LuciChapter 4 free porn video

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Buzzing, loud noises, alarm. I hate alarms. I hate alarms when I am sleeping on my couch at work. I hate sleeping on my couch at work. Still dark. Mouth tastes like a sewer and I have not even been drinking. Where is the alarm coming from? Oh, PC. I pull myself erect and stumble over to my PC and silence the noise. It was not that loud, but when the only noises in the room are PC fans, it was loud enough. My head ached and I had to go to the bathroom. It was going on for 5:30 in the morning when I prodded my machine back to life, hoping it would somehow jumpstart my own brain. I had given up hope on my body. My phone was ringing and I felt like I had a hangover.

"Yeah?" I was not in the mood to deal with anyone.

"Good morning to you, too, dear. I hope to be out of here at lunch. No, I can make it home on my own. Have a good day at work, I love you, too." Spending the night at work was not unusual, but I would have to make it up to Fay.

The restore had worked without errors. I took a quick look through the restored files and was happy with what I saw. It was time to start rolling the changes into the files. I slipped into gear and started typing. The knock on my door brought me up with a start and probably a growl. I think I scared Jerry a little because he brought up both hands in a defensive gesture.

"Sorry." We both said it at the same time and a second later we started laughing.

"Sorry, Jerry. You want a status report, right?"

"Yes, if you can give me one."

I took a minute, looked at the clock and wondered how it got to be 7:30 already, marshaled my thoughts and began. "We are about 75 percent of the way there. I think that by 8:30 AM we should be ready to kick the system over to accounting and let them see if it is fixed. We have a real DBA coming today?"

"Yes, should be here anytime now. You get any sleep?"

"About 4 hours on the couch, so no, not really. I am trying to hold it together until the cavalry arrives and then I can have a breakdown. Just keep people out of here and I should be fine. I probably smell too."

He laughed as he walked away.

"Good morning, Nikki. You might want to give him a wide berth this morning," I heard him say as he walked down the hall.

"Good morning, Jerry. He doesn't scare me." I heard Jerry laughing as he returned to his office.

"Good morning, Gary, you..." Her mouth kept moving, but no words were coming out. I think she was going to say I was in early, because I was, except I had yet to leave. Nikki glanced around the office, taking in the state of the couch, my rumpled clothes and haggard appearance. She almost looked like she was looking for something.

"Luci left around 11 last night, Nikki."

"Um? Oh, I know, she called me." Six hours ago that information would have come as a surprise to me. Now it was just simply data. She stopped and looked at me from across the desk.

"Besides a shower and sleep, can I get you anything? Have you had anything to eat since last night?"

"No, and no, but I don't expect to be here long."

"Do you want coffee?"

"Yes, but I cannot take any coffee on an empty stomach."

"Not to worry, Gary." She looked like she was going to say more, but instead turned and left. I went back to work.

Nikki slipped in a little later and dropped off coffee and a bagel. I do not know where she got the bagel from, but I was very happy she had.

"Are you going to be a bad boy and resist going home?" Luci was leaning on my doorjamb, wearing a long blue skirt that almost touched the floor. She had a tight deep pink cable knit sweater on that showed of her chest. She looked stunning. Blue dangle earrings with gold and silver drew your attention to her face, where she had put on a subtle layer of makeup and lipstick. Stunning. And then she walked into the office, and you saw the slit in the skirt that went well above her knee. She had on two inch heels and black stocking and was marching into my office and around my desk. I found myself standing up, arms out to touch her and not knowing what to do. She stopped far enough away to be businesslike, but with a gleam in her eye and smile on her face. She reached out for my hands and took them in her own and squeezed them, then kissed each one in turn then stepped back. I almost fell into my chair.

"Luci, you look wonderful. I must be delirious; I thought you were an angel."

"Oh, you are going to resist."

She was grinning, happy and very beautiful. My PC chose that moment to chirp at me.

"Hot damn!" I slapped the desk causing Luci to jump and brought Nikki and Pete in at a run.

"What now?" Pete looked like the world was coming to an end.

"We have ourselves a functioning accounting system," I said. "And 20 minutes before I said it would be ready!" I received a polite round of applause from the ladies. Pete looked like I had just told him the world was flat.

"Gary, are you busy?" Missy was standing in my door way looking that the small crowd.

"For you, never!" I was giddy. I was tired and I wanted to go home. Badly.

"This is Jason Tanner, our new DBA," she said ushering Jason into the office. Jason was about 45, a little grey at the temples but otherwise unremarkable. He held out his hand to me, not quite sure what to make of my attire. He was wearing a suit. At least he knew how to dress.

"Good morning, Jason, welcome to Fort Apache. This is Pete Mannor, head of networks, Luci Phelps, our lead network engineer and Nikki Wilson, our lead application engineer. What do you know?"

He gave me a look that said he was about to spit out his resume and I could almost see him change gears.

"I don't know anything. What do I need to know?" I liked him already.

"Pete, get Jason an account and whatever else he needs to do Paul's job. Fill the paperwork in as you go and bring it by for my signature." Pete was gone before I changed my focus. "Nikki, he will be using Paul's machine. Go ahead and log me out and then image the thing in case we have a need it later."

"10 minutes, tops," she replied heading out the door.

"Grab a seat Jason and some paper if you need it. Here is what I know."

Jason pulled up the empty guest chair and Luci slid onto the couch, pushing my blanket out of the way. I suspect that if Jason had any questions later today, Luci would be the one answering them. I needed to make a note of that. I brought Jason up to speed on what I knew, suspected and had done over the better part of the last 18 or so hours. I may have shown my ignorance in doing things, but I did them the only way I knew how. We spent over an hour discussing the best ways to keep things afloat and what we might need to do to shore up the dike and keep it from happening again. He was bright and articulate and I felt better about turning the whole ball of wax over to him. Once we had our game plan in place, we went and did it all over again in a brief for Jerry and Bob Norton. By 10:30, Jason was in front of a machine and implementing the plan. I wished him luck and dragged myself back to my office.

"You are going home now, right?" Luci asked me from the couch.

"No, but I am going home in about 20 minutes. Less if I can arrange it."

"I can live with that. Let me go and take care of a couple of things and I will walk you out."

"Thank you, Luci, but that isn't necessary. I am a big boy." I got a smile for my effort.

Almost 30 minutes later, I was heading for Jerry's office.

"Unless you need me, I am going home," I said as I stuck my head in the door.

"No, go get some rest. You have earned it. See you tomorrow."

"Yup. Probably around 8, I have to take Ellen to school."

"See you then. Drive safe." He returned to what ever it was he was doing and I headed for the elevators. Luci was waiting for me.

"Going to make sure I actually leave?" I asked coming up to her.

"Yes, actually," she replied pushing the button.

"You do look wonderful this morning, Luci," I said as I entered the elevator behind her.

"Thank you. I decided that since you would not be here to see me today, then no one should get to see anything either."

"Except that you are leaving very little to the imagination, even though there is very little skin showing."

"True, but they will have to settle for their imaginations, you know better."

She kissed me soundly but quickly before the elevator doors opened.

"Get home safe. I will see you tomorrow."

"Take care of yourself," I responded, stepping out into the foyer and heading for the parking lot.

Wednesday was a bit of a blur. I did go home but I did not immediately go to sleep. Instead I went home, showered, changed into casual clothes, did a clean for dirty swap at the dry cleaners, picked up some stuff for dinner and spend a couple of hours in the hot tub. OK, I fell asleep in the hot tub. Not safe I know, but I guess I really was tired. I picked up Ellen at school and was rewarded for my effort with squeals and hugs and kisses. Six-year olds have such energy. We went home and played on the floor for a few hours before I started dinner. Fay was home by six and we had a nice, quiet family dinner. We played a board game or two and headed to bed. Thursday would be here soon enough.


When the alarm went off Thursday morning, I was feeling more like my old self. Fay had left somewhere in the middle of the night, or so it had seemed. She was working on a major project and was trying to come home in time to get Ellen, so I got to sleep in and take her to school. It was supposed to be unseasonably warm today and I almost grabbed a suit off the rack, but instead decided comfort was the name of the game. I pulled out a pair of my favorite cargo pants and was pulling on a polo shirt when I thought better of it and reached for a button up Hawaiian shirt. I was not violating the dress code, just stretching it a little. I had earned the privilege I thought. Ellen was already dressed and we had a quick bowl of cereal together and headed to school.

"Daddy, we have to pick up Chloe this morning." Chloe was one of her friends and lived around the corner from us.

"OK. Now were does she live again?"

"Daaadddyy..." I do so love teasing her.

We picked up Chloe and made the short trip to school where I dropped the girls off and then made my way to work. I decided that I was going to stop and get some gourmet coffee on the way, along with a bagel to keep me going until lunch. Skipping meals like the last two days was something I could do, but if I did it too often, my body would rebel. At 8:15, I pulled into a parking space and made my way upstairs.

"Hey Gary, you da man!" Pete gave me high five as I stepped off the elevator. He was coming out of our spaces heading for where ever it was he was going. I do not think I would not have gone that far, but if he felt good, then things were looking up. I entered the secure hallway and turned the corner only to be tackled by Nikki. Now Nikki is not heavy, but she sure is not light and when you do not expect it, well, we wound up falling to the floor like a house of cards. I am surprised neither one of us was hurt. What surprised me more than being tackled was the flurry of kisses she was giving me, topped off by a very deep, long kiss, her pelvis grinding against mine. And we were in the middle of the hall! The security door opened and Jerry was standing there looking down at this scene with a mixture of humor, interest and a little longing. Nikki, sensing my attention had shifted looked up to Jerry and smiled then slipped back and offered me a hand up.

"Sorry, Jerry, I couldn't resist," she said.

"I understand Ms. Wilson. Perhaps next time a little more decorum might be exercised?" He was trying not to laugh. I managed to get myself to my feet and saw Janice behind Nikki. She came up and pushed Nikki out of the way and started wiping my mouth with a tissue, one hand holding my chin so I could not get away.

"Yes Nikki, one must always maintain decorum," she said, and then she kissed me. And what a kiss it was. Maybe it was the after effects of having Nikki kiss me first, but I do not believe so. She curled my toes and brought me to hardness in a matter of seconds, drawing a moan from deep within me before she broke away. Those in the hallway were applauding, even Jerry. I was speechless and blushing.

It was then that I noticed that all the ladies were wearing polo shirts with the company logo and IT Department on them and khakis. In fact, everyone was wearing the same thing. Except for me that is. Even Jerry had one on.

"Clearly, I missed a staff meeting. Or at least a memo?"

"At least," Jerry replied and ushered us into the library. Luci was there and she too was wearing the uniform of the day, a room-illuminating grin on her face. They ushered me to the head of the table and Luci and Nikki took up positions of honor, standing on either side of me, each resting a hand on my shoulder. I had no clue what was going on. I was about to find out because Craig Kelly came through the door at that moment, followed by Patricia. Craig was wearing a suit, but Patricia had on one of our IT shirts and a khaki skirt. She must have borrowed the shirt from someone because it was a little tight on her. Not that it looked bad mind you.

"Mr. Preston," Craig began, "I understand you have a problem with the corporate dress code?" I was going to respond, but both Nikki and Luci chose that moment to squeeze my shoulder. I shut up, but I looked directly at Craig.

"I have also heard that you feel it is discriminatory." I was going to have bruises as the girls squeezed harder.

"Further, I have heard that you would like to see it modified." He looked at me and started grinning. Everyone else in the room was as well.

"It would seem, Mr. Preston, that the members of this department have a very high opinion of you, especially when you choose to open your mouth. Further, it would seem that they are not the only ones who hold you in such high esteem." He pulled out some papers from his jacket.

"This is a memo, Mr. Preston, from the Board of Directors, to the Human Resources department of this company, instructing them forthwith to adjust the dress code of this company to correct the injustice done to the female employees and to put them on an equal footing with their male counterparts in all aspects of company culture. This is a memo from the Human Resources department to the IT department, indicating a change in dress code that should be applied to all members of the IT staff. And this, Mr. Preston, is a Certificate of Merit from the Board for bringing this issue to our attention." He took a framed certificate from Patricia and handed it down the table to me. The girls let me stand up.

"Gary, you have seen an issue that needed fixing and you brought it up. Like all of your work, we are all very proud to have you here. If you ever find coming to work here is not as fun as it used to be, you come and see me. We will see what we can do to keep you in the family. Understood?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you."

Patricia tapped her boss and handed him an envelope.

"Ah, this Gary is a more substantial thank you for all your effort in this matter." He passed the envelope down the table to me.

"Thank you, sir."

At that moment, Missy arrived with a trolley of food and coffee and juice. I guess we were going to have a party to celebrate the new clothes the ladies got to wear. At one point during the fete, Craig and Jerry slipped out. I saw them leave, but I was surprised that Patricia stayed. A little later, she cornered me and took my hands, slipping something between them.

"The women of the company are very thankful for your intervention, Gary. This is a little thank you that we know you will cherish." She gave me a peck on the cheek and made her way out. She had handed me a memory card from a digital camera. I slipped it in my pocket for later. A little after 9 AM, I chivied everyone back to work and returned to my office to start my day.

My office was remarkably clean. The piles and the stacks once scattered all over the floor, were now altogether on the lowest shelf of the bookcase, the books were back on the shelf and pretty much in place. The loose components were back in their boxes or, I was guessing, in the filing cabinet. The camera was on its charger and the couch actually looked inviting. Someone had folded my blanked and put it over the back and put the pillows against each side. There was another envelope on my desk. Actually there were no less than six.

I plugged my laptop in and started it up while I pulled the accumulated goodies out of my pockets. I put the certificate on the corner of my desk. I would have to get a picture hook for it, although it was not that heavy. Maybe a push pin would do.

I put the data chip over by the laptop and opened the envelope Craig had given me. Along with an official letter of commendation for my file, there was a cheque for $5,000, less taxes. No a bad bonus really. The cards on the desk were from some of the female staff thanking me for my efforts on their behalf. There was a big one on the bottom signed by just about everyone as far as I could tell. Luci came in while I was looking over the signatures and reading the comments. At some point, someone, I was guessing Nikki from her comment that read "Thank you for helping us get undressed," changed the whole tone of the comments and they became risque and even a little pornographic as the card had made its way through the ranks.

Luci had signed it as well, but her comment was completely above board. It read "Thank you Gary for all your hard work and effort. I cannot wait for your next deal." Anyone reading that could infer anything they wanted. I knew what she was referring to.

"Did you read these?" I asked as she settled in the guest chair.

"Yes. It started it after Jerry gave us the news yesterday. Nikki almost got changed in the meeting."

"I bet that raised some eyebrows."

"It was a token strip. She took off her shoes and rolled down her stockings and threw them in the middle of the table. Janice and I followed suit. There were more than a few eyes popping out. Poor Jason didn't know which way to look." She giggled at that.

"How is Jason doing? I guess I should go an look in on him," I had started to rise and Luci held up her hand.

"He is doing fine. Pete and I both looked in on him yesterday and things look good this morning. He will be in later, I am sure."

"OK," I said without any real conviction. "Why do I get the feeling there is a 'but' coming."

"Can I close the door?"

"Yes." I was not quite sure where this was leading. Luci got up and closed the door, making sure it was locked when she did so.

She turned around and looked at me then walked over to the couch and sat down.

"I would rather not yell this across the office," she said, indicating the couch.

With a sigh I got up and walked over to the couch and sat down opposite her.

"You were serious the other night when you said that if I broke the deal, we would never be alone together and you would not come within ten feet of me weren't you?"

Was I? "Yes, Luci, I was very serious."

"Did I fulfill my part of the deal?"

"Yes, Luci, you did. I can find no fault."

"Can I renegotiate a clause?"

Where was she going? "I guess so. Since you fulfilled your part of it, and I left my part rather open, I suppose you can, subject to discussion." I was getting a sinking feeling in my stomach.

She took a deep breath and seemed to steel her will. She looked me straight in the eye and there was a little tear there. Now I really did have a bad feeling.

"I want it all, Gary." She said it with such emotion that I wanted to reach out to her, but she put her hand up to stop me. She needed to finish, so I let her. "I want it all, but I know I cannot have it all, so I am willing to settle with what I can get. But please, don't ever threaten me like that again. I don't think I could bear to be separated from you by five inches, let alone five feet. Ten feet would kill me." Tears were streaming down her face and she let me take her into my arms. I held her while she cried and kissed the top of her head. My mind was spinning with the implications of what she had just said. I expected another sleepless night.

I sat and held her for several minutes while she cried herself out then went and got her some tissues.

"You should look at the pictures," she said between dabbing her eyes, indicating the chip Patricia had handed me.

When a woman, who has just had a crying fit tells you to do something so she can pull herself together, you do it. I walked over to the PC and moved the required programs into place and put the chip in the reader and opened it. There were 5 pictures on it.

The first picture was in the Board Room. It was a vote of the Board of Directors. All thirteen of them had their hands in the air. On the screen behind them was the resolution tasking HR to amend the dress code.

The second picture was of the signing ceremony.

The third picture was the IT meeting and Janice rolling her pantyhose down and a pile of nylon and shoes on the table.

The fourth picture was, what looked like the entire female staff (or as many as they could get) in the Board Room with a big sign that said "Thank you, Gary." It was very sweet.

The fifth picture blew my mind. It was a much smaller group than before. But instead of being dressed in their office clothes, most had taken off their tops so they were standing in their bras. But at the front of the group, in front of the sign, wearing noting but smiles were Luci, Nikki, Janice, Patricia and two ladies that I did not immediately recognize. The first row was stripped down to their bras and panties. It was a very interesting picture. I looked up at Luci who was smiling at me.

"It was Janice's idea actually. She and Patricia. Rachel and Bonnie didn't need any convincing and I think Nikki was nude before Patricia was." Patricia had nothing to be ashamed of. Her breasts had a little droop to them, but her body was firm and her pubic hair trimmed but not extensively. Bonnie and Rachel were both stunning. Both had small breasts, but they were very attractive ladies. It did not look like either one shaved. Janice is pretty. She does not have Nikki's exotic qualities or Luci's drop dead beautiful look, but she is attractive, something I had forgotten about. Her pussy was bare and her lips seem to poke out. The room must have been cold because Nikki's nipples were full and erect like erasers on a pencil. The thin line of hair ran from her navel to the cleft of her pussy. Luci was beautiful. Her nipples were erect and she was looking right at the camera, knowing that I would be looking back at her. She was sitting ladylike on the floor, legs tucked under her like the rest of the women, but she had her legs split just a little and you could see the folds of her bare pussy.

BARE?! I looked up at Luci, sitting on the couch, then back at the picture. I then pulled up one from the other night I remembered. Luci was sitting on the the Board Room table, legs hanging over the side, hands on the table, shoulder width apart, keeping her legs spread open. A broad patch of hair covering her mons, but her lips was smooth and glistened. Then I noticed something else. She was SITTING ON THE EDGE - what was holding the camera? I flipped back a few and found, sure enough, that you could not see the edge of the table, like the camera had been sitting on it. Now I had a picture of my beautiful, sexy, Luci, and SOMEONE ELSE had taken it. I looked up a Luci again and she smiled back at me.

"You must have been tired yesterday," she said with a grin getting up from her place and coming to stand next to my desk, putting one hand on my shoulder and looking at the folder laid out on my screen. She took the mouse and maneuvered it to another picture and opened it. Yes, I guess I was tired, I had not gotten this far. It was not a picture of Luci, but of Patricia, sitting in Craig's chair in the Board room wearing nothing but a smile, one leg thrown over the chair. One hand cupping her breast and the other working the stem of the gavel in and out of her open slash, her eyes closed and clearly enjoying herself. I looked up at Luci.

"I didn't think anyone was around when I started. Patricia caught me and I told her what I was doing and why. She offered to help anytime. She also asked for a copy of that one. I think she wants to give it to Craig. Something about a fantasy of his."

"If she wants a copy, she can have one. Hard or soft?" I asked.

Luci reached down between my legs and squeezed my member. "Hmm, soft, but I think I can make it hard with a little work." She turned my face to hers and kissed me, her tongue pushing past my lips to find my tongue and wrestle with it while I let my hands stroke her sides and back. I had not noticed it before, but she was wearing a bustier under her polo shirt and as I let my hands slide across her ass, I felt it move and slide under the fabric of her pants. A moan escaped us as I ran my fingers up the cleft in her ass as she squeezed my erection which had become hard in her hands. We broke our kiss, a little winded and she turned and sat in my lap, resting her head on my shoulder and running her fingers into the spaces between the buttons on my shirt. The buttons on her polo had all come undone, and the view of her breasts was magnificent. She had managed to get a button undone and had a hand in my shirt, playing with one nipple, rolling it between her fingers.

"Not fair, little girl. You have an advantage over me." I kissed the tip of her nose as she undid another button.

"Who said anything about fair?" she asked as she pushed my shirt aside flicked her tongue across my nipple, sending little electric shocks through my body. She sucked my nipple for a minute or two, wiggling her hips against my cock, straining in my pants.

"I told you," she said, buttoning up my shirt, "I am willing to settle for what I can get." And she kissed me again and stood up. "But, we have work to do young man," she said in a stern voice, "and I cannot get this monster to cooperate," she said, pointing to the workbench. "So go clean yourself up and then you can show me what I need to do to get this system to behave itself."

What else could I do? "Yes ma'am, right away ma'am. Permission to use the facilities ma'am?"

"Permission granted. Don't linger. Every drop of that is mine." Such fierceness in her tone, who was I to argue. I hustled myself to the men's room to get myself in order.

I managed to make it to the kitchen without being molested, kissed or high-fived by anyone and picked up some water for Luci and myself and was on the way out when Missy came through the door.

"Hi Gary. You seem to be the man of the hour," she always seemed to be happy.

"It does seem that way. You would think that letting women wear pants was not a big deal, but I guess it is."

"Some men just don't get it," she said as she stepped up and kissed me on the cheek. "And some understand better than others. Those we want to keep." She pulled something out of the refrigerator and I headed back to my office. This was turning into a strange day.

Jason caught up to me on the way back to my office and I joined him at his desk, Alex was there as well and we covered some outstanding issues. Jason had managed to get a pretty good grip on the situation and complemented me on my skills, even though I was not technically a DBA. He even offered to show me some tricks, which I would have liked to have learned but decided that Alex needed them more than I did. Alex was ready to learn and Jason seemed a good teacher. If I could get the two of them working well together it would resolve a couple of issues that Jerry and I had been wrestling with. A missing persons report had been filed on Paul on his behalf but otherwise, we did not know if we would ever see him again. Some were of the opinion we were better off without him. I passed Nikki in the hall and she flashed me. Well, she would have if she was not wearing a bustier, too. Was this some new fashion trend I had missed? Hers was emerald green, a colour she favored, with black highlights and green garters that slipped down into the waist of her pants. I got the feeling that she would have worn stockings just to get a reaction out of me. As I passed Janice's office, she called me in.

"I hope I didn't offend you this morning, Gary," she said in a low voice from behind her desk.

"No, Janice, you did not," I assured her. "In fact, I approve!" I smiled at her and she smiled back, then she got a grin on her face and pushed her chair back a little and pulled the hem of her shirt out of her pants. She too was wearing a bustier, pale pink in colour with white and red highlights. Her shirt was red, like Luci's.

"The three of you will give me a heart attack. You know this, right?" I asked shaking my head. "Very sexy by the way Janice. The colour suits you."

"Six of us. And thank you." She stood up and came around her desk and kissed me again. "You did a good thing bringing this up for discussion. Now get back to work before Luci comes looking for you with handcuffs."

Same as Luci
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Therapist Casey Calvert welcomes Jane Wilde into her home office, formally introducing herself as she invites her to lie down on the couch. Jane lies down and Casey closes the door. As Casey faces away from her and closes the door, Jane’s eyes can’t help but linger on Casey’s ass. Jane gazes at it and licks her lips as a far-away expression comes over her. When Casey turns around, Jane’s eyes remain locked on Casey’s lower body and she seems unable to shake herself...

2 years ago
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First Shot With My Bhabhi 8211 Part l

Hiiiii, mera naam abhi Sharma hai aur mai punjab ka rehne vala hu. Mai iss ka bahut purana reader hu aur maine yahan bahut sariya kahaniya padi hai. Mai yahan aapni life ki ek sachi kahani share karna chahta hu. Ye baat kuch 2 saal puraani hai jab mai aapni b.Tech kar rah tha. Tab mai karib 19 saal ka tha. Mere ghar k saamne ek sonali bhabhi rehti hai jo ki ek teacher hai aur ghar me tuition classes bhi lagati hai. Mai us bhabhi ka bda deewana hu kyunki wo itni beautiful hai k mai toh sirf unko...

1 year ago
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The Indomitable Rory CallahanChapter 8

The rest of Sunday morning was taken up with chores. Rory attacked the cyclone-hit disaster of her room, collecting dirty clothes for laundering - her job. I mowed the lawn, front and back, then set about cleaning the interior, vacuuming and dusting, washing the kitchen, and washing the bathrooms. It was mindless work I enjoyed. I liked a neat and clean house. And it let me think about Rory. She made me smile. She was bouncing on her feet, full of energy and smiles; altogether, a very happy...

3 years ago
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No Resolutions Just Fun

My boys always spend Christmas with me, and New Year's Eve and day with my former husband. Every New Year's Eve, my friend Debbie throws this huge party at her house. Debbie married money, so when her divorce became final, she received this beautiful fourteen room house. The house actually has five bedrooms and four bathrooms. It has two fireplaces, a three car garage and a swimming pool in the back yard. It's on a large lot at the end of a quiet, little street. There are woods behind it, and...

Straight Sex
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What happens under the coversStays under the coversPart 1 revised1

Part 1 (Revised) Chapter One “This will surely go down in the record books as the storm of the century.” The meteorologist’s voice bellowed from the 32 inch flat TV screen. That was the last thing Sarah Sheldon heard before the lights flickered, once…twice, and then everything went dark. Her body stiffened, paralyzed by her fear of storms. “Shit!” she shrieked. “Daddy…? The power’s out!” Of course he would have already figured that one out for himself, but Sarah had been afraid...

2 years ago
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Maa Beti Dono Ko Khush Kiya

Hi dosto mera naam Raj hai aur meri umar 24 saal hai. Main aapse ek maa beti ke sath hue experience ko share karne aaya hu. Main dikhne mein average hu isliye gf bana nahi paaya kabhi. Par humesha se apne aas paas ki ladkiyo, teachers, bhabhiyo ya koi bhi auntiyo ko tadne ka mauka nahi chhodta tha. 2 – 3 baar paid sex kar chuka tha. Par jo maza kisi aurat ya ladki ko pata kar pelne mein hota hai woh feel karna chahta tha. Mujhe badi umar ki auratein bohut pasand thi par kabhi mauka nahi mila...

3 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 34

“You two are having it too easy down there,” said Rosalie. “Just lolling about... and enjoying the occasional fuck. Not to mention amusing yourselves with these lovely big dildoes!” Rosalie smiled down at the two figures kneeling before her. “I was watching you having some fun with Mr Havers earlier this morning. On the ‘box’.” She pointed to the closed-circuit TV set which monitored all activities in the cellar-quarters below. “Well, it can’t be all beer and skittles, as they say. So I’m...

2 years ago
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BethChapter 63

September 15, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written September 17] Shortly after I woke, I remembered that this was a special day, that there would be a party this evening. “What caused that smile,” Heather asked quietly. “I often smile when I wake up with you two, as that makes me happy. I’m so very glad that I chanced my friendship with Rhee, as so much wonderfulness has resulted from going out on that limb.” “Yeah. I’ve occasionally wondered what my life would be like without that change in...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Boyfriend Ch 03

This chapter is milder. It is more about the real me. Part 3: The Kreepy Krawl Katy came to pick me up shortly after Abbi left on Monday morning. We were going to hang out and then get ready at her place before heading to Kreepy. I was off work, but intended to stop by PetSmart anyway to chat with Beccie about meeting times. Tim was out of town, thank God. He was the last person I needed to be tagging along. Besides, he hadn’t met Katy yet, but I knew he’d find something to criticize just...

2 years ago
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Why I fucked your last night

Why I just had to fuck your husband again:I know you're mad at him and me. I know you saw that hes been messaging me again. The first time you caught him messaging me was right after you got married. I was timid about being caught for the first time. He told me to tell you that we had never met in person. It was all an online fantasy RP. I did that. Said I had met him online and just messaged back and forth. Little did you know the marks on his body on your wedding day were from me.I dated him...

1 year ago
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HotMilfsFuck Zoey Sinn This Vanity Psycho likes Kinky 3Somes

Today’s Milf is returning for her first ever threesome here at HMF and she couldn’t be more excited for what lays ahead. Can we say attention whore, and from the word go this Vanity girl’s eyes rolled in the back of her head for a prelude of the day’s events in anticipation of all the firsts to come. Is she a size queen? Yes she is but admits during her post shoot confessional that she’s never had a cock quite as big as Isiah’s before or as good as the two today. I’d say this girl loved getting...

3 years ago
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My First Encounter With Hannah Chapter 1

My life sucks. I am a young 22 year old Australian woman, with size 36C cup breasts with blonde hair and blue eyes. I have a nice supple bum and I look great in my sexy lingerie, which I always wear. The reason why my life sucks is that I cant get any dates. All the guys are too scared to ask me out thinking I am already with someone, but I’m no,t and my boss at my work is always hitting on me. I would be flattered, but he could also be a lot better looking and younger. I have been on such a...

3 years ago
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Bhabi ko fuck kiya train me

Hi, Iss sexy reader, i am from bangalore but recently i got a offer in hyderabad company. So i started my travelling from bangalore and hyderabad in my first visit to hyderabad i dont find any reservation and waiting list no was 104, so i thought to go with general and when i saw that boogie it was full so full, that you cannot step your foot inside. I was having a big bag and started rushing the crowd to get in somehow i got space near a 28 year females looks good she told me give your bag i...

4 years ago
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My Dream Girl

Hi all This is my second story which i m posting in ISS.Actually i didnt get any response from u all for my first post,so i thought of discontinuing it. But i hope u all wont dissapoint me this time. Pls send in ur reps,suggestions or comments at ok here i m starting a story now I m 19 yrs,5’8 height,medium colour,good looking.I really love beautiful girls,i always adore them n i always dream of fucking them.I live in 3 storied apartment in bangalore,n i m in ground floor.I am studying...

3 years ago
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How I Became My FILrsquos Fuck Partner

I was taking care of my 6 months old k** by that time. My husband had passed away in an accident. After 6 months of my husband’s demise, my uncle came to me. The conversation went like this.He: How many days will you stay like this? Marry someone and start your life again.Me: No, I can’t.He: You are just 21. You have age on your side, and you are beautiful too.Me: Still, I can’t do that.He: It is not so easy if you don’t marry someone.Still, I said I can’t marry again. From that day, my FIL...

1 year ago
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Down Mexico Way

My retirement money goes a lot farther in Mexico than it does in the states and that allows me certain luxuries than I otherwise couldn't afford such as a girl to do my cooking and cleaning. I have one come in five days a week and I pay her the equivalent of a $1.50 an hour. That's the going wage. You don't dare pay them more than the going wage. The woman would invariably brag about it to her friends and then the other women would demand the same pay from their employers. That just pisses...

3 years ago
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Wild business trip

I recently returned from a crazy business trip on which I hooked up with one of my coworkers. My colleague Fran is about 15 years older than I am and I’ve had a huge crush on her since we started working together. She is a single mother, blonde hair, big breasts, with an overall “somewhat athletic” body - she jogs and works out but isn’t like an athlete or anything. Anyway, we were on a business trip and staying in a nice hotel. After the second day of meetings, she went to the gym to workout...

3 years ago
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Hubby invites his nephew to take me

I could clearly see a big bulge developing in his briefs as we talked of sex...I could see that happening when he stared at my boobs ...I had full big boobs that always attracted attention of young guys and gals right from school days...... Hubby's young nephew had come to spend his vacation with us. He was a College stud and looked very virile and handsome. While looking at the growing tent in his briefs , made me imagine the size of his stiff cock and his juicy nuts.......may be I...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Regina Sparks Daddy Fucks Horny Babysitter

Horny babysitter Regina Sparks can’t wait to get laid by Daddy Vince Karter. The young man looks handsome in his suit which gives that busty bombshell from Kazachstan an instant wet pussy. The gorgeous hottie with brunette hair and green eyes wants his hard Daddy dick between her pussy lips and can’t wait to feel his tongue dancing on her clit. The Frenchman licks her tasty teen pussy and after she gives him an amazing blowjob, which quickly leads to another sizzling hot DDF Network...

4 years ago
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Rubes Story

I seen lots an' lots a' stories 'round here 'bout mothers fuckin' their sons an' sons fuckin' their mothers, an' I'm here t' say most all of 'em are bullshit--pure bullshit. All them mothers got tits like melons, an ass like a sixteen-year-old boy's, an' a cunt like a clenched fist. All them fuckers got a ten- inch cock. Mammy say things like, *Ohh baby... fuck my tight, hot, juicy pussy with your steel-hard fuck-stick, *an' baby sprouts a limb when'er he likes an' shoots his...

2 years ago
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My Lovely Summer of 1941 A Fictional Memoir

My Lovely Summer of 1941: A Fictional Memoir By Katherine Day (Copyright 2006) One In the summer of 1941, when I turned 12, I found myself enjoying playing hopscotch or jacks with the girls, especially Wanda and Marilyn. Even though I was a boy, all summer, and almost every day, I was with the two girls, and it was easily the sweetest, most lovely summer of my childhood. I felt so at ease with the girls, and soon they accepted me as one of their own. We were together every day,...

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Time Loop

You wake up in a small hotel room, at exactly 7:02 a.m., just like so many days before. It's not like you've been here forever, but it certainly feel so when you look at the familiar ceiling and the bare walls. In fact you've only stayed for a single night, but it seems like you've somehow been trapped in some kind of time loop, which sees you living the same day over and over again. The first few times it happened you were in a state of shock and confusion, but now you're just trying to figure...

1 year ago
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A Wifes torrid love affair

Amanda was your typical mom of two young boys, who at the age of 38 had begun to look at herself more closely than ever before. Her husband Steven was a few years older than her and held a job that had him traveling around the country. Even though they had been married happily for the last twelve years there were times Amanda had felt isolated from him. To keep herself busy Amanda would volunteer for a number of things at church. She also helped out at the preschool where her two boys had...

3 years ago
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Babylon Project End of the Line

Babylon Project: End of the Line By Lynn LeFey "Hey mom... tell me a story," Alex demands. He braces himself in the door of the cockpit, looking like he owns this freighter. I can't help but smile. He looks like a miniature version of his father. That makes me both proud and a little sad. "Are all your assignments done?" I ask. "Yes," he sighs, rolling his eyes. I gesture to the copilot's seat. He pushes himself forward, and floats gently into the seat, moving the way...

2 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 48 Was it safe

That Saturday afternoon, December 13th, 2003, Amy Parker could put her big plan on motion. She had already taken Natalie. Their goal now was to get into Sue's panties. Like her best friends, Amy and Natalie, Sue Reynolds was also 15. But, unlike Amy and Nat, Sue was not blonde. Her hair was dark brown, her eyes were green, and she had a fantastic mouth. And a stunning face. The green eyes, the beautiful mouth, the cute little nose... Sue Reynolds was beautiful. And she also had a...

2 years ago
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Secret in my pants

My oh my, I have gotten myself into something now... You know what they say sometimes? "I'd give my left nut for that..." - well, I said that some time ago and that's how it all started! What you have to know is, the person I said it to was learning magic. She was hot as could be, and I was hitting on her. Hard time... I was really lusting after her. And she confronted me and asked me if it came with a price, if I would be willing to pay that price. I was blunt and said "I'd give my...

3 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 6

"I am not a spy," Qi said for the second time. "I see that the Farendass worked you over pretty well. Your bruises are still healing and you have a tooth missing," the Volentin interrogator said. Qi rubbed his cheek. He said, "Funny, but this isn't from any interrogation. Yahvi has a peculiar taste in foreplay. Blood and violence gets her in the mood, if you know what I mean." The woman stared at him. She was older than he was but he wasn't sure it was that many years. There was a...

3 years ago
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Kathryn Chronicles Great Phone

Business was good, so good that most of us were needed in the field. Kathryn and I soon found ourselves on the road at various customer sites. While we were rarely in the same state, we usually called each other once or twice a week. Usually we commiserated over the headaches at the customer site, the hardships of being a road warrior, or just life in general. It was always reassuring to hear a sympathetic voice. Kathryn was also good for a little phone sex from time to time also. I loved it....

2 years ago
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Watching JulieChapter 8 The Diary

They say our lives are an open book, and there it was: Julie's diary, open on the kitchen table. Its siren call hit me in the gut, and I didn't need any Greek to understand, "Read me, Read me." I reached for it and was about to pick it up when it hit me. This was a line that maybe I didn't want to cross. It's not that Julie was terribly secretive, at least my spouse and I didn't think she was. Sure, there was stuff we didn't know about--she was a teenager, after all--but we were...

1 year ago
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Aggressive Tendencies

I will not give the exact age I was in this story for the sake of good sense, but let's just say I was old enough to have thought about sex often, but not old enough to have done anything with those thoughts.  I had a friend, for the purpose of this re-telling we will call him Tommy, who was a very peculiar individual.  Tommy was that boy we all knew who seemed to have a host of mental issues.  He was overly aggressive, had a foul temper, and a slight lack of good sense and judgement.  One trip...

2 years ago
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Blood LustChapter 10

When Tom exited the apartment building, he was immediately blinded by the flash of more than a dozen cameras. Blinking away the spots of light that continued to swim in his vision, he resolutely waded through the reporters that were closing in on him like a pack of wolves. He winced as they bombarded him with questions concerning the debacle of the previous night. At least, he thought, it seemed from the content of the questions that the cover story was holding up. With a grimace, Tom...

1 year ago
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LEXI Chapters 160

Lexi was just two weeks past her 18th birthday and her brunet hair fell thickly to her shoulders. Her brown eyes grew very large when she was excited. Her lips formed a beautiful perfect heart shape when she slightly opened her mouth, especially when she put on bright red lipstick. Her slightly darker complexion added to her petite 5’ 5” feminine frame which accentuated her attractiveness. She came into the family when my brother married a widow from Costa Rica and she came as a package...

1 year ago
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James Pt 2 Teen Toilet Fun

After we'd finished the last kiss we got out of the showers, got dressed and walked home. The next day we met up again, at the bottom of my street to walk to school. Chris was still ill and therefore still off school, James and I talked about anything (not about the previous day) until we got to the gates. Then we were silent whilst we went and found our friends, it wasn't awkward between us. James was seemingly fine about what happened and I didn't want to upset him by bringing it up, so...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 8

I leaned over in my lounge chair by the pool and grabbed another beer.  It was only 11AM and I was already on my fourth. I could see Sonia and her overweight, pear-shaped body walking over toward me with her pool bag in one hand and a water in the other.“That’s pretty aggressive for this early in the day,” Sonia quipped looking at the empty cans next to my chair.  “No work tonight?”“I got fired,” I shot back.  “So even though it is Wednesday, every day is a Saturday for me now.”“Oh no.  I’m so...

3 years ago
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Nerdy Girl Episode 3 Staying The Night

I looked at Kathryn in my groggy state, trying to figure her out. Was she offering to put me up for the night because she was concerned that I might fall asleep and wreck out on the way home... or because she was getting addicted to sex and wanted to try for another round in the morning? At this point, it didn't matter to me.“Well, sure, I could stay.” If the thought of not dying tonight wasn't enough, the possibility, even probability, of a naked willing woman, even a nerdy one, wanting to get...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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First College Romance Part 2

Thomas inclined his head towards his bedroom. I unwrapped my legs from his waist, and he helped me up. He pulled me close to him and kissed me deeply. My nipples rubbed against his shirt and became hard. He placed his hands on my ass and squeezed, almost lifting me off the ground. He moved his hands to my waist and walked backwards, leading me towards his bed. He sat me down and took his shirt off. He leaned in and kissed me. It was a sweet kiss, with a hint of the earlier passion. He gently...

Love Stories
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Made My Girlfriend A Cock Loving Bitch 8211 Part 2

Hi people I’m back with 2nd part of my story for those who don’t know can look for my previous part with the same title part-1. My name is Dhruv and I’m 29 years old. My dick size is 8″, 6 ft tall, broad shoulders with an athletic build. Any girl want to have some fun can contact me at my email id and also don’t forget to mail me your feedback The girl in this story is Anamika. Her stats are 34-26-36, 5 ft 4 height and a slim body structure. This story goes back when we were in school and how...

2 years ago
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What Games We Play

I found this strange game at a store in the mall. The box was weird for a PC game it was shaped like a book, but inside was a single DVD-ROM and a thin instruction booklet. It was the title that caught my eye, "Army Camp Concubine" by Spells R'us Studios, with a picture of a sultry concubine surrounded by medieval warriors. It installed effortlessly, but when the game started everything got weird. There was a bright flash, and when I woke up I was lying on a pile of pillows staring up...

3 years ago
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Playing with the ParkersChapter 11 Reviewing the Results

It was more than two weeks before Louise told me, at work, that Don had finished processing all the film from That Night. I had been filled with anticipation for a week or so after our night with the Parkers, but so much time had passed that I had finally pretty much put it out of my mind. "When can we see them?" I asked Louise. "Well, it's Wednesday," Louise said. "How about Friday night? Do you have to ask Tad?" "You know damned well that wild horses couldn't keep Tad away....

3 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 13 Photo Shoot 2

June walked directly to the table and looked at the items displayed there. “I suppose you want me to use the carrot first?” “Yes. The carrot then the banana followed by the cucumber. Remember, you first kiss it, then lick it, place the tip against your pussy, push it in, pull it out, hold up to your lips, then put it in your mouth to clean it. After that, you place it at your anus then push it in. I suggest you use plenty of lubricant on your ass, around your anus and inside. Do this with...

2 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 88

"I don't understand, Jack. You knew this was going to happen as soon as I got that check. Why do you need time to get used to it?" "I'm sorry, Jill. There's a difference in knowing it's going to happen some day and actually having it happen. Look, Myra and I have been talking while you were out with the dogs. I'm going to have to have an accountant open a business account for me. I won't be able to legally sign a check from that account. I can't sign my own contracts. I'm almost...

3 years ago
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At the mercy of a North Korean She Devil

Summary: Secret operatives know only as She Devils use, sex, blackmail and torture to steal United States. PREFACE He’d never given much thought to how important his defense work really was, or to what lengths someone would go to steal it. He’d been so stupid about that. Even careless, but now it was too late. Too late to change what was about to happen. . . He stared without breathing at the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, into the black eyes of a true She-Devil, and she looked...

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My Day in TheBluebell Woods

My Day in TheBluebell Woods I had known Dave for some years, but only cyberly on an internet forum, both of us being from different parts of the US, although originally from different parts of the world and though he was nearly double my age I felt we always had a special affinity from day one. We had talked on every subject over the years but the one thing that had stuck in my mind was what he called The Treatment … His description had me wanting it when we discussed it.   And still did....

2 years ago
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SurvivingChapter 16 Enlargement

We were barely into autumn and there were still weeks before I thought bad weather would make travel and development difficult. I sent the majority of the Knapdale host back to Oban to recover the longships but detoured on my way back to Aird Driseig to visit Cowall and Bute. I ordered the longships to meet with us at the main camp of the lordship, Rothesay, as quickly as they could get there. My party was now about seventy on horseback, including my long bow archers and we made directly for...

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 8

Kal looked down, “Why is it still hard? I haven’t been thinking about anything to keep it that way since Aradelle was about to attack me.” Aradelle shrugged looking embarrassed, Ikuno’s brow furrowed in thought, “perhaps there’s more to ‘Dell’s aphrodisiac then just making men mad with lust. There may be something else in the dust that makes a man hard for a time as well, whether he wants to be or not.” Aradelle looked at Kal, “I don’t know, my dust has always worked, so this has never...

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Hughs Whore

she was a single mother of 3 living on the 3rd floor. I knew she was having financial troubles and thought maybe this was a way in. She was very ugly, with a horrible body. The worst flattest flabbiest tits I have ever seen. Horrible teeth like she has been chewing gravel for the last 9 years. But she has 3 k**s so someone likes her pussy.her husband up and left her for a white woman at his job. That lowered her self esteem even more. Jackpot!She came to me trying to explain how and when she...

1 year ago
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Feeding an Addiction Part 3 Ch 7

Scarsdale, New York: Saturday 22nd September 2018How had it come to this? Just a few hours ago I’d been spooning and making love to my wonderful wife. Declaring my love to her as she told me she’d always love me. And now, just a few hours later, she was gone. Nowhere to be seen in the house. Replaced instead by an envelope on her pillow, on a pristine and perfectly made bed.Back in 2015, we’d pulled the plug after a weekend of fun with Francis, thinking better of it. We’d survived the horror...

Wife Lovers
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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 13 The Invasion of Cape Charles

Only a few days after Simon shared his blanket with Patty, Fate intervened. Early one summer morning, soldiers and marines of JTF Phalanx loaded into their landing craft and prepared for another "show of force" operation. These exercises were meant to show the rebels that the government still remembered them, but were usually little more than a media event. The operations were regular events, with the landing craft sailing back and forth along the coast, well in sight of the rebels, before...

1 year ago
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Uncle Randy and the Angry NieceChapter 8

I was wrong. She did not emerged until time for the final check She wore long jeans, a fully-buttoned blouse, and as angry a look as I'd ever seen. Her red eyes avoided me as she stormed into the kitchen for an apple, quartered it, and took it to the front door without a word. I listened to the door open, then close. I returned to the novel I was reading. Eventually I heard the door again. She started up the stairs without a word. "Good night," I said. She slowed long enough to say,...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend8217s Girlfriend

Hello, friends this is Karthik here. I’m from Bangalore 22 yrs. I’m new to this site and this is my first real experience which I’m writing here. I’m available for all needy girls and aunties of Bangalore. Privacy guaranty. Mail me for more information to The heroine of this story is my best friends gf. Her name is appu (which I call sweetly with love). She has a very attractive figure of 34-24-36. She has a cute looking face smile. My friend name is Rakesh. Rakesh and appu got married...

3 years ago
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Time is a lie. There is no past, no future. There is only now, only this moment together. Only you, only I, only the moon hanging in the clouds like a tarnished ghost.We have just returned from a lifeless black tie gala at the art museum. We stand at arm’s reach from each other. A full moon shines through your open window, grey and cryptic, spilling moonlight across your face. Your eyes twinkle, your lips part, yet you do not otherwise move. I watch your chest rise and fall as you breathe. You...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Julie the Voyeur

Our company sent us to New York on business, and we were both booked into the Westin Hotel, but in separ- ate rooms. Julie, my co-worker and I were going to give a presentation the next afternoon, then catch a red-eye flight back to the coast. We checked in, finding our adjoining rooms on the 23rd floor of the large luxury hotel. We’d both been surprised when we were booked into this hotel, expecting more modest quarters. The rooms weren’t lavish, quite the...

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