RedemptionChapter 28 free porn video

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Monday evening, while the Shaughnessy's were reuniting in new and wonderful ways, and Dex was starting the healing process for Carol, Eric and his mother were watching TV. They had been practically joined at the hip since breakfast, with Eric spending every minute looking out for her. When the news ended, she was the one who stood up first, pulling him to his feet and heading for the stairs.

Sandra sent Eric to the bathroom first, and she puttered in the room a bit, still dressed. When Eric returned from the bathroom, she had him sit on the side of the bed, then casually undressed in front of him, taking time to fold or hang all her clothes nicely. Completely naked, she faced him, told him she would be right back, and walked out. It was only about ten feet to the bathroom door, but Eric was still amazed.

Returning from the bathroom, Sandra was just as deliberate as she found and donned her nightie, then crawled into bed. When Eric was able to move enough to undress and get in bed, she moved right up against him and stayed that way as she drifted off to sleep.

Sleep came harder for Eric, and it seemed that he had just drifted off when Sandra started shaking and moaning again. This time, he knew what to do, and he was able to calm her down. He was still angry when it was over, but instead of getting up, he pulled her close and put his arms around her. She was still asleep, but instinctively snuggled up to him. This was the most intimate contact he had ever had with her, as he could feel her breasts against him, separated only by the thin fabric of her nightie.

Sometime later, Eric was awakened by a gentle hand on his head and a soft kiss on his cheek. He was momentarily confused, as his mother was still cuddled close to him. The smell of a different woman was what began to rouse him, and he turned his head to see Kirstin standing over him, impressively naked. His immediate reaction was embarrassment because of the way he was sleeping with his mother. After a moment, though, he felt only pride that he could care for her. After all, Kirstin had said she was jealous, so she wouldn't think badly of him.

Eric went into the bathroom and had just started a good pee when Kirstin walked in with a devilish grin. He was defenseless as she said "Let me" and took ahold of his penis, playfully moving the stream around the bowl. Inevitably, he started to harden as she played. He had to lean farther and farther forward to allow her to point him down properly as he got harder, until his sphincter took over and the stream was shut off. He had released a lot, so he was not in any discomfort from a still-full bladder.

That's not to say he was comfortable - Kirstin seemed dedicated to preventing that. He had the strange thought that maybe he would use up some physical limit of blushes, and nothing would bother him any more. When he looked up and saw the expression on Kirstin's face, he forgot all about discomfort. She looked like a kid who had gotten every single thing from a long Christmas wish list.

"Kirstin, how come you're so excited about helping me pee?"

"It's the chance to be that close, that intimate. It's what I've always wanted and never got enough of. Now, you get a chance to be intimate and help me with a little chore. You're going to help me shave."

"You mean your legs? Your pits?"

"Nope. Did those before I woke you. I hope you're planning to eat me out again, and I saw how you had to hunt through all the hair yesterday."

"You mean you're going to shave it all off?"

"No, I'm not quite that brave. Besides, I think leaving a little hair is sexier." She put a folded towel on the edge of the counter and hopped up to sit on it, picking up a scissors. "First, I'm going to shorten it all. Hold your hands to catch the hairs so they don't fall on the floor."

As he followed her snipping and managed to catch most of the hairs, Eric wondered briefly if any of his friends would believe this tale. It only took a moment before he mentally chastised himself for even the thought of telling anyone. That would hurt Kirstin, and he didn't want that. He didn't want to hurt any of these women, even the prickly Jessica. As he thought further, the friends who came to his mind somehow seemed more juvenile than they had before.

Eric's wildest fantasies could not have dreamed up the next fifteen minutes. Kirstin handed him a washcloth, a razor, and a can of shaving foam and told him it was his job from there on. She told him where she wanted bare and where to leave the hair, and ignored his protests that she could reach it just as well. Terrified of cutting her, he worked carefully, asking her all the time for directions until she was satisfied.

"This part I could never do myself," Kirstin proclaimed as she knelt on the near edge of the tub and leaned forward to brace her hands on the far edge. Her knees were spread far apart, and her anal area with its light covering of hairs was wide open to him. "Don't worry, I washed real good back there earlier. Get all the hairs."

'One more step beyond weird!' he thought to himself as he carefully cleaned her up. Figuring she was due a little teasing herself, when he was finished, he ran his finger around the edges of her rosebud, almost causing her to fall into the tub.

"I'll clean this up later," Kirstin almost panted as she got up from the tub edge, grabbed his hand, and headed out the door. Only a few feet outside, she said "Oops," dashed back into the bathroom, returned with a tube of skin lotion, and continued towing him to the hot tub.

The tub room door was barely shut and locked when Kirstin engulfed him in a massive hug. "You are such a man! I told you I was jealous of your mother yesterday. Well today, it's even worse."

Kirstin lay down on a bench, spread her legs, and held the tube out to him. "I think this will be better than shaving lotion. Put it all over where you shaved me." She certainly could have done this herself, but he knew by now that that had nothing to do with it. Intimacy was the key word, and she wasn't taking any halfway efforts.

When he got to her anus with the lotion, he again circled around the opening, causing her to hiss loudly. Pleased with the response, he continued, and she started to squirm. "Oh, Eric, that's so nasty, but it's... Oh! Don't stop!"

In contrast to his buddies, Eric was somewhat repulsed by the limited porn he had seen. To him, it was too close to what his father did to his mother, and it troubled him. As a result, he was not well versed in the variations of sexual play and kink. His next action was pure instinct, as he squirted a glob of lotion from the tube and put it right on her rosebud, worked it around, then worked his index finger slowly into her. "Ah! Ah! Ow! Ohhh!' was all Kirstin could say.

"Does it hurt? Should I take it out?"

"Oh, no! Keep going! Hurts good! How did you... ?... In and out, now! Please!" Kirstin had pulled her knees up and was holding them tight to her boobs, giving Eric a better angle to plunge his finger in and out. She was going through strong shakes and twitches, causing her fleshy ass cheeks and thighs to quiver. Her pussy was perfectly exposed and he brought his other hand to it. After her trim, her clit was easy to get at, and he went right for it. It protruded enough so he could roll it between his fingers, and this put her at an even higher level of arousal and vocal output. Just before her huge climax hit, he was plunging his finger in and out of her rear entry so fast he feared he would injure her.

Kirstin's convulsions were so violent this time that Eric could barely keep his hand on her pussy to keep her stimulated, and he was over-stimulated himself. Unable to control himself any longer, he pulled his finger out of her and used that hand to jerk himself off as he kept stroking her pussy with the other. Just as she started to calm down, he came, letting the jets fall on her belly and her crotch.

At about the same time, she let her legs drop down, and he collapsed forward with his face between her tits. "Kirstin?" he murmurred.

"Huh?" she managed to grunt out.

"That intimate enough for you?" A moan was the only response she could generate.

They eventually managed to drag themselves to the water, and Kirstin finally managed to speak. "Sandra is so lucky to have you, and you are taking such good care of her. Did you see how she watched you at breakfast yesterday? I don't think she ate a bite. It was all she could do to keep from playing with herself."

"Really? You mean..."

"Yup, she got all excited looking at you. For a while, she forgot all about the beatings and everything but that beautiful cock swinging around as you worked."

"Gee, I thought I was doing that for Jessica."

"Well, it was for me, too. All the women loved it."

"It didn't seem to phase Jessica, though."

"Does that disappoint you? Do you like her?"

"She for sure doesn't like me, so that doesn't make any difference. I guess she could be really cute if she didn't slouch around and look angry all the time."

"Eric, how far are you willing to go with your mother?"


"She is going to want more and more intimate things from you. You have replaced your Dad as her man, only you are a much better man. She is starting to get things from you that she has never had, and she is going to want more and more."

"What more can we do? You saw how we were sleeping."

"Have you kissed, I mean lovers' kisses? Have you touched each other sexually."

"Oh, I couldn't touch her like that! That would be wrong."

"Sweetie, I'm not sure what right and wrong mean to your mother right now. Everything that has been done to her by your father was wrong. What you are doing to her now feels wonderful, so it must be right. That is the only right and wrong she knows."

"She wouldn't want to, uh... would she?"

"I think she is headed that way, yes. I know I would be."

"You mean you would want to..."

"I want to right now, but I won't. Your mother should have the chance to be your first, if she wants it, and I guess I still have some hope for my marriage."

"Oh, God, Kirstin, what am I going to do? If we do that, what will she think later?"

"See, that's one of the reasons she will want to. Everything you've done is for her, first. She knows that, and it makes her want you all the more. I don't know what to tell you, but you need to think about it and be ready. Right now, though, there is something I can do."

Kirstin happily reduced Eric's chances for an erection at breakfast, and he made sure she was well-compensated for her efforts.

The appearance of a third naked man at breakfast caused a definite stir. Jeanette stayed very close to Patrick. It appeared to be a sweet show of support, but a careful observer could soon see that it was pure pride in her man. She loved having the other women see what she had. Patrick was obviously nervous and embarrassed, but his natural presence and self-control carried him through. The presence of two additional women bothered Eric at first, but both greeted him and complimented him on his courage and on his body. He blushed brightly, but looked happy. The real blush came when Jessica walked over to him, put her hand on his arm, said a few words, and flashed him a thousand watt smile. His own smile broke suddenly and became shock as he turned and hurried from the room, barely avoiding running. It was several minutes before he returned.

Just as on the previous day, the men did the serving, and Patrick entered right into the spirit, stepping close and talking amiably as he served. There was less gaping than the day before, but the glances and brief stares were constant, and not just at penises.

As expected and discussed, there was an awkward time when the young children saw the naked men. They were told the men had lost a game. Courtney accepted that, but Sean insisted he was a man, too, and was naked the rest of the meal.

Morgan noticed that Eric seemed a bit distracted during the meal, and made a point to talk to him about it later. When she stopped to think about it, what the boy was doing was unbelievably brave. His love for his mother must be incredible. Come to think of it, she felt the same way about her own mother, now that the tension between them had been erased.

Morgan didn't know it, but Eric had followed Dex to the Master suite after breakfast, not even going downstairs to get dressed. When Morgan got to the room, they were sitting in the chairs, talking earnestly. As soon as she saw them, she shucked her clothes, which didn't take long since she wore only two garments. Eric was stunned, and even Dex was surprised.

"Morgan, what?..." Eric started to say, as she walked up and knelt in front of him. She took his face in both hands and kissed him.

"This is an official 'no clothes' zone, you know, Eric. Besides, I was just thinking about how incredibly brave and caring you are. This is a chance for me to pay you back a little. At least, I hope you think seeing me naked is a good thing.

"Hell, yes!" Then Eric blushed at what he had said. He seemed about to say something else when his blush deepened and he hunched forward to cover the hardon that he had grown.

"Eric, Eric, it's OK. I've seen it, remember? Besides, by now you should know how we women feel about erections on nice guys."

"Yeah, I know, but it's still tough. I don't think I'll ever get used to showing myself."

"Jessica gave you one at breakfast, didn't she?"

"You saw that, huh? I guess you see everything. She was nice to me for the first time, and, well, I couldn't help it."

"You think she's pretty sexy?"

"She looks nice, but I can't tell much from the way she dresses. I, uh, like to watch her walk, though."

"Well, I'm working on the clothes part. You'll get to see a lot more of her soon, believe me."

"Say, Morgan, how much longer are we going to have to do breakfast like this?"

"Now that you've done it twice, what does it matter?"

"Well, the first time, I was almost like in a zone, or something, and I just went along. Today, it was actually tougher. It's sort of worse as I get to know the women, you know?"

"Hmmm. Hadn't thought of that. Tell you what, I'll watch carefully, especially Jessica. When I think we've gotten the most effect we can, I'll let you guys hide 'em, OK? Hey! I interrupted something when I came in. What's up? Or do I need to leave you guys alone?"

Dex had been watching the exchange up until now, smiling warmly. Now, he entered in. "Morgan, I think you can help, here. You can talk in front of Morgan, can't you, Eric?"

"I should be able to talk to anyone I can show my hardon to, shouldn't I?" This sent Morgan and Dex into fits of laughter, with Eric joining in after a moment. The chair Eric was in had a fairly wide seat, and Morgan jumped into it and wriggled her bottom until she and Eric were wedged in tight.

"I am so proud of you, Eric! You're like a young Dex!" Turning sideways so she was more or less in Eric's lap, she made sure her tits were pressed firmly against him and said "Talk!"

Eric told them everything that had happened between him and his mother, and replayed the discussion with Kirstin from earlier.

When Eric stopped talking, Dex gave Morgan a very long, questioning look. When she nodded, he addressed the boy. "Eric, I'm going to tell you something that is extremely private. Morgan is one of only a very few other people who know about it. I believe you will keep my secret." With that, he told Eric about his own relationship with his mother. Eric gasped several times, and wept openly when Dex told of Kathy's death.

"I didn't tell you these things because I think you should do what I did, Eric. Your situation is not the same. I just wanted you to see how difficult it is say something is always right or wrong. To this day, I don't feel any guilt about what I did with my mother."

"Geez, Dex. So many things you said about how you felt and how your mother acted sound like what is happening to us right now. It... it really helped. Thanks. Oh, and I would never tell."

"I have to make a phone call. I'll leave you and Morgan to, uh, talk a little more, OK?" With that, Dex walked into the attached study area and closed the door behind himself.

"Sweetie, with all the emotion, and even some crying, I'd think you would have gone soft, but you haven't."

"Sunday, I had never seen a naked woman. Now, this naked babe is sitting on my naked lap, and I'm supposed lose my hardon? As if!!" They laughed together for a moment, then Morgan got on her knees in front of him again. This time she took him in her mouth and took his balls in her hand. Predictably, about twenty seconds later, she was cleaning him up with her tongue.

Eric's head was resting against the chair back and his eyes were closed when Morgan told him. "You're for sure not leaving here a virgin, stud. I think your mother should have first chance, if she wants it. If she doesn't, it's my privilege. Deal? Hey, you got hard again. I guess it's a deal, huh? Come on, I'll walk back to your room with you."

Downstairs, Morgan opened Sandra's bedroom door and walked right in, something Eric would never do without knocking. Morgan barely held back a snicker when they found Sandra naked in the corner chair, reading the paper. The startled woman jumped up and turned crimson. Before Sandra could object, Morgan hurried over and put an arm around her shoulder.

"It's OK, Sandra. I understand, and I think Eric does, too."

"You do? I mean... what... ?"

"Honey, right now, the most important thing in your life is Eric, and his acceptance of you. You absolutely need to have him see your body and react to it. You were just waiting for another chance, weren't you?"

"I... Oh, I'm so ashamed!"

"No! No! No! Don't be ashamed! Be thankful you have a wonderful son who is happy to give you what you need, and who honestly appreciates your body."

"You mean, you don't think I'm sick?"

"Not at all. You're terribly wounded. You're just trying to do whatever you can to feel better about yourself. Eric, could your Mom and I talk alone for a minute." When Eric had pulled on some clothes and walked out, Morgan continued. "Sandra, I just told Eric that he is not going to be a virgin when he leaves this place. You should have the chance to be his first if you want it."

"What!!?? You can't be serious! That's incest!"

"Yup. Tell me you haven't been thinking about it every minute since you saw his cock yesterday morning."

"I... I... Ohhhh!" Sandra started to sniffle at this point, and Morgan hugged her tighter, meeting no resistance.

"Honey, you and Eric have lived through shit that no one should have to experience. But you made it through, and now you need to start over. There are things you can only really share with each other - no one else would understand. I'm guessing you have never really been made love to, only used for sex, right?" The increased sniffles gave her the answer and she continued.

"Eric is a virgin, but I am certain he could give you the best sex of your life because he really loves you and is such a considerate person. You need to experience that kind of sex as part of your healing. Is it wrong? What has already happened to you is wrong, for sure. I can't find it in me to condemn two loving people healing each other any way they can."

"So you think I should?"

"You have to decide that, Honey. I hope I've made you face up to your feelings, at least. If you decide you can't have sex with your son, I want your permission to sleep with him before he leaves here. Come to think of it, even if you decide to, I think it would be good if I took a turn with him after you've broken him in."

"Well, at least that would be a good way to end an affair with my son. He would be cured of me after a night with you." Sandra's voice sounded almost bitter, and the low confidence shouted through her words.

"Sandra, Sandra! You don't understand! Eric loves you. That would make it more than just sex. With me, he would have sex, and I would do my damndest to make it good for him, but it would be just sex. It could never be the same as with you, believe me. I'm going to put some condoms in the nightstand drawer for you."

"He made me have my tubes tied."

"Has the blood test report come back yet?"

"Ohhhh, noooo! Do you think?..."

"I don't know. The results could come today, but don't take a chance, OK?" Sandra just sat shaking her head and sniffling. "Sandra, one other thing I think is important for you."

"What's that?"

"You need to show yourself to Dex and to my Grandpa."

"What!!? You mean, naked? Why?"

"You know how thrilled you were when Eric saw you and reacted well?" Sandra nodded. "Well, seeing their positive reaction to you would be just as important. It would do wonders for your self-confidence."

"But, I've never, ever shown myself before."

"I know. And you've never, ever been chased out of your house before. And you've never, ever been divorced before. And you've never, ever had to start over before, and... I think you get the idea. Sandra, Honey, everything in your life is suddenly different. You're an attractive, talented woman who feels like a worthless reject. Everyone here wants to see you leave someday with your head up, a come-hither smile on your face, your tits thrust out, and your ass swaying. We want male heads to snap around when you walk by. If you can be naked in front of these gentle, caring men, it will be a great start."

When Morgan left, Sandra stayed in her chair waiting for Eric to return. Unconsciously, she slumped back and let her legs spread open. When he walked in after a few minutes, she realized the lewdness of her posture and jumped to her feet. "Uh, Honey, are you tired of seeing me like this."

"Couldn't happen, Mom!"

"But Morgan was naked, and she's young and she's got big, uh, boobs, and..."

"Uh, huh. Morgan is really sexy and her boobs are... wow! And Kirstin's boobs are huge. But, they're not you, Mom. It's like, your body is very nice and sexy. But, it's more than that. When I see you, in my mind is all the stuff we've been through together. I love you, and that makes it different - better."

Sandra started to cry instantly on hearing his reply. Eric instinctively reached out to comfort her, but drew back at realizing her nakedness. Then, he remembered walking naked with Morgan, arms around each other, and he hugged his mother to himself without reservation. Almost inaudibly, Sandra murmurred "Damn, she's smart!"

"Did Morgan talk about this?"

"Uh, sort of."

"Oh, you were talking about, uh, us, uh... She talked to me, too." Both were terribly embarrassed, and they hugged silently for quite a while.

"Say, Honey," Sandra said, stepping back, "Do you think Dex would let you take me for a ride on one of those ATV things?"

It was a rare sunny December morning with no wind, and Sandra honestly enjoyed the ride. She had suggested it partly to break the tension of their last hug, and partly to get out somewhere with her son without leaving the safety of Dex's property. She rode behind Eric, arms snuggly around his waist, head pressed against his back. When they stopped to check out a nice view, she absentmindedly let her hands drift downward, and felt the bulge. She moved her hands back up quickly and chose not to say anything to him about it. She could not resist tightening her hug.

When mother and son returned to the house after their ride, they were holding hands and laughing like young lovers. Jessica was the first one they met, and she asked where they had been. Upon hearing about the ATV ride, the desire was obvious on her face, but she could not bring herself to ask and turned away.

"Ask her to go for a ride," Sandra whispered to Eric. "She's afraid to ask you."

Eric stood stock still at his mother's suggestion. Two days ago, he did everything he could do avoid the obviously angry girl. This morning, though, she had thanked him and complimented him. Could she have changed that much in two days? Mortifying as it had been at first, his naked displays had given him a confidence that was completely new to him. He had a concern that his mother might feel left out, but she was smiling and gently pushing him toward the girl.

"Jessica, wait! Would you like to go for a ride?"

"I'd love to!" There was that same smile from this morning. Who'd of thought she had that smile? His mother knows what she is doing.

"Um, you'll have to sit behind me, and you'll have to hold on to me."

"Will that bother you?" she asked with a saucy grin.

"No, but I thought maybe you..."

"Eric, I've been a bitch, I know, and I'm sorry. I wasn't angry at you in particular, it's just that..."

"Hey, I know a little of what you've been through."

"Yeah, I guess everyone here does, huh?"

They had been out about five minutes when Jessica tapped Eric on the shoulder. When he idled the engine so they could talk, she asked "Can't we go faster?"

"It's pretty bumpy. I'm afraid you'll get bounced off." She made a sad face, and he continued. "'Course if you'd hold on tighter..." This time, her look was frightened. "Look, Jessica, do you think I would do anything you didn't want me to do?" She just looked at him and barely shook her head. "Then grab on tight and let's fly!"

Eric didn't do anything reckless, but he did pick up the speed, and Jessica indeed held on more tightly. After a couple of hard bounces, she seemed to give in and wrapped her arms securely around him, pressing her front against his back.

Out at the edge of the property, Eric stopped again to admire the view. He turned to the girl and told her "Jessica, that felt really nice!" He noticed a slightly panicked look on her face, and asked. "What's wrong?"

"We've got to go right back! Hurry!" He was puzzled until he saw her squirm in on the seat.

"I'll run down the path out of sight. You holler when I can come back, OK?" Wasting no more time, he sprinted off, making sure he was out of sight, and hoping he was still in earshot. In a few minutes, he faintly heard her calling his name, and walked back toward her.

"You knew?"

"I guessed. Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I was so excited about the ride I forgot to go first. Sorry to freak out on you. It's just that he..." Her eyes filled up at this point. "I... I can't talk about it. Maybe you'd better take me back."

"You know, I've been walking around you in the morning with my pecker swinging around. Do you think that's easy? Maybe you should trust me and tell me about what happened. I'll bet there's stuff you haven't even told your Mom, isn't there?"

"But it's awfully personal!"

"More personal than me being naked." When she did not respond for quite a while, he told her "I'm sorry, Jessica, I don't want to put pressure on you. Let's ride some more."

"No. No, you're right. I want to tell someone. He... he always tried to catch me peeing and walk in on me. Sometimes, I'd hold it 'til I thought I would burst, waiting for him to leave or go to sleep."

"Couldn't you lock the bathroom door?"

"He'd get mad and hit Mom if I did." For the next forty-five minutes, she talked and talked, often blushing furiously, sometimes crying, but never stopping. They did not notice, but once Dex looked around a bend in the path, saw that they were alright, and retreated back to the house.

When the two teens returned to the house, Carol met them with a concerned look, glancing uncertainly at Eric. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"Oh, Mom, it's not Eric's fault. I was just telling him lots of stuff."

"Eric, I'm sorry," Carol said to the boy. "I know you wouldn't do anything bad, it's just that trusting is so hard."

"It's OK, Mrs. Jensen."

"It's Carol. If you're going to show me your, uh... we should be on a first-name basis, at least. How in the world can you do it?"

"If I'd had a chance to think about it that first day, I probably wouldn't have. But you know, this last hour made it worth it." Carol gave him a kiss on the cheek before leading her daughter away.

Lunch was eventful. First, UPS delivered a large package for Kirstin. She could not refrain from opening it, and found several presents for the kids, and a few for her - all from her husband. She totally dissolved for a few minutes, but pulled herself together and rejoined the lunch.

Lunch was also eventful because Jessica did not take her usual place next to Morgan, but came early to the table and sat next to Eric, so he was sandwiched between Sandra and Jessica.

When everyone was finished eating, Morgan addressed the group. "Tomorrow is Christmas eve. There is not a single decoration in this place, and most of you have no presents. The project for this afternoon is to correct those problems. We are going on a monster shopping trip. Everyone is going, period. Dex and Grandpa will be with us, and Officer O'Connor will be along for extra protection. Now we need lists."

Same as Redemption
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Taylor’s family went to a park on Lake Michigan for Labor Day weekend. Xander hung out around home, wishing he was with Taylor. He texted her half a dozen time over the weekend asking if her period had started yet. At first Taylor was upset with his obsessive worrying. By Monday she was starting to worry too. The ride home Michigan seemed to take forever as Taylor worried about her chance of being knocked up. “Nothing?” Xander asked as he greeted Taylor with a kiss at school Tuesday...

3 years ago
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Its only natural

March 2012. This feeling is so good it ought to be illegal. Technically I suppose it is, which is maybe what makes it more fantastic. It’s a glorious day, unseasonably hot and summery. The kind of day where almost everyone finds a grassy country park in which to picnic. I can see them enjoying themselves on the field through the canopy of trees, laughing, playing ball games, Frisbee, cycling, walking dogs, eating and drinking. All beneath a cloudless, azure sky. The birds high above us are...

2 years ago
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All is fair in drugs and war

It wasn’t so much the thought of the crippling debt that scared me as much as the techniques they’d use to get it all back. It started of with a gram here and there, the odd party or rave but it was soon out of control and now I’m getting threats. YOU PAY OR SHE DOES! 12HRS. That’s the letter they posted through my door yesterday morning whilst I’d gone jogging. Plain and simple. They didn’t have to specify, I knew they meant my daughter. She’d already warned me that she’d seen them,...

1 year ago
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Addicted 2 Girls! A lot of people have accused me of being Addicted 2 Girls, but I’ve always considered myself more of a porn junkie. Some would argue they’re one in the same, and I guess that may well be true; the dirty movies I jack off to all day would be nothing without a steady stream of beautiful girls showing up to get their pussies licked clean on camera. Still, others might accuse me of being self-obsessed, committed to nothing more than my own pleasure as I stroke myself to...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Horny For Rams And HorsesChapter 3

Jake's horse, leading the way, splattered across a swift, shallow stream, its hooves clattering on the polished rocks of the bed, then scrambled up the opposite bank. The horse was a multi- colored appaloosa. Normally a docile sort of riding hack, now it was acting nervous and skittish. Jake wasn't bothered. He was a fine horseman and wasn't troubled by his mount's nervousness, but he did wonder what on earth had livened up the old brute. Jake's horse was a gelding. He had been gelded...

3 years ago
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Angies Descendancy

I hope you read my previous tale of how I pushed the boundaries of my sexuality when I was at college.  Well, now I’m single again and fulfil my needs with friends with benefits.  One of these, my regular you might say, decided I needed a treat, and arranged a birthday party for me, one he said I would never forget.  What could that mean?  Knowing him as I do, my body immediately decided it would be a night to remember and responded accordingly.For the next couple of weeks, whenever I thought...

Group Sex
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The Storm

It was a late summer afternoon as the sun shown brightly in the western sky as he left work. It was on his way home that he noticed the dark ominous clouds on the horizon and the scent of rain was in the air. Dusting off his plants and shirt before jumping into his truck he rolled down the windows on the old 69 Ford he drove. As he drove out of the parking lot he waved at Bob saying have a good one Bob, and he turned left and drove down the street. On the way out of town he stopped by the...

4 years ago
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Purnell and Milly at the Park

"How many girls," Milly asks mockingly, "do you think your get-up will attract?" "Oh, I think lots," the nineteen-year old lies trying to bolster his self-imagine as he spies a group of young women heading his way. He doesn't recognize any from his school days, but he tenses nonetheless. "Really?" she smiles watching the girls approach. "Well, I guess we'll just have to find out, won't we?" Purnell is distressed. He's fine with Nanny dressing him in the sissy suit and combing his...

3 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 32

--Rico-- “It sounds like she’s really hurt, are you sure we shouldn’t go check?” The bloodcurdling scream from the bedroom had scared the hell out of me and made me jump, but I was trying to play it off so I didn’t look like a total wuss in front of Ari. I had always been too nervous to think about approaching the girls at school, but seeing Faith shoot my brother down had given me a hint of courage. Carmine always bragged about how he was dating all these girls at school, and how easy it...

3 years ago
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As the Weather BreaksChapter 10

My hands now holding my little pretty firmly by her plaits, I draw back slowly from her, her lips pulled outwards by my toy as I withdraw. Three ... four inches, with deliberate care, enchanted by the sights and sounds of my little lover impaled. I pause, hardly breathing, The black rubber looks harsh and menacing against her pale flesh, and the high-pitched whistle of desperate panting almost brings me off right there. The shudder thar passes through me, starting in my shoulders and...

1 year ago
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The Flight Attendants Revenge

It had been a long night-flight back to Gatwick from Manila; over 13 hours airborne. And even though the crew were all exhausted as they disembarked from the crew bus back at base, somehow they managed to maintain their polished look. Sarah was no exception to this. Her smart navy uniform looked immaculate, as did her make-up, and blonde hair still twisted into a chignon, under her navy hat. It was a procedural responsibility of all crew to check in with the rostering department on return from...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Catcher CultureChapter 6

Clark Stevens was a pillar of society; a well-known financier looked up to by many with envy, but he had a fetish which no amount of money could pay for. He had a daughter of his own, and had had more than a passing interest in the friends she often brought home with her; the pool in the garden visible from an upstairs window, where he would nurse his erect cock to many a satisfying orgasm as he viewed the pert little bodies of his daughter's teenage friends. Pyjama parties held a particular...

1 year ago
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My Wife Caught Me

It was Saturday, mid-morning, I had just finished the grass and came in the house, Sandy, my wife of 10 years came down the stairs. “You done the grass already Jim?” she asked. “Yep, just going up to take a quick shower and sit out back for a while and enjoy the day now”, i responded. “Well Karen called just after you went out, she has two coupons from the spa downtown, four hours each one, she asked if I wanted to go with her and use the one, I jumped at the chance, she'll be here anytime now...

4 years ago
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playing iwht th juicy pussy


3 years ago
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A Teachers Fantasy Part 4

I got Sara’s e-mail with more details on the pool party, along with more explicit photo’s of my cock ravaging Morgan’s virgin pussy. One shot, of my face in an orgasmic grimace and Morgan looking up at me with obvious worship in her innocent eyes, was especially hot. As instructed, I called Sara’s mother to assure her that there would be none of the three B’s at the party: booze, bongs, and boys. Since she was going to be out of town for the weekend, between myself and the girl’s tennis coach,...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 35 Karin Part II

June/July 1980, Stockholm, Sweden Karin looked confused for a moment. Then I saw understanding in her eyes. Then her eyes went wide in realization of the implication of what I had just said. “But Steve, you can’t make love with your sister!” “Karin, not only can I, I feel that I have to. I don’t think I have a choice. Until I do, I have no future.” “Steve, listen to what you are saying! And what about her? What is she going to say?” “She wants it,” I said. “She’s wanted it since she was...

1 year ago
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En casa tenía en un lugar muy escondido mi ropita que desde la época del colegio poco a poco me fui comprando. Siempre escogía lo más sexy y caliente que encontraba en las tiendas. Ya tenía lindas botas rojas a la rodilla, mucha lencería, mi vicio son las minifaldas muy chiquitas y sobre todo blancas trasparentes para que se note el hilo dental negro en mis nalgas. Ya por asuntos hormonales tenía algo de senos, mi cuerpo era bastante bien formado, usaba cabello rubio largo y de vez en cuando me...

2 years ago
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The Earls ManChapter 1

In March 1286, I finally reached my sixteenth birthday. After years of eagerly awaiting the official passage to adulthood, it was almost anticlimactic. For much of the night before, I stared up at the thatched roof of our home, wondering at how much I had accomplished before formally becoming an adult. At the age of six, my father, the Captain of the Guard for the Earl of Lancaster, gave me my first bow, admonishing me that he expected me to practice with it daily, promising me a longbow...

3 years ago
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Lost Weekend Sex Addicts

Vinay... Iove this guy . He has all the bells and whistles a woman is looking for..Love his cock and balls.. His face is Adonis... Love his muscle tone and deltoids...I love the way he wraps my long legs around his waist as he is fucking me.. I love the way he holds me up when we are doing sixty-nine..Sucking his balls and shaft while he eats and blows my clit..The dawn brings an exciting new day filled with orgasmic pleasures..We are watched by the Venusian light and the fading moon......

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 592

The Retreat ...”That isn’t necessary,” Olivia tried. “We can fix our own...” “Drive carefully,” Arlene said before hanging up. After going back to the living room, she returned the phone to its cradle and approached her father, who stepped away from the Sheriff for a moment. “How did it go?” “They were going to spend the night here anyway, so that was no problem, but I hate what I’m going to have to tell them when they get here. I wish you would do it.” “Nope. That would be usurping your...

2 years ago
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MagicianChapter 89

It was raining; the sort of fine mizzle that at first doesn’t seem so bad, but eventually soaks everything and chills you to the bone. ‘This is England, ‘ I mentally sighed. Only it wasn’t, this was the same island only called Kedyrn in Tír na nÓg though the weather remained the same. Fortunately I and my ladies didn’t have to worry about the weather, or indeed heating, for as Mages we could control the physical aspects of our surroundings quite easily. Tu’tar who was currently mine and...

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It was All in the Cards

I had only been married to my wife Jane about two or three months when one afternoon she asked me what my fantasy was. I told her after about half a second that my fantasy was probably the same ass any other guy sex with two women at once. Later that week she told me her friend Kerri was going to be having dinner with us Saturday night. i figured, "Hey, that's cool, hang out have a few drinks and shoot the shit." Kerri and my wife had been friends since the second grade. Kerri had a few pounds...

2 years ago
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I Dont Want The World I Want You Part 5 Conclusion

*** When Harry woke up he was in a hospital bed. He felt confused and he didn’t have a clue why he was in hospital. He looked around the room. It was white and green, the same as all hospitals are. He looked to his right to find a window. That’s when he realised that it was night time. How late? He didn’t know but it was dark outside. His neck hurt when he rolled his head to the left to see Adam on the big, tatty brown chair next to the bed. He was sleeping like an angel. He looked adorable,...

1 year ago
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How i met my wife chapter 7

Joan has just finished fucking her three brothers and now I was able to slip my hard cock inside her . I was surprised that she was alert and still going strong and loving every minute of being fucked.Even after all of the cocks that fucked her and had released their cum inside her tight and tiny pussy she still wanted more. “I love your cock the best,”she said, staring into my eyes as it jerked and throbbed shooting my cum inside her . She had her hands on my chest telling me to keep going...

1 year ago
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Pocket Adonis

A little about me: 5'10" 200 8" White, Married and on the DL. I had some time on the way home the other night. I was in the area where there is a cruisy bookstore that I like to stop at when I'm in the area, so I stopped hoping to find a little action before I head home. It was about 9:30pm and when I walked in there was not really much happening. I bought a $5 token and went in to the video booth, not seeing anybody as I walked through the booths going to the one in the very back. I was a...

3 years ago
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Hot Town

Summer in The City The Outdoor Film Festival had Grant Park buzzing with activity and hot women. Yet, she still stood out to me. She seemed hot from a distance, and not just from the July Chicago heat. As I watched, she suddenly began gathering her things and leaving. I caught up to her, and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and then promptly collided with my chest. “Sorry!” she said in apology. “You’re not leaving, are you?” I said as if we were old friends. I could see she was...

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I went back inside my house, and took a mental inventory. I knew that I was not going to be able to drive far, considering the devastation, but my 4-wheel drive would at least get me out of the hit area. I went to my office, got a couple side arms, and a shotgun, put on my vest out of habit, my badge, and some water. The truck started on the first try, and I rammed it out the garage door, and down the street. I knew I would be needed at the precinct house, and that chaos would be reining. ...

2 years ago
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Sissy hunting AR game

We were all together listening to the Lady infront of the calssroom , the fear in our face looking at each other small cock white boy locked, plugged, in panty brought one by one in the class, by that sexy milf teacher to our surprise s many of us looking at new white small frame boy get help in the claass and assig a desk12 of us , looking at the lady start the ''game trailer '' on the projector big screenthe room dark all of us looking at the screensuccessfull man all getting off from work it...

1 year ago
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First time with my cousin

My first experience with the girl in my home. I am interested in girls a lot. I brows internet a lot and watch lot of hot videos and make myself hot and every time whenever I get time and masturbate by imaging any girl with me. My cousin is and she is my sister friend and she usually used to sleep with her in my home. Some days I used to come late to after browsing internet and having beer and used to see her in sleep and every time trying to have a loveable night with her but every time failed...

4 years ago
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The Art of Control

You wake up one Sunday morning, groaning to yourself as you remember that today is the day you promised you would begin cleaning out the attic for your parents.. After laying there awhile you finally get yourself motivated and head to the bathroom for a quick shower. After the shower, you look around the house and realize that everyone else must already have gone, at least for now. You shrug and make your way upstairs to begin the tedious job of cleaning out the attic. Once upstairs you...

Mind Control
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Playing House With Emma

I met Emma the summer before I started school. Actually, it was her brother Jake I went to meet. We - my Mom my Dad and I - lived in what I'm sure would be called a nice neighborhood. I personally didn't think so as I was practically the only child around - the area was what in my mother's home country is called a 'silver wedding neighborhood' - meaning that everyone living there is old (in the eyes of a 5 year old!!) and their kids have long since left home. So when the house next door...

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El De Jour

"Buttercookie Beach is a real shitty place this time of year. It's just too fucking hot. Tourist season has officially ended, and the only people here are businessmen who work for companies shitty enough to book these resorts during the cheapest time of the year. Buttercookie Beach has a tourist economy, so naturally, everything is closed. There are no bars, no restaurants, no live entertainment. Nothing. It's hot and there's nothing to do, and the only thing people at conferences look forward...

Gay Male
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Sisters Last ResortChapter 2

As we gobbled down pizza and cola, the two kids asked about a million questions. Would there be other kids there? (Yes, definitely.) What would there be to do there? (Swimming, volleyball, basketball, hiking, watching the stars at night, darts, Internet, hot tub, mini-putt golf). Can we sleep in the nude? Like tonight? (Yes. We need to wear clothes during the trip from here to there, but not inside the house and not in the resort.) What clothes do we need? (The outfit you wear on the road...

1 year ago
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There are a couple of notes at the end, if you're interested... If there's one thing my long life has taught me, its that everyone makes mistakes. Gods, men, Third Folk - they all fuck up, now and then, do the wrong thing for all the right reasons. The only difference is the scale of the consequences... The morning I made my first mistake in years - more years than you can possibly imagine, believe me - I'd gone out to procure some things I needed, a Journey that did not take me far from...

3 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 87

"Could you start unpacking the barbeque already, while I have a talk with Veronique?" Charles asked Erik. "No problem," Erik said. "And if she has some doubts about all of this, just let me know, and I will talk it out with her. Okay?" "Okay!" Charles responded, and then walked away towards Sandra and Veronique. "So, joining in with my daughter, I see," Charles said when Veronique looked up at him. "Hope you don't mind?" Veronique asked. "Of course not," Charles said...

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Night Train

The Night TrainMy friend and I had been travelling around Europe for three weeks, backpacking from city to city, staying in hostels and seeing the sight. And the sights were amazing! But despite the many beautiful girls we’d seen and met, neither of us had got lucky so far.We caught the midnight train from Milan to Rome and found ourselves in a small, stuffy carriage divided into booths of six sleeper chairs each. We took our seats and sat sown next to an old Italian couple travelling back to...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Claudias ConditionChapter 37

“You got here just in time Dan. Claudia is going nuts!” Paula said. Dan looked at the beautiful sight of his bride being fucked by Jerry up her cute ass and Tim in her pussy. He saw the lustful gleam in her eyes, her body jolting when Tim’s cock hit her G-spot again. “Dan, you know what happens to me when I’m being doubled fucked like this and a cock hits my spot. I need more cock to suck on or pussy to eat. Please find me some cock to suck off?” She pleaded. He looked to Stacey, “Can you...

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Wes and LesChapter 7

She slid up the bed and looked in my eyes. Her tongue licked around her lips and her eyes were sparkling. "Well, do you want to fuck right away or do you want to get something to eat?" I felt like banging the side of my head with the heel of my hand. Was this my sweet little sister? I didn't know she knew most of the words she was screaming while my head was clamped between her legs. And she had just sucked my soul through my cock and swallowed it. I realized I hadn't eaten since that...

2 years ago
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LucianChapter 10

How to win a fight if all you know is to be charming, sweet and graceful? The room was large and stately. It was a drawing room, really, with paneled walls and high, shuttered windows. The scent of polishing wax reminded Lucian of Bobs working hard to clean it. Maybe the place served as a conference room; or even a boardroom with its huge, shining table and antique chairs under massive chandeliers. Of course, as a mere student, he’d never been there; he didn’t even know it existed. But...

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Mere Ghar Ki Randiyaa

Hello everyone I’m luv sharing my family story among all of u and I’m the regular reader of iss nd i think it is a good platform to share ur story among the people. Mai apni pahli story family ki laa raha hoon which is related to my family members including my sister,maa,chachi,papa and tauji. My maa is a very beautiful and horny women with huge boobs and tasty gaand and also my chachi she is really a sex goddess. So without wasting ur time i m going to start my first part of the story.. Ye...

2 years ago
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Hidden Fun

For as long as I can remember, I've justloved the feeling of being wet and aroused in front of people without them knowing it. Something about the naughtiness of being in that heightened state, imagining a tongue between my legs, sneaking my hand under my skirt, while in plain view of a couple dozen people walking by makes the inevitable orgasm so much more intense. I'm 26, very fit, and run a sportswear store at the mall - first floor, over by the Starbucks and the bookstore. It's one of...

1 year ago
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Gemma has done as Dave commanded the night before. He requested that she be nude, on her knees in the waiting position of submission when he arrived home from work the next day. Dave informed Gemma that she has learned her role well as his submissive sex slave, and now would be shared with whomever he chose. Gemma's only words in answer to the demand were, yes master, as a smile spread across her face, and her cum filled pussy clenched in excitement. Gemma watches as the door opens further...

2 years ago
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The Smell of SexChapter 12

'I can't believe I'm doing this, ' Laura thought, as she walked as swiftly as possible to the communal showers, with her blushing face staring intently at her feet. She had to walk with her legs pressed closely together in order to keep the vibrator from slipping out. Unfortunately, the poor girl couldn't cover her privates with her hands because she was carrying the loofah and the bodywash. Luckily, Laura made it to the bathroom without being seen, but as she walked into the shower she...

1 year ago
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Sex Club 8211 Chapter 1 8211 Ashlesha

Driving back home from Lonavala. A tired Ashlesha sleeping on the seat next to me I couldn’t help but wonder how I got into this super crazy weekend in the chilly hill station with this super slut in making. Ashelsha is my father’s friend’s daughter and I met her first at a family function. We hit it off immediately. She is a 20-year-old petite beauty with extremely fair complexion wears a nerdy glass and used to be a shy little girl before this incident. After our long conversations via...

2 years ago
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Four Friends and A Camper

Kathleen and I are in our mid 30's married happily for over 8 years. Last year, we bought a 26ft camping trailer. We have enjoyed the peace of wooded campgrounds in the Pacific Northwest using the trailer only to sleep in. We always build a fire outside for cooking and sit around it until time for bed. Making love to the owls hooting at night or to the song birds in the morning has been wonderful. One trip though will be remembered forever. That was the weekend we were joined by our good...

2 years ago
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Volunteer of the Month

There is a private animal shelter in our town. It is always hurting for donations and volunteers to help feed the animals and try to get them adopted. I am one of those volunteers. Most of the workers here are young college kids. I could be their mother, but they treat me just like one of the gang. I hear all their boyfriend or girlfriend problems, complaints about their parents and often their sex questions. I don’t mind being the older member of our clique and I feel proud that they want to...

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Discovering My Daughter1

raise her but of coarse her mother could never be replaced. Emma and i became really close so close we did everything together when Emma reached the age of 16 i started to notice how attractive she has become as she develops into a woman its just like looking at a younger version of my late wife it was uncanny i just cant help imagining her naked so for the last couple of nights ive been watching her go to the bathroom and get dressed and even jerked of to the thought of me doing things...

1 year ago
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HotLegsAndFeet Alyssia Kent Verona Sky Foot Fetish Doctor On Duty

Brunette sex-goddess Alyssia Kent has gone in to see her favorite kinky chiropractic Doctor, Veronica Sky. These lesbian babes typically meet monthly so that the Russian doctor can work the kinks out of the Romanian megababe and today’s appointment begins with Dr. Sky licking at Miss Kent’s luscious toes and feet before moving upwards into the wet area between the brown-eyed babe’s legs to diagnose the needs of her divine pussy. The doctor orders a treatment with a double dong...

1 year ago
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Cleaning Day

Claire ran the feather duster across the table top, then over the desk, stopping when she came to the diamond ring on the blotter, she picked it up and stared at it. She had been a maid at the Thomas house for almost eight months now, they payed her reasonably good, but the ring caught her eye, she could never afford something like this, not on her salary. She watched as it sparkled in the light, she put it down and continued her work. When she had finished the room, she went back and examined...

4 years ago
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Dreams come true p2

Hey babe, go check the closet upstairs ;) -? I love treasure hunts. I love looking for things. I love surprises. And I especially love it when the surprise is something I really enjoy. I went up to my bedroom and opened up the closet. Inside I found the most beautiful corset imaginable. Taped to it was another note: Picked it out myself, hope you like it. Put in on. -? I took it off the hook, put the corset on the bed then went into the bathroom to shower. I had a quick shower and came...

1 year ago
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Amys Cherry

You are a freshman in college. You have been dying to deflower as many women as you can get your hands on. Unfortunately, all the good ones were plucked in high school most likely on prom night. You're very experienced but have always wanted to be the "first" with at least one woman. You have competition though as other guys are looking for the same thing. You have some choices left though. Do you try to go out with the sexy but shy and reserved brainy college co-ed or just give up and hit on...

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