- 3 years ago
- 25
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Buzzing, loud noises, alarm. I hate alarms. I hate alarms when I am sleeping on my couch at work. I hate sleeping on my couch at work. Still dark. Mouth tastes like a sewer and I have not even been drinking. Where is the alarm coming from? Oh, PC. I pull myself erect and stumble over to my PC and silence the noise. It was not that loud, but when the only noises in the room are PC fans, it was loud enough. My head ached and I had to go to the bathroom. It was going on for 5:30 in the morning when I prodded my machine back to life, hoping it would somehow jumpstart my own brain. I had given up hope on my body. My phone was ringing and I felt like I had a hangover.
"Yeah?" I was not in the mood to deal with anyone.
"Good morning to you, too, dear. I hope to be out of here at lunch. No, I can make it home on my own. Have a good day at work, I love you, too." Spending the night at work was not unusual, but I would have to make it up to Fay.
The restore had worked without errors. I took a quick look through the restored files and was happy with what I saw. It was time to start rolling the changes into the files. I slipped into gear and started typing. The knock on my door brought me up with a start and probably a growl. I think I scared Jerry a little because he brought up both hands in a defensive gesture.
"Sorry." We both said it at the same time and a second later we started laughing.
"Sorry, Jerry. You want a status report, right?"
"Yes, if you can give me one."
I took a minute, looked at the clock and wondered how it got to be 7:30 already, marshaled my thoughts and began. "We are about 75 percent of the way there. I think that by 8:30 AM we should be ready to kick the system over to accounting and let them see if it is fixed. We have a real DBA coming today?"
"Yes, should be here anytime now. You get any sleep?"
"About 4 hours on the couch, so no, not really. I am trying to hold it together until the cavalry arrives and then I can have a breakdown. Just keep people out of here and I should be fine. I probably smell too."
He laughed as he walked away.
"Good morning, Nikki. You might want to give him a wide berth this morning," I heard him say as he walked down the hall.
"Good morning, Jerry. He doesn't scare me." I heard Jerry laughing as he returned to his office.
"Good morning, Gary, you..." Her mouth kept moving, but no words were coming out. I think she was going to say I was in early, because I was, except I had yet to leave. Nikki glanced around the office, taking in the state of the couch, my rumpled clothes and haggard appearance. She almost looked like she was looking for something.
"Luci left around 11 last night, Nikki."
"Um? Oh, I know, she called me." Six hours ago that information would have come as a surprise to me. Now it was just simply data. She stopped and looked at me from across the desk.
"Besides a shower and sleep, can I get you anything? Have you had anything to eat since last night?"
"No, and no, but I don't expect to be here long."
"Do you want coffee?"
"Yes, but I cannot take any coffee on an empty stomach."
"Not to worry, Gary." She looked like she was going to say more, but instead turned and left. I went back to work.
Nikki slipped in a little later and dropped off coffee and a bagel. I do not know where she got the bagel from, but I was very happy she had.
"Are you going to be a bad boy and resist going home?" Luci was leaning on my doorjamb, wearing a long blue skirt that almost touched the floor. She had a tight deep pink cable knit sweater on that showed of her chest. She looked stunning. Blue dangle earrings with gold and silver drew your attention to her face, where she had put on a subtle layer of makeup and lipstick. Stunning. And then she walked into the office, and you saw the slit in the skirt that went well above her knee. She had on two inch heels and black stocking and was marching into my office and around my desk. I found myself standing up, arms out to touch her and not knowing what to do. She stopped far enough away to be businesslike, but with a gleam in her eye and smile on her face. She reached out for my hands and took them in her own and squeezed them, then kissed each one in turn then stepped back. I almost fell into my chair.
"Luci, you look wonderful. I must be delirious; I thought you were an angel."
"Oh, you are going to resist."
She was grinning, happy and very beautiful. My PC chose that moment to chirp at me.
"Hot damn!" I slapped the desk causing Luci to jump and brought Nikki and Pete in at a run.
"What now?" Pete looked like the world was coming to an end.
"We have ourselves a functioning accounting system," I said. "And 20 minutes before I said it would be ready!" I received a polite round of applause from the ladies. Pete looked like I had just told him the world was flat.
"Gary, are you busy?" Missy was standing in my door way looking that the small crowd.
"For you, never!" I was giddy. I was tired and I wanted to go home. Badly.
"This is Jason Tanner, our new DBA," she said ushering Jason into the office. Jason was about 45, a little grey at the temples but otherwise unremarkable. He held out his hand to me, not quite sure what to make of my attire. He was wearing a suit. At least he knew how to dress.
"Good morning, Jason, welcome to Fort Apache. This is Pete Mannor, head of networks, Luci Phelps, our lead network engineer and Nikki Wilson, our lead application engineer. What do you know?"
He gave me a look that said he was about to spit out his resume and I could almost see him change gears.
"I don't know anything. What do I need to know?" I liked him already.
"Pete, get Jason an account and whatever else he needs to do Paul's job. Fill the paperwork in as you go and bring it by for my signature." Pete was gone before I changed my focus. "Nikki, he will be using Paul's machine. Go ahead and log me out and then image the thing in case we have a need it later."
"10 minutes, tops," she replied heading out the door.
"Grab a seat Jason and some paper if you need it. Here is what I know."
Jason pulled up the empty guest chair and Luci slid onto the couch, pushing my blanket out of the way. I suspect that if Jason had any questions later today, Luci would be the one answering them. I needed to make a note of that. I brought Jason up to speed on what I knew, suspected and had done over the better part of the last 18 or so hours. I may have shown my ignorance in doing things, but I did them the only way I knew how. We spent over an hour discussing the best ways to keep things afloat and what we might need to do to shore up the dike and keep it from happening again. He was bright and articulate and I felt better about turning the whole ball of wax over to him. Once we had our game plan in place, we went and did it all over again in a brief for Jerry and Bob Norton. By 10:30, Jason was in front of a machine and implementing the plan. I wished him luck and dragged myself back to my office.
"You are going home now, right?" Luci asked me from the couch.
"No, but I am going home in about 20 minutes. Less if I can arrange it."
"I can live with that. Let me go and take care of a couple of things and I will walk you out."
"Thank you, Luci, but that isn't necessary. I am a big boy." I got a smile for my effort.
Almost 30 minutes later, I was heading for Jerry's office.
"Unless you need me, I am going home," I said as I stuck my head in the door.
"No, go get some rest. You have earned it. See you tomorrow."
"Yup. Probably around 8, I have to take Ellen to school."
"See you then. Drive safe." He returned to what ever it was he was doing and I headed for the elevators. Luci was waiting for me.
"Going to make sure I actually leave?" I asked coming up to her.
"Yes, actually," she replied pushing the button.
"You do look wonderful this morning, Luci," I said as I entered the elevator behind her.
"Thank you. I decided that since you would not be here to see me today, then no one should get to see anything either."
"Except that you are leaving very little to the imagination, even though there is very little skin showing."
"True, but they will have to settle for their imaginations, you know better."
She kissed me soundly but quickly before the elevator doors opened.
"Get home safe. I will see you tomorrow."
"Take care of yourself," I responded, stepping out into the foyer and heading for the parking lot.
Wednesday was a bit of a blur. I did go home but I did not immediately go to sleep. Instead I went home, showered, changed into casual clothes, did a clean for dirty swap at the dry cleaners, picked up some stuff for dinner and spend a couple of hours in the hot tub. OK, I fell asleep in the hot tub. Not safe I know, but I guess I really was tired. I picked up Ellen at school and was rewarded for my effort with squeals and hugs and kisses. Six-year olds have such energy. We went home and played on the floor for a few hours before I started dinner. Fay was home by six and we had a nice, quiet family dinner. We played a board game or two and headed to bed. Thursday would be here soon enough.
When the alarm went off Thursday morning, I was feeling more like my old self. Fay had left somewhere in the middle of the night, or so it had seemed. She was working on a major project and was trying to come home in time to get Ellen, so I got to sleep in and take her to school. It was supposed to be unseasonably warm today and I almost grabbed a suit off the rack, but instead decided comfort was the name of the game. I pulled out a pair of my favorite cargo pants and was pulling on a polo shirt when I thought better of it and reached for a button up Hawaiian shirt. I was not violating the dress code, just stretching it a little. I had earned the privilege I thought. Ellen was already dressed and we had a quick bowl of cereal together and headed to school.
"Daddy, we have to pick up Chloe this morning." Chloe was one of her friends and lived around the corner from us.
"OK. Now were does she live again?"
"Daaadddyy..." I do so love teasing her.
We picked up Chloe and made the short trip to school where I dropped the girls off and then made my way to work. I decided that I was going to stop and get some gourmet coffee on the way, along with a bagel to keep me going until lunch. Skipping meals like the last two days was something I could do, but if I did it too often, my body would rebel. At 8:15, I pulled into a parking space and made my way upstairs.
"Hey Gary, you da man!" Pete gave me high five as I stepped off the elevator. He was coming out of our spaces heading for where ever it was he was going. I do not think I would not have gone that far, but if he felt good, then things were looking up. I entered the secure hallway and turned the corner only to be tackled by Nikki. Now Nikki is not heavy, but she sure is not light and when you do not expect it, well, we wound up falling to the floor like a house of cards. I am surprised neither one of us was hurt. What surprised me more than being tackled was the flurry of kisses she was giving me, topped off by a very deep, long kiss, her pelvis grinding against mine. And we were in the middle of the hall! The security door opened and Jerry was standing there looking down at this scene with a mixture of humor, interest and a little longing. Nikki, sensing my attention had shifted looked up to Jerry and smiled then slipped back and offered me a hand up.
"Sorry, Jerry, I couldn't resist," she said.
"I understand Ms. Wilson. Perhaps next time a little more decorum might be exercised?" He was trying not to laugh. I managed to get myself to my feet and saw Janice behind Nikki. She came up and pushed Nikki out of the way and started wiping my mouth with a tissue, one hand holding my chin so I could not get away.
"Yes Nikki, one must always maintain decorum," she said, and then she kissed me. And what a kiss it was. Maybe it was the after effects of having Nikki kiss me first, but I do not believe so. She curled my toes and brought me to hardness in a matter of seconds, drawing a moan from deep within me before she broke away. Those in the hallway were applauding, even Jerry. I was speechless and blushing.
It was then that I noticed that all the ladies were wearing polo shirts with the company logo and IT Department on them and khakis. In fact, everyone was wearing the same thing. Except for me that is. Even Jerry had one on.
"Clearly, I missed a staff meeting. Or at least a memo?"
"At least," Jerry replied and ushered us into the library. Luci was there and she too was wearing the uniform of the day, a room-illuminating grin on her face. They ushered me to the head of the table and Luci and Nikki took up positions of honor, standing on either side of me, each resting a hand on my shoulder. I had no clue what was going on. I was about to find out because Craig Kelly came through the door at that moment, followed by Patricia. Craig was wearing a suit, but Patricia had on one of our IT shirts and a khaki skirt. She must have borrowed the shirt from someone because it was a little tight on her. Not that it looked bad mind you.
"Mr. Preston," Craig began, "I understand you have a problem with the corporate dress code?" I was going to respond, but both Nikki and Luci chose that moment to squeeze my shoulder. I shut up, but I looked directly at Craig.
"I have also heard that you feel it is discriminatory." I was going to have bruises as the girls squeezed harder.
"Further, I have heard that you would like to see it modified." He looked at me and started grinning. Everyone else in the room was as well.
"It would seem, Mr. Preston, that the members of this department have a very high opinion of you, especially when you choose to open your mouth. Further, it would seem that they are not the only ones who hold you in such high esteem." He pulled out some papers from his jacket.
"This is a memo, Mr. Preston, from the Board of Directors, to the Human Resources department of this company, instructing them forthwith to adjust the dress code of this company to correct the injustice done to the female employees and to put them on an equal footing with their male counterparts in all aspects of company culture. This is a memo from the Human Resources department to the IT department, indicating a change in dress code that should be applied to all members of the IT staff. And this, Mr. Preston, is a Certificate of Merit from the Board for bringing this issue to our attention." He took a framed certificate from Patricia and handed it down the table to me. The girls let me stand up.
"Gary, you have seen an issue that needed fixing and you brought it up. Like all of your work, we are all very proud to have you here. If you ever find coming to work here is not as fun as it used to be, you come and see me. We will see what we can do to keep you in the family. Understood?"
"Yes, sir. Thank you."
Patricia tapped her boss and handed him an envelope.
"Ah, this Gary is a more substantial thank you for all your effort in this matter." He passed the envelope down the table to me.
"Thank you, sir."
At that moment, Missy arrived with a trolley of food and coffee and juice. I guess we were going to have a party to celebrate the new clothes the ladies got to wear. At one point during the fete, Craig and Jerry slipped out. I saw them leave, but I was surprised that Patricia stayed. A little later, she cornered me and took my hands, slipping something between them.
"The women of the company are very thankful for your intervention, Gary. This is a little thank you that we know you will cherish." She gave me a peck on the cheek and made her way out. She had handed me a memory card from a digital camera. I slipped it in my pocket for later. A little after 9 AM, I chivied everyone back to work and returned to my office to start my day.
My office was remarkably clean. The piles and the stacks once scattered all over the floor, were now altogether on the lowest shelf of the bookcase, the books were back on the shelf and pretty much in place. The loose components were back in their boxes or, I was guessing, in the filing cabinet. The camera was on its charger and the couch actually looked inviting. Someone had folded my blanked and put it over the back and put the pillows against each side. There was another envelope on my desk. Actually there were no less than six.
I plugged my laptop in and started it up while I pulled the accumulated goodies out of my pockets. I put the certificate on the corner of my desk. I would have to get a picture hook for it, although it was not that heavy. Maybe a push pin would do.
I put the data chip over by the laptop and opened the envelope Craig had given me. Along with an official letter of commendation for my file, there was a cheque for $5,000, less taxes. No a bad bonus really. The cards on the desk were from some of the female staff thanking me for my efforts on their behalf. There was a big one on the bottom signed by just about everyone as far as I could tell. Luci came in while I was looking over the signatures and reading the comments. At some point, someone, I was guessing Nikki from her comment that read "Thank you for helping us get undressed," changed the whole tone of the comments and they became risque and even a little pornographic as the card had made its way through the ranks.
Luci had signed it as well, but her comment was completely above board. It read "Thank you Gary for all your hard work and effort. I cannot wait for your next deal." Anyone reading that could infer anything they wanted. I knew what she was referring to.
"Did you read these?" I asked as she settled in the guest chair.
"Yes. It started it after Jerry gave us the news yesterday. Nikki almost got changed in the meeting."
"I bet that raised some eyebrows."
"It was a token strip. She took off her shoes and rolled down her stockings and threw them in the middle of the table. Janice and I followed suit. There were more than a few eyes popping out. Poor Jason didn't know which way to look." She giggled at that.
"How is Jason doing? I guess I should go an look in on him," I had started to rise and Luci held up her hand.
"He is doing fine. Pete and I both looked in on him yesterday and things look good this morning. He will be in later, I am sure."
"OK," I said without any real conviction. "Why do I get the feeling there is a 'but' coming."
"Can I close the door?"
"Yes." I was not quite sure where this was leading. Luci got up and closed the door, making sure it was locked when she did so.
She turned around and looked at me then walked over to the couch and sat down.
"I would rather not yell this across the office," she said, indicating the couch.
With a sigh I got up and walked over to the couch and sat down opposite her.
"You were serious the other night when you said that if I broke the deal, we would never be alone together and you would not come within ten feet of me weren't you?"
Was I? "Yes, Luci, I was very serious."
"Did I fulfill my part of the deal?"
"Yes, Luci, you did. I can find no fault."
"Can I renegotiate a clause?"
Where was she going? "I guess so. Since you fulfilled your part of it, and I left my part rather open, I suppose you can, subject to discussion." I was getting a sinking feeling in my stomach.
She took a deep breath and seemed to steel her will. She looked me straight in the eye and there was a little tear there. Now I really did have a bad feeling.
"I want it all, Gary." She said it with such emotion that I wanted to reach out to her, but she put her hand up to stop me. She needed to finish, so I let her. "I want it all, but I know I cannot have it all, so I am willing to settle with what I can get. But please, don't ever threaten me like that again. I don't think I could bear to be separated from you by five inches, let alone five feet. Ten feet would kill me." Tears were streaming down her face and she let me take her into my arms. I held her while she cried and kissed the top of her head. My mind was spinning with the implications of what she had just said. I expected another sleepless night.
I sat and held her for several minutes while she cried herself out then went and got her some tissues.
"You should look at the pictures," she said between dabbing her eyes, indicating the chip Patricia had handed me.
When a woman, who has just had a crying fit tells you to do something so she can pull herself together, you do it. I walked over to the PC and moved the required programs into place and put the chip in the reader and opened it. There were 5 pictures on it.
The first picture was in the Board Room. It was a vote of the Board of Directors. All thirteen of them had their hands in the air. On the screen behind them was the resolution tasking HR to amend the dress code.
The second picture was of the signing ceremony.
The third picture was the IT meeting and Janice rolling her pantyhose down and a pile of nylon and shoes on the table.
The fourth picture was, what looked like the entire female staff (or as many as they could get) in the Board Room with a big sign that said "Thank you, Gary." It was very sweet.
The fifth picture blew my mind. It was a much smaller group than before. But instead of being dressed in their office clothes, most had taken off their tops so they were standing in their bras. But at the front of the group, in front of the sign, wearing noting but smiles were Luci, Nikki, Janice, Patricia and two ladies that I did not immediately recognize. The first row was stripped down to their bras and panties. It was a very interesting picture. I looked up at Luci who was smiling at me.
"It was Janice's idea actually. She and Patricia. Rachel and Bonnie didn't need any convincing and I think Nikki was nude before Patricia was." Patricia had nothing to be ashamed of. Her breasts had a little droop to them, but her body was firm and her pubic hair trimmed but not extensively. Bonnie and Rachel were both stunning. Both had small breasts, but they were very attractive ladies. It did not look like either one shaved. Janice is pretty. She does not have Nikki's exotic qualities or Luci's drop dead beautiful look, but she is attractive, something I had forgotten about. Her pussy was bare and her lips seem to poke out. The room must have been cold because Nikki's nipples were full and erect like erasers on a pencil. The thin line of hair ran from her navel to the cleft of her pussy. Luci was beautiful. Her nipples were erect and she was looking right at the camera, knowing that I would be looking back at her. She was sitting ladylike on the floor, legs tucked under her like the rest of the women, but she had her legs split just a little and you could see the folds of her bare pussy.
BARE?! I looked up at Luci, sitting on the couch, then back at the picture. I then pulled up one from the other night I remembered. Luci was sitting on the the Board Room table, legs hanging over the side, hands on the table, shoulder width apart, keeping her legs spread open. A broad patch of hair covering her mons, but her lips was smooth and glistened. Then I noticed something else. She was SITTING ON THE EDGE - what was holding the camera? I flipped back a few and found, sure enough, that you could not see the edge of the table, like the camera had been sitting on it. Now I had a picture of my beautiful, sexy, Luci, and SOMEONE ELSE had taken it. I looked up a Luci again and she smiled back at me.
"You must have been tired yesterday," she said with a grin getting up from her place and coming to stand next to my desk, putting one hand on my shoulder and looking at the folder laid out on my screen. She took the mouse and maneuvered it to another picture and opened it. Yes, I guess I was tired, I had not gotten this far. It was not a picture of Luci, but of Patricia, sitting in Craig's chair in the Board room wearing nothing but a smile, one leg thrown over the chair. One hand cupping her breast and the other working the stem of the gavel in and out of her open slash, her eyes closed and clearly enjoying herself. I looked up at Luci.
"I didn't think anyone was around when I started. Patricia caught me and I told her what I was doing and why. She offered to help anytime. She also asked for a copy of that one. I think she wants to give it to Craig. Something about a fantasy of his."
"If she wants a copy, she can have one. Hard or soft?" I asked.
Luci reached down between my legs and squeezed my member. "Hmm, soft, but I think I can make it hard with a little work." She turned my face to hers and kissed me, her tongue pushing past my lips to find my tongue and wrestle with it while I let my hands stroke her sides and back. I had not noticed it before, but she was wearing a bustier under her polo shirt and as I let my hands slide across her ass, I felt it move and slide under the fabric of her pants. A moan escaped us as I ran my fingers up the cleft in her ass as she squeezed my erection which had become hard in her hands. We broke our kiss, a little winded and she turned and sat in my lap, resting her head on my shoulder and running her fingers into the spaces between the buttons on my shirt. The buttons on her polo had all come undone, and the view of her breasts was magnificent. She had managed to get a button undone and had a hand in my shirt, playing with one nipple, rolling it between her fingers.
"Not fair, little girl. You have an advantage over me." I kissed the tip of her nose as she undid another button.
"Who said anything about fair?" she asked as she pushed my shirt aside flicked her tongue across my nipple, sending little electric shocks through my body. She sucked my nipple for a minute or two, wiggling her hips against my cock, straining in my pants.
"I told you," she said, buttoning up my shirt, "I am willing to settle for what I can get." And she kissed me again and stood up. "But, we have work to do young man," she said in a stern voice, "and I cannot get this monster to cooperate," she said, pointing to the workbench. "So go clean yourself up and then you can show me what I need to do to get this system to behave itself."
What else could I do? "Yes ma'am, right away ma'am. Permission to use the facilities ma'am?"
"Permission granted. Don't linger. Every drop of that is mine." Such fierceness in her tone, who was I to argue. I hustled myself to the men's room to get myself in order.
I managed to make it to the kitchen without being molested, kissed or high-fived by anyone and picked up some water for Luci and myself and was on the way out when Missy came through the door.
"Hi Gary. You seem to be the man of the hour," she always seemed to be happy.
"It does seem that way. You would think that letting women wear pants was not a big deal, but I guess it is."
"Some men just don't get it," she said as she stepped up and kissed me on the cheek. "And some understand better than others. Those we want to keep." She pulled something out of the refrigerator and I headed back to my office. This was turning into a strange day.
Jason caught up to me on the way back to my office and I joined him at his desk, Alex was there as well and we covered some outstanding issues. Jason had managed to get a pretty good grip on the situation and complemented me on my skills, even though I was not technically a DBA. He even offered to show me some tricks, which I would have liked to have learned but decided that Alex needed them more than I did. Alex was ready to learn and Jason seemed a good teacher. If I could get the two of them working well together it would resolve a couple of issues that Jerry and I had been wrestling with. A missing persons report had been filed on Paul on his behalf but otherwise, we did not know if we would ever see him again. Some were of the opinion we were better off without him. I passed Nikki in the hall and she flashed me. Well, she would have if she was not wearing a bustier, too. Was this some new fashion trend I had missed? Hers was emerald green, a colour she favored, with black highlights and green garters that slipped down into the waist of her pants. I got the feeling that she would have worn stockings just to get a reaction out of me. As I passed Janice's office, she called me in.
"I hope I didn't offend you this morning, Gary," she said in a low voice from behind her desk.
"No, Janice, you did not," I assured her. "In fact, I approve!" I smiled at her and she smiled back, then she got a grin on her face and pushed her chair back a little and pulled the hem of her shirt out of her pants. She too was wearing a bustier, pale pink in colour with white and red highlights. Her shirt was red, like Luci's.
"The three of you will give me a heart attack. You know this, right?" I asked shaking my head. "Very sexy by the way Janice. The colour suits you."
"Six of us. And thank you." She stood up and came around her desk and kissed me again. "You did a good thing bringing this up for discussion. Now get back to work before Luci comes looking for you with handcuffs."
Fifteen minutes passed and then I heard something else; I heard someone moaning in pleasure. I told myself, “Oh it’s just the movie”, but I knew it wasn’t. The moans became louder and more frequent and I could feel myself begin to harden. I told myself that this was wrong and eventually the feeling went away, but I had to find out what was happening up stairs. So I slowly crept up the stairs and as I passed by the couch they were laying on I noticed Michael laying on the couch and my...
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xmoviesforyouNightfall came on quickly and the sounds of birds and other a****ls gave rest to the dark. rashi was finally brought to the falls and re-united with her mother, urmila. The two were left alone as the Africans began preparing a campfire and cooking some food."rashi ... did they harm you?" urmila inquired." Please girl, tell your mom what they did to you.""Both of the black bastards stripped me and violated my body. I was drunk and they used me like a slave. I have never had a man, let alone a...
“Come on Abby,” daddy said, “he will be back in a month.” With a last look at the ferry I turned away from the dock and followed daddy back to the car. I had just seen my husband of six months get on a ferry to France where he would start his new job as a bio mechanic. Whatever that was. Mike and I had known each other since early school but it had only ever been a casual thing. When mummy died last year I just seemed to lose it. I don’t even know why really. My parents were very Victorian...
Our late arrival and then late lunch made supper come later too and it was also on the light side. For once it didn't matter to me since I was still mostly full from lunch. Even Kita and Chiqa didn't eat much. After I put the two of them in bed for the night, hopefully, we sat around the table talking and still going over some of the things we'd talked about over lunch. We didn't get anything ironed out either. Mostly we just went over things again and came up with no real answers and...
" Masseur Extraordinaire" reads the business card of my friend Phil, who looks like he is a slightly elder brother of meI still remember our satisfied smiles and the large eyes of Louise with the little tits, when he disclosed his sexy secrets:" As you see, I am quite tall", he told us during a pre-lunch drink at a terrace in the inner city of Namur in Southern Belgium" So I ordered a custom-built portable table with leather straps at all four corners, in order to tie up my costumers if they...
The full moon is bright tonight making it easier to see where we are walking as it bathes the rough track at our feet. We have parked back a way and are making our way down the track to the picnic area by the river. Rumor is that this is a place to watch and play.I'm trembling a little, not from cold as its a warm night but in anticipation. I must have slowed as I feel the gentle tug of the leash on my collar, the other end of the leash is wrapped in my Lord's hand as he leads me.Feeling owned...
One day I popped into the bathroom as my wife, H, was drying herself after a bath and took a quick pic on my phone. She got a bit annoyed and said she didn’t look good and what if someone saw it. I told her she looked great and loads of guys would love to see her like that. ‘Oh yeah ‘she replied. Yes, and I still don’t know what possessed me to say it, ‘I’ve got a mate who would love to see you topless, he comments on it all the time‘. She frowned and shut the door.I wasn’t lying, Justin, we...
So I sent her a message back saying when and where (duh im an average teenage boy) she told me to go to the oxford suites just across the street from the wal mart here in town and said she was in room 611. so i got into my car and went finally i arrived at room # 611 i took a deep breath and knocked on the door she opened the door and i was in heaven. she was short maybe 5"3 that's short to me considering im 6"1 i am not cocky but a girlfriend once measured me at 9' of rock hard...
So my Friend Comes down 2 times a year Christmas and Summer From North Carolina. For the Past 6 Years we have bin Playing with each other we Jerked Each other off and Sucked we didn't suck till cum thoughts this Past Christmas Me and my Friend Tommy Planned Doing each other a month before. So we texted each other for that whole month till he came down. So the night of We Started Watching Porn to Get Hard but he was already hard so once i got hard i said are you Ready and Tommy Said yes We...
GayMiley Cole and Ivy Jones have just gotten back from a shopping date. Now it’s time for the girls to try on some of their new digs so that they can admire each other’s bodies with and without clothing. They take turns stripping down to their panties, sneaking in touches to each other’s tits as they hand off the next thing to try. When Ivy turns around to slip on a dress, Miley hops onto the bed to lift her miniskirt and start massaging her bare pussy. Turning around, Ivy spies...
xmoviesforyouPlease take time to rate and comment, these are free your reading. all will appear later on a website I am launching later My first day of retirement resulted in a little more excitement than I ever could imagine. I pulled myself from bed about 07:30. Outside the .wind was blowing hard against the windows rain lashing the pains with all their might. Ahh I thought, should be on the 07:15 now and half way to the city slowly sipping from my second cup of tea, my wife having long left for the...
Nervous excitement filled my entire body as the following Thursday approached. I was beginning to doubt my ability to hold all of my feelings sealed behind my strict and appropriately haughty, but still always smiling, demeanor, but somehow the days passed by without anyone confronting or correcting me. It was a busy week with elite socializing, and I kept smiling, hugging and kissing my way through any number of people. I could tell that my husband was especially preoccupied, and I guessed...
It all started in 1999....cue flashback noise and fade out sequence.... I was just a teenager and lived in a small little redneck town, not far from Boise. I was fairly normal I suppose, I played on the football team, rode dirt bikes, hunted and fished. I was a bit on the nerdy side, I suppose, I did well in school, was always writing poetry and playing the occasional game of D&D with my buddies. We were semi poor, though not on the verge of starvation or anything as dramatic as that. But...
Title: Mommy, Show Me How! Summary: A single mom helps her 7 year-old son discover the joy of sex. Themes: Fb, incest, young I am a single mother, and I work a normal 40-hour week as an office manager. While I'm certainly not "poor," I do strive to be extra diligent about doing a good job, and I work very hard for my money. Consequently, I don't really have time to waste in the dating scene. It's not that I don't think about men or have romantic and even sexual...
My name is Marty, I'm 22 years old, and have a younger stepsister Abbie who is 15.It was around my dad’s birthday in June when the following took place.About two weeks before, when the family all sat down for dinner, my dad said that he and Sharon (his other half and Abbie’s Mum) were going away for the weekend of his birthday and that I would have to look after Abbie. I didn’t have a problem with this as she had never been any bother.It’s worth mentioning at this point that I had never viewed...
Once everyone got comfortable being totally naked together again Lynn Barry dished up the most amazing meal. It was superb by all standards. This was despite the very short notice she had given herself to prepare it. As for the Creme Brulee that was served up after the main course was cleared away - well - that was truly magnifique! It was so light and fluffy in texture that it was a wonder it did not float up off the table and out the window with just the slightest of breezes. As for Tom...
The best fuck ever My name is Marcos, I’m 33 yo, currently living in Barcelona, Spain. I always read your erotic stories and it’s now as I’ve decided to write one on my own, the most passionate and widest sex escapade a man can have. This account is a real one and just took place on August this year as I was working in a small business office in Barcelona. Since my co-workers had gone for their holidays for two weeks, I was the only clerk left at work here. These buddies really deserved a...
" Lanfen, all women are curious about the size of a guy's penis. Majority of women settle for a smaller penis and never get satisfaction. It took me years to learn the art of love making and use of my monster cock to satisfy a woman. Majority of women cannot handle my sexual prowess and sexual appetite for very long. Lanfen, you are a beautiful 37 year old divorced woman. You have been in a serious relationship with a man. Divorced and without sex for a very long time. Relax." I rub her...
Kyle ends the call and hugs his new bride while asking, “What do you want to do now, Missus Alexander?” “Besides losing my virginity? I guess go to our new home.” “I like your plans, but I think we have a problem.” “And that is?” “From what I remember about our tour of the house there are no linens, kitchenware, or food in the house.” “Let’s call Paula and make sure as well as updating her of our new plans. If you’re right about the linens and other household items we can stay in a motel...
Some weeks later it was the Diplomatic Advisor, Ghada Baroud, who had the ticklish job of informing the Emir of the communication from the British Ambassador. "Master," he began, "There has been a communication from Her Britannic Majesty, Elizabeth, by the Grace of God Queen of England..." "Yes, yes. What does the British Government want now?" "Master, it is not from the Government. It is a personal request from Her Majesty conveyed via her Ambassador. That was made very clear to...
Pineapples! It’s the magic code word Sean’s been dying to hear again for so many years, especially now that his old college buddy is married to super-sexy Sloan Harper. And when she drops that word, Sean can’t believe his ears! He’s over for a supposed pool party his buddy told him about, but Sloan’s informed otherwise by her husband: that she’s to fuck Sean and his big dick, and to say “pineapples,” and he’ll understand that he gets the hall pass to bang his friend’s wife! Sean’s been wanting...
xmoviesforyouWe walked down the trail till around five, holding hands. Tammy said we should head back. When we got back, she waited on the passenger side for me to open the door for her. We headed to a cafe for a quick bite, and went to the movie. Funnier and funnier, I thought to myself. Here was a girl with me for all but eight hours today, and she still seemed happy. We really weren't lovey dovey, we were just friends talking and sharing a smile here or there. She would admit, however, to getting a...
My name is Rahul and this is my true sex story of my first sexual encounter with a woman ever in my life. It happened when I was 19 years old my family use to live in India. It was the summer and my family including my mom and dad went to attend some relative’s marriage, and I know they won’t be coming back in about at least 5 or 6 days. I was alone in my home and horny too. I tried to get the load out of me by watching a porno movie which I rented but nothing works it makes me hornier as my...
Of all of gambling’s card games, Dexter liked blackjack the most. He could sit at the table and play for hours. He had a system that seemed to work well and he usually came out a few dollars ahead. It was a simple game and he played according to the printed odds. In fact, he often verified with the dealer how he should play a hand whenever he had some doubts. He talked to the pit bosses about business and the nature of the game. Most of the time, there wasn’t that much suspense. This...
This story revolves solely around Naruto Uzumaki and his experiences with all women. I'd love to see what people can write if they add their own chapter. Come on, who wants to make a story where Naruto gets dominated and humiliated by your favorite Naruto girls? There are two types of Naruto's to work with. You choose which one to use. A) Naruto Uzumaki is his usual self, but hides a very embarrassing secret that he doesn't want anyone to know about, especially not girls. He has a small cock....
BDSMCheating wife with best friendThis story takes place about 4 years ago when my husband was away on business.The company my husband works for had asked him to go away for a few days for training, my husband knows I don't like being alone and as much as I like hanging out with women I generally prefer male company so hubby said to me why don't you get Adam to come over for tea and chill with your for the evenings ( Adam is my husband's closest friend).On the day of my husband leaving to travel I...
The world has changedFor people of 2020, the world has changed beyond recognition in the year 2048. Two big wars raged over many countries in the early 2030’s. In America the blacks came out as the clear winner of the racial war. The New Black Party ruled North America with the exception of Alaska and part of Canada. North of Vancouver the country was deserted for hundreds of miles. Small pockets of whites did live in this area, most of them escaped from the rule of the New Black Party and...
Saturday, February 4 to Monday, February 6, 2006 There was good and bad news. The bad news was that I woke up feeling like shit, was naked, strapped immovably to a hospital bed, and was connected to all sorts of instrumentation. That was especially true of my head: some sort of flexible cap was strapped to my now bald skull, with metal pieces pressing against my skin in many places. The good news was that I woke up. I was in what appeared to be in a small, single-person hospital room, with...
I’m so excited to write here! Like, a friend told me about this site and it’s so cool! I’ve read some of the stories and they are so hot, I was all flushed when I read them! And some of them, I simply had to touch myself down there, you know! You know, everybody is doing it, but to read about it.. and especially to write about it? WOW!!! I sure got hooked on the stories. I like best the “first” category, it’s so exciting hearing how other girls gained this...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Treasure Box, the Nimborgoth The crew of the Treasure Box leaped into action. Telesi barked her orders as she moved about. In the rigging, Foran and...
Chapter 73 I sat in my bed with the comfy pink covers wrapped up around legs. My nightgown, bra and boobs kept me warm enough without the covers as I flipped through the catalog. Setting my alarm an hour early had given me some time to get a look at the dresses at least. Which was easy for me, because so many things just didn't work for me. When your boobs were fake, it really narrowed down the dress selection. Spaghetti strap; out, V-neck; nope, halter top; not happening. I...
Die Straßenlampe hatte ich schon am Vortag zerstört. Ebenso wie ihren Bewegungsmelder. Daher konnte sie mich nicht sehen als ich klingelte. Sie öffnete die Tür nur einen Spalt, da krachte ich schon mit voller Wucht dagegen. Sie wurde in den Flur geschleudert. Ich warf die Tür hinter mir zu und war mit zwei Sätzen über ihr, drehte sie auf den Rücken, kniete mich auf ihre Arme und setzte mich auf ihre Brust. Dann beugte ich mich nach vorn, hielt ihr den Mund zu und flüsterte in ihr Ohr: "Wenn...
Ava awoke lying in James arms as the early morning sun filtered into the room through the blinds. Even though she had the day off, Ava’s body clock was so used to the early rises ready for work, that 8am felt like a lie in to her. Ava lay with her head resting against James bare chest, hooking one of her legs between his, her left hand gently caressing his chest as she listened to the slow rhythmic beat of his heart, his chest rising and falling with each breath. Ava couldn’t help but smile to...
Straight SexI guess we all walk around with a lot of preconceived notions about things and, I suppose, for most of them, we carry them with us throughout our life. But there are a few that, in living our lives, we run dead up against an exception to these firmly-implanted ideas and they have to change. That happened to me last year when Olivia and I were looking for a house to buy. Olivia is my girlfriend, we’d been together nearly five years and felt really good with each other and had decided to do what...
Introduction: Western wife is intimately interrogated by revolutionaries The orderly queue had slowly but surely descended into a jostling chaotic snake of passengers. The normal Western reserve had begun to crumble as more and more military vehicles appeared on the airport tarmac and outside the entrance hall. The military coup had come so quickly that even the international news agencies were only just getting the first patchy information. The presidential palace had been stormed and although...
A loud, thounderous knock on the door distracted Michael from the action on his TV screen. He hit the Pause button on his PS4 controller, slid his cordless headset off his ears to rest on his nape, and granted his roommate entrance by shouting out the permission. Nathan, Michael's best friend and longtime roommate, opened the door, and started talking in a seeming hurry: “Listen, bro, I gotta hit the road. I won't be back till, like, nine or so. I know this comes on short notice, but it's...
CheatingJust look at her. What a pervert. Brooklyn Chase rubbing another one out. Hubby’s away, and she’s lonely. Brooklyn’s just three minutes into finger banging herself when she notices you there, in the room, just staring. And how does she put it? “I could use some dick!” Which is exactly what Brooklyn proceeds to do. She’s a cheater alright, and with Hubby away, Brooklyn will use your dick to finish what she just started. In all three holes!! Starting with her...
xmoviesforyouAfter many years and two kids, our sex life had started to become stale. We decided to celebrate our upcoming wedding anniversary over a three day weekend at the Flamingo Casino Resort in Laughlin, Nevada. All the arrangements were made about a month in advance and the awaited departure day finally arrived and we were at long last on our way to a well-deserved party weekend.Most of the drive would be on along a narrow two-lane highway and as luck would have it we got stuck in a long line of...
CuckoldHe wanted to see the asshole slut take a full 1 liter bottle into his asshole. A full 4 inches in width and radically ribbed. If this monster was inserted and stroking would surely wreck is asshole for daily fistings. Everything was set and had been stroking a beer can thick dildo in his loose asshole for a solid 1/2 hour now, forming puffy ass lips and a huge hanging hole. He would start the insertion by trying a normal 16 oz water bottle in his rectum. He had collected all sizes and shapes...
I came home from work early last Friday to find the back door unlocked, I thought we had forgotten to lock it in the morning.I stepped inside the house and put my keys away, then I heard a noise from our bedroom, I stood still for a minute, I heard my wife's voice so I moved to the hallway and was just about to shout up the stairs to her when, to my surprise I saw a pair of men's shoes by the hall table.I took off my own shoes and crept up the stairs to our bedroom, the door was nearly shut but...
Me and my wife always had a very good relationship and we're always looking to explore some of our sexuality although at times we never really seen eye-to-eye on what she wanted or what I wanted but we always met in the middle. This particular day we were talking about exploring our sexual Horizons and I always said let's bring in another couple she was very much against it in the past but this time was different she says I thought about it many times and I would love to try to do something but...
Chapter 12 Died and Gone to Heaven The sun was quite high in the morning when I awoke, it must have been past nine o’clock, I lay awake trying to work out what had woken me and why it was so late when the events of the previous night came flooding back. Lorraine was still fast asleep but when I reached behind me Chrissy was not there but the bed was still warm, Chrissy must have woken me getting up. I heard the toilet flush and turned over as she appeared from the bathroom. She smiled at me...
Reddit BBC Sluts, aka /r/BBCSluts! Want to watch some raw hardcore porn videos by amateurs and real people? Try BBC Sluts. In the current age of social media, fast internet and connected devices at your fingertips, we can access videos and photos of every single sick fuck-minded obsession and nastiness you can ever imagine. This includes anything from interracial porn to gay, transgender and straight porn. But the one thing that has been missing in the porn world is a social media-like site...
Reddit NSFW ListVanessa had expected Baleville to seem smaller each time she took leave from the Corps. Somehow, it never did. Now, after nine months in the desert, seeing nothing but temporary camps and villages that barely even qualified for the name, it seemed impossibly huge and vaguely opulent. Even stranger, they'd held a parade for her, Jenna Wilkins, and Doug Haley when they'd come back from the Gulf, like they'd done something particularly heroic while there. When her parents had asked if she'd...
Beautiful Lee Part 2I wrote the first segment several months ago. Since then Lee and I have been exclusive.One day, about six weeks after we met, when we weren’t seeing each other because of the kids, Lee’s ex came to the house. I was outside working in my yard and saw his Mercedes pull up. His blond bimbo was in the passenger seat. I thought it odd he was showing up since Lee hadn’t mentioned anything to me the night before when we spoke. Anna answered the door and look surprised, then called,...
Love StoriesIntroduction: not so sexy > The 1st Affair>> A married man was having an affair> with his secretary.> One day they went to her place> and made love all afternoon.> Exhausted, they fell asleep> and woke up at 8 PM ..> The man hurriedly dressed> and told his lover to take his shoes> outside and rub! them in the grass and dirt.> He put on his shoes and drove home.> "Where have you been?" his wife demanded.> "I can't lie to you," he replied,> "I'm having...
The doorbell then decided to ring. I walked to the door, frowning in wonder as to who that may be, since no one I knew lived around and I didn’t know anyone from around. Looking through the peephole, I saw a sweet looking blonde woman with sparkling green eyes, standing with her hands tucked into a tight pair of jeans, waiting. I smiled and straightened out my clothes. I didn’t mind getting to know that cute blonde though. I opened the door and smiled in greeting, ‘Hi. May I help you?’ I...
My eyes are closed. My hand moves faster and faster. My nuts begin to swell and tighten. Pre-cum drips out the end of my cock, as I knead and twist it. I'm picturing her, I'm biting and licking my lips as the feeling gets more and more intense. I open my eyes to see the photo frame I'm holding of her, and I'm shaking as I begin to feel wave after wave of my orgasm rising and falling. I'm enjoying myself. I'm imagining it's her tugging my cock with her small, perfectly shaped soft hands. Her...
Masturbation“I would love to be sexually pleasured by two women while my man watches, even better if he masturbated while he watched. A favourite fantasy of mine is being pleasured by two lipstick lesbians, both younger than me, perhaps one barely twenty, a blond baby doll. “Lu Xi has arranged two lipstick lesbians, both younger than me, for my pleasure next Sunday. I want you to watch and enjoy, my pleasure is your pleasure. And I want you to masturbate for me, are you fine with that honey?” I asked my...
Even though she had a boyfriend, that wasn't Ias, he never gave up on his crush. Any one with eyes could see that Ias was head over heels for Des, anyone but Des. Even though she had a boyfriend, Ias became her girlfriend but Ias said this was for the best. According to Ias, the fact that she was now going out with Max gave him time to play the friend card, and move in when they broke up. The only problems were that there relationship was strong and Des wouldn't know that Ias was in to her...
Rohit didn't knew that only in such a short span of time his life would change so dramatically.Only few months back he was playing with his pals and hanging around carelessly.But now here was he sitting in the living room wearing a red wedding lenhenga with an assymetric jacket blouse matched with a heavily embroidered shaded red skirt.But how did he ended up in a lenhega that most of the girls of his age would kill to wear.And just when he was trying to recover his sight fell on his...
The Surrender1?You can forget about safe, sane, and yes, consensual too,? I said.How did I get here? It is not a long story. Soon after our marriage, Richard and I began to experiment with bondage and S&M. I always got a thrill from being bound, defenseless, but S&M, or rather the masochism part was another story. By the fourth stroke of the cane on my butt I would be screaming my safeword ?Bananas? The fucking I would get afterwards was always hot, but all the time I would be cursing at myself...
Originally written by Frankel. He changed to 3rd person from 1st person in this one. It contains a role play incident that has a little violence. Katie stood in front of the class. She was still naked, still refused a uniform, still the only girl in the school and still used as a sex toy by all teachers and staff. If it wasn't that she had been promised she would graduate with top marks at the end of the year she would have left months ago. She was 18 and a half and would...