Stories of my Youth Chapter 7 Meeting Jatz
- 3 years ago
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Ken flew out two days later. He left a day sooner than planned. I assumed that Jatz had told him that nothing would happen until he returned to work. From this, I also assumed that Jatz was at or near her most fertile part of her cycle. It seemed that Ken was getting away so that Jatz could capture my sperm at the crucial time.
As with all things at that stage of my life, Linda was in charge. Although I was not going to refuse to provide Jatz with my sperm (if Linda agreed,) I was going to make sure that I delayed long enough that it didn’t happen immediately. Ken’s decision to leave told me that if I delayed four or five more days, it was highly likely that sex with Jatz would not produce a child. I talked to Linda about it and after Ken was on the plane, Linda confirmed that she had spoken to Jatz and all of my assumptions were correct.
Four days after Ken had left as we prepared for dinner, I took Jatz into my arms in front of Linda and kissed her. I saw her eyes flick over to look at Linda who was smiling. This should have been no shock for Linda because we had discussed it all beforehand. As I broke away from Jatz, Linda moved over to her and took her into her arms.
Linda held Jatz for around half a minute just looking into her eyes. It was Jatz who took the initiative and they kissed. I had been right, Jatz was attracted to Linda. While they kissed and hugged I moved around and organized the candles intending to make it an erotic dinner by candlelight. I then went to the kitchen to finalize the food preparation. When I brought the food out the girls were still hugging and kissing. There was a difference though because Katz’s hand was massaging Linda’s breasts as they kissed. Linda had one hand a lot lower.
“Dinner is served, girls.”
It was Linda who responded, “Can we delay dinner until later, Goyse?”
“Of course, milady, why don’t you girls go ahead and I’ll follow after putting the food away.”
“Don’t be too long. I think we will both need you shortly.”
Jatz just looked at me and smiled. Her eyes told a story though. Linda gave me that flash of the eyes that was her sexy trademark. They both said lust! I watched closely as both girls walked away from me with that special swaying of the hips that only women display. In my mind, I wondered who looked the sexiest. I hoped that by the end of the next couple of months I would have an answer to that question.
It took me less than fifteen minutes to put the food away after which I made my way as quietly as possible to the master bedroom. The door was slightly ajar so I was able to peer into the room to watch the girls. Jatz was lying naked on the bed and Linda had turned around on top of her. Tongues were working hard and fast associated with a great deal of moaning and groaning from both ladies.
I had no intention of disturbing Linda and Jatz so I quietly entered and took a seat in front of Linda’s makeup mirror facing the bed of course. I doubt that either lady knew that I was there. If they did they didn’t let me know.
From where I was sitting, I could not see a lot but the sounds told me a good deal. Listening to a woman approaching orgasm is very arousing to me but there is nothing like hearing two women working each other closer and closer to that point of no return. I was rock hard and dared not touch myself because if I had, I would have beaten them.
Suddenly I saw Linda move her body to roll in order to put the lighter woman on top. It was then that I knew that Linda at least knew that I was present with them.
“Jatz is ready for you. What are you waiting for Goyse, a written invitation?”
I had already shed my clothes. I was enjoying watching them and was, in fact, a little disappointed with Linda’s invitation. I advanced to the bed. On my hands and knees on the bed, I moved towards that small dark-haired pussy that Linda had been working on. Linda took me in her hand and placed me at Jatz’s very wet entry. I pushed forward but nothing happened. Despite all her juices, she was too tight. Linda moved my head up and down a few times as I pushed forward before I could penetrate her.
“Oooohh,” issued from Jatz’s lips as I thrust forward. “Take it easy.”
“I’m sorry,” I replied as I pulled back a little.
“You’re big. Mister Ken very much not so big.”
Linda laughed, “True, your Ken very much a little fucker. Hold on Goyse, I have something that will help.” With that, she opened a drawer beside the bed and came out with a tube of KY jell. I laughed with her.
“Pull out Goyse.”
I did as she asked and she squirted KY onto me and then spread it completely across my cock. Although it was cold the use of her hand on me kept me erect. I smiled at her and she rose up to kiss me.
I couldn’t help myself, “I wonder why my lover keeps that in her bedside table?”
Linda gave a little laugh, “With my husband overseas most of the time, a girl has to have something to keep herself entertained, doesn’t she?”
“No doubt but I’d love to see what you need that for.”
“If you’re a good little lover one day I might show you. Now, Jatz is waiting.”
Jatz had rolled onto her back with her legs spread waiting for me. I pressed back against Jatz and slowly slid all the way inside her. As I did so she arched her back and her mouth opened as if to say something but no words came out. I held still until she regained her composure. I felt her press upwards towards me and knew she was okay so started to slowly move. As I did so she whispered to me.
“You’re a big man, be nice to Jatz.”
“You like that?”
“Oh yes. I’m full with you.”
“I’m glad you like it because shortly you will be very full.”
She must have understood the joke as she giggled hysterically like a teenager. For me, I could feel how tight she was and I knew that this was not going to last for long. Time passed and as it did pleasure radiated through my body. This was something very special, especially so when Jatz pulled me down into a long passionate kiss.
I had forgotten Linda. My focus was completely on Jatz until I suddenly felt a finger enter me from the rear. Much of my pleasure had been coming from watching how much this small Asian woman was enjoying what we were doing. That finished the moment that Linda had spread KY on her finger and on my backstroke she had deposited her finger deep into my rear.
The effect was instant. My ejaculation was intense but totally against my will. I had been trying hard to last. The penetration made me thrust forward as a natural response to get away but at the same time, I erupted deep inside Jatz. Jatz pulled me hard down to her and I could hear her groaning and panting with me.
Once my orgasm had passed, Linda quickly withdrew her finger from me. I can’t say that I was impressed. I had been holding back trying to delay the inevitable believing that by lasting longer Jatz was likely to enjoy it more. I had hoped that she might even reach orgasm if I could hold out long enough. I needed to challenge Linda. In my mind, she was out of line and it sparked anger inside me.
“Why did you do that?”
Linda looked at me as if I had kicked her in the stomach. “Why not?”
“What do you mean why not? I asked you why you did that?”
“Did what?”
“You know what you did, you stuck your finger into me.”
“It made you come, didn’t it?”
“Yes, but what if I didn’t want to. What if I wanted it to last?”
“That’s why I did it.”
“Explain yourself.”
“It was supposed to be just sex.”
“It was.”
“Not from where I was. It was becoming more than just sex.”
“Fuck me! You’re jealous.”
“So I’m jealous. So what? Aren’t I allowed to get jealous when my boyfriend makes love to another woman?”
Jatz had been sitting not saying a word. Suddenly she got up and started moving towards the door. “I’ll go,” she said. I turned to her and said quite sharply.
“No, Jatz, you stay.” Jatz halted as if unsure of what to do. I repeated my demand. “You stay.”
“Alright,” she replied.
“Then I’ll go.” It was Linda.
“No, you won’t. This is your bedroom and your house. Jatz is only here because you agreed with your husband that she could be. If you have an issue with Jatz being here then you take it up with your husband, not with Jatz and definitely not with me. Do you understand?”
She sat for a moment looking at me. If looks could kill I would have perished. During our few weeks together, she had dominated because that is what I wanted. I wanted her to feel secure with me and the only way that could happen is if I gave in to her on everything, but this was too important for me to allow her to be able to manipulate. Jatz was not to blame for Linda’s jealous feelings and neither was I. If anyone was to blame it was Linda because she agreed to these arrangements.
Eventually, she answered, “I understand.”
“Good. Come here.” She moved over to me and I took her into my arms and kissed her. I then turned to Jatz and waved her over. I took Jatz into my arms and kissed her. I then pulled both of them together and kissed each in turn. “Now, you two, kiss and make up.”
They both smiled at each other than kissed. The three of us hugged for a while before Linda asked, “What happens now?”
I responded, “It’s your home, so it’s up to you.”
“I’m sorry, Goyse. I don’t know what came over me? Will you forgive me?”
I looked at Jatz and asked, “Do we forgive her Jatz?”
Jatz laughed, “She’s a lovely lady. You love her and I do too.”
“Yes Jatz, I love her but I don’t like her jealousy. Why don’t you show her how much we love her? I’ll watch, okay?”
I moved away and took my place in the chair. Jatz and Linda continued to kiss. Linda’s hand moved down between Jatz’s legs. Jatz was leaking my sperm and Linda collected it in her hand, raised it to her lips and Jatz watched as Linda licked it off her hand. She then lifted the smaller woman and lay her on the bed. She then went to town cleaning up her crotch. Jatz lifted her shoulders to watch.
Meanwhile watching this had me rock hard again. I moved over behind Linda with the intent that I would enter her but before I could Linda turned to me and said, “No, Goyse, not me. I spoiled it for Jatz and for you. I want you to make love to her while I watch.”
“But won’t you get jealous again?”
“I’m going to have to learn to control that aren’t I? Otherwise, I could lose you.”
“You won’t lose me from being jealous but you will if you put the responsibility onto the wrong people.”
She didn’t answer so I moved over to Jatz who was still on her back with her beautiful bottom on the edge of the bed. I guided my cock to her honey pot and lay down on top of her. She was still very tight but velvety smooth. I was going to enjoy this. Jatz whispered in my ear, “You’re a good man, Goyse. Jatz thanks you for being good to me.”
I moved very slowly inside of her, making sure that it would last. After about five minutes I felt her pull me harder down to her. She turned her head towards me and quietly said, “You kiss me.” I didn’t need another invitation. As I kissed her I felt her start to throb inside her pussy and could feel her groaning as we kissed. I felt so good that she had orgasmed that I forced myself as deep as possible inside her and immediately reached my peak with her.
We lay together for some time allowing the beautiful feelings to slowly leave our bodies. As I recovered I rolled over so that she was on top of my body. She dropped her face down to my left ear and said, “Jatz love you, Goyse. You do things for me no one has ever done.” I turned my head to kiss her.
When we broke our kiss she whispered again in my ear, “I want your baby. I don’t want it for Ken. Jatz wants her baby for Goyse.” I kissed her again but said nothing. How can anyone reply to that? What could I say anyway?
I quickly looked across to Linda who I had forgotten about over the last five minutes. She was sitting there exactly as she had when I had last seen her except I could see a tear running down her cheek.
“Come here and join us, Linda.”
Linda moved across to sit on the edge of the bed. Jatz lifted up off me to lie beside my body. I reached across and pulled Linda down with us. Jatz rose up to kiss her but to me, it appeared that although Linda did kiss her she didn’t respond the way she had before.
Jatz must have noticed it too because she got up and said, “I’ll ring Ken. He told me to ring him when Goyse got with me.”
I took her by the arm and pulled her back. I was becoming angry that Linda was being such a bitch. “Okay, honey. Kiss me before you go.” Jatz kissed me and I held her perhaps a little longer than I should have. When she left, Linda let me know about her displeasure.
“Why did you have to kiss her?”
“You told me to make love to her. Isn’t that what lovers do when they leave each other?”
“It was supposed to be sex. All the kissing makes it seem more than that and you kept whispering to each other. What was she saying to you?”
“What do you think she was saying to me?”
“You’re not going to tell me, are you?”
“Do you tell Ken what I whisper to you?”
“No, but that’s different.”
“Is it? Why do you think it is different?”
She ignored what I asked and said, “You’re not going to tell me, are you.” I didn’t hear it as a question but as a comment but I couldn’t help myself. I was pissed with her behaviour towards Jatz.
“How would you feel if I was to tell Ken what you say to me as we make love? If I did that, would you feel comfortable with me afterwards?
“But that’s different.”
“Why is that so different? You are Ken’s wife and I am here to make love to you. You belong to Ken in the same way as I belong to you. It is exactly the same except the roles are reversed.”
“You don’t understand.”
“You are right. I don’t understand, so why don’t you tell me what it is that I don’t understand?”
She went quiet. I waited. It was as if I could see the gears working it all out inside her head. Finally, she spoke very quietly almost inaudible. “I’m in love with you.”
“No, you’re not. You can’t be. You are Ken’s wife. You can’t fall in love with me. You and Ken made it amply clear to me that if my time with you interfered with your marriage then our affair, if you call it, that would be over. Our affair, for me, has to be about sex and satisfaction only. It’s all about you and Ken using my sperm to give you what is important to your relationship with your husband. It’s not about love. It can’t be. Once you are finished with me, I’ll eventually be discarded like a piece of wasted wrapping paper.”
“Is that how you feel?”
“How I feel doesn’t seem to enter into it. That is how it is. I’m the boyfriend to be used as you feel fit, until your husband decides to put an end to it.”
“You’re angry with me? That’s it, isn’t it?”
“No Linda. I’m not angry with you. I’m just trying to let you know how it is. At least I’m trying to let you know how you and Ken explained it to me.”
“But it’s not like that at all.”
“Okay, you explain to me how it actually is.”
Again she was silent. Again it was as if the cogs were working inside that beautiful head of hers trying to work out how to explain it differently. I sat waiting for a long time and then she burst into tears.
I took her into my arms and hugged her. Finally, she spoke. “You’re right. That is how it is, isn’t it? Ken and I are just using you but I want you to know that I am falling in love with you and I won’t discard you like you just said.”
“So when the time comes you will discard Ken then. Is that what you are saying?”
“No, I can’t let Ken go, he has always been good to me. You and I would never have got together if Ken hadn’t allowed it. Do we really need to talk about this now? I’m so messed up I don’t know what to think.”
I had to agree with her. My reaction had been overboard as if I had been trying to hurt her for her non-acceptance of Jatz. “Whew,” I rubbed my hands through my hair. “We are really getting fucked up, aren’t we?”
“Yep, fucked up just about explains it. How are we going to handle it when I’m pregnant and Ken tells us it’s over?”
“I don’t know. Perhaps we need to make sure that you don’t get pregnant. That will give us a little more time to work out an answer.”
She mumbled something but I didn’t catch it so I asked, “What was that?”
“I said if there is an answer.”
“Yep, you’ve got that right, if there is an answer. Come on, Jatz would have finished her phone call by now. Let’s join her.”
“Okay, if you insist.”
Once again I saw that jealous streak coming out. It was becoming obvious that I needed to deal with that but I didn’t have a clue on how to.
We joined Jatz who was bright and happy. Obviously, the phone call to Ken had gone well. I would have liked to have known what had transpired but knew that discussions between couples should remain confidential, so didn’t ask. It was while we were having dinner that it suddenly occurred to me that Linda had not called Ken. It then occurred to me that Linda hadn't called him last night either. She had stopped calling her husband. What the hell is she up to?
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
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Linda is 59 years old 5 foot five 140 pounds very busty Latina by descent but originally from New York with a New York accent living in Houston now in a gated community. She has long brown hair and she is very attractive for her age although she rarely wears make up. She lives alone in a big house and has a great job making six figures with the government but she also has a successful so-called part-time pet sitting business that she operates by herself in her neighborhood and a few surrounding...
The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Eight - Lady Patricia's Training Rick and Jane's Home.... Pattie stirred as the sunlight lit up the prism in the window. She brushed her hair off her face and as she brought her hand down she brushed the shoulder of the warm body beside her. That touch reminded her of where she was and she snuggled in tight, her breasts pressing against Jane's back while Pattie's right hand slid softly over Jane and rested lightly on her breast...
The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Hello Readers. If this is your first exposure to my tales of Linda I suggest you begin with 'A Tale of Submission'. For those returning readers, welcome back. The first book was based on some real-life experiences I had but mostly built around a lifetime of fantasies and attempts at making those fantasies come to life. Unfortunately real life isn't the same as fiction and those fantasies mostly remained unfilled. Nevertheless, they fueled my...
I slept like a baby that night. Probably, because I'd cum in a 13-year old twice yesterday. I woke up still holding Linda who was sound asleep. I thought about waking her, but then figured that on the farm, she didn't get to sleep in too much. So I gently rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom to drain my tank and rid myself of my piss hardon. I grabbed my robe and went to the kitchen. I got my coffee going and then got my cereal out. Once the coffee was done, I squeezed the bag out...
Linda said, "Oh no. You see, this all started after my OBGY clipped the hood off my clit. That is the day my life changed. Well, I told Peter that because of my now new heavy sexual stimulation, due to my clit not having a hood, that I am always causing me to secrete fluids. It just got worse as I get turned on, I over lubricate; and I have my juicy juice, as I call it, flowing out of me. I told him that my doctor said all sexual fluids are the same flavor and aroma coming from men or women....
We walked in and found a table away from most of the action. I greeted Judy and Connie as we walked in and Connie brought us menus over. "Did you get ANOTHER girlfriend?" Connie asked. "Yep, I sure did. I don't know what they see in me, but I sure ain't complainin'. This is Megan and you remember Linda and Karl." "I don't know what they see in you either. But they'll find out about you eventually, I hope." She took our drink order and we decided on what we wanted to eat. When...
Dinner had been great fun. Nothing fancy, a couple of salads and a bottle of wine that was so good. Linda didn't drink very often but this wine was so mellow and sweet. It just flowed down her throat like honey. Linda thought, the wine is sort of like the tea... I feel so warm and free... They talked non-stop over dinner. Linda had so many questions about the church and Brother Bob. Kathy patiently answered each one and then Linda asked, "Not that it matters Kathy but is Brother Bob...
Will handed the gorgeous temptress Kathy a glass of wine, by coincidence the remnant of the drugged wine Brother Bob had sent home with Linda previously. Will and Kathy touched glasses in a toast as Kathy said, "To what ever you dream of tonight Will. I bet your dreams will come true." They both took large sips of the wine, and thus guaranteed their inhibitions were much reduced. As they had touched glasses, Kathy had intentionally leaned forward, giving Will a complete, if brief, view of...
And then the night was there... it was time... the moment she had waited for, longed for, feared and fretted over, was there. Linda was lead into a small room in the basement of the church by Kathy and instructed to undress. As she slowly dropped first one garment and then another onto the growing pile on the floor, she was seized with a mixture of excitement and panic. This was different than her lessons with Brother Bob... even different from the final lesson with Brother Bob and Cynthia....
As Linda drove slowly toward her home her mind was flooded with images of what she had seen earlier. All those people doing all those marvelous things. She could still feel Brother Bob's hands on her bare ass. She seemed to "remember" his hands on her bare breasts, in her cunt, but that was dream-like. Now as she thought about it she wanted his hands on every part of her. Wanted his cock in her... every way possible. For a brief second then she was shocked with herself, felt strange,...
Sunday. Linda was very curious. She wanted to know what her mother had to show her on Sunday. Also she was very worried about Saturday. She had to get more of Dennis's secret stuff, but she didn't even know what it was! Worst of all was the constant thirst she had been feeling since yesterday. The young girl thought she was sick since even drinking large amounts of water didn't help. About nine o'clock a strange man dressed in a formal suit entered her home. He and her mother seemed to...
I had waited two days before venturing back to Design By Camille. My encounter with Linda having taken place late on Saturday, and other business kept me away on both the Sunday and Monday, I returned to the shop hoping the jewelry I has set aside was still unsold. The bell on the door, advising those working in the rear that a customer had arrived, chirped a bright high pitched tune as I entered. Emma appeared through the curtain-covered archway that led to the shop's rear. Her attire did...
Linda now lay on her back, her trim legs were spread open, her hairy pussy was just at one edge of the wheel. Finally she understood the wheel and she shivered in anticipation. Her head hung slightly over the other side of the wheel, her mouth at the perfect angle to accept a hard cock or a wet pussy. The coven members began to move closer to the wheel. There wasn't room for everyone and so they were two deep, waiting to enjoy and pleasure their newest member. Linda's heart was beating so...
When Will's car pulled into the drive way it was just getting to be dusk outside. Linda, carrying out the first step in her revised plan, dashed out to meet his car and quickly opened the back door and jumped into the large rear seat. Will turned to greet his beautiful wife only to see her open the long white robe she had on. My God he thought, she's naked under that. He scanned over his sweet wife quickly. The look in her eyes was new to him, one of pure lust. Her nipples were swollen and...
As Linda's mouth and tongue bore deeper into her open gash, Kathy's shuddering became a frantic, desperate bucking. Her rounded hips humped down into Linda's face and she shook as if having a fit.Linda could barely hear the moan rise in volume and pitch until it became a shrill wail of pleasure, total and abandoned. She hung suspended like that for long moments while Linda continued teasing at and toying with her tortured clit, unrelentingly driving her further and further in her orgasm....
When Martin arrived in his boss's office the next day, his emotions were pretty raw. It seemed he might have got away with having stolen money from his boss, but in return he had been made to agree to his boss effectively taking ownership of his wife Linda. And Martin was still unsure about his wife's response. He felt she should have been outraged at the idea, but they had been trying for a baby for some time, and they now knew that Martin's sperm was inadequate. Learning of this, his...
Linda lead him into the empty studio. She dropped her clothes standing there so sexy and bare and she told Will to strip. And told him until further notice he wasn't allowed to touch himself or anyone else. "I want to see if you can really cum just watching me get fucked. And have no doubt about it my husband... you are going to see me get fucked a number of ways." Linda was watching as Will's cock hardened as she talked to him like that. She sat him in the chair and called,...
“I’ve never had a married woman as a companion before,” laughed Kyle, “but based upon the way that Cliff obviously set me up for this, any regrets I may have contemplated are quickly diminishing.” Linda kissed his cheek, giggled and said, “Rein it in there cowboy, this is a platonic, informative companionship session only. I want to introduce you to a few of my Sisters...” Linda indicated the three women standing behind her, “First, I would like you to meet Cameron Bellinger, or Cammy as we...
"Boy, you sure do squirt a lot of stuff, Unka D," Linda said as we reclined in the chair. "And you taste a lot different than everyone else. It's kinda like the bread Mama makes when we have sketti. I think it's called garlic bread." "Well, I do eat a lot of garlic, so that's probably why you tasted that." "It tastes really good. But you squirt so much and the first squirt almost went down my throat without me swallowin' at all. It really came out strong." "That's probably...
The next day, Linda woke up and took a cold bath, which didn't help her constantly aroused state. She tried to eat well, but the food seemed lifeless compared to the wonderful taste and aroma of fresh sperm. She thought about cocks and cum spurting all day, masturbating lots of times, but the need only grew inside her. When night came she was desperately hoping her mother would return with more pills for her. Her heart almost stopped when she heard the door opening and her mother calling,...
Linda walked down the school hall almost trembling. The thirst was very strong, and she knew what would satisfy it. Worse was the fact that she couldn't help but stare at every boy's crotch, imagining his penis, thinking how would his sperm taste. And it made her so horny that her panties were already soaked. In a few more hours she would be dripping! "Hi Linda!" Linda was startled by Nicole's voice from behind her... "Earth to Linda. Do you hear me?" Debbie said as she approached....
As they sat over their ritual tea once again Linda had strange images of the pictures from Kathy's book flashing through her mind. She slowly recalled the feelings she had experienced on the fuck machine. Brother Bob had received a full report from Kathy on the previous night. She had called him as soon as Linda had left. Now he was softly talking to her but it seemed distant, like the after effect of the wine. Then she heard the familiar words, "Time to rest Linda." She relaxed and her...
Inevitably the time came when Linda knew she was pregnant. She and Martin were both rather subdued about the news. While Linda had desperately wanted a baby, she had also been enjoying the constant attentions heaped upon her by Martin's boss and by the many other men who had vied with each other to be the father of her first child. "I guess we need to tell Mr Seymour," she sighed. As he left for work, Martin promised to tell the boss immediately, and was about to say, "Now you won't...
I almost gave up coaching after the Ravens broke up. I knew I had already tempted fate too often, and one more dalliance might turn out to be a disaster. But I had discovered during those three years that I really enjoyed coaching, and I was reluctant to just give that up. I decided to try something different. I called the coaching coordinator of the club I had worked with, and asked him if there were any boys' teams that were looking for assistance. He got back to me a week later and told...
Linda was finding that she liked threesomes, although some of it was hugely humiliating! After months, even years, of boring sex with her husband Martin it was just so much more exciting to have two complete strangers taking turns to fuck her, with both men knowing they were expected to cum inside her cunt, bareback. And, for reasons she could not explain even to herself, having her husband watching just made it better! And she found she liked the way her husband's boss James Seymour...
Mr Stone's sperm on her body caused Linda to sleep in a very aroused state, constantly having to masturbate while fantasying about cocks spurting cum. After a night of erotic dreams, Linda was ready to visit the Millennium Chemistry building. She was already feeling the thirst, and was constantly wet. She knew Max would require some more sex from her, and the idea wasn't so disgusting right now. If she had to swallow a little more semen to get the pills, it would be a fair price. Just...
A few days later Martin and Linda were summoned to the executive level again, and this time told to wait outside the Executive Conference Room. Linda was wearing an expensive red dress that Mr Seymour had bought her. They both assumed that someone would be fucking her soon, as part of the company program to get her pregnant. Linda was both embarrassed and excited at the prospect. Martin was still having difficulty coping with other men fucking his wife and hated knowing it was about to happen...
On this morning, like clockwork, Linda drove up to the little chapel. She felt her pussy tingling,... hungry. She had never dreamed of being unfaithful to her husband. But every time she thought about Brother Bob lately, weird images of men and women fucking everywhere came into her mind. Must be those statues and those pictures, she thought. She had on a short mini skirt that she had never worn out in public before that morning. She had only used it to tease Will. Yet this morning she...
The next morning after Will had left for work Linda again lay in their bed, still nude from the night before, and she stretched even more like a cat. She relived the details of last night's events and she smiled to her self thinking, it just got better and better, he never felt so good fucking her... fucking her so hard, so many times, it had been wonderful. Why hadn't they been doing this all along? She could hardly wait until their next encounter. What was she going to do the next...
Donna started to talk to her sister. "Well sis, it seems Max liked taking of Linda's innocence so much that he wants to humiliate her further. I told you it was about to happen, remember?" Kate's sister adjusted herself in her chair and seemed to be discreetly looking at some clock in the table. "He wants her to turn her two friends into sluts. He will fuck them later. Right now he just wanted Linda to feel guilt -- lots of it. You and your daughter will feed the two young ladies this...
„I've been bad,“ states Linda. „I deserve to be punished.“„What are you doing here?“ gasps Dalene.„I guess we have more in common than we thought,“ the blonde smiles.„Quiet both of you!“ Marion snaps. „So,“ she adds, directing her words at Linda, „you've been bad, have you? Face the other members and tell them what you've done.“„I-I can't tell you what I've done,“ stammers Linda, as she faces the crowd. „I'm too ashamed.“„Tell us!“ screams an excited man in the audience.„We want to know,“...
Little Linda Lonnigan or better known in local Gentlemen’s Club’s circles as Destiny, the college girl with “Double-D” God-given boobs of glory. She worked the midnight shift every weekend making more “tax-free” cash in a single weekend than most girls her age made in a month typing, or dishing up hash at the local excuse for a restaurant with take-outs on the side. Linda was smart enough to understand she was in what could loosely be termed a “sex-worker’s” industry and that her product was...
Linda was down on all fours servicing the wife in this tag team of porn stars. She was called Ronnie and had been fairly polite until she donned the strap-on with the ten inch black dick sticking out at the top. When she saw her new acquaintance Ronnie stick the thing into the jar of Vaseline she didn’t think it was very hygienic because she didn’t know what had been stuck in the jar before. Still, she did her best to stay steady when Ronnie lined up behind her and roughly pushed the hard...
Stories of my Youth Chapter 15 – New Year’s DayDespite how late I had got to sleep I was up at seven-thirty. By eight o’clock I was showered and dressed so sat out the front of the unit eating my toast and drinking my coffee not wanting to wake Linda and Jatz up. I watched all the cars going past on the way down to the celebrations at the beach.I didn’t recognize many of the people in the cars but then I saw one that I did recognize. It was Sue. She sat in the back of a car. The middle-aged...
CuckoldWarning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexualacts of a bdsm nature between two or more women and occasionally men. If thistype of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. MF/mf, enema, exhibition, toys, BDSM, slavery, chastity belt, humiliation. Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personalreading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to repost them atyour own site, please...
I first must tell you about my wife Linda, she was 4 years younger than me. She was about 5 foot 4 inches tall. Weighted about 95 pounds soaking wet. And had Red Hair. I met her when I was 27 years old. When my truck that I was driving broke down in Duluth Mn. And I was stuck there for two weeks. I met her at an Army buddies house during this time at a dinner party put on by my friend’s wife. People talk about true love, and I know most people say no such thing exists. But I fell for Linda,...
One summer year, my wife’s step brother needed a place to live for a bit till he got back on his feet. Linda said Jon could stay with us till then. Jon was a few years younger than Linda. Linda is 30 and Jon is 28 years old. Linda’s mom and Jon’s dad been married for almost 15 years. Jon got laid off from his job and had trouble looking for a new one. He told me he lost his job and his girlfriend broke up with him. Jon stayed in the spare bedroom room which was right next to our bedroom. We had...
Linda and I: HARD TIMES By Olivia Evans This was written during a writer's block of two other completely separate stories. As such, it's a little different from my usual tales. There is very little crossdressing, just the wearing of panties near the end of the story. There's no body swaps, French maids or even mildly bad language. There are some explicit names for specific body parts however. Over all, it's just a little tale about a loving couple and how they handle an...
HumorHer name was Linda and she was a local, hapa haole, born in Hawaii on the big island. Her father was a doctor and she grew up in Kona but came to Honolulu because her family was Catholic and they wanted that Jesuit run education for her. But she was Hawaiian in spirit through and through. Her older brother also went to school with us, a couple of years ahead. He was a tall handsome dude and I would often see her with him. I thought them a couple before I found out they were siblings. That...
"I don't want all those men fucking me in the ass," Linda said sulkily. Her husband Martin, lying on his back beside her, was half asleep, remembering how much he had enjoyed doing it to her a few minutes before. He asked her what was troubling her about it. "It's just so impersonal. Even doing it the last way, with me on my back and my legs up over your shoulders, and you over me looking down at me, it still really felt as though you were just using my body for your pleasure. When we...