Reginald's WivesChapter 12 free porn video

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The girls happily pulled his arms to get him to his feet, then escorted him away, one supporting each arm. Frances watched, with a gleeful smile on her face.

When they were gone, Frances moved to find where her mother was, to give her a report at a distance, and thank her for the medications.

She found her mother was in the kitchen, so Frances stood by the door at a careful distance, to speak with her. She told her that all the patients were now in bed; that Carol and Holly were doing an excellent job of helping to nurse them; and that she herself was not showing severe symptoms as yet.

“I’ll regard myself as incubating the flu bug, Mum, and stay clear. Carol and Holly are liable to pick up the same bug later, but hopefully by then the patients will be much recovered and able to do the honours for them in turn.”

“Sounds like you are well organised, Frances. Are you sure you are coping with the large family you have amassed, dear?”

“I love it, Mum. I am senior wife in our family, and I am happy with the responsibility that entails. It is much as we started with Reg. The girls and I are the social tutors, and Reg is the academic tutor in return. The social side now happens to be coping with illness. Reg is not terribly with it, but he will file it all away in his head, for future reference. He had prepared himself for Prudence’s next migraine headache, and had all the treatment down pat in his brain.

I need to start advance planning for the next stage in our travels. Instead of being here for a few days, it will probably be at least a week – if you don’t mind, Mum?”

“You surely don’t think I or your father would object, girl? Of course you must stay as long as you need. Who have you still to visit?”

“Our plans were to go to Prudence’s family home next, and finish with Reg’s Mum, but the timetable is going to be shot. I am thinking of asking Prudence’s folks if we could bring Reg’s Mum to their house, and kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.”

“Shouldn’t Prudence be doing the asking, Frances?”

“I expect you are right, Mum. Once she is capable of rational thought, I’ll speak to her about doing the asking. She will know what accommodation is available at their house.”

“Well, dear, if space is tight there, we could have everyone come here. Our next door neighbours are very nice, so we might be able to borrow one of their bedrooms to put up Prudence’s parents or Reg’s mother.

Let me know if that would suit better.”

“Okay, Mum. Now, I must get back to the patients, and see if we can get them to sleep. It makes recovery so much easier for them that way. See you anon.”

Frances headed back, and found her cousins lying relaxed on the sitting room soft chairs, smiles on their faces. Frances guessed why, but asked all the same.

“Girls, why the smiles? Nursing is not a happy task, especially for beginners.”

Carol told her, “Sorry, Frances, but putting your husband to bed was fun. He didn’t mind us taking off his outer clothes, but he got antsy when we started on his underwear.”

“What happened, then?”

“He came to the realisation – when we explained it to him – that either we took his underwear off, or he did it himself in our presence, which came to the same thing. At that point, he gave in to the inevitable, as he was too exhausted to resist. We stripped him for bed. Before he was in bed and covered, his prick was stiff and standing out. We think he liked us, or something.” She giggled at the memory.

Holly ended their story, “Anyway, he is in bed, covered up, with a drink on the bedside table for him. Job done, Frances, but he looks really exhausted.”

“The bed must be fairly full,” she replied. “As I recall, when you are hot and sweaty, you don’t want to be close to another hot body.”

Carol shrugged. “There’s only the three of them. The room has two double beds fixed together, so they should be fine. Prudence is still in the other room sleeping off her migraine, and you are here, in good condition, Frances.”

“So far, so far.” She pondered, “Do we have another bedroom free, or do I have to put up with three hot spouses in bed? - hot in the sense of sweaty, that is.” She smiled apologetically for the pun.

Holly volunteered, “There is one more bedroom, so you could use that, but if you are concerned, you could share with us. We are planning a rota through the night, keeping an eye on your family, and helping anyone who needs to get to the toilet, or needs another dose of medication. The packet said, ‘every four hours’, but I am not clear if that meant through the night as well.”

Frances gave as her opinion, “Probably not, but if someone gets up for the loo, you can ask if they want another capsule. I am hoping to sleep right through, as I have been awake for far too long today, and had a rough time with the flu victims as well as the drive over here. Are you girls okay with that plan?”

“Sure, Frances. This is much more exciting than just visiting Auntie Dolores and Uncle Paul. We are useful members of society for once.”

“Girls, you have an entire life ahead of you, of being useful members of society; don’t regard it as your sole aim in life. Life is to enjoy, as well as get by.”

Carol nudged her sister, “Well, we are aiming to enjoy a man, sometime, eh, Holly? Particularly if you can help us with that aim, Frances.”

“Not now, girls. I am too tired for banter. I need to check if that spare bedroom has a bed and bedclothes, so I can sack out and not be a nuisance to you.”

“It has both, France; a double bed. We made it up at Auntie’s suggestion, in case it was needed. The third on the left, coming from the stairs.”

“Fine. Thanks for your assistance, girls. I am off to collapse into the land of nod as soon as I get my head on the pillow.”

The twins woke her in the morning.

“Frances, time to wake up. It is nine o’clock.”

“Oh,” she said, and coughed. “I thought I’d feel fine after that sleep, but I’m feeling a bit hot and headachy, girls. I think the flu has caught up with me as well. How are you coping?”

“Not bad, Frances. We have been doing our nursing duty all night, turn about. The patients were able to get to the toilet each time, with the help of one of us. They got drinks as needed. None of them seemed to sleep very well, though – a lot of tossing and turning. Prudence has slept straight through, and presumably got to the toilet by herself, for we heard nothing from her room; no calls for help. We didn’t want to disturb her unless she asked for help.”

“Sounds fine, girls. No other bother, then? No sign of my parents?”

“No. They didn’t appear in the hallway when we were around, anyway. Reg ... was just Reg.” This was Holly speaking, but something in her voice alerted Frances.

“How do you mean, ‘was just Reg’?” Frances queried.

“Oh, when he was being helped to the toilet, he fondled my boobs,” she explained, slightly embarrassed but pleased at the same time. “Please don’t jump to complain to him about doing that. Frances. He probably thought he was with one of you girls.”

Frances sighed. “You are probably right, Holly. It would be an automatic reaction, as he knows we like him handling us. Reg always tries to do the right thing, so he was probably half-asleep.”

“Oh, he was, Frances. I was able to fondle his penis and balls in turn, on the way back to bed. Fair’s fair, you know. He just smiled. It was ... interesting.” Holly admitted.

“You girls are incorrigible,” Frances gently chided, “But I am not complaining. Can I have a drink, please?”

“Oh. Yes, of course. Carol, can you fetch the drink while I get Frances to the toilet and then back to bed?”

When both tasks had been accomplished, Holly told Frances, “We are still doing o.k., Frances. With our rota through the night, we each got enough sleep to do us, so we can deal with the day as well.”

“Lovely. Thanks, girls. Oh, would you go and see how Prudence is feeling? She should be on the road to recovery by now, as she has not asked you for more Migril; am I right?”

“Oh, yes. She hasn’t called for any more medication; that is right. Sure, we’ll deal with her needs right away. Try and get some rest, Frances. You deserve it.”

Holly went and knocked on Prudence’s bedroom door. “Are you awake, Prudence?”

“Yeah. Come in, it’s okay.”

Holly entered, and found Prudence sitting up in bed, but the curtains were still drawn.

“How are you feeling, Prudence? I’m Holly, by the way; Frances’ cousin.”

“Hi, Holly. I am on the mend, I think. Certainly, the symptoms are much diminished.”

“Good. All the rest of your family are in bed with flu, I’m afraid. Carol and I have been on nursing duty all night. Frances has finally come down with it and is off to bed as well.”


“She’s my twin, so don’t think you are seeing double if she comes in!”

“How’s my Reg?” Prudence wanted to know.

“Not too bad, considering. He fondled my tits when I took him to the loo during the night. Frances said he must have thought I was one of you girls, but I was okay with it.”

“Huh!” Prudence exclaimed. “I wouldn’t be too sure. Reg is coming along in leaps and bounds in dealing with girls, so he may have just been trying his hand with you.”

Holly laughed at the idea. “If that is the case, I got my own back. He was naked, so I fondled his penis and ballsack in response. He stiffened up, I can tell you!”

“What stiffened? His body or his penis?”

“Both, I think. The only light was from inside the bathroom, so it was not enough to see clear.”

“Good for you, girl ... Holly. How old are you, Holly?”

“I’ll be eighteen in about ten days, as will Carol.”

“Pretty grown up, then. Virgin or not?”

“For good or ill, I am still a virgin, and I am pretty certain it is the same with Carol. She claims to be, and as we spend most of our time together, it is probably true. I have suggested to Frances that Reg might do the job for us, if that was fine with you girls.”

“Do the job?”

“Take my virginity. I want to be a full woman, but I am fussy about who will be allowed to do the deed. We were impressed with your Reg, based on your own assessments. You girls seem to rate him highly.”

“We love him, Holly. Allowing him to fuck you is another step entirely. I wouldn’t say yes unless the other girls agreed, unanimously. We regard Reg as a joint asset, so one ‘No’ would stop all access to him, Holly. Do you understand?”

“I see your point, and I am glad you feel that way. Unanimous or nothing, I get that. But you don’t object in principle?”

“No. We are used to sharing Reg, so a fraction more would not be much, as far as I am concerned. You are safe, I presume?”

“Safe? Oh, protected? Yes, we get the pill to regulate our monthlies, as they were a bit unpredictable, but it also functions as a birth control pill, thus two birds with one stone, so to speak.”

“Very wise precaution. None of the four of us wants to get pregnant until we graduate, due to the difficulties that babies bring, so that’s good way off. Hey, I must be feeling much better; I am talking a lot.”

“Perhaps you want to think about contact with your husband and family, Prudence? You would probably catch the flu from them if you get too close.”

Prudence misunderstood, thinking it was her parents that was meant.

“Ah, there is that; a little bit of a problem, Holly. My folks are next on our schedule for visiting, so we may have to reassess our timetable.”

“Timetable? How do you mean?”

“We are trying to visit the parents of all five of us by Christmas. This flu is going to knock things back. It takes about a week to get over the worst of the flu symptoms, and I am unclear about how long one remains infectious.”

Holly volunteered, “I’ll check it on my smart phone for you. Be right back; don’t go away!” She rushed off to get to her phone and google the subject.

She was back within five minutes.

“Pretty much, if you are over the symptoms, you are over the contagious period as well.”

“Ah, good,” Prudence said, her eyes closing and her brows furrowing in reaction as her headache resurfaced. “My migraine is not yet cleared away. Can I ask you for another Migril? I presume you have my pills to hand?”

“Yes. The bottle is in the bathroom. I’ll get you a complete pill, as you have not been taking halves since yesterday.”

There was a tap at the door, and Carol opened the door and stuck her head in. “Are we all decent?”

Holly retorted, “Prudence is decent, if that is what you mean. I can’t say the same for you or me.”

“Funny girl – not. I meant was it all right to come in?”

Prudence gestured, “Yes. Come in, Carol, and let me see you beside your sister. Are you completely identical?”

“Pretty much. Holly is a bit more bossy, being older, that is all.”

“Are you still at school?”

“Just left. Got our exam results last week; not too bad. Enough to get to university, we think, but neither of us is keen enough for that. We see ourselves as wives and mothers instead.”

Prudence took a closer look at Carol, trying to gauge her intentions.

“Carol, Holly, how enthusiastic are you about that plan?”

“Pretty much. Why do you ask that? Do you think we are wrong in our plans?”

“No, not that. For a moment I had a thought flitting through my mind, but it was a fleeting idea, without much substance. I had a memory of myself, a few months ago.”

“Do tell us, Prudence. We are fascinated by your group marriage and how it came about.”

“Later, girls. No, it was not that, directly. It was what happened when I asked to join the other girls and latch onto Reg as well. At that time it was officially a study group, which was developing into a love-in for everyone. I liked what I could see of that, and wanted in, but I was the outsider.”

“Not so good then, for you.”

“Tell me about it! I had to make my preference clear to all four of them, and I was not too sure what would happen. The other girls wanted to find a way for me to show my commitment to the group, and came up with several ideas.”

“Gosh. Talk about trial by ordeal! They didn’t make it easy for you, did they?”

“Look on it from their point of view, girls. The three of them had decided to share Reg – unusual in itself, and her comes another interloper wanting to join them. How would you expect them to react? Welcome me with open arms? No way!

Instead, one of their plans was for me to get pregnant; to have Reg’s baby. That way, they reckoned I would remain committed to the family. That was true in itself, but I wanted a husband if I was going to have a baby, so I told them that Reg would have to marry me if I was going to have his baby. I could have lived with that.

They turned the idea down flat. They all wanted to be with him, and didn’t want one girl to lord it over them as his wife. In fact, they had by then recognised that none of them could be the wife, for that very reason.

So they changed me to a probationary status. I could take my part in fucking him, but I first had to get the same birth control implant that they had. Eventually they would decide whether I could fit in to the family group, from my actions and interactions with them. Any group marriage, as it turned into, requires all the partners to be at ease with the others, and I mean ALL. We all had to love each other, at a minimum. Jealousy and other such divisive emotions are a no-no in our marriage.

I passed their tests, happily, and then we started planning our life together. By that, I mean planning to have a life together, for ever. We aim for permanence. No short-termism at all.

Of course, part of the impetus was the realisation that with our looks, the chances of snaring another such lovely man was almost impossible. Guys like Reg don’t come along very often, girls, as I hope you realise by now. We expect to become O.A.P.s together, half a century from now.”

“Wow. You really do love him, all of you. I thought one or two loved him, and the others were along for the ride, but there is real commitment to Reg from all four, isn’t there?”

“Yes, girls, which is why I can’t give any guarantee of anything without the agreement of the other girls. We make a group decision, and I am fully on board with that, as one of Reg’s wives.”

Carol and Holly were open-mouthed as they listened.

“You are quite something, do you know that, Prudence? Not just you, but all of you Robertsons.” Prudence just shrugged, as she didn’t see it that way There was a pause in the discussion, then Carol asked, “What was your fleeting thought, Prudence? You seem to have dropped it.”

“Oh, yes. Thanks for reminding me. It was that just because we wives are putting off pregnancy until we graduate, doesn’t stop us having a baby in the family.”


“If we had a baby brought to us, we could cope with that, and learn the techniques of child-rearing together.”

“What brought that to your mind?”

“It was you girls, talking about being wives and mothers. It popped into my head then.”

“What?” exclaimed Holly. “You thinking what I think you are thinking?”

“And what are you thinking, Holly?”

“You are talking about us having babies for you to help rear!”

“Possibly. If you want to. And if Reg is agreeable to the idea.”

“You mean, Reg gets to fuck a baby into Carol and me? Both of us?”

“No. YOU get to choose whether Reg fucks a baby into you. That’s a big difference, Holly. Are you okay with the general idea, the basic concept?”

“Perhaps. I need to consult with Frances first. My cousin might not want me to have a baby with her husband.”

“True. And remember, it is just my thought. You have to speak with Freda and Erika, as well as Frances and Reg. Everyone has to be on board for anything to happen.”

“Ah ... on that, Prudence ... there is the matter of our virginity.”

“Oh, yes. I had forgotten you are Frances’ relatives. You had better speak to her first. You don’t want to get in her bad books, you know.”

“We know, Prudence. We spoke to Frances earlier, about losing our virginity.”

“You did? That was a wise precaution. Frances is a reliable adviser on many things. What did you want to know about your virginity, may I ask?”

Carol took up the reins. “We asked her if we could lose our virginity about now.”

“That seems very exact timing. What brings this about? A couple of horny boyfriends?”

“No. We don’t have boyfriends at the moment. We ave e a reputation for not giving out, you see. That is why we are still virgins.”

“So why the change of heart?”

“We saw how you girls react with Reg, so he must be a great guy, was our conclusion.”

“Yes, he is. Even with sharing, he is a lovely caring husband to us. So what?”

“So we asked Frances if we could get him to deal with our virginity. We wanted a good guy to do the deed, but Frances said she couldn’t give permission by herself. You all had to agree before such a thing could happen, even if Reg was okay with it.”

“I begin to see. Where does the ‘wives and mothers’ bit come in? Any plans in that direction?”

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Indru kathaiyil en nanbanin akkavai eppadi sex seithen endra kathaiyai ungalida pagirugiren. Muthal pagathai padika vilai endraal padithu vitu intha kathaiyai padiyungal appozhuthu thaan neengal muzhumaiyaaga thirupthi adaiveergal. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, akkavum naanum kai kazhuva kai kazhuvum araiku sendrom. Antha araikul irunthaal veliyil irupavargal ulle ena nadakirathu endru theriyaathu, naan akkavin soothai paarthu konde sendren. Aval soothu suma sola kudathu avalavu...

4 years ago
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My First Sex 8211 Mumbai Girl Losing Her Virginity

Hi, my dear girls and boys, myself Nikita from Mumbai, 26 years of age, unmarried. My family consists of dad, mom, me and my younger brother Nikhil, who is two years younger than me. I have been a fan of this blog for quite some time and it’s been really great. So I thought to finally pen down my experiences as well. I hope you guys will be with me throughout. So, why not begin with the time I lost my virginity. This might be a little long for some people but if you guys are the “full details”...

4 years ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 23 Four Stooges

I was up early because Mr. Hill wanted to get in two shoots before we had to leave at noon. Tracy had come over last night and helped me pack. I found out the no sex rule did not include manual stimulation. I brought her off three times and she gave me a hand job. We came very close to breaking the rule, but somehow I was able to slow things down. We decided her spending the night was probably a recipe for disaster, so she went home. I grabbed my bags and headed downstairs. Mom's bags were...

1 year ago
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Boarding School Sex TrainingCh 9

A limousine picked up Rachel at school. Michael had told Rachel that she must obey all commands. Not just from Stephen, but all of his friends and employees. The driver looked at her as she began to get into the car, a stretch limousine big enough to hold at least eight people. He was young, about 23, not particularly handsome, rather tall and skinny. As she bent over to get in, she felt hands on her hips. She turned her head and saw the chauffeur, his hands holding her tightly. “Stephen says I...

3 years ago
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Now I am 100 Lesbian

Shit!!! Twenty nine frigging years old, and I find out 24 hours ago I am going to be a free woman, a divorcee, a soon to be spinster. That rat bastard husband of eight years needed some younger pussy did he? Well fuck it! I hate men and the stubby little membranes between their legs they use to think with. I would just bury myself in my work, and forget about romance and any kind of a social life. Men! Scumbags!Shit. What was I thinking? I love the stupid prick of a husband, and without him, I...

1 year ago
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Private Kaisa Nord Seducing The Photographer

Today the stunning Kaisa Nord returns to our screens in Private Specials, Swimsuit Models, armed with her big tits and seductive charm as she looks to give her lucky photographer Ralf much more than just an eyeful! This sexy star has only one thing on her mind during a photoshoot, and after a refreshing shower she wastes no time getting the fun started with a nice blowjob and a hot titfuck. Then watch the rest of the action on where the sexy Kaisa enjoys a hard and deep pounding...

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Naivchens Buche

Mein Name ist Ashley und der Name meiner besten Freundin ist Sarah. Wir sind beide im selben Alter (19 als sich diese Geschichte zugetragen hat). Wir kennen einander seit der Grundschule, seit dem haben wir viel Zeit miteinander verbracht. Nach unserem Abitur ist Sarah direkt Studieren gegangen, während ich ein Jahr Aupair in Spanien gemacht habe. So konnte ich es kaum erwarten als ich sie ende Juli wieder sah. Wir trafen uns im Haus ihrer Eltern um dort im Pool zu schwimmen. "Sarah, oh mein...

1 year ago
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Husbands Revenge

I couldn't believe it. After 24 years of marriage, two wonderful boys, both doing very well in college, a colleague of mine at work was sitting in my office telling me that I better pay more attention to my home life. "Listen Bill", he said, " my wife and I have gone through some tough times too. You are 46 years old, your wife is 45, its natural for some boredom to set in. There might not be anything to it . Its just that, as a friend, I thought you should know that last Thursday night when...

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Busted Wearing Panties Ch 01

panties – bisexual – strapon – submissive – stepdaughter – bi sex – caught – dom – crossdressing – nylonsI went through forty-five years of my life as a single man, no one to answer to but myself. I watched my friends marry, have c***dren, and get divorced. I kept hearing the same old stories, 'money problems', 'she wasn't the same in bed after the k**s came', 'we are too tired because of the k**s', and the best of all 'we fight too much over money and the k**s'. I would just listen and laugh...

4 years ago
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Patrick and RachelChapter 1

It was nearly the end of term. Rachel and I were sitting in the yard. Our dads were at their offices and our mums had taken Sarah and Al to get new shoes. We were reading. I had Maiwa's Revenge and she was into Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence. African Zulus and Australian Aborigines. It was hot, over 30C, but Dad had said he was hoping the "Fremantle Doctor" would arrive in the late afternoon. (The Fremantle Doctor is a cooling wind that comes to Perth from the southwest.) We've had very...

3 years ago
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Anxieties By Lorraine B. (c) 2006 All Rights Reserved Chapter 1 Why in the hell did I ever take this job? Was it the money? Was it the potential of promotion? Was it the travel? Was it being my own boss? Was it all the benefits thrown at my feet? Was it in fact my own greed? Nope, I had those loans to repay. This was my second job in five years since graduating college. I was pathetically and depressively unhappy since I missed my family and friends after moving so far away...

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King Johns Realm

King John's Realm is located on the planet Brighid. Brighid was the Irish/Celtic goddess of fire, flame, and hearth. She was also said to be responsible for inspiration, smith craft, and healing. She was the goddess of all arts and crafts. She is some times said to have two sisters also named Brighid who helped divide the work load. Brighid is the fourth planet of a G-0 type star far out in an arm of the Milky Way. It was founded some 500 years after interstellar flight was perfected on...

1 year ago
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Wow my son is my husband

HI ISS Readers, I am Revathi 38 Female from South India, I am very proud to share my sex experience with you all. I am widow , I Lost my husband at the age of 21. I am having a son now he is almost 20 years. This Experience happens four years back and my age is 34 and my son is on his 16th Started my widow life in my farm house, really it is a big farm house having more that 7 Rooms and a beautiful garden behind our house, from the garden one can easily watch our bathrooms and toilets. I am a...

2 years ago
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Cindytranee meets the maintenance crew

This is a true story that happened a few years ago when Iwas living in an apartment complex while looking for a house. I had taken a small one bedroom on the 2 nd floor. It was very nice and private and I really enjoyed being there. This was the first time in years that I had lived alone and I loved it. It gave me the freedom to enjoy my favorite thing, cross dressing and having sex with as many people as possible. I had settled into a routine of dressing up every night and all weekend and...

3 years ago
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Life With sis Pt 20

I was really feeling emotionally drained after everyone left. I had fun, sex was good, but there was kind of an empty feeling inside. I'm a big wussy, I started to cry, like for no reason. Jeff asked why and I told him, it's like being the biggest slut in town, I did what I wanted to feel good, but I felt really empty inside. He had me move over closer to him so he could hold my hand and told me that was crazy talk, the reason we are here is to have a fun time, cut loose, do the things we...

1 year ago
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A Novice SorceressChapter 5

Health 'Health: A primary factor of a practitioner of the Arts is their health. With Health comes endurance and strength both needed to do ritual magic. Some ritual spells are considered completely impossible by a sole practitioner.' Katy was fully dressed and sitting in a chair in her hospital room. She was supposed to be release around noon to go home if all her test came back normal. Her hand grasps the amulet around her neck. That spell she had cast was a lulu. She had hope to kick...

2 years ago
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Senior year had just begun at Rochelle High School. This massive high school looked more like a college campus. That’s because this was one of the top boarding schools in the country and alumni loved to give money back. My friends and I sat in the luscious green grass of the main quad and reminisced on our summer escapades. My closest friends, Rich, had spent the summer at a sleep away camp on the lake as a boat instructor. He retold stories of long nights with beautiful blonds fucking in the...

Straight Sex
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Theres Always A First Time

There is no greater feeling than the start of summer vacation! Ten weeks without teachers, homework or responsibilities. Every summer, my parents and I spend two weeks at our beach house. I love our beach house! It is three stories with a patio deck overlooking the ocean, giving us beautiful sunrises and breathtaking sunsets. If I had my way, I’d live here all year long. One of my favorite things is to sunbathe topless on the patio deck. Luckily, mom and dad haven’t caught me– yet. I better...

4 years ago
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A Wedding PartyChapter 4

Bruce and Bill decided it would be best to hang low and rest up. They both called home just to check in and let their wives know they would probably need to stay an extra day of two. They didn’t go into details on why. Too guilty and too tired to do any work, they decided to watch some football. They were both dozing off when they heard someone at the door. It was Tim, and he had brought his Aunt Lori, Lisa’s sister. Tim explained his visit. “Hey, guys. Mind if we borrow your spare room? I...

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Everywhere But Your Lips

Everywhere But Your LipsShe's kissed you everywhere. Everywhere but your lips.The first kiss was on your cheek, a little over two years ago. Her lips were soft, wet with strawberry lip gloss, and you'd grimaced and swiped your hand over the mark she left, fingertips sticky. You'd made a noise of disgust, nose wrinkling, but she'd just smiled and leaned back, like she knew a little secret you didn't. And she must've, because the next time she kissed your cheek you didn't say a word, hands folded...

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First time with stepmother

This all started when i was about twelve years old and i had a huge foot fetish. Me my dad and his wife, laurie my stepmother, were on vacation, and me and my stepmom were on the patio at her aunts house and she took off her socks and rested her feet on my lap, now at the time i didnt really think anything of it but then i looked at her feet and i realized then, that she had the sexiest feet i had ever seen. I tried my hardest not to look to avoid getting a hard-on, but i couldn't help...

1 year ago
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Pop Stars Brother A Dream Cum True

Bryan Spears opened up the door to the quiet secluded cabin home the Spears' family had near their hometown of Kentwood, LA. The smell of country ignited his senses. Finally he was far away from all the chaos and loud noise in Los Angeles. Not to mention his girlfriend, who had been giving him a hard time lately about his work. He threw his two duffle bags on the couch and walked over to the kitchen. He knew his parents visited the cabin almost every two weeks and always had the fridge filled...

4 years ago
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Licked out in the library

This story is from my first year in college, in the days when I was seeing Gemma. Back then I was still to have my first experience with a guy, but Gemma and I were in each other’s panties at every opportunity. Gemma, for those who haven’t read any of my stories is a half Japanese cutie, with long black hair and big brown eyes. She is a little taller than me but with very pert small boobs and a juicy peach of a bum. I was almost as booby as I am now, but being 17 I was still developing. On this...

Oral Sex
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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 3

Scarsdale, New York: Saturday 11th November 2017 Sue finally stopped looking up at the sky, having finished whatever profound thinking the evening’s turmoil and her conversation with Francis had provoked. I saw her turn and wrap her arms tight around herself as protection against the sub-zero November temperatures. As I heard the front door open and then close, I felt a sense of dread and fear as I awaited the coming conversation. The booze, panic, and sleepiness of my brain combined to...

Wife Lovers
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The Headmasters Punishment Part 3

The door to the headmasters office was wide was wide open, as were the mouths of the female teacher and male pupil who surveyed the scene before them in shocked silence. Their headmaster was standing with his trousers round his ankles and rapidly deflating cock sniffing the air while in front of him was knelt a blond six-form girl, her face hair and green uniform blouse marked with sticky splats of spunk."I see you decided to start the disciplinary interview without me Mr Garvey" remarked the...

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Across the BorderChapter 32

If you were standing at the door of the bar, you would see a pair of women’s legs leading to feet clad in red high heeled shoes, swaying back and forth, above the back of the booth, moving in rhythm to the partial view of a hairy ass rising and falling, supported by hairy legs, at the left of that booth. “Yes” “Yes” “Oh God, I’m cumming!” “Ahhh” “Ohhh fuckkk” “Gaaaa” “Thanks David. I needed...

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Just a Jab Ch 12

Welcome to the latest instalment. Please start reading this series from the first chapter. Thank you very much to those who have left encouraging and helpful messages. These are really appreciated showing that somebody is reading my scribblings. To date: John Smith had an injection of contaminated testosterone, causing his cock and balls to permanently enlarge and become over-active, necessitating frequent sex to survive. Long term female friends Sophia, Janet and Adriana agree to help him...

2 years ago
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Imagine this, There are s*******n vacancies at the school and eighty applications for places, the schools reputation is so admired, almost everyone wants a placement. Interviews from the short list are being conducted in my office with the girl and her parents present.I want pretty pleasant and intelligent girls so many are rejected without getting this far. Daddy can recognise the type of student he wants, submissive and obedient , nice firm tits and above all a pretty pert bottom.The parents...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 39 I Canrsquot Lose You

December 28, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “That’s how you left it?” Clarissa asked, later that evening, as we sat by the fireplace. “Given I didn’t have an answer to her question, there wasn’t really anything more I could say. She didn’t make me leave or anything, and we had a nice dinner with her parents and maternal grandparents. And she kissed me properly when I left.” “That’s good, I think.” “I think it’s neutral, which is, I suppose, ‘good’ from one perspective.” “I think you were right...

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Fantasy Revealed

Stacy breathed a sigh of relief as the door to her room clicked shut behind her. She knew she had been lucky to get a resident advisor job as a university senior, as most of those jobs were awarded to graduate students. The money was good. Dealing with the problems of freshmen got tedious quickly, though, and she savored the start of some private evening time free of responsibilities.She cast off most of her clothes and smiled as she felt the air on her bare skin. She was fit, healthy, and felt...

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The Great Shift Healing Hands

The Great Shift: Healing Hands By Johnny Girl ([email protected]) I stared down at my hands. My hands. I still had trouble believing they were really mine. They were long and slender and delicate and feminine, wearing rings and bracelets, the fingers tipped with sparkly purple fingernail polish. These weren't the hands I was familiar with. They weren't the rough and strong and calloused hands I'd been so dependent on; they were weak and soft and smooth and small and useless...

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Tipping Point Ch 04

Chapter 4: A Different Kind of Stan I didn’t wait to get started. I e-mailed each and every contact I had with a formal announcement that Copely Services was in business. I attached a copy of my rates, mirroring Dave Thomas’, as well as my experience history and my new business phone number. I had subscribed to a new cell phone plan which gave me a bulk rate on any U.S. calls. I ordered some business cards on line that I designed myself from the templates provided. I kept the appearance...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Lacy Lennon Rosalyn Sphinx Step Sisters Friend Likes To Watch

Lacy Lennon and Rosalyn Sphinx are hanging out in Rosalyn’s living room when Rosalyn’s stepbrother, Damon Dice, joins them. They chat for a few minutes before Lacy excuses herself to go to the restroom. When Lacy is on her way out, Rosalyn’s mom, Katie Morgan, pulls her aside to share her concern that Rosalyn might have an unhealthy attraction to her stepbrother. Lacy promises to keep an eye on Rosalyn, but the second she gets back to the living room she spills the beans to...

2 years ago
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My holiday to Remember

I got back from a holiday in Spain two months ago that I went on by myself’ It was one that I wont forget in a hurry or want too as I got the fucking of my life! I’m a School head mistress & have been now for 6 years’ 51 years old but still quite fit as go to the gym quite a lot & run lots’It was on the second day of my holiday that I had gone on all by myself that I noticed a group of young looking lads that seemed to be getting a good eye full of me as I was lying on the beach !I had...

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Public Show

Penny was home alone and bored. It was too nice an evening to be cooped up at home, so on a whim, she put on a dress and some heels and went out to get a drink. As she entered the bar she could see that it was only a little busy, with about twenty people or so s**ttered around the various tables. One group of guys near to the door all turned their heads as Penny swept past them, her heels clacking on the hard floor. As luck would have it, she saw her friends Don and Laura sitting at the bar....

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Wes and LesChapter 41

We got to the elevator and Sam pushed the call button. The doors opened to an empty car. I turned to Mom. "I know you're not old enough for me to call you Mom. Do you mind if I call you Mildred? She laughed. Why don't you call me Sue. That's my name." "Sue. Sue. I like that. Like the Indians. And all this time I thought it was Mom." She was smiling like a schoolgirl. Which is just as well since I felt like a schoolboy. I'd felt that way since yesterday. I'd found the most...

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First Threesome

My college boyfriend (Alan) was the one who introduced me to threesomes and sharing. Like all college guys his sex drive and mine were high and I knew he was never going to be a one-girl guy. So I did not mind him bringing one of the cheerleader friends of mine or his to the party in our bedroom. I did enjoy our time with those girls too. All the fun and my sexual appetite was a perfect recipe for him to ask if I would like to invite another guy to the bedroom? I was excited as I wanted to...

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