AngelinaChapter 4 free porn video

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"Mmmm, there they are, my dashing men, all nice and ready for me. Let me just do this one thing, then I'm all yours..."

Flashing us a flirty smile, Angelina squeezed out a dollop of jasmine-scented glitter lotion and began smoothing it up and down her shining thighs.

Freshly showered and made up, she was absolutely radiant in her new stretch-cotton t-shirt dress. Simple yet sexy, it was solid black and whispery thin. That slinky little thing hugged her every curve, and the darkly exotic flair of her long raven hair complemented the black of the dress to give her an alluring, witchy look. Perched as she was on the edge of the bed, her supple legs extending to the floor, she was pure glowing desire.

Steve and I were standing directly before her, and she was treating us to a hypnotic view of her tantalizing pussy through her sheer g-string panties. Grinning mischievously as she raised one knee at a time to smooth the fragrant cream onto her calves, she showed us just how thoroughly see-through her black g-string really was.

Mesmerized, Steve stood transfixed by the sight of her tempting pussy.

Angelina's grin grew even sexier as she continued to paint creamy fingertips up and down her flawless legs, making her golden skin glisten. Slowly caressing all the way to the tops of her thighs, she lingered very near her warm, wet treasure. She was teasing his eyes, her bewitching smile an open invitation to savor the view between her partially spread legs.

I gave her a smirk and a questioning look, as if to ask, "Panties? Really?"

Parting her thighs in response to Steve's hungry gaze feasting on her gorgeous pussy, she laughed at my dubious expression. "Oh, waaah, you big baby! Jeez, I only wore these for trying on clothes today. You know the salesgirls will sometimes insist that customers wear panties to try on certain things. That's also why I wore this dress: easy access. It goes on and off in two seconds, and it won't leave any binding marks on my skin."

After brushing her hair a final time, she slid on a pair of strappy black heels. With the way the various straps snaked up and around her slender ankles, the effect was something akin to a really wicked Vestal Virgin.

Shooting us a provocative grin, she stood and did a captivating twirl. "See? No silly VPL's..."

No, there really weren't. With her tiny g-string making only the faintest of impressions well above her smooth bottom, she appeared to be naked beneath her dress. The soft, stretchy material beautifully described her lush curves, especially where it dipped into her deep split. Twirling for us in the morning sunlight, she certainly looked like she had no panties on. Her ass was covered, yet every detail was richly evident; no skin tone showed through, and still she seemed deliciously naked.

"Feel. It's really nice..." she grinned, setting our hands on her sexy bottom.

I immediately began to fondle her incredible ass, and Steve gave it a tentative squeeze before stroking down to her thighs.

Watching as we caressed her legs and ass, she fixed us with an accusing smile. "I meant the dress, not me, you goofs."

Steve blushed, but he didn't pull his hand away; looking up, he saw that she was still smiling, so he kept stroking her. I kept at it as well, lifting the hem on one side to where I could see and feel her bare ass while also fondling her covered cheek.

"Doesn't it feel like me?" she asked, flashing another sexy grin. Encouraging us to help ourselves to her beautiful bottom, she playfully wiggled her hips.

Yes, the fabric was so soft and fine that it truly was like touching her ass. I could feel her warmth through the thin material.

"Here, too. Feel..." she smiled, leaning back against me while bringing our hands to her breasts.

"God, that's awesome," Steve said, grinning as he hefted her amazing tits.

"This is a great dress, isn't it?" she purred. Cupping her hands over ours, she had us give her firm mounds a good squeeze. As she arched her back to push her erect tips into our palms, she moved her ass in slow figure-eights against my hardening cock. Following the rhythm of her circling hips, her unrestrained breasts danced freely beneath her modest neckline. Her dress wasn't low cut at all, yet it didn't matter. Her tits looked just as naked as her ass, her nipples every bit as obvious as they were in any of her thin t-shirts.

Laughing, she twirled again for us, making her perfect breasts sway and judder spectacularly.

She was absolutely stunning.

"So, what do you think?" she giggled.

Steve just blurted out, "My god, I love your breasts. In that dress they're just ... and your legs ... and your beautiful hair! Angie, look at you! Fuck!"

Beaming as she stepped into his eager embrace, she brought his hands back to her ass. "I think that's your job, sweetie." Turning to give me a teasing kiss, she added a coy grin. "And what about you?"

Like some medieval lord passing judgment on a serf's request to marry off one of his daughters to the local blacksmith, I patted her dancing bottom and proclaimed, "This garment doth hereby meet my approval!"

It was late in the afternoon before the three of us finally arrived at our destination. Steve had located an unusual outdoor swap meet that specialized in all manner of theme-based clothing and accessories. There were various sombreros and ten-gallon hats on display, as well as armored suits, medieval swords, maces, shields and the like. Doing a quick scan of the place, we saw tents set up for Western wear, Goth fashions and Native American paraphernalia.

Offering something for everyone, there was an endless variety of wonderful, kitschy stuff.

"Since we're dressing me up for a Stevie Ray Vaughan concert, what do you think about maybe checking out some cowboy clothes?" she suggested.

"I don't know, baby," I said. "Stevie does blues rock, not Country and Western. He tends to dress more like Hendrix, not Hank Williams."

"Well, still, he always wears Texas things, like cowboy boots and big belt buckles. Let's at least see what we find."

"Fine by me," added Steve. "Maybe we could find you a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader outfit!"

Laughing, we popped into the tent set up for Western wear, where right away we were pounced on by a comic-book character of a sales guy. He was dressed from head to toe in garish cowboy garb, and he made a beeline for us - well, for Angelina, anyway.

"Howdy, folks! What might you be looking to rustle up today?" he boomed, offering his hand in greeting. "Name's Hoss," he said, shaking my hand, and yeah, the name fit. He was a big guy, loud and friendly.

After Steve and I introduced ourselves, Angie offered her hand to him. "I'm Angelina," she smiled. Rather than shake her hand, he gently kissed it. Giggling, she curtsied for him, and we all got a kick out of the whole goofy charade.

"Charmed, lil' lady. So what can I do ya for?" he grinned, speaking to all of us at once.

"We're looking for something really cool and sexy she can wear to a concert tonight," I explained.

"Shy and demure soccer mom sexy? High class, formal affair sexy? Or maybe roadhouse sexy?" he asked.

Grinning like idiots, Steve and I were both about to say something but Angelina beat us to the punch. "Roadhouse sexy. Definitely roadhouse sexy. I'm thinking, oh, maybe something along the lines of Dukes of Hazzard sexy. I want something drop-dead amazing that might at least give me a chance of not being ignored all night at the concert."

"Dukes of Hazzard kinda stuff, you say? Yep, I reckon we can fix you right up. Darlin', you just follow me. I got a few ideas."

Leading her away, he seemed quite pleased with his sudden good fortune.

Most of the merchandise was in the middle of the tent, lined up in rows of wooden racks. Over in the corner, next to the cashier's table, was a little booth set up to serve as a changing room. It looked like a makeshift outdoor shower stall, with Texas flag 'drapes' offering only about the same coverage as a bath towel tied around a woman's chest. The insufficient width of those flags meant there was also a good three-inch gap on either side of each drape.

"I'm thinkin' this might be a good place to start," he said, handing her a pair of Daisy Duke cut-offs and a thin, red and white checkered long-sleeve blouse.

Holding it up, Angelina noticed the blouse had no length to it. Hoss told her it was designed to be tied together, not buttoned.

"Looks cute," she said, heading into the changing booth. Seeing her only from the shoulders up, we all watched as she peeled off her t-shirt dress and hung it over the railing. We saw her slip on the new top, then her hands started working below our line of sight.

"Where are your mirrors?" she asked.

"We've got just the one out here, over by the boots," said Hoss.

"Okay then, here I come..."

Sliding the drape aside, she stepped out.

Hoss let out a long whistle of approval. "Damn, darlin'!" he said, grinning from ear to ear.

Giving him a friendly smile, she went over to check herself out in the full-length mirror. As she stood stretching and turning, she wore a serious expression.

The top revealed a very nice expanse of smooth cleavage above the loosely tied knot, and it certainly showed off her tanned, perfect stomach. The Daisy Dukes were fairly revealing too, exposing a few inches of bare ass below the properly frayed edges. In addition to leaving two buttons undone she'd also folded the waistband over, making those tiny cut-offs ride enticingly low on her hips. With her g-string peeking out and her high heels showcasing her long legs, she looked absolutely incredible.

"So, what do you guys think?" she finally asked, turning to Steve and me.

"What do you think?" I responded.

Her slight frown indicated she wasn't entirely thrilled with the outfit, and sure enough she said, "It's definitely cute and everything, but I'm thinking it's maybe a little too generic, you know what I mean? This is kind of a clichéd look."

"I love it," grinned Steve.

"But you don't, obviously," I said to her.

Shaking her head, she started to scan the racks of clothes, and it wasn't long before she seemed to lock in on something.

"I think I have an idea. This oughtta drive you guys crazy," she grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

I couldn't figure out what she'd discovered, and she told Steve and me to look away for a moment because she wanted it to be a surprise.

"Hoss, do you have these in my size?" she asked.

"Sure thing, darlin'. Let me just check these ... and here you go..." he said, over the shuffling of clothes racks.

"Great. I'll be right out."

We heard her move back into the changing booth.

"You two can turn around again," she said, poking her head through the curtain. "Hoss, here, sweetie. I won't be needing these."

Though she was holding the drape in front of her, we could see her bare shoulder as she handed him the Daisy Duke outfit. She closed the drape again, but it swayed back and forth a bit before settling down. Through the opening on the right side of the drape I saw that she was completely nude except for her g-string and heels. With her back to us, she was taking something black and leathery off a hanger.

I could also see Hoss peeking in too. I didn't want to ruin his fun by letting him know that I was onto him, so I just watched him from the corner of my eye. Steve was on the other side of me, checking her out through the gap on the left side of the drape. He wasn't being the least bit subtle about it.

'Oh well, no biggie, ' I thought. I knew she had to know that we could see her through those gaps, and I wanted to let her have her fun too.

I couldn't quite see what she was putting on; all I could tell was that it was solid black leather, it came down to the middle of her back, and it left her arms bare. She bent forward and began fiddling with something else; I could hear metal buckles jingling, then she called out, "Hoss, could you come in here, please? I need you to show me how this goes on."

"Be glad to," he grinned.

Eager as fuck to help, that guy! I just had to laugh, knowing Angelina had recognized and immediately pounced on a perfect opportunity to have some teasing fun with a total stranger.

Looking through the gap again, I couldn't see much since Hoss was in the way. I could only see his arms reaching around her waist and his forearms flexing, as if he was working with his hands at something in front of her. I couldn't make out what he was doing.

"Oh, so that's how it works. It goes together in the front," she said, amusement evident in her voice.

Hoss stepped out of the booth but continued to block my view of her, though I'm sure Steve must have gotten to see her since Hoss came out on my side of the drape. In fact, I know Steve saw her because he audibly gasped.

"Okay, close your eyes, I'm coming out," she giggled. We heard the drape swooshing, then the footfalls of her heels as she stepped onto the wooden flooring area that Hoss had set up in front of the full-length mirror.

"Yes, now this is more what I had in mind. Okay, boys, I'm ready for you. Go ahead, you can open your eyes now."

She was right. We definitely were no longer in Hazzard County.

"Like?" she asked disingenuously, beaming brightly. She knew damn well we would "like."

After taking a few moments to preen before the mirror, she started strutting back and forth, jingling and clackity-clacking on that wooden walkway as she checked out how the outfit moved on her.

"Now if that ain't the most beautiful sight I've ever come across ... woo, lord, if you don't mind my saying so," Hoss said.

"I don't mind at all, and thank you. You done good with this one, Hoss," she grinned. Then she turned to Steve and me. "What about you two? No comments?"

"Once again, I think you rendered him utterly speechless," I said, looking towards Steve.

Like a puppy eagerly following a chew toy being waved in its face, he gave her a goofy nodding motion.

"That is completely awesome, Angie. You may have finally outdone yourself," I added.

"You really think so? I have to say, I do like this one. It's ... different. It has a lot of sexy attitude, and it's really playful too." Sticking out her hip, she smacked her ass with one hand while blowing on the smoking barrel of an imaginary six-shooter in the other.

She had on exactly five items: her strappy high heels, a gold belly-chain, her sheer g-string, a black leather vest, and a set of black leather chaps!

The vest had button closures yet she'd only buttoned the very bottom one, allowing it to gape open above her sexy navel. She was showing amazing cleavage, particularly whenever she bent forward at all. After initially trying it with just the single button closed she soon unfastened that one too, letting the vest hang wide open over her gorgeous breasts as she strutted around the room.

The leather chaps had a buckle in the front that sat about six inches above her tiny panties. From behind, all we saw was black leather framing her bare ass and thighs, with only the g-string bisecting the very top of her ass before disappearing into her deep divide. Otherwise, it was nothing but smooth, golden brown skin.

She turned again to check out how it looked in the mirror. Spreading her legs, she bent at the waist and wiggled her ass the way she would when dancing. With her legs set well apart, we were treated to the sight of the g-string splitting her pretty little asshole. We could see the olive-toned crinkle on either side, but the center of her winking aperture was hidden by the narrow string. Trailing down, the string widened to where it became a totally sheer two-inch veil over her picture-perfect pussy.

As she was checking out her ass in the mirror, her firm, heavy breasts were swaying freely in her open vest; somehow, her nipples managed to remain barely covered.

Apparently satisfied, she stood and faced the mirror.

From the front the view was less shocking, yet probably even more revealing. Her breasts were mostly out in the open, and the sight of exposed flesh included everything down to the top of her g-string. Her gold belly-chain caught the light, accentuating her bare stomach and the sensual curves of her hips. Though the chaps covered her legs and most of her hips too, they did an amazing job of framing her pussy. The stark contrast of the black leather, her tanned skin and the black of the g-string was a real eye-catcher.

Hoss, Steve and I enjoyed a clear view of her small strip of pubic hair and moist slit, both of which were plain to see through her transparent panties. We all just stood there, marveling at the sight.

"I think you can wrap this set up, Hoss. We'll take it," she grinned.

Always the queen of the understatement, our Angie!

Still grinning, she added, "I think I'll need you to help me out of these pants, though, if you wouldn't mind."

I'm fairly certain she meant for him to assist her back in the changing room, but he seemed so overcome by the entire series of events that perhaps he momentarily lost his mind. Whatever the case, he simply knelt before her right there in the middle of the tent. She looked over her shoulder at me, and with her shining eyes opened wide she brought her hand up to cover her delighted smile, as if to say, "Oh my!"

Hoss was quite understandably too busy to notice, what with his face practically buried in her pussy. After unhooking the buckles, he unzipped the legs; as she gingerly stepped out of the chaps, he slid his hands up her thighs, all the way to her ass.

'Nice move, ' I thought, chuckling to myself. 'The consummate professional, always ready to assist a damsel in distress... '

So there she stood before us, posing in her sexy high heels, bottomless except for a sheer g-string.

She looked into the mirror at me, a pleased little grin playing on her lips.

Surprising us even further, Hoss stood and casually pulled the vest from her shoulders, baring her breasts as he removed her only covering.

Angelina was now almost completely nude, wearing nothing but high heels and a totally sheer g-string. For a few electric moments she allowed us all to drink in her stunning naked breasts before finally covering her nipples with her forearm. "This is certainly interesting," she said, giving us a wry grin.

A couple in their thirties walked into the tent, where they were met by the sight of my naked, grinning wife. Like a pair of deer caught in her headlights, they froze.

Rather than speak, which would have only heightened the tension, Angie just gave them a beguiling smile while sauntering back to the changing booth. Damn, her luscious ass and long, sleek legs looked amazing. After closing the drape behind her, she reached up to grab her t-shirt dress. She returned a moment later wearing that little dress ... and a huge grin.

As I paid for the items, she smiled, "Thank you for everything, Hoss."

He just chuckled, "Mi casa es su casa! You folks are welcome here any ol' time!"

Once we were outside, I gave her a big, dopey grin and a warm hug. "Baby, that was incredible! Did you have even half as much fun as we did?"

Pulling us both in for a three-way Angelina sandwich hug, she laughed, "More, would be my guess! Call me crazy, but I highly doubt that either of you just had a total stranger run his fingers through your pussy as you were trying to figure out how to get into a pair of leather chaps!"

"He rubbed your pussy?" laughed Steve.

"Yes, he did, when we were in the changing room together. Remember when he took my pants off and slid his hands up my bare thighs, all the way to my ass? He tried to make it seem like it was an innocent part of helping me, but he was really just copping a feel. Well, when he was kneeling behind me in the changing room he did the same thing, only he also stroked my pussy. He was pretty obvious about it, too. Using two fingers, he gave my lips a couple of long caresses, front to back, right through my panties. While helping me with the vest, he also seemed quite happy to help himself to my naked breasts. One time, he even ran his fingertips over my nipples."

Steve guffawed, "Jesus, Angie!"

"Then there's the fact that I ended up naked in front of everyone, including two more total strangers. Yes, all in all, I think I probably had way more fun than you two did."

"What did you do when he touched you?" asked Steve, excitement bubbling in his voice.

"To be honest, I almost came on his fingers. I definitely became wet. I didn't say or do anything, though. I was having fun, so I just let him continue his little game."

I grinned, "Okay, now that you've had your sneaky little fun and scored yourself a killer outfit for tonight, do you want to keep looking?"

"We just got here, and we've only checked out one place. I say we walk around some more," she smiled.

"Yeah, let's see what these guys have..." Steve said, leading us into the Native American tent.

"Hey," said the young, beautiful Goth girl.

Odd, to see a Goth working the Native American tent. Maybe nineteen, she had jet black hair streaked with electric blue. She looked eastern European, with the long limbs, high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes of a runway model from Prague or Bucharest. She also wasn't wearing anything even remotely Native American. Instead she sported Doc Marten boots, a skintight black t-shirt, and a red and black tartan miniskirt that showed off her dangling belly-piercing.

"Whatcha guys looking for?" she asked. No introductions.

"We're going to a concert tonight, and I'm looking for something sexy to wear," said Angie.

"What show are you going to?"

"Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jeff Beck," Steve said.

"Cool! My boyfriend really wanted to go to that show, but he had to work tonight. Pretty fucked up, huh? So, anyway, you wanna look sexy or full-on slutty?"

"A little of both would be good," Steve grinned.

Angie punched him in the shoulder before asking the girl whether she had any suggestions.

"Yeah, maybe. Depends on how slutty you wanna go, I guess. Most people who come here, they're looking for stupid silver bracelets and shit, or maybe some Indian coffee mugs. Whatever. We haven't sold a lot of clothes since we opened this place, but we got this one outfit in the other day that kind of intrigued me. I'm thinking there aren't too many girls who would have the balls to wear it, though maybe you might."

"Now I'm intrigued too," Angie said. "Can I see it?"

"Sure, let me go grab it. I haven't even put it out for display yet. I was thinking of maybe trying it on first myself and blowing away my boyfriend with it, but now I really have to see it on you. With your amazing tits, you're perfect for this thing. C'mon, follow me."

While following her past a row of wire display racks, Angie looked back at us to giggle over the girl's bluntness.

"Here, use this, and I'll be right with you," she said, gesturing for Angie to step behind the little privacy screen she had in lieu of a changing room. It was just an opaque screen set to the rear of the tent. Anyone using it would be visible to onlookers on either side.

When the girl returned, she handed Angie a small wooden box. "Check this out."

Opening the box and peering curiously inside, Angelina plucked out what looked to be a few strips of tan lace done up in a vaguely southwestern-themed pattern. As she held it up to stretch it between her fingers, we all saw that it was see-through. It wasn't totally sheer like her g-string or the fuchsia lingerie top she'd worn that morning, but it was nowhere near opaque either. It was definitely sheer. We could see her fingers through the material, including the deep scarlet of her polished nails.

"What is it?" she asked, clearly intrigued.

"It's this wicked little top and skirt combo. You gotta see it. C'mon, let's get you undressed," the girl said, then she turned to Steve and me. "You two, stay in front of the privacy screen. If I catch you trying to check us out from the sides, I'll kick your ass!"

She was smiling as she said it, but man, who really knew with her?

Okay, so Angie and Eastern Euro Goth Chick went behind the screen. Actually, only Angie went behind the screen, as there really was only room for one person there.

"I'm Angelina, by the way," she said, offering the girl her hand. I guess she at least wanted to break down whatever little barriers she could.

"Oh, shit, sorry. I'm such a retard. Hi, Angelina. Pleased to meet you. I'm Mariska."

"Mariska! What a beautiful name," smiled Angie, shaking the young girl's hand.

"Yeah, what can you do? My parents are weird. It's a cool name, I guess. Okay, let's get this show on the road. Girl, I'm dying to see you in this thing."

We all laughed at that.

"Here, let me help you with this..." she said, not even waiting for Angie to slip out of her little t-shirt dress. She just reached down and grabbed the lower hem. "Lift..." she grinned.

Angie raised her arms, and Mariska quickly whisked the dress off. Tossing it to Steve, she made him blush when she smiled, "You look like you really want this. Can't say that I blame you."

While we could see all of Mariska, we could only make out the outline of Angie's body below her shoulders. We couldn't see any actual skin. Still, her sexy silhouette was clear as day.

Turning back to Angie, the young girl stopped short. "Jesus, Angelina, you're fucking gorgeous!" she blurted out, drinking in Angie's almost completely nude body.

"May I?" she asked, adopting an air of cloying politeness. Without bothering to wait for a response, she reached out to cup Angie's breasts. Just like petting a puppy on the nose, it was that easy for her. Amazing.

"Baby, you have the most perfect tits ever," she said, blatantly fondling Angie's bare breasts.

Angie looked like she didn't know what to do, so she just smiled and said, "Thank you. You're very pretty too."

Sliding her hands down to Angie's hips, Mariska moved into a squatting position. "Let me see the rest of you. Turn..." Just a soft command.

Angie began to turn, showing the girl her body.

"Wait. Stop..." she said, once Angie had completed a half-turn. "I just have to..." she grinned. Leaning in, she licked Angie's thigh, beginning a trail of sensual licks, bites and kisses all the way up to her curvy bottom. After thoroughly licking through her deep crack, she took her by the ass and turned her back around, to where her gorgeous pussy was staring the sexy teen right in the face.

"These are definitely some wicked panties, but they have to go..." she said, reaching up with both hands to tug the tiny g-string down. "Girl, you smell really good," she grinned, nuzzling her face in Angie's bare pussy. "Mmmm, you're totally wet, too," she moaned playfully, using her lips and cheeks to caress the beautiful slit.

Stepping out of her panties, Angie laughed, "Of course I'm wet! What do you expect? I just met you, and you're practically fucking me already!"

"Sorry. I couldn't help myself," Mariska smirked, kissing Angie's pussy again. Slipping her tongue inside, she treated herself to a long, slow taste. When she finally pulled away, she smiled, "It's your fault, though."

Angie gave her a heedless grin. "All I did was walk in here. Three minutes later, your tongue is in my ass, you're taking my panties off, and now you're licking my naked pussy. How is this my fault?"

The young girl returned the grin. "It's your fault for being so fucking hot. What was I supposed to do?" Cupping Angie's ass, she brought her mouth back to the tempting slit.

Taking Mariska's face in both hands, my bemused wife draped a thigh over the sexy Goth's shoulder. Moaning a little as the young girl hungrily ate her pussy, Angie eventually answered, "Mmmmmm ... maybe take me out to dinner first? Seduce me with champagne, sweet words and a dozen roses, then go down on me?"

She was really enjoying her new game with the beautiful teen.

Giving Angelina's divine pussy a lingering final lick, Mariska asked with a wry smile, "Do I look like the kind of girl who offers people flowers?"

Angie got a kick out of that. "No, I guess not," she laughed. "Okay, you're forgiven. Now show me how this outfit works."

Mariska stood and took the scraps of lace from Angie. "It's pretty simple. See, this is the top, and this is the bottom. You just put it on like a bikini or whatever."

"Where's the rest of the top? It looks like it's missing something," Angie said, curiously fingering the smaller piece.

"Nope. That's how it's supposed to be. You'll see, once you try it on."

As Angie studied the two pieces, a couple of teenaged boys came into the tent.

"Shit ... damn it, not now..." Mariska said in a low voice, though she did go over to help them.

Same as Angelina
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I sat in the waiting room, an arm draped over Jackie's back. Her elbows down on her knees, her head in her hands almost at knee level. She rubbed her eyes again and again as she cried. The tears had eventually stopped streaming for me, and I could turn to everyone. And see their reactions. Amanda called Kaitlin's parents and they came immediately. Her parents were somewhere, probably in there with Kaitlin where we all wanted to be. Craig was sitting next to me, his arm around the back of...

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Gotta Catch Em All With a Twist

(Just reached 10,000 views, and couldn't be happier, so thank you everyone and enjoy! I know I've been lacking lately on content, so if there's anything you'd like to see happen or if you just have some suggestions, please send me some feedback!) Ash and Pikachu have returned home to Pallet Town. They've defeated countless trainers, received every gym badge, and has become the one and only Pokemon master. One day, he received a strange package from Professor Oak. He opened it up to find what...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Like Mother Like Son 4

Edited by Victor G. ************ Chapter 4 ************ I woke up the next morning on my stomach. Actually, I woke up on top of my new - albeit fake - breasts. Usually, I sleep on my stomach, but my new artificial feminine assets forced some changes to how I slept. I sat up and felt a dull, aching pain in my lower back from my awkward sleeping position. I'd have to make some considerable changes to my sleeping habits if large, mature breasts were going to be a part of my...

2 years ago
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A Nanny Femtastic Chapter 11

A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 11 We walked to the harbour and found the boat. There were too bulky security guards checking people as they entered. The boat was in fact a massive cruiser! We joined the queue, it was obviously not a little gathering. The other women were dressed in classy whites and float summer dresses, we looked like too cheap hookers! “Trinity this was a mistake, lets go,” I said. “No come on honey who gives a fuck.” She linked her arm in mine and stood provocatively with her...

1 year ago
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A Night Out

A Night Out This is my first attempt at writing a story of any kind, erotic or otherwise. It is a bit long in the beginning and I apologize ahead of time. Any and all feedback shall be accepted and well received. The night was filled with copious amounts liquor and laughter that led to the events of this evening. Ed was playing the third wheel this evening while out with his close friend Larry and his longtime girlfriend Robin. The three friends were all out having a little fun before going...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Sophia Traxler All Natural Beauty

Sophia Traxler is feeling randy as she puts on a black bra and thong that highlight all her teen curves. She creeps up beside Ricky Rascal and waits for him to notice her. When that doesn’t work, she sidles in behind Ricky and wraps her arms around him. That gets his attention as he turns to capture Sophia’s lips in a deep kiss. Reaching up, Ricky fills his palms with the bounty of Sophia’s tits. He slides her bra down her shoulders, popping those jugs free so he can rub his...

2 years ago
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His Friends MotherChapter 2

Gail didn't know what to do. Several days had passed since she walked in on Jimmy masturbating. He hadn't come over and every time Bobby called he said he was busy. She had to do something. Jimmy was Bobby's best friend and her son was in the dumps because he wasn't playing with him. Gail knew it was going to be embarrassing for both of them, but she felt compelled to sit down with the 12-year-old boy and tell him that masturbating was normal and that he shouldn't be embarrassed. But...

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Minuet In G Chapter VIII

After she stopped reading, Alice had a sudden idea. She decided to put the things back in the room, and surprise Gerald with it, after she had cleaned everything up. She decided that if things were not in good working order, she could always admit trying to prepare a surprise for him. But if they were in good shape, and she could clean them, THAT surprise would be really stunning. Several days after finding the room, Alice was tearing salad greens and chopping vegetables when the phone rang....

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Bambi Black Britney Amber Picture Perfect Family

Bambi Black and her stepbrother Jake Adams pose as Bambi’s mom, Britney Amber, prepares to snap a family photo to send to Jake’s dad, who’s been away on business. Jake thinks his stepsis is hot as hell, and he can’t help but pop a boner when he gets a look down her shirt. Bambi is having none of Jake’s perverseness, so she makes sure to mock him when she notices his erection. Jake flees to his room, but Bambi follows him because she wants to see what her...

2 years ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 13

8PHE0013 Word Count 229 ********* Day 13, Sunday The next morning, Kinny felt more miserable and had less energy than before. He forced himself to eat and to drink water. He popped parasystemol until he became concerned that he might pass the meds to the baby. The grocery drone arrived at 9:45 a.m. Kinny pulled the box inside, checked it, and left it by the door. He fed the baby the old-fashioned way. It surprised him that he had energy for this but not for that. He fed...

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The Busy Milf

When summer happened, Grace Anderson gave her nanny time off.  She cancelled all her usual appointments to keep herself pampered.  She became a full-time mommy who cared for her kids.  She arranged daily activities and took the tots to the beach for the weekends.She cooked and cleaned and did all the chores that her hired staff usually did.  She played the role of mom for the summer.  Her husband got a kick out of his wife, who was usually pampered hand and foot.  She wanted her children to...

1 year ago
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Educating Danielle Part One

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Educating Danielle Part One By Karen E. Lea Chapter One Nearly four o'clock, Friday. I looked out from my office window overlooking the photo-graphic studio where the days work was finishing up. I had dinner plans for...

2 years ago
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Lucky With Neighbour

Hi, this is Sammy (name changed) from Gujarat, age 21, single and a wild guy. I’m here to open up my experience about how I got lucky with my neighbour, and how amazing it was. If any grammatical mistakes, I apologize. This happened when I was 21 and I just had shifted to my new paying guest (our owner didn’t stay there so we can say that it was our rented apartment) and stayed with my friends before I was staying in Kolkata. As we were staying in our apartment alone many people came to our...

1 year ago
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Almost Damsel Almost in Distress 3

Almost Damsel, Almost in Distress 4 Shawna Summers [email protected] (M/t - bondage, latex, spanking, oral, anal) It was a long week. Before I met Alex, I would dawdle after work most days. Maybe go out to a happy hour once in a while. If I was going to have time to dress then I might rush out and try to get home quickly, but during the week I usually didn't have time to do much more than dress. Maybe take a few pics and then play with one of my dildos. The hardest part,...

1 year ago
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Made Her Pregnant

Dear friends ye meri real story hai aaj se 1 saal pahale ki hai, mein Mumbai ka rehne wala hu . Raat raat bhar main internet par chatting karta rahata tha. Net par meri dosti ek couple se hui. Hum log ghanton baaten kiya karte the. Ek din unhone mujhe ek ajeeb sa praposal diya. Couple ne kaha ki kya tum kisi ke serogate father banna pasand karoge . Maine serogate mother to suna tha par serogate father ke bare main nahi suna tha. Unhone bataya ki unke friend ki wife ko koi issue nahi hai doctor...

3 years ago
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New Neighbours New Life

I had been out playing golf and came home late and it was dark.As I put the car in the garage, I saw a figure that may have been a peeping Tom or a pervert creeping around in the neighbour's yard. I shut the garage door and thought I would have a look to make sure I had not been seeing things.After a minute or two, a naked female figure appeared.Both Bill and Norma had moved into the home within the last six weeks and whilst we had introduced ourselves and been sociable, we had not had a lot...

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Two Women Isabels Return

"Harder if you like""I don't want to hurt you." "It's all right now. Please do it." She was astride him, her eyes drawn momentarily to a small bead of perspiration running from his forehead to the grey flecks at his temple, then looking down on the finger tips tightening their grip on her nipples. At the start this would have hurt but now, with her juices flowing, she liked the added stimulation, supplementing the hardness of him inside her.As they fucked in silence - varying the pace,...

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Taylorsville Prologue

Welcome my friends. Welcome to beautiful Taylorsville, right in the heart of the Delaware. We are surrounded by rolling hills and farmland. Little towns are s**ttered around and hide in the woods. I 95 is north of us, Route 1 south and on our east side you will find The Delaware. It’s a comfortable, cozy little town. Currently we have about 2000 citizens but we are growing. Some locals don’t like it that they are developing the area around Route 1 to attract commuters who work in either New...

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TMWPOV Rebecca Lee Morning pussy fucking

Innocent babe Rebecca Lee is just relaxing on the bed when her horny boyfriend comes around and tries to get inside her delicious pussy. He caresses her appetizing ass and stretches her pussy lips with his dick while she pretends not to notice him. Rebecca does not mind playing along with her round ass gently, letting him fuck her from the side and from behind. Then she sits on top of his cock and rides him softly, savoring the pressure of his hard cock inside her until he shots his cum all...

2 years ago
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Open Day at the Academy Part 1

25-year-old Charlotte had to work late as there was an open day for next year’s potential intake, and 19-year-old Hayley, being one of the seniors, came in to help. Charlotte and Hayley were in one of the classrooms when three mothers came in with their 16-year-old daughters and started asking Charlotte about the school. Charlotte had the answers off pat and answered all of the Mum’s questions. One of the Mum’s asked about discipline. Charlotte explained that yes, the Academy was strict, and...

1 year ago
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The cute Asian girl

This is a story of opportunism, but mutual opportunism. A few weeks earlier I’d met a asian girl during a false fire alarm at the hospital accommodation I used to live in. She was about 5’2” short, with a lovely tight figure. Whilst waiting around outside for the all clear we figured out that she lived in the room above me and had heard the results of my recent sexploits the previous two Saturday nights. As the all clear was announced she turned to head back indoors and up to her room... looked...

Erotic Fiction
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What is a psionic

It has come to my attention that not everyone reading my stories is familiar with the term “Psionic”. I will therefore make an effort to explain the concept, all though the best insight available is still the story “Camp” by Michael Sharpe. Whether this is his actual name I don’t know but I would like to thank him anyway, for an excellent story. Since reading that story the concept of psionics has intrigued me and it has long since been my hope that someone would write another story about...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIIEpilogue

Tuesday, July 6, 1971 Rachael was waiting on me when I reached the Dining Hall a little before seven-thirty. She had us a table back near the doors to the deck, overlooking the lake. I grabbed a tray and some of Mable's pancakes and sausage, along with my coffee, and headed her way. "Good morning, Michael. Can you really eat all that?" Rachael asked. She had only a cup of coffee and a half-eaten Danish in front of her. "I wanted to save myself a second trip," I explained. "Oh, my. I...

4 years ago
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Make Me Gay PT2

After sucking James's black cock for the first time, I knew that I would do it whenever he asked me to. I wanted to pleasure him and be a part to whatever dirty little things he could think up. So that's how it went; James was very horny all the time, and when he wanted a slutty, wet blowjob, I was there. I continued to fuck the shit out of my girlfriend, just as he continued to fuck his sexy wife, but it seemed like almost every day I was at his house, or in his truck, with his black cock...

3 years ago
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A Short Love Story Pt II

It was a while since I had seen Emma. We had last made love in the shower at my house after a busy day at the beach. It was Summer, My parents had gone on a cruise with my younger siblings to the Bahamas. I stayed back because I had work bartending that made great money. Regardless, I was home alone. I had to go run by Emma’s house to help her mom move some heavy boxes. I showed up at the house, and Emma came to the door. “Where’s your mom?” I asked. “Went to drop off Uncle David...

1 year ago
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The perfect marriage

Being married together for some 26 years is a rarity in this day and age, and normally confined to couples who live a contented, if not slightly boring, life or those that clearly live completely separate lives but stay together as more of a convenience, than out of love or respect for each otherI suppose to the outside world J and R fitted into the former category, being both professional individuals who seemed to have all that they ever wanted along with a grown up daughter, after all there...

4 years ago
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The Other WomanChapter 11 Conclusion

Edy was just cleaning up after a night and morning of entertaining Jorge when Kurt called and asked if she’d like a coffee. It took Edy a moment to remember who Kurt was. Yes, the handsome young poet at the university. He just happened to be heading to a shop that just happened to be down the street from Edy’s house and she didn’t mind the mid-morning break. It was Saturday but Jorge always had work to do, and after that one job he planned on making the long drive down to see his family and...

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My sister in law Shakilla

I am a very sexually driven person and have never said NO to it whenever the chance came up. I had the wonderful opportunity to make passionate love to my Sister-in-Law recently. She is in her late 20’s and is gifted with an extremely inviting body with ample hips, a well rounded arse and a pair of tits which will make even a blind man see ! It all began one afternoon when she came home not knowing that my wife was out and would be back only in the night. However, we got talking and I asked her...

1 year ago
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Are you ready for the Next JAV? That’s more of a rhetorical question, because I can tell from the Vaseline and box of tissues that you’re all warmed up and ready to go. I guess the real question is how soon you’d like to jerk off to those Asian schoolgirls, office ladies and cosplay princesses. NextJAV is a torrent site specializing in full-length Japanese Adult Video, so fire up the torrent client and fire up a doobie, because there’s some waiting has been around since...

Porn Torrent Sites
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Crossdresser Business Trip to South India

Sheila Boy Mon, Jun 3, 11:09 AM to meHi All.Guess you all know i am a bisexual guy and i love to crossdress whenever i get a chance and i am alone.Well as it happened I was on a work trip to chennai and bangalore some time back. It was not a planned one and my boss told me in the night that i had to go and all arrangements have been made. I reached by the afternoon flight, took a cab and checked into the hotel booked by the office. After completing all this and...

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Under The Moon

We were just cruising along the country roads out near my house, when we looked each other in the eyes. what I saw was the most beautiful face and the most beautiful brown intelligent eyes, I knew that she was growing tired of just going around in a grid pattern following roads. I switched my truck into four wheel drive so we could make it through this next spot that could have gotten us stuck. once we were through we found ourselves getting out of my truck. I left the music playing but very...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi And Me Seduced Each Other For Lovely Night 8211 Part 1

Hello, my name is Anay, I am from Pimpri, Pune. Today, I am going to share one of my experience with really hot and seducing aunty or say “Bhabhi” in very town of pimpri. About me, I am law student, normal physic, with a normal size of dick. About bhabhi, she is just hot, in her mid 30s with normal figure or say 34-28-32, but her smile is the most sexy and seductive smile. Her husband owns a shop, busy man. One daughter of 10 and son of 3, but still figures how to be most sexiest. As we both...

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Heaven and Hell Lucifers Daughter

Lucifer's Daughter OR How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Satan A Heaven and Hell tale by Dr. Bender Chapter 1 - Ashes to Ashes "I'm sorry, Rowe, but I've got to let you go." My lips pursed. It was a completely involuntary reaction. I sat in that putrid, tatty, mottled, dark green, spring-upholstered, swivel chair reject from 70's office d?cor stunned more thoroughly than any mullet ever ripped from the bosom ...

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Hello I am Naren I am a regular reader of XHAMSTER stories so I decided to share my experience with an aunty in the please girls and married women who like these kind of foreplay and sex can mail me on [email protected] and feel free to mail me. i will maintain 100% secrecy. I am good looking guy and have a good sex drive. I stay at Hyderabad and in our apartment there was a newly Married Couple and their name was Srinivas & Lakshmi(name changed) within a few days they...

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Summer Fun Part One

Janet and I had met the last week of school. We hit if off right away. She was a beautiful blonde, 5’ 4” tall with a body that just wouldn’t quit. I had found looking at other girls really was beginning to turn me on and I thought she would be that someone special that I could really “get into.” We had spent a few nights at our place but the only thing that had transpired was hugging during the night and a friendly good night kiss on the cheek. I had felt her tits a few times during...

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The Toy

Jackie sat in the room staring out the window. She was in a new city and lonely. She had just moved to Littleton to start her new job. She knew it was a change for the best, but now she had no one to talk to. It was getting late and she decided to go to watch TV. She stopped by the kitchen and took out the tequila. She brought the bottle to the living room and sat down. She turned on the tv and started flipping. She took a shot every time she had to change the channel. Finally she turned it to...

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The Adventures of Samantha

The Adventures of Samantha 1 Chapter : Sam Gordon drove to the neighborhood bar about 8:30 that Thursday night. The bar was only a couple blocks away, but a guy never knew when he'd get lucky. It wasn't as if Sam wanted to get drunk or anything. It was just that there was nothing worth watching on the tube that night, a common occurrence these past few years. He figured he might as well go on down and lift a few brews with some of the other guys in the neighborhood. There might...

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Winona Rider Strips

Sloane sat at his desk and smild happily. He led the good life. He kicked back in his black leather chair and propped his feet up on the expensive oak desk. He owned a successful production company in Los Angeles and he made movies. His office was big and decorted with the finest furnishings money could buy. Sloane was very wealthy and owned property all over the world. He was a rich and powerful individual. Sloane was a confirmed bachelor and he had countless women at his beck and call. In...

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Alone for the Week

My name is Lily. I am 17 years old and I am 5 ½ feet tall. I have red hair and green cat-like eyes. My skin is pale and covered in freckles. My breasts are a B cup. A descent size in my opinion. I live with my parents outside of town in the woods. Both of my parents have red hair. My mom, Sophie, is 45 years old and is the same height as me. Sometimes people mistake us for sisters. She has blue eyes and size C cup breasts. She is a travel agent so she is gone a lot if the time. My dad,...

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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 26 Interlude in Blue

Yes. The airplane was blue ... on the bottom. The dividing line was indeterminate. If the plane was directly overhead, on a cloudless day, the blue was the color of the sky ... If you were in a second craft and flying straight at it it, the change was easy to see: blue fading to the colors of autumn. From above the Blue was unnoticeable ... the aircraft looked like a hodgepodge of the colors of a Louisiana fall. Flown by the Army from 1956 as a Command Transport, (read General's Toy) it...

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A New Style of Education Part 21

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 21 The pneumatic drills were better than any alarm and we were wide-awake. I looked at the clock and said, "It's about forty-five minutes before we were going to get up. If we're quick, we'll have enough time for a bike ride." "That's not a bad idea," said Christopher. "Let's do it today as we never know what will happen tomorrow." "Well?" asked Rachel as we sat down on the settee after our ride. We'd just had time for a quick...

4 years ago
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A Rainy Day In Jorhat

By: Arundev Dayal Sunita’s flight landed on time despite heavy rains. Kolkata to Jorhat takes not much time. He did not expect anyone at the airport. His elder sister Anita has been widowed about a month back and her only son Dipankar, better known as Dipu, is still a boy having just completed his class 8 examination was in his summer holidays. Anita was married at a tender age. In fact she was on her teens then and there was a hush although regarding this marriage. Her child birth did not...

1 year ago
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Horny Balling MotherChapter 8

"Did you enjoy the day, darling?" Joan asked Ted. He was rubbing at his eyes, his young face sleepy. He nodded at his mother, smiling widely. "Fawn is really something, isn't she?" Joan said, feeling the need to talk. "I've never known anyone as ready to fuck as she is, man or woman." She paused, then giggled. "Except you and me, that is." Ted sat at the end of the couch, his feet up on the cushions, facing his mother. Joan turned toward him, drawing her knees up and...

1 year ago
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Bee sting

It was a snowy winter night in Pennsylvania, Mike was visiting Laura and the snow was getting deep. Laura's parents suggested that Mike spend the night on the couch they didn't want to worry about him driving home in such bad weather. Mike agreed and smiled at Laura, he had more on his mind than sleep. This could be his lucky day he thought, the day he would finally get into Laura's pants and make her a woman. Laura was so in love with Mike she thought he was the best looking guy she had...

2 years ago
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Seasonal Dates a Simple Christmas StoryChapter 5

In the morning, I woke and went in to work. It was a good morning. At a quarter before twelve, I received a page. I had a guest up front. I went up to reception and there was Lois looking really good. I gave her a quick hug and kiss. We went to the back and I introduced her to Kathy and Mack. The four of us went to lunch. It was delightful. When we finished and were back at the office, I walked her out to her car. She said, “I enjoyed meeting your friends. They’re good folks. Now, I want the...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 152

I had bacon, eggs, sausage, toast and juice on the table as the North six made their way from the lower guest rooms at 6:45. I had heard them moving around and talking at 6:15. They had just enough time to eat and make it to the gym at their normal start time. I asked if everyone was good with last night's fun in the basement. There were nods and smiles from all of them and only one question. "Can we come and stay and do it again next Friday night?" one of them asked. "Are all of you...

1 year ago
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Moms Lesson

The obvious evidence of sex was all over her. Her face had crusty cum stains on it. Her hair was matted with gobs of drying cum and her thighs were spotted with white patches of drying cum. She whimpered in her sleep. Normally, the sight of a near naked woman would have aroused him. After all, he was a 19-year-old male that loved the opposite sex. But the sight of this woman only caused him to become angry. Rick stood at the foot of the bed, looking down on the sleeping woman. Her hair was...

3 years ago
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Die Hexe und Heike makatsch

Der Abend gestern war fantastisch! Heidi Klum gefickt! (Siehe: Die Hexe und Heidi Klumm) Ich konnte es immer noch nicht glauben, was für ein Dusel ausgerechnet ich hatte. Doch nun saß ich in meinem Auto und quälte mich heimwärts. Und war schon wieder geil wie Hanne. Also rief ich: "Alyssa" Schon saß sie neben mir. Sehr sexy, wie schon gestern abend. "Wer soll's diesmal sein" fragte sie? "Wenn ich das nur wüßte." "Ich könnte Dir ohne groß zu überlegen 50, oder 100 Frauen aufzählen." "Ich weiß...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Sierra Nicole Be Honest8230 Do I Look Good Naked

Sierra is so hot, I can’t help myself but spy on her. She’s also my stepsister, but that’s just a small detail. She’s talking to her boyfriend, they never have sex and she seems frustrated. She hangs up on him and goes to have a shower as I watch her get her teen body all wet and sudsy. Once she’s done and she thinks nobody is watching her, she goes to her room and starts rubbing on her pussy. I play dumb and walk-in & she covers up quickly! I guess she was...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 20

“You actually expect me to hand over my command to you?” Verias asked incredulously. “You have lost your mind. It no doubt explains why you have resorted to copulating with this hick.” Janet scowled, “He is no hick, Verias. He has killed more Voguel in a single encounter than even I have. I get it, Verias. You are scared. You know that he will win, and you will look weak. You can have him fight you and as many of your best men as you wish. Plus, if you win you get me, as you requested, so...

2 years ago
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Ways to Enjoy

Introduction: I went to this party, innocently cuddled with a girl when we went to bed there and everything was quite normal until I woke up with a full bladder and my hands tied to the bed … I got to know this girl two weeks ago. We were dancing together in a group. Then it was her birthday and she invited me. It was very nice of her. The party was great and because I came from further away than anyone else, I was offered a place to sleep. She told me that I could share her double size bed...

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