- 2 years ago
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It seemed like a great idea at the time, but don't most cluster fucks start out as strokes of genius? Cindy's older sister, Chloe, had asked us if we would be interested in being chaperones on her daughter's class trip to the exotic Caribbean Island of Kokomo. All we had to pay for were our airline tickets. My wife quickly accepted the offer.
Chloe even offered to watch our two kids, who were nine and seven, while we were on the trip. Chloe's husband, Will, was an up and coming lawyer in the middle of a big case. He simply could not take the time off for this trip.
"I've heard some horror stories about kids, especially girls, on these trips to the islands. If I can't be there to keep an eye on Trish, then I want you and Dave to be there," revealed Chloe. "Make no mistake, Cindy. You and Dave have my permission to take whatever steps you feel are necessary to keep Trish out of harm's way. If you feel you have to tan her butt to keep her from getting into trouble or danger, go ahead and do it. I'd rather have her come home with a bruised ego, and ass, than have her disappear, or worse, on this trip!"
"Trish has never given us any problem, Chloe. She's our god-daughter and we love her like our own. Rest assured that we will take good care of her. I really doubt that she'll cause any trouble," responded Cindy.
"Cindy, we both remember our class trips," reminded Chloe. "We were lucky that we didn't get into some real trouble. I heard how you split that bottle of bourbon with two other girls and all three of you were sick the next day. I was caught trying to sneak out my bedroom window, and we were staying on the third floor! I was lucky that we had good chaperones. There will be 75 kids on this trip and 15 adults to keep an eye on them. You'll have your hands full!"
"Dave will have his eyes full with all those young women running around on the beach in skimpy swim suits," laughed Cindy. "I'll be spending more time keeping him in check than the kids."
"Thanks, Sis. I appreciate you doing this for me, and for Trish. She thinks that now that she's 18, she can do whatever she wants, so be warned," advised Chloe. "She's still in our house, we're paying for her college, and she will toe the line."
I was thinking exactly as Cindy had suggested. I was going to spend a week on a subtropical island with 75 kids just graduating from high school. I had to believe that at least 35 or so would be female and most of them would look pretty good in little bikinis. Cindy could worry about the discipline. I was going to relax and enjoy myself. I'd be keeping an eye on the kids alright, the female kids!
We took two rickety old buses from the small airport to our hotel rooms, which were right on the beach. I had spent the plane trip trying to remember the names of the kids, as well as the chaperones. I soon realized I would never remember them all, so I eliminated all the unimportant names. That was pretty much all the males. That made it a lot easier, but I still was having trouble, so I eliminated some of the older female chaperones.
Cindy and I were the youngest chaperones, except for a couple of teachers. All the parents that went were at least in their late thirties. Most were in their forties and a few in their fifties. Miss Marie Beauvais and Mrs. Joan Davis were the two teachers whose names I committed to memory. I salivated thinking about them in tiny little swim suits. If I were any judge of the female form, they would fill their suits out very nicely!
It was still early afternoon, so everyone was eager to change and get out to the beach. That was when I had my first surprise. Cindy came out of our bathroom wearing the smallest bikini I had ever seen! Shit! Now I had to keep an eye on her and make sure all the teenage boys with raging hormones didn't get too frisky. Then there were the other male chaperones. How the hell was I supposed to chaperone my wife around adults? Things suddenly became complicated.
Cindy was a beautiful woman of 34, who could pass for a twenty-something. The only apparent effect the two kids she delivered seemed to have on her had been to enlarge her breasts a cup size. Now they were trying to spill out of her top.
"You like my suit, Dave? I knew you'd be making a fool out of yourself ogling all these beautiful girls on this trip. I thought I'd try to do something to help take your mind off them. The only thing I could come up with was to try to get you to ogle these girls," teased Cindy as she cupped her breasts in her hands.
The first few days went pretty well, all things considered. I couldn't range too far from Cindy when we were on the beach. If I left to get a drink or a towel, I'd return to find several of the high school boys had found some reason to chat with Cindy. They always had at least one of the male chaperones with them, too. I always tried to take it in stride and smile as the crowd dispersed upon my return. They always seemed to remember someplace else they had to be when I came on the scene.
"What's that smell?" I asked Cindy when I returned to her side after an unusually large group of horny young males had been visiting with her.
"I don't smell anything, except the ocean, Dave," replied Cindy.
"I think it might be testosterone, hanging like a cloud around here, Cindy," I told her with a straight face. "It's either that or acne medicine. I can't really tell for sure."
"Dave!" laughed Cindy. "Those young men are always very polite, even if they do seem to get bulges in their trunks all the time. I'm glad they don't wear those Speedos that show everything. It's nice to be appreciated by young, virile men."
"What the hell am I?" I demanded in mock anger. "Most people don't consider 38 as being over the hill. I still get a bulge in my swim suit!"
"I noticed that when I saw you talking to that Dakota and her friend, Grace," observed Cindy. "You need to be a little careful, Dave. Those girls are looking for some fun here and you look like the alpha male in this group. Don't lead those girls on, and don't ever find yourself alone with one of them. You are here to protect them. Be sure to keep it that way."
I blushed a little at Cindy's comment. Those two girls were absolute knock-outs and they did seem to enjoy being in my company. As I considered my fantasies with those girls, I thought about Chloe, and the other parents, expecting me to do my best to keep them from harm. I already had the hottest woman on the island. I knew that. I had to make sure I kept my head out of my ass and appreciated my situation. It was okay to look, but Cindy was my woman and still my best fantasy.
Some of the kids wanted to play tennis, so Cindy, who happened to be an excellent player, and a few other chaperones went with them to the courts. It had been explained to all the kids that none of them were allowed to go anyplace by themselves. Half an hour later, I was approached by Trish and her two friends, Dakota and Grace.
"Uncle Dave? Dakota, Grace, and I are going to stroll up the beach a mile or two," stated Trish matter-of-factly. "We're following the rules by checking in with a chaperone before we go."
"I don't know if that's a good idea, Trish. I kind of feel responsible and I don't like the idea of you getting that far out of my sight," I admitted.
"Then you should come with us, Dave," suggested Dakota. "We can't be any safer than when we are with such a big, strong man. You can keep us in your sight all the time."
Trish gave Dakota an annoyed look. That was enough to make up my mind. If Trish didn't want me to go along, it was probably best if I did.
"Okay, girls," I relented. "Lead the way."
We chatted about all kinds of things as we walked. I realized I was having a good time. Having three beautiful 18 year old girls with me had a lot to do with my contentment. We were almost two miles up the beach when I saw a sign near the dunes. As we approached it, I noted that it was written in several languages. Luckily, English was among them.
"Wait, girls," I cautioned. "This is a nude beach! We'd better turn around and go back."
As I finished reading the sign and turned to face the girls, I found that Dakota was totally naked and Grace was topless and sliding her bottoms down. Both girls looked absolutely incredible! I had to admit it. I also had the presence of mind to know that I had been set up. They had known where they were going. That was obvious.
"Girls, please put your suits back on and we'll go back. You should have asked a female chaperone to come with you if you had this in mind," I complained weakly.
"Oh, Dave! Do we look so terrible?" laughed Dakota. "Should we be ashamed to be naked on the beach? Do the other girls here look better?"
I looked ahead and saw numerous naked women and men walking, chatting, and just sunning themselves. What sort of mess had I gotten into?
"You girls look fantastic and you know it, but this is not right!" I admonished. "I can't go naked and I won't be able to watch you if you go up that beach. I want you to get dressed and we'll go back right now."
"Keep an eye on our suits, if not our bodies, Dave," grinned Grace as the two of them took off up the beach.
I turned to face Trish. At least she had the sense to be embarrassed. Her face was red, and she still had her suit on.
"I'm so sorry, Uncle Dave. I should have told you what we were planning. I couldn't believe it when they invited you to come along with us. They had to know I'd never get naked in front of my own uncle," whined Trish.
I picked up the fragments of fabric the girls had been wearing and took Trish by the hand.
"Come along with me, Trish. We'll just keep our clothes on and go get them," I decided as I watched the two girls become smaller and smaller as they hurried up the beach.
We hadn't gone over a hundred yards when a large man, wearing an ID tag on a string around his neck, and nothing else, stopped us.
"This is a nude beach, sir," he needlessly pointed out to me. "I have to ask that you either remove your clothes or return to the other side of the signs."
"I'm supposed to be watching a couple girls that took off naked up the beach and we're just trying to catch them," I pleaded. "We'll get off the beach as soon as I catch up to them."
"Sir, they aren't breaking the rules. You two are. Please leave, or remove your clothing, right now," he insisted.
There it was! My ass was in a real tight crack. If I abandoned Dakota and Grace and they had any sort of trouble, I would be held responsible. If I got naked and they saw me, which they'd have to do since I was determined to catch them, I'd be in a world of shit with Cindy, not to mention some parents and other chaperones!
I quickly mulled it over. It seemed that being in trouble with Cindy, and others, was something I could possibly solve with some fast talking. Allowing those two airheads to run into trouble was something I could not explain.
"Get out of your suit, Trish!" I growled as I untied my trunks and began sliding them down. "You've put me in a real bind here. I can't leave you alone while I look for them, so get naked. This'll be our secret."
Yeah, we'd keep that secret, for about ten seconds! I had no illusions. Dakota and Grace would blab all over, even if Trish knew enough to keep her mouth shut. I tossed my suit, as well as the girls', on a nearby bench, hoping they would still be there when we got back. I saw another garment land on top of mine. Trish was nude, too.
I turned to take her hand and start up the beach. She trembled a little, but made no complaint as we hurried after the other two girls. By now they had gone around a curve in the coast and were out of sight. I was fuming. At least I had no trouble not getting an erection. Fear can kill any erotic thought, I realized as we marched after the two friends of Trish's. I was with my wife's beautiful 18 year-old niece on a nude beach. Could there possibly be a better formula for disaster?
It got worse. We managed to get to the other end of the nude beach without finding the two girls. I was trying to not stare too long at anyone we passed. I had enough problems without some jealous husband or boyfriend taking offense at my actions. Still, I had managed to look closely enough to know we had not gone by Dakota and Grace.
I lost my anger. I started to become worried. Where were they? What if something happened to them? How could I ever explain it? There was no explanation that could be acceptable. As a parent, I knew that. I would expect my kids to be kept safe and out of trouble by their chaperones. That was the sole purpose of having chaperones!
The sun was getting low in the sky and the beach was emptying out. I turned with Trish and started back.
"Where are they, Uncle Dave?" asked Trish.
She didn't seem to even think about the two of us being bare-assed naked any more. She was growing concerned for her friends, too.
"I don't know, Trish," I admitted. "Let's walk closer to the dunes. We can watch to the water's edge and look around the dunes at the same time.
We had gone about a third of the way back to the spot where Dakota and Grace had left us when I heard voices originating from the other side of a small hill in the dunes. I couldn't make out the words, but the tone was enough to worry me.
"Stay here, Trish," I ordered. "It sounds like there might be trouble."
I decided there was no reason for subterfuge as I marched over the dune toward the voices. Somehow, I wasn't all that surprised at what I found.
Grace and Dakota were sprawled on a couple large beach towels. They were crying as three men were in the process of forcing their legs apart and playing with their tits.
"Please!" begged Dakota. "Don't do this. We're virgins. Let us give you hand jobs!"
"You dumb cunts," chuckled the man by Grace. "You drank our beer and enjoyed teasing our cocks. Now it's time to pay the fucking piper. Spread your legs, now!"
"You'll be thanking us later," laughed another thug. "Consider this the audition for "Goliath and the Anal Virgins". We're just going to loosen you up a little for Goliath. Believe me; you'll be glad we did!"
The three men had been concentrating on the girls and never saw me coming. I waded into the first guy just as he dropped to his knees between Grace's trembling legs. He went ass over tin cup as my left fist struck him in the temple. It was not a time for discussion.
The bigger of the two remaining men came at me. I stood him up with a left. Then I followed with a right. He went over backwards and stayed there with his toes and dick pointing toward the sky.
Then I felt a stunning blow to the back of my head and I dropped to my knees. While I was dazed, the prick kicked me in the ribs and knocked me over. I started to get back up and he caught me in the right eye before I reached my feet. Now I was mad! We stood toe-to-toe and hammered each other. It felt like we were at it for an eternity, but I knew from experience that these things only last a matter of seconds. I finally felt the bastard's jaw break and he keeled over, unconscious before he hit the ground.
I swung around to the two girls, who were still lying on the towels, crying hysterically.
"Get your asses up!" I barked as I bent to grab Dakota's hand.
I quickly had her standing. Grace had jumped to her feet at my command. I put a hand behind each girl and pushed them toward the beach. That was when I saw Trish looking at me with tears in her eyes. She ran and grabbed the two towels the girls had been lying on and came back to me.
"Uncle Dave!" she cried. "You're bleeding. Let me wipe the blood off your face!"
I was too worried about the goons sleeping back in the dunes to stop. If they came after us, I wouldn't have the element of surprise on my side again, so the final outcome would be far different. By this time I had taken both Dakota and Grace by their hands and I marched rapidly back in the direction of the bench where our clothes were.
After about ten minutes of fast walking, I began to get dizzy. My head throbbed and my ribs hurt when I took a deep breath. I headed the girls toward the water. I released them and walked out into the waves. When I got up to my waist, I dropped down and let the water wash over my sore face. It stung, but felt good at the same time. After dunking myself several times, I left the water.
Trish was fawning over me as soon as I reached dry land. She handed me a towel and wiped me down with the other. I gasped when she patted my left side. Predictably, she had pressed on the same ribs that had absorbed a pretty good kick.
"I'm sorry, Uncle Dave!" apologized Trish as she continued to dry my back and shoulders. "I remember seeing that brute kick you there. I should have known it would be sore."
Dakota and Grace had stopped sobbing, but had yet to speak. They had to be thinking about how close they had come to being raped, and possibly worse.
I was amazed to find our suits were still on the bench where Trish and I had tossed them. We all dressed silently and started back to the hotel as the sun seemed to drop into the sea.
"You girls go get changed and join the group for dinner," I ordered. "They'll be asking where you were and where I was. Just tell them we went for a walk up the beach and we lost track of time. No one needs to know what really happened. Your reputations are at stake. Keep to your story."
I thought it would be better for the girls if no one knew they were on a nude beach, drinking beer, and almost raped. It would also be a lot better for me it the entire incident went under the radar.
I managed to make it back to my room without attracting too much attention. I kept the towel over my head and just peeked out from under it. I spent twenty minutes under a very hot stream of water in the shower. Then I collapsed into the bed. I carefully pulled the sheet over my head, faced the wall and lay on my stomach. I didn't want Cindy to see my face.
I was probably sleeping for half an hour when Cindy came into the room.
"Just where the hell were you, Dave?" she demanded immediately. "You just up and disappear with three girls for almost four hours? I warned you about that very thing! Trish and her friends wouldn't tell me anything, except you went for a long walk and lost track of time."
She yanked the sheet off my head and shoulders, but I kept still, facing the wall.
"Look at me when I talk to you," she insisted. "Are you too ashamed to look me in the eye?"
"Cindy, I made a mistake in judgment. I admit it, but I did not do anything with those girls that you should be upset with," I declared into the pillow. "Just leave me alone and let me sleep. We'll talk about it in the morning."
I heard Cindy curse and the door slam. I drifted off to sleep. I awoke again around midnight and found I was alone in my bed. I got up and went to the bathroom. My hope had been that I would be healed my morning. That dream went out the window when I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had a cut over my left eye and it was badly discolored. My nose was swollen and the side of my chest was bruised. I looked through the small first aid kit in the medicine cabinet, but found nothing that looked like it would help.
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Porn Comics Sites*** This story is about my best friend; she wanted me write this in 1st person so I obliged. About 2 years ago my boyfriend's (Justin) brother (Adam) was deployed to Afghanistan. He's a Marine so we knew that he would probably be seeing some heavy combat. After dinner that last night he was home I was trying to think of something to say, about how I am proud that he is going to serve our country. I asked him what I could do for him and he said, and I quote, " When I get back I want to fuck you....
EroticI had met Chris about three years ago she has long blond hair, blue eyes, a slender body she didn't weigh more than 100 lbs. long skinny legs. We had dated for awhile than things got pretty serious between us and we started having sex. I always used condoms so she wouldn't get pregnant sense she was still in school but when she graduated and called me to tell me she was having a graduation party and she had a surprise for me. When I arrive at her party she held me close all night after...
I pulled up in front of her house. It was older, nothing fancy, but well maintained. I sat in the car for a few minutes studying the situation. Her personal ad, email and pic seemed to be fairly straight forward. An SSBBW looking for a NSA encounter. I grabbed the bottle of wine that I had brought, got out of the car and headed up her walkway. As I approached the door, I heard someone at the latch and the door opened. She was dressed in loose drawstring pants and a camisole with no...
Sir, pats His lap and I slide over onto it. He holds me in His arms, kisses me and whispers in my ear to undress and stand before Him naked. I do as He asks and feel a wetness develop between my legs at the sound of His whisper. As my clothes come off so does the invisible yet heavy opaque mask I wear everyday. I stand before Him naked and transparent. He has my collar in His hands and I look into His eyes while falling to my knees. As I place my hands behind my back and bow, He slips the...
The Experiment by Pippa © I had been out clubbing these last few weeks, trying to screw my name into the record books after the break-up of my marriage. I had been lucky on this last occasion and had met twin sisters. They were both extremely beautiful, 5’4′ tall and exuded an air of permanent sexuality. Claire was the youngest by about six minutes, she was a real tearaway and, seemingly up for anything. Rachel however, although extremely pleasant, was much more demure, the professional...
Being a bartender in jamaica you will meet a lot of people from all around the world, I have been doing this for six years now. I am six feet one inches athletic build I workout at the gym as often as I can. The hotel that I tend bar has a lot of return visitors, so working there for so long I get to know a lot of them. On this trip the scott's is a couple that come every year Kim and Tom were very friendly, we chat and got...
Danny was forty five minutes out of Los Angeles and once again he was humming the tune ‘Que Sera, Sera’. It had just played through on his car radio and it had immediately brought to mind everything that had been going on in his life over the last few months. Daniel Brown was going to visit Peter in Siberia, their nickname for Blanke Schande College where Peter’s parents had insisted he study. The College was having an Open Day and Peter had insisted that Danny come down and have a look....
Protagonist Archetype Hobbies and Interest Protagonist Personality They say that ever family has secrets if you dig deep enough. I would have to agree though when I was young I had no idea how deep they really where. I guess I should count myself lucky there are no bodies buried in the back yard or skeletons in the closet at least not literal ones. It is hard to say when it all began but for me it started one summer many years ago. Me and my family had traveled to the family reunion for my moms...
IncestThis is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3 onwards containing the real...
Ma aur driver car mein hanste huye aaye aur main sab samajh gyi ki meri maa pakka apni chudai karwakar aarahi hai…papa mummy se puchne lage ki kyun has rahi ho to unhone kaha ki driver ne unhe joke sunaya hai…ab mummy ne kaha ki ab main fresh hoon aur main aage baithungi….aur mummy driver ke saath wali seat par jaakar baithi gyi..tabhi papa bole ki ab mujhko neend aarahi hai aur meri gaand par nochkar mujhko bhi ishaara kiya..maine bhi kaha ki mujhko neend aarahi aur iss tarah hum dono peeche...
Me and Jim hang out a lot together and a little while ago he said there was a bit of a party at the local hall and said he had no idea what it would be like but maybe we’d get lucky. Of course I agreed, always ready to get some pussy if any was going spare and parties are always a good place once they’ve had a few drinks. Anyway, he came round to me and we walked to the hall as it was fairly local and then we could have a drink as well. When we arrived the place was heaving so we got a drink...
Katy was a total bitch. Everybody knew that. If only she wasn't so pretty, then people would have more wicked things to say about her. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, her father was a business tycoon who rarely came home. Listed under Fortunes' Top 50 Richest Men in the world, who can blame the old geezer for swapping mistresses and wives when he felt like it? Katy's mother, a true blue socialite who graced the covers of magazines and not to mention hundreds of tabloids and gossip...
She is truly a one of a kind woman. Janice Griffith is smart, beautiful and knows exactly what she wants. Visiting in town for a few days she is a pleasure to have around the house. We both happened to have a day off so I had to take out the camera during this lazy afternoon and capture these natural, real moments. You never know what will be captured in behind the scenes footage with a girl like her. After talking, joking and teasing things go a little further. Words can’t describe the...
xmoviesforyouThree Tasty Hot Hairy Cuties ConfessionTonight I noticed a hot hairy foxy friend online, I invited her for our second chatHairy Katie is in the mood for me, even introduces great girlfriends who are at herReady for some action next day going out in my town, the capital of old AmsterdamExciting idea to know the private plans of those three tasties for tomorrow: Milky WayExactly a place where I might like to meet them casually by chance, what a sexy idea!Tasty, sexy and pretty she is, my foxy...
LEAVING THE PAST BEHIND 1/ Stephanie took her time walking back to the showroom. While she was worried people might notice the outline of the tight basque beneath her shirt, the fine stockings at her ankles, she was also enjoying the feel of the clothes as she moved. Everything was connected. From the slender straps of of the soft, lace basque that had hooked tightly on its most constrictive setting, to the garter straps across her panties, to her stocking encased...
This story is purely fictional and deals with a lot of extreme bizarre body modifications, punishment and humiliation. If you don't like this sort of stuff, you might want to skip this one. For those of you who do like this type of story, I hope you enjoy! OBSESSION By Big Boob Sissy My name is John and I'm a 46 year old male. Since I was old enough to understand sexuality and the attraction of boys to girls, I quickly became a "Tit man". I found them to be sensual and...
I was awake early and checked the clock to see that it was only five o'clock. I wanted to see the whole show this morning, so I moved from the bed. Lisa kissed me and told me I was certifiable to get up so early all the time. I was dressed in shorts and T-shirt in seconds, using my peg leg for balance. I was surprised to find Dewey at the saloon bar making his morning concoction. He pushed two tall glasses toward me and said, "Take one out to Steve; the show is about to start, we're all...
I want you to feel this, to enjoy it and play as much as you want. Lay on your back. Be ready, almost naked. Have a small hard toy and a good vibrator. I’ve pushed up your top to reveal your breasts. Standing beside your bed, I run my hands over your tummy and up to the bottom of your breasts where I cup one and squeeze if firmly in my hand. The other hand slides down and pushes along your thigh, moving back and forth till it touches your soft fur. Finding the mound, I push on it with the palm...
This story is seven chapters. I will be posting two chapters at a time till all are posted. Hopefully every two days. Thank you to Linda62953 for taking the time to edit my story. Chapter 1: My name is Katrina but my friends and family have always called me Trina. I want to tell you about my life and the mistakes I’ve made, maybe some of you can learn from my experiences. I can tell you right now that I’ll be called every name in the book by some readers. Maybe I deserve it, time will tell...
Hello friends. Main Ayush fir se hazir hu kahani ke agle part ke saath. Meri ye kahani bhi real incidents ke upar based hai. Ye kahani thodi lambi hai lekin humari life ka bohut important part hai. To ladkon apna lund apne haath mein le ke aur ladkiyan apni ungli apni chut mein daal ke taiyaar ho jaiye. Ek aur dhamakedar kahani ke liye. Vaani ki tabadtod chudai ke baad main, Vaani aur Ankita teeno balcony mein hi nange to gaye. Subah meri aankh khuli to maine dekha, Vaani nashe mein behosh mere...
Hi girls and guys! I live in Chandigarh and this is my life story what I enjoyed with my chachi around 16 years back and this was my chacha’s marriage and we were all enjoying dancing and making halla gulla at around 11.30 pm I was tired also and I have no interest in the marriage ceremonies whatsoever after that. I went to a nearby house to sleep which was provided to us for that night to take rest. I went in there nobody was there in a room so I went to bed without asking anybody after a few...
IncestNothing, and I mean nothing, in sex gets me off more than the scent and taste of my woman’s ass. I don’t mean when it’s squeaky clean and perfumed. I mean when it smells and tastes like what an ass is and what it does. Nothing beats the erotic blast of kissing her soft, satiny fanny and parting the cheeks to expose her sexy anus. I always press my nose into the warm, slightly moist cleft to savor the musk of her anal pheromones while the warmth of her bare buttocks embraces my face. The...
A few days later I felt it all catch up on me mentally. I woke up and felt drained and anxious. Managed to get breakfast down but needed to get back to bed not sure why. Got up it became very important to shave as closely as possible. Then to remove as much body hair as possible. I this became increasingly important and I felt myself shaking and breathing fast and shallow. I moisturised myself and put the bra and panties on and then the black flat shoes. It was not a sexy look but that of a...
"It's time you snapped out of this, Clemmy my love." murmured Alexia to her brooding, withdrawn friend and lover. It was now two months since the prison guards, sickened at what they were doing to Clemmy, but under orders to spare her nothing of her punishment, had finally got to the end of chastising her for her attempted escape. It was two weeks since she had been the given the last painful instalment of two hundred lashes on a back still raw from previous sessions. Now she was healed...
When I was 16 I would cut the grass at my youth pastor house. His wife was a hot looking lady and she wore pantyhose all the time. well i do love pantyhose alot. one day she went to the store when i was over to cut the grass. soon as i saw her leve i went to her room and went thru her drawers. i found the drawer with her pantyhose in and i was in heven there must of been 60 pairs in there well being the pantyhose horn dog I am i started to have alot of fun with her pantyhose i did this for a...
I stood alone in the bedroom in shock of what Katie just did to me. Over the next few weeks things escalated, Katie moved in and Matt did not talk to me like he use to. This was most probably because whenever Matt was around me Katie would not keep her hands off him, she would be snogging him whilst staring at me and on more than one occasion she would seduce him and I would hear them fucking in the bedroom. Matt seemed more uncomfortable with that than Katie. I did consider leaving my job but...
A Dirty Novel Written by [email protected] Chapter One Kevin Anderson woke up at the first sound of his radio alarm when it came on at 4 A.M. It was Saturday morning and he had a busy schedule ahead of him. The bed creaked as he shifted his weight and swung his legs out from under the covers and felt the first blast of the cool morning air and the cold tile floor beneath him. He stood and then stretched to work out the sleep from his body, took a deep breath and started for the...
You are browsing through the internet when a website catches your attention. 'MotherBoard' Change anything you wish and create the rest. Intrigued you click on the site. You see 3 options. Body-Change the body Mind-Give a command Reality- Change reality
Mind ControlI like my women on all fours, and if you think the same, how about checking out r/WomenBendingOver/? This subreddit is exactly what you would expect it to be, filled with chicks posting their pictures as they are bending over. There will be loads of nudity and suggestive content, and if you are in the mood, you are bound to love seeing it all.Now, keep in mind that Reddit is not a porn website. This site is dedicated to all the Redditors who would love to post NSFW or SFW content… which brings...
Reddit NSFW ListHi, readers hope you enjoyed my first story that happened between me and my chithi latha ( pls read my chithi latha (one) ) here I am going to say what happened next. As I followed chithi to her house without knowing what to tell when I face her, I was standing before her house door for nearly 5 min thinking about what to valuable, then I opened the door and locked it inside, she was in her bedroom with the tear rolling down her cheeks, when she saw me she turned her face and looked the other...
IncestA week after her office tryst with Dean Langdon, Susie Brock decided to seduce one of her roommates. This girl was a 20 year old junior named Amelia More from South Carolina. She had a rather earthy and sensual complexion. Susie guessed that she had both Caucasian and Afro-American ancestors. In fact, there was even a slight hint of Creek Indian. Susie had thoughts of possibly engaging in a threesome with Amelia and the Dean. After all, her personal preference for an exclusive relationship...