Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 17
- 4 years ago
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The Romans did set up camp as we figured. They had more daylight to do it but there were a lot of wounded people to deal with too, not to mention the dead.
Roman patrols had been sent out and they worked diligently to find any enemy but none were discovered. Most of the patrols retreated to their fort when it got dark but not all.
There was a small hill that was our objective. It was near the maximum range of our weapons. The hill protected us from direct view of the camp. We made a fire to give us enough light to see to load our guns with but not close enough to detonate our powder.
Jón climbed the hill and when our eyes were accustomed to the darkness I took over. I could see two of the five foot patrols. They were currently just resting in the dark but close enough that we could get them with the mortars.
I studied the stars and then went down the hill. The two mortars were aimed by guess and the probable flight of any survivors. The weapons were loaded with shells but their formulation had some of the dynamite in them for extra power.
The mortars coughed one at a time and I called down the slope to how they were to be adjusted. It took five shells to destroy twenty men. The cannon then fired one at a time and I called out adjustments just before the next fired.
The cadets and the men worked the cannon over an area simply by the windage in our barrels and the vagaries of the powder. We stayed at it for an hour. Fully thirty percent of our shells failed to explode but the remainder looked to be more than enough. The mortar teams took care of the other patrols as they arrived.
The walls of the Roman fort had been breached and the men fled but we followed them for a while. We used all of the ammunition we had on the carts except for a few dozen small rounds of grapeshot.
I stayed on the far slope as I heard the cries of the dying and saw the fires that blazed in the camp. Nobody was coming our way and the Romans just looked to be staggering around in a daze. I didn't feel glad about what we had done and even felt sad in a way that we had to kill in the first place. Roman soldiers were ruthless and killed children and even babies if they were compelled to do so or if they were angry enough.
I walked back down the hill to our cadets and those of the men that were here to assist.
"We have destroyed the camp. I think tomorrow we will march in and take those that still survive."
They could not see my face but I could see theirs and they were a sad lot for having gained such a one sided victory.
We should not have set up camp here but I was going to watch through the night. Very few slept and when breakfast came it was a sombre affair. More powder and shot were taken from the wagon and our magazines were restocked.
When everything looked as it should, I walked up and down the line of cadets and men. "We are going to take the camp. There may be some opposition but I hope not. We cannot afford to have an army on our lands that want to kill us. We will keep order and try to save as many as possible. Do not think for a moment that we are safe. Men deranged by what we had done to them are even more unhinged. We are a conquering people but need to show some compassion. To show too much will show us as weak though. This may be a difficult act to do but you must try."
We wound our way toward the camp. When we were spotted very few came to arms and we just walked our horses slowly forward. At fifty metres the cannon and even the mortars were aimed out at the Romans.
It was half an hour later that three men on horses came to us. They had swords but they were in their scabbards. Our own men kept their lances pointing up.
One Roman in a commanding voice and in a brutally butchered German demanded, "Who is in charge here?"
Jón had control and said, "I am Jón, son of Clovis. Who are you?"
"Gnaeus Scipio Magnus."
"Greetings, Gnaeus Scipio Magnus. I am sorry that we meet under these conditions. My aim is to take your camp. I would like you to be in charge under my authority. Your men will respond better. My men have some training in medicine as do I. My father and I do not treat slaves the same as what a Roman does. In your case you will not be slaves at all but what I am calling prisoners of war. Do I have your word as a Roman and a follower of Mithra that you will obey my will?"
"Is this all the people you have?"
"Three have died yesterday at your army's hands. Power now is in our weapons. Firing from here will be the same as we did yesterday on the trail. No Roman would be alive by the time we stop. What is your decision?"
"Tell me about what you intend to do with the officers?"
He didn't seem to worry much about the men and Jón said, "They will stay in the same positions they now have. I will deal with you and your staff directly. Your officers will give orders to your men. They too will have to give their oath to obey me.
"When we get to Hildestun, you will build a fort once more but under the coverage of our weapons. With the word of you and your men, you would be free to grow crops and to hunt. When more legions come we will do the same to them as I have done to you. Eventually the Roman Empire and the German people will come to an understanding."
"You say we will be free to hunt and farm?"
"Yes, you will not even be deprived of weapons at that future time. Until that time comes I want no mad Roman to take a weapon to my people."
"What we have done causes some to go mad. You must have been in battle enough to see how some react."
"I understand. How are we to proceed?"
"You are to go back to your camp and have your men collect all the weapons and armour. It is to go into a temporary armoury. A knife used for eating is allowed only. Grímkell and four of his men will ride into your camp to see how well the collection is going.
"When this has been done, I will bring two cannon into the camp. Those of your men able to see will witness you giving me your sword then your oath. I will hand you a sword in return. You will be the only Roman so armed.
"The officers will then give their oaths. This needn't conflict with your other oaths because I will not have you fighting Romans or do anything against your empire.
"After the ceremony we will tend to the injured. Killing men is easy but distasteful. Your officers will assist the wounded to the best of their ability."
"That is acceptable."
Grímkell took some of his men into the camp an hour later. It took him a half hour to come back. He looked very upset and he was a hardened soldier. He came to Jón and said, "There are perhaps three hundred men able to function. Most of those are hurt. I too have seen men go mad but there is a great deal of this in that camp. I think that most of the Romans would welcome death."
"Did you see Lucius or his children?"
"Thankfully I did not. That did not mean he was not among the dead or wounded."
At noon, Jón rode into the Roman camp with half of Grímkell's men. Those Romans that could stand were before what was left of the general's tent. There were a few Roman priests but they were priests of Mithra. The Christians had not got far into converting the military and many of the Emperors or the Augustus didn't want to antagonise the soldiers too much.
It was a long ceremony and Gnaeus Scipio gave his ornate sword to Jón on a bended knee. Jón had been a party to many ceremonies before. He gave assurances back that he would take care of the Romans as he would his own people that had been injured.
Jón got a tour of the camp and he talked to the wounded through an interpreter. He talked about duty and suffering and how it was the army that always had to suffer. There were a lot of military doctors and Jón gave his orders that they wash between patients and were given finer medical instruments than they had seen before. Bronze was a good material to make lancets but steel was better over all.
Once again I took control and operated as I had been taught. This was all theoretical. All I had ever done was some first aid and assisted at the birth of a baby girl at the side of a road once.
Shrapnel was not usually in one piece but many times the pieces were large. It was very late before we quit and this was only because of the light. I could still see and my probes could still detect metal but Jón was tired too.
Those outside the camp came in and took up a position in a good corner where the poles of two walls were still standing. The wagons had been drawn in too. The cannons were of course aimed at the rest of the camp. We put out sentries but they didn't guard against people escaping into the night.
Jón and I were worried, partially because Lucius and his people had not been found. The man had disappeared with the first cannon salvo on the trail. It was a prudent move but he had nearly four hundred men still under his command. We had to not only defend ourselves from those in the camp but those without.
In the morning, some of our men went out hunting, but it was for both men and animals. They did so far from camp. The barrage would certainly send all the larger animals fleeing.
A large grave was dug and those along the trail and those in and around the camp were put into it with full military courtesy. More large graves had to be dug because it looked like fully three thousand men had or would die soon. Our own dead were recovered and they too went into the graves along with the Romans.
Though the Romans didn't know it, the powder that fed the cannons was all put together under the guns. Jón was taking no chance that they or the powder would fall into hostile hands.
Grímkell had sent off four men with remounts to inform Hildestun of what had happened. Lucius' disappearance troubled him too.
In the course of a week the camp was put back together. Those surviving wounded now stood an even chance of living. I got a good chance to learn more than I wanted about surgery. The immunes including the doctors learned about disease and what could be used to control it.
The common soldier did not hate us that much though we had killed a great many of his friends. The officers were real snobs. A good proportion of them were from the aristocracy but more had risen through the ranks and assumed the demeanour of their new associates.
Some of the partially mobile were driven from the camp in the wagon. Some of the Romans were worried that we would execute those that had left. The men were put by game trails and the Frisians had gone quite a distance to drive game towards the Romans.
Everybody was happy when the wagon that went out, brought back a lot of jubilant hunters and a great deal of meat.
We had no messengers from Hildestun and we believed that either Lucius had taken them or there was trouble in or around the city. It could be many other things too but none of them were that likely.
Grímkell was put in command of the Romans in my place. He kept a dozen men with him but they would not have the cannon or powder. We now had to rely on the word of the Romans.
Our trip back to Hildestun was nerve wracking. At any moment we felt we could be attacked by Romans or Picts. My hearing was good but there was always lots of noise to drowned out some waiting enemy's movements. I had to more far ahead to listen adequately.
As we got nearer I became even more suspicious because this was the time to attack, when we would be relieved to be back in friendly territory. The air was constantly sniffed and I looked at the ground to find the tracks of horses that had come this way recently.
Not only were the bows always strung but we had both the grenades and the mace nearby. The wind was constantly monitored. Only a mad man would throw this substance up wind.
Ten hours from the city we were attacked. I had been in the lead and heard the sound of tack being rustled by nervous mounts. Two cannon were at the front and two in the rear of our column. At my signal one gun stopped then turned around and then when the next gun passed it too turned around. This had even been practised four times a day for the last few days.
The guns were then loaded with small grapeshot and we waited. I heard scouts moving around in the forest and the nervousness of the horses ahead was more readily heard but only by me.
The guns were taken from their mounts and most of the ammunition moved further away and the horses secured with hobbles as well as their bridals.
The horses I heard were now moving and I directed the guns to cover their expected approach. The attackers were good at what they did and came as quietly as they could. They also came from down wind as they would when stalking a particular prey.
They were clustering along a long line and I decided to attack first. Instead of the cannon our canisters of mace were thrown so they broke against trees ten metres from the wagons. Arrows carrying mace were shot into the air to break behind those ready to attack.
We heard a thunderous yell as the men made their attack. The cannons were ready but the charge stopped suddenly as it started. A few men made it to us but were in no condition to fight. Their horses were no better. Our own calvary now went to work mindful to stay out of the fog we had made. They didn't know what it was but knew enough to fear it.
When the air freshened, our calvary were able to move towards the men wreathing on the ground. The enemy horses were the same way and had killed some of the riders. I stayed at the cannons and listened for any changes.
Our calvary had to dismount and take the Picts with the pommel of their swords or with makeshift clubs. They held their breath most of the time but had to give up after pulling only a few towards our position.
It took a half hour for the Mace to clear but it still stayed in low pockets. Men were now just dragged towards us like lost sheep. It took another two hours to get all of the men that were still here. There was eighty seven of them but I figured that an equal number had fled.
We washed out their eyes and gave them water to drink. Mace was liquid and the men had to keep their hands out of their eyes. They vigorously washed their hands with soap and water when they were told this would help. A stream a kilometre from the came served to was them and their clothes. The surviving horses had to be cleaned too.
It was another two hours before we could move, but our captives had to be guided. Just before we were going to make camp for the night I detected another possible attack and prepared for it. In this case it never occurred. They knew we had detected them.
With the camp made, we set about feeding our uninvited guests. Most were fed their own rations though ours were not much different. Not all of the Picts were men in the prime of their lives. Twenty two could be termed young men starting out learning the trade of war.
With this many Picts within this distance from the city it was assumed that a siege was in place. Our walls and four cannons would keep this tribe of Gauls at a respectful distance, at least until the powder ran out. The farmers we had placed outside the walls were mostly Picts too and should not have suffered much. Or at least I hoped that.
Our guests though would have set up a satellite camp of their own. I could threaten or use torture to get one of the youngsters to tell me where it was but it would destroy the young man and not release much information.
We made a large fire for the Gauls. Their clothing was not yet dry. When guards were posted I left the camp in the commando outfit. I took to the road and headed towards Hildestun. It made sense that the Gallic camp was here to intercept those using the road. It also made sense that the camp would be within their lines.
It was crying that I heard that led me to the camp though I found lots of tracks soon leading in that direction. The angry voices of men were also heard.
The camp was large but again it had a lot of children and other noncombatants. The Gauls didn't even have pickets out. The horses though were near their owners' huts. I looked for ways to attack the camp but cause the least amount of casualties. Flushing the warriors and taking them would be the best. Since we had taken the many of the warriors already then I knew they would be desperate to get them back and might make some foolish charge trying to defeat us.
I checked for ways to get at the camp if necessary and then returned to our own camp. Within the hearing of our captives I mentioned the layout of the camp to those standing watch. I wanted it clear that I could have done something if I had wanted.
Forni was one of the two I was talking to and he said, "Why didn't you just go in there and take their horses and kill them the way you did before?"
Forni could not see my smile but I said, "Bran's camp was larger. I only killed a few hundred of his men. Many times I was shooting to wound. Now this group is smaller. We can do the same thing to them as we did to those that attacked us but that will still cause deaths. It crossed my mind that the easiest thing to do would be to pull the cannons toward the camp. We can kill everybody there in twenty minutes. The wolves can clean it up for us."
Some of the Gauls must have understood me because they moved anxiously. I continued, "We killed three thousand Romans in an hour and wounded all of the rest." I put my hand over Forni's mouth and said, "It is a shame about the children though. They will suffer the same fate as the men that want to kill us."
Forni squirmed and I whispered, "Agree with me."
The idea must have been hard to formulate but he said, "If that is what you want. I don't like to see the children killed. They can be taught."
"That is true. Look at all the Picts we have settled on our land. If we could get this group to surrender then we either let them go or give them land near us."
"You want more of them?"
"Why not? They are not Frisian but they can learn as you said. We have the weapons to take the entire Roman empire a legion or two at a time. These Gauls are just a nuisance but I don't mind doing a little more work if they will work with us peacefully."
"Well, what are you going to do? I don't like killing if it can be avoided."
"I will think on it. Tomorrow morning we will either kill a thousand Gauls or try to talk them into surrendering."
I whispered into both of the guards' ears, "The Gauls will try to escape to warn their people. I don't intend to kill anybody unless I can't help it. They were listening to me and it was a way of getting them to want to find a solution."
During the night as Jón slept I mentioned thirty eight times to various Gauls to leave their bindings alone. This way Jón got most of his sleep. Forni came over when his watch was over and cuddled close. He seemed to be still bothered about my threats.
An hour or so before dawn I awoke Jón and then he did the same to the rest of the camp. The Picts were roused but most of them had not slept. With his back to a large fire Jón said, "Gauls, I have to make a serious decision. We used our weapons on the Romans and destroyed a full legion. Your village is much smaller and even easier to destroy. Will your people surrender or will I have to kill? Answer me now."
Three men clamoured to answer because they were the only ones that understood my words. The oldest said in heavily accented German, "Our people have done nothing to you. We will depart if we can."
"Your king will drive you back and then I will have to kill you. It is easier to kill some of you now and some of you later." This horrified the three as well as our own people but they wisely held their tongues.
"There are few warriors left. What will you do to us and our families?"
"Settle you on our land. You will not be slaves but will have to stay for five years. After that time you are free to go where you will. The danger then will have passed."
"You will not sell us or split us up?"
"You are not slaves but you will be split up with my own people in farms beside you. They will learn about the Picts and you will learn about the Frisians or other German tribes. Your friends will only be one farm away."
"That is all?"
"No. You will get to keep one quarter of your crops. I will get your land ploughed and help you seed it. You are there to remove the weeds and to harvest. In your spare time there is work to do and you get paid in silver at the same rate as a Frisian. You don't have to do this but it is a way of learning."
"What kind of work is this?"
"Cutting trees into lumber, making things with the wood, building devices or tools out of metal and stone but there are a large number of jobs. You are free to accept this extra work or not. You Gauls are good at some crafts and now you have the chance to live where you will not have to fight."
"We will do as you say."
"You are only one man. Talk to the others and see what they say."
There was a lot of the Pict tongue being spoken and then questions asked and answered. Some voices sounded frantic because they heard the threat in Jón's words and voice.
Fifteen minutes later the horses had been hitched and we were off once more. Again I listened for an ambush. Now was a good time to have it. The night was quiet though and we managed to pull the cannons into position near the camp without detection. I helped Jón aim the cannon then we fired at the trees to one side of the village. We kept it up with four salvos. Every person in the village was awake and before their huts with a weapon in their hands if they had any.
The three Gauls and three of the guards walked across the area we had cleared with the guns. They looked at the trees or what was left of them. Those in the camp just stared at the six men.
The Gauls had seen enough and called to their people to come and see the damage. First one then a few more came and stared at what had once been full sized trees.
When it was getting light a delegation came towards us. The same kind of threats were given then the carrot. The cadets helped. They stood proud beside their guns ready to touch the powder in the pan if ordered to do so.
It took an hour for all the Gauls to kneel and give their oaths. The Frisians never trusted the Gauls very much but this was enough for now.
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FantasyShe knew that voice!! It was Jamal from school, the Black boy who had intimidated her, the Black boy that her racist self had turned down for a date!! He was the sexiest guy in school! She looked up and was embarrassed to see the face of one of her classmates staring down at her and seeing her nakedness. For a second she started to move her hands to cover her tits and pussy. However, her discipline took hold and she did as her Daddy had commanded and maintained her submissive position....
Because practically no one will be reading this, let me tell all of you random but people my biggest fantasy:A lover of mine (or any hot/cute chick) is taking load after load into her open and willing mouth. She holds it all in her beautiful mouth until it's filled to the brim with semen. If she was up to it, I wouldn't mind at all if she was gargling and blowing cum bubbles while waiting between loads.Then, instead of swallowing all those loads like a champ, she lets it spill out of her mouth...
For all intents and purposes i am your average middle aged married man, and though very masculine and straight acting for as long as i can remember i have been addicted to sucking cock.I have always been a prolific and regular wanker and right from the start enjoyed the taste of my own sperm, although i enjoyed masturbating over my dad’s straight porn magazines and cine films (especially the scenes showing women sucking cocks and swallowing sperm) i found myself drawn to reports in the tabloid...
Jack Stevens was on his way to paradise. The 26 year old had managed to beat the system. Through some rather crooked accounting, he had managed to liberate almost two million dollars from some retirement homes accounts. His deeds were impossible to trace and now he sat in the driver's seat of his convertible racing towards the beach house he had so recently purchased. Life was looking good. He was rich and unencumbered, healthy and good-looking. He was 5 foot 10 inches tall, with a...
Introduction: This story just happened over the summer Kid next door is a peeping tom This story just happened over the summer. We live in a complex were the houses all look pretty much the same and are in each driveway three houses. Every house has a six foot fence to draw the property line, so you get privacy. So I thought until now. In June I noticed our neighbors kid Jimmy peeking threw his upstairs window at me when I was in the Jacuzzi on our deck. No big deal I thought, I kind of liked...
"That was detestable, young man. Simply horrid. It's beyond me how you children act nowadays. I'm appalled. I have no idea what to do about it." We were in Mrs. Longtree's small sitting room that was right next to her bedroom. In this old Victorian home there were numerous rooms, including several bedrooms that she rented out, and the combination parlor and dining room where the residents could gather. This little room was private. She would sometimes allow one or two of the girls to have tea...
TabooI was out with my friend and we were in one of the best nightclubs in town, its plays dirty rnb were girls get wild and crazy and do made stuff, my friend Neil is a bit of a stud and he always gets the girls but this time was different, We were dancing on the dance floor when a older women in late 30’s id say kept looking over at Neil and smiling she was obviously drunk as she was all over the place but she was mighty fine for a milf, in the end she came over and started dancing with Neil, she...
By the way, just after I started lessons with Nakamura-san, Malcolm left us. That was three years ago. Cyn was getting boring. Imagine that. Teach a guy everything he needs to know about pleasing a woman and he leaves. Cyn missed him ... about a minute after he stepped on the airplane, she was trolling. I do have to admit ... she’s a past master at fishing in the male pool. For awhile it was officers from the base but we moved. Sasebo had taught me everything they could and sensei suggested...
My friends call me Jim, but my full name is James Schneider with no middle name. Some people, mainly women, think I'm a woman hater because I enslave women. That is not exactly true. They don't know why my women submitted themselves to me. I am 24 years of age, and my weight has varied between 180 and 190 lbs since I graduated from high school. At 5' 9" tall and with a slight build, that places me on the chubby side of athletic. My short black hair, brown eyes, acne, and personality don't...
Back in the fifties and sixties, my father worked in Tanganyika or Tanzania as it’s now called. I was then twenty, I was in the British army, based in the UK and I had saved up two months leave having been given permission to take an extended leave to visit my parents. They lived at the time in a very remote area with only a small handful of European engineers and a number of Indians, mostly Sikhs who occupies mainly admin roles. I quickly realised how boring those two months were going to...
Chapter 1 If you're still working, still younger than retirement age, well, be glad. I say that not because it's bad being retired, actually there are benefits to it quite often but some things depend on just how your life goes after you do retire. But, always remember, things can and, sometimes, do change. Even for the better. I'm Tom, sixty-four, newly-retired but my wife, Imogene, and I have been living in a retirement community that is made up of above fifty-five year olds and, really,...
"Send the next patient in please, Cynthia.""It's Mrs. Marshall, doctor, your last one for the day; I'll get off home now if that's all right.""Certainly, I'll see you tomorrow."I switched the intercom off and turned to see Mary Marshall coming in through the door, a big smile on her beautiful face."Good afternoon, Mrs. Marshall," I smiled. "What can I do for you this afternoon?"She smiled and sat down, crossing her long, nylon-clad legs."I think I have a small problem, doctor.""Well, that's...
IncestI would like to know, if you do Jack/Jill off that the stories help. If, as you are enjoying yourself, you peal another layer of the dark onion of desire in the back of your mind, and think to yourself "wow, if only they....". Leave a comment. You're likely not alone. Honestly, know you're not alone even if you are one percent, there are millions of us. So just know even the comments are free. if you want to PM ideas, questions, or random non related stuff. BTW this is now just over...
Freya Parker and her friend Leana Lovings are excited as they settle in to have their first slumber party. They excitedly chatter as they learn a little more about each other and Leana asks why Freya never attends group slumber parties. Freya’s embarrassed at first but, after some gentle probing, admits that she has a quirk: she has to go to bed in the nude! Although Leana is naturally surprised to hear this, she is totally accepting of Freya’s quirk. She admits that she herself has...
xmoviesforyouPyare Doston, Main, aap ki Julee, hazir hun apna ek aur hangama aur chudai ka karnaama – CHUT CHUDAI CAR ME. Jo tareef mujhe mili hai aur jitne mail mujhe roz milte hain, us se main bahut khush hun ki itne logon ne meri chudai ko, mere likhne ko pasand kiya hai. Maine aisa nahi socha tha ki main itni famous ho jaaoini ki kuch log mujh se jalne lag jaayenge. Jalne wale jalte rahe, main parwah nahi karti. Mera maan na hai ki pyar aur chudai sab samajik bandhan se upar hai aur jab pyar karne...
Celeste could feel the South African mid-morning sun warm on her naked skin. A soft breeze caressed her nipples and played with her exposed sex. Nothing moved. In the distance, she could hear the call of a yellow-billed hornbill. The cicadas' monotonous song filled the empty air like an afterthought.The twenty-three-year-old tourist guide knelt in the hot sand next to tracks of an impala ram. This medium-sized antelope was in the vicinity and Celeste had to find it fast. She was about two hours...
OutdoorSam managed to get dressed and down the stairs before his mother came through the hall door, as he was running down the stairs, he heard Jo starting the shower. He met his mom at the front door, she was carrying a couple of bags and 2 large pizza boxes. “where is Jo, I got pizza for dinner because your dad is working till late, something about the project they are doing having to be finished before the morning” She called upstairs, just as Sam heard the bathroom door opening, “Jo, I got pizza...
Poor Mel. She was risking everything betting on me. Sure, her marriage was a dead-end, but at least she had security. I took that away from her and may have even planted a child in her. She was incredibly intelligent and capable, but she lacked the kind of attitude one needs to make it on their own. She needed someone to obey, someone to lead her, to give her purpose. She needed someone who had her best interests in mind and appreciate her true value. She was an exceptional woman, so utterly...
November and December came and went, with the Dalton family holiday gatherings, which now included Prudence, Constance and the twins. Tim too, since he and Constance had become engaged. Bev was three months pregnant, and radiant. Bill was bursting with pride. Mary was five months pregnant with her second child, and happy that this one was conceived with Fred, her husband. Linda had Paul over for Thanksgiving dinner, and it was obvious they were completely caught up in each other....
Before I start this story I have to tell you that all parties involved were 18 years of age or older lolz, this is so I cant get my cute ass thrown in jail and ****d cause then my ass would be looser then brittany spears after a line of cocaine and a night in vegas and I ant have that. This all started fromn a myspace chat I had with this one k** and we had a little argument about how cute Justin Bieber was and we bacame good friends and then really good friends once we realized we only lives a...
Kaum volljährig geworden sind die beiden Freundinnen Antje und Sabine einfach von zu Hause ausgezogen und haben sich ihre erste gemeinsame Wohnung in der 80 km entfernten Großstadt gemietet. Die Dreizimmerwohnung in einem schäbigen, ausschließlich von Ausländern bewohnten Mietshaus ist zwar nicht sehr repräsentativ, aber geräumig und vor allem für die jungen Mädchen einigermaßen erschwinglich. Als erstes wollen sie sich einen Job suchen, um die demnächst fällige Miete bezahlen zu können. Ihr...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Pregnant Mommy and Sis By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Jenny Wilson I pressed my face into my mother's sweet pussy, her thick labia rubbing on my lips while her ticklish pubic hair caressed my cheeks. It was so wonderfully naughty to do this. Just this morning, I was so angry at her, hating her for calling me a slut and a whore and a hussy for the last few weeks. Ever since she found out I was...
Greymonte was quiet. A pleasant breeze blew across the well-manicured lawns, causing a light rustling noise through the trees. Squirrels hopped merrily about, dreaming about busting a nut, while blue-birds and and robins chased each other through the branches. Aside from the small furry forest-creatures, there wasn’t a sound nor disturbance, and the complex looked as tranquil as a cemetery. Except for those damn ninjas. Derek regretted using them almost instantly. He’d chosen Juice and Drew...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
IncestHer white sheets are draped slightly over her thigh, contrasting with her light brown skin, covering her womanhood. Her tanned skin, trembling slightly, is covered in sweat as her delicate hand moves something down her firm body. She gets small goose-bumps as the object traces the curves of her body, sometimes barely touching the bare skin. She eventually slips it below the sheets and between her thighs, pausing slightly while relishing the feeling of it brushing her skin before moving between...
MasturbationDavid woke in the early hours of the morning from a restless sleep. He was in turmoil, his mind working in an endless circle like the dog chasing his tale. Whilst he hated what had happened to him yesterday evening when Dale had used him like a woman and Jason had made him suck on his cock afterwards, he couldn't escape the fact that he had been turned on by the fact others had forced him to submit to their will. It was an inescapable paradox and yet the more he thought about it, the more he...
Chapter 1 My wife, Louise, and I had a rather major change come about in our life about a year ago and it all began on a picnic. We'd been married about twelve years or so, I was thirty-seven and Louise was thirty-four. We are both attractive people and keep trim with regular gym work and a very active sex life. Yes, I married a woman with a wonderful sex drive, I think we fuck more now than we did when we first met. The picnic was one out to a secluded beach on a lake near us and we were...
The story of a man’s education in love and sex. Notes for Literotica: I have not used ‘Microsoft lines’ — I am not certain what these are — but have used a series of underscores: _______ I have made sure that there are less than thirty of these in any given set. I have also used page numbers. Do you have a problem with this? This novel contains only dialogue together with my thoughts. I have used superscript initials to identify a speaker: FV for example to indicate Frank Vogels’ dialogue...
‘I’ve waited all my life to cross this line To the only thing that’s true So I will not hide It’s time to try anything to be with you All my life I’ve waited This is true.’ -Ryan Cabrera. ***** ‘No!’ ‘Yes.’ ‘We’re not sharing that bed,’ Brie snapped, crossing her arms over her ample breasts. ‘Well, sure. You can just take the floor, then,’ Mik tossed over his shoulder as he dropped their luggage on the large, dominant, king-sized bed. It was a rather nice bed, with pink and white...
Earth Algonquin Park Dungeon, Ontario August 15, 2019 12:11 EDT “Ready,” Ben replied once he got his phone out. “First up is 278E.” “That’s Minor Jack of All Trades,” Ben answered almost immediately. “Five of each attribute, plus one percent more Strength, Agility, Intellect, Constitution and Endurance from all sources.” “I’ve got that one, so I pass. It should probably go to Anja since she has the lowest stats out of all of us,” Mason explained. “I think she is just over one hundred...
Part 3 Julia joins in on fun and games So, there she was Julia, Caitys best friend who I hooked up with in a drunken stupor at the schools senior spring dance earlier this year, before Caity went to the same school as us. Julia was 6'0'' , just a tad taller than Caity, she had 40DD tits, which seemed a little bigger in here red t-shirt with a picture of Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory with his catch phrase “Bazinga” under it. This shirt was accompanied with her black mini skirt she...
Being born in a rural area with little excitement might have had a lot to do with my friends and I being entertained with things that others might find trivial and other things that might seem odd.Swinging on an aged willow branch over a stagnant pool of water was one our favorites because we all hoped that the next one to give it a try would have the branch break and they would plummet face first into the stagnant water. That only happened one time when I was at the willow tree and the victim...
Princess Ava – Echur, The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I couldn’t believe I stood here. My entire body trembled. When I awoke this morning, a restlessness seized me along with a horny itch in my pussy. I tried masturbating to ease it. I tried using Greta’s fingers, her tongue, and even had her strap on a leather dildo and fuck me. Nothing satisfied me. I needed that forbidden pleasure. I craved it to my utter shame. How could I lust for a man I hated, let alone for my...
Day 5 (12) –Richard and Perry Richard pulled Perry out onto the balcony while everyone else trooped out the door. He'd turned on the coffee machine on the sideboard after taking a shower, and it was hot now. "Coffee?" Richard asked. He poured a cup. "Oh yeah! Thank you!" Perry took the offer while Richard filled a second for himself. "I ... you know you didn't have to offer to buy clothes for Barbara." Perry met his eye, raised a brow. "Barbie, you mean? C'mon, it's the least...
My son had just finished eating my pussy, the very one I'd pushed him out of 16 yrs ago. For his first time he wasn't bad. The best thing though was his fat little cock. It was about 7 inches long and at least 3 inches all around. While I was sucking it I thought my jaw would fall off. I wish my husband was this thick. After cumming all over my baby's face, I climbed on top of him and straddled his cock without putting it inside of me. I ground my slit back and forth on his hard pole, covering...
IncestHello Readers, I am Rahul, I was given a surprise by friends when I was travelling on work and coincidently my birthday was the next day. After a long flight I checked into my hotel room and slept as soon as I hit the bed, I was too tired to even change; I just removed my shoes and flopped on the bed. I was fast asleep when I heard the door bell ring, I was irritated and went to open the door and see who it was. I went and opened the door, just dressed in my trousers, shirt, and socks. I saw a...
Karina Gottfeld ist Auszubildende zur Speditionskauffrau. Erstes Lehrjahr, bei einem angesehenen Logistikbetrieb. Die Arbeit gefällt ihr gut! Besser als Schule zumindest. Karina brütete gerade über diesem dämlichen Buchungsprogramm, als Frau Müller quer durch das grosse Büro krähte: " Karina! Du solltest doch noch....