Reginald's WivesChapter 10 free porn video

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“Yes, Julian. That is the way it is.”

“Is he blind? Does he know that none of you are lookers, Freda?”

Reg had heard this declaration and shouldered his way to stand in front of Julian.

“Listen, fellow. You may be Freda’s brother, but there is no need to insult my brides. They are wonderful girls, as I have found. Just because you are blind to their inner beauty, doesn’t mean you can slag them off. Now apologise to them: NOW.”

Julian gulped, and saw where his best course lay.

“Ladies, I apologise for my uncouth behaviour. I did not give you a chance to show your inner selves. Perhaps I can learn more during your stay with us.”

Freda smirked. “That is how my husband is, Julian. You could learn a lot from him, as he knows how to be nice to ladies.”

Reg spoke to Julian again. “Thank you, Julian. You are a quick learner. It must help you in your job.”

Julian was more friendly this time. “It is. You have to be sharp to deal with fast-moving money markets. A wrong decision can cost your employer millions; a right decision the same in the other direction. Mostly I make the right decisions.”

Freda commented, “If only you made the right decisions about girls, Julian.” She turned to speak to her husband, “Reg, my brother has gone out with dozens of girls, but none of them stick with him. He just does not seem to have the knack of getting along with girls. I suspect he always says the wrong thing.”

Prudence chipped in, “If I may, Freda, can I suggest it may be the other way. It might be what he doesn’t say, rather than what he says to them.”

Julian seemed befuddled by that statement, and queried it.

“What do you mean, eh, Mrs Robertson?”

“Prudence”, supplied Freda.

“Yes, what do you mean, Prudence?”

“Julian, let me tell you a basic fact of life: a girl likes to be appreciated, not just in the way you look at her, but what you tell her about herself. Reg does this semi-automatically: he tells us how much he admires us and loves us.”

Julian seemed stunned by the idea.

“He admires you girls? None of you are pretty in any way, you realise?”

“That is it exactly, Julian. He admires US, the people behind the looks. He sees all the things we say and do, all the thoughts we have, all the emotional feelings we have about others. He sees us in the round, and that is one of the attractive things about him.”

Freda came back at him. “Prudence is right. You probably never see past a pretty face and a set of nice tits.” She stopped to giggle. “Mind you, Reg appreciates our tits too!”

Julian went quiet, and moved off with an apology.

“Sorry, things to do...”

Freda said to Reg, “Was it something I said, darling?”

Reg was looking after the retreating Julian, thoughtful.

“Yes and no, my darling Freda. I think Prudence hit it on the head. He has been concentrating on a girl’s looks, and never considers her as a person. His job suits a self-centred man, but being self-centred is not a good starting-point for attracting a girl.”

Frances joined the conversation. “My goodness, Reg. You are becoming much more observant of social situations. I am impressed. Good man.”

Julian had retreated to his bedroom for privacy to think. He recalled his mother going on about him being an egotist, but such an attitude was vital at his job. You had to have confidence in your own decision-making ability, or you would never make good decisions.

However, that also meant you were self-centred, as Prudence had pointed out to him. Thinking back to his dates, he recalled that he decided where they would go; he never asked them. He decided WHEN they went out, and the girl had to fit in. Ostensibly that was due to his hours of work, but in reality it was simply him controlling everything. No wonder girls seldom went out with him a second time!

It was all about himself, and not about the girl.

Even at work, he did not view the girls as personalities, merely as lookers. The best-looking ones, he asked out, but that was as far as it ever went.

Did he ever really look at the girls around him, he began to wonder?

As he thought back, a memory nagged him. It was of sitting in the company dining room, looking around. His eyes kept being held by a mousey girl with glasses. He had forgotten that. She was not a real looker, but she had an interesting rounded face with an alluring smile. How had he ignored her?

It suddenly hit him. He had ignored her as she did not fit his stereotype: beautiful face and big tits. Now he realised what Prudence had been getting at: he was missing what had been staring him in the face.

Who was this girl? She did not work in his department, he was fairly sure. It occurred to him that Freddie would know; he seemed to know everything there was to know about every female on the staff.

Damn! He did not even have Freddie’s phone number. The guy worked in the same department as him, so should be on the staff database that he had access to. Julian went on-line and found Frederick Muscroft, and his home phone contact number.

He dialed it, and got Freddie. His Yorkshire voice said brightly, “Yo, Julian. What can I do for you, old son? You can’t be still at the office!”

“Hi, Freddie. I was thinking – I know that seems odd, but it is true. There is a girl I have seen in the company feeding trough: smallish, brown hair, rounded cheeks, bright eyes, and always seems to be looking at me when I see her. Not in our department. Know her name?”

“Hmm ... oh yes, I think I know who you mean. I have seen her looking at you. You never see the mousey ones, do you? Always have to be beautiful to ask out.”

“I think you are on the ball, Freddie. That sounds like the one. Her name?”

“Patricia ... Tremble ... no, Trumble: Patricia Trumble. That’s the one.”

“You know what department?”

“No, sorry. Might be retail banking, for she never enters our department, and most commercial operations people pop in from time to time, if only to gawk.”

“Thanks, Freddie. Enjoy your break?”

“Will do. I have a happy wife – she has just told me she is expecting again.”

“Congrats, my friend. Give her my best regards. See you soon.”

Once off the phone, Julian considered Patricia Trumble. Should he do something about her? Ask her out, as a departure from his normal approach, to see if he can make a better impact on the female sex?

He realised he was fumbling: not his usual decisive manner. Ask her out, man! He told himself. You will never know unless you make a new start.

He returned to the staff database, only to discover he had no access to the retail department staff database. Cursing to himself, he tried the number for his immediate boss, ready to kowtow for a favour.

“Junkin.” said the answering voice.

“Sir, this is Julian Dangerfield. I want to get in touch with a girl in the retail department – Patricia Trumble. Do you think you can get her phone number for me, as a really good favour?”

“Dangerfield? Ah, yes, our go-getter. If I do, can I depend on you doing a switch or a bit of overtime, if I have staff problems?”

“Of course, sir. I can do that for you, IF you can help me.”

His boss saw the deal was done.”Very well, Dangerfield. Hang on a mo.” He went quiet as he accessed the company staff database. “Here we are. I think this is what you want. Do you want her mobile, in case she is at home?”

“That would be useful, sir.”

Mr Junkin recited the number, and Julian wrote it down on the pad he kept on his bedside table.

“Thank you, sir. I owe you.”

“You do, indeed. Good luck with the girl.”

“Bye, sir. Have a happy Christmas.”

What now? Julian was in two minds about this question. Should he, out of the blue, phone up the girl and ask her out, or should he wait until they were both back at work when he could speak to her face to face? Then what if she is at work just now? They were not supposed to take private calls at the office. Then again, he didn’t want to leave it, and lose his nerve. Surprisingly, this was much tougher than asking out a pretty girl at the office.

He decided to phone her after tea, when she would either be at home, or at least finished work. He went back downstairs to be sociable with the guests. He supposed that they were now in-law relatives of his.

When he arrived at the foot of the stairs, the new arrivals were nowhere to be seen. Seeking out his mother, he asked what had happened to them.

“Trust you, Julian, not to be here when all the luggage needed carrying upstairs! Freda and her family are in their room transferring their stuff to the drawers and wardrobe.”

“What? One room for the five of them?”

“That’s the way they wanted it, Julian, so we have accommodated their wishes. Your father and I moved a second double bed through from another bedroom two days ago; you weren’t here to help. It must be rather tight in that room, but it is the largest bedroom we had. We had to park a wardrobe out in the hallway, as there was no space for it inside. It is nice having a comfortable modern home, but the room dimensions are less than in older houses.”

“Ah ... Mum? If I rush off to my room immediately after tea, I am not being antisocial. I have to phone a girl to ask her out. AND it is a direct result of what was said to me before, so no snide remarks, please.”

“Now, that IS interesting,” said his mother. “Is she different from your usual take-outs?

“A fair bit, Mum. She is nothing special to look at, but I was aware of her looking at me a lot, in the staff dining room, and she looks interesting. I have decided to go for ‘interesting’, rather than ‘good-looking’ for a change, and see what happens.”

“I find that encouraging, Julian. There is hope for you yet.”

There came the toot of a car horn from outside. Mrs Dangerfield exclaimed, “That is your father. Go and open the door for him; he will have his arms full of documents.”

Julian rushed to comply, and let his father in. The man was fairly short and dumpy, due to his middle-age paunch, and had a receding hairline, but he had a friendly face; an asset to any lawyer.

“Thanks, Julian. Is your sister here yet?”

“Yes, dad. The whole mob arrived some time ago. They are getting settled in upstairs, I think.”

“Good, good. I want to get this lot into my study before I welcome them.”

He went through to his study, dumped the pile of files on his desk, and from there walked quickly to the kitchen to meet his wife.

He walked in, to find his wife bending down at the oven, with a young man beside her, his face hidden for the moment.

“Alicia? Who is this?” he asked in a querulous voice.

“Oh, hello dear. This is our son-in-law, Reginald Robertson. He knows a bit about cooking, so I have been showing him round the kitchen. He is going to be a great asset to Freda, what with being able to cook as well as help out with her education.”

Reg had jumped up to an erect stance, and stuck out his hand.

“Thank you for hosting us, sir. I hope we are not too much of a handful. Just call me Reg.”

“Welcome, Reg, to my home. I didn’t expect to find you in the kitchen, young man.”

“Oh, I am safer here, sir. My ladies are up in the bedroom, sorting out our luggage. I would just be in the way there. They tell me what to do, as you may understand.”

“My goodness, Reg! You are under their thumb already?”

“Yes, sir. I may be a better academic, but in all other matters, I defer to my betters.”

Mr Dangerfield merited this a short guffaw. “My goodness, you are indeed a married man. Freda claims to be happy in this marriage. Are all the rest of you of a similar opinion?”

“Oh, yes, sir. I am extremely happy. The girls have turned my life around, and taught me SO much! The other girls are best asked to speak for themselves. Shall I give Freda a shout, to come down and say hello to her father?”

“No. She will appear on her own, as soon as she realises I am home. So, you all did well in your first term at the university, I hope?”

“We did, sir. All the girls got good marks for their work, so it bodes well for the rest of the courses.”

“Fine, fine. And what are your plans for the future, my boy – once you get your degree?”

“I haven’t really thought that far, sir. There are ideas about teaching posts, possibly at university level, but some of the girls think I might be best to go into the business sector. Frances’ father has already suggested I join him in his business as a manager, but it will be three years before we get to that point.”

“What does Frances’ father do, Reg?”

“He runs a company with a fair number of buildings in their portfolio, so I suppose you could call him a property developer. At present, we are living in one of his buildings not too far from the university.”

“Ah. I wonder who his legal representative is?”

“Perhaps Frances can put you in touch with him, if you are seeking new business.”

“You are on the ball, Reg. I shall do just that. Have you though about reading law?”

“Not so far, sir. I was more interested in a general degree, as my interests are very wide-ranging.”

Mrs Dangerfield interrupted them, “Dinner is just about ready, so if you gentlemen will go and wash your hands, we can get the dinner table ready. I will call the girls: I still can’t get over the four of them committing to you, Reg. It is amazing.”

“It still feels amazing to me, Mrs Dangerfield. They are wonderful girls to have taken me on.”

Mr Dangerfield butted in.

“It all depends on your viewpoint, Reg. My wife and daughter are both lacking in the facial looks department, as are your other wives, but as you have discovered, there is more to a good woman than how she looks. I love my wife and she loves me. I think you will find Freda a reliable and loving wife.”

“Agreed, sir. I try my best to live up to their expectations; at least I try...” He said with a smile.

“You do damned well, Reg Robertson!”, called out Freda from the doorway. “Now get ready for dinner, husband dear ... please.”

Reg and Mr Dangerfield scooted to wash up.

At dinner, the conversation at one point turned to Windsor castle, and Reg announced, “I’d love to see the Cellini Shield.”

There were blanks looks all round the table. He tried again, “The Parade Shield?”

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The air was cool as it gently blew through the windows of the cabin. The curtains fluttered softly in the light breeze and the sounds of night played a symphony for the lovers as the crickets, cicadas and frogs played their songs of love. The moon was full and seemed to cast a silvery look to everything. He lay on his back with his eyes half closed enjoying the sensation of her fingertips lightly running up and down his chest. She lay on her side with her leg thrown across his thighs watching...

2 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen - Holidays The compressed schedule in autumn always included family responsibilities. Each year Dan and Laura flew home to spend Thanksgiving dinner with one family, and the Saturday following with the other. Thanksgiving with parents and relatives allowed them to have the Christmas and New Year’s holidays for themselves. Both left out details when answering the perfunctory what’s new in your life questions. Their visits home went well, as they always did. “We really like to...

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Servance Cherry Popping

Mistress Angelica took the lube and spread it all over her cock. She rubbed her cock and looked back up to Harry. “All lubed up. But wait since this is your first time, I’m gonna be nice. Now, slut, this strap on is going to go up your ass but I’m going to be nice and give you a chance to finish lubing it up first. So suck it, you little bitch,’ this little thirteen year old commanded and, knowing how much worse it would be if he didn’t do so, Carl started to suck and lick the fake cock that...

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Life can be fun even if you are as clumsy as meSo we were a lot younger then, married just a year and into anything exiting, now were old and happy with one another but then ah well perhaps I had better tell you all about it!Well she was a pretty little thing then, 5ft 10” of shapely nice round arse, magic tits the works, about 10 stone not a sexual big hitter but an enquiring mind, that spoke of things to come , or is that cum!Her name is pat, she`s not 10 stone now nearer 20 I suspect, but...

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A late arrival to the hotel

I really was very tired that evening.I had been at my office during early morning and late afternoon I had caught a plane to fly across the country. Worst of all, a dense fog made more difficult the landing at our destiny and the flight took two more hours than scheduled.And the taxi ride from the airport to the hotel had been stressing too.So I was pretty exhausted as I went up to the reception. While the kind guy behind the counter checked my booking, I could see a rather nice cleavage close...

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Dianas Puppy Love

Diana’s Puppy LoveMaybe it was the thrill of discovery or the challenge of secrecy or maybe boredom or the passions of sexual development in puberty that pushed Diana to loose her virginity that day.  At first she had found the sprigs of pubic hair exciting, a kind of right to passage from a girl to womanhood.  Then she found them course and ugly like arm pit hair. In the shower on day Diana skimmed the razor over her pubic areas.  Her pussy became smooth again and tender to her touch.  She...

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Sissy Captions Transcribed

Pet had a new assignment last night. Certainly video reinforcement of her slutty sissy desires was on the agenda. But this time, she used multiple neural pathways for her reinforcement. very nice hypnotic trainer, with lots of flashers and captions. But... i wonder? What do ALL those captions really say?Thanks to pet... we now...

2 years ago
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Attack Of The Psychic Panties Part4

Attack! of the psychic panties! this is part 4 of the story, but if you like it, please feel free to write your own "psychic panties" story. all i ask is that you follow the basic premise, and have the words 'psychic panties' have an exclamation point (!) in the title. i am planning on writing a few of these with different panties that do different things, assuming i get feedback from this one, there will be more. so if you like this, or have ideas for other stories, drop me a line ...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 366 Unresolved Unbelievably Crazy Shit

Something isn’t right here. For once, I’m not getting it. Kaipo finally finished fucking June’s dad like a bitch in heat, at least long enough to get something to drink and use the bathroom. June handed me her tablet, which is amazingly free of any shit, to show the message saying, “David. Don’t question what is needed. Do as asked. No one will get harmed. Trust.” That is odd. But June didn’t write it. She did write out a message that said, “Hold my head down and don’t let go until I’m...

2 years ago
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Cherry HuntersChapter 2 Mohan

It was afternoon. The weather was very pleasant. Chachi sitting in the park was enjoying the weather and watching children play. Suddenly black clouds appeared from nowhere eclipsing the sun. Lightning flashed accompanied by claps of thunder. Then it poured. No one was prepared for it. "Children, come with me. I live across the street," chachi shouted. Few minutes later she herded five boys into the verandah of her house. "Take off your shoes and socks and come inside," she said,...

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Decent fucker Rahul

On a Cold wintry afternoon in Orissa, I met my good friend in Brajrajnagar in Jharsaguda district of Orissa. I stayed at his residence for two days. On the second day, after eating breakfast, myself, my friend Kamal and his wife Sanjana engaged in a chat. Sanjana looked absolutely gorgeous in her nighty. Her thick lips listened with moisture and looked expectantly at me. I also became extremely horny on seeing her. Both Kamal and Sanjana are very broad minded and therefore, they had no qualms...

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A man struggles with his obsession to make love to another man and finds a hermaphrodite unknowingly

Frankie pulled into the first motel he found, it was late and he had been driving all day. After checking in, he went to the room and tossed his suitcase on the desk and flopped on the bed. Frankie was on the road for one reason, he just left his wife of eight years and his kids, a son and a daughter. The problem wasn’t with them, it was him. For years now, he’s been struggling with his inner self about his sexuality. Anita, his wife, was a very beautiful woman. At twenty-eight her...

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Sissy Stepmother

Sissy Stepmother A Pantyboy Profile INTRODUCTION Cheryl here. You remember me. The 20-year-old pantyboy extraordinaire. Every man's naughty, secret, wet dream. Raconteur without equal. In "Service" and "Test Driven," I told you about Amy and Judy, two of my lovely roommates, fellow pantyboys and like me, covergirls for "Panty Boy," the only publication worth buying, besides some of those Spermco comic books about us "special boygirls" and the "Sunday New York Times." And Panty...

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Beautiful Trap 4 Inside Hannah

I woke up about two hours earlier than normal and fucked my wife. I wanted to have as much time for my balls to refill before Jen and Hannah came over. I wasn’t sure which one I would get it be inside first, but they deserved as much seed as I could give them. Many hours later I opened the door to find Jen and Hannah standing on my porch. Jen was so cute in loose jeans and a tshirt with her hair up under a baseball cap and her glasses on. It was her boyish look, but she was more like a hot...

3 years ago
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After a beach volleyball game

In that cold winter, Anita dragged me into some quick vacation at Barbados. My sweet wife told me there she could find and fuck some black cocks, since I had been stressed and not so cooperative with her at our marital bed.On the second day there, we walked down the beach and found a volleyball game going on. There were about eight young black guys with some guests from our hotel and they invited us to join them.Anita loved playing volleyball, so she pushed me inside the game.After winning the...

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What a Foot ball Game I

I had worked the morning shift, one Saturday, as I was heading for the corner bus stop, Mr. Ronald pulled up beside me. Mr. Ronald was a constant customer at the burger joint I worked at, he had expressed his desire to help me make some money if I wanted too. I had been avoiding him since the night that he showed me how much I could make. 'Come, I have some friends that want to meet you,' he said. I looked at him and smiled, 'sorry I've got to get home,' I began to say, lot's of home work to...

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Yes Daddy Age Play MF

Yes Daddy!Part OneMen are simple creatures. I figure it this way, men are excited by a very limited “type” of woman in their fantasies. It’s almost as if they have been conditioned to respond to these types. There are variations, but they tend to fall into three types.The farmer’s daughter type is an old favorite among men. The sexy young, ripe yet inexperienced girl, who with a little persuasion, is ready to skin off her tight Daisy Duke’s for an old fashioned roll in the hay. Perhaps a trip...

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Be Gentle Daddy

Here I was in my final year at high school, eighteen years old and I was still a virgin. No guys seemed interested in me and it left me depressed. I know I wasn't the prettiest girl. I looked nerdy and I wore glasses. I was basically flat chested as well. I thought my love life was going to be hopeless. That was when my Daddy took an interest in me. I think he overheard me talking to Mom. I needed someone to tell me what to do.My mother was no help. She told me to be patient and some guy will...

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Hot holiday at Barbados

Hot holiday at Barbados Holiday again, with my loving Victor relaxing at a nice Barbadian beach.A couple of evenings after our arrival, we were at a beach bar after dinner; Victor was enjoying some local drinks and I had been flirting a lot with a very handsome black man called James, the bartender and his friend Francis.Around midnight I told my husband I was so tired; I would go back to our hotel room. He said he would come later, after finishing his last shot. I said I was tired, but still I...

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Witches Whore

The Web. You almost can't believe it, the dark spires rending the green sky above, the putrid scent of potions brewing constant within the city. This is it, the place where you can become truly powerful, no longer powerless against Fate's machinations. The golden mistress of destiny, weaving her plans and desires in the Tower of Time. You refuse to be another pawn in her plans, so you must learn.

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Daniel Wolf Part Nine

Daniel Wolf Part 9 Marlu was saddened knowing that Daniel had been injured.Also it bothered her that Tiiup was not with him. Oeiip was also moping around he was missing Tiiup. The both of them seeking solace in each others arms. At least they tried but their hearts were just not in it. Mean while I slept fit fully I think I am about ready to pay my debt and get on my way. While I had been recuperating I had been studying the spell book. Often I would startle Lusan or Brax. No matter I...

2 years ago
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Some Steamy Things

We’re in the streets, finally, after a boring night at the bars – two relatively lost souls, wandering the suburbs of Seoul. I think Tracy’s going to come home with me, not that she’s horny for me, but because the rain is starting to come down. I’m horny for her, but she’s never responded to me that way – maybe because my shy approach isn’t to her tastes. Maybe the idea of a white guy dating a black girl just doesn’t naturally cross her mind, as she has plenty of black guys interested in her....

4 years ago
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GT the Niceville PT finds out it aint so NICE Part 5

Tracey wanted to seek new pastures, so she looked for somewhere to move to – she found a place called “Niceville”. Well that sounded just great, she thought, so she moved there to make new friends and a new life. She got a job as a receptionist at the local used car lot so came into contact with a lot of people – not always the best type though! One guy, named Buck, bought an old Chevvy from the lot; he eyed her up as she bent over in her black leather miniskirt to file the papers....

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Moms Girl Revised

Mom's Girl Part One "William," Mom called, "Come here my Sweetie." I came to her bedside. I guess I was Mom's favorite, if you call it that. Being quiet and shy, I didn't have many friends and I liked to read and help around the house, like pick up my things, make dinner, and help my younger brothers with their homework. I guess Mom was my best friend. I could tell her anything and she'd never get mad at me and we'd talk about lots of things. "I need your help with the house...

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The Genie and I Chapter 3

Again, it came down to one vote. Aaron will get sluttier and sluttier as he desperately tries to fight back against the genie... Chapter Three A long time passed. The skirt packed into my mouth became damp and I soon stopped noticing the taste, or the smell of her perfume wafting from the blouse encasing my head. I even considered trying to get some sleep as I'd tested more or less every way I could think of to get out of this. There was nothing sharp in the boot to cut the...

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A Reasonable Deal Pt 1

Chapter 1 The situation was bad for Bianca and her family. 37 years old, married, three children, and with a house just large enough for her and her husband to afford, cars just decent enough for them to buy, and care for their children (private schools, sports teams, and events) that their combined income just managed to cover. Needless to say, her husband losing work was devastating. An independent contractor, his fairly regular income was substantial enough to pay for just about all...

1 year ago
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CD Teens Hitchhiking Adventure PT 3

C/D Teens Hitchhiking Adventure: PT 3[More of my memories to share, hopefully represented in a proper format as much as possible I take heart to what I write as they are from my adventures that I cherish, altho I'm no wiz at this computer or an accomplished writer I do write my own, hope you all enjoy these stories as some have]The days leading to months fell off the calendar as my life took a turn for the unexpected, chance encounters turned into something real and crazy loving, having the...

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Too Much LoveChapter 72

Arthur Black hated everyone at his going-away party. That hatred wasn’t entirely new. It wasn’t possible to make senior partner at a firm like Black and Stringer without developing an armor of defensive contempt for most of your coworkers and active loathing for a few. At one time or another in the past quarter century, he’d worked directly with most of the people in the big conference room where Arthur had been “surprised” with drinks and hors d’oeuvres on his last full day at the firm’s...

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Over a period of time Zac introduced me to a wide range of sexual experiences. Mutual masturbation, fucking me while another woman watched, then lesbian sex with her while he watched. I did enjoy two women watching him fuck me before they both had me while he watched. The first time Zac fucked me with another man watching was memorable. We both insisted he had to be well hung and masturbate for us while he watched us fucking. And we were both very comfortable with the thought of him licking...

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