Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One
- 3 years ago
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I slowly applied pressure to the large wooden door. It swung open, its hinges creaking, and I smelled the strong odor of mold and mildew winding up the long, dark, staircase in front of me. I cautiously took a few steps down, ducking under the low overhang and heard noises in the deep. It was a mixture of voices and metal clanging on metal with the slight patter of bare feet on stone. I swallowed hard and descended into the depths of the dungeon, finally setting foot at the base. The sight before me made me cringe. Naked shadows of creatures danced around the room creating an eerie environment not unlike that of the dank caves in childhood tales of dragons and yore. One of the creatures walked up to me, naked except for a white piece of fabric wrapped intricately around his waist. He spoke in a low tone. "You're late Cam, get your ass dressed for gym." It might have been the smell or the heavy feeling of the air, but ever since I was a kid, I have always HATED the boy's locker room.
I walked over to Ian who was already shirtless and reaching into his bag for his change of shorts. I playfully shoved him out of the way and began to unlock my locker. He laughed and walked back up to me. "What's up killa," he said jokingly, "How went your shit?" I had to think for a second but then I remembered that lie I had told him earlier in the bathroom.
"Oh yeah, about that. We need to talk Ian," I said. I needed to tell someone about this and Ian was the closest thing I had to a best friend around here.
"No Cameron. I do not want to talk about your shit."
"Hehehe, no, not about that," I said, "Uh, you see, last night something kinda trippy happened that I really can't explain. You won't believe this shit dude, but it's true, I swear." Ian looked straight into my eyes with a look of compassion.
"You're pregnant aren't you?
"You are such an asshole," I joked, "but seriously, you won't believe what I've gone through this morning."
"So you're not pregnant?" he continued, "You know I was starting to wonder with that ever-extending belly of yours." Ian smiled wide. "You've been smoking too much. Those munchies are gonna catch up to you, fatty." This had been an ongoing joke of his. My old body weighed 160 lbs. I was, if anything, under my ideal bodyweight but Ian always called me fat and shit. It never really bothered me though. In fact, I thought it was pretty funny. He continued. "Oh yeah," he said as he extended his arms and brought them in again for a flex, " ... you only wish you could have a body like mine." He flexed his biceps and reached his head over and kissed one. Why do football players and flaming arrogance seem to go hand-in-hand?
"You're a total faggot, dude." He just smiled at me and laughed.
Without necessarily realizing that my upper body was much more sculpted than yesterday, I took off my shirt nonchalantly and started fishing for my gym clothes. It came back to me rather quickly when I saw Ian staring at me, surprised as hell.
"Dude! Cam ... What ... Dude, what'd you do?" was all he could stammer out.
"Yeah," I said, "you get me now? Straight up trippy shit, yo, I'm telling you." I quickly pulled over my gym shirt to avoid the notice of any of my other friends. We also both pulled on our shorts and joined the rest of the class as we started to walk up to the gym. Ian opened his eyes wide and stared at me again. He began to speak in a softer voice.
"Dude, what the hell happened? You're cut!"
"I know," I said, "and trust me, that isn't even that half of it."
I laid it all out for Ian. I told him the entire story, starting with the Pimp-Fairy incident last night. As we warmed up for activities I began to lay down the details of Janelle's blowjob this morning, and why I was so weird when he came in to the bathroom. He started to laugh and interrupted me.
"Whoa whoa whoa cowboy, are you telling me that Janelle Kellar was in that stall this morning?"
"I don't know," I said, doing my sit-ups. "Is that her last name?"
"He stopped at the top of a sit-up with his hands still behind his head and turned to me. "Let's get one thing straight here Cam. The only reason I'm even humoring this story is because suddenly you're more muscular than I am. But still, I don't believe you got a blowjob from Janelle, that's fucking impossible."
"Why is that?" I asked. He started waving his hands around in the air. I think he was getting upset.
"Cam! People just don't have sex in the bathroom! Especially good girl types like her" Hehehe, if he only knew. I resumed my sit-ups and smiled.
"Chill dude, it gets better." I resumed the story as the class started walking up the track towards the stadium. It was a relatively warm day out today and that meant outside recreation. I told Ian about banging Janelle and then Sasha popping up and the two of them blowing me. Ian just laughed occasionally and shook his head from time to time. I couldn't blame him. As the words came out of my mouth, I realized how unbelievable they really were. As I finished my story, Ian began clapping his hands.
"Wow man, that's an incredible story, but let me just make sure I got it all. Last night, you were visited by the Pimp-Fairy and you woke up today with a new body. You come to school, no doubt smoking pot on the way..." He stopped in the middle of the sentence and grinned as he looked at me out of the corner of his eye. He knew me too well. " ... and then you end up banging Sasha and Janelle in the bathroom." He looked at me critically "I mean, is that right? Is that what you're telling me?" I just smiled at him.
"I technically didn't bang Sasha ... yet," I said, "she just blew me."
"Maybe that weed is starting to get to you," he added. I would have been pissed at him had I not gotten so much action this morning. There is nothing I hate more than being criticized for smoking weed by someone who has never smoked. It just fucking pisses me off for some reason. I lifted up my shirt again to remind him.
"Dude, look at me! I'm not making this shit up!"
"OK Cam, I admit that the new body thing is true but this is so fuckin' weird. This shit doesn't happen! Jesus Christ, yesterday you were the guy that couldn't get laid for anything and now you're irresistible to women? I mean, I'm sorry if this is a little difficult to grasp buddy." I guess he did have a point.
We entered through the stadium gates with the rest of our class and the coach waved us on. All of the balls, Frisbees, and other gym items were set out in the end zone for us to do with as we pleased but the girls weren't here yet. Damn females take longer than men to get ready even for gym.
"You'll see Ian. Once the girls get here, I'll prove it to you." Then I thought about how I could benefit from this situation. " ... but let's add a little something to the equation. If I'm right, you owe me $50." I also knew that he could never back down from a bet. It got him into trouble sometimes. Ian smiled and let out a forced laugh.
"Alright Cam, you got yourself a deal. But if you're wrong..." He thought hard, trying to think of an even bet. " ... then you have to write my paper on Socrates for me." I smiled and we sealed it with a handshake. What the hell, I couldn't lose anyway.
We walked over to the end zone and I picked up a football. Ian turned around and gave a little move and ran a slant out into the field. He looked over his shoulder and I fired the ball at him, letting loose a perfect spiral that whizzed ten feet over his head. He stopped short and turned around, giving me a quizzical look. I just shrugged, amazed as he was at my new strength. Ian ran over and picked up the ball and as he stood up, he pointed his finger over to the stadium entrance. "Here they come, Cam. Let's see your shit."
I glanced over and beheld a sight of beauty as 30 soft, supple female bodies came through the entrance. Not only were they hot, but they were dressed scantily in their gym clothes. Most of them were wearing just sports bras, but some others had on t-shirts and tank tops. They also wore extremely short cotton shorts made shorter by folding down the elastic waist and they pulled their hair back into pony-tails, which I love. The first two of the group, two super hot blondes, began to run around the track, their titties bouncing delightfully as they did. I couldn't help but stare.
Suddenly a football careened into the side of my head with tremendous force. I stumbled back clutching my face as Ian ran over laughing uncontrollably. I winced from the pain and rubbed my cheek. "You're a fucking shitbag, dude," I said as he came closer, "I swear to God, some day I'm gonna beat the ever-living piss out of you." He was still laughing and holding his chest.
"Oh God dude, good times." He straightened up and gathered his composure "OK, so how are you planning to demonstrate this talent of yours?"
I surveyed the eye-candy before me, still a little pissed. "Pick one," I said confidently, "You ass." Ian smiled and started to chuckle.
"Unreal man, you can't be serious." He raised his eyebrows into an intellectual look and let his eyes wander across the field, seemingly considering each girl. Then he stopped. I looked out but couldn't tell which one he stopped on. I could also tell from his ever-increasing smile that he'd picked a good one. He looked at me again. "Lily," he said, "Lily Clay."
Oh damn it. I didn't want to play anymore. I followed his glance out into the field and sure enough, there standing there was Lily Clay, my kryptonite. True enough, Lily was very good-looking, but she was a bitch and a half, at least to me. She and I had never gotten along and Ian knew it. Lily had red hair and freckles as a child and I was little bastard to her. I used to call her a ginger kid growing up and tell people she was contagious. Little kids take offense to almost everything. Then when those steroids my mom shoved down my throat kicked in and I plumped up, she was first in line to laugh. It was justice, but it hurt. We just really didn't talk anymore and the school was big enough that we could just avoid each other.
"Well," he said, crossing his arms. "You said that no girl could resist you. If anyone can, it's Lily, and you know it." He was right, but approaching girls that obviously detest you is not an easy thing to do, even if you do have some special power. I did have to say, however, that she looked fine. Her red hair had darkened into a very sexy auburn after middle-school, and the freckles had nearly disappeared. The few that were still there gave her an adorable innocence that was hard to resist. She was tall, about 5'9", and had a great hourglass figure. Her tits weren't terribly large, but they weren't small either and her sports-bra hugged them close to her frame. She was wearing a wife-beater over that and black spandex that hugged her ass like a glove, displaying in vibrant beauty, each individual gorgeous cheek. I started to swoon. Baby got back...
Ian snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Snap out of it buddy," Ian began. "God, I thought you didn't even like her, that's why I picked her." I looked back at my mark. Maybe I didn't, maybe I did, but it was never too late to make a former enemy into a ... friend. I placed my hand on Ian's back.
"You know what's really sad about this whole situation," I began, "You've worked your ass off for six years to get that body. All I did was fall asleep." Ian growled at me. "Watch this," I said, and started walking towards her. Ian stayed behind, and I could only imagine the expression on his face. Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. I made up my mind that I was going to just kiss her and see what happened. Hell, if her reaction is anything like that of the girl in the bathroom, I was clear. Piece of cake Cam, piece of cake.
Lily was talking to two of her girlfriends at that moment but as I drew closer, they walked away off towards the water fountain. Lily looked over, glancing past me, and pretended not to notice my approach. She gave me eye contact for a brief split second before staring off to her right. I was almost there. "Here we go," I muttered softly.
She was still looking away as I came within 5 feet, but looked at me quickly right before I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into a kiss. I kissed her passionately, trying to tell her the guilt I felt for all the horrible things I said to her. I tried to tell her with my kiss, all the things I couldn't say, but meant to. I tried to tell her that I was sorry, but I guess she perceived something else. She pulled away quickly and flashed me a shocked, angry expression. She wound back and slapped the shit out of my face with one powerful blow. "Real cute Cam, real cute," she said and stormed off to rejoin her friends.
Through my painful daze, I heard some chuckles from nearby students. I gently laid a hand on my face and turned around, trying to figure out what went wrong. How could she resist me? I thought I was irresistible. Then, suddenly, the pimp fairy's words in the bathroom hit me like a ton of bricks. "Fuck," I said, "virgins aren't affected. That's right." I continued muttering curses as I reeled from the blow. Wait a second, Lily's a virgin?
Ian ran up covering his mouth, his eyes wide with amazement. He stared at me for a brief second before breaking down into full-blown laughter. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!" I scowled at him.
"Oh shut up you cockwhore, she doesn't count."
"Oh fuck dude, that was awesome, you got mad balls to just walk up to a girl and kiss her!" I leered at him, still clutching my face. Some of the students were looking over as well, smiling widely. "C'mon Ian," I said, and motioned for him to follow me. I walked away toward the far end of the track, near the scoreboard, away from the rest of the class, and sat down under it. Ian sat next to me, and finally stopped laughing. "Shit man," he started, "Is your face alright? That was the loudest slap I've ever heard in my life."
"Yeah dude, she is really strong. Same side of the face that you hit me in with that damn ball too. My face is killing me." Ian looked at me and looked a little taken back.
"Damn man, your face is red. Sure hope that doesn't leave a mark." I rested my head against the fence behind me and closed my eyes. "Well buddy, hate to bring up the bet but you owe me a paper. Can't say I feel sorry for you. You're the one who made the bet. Irresistible huh?" I opened my eyes and looked over towards him but he was just chuckling, his eyes closed, resting his head against the fence.
"Fuck," I muttered. I really didn't want to do that paper. The fact that Ian still didn't believe me sucked ass too but I started to not give a shit about what he thought anyways. Who cares, I'd still get all the sex I could handle. That paper was going be a bitch, though. Suddenly I was startled out of my thoughts by the soft sound of a female voice.
"Excuse me, are you OK? We saw what happened." I opened my eyes and saw the two hot blondes that had entered the stadium first and were running around the track. They were bent over towards me and I had a perfect view of two sets of awesome jugs that hung in their sports bras, heaving with their breathing. Their faces looked concerned and dripped with perspiration. The one who had spoken first continued. "That looks so painful," she said, with a gentle and compassionate look. She reached out and stroked my face, smiling. She stood back up then and so did her friend.
Holy shit. I remember seeing these two enter the stadium but at first glance, I failed to notice their intense hotness. They both wore sports bras, one blue and one red, adorned with tiny Nike swooshes. They both also wore the same shorts, SHORT gray cotton shorts that hugged their thighs. Long tanned legs flowed south from those shorts and flat, cut six-packs extended upwards. Some muscle on a girl is great and these girls had just the right amount so as not to be unattractive. From the neck down, these girls were practically twins. The tight sports bras pulled their ample breasts tight against their firm bodies and small droplets of sweat trailed down their hard stomachs. I salivated at the thought of the heat contained within those shorts' tiny exterior. The sports bras showed some ample cleavage, but not in a slutty way, and the girls panted for breath. They had obviously just stopped running to check up on me. Hmmm, checking up on me are you? The first one spoke again and held out her hand. "Hi," she said, "My name is Amber and this is my friend Jules."
I took her hand and shook it gently as I replied. 'Umm, hi, I'm Cameron and this is Ian." It was then that I looked over and saw Ian. He looked at me strangely and, in turn, shook each girl's hand. Amber then squatted down in front of me and smiled. She was HOT! Her face was unadorned with makeup but was simplistically beautiful none-the-less. Her eyes were brown but also very bright so that the brown color was that much more gorgeous and captivating to behold. Her hair was a creamy blonde and was pulled back into a very long ponytail that came down to several inches below her shoulders. She had an attractive look to her and her smile was absolutely incredible. As she squatted, her gray shorts pulled up very high on her thighs and I had to fight the urge to touch. At least one thing was certain, however. This girl could not possibly be a virgin, way too hot.
"Well, I know it's none of our business but we couldn't help but see what happened to you over there. What the hell did you do to that girl to get hit like that?" She had this slight scratchiness to her voice that was soooo incredibly sexy. She was coming on with small-talk, just like Janelle. Yep, she wanted my balls.
"All I did was kiss her." I said. I saw Amber's eyes immediately soften at these words. I knew it was probably just an act to get in my pants but that is all I was trying to do too so what the hell. I looked up at her friends Jules and she looked at me the same way. Jules had slightly smaller tits and was a little more petite than Amber and had very deep dark blue eyes. Her hair was cut much shorter too and she didn't need to pull it back, it was just tucked behind her ears. Amber started speaking again.
"All you did was kiss her? Really? Why the hell..." Her words trailed off. Screw this small-talk. At the risk of another face-shattering slap, I decided to make my move. Before she could finish her sentence, I reached out and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her forward. She fell forward onto her knees, straddling my legs and her body collapsed against me. I immediately brought her mouth to mine and stuck my tongue in her mouth. She moaned into me and wrapped an arm around my back, pulling me closer. She pushed her body against mine hard and reached her other hand up my shirt. I broke the kiss and looked over at Ian. His mouth was agape and his eyes were wide in amazement. Amber looked over at him as well while she stuck out her tongue and licked my ear. I just smiled at him in an I-told-you-so fashion. I quickly looked across the field towards the rest of our class. We were far away and relatively hidden but we needed a more private spot. Jules also ducked down to a squat and giggled. Nice, they were both keepers. I raised my hands towards Ian victoriously.
"What'd I say Ian? Huh? What'd I say? Socrates paper my ass, I win. I win!" Ian started to laugh and Amber looked at me funny.
"What are you talking about?" she asked.
I stroked Amber's hair and looked back at her again. "Nothing," I began, "Amber, you know anywhere around here where we could ... you know ... talk and stuff some more." her mouth curved into a sly smile as she pushed herself back to her feet.
"I was hoping you'd ask me that," she said, and helped me up. I looked down at Ian who was still kind of bewildered. Jules pushed him by the shoulders, snapping him back to consciousness. She laughed and grabbed his hands.
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The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the authors. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given proper credit. We would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send us. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy it! Wonder Woman and Catwoman...
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This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...
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The Saleswoman Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a cap by Commentator] The sound of a phone ringing turned Portia Dawn's head. She reached for the phone and picked it up as she saw her secretary's name appear on the caller identification panel. "Yes, Maria," Portia answered. The woman on the other end hesitated before she replied, "Jeff just stepped into his office." "Thank you, Maria," Portia replied while she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she hung up...
Intelligence Quotient by Prezelgirl "I want to borrow your brain for a few days," said Vicky. Vicky is my older sister. She's a junior in high school, while I'm just a lowly 8th grader. Most of the time she's pretty cool. She hangs out with me at home and gives me some advice on how not to be such a dweeb. But I had no idea what she was talking about now. "Um, sure whatever," I replied. "Yeah, you can borrow my brain." She playfully smacked me upside the head. "I'm...
Both Rosa and her mother, Sue cried with happiness on learning that Dutch was willing to move in. Sue had been worried for several years about Rosa after her husband died. Rosa called in sick and the women spent the entire day tidying up Rosa 's place; and when Kathy bounced in from school they shared the news with her and they cried happily all over again. It seemed to Dutch that Rosa was always willing to have sex. Not that she was insatiable, but just willing. For example, on Tuesday...
And the next day, Thursday was no different. Rosa called Dutch at the hospital. "Honey I'm sorry to bother you at work, but I have to see you." "What's wrong? Are you all right?" He asked as he tensed up sensing bad news. "No, no, I'm fine. Well, no, I'm not fine. I'm so horny I can't stand it. I need you and I need you bad. Can you meet me someplace?" "Baby I can't leave here. Can you come here; I can manage some time with you if you come over in the next thirty minutes or...
Hi Folks. First off, Thanks to all of the people who emailed me about my absence. It wasn't actually planned. But during the time that I didn't have the services Of a legendary editor, I started trying to finish the book I've been working on. And I sort of worked on it until it was finished. But to start us out again I wanted to write something that was more about feelings than most of my stories. I wanted to write something like Barney-R or Hermit or Jake Rivers would write. And while not...
Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...
This story is fiction, all similarities to an actual person or persons is purely coincidental. Like it goes: "Well since my baby left me, i gotta find a new place to dwell, its down at the end of lonely street at HeartBreak Hotel.” My woman left me, I don’t know whose fault it was, I wasn’t listening. She was very pretty, she was petite, she had long blonde hair, and a curly smile, she wasn’t fat, she was far from it, she didn’t have huge tits, and I couldn’t get enough of...
S2K: Your Heart's Desire By SueB Dan Talbot was once again cubby-holed in his den trying to take advantage of all the advertising he had seen to make this holiday season an "E-Season". Instead of getting in the car and driving from strip mall to strip mall, he and his wife Karen had decided that this holiday period, the Internet would do their shopping work for them. Dan had decided that his nephew, Tim, would really enjoy some books that had a Sci-Fi theme, which was his...
Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. My Wife the Womanizer By Couture (c) 2002 Couture email: [email protected] "Come down to the basement honey, I have a surprise waiting for you," my wife said. She looked stunning, dressed in a black merry widow, with stockings and heels to match. I loved it when she wore sexy lingerie, which unfortunately wasn't very often. I followed her through our very expensive...
The Lesson Plan -- Part Four Episode Two: The Rehearsal Chapter 8 Rule one of rehearsal etiquette is to be on time. I like being early so that I can find unfamiliar places, or so that I'm not flustered. Mainly, I like to watch other people arrive. It's good to be the first one so you can watch the dynamic of the room, feel it change as personalities arrive, get a sense of what it's going to be like. I like to be early because I'm anxious and I need all the help I can get. New...
Vesta's Hearth Chapters 7 and 8 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Helen freezes and then goes shopping and the girls have a party. 7 Paul arrived with a mini-bus and with him as escort I had the feeling nobody was going to mess with us. He was six two with the shoulders and muscled chest of a heavy in a rugby t...
This story was previously posted on this site. The text below has been re-edited. *** ‘You’re a heartless bitch,’ he shouted as he stuffed his male parts into the jeans he had just snatched on over his legs. He yanked the fly closed and grabbed his T-shirt off the floor. Cramming his arms into the sleeves, he yanked it over his head, dragging it down to cover his torso. ‘They’re right about you. You’re the queen of glaciers.’ He dropped into a chair and pulled his shoes onto his feet without...
A widower is seduced by his teenage daughter. (M/f-teen, ped, inc, exh, 1st, oral, mast, anal, rom)***I guess it was all my fault. My wife walked out on my daughter and me, four years ago. Kasey was only ten at the time. My Ex had found a new life and one day when we got home she was gone. A note that didn’t say enough was on the kitchen table. My daughter took it very hard. Me, I never saw it coming.When my wife first left, our daughter was so upset she got in the habit of climbing into bed...
Vesta's Hearth Chapters 1 and 2 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Introduction A considerable number of births throughout the world result in an intersexed child. Many are discovered at birth, some in the early years of childhood and puberty but some do not discover their condition until reaching adulthood when p...
Vesta's Hearth Chapter 21 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 Vesta's Hearth is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Vesta's Hearth is not considered suitable reading matter for minors In the final chapter of Volume 1, Helen goes home to the Caf?, buys a case of champagne, dances with Adam and buys a nest. 21 I was so alive on the way back, I heard every b...
Author's note: When we hear the term "womanizer" we think of a Bill Clinton, a Ted Kennedy (or any Kennedy), a Donald Trump--some straight man who can't resist chasing women even if he has a wife or girlfriend. The term is both glorifying and preoperative, but only mildly so. Not exactly the male equivalent of "slut." At THE ESTATE--that extensive rural retreat that once was the private residence of a late nineteenth century robber baron--the term has a nearly opposite meaning. And THE...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Dad has been running a business since he was my age. It was much smaller then, but that tells you how good he was. For the rehearsal dinner, he requested the catering division's best chef come out to the house and do a dinner. That caused a bit of a stir, rather like the golden apple in Troy. The result was sort of Top Chef, a dozen years before the show debuted. They still do it every fourth year. Last year the prize was a trip to Fiji. That first year,...
Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...
Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...
Straight SexWell I have always had a fantasy of a saleswoman coming to my door, wearing high heels, sexy stockings, a tight skirt and low cut blouse. She knocks at the door and I invite here in. I let her start her pitch but soon interrupt her by asking "Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?" for which I get a smile. I the ask "If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me?" at which she laughs some more. I then say "nice outfit, it would look even better on my bedroom floor". The...
Door to Door Saleswoman Susanna says: - This story, along with the tale of the Handyman and the Blind date, were three of my earliest stories and were focussed more on gratification and lesson character, but I like them as it shows my journey as a writer. Here is a story that is always just around the corner for many T-girls and TVs, it also takes some courage to make a spur of the moment decision like the one in the story and not all of us have had that courage when...
Here's the info I can think of ?????????????????????????????????? RAPE OF THE SALESWOMAN Kim is a very hard-nosed saleswoman. She may be small in frame, but she is tough as nails when it comes to getting what she wants. She has been working at the same large company on the east coast for over 10 years. Over that time, she has gained a well-deserved reputation as a bit of a bitch. That said, it has served her well professionally as she heads the sales department now after starting as a...
Vesta's Hearth Chapters 13 and 14 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Doctor Amy discovers the retro bug is highly infectious and takes Helen on a shopping trip to the retro shop but Helen is identified as being transgendered Later Dr. Amy drops a bombshell that involves Adam. Helen discovers the problems with m...
Vesta's Hearth Chapters 17 and 18 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Helen learns to hate telephones, yearns for a kiss and takes her brand new 50 year vintage Ford Zephyr Zodiac for a spin. 17 I cleaned the offices, Adam's first and then I threw Boris out of his whilst I did that and finished with Allen. M...
Womanized Warden The author has requested their name not be shown. Therefore it is listed as by anonymous Power certainly has its privileges. At least, that's what I used to think. I was the warden at the largest female prison in Texas. We had well over 5,000 all female inmates. Mostly minor felons. I was literally the only male in the entire complex. Over time, I had even phased in all female guards. So I was basically one proud papa. But, unfortunately, the funding...
When I left the surgeon's office, I had the feeling my happiness had finally reached its completion. When he diagnosed I could successfully undergo orchiectomy without losing material for my future vaginoplasty, I burst into womanly tears of spiritual elevation. Ever since starting my transition six months earlier as a sissy, I had been obsessed with ridding myself of the unsightly presence between my legs. My male organs grossly disgusted me. Wearing hard gaffs to flatten my pubic...
This is my first TG story effort. Constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy. Heart's Desire THE TELLING Hi, my name is Timothy Shael. Or rather, it used to be. I was your average 18 year old guy, fresh out of high school and well on my way to manhood. Now I am back in school. And I am no longer 18 years old. This is my story. Only it doesn't start with me. It starts with my older sister, way back in 1993, when she was 6 years old... Enter Claire....
Soccer Practice. Clarinet Rehearsal. Anal Practice. Ballet Recital. Dinner. Homework. It’s 4:25pm, and she’s still lively as she trots to the van. How I admire her youth. Had I gone through a full day of classes only to follow up with an intense soccer practice, I would already be physically spent. But not her. And the day is only half done. She hops into the backseat, a huge smile on her face with sweat and grass stains on her side. This was her favorite activity of the day. Maybe second...
My high heels clicked and clattered across the cobblestones as I tried to run without falling, or at least breaking my ankle. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" I cursed myself, "Fucking late again!"I'd gone out for lunch with a friend, lunch became a few glasses of wine, which then meant leaving the car behind and having to get the bus. And as anyone who knows the public transport system where I come from, getting the bus means one thing: lateness. However I was fully aware that being half-pissed and leaving...
Hello everyone. I am Rohit from Gujarat. I am thankful to this web site for providing opportunity to share my first sex experience. This is a story when I was in twelfth standard. It was year 2001. I was living in a small town of Gujarat near Gir forest. When I was studying in 12th commerce. A new accounts teacher Mr. Rakesh Mehta was enrolled in our school. He was my favourite teacher. He was very good at accounts. He became very popular by his easy way of teaching and explaining. Before he...
Gay MaleThis is an old story of mine which was originally posted on the now defunct Storysite. I've updated it and edited it. The Rehearsal By Belle Gordon The moment Cristopher Pearson walked into my drama class I knew I'd found my Juliet. He moved with grace and poise without slouching, as most teenagers seem to do. He kept his shoulders back and his head erect. He was a little taller than average for his age. He had the classic good looks of a catwalk model; high cheekbones, wide set...