if both parties treat it that way.”

“Fine! So, when?” Karen grinned and climbed on top of me.

“Let’s see how good you are at kissing first, Little Brother.”

Phew, Karen was hot! I wasn’t counting, but I don’t think I’ve ever got that turned on as much just by kissing. When we stopped she just looked at me and grinned: “When did you learn how to do that, Little Bro? Sodding hell, my lips are still tingling, not to mention other parts of me! And from what I’ve been feeling pressing into my belly, I’m really going to enjoy this week! Are you ready to go, I know I am?”

“Er, are you sure that you don’t need me to warm you up a bit more—I actually quite like that part.” Karen laughed.

“Oh, go on, then!” She shuffled up the bed, while I manoeuvred myself down between her thighs.

“Tell me what you like, Sis; you know your own body best.”

“Well, actually, Graham’s never been very keen on going down on me, and when he has, he doesn’t put much—Holy shit! Oh fuck, yes—that’s awesome!”

I learned that lesson quite early in my teens and I had a very good teacher. It’s one thing that most women I’ve known really appreciate, and my sweet sister was no exception. It’s not always easy to tell when you’ve got your face down there, but the way that Karen was moving, the sounds she was making, and the way her hands held my head all suggested that I was getting the job done. She sighed and relaxed.

“Mmmm! You’ve got a real talent for that, Trevor! Let me stick a pillow under my bum, then you can show me some more of your tricks.”

I was so hard that my balls were beginning to ache. When Karen was comfortable I climbed up over her and she put her arms around my neck and pulled me onto her eager mouth. The kiss over, I positioned myself ready for penetration. Karen looked at me like a lover rather than a sister.

“Does this still feel weird?” I smiled: “No, funnily enough it seems very natural.” She kissed me again.

“Mmm, I was thinking that, too. I’m ready when you are.”

I pushed forward and slowly slid into her slippery softness: I don’t think I’ve ever got used to the feeling of entering a woman for the first time and Karen felt every bit as good as anything that I’d experienced previously.

“Mmmm, that feels pretty wonderful, too! Now fill me up with your baby juice, please!”

No graphic details, I’m afraid; to be honest, I was concentrating so hard on giving Karen a good time that I forgot to take notes! However, I think it’s fair to say that no one was disappointed with the outcome.

Karen was lying under me in a position that didn’t seem very comfortable, but she was practically purring. I think she would have kept me like it indefinitely, but my arms were giving out. I was careful not to move her too much as I moved off of her, while she kept her pelvis elevated so little of my ejaculate escaped. I lay beside her and we kissed without speaking, then I drifted off to sleep.

When I awoke Karen was gone from beside me. I was still yawning and stretching when she reappeared, now wearing just her knickers:

“Did you have a nice sleep, Trev? Shall we go for a walk, I’m famished!”

Without thinking, I held my hand against my nose and inhaled her aroma. I heard Karen giggle: “Don’t worry, Lover, there’s plenty more of that to come!”

I walked into the bathroom and splashed water onto my face to wake me up then I had a pee before getting my cargo shorts out of the case, together with a fresh T-shirt. Karen was also now wearing a pair of short-shorts and a tank top, although she didn’t bother with a bra. After a liberal application of sunblock to our exposed areas of skin, we locked the door and went in search of somewhere to eat. It also seemed perfectly natural that Karen should hold my hand as we walked, as we had as children.

There were eating places in the resort but we decided to venture into the nearest town, where we found several small cafés. The food was good and cheap and we washed it down with cold Spanish beer. In hot countries there is a lot more activity as the sun begins to set and we continued to explore. All of a sudden Karen tugged on my hand and led me into what I thought was a shop, but which was actually a hairdressers. There was a young woman in there and Karen lifted a few strands of her hair and made the scissors cutting gesture with her fingers, then she pointed to me: “Like that, por favor!” I have worn my hair closely cropped for several years. The young woman smiled: “Sí, señora!” Karen took the barber’s chair while I sat in the waiting area.

“You know I always fancied going blonde, but I’m not sure how Graham would take to that,” she said to me. The woman took an electric clipper and Karen’s long red-brown locks were soon decorating the linoleum flooring. I know from experience that it’s a quick job, and as Karen’s hair was already clean it just required a few stray hairs clearing away. I thought she looked sensational and very sexy! Karen opened her purse and looked at the woman. “Siete euro, por favor,” the hairdresser said, also holding up seven fingers. Karen smiled and gave her a ten euro note: “Gracias!” The woman smiled and nodded.

Not surprisingly, as we continued our walk through the town Karen attracted a look of looks, from both sexes; mostly smiles. We stopped for another couple of beers before making our way back to our apartment.

“Have you got anything left in here?” Karen asked, while running her hand over my crotch. I grinned: “I could probably manage another one!” Karen laughed and within seconds our clothes were being shed in double-quick time. Once again we took our time delivering another payload into Karen’s cargo bay, after which we slipped into oblivion, wrapped in each other’s arms.

We attempted to top up Karen’s womb again the next morning before getting out of bed. We were going to eat something then check out the nearby beach. After showering we headed for one of the in-resort restaurants where we had breakfast. While there we picked up some bottled water for later. As it was a family-oriented resort, lots of women went topless but they kept their lower half covered. Well, technically they were covered, but in reality most, including Karen, just had a few square inches of material in a strategic area. A lot of guys wore Speedos, but I’ve never liked them, so I wore shorts-type bathers.

So, basically, we just spent a good part of the day lying in the sun or swimming in the sea, after each swim slathering ourselves with more sunblock. Karen had a darker complexion than mine and having fair hair I had to cover up more, so as not to burn. We got talking to a few people and were told that the further we got from the resort, the less families there were, so although still not technically allowed, nude bathing and swimming was tolerated. Karen and I had both been to clothing optional beaches before, so we agreed we’d give it a try, sometime.

And that, essentially, was the way the whole week went: a combination of sand, sea and sex; some would say the perfect holiday. On our last evening before flying home the next day, we lay in bed, talking:

“Mission accomplished, Sis?”

“I hope so. Some women claim that they know the exact moment when they conceive; I can’t say that, but I’m hopeful. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part, because I’ve been trying for so long, but on the other hand, if I’m not, I think I’d like to keep trying with you Trevor. You really are a great lover and I hope that sex with my husband doesn’t seem like I’ve traded a Rolls-Royce for an old banger after you! Maybe I can teach him how to use his mouth and what he’s got, better!”

“Hmm, I wouldn’t try too hard if I was you, Sis.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, what’s he going to think if you go home and want him to start doing things that he hasn’t been used to doing?” Karen gave a little gasp:

“Oh, my god, yes! I see what you mean; he’ll wonder what I’ve been doing this week. I guess I’ll just have to be a bit more devious!” she said with a grin. “But, anyway, you’ve still got time to use your talents on me a few more times before then, haven’t you.” Well, she was my sister, so how could I refuse!

The trouble with package holiday companies is that they get the best deals from airlines if they use the quiet, unpopular flight times, so although we had to vacate our apartment by noon, we wouldn’t be taking off for several hours so we had time to kill. However, we got back to Gatwick in time to make all our connections back to Chelmsford. We’d eaten before we left Menorca, so all we had to do was flop into bed together for the last time: we were so tired that all we wanted to do was sleep, although I held Karen in my arms as we did so. We had already decided that we needed to wean ourselves off each other, so we didn’t even have sex the next morning.

It was an almost 200-mile round trip, but I volunteered to drive Karen home. The journey was a little strained, but we knew that we had to return to our normal lives as soon as possible. Graham was already there when we arrived and I stayed and ate with them before I left for the return journey home. He was eager to know how we’d spent our time—of course, what he got was a version of the truth, although he seemed glad that Karen had rarely been out of my sight the whole time we were away. I did have to ham up the fact that I was going to have to get used to sleeping in a bed again, after having spent all those nights on the holiday apartment’s sofa! It was a little strange seeing Karen and Graham with their arms around each others waists as they waved me goodbye.

We soon slipped back into our old routines and I thought that maybe I would try and get back into the dating scene, but although I met a couple of nice women, my heart wasn’t really in it. For the next couple of months I wondered if I’d hear any news from Karen, telling me either that she was pregnant or she’d started her periods since we’d been back. I was sitting at home one evening when I got the call:

“Hi, Little Brother! Just thought that I’d let you know that you’re going to be an uncle, at last!”

“Wow, that’s brilliant news! I bet Graham’s over the moon—have you told Mum yet?”

“Yes and yes. I was pretty sure last month, but I waited until I missed my second period to take the test. The doctor confirmed it today and you’re the third person I’ve told, after mt husband and the soon-to-be granny. He hasn’t stopped smiling and Mum was in tears on the phone. Graham’s here now; he’s been a bit, you know, over-protective, but I suppose that’s natural, under the circumstances. Well, Trev, I’ve got a few more calls to make, so I’ll ring off now. Love you, Little Brother!”

I put the phone down and got myself a celebratory beer. It was an odd situation to be in: was Karen pregnant with my baby, or had she and Graham actually beaten the odds and it was his? I guess that the only way that I’d know for sure was if they did a DNA test and there was no reason for that to happen under normal circumstances. All I did know was that I was really missing my sister’s company—in and out of bed—but another part of me was still really happy for the both of them. A few more beers and I took myself off to bed.

It was another few months until fate dealt me another unexpected hand: the company I worked for asked me to move, temporarily initially, to their sister company in the Czech Republic. I couldn’t think of a reason not to go, so I started making plans. The contract was for two years, so I gave notice on my rented flat. I told my mum and dad, of course, who naturally wondered whether they’d see me during that time. Mum then got straight onto the phone to tell Karen, who was then about half-way through her pregnancy. Karen then rang me and we went over most of the ground I’d covered with Mum. We also talked about the baby, but apart from a few ambiguous references, we never discussed anything that happened in Menorca. I promised to keep her up to date with my news, as did she. It was a few weeks later when for the first time I flew out of Heathrow for the two-hour flight to Ruzyne Airport, Prague.

Although it’s in Eastern Europe, and perhaps because it borders Germany, the Czech Republic is considered to be the former Eastern Bloc country most like its Western European neighbours and it is now a regular destination for Brits seeking something a little different, vacation-wise. As a consequence, although I spoke no Czech there were many, especially young, people who were quite proficient in English and I had a ready supply of interpreters who were also happy to introduce me to their country. My main job there was to help the company modernise all of its systems and processes to bring them into line with its British counterpart, and also to oversee the specialist training of its operatives, wherever appropriate.

During my stay I was provided with a nice apartment in the capital, together with a nice new Mercedes E-Class saloon for personal and business use. Overall I found the natives to be friendly and accommodating, and female companionship was never a problem, should I desire it. I’m considered not too bad looking, and I suppose a young man in his mid-twenties who holds a quite important position is seen as quite desirable. Under different circumstances I might have made better use of my opportunities, but something always held me back somehow and I knew exactly what, or should I say who, that was. There was barely a day went by when I didn’t think of Karen, who was now nearly 900 miles away. We had the Internet, though, and every time I saw her ever-increasingly swollen belly I longed for home a little more.

Bethany Jane was born in the middle of March: almost nine months to the day since Karen and I arrived in Menorca. Still inconclusive proof of my paternity, I know, but it gave me something to cling on to. For good or otherwise, little Bethany had brown hair and dark eyes like her mother, which at least would give no-one cause to question her parentage. I was entitled to fly home every month or so, courtesy of my employers, but I decided to wait until the summer when my ‘niece’ would be three or four months old. Meanwhile I was content to see the frequent photos that Karen would send via emails.

The first week of July saw me flying in to Heathrow. I was making a brief visit to my employers and then going to stay with my parents in Northants during my short stay, and since Karen and her family were only 18 miles away, it was agreed that they would go there also. I must say that my sister was looking good and had lost all of her baby weight and was as I remembered her. Her hair had grown some, but it was still much shorter than before she’d had it cut when we holidayed.

Karen held the baby in her arms as she showed her to me. I’m sure that my sister looked at me in a different way, as only I could see her smile and the look in her eyes. Beth, as she was also known, was still quite subdued, but she, too, seemed to smile, and like a lot of babies instinctively grabbed my finger in her tiny fist; nothing unusual in itself, but it meant a lot to me. Now I can’t honestly say that I’ve had a lot to do with babies, so I graciously declined the offer to hold her, but my mother had no such reluctance and stepped right in to take her first grandchild. Karen was then free to give me a hug, which felt much more natural.

It was an ideal summer’s day with the temperature in the low-70’s, and after the obligatory tea drinking and news catching up, Karen and I went into the back garden. As close siblings there was nothing unusual about the way we strolled leisurely with an arm around each others waist as walked and talked. Mum and Dad had lived in their house for most of their married lives and as children we played happily together there. Our favourite spot was the small orchard of a half-dozen or so fruit trees, where in summer our father would rig up a canvas tarpaulin between two of the trees which was our camp. There was no tent there now of course, but we sat on the ground and chatted out of earshot of the house.

“Well, so what do think of my daughter, then?”

“She’s beautiful like her mother!” Karen smiled.

“I still think about Menorca a lot, Trev. I love Graham to pieces, but I lie in bed at night and think of you.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t ask, but how’s Graham in that respect?” Karen smiled again, although not happily.

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The Magic Soap of Babylon

The Magic Soap of Babylon OBJECT: Magic Soap of Babylon USAGE (setting the form): Imagine the form that you wish the soap to "create" when next used. While holding this image in your mind, tap the soap three times and then blow on it. You will know that the new form for next use has been set when a small spark shoots out of the soap. USAGE (activation): When applied with water or moisture, the form of the user will instantly transform into that of the soap's last form...

4 years ago
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I had been working for the Robinson family for about 4 years, before the incident had occurred. They were a friendly family, Don, the father was in his early forties, Mike, his son, had been off to college for a few years at 20, and Vicki, the daughter, was only 9. Their mother had sadly passed away 8 years ago, shortly after Vicki had been born. So that's where I came in. Don was a private surgeon, and a good one at that, but found himself oftentimes away from home, burying himself...

1 year ago
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Jezebel The Whore of Babylon

Leslie Church nervously walked through the ABS. She could feel the eyes of the men on her as she quickly moved around the DVDs, past the sex toys and into the dimly lit corridor behind the tacky red curtain. She had done her recon well, she knew where to go in simple steps, her gym bag over her shoulder, her eyes fixed forward towards her goal. The only sounds were her heart pounding, her nervous breathing and her heels clicking on the tile floor. At barely 5' tall and with a curvy 34D-28-36...

3 years ago
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Jezebel The Whore of Babylon

This is the first chapter of a long multi-part story involving 2 different families, the Churches and the Streets. It will span several decades and generations. I hope you enjoy it.Summery: A wife tries to give her husband his longest held fantasy. Even the best of intentions cum with a price!Leslie Church nervously walked through the ABS. She could feel the eyes of the men on her as she quickly moved around the DVDs, past the sex toys and into the dimly lit corridor behind the tacky red...

3 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 34 The Whore of Babylon

Monday, July 22nd, 3:27 AM - Babylon Residence, Seattle, WA "Push, Karen!" Chantelle shouted as she gripped my hands. I was confused, in pain. I had been in labor for nearly a day and I was so tired. The last few weeks had been a blur as I drifted in and out of consciousness. I didn't know where I was or, more importantly, where Master and Mistress were. I was being cared for by Lana and Chantelle, the missing sex slaves, in a strange house. Whenever I felt strong enough to ask, the...

3 years ago
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KarenscreweduphotmailComChapter 1

I was sitting at the bar in "The" place to be in town if you are out looking to have a good time or just hoping to get noticed by someone of the opposite sex. I would probably not normally have even been allowed into a "happening" place like this. Cool is not usually the first word that people think of to describe me. I was here because the owner was my roommate, best friend and mentor in college. He's still a very good friend. He hired me, and the one man company I started when I...

2 years ago
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KarenscreweduphotmailComChapter 2

I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. Then I went home and put away my groceries. When I got home I found that I had an emergency message from one of my larger clients. Several of the local banks are clients of mine. While the actual hours that a bank is open may leave something to be desired by the bank customers, the amount of work that is done when the banks are closed by the people that process the transactions overnight and on weekends is huge. I'm on call 24/7 in case...

1 year ago
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KarenscreweduphotmailComChapter 3

We were both getting aroused again. I was glad because I thought that it might be better if she was feeling aroused when I finally removed her blindfold. So I continued to soap her up and rinse her off for a while. Then I dried her beautiful body gently with a large, soft towel. I dried myself off quickly and I led her out of the bathroom. I paused in my bedroom to slip into a pair of shorts. Then I guided her carefully back downstairs. I led her into the kitchen. I sat her on a stool at the...

2 years ago
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KarenscreweduphotmailComChapter 4

When we were about ten feet away one of the boys exclaimed, "That's her! That's the woman we told you about!" I brought Karen to a stop in front of them and said, "Hey, guys. What were you telling your friends?" One of them smiled and said, "We told them about yesterday, when your girlfriend sucked us off and we played with her tits." The other one excitedly added, "And her pussy, too! I had my fingers right up inside of her!" It was obvious that the three teens that were not...

2 years ago
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KarenscreweduphotmailComChapter 6

The girls went into the pool. They swam around and talked quietly for a while. I still had some soul searching to do. I can't deny that Lisa is a very sexy girl. I'd be a liar if I said that the idea of granting her request and making her a sex slave didn't turn me on. She certainly looks mature enough to join in the fun in games. But Christ! She's only sixteen! I know that sixteen is the age of consent in this state. So I wouldn't be breaking the law. At least I hope not. Still, I...

1 year ago
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Belles story Daddybabygirl

He opens the door and steps into his home, relieved to be home and exhausted from a long day. But more then anything, he's relieved to be back to the place where his princess is. And the fact that she hasn't come running the moment he stepped inside suggests she must be sleeping.And after hanging up his coat, he moves straight to her room, gentle opening the door to peer inside. Indeed she has fallen asleep, though clearly not a proper sleep, she rarely sleeps well when he isn't home. Instead...

2 years ago
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Bath For Babygirl

He knew her name was Molly, he knew some of her past wasn’t very pretty. Her life so far, at such an early age, had been less than pleasant. Now she is 18, even though she looks alot younger. She had endured abuse from a very early age. It had continued as she lost her home and was on the street, no one cares about you on the street, that he knows for sure. She began to feel like maybe they were right, she was nothing, just something to be used. Worthless in her own mind.After talking to her...

First Time
3 years ago
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Playtime For Babygirl

I lay in bed completely naked. Slowly rubbing baby oil all over my body, paying special attention to my tits and my pussy. I begin to pull and tease my nipples, my other hand finds my swollen, tender clit, I feel myself slowly pinching and rubbing my clit. As the fever builds, I stop and tie my tits as tight as I can get them. They change to a deep purple. Next, I clip clothes pins on each nipple as I continue to tease my clit, taking my other hand and fingering my pussy and my ass with two...

2 years ago
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The Babydoll

She couldn’t get her mind into it as of Friday. She knew why, but nothing she did, like masturbating once again, and earlier that week for that matter and even just before she went on to class, couldn’t seem to resolve her issues. She felt “it” when she woke up that morning…that deep seated, deep pitted series of sensations in her stomach which were almost causing her breasts to ache and burn with a wanton desire as well…they began doing it again also. This was a growing desire. Both burned...

3 years ago
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From a Boy With the Babysitters

The last time I had spent the night Kayla and I got pretty heated. I’ll admit that it was one of my first serious kissing sessions so I got very excited and a little carried away. Since then I had raided my uncle’s porn stash (as well as the internet) and I was really anxious to see how far I could get her to go with me. It took almost no time at all for us to sneak away alone after the adults went out. They said since me and Kayla were oldest (Kayla being 13) we were in charge until the...

4 years ago
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Der schwarze Babymacher

Ich bin ein 6 Fuß 6 Zoll groß, 25 und wahrscheinlich der schwärzeste Bastard, den Sie jemals sehen werden. Ich bin sehr stolz auf mein afrikanisches Erbe und stolz darauf, ein Amerikaner zu sein. Worauf ich nicht stolz bin, sind die verdammten Arschlöcher der weißen Supremisten, die herumsprudeln, dass Weiß die richtige Farbe ist. Nun, ich bin hier, um Ihnen zu sagen, dass sie alles falsch gemacht haben. Weißer Abschaum ist ein nicht ganz passendes Wort, um diese verdammten milchig weißen...

1 year ago
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Grampa babysits

Grampa babysitsIt’s Saturday night, your parents are out of town and Grampa Dan is babysitting you for the weekend. It’s a bit warm tonight and you just don’t feel like sleeping. You are eight years old and even though you are supposed to be in bed, the house is too quiet, no TV is on So as you quietly tip toe out of your room and into the kitchen, you hear a bit of sound from the basement. Grampa Dan must be in the basement doing something.So you quietly open the door and go down a few steps...

4 years ago
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Forced Into Babyhood

FORCED INTO BABYHOOD a story by Johnathan It was Friday evening. Lesley Johnstone and her husband David had been invited to stay the weekend with Catherine Fanshaw-Jones, chairperson of the feminist organisation that Lesley had joined three months ago. David drove the car slowly down the drive towards Catherine Fanshaw-Jones' mansion. He did not want to spend the weekend with Lesley's friends, but she had insisted he joined her. "There will be other men there," she told him. "It...

2 years ago
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"Babykins" Constance Vanderworth, the matriarch of the Vanderworth clan paced the large living room while her nephew Lawrence stood quietly by. She studied one of the stories on the front page of the local newspaper concerning him. It wasn't the top story mind you but nonetheless, it was front page. "Millionaire Playboy Totals New Ferrari In Downtown Police Chase." It gave all the details, all the details about the women, the clubs, the nightlife, the reckless attitude and the...

3 years ago
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Babykins By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "I think you should try it, just to see how hard it is!" "Nope," I said firmly. "Being pregnant is for women!" "Well, yes, that's true, but you have no idea how hard it is around here! You never help!" "I'll help," I stated in typical male fashion. "Yes, I know you will, because if you don't, your little secret will get out, and we don't want that do we?" She knew damned well that my dressing up was between us, and for...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Babyslut

She was finally back in his arms where she belonged. After a long year and a half away from him, she has returned to face her new life with a mild sense of dread and an extreme sense of anticipation. She first met this man of her dreams on a warm summer night. They had been communicating through the internet in chatrooms and e-mail. She told him how she longed to be dominated and trained to be a submissive toy for his use. On their first meeting, he immediately established his dominance and...

1 year ago
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Mom and her babydolls

100% fiction! I am ryan and 22 years old. My mom is 45 years old. Still she is a pretty lady not too fat and not slim. She got divorced 2 years before. My mom runs own business. I used to think of how frustrated she will be with her sexual life. But as she was busy with growing her business she never cared for it. One day over our dinner she told me that she is now very happy with her business and wanna take some leave to normal life. So we started planning stuff to do, even i needed a break....

2 years ago
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The Babysitter

The Babysitter by Richard-to-Rachel Sometimes I guess it's hard to find ways to make a bit of extra money when you're home from college for the summer. It certainly wasn't easy for me looking for work. That's why I found myself doing a bit of babysitting in my spare evenings. I know, it's the kind of work that you'd expect from a teenage girl, not a nineteen-year-old guy who should be out living it up at nights. But, it was easy work and it was money. My parents were very young for...

1 year ago
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Charity At Work 1 Adventures in Babysitting

Charity Jones here again returning to entertain you with more adventures of my misspent youth. My lat recounting detailed certain highpoints in my life as it transpired through the11th grade in my 16th year of life. I introduced you to the complete trinity of my closest friends, Faith and Hope. I also landed myself a highschool sweetheart by the name of Chet, who in turned out to be my personal cuckold. And of course the trials and tribulations of jut being a high school teen. The...

1 year ago
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Escort Babylon

EscortBabylon! I was quite confused as to what escortbabylon.net really has to offer, since while the name of the site would suggest that you have loads of naughty escort women at your service, at the same time the whole site looks like a fucking joke. Here you have reviews and ads of mostly valid escort chicks you can hire, so if you are interested, visit the site or continue reading to see if Escort Babylon is actually a place worth the visit.When I say that the site looks like a ‘joke’ I...

Escort Sites
1 year ago
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My Sister And I Babysitting

My Sister And I Babysitting My sister and I have always been close. I had been looking for a way to earn some extra money when my sister suggested that I help her baby-sit. She promised that I would not have to change any diapers as long as I helped out by getting bottles ready and playing with the children. She had tried babysitting once and it was more than she could handle. Mom had suggested that she find a girlfriend to help but none of her friends wanted to spend their Friday and...

1 year ago
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Gina Loses Her Virginity While Babysitting

I've been babysitting for the longest time. Every weekend, I have a job and have made enough money to buy a car. I've been babysitting for the Jackson's for about two years now. They hired me overnight and will be paying me three hundred dollars. I'm so excited to go over there tonight. The best part of babysitting over there, is their gorgeous son named Jack. I wasn't sure if he'd be home, but I was hoping he might be. I've had a crush on him for the longest time. He's so incredibly...

3 years ago
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Propositioning The Babysitter

Jack Niles was married for the last twenty years.  He and his wife were best friends.  They were each other’s soul mates.  They had a healthy sexual relationship and pleased one another.  Jack also had secret desires which he didn’t share with his wife.Jack was obsessed with breasts.  His wife had a small chest.  He begged her to get implants, however she was scared about her health.  She would get real mad at her husband for ever suggesting that she needed implants.  Jack’s obsession with...

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Spanked By Her Babysitter

Katie Hartwall shuddered as she heard the front door close quietly. She sat on the sofa and tried to look like she was watching what was on the TV. The seventeen-year-old tried to do anything to take her mind off what was coming her way in the next few moments when her mum would walk into their comfortable living room. Katie Hartwall began to play with her long, brown hair, which she had tied up neatly behind her head, listening all the time to the sounds made by her mum who was undoubtedly...

2 years ago
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Babydoll New York was such a great city. Everything a single guy could ever want at the tip of your figures or just a short cab ride away. I accepted a management job here about 2 years ago, moving from the Midwest. I couldn't turn down the 6 figure salary offer especially with the perks that came with it. I was well liked at work but had few close friends, I was an only child and had lost my parents about 10 years before so I had no reason to stay in St. Louis. I was good-looking,...

4 years ago
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My parents were helping me with my first year college tuition and board but made it clear that I was on my own as far as paying for fun. There was no money for a car so I made do as best I could. Without a car, I was very limited as far as part time employment was concerned so I fell back on the familiar job of babysitting. My parents did help me get a credit card with a low limit but I had to make the payments myself. I enjoyed the use of the card a little too much and soon had the limit...

2 years ago
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Sunbathing Babysitter

Introduction: Our babysitter seeks answers about sex One of the things my wife and I loved about our house, the first time we saw it, was the neighborhood. There were kids playing outside, and everyone seemed to know each other. Since the house was also best of all we had looked at, we bought it immediately. While the house does have its issues, it has a lot going for it, too. First, it sits on a huge lot. Its actually nearly two full lots, meaning we have a huge backyard. It also has a great...

3 years ago
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The Babysitter

Introduction: Cute babysitter seduces a single mother The Babysitter She gave a light tap on the door, knowing that there was a baby in the house probably trying to sleep. The tapping was loud enough to alert the childs mother who was sat in her living room. The house had been silent so the sound startled the young mother who, up to now, had been playing through the infinite possibilities of the night ahead in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more nervous and edgy she made...

4 years ago
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The Punishment of the Babysitter

Jenny was almost 16 and had never had a boyfriend or even kissed a boy not even held a boys hand. She was the daughter of a single mother who had become very obsessed with her church after getting pregnant very young. Her mother would not divulge the name of her father and Jenny had even snuck a peek at her birth certificate and under father it said None. After getting involved heavily in her church her mother never dated another man and she intended to isolate her daughter in the same manner...

3 years ago
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Bobby Becomes Pussy the Babysitter

Bobby Becomes Pussy, the Babysitter Part I By Tammie Latte "Bobby, how would you like a job working as a babysitter for a week or two?" my mom asked as I entered the kitchen wondering what kind of cereal I was going to have for breakfast. "Aunt Julie has a friend who has to go away unexpectedly on business and needs someone reliable to watch her little boy until she returns. It pays big bucks and Aunt Julie is willing to help out whenever she can. The job is yours if you want...

2 years ago
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Engaging The Babysitter

I opened the door and saw her through the glass storm door. She just smiled and waved for a few seconds, and I had to return the favor. I opened the storm door too. "Hello, Alli, you are looking well." "Hi, Mr. Fonpolous, thank you," she replied, strolling into the house. "How are you doing? Has the dating life been decent since the divorce?" "It has been okay, Alli. It is tough out there though, and please, call me, Rex," I corrected her, failing to part my eyes from her while...

2 years ago
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Propositioning the Babysitter

Jack Niles was married for the last twenty years. He and his wife were best friends. They were each other’s soul mates. They had a healthy sexual relationship and pleased one another. Jack also had secret desires which he didn’t share with his wife. Jack was obsessed with breasts. His wife had a small chest. He begged her to get implants, however she was scared about her health. She would get real mad at her husband for ever suggesting that she needed implants. Jack’s obsession with breasts...

1 year ago
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Philip Lecturer Likes N Fucks Babydoll

100% fiction! "Slam." Babydoll hobbled out of the Classroom followed by Philip, Lecturer. Philip, Lecturer slammed the door behind them n locked the door. Babydoll had injured her left ankle. Philip helped her to the bench opposite the Classroom. "R u all right?" Philip asked worriedly. Tears welled up in her eyes as the pain was horrible. "I will carry u on my back." Philip said n helped her onto his back. After a while, Philip n Babydoll reached Philip's Room. Philip put her down onto his...

4 years ago
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Thank God for babysitters

She stumbled out of the taxi door and almost face-planted into the snow. I sighed and hoisted her up by one arm and walked her into the house. Joss, our babysitter was sitting on the couch with three passed out toddlers. Thank god, at least they were out. She began to turn off the TV but I shook my head. “Could you stay a little later? I’ve got to get her into bed.” Joss, a gorgeous girl with high cheekbones, a wide smile and willowy ballet dancers figure nodded. “Sure. I’ll get the boys...

2 years ago
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My wife and the babysitters

We have two babysitters for our one-year old son Pete. He likes them both... and so do I.Molly is 18, a perky redhead whose sexuality is just beginning to emerge along with a nice set of tits topping a round young ass. I catch myself staring at her, imagining what it might be like to explore the warmth between her thighs, running my fingers through the patch of what I know is natural red hair, licking her girlish slit.Samantha is taller and leaner and seems a lot more experienced than her 20...

2 years ago
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Road Trip With The Babysitters

It's funny how little things you see, hear or smell, trigger memories. I was driving home from work today and was reminded of one of the best sexual experiences of my teens. It was the end of a very bad week for me and finally Friday came. Only marginally better than the previous four days, I was still in a cranky mood during the drive home. I live outside of a large Midwestern city so once I clear the 'burbs the highway opens up and I tend to relax. As usual I kicked the cruise up to just...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Blondes Make the Best Babysitters

Alice and George Murray had been searching for a good babysitter to take care of their small children when their social commitments came up unexpectedly. The young teenaged girls in the neighborhood were too smart to accept the Murray's request to tend their precocious brood which consisted of two preteen boys and a younger girl who tended to whine an awful lot of the time. The usual babysitters wanted a job with younger offspring that were already in bed when they arrived and only needed to...

3 years ago
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Lisas Confession Sessions Ch 1 Gwen my Babys

1. I was an athletic girl and loved running sports and gymnastics during P.E. at school. The sweat and hard breathing made me feel alive. I was always up for a game of tag-your-it, we actually called it “tagyourit.” I loved being chased around. I loved wearing flowing dresses in the summer. I hated pants so much that I would only wear them if it was cold. At that time, I also hated panties too. I would get into trouble when my mom found out I had no panties on. Once she had my daddy spank my...

2 years ago
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Lisas Confession Sessions Ch 1 Gwen my Babys

1.I was an athletic girl and loved running sports and gymnastics during P.E. at school. The sweat and hard breathing made me feel alive. I was always up for a game of tag-your-it, we actually called it “tagyourit.” I loved being chased around. I loved wearing flowing dresses in the summer. I hated pants so much that I would only wear them if it was cold. At that time, I also hated panties too. I would get into trouble when my mom found out I had no panties on. Once she had my daddy...

3 years ago
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Sara The Bad Babysitter

Mr. and Mrs. Crudele were going to have a much needed night out. Since the arrival of their little bundle of joy four months ago they hadn’t had a night out together and in fact they rarely had a few hours sleep in a row. But tonight they had plans for a quick supper followed by an evening at their favorite club. Mr. Crudele had obtained the name of a young woman from a subordinate at his company who said that she was very reliable and came highly recommended. He had called her and she was...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter

The Babysitter She gave a light tap on the door, knowing that there was a baby in the house probably trying to sleep. The tapping was loud enough to alert the child’s mother who was sat in her living room. The house had been silent so the sound startled the young mother who, up to now, had been playing through the infinite possibilities of the night ahead in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more nervous and edgy she made herself. At least her 3 year old son, Callum, had drifted off...

4 years ago
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The Babysitter

Introduction: A fifteen-year-old gets to babysit two incredibly hot twin boys My name is Mark. Im fifteen, with light brown hair and brown eyes. Im just an average kid, 57, 150 lbs. I think Im into guys, but Im not sure. I mean, I dont want to be gay, but sometimes I catch myself staring at some guys ass, and I think I might be. I know that younger boys turn me on. Theres one family across the street that has two of the hottest boys Ive ever seen. Theyre twins, and they look about ten or...

3 years ago
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The Busty Babysitter

Rachel was just pulling her coat on when John came down the stairs. He handed Rachel her payment in cash."Thank you, Mr. Greene." Rachel smiled in gratitude."You're welcome," he replied. "You deserve every penny. Kathy and I are very happy with you. There is no one that we trust the k**s with more than you.""Thank you, that means a lot. I love them like they're my own. I would do anything for you guys." Rachel was starting to blush and was having a hard time meeting John's gaze. For his part,...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter

The Babysitter She gave a light tap on the door, knowing that there was a baby in the house probably trying to sleep. The tapping was loud enough to alert the child’s mother who was sat in her living room. The house had been silent so the sound startled the young mother who, up to now, had been playing through the infinite possibilities of the night ahead in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more nervous and edgy she made herself. At least her 3 year old son, Callum, had drifted off...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Babysitting

When I was 14, me and my BFF, Ashley, started our very own babysitting service. She made an announcement during church and we immediately started getting phone calls. One day, Ashley said, "Come here...U gotta check this out." And she pulled out a handful of 20's. "Damn, where'd you get that?" I asked. "Babysitting," she said with a smile. I counted it...just a little over $200. "How'd you get $200 babysitting," I asked. Now, Ashley was the neighborhood nymphette and I was the...

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