A Bettered LifeChapter 15
- 4 years ago
- 31
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The doctor had left instructions that I wasn’t to go to school the next day. They were superfluous — I hurt so badly that there was no way I was going anywhere. Trish was more than a bit sore, too, and decided to stay home as well. She told our parents that she’d fetch and carry for me since I was hurting too badly to get out of bed except when absolutely necessary.
Rather than having to keep poking her head in to see if I needed anything, Trish just camped out next to my bed. She dragged her beanbag chair in and plopped it next to the head of my bed then just sat there with me. I dozed off and on all day. Every time I awoke she was there. Usually she was reading, but once she was just looking at me, smiling slightly.
When I needed to go to the bathroom she was right there to help me up and to offer an arm to lean on as I shuffled down the hall. For lunch she made soup for us and fed me when I found I wasn’t very coordinated with my left hand.
I had never felt so loved or cared for in either timeline, including some 25 years spread between two marriages.
By early afternoon I was feeling somewhat better, though I was tired and I felt very grimy. The doctor had said I couldn’t get my arm or rib wrap wet so a shower was out. While I was working out the best way to handle taking a shallow bath Trish, with a twinkle in her eye, said, “I know! I’ll give you a sponge bath!”
Her idea had a lot of merit. I really wasn’t much good with my left hand at the best of times and it still hurt, a lot, to bend over. On the other hand, the mere suggestion had caused junior to come to attention and I was sure I’d be terribly embarrassed.
“Trish,” I said, “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. I’m afraid that I’d be too embarrassed and I don’t want to start getting shy around you now.”
“Jeff,” she replied, “it’s not like it will be the first time I’ve seen you. I’m pretty sure you’ve seen me too, right?”
My cheeks heated and I tried to look contrite but I nodded. I hadn’t been trying to look but I also wasn’t working that hard not to so I’d caught glimpses of her changing or when her towel slipped once after her shower. After that she started taking a robe into the bathroom when she went to shower.
“Okay, then, what’s the problem? I know it gets hard. I’ve seen it happen in your swim trunks, remember? I’m sure it will get hard if I’m giving you a bath. Just don’t let it bother you. I’m not fooling around. I’m just trying to help you out while you’re so sore.”
She was right, and we both knew it. It didn’t happen, though. We’d forgotten my brother. Just as I was deciding that I was going to take her up on her offer, he came barging in the front door.
It was easy to forget Dave. For the first time in this life we didn’t share a bedroom. I spent a lot of the time between school and dinner over at Jodi’s. After dinner he mostly watched television while Trish and I went to her room and did homework then read or talked. On weekends Trish and I usually found something to do together while he practiced for a lifetime as a couch potato.
I finally summoned the resolve to bathe myself. Afterwards, almost wished I hadn’t. It left me completely drained. When Trish helped me back to bed, I was seriously leaning on her. She couldn’t fail to notice how wasted I was and she extracted my promise to not get out of bed for the rest of the day except to go to the bathroom. I was weak enough that it was an easy promise to give, and to keep.
Trish fed me dinner in bed, cutting up my chicken. My father had several great chicken recipes and he’d made one of my favorites, Chicken Piccata, that night. Trish fed me each bite. When I wanted a drink she even held the glass for me, though by then I was fairly sure I could take a drink with my left hand without spilling it all over me.
After she’d taken my dishes away and came back to sit I said, “Thanks for taking such good care of me. I don’t know what I’d have done without you.”
“It wasn’t a problem,” she replied. “You needed the help and I was able to give it. You’d have done the same for me if our places were switched, wouldn’t you.”
“You know I would,” I answered. “And I’d have probably offered you a bath as well. I really should have taken you up on that. I still can’t believe how tired I was after doing it for myself.”
“I suppose that’s one difference between us,” she said, making sure to catch my eye, “I wouldn’t have argued with you when you suggested it. Jeff, I know, and I’m sure you know, that we’ve got something special going between us. I’m not afraid of you seeing me naked, but it wouldn’t be a good idea to advertise that.”
“If I could control my reaction I wouldn’t be too concerned about you seeing me, either,” I replied.
“Don’t worry about it,” she said, “If you didn’t get hard I’d think that I wasn’t pretty to you anymore.”
“I’ll try to not let it bother me, then. As far as I’m concerned you’re way beyond pretty. Jodi is pretty. You’re the most beautiful girl I know.”
“I thought you told me I was tied,” she said.
“You were tied for being the prettiest, but I haven’t seen Sandy in more than a year, while you’ve only grown prettier. I don’t think you’ve ever had any competition for being the most beautiful. I’m the luckiest boy in the school since I get to go home with your every night.”
She flashed a big smile and said, “Boy, you sure can lay it on thick! I’ve seen some of the other girls at school, you know, and I’m definitely not in their league.”
“The absolute truth is that even if we were just talking about exterior beauty you’d still be in their league, but I wasn’t just thinking of that. When I said you’re beautiful I meant that you’re both very, very pretty and a beautiful person in here.” In emphasis, I tapped her chest over her heart. “The whole package,” I continued, “doesn’t have any competition for being the most beautiful girl I know.”
With that her eyes misted up and she said, in a small, choked voice, “Thank you, Jeff — that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me. I hope you’ll believe me when I say that I’m just as lucky to come home with you. I know that you’re not tall, dark and handsome, but you’re the nicest, most caring and most thoughtful boy I’ve ever met. I’ll happily accept short, blond and cute if it comes with the rest of that package.”
That day led to a change in our relationship. It would be hard to define exactly what changed but even our parents remarked that we no longer seemed like just friends. When we touched we weren’t just friendly and supportive, we were loving and affectionate as well. The single most noticeable change was that if we were reading something other than school work one of us would probably have their head in the other’s lap. Nothing that we did was overtly sexual but the sexual undertones were unmistakable and growing stronger.
Trish went back to school the next day but I wasn’t quite up to it. She made a sandwich for me before she left so I’d have some lunch. I got around better but decided to wait until she got home before taking a bath, since I was afraid it would still wipe me out pretty good. She came straight home on the bus with Dave rather than going over to Jodi’s, which allowed me to get my bath before dinner that night.
School the following day was interesting. A lot of people were very solicitous toward me, both in class and at lunch. It took a while but I finally realized that part of that was because Trish was with me. It seemed she’d become something of a school legend. Manuel Diaz had been one of the biggest bullies at the school, ever since he’d first arrived as a seventh grader. The fact that she had landed him in the hospital, with very serious injuries, had a lot of kids trying to figure out what to make of her.
Of course it hadn’t been just Trish. From what I’d heard Felicia, who at 5’3” was almost as tall as Trish but on the Rubenesque side, had been trying to use Diaz as a trampoline when the teachers arrived. That had to hurt with those broken ribs. Jodi had landed a solid kick to Mark Johnson before he’d managed to get away, then helped the other two grind Diaz’s face into the wall.
I was very appreciative of their efforts on my behalf, telling them, “I’d bow but it just hurts too damned much. Still, this I can do.” I took Felicia’s hand in my left and gave it a lingering kiss, then repeated it with Jodi’s.
“Thank you, both of you,” I said. “Any guy would consider himself lucky to have friends like you.”
Trish got a big grin on her face and Jenny, who didn’t have gym with the others and so hadn’t been there, said, “Hey, what about me? I know I wasn’t there but I would have helped if I had been.”
I took her hand, kissed it, and said, “I know you would have and I thank you for the thought. If it’s all the same to you, though, I’ll accept your friendship without you having to prove it that way. I’d rather not get beaten up again just to give you the chance to demonstrate you’d help if you got the chance!”
Trish’s attitude while we were going between classes for the rest of the week was just a little scary. I was leaning on her pretty heavily in order to have the strength to get through the day so she kept her right arm hooked through my left for support. She was in ‘protector mode,’ and was constantly looking around and generally acting a little standoffish to people who might try to approach us. Everyone gave us plenty of space.
It was three weeks before I was completely unbandaged and could use my right hand again. At school we got the okay for Trish to write up my homework assignments. At home I eventually got to where I could feed myself, but I wasn’t there by Thanksgiving. So, I was fed Thanksgiving dinner, bite by bite. It could have, and probably should have been strange, but somehow it wasn’t. Trish was efficient and unobtrusive, sitting to my right so my left hand was free to do what little it was capable of. By then I was past being embarrassed by my condition and Trish treated it like it was normal.
I never did get my sponge bath, though.
Jodi’s grades at the end of the first semester earned me a massive hug from Mrs. Nelson. I was glad that my ribs were completely healed by then, or I’d have been in serious pain. Jenny was smiling from ear to ear when she got her report card, though she seemed a bit subdued the next day for some reason.
Two of the our teachers wondered if our working together on the homework meant that the girls didn’t understand the material as well as if they’d done it all by themselves. Our study method — we studied the material together, going over the assignments to help show what they needed to think about, but letting them do the actual homework after we split up — was intended to ensure they understood the material. Once they knew that each of us was doing our own homework, the two doubters were sold.
I did have one school headache shortly into the new semester ... in Algebra of all places! I always showed my work, of course, but the teacher didn’t understand what I was doing to simplify polynomials. He fully expected to see a prime factorization of the coefficients in order to simplify them. I, of course, had returned to Euclid. Not for the ‘run of the mill’ problems, but for the really hairy coefficients were just plain ugly doing the whole ‘prime’ thing. I explained how it worked and everything, but he just didn’t buy it. From then on, at least in his class, it was prime factorization for reducing polynomials or other greatest common divisor issues.
In mid-March one of the events that caused me so many problems my first time through came about. April and Bob moved in with us. They weren’t making it on their own and she wanted to go back to school so it was decided that Dave and I would be sharing a room again.
In my previous timeline there had been immediate and intense friction between April and me. I hadn’t wanted to give up my room — it was the first time I’d ever had a space to call my own — and I hadn’t dealt well with her bossiness.
Things were somewhat different this time around. I wasn’t worried about sharing a room, to start with. It just didn’t bother me that much and I expected it to be resolved within a few months anyway. April and I didn’t get along but I was determined to be civil with her even if it meant I lived the rest of my life with scars on my tongue from biting it so hard and so often.
In the end we didn’t kill each other, but only because Trish interceded. She dressed me down pretty good a couple of times for letting April get to me. She chewed her big sister out a lot, though. She tried to be polite about it but she was insistent. I’d done exactly what I said I would do, I was nice to her and I tried to be nice to April even when she was being a jerk. Trish also went out of her way to talk about how much I was helping her and her friends during our family meals.
In mid-April my father got promoted to Shift Supervisor. The catch was the shift that he was to supervise was swing: 2:00 in the afternoon to 11:00 at night. Helen applied for and was granted a transfer to swing shift so they could still commute and work together.
In some ways this wasn’t good as it put April nominally in charge of the household when we got home from school. In practice April’s complaints — I shouldn’t lay with my head in Trish’s lap when reading, we shouldn’t be in Trish’s room together with the door closed, etc. — backfired on her.
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The speed limit on I-75 in northern Tennessee was seventy-five miles per hour, which was precisely five miles less than the top speed of Bob's geriatric truck. Will drove almost all the way back to Knoxville with the gas pedal firmly pressed to the floor, and only the slow traffic just before the downtown interchange forced him to take his foot off the gas. "I should trade this piece of crap in on a real car while your dad can't protest," Will muttered when they pulled into the parking...
The next morning, Will saw Claire off to work, and then requisitioned her vacuum cleaner to do some final clean-up work on Bob's truck. Like polishing a turd, he thought as he laboriously cleaned the nooks and crannies of the old Dodge, sucking a motley collection of coins, ancient French fries, and other debris into the refuse container of Claire's bagless vacuum. It's not like they're going to allow more than the junkyard value of this thing on the trade. It turned out that he had...
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First I'd like to thank my editor, Lincoln_Imp, for his assistance. I do some editing, too, but I wasn't very surprised to find that my own story was riddled with errors. I have another editor as well but I haven't gotten the edited version back from him yet. When I do I'll update the story as published. I'd also like to thank Janna Leonard and JimWar. They were willing to take the time to read early drafts of this story and let me know if it was worth finishing. Janna, in particular,...
I wasn’t sure what grandpa was thinking. His first move, before we even pulled away from the trailer, was just plain stupid. Trish was to have the window seat right behind him and I was to be in the other window seat, on the other side of the car. Dave, all 220 lbs of him, was between us. I knew that my opinion wouldn’t matter so I didn’t voice it, but I also knew that this arrangement couldn’t last. I was right — before we’d even made it out of Colorado, Dave was sick as a dog. Grandpa and...
Afraid to touch her, Bill slumped in the chair beside Faith’s bed for nearly an hour. She looked fragile — face swollen, wearing an oxygen mask, and lying so still he had to watch closely to see her chest rise and fall. Doctor Grady explained that her physical injuries, although initially disfiguring, were actually minor and in a few weeks would fade away. The smoke seemed to have irritated only her upper respiratory system. The arterial blood gas analysis was negative. A chest x-ray was...
Bill Holder tried to sleepwalk through life, after Jennifer divorced him. But his wakeup call came from the police. They politely informed him that his 14-year-old daughter, Lisa, had been arrested for shoplifting. Ashamed that he had neglected her, Bill became a dedicated father. Now twenty-two, Lisa was a senior at Boston College, on her way to becoming a physicist, (whatever that is). She said there was good money in it — music to his ears. Jokingly, Bill asked if that meant she could fill...
The other side of the bed was empty when Bill awoke. The clock showed 7:30. He lay on his back and thought about how nice it had been to sleep with Faith — tangled up like puppies. But now came the morning after awkwardness. How a woman behaved the day after was always a mystery to him. Some were clingy, some cold, but the hardest to deal with were the gracious ones. After the divorce, Bill had used his share of women and regretted some of it now, realizing he was punishing them for his...
This carries on directly from part two. Again, the names have been changed apart from Manus and Sara. Jay also had to help me with all the events and the dialogue is written as best as we can remember it. Enjoy! For speed and to avoid the heat we got the tube at Leicester Square and arrived at Waterloo. All the way to the tube Jay’s dress lifted up with the breeze and each time she let out a saucy giggle. Her arse and pussy was on clear show to everyone every time, the G-string material...
hii friends this is my first story i m raj from surat i use to stay in one multi complex building…. i m from surat i have textile business…i donn’t know from where i have to start but lets start i m 26 unmarried i m regular reader of this side…friends mere collage me bahut serious banda tha kabhie ladkiyo ko bhi nahi dekhta tha collage khatam karne ke baad dady ke saath office jaana suru kar diya … from last 4 months market me kuch jyaada kaam nahi hone ke kaaran me ghar 7 bajje aa jata tha toh...
Follows on from Part Fifteen where the group of new friends meet to plan the filming of a porn film at a house in Dorking in order to retrieve some paintings that are being held there by a young ladies’ evil stepfather. “Oh fuck,” I said quietly as Mike approached hand-in-hand with, who I presumed to be, Patty, his wife. She was an attractive curly-haired brunette with a very slim figure and I could see her gripping Mike’s hand tight as they walked up to us. Mike had a nervous smile on his...
Becky picked up most of us. Matilda and Kelsey were riding home with us for the first time all week. Becky noticed as they jumped into the minivan. "I have extra passengers," she said. "I'm glad I didn't bring Angelique. She wanted to come" "Awww," Kelsey and Matilda said in unison. "We wanted to see her." "I haven't gotten to play with her all week," Kelsey added. "You choose to go home with Jessica," Jason pointed out. "Well," Kelsey said. "I don't go home with...
Morgan's question stuck with me for the next two hours as we wandered the mall. Beatrice had handed out cash to everyone when we first arrived and told us to spend it as we pleased. Angelique had been given a twenty and begged to be shown where she might purchase a teddy bear. I found a children's store and took Angelique inside as my friends scattered throughout the mall. Angelique wandered the entire store, gazing longingly at a couple of the dolls before heading over to an area filled...
Jason was holding up his CAP card. Leticia exploded out of her chair with a loud cry of pure joy. She tackled Jason. They fell to the floor as the young woman covered his face with kisses. Ashley looked down at the couple. She kicked playfully at her brother's leg. "You scared us!" "I scared myself," Jason admitted. "Even knowing that I should score well, I was stunned by how often I couldn't answer one of the questions quickly. And the scenes I had to move through. You ever try to...
I loved bicycles. From first learning to ride, back before my parents divorced, until my recycling, bicycles had represented freedom to me. At first it was the freedom to go further than I could walk without having to deal with Seattle’s bus system. Summers would see Dave and me, usually accompanied by the son of one of our parents’ friends, heading out from West Seattle, either down to Alki or across the drawbridge and into downtown. Sometimes we’d catch a ferry across Puget Sound to...
The first part of my dream was only slightly unsettling as it had been, if not a constant companion at least a frequent visitor since my recycling. Probably a couple of times a month I was my ten year old self, but without a body. I never grew older, I just continued to exist. The five senses were a part of the body that was no longer mine so I didn’t see, hear, smell, taste or feel the world ... but still I sensed it. Smarter people than I have tried to describe the input from a sense that...
This continues the evening with our good friends Manus and Sara directly following part six I rang the bell and heard nothing. I turned to the others who had crowded in to allow whoever was watching the CCTV to see who was ringing. After a few moments I went to press it again when there was a ‘click’, indicating the door had unlocked. I pushed it open and we walked into a, dark corridor at the end of which was sat a rather big bloke behind a counter next to another door, who was reading that...
Having woken up at about 7:30 that morning I left Jay to sleep and had a shower before making some coffee. She started to stir so I knelt by her and waved the coffee cup around her face letting the aromas bring her to her senses. She opened an eye, then another and slowly sat up. “Oh, my head,” she said rubbing her temples and taking the coffee from me. “Vodka. Why did I have vodka?” I fetched a glass of water and popped a couple of Alka Seltzer in and once the fizzing subsided, passed it to...
Steve, Jay and a group of new friends they have met in London on their holiday have agreed to help a girl get her paintings back from her horrible step-father. The step-fathers new wife has agreed to help, but there’s a catch. They must film a porn film in her house with her as the star. We continue the story with Steve, Jay, Phil and his wife Cheryl going in a taxi to a spa; a place Steve and jay have visited before. Phil and Cheryl are in for a surprise. The taxi pulled up outside the spa...
I stood up and walked toward the door, leaving my unfinished drawing on the easel. Jessica gave a cry of annoyance, as I walked away. I heard her easel crash to the floor behind me as I left the building. Outside, I walked a few feet from the door and then turned around. A couple minutes later Jessica stormed out of the classroom. She walked right up to me and slapped me across the face. "How can you embarrass me like that!" she hissed. I said nothing. Instead I pointed to a bench set far...
The rest of the day at school passed quickly. Jason and I sat with Julio and Walter at lunch. Jason spent most of the time trying to cheer up Walter. I said little, but did discover that Julio and Walter were going to attend a one-day seminar that was reported to help young men improve their scores. Both had scheduled tests for the upcoming Tuesday afternoon. Jason and I both offered to walk with them to the training center. Jessica did stop by during lunch. She teased Julio a bit. Her...
By the time I got my things and got to the office, it was about 4 in the morning I parked in the back as I unloaded everything and then moved my car to the public lot across the street. I did that just in case somebody from the office came by and saw in the lot and got a little nosey.Everything I got was wireless. It was also on its own private Wi-Fi so it couldn’t be hacked or accessed by anyone in the building but me. I will be the only one to have access. Aunt Steph has enough going on....
OccupationsSo I woke this morning in a particularly aroused state, I decided I would treat myself some naughty fun, I decided to dress like a slut under my work clothes. I rummaged around in my drawer and pulled out some black seamed nylons, black lace panties and and my favourite lace corset. I began by showering and shaving my whole body, once I had finished I began by rolling the smooth nylons on to my smooth muscular legs, then came the lace corset followed by the small lace panties, I then reached...
Ruth still thought about the day she was sold to the Hampton Plantation. She figured she was about six or seven when the overseer burst through the door and grabbed her. She did not know why, but assumed it had something to do with her mother, as Master Jones was yelling at her about helping another hand go missing. The only thing Ruth could think of at the time was what her mother did really wrong that the Master needed to punish her. Normally she only saw the Master on but a few occasions,...
"So what's this I hear about you writing your theology?" Winona asked, her excitement shining in her eyes when Alex and the others greeted her in the dining room the next morning. Becky had made clear earlier the previous evening was her night to spend time with Alex, and Winona—while still nervous about being frozen out—respected her enough to give them their privacy. "Wait, I only mentioned that to Becks and Mel last night," Alex said, remembering to use the more familiar names for...
Ashley jumped behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders. I reached up with my right hand to stroke her right arm. "Ashley, I don't think that's helping," I said. Ashley's mother glared at me, but quickly turned to concentrate on her daughter. "Ash, why are you hiding behind Mark? You came here to get tested. I'm not going to punish you for your score." "I agreed to have Mark take me," Ashley said. "My score isn't good enough, but his is." "What?" Beatrice squawked....